,„. CROSS-EYED CAT LISTENS ,,. ^CROGGIN'S "LOW-DOWN" •„ roOAY'S EDITORIAL PAGE READ coMuSfrai UTIST EVOTftH ON STOUT CARTERET.N.J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, ID: 11 ie Week ,,, Huffman's alarm nt ,>i,,i, in the sa]es tux i fi,v H ronfelTflicc apt , i '. in nnd l l «t KPII ,|,!<-li the Ropiihlirnn , . Hi.'iry W.. Jcffern, will : . !,nri!<'i) of major doino ,,ily i" to send reprrspn ,i, H |" be allowed an hour M-|iich to talk. The u\rn ., dull' l.hinu is to nave tin- ,., inlntiirr for the Repnhli I'tV * . 11 r Myers of Cnhimhiri, i,«.t !\ friend could u<-t ,,'nr,. publicity within 7:! !.,, !<>M than $100. H<- Hid, ,, honx story of his own ,.|»rTi(r- 8ut the court fined ; ,n »nd costs for the cs- . mi'l by adding this to the . and telephone charjres for ,• the story over, the cost ! -.' more than $100, So now i.onr to jail in lieu of the i I'cp the cost down By the bet he gets a dinner friend. Jersey roads are to be . nnt«d." This does not n(rar" in the slnn(r term .y, but the application to ids, of a cane-su(far pro- 11.-h is to he put on as iment. * lin(t at the Jersey shore ,'ood walloping when the lamped down by order of Court Justice Perskie. •line ago, (I. Rowland Mun- 'insel for the National Prevention League, I ^iimbling flourished in iih County and that offi- KI refused to act on the it urn he supplied. * !• irst Family of the land is idi'rgoing the inconvenien- ' livinjr in n house that is ii'inodelcd, and is no dif- fnini the rest of us while 'intf to makeshifts. The House kitchen is being re- I from its former old-style I f hid i into VICE, LIQUOR JOINTS CLOSED IN BORO PURGE Mittuch, Yarcheiky Prm Borough Winds Up The Ha/f-F^ir iHtGE COURT PLEA With TwoThiris Of Budget Left BY HEALTH BOARD I'RtCE THUS Mittuch SubmitsFinancial Report At $ « « « J T 0 BLOT GASSES Monday Night, Assailing "Local Politician" Who J Ktplnn Arjrim Statutes Give Ucal Agency Full Power To Act 'Is Attempting To Embarrass Administration" PREDECESSORS ARE BLAMED FOR INCREASE, Of the total borough budget of $305,047:61 set up.fdj g ^ $05,047:51 set up.W only $96,114.07 hns been spent up to and including 30 That i t o s a D T i t r t h W ' thi KASHA LEADS r IIL J »nfe 30." that is to say: During'the first . ~ -. Bootleff Establishment, Dis- r he borough has spent a little loss than one-third of nrrlM-lv Hnni* Af» Rairl * ntire budget for the year. The remaining funds, $20 oraeny nouse rtre Raid- 9 3 3 4 4 j nc ] udea $50,000 put into the budget to pay b ed ; 6 Aire«tl taxen due the county. It will not be paid to the county—because The cleaning up Of Car-'the obligation to the county li'rt't continued this week, taken care of in the refunding with raids on nellerH of il- plan—and the money will be in- letfel liquor and disorderly tact with other balances at the end persons. This was in adher- of the year. The answer is a pro- ence to the policy "that law- nounced drop in the tax rate next breakers must he apprehended and; year. punished," announced by Mayor! These and other interesting Joseph W. Mittuch and Council- 'acts about borough finances were man Michael Van-beaky, chairman |*>rou(rht out Tuesday night at y. ima | y of the police committee, and fol- special meeting of the council. closely on ximilnr raids last They w we ek. p lowed closely nnilnr raid's fast Thp V were contained in a finan- cial statement for the first six Wednesday morning Officer "ninths of the year as prepared Dan Kasha, who has b«en acting (| V l! n™ufth Auditor Joseph Sea- directly under the Mayor in thi* "i"»- The members of the gov- work, flccompmiied by Officer firl " n tf body present wore the Pasquale Ue Simtis. swooped down Mnyor and Councilmen Strand- on Antonio IVrerira of 5!) Mercer her K. G 1 r * ( : nwlll . f \ Yarchesky and Street and capture.! conHiderable Tllrk - E 1 ! l s a nd Luka< " h w<ir<1 Ilh ' illicit liquor nnd eniiipmeiit. In-i 8en ' - _ eluded in the evidence taken were: ^ MIMIKI. Denounce! Twenty-five bottles ,,f home brew.' Th ? fln » nclB J report was intro a gallon bottle of th.- same, one ^uced aft . er MR Y°1 M , M \"' h u hai1 .pint white moonshine, several' denounced an individual whom empty cans, jugs and bottles with he described as ' a greedy ,,olm- siinie individual the mayor said, hnd re jcently handed him (the May official figures on borough itssess ! ments showing a total reduction | in assessments of $l7!i,77. r >. "This : greedy politician," continued the Mnyor, "has hern circulating prop- aganda calculated In embarrass this administration. He has (men charging me nnd the members of the administration with spending .the taxpayers' money like drunk- en sailors through creating new jobs. If he were honest he would admit the budget this year would it year's odors indicating they hud con> ian * ho , ho ' ( , J " Hn 'T^u'"' ,, .. , . ,, lie office in Carteret." This 1 ontwuett on pnqe rn//j( Peace Pact Is Near In Olympic Strike End Of Disagreement Ex- pected To Come Early Today, Police Advices The labor troubles at th< ... „_„ .,.,. plant of the Olympic Leather |h.ave been lower than lasi •>ar C o m p a n v may bet!" 0 " " ot / or the tBO.ooo We h..<i . . . . . , ',. ito include for back taxes due the being in-| ironed out today according ,, ountv and %vlSsm t0 take car( , f iishioneil ••in shop with While this is L 3 d fwm rt 'P rilsclltatlTe » to t he local'mer administration » ironi p()|jce _ A Htl . i)(? hni) heen ^.^i Turk SupporU Regime on at the plant liDCe the Supreme Councilman Turk, Democrat, Court upset the NBA qnd oodes. hastened to add no administration ]could have avoided squaring up will dine out. changes in Cam- tronghi.ld «f David Bai: niicr United States Senator, •recast as the result of the went out. (Continued on page 8) WILL MEETTONm? S»j« Wtgei Cut I According to the striking em-! ployes the management of the! I/w , »,,»- „ etion of the recount of the company Immeriiately cut \ny LULAL U.O.P. WOMEN election. Announcement by rates. Other plants in the in- ~ CP Prank T. Lloyd five* dustry are said to hnve continued ik J. Hartiiinii, a New Dealer, ' the terms of the NfRA after the! :ed hy both Non 1'artisan and Supreme Court decision. Later Republican iblicnu support, seven more the mnnugenient is said to have . than Frank •(. Leonard, lie- agreed to union terms but there run. lliiitniann thus wins a were other difficulties to be set city commissioner, a pluce tied. The company manufactures leather emits. , -ml has been occupying since I I, while the dispute was be- rttled. Session At Fire House No. 1; Cards Also •-vvw County's jivuee piu't hus and one. nut to be ignored. I'.dnu Ii. Conklin, national mitteewonian, highly respected i own and the opposite sex, luted from Seattle that she ii;ivo no part of the candi- for whom support was cd aa part of the peace plan. plan was brought about POLISH PICNIC DRAWS BIG CROWD SUNDAY sors Affair; Mayor Officials Attend Practically the entire I'ol- An important meeting of the Carteret Republican Women's Club is scheduled for tonight in Fire Hou.se No. 1. After the business session there will be a card party. > A group of members of the local club went to Milltown yesterday afternoon where>they attended a 'garden party on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Christian kuhlthau August 7 Is Date ForPoleRemoval, Greenwald Says Placing Of Underground Wires To Begin By Middle Of Week 19 LOCAL JOBS OPEN Word was received by Councilman William m wuld this week that work on the project of putting elec- tric, telephone and tele- graph wires underground and eUxnlnaj.iii(f-ptriea <u velt Avenue from McKinley tine to the Railroad would start August 7. In a letter from VV. II. Chamberlain, maintenance super- intendent for the Public Service Klcftiic and Gas Company, this dutc was set as the one by which liiiiil permission for tearing up the street would be received from unty authorities. Twenty-Five Worker! The project will employ twen ty-h've men, six to be technician:, if tin: Public Service, the remain- der local residents. These will b* chosen from the registrants at the |ar PLAN PRELIMINARIES Industrial Association And Plants Will Bt Request- ed To Aid The local Hoard of Health has full power to deal with! oii.jectionalile fumes and 1 cording to an opin- ion hy Attorney Samuel Kaplan read at a meeting of the board last night Recently th<- physician. 1 ) of the bniough'jointly petitioned the may' and counri to end the fume« and gales n* they are, in the npinion of tin phynicinns. injumnii to health The roiinril pasveil the petition oh to the Hoard of Health\1BJri tin- ody pnifMi'ed the fcltonn', to ilrline the |x>M|-.r« lefTftl pnw," to ileal with id'- mutter. Full P««<T—Kavlan Kii|ilnn wr.tr thfe'State In' ii CM a m p l ' - i'"wer i n t h e lifin I inunifipMl health.. bOAi'd 1 '•• TI .;IK|I ;.l,l)li'|tU.- Th»i l"iillil \\ i env.' r (lie cause of the inn health menace ai ihe 'ifTendinjr Induct i •,. or t In* industry to I ennive i invulved it) any pmee- lie Uorne by tin 1 mdi- linn causing tlie nui- inenace. The att'wney one way to deal with ret situation would be by through the ('nnrt of According to the nttor- ncy'i li'iter it, appeared important that n health buzzard must be es- tablished in order for the board to act. After .some discussion the board decided as a preliminary step to write to the Industrial Associa- tion. If no result follows the board may deal directly with plants known to cause the fumes and liases. Proteit Pe«t. Protest and complaints have linan pouring into the office of the Hoard about damage being done by Japanese beetles, tent cater- pillars and other insect peats and also in regard to ragweed, poison ivy and mosquitoes, it was report- 'Continued on page 8) Carteret (Metals May Take 7Vip ! SEAMAN Io Awaken Those Capitol Dreamers TAX SURVEY DAW Failure Of Carteret To Get Any Of PWA Billion, Irk* TO BORO MONDAY Comcil Bmt Turk Suggestion That $200 Be Appro- . printed For Washington Jaunt Gets Vetoed * • * * « Prepares SENATOR BARBOUR, DR. EATON PROMISE AID *** u*T&L Because Carteret work projects have failed continu- r»n ally With the F\ W A. and other alphahetical admfnistra- UK » tions for the Hpenriing of Federal funds, Rorotijfh officials may go to Washington soon to investigate. At a special meeting of the Borough Coutiril Tuesday riiffht. Mayor Mit- tuch said new application* have lit-en made for the park pr'>| f th. IACOBY AHD KOVACS DUEL i.sh population of " nder * he riiv(f factions headed by usted former State Senator , Chandlea* and l on, former Mayor of C. made agrainat Forsyth, secretary of the N. J. B Dr. y and Board of arttTtt I . )lthl , lr i I Republican Htttnrt . [ n t h e ( ; ar _.. .. - . ,„.,,„.„,..„.,„. Carteret! r so ago at Sea (..rt when AUm]ed |jUt y un(i|| "" r HotT " ia " - • 'the picnic of the Holy Kam-1M^-V^k 1 " K ;;;^a; 'MZ7. JifP of tLe United Women of Middlesex. artcret dele ^ ti))n were: p y | I. Kareford, Mrs. J. il.V R o m a n C a t h o l i c Church, jH- Goderstad, Mrs. Elizabeth Kar- vvhich was in j )ro g n ; S .sivftsky, Mis. J. H. Nevill. throughout the aftfrnooi: and | M ,.,°M O""""',, ur ., evening- at Markwalfs Grove in ,. Mrs William Rapp, Mrs. Wil- the East Rahway aection. In the! 1 "" 11 V ^ Al £ d pg of races and dancing to munic h lh h V ^ y> ^ Al £ ed , Kav - ,» nau «*| Mrs. Ahce Woodman, **"»• \ A - J«oby, Mw. John G ill Examiners by the office of <tate auditor, Walter Darby, Iropped and Dr. Forsyth ex- piated. However, Attorney meral Wilenti may look into the alter if he wishes. * * l':illas, Tex., institutes a novel •in! effective way of instilling care motorists. 107 T-Men were mted under a joint aifree- between the police and the »>'•• luncheon clubs, for the "ffi'is* of reporttag traffic viola- oiih, Keporta are sent to the ll| ire on postcards, signed with ll; I nmn's number and the po- ci- thtri tend the violator a polite '"' i 1 asking more tare. The T- ""''- identity is known only to 11 liead of the traffic commisjiioii. 1'" <>'»ult has been that offenders welcomed the lettera, and huve even written "thank >n response. This is along 'mi; idea as the gold badge !| i operated by Governor : "»n when he was Motor Ve- 1 uimniasioner, only that the !i 't was flagrantly abused in i instance*. Having a gold 1 meant to many just a "•e to show-off authority and 1 : "iii u f difficulties for doing things he w u auppoaed to 1 utbers from doing. » » • "I't. Harry Culltns ol Gov- |< inland «Uyed a birthday 'v i ur Bill Meadows, hit gray 1 pony. Bill had developed a ' leg which refused to heal '"•i owner decided he needed 1 retired with honors. So he >ll "l a cake bearing sixteen '" l » placed like candles, to I tbe pony'» sixteen y««ra aa " ""Hint. BUI ii «xactiy 23 II »ld arid waa once named " lll « before the trmy fixed 1 M with « more masculine cog- The cake consisted of vi imca miu unliving LU uiuniu iT, •. ,-, " ., fc- furnished by a Polish orchestra, l^ 1 " 8 ' "«• G M eor ^ Knrti.Mn. At various places on thefield there were refreshment stands. t Officials Attend Among the borough officials who attendea were Mayor Joseph W. Mittuch, Councilman Michael Yarchesky and James Lukach, Street Commissioner George Ben- sulok and Joseph Galvunek, mem- ber of the Board of Education. Young Women Help Ruv. Dr. Joseph Dziados, pastor of the church, had able assistance from many members of his con- gregation. Among those were the picnic committee of the Young Ijidu-a' Sodality, which was as follows: The Miasea Lottie Martenczuk, Mary Faaek, Emilia Niemiec, Mary Sa/czak, Jane Pieczyaka, Mary Pelcz, Mary Witkowaka, Anna Molczan, Stella Mo»ciaki, Anna Daszkowska and Genevieve Wawryznasku. Carrie Drake, Mrs. Geryas* N'e'yill, Mis. Charles Bryer ana Mrs. Rob- ert Wilson. The reservations were made through Mrs. Wjlson. The trip was made in private cars' '" y alul "I tump sugar, put into a '• and iced to resemble a '»! Meadows preferred the to the'ieing. * * * Young Democrats To Meet The Young Democrats of Mid- dlesex, an organization of young men and women of the party with branches in all towns in the coun- ty will meet Monday ni^bt in the Kosciuszko Democratic Clubhouse at 77 Union street. Delegates from all thu units in the county organization will be pit-sent. The al unit will be hunt. (Continued on page 8) Excellent Results Listed From Public Health Hoar Excellent results are re- ported for the work of the Public Health Hour which all borough physicians con- duct Tuesday afternoons from 2 o'clock until 3. This project, carried out under the joint auspices of the state and county medical societies, provides free vaccination and immunization for all children at no cost to the parents. The medical associations provide the' serums and the doctors donate their own services. As there are still many Carteret children who have not been thus fortified agaipst smallpox and diph theria, their parents limy avail themselves of this chance to protect them. Ur. H. L. Strandberg, president of the Board of Education, calls especial attention to the fact that this treatment with serum should be given before the opening of school next month. New Recorder Inducted But Police Magistrate Holds Sessions Too As a result of the ordi- nance recently adopted by the borough council creating I the position of I'oliee Re- corder an unusual situation in the borough. There. two police magistrates, Re- corder David S. .lacoby and Po- lice Justice Louis T. Kovacs. Both are lawyers. Mr. Kovacs hold of- fice by virtue of an ordinance l nnd other borooifh »nd -i-h'iiil prnjecta and have bceii for- « tilled to Newark. !'hi> a d m i n i l t r a t i o n was g\\-»n '- imlerstand the appllcatinn<. for th. projects were to have been '• varded to Washinfrton yeslcr Trip 3avf«it«fl 1 -uncilmin Philip Turk uid "it iiiite evident somethinit h«p : .HI to Cartaret projects Other "mmunitlM have been RIIOII- ••'indi for irnprov«-m(>nti< but O r •"ret ii left out." Turk miKgrM.-.l 'he rouncil appropriate $200 for n trip of officials to Wasninjrton to mvestiirato. H* proposed the group ini-ludfl the Mayor, rhair man of tinumf.?, borough enxrnepr nnd borouifh nttorney. Mnyor Mittuch said $200 win entirely too miieh for HUCh a trip lie thnucht Jf'll would be ample ;tnd two nii-ii would be enough \ motion hy Turk to spend nut moit- than JTul for such a trip wns adopted with n proviso the money would no! In- appropri ated if Intel inf.it mitUon indicated the trip is not necessary. The Mayor siiicl he would keep in touch with Washington by wire in tin effort to i r rt information with out hnvinv to go there. Letters Reid Twi. let ITS from St-natm- VV. Wurren Harbour, one IVni <nn- ({rcs.snian Charles A Katon and one from (iovernor III.II'IHIHI were read into the record. They wen* addressed to Mayor Mittuch and gnve HSHurance the writers were making every effort to put through Carteret work projects. Act On Licentei One purpose of the meeting «-«s thv consideration of new appln'ii tioiiH for liquor licenses. The ap- plication of Councilman Turk WHM approved -Mi. Turk nol voting. He has applied directly to the Al- coholic Beverage Control Board. The approval of the council will be forwarded to the board. The application of Anthony Brachak WHS in the hands of the clerk with out the fee or federal license It was referred t(j the police commit tee for invuHtiiration. To the s'linc committw- wus referred the ap- plication of Andrew Kosclf'lor n permit to operate n pool room in Ph Avenue. Six-Month Report Preteoted To On Eipcndttwn Committee Chairman •Ii^i'ph J. Seaman, "ugh auditor, will preMntj the lloroujrh Council It meetings Monday nigh lenfrthy report entitled, termination of the Taxes 1 reivable as of December 19.14," which is a compU survey, made in jrreat detl of the tax situation in trret. N«w Fact Mr. teaman's report is < iiected to bring out htth«l unknown facts, and eov« the tux accounts of the "iitfh for many years It ix in line with the of the finance comrnitt**;! i hail IIUIII of the council, ] Herbert 1; Strandberg, ^i'i tin' borough's money fair- cnmpletely .straight€ 'il out .iinl to eliminate t| payment to the county a| state of taxes on taxes vrht are nol collected here. Second Report , This is the second compfj|*| 0 n( ' ns ' vt> report made by P Pimir ^'"man within a week. 1*0 •* • * •*•«»*' the special council meeting At Grove Aug. 11 George Ben mi I ok List Novel Events Bensaloh Is General Chair- man Of Arrangements; Ball Game Planned FIX TRANSPORTATION Tuesday he gave a B|X- months report covering all borough finances for th* period since the Mittuch ministration took •which report predicts » ering uf Carteret's tax next year 1 The event* picnic progra for the which created his court* and appointment which h»3 nearly three years to run. How Nam*d Mr. Jacoby is police recorder by virtue of an ordinance cre- ating that position and his appoint ment to it for a term of one year. The ordinance creating the ]>«- Coniinued on page light Meadow Club Plans Fishing and Clam Bake Plans for a fishing trip August 18 were madij last night at a meet- ing of the Meadow Rod and Gun Club in Firehouse No. 1. "The club will also sponsor it dam bake for the units in the Middlesex Federa- tion of Hunting, ami Klbhing Clubs, probably in Septtftnber. Peter Treftnko, whose application for membership was received at the last meeting, was elected tu membership last night. The appli- cation of William lieiael was re- ceived and will be put to a vote at the next meeting. The club now has a membership of seventy-five. KOVACS TO REPRESENT FUND CONTRIBUTORS' Approximately$34,000To Be Returned To Sub- scribers Soon Attorney Louis T. Kovacs will represent the subscrib- ers to the Soldiers and Sail- ors Memorial Hospital Fund in a Court of Chancery ac- tion to have the money with accrued interest returned to the .HUbacriberB or their estates. In this work Mr. Kovacs will be u.sHOClated with State Senator John E. Toolan who represents Kdward J Heil who has been treasurer of the fund aince it was started in 111LS. Mr. Kovaca will contact the members of the cam- paign committee that collected the fund and will obtain all the records available. He waa appoint- ed at a lurjfe gathering of sub- scribers Monday night. The fund, originally $18,566 bun been in charge of Mr. Heil .since it waa subscribed and through hU oureful handling has increased to about $34,000. Mr. Heil desires to be relieved of the responsibility of caring for it and favors tlu 1 idea of returning the money und interest to th* donors or the estates of those who have died. Several attempts to divert the money to public ime other than that for which it was subscribed have been unsuccessful because of was Regrets Expressed At Hegvi Retirement Paitor Of Fr*« Magyar | formed Church To Re- ! turn To Hungary Expressions of three- were voiced this week fcy many residents of CarteH)t when it became known that Kev. Alexander Hegyi, pa»> tor of the Free Magyar Be- fiTined Church fur the pant tlx yeais, has- resigned bis paatorat4> headed'by Flevordvr Uavid".S. Mr. Ilegyi plans to return to HtOfr. gary in about a month and assulM ; a teaching position in a junior c*l- lese in his native country, ayor Mittuch made the follow- of field Republican 1 Ht Mark- walt's drove has been coin pleteit by the committee in charge of that part of the iir- lanueinents, J. I' Coderstail, (HIS I'pii y nnd .loieph Cornba. The list "f ennlests us amnuinecd hy ihi' r.'iiunittee iiK'ludo a ndlmg. j'ln thi'ivvin^ contest tor women, ii diaper derby for men, !<HK'ed lines, lifty yiinl dashes for iliil'tien grouped jtorordin^ to in 1 .' 1 . i'KK races, n tiiK-of-war, pie r.Liii^ i.uiilest mid u soft ball t'.niie. In the bull game a team of niiiiiied ineji captained by Mr. I'i'iiy will oppose a team of single .lii.'oby. Trantportalion Arranged Transportation will he provid- eil from many points in the bor- Continued an page eu/ht the rigid terms under which it -ollected. Parent-Teachers' Finds Its Efforts Amply Rewarded In Sponsoring, 11Years Ago, A Borough Playground Hungarian Democratic Club Formed, Officers Named An organization lu '"•" l" llJwn us the Carteret Hungarian Democra- tic Club was formed last night in St. Elisabeth's Hall in Longfellow street and officers were elected an follows: President, Stephen Jac- ob*; vice-president, Louis T. Ko- vacs; treasurer, John Telepoaki; recording secretary, Louis Kady; chairman of publicity, Edward Demish. The new club will bold its next meeting in the same hall August 8 in the evening. Borough Distributor fined In Mi\k Board's Campaign Among the fines imposed by the New Jersey Milk Control Board for various violations of th« reg- ulations regarding the «.le and distribution of milK W«f> '>» e whlc 5 penalized Abraham Simon of Simon's Dairy Pro*»to < ; i Ptrth Awboy., ^ «»;* . .... . _ Jj ^Q| The playground in the high school field that hits en- gaged the attention of the Recreation Sponsoring Commit- tee extensively this summer was formally opened eleven year* ago on Tuesday, July 22, 1924, and was founded hy the Carteret Parent-Teacher AAociation which had been organized in the fall of the previous year and soon became one of the most influential organizations in the borough. The first playground was located on Washington Avenue not far from the present high school, in a natural shady grove. The spot is now occupied partly by the home of Kurt (.ironman. That July day eleven years ago was an eventful one in the annals of education in Carteret. The playground was opened in the forenoon and in the evening of the same day the Board of Education held an adjourned meeting to open bids for the contract to erect the new high school Several bids were received and retained to be tabulated and the contract waa awarded at a meeting the following September, Willis CorawnwUtion The playground had been established by the P. T. A in co-operation with the school board and at the meeting that Tuesday night a letter; was read from the late H. B re water Willis, then county superintendent of school, a u association and .still later the Board of Education pur- chased more. Much of the original equipment in atill in use at the playground in the high school field. There was a little ceremony at the opening of the playground, with about 700 children and adults present. The P. T. A. had provided a flag and flag pole for the playground and the* opening feature of the ceremony was the raising of th<( fra# on the steel pole. When the flag was raised to the'fop'of the pole hundreds of little flags were released and fluttered downward. There were not enough tosupply th« crowd. , y . Wheri'ihe rWw-as raised the salute to the flag was' given under tha,direction of Instructor Yuckman. There were troops of Itoy and Girl Scouts present. Andrew Kon daa, bugler for oiw( of th t bl Ed J thorizing the tempor«r mm w playground William Yuokman, an. if fofntment of William Yuck- : Mr. Yuckman k now Di COMMITTEES NAMED FORST.EUASFETE All-Day Program Sched- uled By Greeh-Catholics For Sunday Rev. Alexis Medvucsky, pustor of St. Elias Greek Catholic Church in Cook avenue last nighl named the general committee to arrange a program for St. Klius Day which will be observed Sun- jing stat«m«ttl: "Kev. Mr. negyi has done aptea- did work here and is highly a4- wired by residents of the bo*- ough, not only of Hungarian «- traction, but by all other cltiiaju as well. I sincerely regret seeiflf [him leave Carteret and wish hill 'all success in his new work.' Mr. Mittuch himself was born in Hu*> Another StaUraant Acting Tax Collector Continued on page four EXEMPT FIREMENHOiJ) ot ? Aru nrrutr DCALtl rfLArfl; 1 man; Stephen Loztik, N. S. ULdez- nay, Charles Halogti, Elias Totin, M. Vaailina, M. Donich, M. Rasku- lineti Sr., John Sersun, J. Spisak, J. Barunak, Stephen Hutnik, M. Superior, George Kuzmu, A. Staj ka A. gy Telepoaky M, i A i M. Cejkowsky, A. Oemeter, M. Mar- In Party Mak- ing Trip By Chartered Bus pans On Members of the Exempt Firemen's Asad tion held an outing ' 'Tcovich, A. Gaivach and J. Chere- tic Beach Sunday. The a. was made in a chartered bw s tn the coinmittee of ladies are: an< J a shore dinner Was t Mi 5 ro J! a ' ? r t J ' . H - M K »- vedat the beach. r, Mra. J. Torak, Mrs. J. Med- Those wick, Mrs. K. Totin, Mrs. A. Rug- : i ows . •ak, Mrs. M. Vaailina, Mra. G. | ' yak Popovich, Mrs. M. L. Ortutay, William Rapp, John Albin, ,,-..,. , ,, „ „ , Kockmaii, John J. Harri, Mrs. A. dalvacb, Mrs. M. l'alin ;j onn J Ruckriegel, John Sf. char, Mia. Mikla, Mrs. J. Sivak, Mrs. S. Kokula, Mrs. H Janutu bricht, Thomas Currie, Schwartz, Joseph A. Her Mrs. Marguret Gaiil, and Mis. J. williBin 1). Casey, George Toth. Kather Medvecsky will acf S0Ilr j o h n i )uncnni Thomas ex-oflBcio us general chairman. An all day program will be cur y p g ried out. There will be u tun at 9:80 A. M. and a liijfli IUHSS at 11:30 A M. In these MIvicua Ka- ther Medvecsky will be assisted by j other clergymen including Father Continued on pti(]t ettiht kin, George Chamra, A. J. B«MlHr # '" John Scully, John Connolr*. Prank Andres, Andrew Bo4lKA Thomas Devereux, Jr., Edward J, Valentine Gleca Edward J;. 1 cation, made the P. T. A. li idea and in raitttr/ff " co-operand to do so Mr mi . »> ine nrst o.._, CJ|fI. Byrne jflwt "Id vite-preaiderit, io| the troops gave a bugle salute. :«il,°inen president of the Board of ^ M v.- ddreas in which he praiaed the utt'ort* of '"""^public interest in the playground > to supply apparatus. The bo$Bi >e association and would continue f the children of Carteret. !ith| P. T. A. were: President, Mt|, Resident, Miaa B. V. Hermann; >. J. J. Ruckreigel; treasurer, ; secretary, Mrs. JoMph C. Child. After 'n a«Wr^ M»». #|rtie auupuoced the rules and re, d said It waB to be 9 »nd parochial Clement Jardot, Luke KB «ph Kelly, frVed Lauder, » Morris, Melcher Maier, HaBtjr ' Rapp, Martin Rock, JosaphWt( ing and William Dulf. Hungarian Democrats Plan Montter Picnic In Fords Boro Druggists Agree To Share Responsibility > ; The various Hungarian Deinocrntu' Clubs of Car- ter«t, Wouilbtidge, l'erth Ain^oy, New Brunswick, South Kivei und other towns in MiddlcM-x will assemble Sunday at Vmady*s Grove in fords for the firat' county- wide. HuiiKuiian Demi Day. Thu affair under the sjionao; United League Runfamii Democt|tie H Middlesex dubs will be repreaenl Minouncemunt from genurnl a«creUry of kgue, says the'•' t organization U | Damoeratic ' l.ajlj" The five druggists of Ce have united in an artaD whereby only one stare open on Sunday during mainder of the summer. Sunday during the period a > eat store will be open. The i Ola begins this Sunday wke« R. Brown's store in the tion will remain open, Au Mayor Mittuch'ti store Chrome section will be op uat ix Brudley's store In ' die section will be op«» a u»t i;t> Knot's R*xal store eret

