Manure management and nutrient cycling in smallholder crop-livestock systems in Nyando, Kenya Animal Production Systems Group MSc Thesis Author: Flavia A.M. Casu Registration number: 91 05 14 156 110 Supervisor: Dr. ir. Simon J. Oosting APS-80436 Credit points: 36 Country of research: Kenya

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08 Fall

Manure management and nutrient cycling in smallholder crop-livestock systems in Nyando, Kenya


MSc Thesis


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Manure management and nutrient cycling in smallholder crop-livestock systems

in Nyando, Kenya



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An essential aspect for smallholder crop-livestock farmers in sub-Saharan Africa isproductivesoilsinordertomaintainanimalandcropproductivity.Often,thesesystemsareheavilydependentonlocalresourcesfortheir inputandasaresult,manureformsan important by-product to serve as fertiliser for their land. As part of the CGIARResearchProgramonClimateChange,AgricultureandFoodSecurity(CCAFS),researchonmanuremanagement in smallholder farmers inNyando,westernKenyawas done.The aim of this research was to assess manure management practices and currentnutrient losses that occur through the manure management cycle. Based on theseresults,novelmanagementactivitiesweredescribedthatcouldimprovecurrentmanuremanagementand reducenutrient losses.Aquestionnairewasused toacquiredataonfarmcharacteristics,manuremanagementandfarmers’perceptionsof20 farms intheNyandodistrict.Freshandstoredmanuresamplesweretakenon-farmandanalysedonnutrient content. Based on these results, nutrient losses between fresh and storedmanure were calculated. The FARMSIM simulationmodel was used to calculate herddynamics and production, especially production of manure. Results showed thatbetween fresh and storedmanure, dry matter loss was on average 75% and carbon,nitrogenandphosphorus showedanaverage lossof80,74and45%, respectively.Onaverage,82kgNha-1year-1wasproduced,whereas42kgNha-1year-1wascollectedandonly17kgNha-1year-1wasappliedonfarm.The results indicated that betweenmanure excretion, collection and application largelossesoccur.Particularlymanurecollectionandmethodofstorage(i.e.manurestoredonaheaporinaput,anduncoveredorcoveredwithashedortree)playanimportantrole.Furthermore,currentmanuremanagementpracticesdonotprovidethefarmwithsufficient amounts of nutrients needed for a stable crop production. Improvement ofmanure management practices could reduce nutrient losses and increase overallmanurequality.Novelpracticesincludemorefrequentcollectionofmanure,decreasingtheperiodofstorage,coveringthemanurewithaplasticsheetandalteringthestorageunitinordertoreducenutrientlossesthroughleachingandevaporation.

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Firstofall,Iwouldliketothankallthefarmerswhohaveparticipatedinthisresearchandwhooffered their timeandhospitality. Itwasanhonour tovisit the farms formyfirstresearchproject.SpecialthankyoutomysupervisorSimonOostingforallhistimeandinsights,includingduringmytimeabroad.Ithashelpedmetobepreparedformytripandstaycreativeduringchallengingmoments.DuringmytimeinKenyaIwassupportedbysomanypeople.ThankyoutoJulieOjangowhomademefeelathomefromthestart,guidingmethroughouttheprojectandalwaysmade time for me. I have learned so much while working with the InternationalLivestockResearchInstituteandIamverygratefulforyoursupport.Abigthankyouto‘theteam’withoutwhomIcouldnothavefinalisedmyfieldwork:JamesAudho,JoshuaOmollo,StephenMatindeandVincentKoros–thankyousomuchforyourtime,patienceand(really!)hardwork.AlltherestatILRI(toomanytomention!)whohelpeddirectlyandindirectlywiththesetupofmyproject,laboratoryworkandinsightfultalks–Iamverygratefulforyourtime.Ithasreallymadethisexperienceawonderfulone.AspecialthankyoutoMamaObajewhoopenedherhomeformeduringmyfieldwork.Ihad awonderful time inKatito and itwas an unforgettable experience living on yourfarm.

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Table of Contents


1.1 GeneralIntroduction

1.2 ILRI’sClimate-SmartAgricultureProject

1.3 OverallObjectiveandResearchQuestions















































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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 General Introduction

