11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC

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  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    Examination of Health RisksExamination of Health RisksAssociated with Exposure toAssociated with Exposure toElectromagnetic RadiationElectromagnetic Radiation

    Cynthia Kelly, M.D.Cynthia Kelly, M.D.

    Orthopaedic OncologistOrthopaedic Oncologist

    Denver, ColoradoDenver, Colorado

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    RadiationRadiationaaYou cantYou cant

    touch it,touch it,

    feel it,feel it,

    smell it,smell it,

    or taste it.or taste it.

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    RadiationRadiationaaVery high doses causeVery high doses cause

    immediate cellular death.immediate cellular death.

    aaLow doses cause disturbancesLow doses cause disturbanceswithin the cell, causing systemswithin the cell, causing systemsmalfunction but not death.malfunction but not death.

    Ion transport(calcium), geneIon transport(calcium), genetranscriptiontranscription

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    Health Effects ofHealth Effects of

    Electromagnetic FieldsElectromagnetic FieldsaaBrain cancerBrain cancer

    aaChildhood leukemiaChildhood leukemia

    aaBirth defectsBirth defectsaaPregnancy lossPregnancy loss

    Physiotherapists 0.04Physiotherapists 0.04--0.560.56 QQW/cmW/cm22

    aaSleep disturbancesSleep disturbances

    aaAltered calcium ion movement inAltered calcium ion movement inbrain cellsbrain cells

    aaAltered childrens performanceAltered childrens performanceMental & physical 0Mental & physical 0--44 QQW/cmW/cm22

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    Literature ReviewLiterature Review

    aaCells (plant & animal) exposed toCells (plant & animal) exposed to

    EMF show distinct growth changesEMF show distinct growth changes alteration in cellular enzymes. alteration in cellular enzymes.

    aaHuman & animal cells demonstratedHuman & animal cells demonstratedmodulation of genemodulation of gene--expression,expression,

    changes in transcription pattern &changes in transcription pattern &protein synthesis.protein synthesis.

    DNA effectsDNA effects Hawaii Med J 1991Hawaii Med J 1991

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    Literature ReviewLiterature Review

    aaAvailable data suggest that RFAvailable data suggest that RF

    radiation should be considered aradiation should be considered acarcinogenic risk, a position takencarcinogenic risk, a position takenin an internal 1990 US EPAin an internal 1990 US EPAdocumentdocument

    when there was much less evidence ofwhen there was much less evidence ofthe potential harmfulness of EMFthe potential harmfulness of EMFradiation.radiation.

    Env Health Perspectives 105(s) Dec 1997Env Health Perspectives 105(s) Dec 1997

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    Literature ReviewLiterature ReviewaaStatistically significant doseStatistically significant dose--

    response relationships exist forresponse relationships exist for

    the physiotherapist study,the physiotherapist study,Korean war study and the PolishKorean war study and the Polishmilitary study.military study.

    Dept Natural Resources Engineering NZ 1997Dept Natural Resources Engineering NZ 1997

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    Lit Review:Lit Review: Health EffectsHealth Effects

    Due to EMF ExposureDue to EMF Exposure



    Risk RatioRisk Ratio(range)(range)

    Polish MilitaryPolish Military(1996)(1996) 2020 3.03.0--13.913.9

    North SydneyNorth SydneyAustralia (1996)Australia (1996)

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    Health Effects of EMFHealth Effects of EMFaaThere are more than 60 majorThere are more than 60 major

    studies declaring the dangers ofstudies declaring the dangers of

    EMF.EMF.aaEMF has been declared aEMF has been declared a

    hazard by the Swedishhazard by the Swedish

    government, and they havegovernment, and they haveinstituted mandates concerninginstituted mandates concerningpublic exposure.public exposure.

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    Public Exposure LimitPublic Exposure LimitaaIf cancer risk is to be reduced,If cancer risk is to be reduced,

    the limit should bethe limit should be

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    Health Effects of EMFHealth Effects of EMFaaUnder extended exposureUnder extended exposure

    conditions RF signals at averageconditions RF signals at average

    of 5of 5 QQWW/kg are capable of/kg are capable ofinducing chromosome damageinducing chromosome damagein human lymphocytes.in human lymphocytes.

    aaIncrease in # micronucleatedIncrease in # micronucleatedcellscells

    Bioelectromagnetics 23:113Bioelectromagnetics 23:113--126, 2002126, 2002

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    Our childrenOur children

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    Childhood Leukemia & EMFChildhood Leukemia & EMF

    aaPositive association & dosePositive association & dose--responseresponserelationship with relative risk estimatesrelationship with relative risk estimatesfrom 1.5from 1.5--2.7 for past exposure (5 studies).2.7 for past exposure (5 studies).

    aaSignificant doseSignificant dose--response relationship (3response relationship (3studies).studies).