11 ie Week VICE, LIQUOR Ha/f-F^ir iHtGE COURT PLEA ... refused to act on the it urn he supplied. * • •!• irst Family of the land is idi'rgoing the inconvenien-' livinjr in n

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11 ie Week

,,, Huffman's alarm nt,>i,,i, in the sa]es tux i

fi,v H ronfelTflicc apt, i ' . in nnd l l «t KPII

,|,!<-li the Ropiihlirnn, . Hi.'iry W.. Jcffern, will: . !,nri!<'i) of major doino

,,ily i" to send reprrspn,i,H|" be allowed an hour

M-|iich to talk. The u\rn., dull' l.hinu is to nave tin-

,., inlntiirr for the RepnhliI ' t V

• * •

. 11 r Myers of Cnhimhiri,i,«.t !\ friend h« could u<-t,,'nr,. publicity within 7:!

!.,, !<>M than $100. H<- Hid,,, honx story of his own,.|»rTi(r- 8ut the court fined; ,n »nd costs for the cs-. mi'l by adding this to the

. and telephone charjres for,• the story over, the cost!-.' more than $100, So nowi.onr to jail in lieu of thei I'cp the cost down Bythe bet he gets a dinnerfriend.

Jersey roads are to be. nnt«d." This does not

n(rar" in the slnn(r term.y, but the application to

ids, of a cane-su(far pro-11.-h is to he put on asiment.

* • •• lin(t at the Jersey shore,'ood walloping when the• lamped down by order of• • Court Justice Perskie.

•line ago, (I. Rowland Mun-'insel for the National

Prevention League,I ^iimbling flourished iniih County and that offi-KI refused to act on theit urn he supplied.

* • •

!• irst Family of the land isidi'rgoing the inconvenien-

' livinjr in n house that isii'inodelcd, and is no dif-fnini the rest of us while

'intf to makeshifts. TheHouse kitchen is being re-I from its former old-styleI f h i d i into


Borough Winds Up The Ha/f-F^ir iHtGE COURT PLEAWith TwoThiris Of Budget Left BY HEALTH BOARD


Mittuch SubmitsFinancial Report At $ « « « J T 0 BLOT GASSESMonday Night, Assailing "Local Politician" Who J

Ktplnn Arjrim StatutesGive Ucal Agency Full

Power To Act

'Is Attempting To Embarrass Administration"


Of the total borough budget of $305,047:61 set up.fdjg ^ $05,047:51 set up .Wonly $96,114.07 hns been spent up to and including3 0 T h a t i t o s a D T i t r t h W ' thi

KASHA LEADSr I I L • J»nfe 30." tha t is to say: During'the first . ~ - .

Bootleff Establishment, Dis- rhe borough has spent a little loss than one-third of

nrrlM-lv Hnni* Af» Rairl * n t i r e budget for the year. The remaining funds, $20

oraeny nouse rtre Raid- 9 3 3 4 4 j n c ] u d e a $50,000 put into the budget to pay b

ed ; 6 Aire«tl taxen due the county. It will notbe paid to the county—because

The cleaning up Of Car-'the obligation to the countyli'rt't continued this week, taken care of in the refundingwith raids on nellerH of il- plan—and the money will be in-letfel liquor and disorderly tact with other balances at the endpersons. This was in adher- of the year. The answer is a pro-ence to the policy " tha t law- nounced drop in the tax rate nextbreakers must he apprehended and ; year.punished," announced by Mayor! These and other interestingJoseph W. Mittuch and Council- 'acts about borough finances wereman Michael Van-beaky, chairman |*>rou(rht out Tuesday night at

y. i m a | yof the police committee, and fol- special meeting of the council.

closely on ximilnr raids last They ww eek.

plowed closely

nnilnr raid's fast T h p V were contained in a finan-cial statement for the first six

Wednesday morning Officer "ninths of the year as preparedDan Kasha, who has b«en acting (|V l!n™ufth Auditor Joseph Sea-directly under the Mayor in thi* "i"»- The members of the gov-work, flccompmiied by Officer f irl"ntf body present wore thePasquale Ue Simtis. swooped down Mnyor and Councilmen Strand-on Antonio IVrerira of 5!) Mercer h e rK. G

1r * ( : n w l l l . f \ Yarchesky and

Street and capture.! conHiderable T l l r k - E 1 ! l s a n d L u k a < " h w<i r<1 I l h 'illicit liquor nnd eniiipmeiit. I n - i 8 e n ' - „ _eluded in the evidence taken were: ^ MIMIKI. Denounce!Twenty-five bottles ,,f home brew.' T h ? fln»nclBJ report was introa gallon bottle of th.- same, one ^uced a f t . e r MRY°1 M,M\"'h u

h a i 1

.pint white moonshine, several' denounced an individual whomempty cans, jugs and bottles with he described as ' a greedy ,,olm-

siinieindividual the mayor said, hnd re

jcently handed him (the Mayofficial figures on borough itssess

!ments showing a total reduction| in assessments of $l7!i,77.r>. "This: greedy politician," continued theMnyor, "has hern circulating prop-

aganda calculated In embarrassthis administration. He has (mencharging me nnd the members ofthe administration with spending

.the taxpayers' money like drunk-en sailors through creating newjobs. If he were honest he wouldadmit the budget this year would

it year's

odors indicating they hud c o n > i a n * h o ,ho ' (,J" H n ' T ^ u ' " ', , .. , . ,, lie office in Carteret." This1 ontwuett on pnqe rn//j(

Peace Pact Is NearIn Olympic StrikeEnd Of Disagreement Ex-

pected To Come EarlyToday, Police Advices

The labor troubles at th< ... „_„ .,.,.plant of the Olympic Leather |h.ave been lower than lasi

•>ar C o m p a n v m a y bet!"0™ " " o t / o r the tBO.ooo We h..<i. . . . . , ' , . ito include for back taxes due the

being in- | i roned ou t today acco rd ing , , o u n t v a n d %vlSsm t 0 t a k e c a r ( ,

f iishioneil••in shop with

While this is

L 3 d fwm • r t ' P r i l s c l l t a t l T e » t o t h e local'mer administration »ironi p ( ) | j c e _ A H t l . i ) ( ? h n i ) h e e n ^ . ^ i T u r k S u p p o r U R e g i m e

on at the plant liDCe the Supreme Councilman Turk, Democrat,Court upset the NBA qnd oodes. hastened to add no administration

]could have avoided squaring up

willdine out.

changes in Cam-tronghi.ld «f David Bai:niicr United States Senator,•recast as the result of the

went out.(Continued on page 8)


S»j« Wtgei CutI According to the striking em-!ployes the management of t h e ! I / w , » , ,»- „

etion of the recount of the company Immeriiately cut \ny LULAL U.O.P. WOMENelection. Announcement by rates. Other plants in the in- ~CP Prank T. Lloyd five* dustry are said to hnve continued

ik J. Hartiiinii, a New Dealer, ' the terms of the NfRA after the!:ed hy both Non 1'artisan and Supreme Court decision. Later Republicaniblicnu support, seven more the mnnugenient is said to have. than Frank •(. Leonard, lie- agreed to union terms but thererun. lliiitniann thus wins a were other difficulties to be set

city commissioner, a pluce tied. The company manufacturesleather emits. ,-ml has been occupying since

I I, while the dispute was be-rttled.

Session At Fire HouseNo. 1; Cards Also

•-vvw County'sjivuee piu't husand one. nut to be ignored.I'.dnu Ii. Conklin, national

mitteewonian, highly respected• i own and the opposite sex,luted from Seattle that sheii;ivo no part of the candi-

for whom support wascd aa part of the peace plan.

plan was brought about


sors Affair; MayorOfficials Attend

Practically the entire I'ol-

An important meeting ofthe Carteret RepublicanWomen's Club is scheduledfor tonight in Fire Hou.seNo. 1. After the businesssession there will be a cardparty. >

A group of members of the localclub went to Milltown yesterdayafternoon where>they attended a

'garden party on the lawn at thehome of Mrs. Christian kuhlthau

August 7 Is DateForPoleRemoval,Greenwald SaysPlacing Of Underground

Wires To Begin ByMiddle Of Week

19 LOCAL JOBS OPENWord was received by

Councilman William


wuld this week that work onthe project of putting elec-tric, telephone and tele-graph wires undergroundand eUxnlnaj.iii(f-ptriea <uvelt Avenue from McKinleytine to the Railroad would startAugust 7. In a letter from VV. II.Chamberlain, maintenance super-intendent for the Public ServiceKlcftiic and Gas Company, thisdutc was set as the one by whichliiiiil permission for tearing up thestreet would be received from

unty authorities.

Twenty-Five Worker!The project will employ twen

ty-h've men, six to be technician:,if tin: Public Service, the remain-

der local residents. These will b*chosen from the registrants at the |ar


Industrial Association AndPlants Will Bt Request-

ed To Aid

The local Hoard of Healthhas full power to deal with!oii.jectionalile fumes a n d 1

M« cording to an opin-ion hy Attorney SamuelKaplan read at a meeting ofthe board last night Recently th<-physician.1) of the bniough'jointlypetitioned the may' and counrit o end t h e f u m e « a n d g a l e s n*

t h e y a r e , in t h e n p i n i o n o f t inp h y n i c i n n s . i n j u m n i i t o h e a l t hT h e r o i i n r i l pasveil t h e p e t i t i o n ohto the H o a r d of H e a l t h \ 1 B J r i tin-

o d y pnifMi'ed t h e fcltonn',

to i l r l ine t h e |x>M|-.r« lefTftl p n w , "to ileal w i t h id'- m u t t e r .

F u l l P « « < T — K a v l a nKii | i lnn w r . t r t h f e ' S t a t e I n 'ii CM a m p l ' - i ' " w e r i n t h e lifin I

inunifipMl h e a l t h . . bOAi'd1 '••T I . ; I K | I ; . l , l ) l i ' | t U . - T h » i l " i i l l i l\\ i env.' r (lie cause of the inn

health menace ai ihe'ifTendinjr Induct i •,. or

t In* industry to I ennivei invulved it) any pmee-lie Uorne by tin1 mdi-linn causing tlie nui-inenace. The att'wneyone way to deal with

ret situation would be bythrough the ('nnrt ofAccording to the nttor-

ncy'i li'iter it, appeared importantthat n health buzzard must be es-tablished in order for the boardto act.

After .some discussion the boarddecided as a preliminary step towrite to the Industrial Associa-tion. If no result follows the boardmay deal directly with plantsknown to cause the fumes andliases.

Proteit Pe«t.Protest and complaints have

linan pouring into the office of theHoard about damage being doneby Japanese beetles, tent cater-pillars and other insect peats andalso in regard to ragweed, poisonivy and mosquitoes, it was report-

'Continued on page 8)

Carteret (Metals May Take 7Vip!SEAMANIo Awaken Those Capitol Dreamers TAX SURVEY DAWFailure Of Carteret To Get Any Of PWA Billion, Irk* TO BORO MONDAY

Comcil Bmt Turk Suggestion That $200 Be Appro- . —printed For Washington Jaunt Gets Vetoed * • * * « Prepares

SENATOR BARBOUR, DR. EATON PROMISE AID *** u * T & LBecause Carteret work projects have failed continu- r»n

ally With the F\ W A. and other alphahetical admfnistra- U K »tions for the Hpenriing of Federal funds, Rorotijfh officialsmay go to Washington soon to investigate. At a specialmeeting of the Borough Coutiril Tuesday riiffht. Mayor Mit-tuch said new application* have lit-en made for the parkpr'>|

f t h .


i.sh population of " n d e r *h e

riiv(f factions headed byusted former State Senator, Chandlea* and l

on, former Mayor of

C.made agrainat

Forsyth, secretaryof the N. J. B

Dr.y and

Board of

arttTtt I .) l t h l , l r i I RepublicanHtttnrt . [ n t h e ( ; a r

_.. . . - . ,„.,,„.„,..„.,„. Carteret!r so ago at Sea (..rt w h e n A U m ] e d | j U t y u n ( i | |

"" r H o t T " i a " *° - • 'the picnic of the Holy Kam-1M^-V^k 1 " K ; ; ; ^ a ; ' M Z 7 .

JifP of tLe UnitedWomen of Middlesex.

a r t c r e t d e l e ^ t i ) ) n w e r e :

p y | I. Kareford, Mrs. J.il.V R o m a n Catho l ic Church , jH- Goderstad, Mrs. Elizabeth Kar-vvhich w a s in j ) r og n ;S . s ivf tsky, Mis. J. H. Nevill.

throughout the aftfrnooi: and | M ,.,°M O " " " " ' , , u r . ,evening- at Markwalfs Grove in ,. Mrs William Rapp, Mrs. Wil-the East Rahway aection. In the!1""11 V ^ A l £ d

pgof races and dancing to munic

h l h h

V ^ y> A l £ e d ,Kav-,»nau«*| Mrs. Ahce Woodman,**"»• \ A - J«oby, Mw. John

Gill Examiners by the office of<tate auditor, Walter Darby,Iropped and Dr. Forsyth ex-

pia ted . However, Attorneymeral Wilenti may look into thealter if he wishes.

• * *l':illas, Tex., institutes a novel

•in! effective way of instilling caremotorists. 107 T-Men weremted under a joint aifree-

between the police and the»>''•• luncheon clubs, for the"ffi'is* of reporttag traffic viola-oiih, Keporta are sent to thell|ire on postcards, signed withll; I nmn's number and the po-ci- thtri tend the violator a polite'"' i1 asking more tare. The T-""''- identity is known only to11 liead of the traffic commisjiioii.

1'" < >'»ult has been that offenderswelcomed the lettera, andhuve even written "thank>n response. This is along'mi; idea as the gold badge

!|i operated by Governor:"»n when he was Motor Ve-

1 uimniasioner, only that the! i ' t was flagrantly abused ini instance*. Having a gold1 meant to many just a

"•e to show-off authority and1 : "iii uf difficulties for doingthings he w u auppoaed to

1 utbers from doing.• • » » •

"I't. Harry Culltns ol Gov-|< inland «Uyed a birthday

'v i ur Bill Meadows, hit gray1 pony. Bill had developed a' leg which refused to heal'"•i owner decided he needed

1 • retired with honors. So he>ll"l a cake bearing sixteen

'"l» placed like candles, toI tbe pony'» sixteen y««ra aa

" ""Hint. BUI ii «xactiy 23II »ld arid waa once named" l l l « before the trmy fixed1 M with « more masculine cog-

The cake consisted of

vi i m c a miu unliving LU uiuniu i T, • . ,-, " . , fc-

furnished by a Polish orchestra, l^ 1 " 8 ' " « • GM

e o r ^ Knrt i .Mn.At various places on the field therewere refreshment stands. t

Officials AttendAmong the borough officials who

attendea were Mayor Joseph W.Mittuch, Councilman MichaelYarchesky and James Lukach,Street Commissioner George Ben-sulok and Joseph Galvunek, mem-ber of the Board of Education.

Young Women HelpRuv. Dr. Joseph Dziados, pastor

of the church, had able assistancefrom many members of his con-gregation. Among those were thepicnic committee of the YoungIjidu-a' Sodality, which was asfollows:

The Miasea Lottie Martenczuk,Mary Faaek, Emilia Niemiec,Mary Sa/czak, Jane Pieczyaka,Mary Pelcz, Mary Witkowaka,Anna Molczan, Stella Mo»ciaki,Anna Daszkowska and GenevieveWawryznasku.

Carrie Drake, Mrs. Geryas* N'e'yill,Mis. Charles Bryer ana Mrs. Rob-ert Wilson. The reservations weremade through Mrs. Wjlson. Thetrip was made in private cars'

'"y a l u l

"I tump sugar, put into a'• and iced to resemble a'»! Meadows preferred the

to the'ieing.* * *

Young Democrats To MeetThe Young Democrats of Mid-

dlesex, an organization of youngmen and women of the party withbranches in all towns in the coun-ty will meet Monday ni bt in theKosciuszko Democratic Clubhouseat 77 Union street. Delegatesfrom all thu units in the countyorganization will be pit-sent. The

al unit will be hunt.

(Continued on page 8)

Excellent Results ListedFrom Public Health Hoar

Excellent results are re-ported for the work of thePublic Health Hour whichall borough physicians con-duct Tuesday afternoonsfrom 2 o'clock until 3. Thisproject, carried out underthe joint auspices of the stateand county medical societies,provides free vaccination andimmunization for all childrenat no cost to the parents. Themedical associations providethe' serums and the doctorsdonate their own services.

