Free Weight Loss Guide: From: EveryBodyFit, LLC U www.everybodyfit.com Hi EveryBody! Lose Weight and Keep It Off for Good 1

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Free Weight Loss Guide:From: EveryBodyFit, LLC

U www.everybodyfit.com

Hi EveryBody! Lose Weight and

Keep It Off for Good

This is a free weight loss program given to you by the folks at www.everybodyfit.com!

Please contact us if you need pedometers for your fitness and wellness events!


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0BTable of Contents

Table of ContentsTable of ContentsU........................................................................................................2


Weight Loss or Fat LossU.............................................................................................4

Speeding Up Your MetabolismU...................................................................................6

Drink More WaterU....................................................................................................6

Build Lean MuscleU...................................................................................................7


Eat BreakfastU...........................................................................................................8

Metabolism-Raising FoodsU......................................................................................8

Eat Fewer Sugary FoodsU.........................................................................................8

Incidental ExerciseU......................................................................................................9

Eating Right While On a DietU....................................................................................11

Healthy SnacksU.....................................................................................................11

Implementing Weight Loss Goals into Your Lifestyle U................................................13

Little ThingsU...........................................................................................................13


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Quality Pedometers cost between $4.80 each and $14.00 each.

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The struggle to lose weight can be a constant source of frustration for many people. There is so much conflicting information available about the right way or the easiest way or the quickest way to lose weight that it can be difficult to know whether you're on the right track or not.

You may even have tried various weight loss products, diet pills, supplements or fad diets that promise miracles in terms of the amount of weight you can lose. Yet by the end of your diet, you probably ended up putting a lot of that weight right back on again.

The problem with those fad diets is that they focus hard on limiting what foods you can eat. They make you replace your favorite foods with shakes or supplements or other things you might not really enjoy. You may have felt as though you were starving half the time, leaving you tempted to snack more often just to stop the cravings. They may also try to isolate or limit certain food groups from your diet in an order to control what and how you eat. Many of these diets tend to leave you feeling as though you're living half a life, unable to enjoy your lifestyle for fear of breaking your diet.

Yet real, effective, long-term, healthy weight loss should leave you feeling happy. You should feel positive and energetic. If you’re doing it right, you should also notice that it's not as difficult as you first thought.

Weight loss is all about a very simple mathematical equation:

Weight loss = calories consumed less calories burned.

As long as you always consume fewer calories in each day than you actually burn generating energy, you'll lose weight. Of course, most people know it's just not that easy in real life.

The key is to understand how to get your body to work with you rather than against you. If you can do that, you'll soon discover that it's easier than you thought to develop that lean, sexy body you've always wanted.

Let's get started.


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2BWeight Loss or Fat Loss

Many "diets" focus so much on weight loss that they forget a very important fact: your scales often lie to you.

You see, there can be a difference between losing weight and losing body fat. In fact, the difference between the two can sometimes be the difference between losing a few pounds and really slimming down for the long term.

Let's look into the differences a little further.

Your weight is measured when you stand on a scale. The scale is only able to tell you what amount of pressure you're exerting as a result of gravity on it. It isn't able to tell you how much body fat you have. It can't tell you what percentage of internal fat is crowding your organs and making your health suffer. It also can't tell you whether you have cellulite, whether you get out of breath just playing with your kids or whether you really have that lean, slinky, sexy body you really want.

You may also have had days where you're retaining extra fluid. This can make you look bigger, weigh more and feel puffy. Yet when that excess fluid drains away, your scales will tell you that you've "lost weight".

The reality is, your scales only measure the amount of pressure you exert on the scale as a result of gravity.

Creating a real, lean, healthy body weight is more about losing body fat and toning the muscles you already have. It's not always just about losing pounds on the scale.

Here's a quick example to demonstrate what we're talking about:

How big an area will 20 pounds of bricks take up in your living room? Now think about how much room 20 pounds of feathers would take up.

This example is the same thing as comparing the size between 20 pounds of flabby, unsightly, wobbly, dimply fat and 20 pounds of lean, tight, flat muscle. Muscle is much denser. So while it might weigh the same, the space it occupies is a lot smaller.