    Observations cant be explained by misclassObservations cant be explained by misclass--ification of exposure or a selection bias.ification of exposure or a selection bias.

    A confounder effect would hardly explain suchA confounder effect would hardly explain suchresults.results.

    aaPossible causal nature cannot bePossible causal nature cannot bedismissed.dismissed.

    Levallois: Am J Prev Med 1995Levallois: Am J Prev Med 1995

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    Childhood Leukemia & EMFChildhood Leukemia & EMF

    aaItalian studyItalian study 2.2 fold increase2.2 fold increasein leukemia in children livingin leukemia in children living

    w/in 6 km of Vatican radio andw/in 6 km of Vatican radio andTV transmission towersTV transmission towers (2001)(2001)

    aaAustralia studyAustralia study increasedincreased

    incidence of childhood leukemiaincidence of childhood leukemiaand death d/t TV tower RFand death d/t TV tower RF

    Med. J. Australia, Vol.165, No. 2 p.601Med. J. Australia, Vol.165, No. 2 p.601--55

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    Health Effects of EMFHealth Effects of EMFaa18 studies of childhood cancer &18 studies of childhood cancer &

    residential exposure to EMF haveresidential exposure to EMF have

    been conducted.been conducted.There is a preponderance of positiveThere is a preponderance of positive

    results, more than one would expect byresults, more than one would expect bychance.chance.

    aaWhen all studies are pooled, theWhen all studies are pooled, theaverage risk for leukemia, lymphomaaverage risk for leukemia, lymphomaand nervous system tumors areand nervous system tumors arestatistically significant.statistically significant.

    Cancer Causes Control 5:299Cancer Causes Control 5:299--309, 1994309, 1994

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    Health Effects of EMFHealth Effects of EMFaaThere were excess leukemia & centralThere were excess leukemia & central

    nervous system cancers in those employednervous system cancers in those employedin occupations where there is substantialin occupations where there is substantialuse of electricityuse of electricity

    Electricians, electric utility & power companyElectricians, electric utility & power companyemployeesemployees

    aaMetaMeta--analysis regarding occupationalanalysis regarding occupationalexposure to EMF, leukemia & brain cancerexposure to EMF, leukemia & brain cancerreport modest butreport modest but statistically significantstatistically significantincreases in cancer risk.increases in cancer risk.

    J Occup Environ Med, Dec. 1995J Occup Environ Med, Dec. 1995

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    tandardsaaCurrent regulatory standards areCurrent regulatory standards are

    based solely on the THERMAL effectsbased solely on the THERMAL effects

    of RF radiation (200of RF radiation (200QQW/



    ) at the) at thecellular level.cellular level.

    aaEvidence from Moscow & otherEvidence from Moscow & othercommunity studies suggest thatcommunity studies suggest that

    exposure as low as 2exposure as low as 2QQW/cmW/cm22

    maymayhave long term health effects.have long term health effects.

    Env Health Perspectives 105(s) Dec 1997Env Health Perspectives 105(s) Dec 1997

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    tudiesaaThe focus of more recent animalThe focus of more recent animal

    studies exploring the possiblestudies exploring the possible

    carcinogenicity of EMF exposurecarcinogenicity of EMF exposurehas been the role of EMF as ahas been the role of EMF as apromoter of malfunction within apromoter of malfunction within a

    cell.cell.aaDevelopment of cancer isDevelopment of cancer is

    probably multifactorial.probably multifactorial.

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    CarcinogenesisCarcinogenesis a multistep process that requires at a multistep process that requires at

    least 2 genotoxic events in its criticalleast 2 genotoxic events in its critical

    path but is facilitated by nongenotoxicpath but is facilitated by nongenotoxicproliferative effects on target cells.proliferative effects on target cells.

    EMF could influence carcinogenesis ifEMF could influence carcinogenesis if

    it exerted either direct or indirectit exerted either direct or indirect

    effects on target cell turnover.effects on target cell turnover. Bioelectromagnetics 17:339, 1996Bioelectromagnetics 17:339, 1996

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    CarcinogenesisCarcinogenesisaaIn work spanning a decade & 9In work spanning a decade & 9

    projects, Goodman & Hendersonprojects, Goodman & Henderson

    reported increased transcriptionreported increased transcription

    of oncogenes (cancer genes) &of oncogenes (cancer genes) &

    other specific mRNA sequencesother specific mRNA sequences

    in several types of cells exposedin several types of cells exposed

    to lowto low--frequency magneticfrequency magnetic


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    aaLatency is theLatency is thedelayed effect ofdelayed effect ofexposure to aexposure to aharmful substance,harmful substance,

    i.e. sun and UVi.e. sun and UVexposure.exposure.

