Hope College Bnchor aita- LVII-2 Official Publication of ttie Students of Hope College at Holland Michigan October 4,1944 Homecoming To Bring Traditional Events Soon Homecoming is .pnce again on Hope's Calendar of Events. Octo- ber 27 has been selected as the tentative date. Before the war depleted the ranks of our men students, Homecoming was the highlight of the school year. De- termined to continue all campus activities WAL is arranging a cel- ebration for this year that will in- clude every feature heretofore known to such homecoming cele- brations. There will be just one variation, however, there will be no men participating. A touch football game in which the upperclass girls will be pitted against the lower class girls will be played in the afternoon. Water girls, managers, a female an- nouncer, and even the water bucket will be in evidence. Peanuts and candy will be sold during the game by the A.D.D. girls. The Queen of the Campus, Mary Elizabeth Aldrich, with her court will honor her subjects by attend- ing the game. In the evening a buffet supper will be served in Carnegie Gym. A program given by members of the Musical Arts Club and Palette and Masque is being arranged. The Emersonian House, the new girls' dormitory, will have Open House after the supper. Announcements concerning the tryouts for the program and the game will be made soon. Committee Needs Serviceboard Data The Hope Service Board will again be continued this year under the supervision .of the YM and YWCA on the campus. The serv- ice board, located in Graves Hall, lists the name and address of each Hope man and woman in the serv- ice of the Armed Forces, the num- ber of which is over three hundred. The Anchor works with the Y organization by sending the col- lege publication to each serviceman both in camps in the States and overseas. The servicemen appreci- ate this connection with the col- lege and have made their appreci- ation known many times over. In order for this service to con- tinue, we ask the cooperation of students and of parents of the servicemen in seeing that the ad- dresses are correct at all times. We therefore ask that you bring or send the new addresses to the college office. Servicemen, too, are requested to send their new ad- dresses to the college office as they change from time to time. Student Teachers Are Practicing In Local Schools Teaching assignments for senior and elementary education students doing their teaching first semester were announced last week by Prof. Garrett Vander Borgh, director of practice teaching. Those teaching in the English Dept. at Holland Senior High are; Milly Scholten, whose critic teacher is Miss Hagen, Margery Curtis under Miss Ree- verts, Margery Prince, who is un- der the supervision of Miss Mul- der, Evelyn Shiffner, teaching under Miss Van Dyke. Mary Eliza- beth Aldrich is teaching Latin under supervision of Miss Geiger. Freida Grote is teaching music un- der Miss Moore. Those student teachers in the junior high are: Rosanna Atkins, supervised by Miss Shackson, Constance Scholten under Miss Brower, Elaine Schol- tens, teaching under Miss Ewald and Arlene Vorhorst under M i s s Vander Werf. Myra Kleis is teach- ing math under Miss Shoup. Irene Lundie is teaching under Miss Denton in the social studies de- partment. Lorraine Ver Meulen is under Mr. Norlin in the physiol- ogy department. Those teaching in the early ele- mentary grades in Washington School are Jane Fichtner, kinder- garten, and Helen Wilhelm, first grade. The student teachers in Froebel School are: Vera Pennings, first grade, and Jane Smies, kin- dergarten. Those teaching in Van Raalte are: Verladyn Saunders, first grade, and Shirley Lemmen, Kindergarten. Record Number Attend Faculty Reception Approximately 200 students came out in record number to the annual faculty-student reception, held in the basement of the Hope Memorial Chapel on Wednesday night, September 27. Dr. Wynand Wichers gave a few words of welcome before everyone gathered around the piano for group singing, with Mrs. Snow accompanying. Prof, Hinga, at the head of the receiving line, introduced students to the faculty and their wives. Fol- lowing the reception line Eleanor Everse, president of Student Coun- cil, opened the program with a wel- come. Frieda Grote and Thomas Baslooper entertained with "Wagon Wheels," "Wanting You" and for an encore the duet, "Love Me Tonight" Dr. Wynand Wichers gave a few words of welcome before everyone gathered around the piano for group singing, with Mrs. Snow ac companying. Prof. Hinga, Master of Cere- monies, made appropriate remarks and turned the evening over to the faculty women who served refresh ments. Miss Laura Boyd was chair man of the faculty social commit- tee. Refreshments were fumi8he< by the college. Alcor Kotfee Kletz Will Be Open Today In Hope's early days Holland church women held a "Koffee Kletz" regularly in order to mend the clothes of the boys attending Hope. Relaxation rather than clothes-mending, however, is the purpose of the new "Koffee Kletz," Alcor's snackbar scheduled to open today. The "Koffee Kletz" features a coke-machine, coffee, donuts, rolls, and candy. It is located in the basement of Van Raalte hall in the room under Dr. Raymond's room. It will be open every school- day morning. Pale blue and canary-yellow painted tables supplement the bar and carry out the Dutch theme. There are drapes and potted plants at the windows, and Alcor hopes to acquire a nickelodeon later. The snackbar is Alcor's special project for the year and will raise money to be used for the college. The society will not be selling candy in the dormitories as it did in pre- vious years. Members of Alcor are Edna Mae Richards, president; Connie Craw- ford, vice president; Irene Lun- die, Secretary-treasurer; Eleanor Everse, Marie Jenkins, Elaine Scholten, Peggy Cross, Rosanna Atkins, Milly Scholten, Myra Kleis, and Mary Liz Aldrich. Hope Students To Purchase Jeep in Nation's Next Big Bond Drive FACULTY NEWS Cbming to Hope as Van Vleck housemother is Miss^Ann Nowlan, who arrived here Saturday, Sep- tember 30. Miss Nowlan has been living in Detroit, where she acted as housemother for a nurse's resi- dence and was engaged in religious education for one of Detroit's Pres- byterian churches. Mrs. Van Zomeren is retiring as housemother of Voorhees Hall. She will live in Holland. Other faculty news of interest includes Dr. Wynand Wichers' meeting with the Board of Educa- tion in New York Tuesday, Octo- ber 3. Dr. Harvey Kleinheksel of the Science Department served on a visiting committee appointed by the Michigan College Association to inspect the science department of Aquinas College in Grand Rap- ids. Dr. Bruce Raymond, head of the History Department, served on a committee to inspect the Univer- sity of Grand Rapids History De- partment, recently. Editor Announces Milestone Additions Seven new appointments to the Milestone staff have been listed by the editor, A1 Staver. They are Eugene Van Tamelen, art staff; iP 1 " 0 ^ made was used to purchase Campus BookStore Under the A.D.D. Hope's A.D.D. girls are operat- ing the Blue Key book store since the Blue Key has disbanded for the duration. Irene Lundie nr*»<*i- dent of the A.D.D., is supervising this project and Lucille Tenninga is acting as bookkeeper. The Athletic Debt Diggers girls formerly were in charge of re- freshments at the football and bas- ketball games, which were discon- tinued because of the war. The Bunny Goff, Dorothy Weyenberg, Carol Kile and Roger Patterson, literary staff, and Elaine Mensin- ger and Adrian Bos, photography staff. The entire staff met Septem- ber 26 and work on the year book is well under way. athletic equipment such as bad- minton "birds," hockey sticks, and any other equipment needed by the Phys. Ed. department. This year, however, will be donated to Women's Athletic Association. Plans Being Made for New Dormitory Tentative plans are now being made for the new dormitory. The first blueprints have been drawn up, but nothing is definite as yet. Mr. Thebaud of Grand Rapids, who designed the science building, is the architect. The dorm will be on 12th St., just east of Van Raalte, and the practice field will be moved toward Columbia Ave. The dorm will be a quadrangle with a formal garden in the center. The Hin«ng room, kitchen, and large game room will be located on the first floor. The second floor is the main floor that will have the housemother's quarters, guest rooms, and social room. The social room will seat 250 people, and there will be a stage at one end. In addition to the large social room, the^e will be several smaller reception'rooms. A general office where the phones will be located and where the mail will be sorted is also planned for the second floor. The third floor will have a large study room for all of the girls. There will be a kitchenette on both the second and third floors for everyone's use. Goal Set at $1165, Jeep to Have College Name Plate On, Pledges to Be Made Hope College Bond Drive started today in order to help our nation in what we hope is to be the final "Big Drive." The goal of our drive is $1,165.00 which will be used to purchase a jeep. The War Finance Division will furnish the jeep with a name plate "Hope College" as evidence of her origin. "Y" News "Y" PLANS FULL YEAR The outlook of YWCA and YMCA is bright. Plans are