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1 WiFiStudy · India ranks 37th in global startup ecosystem in 2017: Report India ranked 37th in the global startup ecosystem in 2017, according to a report released by global startup

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Page 2: 1 WiFiStudy · India ranks 37th in global startup ecosystem in 2017: Report India ranked 37th in the global startup ecosystem in 2017, according to a report released by global startup

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Permanent Indus Commission meet begins in Delhi

The Indian delegation

for the annual meeting

comprises India’s Indus

Water Commissioner P

K Saxena, a

representative of the

Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) and technical

experts, sources said.

Pakistan’s six-member delegation for the

commission’s 114th meeting is being led by

Syed Muhammad Mehar Ali Shah.

The IWT covers the water distribution and

sharing rights of six rivers — Beas, Ravi, Sutlej,

Indus, Chenab and Jhelum.

The treaty specifies that waters from the three

western rivers — Indus, Jhelum and Chenab —

are reserved for Pakistan, while waters from

eastern rivers — Ravi, Sutlej and Beas — are for

reserved for India.

NASA to send first mission to study 'heart' of Mars

Scheduled to launch on May 5, InSight - a stationary

lander - will also be the first NASA mission since the

Apollo moon landings to place a seismometer, a device

that measures quakes, on the soil of another planet.

“In some ways, InSight is like a scientific time

machine that will bring back information about

the earliest stages of Mars' formation 4.5 billion

years ago,” said Bruce Banerdt, principal

investigator for InSight.

InSight or the Interior Exploration using Seismic

Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport

mission, carries a suite of sensitive instruments

to gather data. Unlike a rover mission, these

instruments require a stationary lander from

which they can carefully be placed on and below

the martian surface, NASA said.

World Autism Awareness Day: 2 April

The 2018 World Autism Awareness Day observance at

United Nations Headquarters New York will focus on the

importance of empowering women and girls with autism

and involving them and their representative organizations

in policy and decision making to address these


India replaces Vietnam to become second largest

producer of mobile phones

India is now the second-largest mobile phone producer in

the world after China. According to the data shared by

Indian Cellular Association with the government, annual

production of mobile phones in India increased from 3

million units in 2014 to 11 million units in 2017.

With this, India replaced Vietnam to become the

second largest producer of mobile phones in

2017. With the rise in mobile phone production,

imports of the devices in the country also

reduced to less than half in 2017-18.

India is now the world’s No 1 almond importer

India has toppled China and Spain to emerge as the

world’s largest consumer of Almond in recent times.

• Almond imports into India rose 7 per cent to worth

about Rs 3,900 crore last year against Rs 3,640 crore in


India ranks 37th in global startup ecosystem in 2017:


India ranked 37th in the global startup ecosystem in 2017,

according to a report released by global startup

ecosystem map Start up blink.

The list, measuring startup ecosystem strength

and activity, was topped by the United States

followed by the United Kingdom.

Indo-Kyrgyzstan joint training exercise KHANJAR-

V concludes

The fifth Indo-Kyrgyzstan Joint Training Exercise

KHANJAR-V culminated on 29 March, after a joint

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tactical validation exercise and a closing ceremony held

at Counter Insurgency Jungle Warfare School.

Two week of joint training that commenced on

16 March included understanding tactics of

platoon level, developing inter operability and

sharing of best practices.

International Day for Mine Awareness and

Assistance in Mine Action: 4 April

International Day for Mine Awareness and Assistance in

Mine Action is observed all over the world on 4 April.

This day is observed to create awareness about

the threat of mines, unexploded grenades and

other explosive hazards.

The theme for International Day for Mine

Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action 2018

is ‘Advancing Protection, Peace and


‘VII Moscow Conference on International Security’

Raksha Mantri Smt Nirmala Sitharaman, who is on three-

day visit to Russia to attend ‘VII Moscow Conference on

International Security’ from 03 to 05 April 2018,

addressed the II Plenary Session of the Conference on the

theme titled ‘Global Security in a Polycentric World’

covering aspects related to current global defence,

security and strategic scenario on April 4 in the Russian


Raksha Mantri stated that for India, cooperation

with Russia is vital in ensuring stability and

security in our shared Eurasian neighbourhood,

especially in addressing the menace of terrorism.

Swaraj attended NAM ministerial conference in


External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj is in Baku to

attend the ministerial conference of the Non-Aligned

Movement being held in the capital of Azerbaijan.

Apart from her meeting with her counterpart

Elmar Mammadyarov, Swaraj is scheduled to

call on Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev and

first Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva during

her stay in Baku.

Sahyog- Hyeoblyeog: Indian, Korean Coast Guards

Hold Joint Exercise

Indo-Korean joint anti-piracy, search and rescue exercise

‘Sahyog- Hyeoblyeog 2018’ was conducted off the

Chennai coast, in Tamil Nadu. The Korean Coast Guard

ship ‘Bodaro’ took part in the exercise.

Indian Coast Guard deployed a Dornier aircraft

to carry out sea-air coordinated search along with

ICG Shaurya, Rani Abbakka, C-423, C-431 in

the exercise.

India third-most vulnerable to cyber threats behind

US, China

India is the third-most vulnerable country in terms of

cyber threat risks including malware, spam, ransomware

and one of the most recent and difficult-to-detect ones -

cryptominers, according to a report.

About 5.09% global threats were detected in

India in 2017 as compared to 5.11% in 2016.

The US was was most vulnerable to attacks at

26.61% followed by China at 10.95%.

India ranks 10th on new Commonwealth

innovation index

India has ranked

10th on a new


Innovation Index,

topped by the UK,

Singapore and Canada.

The index was launched as part of a new

Commonwealth Innovation Hub on the

sidelines of the Commonwealth Heads of

Government Meeting (CHOGM) in London.

It has been created in partnership with the

United Nations World Intellectual Property

Organisation (WIPO) and its annual Global

Innovation Index (GII).

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Indian PM Modi in Sweden for first India-Nordic


Indian Prime Minister Modi is in Sweden, where he

will meet with the five Nordic prime ministers for

the first India-Nordic Summit.

The Nordic countries are generally

considered to refer to Denmark, Finland,

Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and

Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven have

held talks that focused on trade, growth,

global security and climate.

List of MOUs signed on the occasion of the visit

of Prime Minister to Stockholm

MOUs/Agreements between India and Sweden

Joint Declaration on India-Sweden

Innovation Partnership for a Sustainable


MOUs/Agreements between India and Denmark

MOU on Cooperation in the field of

Sustainable and Smart Urban Development

MOU on Cooperation in the fields of Animal

Husbandry and Dairying

MOU on Food Safety Cooperation

MOU on Cooperation in Agricultural

Research and Education

MOUs/Agreements between India and Iceland

MOU on the Establishment of the ICCR

Chair for Hindi Language

World heritage day: 18 April

Every year, 18th April is celebrated Worldwide as

World Heritage Day to create awareness about

Heritage among communities.

This year the theme is “Heritage for

Generations” emphasizing on inter-

generational transfer of knowledge.

UNESCO established 18 April as the

International Day for Monuments and Sites

in 1983.

Bisket Jatra being celebrated in Nepal

In Nepal the famous Bisket Jatra is being celebrated

in Bhaktapur and other parts of Kathmandu valley.

The nine day annual festival marks

beginning of Nepali new year.

The Jatra begins four days before the start of

new year. It is believed that the festival

started during Malla dynasty.

Saudi Arabia opens 1st movie theater in 35 years

The opening of the first movie theater in Saudi

Arabia has been highly anticipated across the

country, after over 35 years of prohibition for

religious reasons.

The first film screening is to be in the capital

Riyadh, where a mixed Saudi and foreign

audience watched the Marvel superhero film

"Black Panther".

BRICS Finance Ministers and Central Bank

Governors Meeting in Washington D.C

The first meeting of

the BRICS Finance

Ministers and

Central Bank

Governors was held

in the sidelines of

the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings on 19th April,

2018 in Washington D.C.

Ministry of Finance, Government of India

was represented in the meeting by Shri

Subhash Chandra Garg, Secretary,

Department of Economic Affairs (EA).

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The main issues that the meeting discussed

were related to enhancing the project

pipelines of New Development Bank (NDB)

evenly across member countries, expansion

of NDB’s membership, the proposal of the

South African Presidency for setting up a

working group on illicit financial flows and

a BRICS Task Force on Public Private


Issues related to BRICS Contingent Reserve

Arrangement (CRA) as well as BRICS Bond

Fund were also discussed.

Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

2018 held in London

The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

2018, also known as CHOGM 2018, was the 25th

meeting of the heads of government of the

Commonwealth of Nations.

It was held in the United Kingdom. Prime

Minister attended the meeting for India.

The meeting had been planned to have been

held by Vanuatu at the end of 2017, but was

moved to the United Kingdom after the

impact of Cyclone Pam on the infrastructure

of Vanuatu.

The meeting was then postponed to April

2018 due to other international


Rwanda has been selected as host of the next

Commonwealth Heads of Government

Meeting (CHOGM), to be held in 2020.

Malaria Summit 2018 held in London

Malaria Summit 2018 was held recently in London.

Leaders from 15 Commonwealth counties,

along with The Prince of Wales and Bill

Gates, gathered in London to re-focus and

reignite global efforts to beat malaria for


While significant progress has been made in

recent years, a child under five still dies from

malaria every two m

World Earth Day: 22 April

Earth Day is an annual

event celebrated on

April 22.


various events

are held to


support for

environmental protection.

First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day events in

more than 193 countries are now coordinated

globally by the Earth Day Network.

On Earth Day 2016, the landmark Paris

Agreement was signed by the United States,

China, and some 120 other countries.

The theme for World Earth Day 2018 is 'End

Plastic Pollution'.

Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) – 2018

The 6th edition of Indian Ocean Naval Symposium

(IONS) and Conclave of Chiefs is being hosted by

Iran at Tehran from 23 to 25 April 2018.

The Chief of the Naval Staff is leading a four

member Indian delegation for the event.

The IONS was conceived by the Indian Navy

in 2008.

The forum seeks to enhance maritime

cooperation among navies of the littoral

states of the Indian Ocean Region by

providing an open and inclusive forum for

discussion on regionally relevant maritime

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issues that would lead to common

understanding on the way ahead.

The inaugural edition of IONS was held in

February 2008 at New Delhi, with Indian

Navy as the Chair for two years.

This was followed by UAE from 2010 -

2012, South Africa from 2012 - 2014,

Australia from 2014 - 2016 and Bangladesh

from 2016 - 2018.

World Health Day: 7 April

The World Health

Day is a global

health awareness day

organized globally

on 7th April.

World Health Day is one of the eight official

health campaigns which are marked by the

World Health Organization.

The first World Health Day was observed in

1948 by the WHO.

The theme of World Health Day 2018 is:

Universal health coverage: everyone,


India visit further strengthened friendly relations

between both countries: Nepal PM

Prime Minister of Nepal K. P. Sharma Oli has said

that his India visit has further strengthened friendly

relations between both the countries. Talking to

media persons at Tribhuvan international airport in

Kathmandu after returning from 3 day visit to India

on Sunday, Oli said that discussion with Indian

leaders was cordial and positive.

The two countries also agreed to develop

inland waterways and construct a rail line

from Raxaul in India to Kathmandu in Nepal.

India and Equatorial Guinea sign four


India and Equatorial Guinea signed four agreements

including in the field of health. The agreements were

signed following delegation level talks. President

Kovind had one on one talks with his Equatorial

Guinea counterpart. India will assist Equatorial

Guinea in agriculture, mining,

health,telecommunications and IT.

President : Teodoro Obiang Nguema


Capital: Malabo

Currency: Franc

UAE, Malaysia conclude joint military exercise

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Malaysia

concluded "Desert Tiger 5" joint military exercise

aimed at sharing expertise and enhancing joint

military actions.

The drill was also aimed at raising the level

of performance and combat efficiency and

working together based on a strategy to

improve the overall ability and combat

readiness of the ground forces.

President Kovind holds delegation-level talks

with Swaziland King Mswati III in Mbabane

President Ram Nath Kovind, on a three-nation

Africa visit, held delegation-level talks with

Swaziland King Mswati III in Mbabane.

India and Swaziland signed two agreements

on health and visa waiver in the presence of

President Kovind and King Mswati.

President Kovind was conferred with Order

of the Lion, the highest award of Swaziland.

UNSC holds an emergency meeting on suspected

use of chemical weapons in Syria

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The UN Security Council held an emergency

meeting on the suspected use of chemical weapons

in Syria, at the request of the United States and 8

other countries.

The UN special envoy for Syria, Staffan de

Mistura, took part in the meeting via a video

link from Switzerland. He denounced the

alleged use of chemical weapons as a grave

violation of international law.

Conference on Water, Environment and Climate

Change to begin in Nepal

An international conference on ‘Water,

Environment and Climate Change: Knowledge

Sharing and Partnership’ will start in Kathmandu.

The three-day event is being organised by

the Department of Water Supply and

Sewerage, Govt of Nepal in association with

the Society of Public Health Engineers Nepal

(Sophen) and Nepal Engineers Association.

The basic objective of the conference is to

bring together professionals, academicians,

researchers, entrepreneurs, government and

non-government institutions to discuss and

deliberate on challenges, opportunities and

strategies related to water and environmental


Capital: Kathmandu

Currency: Nepalese rupee

Prime minister: Khadga Prasad Oli

President: Bidhya Devi Bhandari

World Homoeopathy Day: 10 April

A two-day scientific convention is being organised

in New Delhi by Ministry of AYUSH on the

occasion of World Homoeopathy Day, on 10-11th

April 2018.

The Vice President Shri. M. Venkaiah Naidu

will be the chief guest at the function while

Minister of State (I/C) for AYIJSH Shri

Shripad Yesso Naik will preside.

This day is observed to commemorate the

birth anniversary of the founder of

Homoeopathy Dr. Christian Friedrich

Samuel Hahnemann.

The theme of this convention is "Innovate:

Evolve; Progress: Exploring Science since

40 years”.

Nepal President inaugurates International

Conference on Human Rights

Inaugurating an International Conference on Human

Rights in South Asia in Kathmandu, Nepal President

Bidya Devi Bhandari said that understanding of

human rights should not be confined to speeches and

writings but it should also be part of our daily lives.

The conference is organized by the National

Human Rights Commission of Nepal.

The theme of conference is “Identifying

Challenges, Assessing Progress, Moving

Forward: Addressing Impunity and

Realizing Human Rights in South Asia”.

Cabinet approves Headquarters Agreement

between India and the ISA

The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri

Narendra Modi has given its ex-post facto approval

for entering into Headquarters (Host country)

Agreement between India and the International

Solar Alliance (ISA) and authorizing the Ministry of

External Affairs for signing the Headquarter


The Agreement was signed on 26th March,


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The Headquarters Agreement will

institutionalize the functional arrangements

between India and ISA.

It will help in smooth transition of ISA as

international inter-governmental


Creation of ISA will lead to accelerated solar

technology development and deployment in

ISA member countries including India.

Economic Freedom Index 2018: India ranks 130

India jumped 13 places to achieve the 130th spot in

this year's Index of Economic Freedom published by

the Heritage Foundation, an American think-tank.

As per the latest edition, India moved up to

the 130th spot, up from 143 in 2017.

India's economic freedom score was 54.5.

Hong Kong topped the index followed by

Singapore and New Zealand.

Bangladesh Ends Reservation in Govt Jobs

Bangladesh Prime

Minister Sheikh

Hasina said she has

decided to scrap the

quota system in

government services

after thousands of students marched across the

country in protest.

Prime Minister Hasina has suggested

abolishing the quota system for government

jobs altogether.

The premier, however, said the government

could make special arrangements for jobs for

the people with disabilities and the backward

ethnic minority ones.

Pakistan bars former PM Nawaz Sharif from

holding office for life

Pakistan's Supreme Court has disqualified deposed

prime minister Nawaz Sharif from holding office for


Sharif, 67, resigned in July after the Supreme

Court disqualified him from holding office

over an undeclared source of income.

