Service Schedule FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE Jan. 2 at 8:00 pm Oneg sponsored by our Sisterhood SATURDAY, Jan. 3 at 9:30 am Followed by a Kiddush FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE Jan. 9 at 8:00 pm Sisterhood/Mens Club Shabbat Oneg sponsored by our Sisterhood and Mens Club SATURDAY, Jan. 10 at 9:30 am Jr. Congregation 10:00 am Followed by a Kiddush FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE Jan. 16 at 8:00 pm Oneg sponsored by our Sisterhood SATURDAY, Jan. 17 at 9:30 am Followed by a Kiddush FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE Jan. 23 at 8:00 pm Tot Shabbat at 5:30 pm Oneg sponsored by our Sisterhood SATURDAY, Jan. 24 at 9:30 am Followed by a Kiddush FRIDAY EVENING SERVICE Jan. 30 at 8:00 pm Oneg sponsored by our Sisterhood SATURDAY, Jan. 31 at 9:30 am Followed by a Kiddush Please contact the office if you wish to sponsor an Oneg or Kiddush 10 Tevet 11 Shevat 5775 JANUARY 2015 Vol. LXXV—No. 4 The BOI Ritual Committee would like to develop a group of congregants who are comfortable leading services and could be called upon to lead a shiva minyan. The first (of two) training sessions is scheduled for Tues., January 6th at 7:30 pm. After the second session, Rabbi Gaber will work with participants individually as need be. If you are interested in learning to lead a service in a shivah house, please RSVP to the office at 215-579-2200 or [email protected]. Conducting a shivah minyan in a house of mourning is a great mitzvah! Please step up! Contact Diane Strauss at [email protected] if you would like to participate

10 Tevet —11 Shevat 5775 JANUARY 2015 Service Schedulefiles.ctctcdn.com/65c07d0b001/75738667-4da9-44c5-91f3-0... · 2015-08-17 · Roberta & Greg Kenwood Thomas Allaire Andrea &

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Service Schedule


Oneg sponsored by our Sisterhood SATURDAY, Jan. 3 at 9:30 am

Followed by a Kiddush


Sisterhood/Men’s Club Shabbat Oneg sponsored by our

Sisterhood and Men’s Club SATURDAY, Jan. 10 at 9:30 am

Jr. Congregation 10:00 am Followed by a Kiddush


Oneg sponsored by our Sisterhood SATURDAY, Jan. 17 at 9:30 am

Followed by a Kiddush


Tot Shabbat at 5:30 pm Oneg sponsored by our Sisterhood SATURDAY, Jan. 24 at 9:30 am

Followed by a Kiddush


Oneg sponsored by our Sisterhood SATURDAY, Jan. 31 at 9:30 am

Followed by a Kiddush

Please contact the

office if you wish to sponsor an

Oneg or Kiddush

10 Tevet —11 Shevat 5775 JANUARY 2015 Vol. LXXV—No. 4

The BOI Ritual Committee would like to develop a group of congregants who are comfortable leading services and could

be called upon to lead a shiva minyan.

The first (of two) training sessions is scheduled for

Tues., January 6th at 7:30 pm. After the second session, Rabbi

Gaber will work with participants individually as need be.

If you are interested

in learning to lead a service in a shivah house, please

RSVP to the office at 215-579-2200 or [email protected].

Conducting a shivah minyan in a

house of mourning is a great mitzvah! Please step up!

Contact Diane Strauss at [email protected] if

you would like to participate

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Page 2 Congregation Brothers of Israel

From the Co-Presidents From the Rabbi

Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote in his book, The Prophets, “Few are guilty, all are responsible.” Why did Mike Brown and Eric Garner die? Did they die because police officers overstepped their rules of engagement? Those police offic-ers were not charged with crimes because a grand jury did not find sufficient evidence of wrong do-ing. But yet, young men lost their lives. A Europe-an Union court just decided that Hamas is “technically” not a terrorist group. And hundreds of children lost their lives in a Taliban attack on a Paki-stani school. Who is at fault for this prejudice, ha-tred, discrimination and evil in this world? As Rabbi Heschel teaches, each of us is responsi-ble for our own actions and for how we treat every other human being in this world. It is our collective willingness to turn a blind eye to the injustices per-petrated every day. We are all too willing to let someone else stand up and stand against the wrongs of our society. This month, we will celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. There will be celebrations and commemo-rations, services and lectures and volunteer days. We will all feel good at the end but will any-thing have changed for the better? Will we find a way to diminish the abject poverty that exists in the richest country in the world? Will there be one less child going to bed with a full tummy? And his/her mother or father knowing they will eat again tomor-row? Will we collectively work to diminish the ha-tred and bigotry which causes terrorism in this world? Will we take a stand against the real vio-lence in this world by improving gun safety and re-ducing the number of automatic weapons with large magazines that remain on the market? And will we put to action the value that every person’s deeds matter more than the color of their skin, the faith they practice or with whom they choose to create an intimate relationship? The pervasiveness of social media, means that almost immediately, we are connected and someone can create a hashtag to express their thoughts. In the last few months, we have seen the creation of #blacklivesmatter and #alllivesmatter. These ta-glines are meant to spur us to action but do they? Or do they just make us feel good because we are commenting on the horrific event, the pro-test and the actions of others? Martin Luther King Jr. once wrote, “When we look at modern man, we have to face the fact. . . that modern man suffers from a kind of poverty of the spirit, which stands in glaring contrast to his scientific and technological abundance; We’ve learned to fly in the air like birds, we’ve learned to swim in the seas like fish, and yet we haven’t learned to walk the Earth as brothers and sisters. . .” It is time to put our values to action and change the status quo of hatred, bigotry and arro-gance. We do it by truly loving all human be-ings. Don’t stereotype others. When we get angry or frustrated with another, take a deep breath and remember they are created in God’s image. Imagine you are standing nose to nose with that person, can you say what you would want to say if they were