As there are still manyCarteret children who havenot b e e n thus fortifiedagaipst smallpox and diphtheria, their parents limya v a i l themselves of thischance to protect them. Ur.H. L. Strandberg, presidentof the Board of Education,calls especial attention to thefact that this treatment withserum should be given beforethe opening of school nextmonth.

New Recorder InductedBut Police Magistrate

Holds Sessions Too

As a result of the ordi-nance recently adopted bythe borough council creating

I the position of I'oliee Re-corder an unusual situation

in the borough. There.two police magistrates, Re-

corder David S. .lacoby and Po-lice Justice Louis T. Kovacs. Bothare lawyers. Mr. Kovacs hold of-fice by virtue of an ordinance

l nnd other borooifh »nd-i-h'iiil prnjecta and have bceii for-« tilled to Newark.

!'hi> adminiltration was g\\-»n'- imlerstand the appllcatinn<. forth. projects were to have been'• varded to Washinfrton yeslcr

Trip 3avf«it«fl1 -uncilmin Philip Turk u i d "it

• iiiite evident somethinit h«p: . H I to Cartaret projects Other

"mmunitlM have been RIIOII-••'indi for irnprov«-m(>nti< but O r•"ret ii left out ." Turk miKgrM.-.l'he rouncil appropriate $200 for ntrip of officials to Wasninjrton tomvestiirato. H* proposed thegroup ini-ludfl the Mayor, rhairman of tinumf.?, borough enxrneprnnd borouifh nttorney.

Mnyor Mittuch said $200 winentirely too miieh for HUCh a triplie thnucht Jf'll would be ample;tnd two nii-ii would be enough\ motion hy Turk to spend nutmoit- than JTul for such a tripwns adopted with n proviso themoney would no! In- appropriated if Intel inf.it mitUon indicatedthe trip is not necessary. TheMayor siiicl he would keep intouch with Washington by wire intin effort to irrt information without hnvinv to go there.

Letters Reid

Twi. let ITS from St-natm- VV.Wurren Harbour, one IVni <nn-({rcs.snian Charles A Katon andone from (iovernor III.II'IHIHI wereread into the record. They wen*addressed to Mayor Mittuch andgnve HSHurance the writers weremaking every effort to put throughCarteret work projects.

Act On LicenteiOne purpose of the meeting «-«s

thv consideration of new appln'iitioiiH for liquor licenses. The ap-plication of Councilman Turk WHMapproved -Mi. Turk nol voting.He has applied directly to the Al-coholic Beverage Control Board.The approval of the council willbe forwarded to the board. Theapplication of Anthony BrachakWHS in the hands of the clerk without the fee or federal license Itwas referred t(j the police committee for invuHtiiration. To the s'linccommittw- wus referred the ap-plication of Andrew Kosclf'lor npermit to operate n pool room inP h Avenue.

Six-Month ReportPreteoted To

On Eipcndttwn

Committee Chairman •Ii^i'ph J. Seaman,"ugh auditor, will preMntjthe lloroujrh Council I tmeetings Monday nighlenfrthy report entitled,termination of the Taxes 1reivable as of December19.14," which is a compUsurvey, made in jrreat detlof the tax situation intrret.

N«w FactMr. teaman 's report is <

iiected to bring out htth«lunknown facts, and eov«the tux accounts of the"iitfh for many yearsIt ix in line with theof the finance comrnitt**;!i hail IIUIII of the council, ]Herbert 1; Strandberg,^i'i tin' borough's moneyfair- cnmpletely .straight€'il out .iinl to eliminate t |payment to the county a |state of taxes on taxes vrhtare nol collected here.

Second Report ,This is the second compfj|*|

0 • n ( ' n s ' v t > report made by

P Pimir '"man within a week. 1*0• * • * •*•«»* ' the special council meeting

At Grove Aug. 11

George Ben mi I ok

List Novel Events

Bensaloh Is General Chair-man Of Arrangements;

Ball Game Planned


Tuesday he gave a B|X-months report covering allborough finances for th*period since the Mittuchministration t o o k

•which report predicts »ering uf Carteret's taxnext year1


prografor the

which created his court* andappointment which h»3 nearlythree years to run.

How Nam*dMr. Jacoby is police recorder

by virtue of an ordinance cre-ating that position and his appointment to it for a term of one year.The ordinance creating the ]>«-

Coniinued on page light

Meadow Club PlansFishing and Clam Bake

Plans for a fishing trip August18 were madij last night at a meet-ing of the Meadow Rod and GunClub in Firehouse No. 1. "The clubwill also sponsor it dam bake forthe units in the Middlesex Federa-tion of Hunting, ami KlbhingClubs, probably in Septtftnber.Peter Treftnko, whose applicationfor membership was received atthe last meeting, was elected tumembership last night. The appli-cation of William lieiael was re-ceived and will be put to a vote atthe next meeting. The club nowhas a membership of seventy-five.


Approximately$34,000ToBe Returned To Sub-

scribers Soon

Attorney Louis T. Kovacswill represent the subscrib-ers to the Soldiers and Sail-ors Memorial Hospital Fundin a Court of Chancery ac-tion to have the money withaccrued interest returned to the.HUbacriberB or their estates.

In this work Mr. Kovacs will beu.sHOClated with State SenatorJohn E. Toolan who representsKdward J Heil who has beentreasurer of the fund aince it wasstarted in 111 LS. Mr. Kovaca willcontact the members of the cam-paign committee that collectedthe fund and will obtain all therecords available. He waa appoint-ed at a lurjfe gathering of sub-scribers Monday night.

The fund, originally $18,566bun been in charge of Mr. Heil.since it waa subscribed andthrough hU oureful handling hasincreased to about $34,000. Mr.Heil desires to be relieved of theresponsibility of caring for it andfavors tlu1 idea of returning themoney und interest to th* donorsor the estates of those who havedied.

Several attempts to divert themoney to public ime other thanthat for which it was subscribedhave been unsuccessful because of


Regrets ExpressedAt Hegvi RetirementPaitor Of Fr*« Magyar

| formed Church To Re-! turn To Hungary

Expressions ofthree- were voiced this week fcy

many residents of CarteH)twhen it became known tha tKev. Alexander Hegyi, pa»>tor of the Free Magyar Be-fiTined Church fur the pant tlxyeais, has- resigned bis paatorat4>

headed'by Flevordvr Uavid".S. Mr. Ilegyi plans to return to HtOfr.gary in about a month and assulM ;a teaching position in a junior c*l-lese in his native country,

ayor Mittuch made the follow-

of fieldRepublican1 Ht Mark-

walt's drove has been coinpleteit by the committee incharge of that part of the iir-lanueinents, J. I' Coderstail , (HISI'pii y nnd .loieph Cornba. Thelist "f ennlests us amnuinecd hyihi' r. ' iiunittee i iK'ludo a ndlmg.j'ln thi'ivvin^ contest tor women,ii diaper derby for men,!<HK'ed l ines , lifty yiinl dashes foriliil 'tien grouped jtorordin^ toin1.'1. i'KK races, n tiiK-of-war, pier.Liii^ i.uiilest mid u soft ballt'.niie. In the bull game a team ofniiiiiied ineji captained by Mr.I'i'iiy will oppose a team of single

.lii.'oby.Trantpor ta l ion Arranged

Transportat ion will he provid-eil from many points in the bor-

Continued an page eu/ht

the rigid terms under which it-ollected.

Parent-Teachers' Finds Its Efforts Amply RewardedIn Sponsoring, 11 Years Ago, A Borough Playground

Hungarian Democratic ClubFormed, Officers Named

An organization l u '"•" l"llJwn u s

the Carteret Hungarian Democra-tic Club was formed last night inSt. Elisabeth's Hall in Longfellowstreet and officers were elected anfollows: President, Stephen Jac-ob*; vice-president, Louis T. Ko-vacs; treasurer, John Telepoaki;recording secretary, Louis Kady;chairman of publicity, EdwardDemish. The new club will bold itsnext meeting in the same hallAugust 8 in the evening.

Borough Distributor finedIn Mi\k Board's Campaign

Among the fines imposed by theNew Jersey Milk Control Boardfor various violations of th« reg-ulations regarding the «.le anddistribution of milK W«f> '>»e w h l c 5penalized Abraham Simon ofSimon's Dairy Pro*»to <;iPtrth Awboy., ^ «»;* .

. . . . . _ Jj ^ Q |

The playground in the high school field that hits en-gaged the attention of the Recreation Sponsoring Commit-tee extensively this summer was formally opened elevenyear* ago on Tuesday, July 22, 1924, and was founded hythe Carteret Parent-Teacher AAociation which had beenorganized in the fall of the previous year and soon becameone of the most influential organizations in the borough.The first playground was located on Washington Avenuenot far from the present high school, in a natural shadygrove. The spot is now occupied partly by the home ofKurt (.ironman.

That July day eleven years ago was an eventful onein the annals of education in Carteret. The playgroundwas opened in the forenoon and in the evening of the sameday the Board of Education held an adjourned meeting toopen bids for the contract to erect the new high schoolSeveral bids were received and retained to be tabulatedand the contract waa awarded at a meeting the followingSeptember,

Willis CorawnwUtionThe playground had been established by the P. T. A

in co-operation with the school board and at the meetingthat Tuesday night a letter; was read from the late H.B re water Willis, then county superintendent of school, a u

association and .still later the Board of Education pur-chased more. Much of the original equipment in atill inuse at the playground in the high school field.

There was a little ceremony at the opening of theplayground, with about 700 children and adults present.

The P. T. A. had provided a flag and flag pole for theplayground and the* opening feature of the ceremony wasthe raising of th<( fra# on the steel pole. When the flagwas raised to the'fop'of the pole hundreds of little flagswere released and fluttered downward. There were notenough to supply th« crowd. , y.

Wheri'ihe rWw-as raised the salute to the flag was'given under tha,direction of Instructor Yuckman. Therewere troops of Itoy and Girl Scouts present. Andrew Kondaa, bugler for oiw( of th t b l

Ed J

thorizing the tempor«rmm w playgroundWilliam Yuokman, an.


fofntment of William Yuck-: Mr. Yuckman k now Di


All-Day Program Sched-uled By Greeh-Catholics

For SundayRev. Alexis Medvucsky, pustor

of St. Elias Greek CatholicChurch in Cook avenue last nighlnamed the general committee toarrange a program for St. KliusDay which will be observed Sun-

jing stat«m«ttl:"Kev. Mr. negyi has done aptea-

did work here and is highly a4-wired by residents of the bo*-ough, not only of Hungarian « -traction, but by all other cltiiajuas well. I sincerely regret seeiflf

[him leave Carteret and wish hi l l'all success in his new work.' Mr.Mittuch himself was born in Hu*>

Another StaUraantActing Tax Collector

Continued on page four

EXEMPT FIREMEN HOiJ)o t ? A r u nrrutrDCALtl rfLArfl;


man; Stephen Loztik, N. S. ULdez-nay, Charles Halogti, Elias Totin,M. Vaailina, M. Donich, M. Rasku-lineti Sr., John Sersun, J. Spisak,J. Barunak, Stephen Hutnik, M.Superior, George Kuzmu, A. Stajka A. gyTelepoaky M,i A i

M. Cejkowsky, A.Oemeter, M. Mar-

In Party Mak-ing Trip By Chartered



Members of theExempt Firemen's Asadtion held an outing '

'Tcovich, A. Gaivach and J. Chere- tic Beach Sunday. Thea. was made in a chartered b w stn the coinmittee of ladies are: an<J a shore dinner Was• t Mi5roJ!a' ? r t J ' .H-M

K»- vedat the beach.r, Mra. J. Torak, Mrs. J. Med- Those

wick, Mrs. K. Totin, Mrs. A. Rug- : i o w s .•ak, Mrs. M. Vaailina, Mra. G. | 'yak

Popovich, Mrs. M. L. Ortutay,William Rapp, John Albin,

, , - . . , . , , , „ „ , Kockmaii, John J. H a r r i ,Mrs. A. dalvacb, Mrs. M. l'alin ; j o n n J Ruckriegel, John Sf.char, Mia. Mikla, Mrs. J. Sivak,Mrs. S. Kokula, Mrs. H Janutu

bricht, Thomas Currie,Schwartz, Joseph A. Her

Mrs. Marguret Gaiil, and Mis. J. williBin 1). Casey, GeorgeToth. Kather Medvecsky will acfS0I l r j o h n i ) u n c n n i Thomasex-oflBcio us general chairman.

An all day program will be cury p gried out. There will be u tuna t 9:80 A. M. and a liijfli IUHSS at11:30 A M. In these MIvicua Ka-ther Medvecsky will be assisted by jother clergymen including Father

Continued on pti(]t ettiht

kin, George Chamra, A. J. B«MlHr#'"John Scully, John Connolr*.

Prank Andres, Andrew Bo4lKAThomas Devereux, Jr., Edward J,

Valentine Gleca

Edward J;.1

cation, madethe P. T. A. liidea and in raitttr/ff

" co-operandto do so Mr mi• .»> ine nrst o.._,

CJ|fI. Byrne jflwt"Id vite-preaiderit,

i o | the troops gave a bugle salute.:«il,°inen president of the Board of ^Mv.-ddreas in which he praiaed the utt'ort* of' " " " ^ p u b l i c interest in the playground

> to supply apparatus. The bo$Bi>e association and would continuef the children of Carteret.

!ith| P. T. A. were: President, Mt|,Resident, Miaa B. V. Hermann;>. J. J. Ruckreigel; treasurer,

; secretary, Mrs. JoMph C. Child. After'n a«Wr^ M»». # | r t ie auupuoced the rules and re,

d said It waB to be9 »nd parochial

Clement Jardot, Luke KB«ph Kelly, frVed Lauder, »Morris, Melcher Maier, HaBtjr 'Rapp, Martin Rock, Josaph Wt(ing and William Dulf.

Hungarian Democrats PlanMontter Picnic In Fords Boro Druggists Agree

To Share Responsibility >;The various HungarianDeinocrntu' Clubs of Car-ter«t, Wouilbtidge, l'erthAin^oy, New Brunswick,South Kivei und other townsin MiddlcM-x will assembleSunday at Vmady*s Grove infords for the firat' county-wide. HuiiKuiian DemiDay. Thu affairunder the sjionao;United LeagueRunfamii Democt|tieH Middlesexdubs will be repreaenlMinouncemunt from

genurnl a«creUry ofkgue, says the '• '

t organization U |Damoeratic' l.ajlj"

The five druggists of Cehave united in an artaDwhereby only one stareopen on Sunday duringmainder of the summer.Sunday during the period a >eat store will be open. The iOla begins this Sunday wke«R. Brown's store in thetion will remain open, AuMayor Mittuch'ti storeChrome section will be opuat ix Brudley's store In 'die section will be op«» au»t i;t> Knot's R*xal store


PAGE TWO 1M. w^mW" *Tf l?F •" •?%&:

(AI.KI>F V K W j r n - ' i - ; !

H M K i - n THK CARTI ' ' 1.IH' l l . l i lN i l I/"AN AMOf'lA 'Of I ' lHUf l * ' ! " r*tnr,~.- •I ' o m p l . t n n r ' ;i n * H O ' " i"1

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If, ' I ' : 'Hy - i r n

•^p r l l i, |I w i l l , , , ,

1 h* nbov« • (*'*<*

"Lo?er1s SubjectOf Scientist Sermoni "pir l> Annoancr'< ForS,,niUy At Chrfet OmrrJl,

I ^ N K S l i A l T l i r J U T I I L>AT <<rA I ' l l t ' B T A I- N I N M T K B N

n r v p i ' V - i ' • • i n 1 -i • r i V f c1 HI

T i m - - I. tl '- « f " t " • ">• • » ! • '4 » v Fit t h - HhrrifT • ""'• ' In th>-O n ,.f s . - . i i t n i i " " V " '

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f l lh,

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hnrch Of CfcrUt. l-Sowaraa

• . h of T h e M o t h e r •• ' <r!'ir«t C h u r c h o f < "H • • it


, i | n y M

I H I I . ' i i , pnJQuflt ' ' ' . 1 ' , ' ' . r l i r . t New ,li»rMY I

T l , , . II m-T ''11 ITIII 11 i imi iTinl fit t h n|1», rcr ><, 1 , . ulMlNfiPil ll V Hllili d i l l * \*Ifr* '^"irii " f T l i r i ' ^ T}r,ni«Hn,t andT h r e i Mni iT l rc i l a r i l .''.'V.MIlv P o l i u r t

| i l U UOf I I '1" -"!•

Ti with nil nniith R pftnr] II I1!1 IT f " i , n i n ' ' " f f i c r m n l n b a -InnpilMv '" l.i iinvwinr ApprrtRlninf

\ ! , A N II l-fl.Y HhrrllT

f 'HANi-1" » Ml 'NAHHAN,11 It* HulMtnr.

'. i1 * .• it. u , ; i



fcr M*r r" M

OW A V A l U i l l



D»r/ w < [ r * l < l ClV>MWM. C COPf, »V.fW»»«


\, Mam.

service, 11 ;00 AiiiUy irhoo!, 9:30 A M

\\ ...Iniwlay testimony mi

H nn r M,ThnT'ilny Reading room, .1:00-

r> (1(1 I 1 M .

"Uivn" will be the mihject ofthe lesson-Sermon in all Churchesof Thrift, Scientist on Sunday,

The Golden Text In: "The Lordhath appeared of old unto me,«»ying, Yea, 1 have loved thee withm pverlantlng love: therefore withloving kindness hHvp I drawnthee" jJcrpmiah SI :3).

Amonff <hp citations which comprlne thp I.PMon Sprmon is thpfollowing from thp Bihlp: "Andthin in hid commandment, That wenhould hetieve on th<> name of hiaSon .Ifintin Chriot, »nd love oneanother, an he gave un command-mpnf. He thiit loveth not know-eth not (JoH; for Oo<i is love"(! John 3:28, 4:8) .

Thp [*M«n Sprmon alio in-(-IIKIPB the follnwinjf ptumtge fromthe Christian Sri<>nre textbook,"Siienre and Health with Key tothe Serlptureii" hy Mary BakerWdy: "With onp Father, evenf!ud, the whn|p fnmily of manwoulil tie brethren; ami with oneMinil and (hut <"!"<!, or (food, the1M ntherhood of rnfln would con-sist of I.ovn mid I'mth, and haveunity of FVinripli' am) nplrltimlpower which cunstitnte divineScii'tirp" (p. 4fi(»).


Close Ones On The Diamond» M *



Dr. Emil BUukopfEmil Robert Hlaukopf, -on

of Mr. an.) V<- .<"wph m«»kopf, of •'• i idmevelt Avcnae, rrcer••"! nntim this weekhe hnd lieen (.Mimti'.l A licenseto prartine ,!<-nti»try hy UleNew Jerncy Stntr DcntaJBoard Or Mlnukopf la «graduatr nf the hentftl Schoolat the University of Pennayl-vania, anil before that at-tended Cornell Universityand lornl schools.

Barrtcki Hat Thick WalUThe Knnliah. formerly a palace

and now n hnrrniVs overlookingAlitlerK. h«» wall" 7 feet thick. Promthe wnlla the liexiln of the inltan1!Tietimn were himit. The eelllnga andmarble mlnnm* of the palace fort-reai are nnl,! in he among the fined

nn ,'f Moorish art.

—-Plenne mention thl» paper toadvertisers; it help* you, it helpsthem, it helps your paper.

THK S HARDill- (ilANTS certainly.r'-i all th<> support thaifrirr: nr*» f?ivinjf them this

, fur the way thfy to(Al ,if thcnriflvps and came

of their slump at SI

\nri while they were at it, t h ^,.,n lo b:i-.e knocked nil the ftffh'nplet.•''.• out of the Card*. Th.,.,!« ,,,,in to have forgotten hovwin. "ince. thnne four utraiRhl

!,,,.,; \n<| while we are on th.,., I the (iinnln lire the onh

in cither len^iie who dn notn for synthetic double-head

Htnl they are leading boll'ien in both nt home and onomi attendnnfe.

,, would appear to prove thatif voii put a real team of Hall play,r-< on the field who have the cour•it"' to fllfht to overcome obstacle*'hat would lirk the ordinary team,•uid not. ju»l ii collection of has'"'i.fiR or minor lesfrue players, or:, three rin^ r imw, It pays.

• * •


THE YANKEES seem intin same fix as the CardsTh'y have begun to fold upl'.nily it is due to the factUn1 they have ton many hvpxi'.-rionced players on th<"ro-ii.- for H team nt the top of the


• tendpinchekeen mdoubtfhave

nl pennant tight in only"ii HUC«e«afuMy by veteranwith here and there p«r-

Kikie.i'i M'lice in any sport givesii.'V to ti(fhteii up in themil that's fatal The Van

m find themselves but it«l -\nd they don't, seem to

th. inspiration of s real

p s h i p t.#am. The Tide'shnve it, not only in themselves |,nt

: in t,»e quality of their leadership• • «


oNK FAl?T,T with the Ti-jr'tM, and the fault that nifiyIcTp them from winnin.fr (hn

.pennant i.M th<> old cry of re-: placements. Their most seri-..11M lack is in pi t rhers . At thei indent, writing, they arc carryinginly aeve.n, which is two helow the

iimit oij'whai in considered safe.With the (\f>n days of August at

h.'ind and the strain of tihe stretch'ight of September coming up,

.they will never he able to makejthe (rrade without help for their

i niching- department. In that"•eakness lies the hope of the Yan

| k.'es.The season for hi|r leajruo

tnides is over so Detroit's onlyhope in the recall of a pitcher onoption to a minor league club, or

] for some btyf league club to u k! ivnivers on some aging vetet"nthat Mickey Cochrane can ui»eIjist sea»on Crowder was put i>'ithe market by the Senators amipractically insured Detroit th,

> pennant.| Thin year Mickey is looking f"i| (mother Crowder, hut as yet none1ms appeared. I.uke Hamlin, pllrhing for Milwaukee, might help. He

• i'i on option and can be called innt any time. Steve Larkin and.lake Wade, the latter having rei-i'iitly pitched a no-hitter, nrc inthe same boat.

• * *


PITTSBURGH has souredon Pie Traynor somewhat,

'hut his joh appears safe.iLike all of the late Pitta-

burgh tpams, however,Bnrfl have a tendency tofsrlr out wiien the going1 j» rrrnghThpy owe t.rx>lr ntandinjr in theflr»(' <Hv1«l"n entirply In ib* feenn<l Hividion CIOIM.

The fiitp nt Wnltrr Johnson willprobably b* mettled thin wpek.

•Thorn in to J>o R mectinfr nf thripowem that bo of th* In(linnn nnd(hr ntanilinfr of tho |p«m Arid of.lohnnnn will br tho Ko\r topic ofrnnvfrnnlton, with Johnnon proba-bly rotirintr to hin fArm in M«ry-Irfnd.

Clovplnn't i» too (food » bnseballtown tn hnvo n [oninK temn »nylonifpr. Thr fans thorn deserveb*-tt,pr thirls , nnd with a mgnaiferof the CnrlirHnp lypo. should bo infront this your hy B dozen (fain<>H.On pnpor thoy hnvi- n r u l tpam,bul on Ihf field nomothinK pine

Also the fate of <hr Rruvps willib<> spttloil for thp timo Ivintr. pro-'haWy by thp d u b bHnij takenovpr by thp l


MIRACLE STOREATURDAY, AUG. 3rd. this new store is going to demonstrate to Perth

^ Amboy and the entire County what Real Values are - - Bargains that areI so phenomenal that they cannot be duplicated anywhere!!