being made for Prayer Week in the spring the Mission Drive, skating parties during the year, fireside discussion forums in various homes of the faculty, letter-writing meet- ings and chapel tours to be con- ducted soon. The Y-Fore will also be published throughout the year. Above all, the purpose of the Y will be kept in mind—Make Christ King of Our Campus! Y.W. HEARS MAATMAN A record breaking number of girls attended the first regular Y.W. meeting last Tuesday eve- ning. The enthusiasm that was shown was very encouraging. Har- riet Maatman, Y.W.C.A. president, discussed the topic, "And the Greatest of These Is Love." Mary Ellen Brower, freshman, accompa- nied by Marian Ter Borg, sang "One Sweetly Solumn Thought" and "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go." Hinkamp Speaks The Y.M. meeting was held on the same evening. In the absence of the president, Wesley Dykstra, the meeting was opened by Wilbur Brandli, who also led devotions. Prof. Hinkamp spoke on "Dan- iel." He emphasized the point that today we are apt to worship three gods — a god of liquor, a god of nicotine, and a god of A's. Daniel never bowed down to the idol gods of his day. Can we be a Daniel? The meeting adjourned with the singing of hymns. If Y is worth your dollar it's worth your presence. Sororities Entertain Frosh at Round Robin Tea A "jeep poster" will be placed in Van Raalte Hall where the "body" will be colored according to the amount of bonds and stamps sold. Spike Sawitsky, chairman of the WAL Bond Drive, urges everyone to keep up the pledges which were made on the pledge cards in chapel this morning. Stamps and bonds may be pur- chased at the newly decorated Bond Booth any Wednesday or Friday morning. Campus Bonfire The Women's Activities League Is offering as its next project an afternoon of leaf-raking for all. In a few weeks the campus is to be reconverted. A shortage of labor- ers prevented the college authori- ties from having the leaves raked this fall. Our undaunted spirit is again asserting itself, however, since W.A.L. has decided that the leaves must be raked. To accom- plish this every student and mem- ber of the faculty will be drafted to clean the campus. On a date, determined by the fall of the last leaf, everyone will rake all the leaves into a pile on the athletic field. A bonfire will then be built and everyone that has worked will be served hot dogs and coffee. o Increase Is Noted In Enrollment Dr. Wichers has announced that the enrollment this year shows marked increase. The Senior Class is the smallest with 52 members, the Juniors follow with 60 mem- bers, and the Sophomores rank with 65 members. The Freshman class is unusually large this year with 115 new students. The sharp increase necessitated the opening of the Emersonian House as another girls' dormitory. There are 32 girls living at the Emmy House, 38 at Van Vleck, and 80 at Voorhees Hall, totaling 150 campus girls. There are 30 new fellows and approximately 10 live on campus at Zwemer Hall. The annual Round Robin Tea held Saturday, September 23, at 2:00 was, as always, a great suc- cess. All the sororities were decked in holiday attire and put all their energy into really giving the new girls a good time. Each program was varied and gay and the five groups spent a short period in each room. Here are some of the things the girls saw. Sorosis Sorosis took the frosh "south of the border down Mexico way" where they witnessed a broadcast from the "Carramba Club." Presi- dent Millie Scholten welcomed the guests and then turned the "Feste- jo" over to the Master of Cere- monies, Ruth Joldersma, who was proceeded by an advertisement for Mexican jumping beans sung by Mary Liz Aldrich, Rozanna Atkins and Jan Bogart. The leading lady of Mexico a la Elsie Parsons, gave forth with a few helpful hints on beauty treat- ment the Mexican way. Senor Nat Bosman (the Voice AH Mexico Loves) rendered the song, "Marie Elena," at the conclusion of which she collected a handful of pennies thrown at her by her adoring audi- ence. The next big thing featured was the Bilkert twins as Coco and Bango doing a Mexican dance (with apologies to Mexican danc- ers). The broadcast ended with Nat's sober announcement, "That is all, keep smiling." President - Millie Scholten then introduced the Sorosites and alum- nae to the guests who in turn in- troduced themselves. Then followed the Sorosis song and a general get- acquainted process. Before the girls left each was given a cactus pin cushion to remind them of sunny Mexico and the "Carramba Club." Dorian The Dorian Music Box took it upon itself to prove the truth in the words "Music hath, charm." The first attempt was the "Prel- ude" in the form of the thrilling strains of "Gypsy Love Song" and 'My Hero" sung by our own Frieda Grote. No music box would be complete unless It turned to a lighter vein. Bunny Goff characterized humor with her inimitable style. "This world is so full of a num- ber of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings." Perhaps the composer had these words of Robert Louis Stevenson in mind when he wrote "There Are Such Things." Out of the Dorian Music Box came the voices of Elaine Scholten, Thelma Oonk and Evelyn Shiffner singing the ever lovely melody. Since the words lend added beauty to music, it was appropriate that in a music box we should find beautiful thoughts expressed by Polly Naas. The cover of the Music Box slowly closed with the prevailing melody, the Dorian Song, sung by each member of Kappa Beta Phi. Sibylline Dear Bill: Today was the Round Robin tea at college and I want to write and tell you what a major part you unconsciously played in Sib's pro- gram. Do you recall that "Remember" letter you wrote me (probably weeks ago but it certainly arrived here at an opportune time). Any- way, we thought if it could only portray to the girls a little of the feeling all you boys have for Hope, it was the least we could do. Your description of that interesting per- fume shop in France and what the different perfumes reminded you of — Holland's Sundays, the four- mile, those wonderful formals, just walks on the campus in the rain and otherwise — was just perfect to build our theme around. We read your letter aloud while sister Sibs floated by dressed as in my imagination I pictured those won- derful times we both remember so well, and which you made so real again in your letter. For favors we made small sachets; I wanted to uie that Tailspin you sent me to make them smell extra nice but I couldn't bring myself to use that much. That tea was such a nice way to get to know the new girls better and knowing them as well as we do already I'm sure you boys won't be disappointed with the Hope you come back to. It's not that we don't miss you, but we're not sit- ting back and marking time either. Thanks from all the Sibs and especially me for such a wonderful letter. Love, JULIE. Delphi Glad you decided to drop in for a breather at the Delta Phi Crack- er-Barrel Club, before putting the finishing touches on your shopping tour. But before we begin the show, we'll give you time to catch your breath and put a nickel in the juke box. Will Mike Brouwer singing "The Sweetheart of Delta Phi" be okay? We are especially glad you're here today because the Club is put- ting on its annual fashion show. And here is our own Lucille Vos, "Silly dress, silly gal, sweater and skirt, and she's my pal." You can jump into this zooty twosome whiz quick. Mary Lois DeFouw, modeling a stunning aqua and black slate dress is sure to put a detour in any young man's fancy. Now, off for a merry fling at tennis, as Pinks Mulder dons shorts in that delicious sherbet shade. Classy chasy on that lassy. Time out for a short root beer as several of our shoppers, Jeanne Timmerman and Jane Fichtner, dispossess themselves of their many bundles for a bit of "catty chatty." Strictly "S.S.Q." these new girls, what? And now for something "Sweet and Lovely" with the Delphi trio, Myra Brouwer, Connie Crawford, Continued on page 4 Class Elections Held By Underclassmen On Wednesday, September 27, the Freshman Class met for the first time and elected officers for the coming year. The students who were elected are as follows: Presi- dent, Tim Harrison; Vice Presi- dent, Ruth Hoffman; Secretary, Virginia Hemmes; and Treasurer, Ted Boeve. For the two Student Council representatives Mildred VerMaire and Marvin DeYoung were elected. Wednesday was also election day for the Sophomores. The class met in the basement of the Chapel and elected the following officers: Bill Haak, President; Marion Kortel- ing. Vice President; Louise Ter Beek, Secretary; Dick Vriesman, Treasurer. Phyllis Barense and Robert Danhof were elected Stu- dent Council representatives. It was also announced that all dues must be paid to the Treasurer, Dick Vriesman, by next Wednes- day, October 4. Plans are in the making for a class party to be held in the near future. Alan Staver was elected presi- dent of the Junior Class at their meeting on Tuesday, September 26, in the Y.M.C.A. room. Other officers chosen at the meeting were Harriet Stegeman, Vice President; Elaine Mensinger, Secretary; and Edith Wolbrink, Treasurer. Busi- ness of the class at present is the collecting of dues. In the near fu- ture, by announcement of the new president, the class plans'to spon- sor some all-college activity.