We hope that everyone had a wonderful 2014 and that Ha-nukkah brought much cheer to all of your families. We know that Hanukkah 2014 will forever be remembered by the leadership here at CBOI as the time when the sale of Trent Center and the old synagogue in Trenton was completed. We thank those who were specifically involved in the sale, namely Steve Minsky, Barry Wind and Fred Young who were instrumental in making this deal happen. It was a process of nearly four years but it was the right deal at the right time. People have been asking us what will this mean for the synagogue. The answer is that it will change very little in the day to day or year to year. We are not suddenly a wealthy syna-gogue. The properties which were sold had been donating approximately $15,000/month to us to help with our budget so we need the proceeds from the sale to be invested in a reasonably se-cure way to ensure that we continue to receive the same amount of money over the course of the years going forward. To that end we are in the process of establishing an Endowment Com-mittee of persons with financial and business ac-umen who have demonstrated the ability to see the ‘long term picture’. We expect to put sys-tems of check and balances to provide the most protections from unwise spending so that we know the funds will be properly maintained. You may notice some small projects being done in the next few months, most of which are actually deferred maintenance which we can now get to. We are not simply spending money from our new endowment fund. We will continue to need the donations of our members on an annu-al basis and we will continue to run fundraisers during the course of the year. In the day to day and year to year nothing has changed. We, as the presidents of the congregation during this historic moment, are determined to ensure that this money will be used in a responsible way to allow this congregation to remain healthy and vibrant for the next 130 years.

We look forward to sharing 2015 with all of you.

Leslie & Brandon ___________________________________

not right there? If not, then don’t say it. Treat every person as Leviticus 19:18 “V’ahavta L’rey-cha Kamocha, Love your fellow as yourself.” We should all strive to participate in the com-memorations of Martin Luther King’s life, more so, we should emulate his words and learn to walk the earth with all humans as if they are tru-ly our brothers and sisters. #alllivesmatter and all human beings deserve our love and care. #alllivesmatter so let’s work together to bring justice and mercy to all human beings in this world. Rabbi Aaron Gaber

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FREE! Please bring a Kosher

non-perishable food item and help support the JFCS Food Pantry


[email protected]

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Page 4 Congregation Brothers of Israel

Religious School One of the many pleasures of be-ing Jewish is that we get the oppor-tunity to celebrate many new begin-nings. Starting with the High Holi-days, then every Rosh Chodesh and the secular new year. These new beginnings are wonderful op-portunities to reflect, regroup and renew our ener-gy, our focus and our practice. Recently all of our Religious School families received a questionnaire sent out by the School and Youth Committee to add your thoughts and ideas to the direction of our school. If you haven't returned it yet, PLEASE do so. The religious school is how we nurture the fu-ture and everyone is a part of that process. I am fortunate to learn from a myriad of people and, especially, my fellow Jewish educators. I re-cently came across a blog by Rabbi Gail Nalven. She describes herself as a Jewish educator, writer, tefillah instructor and professional Jew. When asked to describe what she does, she said, "I make Jews!" I want to share her elaboration of what she does, because I believe it is what every member of our Religious School staff, our Cantor, our Rabbi, every synagogue leader, and every one of you do to set the example of Jewish practice. I make Jews be Jews.

I make Jews whose parents want them to be Jews.

I make Jews who have no idea how to be Jews.

I make Jews who wonder.

I make Jews who question.

I make Jews who think.

I make Jews who pray.

I make Jews who sing.

I make Jews who dance.

I make Jews who struggle.

I make Jews who make other Jews.

I make Jews who are resilient.

I make Jews who make Jewish families.

I make Jews who learn how to do Jewish rituals

I make Jews who make Jewish rituals.

I make Jews read Hebrew.

I make Jews who kvetch.

I make Jews who laugh.

I make Jews who will go out into the world and do

great things.

I make Jews who will just be Jews

So perhaps it is just easier to say, “I make Jews.” By working together...



Torah Tots Sunday, January 25th

10am-noon For all preschoolers and an adult buddy!