Each and every garment made to sell for

$1.00 and moreIncluded are ju»t 64 sample garments, someslightly irregulars that were made to retail at$1.98 — Tomorrow, opening day only. Firstcome first served!


FROCKSCottons — Sheen — Linens — Novelties


Included in this lot are 2 piece linen suit*Miracle Bargains These!


Prettiest Handsomest .97 $0.44 $0.97j U jE^LMlmm^^F^^r MLm^^r SO"": Sre former v*Iues to $6.98. Come

and Sec Our Miracle Opening Specials!* ]


Large Siie«—Reg. Value* of $2.98

Dresses2 FOR $2.98



V«lu«a to



lOfiOO Fans JamSpeedway StandsFor Dunn's Debut

Saved by a threat, of rainlast night from an overflowcrowd which ho could nothave handled, but jubilantbecause his first auto race.-(how at the Speedway at-Irncted 10,000 thrill-hunjrry fans,l>i<"k Dunn thin morninfr plungedinto plans to seat an even bifturerthronff next week.

Four sections of the. Speedwaystands—-room for 2,800 more cus-tomexft—ami all thp boxen needrehabilitation before they'll be ap-proved for public u« \ Even lastnight, the fans kppt spilling intothose sections despitp the vifrl-lanre of volunteer firpmpn. Atthat, hundreds hnil to he reroutedinto the. infield.

It was remarried a smashingsuccess anil s tribute both toI>unn's mnstery as a promoter andJoe Heller'* dofrfjedness in stick-ing n( the Speedway until hefound the key to biffger find bet-ter crowds,

R . c r . P .ck WallopAs for the races themselves,

tlx-v packed a wallop. The 20-mile feature, won eventually byHo. McKenzie, had to be restartedinter a three-car collision in thelii si .start among Eldridge Tad-lock, .Jack Moon and Chuck Ta-bor Tabor came back IaU-r tofinish third in the feature behindlioh Sail. Vern OrendufT wasfourth and Fred Winnai, fifthThe time was 19:22.3. Tabor

iagain roared around the half-mileI oval in 27.fi in the qualifying afifth of a second off the late JoeRUSSO'.K dirt track record.

Tadlnck, a new driver fromNorfolk, Va., won the cunsola-tmti Only three cars finishedthat one as Rob Sail's motor blewout on the 7th lap and spins of

I assorted variety eliminated a halfdozen more riders,

II Ted Horn won the helmet dashHe was clocked in 2:20.6 for thefive lapa. Tabor was second, Mc-Kenzie third.

The fast car heat went to MeKenzie, with Horn and Tabortrailing in 4:41.7. Sail, FVankieBailey tind OrendufT finished thesecond five-miler in that order,and Winnai won the third. JohnMoretti and Moon were secondand third.

R|,,,r!prU In Hurt

trntiir" o"11 mnT*mlierv mnn'ifiiftn™, t

fari 3^

In Haw to HMIC

of othtrl« norntl.



PERTH AMRovP . A . -1 ;>.-,(

[The LEADING FOOD MARKET of PERTHAMBm| W h « n -M'Wting y o u r m««U for Sunday d innn ]\,' b e minlpH l>v price* on c h e a p m«»U. At thi» 1.-1,1,Imarko t v"» **•• r ionett we igh t p l m qual i ty M-,-V;, , ' , ' ' "

[low prirp« It p»y« to chop h«r« .A X E L ENGMARK M


RibROAST 21 c








ChoppedMEAT 12 LB








I. MANN & SONOptometrists


Daily10 to 12,2 to 5 and

7 to 8Wednesday

10 to 12only


every other dealer to show|you a value like this!"T'M still waiting for some other1 auto <k-aler to match this sedanfor value! My challenge includesevery car regardless of price or size.

"TOQ many people think theyhave to buy one of the lowest pricedcars in order to stay within theirmeans. They never even dream o(looking at a Studebaker. What apity to deprive themselves of a car;they cau easily afford!

"This 1935 Studebaker Cham-pion pictured here is a car youiwouldn'c even mention in the sameibreath \vith the lowest priced. Itsjbody is steel reinforced by steelfrom wheels to roof panels. It hascompound hydraulic brakes. It'sinches roomier than any compa-rably priced car. It's luxuriouslyupholstered, fitted and finished.And ic's engineered and constructedby the best men in the automobileindustry.

"Yet it delivers completelyequipped in this city for only a triflemore than the lowest cost Cars.Come in and try ourthe cars tod seeror yourself why I so confidentlyhalleuye anyone in town to matchhis Studebaket value!"

oraplet* NHk 21 M V M « w t r » " -uch ai Mmuljc br»ke§,|tt«t reinforcedf steel body, automatic ri^a Coonul,umpen, bumpK f uaxds, Span t in andb d i l i



• INI|_Tt« Si"'"


, R,tschy HeadsMark's Groop


I Far CardB« Held

! n r r .it their home] "f the rhri<t>ninijHanuhler. Anna ,'

Inn! ».-R.

. to arrange the,,nrty September 1R


« t Hln-i r In honor

«r Imby, Th« in

„, huptinod at\the fWrP,!"-irt Slm-.k Church V R-v A; -"'<'"">, with Mr».\Jamr!, ,|

Mitt Kammiki To WtdWalter Zyn Auguti 17

Saturday, A t * , , * 17, haa b««n<et by M I M Row Kaminikl, d.ujrh-<•• of Mr and Mr* F d w . n l Ka

•ninnki, of R«M R,hway, for h«r


held by the Dagrrku Church ha« be«n

Mm. NellieMrs. Henry

u p Dalrymploi;,Mif(ri> Swpngon, The• ".as made at theI|,I. inr ip ty held Friday

i,, tmniP of M m . Rirhnrri..f wlieplpr Avenue.

, iHi and 9upper. 11 n tr n-Bfl followed by «i i-ard pramps, The fol, (irpsont Misn HPIPH

.i: i linrU'i ("ranp, MIM\1ul>. ilnll. Mrs. John

Willinm Rnpp, Mr",'in. Mri Ol iver Glenn.

f 1 1 • V ,

it In-line l>gnovan, Mrin! Mrs- Dalryrnple. The• .>>(r »f the eluW will ho

home (if Mrs. DonnVHii.• Hriffhton. Staten Isl

Girls In Group \To Kiddie Camp"virifttp Rodnar, Board

\'urnf, took aevpntecn• n thp horoug-h to thp.p Wplt Camp »t M<-n!oWi'dnesday. This (froup

•mi thorp for the mnnthr, micoppdlng' a group ofhoys who npent July

l>i are:'nkr>, Hplen Doban. ('ath-lirownki. Aeries Joneo,*ur, Sophie Mnrciniak,

mil, Lillian and AlbertaMarion Pugilia, Rose

•lyn Sagar, Julia Stima,Strom, Elizabeth and

• Stropka and Irene Kol-


Jl John U r b a n fcf AvnnnlnL-! "Tli« Gn««ti '

I resent at the party w « H« ' u » n d Mrs. John U r b a < Mr.

"ml Mr, Fr .ncU F i b , M r V n dw™. ,ln«Pph Dolinich, ConnpilnXn«"'! Mr, Jame, r.ukach and .Ml'Iren. Unis* , Marie and Vernnira^ ,,n.| Mrs. Georee Sidnn ,,nfi'I«IIITM..M. Marie and Irene. Mrsi.pi.rc- I'nistrtirn snd son, Albertin . ! rn ,nriB and William «nn, „,

:'hr ho4t and }

Miss Rote KielmanBride Lati Week

marrta** to WalUr 2ytk, stm «tMr*. R. 0. Zyuk, of M«rc«r Straat.thin borflufti. Th« caramon? *iub« parfornsH at 1(1 o'clock in th«morning by R«v r>r. Joseph Dila-doni part or of th« Holy FamflfRoman Catholic Chnrch.


and IfrtL Brnwt Walt utdr>n«t, Jr., • * • NonMa,

returned to UMIT hom» In!hav,

Atlantic utrmt aftar tp»nHlnf aw»»k at. Orean

ENJOY SHORE DINNER ;W H Altr. Rarftar of WatWt-

ton Avanu* rM hostaas to * •Junior D*uc><<i>ra o f s t Ha*k'«

"<xhi on a trip t» th*

hr- «taUr Mrrtl., Mtai

1 i'ii«n O F M B M .

•here whetriwr, Th»

•V hart S ft*"ip inelwM i


TWftj-ori memtiera of HM>-|th«


* lUbakfth Lodf* «f*tait«i Mr*. Jowpa J<

AvatiM Waadgtrt travallnr inMrs. Jnmo nfirreHgha formerly lived in lrand »•»• formerly nobla

The marriage of Misa RoseKielman, daughter of Mr. andMrs. I&nfttiu« Kielmmi of 7-i Ixi-well Street, to Joseph Bfcbitaky of106 Shsrot Street, both of Car-teret, took place Saturday Theceremony was performed at St.Demetrius Ukrainian Church bythe paitor, Rev. John llumliak,and was attended by a Inrvc num-ber of friends of thp l>nd<> andbridetrroom.

i Mian Helen Bahitsky was themaid of honor and Mr Babitnky

jw»s attended by Stephen Terebetaky ai best man.

Women Havenny Park Outing

:ir of the many recent<>f borough organizations

i of the Indies' HungarianCircle, which was held at

Park, Those who attendedMr. and Mr» George Yu-.irid daughter, Irma, Mr.

Mr Stephen Babies, Mrs. E.mid daughter, Margaret,

licmak, Mrs K Varga, Mm.• I inar, Mrs. M. Bajehar, Mrs.• MI Kalaah, Mr and Mrs. Mi-

T"th and (Inujrhtvr, Lillian,Mex Such,and Mrs Stephen Palinkas

11lighters, (lizella and Mary,.Hid Mrs. Stephen Fabian and

. • • ' I T , Mary, John Yuronka,Hid Mrs. John Barney and

• 'era, Rhoda and Arsnka,\'.ox Persely.

Mitt Stanback Buried;Was Mrs. Hirt', Sister

Funeral services were holdWednesday afternoon for MiuAnn* Staubaeh, fifty-five, ofNewark, sinter of Mrs. Hugo Hirtof this borough. Miss Staubaehdied suddenly Sunday while onh«r way to visit a friend in WestOrange. The services were con-ducted at 2 o'clock at the Funeralparlora of Harry Huelsenbeck onSouth Orange Avenue, Newark,and burial was in HollywoodCemetery, Hillside. •

Miu Maltreder WedTo John Starek

The marriage of Minn MaryMaJtreder, daughter of Mr. andMrs. Rudolph Maltreder of 20Duffy Street, to John Starek, sonof Mr. and Mrs. Peter Starek of95 Pulaaki Avenue, took placeJuly 2ft. The ceremony was per-formed at St. Elizabeth Hungar-ian Roman Catholic Church hy thepaJtor, Rev Julius Kiss. MissTheresa Kazmer wan the maid ofhonor and Adam Starek acted asbest man. The couple are now athome at 1 Charles Street.

hnerci Servicet HeldJOT Mitt Kuzniak

neral services were held• lay for Miss Katherine Kuz-

twenty-two years old, of 49•n Street, who died Saturday•! John's Hospital, Brooklyn"•erviM* were conducted fromhome st !):30 o'clock and

i. St. Demetrius UkrainianIi by Rev. John Hundiak at•lock. Burial was in Rosehill

.fiery, Linden.li-i.t Kuiniak is survived by her• Hariy Kuzniak, three

•tiers, Stephen, Michael and' three sisters, Mrs Msry Pa-hyn of Linden, Mrs. Anna.. of Bound Brook and Mrs

a Maloney of New York



SIwalnut finish. A

«flfici«nt in

^AL tow jr .95

C. H. S. '33 WillHold Reunion Soon

The class of 1933 Carteret highschool will hold a class reunion,probably on the night of Friday,August lti. More than half of themembers of the class met T<V-i-day night to make preliminary ar-rangements for the event. A com-mittee to carry on the work wmnamed as follows: Krward Galva-nek, chairman; Dudley Kahn, Wil-liam Connolly, George Armour,Francis Koepfler, Murjorie Ag-new, Adele Byrne and Mary Fish-er. Several resorts where the re-union might be held wvre discuss-ed and the committee will inves-tigate each as to terms anil fitness,and report at another meeting tobe held Tuesday night, August 6,in the DUIUUKII Hall.

Daughters Of PocahontasAttend Amboy Meeting

A delegation of members ofBright Kyes Council, Daughters ofP.niilninta.i. attended the installa-tion of officers of Mohawk Councilof Perth Amboy Friday night.Those in the party were; Mrs.Elizabeth Kathe. Mrs. Fred Stau-bai'h, Mrs. Daniel Rea.ion, Mia.Edward Struck, Mrs. Harry Yet-mari, Mrs. Hairy Gleckner, Mrs.Jharles Morris. Mrs. Walter Vo-lah and Mrs. Frank Andres,


Outing At Farm

;i A and Cunningham]RADIO TUBES

•••- Li>t i Your Choic*(> 6 5 . £ack

The First Slovak AmericanCitizens' Club held an outing atToth'e faim in the East Rahwaysection Sunday afternoon at whichthere was a program of games,

ifit', dancing and entertainment.Mayor Mittuch/ CommissionersGeorge Bensulok and Joseph Gul-vanek were among those who at-tended.

.70• IS

[HADIO and REPAIRS'•>!l Elizabeth 2-8900*



31. at Eli*. AT*.F.UZABETH


Communion service will be heldin St. Mark's Episcopal ChurchSunday at 9:45 A. M. Rev. Or-ville N. Davidson of South Riverwill be in charge.


of A l l CarteretBorough in the PT*M, the

most widely read paperb Cvteret






All Are Authentic NewAdvance Winter Styles,with Paris Approval forthe Season, 1935-1936!

WE do not profen to be mir-

acle men, and to bring yon

exaggerated, unheard of bar-

gains. We do say that the

fur coats offered in this ad-

vance tale offer tremendous

savings. The prices are defi-

nitely lower than they will be

at any other time during this

year! There is no magic

back of the idea . . . it is pure

logic. Furriers have little to

keep them busy during the

Spring and Summer. They

welcome orders. They give

special prices tp induce or-

ders. We have better than

ordinary connections, a n d

get the cream of the market.

A bona fide saving of at least

25% on every coat purchas-

ed during the sale!

Buy Your Fur Coat on OurLay-Away Plan

It make* ownership of one of thesemagnificent fur coat* to ea*y. Pay aitmall deposit now, and make periodicpayment* at your convenience. We'llstore your coat FREE OF CHARGE —and when the cold days arrive you'llmeet them in style with hardly a dentin your budget. And if you own a furcoat, we'll make you a liberal allowanceon it toward the purchase of a new 1936Fur Creation.


OLD FUR COATTransformed into a new


Perfect matching . . . .expert craftsmanship . . . .careful manipulation ofthe »kin:> • these are as-sured when A. Green-house remodels your furcoat.

The retult . . . . a crea-tion new in stylfc — re-freshed in beauty — yourold fur transformed intothe very »ni*rte»t of ad'vanced models.

And thu at a cost solow as n> be practicallynegligible

Trade In You* Old CoatBring '""• °W furt whin

coming tu bur i^V <m««. A.Cr**n|kau><i i. lttm*d for hi*radical palky •( awking lib.r-

•llawm'<)«t's* oU fun.

Below Is Only a PartialList of the Values to BeHad! Study.. Compare.,and You'll BUY!


Beige and brown lapin, ^beautiful black aealine, newcollar treatments. |


Fine, silky, black Caracul: 5Silver Muskrat, Kid-skinaand Fine Dark Muskrat.


Rich, warm raccoons.American b r o a d t a i l ,pony-skins.


Fine Hudson seal, all-ver fox trimmed cara-culs, leopard cat. *175LOOK WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR

Hudson m l , squirrelkrimmer, caittcul, withsilver fox, '

195 Smith StCORNER



CARTERET PRESSn, $1.60 Prr Your

nart«r*t H 11™

Published hv C«rt«ro1 I'r'i



Entered ai ••eond HUM Matter Jnne fi,1914, at Carteret. N, J , Port OfTi-e, nnrlwtrw Art of March's, 1R7P

r 4ppontfmentThe controversy over the creation o

the new Recorder's Court which has beeanticipated ever njnce the innovation wa;first diwusspd, has materialized.

Police Justice Louis T. Kovacs has annoiini-od he will contest tho actfon of thBorough Council in replacing the tribunaover which he presided with the Recorder*s Court, and the subsequent appointmerit of David S. Jaroby to function therein.

We hope there will be no prolongslitigation and personal animosity over th•witch. If Mr. Jacoby is to serve the Borough, as It is the obvious desire of thCouncil that he should, he cannot do hbest work if he is to he harried and harawed by the belligerence of those oppotved to the new municipal department.

The position of Recorder is no easy joand its perfect functioning is of the hijrheimportance to the welfare of the Boroughand its citizens. Mr. Kovacs is entitled tohis day in court and if he has been wrong-ed he should be given every considerationwhich the laws allow. But after the matterhas been decided we hope it will end there.

One In

atch hmaflt I."

'IP t*Cl.

I he l>n"The ..•

"» M> P"


«s, selfish or ttnsklllpd!

!<t faster than deat.li curs.

»r form of human elo-1

•rful, hut l ike SRUI, it;



TruIMIB t h i l l

haven'tfeed in jr

This is the tinwilling-in inility of » tar nwrmr

•• car in s/tii shnpp.ito Is a nil-i'lv bnlanced mechan-ic to be krpt in balance. Theyli' tho car y*'t thnt requires only

f water, oil and jran. Neglectedam or cars too ajred to be kept In flhape

develop troubles that let death ride en th«run-hoard. Prinrtpntly, there is the perilof had hrakrs. You could finance a ceme-tery as large a« Enaex county on the badbrakes' concession. Next to that are tiresithat are worn out and love to go bangwhen you are doing BO miles. Wheels outof true, steering gears needing adjustmentand other faults of neglect figure also."

Those coming within cither categoryshould be barred from the road and al-though such action would indict a realhardship on many, it would, a* The Callpoints out, be "better than to have themdie horribly and kill other persons too."

The Tax ProblemExtraordinary conditions require

traordinary measures to meet them.



This tenet is equally true wherever itmay be applied. The scheme of A?ting TaxCollector Alexander Comba to clean up de-linquent taxes is one of the best examplesof the operation of this theory, receipts forthe Borough treasury having jumped ma-terially since interest charges have beencut from 8ix to five per cent. There can beno question but that this extraordinarystep has been responsible.

Mr. Comba is to be congratulated forthe initiative and imagination he display-ed in connection with this phase of theBorough's business. These are odd timesand if we are to keep our municipal headabove water we must be continually on thealert lest we be inundated by the waves ofthe economic depression.

In connection with this discussion of af-fairs in the tax office We would be lax infailing to mention the fine civic spiritwhich has prompted the Benjamin Moore& ('ompany to again pay its levies in ad-vance. This concern, without loud fan-fare, has demonstrated its willingness toco-operate completely in the operation ofthe Borough and to it is due a loud hurrahfrom all the citizens.

Dear Editor: The cat i» all better again- Scrog-gin» didn't even have to get no Sea doctor. Youremember the cross-eyed cat wan all swelled up lastweek from eatin' too much turtle soup, I thoughthe's ftmn' to kick iji all nine of hi» lives. It's somesurprise to me when I see hinVskippin' along with

the other day."What cured th« cat?" I was all steamed up to

dial out.

i i u

Iwljr pI t l l t » O f l « l | t p i o

can nattf** w e flintnf imcitlnir «„.

1N OHANCRRY (IF kv 'B e t w w n (IRlJTItu.']

Compla inant . nn<t T . \ \ | iI!A. TWomlRnt. F"| y•;, ."f mnrtir*ira<t pru, , : , . ';l i . mars.My v t r t u * rtf Oil' ( l !

w r i t . In m» i l l r n l M , , , , ] ' ',w i l l f>«|in» In null, t,. ,,.

] . i ,


til t wo o'clock |T lmf in Hi. urtfrn(I«y. at tli» «hprlrClly of N m l i n m m

All trip fo l lowing ,of IRTKI anil pri'inK.ipart li-ulnrly Hrn-r\h-.\In* and tiding In i hi.MfinriK*. In llm <<hnnii-n n d a t » t » or N<.»- i , ,nnil descr ibed «« f. i: ,

HE<J1NN1N(] in n....rrinpfri P|«tnn on tiof th» road l«nrilnr rPlntnii lo Cranburv siIlif n o r t h w m i i T i y i-.,llt.nwn*»tl bv KdWHrii vvmnnltiK from Dim.•,. ,d l r f c l l o n alf>nn tin ,;.

nUI n u d fcrlv fnM1



"AIJ Timnrw Ukrainian Church Membert, (Hd Inner SchM Btuy Tmt Of lt

"A cop cured the cat," says Scroggins with a


"One of them First Aid Cops?""Maybe he's a first aiiler" said Scroggins, "but

t ain't no first aid gystem he used on the cat Hejust frightened the poor rat back into good health."

"Waa he a ugly cop?"•"Well, middlin' but it ain't hiB bad looks cured

the cat it's the way he was runnin' to get home an'when he turned into Lincoln avenue he all but runover the cat. That cat made one jump up a tree buthe waa so sick from turtle wup ?aa he fell out o'the tree an1 the fall knocked all the gas out Catwas good as new after that fall."

"Where'd the cop been?""Up in Eahway. Some says ha was orderin' a

cheap job o'jmntin' »"' some says he was learnin'tlie ways of the Rahway cops. Anyways he was ina hurry an' that'* what cured the cat, 80 I'm gladhe was in a hurry."

"Cops gets into funny jams don't they1!"

"Sure do. One tried to raid the Lone Vega Clubby crawlin' in the window of the men's room. Well,he got into the men's room without no trouble butthe door to the club room was locked. He had atough time gettin' out again."

"We need cops, though," I said, "because thatnew guy Dewey in New York is go in' to chase alot o' crooks over to Jersey."

"Sure we need cops. We got a lot o' good oneshere but we need more. Lookut the way the gang-ettra kidnapped Maxie and held him for ransom."

"Gee! I didn't hear nothin' about that I"

"You always was slow nndin' things out. lthappened a week ago. Maxie was closin' up an' ablanch with a car offered to take him home accounthis dogs ain't much good. Maxie jumped «t the ridebecause it was free. Well, instead o' takin' himhome they drove all over the state an,' finally gothim into Pondicherry Lodge . . . "

"You're nerti," I says, "Pondicharry Lodg«is a place in one of the Sherlock Holmes stories—'Si«n of the Four,' I think."

"Well, maybe it was Fountain Lodge Inn orsome place, anyways it'a up Rahway way an' theyheld Maxie there for ransom."