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Page 1: 10-04-1944

Hope College Bnchor a i t a -

LVII-2 Official Publication of ttie Students of Hope College at Holland Michigan October 4 ,1944

Homecoming To Bring

Traditional Events Soon Homecoming is .pnce again on

Hope's Calendar of Events. Octo-

ber 27 has been selected as the

tentative date. Before the war

depleted the ranks of our men

students, Homecoming was the

highlight of the school year. De-

termined to continue all campus

activities WAL is arranging a cel-

ebration for this year that will in-

clude every feature heretofore

known to such homecoming cele-

brations. There will be just one

variation, however, there will be

no men participating.

A touch football game in which the upperclass girls will be pitted against the lower class girls will be played in the afternoon. Water girls, managers, a female an-nouncer, and even the water bucket will be in evidence. Peanuts and candy will be sold during the game

by the A.D.D. girls. The Queen of the Campus, Mary

Elizabeth Aldrich, with her court will honor her subjects by attend-ing the game.

In the evening a buffet supper

will be served in Carnegie Gym. A

program given by members of the

Musical Arts Club and Palette and

Masque is being arranged.

The Emersonian House, the new girls' dormitory, will have O p e n House a f te r the supper.

Announcements concerning the tryouts for the program and the game will be made soon.

Committee Needs

Serviceboard Data The Hope Service Board will

again be continued this year under

the supervision .of the YM and

YWCA on the campus. The serv-

ice board, located in Graves Hall,

lists the name and address of each

Hope man and woman in the serv-

ice of the Armed Forces, the num-

ber of which is over three hundred.

The Anchor works with the Y

organization by sending the col-

lege publication to each serviceman both in camps in the States and overseas. The servicemen appreci-ate this connection with the col-lege and have made their appreci-ation known many times over.

In order for this service to con-tinue, we ask the cooperation of students and of parents of the servicemen in seeing that the ad-dresses are correct at all times. We therefore ask that you bring or send the new addresses to the college office. Servicemen, too, are requested to send their new ad-dresses to the college office as they change from time to time.

Student Teachers Are Practicing In Local Schools

Teaching assignments for senior

and elementary education students

doing their teaching first semester

were announced last week by Prof.

Garrett Vander Borgh, director of

practice teaching. Those teaching

in the English Dept. at Holland

Senior High are; Milly Scholten,

whose critic teacher is Miss Hagen,

Margery Curtis under Miss Ree-

verts, Margery Prince, who is un-

der the supervision of Miss Mul-

der, Evelyn Shiffner, teaching

under Miss Van Dyke. Mary Eliza-

beth Aldrich is teaching Latin

under supervision of Miss Geiger.

Freida Grote is teaching music un-

der Miss Moore. Those student

teachers in the junior high are:

Rosanna Atkins, supervised by

Miss Shackson, Constance Scholten

under Miss Brower, Elaine Schol-

tens, teaching under Miss Ewald

and Arlene Vorhorst under M i s s

Vander Werf. Myra Kleis is teach-ing math under Miss Shoup. Irene Lundie is teaching under Miss Denton in the social studies de-partment. Lorraine Ver Meulen is under Mr. Norlin in the physiol-

ogy department. Those teaching in the early ele-

mentary grades in Washington School are Jane Fichtner, kinder-garten, and Helen Wilhelm, first grade. The student teachers in

Froebel School are: Vera Pennings, first grade, and Jane Smies, kin-dergarten. Those teaching in Van Raalte are: Verladyn Saunders, first grade, and Shirley Lemmen, Kindergarten.