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Don't think that you're expected to gain 20 pounds of muscle here. This was just an example. The point was, if you have a large amount of body fat and very little muscle tone, you will look flabbier, puffier and more bloated than someone who weighs exactly the same as you on a scale, but who has more muscle tone.

Obviously, the person with a little more lean muscle is going to look slimmer, leaner, and slinkier than the person with more body fat and very little muscle tone. Yet these two people could weight exactly the same on the scale.

Now we've sorted that out – throw out your scale. Don't be tempted to check your weight every day and don't believe what it tells you when you feel bloated or puffy. Let's work on more realistic ways to measure your weight loss results.

Your measure of success should be based on your measurements according to your tape measure and your dress size.

Before you even begin your weight loss efforts, you must create an accurate snap shot of where you are right now. Take your current measurements around your thighs, butt, waist, chest, and arms and write them all down. This is your starting point.

From here, we're going to get into how to create that slim, lean body you really want to achieve.


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3BSpeeding Up Your Metabolism

Any weight loss efforts you're working on will be affected by your metabolic rate. Your metabolism is the rate at which your body metabolizes the food you eat and how much it stores at fat cells.

Your body uses energy even when you're sleeping. You only need a bare minimum of energy to make your heart pump and to make sure you keep breathing, but these things still require energy. We get our energy from the food we eat. When we eat too much food, we store it as excess energy – or fat. When we burn lots of energy throughout the day, we tend to have less fat. Your metabolic rate determines the rate at which you burn energy.

If you've spent a long time not doing much physical activity and carrying a few extra pounds, you can be sure you have a sluggish metabolic rate. This means you're far more likely to store excess calories as extra fat.

Yet if you can find a way to speed up your metabolism, you should find that it becomes easier to burn fat more effectively. This will make your weight loss efforts much easier on you.

Here are some quick ways to speed up your metabolism:

7BDrink More Water

Plain, old, boring water can be the key to serious weight loss for anyone. A well-hydrated body will function more optimally, making it easier to expel excess fats and toxins from your body.

Try to drink a glass of water when you first wake up. Drink another with each meal you eat, as this will help you make you feel full sooner so you're likely to eat less. If you do some exercise through day, drink a little more water. And always have another glass of water before you sleep. Ideally you should aim at drinking around six to eight 20oz glasses of water every day.

As you drink more water, you should notice your kidneys begin to function better. This means you'll temporarily need to go to the bathroom more often, but this won't last more than a day or two. It will settle back down to normal once your body is used to the extra fluid. You kidneys will begin to expel toxins and get rid of excess fat for


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you more efficiently. You'll also find that you feel less bloated and you have more energy throughout each day.

What's more, research has shown that when water intake increases, weight goes down. You’ll find you stop retaining so much fluid, as your kidneys are flushing out your body properly, so you won't feel bloated and puffy so often.

8BBuild Lean Muscle

Don't start thinking about muscle bound gym-addicts here. Your body already has plenty of muscle you don't even think about. Your muscles fire whenever you walk, or pick up a fork, or sit down, or get out of bed. You need muscles in order to even move.

The problem is, most people allow their muscles to only do the bare minimum required. This means they have a low amount of lean muscle, which is often covered by a high level of body fat.

Yet if you can increase the amount of lean muscle you have, you'll find you begin burning fat more efficiently. This is because lean muscle burns energy even when you're sitting watching TV. By comparison, fat is simply the stored extra energy you didn't use, so it's not helping your metabolism at all.

Weight training won't turn you into a bulked-up muscle-bound gym-junkie. In fact, it’s really difficult for women to bulk up this way. All it will do is tone up the flabby bits of your body and make you look leaner and slimmer. Simple resistance training can help to tone muscles in your body using your own body weight to create that resistance. This includes Pilates, push-ups, sit-ups, lunges, crunches and various other forms of resistance exercises designed to tone up muscles.

