TECH TRANSFER University Joins Industry Maite Aguado Pharmaceutical Technology PL Synthon Hispania

10.Tech Transfer Maite Aguado Synthonpptx

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TECHTRANSFERUniversity Joins Industry

Maite Aguado

Pharmaceutical Technology PL

Synthon Hispania

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About me…..

- Chemical Degree (UAB) / Master In Pharmaceuticals and Related Products(IUCT) / Master In Project Management (La Salle)/Different trainings trough my professional experience

- Working in Pharma industry for nearly 20 years: (IUCT/ Sanofi-Aventis/Combino Pharm/ Synthon)

- Experience on Formulation Development, Scale up and Pilot Plant and Commercial processes.

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- What is Tech Transfer?- Tasks and Responsibilities- Background, key points and basic knowledge in - Technical Evaluation- Personal Skills- Career development

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What is Tech Transfer?

Where does our responsibilities start?

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Scale up Pilot Plant

R&D Development

CommercialMain Plant

Prototype Trials Q batches S- batches Transfer Validation Commercial

Tech Transfer

Definition: “is the process of transferring technology from theplaces and in groups of its origination to wider distribution amongmore people and places”

What does this means?üDeeply Knowledge of the Product and Process and PersonsüTransfer of Knowledge to internal and external peopleüTransfer of processes: to internal and external plants

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Tasks and ResponsibilitiesFirst….understand with “whom” we are involved”

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TECH Group


Project Management

Supply Chain










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And then…. what are our tasks????

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ØTransfers (New or already commercial):üManufacturing Processes Transfer

•Launch: from the Pilot Plant to a Main Plant (Internal or external)•Between Plants•Scale up

ü Packaging

ØProcess Optimization:üReduce Costs, Times, Operational proceduresüQuality improvements o process variability

ØTroubleshootingüSolve problems….as fast as you can!!!!!!! (Internal or External)üImprovements to avoid quality recurrences

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And then…. what are our tasks????

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Ø Others:

üEvaluation of manufacturing processes still on R&D phaseüRevision of Submission DossiersüInvestigate DeviationsüBe involve in Health Authorities and Customers AuditsüEvaluate new excipients or drug substance suppliersüEvaluation of new CMO’s, new equipments, new technologiesüTechnical support in the regulatory submissionsüTechnical support to Engineering, maintenance, QC,QA, manufacturingüEvaluation of costs (validations, process costs..)üProduct Surveillance / Trend Analysis (continued process monitoring, APR’s revision..)üTrainings

We are the definitition of…… ..MULTITASKING!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Background, key points and basic knowledge

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Our maximum commandment: manufacturing products with the required quality. But…always taking into account costs, time and flexibility.

What we have to know to be excellent????

vThe product:§ Formulation: physical and chemical characteristics of excipients and drug substance; percentages, special requirements (sensible to the humidity/light..)§Product development. Evaluation of the development in the R&D stages§Final product specifications

vThe process:§Facilities§Equipments: main equipments and auxiliary (ex. Pumps, tubs…)§People!!!!!!!!

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Background, key points and basic knowledge

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vSubmitted dossiers§ What are the phases, equipments or settings approved?§Type of product: standard, non standard§Types of variation involved. What is needed to change the batch size, manufacturing site, equipment, settings….§Countries?????

vQuality requirements: GMP, FDA, JPN?????

vIP patents. Can I change the excipient grade? Or change a setting or a manufacturing step?



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Technical Evaluation Once the previous evaluation is completed, the materials, process parameters and quality attributes are listed, categorized (critical or non critical) and related to each other.

Example: Granulation in a High Shear Mixer.

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Materials Process Product



(Critical)Material Attributes

Operation unit

Materials Process parameters

Quality attributes affected

Granulation APILactosePovidoneWater

Mixing Time Impeller speedSolutionAddition time.Process time

Dissolution/ DisintegrationUniformity of dosage unitsAssay

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Technical Evaluation

According to the previous study, the risks are categorized and the mitigation actions are planned.

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Operation Unit

CPP Risk CQA affected Mitigation Risk

Granulation Mixing Time and


High Assay BlendUniformityGranulate

Addition Medium DissolutionDisintegration

Control of Torque

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Technical Evaluation

When all the manufacturing steps, attributes and materials have been evaluated then ….we evaluate the type of final study that we need:

ØWe need to perform Trials for a better evaluation? For example when we have to transfer a manufacturing process between sites but we have non similar equipments

ØQualification batch. We buy a new machine but it is equal to the previous used for the manufacturing and the risk is low. We made only one batch.

ØValidation. Changes with high impact. For example. Transfers between sites, batch size increase…. Than we have to chose the type of validation and how many batches are involved.

üTraditional process validation: · batches, complete validation

üContinuous process verification: CQAs and CPPs (when the R&D applies Quality by Design)

üHybrid approach Traditional validation+ Continuous Process Verification

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Skills- Degree in Life Sciences - EnglishBut Also…..- Optimistic, curious, able to learn everyday- Multi-task, capable to work under pressure- Pragmatism- Resilient- Capable of making decisions- Open minded, emphatic- Work in group- Like to travel

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Career Development

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Manufacturing Quality Assurance

R&D Project Management


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