Record Number Attend Faculty Reception

Approximately 200 students came out in record number to the annual faculty-student reception, held in the basement of the Hope Memorial Chapel on Wednesday night, September 27.

Dr. Wynand Wichers gave a few words of welcome before everyone gathered around the piano for group singing, with Mrs. Snow accompanying.

Prof, Hinga, a t the head of the receiving line, introduced students to the faculty and their wives. Fol-lowing the reception line Eleanor Everse, president of Student Coun-cil, opened the program with a wel-come. Frieda Grote and T h o m a s Baslooper e n t e r t a i n e d with "Wagon Wheels," "Wanting You" and f o r an encore the duet, "Love Me Ton igh t "

Dr. Wynand Wichers gave a few words of welcome before everyone gathered around the piano for group singing, with Mrs. Snow ac companying.

Prof. Hinga, Master of Cere-monies, made appropriate remarks and turned the evening over to the faculty women who served refresh ments. Miss Laura Boyd was chair man of the faculty social commit-tee. Refreshments were fumi8he< by the college.

Alcor Kotfee Kletz Will Be Open Today

In Hope's early days Holland

church women held a "Koffee

Kletz" regularly in order to mend

the clothes of the boys attending

Hope. Relaxation rather than

clothes-mending, however, is the

purpose of the new "Koffee Kletz,"

Alcor's snackbar scheduled to open


The "Koffee Kletz" features a

coke-machine, coffee, donuts, rolls,

and candy. It is located in the

basement of Van Raalte hall in

the room under Dr. Raymond's

room. It will be open every school-

day morning.

Pale blue and canary-yellow

painted tables supplement the bar

and carry out the Dutch theme.

There are drapes and potted plants

at the windows, and Alcor hopes to

acquire a nickelodeon later. The

snackbar is Alcor's special project

for the year and will raise money

to be used for the college. The

society will not be selling candy

in the dormitories as it did in pre-

vious years.

Members of Alcor are Edna Mae

Richards, president; Connie Craw-

ford, vice president; Irene Lun-

die, Secretary-treasurer; Eleanor

Everse, Marie Jenkins, Elaine Scholten, Peggy Cross, Rosanna Atkins, Milly Scholten, Myra Kleis, and Mary Liz Aldrich.

Hope Students To Purchase Jeep in Nation's Next Big Bond Drive FACULTY NEWS Cbming to Hope as Van Vleck

housemother is Miss^Ann Nowlan, who arrived here Saturday, Sep-tember 30. Miss Nowlan has been living in Detroit, where she acted as housemother for a nurse's resi-dence and was engaged in religious education for one of Detroit's Pres-byterian churches.

Mrs. Van Zomeren is ret ir ing as housemother of Voorhees Hall. She will live in Holland.

Other faculty news of interest includes Dr. Wynand Wichers' meeting with the Board of Educa-tion in New York Tuesday, Octo-ber 3.

Dr. Harvey Kleinheksel of the Science Department served on a visiting committee appointed by the Michigan College Association to inspect the science department of Aquinas College in Grand Rap-ids.

Dr. Bruce Raymond, head of the History Department, served on a committee to inspect the Univer-sity of Grand Rapids History De-partment, recently.

Editor Announces Milestone Additions

Seven new appointments to the Milestone staff have been listed by the editor, A1 Staver. They are Eugene Van Tamelen, art staff; iP 1" 0^ made was used to purchase

Campus BookStore

Under the A.D.D. Hope's A.D.D. girls are operat-

ing the Blue Key book store since

the Blue Key has disbanded for

the duration. Irene Lundie nr*»<*i-

dent of the A.D.D., is supervising

this project and Lucille Tenninga

is acting as bookkeeper.

The Athletic Debt Diggers girls

formerly were in charge of re-

freshments at the football and bas-

ketball games, which were discon-

tinued because of the war. The

Bunny Goff, Dorothy Weyenberg, Carol Kile and Roger Patterson, literary staff, and Elaine Mensin-ger and Adrian Bos, photography staff. The entire staff met Septem-ber 26 and work on the year book is well under way.

athletic equipment such as bad-

minton "birds," hockey sticks, and

any other equipment needed by the

Phys. Ed. department. This year,

h o w e v e r , will be donated to

Women's Athletic Association.

Plans Being Made

for New Dormitory Tentative plans are now being

made for the new dormitory. The first blueprints have been drawn up, but nothing is definite as yet. Mr. Thebaud of Grand Rapids, who designed the science building, is the architect. The dorm will be on 12th St., just east of Van Raalte, and the practice field will be moved toward Columbia Ave.

The dorm will be a quadrangle with a formal garden in the center. The Hin«ng room, kitchen, and large game room will be located on the first floor. The second floor is the main floor that will have the housemother's quarters, guest rooms, and social room. The social room will seat 250 people, and there will be a stage at one end. In addition to the large social room, the^e will be several smaller reception'rooms. A general office where the phones will be located and where the mail will be sorted is also planned for the second floor. The third floor will have a large study room for all of the girls. There will be a kitchenette on both the second and third floors for everyone's use.

Goal Set at $1165, Jeep to Have College Name Plate On, Pledges to Be Made

Hope College Bond Drive started today in order to help our nation

in what we hope is to be the final "Big Drive." The goal of our drive

is $1,165.00 which will be used to purchase a jeep. The War Finance

Division will furnish the jeep with a name plate "Hope College" as

evidence of her origin.


The outlook of YWCA and

YMCA is bright. Plans are being

made for Prayer Week in the

spring the Mission Drive, skating

parties during the year, fireside

discussion forums in various homes

of the faculty, letter-writing meet-

ings and chapel tours to be con-

ducted soon. The Y-Fore will also be published throughout the year. Above all, the purpose of the Y will be kept in mind—Make Christ King of Our Campus!


A record breaking number of girls attended the first regular Y.W. meeting last Tuesday eve-ning. The enthusiasm that was shown was very encouraging. Har-riet Maatman, Y.W.C.A. president, discussed the topic, "And the Greatest of These Is Love." Mary Ellen Brower, freshman, accompa-nied by Marian Ter Borg, sang "One Sweetly Solumn Thought" and "O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go."

Hinkamp Speaks

The Y.M. meeting was held on the same evening. In the absence of the president, Wesley Dykstra, the meeting was opened by Wilbur Brandli, who also led devotions. Prof. Hinkamp spoke on "Dan-iel." He emphasized the point that today we are apt to worship three gods — a god of liquor, a god of nicotine, and a god of A's. Daniel never bowed down to the idol gods of his day. Can we be a Daniel? The meeting adjourned with the singing of hymns.

If Y is worth your dollar it 's worth your presence.

Sororities Entertain Frosh at Round Robin Tea

A "jeep poster" will be placed in Van Raalte Hall where the "body" will be colored according to the amount of bonds and stamps sold.