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    LatencyLatencyaaTobacco industryTobacco industry

    Initially there was felt to be noInitially there was felt to be nolink between tobacco use andlink between tobacco use andcancercancer

    Now the link is clear cutNow the link is clear cut

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    Clinical ExperienceClinical Experience

    aaChildren with cancerChildren with canceraaParents concernsParents concerns

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    Risk vs. BenefitRisk vs. Benefit

    aaRisk: Health hazardRisk: Health hazard

    to community, bothto community, bothreal & perceived.real & perceived.

    aaBenefit: BetterBenefit: Betterresolution on aresolution on atelevision screentelevision screen

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    Implications forImplications for

    Public PolicyPublic Policy

    aaThe risk of EMF exposure withThe risk of EMF exposure with

    erection of the new tower iserection of the new tower issufficiently significant and thesufficiently significant and theexposure sufficiently widespreadexposure sufficiently widespreadthat actions to limit newthat actions to limit new

    exposures are warranted.exposures are warranted.

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    Implications forImplications for

    Public PolicyPublic Policy

    aaTwo main approaches forTwo main approaches forlowering exposure to EMF:lowering exposure to EMF:

    PersonalPersonal: change in ones habits: change in ones habits

    SocietalSocietal: increase the distance of: increase the distance ofthe source of EMF from peoplethe source of EMF from people

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    EconomicsEconomicsaaThe costs of mitigation andThe costs of mitigation and

    litigation relating to the powerlitigation relating to the power

    lineline cancer connection havecancer connection haverisen into the billions of $$ &risen into the billions of $$ &threaten to go much higher.threaten to go much higher.

    aaAvoid additional costs & locateAvoid additional costs & locatethe proposed tower to anthe proposed tower to analternate, lessalternate, less--inhabited site.inhabited site.

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    ConclusionConclusionaaWhen it is possible to reduceWhen it is possible to reduce

    EMF exposure at a reasonableEMF exposure at a reasonable

    cost and low inconvenience,cost and low inconvenience,future disease may befuture disease may besubstantially reduced.substantially reduced.

    Public Health Reports, May/June 1996Public Health Reports, May/June 1996

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    aaThe evidence justifiesThe evidence justifies PrudentPrudentAvoidanceAvoidance of unnecessaryof unnecessary

    community exposures.community exposures.

    Env Health Perspectives 105(s) Dec 1997Env Health Perspectives 105(s) Dec 1997

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    ConclusionConclusionaaThere is discrepancy surroundingThere is discrepancy surrounding

    allowable, safe levels of exposureallowable, safe levels of exposure

    to all sources of electromagneticto all sources of electromagneticenergy.energy.

    aaWith the possible association withWith the possible association withcancer, fetal loss and other effects,cancer, fetal loss and other effects,

    prudence in the design andprudence in the design andplacement of new power systems isplacement of new power systems isimperative.imperative.

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    aaThere is conclusive, alarming,There is conclusive, alarming,scientific evidence linking EMRscientific evidence linking EMRand the development of cancerand the development of cancerand other health problems inand other health problems in

    children & adults at the samechildren & adults at the samelevels this Super Tower willlevels this Super Tower willemit.emit.

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    ConclusionConclusionaaAfter exposure to EMR:After exposure to EMR:

    there are significant patterns of increasethere are significant patterns of increaseincidence of childhood leukemia, brainincidence of childhood leukemia, braincancer, spontaneous abortioncancer, spontaneous abortion(miscarriage), and other harmful effects(miscarriage), and other harmful effectswith exposure to EMR.with exposure to EMR.

    biochemical & physiologic reactions andbiochemical & physiologic reactions andalterations at the cellular and tissuealterations at the cellular and tissuelevel.level.

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    aaIt is unconscionable that JeffcoIt is unconscionable that Jeffcocommissioners would expose ancommissioners would expose anUNWILLING community ofUNWILLING community ofconstituents to the effects ofconstituents to the effects ofEMREMR until it is unequivocallyuntil it is unequivocallyproven to be safe.proven to be safe.

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    The FutureThe FutureaaWhat do you say to theWhat do you say to the

    children of the communitychildren of the community

    living in proximity to the newliving in proximity to the newtower who develop cancer?tower who develop cancer?

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    aaWhy put your constituents atWhy put your constituents atrisk all for better TV viewing?risk all for better TV viewing?

    aaOther acceptable site availableOther acceptable site available

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC



    Will we leave Jefferson County if theWill we leave Jefferson County if the

    proposed tower is erected?proposed tower is erected?

  • 8/3/2019 11 Dr. Kelly Health VoltageCC


    Thank You!Thank You!