Remember – 5 pounds of lean muscle is much slimmer and firmer than 5 pounds of flabby, puffy, dimpled fat.


Simple, gentle exercise like walking can be ideal for speeding up your metabolism. As you increase the amount of physical exercise you get into every day, you'll find that your body begins to produce various chemicals. These can include serotonin, and endorphins, your body's own 'feel-good' chemical, so you'll feel happier and more energetic.

You'll also be firing up muscles in your legs, thighs, butt and back as you walk. Even after you've finished your walk, your metabolism will continue to burn excess fat. This will make your weight loss goals a little easier for you to achieve.


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10BEat Breakfast

Research has shown that people who eat a good quality, low fat breakfast each morning can lose up to 72% more weight than those people who skip breakfast each morning.

When you sleep, your metabolism slows right down. Your body only needs to produce enough energy to maintain vital functions, like breathing and regulating your heartbeat.

Unfortunately, when you wake up your metabolism remains sluggish until you eat something. For those people who regularly skip breakfast, they're running on a slow metabolism all morning until they finally begin craving something to counteract low blood-sugar levels. This can lead to bingeing or even to craving sugary or sweet foods.

Instead, think about eating a simple, but nutritious for breakfast each morning. You'll be kick-starting your metabolism early in the day and making it easier for you to lose weight.

11BMetabolism-Raising Foods

There are some foods that can temporarily raise your metabolism. Eating chili or hot pepper is known to get your body working to counteract the heat in the food you've just eaten. In fact, it's possible to increase your metabolism by up to 25% for nearly 3 hours after eating hot peppers.

You should also find that eating high-fiber vegetables, such as broccoli or peas or beans or spinach, will speed up your metabolism. Your body will need to fire up and product plenty of energy in order to digest these foods properly.

12BEat Fewer Sugary Foods

Sugary foods tell your body to release lots of insulin. As your insulin levels increase, your body immediately starts trying to store that excess energy as more fat. There are other foods you can eat that will regulate your insulin levels and keep them steady so you're less likely to experience big increases in insulin levels.

These include good carbohydrates and some fruits.


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4BIncidental Exercise

One of the biggest reasons so many people fail to lose the weight they really want to lose is that they have an aversion to exercise. The word 'exercise' makes many people immediately picture red-faced, sweaty, breathless sessions at a gym, surrounded by muscle-bound gym-addicts that make them feel completely worthless.

What these people forget is that exercise doesn't have to happen in a gym. In fact, it doesn't even have to happen for three straight hours on a treadmill every night.

Research has proven that 30 minutes of physical activity each day plays a positive role in weight loss and long-term weight management. It also plays a huge part in reducing your risk of heart disease, improving your respiratory health and reducing your risk of Diabetes Type II.

That same research has also shown that it's very possible to spread out your 30 minutes of physical activity each day into smaller "mini-workouts" and still get the same benefits. This is commonly known as incidental exercise.

Think about how much physical activity you get into each day right now. No matter how much activity you get now, it should still be possible to squeeze in a few extra minutes a few times a day.

Incidental exercise could be something as simple as parking your car further away from the entrance of the mall and walking that little bit further than normal. It could be getting off the bus or the train a stop earlier than normal and walking the rest of the way.

You might decide to walk to the corner store instead of drive. Park the car a little further away from the school drop-off zone and walk with the kids the rest of the way to school. Turn on the stereo to your favorite tunes and dance around the house while you sweep the floors.

Instead of watching TV passively, why not pick up a couple of tins from the pantry and do some bicep curls during the commercial breaks. Do a few sit-ups or lunges or any other exercise that makes your body work for a couple of minutes more than you usually would.


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These little bits of physical activity might not seem like much, but they'll be helping you to improve your overall fitness level a little at a time. As your fitness level improves, you'll suddenly find you have more energy. You'll feel more active when you first get out of bed. You'll find it's much easier to do things without becoming breathless after a minute or so.

After a little while, you'll find that adding even more physical activity into your day isn't a chore. Your fitness level will start to improve, allowing you to do more, and you should also find your energy levels increases, making you want to look for more things to keep you active.