Spike Sawitsky, chairman of the WAL Bond Drive, urges everyone to keep up the pledges which were made on the pledge cards in chapel this morning.

Stamps and bonds may be pur-chased at the newly decorated Bond Booth any Wednesday or Friday morning.

Campus Bonfire

The Women's Activities League Is offering as its next project an afternoon of leaf-raking for all. In a few weeks the campus is to be reconverted. A shortage of labor-ers prevented the college authori-ties from having the leaves raked this fall. Our undaunted spirit is again asserting itself, however, since W.A.L. has decided that the leaves must be raked. To accom-plish this every student and mem-ber of the faculty will be draf ted to clean the campus. On a date, determined by the fall of the last leaf, everyone will rake all the leaves into a pile on the athletic field. A bonfire will then be built and everyone that has worked will be served hot dogs and coffee.


Increase Is Noted In Enrollment

Dr. Wichers has announced that the enrollment this year shows marked increase. The Senior Class is the smallest with 52 members, the Juniors follow with 60 mem-bers, and the Sophomores rank with 65 members. The Freshman class is unusually large this year with 115 new students.

The sharp increase necessitated the opening of the Emersonian House as another girls ' dormitory. There are 32 girls living a t the Emmy House, 38 a t Van Vleck, and 80 a t Voorhees Hall, totaling 150 campus girls.

There are 30 new fellows and approximately 10 live on campus at Zwemer Hall.

The annual Round Robin Tea

held Saturday, September 23, at

2:00 was, as always, a great suc-

cess. All the sororities were decked

in holiday at t ire and put all their

energy into really giving the new girls a good time. Each program was varied and gay and the five groups spent a short period in each room. Here are some of the things the girls saw.


Sorosis took the frosh "south of the border down Mexico way" where they witnessed a broadcast from the "Carramba Club." Presi-dent Millie Scholten welcomed the guests and then turned the "Feste-jo" over to the Master of Cere-monies, Ruth Joldersma, who was proceeded by an advertisement for Mexican jumping beans sung by Mary Liz Aldrich, Rozanna Atkins and Jan Bogart.

The leading lady of Mexico a la Elsie Parsons, gave forth with a few helpful hints on beauty t reat-ment the Mexican way. Senor Nat Bosman (the Voice AH Mexico Loves) rendered the song, "Marie Elena," a t the conclusion of which she collected a handful of pennies thrown at her by her adoring audi-ence.

The next big thing featured was the Bilkert twins as Coco and Bango doing a Mexican dance (with apologies to Mexican danc-ers) . The broadcast ended with Nat 's sober announcement, "That is all, keep smiling."

President - Millie Scholten then

introduced the Sorosites and alum-

nae to the guests who in turn in-

troduced themselves. Then followed

the Sorosis song and a general get-acquainted process. Before the girls left each was given a cactus pin cushion to remind them of sunny Mexico and the "Carramba Club."


The Dorian Music Box took i t upon itself to prove the t ruth in the words "Music ha th , charm." The first at tempt was the "Prel-ude" in the form of the thrilling strains of "Gypsy Love Song" and 'My Hero" sung by our own Frieda Grote.

No music box would be complete unless It turned to a lighter vein. Bunny Goff characterized humor with her inimitable style.

"This world is so full of a num-ber of things, I'm sure we should all be as happy as kings." Perhaps the composer had these words of Robert Louis Stevenson in mind when he wrote "There Are Such Things." Out of the Dorian Music Box came the voices of E l a i n e Scholten, Thelma Oonk and Evelyn Shiffner singing the ever lovely melody.

Since the words lend added beauty to music, it was appropriate that in a music box we should find beautiful thoughts expressed by Polly Naas.

The cover of the Music Box slowly closed with the prevailing melody, the Dorian Song, sung by each member of Kappa Beta Phi.


Dear Bill:

Today was the Round Robin tea

at college and I want to write and tell you what a major part you unconsciously played in Sib's pro-gram.

Do you recall that "Remember" letter you wrote me (probably weeks ago but it certainly arrived here a t an opportune t ime) . Any-way, we thought if it could only portray to the girls a little of the feeling all you boys have fo r Hope, it was the least we could do. Your description of that interesting per-fume shop in France and what the different perfumes reminded you of — Holland's Sundays, the four-mile, those wonderful formals, just walks on the campus in the rain and otherwise — was jus t perfect to build our theme around. We read your letter aloud while sister Sibs floated by dressed as in my imagination I pictured those won-derful times we both remember so well, and which you made so real again in your letter. For favors we made small sachets; I wanted to uie that Tailspin you sent me to make them smell ex t ra nice but I couldn't bring myself to use that much.

That tea was such a nice way to get to know the new girls better and knowing them as well as we do already I'm sure you boys won't be disappointed with the Hope you come back to. It's not that we don't miss you, but we're not sit-ting back and marking time either.

Thanks from all the Sibs and

especially me for such a wonderful letter.

Love, JULIE.


Glad you decided to drop in for a breather at the Delta Phi Crack-er-Barrel Club, before put t ing the finishing touches on your shopping tour. But before we begin the show, we'll give you time to catch your breath and put a nickel in the juke box. Will Mike Brouwer singing "The Sweetheart of Delta Phi" be okay?

We are especially glad you're here today because the Club is put-ting on its annual fashion show.

And here is our own Lucille Vos, "Silly dress, silly gal, sweater and skirt, and she's my pal." You can jump into this zooty twosome whiz quick.

Mary Lois DeFouw, modeling a stunning aqua and black slate dress is sure to put a detour i n any young man's fancy.

Now, off for a merry fling at tennis, as Pinks Mulder dons shorts in that delicious sherbet shade. Classy chasy on tha t lassy.

• Time out fo r a short root beer as several of our shoppers, Jeanne Timmerman and Jane Fichtner, dispossess themselves of their many bundles fo r a bit of "catty chatty." Strictly "S.S.Q." these new girls, what?

And now for something "Sweet and Lovely" with the Delphi trio, Myra Brouwer, Connie Crawford,

Continued on page 4

Class Elections Held

By Underclassmen On Wednesday, September 27,

the Freshman Class met fo r the first time and elected officers fo r the coming year. The students who were elected are as follows: Presi-dent, Tim Harrison; Vice Presi-dent, Ruth Hoffman; Secretary, Virginia Hemmes; and Treasurer, Ted Boeve. For the two Student Council representatives Mildred VerMaire and Marvin DeYoung were elected.

Wednesday was also election day for the Sophomores. The class met in the basement of the Chapel and elected the following officers: Bill Haak, President; Marion Kortel-ing. Vice President; Louise Ter Beek, Secretary; Dick Vriesman, Treasurer. Phyllis Barense and Robert Danhof were elected Stu-dent Council representatives. I t was also announced tha t all dues must be paid to the Treasurer, Dick Vriesman, by next Wednes-day, October 4. Plans are in the making fo r a class par ty to be held in the near fu ture .