EMAIL [email protected]

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Sunday January 11, 2015

11:30am –12:15pm Havdallah

an easy way to end Shabbat

Come learn the why and how of this

beautiful service

For more information call 215-579-2200 or email

Rabbi Gaber at [email protected]

The entire community is


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Page 6 Congregation Brothers of Israel


GENERAL FUND In memory of Alice Kadis Jacqueline Owens Dr. Joseph Borrus Dr. Stephen Borrus Shirley Brilliant Stephen Brilliant Arthur Dobies Alan, Andrea, Perry, Ariel and Sam Kornblum Pauline Steingesser Roberta & Greg Kenwood Thomas Allaire Andrea & Alan Kornblum In honor of Becca Segel Mrs. Hersch’s discretion Stephen Brilliant Jake Vistoso becoming Bar Mitzvah Dylan Berezin becoming Bar Mitzvah Reena Bromberg Gaber becoming Bat Mitzvah Hope & Bret Whartenby becoming B’nai Mitzvah Co-Presidents, Leslie Floyd and Brandon Wind

YAHRZEIT FUND In memory of Bess Young, William and Joseph Young Judi & Fred Young William Olinsky and Ida Orlan Minerva Scardone Sydney Lilienfeld Dr. Harris Lilienfeld Samuel Cohen Jonas Cohen Shirley Brilliant Dina Brilliant Charles Widerman Riselle Lilienfeld Stanley Tyger Robert Tyger Morris Hirsch Irving Hirsch Esther Mosovich Dr. Ervin Moss Henry Einhorn Stephen Einhorn Ruth Salama Josiane Morgenstern Julius & Ruth Wartenby and Kay & Izzy Halpern James & Susan Wartenberg Members of my family Gloria Berger

ALVIN BERGER MEM. FUND In memory of Leon “Pat” Cooper Thomas Allaire Abraham Sturm The Berger Family Leon “Pat” Cooper Helene, Jody & Cary Goldman Dr. Gerald & Diane Novik David Siegel Selma Litowitz Judge Mark Litowitz

In honor of Dylan Berezin becoming a Bar Mitzvah Reena Bromberg Gaber becoming a Bat Mitzvah Hope & Bret Whartenby becoming Bnai Mitzvah Gloria Berger Speedy recovery Rabbi Hersch The Berger Family Edyth Singer Gloria Berger

MELVIN KUSHNER MEM. FUND In memory of Huna Cyngler Nati Kushner

GEORGE WEINER SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Leon “Pat” Cooper Judi & Fred Young In honor of Bret & Hope Whartenby becoming Bnai Mitzvah Judi & Fred Young Dylan Berezin becoming a Bar Mitzvah Maxine & Brian Goldsmith Judi & Fred Young And appreciation of all Ellen Weiner’s efforts

during the year , and wishing her and her family

a Happy Hanukkah PTO Speedy recovery Edyth Singer Judi & Fred Young

MARTIN BELOVIN MEM. FUND In memory of Leon “Pat” Cooper Harriet Belovin & Family Mrs. Nidetch Harriet Belovin & Robin Abraham Sturm Harriet Belovin, Robin, & Jan Hanlon Sue & Ronald Schwartz In honor of Reena Bromberg Gaber becoming Bat Mitzvah Harriet Belovin & Family

Speedy recovery Rabbi Hersch Harriet Belovin, Robin, & Jan Hanlon Sue & Ronald Schwartz Ivan Perriello Harriet Belovin & Family MILLIE MINSKY MEDIA & TECH. MEM. FUND In memory of Julius Wartenberg James Wartenberg Abraham Sturm Judy & Steve Minsky In honor of Dylan Berezin becoming a Bar Mitzvah Reena Bromberg Gaber becoming a Bat Mitzvah Hope & Bret Whartenby becoming Bnai Mitzvah Judy & Steve Minsky Speedy recovery Edyth Singer Rabbi Hersch Judy & Steve Minsky

DR. WILLIAM COHEN MEM. FUND In memory of Michael Kohn Jean Goldstein

MARCI SCHARF MEM. FUND In honor of The birth of Joss Robert Berg The marriage of Perry Kornblum & Ariel Klein Susan & Steve Medoff Dylan Berezin becoming a Bar Mitzvah Reena Bromberg Gaber becoming a Bat Mitzvah Hope & Bret Whartenby becoming Bnai Mitzvah Barbara & Sandy Dash

CHASIN MEMORIAL FUND In honor of The birth of Joss Robert Berg Anita & Robert Matuzsan Dr. Larry & Paula Siegel Dr. Gerald & Diane Novik And in appreciation of Joan Hersch’s efforts

during the year and wishing her & her family a

Happy Hanukkah PTO

MARTIN ROGOFF MEM. FUND In memory of Joseph Rogoff Arthur Rogoff Mark Rogoff Carl Abromovitz Janice Pincus DORIS & STAN FRIEDMAN MEM. FUND In memory of Clara Friedman William Friedman Alexander Samuelson Violet Samuelson Brenda Friedman

Continued on page 13

Congratulations Julie & Andrew Berezin in honor of son, Dylan Nathan, becoming a Bar Mitzvah

Rabbi Aaron Gaber & Sharon Bromberg in honor of daughter, Reena, becoming

a Bat Mitzvah

Jodi & Robert Whartenby in honor of daughter, Hope Morgan, and son

Bret Matthew, becoming B’nai Mitzvah

Get Well

Edyth Singer Rabbi Howard Hersch


Maritza Carlson, mother of James Carlson

Thomas Allaire father of Franklin and Ross Allaire

Abraham Sturm father of Madeline Sturm

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Upcoming Men's Club events: Friday, January 9 Sister-hood and Men's club Shab-bat:please contact Diane Strauss to be part of this. Wednesday, January 14 Men's Club Dine-out, Olive Garden, Langhorne, PA at 6:30 PM Saturday, January 24 7PM at CBOI-Please join us for a low key evening of karaoke, games, and chess. Sending me a RSVP indicating which activity or activities you would like to pursue will allow us to bet-ter plan the evening. Mark Bresler—President [email protected]