Look for activities you can enjoy. Walking is awesome for your body. So is: swimming, cycling, playing ball with the kids or the dog, or even dancing can be really fun activities. Find something you can have fun with and work it into your schedule.

Best of all, you'll find it's much easier for you to meet your weight loss goals. Healthy weight loss like this can mean you'll find it easier to keep the weight off over the long term.

A great idea is to get your friends, family, co-workers involved in a 10,000 step program. Go to HU www.everybodyfit.com U for more information.


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5BEating Right While On a Diet

The word "diet" does not mean starving yourself or going without all your favorite foods forever. Your "diet" simply refers to the food you choose to eat. Look honestly at your current diet. Is it a healthy diet, or an unhealthy diet?

Deep down, most of us already know what a healthy diet really means. We just choose to believe it's much easier to buy take-out food or to buy pre-packaged frozen dinners from the grocery store instead of cooking or preparing food using fresh ingredients.

The problem is, many of us don't really enjoy the so-called "healthy" foods we think we're supposed to eat. This is what makes most people give up on diets and go back to their regular way of eating.

Yet, it's very possible to still eat the food you enjoy and still lose weight. The key is to understand portion control and food combinations that will help enhance your overall weight loss efforts.

13BHealthy Snacks

Most people who begin a new 'diet' instantly believe they're not supposed to eat between meals. They think they're supposed to limit the amount of food they eat in order to lose weight.

On a basic level this is correct. However, limiting the amount of food you eat and limiting the calories you eat are not the same thing.

Here's an example:

If you skipped breakfast, but snacked on a donut mid-morning, ate a big lunch of KFC and then bought McDonalds for dinner, you'd likely to be eating between 3,500-4,000 calories per day.

Yet what would happen to your diet if you ate: - a simple boiled egg for breakfast


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- an apple, a handful of grapes, or some strawberries midmorning - a healthy sandwich for lunch - a small tub of yogurt and a handful of nuts mid-afternoon - a big noodle stir-fry for dinner - and a huge fruit salad for dessert

That seems like an awful lot of food to eat throughout the course of a single day, yet your total calorie intake should be below 2,000 calories. The key isn’t to starve yourself here. The goal should be to find ways to satisfy your hunger cravings without adding useless calories to your day.

It is fine to have a snack if you're hungry throughout the day. Just be sure the snacks you eat aren't filled with empty calories and double-check that they aren't filled with sugar or processed fats.

The point of this example is to show you that your food choices can play a massive part in your overall weight loss success. It's very possible to eat several meals a day, as long as you take into consideration the total amount of calories you consume.

Remember: the true key to weight loss is simple mathematics.

Weight loss = calories eaten needs to be less than energy burned.

14BLow Calorie Drinks

The main area most people overlook when they try to lose weight is what they drink. Diet sodas really aren’t as good for your weight loss efforts as you might think. Sure they might contain less sugar, but they also contain plenty of sodium, which contributes to fluid retention.

Coffee is another point of debate with weight loss experts. Some will happily agree that drinking a cup of coffee can actually increase your metabolism for a little while. Yet adding cream and sugar to your cup of Joe will add more wasted calories to your day.

Drinking a glass of wine with dinner can also add empty calories to your daily intake. Alcohol is a very fast burning fuel, so your body will decide to burn the alcohol you drink to use as energy. Unfortunately, this means the food you eat with dinner will immediately be stored at fat, or excess energy, instead.

The only real drink that contains zero calories is water. Green tea is also an excellent alternative that assists with reducing fluid retention. If you don’t like the taste of green tea, try chamomile tea with a little honey or some lemon if you prefer.


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6BImplementing Weight Loss Goals into Your Lifestyle

One of the biggest reasons most diets fail is that they're not designed to last for the long term. Protein shakes, meal replacement shakes, diet supplements, high protein/low carb diets, raw food diets – each of these things don't actually work for the vast majority of people over the long term.

Sure, they might be cool for losing a few quick pounds right now, but that might not be actual fat loss you're seeing. You might be losing muscle tone. You might be losing fluid weight.