Alan Staver was elected presi-dent of the Junior Class at their meeting on Tuesday, September 26, in the Y.M.C.A. room. Other officers chosen at the meeting were Harriet Stegeman, Vice President; Elaine Mensinger, Secretary; and Edith Wolbrink, Treasurer. Busi-ness of the class at present is the collecting of dues. In the near fu-ture, by announcement of the new president, the class plans'to spon-sor some all-college activity.

Page 2: 10-04-1944

Page Two Hope College Anchor

Editor's Note: Wo Gehen Sie?

All of us at times submit to the popular temptation to disdain the

truly educated — the wholly educated, while we apply ourselves with

only doubtful interest and zeal to the task before us. We wonder at

the inspired individual who loves and lives each integral part of learn-

ing. We, however, slide effortlessly to the fu ture finality of hopeless

dissatisfaction. You must not admit the fact that you do study an

appreciable amount because D.A.R.'s are repudiated by the student


It seems to be traditional for college students to envelop themselves

in a denseness of pretty pink illusions about the purpose of college


For too many, the ultimate of college is to acquire a minimum of

majors or minors, the completion of required courses, or the aggrega-

tion of 126 credit hours, accumulated like green stamps to trade in for

another diploma. The greatest asset for having spent four years? —

a tide over for a year or two between inflicted college training and

something more permanent.

! would not advocate sacrificing all pleasure for scholastic drudgery,

nor yet propose Knowlege For KnowledKe's Sake, the ideal of philo-

sophically minded educators. Education for what then? — for personal

satisfaction and advancement? — Yes, but so much more than t h a t —

Education For Life — learninR for living. As a Liberal Arts College,

Hope is more than prepared to fit you with the means, you must create

the end. Expect not the confined obvious from education, but the lim-

itless impossible. Work toward that , for education of the whole is

man's most priceless equipment for an intelligent, enjoyable, useful life.

The ANCHOR editor and staff

would like to call to your attention

and special consideration the for-

mation of an orchestra on the


For years Hope College had an

orchestra when the enrollment was

no more than it is now. We, as a

college, have always had an envi-

able reputation for musical promi-

nence and we could very well em-

bellish such achievements by the

reorganization of an orchestra.

If you own an instrument, if

you play an instrument, or if you

have once played an instrument

won't you make yourself known

and respond in full enthusiasm?

Now is the time to organize an

orchestra on Hope's campus.


When You Want ICE CREAM



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Holland State Bank Rldf.

"Red" Wierenga and Bob Rot-

schafer took a few days from their

studies in Chicago to visit the

home town.

Earl Holkeboer moved from As-

bury Park, N. J., to the midship-

man at Northwestern.

Waiting to go to Dental School

is "Woody" Woodworth, Ph.M., at

Great Lakes.

Ken Steketee

Also waiting for navy dental

school is Ken Steketee in Mary-


Paul Hinkamp is in the Radio

School a t Fort Monmouth, N. J .

Harvey Koop left for Plat ts-

burg, N. Y. last Thursday. He re-

cently received his commission as


Bill De Witt is working in Sur-

gery in New River, N. C.

Jeff Wiersum

Jeff Wiersum is a private at

Camp Fannin, Texas. He thinks

the climate a trifle hot.

Lt. Harold Colenbrander, Chap-

lain USN graduate of Hope '40

and Western '43, has completed

training at the Chaplain School,

Williamsburg, Va. He will report

for active duty at Coronado, Cal.

Roge Koeppe

Roger Koeppe finds Camp Harke-

ley a little rugged. He has just

finished his six weeks' basic train-


PFC Sterling Morgan is in Phila-

delphia where he is studying a

medical course at Temple Univer-


Jim Mooi is home really enjoy-

ing his furlough.

This camp to campus column

s for student readers of the AN-

CHOR, but it is also for Hope

service men stationed in this coun-

try and overseas. It is one of the

mly ways we keep in touch with

them, and that they get news of

one another. Therefore it is the

hope of the ANCHOR that any

news of service men will be given

to the editor — Helen Wilhelm.

iiH u a i r

iB ax

This year is going to be a big

one for everyone on campus and

big things are coming from the

music departments.

The choir has made a good be-

ginning with 80 members. We are

duly grateful for the large con-

tingent of men.

Glee Club has a grand total of

36. They are already practicing

Christmas carols and songs for a

concert. Elaine Scholten was elect-

ed secretary in place of Anna Ruth

Poppen, who is attending Colorado


Also, Freida Grote was elected

president of Musical Arts Club to

take Anna Ruth's place.

Plans are being made to have

John Lloyd Kollen, associate pro-

fessor of piano at the University

of Michigan, give a recital on our

new Steinway grand piano some

time in October.

Our voice professor, Mr. Baugh-

man, with his wife, will also give

a program sometime during the


Don't forget our college orches-

tra. The turn-out was good. Let's

hope the plans will materialize!

BOOKS! For the New Semester



We also help you sell your used Textbooks, so

bring them in

A M BOOK STORE Van Raalte Hall

Next New Commons Room

Help Buy HOPE'S

JEEP Keep Your Pledge

Up-To-Date Stamp Booth Open

Wednesday and Friday Mornings,

in Van Raalte

Hope Col lege A n c h o r Member

ftssocided Cotegiote Press

HELEN WILHELM. Editor-in-Chief Ruth Joldersma Associate Editor Peggy Cross Business Manager


Feature Editor Rose Seith Society Editor Jenkins 'Camp to Campus" Editor Evelyti Shiffner

Circulation Manager Verladine Saiinders

Published every two weeks dur ing the M-hool year by th# atudenta of Hop* <toll«(r«. Entered s i second class mat ter a t the post office of Holland, Michican, a t • g ^ l a l r a t e

of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress. October 5.'11)17. and authorised October 19. 1918.

Mail subscriptions, one dollar per year Address — The Anchor, Hope College, Holland, Michigan

Telephone 9436




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Page 3: 10-04-1944

• -

Hope College Anchor Page Three





Local Rtd Cross

Tolls of Gorman

Prison Camp Life The local Red Cross has made

available to us an edition of the

"Kregie Times." "Kregie" is an

abbreviation of the German word

"kr iegsgefangenen," meaning war

prisoner. The "Times" is a paper

printed in Stalag Luf t III Sagan ,

Germany, a camp for British and

American prisoners of war.

The "Times" is presented to

American POW's weekly, and con-

tains all the general news that

reaches the camps via mail. One

typewriter plus 1,000 reporters is

the equipment for printing.

The following is an excerpt writ-

ten by Deimar T. Spivey, Colonel,

U S A A F :

In the hope that our people at

home may have a small insight

into our prison life, we dedicate

this issue of our camp newspaper,

designed for home consumption.