Men’s Club

Hello CBOI family, It has been a while since I wrote a column. I would like to talk about the Keruv program. Keruv was started by the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs (FJMC) as a program for people whose lives have been touched by or who are in an interfaith relationship in order to make them feel a part of, rather than apart from the syn-agogue. A confession, I got the last sentence from my friends at Temple Emanuel of Pascack Valley, NJ. It is by far the best intro to Keruv I have seen. It is also what I think karov should be. After our interfaith Shabbat in November we had a great dis-cussion about a lot of subjects pertaining to Keruv. I would like to continue that discussion. I need the ideas of the Congregation about other ways of welcoming people to our synagogue. Thank you to Rabbi Gaber, and Abra and Bruce Gorby for their help. I am also a member of the Caring Committee. The committee is led by a wonderful lady with a heart of gold, Jodi Whartenby. The committee members are just as generous and caring as Jodi. When my parents, Anne and Ed Dubrow, passed away I started a memorial fund in their name to fund general synagogue projects. I was so taken by the caring and generosity of Jodi and the committee that I want to propose that the proceeds from my parents fund go to the Caring Commit-tee as a funding source. I would also like to propose changing the name of the fund to the Anne and Edward Dubrow Memorial Car-ing Fund. I can see my parents smiling their approval at this change as they were very caring people themselves. Live, love and laugh, Michael Dubrow

Family Shabbat Dinner Friday, January 16, 2015


Join with our synagogue family as we welcome

Shabbat together.

Adults: $18 pre B’nai Mitzvah: free

RSVP to the office

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Page 8 Congregation Brothers of Israel

Yahrzeits M A Y T H E M E M O R Y O F T H E R I G H T E O U S E V E R B E A B E N E D I C T I O N !

Memorialize a loved one…

“May their memory ever be a blessing”

Name plaques are available for our Yahrzeit tablet

in the lobby.