World Book Day: 23 April

World Book Day or World Book and Copyright Day

is a yearly event on April 23rd, organized by the

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization (UNESCO), to promote reading,

publishing and copyright.

In the United Kingdom, the day is

recognized on the first Thursday in March.

World Book Day was celebrated for the first

time on 23 April 1995.

In 2018, World Book Day's theme is

“Reading, it's my right”.

15th SCO Defence Ministers meeting in China

India is participating

in the Shanghai


Organisation (SCO)

Defence Ministers

Meeting for the first


The 15th SCO Defence Ministers Meeting

was held at Beijing in China on 24 April


Speaking at the meeting, Raksha Mantri

Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman highlighted India’s

keen interest in developing an expanded

partnership with the broader Eurasian


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In doing so, India has sought to build on her

long-standing ties of deep mutual trust and

confidence with Russia, vibrant historical

and cultural linkages with countries of

Central Asia and closer development

partnership with China and to further

enhance and deepen ties with all the member

countries for mutual benefit.

Bangladesh's first satellite to go aloft on May 7

Bangladesh is all set to become a member of the

exclusive club of satellite-owning countries as its

first commercial satellite "Bangabandhu-1" will

likely be flying to space on May 7 from the US.

Bangladeshi Telecommunication and ICT

Minister Mustafa Jabbar made the


The satellite will be launched from Florida's

Cape Canaveral.

In September 2016, Bangladesh signed a 14-

billion-taka (about $180 million) loan

agreement with the Hong Kong and

Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC) to

finance the country's first-ever satellite


World Malaria Day: 25 April

World Malaria Day is an international observance

commemorated every year on 25 April and

recognizes global efforts to control malaria.

Globally, 3.3 billion people in 106 countries

are at risk of malaria.

WMD is one of eight official global public

health campaigns currently marked by the

World Health Organization (WHO), along

with World Health Day, World Blood Donor

Day, World Immunization Week, World

Tuberculosis Day, World No Tobacco Day,

World Hepatitis Day and World AIDS Day.

World Malaria Day 2018 theme is ‘Ready to

beat malaria’.

India ranks 138 in World Press Freedom Index

India slipped in the annual World Press Freedom

Index 2018 for the second straight year, falling two

places to rank 138th among 180 countries in the

latest list.

The country was ranked 136th in 2015,

gained three places to 133rd in 2016, and fell

back to 136th last year.

Norway once again topped the list, while

North Korea found itself at the bottom.

World Intellectual Property Day: 26 April

World Intellectual Property Day is observed

annually on 26 April.

The event was established by the World

Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)

in 2000 to "raise awareness of how patents,

copyright, trademarks and designs impact on

daily life".

26 April was chosen as the date for World

Intellectual Property Day because it

coincides with the date on which the

Convention Establishing the World

Intellectual Property Organization entered

into force in 1970.

Morocco to host 2021 annual meetings of World

Bank, IMF

Morocco has been designated to host the 2021

annual meetings of the World Bank (WB) and the

International Monetary Fund (IMF).

The choice, the second of its kind for the

African continent since 1973, coincided with

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the 60th anniversary of Morocco's joining

the two institutions on April 25, 1958.

The announcement came after a long

process, which involved the evaluation of 13

countries' bid.

India-China Informal Summit

Prime Minister of

India Shri Narendra

Modi and President

of People's

Republic of China

Mr. Xi Jinping held

their first Informal

Summit in Wuhan on April 27-28, 2018.

The aim of the summit is to exchange views

on overarching issues of bilateral and global

importance, and to elaborate their respective

visions and priorities for national

development in the context of the current and

future international situation.

They shared the view that peaceful, stable

and balanced relations between India and

China will be a positive factor for stability

amidst current global uncertainties.

E-Way Bill for Inter-State movement of goods comes

into force

With the beginning of

the financial year 2018-

19, the e-way Bill

System for Inter-State

movement of goods

comes into force; An E-

way Bill will be required for moving goods worth over

50,000 rupees from one state to another.

The electronic way Bill system has come into

effect across the country. Under this system

businesses and transporters have to produce

before a GST inspector e-way bill for moving

goods worth over Rs 50,000 from one state to


Gail arm to invest Rs 3,000 cr in Dabhol terminal to


The newly-created arm of state-run gas major Gail India,

Konkan LNG, will pump in around Rs 3,000 crore to

double the capacity at its liquefied natural gas (LNG)

terminal at Dabhol in the Konkan region of Maharashtra

to 10 million tonne over the next three years.

Konkan LNG, a 100 per cent subsidiary of Gail,

had received the first 1.2 lakh tonne shipment of

the 5.8-mt LNG contracted from the first-ever

long-term agreement with the US signed way

back in 2011 and 2013.

Tibetans to host 'Thank You India' campaign in Delhi

Former Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dixit will preside

over the opening ceremony of the Cultural Festival of

Tibet event, a part of the year-long 'Thank You India'

campaign organised by the Central Tibetan

Administration (CTA), in New Delhi.

• CTA President Lobsang Sangay will also attend the

inaugural ceremony that will continue till April 4.

• Apart from the exhibitions, film screening and

performances by the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts,

the festival would also see panel discussion on "India and

Tibet: Ancient Ties, Current Bonds".

Delhi becomes first city to roll-out Euro VI fuel

With an aim to combat the rising levels of air pollution in

Delhi-NCR region, petrol pumps in the capital started

supplying ultra-clean Bharat Stage VI grade fuel (both

petrol and diesel).

• This move makes New Delhi the first city in the

country to switch from BS-IV grade fuels to BS-VI.

• Other cities like Noida, Ghaziabad, Gurugram and

Faridabad along with 13 major cities, including Mumbai,

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Chennai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Pune, will also

switch over to cleaner BS-VI grade fuel from January 1

next year.

• However, BS- VI fuel will be rolled out in rest of the

country by April 2020.

Six monuments in North Eastern States identified for

listing under World Heritage Site

As many as 6 monuments/historical sites in the North

Eastern states have been identified tentatively for listing

under World Heritage Site.

Details of monuments/sites identified/placed under

tentative list for listing under world heritage in the north

eastern states are given below:

1. Apatani Cultural Landscape, Arunachal Pradesh

2. Iconic Saree Weaving Clusters of India

3. Moidams – the Mound – Burial System of the

Ahom Dynasty, Assam

4. Namdapha National Park, Arunachal Pradesh

5. River Island of Majuli in midstream of

Brahmaputra River in Assam

6. Thembang Fortified Village, Arunachal Pradesh

SIDBI Celebrates its Foundation day with launch of '


SIDBI celebrated its foundation day on April 2 as day of

Sampark (connect), Sanwad (interaction), Suraksha

(security) and Sampreshan (disseminate).

• Chairman Managing Director of SIDBI Shri

Mohammad Mustafa launched a series of initiatives from

its Lucknow bank headquarters.

• Chairman SIDBI also launched Samridhhi- the virtual

assistant on banks revamped universal loan portal


• During the day, a ‘Bankability Kit’ (brought in

partnership with Bank of Baroda and IDBI Bank) was

also launched.

Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan-launched

The Ministry of Human Resource Development has

launched the Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA), a

convergent framework across School Education and

Higher Education aiming to encourage children towards

learning Science and Mathematics.

• One of the interventions under RAA is strengthening

of school Science and Mathematics laboratories, through

the Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA).

• Under RMSA, an amount of Rs. 179.73 crore has been

approved in 2017-18, for in-service training of science

and maths teachers.

Mamata Banerjee govt rolls out ‘Rupashree’ for

marriages of poor women

The West Bengal

government has rolled

out Chief Minister

Mamata Banerjee’s

dream project

‘Rupashree’ which

provides one time

financial support to the

marriages of poor


• ‘Rupashree’ scheme follows the chief minister’s

ambitious ‘Kanyashree’ project which has drawn global


• For the ‘Rupashree’ scheme, a woman has to fill the

application form before her marriage and submit it to the

Block Development Officer (BDO) or Municipality


• An amount of Rs 25,000 will be credited to her bank

account before her marriage.

• A sum of Rs 1500 crore has been earmarked for the


NIRF India Rankings 2018’ for Higher Education


The Union Minister of Human Resource Development,

Shri Prakash Javadekar, released the NIRF India

Rankings 2018 in various categories on the basis of

performance of Higher Educational Institutions in a

programme held in New Delhi.

Minister of State Human Resource

Development, Dr. Satya Pal Singh released the

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report on the NIRF Rankings during the event.

69 top institutions in 9 categories were given

awards at today’s event.

In this third edition of India Rankings, a total of

2809 institutions have participated in 9


Given below is the list of winners in various


Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru in overall


Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad in

management category.

Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru in overall

in university category

Miranda House, Delhi in college category

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education

and Research, Mohali in pharmacy category

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New

Delhi in medical category

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in

architecture category

National Law School of India University,

Bengaluru in law category

Indian Institute of Technology Madras in

engineering category

India to be partner country for Ambiente 2019

India will be the partner country for International

Frankfurt Trade Fair, Ambiente 2019 to be held during

February 8-12, 2019.

This was announced by Messe Frankfurt at a

festive ceremony on the penultimate day of

Ambiente 2018.

Trial run of first India-Bangladesh container train

flagged off

The trial run of the first container train between India and

Bangladesh was flagged off from Kolkata city.

The train left for Bangladesh with 60 containers

loaded with almost 1,200 tonnes of de-oiled

cake, used as a raw material for animal feed.

It will pass through Sealdah, Naihati, Ranaghat

and Gede in India and Darsana and Ishurdi in

Bangladesh before reaching Bangabandhu West

station, 117 kilometres off capital city of Dhaka.

Piyush Goyal Launches UTTAM APP for Coal

Quality Monitoring

The Union

Minister for

Railways and Coal

Shri Piyush Goyal

launched UTTAM

App for Coal


Monitoring. UTTAM stands for – Unlocking

Transparency by Third Party Assessment of Mined Coal


The Ministry of Coal and Coal India Limited

(CIL) developed UTTAM,aims to provide an

App for all citizens and coal consumers to

monitor the process of Third Party Sampling of

coal across CIL subsidiaries.

UTTAM App ensures accountability,

transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in coal


UTTAM is an example of leveraging technology

to facilitate a bidirectional channel between Coal

India Limited and a common citizen.

Prime Minister to inaugurate International Energy

Forum in New Delhi

India will host the 16th International Energy Forum (IEF)

Ministerial Meeting from 10-12th April 2018 in New


Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will

formally inaugurate the Meeting on 11th April


Petroleum Ministers from 42 countries would

attend the Meeting.

The biennial IEF Ministerial Meetings are the

world's largest gathering of Energy Ministers

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who engage in a dialogue on global energy


The IEF Ministerial meetings are informal

dialogues, at both the political and technical

levels, aimed to improve policy and investment

decisions, and through increased knowledge and

experience sharing.

Points to Remember

The International Energy Forum (IEF) is an

inter-governmental arrangement set up in 1991,

based in Riyadh.

It serves as a neutral facilitator of informal, open,

informed and continuing global energy dialogue

among its members comprising of energy

producing and energy consuming states,

including transit countries.

Indian maritime day: 5 April

The National Maritime Day of India is observed on 5

April every year across the country.

On this day in 1919 navigation history was

created when SS Loyalty, the first ship of The

Scindia Steam Navigation Company Ltd.,

journeyed to the United Kingdom.

The theme of the National Maritime Day in 2018

is ‘Indian Shipping – An Ocean of opportunity’.

Samta Diwas: 5 April

A homage function on the occasion of the 111th birth

anniversary of Babu Jagjivan Ram was organised by the

Babu Jagjivan Ram National Foundation under Ministry

of Social Justice & Empowerment at Samta Sthal,

opposite Rajghat, New Delhi.

The Function at Samta Sthal started by paying

homage by Union Minister of Social Justice &

Empowerment and President Babu Jagjivan Ram

National Foundation Shri Thaawarchand Gehlot,

Minister of State for Social Justice &

Empowerment Shri Ramdas Athawale, former

Speaker of Lok Sabha Smt. Meira Kumar and

senior officers of the Ministry, family members

of Babuji and large number of followers.

Govt. forms committee to regulate news portals

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting has

instituted a committee to regulate online portals,

including news websites, entertainment sites and media


The 10-member committee will include

secretaries of the departments of Home, Legal

Affairs, Electronics and Information and

Technology, and Industrial Policy and


The CEO of MyGov and a representative each of

the Press Council of India and National

Broadcasters’ Association will also be part of the


Global Logistics Summit Held In New Delhi

The Global Logistics Summit was held in New Delhi.

It was organized by the Department of

Commerce, Ministry of Commerce & Industry,

along with FICCI (Federation of Indian

Chambers of Commerce & Industry) and the

World Bank Group.

The Summit acts as a platform to hold

discussions with global experts, academics,

government officials and private sector and

industry representatives.

Exercise Gaganshakti-2018

An all encompassing

coordinated and

composite exercise

named Gaganshakti

is being conducted

by the IAF from 08-

22 Apr 18.

The aim of this exercise is real time coordination,

deployment and employment of Air Power in a

short & intense battle scenario.

During Gaganshakti IAF will exercise the entire

machinery to validate its concept of operations

and war waging capability.

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Ministry of Tribal Affairs to launch first ever “Van

Dhan Vikas Kendra”

The Ministry of Tribal affairs has approved

establishment of the first multipurpose “Van Dhan Vikas

Kendra” on pilot basis for establishment in

Bijapur District of Chhattisgarh State.

It has been setup for providing skill upgradation

and capacity building training and setting up of

primary processing and value addition facility.

This first model Van Dhan Vikas Kendra is being

implemented for training of 300 beneficiaries

with a total outlay of Rs 43.38 lakhs for training,

providing equipment’s & tools for primary level

processing and infrastructure & building for

housing the Kendra.

Khadi Store Locator App Launched

The 9th National Board of Khadi and Village Industries

Commission (KVIC) met in New Delhi.

The Minister of State for MSME, Giriraj Singh

chaired the meeting.

The Minister launched a mobile phone

application for locating 4,000 Khadi stores in the


There are more than 8,000 Khadistores in India,

the rest of stores will also be available on the

store locater by the end of this month.

This was informed by Vinai Kumar Saxena,

Chairman KVIC in the board meeting.

CIC to hold seminar on Health and RTI

The Central Information Commission (CIC) is holding a

seminar on the topic “Health and Right to Information


The Seminar is aimed at Health and Right to

Information Act 2005, with a view to improve

governance in the Health sector.

Dr. V. K. Paul, Member, Niti Aayog and Shri

Indu Bhushan, CEO, Ayushman Bharat will also

attend the seminar.

Gram Swaraj Abhiyan on Ambedkar Jayanti

The Prime Minister

has announced that

on the occasion of


Jayanti a “Gram

Swaraj Abhiyan”

would be organised starting from 14th April to 5th

May, 2018.

This Abhiyan is being undertaken for

reaching out to poor households, spreading

awareness about government welfare

schemes and other people centric initiatives.

As a special initiative during the Gram

Swaraj Abhiyan, universal coverage under

seven welfare programmes including

Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY) in

21058 identified villages with large number

of underprivileged households across the

country has been contemplated.

Highest importance is given to saturate these

villages with the benefits of seven welfare


Gobardhan Yojna' to be launched from Karnal

on Apr 30

Gobardhan Yojna, a central government scheme for

managing and converting cattle dung and solid

waste into manure and biogas, will be launched

nationally from Haryana's Karnal on April 30.

Gobar is an acronym for Galvanising

Organic Bio Agro Resources.

Through the scheme, the government aims to

ensure cleanliness in villages and generate

energy by converting cattle dung and solid

agricultural waste into compost and biogas.

The central and state governments would

provide funds in the ratio of 60:40.

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4th National Workshop for Training on Autism

Started in New Delhi

The three day National Workshop for Training of

Master Trainers on AutismTools- INCLEN and

ISAA for Diagnosis and Management of Autism

Spectrum Disorder in Children has started in

VigyanBhawan, New Delhi.

The Secretary, Department of Empowerment

of Persons with Disabilities (DEPwD) , Smt.

