试卷代号:1028 中央广播电视大学2009-2010学年度第一学期“开放本科”期末考试 跨文化交际 试题 2010年1月 闷卜 坦毖 -P怡. 下公口 i土 f i E己 月巨 刁是 一、将你的学号、姓名及分校(工作站)名称填写在答题纸的规定栏 内。考试结束后,把试卷和答题纸放在桌上。试卷和答题纸均不得带 出考场。 二 、仔细阅读题 目的说明,并按题 目要求答题 。答案一定要写在答 题纸指定的位置上,写在试卷上的答案无效。 三、用蓝、黑圆珠笔或钢笔答题 ,使用铅笔答题无效。 Informationfor the Examinees: This examinationconsists of threesections.Theseare: Section j:CrossCultural Communication:BasicKnowledge andSkills(30points) SectionU:ReadingComprehension(30points) Sectionjjj:CommunicationAnalysis (40points) Thetotalmarksforthisexamination are100 points. Time allowedfor completingthis examinationis 90minutes. 211

试卷代号:1028 跨文化交际 试题 - tsg.nbtvu.net.cntsg.nbtvu.net.cn/DZWX/testpaper/testpaperbox/kaifangkecheng/1001... · Choose the most appropriate one and ... people usually

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跨文化交际 试题


闷卜 坦毖 -P怡. 下公口

i土 fi E己 月巨 刁是







Information for the Examinees:

This examination consists of three sections. These are:

Section j:Cross Cultural Communication:Basic Knowledge

and Skills(30 points)

Section U:Reading Comprehension(30 points)

Section jjj:Communication Analysis (40 points)

The total marks for this examination are 100 points. Time

allowed for completing this examination is 90 minutes.


Section I:Cross Cultural Communication:Basic Knowledge and Skills [30



Instructions; There are altogether 15 statements or questions below. are offered four

choices marked with A, B, C, and D for each statement. Choose the most appropriate one and

put it in the Answer Sheet.

1. Xiao Wang meets Peter at the airport and says to him:"Morning, Peter!,,In this



source of information is

.the airport

C. Xiao Wang

B. Peter

D. "Morning, Peter!”

2. One way of talking about the different stages in getting used to life in a new country

is the distinction of euphoria, depression, and acceptance.

A. criticism

C. admiration

B. adjustment

D. shock

3. Nowadays in England, people usually call each other

A. Sir or Madam B. by their last name

C. Mr, Mrs,Miss, or Ms D. by their firstn am e

4. In China nowadays a lot of people are getting used to sharing cost of the meal

equally between them as w e say.

A. to go Dutch B. to foot the bill

C. to buy a round D. to go to Dutch

5. The ring gesture, where you form an "O" by holding the tip of forefinger to the

tip of your thumb,means in France that you think something is

A. worthless B. "I'll kill you!”

C. good D. great

6. Non-verbal communication includes all of the following but NOT

A. eye movements

B. gestures

C. facial expressions

D. telephone messages


7. Communication through writing emancipatesm an from the constraints imposed by

the face-to-face distance and the of time.

A. spontaneity

C. complexity

B. responsibility

D. confusion

8. I'm afraid we shouldn't go on chatting like this. The new manager could arrive out

of blue. What does out of blue mean?

A. with an angry expression

C. thinking deeply

B. unexpectedly; without warning

D. extremely pleased

9. A stereotype is a conventional, formulaic, and conception, opinion, or

image of a group of people.

A. effective

C. characteristic

B. oversimplified

D. beneficial

10. In the West,it is regarded polite to open gifts as soon as they are given to express



B. misunderstanding

D. appreciation



11. The American child is nurtured to be to be able to do whatever he could

by himself, ever since he was born.

A. independent

C. obedient





12. Body language can sometimes lead to since people of different cultures

often have different forms of behavior for sending the same message or have different

interpretations of the same signal.

A. effectiveness B. communication

C. agreement D. misunderstanding

13. There has been a tradition in English, particularly inwritten English, that one

should try to use words to refer to the same thing.

A. similar

C. different

B. independent

D. indifferent


14. Kill not the goose that lays the golden eggs. What does the sentence mean?

A. Anyone who claims more than he has already got is very likely to get nothing at

all in the future.

