We have really enjoyed some fantastic weather in month of May. Many of you have been taking advantage of it and spending several days a week flying. Good For you! Some of us are stuck in an office. Thanks to our trainers for stepping up and helping those who need it or want to learn more. I appreciate you guys giving up your Thursday's for this endeavor. I would hope as the year progresses we see a few more new students and I am challenging every member to get someone out to the field and try it. For the students who are working on enhancing their skills and for those still trying you have got a great group of instructors- take advantage. This past month we kicked off the foamy war bird series for those willing to try. It`s such a great fun event that all can participate. As the series is built off of points for the season you don`t need to be the fastest to win the series. Come on out and watch or better yet fly in the event. Still several more events scheduled for the year. A big thank you for Jeff Hails for being this year’s chef for our opening day picnic. We all know its an effort to feed a crowd like Laurel Highlands Model Airplane Club - AMA #557 104 Rocky Mt Court, Latrobe, PA 15650 www.lhmac.org Inside Regular Meeting June 12, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the flying field, Mammoth Park Events and Times June Breakfasts will be at Mama G's, 417 Clay Ave, Jeannette 8:30 AM, June 10, 2015 8:30 AM, June 24, 2015 June, 2015 The Prez Says •The Prez Says •Meeting Minutes •Roving Reporter •Our Thoughts and Prayers •Birthday Wishes •Opening Day Picnic Pictures •Project - Part 1 •The Pit Stop •Opening Day Picnic Fun Fly Results Thursday Night Training - June 4, 11, 18, & 25, 2015 at the field (weather permitting) ours! I would also like to thank Rick Swiderski for running the fun fly event. We had several participants and the event went well. During the picnic and open field flying we did have some challenges however. Both the field control officer and I spoke with some pilots about our field rules and their infractions. Please remember if approached that it is to align our field standards and its application on the field. These would be for the field rules as established by the membership and if any member needs a copy sent to them please let an officer know so we can send a copy as promptly as we can. Thank you in advance for your compliance. This month we have a several events also scheduled. These events include Foamy War Float Fly at Chestnut Ridge Park (Acme Dam), Saturday, June 13, 2015 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM (June 27 rain date) War Bird Racing Sunday June 14 & 28, 2015 at 1:00 PM at the field Latrobe Air Show, Saturday & Sunday, June 20 & 21, 2015 - BE AT AIRPORT BEFORE 8:00 AM!!!

104 Rocky Mt Court, Latrobe, PA 15650 June, 2015lhmac.org/newwp/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/June... · 6/3/2015  · During the picnic and open field flying we did have some challenges

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Page 1: 104 Rocky Mt Court, Latrobe, PA 15650 June, 2015lhmac.org/newwp/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/June... · 6/3/2015  · During the picnic and open field flying we did have some challenges

We have really enjoyed some fantastic weather in month of May.Many of you have been taking advantage of it and spending severaldays a week flying. Good For you! Some of us are stuck in an office.

Thanks to our trainers for stepping up and helping those who needit or want to learn more. I appreciate you guys giving up yourThursday's for this endeavor. I would hope as the year progresses wesee a few more new students and I am challenging every member toget someone out to the field and try it. For the students who areworking on enhancing their skills and for those still trying you havegot a great group of instructors- take advantage.

This past month we kicked off the foamy war bird series for thosewilling to try. It`s such a great fun event that all can participate. Asthe series is built off of points for the season you don`t need to bethe fastest to win the series. Come on out and watch or better yet flyin the event. Still several more events scheduled for the year.

A big thank you for Jeff Hails for being this year’s chef for ouropening day picnic. We all know its an effort to feed a crowd like

LLaauurreell HHiigghhllaannddss MMooddeell AAiirrppllaannee CClluubb -- AAMMAA ##555577110044 RRoocckkyy MMtt CCoouurrtt,, LLaattrroobbee,, PPAA 1155665500wwwwww..llhhmmaacc..oorrgg


RReegguullaarr MMeeeettiinngg June 12,2015 at 7:00 PM at theflying field, Mammoth Park

Events and Times

JJuunnee BBrreeaakkffaassttss will be atMama G's, 417 Clay Ave,Jeannette8:30 AM, June 10, 20158:30 AM, June 24, 2015

June, 2015

The Prez Says

•The Prez Says•Meeting Minutes•Roving Reporter•Our Thoughts and Prayers•Birthday Wishes•Opening Day Picnic Pictures•Project - Part 1•The Pit Stop•Opening Day Picnic Fun FlyResults

TThhuurrssddaayy NNiigghhtt TTrraaiinniinngg --June 4, 11, 18, & 25, 2015at the field (weatherpermitting)

ours! I would also like to thank Rick Swiderski for runningthe fun fly event. We had several participants and the eventwent well.