Regardless of what it might be, in order to really lose weight over the long term and keep it off for good, you need to understand what you can do to incorporate your efforts into becoming a part of your regular, daily routine.

15BLittle Things

The little things you do in each day, such as incidental exercise, should be based around things you know you can do on a regular basis. If you really can't find it in you to walk just that little bit further in each day, work on things you can include.

Simple things like pulling weeds in the garden can burn calories without too much stress. Your garden will look better and you'll be getting a little extra Vitamin D by being outside.

Turning on your favorite tunes while you mop the floor or do the dishes might give you some incentive to wiggle it a bit while you work. It will make the chore of housework a little more fun and get your body moving.

Always make a point of parking your car a little further away from where you really want to go and walk the rest of the way. It might seem inconvenient, but you’ll be doing yourself a big favor.

Really work on your levels of incidental exercise. See when you might squeeze a couple of minutes of a workout into your schedule a few times a day. These little sessions really can add up over time.


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Ask a friend to walk around the block with you in the evening after work. You can catch up and chat while you walk, but you'll both benefit from keeping each other motivated to get up and do some simple physical exercise.

Get the kids off the computer and go out to play some ball together for a few minutes. Take them to the park or the beach and join in on whatever games they want to play.

How much physical activity do you get right now at work? Most people sit at a desk all day and don’t get much else done. Learn some simple isometric exercises and do these at your desk. These are muscle toning exercises that don’t even require you to get up, but they can still help your weight loss efforts while you work.

Think about how long you sit in front of the TV or the computer and try to find things you can do that will be easy to squeeze in during your breaks. Sit-ups are easy. Bicep curls are easy. Squats and lunges and push-ups help to tone muscles. Each of these things should only take a couple of minutes out of your day, but they’ll add up to long-term effects if you persist.

Doing small things in each day might not seem like you're pushing yourself to lose huge amounts of weight in a couple of months. You might not even notice any weight loss at all on your scales, but if you work on toning and tightening your muscles first, you will definitely notice the difference in your dress size and your body measurements.

You will find it's much easier to stick to your goals once you begin to create a habit out of these things. They'll become a normal way of life after a while, which means you'll find it much easier to keep your weight off for the long term without it creeping back on again.

16BHealthy Choices

Implementing healthy choices into your daily life isn’t hard. It’s all about considering your options and then choosing the one that gives you the best results.

Think about what food you can pack to take to work with you for lunch each day and work on making healthier choices. This doesn't mean eating a lettuce leaf and some carrot sticks if this is boring to you. Just think of ways to include healthy food options for lunch that you also enjoy.

Work on finding some healthy snacks to help you get through those cravings throughout each day. Fruit is excellent for this. Low-fat yogurt can be great. Look for things you can enjoy that won’t add wasted calories to your daily intake.

Learn some simple, quick recipes that taste great but contain healthy options. There are plenty of them around and the majority of them are very easy to make. Experiment with what you like and incorporate it into your regular meal planning.


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Be prepared to take full responsibility for your decision to lose weight and start working on creating a slimmer, leaner body for yourself. Be accountable for your actions and be honest on those days where you slip up.

One of the easiest ways to make yourself accountable is to tell people closest to you what your goals are. Ask them to support you in your decisions to eat healthier food and to add a little more physical activity into you day. You might find that family members and friends will be happy to work with you to reach your goals.

Be accountable for your own actions and your own choices. Make it clear to yourself and to the people around you that you intend to lose weight by choosing to live a healthier lifestyle.

If they won't support you, find someone else who will. The key here is to do what works for you and then stick to your goals. Don't be discouraged by what others say. You'll soon find they'll follow the good example you're setting once they begin to see the results you're achieving.

Good luck with your weight loss efforts. Have a great day and share this information with your friends and family!

Compliments from:

James FogartyHealth and Wellness Expertmailto:[email protected] (Please share your comments on our program)http://www.everybodyfit.com (Please visit our website for more fit tips)

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Good Luck with your weight loss everybody!