Call the office for Information. Cost: $250

Jan Tevet

1 10 Hilda Adelstein

1 10 Morton Chack

1 10 Samuel Edelman

1 10 Ruth Hoffman

1 10 Pauline Israel

1 10 Joseph Kursman

1 10 Rebecca Scull

1 10 Gladys Weston

1 10 Paul Zerman

2 11 Roslyn Albert

2 11 Pauline Finkle

2 11 Annie Himmelstein

2 11 Jeanne Schutzbank

2 11 Renee Widerman

3 12 Ruth Nemiroff

3 12 Sabina Riger

4 13 Sandra Dauer

4 13 Rose Heller

4 13 Gertrude Kleiner

4 13 Rachel Paul

4 13 Shirley Piper

4 13 George Smith

4 13 Lena Spiezle

5 14 Samuel Bloom

5 14 Shirley Lavine

5 14 Louis Miller

5 14 Roslyn Perla

5 14 Samuel Pressman

5 14 Samuel Stern

5 14 Solomon Wineberg

6 15 Maurice Albert

6 15 Bessie Bulitsky

6 15 Marion Edelman

6 15 Irving Haveson

6 15 Morris Kornfeld

6 15 Sol Lapidus

6 15 Sara Popova

6 15 Celia Stern

7 16 Sarah Albert

7 16 Pauline Davis

7 16 Nathan Fogelson

7 16 Herman Friedman

7 16 Frances Russ

8 17 Alfred Deutscher

8 17 Nathan Elkin

8 17 Bertha Feld

8 17 Rose Freeman

8 17 Abraham Goodstein

8 17 Nathan Krupnick

9 18 William Aronson

9 18 Dina Introligator

9 18 Peter Seavey

9 18 Harry Weinberg

10 19 David Abrams

10 19 Abraham Bensky

10 19 Donald Dafilou

10 19 Rifka Geser

10 19 Gladys Levenson

10 19 Abraham Scull

11 20 Belle Berkowitz

11 20 Rose Blumenkrantz

11 20 Joseph Epstein

11 20 Mildred Jaffe

12 21 Sylvia Albert

12 21 Bessie Epstein

12 21 Paul Janoff

12 21 James Tator

13 22 Blanche Cantor

13 22 Jennie Gladstone

13 22 Hannah Habas

13 22 Sarah Nemlich

13 22 Millie Rogoff

13 22 Ada Rosenblum

13 22 Sarah Rubin

14 23 Sue Abrams

14 23 Celia Miller

14 23 Gertrude Olinsky

15 24 William Frey

15 24 Samuel Mosovich

15 24 Seymour Pollack

15 24 Morris Salosky

15 24 Fannie Tankel

16 25 Joseph Bulitt

16 25 Anna Heyden

16 25 Aaron Kravitz

16 25 Violet Samuelson

16 25 Max Wolk

17 26 Arthur Berman

17 26 Maurice Caster

17 26 Isaac Fenigstein

17 26 Abraham Flesher

17 26 Isaac Haveson

17 26 Linda Holtz

17 26 Abraham Kaplan

17 26 Shyrle Kushner

17 26 Archie Packer

17 26 Herman Rubin

17 26 Herman Segal

18 27 Edith Joseph

18 27 Rose Sloshberg

18 27 Lizzie Solomon

19 28 Joseph Finkle

19 28 Bella Franklin

19 28 Charlotte Goldberg

19 28 Esther Loeb

19 28 John Taub

20 29 Lilli Hochschwender

20 29 Jules Inker

20 29 Herman Kushner

Shevat 21 1 Fred Bell

21 1 Elijah Bensky

21 1 Tillie Borkan

21 1 David Cohen

21 1 Dora Elitzer

21 1 Jean Etz

21 1 Rachel Kaplan

22 2 Mildred Agree

22 2 Minnie Goldstein

22 2 Ida Josephson

22 2 Fay Levine

22 2 Anna Movsovich

22 2 Ruth Rosenthal

22 2 Max Wineberg

23 3 Rosalind Peshkin

23 3 Marvin Rowe

23 3 Frances Weber

24 4 Bernard Satz

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Thank you to all the

wonderful volunteers who made Deja View happen. This event was a success

because of all of you. It was heartwarming to see

the love and support of so many people.

You make the difference, Abra & Josephine

Jan Shevat

24 4 Sylvia Slavin

25 5 Frances Altman

25 5 Samuel Gripman

25 5 Minnie Olitsky

25 5 Rena Stern

26 6 Ray Lapidus

26 6 Leonard Sonshine

26 6 Joan Zirilstein

27 7 Jack Haveson

27 7 Howard Kushner

28 8 Samuel Bellin

28 8 Lillian Berger

28 8 Max Berkowitz

28 8 Jules Dunn

28 8 Alvan Gilinsky

28 8 Sadie Klinghoffer

28 8 Ruth Lutzky

28 8 Charlotte Myers

29 9 Maynard Barker

29 9 Seymour Blaustein

29 9 Beth Fendel

29 9 Alice Landsman

29 9 Max Laub

29 9 Adele Newman

29 9 Max Simon

30 10 David Bernstein

30 10 Rose Fishman

30 10 Vladimir Gitin

30 10 Marjorie Leventhal

31 11 Estelle Abrams

31 11 Martin Cohen

31 11 Abraham Freeman

31 11 Catherine Lavinthal

31 11 Rosalie Myers

Wrapping ourselves in Jewish Living and making it our own!

A friend of mine, Rabbi Janie Grackin, shared this story: "A few years ago, Rabbi David Goldstein gave a Rosh ha-

Shanna sermon about duct tape. With duct tape, you are pre-pared for everything life can throw at you. Of course, I think he

was really talking about God here."

And from this she created, The Duct Tape Tallit.

As our 7th grade class becomes more immersed in the life cycle events they will experience this year, they will have

the opportunity to express their own individuality and connections to Judaism.

Each 7th Grade student, along with a parent to assist, will create a unique tallit of their own design. A tallit that will add their voice to the Jewish people and connect them to

the fabric of Jewish tradition.


Workshop will be Sunday February 8th, 2015 9:15 AM- 12:15 PM

Please help us prepare:


Send the rolls in to the school office.

We are using Tallit Kits made from 100% cotton fabric. The kit gives students everything they need to design their own wearable tallitot. They are

pre-hemmed 20"x70" prayer shawls, complete with reinforced corners, attached atarah and holes for attaching tzitzit, a fabric square for practicing decoration,

pre-measured (and ready to use!) tzitzit cord. We will be learning the ritual of tying tzitzit and the significance of each knot and turn.

Any member of the congregation wanting to join this workshop

is welcome to join us.

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Page 10 Congregation Brothers of Israel

The significance of Israel/USA relationship About a month ago while Rabbi Gaber was away on official business, I was given the unique oppor-tunity to address the congregants at Saturday morn-ing Shabbat services. I discussed the deteriorating relationship between the White House and Israel. I expressed my concern regarding Palestinian’s reactions toward Israel. The American mainstream media stated that an uncomfortable political relation-ship with Israel continues to develop. This is a situa-tion that could falsely build fictitious Palestinian per-ception that the Zionist state is becoming weak. As a result, this encourages Palestinians to further in-crease terrorist attacks. I also shared information about a panel discus-sion program that I listened in French and Arabic on foreign radio stations. The discussions addressed the development of new incitement methods against Is-rael. These incitements initiated by their embold-ened Palestinian leaders and preachers appearing to be as a direct result of the current perceived Ameri-can/Israeli disagreements. Additional encouragement of provocations came from the fact that PA leader Mahmoud Abbas had been extravagantly praised by the Obama administration as a true partner for peace while his incitement actions showed the oppo-site Recently we witnessed on the news several hei-nous terrorist crimes against Israel’s population. Rabbis slaughtered in a synagogue, stabbing in the streets and vehicular assassinations resulted in at least 11 murders and several dozen brutally wound-ed. As we observed there were no political conse-quences for Palestinian murder of Israeli civilians and rabbis. Europe continued to ignore the brutal mur-dering actions of Palestinians instead took measures to encourage positive votes for the establishments of a Palestinian State without considering the disas-trous consequences for Israel. It is no secret that U.S. relation with Israel has been icy during the Obama administration. The for-merly close alliance hit bottom a few weeks ago in October when two “senior administration officials” told the Atlantic’s Jeffrey Goldberg that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was a “coward” and a ‘chickenshit”. Sources boasted that the president had prevented Israel from striking Iran’s nuclear plants and chided Netanyahu for being unwilling to make more concessions in negotiations with the Palestini-ans. I feel that American Jews don’t pay much atten-tion to the ramifications of US/Israel public diver-gence statements and how they are viewed in the Arab controlled media. Hamas, the Palestinian Au-