During the picnic and open field flying we did have somechallenges however. Both the field control officer and Ispoke with some pilots about our field rules and theirinfractions. Please remember if approached that it is toalign our field standards and its application on the field.These would be for the field rules as established by themembership and if any member needs a copy sent to themplease let an officer know so we can send a copy aspromptly as we can. Thank you in advance foryour compliance.

This month we have a several events alsoscheduled. These events include Foamy War

FFllooaatt FFllyy aatt CChheessttnnuutt RRiiddggeePPaarrkk ((AAccmmee DDaamm)),, Saturday,June 13, 2015 10:00 AM -4:00 PM (June 27 rain date)WWaarr BBiirrdd RRaacciinngg SundayJune 14 & 28, 2015 at 1:00PM at the fieldLLaattrroobbee AAiirr SShhooww, Saturday& Sunday, June 20 & 21,2015 - BBEE AATT AAIIRRPPOORRTTBBEEFFOORREE 88::0000 AAMM!!!!!!

Page 2: 104 Rocky Mt Court, Latrobe, PA 15650 June, 2015lhmac.org/newwp/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/June... · 6/3/2015  · During the picnic and open field flying we did have some challenges

Minutes of the Meeting ofMay 8th, 2015

The Prez Sayscontinued

The meeting was called to order by Vice PresidentBill Cecchetti, Sr., with the Pledge of Allegiance tothe Flag. There were 19 members present. Theminutes of the April meeting were approved aspublished in the May newsletter. Former members,Sean Sekora and Brett Nicolette & Family, werevoted back into the club. Secretary Don Accorsicirculated flyers for (1) the SIG 41st Annual Fly-In,at SIG Field, Montezuma, IA, June 12-1 4, (2) theFauquier Aero Recreation Modelers (F.A.R.M.) ClubAnnual Summer Float Fly, Lake Ritchie, Bealton, VA,Sat., June 27th (Rain or Shine), and (3) the Tri-County Sky Barons' Golden Age Radio ControlAircraft Model Meet and Airshow, at Bethel, PA,August 21st - 23rd (hosted by the Golden Age AirMuseum). He also circulated a copy of the letter ofcondolence that he sent to the Glenn Charlesfamily, and acknowledged and expressedappreciation to (1) Bob Cline and Family for thedonation of J.R.'s airplanes and accessories to theclub, and (2) Brett Nicolette for his donation of $20to the club general fund. Vice President BillCecchetti announced the raffle prize: two excellentand well illustrated books: (1) "Classic MilitaryAircraft", by Jim Winchester, Ed.., and (2) "TheWright Brothers", by David McCullough. TheTreasurer’s report was approved as given byTreasurer Linda Pollock. Newsletter Editor LindaPollock reported that everything is still OK with thenewsletter. She and Dean also asked everyone toplease continue sending them news of your newprojects and other activities, and include pictures ifpossible. You can e-mail them to her [email protected] , but please send pictures in.jpeg format, not .pdf. Field Control/Safety OfficerTim Bartlow reported that the field was mowedtoday. All of the annual outcrop of dandelion flowersthat interfere with takeoffs is now gone. He alsoreported that the B-17 Weather Vane came downand is being repaired and repainted. The website isup and running, and the event schedule is up todate. Please let Webmaster Vishal Jariwala know if

