10 Worst Products

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  • 8/3/2019 10 Worst Products


    by JFrater

    Who would have believed that in nearly three years we havent produced a list of bizarre products?! We have come close with lists of ridiculous products, but

    they are more about commonly owned popular goods. This list focuses entirely on products which are strange by their nature. Be sure to add more to the


    10Darkie Toothpaste

    Racism in a tube

    Darkie (now known as Darlie) is a toothpaste brand of the Taiwan-based company Hawley & Hazel, which was acquired in 1985 by the US corporation

    Colgate-Palmolive. Darky, or darkie, is a term used primarily in the United States and Britain to refer to black people. The package featured an image said to

    have been inspired by an Al Jolson performance, that of a wide-eyed, smiling dark-skinned black male wearing a top hat, monocle and bow-tie. Because of

    the contrast with very dark skin, it was a common perception that the teeth of people of African descent were exceptionally white. Due to changing

    sensibilities regarding race and racism and efforts by certain interest groups, blatantly racist branding practices common in earlier decades began to end in

    the 1950s.

    9Boneless FishWhy oh why?

  • 8/3/2019 10 Worst Products


    The Boneless Fish is a fish-based frozen food invented by Dairei Corporation of Japan in 1998. It is essentially a fish that has been scaled, gutted and deboned

    by a skilled worker before being reassembled to look like a dressed fish (gutted and with its head and fins removed). The fish is then flash frozen and

    packaged. It remains uncooked. The production of the Boneless Fish is labor intensive. Dairei set up HACCP-certified factories in Thailand, China and

    Vietnam. The workers cut open the fish and use a pair of tweezers to remove the bones. The end product is then examined to make sure that it is free of bones

    and then glued together using a food-grade enzyme produced by Ajinomoto.

    8Hitler Bacon

    Is it Kosher?

    Hitlerszalonna or Hitler-szalonna (Hungarian Hitler bacon) is a dense fruit jam, although there is debate about how much fruit was actually in it and how

    edible it was, that was eaten by Hungarian troops and civilians during World War II. It was made from mixed fruits such as plum and sold in brick shaped

    blocks held in a piece of paper rather than in a jar. These slabs were sliced, a bit like szalonna (bacon). Soldiers kept it in a case and it could be cooked with

    other foods. The term itself is considered slang and defined as something like tough fruit.


    Urinal Cake Candle

  • 8/3/2019 10 Worst Products


    The product website says it all: Bring the industrial chemical freshness of a public restroom right to your home. Were often asked if THE URINAL CAKE

    CANDLE smells like pee. It doesnt. Its a cinnamony floral smell thats modeled after a urinal cake our founder once relieved himself on at the Bellagio Hotel

    in Las Vegas. This candle covers both number 1 and number 2 odors and has become a regular contributor in the HOTWICKS world headquarters bathroom.

    This is the perfect gift for anyone that likes tacos, asparagus, and really hot chicken wings. [Source]


    Gay Fuel

    Gay Fuel was an energy drink marketed by Florida-based Specialty Spirits, LLC towards the gay community, using the slogan GET FIRED UP. Some refer

    to it as a graphite smoothie. Gay Fuel was similar to Red Bull, except the liquid was dyed bright pink and elderberry flavored. Its makers claimed Gay Fuel

    contains a blend of sexual stimulant herbs and immune system boosters. The can was silver with several rainbow stripes. As of 2008, the official website has

    gone offline.

  • 8/3/2019 10 Worst Products



    For the cannibals amongst us

    Hufu was touted as the healthy human flesh alternative for cannibals who want to quit, as well as a product for anthropology students studying

    cannibalism. According to its website, hufu is also a great convenience food for cannibals. No more Friday night hunting raids! Stay home and enjoy the

    good healthy taste of hufu. Mark Nuckols (founder and CEO of Hufu, LLC)then a student at Tuck School of Businessclaimed that the concept of Hufu

    occurred to him when he ate a tofurkey sandwich while reading Good To Eat: Riddles of Food and Culture, a book on cannibalism by anthropologist Marvin

    Harris. Hufu was a non-existent spoof product, supposedly a soy-based food product designed to resemble human flesh in taste and texture. The Hufu

    website was in existence from May 2005 to June 2006.

    4Mary Jane Buns

    I am not sure if this is meant to be subtle pro-marijuana propaganda or just a brand name thought up by someone who has no idea what maryjane may also

    mean. These buns are enriched presumably to make them appeal to parents who are buying them for their children. According to the marketing, these buns

    are old fashioned enriched I may be wrong, but I am pretty sure that in the old days, food was natural and not pumped full of gimmicky chemicals to

    make parents buy them.

    3Nigger Hair

  • 8/3/2019 10 Worst Products


    Nigger Hair tobacco was a tobacco product from the 1950s. The advertising material for the product said: Our grandfathers knew this tobacco and gave the

    brand its name, NIGGER HAIR, because it was cut in those long, curly strands that make it such a wonderful, satisfactory pipe tobacco slow burning, cool

    and fragrant. That distinctive cut caused the old-time smokers to call it NIGGER HAIR and so it got its name.

    2Jingle Jugs

    Are you sick of those boring deer heads stuck to your wall? Lucky for you there is now an alternative! Jingle Jugs can be mounted on any wall and will provide

    years of pleasure to the man who has no girlfriend or wife or, generally, respect for women.


    Giant Remote

  • 8/3/2019 10 Worst Products


    If you keep losing your remote down the side of the sofa then you know theres only one solution: buy a remote thats bigger than your children you never

    lose them right? This giant, and apparently extremely basic, remote can also be used as a small coffee table or for attacking burglars. It is cheap as chips too

    only $19.95 to own the ugliest piece of technology equipment ever made, iPad notwithstanding. [Source]