We hope you receive it and by so

doing come into closer contact with

us and our daily lives.

It is extremely difficult fo r us

to keep abreast of your doings and

with the trend of the times because

of our complete isolation imposed

by censorship, separation from all

other than German news, and

barbed wire and alert guards.

We strive to set up a model

community designed to keep our

bodies, minds, and souls healthy

and alert , await ing the day we can

return to our own homes within

our own land.

We think of you and thank all

of you for your wonderful g i f t s to

us — from individuals, and from

the Red Cross, YMCA, and other

charitable institutions — and above

all, for your letters and prayers.

Those who detain us have not

treated us badly, and have given

us many small concessions which

have made our incarceration light-

er. The spirit of the Geneva con-

vention has been carried out and

our t reatment , in general, has been

good. For this consideration we

are gra teful and know, that in re-

turn, the treatment of German

prisoners at home is considerate.

We have our moments of lone-

liness and hunger for the compan-

ionship of home and home folks,

but on the whole we laugh and

play most of the time. The rest

of the time is spent studying, read-

ing, working, and hoping.

We shall hold firm to our faith

in all of you and are ever assured of your love and consideration.

Headquartert for . . . .




S P A U L D I N G ' S


7 { / 6 o o f c t ?

If you have not heard the mod-

ern version of the Three Bears ask

BUNNY GOFF — she'll ^ive you

stage, action, and thrills.

no time at all Voorhees will

be beautifully decorated with red

roses if GLORIA DIEHL keeps

receiving them f rom her man.

GEORGE TEN HAVE finds bal-

ancing chem. equations a bit dif-

ficult when NORMA VADER is

around. (She's the gal who suffo-

cates her roommates by seating

her favori te teddybear on her

ighted pin-up lamp.

LOIS VAN WYK tried her skill

it the ;irt flvintr but unfortu-

•mtely found that the trip wasn't

?o pleasant from the second decker

o the floor.

It seems a young man's fancy 1

turns to thoughts of love in sum-

mer too. because just look at what J A N E F I C H T N E R , HAPPY


.ind EV EVERSE wear on their

hird finger left hand.

PROF. McLEAN says working

i t a girls ' dorm is an experience

like he's never had before — Could

:hat be a compliment?

The lowans are back in full

force this year, mainly PENNY


BERS, who declare there 's nothing

more beautiful than a field of com

in autumn.

MRS. K hasn't taken up Miss

Lichty's cry of shhhh — instead

she breaks the midnight silence

with "close your — t ransum!" At

11:30 every night she distributes

saucers of milk to take care of


Jack Schouten delivered a politi-

cal harangue comparable to FDR

but not about him in his last gym

class. MLH has lost a very valu-

able article — composition? —


One of Dewey's major campaign

promises has been to confer on

Ruth Ellison a "Distinguished

Service Medal" for her services as

his most ardent campaigner to

date. Miss Ellison is distributing

grat is the LIFE magazine pictur-

ing her HERO—Thomas E. Dewey.


Friendship Rings—Indian Jewelry



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Welcome Co-eds

What Became

of Suzy Didja ever wonder what became

of Suzy? You remember Suzy — she was in our Freshman English class and quit school a f t e r one semester.

Or to be more practicle, how'dja like to hear about the latest doin's of a bunch of ex-Hopites?

There 's Jeannie Boshart, Semi-

nary Pin-up girl of last year. Her

big brown eyes are now sparkling

for the University of Syracuse.

We doubly miss the Misses Van-

derLindens — Mil 'n' Mae to you.

The twins are living in Hynes,

California, and attending Whittier

College. They are music majors

and have plunged into the year and

already made themselves known in

their own inimitable way.

A visit to Milwaukee Downer

College would find Joan Droppers

— yes Drooppy — "nursing her

career." She says there are quite

a few midshipmen floating around!

And who could forget Janey

Waldbillig? She's practicing her

cooking on the family in Albany,

and struggling through tough

French and Biology courses at Al-

bany State. She may be out to see

us some fine day. Hurry yup,


Myrt Bos and La Verne Huiper

are at Butterworth hospital in

Grand Rapids looking like the post-

er that says: "Be a Cadet Nurse."

Both gals are s tar t ing their second

year. Lois Vander Schel, M a r y

Jane Mulder, Leona Overbeek, all

of Holland, and Donna Mulder of

Grand Rapids have all succumed

to the lure of nurses training.

Betty Christie is working in a

place that has something to do

with oxygen. We wonder if that

is the place for her!

Shirl Otteman, who always did

like New York, has deserted us

for Keuka College in New York.

And Vonnie Yntema has settled

on Western State at Kalamazoo

for her many activities this year.

Bay City is claiming Betty Van

Dyke this year. But she'll be back

next year.

"Shenicki" De Kleine can be seen

(or heard) on the campus at Cen-

tral College in Pella.

University of Illinois has claimed

Marge Hoobler where she is taking

the course in Journalism.

Hazel Olsen is going to school

somewhere in Chicago.

When her parents moved to Col-

orado, Anna Ruth Poppen accom-

panied them and stayed there just

to go to the Colorado U.

Those who missed Jer ry Upp-

leger will be glad to hear she's

coming back next semester.

Jean Cann has decided on taking

a business course away from Hope.

Now — you know what became

of Suezie!


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By Millie

Do you have aches or pains,

scratches, bruises, or callused f ee t ?

Could it have been the breakfast

hike last Saturday morning? Forty

sleepy gals clamped their weary

bones together, unwrapped Mor-

pheus' a rms and dragged down-

stairs at 7 a. m. Early mornings

are beautiful , aren' t they? (to

mention nothing about how we

looked!) Gertie Vredeveld thought

she was smar t putt ing her bottle

of milk in her pocket — collision

and she ended up with a milk-white

complexion. It was cheap at half

the price! Watch for the next hike.

You know what — the W.A.A.

board will t rea t themselves for a

change. October 12 is the date of

their annual supper hike a la auto-

mobile. No visitors or snitchers

allowed — private par ty! They

have a secret spot in the Hamilton

woods for this rendezvous.

Looking into the "crystal ball"

we can see volleyball games in full

swing. Ruth Mary Cook, a newly

appointed W.A.A. board member,

is in charge of this sport. Sign

your name and pronto — youH be

on a team and ready for business

a f t e r Y on October 17.

Stop — look — and listen —

each week the gym will be open

to the campus co-eds on Monday,

Wednesday and Friday from 2 p.

m. to 3 p. m. and Tuesday and

Thursday from 1 p. m. to 2 p. m.

It 's a f ree for all — badminton

(be careful with the "birds" —

losers-weepers), high jump, ping-

pong, volleyball, etc. Don't forget

to wear your "sneakers."

Have you heard about the female

football game? That goes without

saying, eh! Applications will be

accepted for the various positions.