thority, Fatah, Hezbollah, Iran and other Moslem na-tions generally celebrate the bad relationship. I feel that it encourages them to be more stubborn when they hear the willingness of the president’s intimates to insult an American ally at a time when the presi-dent and his team have been openly reluctant to push back against nations such as Russia and Iran. Refusal to recognize Israel’s legitimacy as a Jew-ish state becomes irrelevant to the peace process as it has apparently no consequences. An emboldening Abbas recently stated “We will never accept Israel as a Jewish State”, “No Jews will ever live in a future Palestinian state”. CNN recently reported surveys of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza clearly indi-cate that they never really lost the desire for Israel’s annihilation, a policy espoused since Israel’s inde-pendence in 1948. I feel that the semblance of peace talks is a propaganda tool only for world news con-sumption. The Palestinian statements of peace and support for a two state solution is in fact a distortion of their real intentions. History has certainly proven that agreements signed by the Palestinians don’t ap-ply to them, on the other hand the world expects that the Jewish State abides by all its verbatim to all its content. In spite of great efforts, no “REAL” peace has ever been achieved in the last 67 years between Israel and the Palestinians since there was very little change in the Arab mind set. In accordance to their teachings, it is honorable and expected to lure the Jewish state into fake negotiations and draw them into deceitful hopes. This approach of utter deception makes their dishonest intentions indiscernible to a corrupt United Nations. Even Israel’s extreme left wing news organization “Haaretz” might have done damage to their Israel’s image possibly more than its Arab critics. In October they published a cartoon depicting Netanyahu flying into the Twin Towers a plane marked with the Star of David. The intent was to blame Netanyahu for the deteriorating U.S.-Israel relations. This image pleased those who spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories that the Jews were responsible for 9/11. I feel that contemporary Marxists and Islamists share a curiously similar apocalyptic agenda of earthly redemption that aspires to the installment of absolute “social Justice” mostly through violent means. In a global sense, Palestinian martyrdom has become a glowing symbol of “resistance” against a corrupt West and a perceived arrogant Israel. This injudicious fantasy shared by anti-Zionist left and Jihad is not to be ignored or discarded but must be part of the Israel/US relationship equation. Our country’s recent fluctuating relationship with Israel has had a negative impact on Jews throughout the world. This influences Israel politically, emotion-ally, economically, educationally and existentially. As supporters of Israel, we need to pay more attention to its relationship with our country and its political impact in the world. Albert Algazi

Representing Israel Forum

Israel Forum

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Congregation Brothers of Israel 530 Washington Crossing Road,

Newtown, PA 18940

Mel Berman, President (215) 638-4997 Susan Leeds, Programs (215) 547-6959;

Mina Stein, Treasurer Sandra Berman, Secretary Selma Krosnick, Phone Squad Eva Moszer, Hospitality

Tuesday Jan. 6 2015 10:30 optional exercise 11:30 bring-your-own dairy bag lunch/coffee & cake. followed by a short business meeting. 12:30 Rabbi Aaron Gaber will talk on a Jewish topic

Tuesday Jan. 20 2015 10:30 optional exercise 11:30 bring-your-own dairy bag lunch/coffee & cake. followed by a short business meeting. 12:30 Beverly Rosen will give a review of the book “Henna House”

The resurrected CEMETERY COMMITTEE is proud to announce that Len Schultz has accepted appointment as Co-Chairman with Barry Wind.

The committee will be having its next meet-ing on Groundhogs Day,

Monday February 2nd at 7:00pm. The key topics will be Cemetery pricing, Capital requirements, the implementation of the interfaith burial section within the Cedar Lane cemetery, and Office Procedures.

The meeting will be held at the home of Barry Wind. New members are welcome and encouraged. Please call the office or Barry Wind for further information.

Barry Wind, CPA

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Sunday, Feb. 22, 2015 10:30 am

Join us as we welcome Nomi Eve, the author of this year's

One Community, One Book selection, Henna House.

An evocative and stirring novel about a young woman living in the fascinating and rarely portrayed community of

Yemenite Jews of the mid-twentieth century. A rich, spirited, and sensuous tale of love, loss, betrayal, forgiveness, and the dyes that

adorn the skin and pierce the heart.

Please plan to read this selection before her visit. We have copies available in the office

to share or purchase.