you have anything that you want posted.OOlldd BBuussiinneessss::(a) Golf n' Fly: Was held on Sunday, April 19th, atDon Gilbert's Ridgeview Golf Course. It was agood day. Twelve people attended, 5 of whomwere golfers. There were hot dogs, burgers,cookies, chips & dip, peach cheesecake, and othergoodies. There were also 5 antique cars. Thanksagain to Don Gilbert for a wonderful time.(b) Opening Day Picnic: Sunday, May 24th. FoodChairman is Jeff Hails. Fun Fly Director is RickSwiderski. Volunteers are welcome to help witheither one. There will also be a flea market beforelunch.(c) Glow Fuel: Dean Pollock still has 16 gallons oflast year's supply at his house and will bring it tothe field and at meetings. Please let him know ifyou want any so he can have it available. Theclub has procured 13 new cases from J & CHobbies, which Bill Cecchetti, Sr. is storing at hishouse. The price is still $17.00/gal.(d) Thursday Training: Our official flightinstructors, when available, for Thursday flighttraining are: Tim Bartlow, Rick Swiderski, RobWhalen, Lucas Morgan, Chuck Zera, Rene Marquis,Lester Faroux, Bill Cecchetti Sr., Mark Yothers andVishal Jariwala. We still need to locate all of thebuddy boxes that the club owns so we can makethem readily available to the instructors. Anyonewho has one, please notify President Ron Morganso we can coordinate their use.(e) Latrobe Air Show: Our club is again invited toparticipate in the Latrobe Air Show on June 20th &21st, with a static display of our aircraft. We willpark in the same place as last year. To enter freeof charge you must have at least one modelaircraft per person and be prepared to show yourLHMAC and AMA membership cards if asked.(f) Cleanup Day: Changed from Sunday, May 17thto Saturday, May 16th, to allow for members toattend Sunday church services. Starting time willbe 10:00 AM.(g) Foamy Warbird Races: CD isVishal Jariwala. The first race ismoved from May 10th to May 17th.

bird Series, Westmoreland County Airshow, andFloat Fly. We will send out information as weapproach airshow time and we expect all membersattending to share their enthusiasm with airshowattendees and recruit. We always get a positiveresponse from the event. The Float Fly event willbe held 10:00 am til 3:00 pm. This has also been alot of fun so please bring a float plane to fly or alawn chair and watch your fellow members fly offthe water! Another great LHMAC event.

See you at the field and fly safe.RRoonn MMoorrggaann

Page 3: 104 Rocky Mt Court, Latrobe, PA 15650 June, 2015lhmac.org/newwp/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/June... · 6/3/2015  · During the picnic and open field flying we did have some challenges

The month of May was a bit of topsy turvy withsome extreme dynamics of weather changes. Wehad temperature swings from 40's to almost 90degrees, as well as an abundance of rain early. Ithink we eked out 2 Thursday Training Days, anddid manage to get a few decent flying days. It wasstill windy, but not every day. The Spring CleanupDay went well, and a lot of improvements weredone around the benches, and impound stand.

All of the shrubbery was trimmed, and the

stones at the benches were re-set, and chipspacked around them. I got the 1st build table re-

The meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM.Respectfully submitted,Don Accorsi

Starting time is 1:00 PM.(h) Refreshments: Thanks again to Dean Pollock forprocuring doughnuts and beverages for tonight'smeeting. We still need a volunteer to take overthis service for the remainder of the year. Thanksalso to Lyman and Carol Petrosky for the deliciouswhite chocolate chip & walnut brownies.NNeeww BBuussiinneessss::(a) Keystone Raceway Flying: Tailspin Hobbies hasannounced that there will be R/C flying open toeveryone every Sunday at the Keystone RacewayPark. Flying will be off of the main drag strip.There are no fees. Dean Pollock will post directionsin the newsletter.(b) Field Safety Rules: The final version of the FieldSafety Rules was passed by a majority vote.Thanks to Rob Whalen and his committee of LymanPetrosky, Jeff Hails, Donald Gilbert and Doug Hagyfor their hard work in revising and updating theserules.(c) Next Meeting: Our next meeting will be Friday,June 12th, 7:30 PM, at the Mammoth Field Pavilion.In case of rain, the meeting will be held at Pavilion#13 on the other side of the lake.(d) Auction: A Victoria US-77 R/C model sailboat,donated by J.R. Cline's family, was auctioned off,and was won by Dick Patrick. The proceeds will goto the LHMAC Treasury.

SShhooww && TTeellll::There was no show & tell.RRaaffffllee::The winner of the aircraft books was JohnHathaway.

Minutes continued:

From: The Roving ReporterYour Roving Reporter

stained, as it had the most weatherdamage. I will go back and go overthe others.

Page 4: 104 Rocky Mt Court, Latrobe, PA 15650 June, 2015lhmac.org/newwp/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/June... · 6/3/2015  · During the picnic and open field flying we did have some challenges

invitational Fun Fly for anyone with AMA membershipwho wanted to attend, held at Pittsburgh RacewayPark in New Alexandria. About 20 people attendedfrom 2 -3 clubs. It was a little windy on and off, butthat didn't deter anyone from flying off the asphalt.We had 5 from our club attend – Tim Bartlow, DennyPollock, Lyman Petrosky, Joe Leonatti and “myself”.