Shakuntala D.Gamlin, inaugurated the

workshop in presence of Dr. K. K. Pandey,

Chairman, National Trust,ShriMukesh Jain,

JS & CEO, National Trust, and various stake

holders associated.

The workshop is organised by the National

Trust under Ministry of Social Justice and

Empowerment in collaboration with AIIMS,

New Delhi.

The objective of this workshop is to make

Doctors from across the country aware about

Autism Tools to describe the diagnostic

criteria as well as to clinically evaluate a

child with suspected autism spectrum

disorder using Autism Tools.

TN govt launches mobile app for farmers

In a bid to use technology for farmers’ benefit, the

Tamil Nadu Government has come out with a

mobile application that will allow ryots to have

access to nine types of services, including details

about their crop insurance.

Chief Minister K Palaniswami has launched

the bi-lingual ‘Uzhavan’ (farmer) app.

The app can be used by farmers to get

information on farm subsidies, book farm

equipment and related infrastructure and get

details on their crop insurance, besides

receiving weather forecast for the next four


Ganga Hariteema Yojana launched in 27

districts of Uttar Pradesh

The Uttar Pradesh Government launched the Ganga

Hariteema Yojana, also known as Ganga Greenery

scheme in the 27 districts of Uttar Pradesh that are

located on the bank of river Ganga.

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath launched

the scheme at Allahabad in a function

organised on the bank of Sangam, the

confluence of rivers of Ganga, Yamuna and

mythical Saraswati.

Under the scheme, plantation will be carried

out in one-kilometre areas from the banks of


Common people will also be encouraged for

plantation on their private lands under 'One

Person One Tree' slogan.

Assam's Spring Festival begins in Manas

National Park

The two-day Assam Spring Festival began at the

Manas National Park where visitors will get to

experience the state's local food, music, handloom

and handicrafts.

The National park which is also a tiger and

rhino reserve covers five districts of Assam -

- Kokrajhar, Baksa, Chirang, Udalguri and


8th Theatre Olympics Concludes in Mumbai

After a glorious run of 51 days across 17 cities of

India, the historic event 8th Theatre Olympics drew

to a colourful close in Mumbai.

The 8th Theatre Olympics was inaugurated

by Hon’ble Vice President of India, Shri

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Venkaiah Naidu on 17th February 2018 at

the majestic Red Fort in New Delhi. This

edition of Theatre Olympics brought

together around 25,000 artists under the

theme “Flag of Friendship”. The event

witnessed 450 shows from more than 30

countries performed across 17 cities

The 51-day long 8th Theatre Olympics, the

biggest international theatre festival held in

India for the first time.

Over-the-counter sale of 14 steroid creams

banned by Health Ministry

To prevent the indiscriminate sale of ointments

containing steroids and antibiotics without

prescription, the Union Health Ministry has banned

over-the-counter sale of 14 such products. The

preparations were included under the Schedule H of

the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.

The decision was taken following

consultation with the Drugs Technical

Advisory Board, which had recommended a

ban on the sale of such creams without a

prescription and also submitted their

recommendations to the Central Drugs

Standards Control Organisation.

Some ointments that have been banned are

alclometasone, beclomethasone, desonide

and fluocinonide.

Andhra CM Naidu inaugurates 'Happy Cities

Summit 2018' in Amaravati

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu

Naidu and Founder of Isha Foundation Sadhguru

Jaggi Vasudev has inaugurated a three-day long

'Happy Cities Summit 2018' in Amaravati.

Around 1,000 delegates from India and

abroad will take part in the Summit.

This is first of its kind program in India.

Govt. bans imports of hormone oxytocin

The Union

government has

banned imports of

oxytocin to stop its

misuse in the

livestock industry,

where activists say it causes hormonal imbalances

and shortens the lives of milch animals.

Often called the ‘love hormone’, oxytocin is

released naturally in human bonding

activities such as, childbirth and


The government has decided to rely on

domestic production to satisfy requirements

of the hormone.

Transgenders to be recognised as independent

gender category in PAN

The government has amended Income Tax rules that

will now allow transgenders to be recognised as an

independent category of applicants for obtaining a

Permanent Account Number (PAN) for their tax-

related transactions.

The move is to help transgenders obtain their

PAN card and help them link it with their

Aadhaar cards.

Till now, only male and female gender

categories were available to be chosen on the

PAN application form.

VP inaugurates “Scientific Convention on World

Homoeopathy Day”

The Vice President of India Shri. M. Venkaiah

Naidu inaugurated the two-day “Scientific

Convention on World Homeopathy Day” organized

by the Ministry of AYUSH.

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The convention was attended by more than

1500 delegates, which included

homoeopathic researchers, scientists from

allied sciences, practitioners, students,

industrialists as well as representatives of

various homoeopathic associations.

First Meeting of the ‘NITI Forum for North East’

held in Agartala

The first meeting of the newly constituted ‘NITI

Forum for North East’ was held in Agartala, Tripura.

The meeting was organized by the NITI

Aayog, Ministry of DoNER and the North

Eastern Council (NEC).

In his inaugural address, Shri Rajiv Kumar

said the focus of development projects in the

NER will be based on the concept of “HIRA”

(Highways, Inland Waterways, Railways

and Airways) as spelled out by the Prime

Minister Shri Narendra Modi.

He said emphasis will also be made on

Education, Health and Skill Development in

the region.

He further said that Horticulture, Tourism,

Food Processing, use of Bamboo and Made

in North-East will be developed through five

Mission Mode projects in a time-bound


World's largest solar park to come up in Gujarat

Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has approved

setting up a 5,000 MW capacity solar park at the

Dholera Special Investment Region (SIR), which

would be the largest such entity in the world after its


The proposed solar power generation project

would be set up in 11,000 hectares of land

with an investment of Rs 25,000 crore.

The project will contribute significantly in

achieving Prime Minister Narendra Modi's

target of producing 175 gigawatt of

electricity through renewable energy sources

by 2022.

FSSAI launches initiative to address Vitamin D


The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

(FSSAI) has launched 'Project Dhoop', an initiative

aimed at shifting the school assembly time to noon

to ensure maximum absorption of Vitamin D in

students through natural sunlight.

The project was launched at National Bal

Bhavan here, and saw participation of

around 600 students from NCERT, NDMC

and North MCD Schools.

The initiative has been conceptualised by

McCannHealth and supported by Kwality


Delhi's IGI in world's top 20 busiest airports

Robust air traffic

growth at the

capital's Indira


International (IGI)

Airport has

propelled it into the

list of top 20 airports in terms of passenger traffic in


According to the Airports Council

International (ACI), Kolkata, Hyderabad,

Bangalore and Chennai were among the

fastest growing airports in the world last


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ISRO puts navigation satellite INRSS-1I into


The Indian Space Research Organisation's

navigation satellite INRSS-1I was launched by

PSLV-C41 and successfully placed in the designated


PSLV-C41/IRNSS-1I Mission blasted off at

4.04 am from the first launchpad at the

Sathish Dhawan Space Centre.

Prime Minister to inaugurate DefExpo 2018 in

Chennai on April 12

The Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will visit

Tamilnadu on April 12. He will inaugurate the 10th

edition of Defence Expo, DefExpo-2018 in Chennai

at Tiruvidanthal, in Kancheepuram district.

The tag line of DefExpo this year is “‘India:

The Emerging Defence Manufacturing Hub”

to showcase India’s capability in export of

defence systems and components.

More than 670 exhibitors including over 150

international exhibitors will take part in the


MSME sector will have a fair representation

this time around 15%.

Indian participation include majors like Tata,

L&T, Kalyani, Bharat Forge, Mahindra,



Ordnance Factories, and many others.

Jitendra Singh launches online dashboard to

monitor public grievances on real time basis

The Union Minister of State (Independent Charge)

of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern

Region (DoNER), MoS PMO, Personnel, Public

Grievances & Pensions, Atomic Energy and Space,

Dr. Jitendra Singh launched an online dashboard

developed by Department of Administrative

Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG).

The dashboard will monitor public

grievances on real time basis and

periodically review progress of systemic


The systemic reforms and their monitoring

metrics, catering to grievance issues are

highlighted on the dashboard.

This will enable concerned

Ministries/Departments to monitor

implementation of these reforms.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr Jitendra Singh

said that the DARPG is the nodal department

for the dashboard that was launched today,

but it will also be helpful to the concerned.

PM to inaugurate Dr. Ambedkar National

Memorial at Alipur Road in Delhi

On the eve of the birth anniversary of Dr. Babasaheb

Ambedkar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will

inaugurate the Dr. Ambedkar National Memorial

at 26, Alipur Road in Delhi on April 13th.

This is the place where Dr. Ambedkar

attained Mahaparinirvana on 6th December


Prime Minister Narendra Modi had laid the

foundation stone of the memorial on March

21, 2016.

PM Modi inaugurates 16th International Energy

Forum Ministerial Meeting

Prime Minister

Narendra Modi has

inaugurated 16th

International Energy

Forum Ministerial

Meeting in New Delhi.

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It is the largest gathering of Ministers from

energy consuming, producing and transit


Hosted by India and co-hosted by China and

Korea, the meeting aims to focus on how

global shifts, transition policies and new

technologies influence market stability and

future investment in the energy sector.

Eighth Regional 3R Forum concludes

The eighth 3R regional forum in Asia and pacific

being held in Indore from the 9th April 2018

concluded with the adoption of chair summary by

the participating nations reaffirming their

commitment to promoting the principles of 3R -

Reduce, Reuse & Recycle.

Addressing the valedictory session Smt

Maya Singh, Minister of Urban development

, Govt of Madhya Pradesh appreciated the

outcomes and achievements of the 3R forum

and expressed confidence in Forum's

capacity in propagation of 3R principles.

The 3R forum legacy was handed over to the

delegation of the Govt. of Thailand - the host

of the next 3R forum to be held in Bangkok,

which extended invitation to all the

participant nations.

Third India-Russia Military Industrial


The third India-Russia Military Industrial

Conference was held on the side-lines of DefExpo

2018 at Thiruvidanthai, Kancheepuram district on

the East Coast Road near Chennai.

Around 75 Indian defence sector

manufacturing companies and 28 Original

Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) from

Russian industry participated in the


Russia Military Industrial Conferences were

held in past, first one in March 2017 in New

Delhi and second one in August 2017 in


Union Home Minister launches e-FRRO scheme

The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh

launched the web-based application ‘e-FRRO’ (e-

Foreigners Regional Registration Office).

He said the e-FRRO scheme is aimed at

building a centralized, transparent online

platform for the foreigners to avail visa

related services and to provide Faceless,

Cashless and Paperless services to the

foreigners with user friendly experience.

Delhi Launches 'Mission Buniyaad' To Improve

Students' Learning Skills

The Delhi government has launched the "Mission

Buniyaad" scheme to improve learning levels of

children from classes 3 to 9.

Primary education falls within the ambit of

the Municipal Corporations of Delhi

(MCDs) while the Delhi government is

supposed to offer education from classes 6 to


Under the programme which will run from

April to June for class 3 to 5 in MCD schools

and class 6 to 9 in government schools,

children will undergo a reading level

assessment based on which they will be

enrolled in specialised classes.

PM inaugurates Health and Wellness Centre to

mark the launch of Ayushman Bharat

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On the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti, Prime

Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated a Health and

Wellness Centre, to mark the launch of the Union

Government’s ambitious Health Assurance

Programme – Ayushman Bharat.

The Centre was inaugurated at Jangla

Development Hub, in the aspirational district

of Bijapur in Chhattisgarh.

He inaugurated a bank branch at Jangla and

distributed loan sanction letters under the

Mudra Scheme to select beneficiaries. He

also interacted with Rural BPO employees.

RK Singh inaugurates Solar Lamp Assembly &

Distribution Center

Shri R K Singh, Minister of State (IC) for Power and

New & Renewable Energy, Government of India, on

the occasion of 127th Birth Anniversary of Bharat

Ratna Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar launched a number of

initiatives for the welfare of the underprivileged.

Of the several initiatives launched, Shri

Singh inaugurated Assembly & Distribution

Centre for Solar Study Lamps at Mahuli

village in Arrah.

In this centre, local women Self Help Group

(SHG) will assemble Solar Study Lamps and

distribute them to underprivileged students

who do not have access to electricity.

India Mobile Congress 2018 to be held in New


India is going to host its second India Mobile

Congress (IMC) between 25-27 October at the

national capital.

It will be hosted by the Department of

telecommunications and the Cellular

Operators Association of India (COAI).

The first edition of IMC held in September

2017, was attended by around 2,000

delegates, 32,000 visitors, 152 speakers, 100

exhibitors and 100 start-ups.

Petroleum ministry to observe Ujjwala Diwas on

April 20

The Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas

(MoPNG) has decided to celebrate April 20, 2018 as

the Ujjwala Diwas, as a part of the as a part of the

‘Gram Swaraj Abhiyan’.

Around 15000 LPG Panchayats will be

organized across the country to promote

learning through peer group interaction –

‘Kuch seekhein, Kuch Sikhayein’.

Home Expo India 2018 to be inaugurated on Apr


The seventh edition of Home Expo India 2018,

organised by Export Promotion Council for

Handicrafts (EPCH), will be inaugurated on

16th April at India Expo Centre & Mart, Greater


Union Minister of Textiles Smriti Irani will

inaugurate the fair, while Ajay Tamta,

Minister of State for Textiles, will be

the guest of honour.

Home Expo India 2018 is expected to

generate business deals for direct import.

EPCH is the nodal export promotion body

for handicrafts in India.

Maharashtra govt launches centre for

tribal development

The Maharashtra government has set up an

institution to evaluate and quantify special

development budget allocations and their impact on

tribal development.

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Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis launched

the institution — QUEST — in Mumbai.

Known as Quality Evaluation for

Sustainable Transformation centre, the state

has taken the first initiative in the country to

ensure development in lives of tribal people

through the projects undertaken is also


Army Commanders’ Conference: April 18

The biannual Army Commanders’ Conference shall

commence on 16 April 2018.

The opening address will be given by

Hon’ble Minister of State for Defence, Shri

Subhash Ramrao Bhamre.

During the conference, chaired by General

Bipin Rawat, Chief of the Army Staff, the

senior commanders will deliberate on

specific issues to Army formations and

Army as a whole.

First regional conference of eastern states on

Water Resources

The first regional conference of eastern states on

Water Resources was held in Kolkata on April 16 to

address the outstanding water issues of these states.

The conference deliberated on finding a

solution to mitigate intra and intra-basin

issues relating to water resources in Bihar,

Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha and West


The issue of interlinking of rivers also come-

up for discussion at the conference.

East Godavari, first district with complete LED

street lighting

East Godavari district in Andhra Pradesh is all set to

become the country’s first ‘LED street light district’.

The rural LED street lighting programme in

the district entailing the installation of

around 3.1 lakh LED street lights has been


The exercise is expected to save around 34

Million Units (MU) annually.

AP is already ranked the best State in

implementation of energy efficiency and

conservation programmes by the World


Sushma Swaraj and Shri Prakash Javadekar to

launch ‘Study in India’ portal of HRD Ministry

In another ground-

breaking initiative,

the ‘Study in India’

portal (www.


of HRD Ministry

will be launched at the India Habitat Centre on 18th

April 2018 by the Minister of External Affairs, Smt.

Sushma Swaraj in the presence of Minister of

Human Resource Development, Shri Prakash


The portal will enable students from 30

countries across South Asia, Africa, CIS and

Middle East to select and apply for different

courses from 150 select Indian institutions

which are high on NAAC and NIRF ranking.

The Study in India is aimed at making India

a preferred destination for the foreign

students to pursue their education.

First Meeting of National Council under

POSHAN Abhiyaan

First meeting of National Council on India's

Nutrition Challenges under POSHAN Abhiyaan to

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be held on April 18, 2018 at Vigyan Bhawan in New


It will see the participation of Shri Rajiv

Kumar, Vice Chairman NITI Aayog, Shri

Amitabh Kant, CEO, NITI Aayog apart from

representatives of various ministries of the

Central and State Governments.

The POSHAN Abhiyaan targets reduction in

the level of under-nutrition and other related

problems by ensuring convergence of

various nutrition related schemes.

