10 Tips to Extinguish Bad Breath Everyone has their own moment of having a not so pleasant smell in their mouth. Bad breath or also known as halitosis affect a person’s social life and make one feel embarrassed and self- conscious. It prevents a person from interacting with people or creates a bad impression. And this is something that no one wants to suffer from as we all want to have fun and enjoy the company of other people. Good thing that there are effective ways to get rid of bad breath and have a fresher mouth. Tips for Fresher Breath 1. Brush and Floss Plaque is one of the primary causes of bad breath. It builds up in the mouth and harbors bacteria. And when food particles are caught in between teeth, this makes the problem worse. Therefore, everyone needs to brush their teeth for at least two times on a daily basis and floss regularly. However, these things should not be done aggressively as the tooth’s enamel may get damaged and be more susceptible to decay. 2. Scrape the tongue The coating that forms in the tongue becomes a host for bacteria which causes foul-smell. To solve this, brush the tongue with a toothbrush or use a tongue scraper to reach the back of the tongue. This will remove food particles, bacteria, and some dead cells that cannot be removed with brushing alone. 3. Avoid food that sour the breath The prime offenders are garlic and onions. And in this case, brushing may not help so much. The only way to avoid this is to stop eating these kinds of food, especially when attending some special occasions. 4. Rinse after drinking and eating

10 tips to extinguish bad breath

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Bad breath or also known as halitosis affect a person’s social life and make one feel embarrassed and self-conscious.

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10 Tips to Extinguish Bad Breath

Everyone has their own moment of having a not so pleasant smell in their mouth. Bad breath or also known as halitosis affect a person’s social life and make one feel embarrassed and self-conscious. It prevents a person from interacting with people or creates a bad impression. And this is something that no one wants to suffer from as we all want to have fun and enjoy the company of other people. Good thing that there are effective ways to get rid of bad breath and have a fresher mouth.

Tips for Fresher Breath

1. Brush and Floss

Plaque is one of the primary causes of bad breath. It builds up in the mouth and harbors bacteria. And when food particles are caught in between teeth, this makes the problem worse. Therefore, everyone needs to brush their teeth for at least two times on a daily basis and floss regularly. However, these things should not be done aggressively as the tooth’s enamel may get damaged and be more susceptible to decay.

2. Scrape the tongue

The coating that forms in the tongue becomes a host for bacteria which causes foul-smell. To solve this, brush the tongue with a toothbrush or use a tongue scraper to reach the back of the tongue. This will remove food particles, bacteria, and some dead cells that cannot be removed with brushing alone.

3. Avoid food that sour the breath

The prime offenders are garlic and onions. And in this case, brushing may not help so much. The only way to avoid this is to stop eating these kinds of food, especially when attending some special occasions.

4. Rinse after drinking and eating

Alcoholic drinks, sodas, or coffee can cause bad breath. When having these drinks, make sure to rinse the mouth after. This is helpful to rebalance the pH level of the mouth.

5. Quit the Habit

Smoking can also cause bad breath. This habit also stains the teeth and damages the gum tissue. Aside from this, it increases the risk of a person to suffer from oral cancer. Quitting is the best solution. And if it’s difficult to do, you can seek professional help or join some quit-smoking programs.

6. Chew gum

Candies and other sweet food can trigger bacterial growth in the mouth and causes bad breath. You can opt for sugarless gums, instead. A gum will stimulate the production of saliva to prevent bad breath, tooth decay, and plaque buildup.

7. Go natural

If you really want to get rid of your bad breath, include green tea in your every meal. This will freshen your breath and its antibacterial compounds will combat germs in the mouth.

8. Keep the gums healthy

Periodontal diseases are common causes of bad breath. Bacteria build up at the base of the tooth causes a bad odor. It’s best to consult a dentist for the treatment of gum diseases.

9. Moisten the mouth

Having not enough saliva will cause bad breath and tooth decay. When the mouth is dry, make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

10. Visit your doctor

If bad breath persists despite doing the tips above, it’s best to visit your doctor and have him check whether you have some medical condition.