"What did they ask for ransom?""He had to treat the bunch; they was eight of

'em." Scrbgginu sat thinkin' a minute. "It's plentytough about these here gangsters. Another bunohof 'em took Fred Meyers'B car after he, got it allpainted up like a barber pole. They pushed it downto the ferry an' nearly into the sound. The cops got

Wins Gun Club Shoot"Rugged Individualiem" Re-

place* Group Work; 22High Score

The shoot held by theMeadow Rod and Gun Clublast Sunday was a "contestof rugged individualism," inwhich an old-timer, AdamSchrimp of Perth Amboy,came out second. Mr. Schrimp'g.score was 22, that of the leader,Hans Beckman, member of theCarteret club, 28. This afore-mentioned Mr. Schrimp is the sameone who smashed 800 clay pigeonswithout a miss at Madison .SquareGarden five years ago.

Aattendance at the shoot was-unexpectedly high, because a'larire percentage of the borough'spopulation had gone off on an-other outing. *

Other. HilhOther high scores out of the.

possible twenty-five joints vn-u>the 21 rung- up by Frank llt-n-nctt of Mill town and New Brimswick, whj tied with' AI Roll ofRailway,--jalao "a member of Hit'loi'iil cluW

"thereof the twenty-five p.T-SOIIK prMtttwho took part in the'content were: Clinton Wisdom,score 19} William Van Bremerand Dan, Sullivan, IK each; Her-bert (Cittley) Sullivan, 17; PeterSivon, lrfj^Charles Schaefer, 15.

Another- "shoot will be heldlater this Qtofith.

Considerable activity at St. De-metrius Ukrainian Church now oc-cupies (he members of that con- jgregation. l-abor Day the twenty-fifth anniversary of the churchwill be celebrated, starting withdivine services at 10:30 o'clock.Dinner at 1 will follow, with musicby the church choir, and dancingafterward. Members of the sister-hood will arrange the dinner andWasyl Kaskiw is arranging themusical progTam. Trustees of the(fhurch will have general charge

f the cele-bration.

Sunday the Ukrainian Sister-'bxiod and the Ukrainian American

Reunion Next ThursdayThe Class of 1928 of Carteret

High will hold its second reunionnext Thursday night, at RadleyLodge in Westfield. All membersof the class will me«t at the bor-ough hall at 8 o'clock antt go in abody. From the advance reserva-tions, more than 40 members ofthe class are expected to attend.The committee headed by JohnIhnat consists of Joseph Gaydos,Joseph Turner, Hiss Frances Sar-zillo and Miss Floryce Brown.


I .__[Eligibility Certificttioiu

Roll (hit At Rite Of150 A Day


bridK<'-<'arii-rot KRA bureauire ronct'iitrntrd on the ta ik

of certifying dijribility of re-lief clients for jolts under thenew Works Progress Ad-ministration, Miii ('. C. Clauring,bureau supervisor, will today. .

The complex form" required Dythe WPA -listing age. experience,physical qualifications an(l familyresponsibilities—«re twine com-pleted at the rate of ISO a day,she snid. "Everything else hagbeen put aside so that the bureauran do its share in speeding thenew program,' Miss Clausing stat-

" She strewed the fact that fil-ing of these eligibility certifica-tions for employable relief recipi-ents la the only connection theERA.hu with the WPA. Beyond:hat, Mia» Clausing declared, the ( wminm A. A iiprnirbureau can not assign nor recom-mend that specific men be givenjobs on the cash wage projects.

Rolll Han LowerRelief rolls here are consider-

ably lower1 than their peak but Aslight rise has been noticeable dur-ing- the last two months, the su-pervisor said. Currently there are4,588 men, women and childrenon relief in Woodbridge, and 740in Carteret. This is well belowthe number three years ago whenmore than 8^00 were being fed,housed and clothed by the gov-ernment.

There were 1,800 Woodbridgefamilies on the rolls at that time.Today the number has shrunk to1,145.

n ntHk.. n M . |f lot now h< K1

Int uniitht h i r t yformerly pnlntftlmid ninety llnkn tof lot forj f r l y

«»v»n clurrum nml i n , . | iH t n w n t foriy n\> f,

nn<l ihim1

RidiculousFor no apparently good reason, Car-

teret wound up in back of the eight ball sofar as allotments of Federal WPA fundsare concerned.

lt is true, of course, that by using stan-dards upon which other requests weregranted that this Borough's projects wereexceedingly practical and necessitous. Evi-dently they were entirely too sane to meritthe consideration of the Washingtondreamers who do most of their judgingstrictly by ear. While $110,000 can be al-lotted to Perth Amboy to beautify a highBchool site which will never be used, Car-teret cannot get a paltry sum for a parkand similar other beneficial improvements.

There was obviously no rhyme or rea-son in the selection of the municipal proj-ects which will receive Federal aid. Wood-bridge gets money for two parka and Car-teret is completely ignored when it asksfor a little help for one; Woodbridge gets |h s "ng* r p r in t a 0> o n e of '*mran ' M y s he htt* r e d


Clovers DefeatedBy Brave* A. C. 8-3

The ('artervt Clovers werebeaten at Woodbridge over theweek-t'tul by the Braves A. C, gto 3. A four-run lead in theopening frame by the townshipteam proved too great a handicapfor the Clovers to overcome asthey lost their first game in threeweeks.

Next Sunday the Clovers willplay the Amboy Cubs at home.

The box score:Closer, (3)

O t z Club, along with otherchurch organizations, will hold anouting to Rye Beach, starting im-mediately after the 7:30 A. M.service at the church.

Also on the calendar of thisparish ia the coming conventionof the League of Ukrainian Clubs,which i» to he held August 3t andSeptember 1 and 2 at the NathanHale School, for which the Uk-rainian Social Club will be hosts.Walter Wiidiak is general chairman of arrangements, and has alarge committee assisting him.

County Finally CommencesWashington Ave. Repairs

Carteret has finally comein for a share in county roadrepair work. Men have beenengaged in resurfacingWashington avenue this weekand expect to proceed alongthat thoroughfare to upperRoosevelt Avenue. Theseroads have needed repairs forBom« time and have long beena matter of concern to thestreet and road committee ofthe Borough Council.

Picnic Is PlannedSeveral Democratic units in theborough were represented lastnight at a meeting in the Kosci-uszko club in Union street tomake arrangements for a picnicto he held September 8 in Mark-wait's (irove. Present at the meet-ing were: Anthony Marciniak ofthe KoHciuszko Democratic Club,Frank Cselle of tht? Fjanklin I).Roosevelt Club. Stephen Jacobsami John Teleposki of the Hun-garian IVmocratic Club, AmbroseMuiliak of the Young Democrats,ami John K Donahue of the Gen-eral Democratic Organization.The group will meet again in thesame club house Thursday night

I of nt'jjt week to complete plansfor the picnic.

nrul rp^urrted in dip Mi,>.11- C l f rK 'n Off).•<• n,, I,, .Monk KSO nf Dpi.,), f.,r .]mgr 2in.

Tli#> n iMi roxImnt f :ur .<frcr#'*» lo h«« natUfleil •ta f l ip mim of line 1 lin,! ,' i t in i l r r* ! and t hirT v .!. :( I O I l o f r M h a r w i t h n , ,

T'ni - Ih 'r with ur ,,. iI lip r!Rh(w. prtvlli-K. « i .nml iiptnirtBimnn-' u . . ,limR or In anywl«» nvl,,


(" P. 8-2. 9, 16. 23



—R«twe«n THKn i l l l . D I N a 1X)ANof H a r t e n t . N. J,.Compla inant , and n . 11 mw i d o w . r>«f«ndant. ! • ,nal* of fnoflRRKPd [>].Ju ly 1«. 1VS5.Ry virtue of thr ,1, ,^. . ...

Wri t , lo b« fl1reot«l «i,l . i , . ! , , , ,Wfll PJPOM (q ulc III ;. i.i<lu« onW E D N E S D A Y , THK : m i ; . , ,

AUGUST. A. U. NINi'r. • !H U N D R E D THI^tT^ \ ivi-

al t w o o'clock HavliK'i' s,Tlm» In lh<! »rtprri'».ii - •day, at the Sheriff . , mii ,City of N e w Brunuwt.-k s i

AI.I. I h o l e rrrUIn -:- t r , >parre l s of l»nr] ami invm: , , .Hie, l y i n g and b«liiK li, " , |\nhip of WoodhridK*' hi ti . r,,nf M l d d l o n x and Siuir r \ . ."Y

Known and dfilfnuU.Nl •ta in m a p of prnperiv .-ntiil.,1uf Rectlon No. t HIIKIMM:MI H,W n o r l b r l d n Townxlilp, MUM("nunty. New Jfriicv 15_•". I,,n.

Civil Knglmrrn IHtrc«(. P«rth

REV. HEGYI(Continued from page 1)

der Comba, also of Hungarian ex-traction and himself a member ofMr. Heicyi's church, voiced thesame regret at his impending de-parture by saying: "I am verysorry to see Mr. Hegyi leave. Weregard the work he has accom-plished here highly and we willmiMs him and Mrs. Hegyi verymuch."

Cam* From EuropeMr. Hegyi came to Carteret di-

rectly from Hungary, succeedingRev. Dr. Charles Vincte, who hadbeen assigned to a Perth Amboychurch. He and his wife havebeen very active in administering I Q(

AJ;° ^JJ°,^n.,a*vN

the affairs of the parish, bothteaching Bible study classes dur-ing the Hummer. Both recentlyreturned from a trip to Hungaryin which Mr. Hegyi sought recup-eration from a long illness. Hestated one reason for acceptingthe offer abroad was that he felthis health would be further im-proved by residence in Hungary.

Tickets are now being sold forthe picnic which this church willhold at Varady's Grove in FordsAugust U. Mr. Hegyi has chargeof all arrangements, and bus ser-vice is being provided.

s. 1.m ihl

lot numbera i«--t w e n t y nine U"i


d*cr« to b« iat

In hlnc-k mi

!u ,„,

If 1. A B 'Kohn, 88, p 3Pa.sz.low»ky, If, as 4Roman, 1,0 .... 3J. T w b e c k v of..... • 2Jim Reako, c ..;.... 3Joe Besko, 2b .. . . . . . ' 3P. Terebecki, rf 3Musiyka, 3b ..._ 3G. Reako. p 0M i h if I'.'*;;; i

nBravat A. C. (8)

g g$17,000 for a high school stadium and thisBorough gets nothing.

Mr. Roosevelt and his boys had. ?4,800,000,000^0 spend and their only deter-mination was to get it sperit and as quk-k-ly*as possible without any regard whatso-ever for the welfare of the people who aregoing to have to pay the bill. There was nodiscretion, no careful judgment, no respectfor the wishes of the people themselves.

If this crazy WPA program doesn'tprove a boomerang to the administration

the end a lot of people are going to be"ly mistaken,

Sfudijr CM1 showafttoHMrbfe accident


ty Them Offat the disposal of the Newark

ly one in 10,000lUMd by the ma-

are directly

hair."Scragging is like the phantom. He finds out

ubout all kinds nf terrible things "There's thatpeepin1 Tom case" he says. "That'll another argu-ment for more cops. Of course tha cops ketchedthat guy an' he gut fined ten buclu an1" some coats.

He'd .been a nice-looldn' corptt'if the lady'shuxband grabbed him instead of the oops.

"Know anymore newsT" I like to pump Scrog-gina when he'd in the humor to talk.

"Not much tl.se," h« said, exqept they might besome fun Then kzy gets back from Swan take.While he's away si.me guy built a garage up againsthis pants factory go's Iizy won't be able to openthe door, hardly. Iizy might bite the guy, maybe."

The cat had been anoopin' round the neighbor-hood an' come along just then with a good-sitedgold fljsh in big jaw-,.

"Look out, Bd uggins, that cat might get nick•gain. Gold tiki is aumethln' like sea* turtles."

"Naw, gold fish won't hurt him. He eats all theones Ted 1'fennig . an't bring to life. Ted's losin'

Zick, 2b _.. ,Jeglenski, as 3Kosci, p

d :::d, c...:.Waney, cf




• 0f>0

Niihl Air Cl.«n..tThe age-old belief that night air

U nnhealthful persists despite thefact science hat proved it Is thedaaoest tod purest to be had Intoe IA houn Not only does It con-tain leas dust, smoke, humidity andorganic gaaes bat It possesses 80per cent more radioactive matterthan day air.—Collier's Weekly.

Stumph, lb ..ZZZl 1 0


T U Fit v M i l . ActTbe five-mile act was an act kaowrj

U the Olareudou or Oxford actp i t t ed by parliament In 16*55. It pro-hibited any clergyman ejected fromMl Urlng In 1662 by tbe enactmentof the act of uniformity from ap-proaching nearer than tlve miles ofany town, city, or parish where heformerly preached. The^ peualty fordisobedience was 40 pounds. It was• severe blow to tbe Puritans.

Acet Halt 9th InningRally, Beat Alpines A. C.

Staving off a ninth inning rally,the Aces defeated the Perth Am-boy Alpina, 1 to 'A, at Perth Am-boy Sunday afternoon. The Alpinsafter BCoring one run had the ty :ing run on second base when thegame ended.

The box score:Ac« (4)

ABMarczi, 2b 4G. Baksa, ss 4Colsran, 3b 4Van Deventer, cf 3FrankowBki, c 3Donovan, If „. 4Smith, if 3Trusiak, p,'..... gC. Baksa.'lb 2


C. 80 4P. A. A lp iu / 'S ) ;

Harzynski, as _._ 6 0Laval, cf ;: 5 0Wickley, U 1 6 0Almo, lb _ i 0Stanzig, 2b 4 1Russin, rf 4 1A. Sadowaki, c 4 0CibrowBki, &b _... 4 0L. Sadowaki, p 2 1

87 3The Bcore by innings:

$15,000 In Local TaxesDeemed Dead, Not $1,500

, In the interest of accuracythe Carteret Press wishes tomake the following correc-tion: In the issue of lastweek, July 26, in an accocntof the situation of the bor-ough's tax collections and as-sessments, it was stated in theheadine that $1,500 was con-sidered uncolectable. Thefigure ahould have been f IB -000, as it appeared in thebody of tne story,

Stephen BabyakDin

of 67 Pulaski Avenue, died*ye£twday at 2 A. M. in his horn ~was a resident of Carteret f

and was widely known

• Helen Kovacs * twoand

the gum of Two Thou«uml ;inHundred and Ninny Imli.n(91)0(1). log«th*r with thf •ihla ial«.

Tofffther with all an<l •ir rlrhti, prlvllefea, !>

rnrnta and appurltnanrc- ii hrlnniirlng or In any^

UlnlnKALAN H. Kl.v


r. P. s-J. 9, ii. ss.

of ItiMill- i


I»3J—Ford Tudor. Hla. k I • ••Urea and mtclianii.i '

I'pholBlnry clean

1»J4—Ford Coup« iFlv.New l lr« . Womli-rful

car. Mechanically perf . imileage.

SS—Dod(« Coupe.excellent. Mechgnicc a l i v i - - - i i - <

U31—Fordor Town•torlna- rood and

chanlcal coadlll^n|i-rf,.

A 1-urK.ti

1J»J—Ford ChaaiU. Tina*uacaAte#d DArf«ct mci-ii

Don't m i « this bargainntrallv

. . . . . - R o a d i t f r . Mi-.-liai..-parfect: n«w tlrei; l»i« : "

portatlon for*

1110—«tud«baker, 5 paiiM-iik'.-rLu«« 8«dan. A WOIHIITM '

the family. N«w paint Tin-* it- upholttery. At a bargain.

l i l l — f o r d Roadfter. H'-N>w \.TU. Don't ml«»

P»n«l D.llveryReady for a t>u»

StR o m a nr h J * ^ * R o m a n Catholif

Church and of two societies, th«' yap"> Hungarian Society of

0 y ' n d B r * n '^ No. 3v a n Society ot N«*funeral will be held

ith i

TAy fu

tomorrow withE l b h '™. "ir , w n n services

- - Hilizabeth's Church at 1<A?e? - W>0 002 0 2 0 - 4 Interment will be "ttA 1 P i n g 010 000 0 1 1 - 3 Cemetery, Woodbridge.

in St.10 A. M.


Borough Officials

27 8 11The store by innings:

* ! E ? « > 0 080 f>-8401 008 ^

faae Mt - PiiJoStruck oub-By G. R««ko 6Ko » B b l

some of bit


up dead fuh."flah i

over t* the hash-to eat; We c«%


yo 6; byBy G. R««ko 6; by

Kosci ». Baw on ball»_Crff 0Resk» 4; •***$* '


Joseph W. Mlttuch

Bor«Mfh Coimeil

William Greenwmld

Michael Yaickcaky

Berculea Bills

Pr. H. L. Stnndberx

Philip Ttok

Jtainea J, Lukach

Harvey VO. Plait, clerk

prtn«Bt H—itJoseph Jomo, Borough EngineerPrank I. Bareford, BuildW In-

apector. ^William D. Casey, Tax

' • m i l Ar* BloodtkinljITerreti are natural killers,

ire the most fearless, iblood-thirsty animali I., the WOTUof any «Ue. And they'll bite any-thing torn a mouse to a horse or a

1IJI—Uulck »-p»»»enK*r S.-,Ui|duco. N«w tlrrn. Mfolin'i1''

Tect. Good lamlly « r r.iil: :road at a Bargain .

U O I U H V ' f VSKD fAI< ""\'lT'lJu«t a b o v a C. R. R- »» N l " / '

, w i c k Avenue , I'erili M'»





Vita Tonic




SSf 35C - 3477 RAHWAY AVE

Tel. Wo. 8-1218 Open



Her*'* a» y be rid »!a tteamt *nd outuch tn« sospe (Utk ^ * ^ Wlth"

George B«nsulok, Street Commii-sioner,

Henry J. Harrington, 'chief otPolice,

James J. Donovan, Chi«f of Jlr»Department.

Abraham D. QUw, Borough At-torney. ^ ^

J f u b T. Kovacs, POHM Just**f » . Walter Vofcah, OrtnMr of

i - Poor.Meetings flrtf and thW Mondays *t 8 P. M. m Borough HalL

BOARD OF EDUCATIONr ^ H . L. Strandbetg, Pree. Joseph Galvanek

Awro»t Med«ti John J. BrezaCharle. KryiMwaW Mr . H M lry, clerk

MUi Barbara V. Harmann, 8up«rvialng PrLMM. Fairdlnand P. Simon., saiooi N n m "

Meeting* wcond WednewUy at 8 P. M. in Bj>roagh ENA




Only ONE Drug Store in Carteretwill be OPEN ON SUNDAYEach »tor* will b* open one Sunday on tha

tng routing schedule:Sunday, Aug. 4—Brown* Reliable Pharmacy

676 Rowevelt Avenue

Sunday, Aug. 11—Mittuoh'a Druga61 Roosevelt Avenue

Sunday, Aug. lS—BradUy1* ft**W71 Washington Avenue

Sunday, Aug. 2S—Enof • Raul Stove582 Roosevelt Avenue


PAGE m i

ednotasDefeat Sports Club By 10 To 4 ScoreBy MEYER

Sports Chib BeatsAvenel hAAU"Caesar" Nagy Make* De-

but For Trosko-Comba; Clan And Turn* In Fine


Nagy, who••* - - " " . u i t u y p w u M ' ' . > t h e CarteretJunior and Intermediad- Leagued will enroll!Am(i r '(<ang. a heavy junior

wn in the high school rfVn- n e x t fall. Some <,f!|pam 'art year, made his de-uill go »ut for the haschall team when the '" ' w i t h t n e Carteret Sports

, nn rolls around. These boys will have a cer- ( l " b h<"fore a fairlyI.IJJI nver other hoys They will find that thp>' T 0 W f ' a t Leibig's Fif Id

,.,>,! .ump of the finer points of hawbnll fromiA ' !L"?Vn»ont "n,d heM

4!h<1 7,„,„ in organized oom,,,,i,iftn. They will no, h . l W ^ t ^ ^ V n ' ^ L

;,•; w m c of the olh.T lirsi-year candidates whii;other#ball game. 10 to i.M.r the same opportunity. j Nagys inaugural jififormanre

often been said Unit. Coach McCarthy would ',: much trouble developing a basketball team nf

PLAYGROUND LEAGUES1 know how many people realize it, but the

Intermediate Baseball Leahies that have been„ (own by Jo© Comba and Herman Horn as part,.,'ilinn Sports .Committee program, will Ao more!,:,ll players fc»r the Carteret Hiprh School squad

else. More than half of the bays who take



• i it . i i " , i • ""' "" iwninen ten bntters *nd iravp onlv.n . . " ! t?nide schools been equipped | four bases on balls. He n . «tMdy

court in and had fW control throughoutthe game. A fairly (rood idea nfhis pitching prnwemt may b<gleaned from the fart that he fanned Bill Biesel, oni> of Avenel'nhardest hitters, n<i 1PM than fourtimes.

While Nney mm holdingvisiting Imliincn RI liRy. hi« t«mates were luisy pounding twoAvpnel pitrhpr.s for 13 hits. Rusiui


Second Game Of fioro SeriesAt ft S. Field Next Wednesday

With the first game safe-ly tucked away below theirbelta, the Carteret Jednotasare prepared Jo make it twot i h h H on

then<ixt Whigh «rhdbl field in

>nt««t, KrsinV* bringingg two "f \bv former Huh*

in this vicinity, will nUn (five ':'*nKo«*d inothpr rrftik n! hit »rfhfor, Percy Wukovpls The twoboys fwrfd each oth**r in h ^

. schon! this season and i\w Wnmirtight aljjthe [bridlT'' star rmrrgrrl triumphant

>ris Qh\h

the l..'r.IV i


did th damage with fom

the seventh and eighth,v; could play and learn something about the,ie entering high schnoj. I have heard McCarthythan once: "That boy never held a basketball

,ml* before he came out for the team," pointingiiiiuui on his squad.

iHilden rule of sports ifttthat practice makes prr-i, same rule holds good for baseball as well as

I am perfeoty aware of the fact that many: in the grados play ball with some "kids" team. ,not enough. They've g-ot to play under persons!'™" "f '*ll1''n

in lint out their faults and correct them, show them1,.,,,,,,',! -^^;,i|>rove their playing. Joe Comba and Herman ,t,,t,i,'|c.,i Hn•• provided this careful training to the boys who two i.asc hit. Avenel scored throe

i in the Junior and Intermediate l e a g u e s organ n " i s i n tn<" third to take tin- i«.nd.,. Recreation Committee. And these bovs will be' r"r tp" ! t

v .f l tu"nD" b a c k 'i"."1,'

• . i 11 i L ii ' i i • i fourth on hits rby KiiJmo nn< Rod,, ipped to m a k e t he t e a m when they en te r high n a r T h j s p R J r „ „ „ „ „ , „ , f l ) r ( .R r

teret's first tally in the second.* * * * * The Trosko-Cninha tribe wpnt on

JEDNOTA TO HAVE COURT TEAMI'.RE IS a possibility that the Carteret Jedtiotasj^toVand iiriv

a basketball team as well as a bowling team thisAt least, so has Tony Zachik, ace publicity man,

I'd. The Jednotas, who are at present engaged inus fight for their third consecutive league chiimpion-

u ill do a good thing if they put out a court team andmlmg team. In the first place, I am sure they will be, n i l at it. And secondly, an organization like themils, who are active in sports, should endeavor to bt,. Iv engaged in it all the year round. If there is ai', i\en for a month or two, it will have a serious effect

ithr interest displayed by not only the players them-

n hitting spree in the fifth Inscore four runs, rr^fniii the lend,

<> Nntehy, Avflnel'xstarting pitorwr, to the nhowem.