Suresh Prabhu launches digital platform for

MSME Exporters

The Minister of Commerce & Industry Shri Suresh

Prabhu launched the FIEO Global Linker- a digital

platform for MSME exporters to digitise their

businesses and join a global community of growing

businesses in New Delhi.

FIEO GlobalLinker is setup with a view to

make the business growth of SMEs simpler,

more profitable and enjoyable.

It is a growing global network currently

comprising over 140,000 SME firms, who

are seeking business collaboration and

growth opportunities through the use of their

electronic business card and digital profiles

created on the platform.

FIEO is available free of cost and it offers

exporters a range of features and benefits.

DARPAN-PLI App launched by Shri Manoj


Hon’ble Minister of Communications Shri Manoj

Sinha launched here the DARPAN-PLI App, which

will help in collection of premium for PLI and RPLI

policies at Branch Post Offices anywhere in India,

with online updation of the policies.

Further, with launch of this App, indexing of

maturity claims in respect of PLI and RPLI

polices can be done at Branch Post Office


Shri Sinha said, with a view to achieve total

digitisation of postal operations in the

country, under the IT Modernisation Plan,

Department of Posts has launched DIGITAL



Project, which aims at connecting all 1.29

lakh Rural Branch Post Offices in the

country to enable them to do online Postal

and Financial Transactions.

Vice President Launches Atal Amrit Abhiyan

The Vice President

of India, Shri M.

Venkaiah Naidu has

said that there is a

need to create health

coverage schemes

that provide widest coverage to the young, aged and

infirm and those suffering from both critical acute

and chronic ailments.

He was addressing the gathering after

launching the Atal Amrit Abhiyan by Assam

Government, which seeks to provide access

to quality medical care to 3.2 crore people, in

Guwahati, Assam.

The Governor of Assam, Prof. Jagadish

Mukhi and the Chief Minister of Assam, Shri

Sarbananda Sonowal were present on the


GITC 2018’ to be held in New Delhi

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“Global IT Challenge for Youth with Disabilities

(GITC), 2018” will be held in New Delhi during 8th

to 11th November, 2018.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in

this regard was signed between Department

of Empowerment of Persons with

Disabilities (DEPwD), Ministry of Social

Justice and Empowerment and

Rehabilitation International Korea.

As per MoU, both the parties have agreed to

cooperate in making all arrangements for the

successful events in providing all necessary

financial, logistics, manpower and other


This event will have around 300 participants

including 120 Youth with disabilities from

24 Asia Pacific countries.

GITC is being held every year in Asia-

Pacific region and such events were held in

the past in countries like Korea, China,

Thailand, Vietnam etc.

Bihar has highest rate of crime against SC/STs

According to latest data released by National Crime

Records Bureau (NCRB), Bihar has the highest rate

of crimes against Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe


As per NCRB data, crime against SC/ST is

lowest in West Bengal.

Madhya Pradesh reported the highest rate of

crime (43.4%) against SCs specifically,

while West Bengal had the lowest at 6%.

Rajasthan reported the highest rate of crime

(12.9%) against STs specifically, while West

Bengal had the lowest at 1.6%.

Govt plan a Rs 637-crore Clean Air Programme

The Modi government has finalised a Rs 637-crore

National Clean Air Programme to improve the air

quality in India.

The 20-point programme shifts the onus of

fighting air pollution to the state


The programme, India’s first attempt at

working out a coordinated system to curb air

pollution, requires all the states to frame their

own Clean Air Programmes.

Parcel Directorate inaugurated by Shri Manoj


Minister of State for Communications (Independent

Charge) and Minister of State for Railways Shri

Manoj Sinha has Inaugurated the newly created

Parcel Directorate in the Department of Posts.

The global decline in letter mail, and India

being no exception to this trend, has been

offset by an increase in packets and parcels.

This is primarily on account of the e-

commerce boom in India, with e-tailers

requiring integrated collection, aggregation,

sorting, transmission and delivery systems.

The parcel market (logistics and distribution

but excluding fulfilment and merchandise

value) in the country is growing at a rate of

15% per annum and is expected to reach Rs.

60,000 Crore by 2026 from the existing Rs.

18,000 Crore.

First Ever International SME Convention-2018

in New Delhi

One hundred and fifty participants from 31 countries

and 400 entrepreneurs from India will participate in

the four day International SME convention being

held in New Delhi from 22ndto 24th April.

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The Ministry of MSME has engaged with

over 35 International Trade Development

organisations to attract and invite able and

willing entrepreneurs.

The convention has specific focus on

inclusion of MSMEs in the Make in India

program & empowering women


Chhattisgarh to Distribute Free Smartphones to

Over 50 Lakh People

The BJP government

in Chhattisgarh will

start distributing

smartphones to over

50 lakh people for

free from May under the Sanchar Kranti Yojana

(SKY), months ahead of assembly polls in the state.

Women heads of households will be the

priority recipients of the smartphones.

The Chhattisgarh Infotech Promotion

Society (CHiPS) has started the preparation

for the distribution of phones, as per the

announcement made by the chief minister

last year to reduce the digital divides.

Regional Conference on “Urban Development:

Technological Solutions and Governance


Two day Regional Conference on “Urban

Development: Technological Solutions and

Governance Challenges” concluded in Ahmedabad,


The Conference was organized by the

Ministry of Finance, Government of India in

collaboration with the Associated Chamber

of Commerce and Industry of India

(ASSOCHAM), Gujarat Council along with

Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank

(AIIB), Research and Information System

for Developing Countries (RIS), an

autonomous research organization under the

Ministry of External Affairs.

The Conference was the third lead-up event

to the 3rd Annual Meeting of AIIB

scheduled to be held on 25th and 26th June,

2018 in Mumbai.

Before this Conference, two Regional

Conferences have already been held at

Kolkata and Vishakhapatnam.

In total, eight such Regional Conferences

will be held at different places in the country.

Vice President inaugurates 2-day event of 12th

Civil Services Day

The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah

Naidu has said that translating “legislative intent”

into “programmatic content” and demonstrating to

the common citizens what “Surajya” actually looks

like in day to day administration, the civil services

have an enormous opportunity today.

He was delivering the inaugural address at

the 2-day event of the 12th Civil Services

Day in New Delhi.

The Vice President said that a clean,

competent, people-friendly, proactive

administrative leadership is the need of the


Civil Service Day: 21 April

The Civil Service Day is celebrated on 21 April

every year.

The purpose for this day is to rededicate and

recommit themselves to the cause of the


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It is observed by all Civil Services. This day

gives civil servants the opportunity for

introspection and thinking about future


Dhvani se Sabd aur Chinh Exhibition

inaugurated at NGMA, Mumbai

An exhibition titled "Dhvani se Sabd aur Chinh” was

inaugurated at National Gallery of Modern Art,


Curated by Adwaita Gadanayak and his

team, the exhibition speaks to us about

southern sensibilities and singular identities

that were forged through scholarly

adaptations, multiple skills and experiments

that were seeking to juxtapose the notions of

the modern with the traditional.

It identifies artists who practiced in Southern

states as well as artists who were born there

or had family trees and moved up North to

become the greatest practitioners and


Cabinet approves the restructured Centrally

Sponsored Scheme of Rashtriya Gram Swaraj


The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs

chaired by the Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi

gave its approval for restructured Centrally

Sponsored Scheme of Rashtriya Gram Swaraj

Abhiyan (RGSA).

The Scheme will be implemented during the

period from 01.04.2018 to 31.03.2022 at the

total cost of Rs. 7255.50 crore with the

Central Share of Rs. 4500 crore and that of

State Share of Rs. 2755.50 crore.

This scheme will extend to all States and

UTs of the Country and will also include

institutions of rural local government in non-

Part IX areas, where Panchayats do not exist,

The scheme will have both Central

Component - National Level activities

including "National Plan of Technical

Assistance", "Mission Mode project on e-

Panchayat", "Incentivization of Panchayats"

and State component - Capacity Building of

Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs).

Two-day festival will be organized on 23-24 April

on National Panchayati Raj Divas

The Minister of

Rural Development

and Panchayati Raj,

Shri Narendra Singh

Tomar said in New

Delhi that a two-day

event has been

organized this year on National Panchayati Raj Din.

On April 23, an interactive group discussion

cum workshop will be organized in Jabalpur

in Madhya Pradesh called "Panchayat Ki

Choupal Mein Charcha".

The main topics of this discussion are: GPDP

- Economic Development and Planning in

Panchayat, Social Development and

Sustainable Development Goals (SDG),

Yuva Panchayat - New India, New Thinking,

Rural Transformation through Digital

Panchayats, Clean India Campaign.

It is important that this year is also the 25th

anniversary of the 73rd Constitution


Union Cabinet clears ordinance on death penalty

to child rapists

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In the wake of outrage over the brutal rape and

murder of a minor in Kathua, Jammu & Kashmir, the

Union Cabinet headed by Prime Minister Narendra

Modi has approved an ordinance to allow courts to

pronounce the death penalty to those convicted of

raping children up to 12 years of age.

Ordinance approved by the Cabinet also

prescribes the minimum punishment in case

of rape of women to increase from rigorous

imprisonment of 7 years to 10 years,

extendable to life imprisonment.

In case of rape of a girl under 16 years,

minimum punishment has been increased

from 10 years to 20 years, extendable to

imprisonment for rest of life, which means

imprisonment till that person’s natural life.

Suresh Prabhu to Chair First Meeting of Think

Tank on Framework for National Policy on E-


Minister of Commerce & Industry and Civil

Aviation, Suresh Prabhu, will chair the first meeting

of the think tank on the Framework for National

Policy on E-commerce to be held on April 24th,


Senior officers of the ministries/ departments

of the Government of India involved in

different aspects of e-commerce; high level

representatives from the industry bodies, e-

commerce companies, telecommunication

companies and IT companies; Reserve Bank

of India; and independent experts have been

invited to participate in the meeting.

The think tank on the Framework for

National Policy on E-commerce has been

established recently by the Department of


It will provide a credible forum for an

inclusive and fact-based dialogue leading to

recommendations for informed policy

making, so that the country is adequately

prepared to take advantage of the

opportunities, and meet the challenges, that

would arise from the next wave of

advancements in digital economy.

AFSPA revoked in Meghalaya

The Centre has revoked The Armed Forces (Special

Powers) Act (AFSPA) from Meghalaya since April


Earlier the AFSPA was effective in 20 km

area along the Assam-Meghalaya border.

In Arunachal Pradesh, the impact of AFSPA

was reduced to eight police stations instead

of 16 police stations and in Tirap, Longding

and Changlang districts bordering Assam.

The Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act,

1958 is effective in whole of Nagaland,

Assam, Manipur (excluding seven assembly

constituencies of Imphal) and parts of

Arunachal Pradesh.

National Panchayati Raj Day: 24 April

National Panchayati Raj Day is the national day of

India celebrated by Ministry of Panchayati Raj on 24

April annually.

Then Prime Minister of India Manmohan

Singh inaugurated the first National

Panchayati Raj Day in 2010.

Diu Smart City becomes first to run on 100%

Renewable Energy during Daytime

Diu Smart City has become the first city in India,

that runs on 100% renewable energy during daytime

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setting a new benchmark for other cities to become

clean and green.

Diu had been importing 73% of its power

from Gujarat until last year.

It has now adopted a two-pronged approach

whereby a 9 MW solar park spread over 50

hectares rocky barren land has been

developed besides installing solar panels on

the roof tops on 79 government buildings

thereby generating 1.3 MW annually.

To further enhance its solar capacity, Diu

offers its residents a subsidy of Rs 10, 000-

50,000 for installing 1-5KW roof top solar


Diu is saving about 13,000 tonnes of carbon

emissions every year. Due to low-cost solar

energy, power tariffs have been cut in

residential category by 10% last year and

15% this year.

International SME Convention – 2018 begins in

New Delhi

Delegates from 37 countries are participating in the

first ever International SME Convention being held

in New Delhi from 22nd to 24th April 2018.

Some of the participating countries are

Australia, Austria, France, Indonesia, Italy,

Kenya, Korea, Malaysia, Morocco, Nigeria,

Philippines, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sri

Lanka, South Africa and UAE.

The Convention will be also hosting over

400 entrepreneurs from India.

During the 2 days’ Convention a Khadi

fashion show called “Transcending

Boundaries” will be held.

Railways to hand over century-old heritage

bridge to UP government

In a bid to save its heritage structures, the Railways

has decided against dismantling the 113-year old

Lord Curzon Bridge in Allahabad and will hand it

over the Uttar Pradesh government for its


The construction of the 61-metre- long Lord

Curzon Bridge that caters to both rail and

vehicular traffic was sanctioned in 1901 as a

state railway bridge.

The engineer-in-charge was Robert Richard


It opened for railway traffic on June 15,

1905, and for road traffic on December 20,


PM launches Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan

Prime Minister

Narendra Modi

launched the


Gram Swaraj

Abhiyan, at a

public meeting,

in Mandla in Madhya Pradesh.

He unveiled a Road Map for overall

development of tribals during the next five


He laid the foundation stone of an LPG

bottling plant of Indian Oil Corporation at

Maneri, Mandla District. He also launched a

Local Government Directory.

The Prime Minister felicitated the

Sarpanches of villages which have achieved

100 percent smokeless kitchens, 100 percent

vaccination under Mission Indradhanush,

and 100 percent electrification under

Saubhagya Scheme.

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Conclusion of Exercise Gaganshakti-2018

The Indian Air Force conducted pan India Exercise

Gagan Shakti-2018 from 08-22 Apr 2018.

The aim of the exercise was real time

coordination, deployment and employment

of air power in a short and intense battle


During Gagan Shakti-2018, lAF exercised

its entire war fighting machinery to validate

its concept of operations and war waging


The focus of the exercise was to check the

viability of our operational plans and learn

meaningful lessons.

Rajnath Singh chairs third meeting of Island

Development Agency

The Union Home Minister, Shri Rajnath Singh,

chaired the third meeting of the Island Development

Agency (IDA) In Delhi.

The Island Development Agency reviewed

the progress made towards preparation of

Development Plans for identified Islands

(four in A&N Islands i.e. Smith, Ross, Long,

Avis and five in Lakshadweep i.e. Minicoy,

Bangaram, Thinnakara, Cheriyam, Suheli).

For these Islands, Final Site Suitability

Reports have been prepared, Carrying

Capacity determined and Environmental

zoning carried out to ensure sustainable


2 Day Secure India Conclave underway in New


The two-day Secure India Conclave got underway in

New Delhi on 24 April 2018.

The conclave is being organised by Global

Counter Terrorism keeping in view Prime

Minister Narendra Modi's vision of New

India : Secure India 2018.

Several sessions on Left Wing Extremism,

internal security situation on Jammu and

Kashmir, cyber security and other areas will

be chaired by eminent personnel during the


Foreigners can now travel to Nagaland,

Mizoram, Manipur without a permit

Foreign tourists, except those from Pakistan, China

and Afghanistan, would now be allowed to visit

some of the most pristine locations of the country.

The home ministry has decided to relax the

six-decade-old Protected Area Permit

regime from Nagaland, Mizoram and

Manipur for five years with effect from April


Under the Foreigners (Protected Areas)

Order, 1958, all areas falling between the

Inner line and the International Border of

some states were declared as protected areas.

Human Resource Development Ministry

Launches Unnat Bharat Abhiyan 2.0

Human Resource Development Ministry has

launches Unnat Bharat Abhiyan 2.0 in New Delhi.

Addressing the launching ceremony at

AICTE headquarters through video message,

Minister of Human Resource Development

Shri Prakash Javadekar said that the students

are the real agents of change who can

develop, empower and brighten the future of

the country.

Shri Javadekar said that Unnat Bharat

Abhiyan 2.0 is in line with Prime Minister

Shri Narendra Modi's vision to transform

India, in which students from colleges and

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universities will go to nearby villages to get

acquainted with the life of the village people

and the problems faced by them in day to day


Exercise HARIMAU SHAKTI 2018

As part of ongoing Indo-Malaysian defence

cooperation, a joint training exercise HARIMAU

SHAKTI will be conducted in the dense forests of

Sengai Perdik, Hulu Langat, Malaysia from 30 April

18 to 13 May 18.

