_n up"-. ..'-- 11 The Alien and- Sedition Acts Student Worksheet Introduction: In 1798,the Federalist-controlledCongressestablishedthe Alien and SeditionActs. PresidentJohn Adams also favoredthese acts, whichlimited what people could write and say aboutthe governmentand denied libertiesto people :tromcountriesin dispute with the United States. One of the main purposes of these acts was to give the Federalist governmenta legal excuse to suppressthe statements- of Democratic.,R~ublicans sucbas Thomas Jefferson.In this activity, you'll read and answerquestions about excerpts from both acts as well as the First Amendmentto the United States Constitution. AUweb links for this lesson can be found at:.http://www.socialstudies.com/usHnks.html Directions: The 1 st Amendment to the Constitution Go to http://socialstudies.comlalien.btml#l Read the text of the First Amendmentto the U.S. Constitution.YOn'llreferto this amendmentin a few minutes. "An Act Respecting Alien Enemies" (The Alien Act) Go to http://socialstudies.comlalien.html#2 Read this excerpt from the act and answer the followingquestions: 1. Whatdoes this excerpt say? Put it into YOtlr own words in two to four sentences. 2. What groups of people did the Alien Act affect? 3. Wouldthe Alien Act be in effect aUthe time? If not, when would it be in effect? P~ssion granted to reproduce for classT'OO)II use only. @ 2002 Social Studies School Service. (800) 421-4246 socialstudies.com

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The Alien and- Sedition ActsStudent Worksheet


In 1798,the Federalist-controlledCongressestablishedthe Alien and SeditionActs.PresidentJohn Adamsalso favoredthese acts, whichlimited what peoplecould write andsay aboutthe governmentand denied libertiesto people:tromcountriesin disputewiththe UnitedStates.One of the main purposesof theseacts was to give the Federalistgovernmenta legal excuse to suppressthe statements-of Democratic.,R~ublicanssucbasThomasJefferson.In this activity,you'll read and answerquestionsabout excerpts fromboth acts as well as theFirst Amendmentto the UnitedStatesConstitution.

AUweb linksfor this lesson can be foundat:.http://www.socialstudies.com/usHnks.html


The 1st Amendment to the ConstitutionGo to http://socialstudies.comlalien.btml#l

Read the text of the First Amendmentto the U.S. Constitution.YOn'llreferto thisamendmentin a few minutes.

"An Act Respecting Alien Enemies" (The Alien Act)Go to http://socialstudies.comlalien.html#2

Read this excerptfrom the act and answerthe followingquestions:

1. Whatdoes this excerpt say? Put it intoYOtlrownwords in two to four sentences.

2. Whatgroupsof people did the Alien Act affect?

3. Wouldthe Alien Act be in effect aUthe time?If not,when would it be in effect?

P~ssion granted to reproduce for classT'OO)IIuse only. @ 2002 Social Studies School Service. (800) 421-4246 socialstudies.com


""AnAd in Addit~ont()the.AttEqtitl~~Ari At. fot' the Punisbment of CertainCrimesAgainstthe UnitedStates.m (TheSeditlonAct)Go to http://socialstudies.com/alien.html#3

Read the first section of the excerpt from the act and ansWer the foUowing questions:

4. Whatdoes this sectionsay? Put itinto y6urown words in tWoto four sentences.

5. This sectionmakesit illegalto '<Wl.lawfully"combineof conspireagainstanygovernmentmeasureand to participatein an "unlawful"assembly.Doesit defmetheword "unlawful"?Whodo Youthinkwoulqget to qecidewhat's unlawfuland what'slawful'?

6. Accordingto thissection,whatcouldhappento a groupoffriends whoplannedaprotest againstthegovernment'spoliciestowardFrance?

Read the second section of the Sedition Act, and answer the questions:

7. What does this section say? Put it into your own words in N'O to foW"sentences,

8. Accordingto this section,couldthe followingpeoplebe punished?

. Someonewho publishedapamphletstatingthatJohn Adamswas a "war-monger."

.. Someone who stooo on a wooden box in the town square and told passersbythat the United States should not fight with France.

. A Democratic-RepublicanCongressmanwhoopenly expressedhissympathiesfor the French.

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9. Why do you think the Federalist-controlled United States government enacted theAlien.and Sedition Acts? What gmup of American p~ople was the Adamsadministration concerned aboUt?

10. Do you think anything in these acts comes into conflict with the First Amendment tothe U.S. Constitution? Ifso, which parts in particular do you think are the mostcontradictory to this amendment?


Permission ~ted to reprodu;;t: for classroom use only. @ 2002 Soci;ll Studies School Scrvic\:. (800) 4214246 soci~lstudi\Js.c()m