Hits hy Koscl. Combs and Mnl

ijfh b«scba|r l i t i f ".nfls by/ tnt, ronvii10 tn 4, last WeflA

tliirhl in h loosvly pl»yp<l andterly fnmrhf tram*, the Miiflpcr-Poll rohnrts are confident us thescene of th<> hnttlc shifl* to theirown hack yurii

After the K " " " 1a*t Wednesdaythe writer irnt eneh plnyi-i on th«'winning tenm to n\nV" n frw re-marks anil here is whnt (hey havet« say

MANAGER MHil.RCZ"Base-ball is a funny game but there wasno doubt In my mind u to whowould win."

CAPTAIN POLL—"The Jedno-tas are a great money team andwe couldn't low."

PRANK YAP-"Reven« . issweet, every person has hi* day,nnd this wnn mine."

KNOBBY D7,l'RII.LA----"fheflirt that wfl've bp*n playing to-Kether for thH-c ronweutive yearshad a lot to do with thr outcomeof the frame "

CARL MARCINIAK-"Al l Iilul wait to tnke the advite of afour year "I'f youngster, Richard"Itichey" Miiflect hy nmne. He1old me In just "npin the ballsiiminl their curs "

ScirMPHK MAYOHF.K "Itwiiulil bnve heen just too had ifwe In1! for we never would have

, IK'III.I lh.< ..•ml of i t1 '

Jednotas* CrushBoonton, 19 to 1CwrterM Team Win* Eighth

Stnirht Came In QimtOf Tnird LoaffXM CWn-

Bitterly Fought ContestMarked By Frequent Disputes

In a game marked by dis-putes, change in umplrw,and what not. the (art«retJednotas defeated the Car-teret Sport? Club, 10 to 4, be-f d tf at

thpn Kosel hs« beennnother opportunity

that he can bent Wukotill get his second chanceweek end.

A vMtmy for the Carteret Club'over tin- Woodbridjri> legion willplace the Trosko-Comha outfit ina favnrnlile light insofar as rounty laurels are concerned. TheWofilbridge l eg ion hai compileda ffriilitable record on its homeflenl this smnun nnd ranks hiifhM cuurity awards are concert irl

ie LegionTo Play Sports ClubGrnmt To B« Played Atv Woodbndr*. Ne xt Sunday

—Kot«| To Oppose W«-kovetj | n Mound Du*l.

New Jflfrwy League cham-piotifthip »t Boonton lastSunday afternoon when theyburied the homesters under

of 21 base h i t s in-


flun got


theover their borou(rh rivals In wiuitmay yet dettlop info a ftv*-(r«wd i for the mythical baaeball

c l u d l n r t w o h o m e r u m * y T o m m y j , tar t , the J e d n o U a pounded KonelD'lUri l la . one of t h * U a m ' s sup j h d i th h i d i i

TheCartcrct'l «tahth in niinli!«<l th* JKinlBi-1-.Foli

posedly weaker hitters,tory *«<rov. H i.l riiintiivd m* Migclnn ' liolrl its deadlock with SiJoe* ••• IVrth Amboy for the len

"lership. Th« final score,vuy, nf the Boonton routto I. Carteret'n victory

iriii-ularly gratifying heKnonton beat St. JOM the

hard in the third inning to Korefour runs Another four-runtplurje in the fourth decided thegame.

These two big rallies enabledthe lulnotss to eome from behind

(by ttwat

' cut ' sthnn

Rovers Top AcesIn Loop Tilt 9-8

highly aatiafwtory Four Rian Rally In L«»t Inn-ution. ( arl limited . » . . . . »

heavy hittinjr attackovershadowed Car

a 3 ••• 1 handicap and wingam- »ith plenty to apart.

K">v\ w#athere<) the attackthr ugh tht entire six in nine*. Ht«'« nitktd 'or eleven base hit*,imludinc a home run by FrankV"\l with a man on bmM in th*fourth frame

Curl .Marrinisk w»" really thtman of Oie hour for the Jednotas.After Frank Poll left the box lathf sn-rmrf t f tw bflrif «**W«HI 1 ^

• ' ball by Stan ( M l , wV>as wild n a hawkf Harciniak

took nver the pitching duties andhurlfd one fine ball game. Fromthe second on, he shut out til*Sports Club and allowed only on«base bit, a triple by "Babs" Sie-la« in the fifth.

The fielding gem of the | U Mwts furnished by Mickey Dapotttowhen he. snared Y»p'» line dr lnthrough tecond with his fl<rr«4hand and threw Yap oat at first.


Yap, st, 2bJ. D'lUrilla, lbStutsk*, cM Poll, cfMarcintak, If, p

A.ftrrhighlv lAh

^rial!i'ngiii|jr t h r

^ W uoilbridgr

Enable* Rovers ToCome From Behind AndWm Uphill Btttle.

A four-run splurge in theArh|fciin lTeatu tn a rthan two m

Itert't Sports

ut the teams' supporters.kr inval rooters.

And the Jednotas have

WANTED: A COACHOVER IN Woodbridge the Board of Education is hav-

| it.-i troubles in selecting a coach to succeed Frank Kirk-, who left the townnhip job for a better position at

bmas Jefferson in Elizabeth. Things have come to ajit where a member of the athletic committee in threat-jig to renijfn if the Board does not soon pick a coach.

On the Board of Education there is a wide open uplitJo the best course to folio*" The majority insists thatIJIIMV coach be paid no more than $1,408 a year, repre-

$1,760, leas the general 20 per cent, reduction.

F, it seems, is the starting salary. The minority, insistsin order to raise sports to a high level and to employ ah of proven calibre, a considerably higher wage should

paid.Which is as it should be. Didn't Heinie Benkert leave

xlbridge because he got a better job with a better sal-And now Frank Kirkleski follows the same course.

i can't blame them. We would all do the same.Hfforts have been made twice by the Woodbridge au-

nties to get Coach Frank McCarthy, Carteret Highout mentor, and builder of champions. But McCarthydeclined both offers.

Iwo mnri* tallies iniiiKl'' run was chalkwventh when Tony

len producedthe sixth. Aed up in the ,Baranriuk parked H IHUIW run indeep centcrfield. Carteret ndd<>danother marker in the eighth \nmake the victory conipU'ti'

"Butch" Bodnar of thf Woodbridge American Legion nine,made his initial appearance be-hind the plate for thteam mnl handled hisin a capable manner. He contribu-ted a doublp and a triple in threetrips to the plate.

The box score;Carter*! Sport. Club (10)

AB. R.Comba, IbOixon, 2b .Mullen, rfRUHHO, KH

HarnriMuk, 3bHodnar, cJackson, If

CAN I PICK THEMWELL, FOR the first time in three years I picked a

ier this week when I predicted the Jednotas wouldthe Sports Club by 9 to 3. The score wasn't exactlybut I came close. It was 10 to 4, but the six-run margin

i the same.The two teams clash again next Wednesday night at

[hitch school field. As has been the custom right along,111 attempt to predict the outcome of this game. I amI tr'»ing to string along with the Miglecz-Poll clan. And[wore will be 11 to 5.

I>apolito, cf 44210

ffy, pKo.el, rf . . j .Hasren,' 2bZagleski, If

85 10 13AT«n«l A. A. (4)

AB.Lisicki, cf 5Kuncia, 2b 4Katz, as 5Biesel, lb 5Boka, 2b 3Tandy, If 4tampion, c 4

Simonson, rf 4Notchy, p 2Smith, p 1

I'll],I, "My bat spells jmiy hall chili this sea-

K"l to renew my con-

M1KKil'ioni fnr(in for I'rin-t with tin- Jednot

TuM H7.|:ii!l,l,A "Say! 1bought the Spurt Club hail n ballearn; this was n pushover."

KOOTCH MAS' I'l.lN "It wn*hard hut we hail tn I,, it. For wewere being referi*,] Wi us "washed.ip" b*l! players

SCORBR TONY /.ACIIIK -'Before the game I visited 'Amos

mid Andy's CryMal (Iiu.er' nnd hepredicted an overwhelming vic-tory for the JednotMs. He s«idthat he would instruct a fellow hy

thelinnlly ari

I "wfiship

"tltr.it fop

"nibs, the Cari lull, throug'

! I'fTorts of Mantin and J o e Tronk

n(red a (fame wi ' i

I ub.

nrt ofthe name of Vlrm' in thpickitiK winners."

So much for that. In nil prob-ability the oppounK piti'hern in thesccuiul utirne will he Cfl'l Marcin-iak and Stanley Kernel.

The writer who picked th<> Jednotns Id win the firut iraine by »9 to 't si'ort'. (In' was I:1OM« fur- theywon by 10 to 1) will aKH\u iitteinptto Ht'ltH-t a wi.nni'r. Jednotu.s, itwilt hi1, anil the sciire 1 1. to ii.

Thr all important tilt will !..•played Sumlny afternoon at Woolbridge. Interest in this cla»h •••high with supporters in hn'hcamps claimine victory even timct*yi before the battle in whnlufed tn take place.

Whenever H team from Carteretplays a team from Woo<tbrid({e,th^re is always a heated rivalrypresent because the two towns arejust natural rivnls.

U. S. Metals AllStars Win AgainDefeat Woodbridge Colored

pi' I.IIIK cxhihition.tin Inline forcm to nine widely«r:i!tered base hit*.

I he Carteret Jednotas openedth-ir hitting festival in the flrjiti"imi(r when they h«tt«d around••'•mpletely for five run*. Tommy!• urilla clouted his first homt r in. last i n n i n g g a v e t h e C a r t e r e t•Mi innimr with two men on base . R o v e r s a 9 t o 8 t r i u m p h o v e r

The Miirleci Poll forces «»'-»>-»-i . • •\ Barnish. Roontnn,* r.^im,M . , . „ . .Pitcher in the second, ririvlnir hlrn f o U « f h t S e n i o r L e a g u e COn-fr.un the box with a three run u - , t e s t a t t h e h i g h Hchoo! f ie ldsatilt. Makonky, his 'uccegaor, • M o n d a y n i g h t ,did a.better job. He shut out the I it was an e»citin(r contest allf-arteret sluirtrer- ,„ t|,,, n , ^ g n ^ | t h ( > w g y w j t j ) ( ) l ( , ] c a ( | r n a n < ^ n gfourth inninirs Jn the fifth the';hamls frequently. The RoversIOCHIK wored twice In th* iJxth held a sliKnt lead up until theMakosky made a hinried MlU nf fifth when the Aces rallied to scoreter fallinir a Mcitini to • rix-run two runs and pull ahead, fl to 5.bombardment A winkle run in the sixth increased

( Carteret ad.led three in the sev the. Aces' maririn to 7 to Ii.enth to call it a day. Besides Coming to bHt for the last time,

[Tommy l'7.»rilla who had a per the Rovers went to work in thefeet day at bat with four for Beventh anil scored four runs tofour,'Schmyde Mayorek mnl Mike come from behind nnd win the

Poll,T. D'nMayortk, 3b

l, p. Murilla,

2b, rfMasculln, If, rf




C«rt«r»t Sp*rtt ClabAB.

2t 10 11



37 4 9The score by innings:

Avenel 003 000 100— 4Carteret 010 142 l lx—10

Two-base hit*—Rusao 2, Mul-len, Bodnar, Ligcild, Katz. Three-base hits—Bodnur, Koael. Homerun—Baranczak. Struck out—ByNagy 10; by Notchy 2; by Smith3. Base on balls—Off Najry 4;off Notchy 1; off Smith 3. Scorer

J Rose.

Playground All Star*To Play Rahway S«rie»

A series between a pickedteam from the Carteret Renioi Haseball I ruK'tic and another alt star team from theRahway Playifround Leaffue"will open sometime withi.ivthe next few weeks. Joe Ciim-ba, director of sport.s nt theCarteret playground, an-nounced his all-atar team a«follows: Pitchers -— Koael,Marciniak, Kusnak, Nag-y,Kohn; catchers' — R e g k o,Frankowski, Hamulak; Firstbase, Comba, Romanaki; secondbase, Sloan, Resko; Thirdbase, Baranczuk, Marczi;OuUielders, Jackson, Zagleski, Thatcher, Czakowski,Zysk, Dubrowski, Colgan,Barbarczuk and Patsy.

£t Gardner Signslanghorne Race>'ar Drjver Finuhed

d In La»t LanghorneTo Complete In Big

field.(i"l'-r in the battle for theI1"! States AAA championship

'""tender for the Eastern"own, Cheater Gardner of

Errors Give Ramblers|RamWers, Robins,Cards Win Games

Calif., signified hishat

Utiuii of continuing his trium-iiiiiivh by aliening; an entry

'">• tliird and final auper-apeed"" uf the 1985 season at'"'rii' Speedway Sunday af-111 VitKUst 11."'''I''' finished second at"ll"' on June 18 and won'f">! tunt victory recently at',:' tu join Doc Mackenzie,• iiaw and Bobby Sail in the

!"' l'ie eustern throne madnI ''V the untimoiy death ofII Hiiiwion a t I n d i a n a p o l i s .•"' "x-ular v i c t o r i e s a t T o l e d oMilwaukee p u t G a r d n e r in"" tl'e Central States title,

I,'"""• '"« won in 1983. The

111 ''"Hfornian wally didn't\'""K until he turned his Mil-'"'"•• «t Milwaukee on June

'' ll"in he astounded mid-,, '"' fam by «A»Blishin? a

•"•«ord and three Wiscon-'">• marks. He turned the

t , w7 n l ' e oval ta 30.76 MC-

tru.L tfteat • m i U du*> P«r""' ever been trav«rs-

League Contest 17-2Ramblera Score 17 Runs On

9 Hit* To Beat Trojan* InIntermediate Loop

Errors proved costly aa the Tro-jans were swamped by the Ramb-ler», 17 to 2, at the hi(fh schooltielii Tuesday night in an Inter-mediate League contest. TheRamblers scored 17 runs on ninehits and about a dozen errors.

Lukusiuk allowed theonly four hits.

The box ucore:Ramblert (17)

AB.U Nemeth, rf 3J. BobeJ, 2b 3J. Mar«k, Ib 3S. Lukasiuk, p 4A. Sumutka, 3b 3S. Roianaki, If 2W. Frey, as „ 4McGarry, c '. 4U. (jurui, cf ,... 3



19Trojan* (1)

AB.rf 8

- 21

17 9


lmpreaaion at1

Dumont,De*o, lbSchwartz, lbPrice, 2b - 3Bania, * _ 2«awral, If 1Dorn, cf „ 2Barney, t 1Cacpbell, c 1Skocypec, 3b, p 3Lukach, If 8Lubicka, p, 3b ..._ J i

l!i )t *W Wh» ltW h*Bk

th* >>«••". but thin !»B<I'"

:|unkilf tit


<t ?**• * * « ieed-ut u ***** r 8 t i o t 0 h a v e

not h«ve time toe wh« he diicoy-

C B v h * *will be on the

The scoreRamblers

34by innlngi:






Ramblers Beat Diamonds,Robins. JNoae Out SacredHearts^Tards Win MoundDuel From Bears In Jun-ior Loop Games.

The Ramblers defeatedthe Diamonds, 6 to 4, theRobins nosed out the SacredHearts, 7 to 6, and the Cardsvon a pitching duel from theBears, 1 to 1, in the CarteretJunior Baseball League thisweek.

Last week the PRESS carriedan incorrect score of the YoungUkea-Robins game. It was statedthat the Robins beat the Uke»,to 3. That was in error becausethe Ukes won the game, downingthe Robins by a 4 to 3 score.

Because of lack of space thiPRESS does not carry box scoreof the Junior League games thiweek. However, box scores wilbe used in full hereafter.

The score by innings;Robins 402 000 1-Sacred Hearts 010 032 0—6



Ola 17Trojans 000 0 1 1 - 8

M«r« LMTM, M«M FruitThe more leaves oo ftfllt LC°**<

the better. It ttkw at Matin food'leaves to produce a

000 000000 100

510 000 0012 001

TdfordTelford pavement U built by lay*

Ing pieces of broken stone seTen or•Ifht Indies In diameter upon tinIMd foundation, picking tb«nwltn smaller pieces, eorerliif tbentwith (ravel sod rotting hard sadsmooth.




6 to 1, BehindBrilliant Four-

1 Uf ty Smith held the Wood-li |d Colored Giants to four

y hits at the Copperwork*fWtd Monday nipht and Mike Tros-ko'n U. S Metals All Stan wonanother hull game, 6 to 1.

The bo> score:U. S. Metalt All Start ft)

AB. R.4

l'oll (jot four hits apiece.The box score:

Cartan l J«duaUi ( I S )AB. R.

lbYap. 2bI. D'turiHa,F. Poll, MM. Poll, cf . . ..Migleci. 3bMarciniak, paacak, rfJ. D'lUrilla, rfMayorek, cMaiculin, If

Virtually Tied For1st Place - JednotasCarteret Team One-Half

Game Behind St. Joseph'sOf Perth Amboy.

According to the lutest official.standings for thf New York - NewJeraey Jednota Baseball Leatfin:the Carteret clan la virtually tiedwith St, Joseph's of Ptrth Amlmyfor first place. The locals, havingparticipated in une less game thaithe St. Joes, trail the Amboy teanby one-half game. Curteret ha.iwon eifrht, while the St. Joes havt;won nine. Both teams have lostwo games.

The ufrk'iul standings includinglast week's (tames follow:


Won Lost Pet.St. Joseph 9 2 .S18


nba, Hivail , c fy>k, rf•• i tzke, ;iti

y,'ntrtek, If

iier, c•iniith p


F. Barnish, RSJ. Barnish, 2b, p ....Bodnar, Iffayo, rfM. Popovich, cf, pS. Zabrisky, c

Barnish. lbZfcbrisky. rf

Makosky. \'\< pE. Zabrisky, lb

Barnish, p

The scoreCarteretBoonton


25 6Color*! Giant. (1)

AB RJMitchell, c, rf 2 11. Hall, 3J> 2 0:larlc, ss ...„ 8 0

Byrnes, p ..._ 8 0Harris, 2b ..._ 8 0

MeXissic, lb 3 0fikll, cf 3 0

M McKisaic, If S 0Wuahinjjton, c, rf 8 0

25 1 4The acqre by innings:

Colored Giants 100 000—1Metals All Stars 212 100—6

Marciniak 2, J. D'uirilla, Mascu-lin, S Zabrisky. Home runs—T.D'lUrilla 2. Struck out—By Mar-ciniak 5; by A. Barnish 3; by Mas-kosky 2. Base on halls —Off Mar-ciniak 4; off A. Barnish 2; offMaekoaky 3; off J. Barnish 1.



.... 544321442

Comba, lbDixon, 2b, cfRusso, saKosel, p ..,„ _.Baranctuk, 8b ...Jackgon, If ,,Bodnar. cDspolito, cf, 2bSwlaf, rf

. 2.. 3






game. Koskuwnki opened with adouble. With one away, Stoancame through with nnnthcr two-

R. H. bsfnrer, scorinsr Sosnowski KOSPI1 0 drew a base on balls and Zaglenki1 1 hit H three-bat(K<>r, hrinifing in1 2 I two more run. Zng-leski scored8 4 'shortly afterward on nn infield hit.1 2 Trailing by two runs, the Aces3 2 made a gallant effort to ti* the0 0 score but failed after norinir oneg 4 jrun ami putting the tying run on2 4 «i'O"n<t base.4 2 The bo» score:

—-• —• Row. (9)19 21 A£. R. H.

Combs, lb 8 2 1H .Sosnowald, 3b 4 2 2

1 Ilarbarcauk, c 8R.00000100000

0 Sloan, 2bKosel,. u ...Zagleski, IfCiajkowski, If 8Zysk, efNovak, p


Ac« fh)28 0 8

- — — jHaga34 1 9

by innings:B30 026 500—19000 001 000— 1

hits—Mike Poll 8,

Colgiui. rfBaram nik, 3bMarriniuk, cfJackson, If .... ...Baksa, 2h .Marc/,1, 2bFrankowsiki, cBan Deventer, pRusnak, pG. "


Baksa# lb 3


CarteretElizabethBoontonSt. GeorgeRaritanSt. MatthewJersey City









Buddie* Split In Week-endGame* Oo Home Field

The Buddies played two gam«lover the weak-end. In the firstthey whitewashed the Green Raid-ers by the score of 5 to 0. In thesecond they lost a close pitchingduel to the Port Reading Field(Hub, 2-1, and as a result werebeaten out by the Field Club fortin championship of the PortKi.uling Twilight League.

The box scores:BwMitt (5)

AB R HHyleckie, 2b ...., 3 0 1Kazmierskj, 2b 1 0 9Biri lb .t ».,. 4 0 0lladyk, si „ 4 1 1Kolesarich, cf .,.„ 4 1 2CinfMda, p 4 1 2Patrick, If 4 1 1Tandy, c 4 0 1Garal, 8b 4 1 1Barb«re»uk, rf ,. 3 0 1

35 5 10

Corky OutpitchesRusnak, Ukes WinHolds Aces To Two Hits As

Ukes Win IntermediateLeague Contest By 2-1Score.

The Ukes defeated theAtis, 2 to 1, scoring tworuiiH in the last inning, a«Corky Anelrus outpitched

2t> 8 11The score by innings:

Rovers 201 200 4—9Aces 101 221 1—8

Umpire—Lon Kapucy.

Harmony, HudsonsVictors In SoftballHarmony Club Beat* Lone

Stars, 2 to 1, And HudsonsTop Benj. Moore Outfit, 2to 1.

The Harmon^ Club and

Carteret Royals Take"Royal" Beating 20-2

The Carteret Royals .took a"joyal" shellacking- from theWoodbridge Ymacs Sunday after-noon at the township Held. Thefinal score, 20 to 2, resembledthat of a football game,

The box score;CarUnt Roy.li (a)

AB RSilagy, IMS 3Kurtiak, p-2b 2GuraJ, Sb-p 8Joe Finn, gs-c 1

C m n RaJdut (0)AlB

fetro, lb - 3K t i '


Lett.vRu.snak in a thrilling i t h e H u d B o n A / c e r n e r K e dmound du,;l last Frulay night | t r i u m h f t n t i n t h e C a r t e r e tat thi- hiifh school held in « Softball League gamra thitscheduled Snuur League contest., . \ n \* i

Corky Inf low ball working to P.8*1 w ^ - On Mondayperfection tinned back the Aces: m « h t a t t h e hlifn s c h ° o 1 fiel<1. t h c

with twu niensly hits which the :Hudsom> won a close 2 to 1 gamelosers bunclu-il in the fourth to from the Benj. Moore outfit. Last

Carteret TeamFighting For LeadJednota* Virtually T i e d

With St. JkMM For FirstPlace In League, M««tRaritan Here Sunday,

Fighting for first placennd their third straight lea-gue championship, the Oar-tert't Jednotas ure scheduledto play Raritan at, the highschool field this Sunday af-ternoon. The game is ex-petted to draw a large crowd be-cause it ii the first time in nearlya month that the Miglect-Pollcrfw will be on exhibition at home.The locals have just completed averr successful three weeks roadcampaign during which they suc-ceeded in climbing into a tie withSt. Joes for first place.