The main runway is in fair condition, but thereare several deep tire track ruts on the east endtakeoff area. I hope we can get the maintenancecrew to get some fill for these areas.

In other news, Tailspin Tom hosted an

Your RovingReporterDean Pollock

I did cover the Boy Scout Field Day at the fieldon May 30, and the kids were pretty interested. Wehad flight demonstrations and some hands ontrainers for them to fly. More coverage in the Julynewsletter.

Lastly – Jim Curry got his old “Lazy Ace” Bipeback, and enjoyed flying her again. That's it forthis month.

Page 5: 104 Rocky Mt Court, Latrobe, PA 15650 June, 2015lhmac.org/newwp/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/June... · 6/3/2015  · During the picnic and open field flying we did have some challenges

VVaauunn && CCaarroollyynn HHiilleeDDaavvee OOsswwaallddCChhuucckk ZZeerraa

PPaauull CCuunnnniinngghhaammLLeesstteerr FFaarroouuxx aanndd hhiiss

mmootthheerr,, AAlliicceeJJiimm aanndd TTiimmii PPeennnniinnggttoonn

DDiicckk aanndd SShhiirrlleeyySScchhmmiittzz

DDoonn aanndd JJooaann AAccccoorrssiiRReennee aanndd KKaarreenn MMaarrqquuiiss

BBoobb BBuusshhmmiirreeAAnndd aannyyoonnee eellssee wwhhoonneeeeddss oouurr PPrraayyeerrss!!

TTiimmootthhyy DD BBaarrttlloowwMMaarrkk CCuurrccii

AAnnttoonniioo SS DDii SStteeffaannooLLaawwrreennccee KK HHooddggee

AAnntthhoonnyy NN MMiinnccuucccciiJJeetttt NNiiccoolleettttee

KKaarrll VV PPffiirrrrmmaannnnCCuurrttiiss MM WWhhiittee

CChhaarrlleess NN YYoouunnkkiinnJJaammeess JJ ZZaammeerrsskkii

GGrreegg LLaazzaarrcchhaakk''ss hhoott ddoogg!!YYuummmmyy!!

Page 6: 104 Rocky Mt Court, Latrobe, PA 15650 June, 2015lhmac.org/newwp/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/June... · 6/3/2015  · During the picnic and open field flying we did have some challenges

OOppeenniinngg DDaayy PPiiccnniicc PPiiccttuurreessMMaayy 2244.. 22001155

Page 7: 104 Rocky Mt Court, Latrobe, PA 15650 June, 2015lhmac.org/newwp/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/June... · 6/3/2015  · During the picnic and open field flying we did have some challenges

OOppeenniinngg DDaayy PPiiccnniicc PPiiccttuurreesscontinued

Page 8: 104 Rocky Mt Court, Latrobe, PA 15650 June, 2015lhmac.org/newwp/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/June... · 6/3/2015  · During the picnic and open field flying we did have some challenges

I purchased the HK (Art Tech) 1700mm (68") W/S STOL EP aircraft in April & after doing a totalevaluation, I made a list of mods that I felt would definitely enhance this very scale model. Themodel is fitted with Ailerons, Flaps, Tow Release, blinking Wing Tip LED's, & Drop Bay in additionto the Elevator & Rudder.The first mod I decided to do was the drop bay as I didn’t like the way the spring-loaded doorslammed open & would dent the lower rear of the fuse. I found a bay door from a HobbyzoneSensei that would work quite nicely as it was made to open & close via servo actuation. Aftercutting the stock spring-loaded door off, I placed the Sensei bay assem. in place & outlined it. Icarefully cut away the excess foam to get a good fit & next came the dilemma of trying to get

by Denny Pollock

Page 9: 104 Rocky Mt Court, Latrobe, PA 15650 June, 2015lhmac.org/newwp/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/June... · 6/3/2015  · During the picnic and open field flying we did have some challenges

Next was replacing the crappy plastic wingstruts with aluminum as I had some 1/2” Walum. spar from K & S Engineering. I cut thelengths & had to gently cut the width to fit thewing inserts & drill a small mounting hole.These were quick & easy.