Watch this space for fu r the r de-


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Page 4: 10-04-1944

r W g w i o u r Hope College Anchor

SIhi? # t i ro r t t t?s - - -THBSAURIAN

I>ast Fr iday a f te rnoon the The-saur ians , piled with blankets and food, went fo r an evening and night of fun , ea t ing , and sleep-ing ( ? ) at a cot tage in the Chi-cago Addition nea r M a c a t a w a Beach. Miss Millie Schuppert , an honorary member of Thesaur ian , was thei r guest .

A f t e r supper the Thetas had a devotional meet ing around the burning embers of the fireplace. A f t e r s inging "Day Is Dying in the Wes t" an appropr ia te poem was read by Lucille Tenninga. Scr ipture was read by Verladyne Saunders . Various members gave short sentence prayers . Edna May Richards read the story about the

paint ing, "The Angelus ." The meet ing was closed with the s ing-ing of Negro sp i r i tua ls by the group with Ann Fikse leading.-


Delta Phi members , with excit-ing t imes in the pas t and expecting still more exci t ing t imes fo r the fu tu re , ga thered last Fr iday, Sept . 29, for their first l i te rary meet ing of the year. It is in f r iendship ' s name tha t Delta Phi meets each week, and it was in f r iendship ' s name tha t Connie Crawford sang fo r devotions "The Lord Is My Shepherd." J a y n e Smies, the so-rori ty president , followed with a food-for - thought paper which is read in Delta Phi each year at this

t ime. Elaine Meussen sang "The End of a Perfec t Day." Following the brief but p leasant p rogram. Delta Phi members realized tha t they had "Rush ing Business" on their hands, and turned to the dis-cussion of its accommodation as the business meet ing opened.


President Millie Scholten called the Sorosites to order fo r a short business meet ing Fr iday night . There was no program but two new members were formal ly initi-ated into the society, Glenna Gore and Ann Vander J a g t . Also pres-ent a t the meet ing was alumna, Mrs. Wichers, the fo rmer Miss Lois De Vries, s is ter of Sorosite, Bet ty De Vries.

Round Robin Cont. and Peggy Cross.

Would you like a ticket to glam-ou r? Well, here 's smoothie Elaine Pr ins in a gown guaranteed to sweep the cobwebs out of any young man 's heart .

If you want to greet the sand-

man in something snazzy, take a

scant glance at peti te Arlene Voor-

horst in her lush pink p.j. 's.

And so, with the Delta Phi Lul-

laby, we tuck our young co-ed into

bed a f t e r a p lum-yummy day of

college doings.


Thesaur ian welcomed the n e w

girls on Hope's campus to share

an Album with them at the Round

Robin Tea. Each girl was pre-

sented with a minia ture scarlet

and g ray album containing the

p rogram and the words of the

Hope college songs.

A f t e r the new girls were wel-

comed by Ruth Ann Poppen. presi-

dent of Theta Gamma Pi, they

helped Ann Fikse muse through

her album of f reshman memories.

One of the college favori tes , "Tell

Me Why," was sung by Lois and

Jean Meulendyke, Betty Timmer ,

and Marion Dame. The student re-

ception, open house, an " i l legal"

spread, and the all-college picnic-were brought to mind by short

scenes. Ruth Ann Poppen sang

"My Hero." The program was con-cluded with everyone singing the Hope College songs and the The-saur ians s inging their sorori ty


Tea was served to the last group with Ruth Ann Poppen pouring at an a t t rac t ively decorated table.



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ilii cSsE

Men's Union met f o r its initial

meeting Fr iday, Sep tember 29. It

opened with p raye r and a song

service led by Wilbur Brandli .

President Dick Hine welcomed all new men and explained the purpose and function of the organizat ion. Wilbur Brandli then sang " T w o

Grenadiers" and "Asleep in the Deep." The Men's Union Const i tu-tion was then read by Dick Hine for the benefit of the new men. Introductions were made and the remainder of the meet ing was spent in ge t t ing acquainted. It is hoped tha t more new men will a t -tend the next meeting.

The new officers a r e : President ,

Richard Hine; Vice President , Wil-bur Brandli; Secre tary and Treas-urer, Adrian Bos.

My Daze Waiting Tables

Scalpel, P and M Make Plans for the Year

The first meet ing of Pale t te and Masque was a picnic Monday night . Many old and some new members met to discuss plans for the com-ing year. The cha i rman for the meet ing was Betty Timmer , who had planned a worth-while meet-ing and a good t ime fo r everyone.

Because the Scalpel and Biology I Clubs a re much smal le r this year , 1 there has been some talk among the members of having more open meetings. This would be for t h e , s tudents at large, with the pro- , g r ams based on something of in- i terest to the general s tudent body. There is a possibility, too, that all s tudents really interested might come to all the meet ings, even if they are not biology majors or pre-meds. However, such s tudents

would actually not be members of the clubs. All this, however, has not been definitely a r ranged , but will be taken up very soon, a t the next meeting.

When other people th is pas t

summer were doing sane th ings

like knocking thei r brains out at summer school, ac t ing as secre-tar ies , r ivet ing nails at Bull Run or taking it easy in some o ther way, I decided to delve into the a r t of wai t ing tables and play in-separable to a guest check. I bet I met more people than Dewey, and I had to be democrat ic about it too. (That ' s more than you can say for Dewey.)

The people I waited on were all shapes, sizes, and appet i tes . Some days there were more than o thers and every day there were too many. Of course, the regular run of working food devourers rush in between cus tomers for a for ty-eight cent special.

Then again there ' s the f ru s t r a t ed business man with a slouch in his pouch a one track mind. He dis-t ractedly orders " the usual" and it 's like pulling porcupine quills to find out what his usual is. It could be anyth ing f rom a well done tur-nip to a bacon and cucumber sand-wich. But business is business.

Hard to forget is the jovial con-

versationalist , w h o during the

busiest rush hour lets you know his

life h is tory plus the f a c t t h a t he 's

had ulcers fo r s imply yea r s and

can ' t possibly ea t a n y t h i n g on the

menu; so, of course, he could have

a fr ied e g g with the sunny side up. (I never knew before t ha t an egg

had a disposi t ion) .

Then again there ' s the man who decided on coffee and When asked "b lack" or "w i th" the questioned always looks up with a surpr ised glare and answers "of course" . But business is business!

Then there is the cus tomer who

ra t t l es off his order in a whispered

monotone and wonders why he ge t s red beets instead of raw beef. In contras t to him is the s l ight ly deaf cus tomer who demands an expla-nation of his menu. It a lways made me feel like an adver t i se r over N.B.C. using television.

I can ' t leave out the cus tomer who comes in a minute before clos-ing t ime when 1 have e lephant i t i s in all ten toes and my headache is having headaches. All the dear boy wan t s is a smile and leaves a 50c tip. Boy, business is picking up.

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