It is better to accept something small than to reject it and hope to get more later on.

If too many people try to do the same thing at same time, there will be



D. There must be something better after every piece


of unpleasantness.

15. Normally, when hearing compliments, a typical Chinese reaction is to show

A. disagreement and anger B. modesty and humility

C. enjoyment and pride D. pride and gratitude

Section II:Reading Comprehension [30 points]

Part 1:Questions 16-20 are based on this part. (15 points)

Read Passage 1,and then answer Questions 16-20 briefly. Write your answers on the Answer


Passage 1

People in low and high-context cultures tend to communicate differently with words. To

Americans and Germans, words are very important, especially in contracts and negotiations.

People in high-context cultures, on the other hand, place more emphasis on the surrounding

context than on the words describing a negotiation. A Greek sees a contract as a formal

statement announcing the intention to build a business for the future. The Japanese treat

contracts as statements of intention, and they assume changes will be made as a project

develops. The Mexican treat contracts as artistic exercises of what might be accomplished in

an ideal world. They do not expect contracts to apply consistently in the real world. An

Arab may be insulted by merely mentioning a contract; a man's word is more binding.

Americans tend to take words literally, while Latins enjoy playing on words; and Arabs

sometimes speak with extravagant or poetic figures of speech that may be misinterpreted if

taken literally. Nigerians prefer a quiet,clear form of expression; and Germans tend to be

direct but understated.

In communication style, Americans value straightforwardness, are suspicious of

evasiveness,and distrust people who might have a "hidden agenda" or who "play their cards


too close to the chest.”Americans also tend to be uncomfortable with silence and impatient

with delays. Some Asian businesspeople have learned that the longer they drag out

negotiations, the more concessions impatient Americans are likely to make.

Western cultures have developed languages that use letters describing the sounds of words. But

Asian languages are based on pictographical characters representing the meanings of words. Asian

language characters are much more complex than the Western alphabet; therefore, Asians are said

to have a higher competence in the discrimination of visual patterns.

16. Is American culture low context or high context?

17. How are words used differently by people in low and high-context cultures?

18. What kind of communication style do people in low context culture value?

19. What have some Asian businesspeople learned about their American negotiation partner?

20. Why Asian people are considered competent in telling the difference between

pictures with certain patterns?

Part 2:Questions 21-25 are based on this part. (15 points)

Read Passage 2 and then decide whether each of Statements 21-25 is True or False according to

the information given in the passage. Write "T" for true and "F" for false on the Answer Sheet.

Passage 2

Verbal skills in another culture can generally be mastered if one studies hard enough.

But nonverbal skills are much more difficult to learn. Nonverbal behavior includes areas such

as eye contact,facial expressions, postures,gestures,and the use of time, space, and

territory. The messages sent by body language and the way we arrange time and space havealways been open to interpretation. Does a raised eyebrow mean that your boss doubts your

statement or just that she is seriously considering it? Does a closed door to an office mean

that your coworker is angry or just that he is working on a project that requires

concentration? Deciphering nonverbal communication is difficult for people who are

culturally similar, and it is even more troublesome when cultures differ.

In Western cultures, for example, people perceive silence as negative. It suggests rejection,

unhappiness, depression, regret, embarrassment, or ignorance. However, the Japanese admire

silence and consider it a key to success. A Japanese proverb says, "Those who know do not speak;

those who speak do not know.”Over 60 percent of Japanese businesswomen said that they would

prefer to marry silent men. Silence is equated with wisdom.


Although nonverbal behavior is ambiguous within cultures and even more problematic

between cultures, it nevertheless conveys meaning. If you've ever had to talk with someone

who does not share your language, you have probably learned quickly to use gestures to

convey basic messages. Since gestures can create very different reactions in different

cultures, one must be careful in using and interpreting them. In some societies it is

extremely bad to point one,s finger at others when giving directions. Other kinds of hand

gestures can also cause trouble. The "thumbs up" symbol may be used to indicate approval

in North America, but in Iran and Ghana it is a vulgar gesture.