the servo inside the fuse with the linkage attached & epoxied in place. Nope...not gonna work. Iended up making the Sensei bay door & servo a complete assembly by using a piece of thinaluminum shaped like a “U” & screwed to the bay door plywood frame. Then, after making a newpushrod, I fixed the C/L position of the servo & held in place with a small C clamp to affix with30min epoxy. Worked perfectly & fit nicely into the new opening. I covered the orig. bay servowith a piece of plastic CA’d in place.The next step was to improve the wing mounting as I did not like the long, thin screws thatdropped down the bottom of the winginserts to the plastic lugs at the lower fuse.I felt that the best method was anotherSensei feature, the 1/4 X 20 Nylon screwswith large head. I needed to cut (2) piecesof hobby ply to fit at the wing mountlocations, cut the foam to set the ply a bitlower into the fuse & use 1/4 X 20 T-Nutsepoxied to the ply & into the fuse. Aftergetting each recess cut, I heated my curved-tipped tool cherry red with a propane torch& gently stroked it inside the recess toflatten & melt the foam for rigidity. I thenepoxied each ply into place & cut the nylonscrews to a length of 1 5/8” L for a solidmating of the wing to fuse.


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Pics attached for this Part 1 Series.DDeennnnyy PPoolllloocckk


LHMAC Warbird Race Report – Vishal JariwalaThe first LHMAC warbird race of 2015 was held on 5/17/2015 at our beautiful Mammoth Parkairfield. Although the day was predicted to have unfavorable weather, it turned out to be a greatday with periods of lots of sunshine. It was, however, gusting at times especially at 50-200 feetabove the ground level. Invariably, this had some impact on the final scores.


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At first it appeared that given the prediction of bad weather, there won’t be anybody at the fieldto fly let alone for racing. But our club has some really intrepid flyers. For the opening race, theywere Bill Cecchetti Sr. (Spitfire), Joe Leonatti (F4F Wildcat), and Lyman Petrosky (Spitfire and P-51) In fact, they looked like they had no doubt about participating in the race. On the judgingside, it was Mark “Mode-1” Yothers and Dale Spoonhoward.The race began in a usual manner. The setting of the race remains the same as the last yearexcept a small change in the point scheme. This year, there will be 2 points awarded forcompleting 5 laps. This is to reduce the gaps in score from opening up too much as the yearprogresses.The first heat had one false start. After reset, it was led by Bill Cecchetti’s Spitfire with Joe’s F4FWildcat hot on his tail and Lyman’s Spitfire tracking both of them. Spitfire B flew effortlesslyaround the poles in a very tight pattern, while F4F flying high and wild but catching up due tosuperior power. While the race was going on as usual, suddenly there was a shout from SpitfireL, which went down in near the left side pole in the field. The cause of the accident wasdetermined to be pilot disorientation. Spitfire B and F4F completed the first heat without anyincidents. But here’s where the biggest surprise of the season came. One of the judgesdetermined that the Spitfire B had consistently cut the pole for 9 times! That gave the penalty of9 points. While the F4F had only one cut.The second heat began with F4F very hot on Spitfire B’s tail. It even passed Spitfire B at thestart-finish line around lap 4. Lyman switched equipment to P-51, and he flew gracefully. Thesecond heat finished without any incidents. All the planes completed the race, and landed safelyto go to heat #3.The third began. The usual good start. Spitfire rushing towards the start of lap. F4F hot on itstail roaring. And suddenly F4F went straight down into the deck nose first and full speed! Theveteran F4F that survived years of racing had uncharacteristically ended its career! It wasincredible and sad. Luckily, while the equipment failed the moral of the pilot stays high and weshall see the continued participation.The 9 point deduction seriously affected Spitfire B’s score, but that was partly compensated byF4F early failure. The current points standing is F4F at 18, Spitfire B at 14 and Spitfire L (and P-51) at 15. We missed some of the veteran warbird pilots, and I sincerely encourage them to comeand fly. I’d also like to thank judges for the help at the poles. To the other club members, comeand watch if not participate. It is a fun and unique event. See you at the next race on 6/14/15.

THE PIT STOP!continued

We had a total of 17 participants for the fun fly which was pretty good and had it done within less than an hour so we didn't cut into everyones flying time much at all.First place was Chuck Zera $30 Plus an extra $5 that was left overSecond Place was Rick Swiderski $20Third Place was Lyman Petrosky $10Winner of the Raffle was John Hathaway $15Everyone who participated that didn't place received $5 just for flying, so everyone was awinner.

Fun Fly Director,Rick Swiderski

OOppeenniinngg DDaayy PPiiccnniicc DDaayy FFuunn FFllyy RReessuullttss

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LHMACc/o Linda Pollock1131 Beatty Flats RdLatrobe, PA 15650