Victorious in their last eightgames, the Carteret Jednotas stillhave three earnes to play beforewinding up the .season. A double-header with Kliiabeth and Boon-ton in scheduled for tht high schoolfield it week from Sunday, August11. Carteret will meist St. Mat-thew of Perth Amboy in the final,which will probably be a twilightgame.

Although Raritnn in considereda "braather1 for Carteret, the lo-

Icals ar« taking no chances at this- time and will send their strongestarray against the invaders. CarlMarciniak, who has shouldered thebiggest part of the pitching burdento date, will in all likelihood bethe starter. His supporting cantwill be the same as that used lastweek.

Should t.'arteret win its remain-ing four games, while St. Joesdoes likewise, the two teams willfinish in a deadlock fur the leagueleadership and it IH quite probablethat a single game will be ar-ranged between these two clubsto decide the championship. Car-t«ret has played St. Joes twicethis season, losing the first andwinning t |e second. All of whichputs the two teams on an equalfooting if fate should happen tobring them together in a finalgame for the league crown.

The probable line-ups:CarUralYap, 2bJ. Dzurilla, lbWiegolinski, cM. Poll, cfF. Poll, ssMiglect, 3bMarciniak,

BarrlefbXLrdv of Rus!nak the Ukes went scoreless for ! m « n *» t n e Harmony Club nosed

t * I SU C l b bak the Ukes went scoreless forix frames, setting only two hits o u t * « I j*n o

during that time. i t o l K0Te-In the seventh, the Ukes cam*

b h

Club, by a 2

The box scores follow:out of their slumber* long enough j Hudson A. C. (2)to score two runs on two hit*, a' ABbase on balls and an error, and '•Tokarski ftcom* from behind to snatch vie-1 Lj kutoil _ ;ltory from what seemed to be cer- j Dtwonkowskitain Ctefeat, ll°""1-. Hamulak opened witn a single,but w»nt out on an infletd ground-er as Stutlke reached first, Bo-hanek fli«d out and the fans were(retting ready to leave the field.But Patty got on base on an errorand Skftcypec walked to fill the

ihlonf. Lhjbroweky then pokeda single into le/t field scoringtwo runt to win the game.

Uk« (3)AB.

SenkPappW. ZyskKornelukUtzenski

lekerka 4Stawicki 4Stawicki 2

lowinski 4 t

Chomicki _ I

43B*nj. Moore (1)


lUritan.. Weiiman ssG. Papcum, rf

Petras, 2bWiley, lb

Lako, IfF. Papcum, 3b



StuUk*. 2b 3Bohanekj 8b 3


marciniaK, p Yenik, eMayorek, rf -... Mutek, cfMasculin, If - Kalish, p

Tennis Tourney Entries

To Close Sunday, A u g . 4

Joseph Comba, one 6* the|)l»ygTOunil directors, who isin clarge of the CarteretTennis Tournament sponsor-ed as part of the RecreationSports Committee program,announced this week thatfinal entries for the tennistourney will close definitelySunday, August 4th. All en-tries must be in before thatdate.

The tourney will begin onTuesday night at the highschool courts. First there willbe the singles games whkhwill take about two or threeweeks. Following the singles,the doubles matches arescheduled to get under way.The doubles, Comba statedwont take longer than twoweeks.


3»LOD« SUr (1)

ABNagy 4Diwonkowski 4;Kos«l 4Comba ,. lVarifa .„ aNagy 4'J>gya» ,^*~ S

„.,.- 8tiling



1 ' A ' T K SIX


Own Problems OfOiculation

Consider the ••ml pliirhl of IH< IPowell, whii, in Ins lnt.it Warm1!Urns, picture, "Hv":'il«nv Gondolier," which r»mp< !• '•"• Maje*(|r Thentre tonijrht. hmi '<> makeardrnt T e e n love to th< >vifi» ofhi* be«t friend, while th<- hixbnnd|oi>k"il nn, ifrinned anil win•<!>>'red" ro t t en" durinir the clinch'""

Dick, licitiK human, is not n<lver*e to love mnkinjr, nrreen orotherwise If n script calls forhim tn kiss a pretty stranircr henever prntenti If he works in• picture opposite »n nctross whois nierely n cnsunl iicniaintance,he is always on tinio the <\ny\ ther-'a re rmnaniir flei{iienres.

Somflitne* it. fins been n e r r n u i yto film n iin(flr kiss over mid overajrain tic many as eighteen ortwenty times, just so Dick wouldhe leltri perfect in his role.

"It 's just a part, of this busi-ness of picture making," declinesDirk "But n nice purl ."

Dick hns iniide wcreen Inve toRuhy KIM'I'M nmie times thfin heI'ftii t enwnifier She was filrnost,htit not ijiiile, the fitM ^irl l>irk<>ver kis«eil in n picture

The very first screen kiss thntDick ri'ifintered on celluloid wan•with Mary Hrian, in « short "trail»r* scene made, just nft#r thei-nmpletiiui nf the picture, "Blend-ed Event ." especially for Dick'sfliidjences in Pittsliurgh.

Only Pittsburgh people saw thatkiss hut it look more potently thanall of flick's subnequc-nt screenosculations Dick and Marymi|(M he mnrriod nlmoRt any timerow.


Leaders Of Laugh Festival STRAND SHOWSROGERS COMEDYDoubting Thomas' Adapt-

ed From George KellyStage Smash

:iriki' np the laugh* for Will' , , , , , , , ,• i . n fun cyclone, "Dnnl 'Hi.' rhn"ins," opening tonight »'he S i i iml Theat re . You'll h"1'!inn "ii!'"t an Will trios to hold \<-.

'. ife n thin rib ifockinn *t"> •.i n thunder struck husbm"!u •itiigp-striK'k wife which «»•i. 'l from (Jeorire Kelly'' ' Mm"

1'he Torch Henrem "

Intrigue Afoot—Laughs Ahead^


andDirk Powrll, Jo«n BlnndallUrf^ liar r a i l of thr highly p r i i i p d nrw joGondoli»r," oprning at thr Mm je i t i r Th-.t i --muitral enterlainment i> pro» i.li-H hv I " IMi l l i Broi . , • • well ai hy i t i pop-ular it i ir

Mrnjnu Srad thr

. n i rh tm Rit

ylh» film's

and tb«

Bing Crosby, W. C. Fields and Joan Bennett All StarIn 'Mississippi, Coming To The Crescent On Monday

Songs, comedy and romance ina colorful tale of the old Southare the. entertainment features offered in Paramount'*. "Missis•ippi," stnrrins: Hinir Crosby, W.C. Field* ami Joan Hennett andcominn; Monday to the CrescentTheatre.

"Mississippi" ii the story of theYankee youth who benime thf ter-


t ln due



nKT «*d finhting•" reformed to win

•si helle.i induces four newHart tunes in "Mi»-

«iwip|ii is well as a special ar-: iati(f'TH';nl nf that perennial fav-| or i l c "Swanee." He in assisted;in (In smiring1 by Queonie Smith,I Mm !•!' the musical comedy stage

nnd Hie Cabin Kids.1 Hincted by Edward Sutherland

its from other cities hiv <e u c i ' M n i l ! i i i ( i i n t h e n i n l e d •••t h i ' n i r c i n t H o j f e r s ' n e w w i •\'. in th*1 r u l e of n rtimp!'i invinif miiisniKP i n n n i l f n ' '

'.i lni'ie i a i m w o r l d ifl tos 1 " ' 1

II IMI'TIIOII w h e n h i s w i f e , F-ti 111<I l i e n t r i c n l . S h e HI

• in ,in : int f t teur c h a r i t y s h - ' 1

if l h " S t r a n d T h e a t r e nml• i i r c : hnlil mi to t h e i r s e a t s , i t wilin- m i ' ! ' t lmn n u d i e n c e w in o t h ' 1

i t i i ' s h«vc Keen nh l e t o d o .

You ' l l l i iui 'h y o u r fill w h e n V-'1

lie M u r k r . i ini icr t h e i n f l u e n c eMinon Skipw n t t l i . w h o p l a y s i »i m a t e u r impi i '«ar io , w a n t s I •n u k e a ca re i ' i nf t h e utaire, u n h"wers flnnlly efferta a cure h\

ing a bogiii Hollywood direct '1 'ell the anniteiir (froup what. Inii nks of theii screen tent" a f t ' 1

•.' i.II-h Will surprises eyeryoii'«'t!' II sequenti which can !"•ch!iil-."d down ns one of the hi^lilipli' of all RORITS ' films.

Wall Qu.l i f i .d

Kit1'ier (admirinK his r ecen thborn I i r )—Tha t fellow will be igTeat tiitesman one of these, day

Mnth.T -Oh, Charles, dear , d-you rr : i 'v think he w i i r

Sun- 'f it. [y>ok hnw easily liewrifrele ,,,,1 ()f everything.—Tmonto f;i"hi-

Oni' of the finest, mo.tt h u m a n ,

mo.it h e a r l warIIILIIK' tilma in s

dtH'iuli' will h r p i mi I'liK'tlfKinenl

<>f l u u d a y s U I'ttiu'siluy lit t h r

l i f s c e n ! The ,a tu ' , anil tills (U1-

jtarlnieii l loses no t i jne in i f fu t i i ' i

mt'ii(li[iKr it e a u v i i ) tu rveay tilm-

goiu , uf w h a t e v e r atftv

The I'U'turo so heartily endonwdia "Bii«ht Ky«," l''ox Film's new-est and best whirlu for the mna/.ing talents »f Shirley Tviuplv,child star extraordinary. No suchseiiHatiotial pei formaiu'e us Sliir-ley's, no such dramatic ami persua.nivi- film stury has lietn seenon a local screen in recent months,

can he no duuut whatever

nf the Iremendous rt-Oeption whichwill be aiToided this delightfuldiaiuu of Chi i t nuis tune wheie\ cr it is shu\\ r

"llrilfht K u - ' lias universal R|>I'l'iil. in t'M-i \ •• u'.c of tlie wordSwift, human, ,il t imes pathetic,nl limes einu in-'usly funny, it isft story which will hold you in Us.spell from opening sequence tosmashing finish.

Ihivid (fuller, director of thepicture, conceived th«; originalidea i}( the storv. With Kdwinlluike, whose script of "Bad tiai"won the Academy Award in 1M1,he wrote it. Then William Conselinan another (rifted Hollywoodite. adapted it to the screen

The Ka.st Middlesex Safetyddrive for loss accidents

and more care on the part of mo-torists and pedestrians in PerthAinboy, Wuodbridtrt* Township

and Carteret opened yesterdaywith a special motion pictureallowing for children at the Majestic Theatre. More than :!.f>00children attended the showing.
















with IRfcNt WARE








A FOX H d i i M "<«*>


Barbara StanwyckWarren Williiu.



SAT. - SUN. - MON. - TUE













SAT. 9 P. M.







In 'Front PWoman

"Front. F'agc u ,.„t h r most renlinti. •,,•any newspnfMT si n.,,.Be t t r I)»vi> a n , j , ;

thr atellnr rolfi •, itu re at t ract ion ' „',ThpBtri> on Whd, ],,

It is entirely .HIT, .,.other newipnpei t,1,,,the hit ter rivnlry ,r .porters , n m n n „,,,,opposition papi-r-., „ ifn lovn wj(|, f,,, r | , ,.thoir best tn "in,,,.

The story «i;ieroom of H «tn|.where the girl n p , .forp she is B[>fn t,. ,To suve her he fil,.,lo her office with -,it r e w r i t t e n Hut i|,,l o o k e d nml the •>*„„,in thp r i t n l ncwip, , , , .

Hoth a r e in tin, •,!,,,t h e jrirl ix fu r ion , . i.r ival hnH d o u b l e ,-,,„nsks he r to n m n y ir e f u s e * H nd det«. | 'm

him (hat she i i . ; l i | .

In "Doubting Thom«»," Fox Film'* Iate»t laugh »ucce«, Will Rogeri portraitthe role of a »impte, home-loving Mtisage manufacturer, whose home life «» Mlddenlyto«»*d into a turmoil when an amateur impre»ario, Alison Skipworth, persnadm hitwife, Billi* Burke, thnt »hp ha* b*<"n »uppre»«ed all h«r life and that the really be-longs to the ititge and her public.

Masters Of Screen HorrorAppear In 'The Raven'

if yon ciin picture the monster

Ml' Frankenstein" «nd the vam-

]>irc of "Drarula" vieing with

,«( h other for horror honors, you

ran anticipate the chills and thrills

i hat arc packed into Universal'a

The Haven," opening at the

Orescent Theatre.

Siifnfeated by Edgar Allan POP'S

immortal classic, this film boa-its

the combined master mystery tal-

ent* of Karloff (FYankensh'in)

a"H Elelu Lug-wi (Ihiuiila.)

Th««e two chilF chasers are CO-

starrcd in a story sdaptcil to the

screen by David Boehrn.

Film Workers FormLeague Of Nations

They could have hold nn in-ternational convention on Un-set of tin' Warner lli"s pic-ture, "Front Pajfe Woman."romiiiK' to the Strand Theatre.

Bette Davis and CeorgeHrent, the stars, are French-Knglish and Irish, respectivelyMike Curtiz, the director, \*H u njfa/ian-

Tony Gaudio, the cameraman, ia Italian; Frank Mac-Donald and John More, dialo-gue director and property man,respectively, are Scotch

Homer Van Pelt, the stillcameraman, is Dutch. SallySage, Miss Davis' stand-in, iiKusrian.

Powell Gets A Sore JamFrom Brawl In 'Gondolier'

Dick Powell suffered a sore jawas a result of a rijfht hook de-livered by one of his bent friends,I>on Turner. He woke up in afew seconds.

Hoth portray taxicah drivers inthe Warner Bros, picture, "Broad-way Gondolier," which comes tothe Majestic Theatre tonight.Before the filming of a streetlieht between them, DirectorLloyd Bacon asked them to "makeit real." There were a few falsesteps and a few mistaken in tim-ing and Dick Powell got a hot oneon the button.

p p n i nI he twit n re nwi |p , , (

le r a n d a J l e n i a t e u ,on e n d ] n t h e r i l t li.!

Umax.B e t t e I)aTiH | i | n v •

the newspapn wonn,,,Brent is the r»-j,.,, -,',love with her hut «|,,,ability until «h,. ,,..„,..him at his own KHN'I

Roicoe Karm |,i,role as Brent's pi,,,!,,,!.Winifred Shaw h... .|,,Broadway stroller «-i,,.fesses to slaying n ,,boy after Gordon U,.

« with her at the i;,convicted of the .1

Others in the Is,,..,. ,,cast Include Wnii,r

Carroll Nad,, I» r , , ,h v

Martel, Joseph Oha , ,MacDonald, Add,-,,,.

On some golf couraei in theMinsiHsippi Valley Indian moundsare used as hazards,

•1 V al!l.'r

Mike Morita andvent


Magiitrate (to man a.r

begging)—What have >-,,n t n ;

Prisoner—It wasn't my f>|sir. I juat held out my hand]see if it w u raining, anil the 1dropped a penny in it <;,,(



2 : 1 5 - 1 1 p. m.




An amorous armada of 8 stars . . 6 song hits. 1,000 laughs! All set (or romance, mirthand melody under Broadway's glittering lightsand Italy's sunny skies!




C O M I N G WM. POWELLSaturday 'N



\ *****

ir «oiii« hold,llnnp mo would you


nhily. I nlwaya re-

ill. inn n fnvor.


l,ei,\N AHHOl'IATIONv; | ii corporation

.', 'umi i-Ko J- coiuni"i^ATllKHINH COUGH-. iii.. nnli* of " l f

,.,,,.,! July Id, 1»,,f thA ftbovft

ii i ,M t»i! unit (I.i,i mil ' ' » t publ ic v n |

,, i T U B 2»TH HAY (>r!. ' ., | > NINBTBKN, [ , T H I R T Y - F I V E;. imvl lghl Raving Time

. , , , itf th* *«ld IIAV, Rt'irH'o In th« r i i y i.r

k S -I, mi i i lot ami on

I'liri-i'i of land and, i n Ivlng An<l l>*1nK In

,,f C a r t e r s , In tin, , ! , ] ! , .„ , . X and State ,,t

v II and designated R«• :•-. hundred thirty »U.. mijolnlng on* hairnumber on» hundred,i on a m*i> of propfr-

MJII> of property of Car-Company. l«n;,"

Mh, Hurveyor, Itahway.mid more particularly

i al a point In the,if l,mv»ll Htrcft. millilmtHiit iWi*' hundred

Miid flu- irntlm (Itt7,r>>null the nurllu'rlv aidei/.In* Hlnr Itoiul

AvMlll.'l l ln-ll ie I I )I at right imfrle* lo l.o-

i h i - n i T I •'.) l l ' T l l i c f l v u m in L o w e l l S l r . ' . - t t h i r t y |n \ > t * r i i i i " i ; 'T fi> f r i ' i ,i m t x r l y " m l » ' r m i i i u n -

. .11 H l r r i - i . " i n . n u n .. -i . t h e w c n t c r l y »ldi> nfi n n d t h i ' t i i f i 11 n o i i t h -

' h i - » M i i r h mi l l - o f l . » -i h l r ^ m - \ M i a n i l five

; fi-ot I n I I I ' ' | i " i r n <>r!i i i l N N I S ' 1 ',

M I B» N " ''!!'* L o w e l l :i - r f t . N 1" K l m a t e H i i i . i u i i t i<f t h r.- HUtlHn<-d t'V n a l i l Ru le,,f K lv r Thoi i imni l and |

in-d nnd Ni m l i Iml lHrHlUi^f l l l f - r w i t h lhi> i i m t i

u l ( h nil and hlngll lar

• in anywise H|i|«rt«lnlrKALAN H. >U.Y Hh.rlff

A MONAISHAN.Holli'ltur.


I.IA MAI'MKlK'KY. et. al.nla. Kl TH ' o r the «nl«^Kged (ir«MtUrs ddteit June

m e of the above u la t tdme directed and del ivered ,

poae to aalo a t pub l ic ven-

iv . sUAY, T H 10 HEVKSTH.K AIIIHIHT. A. L>.. M N KIIUNDUKII T H l l l T Y - F l V K

o'clock. Dayl ight Ravingi t h e a f t e rnoon uf th« mil'lthe s h e r i f f s Offlci. In tlieN«w Ilrunsivli-a, N. .1l i l A T i v r i a i n lot, i r a . 1 nr

land and iiri'inl»ei>. liereln-Mlrular ly di-sci ilitd, al i t iale,

I h e l n g ' l n I I . r HorouKli "tIn the County of Middle-

Sla t* of N*'W jT«rV

k n o w n iiml dt ^inii'iteil up- j' t i n m a p tlli-il In tlif 1'i'un- ]

. DfTli-e of Mlildlfi-v I-.11111-. d "Map i.r Ten.-I I. Cm- j

ikway , i l tua t i ' d In the Hur-j: I ' a r t e re t , County uf Midii.'i m a t e of Nfw J m n y , \

1' ly j* . BlirVflcd anil liiuii-iI i i-it F. S lmon i . C. K., in

i.-rly tw«nty l i d ' l f n l " I 1

i S9 and the U.IJ. ' IIIIIIKtwen ty t M ' i t t ' i of lotI mi aald trad locuted on• 11 >• aide of Hermann live-

- - (.id') fe«t eaaierly from

Liu. premlaea comrmtnlv'nd dulgnattd ft" No. i

nvenuu. Carterel, New

"ix lmate amount of thelie aatlafled by aald sale

II if Five Tliou*an<! KlghtI'.008.00), together v im

1 "T tlili aale.i with all and ."Ing-.ilur

- •». prlvllegeB, hfreillta-i appurttnancfii tli*rmnto

•;. or In anyway *pj«:rtaln-

ALAN H. ELY. Si.irlffi: BHOWN,

Solicitor.19, 28; 8-'J.

Krrt*«« i* * o


n»« wortd Cotof m .



uni OUHHIK HINSTK1N.."I. al , lirtrllilttlita. I'l

I lit' sulti of IIHUIKIIK''.1' l i i l t i l J u n i j 1 1 . l!i;i."i

" • u f t i m u b u v e x i n i i ' i l .•!•'• i l l r e i l n i l a n i l i l e l l v e n - . l ,

• •• t u i i i l o a t t i u b l l i ' > ' "

11 \Y, T H K .SEVKN'I'HAtHlllST, A, II , N1NK-

• i i 'NDl lBD TH1HTV-K1VK'• luck Dayllnrlu SavlnK1

•• aftarnoon of the muj< Hherlffi utflii.' in tin-

1 w DrunawU'k, N. .1.! "sr i-frlalri lots . inu-lH m-i

Uinil and premlHta hcr^-"i i ' i i l ar ly i l t -nrlbtd, a l lu-

. -i,a lining In the lli'iuiiKH1 I11 the County of Mill-

1 Hliile of New Jersi-y.1 "NK: Heln» Lot Numlier

" HlocW Nuinl'i-r T h l r t t m1 "I Property of Mtuy N.

"1 rtle Ifi th* oftii'* of t l i -Mlildleiux Cuunty, N i w

1 TWO: Be ing ileKlKUHlrili' ' f I'roperty uf Mary N."n Ills In the office of the

1 Mldiilouex County. New" iini br lot* niu»''«r nix.

• • i*IU in Block Tl i lr l f tn"nip•''• sunn* iiremlHea HM n i n -;"ar|i|, uinaUIn by d.od of

M W e l « and Ho«e Welnu.. 'mi r«i3oril«d In Book 744

'"r Mlddl««ex County at11 iiremlm conimonly

lenlgna-Ud aa No. 1 8a-niid 4O-4J Uercer »tr««t,

"Miiinto amuunt of theilB «at!Bfled by aald aale1 ••' Heven Thouaand and11ml and Ninety pollart

'ogeth*r with th« eoitjwith all and ulngiilar

; nrlvllege*. heredlta-1 iippurtenanuaa ther*-'«"'« or in anywise ap-

| | ; Holloltor.

tat the•« d t d

•« t o i













. I T i a A W O N I M f J ^ T N t O WiBGOBY HAJCHJ TNt MltKT «v«) «'I* M0WN6 **t> THE ZOOlAt ffl




HUNDRED THIRTY:-FIVKat two o'clock, Dajylfht BaTime In the afternoon of theduy, at the Mherlff'a Offlc* InCity of New Brunawlok, N. J.

All the following" tract or V"at land and i-ioirUaeii herein

ittlcularly deecrlbed, Jittuati'.x ami buliitf in the BorouBtrteret, In th« County of Ml.x umi Htale of N«w JerooyBolnif known and d*algna.eic, ruiiii map uf property of 'I

, I Hawyer, Jr., at Can'.M'llbrlilMe T.nniohlp, Mid

County, N. J- BeliiK known an •do" II on «ald mup »»^ lot ntwintyalM 3*1) on

of Woodbrldir*ta»t

' " n


u ol11 I « r

| County at Niw Urunawlck. NewJeney.

Th* apuroxlinuta auiuunt of thedecree to lie aatlalted by wild. ial«la the au.ni oC ICIght Thouuaiid andTwo Hun,11oil and Eltlhty Dollartl|S,2(((IU()i [oB"ih«i' with the costiof thlu nale.