Happy New Year everyone! Another celebration of another new year. I remember learning in Hebrew School that there were four Jewish new years, There's the new year associated with Passover which is seen as the anniversary of the creation of the Jewish people with our exodus from Egypt, there's the ancient new year that used to mark tithing to the priestly class (like how we regard April 15th as tax day), there's the new year for trees otherwise known as TuBishvat, which we still celebrate as a minor holi-day here, and of course, there's Rosh Hashanah in the fall that is seen as the anniversary of the crea-tion of the world and the start of a new school year. On top of those, we have the secular new year of January 1st, the time for new resolutions and winter darkness. Arguably, we could add American and Israeli election days to the mix as well. Well, some things never get old, like the re-lief of seeing the sun come out after several con-secutive days of rain, the small pleasure of saying, "See you next year" to people during the last two weeks of December, and the joy of lighting the Ha-nukkah candles each year with family and friends. I hope everyone had the opportunity to share in lighting a menorah this year. You can't have too many opportunities to start anew and if that's what each new year is about, then bring 'em on. Coming up right away in the new year is the Sisterhood/Men's Club Shabbat on Friday, January 9th at 8:00 pm. Please plan to join Sisterhood and

Men's Club as we come together to lead Friday night services. Contact me by email me at [email protected] if you want to partici-pate. There will be both Hebrew prayers and Eng-lish readings available. And later in the month there will be Moonbeams on Jan 20. Women Wear-ing Tallit is on the agenda. To Wear or Not to Wear -- What are you wrapped up in? Also, don't forget to read "The Henna House," by Nomi Eve who will be speaking at the syna-gogue on Sunday, February 22nd at 10:30 am. We just ordered some copies of the book. If you want one, please call the office. Have a happy one. "All year you should be happy." --Diane




Tues. Jan. 20th


Let’s talk about tallit...

To Wear or Not to Wear --

What are you wrapped up in?

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DR. ELLIER RUSS ED. FUND In memory of Ruth Borger Nancy Agree Sydria Harrison in observance of Yahrzeit Donna, Ted, Michael & Daniel Harrison

DR. SEYMOUR COHEN MEM. FUND In memory of Dr. Seymour Cohen Howard Cohen Vivian Cohen Ethel Cohen Vivian Cohen

CAROL SCHUTZBANK MEM. FUND In memory of Leon “Pat” Cooper Muriel Schutzbank EDUCATION FUND In memory of Kenneth Swinehart JoAnn & Harlan Joseph Pasza Drafinger and Joseph Axe Stanley Solomon Francesca Axe Gloria Fried Dr. Alvin Fried Selma Litowitz Carol Golden In honor of Hope & Bret Whartenby becoming Bnai Mitzvah Donna & Seymour Nowicki And in appreciation of all our Religious School

Staff’s help during the year and wishing them

and their families a Happy Hanukkah PTO And in appreciation of the prayers and good

wishes for a refuah shlemah Rona Kornfeld And in appreciation of Sid Moszer and Elizabeth

Carlson’s help in preparing Dylan for his Bar

Mitzvah Julie & Andrew Berezin

CARING COMMITTEE In memory of Stan Cohen Robert Wartenberg James Wartenberg BUILDING FUND In memory of Herman Jaffey Mildred Ring PRAYER BOOKS In memory of Arnold Schwartz Marion Schwartz PAULINE ISRAEL/MOLLIE FRIEDMAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Sol Klinghoffer Elaine Melamed

WAYS & MEANS In honor of Dylan Berezin becoming a Bar Mitzvah Donna & Seymour Nowicki In appreciation of all the hard work of Sharon

Segarra, Abra Gorby, Josephine Aynat-Molina,

Leslie Floyd & Brandon Wind to make our Deja

View such a success Surelle & Barry Wind

DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Ray Watts Frances Rubin Harry Oransky Herman Oransky

David Schultz Leonard Schultz In celebration of The Rabbi’s Tisch Ted & Donna Harrison In appreciation of Rabbi Gaber’s help during the year and wishing him and his family a Happy Hanukkah PTO Rabbi Gaber’s help in preparing Dylan for his Bar Mitzvah Julie & Andrew Berezin

CEMETERY FUND In memory of Dora Cooper Mark Cooper Robert Stone Michele Cooper


Tu B’shvat (15th of Shvat) falls out on February 4, 2015 this year and we will celebrate the birthday of the trees. There is a Tu B’Shvat seder modeled after the Passover seder, including the drinking of four cups of wine (or grape juice) and the eating of different foods symbolizing the holiday.

Each cup of wine (grape juice) symbolizes a different season of the year. 1. The first cup is white wine, symbolizing the winter and the waiting for warmer

weather and the rebirth of the world. 2. The second cup is white wine with a little red, symbolizing the springing forth of

new life from the ground after the winter’s cold. 3. The third cup is white wine with more red, symbolizing the growing season.

More water, sunshine and time create new life in the ground. 4. The fourth cup of wine is exclusively red wine, which symbolizes the full bloom and

impending harvest of fruits from the trees.

After drinking each cup of wine (grape juice), we partake of fruits and/or nuts, symbolizing the different worlds in existence which make up the universe.

1. The world of Azilut (emanation) which cannot be symbolized in any concrete way

and is purely spiritual. 2. The world of Beriah (creation) is symbolized by fruits that have neither pits nor

shells on the outside, such as pears, grapes, apples etrogim, blueberries, etc. 3. The world of Yetzirah (formation) is symbolized by fruits which have pits on

the inside but are edible on the outside, such as olives, cherries, dates, peach-es, apricots, etc.

4. The world of Assiyah (action or doing) is symbolized by fruits and nuts that have a shell which is disregarded, and an inside that can be eaten, such as walnuts, almonds, pecans, bananas, pineapples, etc.