21. It is very easy for people from the same culture to interpret nonverbal behavior.

22. People may interpret our body language differently even at work places.

23. In Japanese culture, people value silence.

24. Same gestures always have same interpretations in different cultures.

25. The "thumbs up" symbol will get a negative reaction in Canada.

Section U1:Communication Analysis [40 points]

Instructions; The following are three different cases of cross-cultural communication. In each of

the cases there is something to be improved upon. Write an analysis on what is to be desired for

more successful communication or cultural understanding in each case by answering Questions

26-28 respectively. Your analysis of each case should be about 100-150 words. Write your

answers on the Answer Sheet.

Note! Your writing ability will also be assessed in this section of the test.

Case 1 (10 po



American, went to a Chinese home for the first time. He was offered some

tea. Just when the first cup was about to finish, more tea was added. He drank the second

cup. Then the cup was filled the third time. Then he drank it, then⋯ until he was quite

full. Tom was totally confused by the way of entertaining.

Question 26:

Why was Tom totally confused?

Case 2 (15 points)

Zhu Jun works in a joint-venture company as an executive in China. His boss is an

American called Patrick. They are good friends. Once at a meeting with most Chinese

participants including Zhu Jun, Patrick didn't quite hear much disagreement when asking for

any suggestions for his new project. Patrick took it for granted that his new project would be


quite satisfying. But to his great surprise and puzzlement,after the meeting, Zhu Jun came

to his office and told him that the project might not work properly. This time, to Zhu Jun's

surprise, Patrick didn't seem happy but even annoyed with this.

Question 27:

What would Patrick expect from the participants for his new project at the meeting? Could you

explain Zhu Jun's behavior? Suppose you are the person who knows both of them quite well.

Could you give some advice to both of them so that they could understand each other well?

Case 3 (15 points)

Zhou came to the States for overseas study half a year ago. When he worked part-time

in a restaurant, he made friends with an American student Jim.

One day, as they were leaving work, Jim asked Zhou, "Zhou, I need a favor, I have to

go over to school, and I'm out of money. Could you lend me a dollar so I can take the bus

over there and then get home? I'll pay you back tomorrow.”

"Sure, Jim. No problem. You don’t have to pay me back,”said Zhou, as he handed

Jim a dollar.

As soon as he got to work the next day, Jim went over to Zhou and handed him a dollar,

saying, "Thanks Zhou. I really appreciated this last night. It sure was too cold to walk.”

"Forget it,”said Zhou, as he handed back his dollar.

"Oh, no. I insist. I don’t want to take advantage of a friend. What if I needed to

borrow money again sometime? If I didn't pay you back now, I would feel wrong asking to

borrow money again,”said Jim,

Zhou answered,“But that'

as he put the dollar into Zhou's shirt pocket.

s what friends for. In China, we have a saying‘today for

you, tomorrow for me. ' If you pay me back, I will feel that I won't be able to ask you for

money when I need it. I will feel like you are closing the door on me, and that there is no

trust between us. I thought we were friends. How can I take the money?" Zhou handed back

the dollar,

"But I won't feel right if you don't take it!”said Jim.

Questions 28:

Why did Jim insist on returning the dollar to Zhou? Why didn’t Zhou want to take it? What

culture values are reflected in their attitudes?


试卷代号:1028 座位号口二}


跨文化交际 试题答题纸


题 号 Section I Sectionn Section M 总 分

分 数

得 分 评卷人Section I:Cross Cultural Communication; Basic Knowledge and

Skills [30 points]

(30 points, 2 points each.)







1.孟11 12 13



得 分 评卷人Section ]J:Reading Comprehension [30 points]

Part 1.(15 points, 3 points each. 0. 5 point off for each grammar/spelling mistake, but at most

1 point can be deducted for each item for the grammar/spelling mistakes. The exact wording is

not required, but the meaning must be the same.)







Part 2.(15 points, 3 points each.)

21 22 23 24 25

得 分 评卷人Section IU:Communication Analysis [40 points]

Question 26.

Case 1 (10 points, 7 points for the analysis, 3 points for overall language quality.)

Question 27.

Case 2 (15 points, 10 points for the analysis, 5 points for overall language quality.)

Question 28.