Together with all and ulnsulartil* rljlna, privileges, h»r«dltan»ntiand apiiurlinance* therciiuto be-

or In miywlBe appertaining.AI-AN H. EhY, Sheriff.


J to.ti aollcltor.!. P . 7-211; »--', i*. 1 S -


Cuiuulalnani, u"d 8'J'bJVK t'EIVn a i . K t 1 ' J I J I ' 1 A '"ERKW, at al., X)e-*5J^«nu»'i<»- *"'• l t t- *V t n t *•'• °for|>l mortgaged preinlte* dated JuoaIi

Writ, to me directed an delivered,I will aiuoae to aale ut public vondu« onWBDNK8DAV, T H li) 8KVHSNTH


Sit tVo o'clock. Daylight Havlna'lOie la the afternoon of tUe a«l<i

at th* Sharif fa Offlco In theof New Brunawlck, » J," that certain lot, tract or

oi land and pramlaea, h*re-«r(teularly denrlbtt), alt-

lying and being In th* Bor-of Oarteret, In th* County of

ING known and de«l|-nat»d. up-on a oortaln j n a p fllod In the Coun-ty CUrk'i Offloe of Mlddi»«ex Coun-ty; wititlaa "Map of Tract 1, Central

Ii. Dtr, i ofHi. 16

und the auJiilnliiK ten (ID')lot No. K<,ulnl thnJidJolnlnB

') feat of lot NuinW «« on' located mi Herman ave-

th» uremliji egmmoiilyajid drolBiu»t«d M Nfo. U

fiiue, Carteret, New

n u l o amount uf the• sathflid by Mid aaleOf F1v» ThouBAod Fifty-

(*5,«it.(ia), tog.th.roo«l« of thic •>!•.

ter with at) and alnyularMl. privHigtii, liemdltaiiteutapurt«uanc»« th«reunto kie-or In anywlm u)ip«rtainiiiK.A i*8LJt EF-V, Sheriff.J. BfiQWN,

• Solicitor.» . X», tl: |fj.

KUND HAHMONIA a ruriiuiatloii,Coiiiolaliiaui, and Mlril u:i NA-OY mid RQHK NAUY, IIIH vviif, De-fendant* Fl. fa . for thf BHIO otmortxajbMl premlaea dut^l June17, )ftf , .Uy v l i tu» of (he alim.- Miilod

writ, tot'loe directed and 'ii iiverm),I will «5Ua>a» to t a l e at |uiiili< vmi-due onWEltNBBDAY T H H HKVKNTH' D A Y O » AUtHJ8T, A. I' NINlsJ.

TKKN | l i rNDaHl> THIIfl ' l I'l VISat t w o ,0'ulook Utiyllisiii .SuvliiKTime In th« afternoon of ilu aald

ut the gherlff'a <nn. -. u tlwf l U flrunawlek. N .1.

llowlBg traciand prsailae* im>y described, li

lug In h


1 9 1 0 , " l l l u . l * liy

surveyor, KOIIMI-down, known unumb

Lluy tCity of

All Ujof lanaimrtkii ibed,

the Hoiunty of Wm

parcelcinafteric, ly-uuh of

l d l


I' BluinliB,J . are laid

IWII ua lota

(67), alxtyi l t i y - a i ' u u (117), i l x l y -. , and HIM nine (IS), theItllg and h.iMiis* » frOntfcKDIn Birrri .i.i iiilil down and

iii in.. 1. Hrglnnln* at aM'ini Yning the oomer

01 thby tl.t.lint

i Yning the oomerliili-r.intlOO 01 th*

ni«in itr**t uith the northJiowii « A aadi mm', with th* narth-

rly nt iof " i" »(!.•< and from aald•ice nf hrglinilnc running_.orlluil. direction alongrly In..- •'( Kdwln a U M t

1 a line ui right aajrlef orto ill... ea»ieriy nur- of

» t on,. iiiiDiiicd feet t o aluiinlng (3) tat

lion Along a l lDM•o with t in

of "("' atreet; and thtnc* runningt l direti along th*e ;

(4) In a wxterly directionnortherly Un* of '•("" «treet on«hundred feet to the aforwald pointor place al Beginning. Butted andboundtd at foliowa: On tim northby lot No. 7.0. on the east by lot No.Hi, on th* louth by "<""' street andon th* weat by Kdwiii ait«ei

Belnc tin praaiiat-u ufinmuinlyknown and d»jl*nuU'.l aa No. IffEdwin »tr««t, Carlercl, N. J.

Tli* approxlmato amount or thedt'Lif, iii bo «iii»rlt<d by 8»ld aajeIn the mini >>r Tlne.i Tliouaand i uThr^x ll iunlii i l und Fifty DollaJ*).

. f i l l e r with the( 1 3 . Km innor i l . l , - " •


timmrnio ij

wllh all andur|ylUlg«»,p r t

Ilngular iy g heredltl '

aiipurtenamvii thereuor in •n.vwme appe

i SLY,


TK# K.l»i<l<w»or-A knl.-t. l i>"--"!"1 '« »» ' ' " i m | l n l

n-|.\.-l> I n ini '«n» nf mlr r . . - - in« i -«

p n n r i - r j i f f i t i ' i l lv In • v m r r n 1 ' - i ^ '

t,<rii< II ""<* I n v . M i t e d h v • " »

r | , | p . r . - ' - » l > T

LOOK! All faReingold BEER


Jack's Tavern«nd Ballroom



Dnncing & Entertainmentevery Saturday


JACK NORMAN andHii SiWcr Star Orche.tr*

Fr«« Sandwichet


I Continued ire I)

barrelOthers- Tut '"

Taken in on the .«»Mrs. M. Marcb*k ,.;trppt, at "host honv

• . . Juit11 rnritalninK '"p. nii'i St<r**#; T n". iidnnn Str«ft , »'h>M

I a ^Infls jus; nf M in^hinn.>• the home of M .-/nnnki, 22

" i • • Street, lower fIin«r, were'n-il two »till«, two coolers, ai n R-nllmi barrel nf innah, And! Ini ly irnllon bar re l of win*1.

])':!••• mid was made by <;»ptn,in J.

tour wn«lit Larch• a* foundfe moon-flwich of•here wan

Bnrtan Chech Applicant!;

laxity In Replies Noted

William Mart«nc7iik. d in - ' 1 " '•" the Municipal Empli'.w1"1"1

•ireau r epu r t s difficulties i" • '" '• ti-inpf he i* making to i-h<" '^inlrBnt-i fo r work at the I."HI. In ati tffoit. In I rani '!'••'

j i , r MII'I hnd profun-d work,: i:| in iiny w a y i liNiifreit ' ' 'I : - i t ! l » s m r e r f l | r i « t e l : : I R ; i n h i -

po'<i<-ardti with let i i rn i>-t v e r e nent all uiiplimnt-

Kepliep, however, hiivi- in AH expected, ao if y"nml didn't a t tend to it.

BUDGET1 untiniird from pagr nnr

• i ith tin county and rovpriitir II",,ver I'M'iMiiliture*.

"No inn- kilo1** better thnn tinman." ihe Mayor went on, "tlm1

whe«. vnlnations ar« low«r«d tIT-dirTr**nw» moot b* taktn up I•nthcr taxpayers. He hanfleil m-the rut in a*8essniMtt, on '(»('Hiidn pv"i>erty, afnounrinj; i"r.vhu-yon if.*35,000, tnd the !•imls rrf "ther cuts in .antemrd •••'nations No one knows b c ' cthnn hi Hie real riMon wh\ " 'tnx rnii- had to bt> rtined r |

Medvetz Returns Home

Suffering Accident Hnrtt

sliiTi.Inn »iw! Officer RobertSluinley.

S*l«m Aritnu* RaidAt 12:35 A, M , the srnnc morn-

np Offfr-c-r Knuhn arrested Hut1 tip Walker nf 3 Salem Avenue smlHenry Walker of 1 Salem Avenue, and Arthur KHwards 'of .'IfiPershinn Aveifue, nil r>o|orrd. Thntwo Wnlkors wore rhnrged withbririft disorderly persona at 3Salem Avenue, mid njrninst Kd-ward* wan tntnkrd t.he namecharge with nn additional one ofpetty iBreony

All will hiive henring* beforeRecorder David S. Jacoby today.Henry Wnlker and Arthur Ed-wnnli were kept in juil becaUMthey were unable to provide ball.The others were relcnsed until thehearing.

I ^^^^v^ ^^^^^r ^H^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^i^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m r

SUNNYDALEii l 7 l SMITH ST. PERTH AWBOYJ. , I • » • ! • • • , • ' ' \

' I he wlmlf town in talking about the good valuesi|bi-inR sold nl thin market at »uch tremendously low| SAUI. WEISS, of the original P. A. City Market i

FREE One large 14 oz. bottleof Del Monte Catsup Iwith every purchase of.


iShoulder of Lambk B F . S T < ' I I I S < > r


•Legs of'LAMBFSm

I . S I K . A R ( t l H I l )

(Smoked•HAMS' B O N F . I . F . S S C R O S S R I B



ROASTSolid Ment






FOWL4 to S lt>. «vg


you |ile».'»' do so and lighti'ii M1

Marti'DcsuW's worries1

PLAYGROUNDCn'\linvrd f'om fiafjt tmr

the hornuirh. The first playirrnund wai open daily und l «nevMiingB n week. Mr Yuckmitnspoke briefly mid the playgroundWHS thrown (,pen. The apparntnswhich hnd IIIM'II chniiu'd WHS n-leased «nil there wns n wildscranilil'1 " f youngs ters to H"1

swine1*, ini'"- nnd other a|>p-'u-ntun

Bcniili"- !hi' port it, playcl instarling ' •nt' iret'i first phnBToiiinl tin- V T. A. was an am1 '1

force in olln-r directions, espeiily durintf the first four or fr -

' ypni!i nf '<•• existence. From Hi' day it ""i" organized the aiwocn'Itioji ivoikod for n IHBT'I school i-'Carti'n-t After the school wnbuilt 'In1 :isHociali"n favored tinathl>'ti<- field iileii unit in time tin-field mi1' iiidioi i7ed by the votprs The a-.'jin mtion promotedcoiiiiii'inii v -pint and made thetown I'IIN. II'IOII conscious. Parent-tejtche' (\- -i lalions were Hnon or-g.ini.'cl ••• the two parochialsch""l ' ' lie borough.

'I'll- i •"••mtion introduced andcm J i- i ."it the idea of providingmill "i tlic school children. Att In i rniai candy WHS distributedIU i: the children and teachers.rim !mas trees were placed andJii:liicil in school yards during the< Ini Inms holidays.

Several plays were sponsoredby (lie association. One "Kath-leen, a romantic musicnl comedyoanii.l trruss receipts nmountingto If I n.Vi.OO. The cast of highschool tndents included severalwho nn prominent in local pub-life hlV today—amonif themMiclniel Vai'hesky, a councilman,and Dr. I' R. Wexler, a local den-tist.

Once when a political move wasstarted to take away from the

! people here the right to elect! school commissioners the P. T. A.: carried the fight to the state housej and defeated the bill on the floor.Kven Assemblyman Thomas L.Hanson who introduced the billdid not vote for it. P. T. A.'s o(other communities, Women'sClubs Mini part of the state or-ganization of Republican women

I joined \. ith (he local P. 'J' A inthat light.

Nor five years the associationconiiil.utc.l $ioo annually toward

'the Washington trip of the.Senior-,.

Chopped 1 Q l

yearOne N«w Job

j Tin1 Mayor declared the • • • • • v[now job crrftted bv his adnn iJ

trillion is tha t of di rector of >'"employment bureau , and that i >

j he snid, has given the p«opl. iservice We!! worth the salary "fthe director.

"I wll^ not stand thin nor' "f•>ttnck from greedy people ," llwMayor continued, "if anyone '»nshow me n bet ter way to run ' I"borough -n way to opera te it v itlili-pfl e rpen ie but wi thout los'^ "!

service to the people I \rtl w elcome .inch a suggestion.

Councilman Turk said no n<lministration could have been ni">c

'efficient and economical than '>"'present one He pointed out MM-item of >«;.".(100 for back la>.-->due the county and the allotn ntto cover OVI-I expendi tu res v - 1 '•tnandatory.

G.O.P. PICNIC(Tontinued from page 1)

.. n'h to the picnic jrround. Geonr-!:. .i^ulok, general chairman of urai .'emenU is being assisted '>vtin inllowing committee:

1:-.option, Mayor J. W. M ittucl , Hercules Ellis, Michael Vr

' dies'-v, William Gcenwald, I"iH. I Strandberg, A. D. (Jl .JFranl Haury, Joseph Oalviun IJohn Hreia, Charles Krysiev ' .Josepli lomo, N. A. Jacoby, Da- el

IJaco'n Victor Rogowsky, J IINevill, (ieorffe Yuronka, J '-'•Kendz.H -iky, H Gorke.

Refre liments, C. Markwii.J. Leslie. Harry Lubern. A. !l •derman, II Wolansky, J, Ihnat. i.JCurt?., II Rritton, William tl:ntenczuk, .1. Kdmond, M. Hora.shik.L. Vemachio. M. Lozak, M. Tieputnick, Walter Vonah, J. Ten-beckey, John Hrivnak, H. Johnson, F. Kazmersky, William "iCmpany.

Also John Preputnick, CharlesSidun, Peter Kubala. Jr., Mrs.

i Robert Wilson, Mrs. J. Bnrtok,• Mrs. A. Hunderman, Mrs. N. A.] Jacoby, Mrs. J. P. Goderstad, Mrs.John Nevill, Mrs. C. Drake, Mrs.Lewis Bradford, Mrs. F. Barefnrd,Mrs. J. W. Mittuch, Mrs. G. Kurtz,Mrs. Walter Vonah, Mrs. GeorgeBensulock, Mrs. M. Humphries,Mrs. John Breza, Mrs. J. WeberMrs. H. Hritton.

Treasurers are: Frank andLewis Bradford, publicity is incharge of A. D. Glass, Alex Com-ba, and Mr. Perry.



OR # Bunch'


POLE REMOVALI' oiilinneii from page I)

nii'ipal employment bureau.I'll'1 stnrl of this work will beriiliiiiii;iiinn of the effort-, Mr.'•nwalil has made for a lung

- lo ha i e (fie poles eliminated,idea n a s presented to the

in-il 'fin ing the Win te r , and at"iifei.-nce late in March tin;'•i-mriii was reached lictnv.'ililiij 'mi ipanies involved, th

''"• Sei vice, the New Jt.',-s,.I elephinii" Company anil th.

lei-n t 'n ioi i , and borough uiil- Since tha t t ime the. actuali of the work has uwaited onlyinal permissions from boroughcounty adminis t ra t ions , undraft ing of plans by the utili-

COURT PLEA(Continued from DBIT» 1)

ed. For the past four or five yearsthe board has been flghtinr the in-sects and removing the obnoxious

.Ml hasl i l l d g e l

".roughit haw



Total Coil of Cm) WirThe total coat of the Civil war

was $;t,478.2>JO,000.


$1 oo RUBY'S $ 1 0 0



We expect a complete and fait tellout of all

the>« Shirti, bccauia th« T»1U«| are rsally

exc«ptioD>lt All >iset and tleevs lengthi in

every •tyla.


FROM $1.35 TO $1.95

Here are 2 example* of the exceptional valuea

we are offering throughout the entire store.



3 for $1


SchohnlMcdvet?. of Wheeler Avenue w«*broiiirht home Wednesrlay ei-cniniffioin a hospital in Poutflikoep-'i.-.wliere he was taken Saturday 111

|t«<i he fell from a tank in Hiifbtarid Hcrois the river- He w.-ip un

i,-onsriinis when taken to tlij; )n>"pital and was treated for » fraclured left forearm and wrint andl.rinseg about, the hips, MrMedvetz is employed by an nilconcern and goes about the conntry inspecting and gaueing tnnks

Joan Katko UBride Of RBJIHH

Oreraony In Wood-b rid ire Church Unite*


ST.EUAS(Continued from page 1)

M. R. I.tikati and Father NicholasSwibo, both of Perth Amboy; Fa-ther Kooaey, of New Brunswick;Fathpr A. Kandra, of Newark; Fa-ther J. Slivka, of Rahway; FatherLawrence Horvath, of the Churchof Our Lady of Hungary, PerthAmboy; Father Julius Kiss of St.Elizabeth's Church and Father AJ. Sakfton of the Sacred HeartChurch, both of Carteret. Therewill be special music during theservice.

In the afternoon a festival andpicnic with entertainment will beheld on the church grounds Therewill he dancing- in St. Elias hull inthe a/tcrnoon and evening.

A V.rr Cold Pwpl*The. most primitive people yet

found are the Jerawava pygmies ofthe Andaman Islands, In the liny ofItenjfnl They tinve not yet learnedto hulld R fire

weeds. This year the bb«en powerless because ithas been reduced by the icouncil and no men on n-libeen supplied to spray tr.remove the plants. Last .war t he 'board caused the destrunion ofJiipunese beetles, this year lark offunds prevented a eaoi|>aitfn ;against the beetles and they hare jpractically destroyed all the rose jbushes and nuieh other .shrubbery.Joseph Wantoch. who was presentand who used to have one of themost extensive rose gardens in theboroug+i, said he had to cut downall his bushes.

Carteret ParsCommissioner Makwinski said

that while the borough adminis-tration has failed to supply reliefmen to do the necessary work un-der direction of the health boardCarteret men on relief have beenput to work in Woocfbridge, butthe coat is charged to Carteret.

Executive Officer Krmik Bornwas directed to get in touch im-mediately with the mayor andcouncil in an effort to get help.Lust year it was reported the cam-paign against beetles cost about$;iO and the work of sprayingtrees and cutting ivy and ragweed

$277. The men who did thewere supplied frum the re-

lief lists.

—A Classified Adv. Will Sell it—

FARMMARKET224-2'J Smith St.


The marriage of Mfsfl.ln.ui Katko, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Frank Katko,nf 18 Hermann Avenue, toJoseph Ruskai, Jr., son ofMr. nnd Mrs. Joaeph Ruskaiof Fulton Street, Woodbrid|re,took place Saturday morntnjr at|() o'clock in the Church of Our

jUdy of Mount Carmel, the Hun-garian Catholic church in Wood-jbridjre. The ceremony wan per-formed by the pastor, Rev. Vin-ri-nt I*nyi, and was followed'by a

|reception at. the Katko home.

The bride wore a fitted gownof white bridal satin, and a veil ofillusion tulle, arranged cap f«ah-iion. Her bouquet was a shower of•bride rosed and lilies-of-the valley.:She waa attended by Miss MarionRuskai, sister of th*1 bridegroom,as maid of honor. Her costume

|w»a of pink satin with hat to[match, and ahe carried pink roses.[There were two bridesmaids, MissiBetty Ruakai and Mm Helen l>o-•kas, the former gowned in bluesatin and Miss Dokas in Nile (treensatin, each with hat to match amicarrying a bouquet of pink ro*eFrank Dancnes attended Mr. liukai as best man and there wertwo ushers, Steven Terek and

(John RuskaiAfter a short wedding trip the

couple will iniike their hom« at thpHermann Avenue addrem. Mrs.Ruskni is a graduate of CarteretHiph School, class of 1M4. Th*bridegroom is employed by theKelly Awning Company of PerthAmboy.



I " '••••

Aan ' "meniM"n.MrThin

( onttnued from V*t* 1)of police recortW doen not

Ii the position of policetrole or repeal the ordinanceline for that office.

K.rh Holdi Courtthe situation now stands.

Mud to th* poltefl d»p«rtMr Jnc»hy holds court on

lav nml Friday nighta andKi.viics on Tuesday and

,-,lav niirhfs if there it any-

-t for hiijconrtIng factor, pnlir,, 0,person issuing u,,, ,CM*, ix o.. . „„ ; ; ;r " B " 1 | I V O r i L n i n

Mr. J a t o h y i, B.iM if it ;, „.,.,..

tries the case

M . n d . N , m ,Th" csnary u , ,

In honor nt n i,.














MEAT 11Pot


Chickens 19 LB





AT 9:30 A. M,






84-86 Smith Street PERTH AMRoj

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GUARANTEEDlor 1 2 month*

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JERSEY T l | COMPANY, Inc.147 Nw Bnuuwkk 4 * . fliom f. A. 4-1775 • 1776

Friday and Saturday


135 Smith Street Perth Amboi


Clearance SalCome to LOBEL'S Semi-Annual Sales Event! The moat detirmble Summer merch*

<li.v at the most astonishing prices. Everything mutt b« cleared to make i

new Fall merchandise. Quantities being limited we will sell all items as long

th-y last. Come early for best selection! Sorry, No Refunds—No ExchanKes-

Sa!e» Final!

GIRLS' PLAY SUITSChick styles in fabrics that will stand wear andplenty of rubbing. Seersucker and Broadcloth,Hiiliii and prints. Moat styles with elastic backs.Require no snaps or buttons. Sires 4 to 6V4, 1to 10. Regular $1.00.

2 for $1.00



Out they g"d r e s s Iri » i i " kAll » a n l ' - l II

• t y l t s . I'IIInc- ' 'i i.

Sforaui-ki-i - u.Vuu ' l l miri-K « '

t h l i l o w pi -'•>•n o t In I-VITV ii

1 to 3, 4 to 10, 10 I'Ragular $1.00. Special |


Made of fine quality rayoncloth. Lace trimmed or tail-ored. Pink and White. 4 to16. Regular OUc

2 for 11.08


Cotton knit and mesh. Elas-

tic and button backs. 2 to

1'-'. Regular 49c.

, 3 for $1.00

BOYS'A lot ofmerits.suckerMostly

WASHfine wu^l

C o v e r t flia n d H

glecvi'li^with sleevea. !£>->;•79c. Size* 2 to ti

SUITS!.iiiii- W'MUi, Se»r-B...i-lrli'tn-B

i 11) Lm

In: •! ' " •


SILK: PQPMN syrteThese garments sold op to f l.ftg. They we wellcuuatrucUd and styled. Made of the finest ma-terialu. Long pants—sailor suits included.

4 TO 6 1 1 - 0 0 6 TO 10


Panties, vests, bloomers and combiiuni • • • '

of heavy knit rayon and are full cui | l l l t l

white. 4 to 14.

Values In Our Infants DepartmentHAND MADE DRESSES

All white or pink andblue unlocking. Sunn- ^% t J» 4 |with eollara. HeguUr ^ l O f J) 1


White, blu« and m«U«.Dainty styles, f a s tcolors. Regular 69c.

DIAPERS, birdaeye or flann«l. 27x27Hemmed, ready for u»e. doz. $ i ,oo

Fin* CRIB or FRINGED BLANKET36x50. Sateen bound, pink and $ i ooblue. ' 1'

RECEIVING BLANKETS ^ f o r l i . o o



HanJ made TODDLER DRESSK5, wh;pink, blue. 1 to 3 2 ^

Silk, Wool HOSE. R»fuUr 31c 4 •" J

Tots'9UN SUITS, Bn»d- 3 ^ * ! 'doth, limited

Hand m*d« SUPS 4 f o r l