101 General knowledge Crunch

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  • 8/13/2019 101 General knowledge Crunch


    100 GK Crunch

    By Sir Mudassir

    Title: General Knowledge Quiz Questions with Answers

    No Question Answer

    01 The first Prime minister of Bangladesh was Mujibur Rehman

    02 The longest river in the world is the Nile

    03 The longest highway in the world is the Trans!anada

    0" The longest highway in the world has a length of #bout $000 %m

    0& The highest mountain in the world is the 'verest

    0(The )ountry that a))ounts for nearly one third of the

    total tea% *rodu)tion of the world isMyanmar

    0+ The biggest desert in the world is the ,ahara desert

    0$ The largest )offee growing )ountry in the world is Bra-il

    0. The )ountry also %nown as /)ountry of !o**er/ is ambia

    10The name given to the border whi)h se*arates

    Pa%istan and #fghanistan isurand line

    11 The river olga flows out into the !as*ian sea

    12 The )oldest *la)e on the earth is er%oyans% in ,iberia

    13The )ountry whi)h ran%s se)ond in terms of land

    area is!anada

    1" The largest sland in the Mediterranean sea is ,i)ily

    1& The river 4ordan flows out into the ead sea

    1( The biggest delta in the world is the 5anges elta

    1+ The )a*ital )ity that stands on the river anube is Belgrade

    1$ The 4a*anese )all their )ountry as Ni**on

    1. The length of the 'nglish )hannel is &(" %ilometres

    20 The world6s oldest %nown )ity is amas)us

    21 The )ity whi)h is also %nown as the !ity of !anals is eni)e

    22 The )ountry in whi)h river 7ang)hu flows is Myanmar

    23 The biggest island of the world is 5reenland

    2"The )ity whi)h is the biggest )entre for manufa)ture

    of automobiles in the world isetroit8 9,#

    2&The )ountry whi)h is the largest *rodu)er of

    manganese in the world is!hina : ,outh #fri)a

    2(The )ountry whi)h is the largest *rodu)er of rubber in

    the world isMalaysia

    2+The )ountry whi)h is the largest *rodu)er of tin in the

    world is!hina


    The river whi)h )arries ma;imum orbidden !ity6 Pe%ing

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    30 The )ountry )alled the ?and of Rising ,un is 4a*an

    31 Mount 'verest was named after ,ir 5eorge 'verest

    32 The vol)ano esuvius is lo)ated in taly

    33 The )ountry %nown as the ,ugar Bowl of the world is !uba

    3" The length of the ,ue- !anal is 1(2@& %ilometers

    3& The lowest *oint on earth is The )oastal area of ead sea

    3( The 5ur%has are the original inhabitants of Ne*al

    3+ The largest o)ean of the world is the Pa)ifi) o)ean

    3$ The largest bell in the world is the Tsar Aol%ol at Aremlin8 Mos)ow

    3. The biggest stadium in the world is the ,trahov ,tadium8 Prague

    "0 The world6s largest diamond *rodu)ing )ountry is ,outh #fri)a

    "1 #ustralia was dis)overed by 4ames !oo%

    "2 The first 5overnor 5eneral of Pa%istan is Mohammed #li 4innah

    "3 ublin is situated at the mouth of river ?iffey

    "" The earlier name of New or% )ity was New #msterdam

    "& The 'ifel tower was built by #le;ander 'iffel

    "( The Red !ross was founded by 4ean Cenri urant

    "+The )ountry whi)h has the greatest *o*ulation

    density isMona)o

    "$ The national flower of Britain is Rose

    ". Niagara >alls was dis)overed by ?ouis Cenne*in

    &0 The national flower of taly is ?ily&1 The national flower of !hina is Nar)issus

    &2The *ermanent se)retariat of the ,##R! is lo)ated


    &3 The gateway to the 5ulf of ran is ,trait of Cormu-

    &" The first ndustrial Revolution too% *la)e in 'ngland

    && 7orld 'nvironment ay is observed on &th 4une

    &( The first Re*ubli)an President of #meri)a was #braham ?in)oln

    &+ The )ountry famous for ,amba dan)e is Bra-il

    &$ The name of #le;ander6s horse was Beu)e*halus&. ,inga*ore was founded by ,ir Thomas ,tamford Raffles

    (0 The famous British oneeyed #dmiral was Nelson

    (1 The earlier name of ,ri ?an%a was !eylon

    (2 The 9ND was formed in the year 1."&

    (3 9ND stands for 9nited Nations Drgani-ation

    ("The inde*enden)e day of ,outh Aorea is )elebrated

    on1&th #ugust

    (&=?ast 4udgement6 was the first *ainting of an talian

    *ainter namedMi)helangelo

    (( Paradise Regained was written by 4ohn Milton

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    (+ The first President of 'gy*t was Mohammed Ne