Case 3 (15 points, 10 points for the analysis, 5 points for overall language quality.)




跨文化交际 试题答案及评分标准



Section I:Cross Cultural Communication; Basic Knowledge and Skills [30 points]

(30 points, 2 points each.)

2. B 3. D 4. A 5. A

7. A 8. B

12. D

Section II:Reading Comprehension

13. C

[30 points]

9. B

14. A

10. D

15. B

Part 1. (15 points, 3 points each. 0. 5 point off for each grammar/spelling mistake, but at most

1 point can be deducted for each item for the grammar/spelling mistakes. The exact wording is

not required, but the meaning must be the same.)

Low context.

People in high-context cultures think words are very important, especially in






contracts and negotiations. People in high-context cultures, on the other hand, place more

emphasis on the surrounding context than on the words describing a negotiation.

A direct, straightforward style.

The longer they drag out negotiations,the more concessions impatient Americans






are likely to make.

20. Because Asian languages based on pictographical characters representing the

meanings of words.

Part 2.(15 points, 3 points each.)

21. F 22. T


23.T 24. F 25. F


Section HI:Communication Analysis [40 points]

Question 26.

Case 1(10 points, 7 points for the analysis, 3 points for overall language quality.)

(1)Traditional Chinese custom requires that during the course of entertaining, the host

has to always pour more wine or tea to the guest's glass or cup, and always adds more food

to the guest's plate or bowl without asking whether it's wanted.

(2)Chinese guests know how to respond to this type of hospitality. They simply leave

the wine, tea, or food in the container and stop having any more. But Tom, the American

guest in the case didn't know this.

(3) He followed the politeness rule of his culture:it's not good manners to leave food in

one's own plate at a dinner table. Therefore, without any knowledge of the differences

between the two cultures, an American guest would very likely suffer from either drinking

or eating too much in such a situation.

Question 27.

Case 2 (15 points, 10 points for the analysis, 5 points for overall language quality.)

(1) In America which scores high in individualism,people learn to be unique. They

prefer to express their own personal thoughts and feelings in public, that is,, they like to

debate issues openly. Thus disagreements are always welcome in the discussion. As an

American, Patrick would expect the participants to express their independent ideas freely

about the new project.

(2) In China, which places great value on collectivism and group identity, uniformity

and conformity are stressed. Uniqueness and self-assertive behaviors are not favored within

the group, for they tend to be viewed undignified or embarrassing. So people are not used to

expressing their contrary opinions openly in order not to disgrace those involved even if they

disagree. The participant at the meeting should be aware of the status of group members and

behave according to his position in the hierarchy. As a Chinese,Zhu Jun didn't express his

disagreement at the meeting for he thought it might make Patrick一his boss embarrassed and

lose face. But as a friend, he had to tell him about his different opinion. So that’s why he


went to Patrick's office to express his ideas about the project.

(3) However, from the point view of Patrick,Zhu Jun was not a reliable and responsible

person due to not being able to air his views openly.

(4)As a group leader in China, Patrick should try to understand Chinese way of group

identity. He might accept Zhu Jun’s advice but try to convince him that he really expects

independent opinion from him and encourage him to express himself openly.

(5)Zhu Jun should also try to get to know American individualism. He should learn that

Patrick really wants to have suggestions when having a meeting rather than agreement only.

Question 28.

Case 3 (15 points, 10 points for the analysis, 5 points for overall language quality.)

(1)Jim was keeping his promise when he returned the dollar. Americans regard

credibility as very important. The value of self-reliance is also important to Americans.

They do not feel it right to rely on others for too much. In American culture, owing too

much favors means being dependent. Americans see this as a weakness. They cannot respect

themselves if they feel too much "in debt" to other people, financially or otherwise. Instead,

they prefer to be "free" from obligations to others.

(2) One reason Zhou did not want to accept Jim's dollar was that in Chinese culture it is

very important to be generous to friends. Generosity and respect for friends’generosity are

two values that explain many Chinese customs and attitudes. Chinese do not try to return

small amount of money for they don’t want to suggest to their friends that they are stingy

and "haggle over every ounce". This is why Jim's refusal to accept Zhou's generosity made

Zhou question their friendship.