The rituals of drinking wine (grape juice) and/or eating fruit are intertwined during the seder. You may include special readings having to do with Judaism, ecology, rebirth, preserving the world, the land, the plants, and the trees. The essence is to remember that Tu B’Shvat is a time to remember the Land of Israel and remember that we are partners with God in Creation and through nature, we continue to gain our sustenance.

It is customary to recite Brachot (blessings) before eating something. Before you drink each cup of wine, you recite:

Barukh atta Adonai, Elohainu melekh ha-olam borei pri Hagafen. We praise You, God, Ruler of the Universe, who created the fruit of the vine.

Before you eat fruit, nuts, or vegetables which grow on trees, you recite this bracha:

Barukh atta Adonai, Elohainu melekh ha-olam borei pri ha-aitz We praise You, God, Ruler of the Universe, who created the fruit of the trees.

Before you eat fruit, nuts, and vegetables which grow from the ground, you recite this bracha: Barukh atta Adonai, Elohainu melekh ha-olam borei pri ha-adama

We praise You, God, Ruler of the Universe, who created the fruit of the earth.

To download a Tu B’shavat Seder go to www.jnf.org/TREEsource for great materials to use.

If you have any questions or would like a copy of a Tu B’Shvat Seder, please call Rabbi Gaber 215-579-2200 or email him at [email protected]

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A big thank you to everyone for bringing in their

McCaffrey’s receipts. Please continue to bring your register receipts to CBOI (they can be up to 6 months old.)

We will receive 1% of whatever you spend! Look for the box in the lobby.

You eat up and we cash in.

That’s a pretty sweet deal!

You’re going food shopping anyway... Support CBOI by purchasing scrip.

It’s a dollar-for-dollar value, and we’ll make 5%. Available for: Ac-me, Giant, McCaffrey’s, ShopRite, Pathmark

Make checks payable to BOI Sisterhood

Yin Yoga Mondays 7-8:15 pm

Enjoy a class that is open to all levels of yoga

students. No prior experience needed.

Using gentle stretching in longer held poses to bring flexibility and mobility to our bodies.

Focus is on relaxing into the stillness of each pose to release

and relieve stress.

Bring a yoga mat and a blanket to class. Yoga blocks are a good idea too, if you have them. Some mats and blocks will be

available on a first come first served basis.

CBOI members: $12 /class or $100/10 classes Non-members: $15/class or $120/10 classes

Questions? Please call or text Shannah at (267) 307-0140 or email [email protected]

BOX TOPS Clip them from items you already buy and bring them to the box in the synagogue lobby to help

support our Religious School.

It's that easy!

Birthright Israel Excel is an exciting summer in-ternship/fellowship program for North American col-lege sophomores, juniors and select seniors. Stu-dents interested in pursuing careers in business and tech-nology are placed in 10 week summer internships in lead-ing global companies in Israel. They live and travel to-gether as a group, and meet with leaders in business, poli-tics and global economics. Internships cover a range of industries, including finance, venture capital, consulting, biotech and technology. Only 40 positions are available for this exclusive opportunity. The fellowship program contin-ues upon return from Israel with leadership and profes-sional development programming. Past Fellows have shown wonderful success as they begin their professional journey. They are spread through-out the US and are highly successful in their job search efforts. Alumni are in jobs covering the fields of Consult-ing, Investment Banking and Finance, Engineering and Technology and are employed by firms such as Boston Consulting Group, Bain Consulting, Ernst & Young, Deloitte, Blackstone Group, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, JP Morgan, Exxon Mobile, Google, Thiel Macro, Palantir Tech-nologies, Amazon, IBM and Yelp. The enrollment period for Summer 2015 opens November 1, 2014 and runs through January 25, 2015. Birthright Israel is seeking our assistance in mak-ing sure that this exciting opportunity is available to appro-priate candidates across our communities.

For more information about the program visit


Through the One Hap-

py Camper program,

families can access

incentive grants of up

to $1000 toward

transformative sum-

mer experiences at

one of 155+ nonprofit,

Jewish overnight

camps for the first

time, regardless of


One Happy Camper is a program of the Foundation for Jewish

Camp (FJC), in partnership with Jewish federations, founda-

tions, PJ Library, and camps across North America. Grants are

available on a first come, first served basis. Families can find

camps and secure their grants by visiting

www.OneHappyCamper.org today!

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Tot Shabbat 5:30pm

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Congregation Brothers of Israel 530 Washington Crossing Road Newtown, Pennsylvania 18940 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED TIME VALUE MATERIAL

The Voice Published monthly by

Congregation Brothers of Israel 530 Washington Crossing Road

Newtown, PA 18940 (215) 579-2200

Fax: (215) 579-2204 www.cboi.org

E-mail: [email protected] Rabbi Aaron Gaber

Rabbi Howard Hersch, D.D., Rabbi Emeritus Dr. Robert Winter, Cantorial Soloist

Joan Hersch, Education Director Leslie Floyd...... ..................Co-President Brandon Wind ..................... Co-President Lauren Cell ....................... Vice President Larry Cooperman ............. Vice President Barry Wind........................ Co-Treasurer and Co-Financial Secretary Michelle Goldberg..............Co-Treasurer and Co-Financial Secretary Andrew Berezin.......Recording Secretary

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