The exercise is aimed at bolstering

cooperation & coordination between armed

forces of both the nations and to share the

expertise of both the contingents in conduct

of counter insurgency operations in jungle


NITI Aayog announces the launch of Atal New

India Challenges

The Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) of the NITI

Aayog today announced to launch the Atal New

India Challenges, which came into being following

Prime Minister’s clarion call to bring innovations

and technologies relevant to the people.

Applicants showing capability, intent, and

potential to productize technologies will be

awarded grants up to Rs. One crore.

This grant support will be supplemented by

mentoring, handholding,incubatingand other

support as neededat various stages of

commercialisation. while generatingwider


Rajnath Singh chairs 23rd meeting of Western

Zonal Council at Gandhinagar

The 23rd meeting of the Western Zonal Council was

held at Gandhinagar, Gujarat today under the

Chairmanship of the Union Home Minister Shri

Rajnath Singh.

The meeting was attended by the Chief

Ministers of Maharashtra and Gujarat,

Ministers of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa and

Administrator of the Union Territories of

Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli,

and senior officers from Central and State


The Union Home Minister stated that the

Zonal Councils were established under the

States Reorganisation Act, 1956 with the

objective to develop the habit of cooperative

working among the States and between the

Centre and the States.

The Zonal Councils are mandated to discuss

and make recommendations on any matter of

common interest in the field of economic and

social planning.

Coastal security exercise 'Sagar Kavach' held in


A two-day coastal security exercise 'Sagar Kavach'

was held to strengthen and assess the loopholes in

the coastal security mechanism along Kerala shores.

Apart from the Coast Guard, the Navy,

Coastal Police and Marine Enforcement

wing and various other security stakeholders

were also participating in the exercise.

Three ships of the navy, 10 of Coastguard,

four fishing boats, besides 20 coastal police

stations from Vizhinjam to Kasaragod were

among those took part in the drill held twice

a year.

15th World Rural Health Conference held in

New Delhi

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The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah

Naidu inaugurated the 15th World Rural Health

Conference held in New Delhi.

He said that approximately half of the global

population lives in rural areas, but those

areas are served by only 38% of the total

nursing workforce and by less than a quarter

of the total physician workforce.

Its Theme is “Healing the Heart of

Healthcare: Leaving No One Behind”.

Kerala CM launches Pravasi Pension Scheme

Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan formally

launched the Pravasi Pension Scheme of the Kerala

Pravasi Welfare Board at a programme.

The programme was organised by the All

India Malayalee Association (AIMA),

Telangana unit.

The scheme gives those hailing from Kerala

but living outside the state or country, a

pension of Rs. 2,000 a month.

People over the age of 60 years are eligible

for the pension.

Israeli Modern Art Exhibition to be inaugurated

in the Capital

The National Gallery of Modern Art, New Delhi in

collaboration with the Embassy of Israel in India and

the Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Israel is

organizing an exhibition titled ‘To the End of Land’-

contemporary art from Israel on the occasion of 25

years of diplomatic relations between the two


The exhibition will be inaugurated on 28th

of April, 2018 at the National Gallery of

Modern Art, New Delhi.

The exhibition is a collection of art creations

of 19 Israeli artists, including the

internationally acclaimed Shahar Marcus

who will perform at the exhibition opening.

Van Dhan Scheme launched by PM

The Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi

launched the Van Dhan Scheme of Ministry of

Tribal Affairs and TRIFED at Bijapur, Chattisgarh.

Emphasizing the important role of value

addition in increasing tribal incomes, he

stated that Van Dhan, Jan Dhan and Gobar-

Dhan Schemes had the potential to change

the tribal-rural economic system.

All these three schemes in tandem need to be

promoted for this purpose by the State


The establishment of “Van Dhan Vikas

Kendra” is for providing skill upgradation

and capacity building training.

Andhra Govt holds Cyber Security Summit in


The Andhra Pradesh government and MasterCard,

along with Fintech valley, held the Andhra Pradesh

Cyber Security Summit in Visakhapatnam.

The summit was a part of the MoU between

Andhra Pradesh government and

MasterCard to implement the best practices

for cybersecurity.

Sikkim's Pawan Chamling becomes longest

serving Chief Minister

Sikkim Chief

Minister and

Sikkim Democratic

Front (SDF)

founder Pawan

Kumar Chamling has surpassed the record of former

West Bengal Chief Minister Jyoti Basu by becoming

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the longest serving Chief Minister of any Indian


Veteran communist Jyoti Basu ruled West

Bengal for 23 years from June 21, 1977 till

November 6, 2000.

Pawan Kumar Chamling became Chief

Minister of the Himalayan state on

December 12, 1994 and completed his 24th

year in office now.

He founded SDF in 1993 and formed the

state government next year.

Meeting of Inter-Governmental Committee

between India and Nepal

An India-Nepal

Inter Government

Committee (IGC)

on Trade, Transit

and Cooperation to


Unauthorised Trade, led by Commerce Secretaries

of the two Governments, is functioning under the

India-Nepal Treaty of Trade and India-Nepal Treaty

of Transit.

A meeting of the IGC was held on 26-27

April 2018 in Kathmandu, Nepal with the

Indian delegation led by Ms. Rita Teaotia,

Commerce Secretary.

Both countries agreed to initiate, by July

2018,a comprehensive review of the bilateral

Treaty of Trade which governs the bilateral

trade and was last revised in 2009.

First US shale gas reaches India; GAIL's Dabhol

terminal receives cargo

India's first liquefied natural gas cargo from the United

States landed at the Dabhol regasification terminal in


Receiving the first-ever shipment of 1.2 lakh

tonne LNG under the long-term contract of 20

years, oil minister Dharmendra Pradhan also

announced a Rs 700-crore investment by the

newly-created Gail arm Konkan LNG to

complete an under-construction breakwater

facility, that on completion will make the

terminal an all-weather facility.

Smooth roll out of e-Way Bill system from 1st April,


As per decision of the GST Council, e-Way Bill system

became mandatory from 01stApril, 2018 for all inter-

State movement of goods.

• The implementation of the nationwide e-Way Bill

mechanism under GST regime is being done by GSTN in

association with the National Informatics Centre

(NIC)and is being run on portal namely


• On day-1, total of 2.59 lakh e-Way Bills were

generated on the e-way bill portal.

• To assist and answer queries of taxpayers and

transporters, the Central helpdesk of GST has made

special arrangements with 100 agents exclusively

dedicated to answer queries related to e-way bills.

• E-way Bill can be generated through various modes

like Web (Online), Android App, SMS, using Bulk

Upload Tool and API based site to site integration etc.

• Consolidated e-way Bill can be generated by

transporters for vehicle carrying multiple consignments.

Jio Payments Bank begins operations

The Reserve Bank has said that Jio Payments Bank has

commences its banking services from April 3.

Reliance Industries Ltd was one of the 11

applicants which were issued in-principle

approval for setting up a payments bank in

August 2015.

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Telecom major Bharti Airtel was the first to

begin payment bank services in November 2016.

MoU between Indian Army and HDFC Bank

A Memorandum of Undertaking (MoU) was signed

between the Indian Army and HDFC Bank on the

Defence Salary Package on 03 Apr 2018.

The first MoU between HDFC Bank and the

Indian Army was signed in 2011 and was

renewed on 13 Mar 2015.

The current MoU is tailor made to suit the

requirements of serving soldiers, pensioners and


Currently Indian Army has MoUs on Defence

Salary Package with 11 public and private sector


RBI drops Axis Bank from list of bullion importers

RBI has dropped Axis Bank from a list of banks it has

cleared to import gold and silver in the current financial

year that began April 1.

Bank of Baroda, HDFC Bank and Bank of Nova

Scotia were among the 16 banks allowed to

import bullion.

Two other small banks Karur Vyasa and South

Indian Bank, were also dropped from the RBI


IndusInd Bank gets RBI nod to acquire IL&FS arm

Private sector lender IndusInd Bank said it has received

RBI's approval to buy the securities services arm of


In March 2017, the bank entered an agreement

with Infrastructure Leasing and Financial

Services, the promoter shareholder of IL&FS

Securities Services Ltd (ISSL), to acquire 100

per cent stake in ISSL.

Doha Bank sets up first branch in Chennai

Qatar-based Doha Bank has set up the first branch in the

Chennai taking the total number of branches in the

country to three, a top official said.

Doha Bank currently has a branch in Mumbai,

Kochi and Chennai, respectively.

The Chennai branch will assist the bank's

growing customer base in India offering a host of

services including corporate, retail, treasury,

trade, finance and foreign exchange services.

India Ratings ups India’s FY19 GDP growth to 7.4%

India Ratings and Research has revised its FY19 GDP

growth forecast to 7.4% from 7.1% earlier.

As per the report, FY19 growth will continue to

be driven by consumption and associated sectors

such as automobiles, cargo handled at major


IndusInd first bank to use WhatsApp for basic


IndusInd Bank has become the first lender to start using

WhatsApp enterprise solution to provide basic banking

services to customers.

Using the widely-used messaging service,

customers can check their balance, obtain a mini

statement, check reward points as well as update


First Bi-monthly Monetary Policy Statement, 2018-19

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has released First Bi-

monthly Monetary Policy Statement of 2018-19 on April

5 2018.

Growth rate: 7.4 percent

Inflation target for the first half of current fiscal:

4.7-5.1 percent

Repo rate: 6 percent

Reverse repo rate: 5.75 percent

MSF: 6.25%

Bank Rate: 6.25%

CRR: 4%


ICICI Bank launches social media-based remittance

service for NRIs

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Leading private lender ICICI Bank announced the launch

of a service that enables Non Resident Indians (NRIs) to

send money to a beneficiary in India using social media

platforms like WhatsApp and e-mail.

Christened 'Social Pay', this first-of-its-kind

service is available on Money2India (M2I), the

bank's app for remittances.

This new facility will enable NRIs to send money

conveniently to their friends and family.

Bank of Baroda slapped with Rs 9 crore fine over

remittance scam

The Financial

Intelligence Unit (FIU)

has slapped Rs 9 crore

penalty on Bank of

Baroda for "failing" to

adhere to anti-money

laundering norms, and not having an effective system to

report suspicious transactions linked to the Rs 6,000

crore scam in its Delhi-based branch.

The FIU has levied the maximum penalty of Rs

1 lakh, as stipulated under the Prevention of

Money Laundering Act (PMLA), for each

instance of "delayed" filing of Suspicious

Transaction Reports (STRs) by the state-owned

bank in the case.

Agreement Between NPCIL and EDF of France

Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)

and Electricite de France (EDF) of France have signed an

Industrial Way Forward Agreement for implementation

of six nuclear power reactor units at Jaitapur,

Maharashtra with a total capacity of about 10,000 MW.

The Evolutionary Pressurized Reactors (EPRs)

are evolutionary reactors, whose design has

evolved from “KONVOI’ and “N4’ reactors

which have been in operation in Germany and

France respectively for about two decades.

India pips Japan to become second largest crude steel


In a major achievement, India has overtaken Japan to

become the world’s second largest producer of crude

steel in February, according to the Steel Users Federation

of India (SUFI).

At present, China is the largest producer of crude

steel in the world, accounting for more than 50%

of the production.

India overtook the U.S. in 2015 to become the

third largest producer of crude steel.

India and World Bank sign New Project to benefit

Small and Marginal Farmers in Maharashtra

The Government of India, Government of Maharashtra

and the World Bank signed a US$ 420 million project to

help Small and Marginal farmers in the Marathwada and

Vidarbha regions of Maharashtra.

The project will help in increasing climate

resilient practices in agriculture and ensuring that

farming continues to remain a financially viable

activity for them.

RBI to set up Data Sciences Lab

Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in its release said that

it has decided to set up Data Sciences Lab to

improve its forecasting, surveillance and early

warning detection abilities which will aid policy


The lab will constitute of experts and

budding analysts, internal as well as lateral,

who are trained inter alia in Computer

Science, Data Analytics, Statistics,

Economics, Econometrics and/or Finance.

ICICI Bank: Govt changes its nominee on the

Bank Board

The Centre has replaced its nominee on ICICI

Bank’s Board with effect from April 5.

Lok Ranjan, a joint secretary at Department

of Financial Services in the Finance

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Ministry, has replaced Government nominee

Amit Agrawal.

This move comes at a time when this private

sector lender is facing a controversy over

alleged irregularities in grant of Rs 3,250

crore loan to Videocon group.

Federal Bank ties up with Fortune Wealth to

offer PIS services

Federal Bank Ltd has entered into a partnership with

Fortune Wealth Management Company Ltd for

providing Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS)

services to NRIs.

This will enable non-resident Indian clients

to invest in Indian equity markets on

repatriable and non-repatriable basis.

The partnership will also facilitate NRI

investment in India’s vibrant equity markets

through PIS.

Country's foreign exchange reserves hit a life-

time high of $ 424.361 bn

The country's foreign exchange reserves hit a life-

time high of 424.361 billion US dollar after rising by

1.828 billion dollar in the week to March 30, the

Reserve Bank said in Mumbai.

RBI switches back to GDP scale to measure


The Reserve Bank switched back to the gross

domestic product (GDP)-based measure to offer its

growth estimates from the gross value added (GVA)

methodology, citing global best practices. The

government had started analysing growth estimates

using GVA methodology from January 2015 and

had also changed the base year to 2018 from


Deputy Governor Viral Acharya said that the

switch to GDP is mainly to conform to

international standards.

11 public sector banks placed under RBI’s PCA


At present, 11 weak PSBs out of the 21 State-owned

banks are under the PCA, which kicks in when banks

breach regulatory norms on issues such as minimum

capital, amount of non-performing assets and return

on assets.

The 11 banks already under the NPA

framework are IDBI Bank, Bank of India,

UCO Bank, Central Bank of India, Indian

Overseas Bank, Oriental Bank of

Commerce, Dena Bank, Bank of

Maharashtra, United Bank of India,

Corporation Bank and Allahabad Bank.

India Signs MOU With World EXPO 2020 Dubai

India and World Expo 2020 signed participants

contract for India’s pavilion in the prestigious World

Expo 2020 held once in 5 years.

The contract provides for the setting up of

India pavilion at Expo 2020 on an extra large

plot (about one acre) in the ‘Opportunity’

segment. This is tune with the great

opportunity for economic activity that India

provides today on the way to becoming a $5

trillion economy by 2025.

Focus will be given to India’s advances in

Space, Pharma, IT, Renewable Energy,

Telecom sectors.

Yes Bank forms tie-up with Euronet India

Payment and transaction processing solutions

provider, Euronet India, said it has partnered with

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Yes Bank to modernise the bank’s core payment


Euronet will support the bank in switching

transactions between end points, driving

payment channels and card management

services, among others.

Indian Consortium and Saudi Aramco Sign MoU

for Ratnagiri Mega Refinery

An Indian Consortium consisting of IOCL, BPCL

and HPCL and Saudi Aramco signed a

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to jointly

develop and build an integrated refinery and

petrochemicals complex, Ratnagiri Refinery &

Petrochemicals Ltd. (RRPCL) in the State of


Saudi Aramco may also seek to include a

strategic partner to co-invest in the project.

The strategic partnership brings together

crude supply, resources, technologies,

experience and expertise of these multiple oil

companies with an established commercial

presence around the world.

The refinery will be capable of processing

1.2 million barrels of crude oil per day (60

million metric tonnes per annum, or


AIIB decides to invest $140M to improve Rural

Connectivity in India

Approximately 1.5 Million rural residents in State of

Madhya Pradesh are going to directly benefit from

improved livelihoods, education and mobility with

the USD $ 140-Million loan approved by the Board

of Directors of the Asian Infrastructure Investment

Bank (AIIB) in a Meeting held recently in Beijing.

The Project, co-financed with the World

Bank, aims to improve the rural road

connectivity and management for residents

of about 5,640 villages who use the rural

roads for daily activities.

