10 New Words (Neologisms) to Describe Blogs, Bloggers & Blogging

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This was my attempt to "invent" 10 new words related to blogging. It's amazing how often someone else beats you to the punch. See how successful I was....

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10 Neologisms: A LIBATION for Blogger Almost every time I invent new words, or think I'm inventing new words, relating to blogging, I sheepishly discover there are 140,000 uses of that word already collected by Google....I guess they just suggest themselves naturally, words like "blogazine." Okay, I'm going to attempt to offer 10 new usable words for Blogger and will check Google AFTER to see if these have all been launched elsewhere. 1. Blogophilia--obviously, love of blogs, and perhaps a pathological fetishization of blogs... 2. Blogasthenia--weakness resulting from having overblogged, complete blog-related exhaustion (B.R.E.). 3. Blogorrhea--logorrhea of the blog; excessive posting or commenting on a blog. 4. Blogectomy--removal of your blog from the net; hitting that DELETE button. 5. Blogophrenia--inability to distinguish reality from blog; suffering bloginations (blog-related hallucinations). 6. Blogocracy--the state wherein prevailing taste is determined by blogs; rule by blogs. 7. Blogoma--an annoying blog tumor; text that metastasizes from blog to blog. 8. Bloganescence--the process whereby a website evolves into a blog. 9. Blogback--unwanted or undesired responses to a posting made, either on your own blog or elswhwere as a commenter. As awful as blowback usually. 10. Blogebrity--a blog celebrity; someone whose fame results largely from blog attention. OKAY, IT'S TEN MINUTES LATER AND I DID GOOGLE THESE...MANY ARE IN THE TENS OF THOUSANDS OR OVER A HUNDRED THOUSAND USES...I found only ONE other example of "blogasthenia." And only 7 uses according to Google of "blogophrenia." No uses whatsoever of "bloganescence." Blogback and Blogoma seemed to be in very wide use, but with other meanings than those I assigned here I believe. Blogebrity is the name of a blog and is used widely in the sense I assigned above. Language does have normal growth patterns which are quite logical...simply appending prevalent and commonly understood suffixes is one of these natural growth patterns, of course.