NHAI signs agreement for its First International


To provide seamless vehicular movement for

enhancing trade, business, health, education and

tourism between Indian, Myanmar and Thailand, the

National Highways Authority of India has signed an

agreement for upgradation of Yagyi – Kalewa

section of highway (Milepost 40/0 to Milepost

115/5) in Myanmar to two lane with earthen


The agreement was signed by NHAI with

M/s Punj Lloyd Ltd. – Varaha Infra Ltd.


The project has been funded by Ministry of

External Affairs, Government of India and

would be executed on EPC mode at a cost of

Rs.1177 crores.

AAI to develop Myanmar's Kalay Airport

The Airports Authority of India (AAI) has signed an

agreement with the Ministry of External Affairs, for

preparation of a Detailed Project Report (DPR) on

the first phase for development of the Kalay Airport

as a green airport in Myanmar.

AAI had developed more than 60 airports in

metro and non-metro cities in India and now

AAI wants to leverage its expertise to other

countries on bigger scale.

RBI slaps Rs.3 Cr monetary penalty on IDBI


The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) imposed monetary

penalty worth Rs. 3 crore on IDBI Bank for not

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complying with the outlined norms related to

reporting of bad loans.

The penalty was imposed on account of non-

compliance with the directions issued on

Income Recognition and Asset

Classification (IRAC) norms.

MoU Between Indian Army and Axis Bank

A Memorandum of

Undersanding (MoU)

was signed between

the Indian Army and

Axis Bank on the

Defence Salary Package on 13 Apr 2018.

The first MoU between Axis Bank and the

Indian Army was signed in 2011 and was

renewed on 24 Mar 2015.

The current MoU is tailor-made to suit the

requirements of serving soldiers, pensioners

and families.

Recently, Indian Army has also signed a

MoU with HDFC bank.

NPCIL, NSDC partner to spur Centre's Skill

India mission

Aiming to contribute towards economic and

sustainable development of communities, the

National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC)

signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

with the Nuclear Power Corporation of India

Limited (NPCIL) to provide skill training to 500

youth and women at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu.

The skill development project will be

executed by NSDC through its approved

training partners near Kudankulam Nuclear

Power Project (KKNPP),

It is the single largest nuclear power station

in India, situated in the Tirunelveli district of

the southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu.

India Signs Loan agreement with World Bank

for usd 48 million for Meghalaya

A Loan Agreement for IBRD loan of USD 48

million for the “Meghalaya Community - Led

Landscapes Management Project (MCLLMP)” was

signed with the World Bank.

The Objective of the Project is to strengthen

community-led landscapes management in

selected landscapes in the State of


The Project consists of three components:

Strengthening Knowledge and Capacity for

Natural Resource Management;

Community-led landscape planning and

implementation and Project Management

and Governance.

World Bank forecasts 7.3 pc growth for India this


The World Bank has forecasted a growth rate of 7.3

per cent for India this year and 7.5 per cent for 2019

and 2020.

It has also noted that the country's economy

has recovered from the effects of

demonetisation and the Goods and Services


Kotak Mahindra becomes second-most-valued


Uday Kotak-led Kotak Mahindra Bank has pipped

SBI to become India’s second-most-valued lender

after HDFC Bank in terms of market capitalisation.

Kotak Mahindra Bank is now also among the

top 10 most-valued companies on the BSE.

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Kotak Mahindra Bank now has a market

capitalisation of 2,22,970.4 crore rupees.

HDFC Bank remained the country’s most-

valuable bank with a market capitalisation of

5.04 lakh crore rupees.

IMF forecasts India growth at 7.4 per cent for


India’s economic

growth will accelerate

in the current and next

fiscal years, the

International Monetary

Fund (IMF) said in its latest forecast.

India’s economy is forecast to grow 7.4% in

the current fiscal from 6.7% in FY18 and

accelerate further in FY20 to 7.8%, shows

the IMF’s latest forecast.

Nabard approves Rs 14,690 cr funding to


National Bank for Agriculture and Rural

Development (NABARD) has extended total credit

support of Rs 14,690 crore to Rajasthan for 2017-18.

Rajasthan has been one of the biggest

beneficiaries under the Rural Infrastructure

Development Fund (RIDF) of NABARD,

under which NABARD disbursed

concessional loan of Rs 1,851.29 crore to the

state government during 2017-18.

Among major infrastructure projects, bank

sanctioned 10 irrigation projects,

construction of 1614 roads and two rural

drinking water supply projects.

SBI India's most trusted bank

The TRA Brand Trust Report 2018 said the State

Bank of India was the most trusted bank (both public

and private sector) in the country.

ICICI Bank topped the chart among the

private ones.

51 brands from the Banking and Financial

Services Institutions sector got listed among

the 1,000 most trusted brands in the country

this year.

World Bank: 19-crore Indian adults don’t have

bank account

India has 19 crore adults without a bank account

despite the success of the ambitious Jan Dhan

Yojana, making it the world’s second largest

unbanked population after that of China, the World

Bank said.

Besides, almost half of the bank accounts

remained inactive in the past year, the

multilateral financial institution said in a

report, even as it lauded the Government’s

financial inclusion scheme, the Jan Dhan

Yojana, for bringing in additional 31 crore

Indians into formal banking system by

March 2018.

It also said the country’s adult population

with a bank account has more than doubled

to 80 per cent since 2011.

The Jan Dhan Yojana was launched by the

Modi government in 2014.

India is world’s sixth largest economy

India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) clocked in at

$2.6 trillion for 2017, according to the database of

the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic

Outlook (WEO) for April 2018.

India is now the world’s sixth largest

economy, displacing France.

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The five economies ahead are the United

States, China, Japan, Germany and United


Standard Chartered ties up with Zoho

Standard Chartered

Bank has announced

an alliance with

Zoho, a software

products company, to offer solutions to enhance

corporate banking experience.

The bank’s business account holders can

now pay their suppliers and automate

reconciliation right from Zoho Books,

Zoho’s cloud accounting software.

SJVN signs MoU with Ministry of Power

SJVN Limited, the operator of one of the largest

Hydro Power Plants in the country i.e. 1500 MW

Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Power Station, signed a

Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with

Ministry of Power, Govt. of India for the year 2018-


As per the targets set in the MOU, SJVN

shall strive to achieve 9200 Million Units

generation during the year under ‘Excellent’


Further, SJVN will have Capital Expenditure

(CAPEX) target of Rs. 900 crore and

Turnover target of Rs. 2175 crore under

Excellent category along with other targets

related to operational efficiency and Project


TCS first Indian company with $100 billion

market cap

Tata Consultancy Services has touched $100 billion

mark in market capitalisation as its share price

surged nearly 7%.

The IT major is the first listed Indian

company to achieve this milestone.

TCS is the leading the chart as the most

valued firm followed by Reliance Industries

Ltd, HDFC Bank, ITC and HUL in the top-

five list.

IOB inks information utility pact with NeSL

Indian Overseas Bank (IOB), one of the leading

public sector banks, entered into an agreement for

information utility services with the National E-

Governance Services Limited (NeSL).

The NeSL became India's first information

utility (IU) for bankruptcy cases under the

'Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (IBC)

2016' in October 2017.

With this agreement, the IOB branches will

be able to provide high-quality,

authenticated information about debts and


In hunt for MD and CEO, Axis Bank appoints

global leadership advisory firm Egon Zehnder

Private sector lender Axis Bank said it has appointed

global leadership advisory firm Egon Zehnder to

appoint a new Managing Director and CEO for the


The move follows Shikha Sharma, the

current Managing Director and CEO of the

bank, deciding to step down from the post

after December 31 this year.

Axis Bank had on April 9 announced that

Sharma had decided to cut short her fourth

term and leave at the end of the year.

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YES Bank gets RBI nod to open 2 global

representative offices

Private sector lender

YES Bank has got

approval from the

Reserve Bank of

India to open two


representative offices.

The new offices will come up in London and

Singapore as part of the bank’s international

expansion to provide services to the NRI

(non resident Indian) population, the bank

said in a statement.

As part of its international expansion, YES

Bank had opened its first overseas office in

Abu Dhabi in 2015 followed by the debut of

IFSC Banking Unit (IBU) at GIFT City,

Gandhinagar in the same year.

India highest recipient of remittances in 2017

India retained the top position as recipient of

remittances with its diaspora sending about USD 69

billion back home last year, the World Bank said.

Remittances to India picked up sharply by

9.9 per cent, reversing the previous year's

dip, but were still short of USD 70.4 billion

received in 2014.

India was followed by China the Philippines,

Mexico, Nigeria and Egypt.

BoI ties up with NeSL

Bank of India has entered into an agreement with

National e-Governance Services Ltd (NeSL) for

availing NeSL’s Information Utility (IU) service to

expedite the Corporate Insolvency Resolution


This is in compliance with the the provisions

of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code


MD&CEO of Bank of India, Dinabandhu

Mohapatra, said the operationalisation of

IUs will mark a new era in Indian banking

and the IU infrastructure will strengthen


India and World Bank Signs Agreement to

Improve Rural Road Network in MP

The Government of India, the Government of

Madhya Pradesh and the World Bank have signed a

$210 million loan agreement for the Madhya

Pradesh Rural Connectivity Project.

The Project is expected to improve the

durability, resilience and safety of the gravel

surfaced rural roads and enhance the

capacity of the state to manage its rural roads


The Project will cover 10,510 km stretch of

rural roads in Madhya Pradesh that fall under

the Chief Minister’s Gram Sadak Yojana

(CMGSY) program.

Of this 10,000 km will be upgraded from

existing gravel to bituminous surface roads,

while 510 km of new roads will be built to

the same bituminous surface standard.

PNB to hire detective agencies to locate

untraceable borrowers

Fraud-hit Punjab National Bank (PNB) has invited

applications for empanelment of detective agencies

to locate its untraceable borrowers.

In its efforts to recover NPAs, the PNB has

also resorted to 'Gandhigiri' wherein its staff

hope to 'name and shame' defaulting

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borrowers to recover up to Rs 150 crore

worth bad loans every month.

The Delhi-headquartered bank has been at

the receiving end of the over Rs 13,000 crore

fraud involving diamond merchants Nirav

Modi and Mehul Choksi.

India signs loan agreement with World Bank for

US$ 125 million

A Loan Agreement for IBRD credit of US$ 125

(equivalent) for the “Innovate in India for

Inclusiveness Project” was signed with the World

Bank on 24th April, 2018 in New Delhi.

The Objectives of the project is to nurture

indigenous innovation, foster local product

development and accelerate

commercialization process by

bridging critical skill and infrastructure gaps

to promote affordable and innovative

healthcare products generation for inclusive

development and increasing competitiveness

in India.

The project would support consortia of

public, private, and the academic institutions

to overcome the key market

failures currently holding back the

development of an innovative

biopharmaceutical and medical devices

industry in India.

Govt to acquire RBI’s stake in National Housing


The government will soon acquire the stake of

Reserve Bank of India in housing finance regulator

National Housing Bank (NHB).

The stake transfer would be cash neutral and

there would be no cash outgo. RBI currently

holds 100 per cent stake in the NHB.

The Finance Bill 2018 has amended the

National Housing Bank Act, 1987, for

transferring RBI’s stake in the NHB to the


Google most trusted Internet brand in India:


Online search engine Google is the most trusted

Internet brand in India, followed by Facebook, a

report said.

With 1.2 trillion searches per year, Google

has become the first port of call for all things

on the Internet.

According to the report, e-commerce major

Amazon ranked third among the most trusted

Internet brands in the country and e-Bay

ranked fourth.

India’s GDP to grow 7.3% in FY19: Fitch

India’s economy will grow 7.3% in the current

financial year and gain pace to 7.5% next year as the

“temporary drag” from demonetisation and the

goods and services tax fades away, Fitch Ratings


The rating company reaffirmed India’s

‘BBB-’ rating with a stable outlook as it

pointed to India’s growth potential and

lauded the Reserve Bank of India’s monetary


Fitch said GST is an important reform that

would support growth in the medium term

when teething issues dissipate.

Dalmia Bharat Group adopts Red Fort

Dalmia Group has signed a Memorandum of

Understanding (MoU) with the ministry of tourism

to adopt the iconic Mughal-era monument Red Fort

for the next five years at a cost of Rs 25 crore.

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As per the agreement, the corporate giant

would build basic infrastructure around the

monument and maintain it.

Debjani Ghosh assumes charge as Nasscom President

Nasscom said that former

Intel executive Debjani

Ghosh has taken over as

the President of the IT

industry association.

• She succeeds R

Chandrashekhar, who is

leaving office upon the

completion of his term.

• Ghosh takes office at a time when the Indian IT-BPM

industry is playing a leading role in digital transformation

of various industries across countries.

M L Srivastava appointed protem chairman of Lalit

Kala Akademi

M L Srivastava, Joint Secretary (Akademies) at the

culture ministry has been appointed as the protem

chairman of the Lalit Kala Akademi.

He will continue to hold the office till a regular

chairman is appointed.

On the recommendation of the Minister of

Culture, the President has appointed M L


Himanta Biswa Sarma Elected BAI President

Assam Health and Education Minister Himanta Biswa

Sarma was unanimously elected the Badminton

Association of India (BAI) President during its annual

general body meeting in Goa.

Ajay Kumar Singhania was elected the Secretary

General while former Tamil Nadu Badminton

Association president and former Union minister

Anbumani Ramadoss was elected treasurer.

Sarma had taken over as the interim BAI

President last year after the demise of Akhilesh

Das Gupta. He will serve for four years.

High Powered Committee to examine the system of

conducting Class X and Class XII exam

The Ministry of Human Resource Development has

constituted a High Powered Committee to examine the

entire system of conducting Class X and Class XII

examination conducted by the CBSE with a view to

prevent leakages.

Shri Vinay Sheel Oberoi, Retd. Secretary

(Higher Education), MHRD will be the

Chairperson of the 7 member High Power


The other members of the committee include

Shri Pavnesh Kumar, Prof. J.S. Rajput, Prof.

Vasudha Kamat, Prof. Krishna Mohan

Tripathy, Senior representative of DG,

NIC and Joint Secretary (SE-II)

The High-Powered Committee will submit its

report by on or before 31.05.2018.

SBI Life gets new MD & CEO

SBI Life Insurance has appointed Sanjeev Nautiyal as its

new Managing Director and CEO.

He replaces Arijit Basu, who takes over a key

role in the State Bank of India Group.

Nautiyal started his career with State Bank of

India in 1985 as a probationary officer in the

bank’s Lucknow Circle.

UN body names Messi responsible tourism


The UN World Tourism Organization said it has

appointed FC Barcelona's Argentine star Lionel

Messi as an ambassador to promote responsible


The UN body defines “responsible tourism”

as tourism that “helps maximise the sector's

benefits while minimising its potentially

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negative impact on the environment, cultural

heritage and societies across the globe”

World Tourism Organization chief: Zurab


Wipro's Rishad Premji appointed Nasscom


Rishad Premji, Board member of Wipro Ltd. has

been appointed as the Chairman of the National

Association of Software and Services Companies

(NASSCOM) for 2018-19.

Premji has been a member of NASSCOM’s

Executive Council and was the Vice

Chairman for the previous year.

He succeeds Raman Roy, who served as

Chairman of NASSCOM for the year 2017-


HRD Ministry is setting up a committee to reduce

the fear of math

Human Resource Development Ministry has

constituted the committee under the Chairmanship

of Gujarat Education Minister Shri Bhupendra sinh

Chudasama to suggest the ways to make the maths

subject easy.

This was announced by the Human Resource

Development Minister Shri Prakash

Javadekar after the Annual Meeting of

National Council of Educational Research

and Training- NCERT at New Delhi.

While briefing the media persons, Shri

Javadekar said that this decision was taken

on the basis of National Assessment Survey

to eliminate the fear of maths among the


He further said that eminent educationists

and senior officials will be the part of this


Bhanu Pratap Sharma appointed chairman of

Bank Board Bureau

The government has appointed former DoPT

Secretary Bhanu Pratap Sharma as Chairman of the

Banks Board Bureau (BBB).

He replaces Vinod Rai, who was appointed

as the first chairman of BBB for a two year


Sharma has been appointed for two years.

Jayant Sinha to head Task Force for UAV


The Government

has decided to

constitute a Task

Force under the

chairmanship of

Shri Jayant

Sinha, Minister

of State for Civil Aviation for fast-tracking the roll-

out of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)


The Task Force will develop a roadmap with

implementable recommendations for Central

as well as State Governments, Industry and

Research Institutions.

The Task Force will consist of

representatives from the Government, PSUs,

industry and sectoral experts and submit

report within 6 months of its constitution.

The Headquarters of the Task Force will be

at Ministry of Civil Aviation, New Delhi.

Rajesh Ranjan takes charge as CISF chief

Rajesh Ranjan, a 1984 batch Bihar cadre IPS officer,

took charge as director general of Central Industrial

Security Force (CISF), which secures airports, Delhi

Metro, sensitive government buildings.

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With 34 years of experience, Ranjan has held

key posts including in CBI, as assistant

director in the Financial and High Tech

Crime Sub Directorate at the Interpol

General Secretariat.

Arun Jaitley takes oath as Rajya Sabha member

for new term

Making a public appearance in weeks, Finance

Minister Arun Jaitley took oath as a Rajya Sabha

member for a new six-year term.

Mr. Jaitley was administered the oath of

office in the Rajya Sabha Chairperson M.

Venkaiah Naidu’s chambers.

He was elected to the Rajya Sabha from

Uttar Pradesh last month.

Lt Gen PP Malhotra takes over as DG NCC

Lieutenant General PP Malhotra assumed charge as

Director General of National Cadet Corps (NCC),

the largest uniformed youth organization in the


Lt Gen Malhotra’s distinguished

professional career includes various

regimental, staff and command


Prior to assuming his present appointment,

he was the Chief Engineer of the Army’s

premier Northern Command.

Miguel Diaz-Canel named Cuba's new president

Miguel Díaz-Canel was officially named as the new

leader of Cuba, one day after a secret vote in the

country's National Assembly.

It's the first time in nearly six decades that

Cuba is being led by a man not named


Díaz-Canel, 57, was selected by a vote of

603-1 as the unopposed candidate to replace

Raul Castro, 86.

Points to Remember

Cuba is a country located in the northern

Caribbean where the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf

of Mexico, and the Atlantic Ocean meet.

Havana is the capital of Cuba.

Peso is the currency of Cuba.

Prince Charles to be next head of Commonwealth


leaders have


announced that

Prince Charles

will become the

next head of the organisation after the Queen.

The role is not hereditary, but the Queen

used the Commonwealth heads of

government gathering in London to say it

was her “sincere wish” to be succeeded by

her son.

Points to Remember

The Commonwealth is an intergovernmental

organisation of 53 member states that are

mostly former territories of the British


Patricia Scotland is the Secretary General of

the Commonwealth.

Mario Abdo Benitez elected as Paraguay's


Conservative candidate Mario Abdo Benitez of

Paraguay's ruling Colorado Party narrowly defeated

his opposition in the country's presidential elections.

The group has dominated the country's

political landscape for more than 70 years.

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Benitez vowed to focus on Paraguay's

persistent poverty by stimulating foreign


Indu Malhotra first woman lawyer to be

Supreme Court judge

The government is learnt to have cleared the

appointment of senior advocate Indu Malhotra as a

judge of the Supreme Court.

She will be the first woman to be appointed

to the top post directly from the bar.

With this development, the government has

decided to put on hold the elevation of

Justice K M Joseph, who heads the

Uttarakhand High Court.

Rahul Bhatia named interim CEO of Indigo

Aditya Ghosh has

resigned as the

President and whole-

time director of IndiGo

and will leave the

company by July 31, 2018.

While Interglobe Chairman Rahul Bhatia has

been appointed as the interim CEO of the

company, Greg Taylor will be appointed as

president and CEO of the company.

Gauri Sheoran made brand ambassador for

Haryana's health programmes

The Haryana government has appointed

international shooter Gauri Sheoran the brand

ambassador for its two health-related programmes.

The decision was announced by Chief

Minister Manohar Lal Khattar at the launch

of the measles-rubella (MR) vaccination


Under the campaign, about 80 lakh children

aged between nine months and 15 would be


Narinder Chauhan appointed Ambassador of

India to the Czech Republic

Ms. Narinder Chauhan (IFS: 1985) has been

appointed as the next Ambassador of India to the

Czech Republic.

She is expected to take up the assignment

shortly. Presently she is Ambassador of India

to the Republic of Serbia.

Krishan Kumar appointed as the Ambassador of

India to the Kingdom of Norway

Shri Krishan Kumar (IFS: 1984) has been appointed

as the next Ambassador of India to the Kingdom of


He is expected to take up the assignment

shortly. She is presently Ambassador of

India to the Czech Republic.

Rajiv Kumar Nagpal appointed Ambassador of

India to Venezuela

Shri Rajiv Kumar Nagpal has been appointed as the

next Ambassador of India to the Bolivarian Republic

of Venezuela.

He is expected to take up the assignment

shortly. He is presently Ambassador of India

to Iceland.

Kavinder Gupta to be new Jammu and

Kashmir deputy CM

BJP has decided to replace its Deputy Chief Minister

Dr Nirmal Singh in the restive Jammu and Kashmir.

Speaker of Jammu and Kashmir Legislative

Assembly Kavinder Gupta is going to be the

new deputy chief minister.

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Gupta, a senior BJP leader who represents

Gandhi Nagar Assembly constituency of the

winter capital city of Jammu, will be sworn

in on April, 30.

Dhoni, Advani to be conferred with Padma awards

Cricketer Mahendra

Singh Dhoni and

billiards champion

Pankaj Advani are

among the 41


personalities who will be conferred with the prestigious

Padma awards of 2018 by President Ram Nath Kovind in

New Delhi today.

As many as 84 Padma awards were announced

this year.

The Padma awards list comprises three Padma

Vibhushan, nine Padma Bhushan and 72 Padma

Shri awards.

Mangaluru Airport Adjudged India’s Cleanest

The Mangalore International Airport has been adjudged

the cleanest airport in the country.

• Airport director VV Rao received the award during

the 23rd annual day celebrations of the Airports

Authority of India (AAI) in New Delhi.

• In the survey conducted across 53 airports in the

country by AAI, Mangaluru airport was adjudged the


Anand Kirti from Colombo will get Ambedkar


Prof. Bhante Anand Kirti from Colombo, Sri Lanka

will get Dr. Baba Saheb Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar

International Award.

Indian Dalit Literature has announced the

news on the eve of Ambedkar's 127th birth


University of Calania Prof. Kirti will receive

the award on 9-10 December.

65th National Film Awards for 2017 announced

The 65th National Film Awards 2017 were

announced by the Chairpersons of the juries on

Feature Films, Best Writing on Cinema and

members of Dadasaheb Phalke Award and Non-

Feature films.

Veteran Hindi film actor Shri Vinod Khanna

was awarded the Dadasaheb Phalke Award

for his contribution to Indian Cinema.

Some of the other prominent winners in

various categories for this year National Film

Awards included Assamese movie ‘Village

Rockstars’ in Best Feature Film category and

‘Baahubali - The Conclusion’ in the Best

Popular Film providing Wholesome

Entertainment category.

Indira Gandhi Award For Best Debut Film

Of A Director was given to the Jasari

language movie ‘Sinjar’ directed by


Marathi Movie ‘Dhappa’ was awarded the

Nargis Dutt Award For Best Feature Film On

National Integration.

Jayaraj was awarded the Best Direction in

the Feature Film category for the movie

‘Bhayanakam’ and Nagraj Manjule won the

award for the Best Direction in the Non

Feature Film Category.

Riddhi Sen and Sridevi got the award for the

Best Actor (movie- Nagarkirtan) and Best

Actress award (movie- Mom) respectively .

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Malayalam Movie ‘Aaalorukkam’, directed

by V.C.Abhilash was awarded the Best Film

on Social Issues.

‘Water Baby’ directed by Pia Shah, won the

Best Debut Film of a Director in the Non

Feature Film category.

Movies in the languages other than those

specified in the VIII Schedule of the

constitution in the feature Film categories

were also awarded.

The award for the Best Jasari Film was given

to ‘Sinjar’, Best Tulu Film to ‘Paddayi’ and

the Best Ladakhi Film to ‘Walking With The


Best Film Critic award was given to Giridhar

Jha for his writings covering vast horizon of

Hindi cinema with authenticity and


Special Mention Award was given to the

Sunil Mishra for his articles on cinema.

Best Book on Cinema award was given to

‘Matmagi Manipur-The first Manipuri

Feature Film’ authored by Bobby


Special Jury Award in the Feature category

was given to the movie ‘Nagarkirtan’

directed by Kaushik Ganguly and produced

by Sani Ghose Ray.

Special Jury Award in the Non-Feature

category was given to ‘A Very Old Man with

Enormous Wings And Monday’, directed by

Prateek Vats and produced by Films


The best Children’s film was given to the

Marathi Movie Mhorkya, directed by Amar

Bharat Deokar.

A.R Rahman was awarded the Best Music

Direction award for the movie ‘Kaatru


Dharmendra to receive Raj Kapoor Lifetime

Achievement award

Veteran actor

Dharmendra and


Rajkumar Hirani

will be conferred

with the

prestigious Raj Kapoor Lifetime Achievement and

Raj Kapoor Special Contribution awards,

respectively, Maharashtra culture minister Vinod

Tawde announced.

Veteran Marathi actor Vijay Chavhan will

receive the V Shantaram Lifetime

Achievement award.

Actor-director Mrinal Kulkarni has been

named for V Shantaram Special

Contribution awards.

Bhuj Mercantile Coop Bank bags Banco Award

Kutch-based Bhuj Mercantile

Cooperative Bank has bagged

the prestigious Banco Award

for best performing

cooperative bank.

The bank was

adjudged best among

the 1500 cooperative

banks from across the country.

Banco Award given anually to the top

performing cooperative banks recognise and

encourage best practices in the cooperative

banking sector.

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2018 Pulitzer Prize winners for journalism

Pulitzer prize for public service: jointly

awarded to The New York Times, and The

New Yorker.

Pulitzer prize for breaking news reporting:

staff of The Press Democrat.

Pulitzer prize for investigative reporting:

staff of The Washington Post

Pulitzer prize for explanatory reporting:

jointly awarded to the staffs of The Arizona

Republic and USA Today network

Pulitzer prize for local reporting: staff of The

Cincinnati Enquirer

Pulitzer prize for national reporting: jointly

awarded to the staffs of The New York

Times and The Washington Post

Pulitzer prize for international reporting:

Clare Baldwin, Andrew R.C. Marshall, and

Manuel Mogato of Reuters

Pulitzer prize for feature writing: Rachel

Kaadzi Ghansah, freelancing for GQ

Pulitzer prize for commentary: John

Archibald, of the Alabama Media Group

Pulitzer prize for criticism: Jerry Saltz of

New York magazine

Pulitzer prize for editorial writing: Andie

Dominick of The Des Moines Register

Pulitzer prize for editorial cartooning: Jake

Helpern and Michael Sloan, freelancing for

The New York Times

Pulitzer prize for breaking news

photography: Ryan Kelly of The Daily


Pulitzer prize for feature photography:

photography staff of Reuters

Aditi Rao Hydari to receive Dadasaheb Phalke

Excellence Award

Aditi Rao Hydari added another trophy to her

achievements as she will receive Dadasaheb Phalke

Excellence Award 2018 for the Best Leading Lady

(Critics Award) for her memorable performance in


The award ceremony is scheduled on April

21, 2018, at St. Andrews Auditorium in


The film also starred Sanjay Dutt

Madhya Pradesh conferred Most Film Friendly


The Most Film Friendly State Award was

announced by the Chairman of the Jury, Shri

Ramesh Sippy.

State of Madhya Pradesh was conferred the

award for the Most Film Friendly State for

its efforts towards easing filming in the State

by creating a well-structured web site, film

friendly infrastructure, offering incentives,

maintaining databases, undertaking

marketing and promotional initiatives,

unanimously by the Jury from among the 16

States that participated.

State of Uttarakhand is given a Special

Mention Certificate to recognize the efforts

made by the State of Uttarakhand towards

creating a film friendly environment.

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Rakesh Roshan to get lifetime achievement


Veteran filmmaker Rakesh Roshan will be

felicitated with a Lifetime Achievement honour at

the Dadasaheb Phalke Film Foundation Awards for

his contribution as a producer, director,

screenwriter, editor and actor in Hindi films.

The awards ceremony will take place on

April 29 at Chitrakoot Ground.

Rakesh Roshan has produced and directed

movies like Kaho Na Pyar hai, Koi Mil

Gaya, Krish and Kaabil.

PM Modi awarded Manipur’s Karang – India’s

first cashless island

Prime Minister Narendra Modi honoured

bureaucrats for making Manipur’s Karang the first

cashless island of the country, and implementing the

Goods and Services Tax (GST) and other priority

initiatives of the Centre.

Modi awarded civil servants for smooth

implementation of four priority programmes

— Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana,

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban and

Rural), Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen

Kaushalya Yojana, and for promoting digital


Himachal Pradesh’s Kangra and Madhya

Pradesh’s Neemuch were awarded for the

implementation of the Pradhan Mantri Awas

Yojana (Gramin).

Puducherry and the Greater Hyderabad

Municipal Corporation, Telangana, got the

PM’s award for implementation of the

Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban).

West Tripura and Maharashtra’s Beed were

awarded for the implementation of the

Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana.

Bengal’s Digambarpur is India’s best Gram


West Bengal’s Digambarpur Gram Panchayat has

bagged the Centre’s award for the best Gram

Panchayat in the country.

A survey was conducted to find out the best

Gram Panchayat in the country and in a letter

to the state government the Ministry of

Panchayati Raj has stated that Digambarpur

has come up as the best out of 2.5 lakh Gram

Panchayats in the country.

Egyptian photojournalist wins 2018 World Press

Freedom Prize

Egyptian photojournalist Mahmoud Abu Zeid,

known as Shawkan, is the recipient of the 2018

UNESCO/Guillermo Cano World Press Freedom


Abu Zeid, a freelance photographer who has

worked for photo agencies such as Demotix

and Corbis, is one of the longest-detained

journalists in Egypt.

He was arrested on August 14, 2013, when

hundreds were killed as security forces

cleared two pro-Morsi protest camps in


CSIR bags National Intellectual Property (IP)

Award 2018

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

(CSIR) is awarded the National Intellectual Property

(IP) Award 2018 in the category “Top R&D

Institution / Organization for Patents and


Dr. Girish Sahni, DG, CSIR and Secretary,

DSIR received the award at the hands of Mr.

Suresh Prabhu, Hon’ble Minister,

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Commerce and Industry, Government of


The Council of Scientific & Industrial

Research (CSIR) is a contemporary R&D


Amjad Ali Khan, Anupam Kher get Master

Deenanath Mangeshkar Award

Sarod maestro Amjad Ali Khan, veteran playback

singer Asha Bhosle and veteran actor Anupam Kher

were among the prominent personalities who were

conferred the 'Master Deenanath Mangeshkar

Smruti Pratishthan Awards' on the occasion of his

76th death anniversary .

Bhosle was conferred the award for life

achievements, while Anupam was

acknowledged by a Special Award

honouring his contributions to cinema and


Sitanshu Yashaschandra’s "Vakhar" chosen for

Saraswati Samman

Eminent Gujarati poet Sitanshu Yashaschandra’s

poetry collection "Vakhar" has been chosen for the

Saraswati Samman for 2017, the K K Birla

Foundation has announced.

The selection for the 27th award is made by

a high level Chayan Parishad (selection

committee), presided over by former

secretary general of Lok Sabha, Subhash C


Instituted in 1991, the prestigious award

recognises an "outstanding" literary work

every year written in any Indian language

and published during the last 10 years.

Born in 1941 in Bhuj, Yashaschandra is one

of the most eminent representatives of

contemporary Gujarati literature.

BCCI to honour Diana Edulji with CK Nayudu

Lifetime Achievement Award

A three-man BCCI panel has recommended former

India women's team captain and current CoA

member, Diana Edulji, for the prestigious CK

Nayudu Lifetime Achievement Award.

Along with Edulji, former India opener late

Pankaj Roy will also be awarded


Diana Edulji is a member of Supreme Court

appointed BCCI committee of


Budgam shortlisted for PM Modi's excellence


Jammu and

Kashmir's Budgam

district has been

shortlisted for

Prime Minister

Narendra Modi's

excellence award for promoting digital payments

and cashless economy.

Under the supervision of District authorities,

digital payments facility has been installed at

670 places across the district so far.

The places include 372 ration shops, 285

fertilizer shops and 13 Revenue (Tehsil)

offices across Budgam.

Mithali Raj adjudged 'Sportsperson of the Year'

Indian women's cricket team captain Mithali Raj was

adjudged 'Sportsperson of the Year' while ace shuttlers

Kidambi Srikanth and PV Sindhu bagged the best senior

male and female athletes at the Telangana Sports

Journalists Association annual awards for 2017.

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Former Indian cricketer VVS Laxman presented

'best coach of the year' award to Gopichand, who

received this award for second time in a row, an

Association release said.

Triple Olympian and former national hockey

player N Mukesh Kumar was honoured with the

Lifetime Achievement award at the event.

Jr World Cup: Muskan Bhanwala wins 25m pistol

gold; India bag fourth individual gold

The final competition day at the ISSF Junior World Cup

in Sydney opened with another gold awarded to the

Indian National Team, as Muskan Bhanwala secured the

gold medal in the 25m Pistol Women Junior event.

Bhanwala — who placed 4th at last year’s ISSF

Junior World Championship in Suh, Germany —

took the lead at the end of the sixth round, when

she nailed a perfect 5-hit series and found herself

sitting on a 3-point advantage over her closest

rival, People’s Republic of China’s Qin Sihang


Kerala lifts their sixth Santosh Trophy

Kerala have lifted their sixth Santosh Trophy Football

title. In a thrilling final at the Salt Lake Stadium in

Kolkata, they held their nerves to beat defending

champions and 32-time winners Bengal via penalty


Kerala had beaten Punjab 3-2 with an extra time

goal to win their earlier Santosh Trophy title in

New Delhi in October 2004.

Miami Open: John Isner beats Alexander Zverev to

win first Masters 1,000 title

American John Isner won his first ever Masters 1,000

title with a 6-7 (4-7) 6-4 6-4 victory over German

Alexander Zverev in the Miami Open final.

US Open champion Sloane Stephens beat

Latvian Jelena Ostapenko to win her first Miami

Open title.

It was the 34th edition of the Miami Open.

All men and women's events took place at the

Tennis Center at Crandon Park in Key Biscayne,

Florida, United States, from March 19 through

April 1, 2018

21st Commonwealth Games to begin today

The 2018 Commonwealth Games, officially known as

the XXI Commonwealth Games and commonly known

as Gold Coast 2018, is an international multi-sport event

for members of the Commonwealth that will be held on

the Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, between 4 and 15

April 2018.

It will be the fifth time Australia has hosted the

Commonwealth Games.

A total of 275 events will be held in 19 sports.

Opening ceremony will be held in Carrara


The official motto for the 2018 Commonwealth

Games is "Share the Dream".

Borobi was named as the mascot of the 2018

Commonwealth Games.

India win South East Asian Women Handball C'ship

India defeated

Bangladesh by 27-10 in a

one-sided match to win

the fifth South East

Asian Women Handball

Championship at K.D.

Singh Babu Stadium in


A total of five countries participated in the


While Nepal finished as runner-ups in the five-

country tournament, Bangladesh settled for the

third spot and a bronze medal.

Weightlifter Mirabai Chanu Wins India’s First Gold

at CWG 2018

World champion weightlifter Mirabai Chanu (48kg)

secured India's first gold medal at the 2018

Commonwealth Games.

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The Indian ended with a score of 196kg


Earlier, Weightlifter Gururaja bagged India's

first medal (silver) in the 2018 Commonwealth

Games with a total lift of 249 kg in the men's 56

kg event

Leander Paes becomes most successful player in

Davis Cup

India’s Leander Paes created a new world record by

becoming the most successful doubles player in

Davis Cup history, winning his 43rd such match.

Paes and Bopanna beat China's Mao-Xin

Gong & Di Wu to create history

Paes was tied on 42 wins with Italian great

Nicola Pietrangeli for a long time.

CWG 2018: Deepak Lather becomes India’s

youngest weightlifting medallist

Deepak Lather became India’s youngest weightlifter

to win a Commonwealth Games medal after he won

the bronze medal in men’s 69kg weight category at

CWG 2018 in Gold Coast.

Hailing from Haryana, the 18-year-old lifted

a total of 295kg (136kg+159kg) to finish


Deepak had won the bronze medal in the

Commonwealth Championships in Gold

Coast last year.

CWG 2018: India's women's TT team clinches

maiden Gold

Singles star Manika Batra won two matches

as India's women's table tennis team upset

favourites Singapore to clinch its maiden

Gold medal at the 21st Commonwealth

Games at Gold Coast on Sunday.

Kidambi Srikanth World No 1, first Indian to

reach top spot in men’s badminton

Kidambi Srikanth has scaled the peak of the men’s

BWF men’s singles rankings for the first time.

The 25-year-old shuttler’s prolific form in

2017, during which he won a record four

Super Series titles, has helped him reach

76895 rating points, the best ever by an

Indian male badminton player.

He replaced Denmark's Viktor Axelsen to

achieve the numero-uno spot in the latest

BWF World Rankings.

CWG2018: Anish Bhanwala becomes India’s

youngest gold medallist

Karnal’s 15 years

old Anish

Bhanwala created

history by

becoming the

youngest ever

gold medallist at the Commonwealth Games (CWG)

for India.

The 15-year-old bagged the top prize in the

men’s 25m Rapid Fire Pistol event in Gold

Coast, Australia.

Concluding ceremony of Commonwealth Games

held at Gold Coast

The concluding ceremony of the Commonwealth

Games held in Gold Coast Australia, on 15 April


More than 4500 athletes from 71 nations

competed for 275 Commonwealth gold

medals over the course of the Games.

Australia remained on the top of Medal table

with 198 medals followed by England with

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136 and India got third position with 66


Australia won 80 Golds, 59 Silver and 59

Bronze medals.

England achieved 45 Golds, 45 Silver and 46

Bronze medals.

India secured 26 Golds, 20 Silver and 20

Bronze medals.

Saina first Indian shuttler to win two singles gold

in Commonwealth Games

Ace Indian shuttler Saina Nehwal defeated

compatriot PV Sindhu 21-18, 23-21 in women's

singles final to clinch a gold medal in women’s

badminton singles final at the 21st Commonwealth


Saina, who already had a singles gold medal

in Commonwealth Games to her name, thus

also became the first Indian shuttler to have

won two singles gold medals in badminton

in Commonwealth Games.

Saina had previously won a gold medal in

2010 Commonwealth Games which were

hosted by India.

Rafael Nadal beats Kei Nishikori to win Monte

Carlo Masters

Rafael Nadal won a record 31st Masters title after

beating Kei Nishikori 6-3, 6-2 in the Monte Carlo

Masters final.

Nadal also became the first man in the Open

era to win the Monte Carlo title 11 times and

moved one ahead of rival Novak Djokovic

for career Masters titles.

It gave him a 76th title overall and ensured

the Spaniard keeps his top ranking ahead of

Roger Federer.

India win 8th South Asian Judo Championship

India have clinched the title of team champion in the

8th series of South Asian Judo Championship in


In the men's team category, India defeated

arch-rivals Pakistan 3-2 in the finals to claim

the title.

Under the women's team category, India

thrashed hosts Nepal 5-0 to seal the title.

India ended their campaign in the

tournament with a total of 12 Gold medals

and three Bronze medals.

2021 Champions Trophy to be held in India

The International

Cricket Council

(ICC) has decided to

convert the 2021

Champions Trophy

into a World T20

event scheduled in India.

Earlier it was an eight-team ODI tournament.

ICC Chief Executive Dave Richardson said

the global body had “unanimously agreed”

that the 2021 meet in India would now be a

16-team event in the shortest format.

Rafael Nadal wins 11th Barcelona Open title

Rafael Nadal continued his clay-court dominance by

collecting a record-extending 11th title in Barcelona.

His 6-2 6-1 victory over Greek teenager

Stefanos Tsitsipas enabled the Spaniard to

hold onto his world No 1 ranking.

This is his 19th successive win on clay and

he has now won 46 consecutive sets on the

red dirt.

Lewis Hamilton wins Azerbaijan Grand Prix

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Lewis Hamilton was handed victory in Azerbaijan

Grand Prix during which both Red Bulls

sensationally collided with each other.

A puncture denied Valtteri Bottas his first

win of the season. Raikkonen finished

second while Perez finished third in the race.

Noted artist Ram Kumar passes away

Senior artist Ram Kumar

has passed away. He was


A modernist, he

was associated

with the


Artists’ Group comprising M.F.Husain,

F.N.Souza, H.A.Gade, S.H.Raza and others.

He was known for his abstract landscapes.

Film director C.V. Rajendran passes away

Tamil film director C.V. Rajendran, who was

part of late C.V. Sridhar’s unit and directed a few

memorable films like Kalatta Kalyanam,

Sumathi En Sundari and Raja starring Sivaji

Ganesan and Jayalalithaa and Ponoonjal, died

aged 81.

Veteran journalist S Nihal Singh no more

Veteran journalist S Nihal Singh breathed his last at

the National Heart Institute following illness. He

was 88.

He was the founding editor of The Indian

Post in 1987.

He was awarded the prestigious International

Editor of the Year Award in New York for

opposing the Emergency imposed by former

prime minister Indira Gandhi.

Bhimsain Khurana Passes Away

Indian animation pioneer and multiple National

Award winner Bhimsain Khurana is dead. He was


Considered as India's animation pioneer and

avant-garde filmmaker, Bhimsain is one of

the pioneers of parallel cinema movement in

India of the 70s.

He was known path-breaking feature films

"Gharaonda" (1977) & "Dooriyaan" (1979)

and many TV series.

Former Delhi High Court Chief Justice Rajinder

Sachar passes away

Human rights activist and former Chief Justice of the

Delhi High Court Justice Rajinder Sachar (94)

passed away at a New Delhi hospital.

Justice (retd.) Sachar was the Chief Justice

from August 6, 1985, to December 22, 1985.

After his retirement, he was associated with

rights group People’s Union for Civil

Liberties (PUCL).

World's oldest person Nabi Tajima passes away

at 117

The world's oldest person, a 117-year-old Japanese

woman, has died. Nabi Tajima died of old age in a

hospital in southern Japan.

Tajima, born on 4 August, 1900, was the last

known person born in the 19th century.

She became the world's oldest person seven

months ago after the death of Violet Brown

in Jamaica, also at the age of 117.

TV actor Amita Udgata passes away

TV actor Amita Udgata breathed her last due to lung

failure. The veteran actor has many popular TV

shows to her credit.

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Amita Udgata became a household name

after playing the role of ‘Amma’ in Star Plus’

popular social drama Mann Ki Awaaz


Amita was also seen in films like Sarbjit and

Hasee Toh Phasee.

President receives copy of special issue of ‘Think

India’ journal on Deen Dayal Upadhyay

The President of

India, Shri Ram

Nath Kovind,

received a copy of a

special issue of the

‘Think India’ journal, devoted to the late philosopher-

politician Deendayal Upadhyay, at Rashtrapati Bhavan


• The copy was given to the President by Dr Murli

Manohar Joshi, MP, in the presence of Shri D P Tripathi,

MP, and editor of the special issue.

• Among others Dr Shashi Tharoor, MP, and Shri

Pawan Verma, former MP, were also present.

VP Releases Books ‘Sarvapriya Atalji’,

‘Jannayak Atalji’ and ‘Atal Jeevan Gatha’

The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah

Naidu has said that democracy is the ideal system of

governance and Shri Atal ji has succeeded in

preserving it.

He was addressing the gathering after

releasing the Books on former Prime

Minister, Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee,

‘Sarvapriya Atalji’, ‘Jannayak Atalji’ and

‘Atal Jeevan Gatha’.

The Minister of State for Parliamentary

Affairs and Statistics & Programme

Implementation, Shri Vijay Goel and other

dignitaries were present on the occasion.

President Receives first copy of book ‘Dr

Babasaheb Ambedkar: Vyakti Nahin Sankalp’

The President of

India, Shri Ram

Nath Kovind,

received the first

copy of the book

‘Dr Babasaheb

Ambedkar: Vyakti

Nahin Sankalp’ from the Vice President of India,

Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu, who formally released it at

a function held at Rashtrapati Bhavan to mark Dr

B.R. Ambedkar’s birth anniversary.

Speaker, Lok Sabha, Smt Sumitra Mahajan,

Union Minister of Social Justice and

Empowerment, Shri Thaawar Chand Gehlot,

and the editor of the book, Shri Kishor

Makwana, were also present.

VP Releases a Book titled 'Bhavdiye'

The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah

Naidu has advised the youth to protect preserve and

celebrate Indian culture and traditions and youth that

are both present and future of this country can

achieve their life's goals with hard work and


He was addressing the gathering after

releasing a Book titled 'Bhavdiye' based on

Compilation of Letters written by Shri Kedar

Nath Sahani.

The Vice President said that Shri Kedar Nath

Sahani was a writer, freedom fighter, social

reformer and an icon who inspired others all

over his life.

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The second session of NAI’s Book reading series

-“Archives Reads”

The Second Book reading session of 'Archives

Reads' was organised by NAI with Author & Prof

Deepak Kumar, former Professor, JNU reading from

his latest publication “Trishanku Nation – Memory,

Self and Society in Contemporary India".

Speaking on the occasion, Director General,

National Archives of India (NAI), Shri

Pritam Singh, said that the rich archives

available with NAI is a treat for students,

researchers, historians and authors.

He said this book reading series would help

inculcate archival awareness among the

masses, to bring prominent historians closer

to the young readers.

President receives the first copy of book “Adi

Shankaracharya: Hinduism’s greatest thinker”

The President

of India, Shri

Ram Nath


received the

first copy of

the book “Adi Shankaracharya: Hinduism’s Greatest

Thinker”, from the author Shri Pavan Varma, at

Rashtrapati Bhavan,

Among the dignitaries present were Dr Murli

Manohar Joshi and Shri D P Tripathi.

President said the imprint of Adi

Shankaracharya, who was born over 1,200

years ago in Kerala, is still apparent in

contemporary India and in fact in all parts of

our country.

Nitish Kumar Launches 3 Books On Mahatma

Gandhi's Champaran Movement

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar released three

books based on Mahatma Gandhi's Champaran

movement of 1917.

Nitish Kumar released the books titled-

'Mister M K Gandhi Ki Champaran Diary'

written by Arvind Mohan, 'Champaran

Andolan 1917' edited by Ashutosh

Partheshwar and 'Pir Muhammad Munis:

Kalam Ka Satyagrahi' collected and edited

by Srikant.

The Champaran movement is acknowledged

as the first Satyagraha movement inspired by

Mahatma Gandhi.

Vice President Releases the Book ‘Smart Cities


The Vice President of India, Shri M. Venkaiah

Naidu has said that the Smart Cities Mission is the

beginning of India’s urban renaissance.

He was addressing the gathering after

releasing the Book ‘Smart Cities Unbundled’

authored by Dr. Sameer Sharma.

The Minister of State for Housing and Urban

Affairs (I/C), Shri Hardeep Singh Puri and

other dignitaries were present on the


Former PM Manmohan Singh launches

economist Rao’s book

Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh released a

book titled ‘My Journey from Marxism-Leninism to

Nehruvian Socialism’.

The Book is authored by former Planning

Commission and Finance Commission

member C H Hanumantha Rao.

While launching the book, Singh called Rao

a most creative thinker, social activist, and

distinguished economist.

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