Most farmers in sub-Saharan Africa are smallholders, who often live on mixed crop-livestockfarmsandspreadtheir incomeoverboththeproductionofcropsandanimalproducts (Dixon et al., 2001). Crop production plays an important role inmany rurallivelihoods,asitsoutputsareusedtosustainfamiliesandarethusdirectlylinkedwithfood security (Kraaijvanger and Veldkamp, 2015). Often, smallholder farmers do nothave access to technological inputs, which makes them heavily dependent on landresources for their outputs. An essential aspect of these systems are productive soilsthatsupportasteadyproductionofcrops.However,poorsoil fertilityhasbeenwidelyacceptedasamajorfactorlimitingproductivityofsmallholderfarmsinAfrica(Tittonellet al., 2005a) and numerous studies about soil fertility management underline itsimportance for the productivity and livelihoods of smallholders (Smaling et al., 1997;ShepherdandSoule,1998;Tittonelletal.,2005a;Bekundaetal.,2010).The area under study in this thesis is the Nyando basin, situated in western KenyaaroundLakeVictoria.WesternKenyahasbeenstudiedbynumerousresearchersassoilfertilitydepletion isseenasoneof themost importantcausesof lowproductivityanddecreased livelihoodsofmixedcrop-livestock farmers(Shepherdetal.,1997;Tittonellet al., 2005a,2005b;Giller et al., 2011).At regional level, lowsoil fertility is linked tonitrogenandphosphorusdeficiencies,howeverlowlevelsofsoilorganicmatterformanissueatlocallevel(Shepherdetal.,1997;Tittonell,2005a).Asfarmersoftendonothavethemeanstopurchaseexternalresourcesforinputstotheirfarms,theyaredependentonlocalresourcesasfarminputs.ManureformsanessentialsourceofnutrientsforsoilsinordertosustaincropproductivityforthemajorityofsmallholderfarmingsystemsinAfrica(Gilleretal.,2002)andtheefficientmanagementofmanure isakeytosupportsustainablecropproductionandlivelihoods(Rufinoetal.,2007).The integration of crops and livestock inmixed systems forms an effectivemeans ofnutrientcyclingwithinandbetweenfarmsthatbenefitplantnutrientuptakeandcropproduction (Thornton and Herrero, 2001). Crop-livestock systems can be divided inseveralsub-systemsinwhichnutrientsarecycledandwitheachstep,lossesofnutrientsoccurwhichdecreasestheoverallamountofusefuloutput.Thisdescribesthenutrientcycling efficiency (NCE) of a farm and can be defined as the ratio of useful output toinputinanysystemorsystemcomponent(Powelletal.,1996).Amaincomponentofamixed system is livestock and this forms an important factorwithin nutrient cycling.Nutrients are gathered from the surroundings through grazing and are converted tomilk and meat for human consumption, while the remaining nutrients are excretedthroughfaecesandcanbeincorporatedinthefarm(Rufinoetal.,2006).Therefore,onlynutrients fromexcretaarereturnedtothesoil fromthetotalamountofnutrients thataretakenupbythelivestocksub-system.Nutrientsinexcretacanbepartitionedinthe

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faecalfractionandtheurinaryfraction,andthequalityofthefeedpartlydeterminestheconcentration of nutrients in the urine and faeces (Rufino et al., 2006). Overall,collectionandhandlingofmanureare critical stepswherenutrientsmayget lost thatcould otherwise be used as fertiliser. After collection, manure can be stored orcomposted before incorporation on the farm, which is another step where nutrientlosses occur through leaching and volatilisation (Rufino et al., 2006). Despite the factthat significant losses of nutrients can occur during these critical steps, renderingmanure management less efficient, manure is still considered a valuable output oflivestock.Ifthequalityofmanurecanbeimprovedthroughmanagingthesestepsmoreeffectively, thiswill result inmore nutrients for crops,which has a positive effect onmaintainingsoilorganicmatterandthusincreasestheoverallproductivityofthefarm(Turner, 2016). Rufino et al. (2007) evaluated the effect of manure managementactivities at different stages (before and during collection, and during storage) onoverall nutrient cycling efficiency, with a focus on nitrogen (N), for different wealthclassesinwesternKenya.ItwasfoundthatsubstantiallossesofurinaryNwerecommoninallwealthclasses,whichaccountsforsignificantlossesasurinaryNcancontain50%ofthetotalexcretednitrogen.Furthermore,resultsshowedthatcollectionandstorageactivities have a large effect on nutrient retention.Within the farms, specificmanuremanagementactivitiescanincreasenutrientretentionby30%.All in all, smallholder farmerswith limited possibilities to acquire external inputs fortheirfarmscanbenefitfromoptimallyre-usingtheoutputoftheirsub-systems.Efficientuseof local resources canpromoteefficientnutrient cycling, resulting innutrient-richsoilswhicharenecessaryforstablecropproductionandresilientfarmingsystems.1.2 ILRI’s Climate-Smart Agriculture Project

In2011,theCGIARResearchProgramonClimateChange,AgricultureandFoodSecurity(CCAFS) facilitated a partnership with different actors to test various climate changeadaptation, mitigation and risk management interventions in the Nyando district. Assuch,theresilienceoffarmersagainsttheeffectsofclimatechangecanbeincreased(i.e.climate-smart agriculture). The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) ledsuch an intervention, which was aimed at the introduction of improved strains ofindigenous sheep and goats to improve the productivity of small ruminants insmallholder farms within Nyando (Ojango et al., 2016). The focus on geneticimprovementofsmallruminantswastoenhancetheiradaptabilitytotheharshclimaticconditionswhile improving theproductivityof livestockwithin thesystems.However,climate-smartagricultureencompassesabroadareaofinterventionsthatcouldrendera farmingsystemorcommunitymoreresilienttotheeffectsofclimatechangesuchaslong droughts and intense, variable rainfall. Different approaches to climate changeadaptationexist,andthreepillarsofclimate-smartagriculturearedescribedas(1)riskmanagement,(2)diversification,and(3)sustainableintensification(Descheemaekeretal.,2016).Withinthesethreecategories,differentagriculturalpracticescancontributetoamoreresilientfarmingsystemandthefocuscanbeonlivestock,cropsorthewholeintegrated farmingsystem.For this research, theoptionsofan integratedapproach to

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climate-smart agriculture have been evaluated by looking at manure management.Manureisproducedbylivestockthatconsumeeitheron-farmfeed(e.g.cropresiduesorcultivatedNapier grass) or from common rangelands. In the latter case, nutrients arebroughtintothefarmingsystem,whereasnutrientstakenfromthefarmcanbe(partly)brought back to the soil throughmanure. Asmanure is incorporated in the farm, thecontainednutrientscanbemadeavailabletoplants,whichcanresultinincreasedcropproduction, while the contained carbon enhances soil organic matter and nutrientcycling through microorganisms (Sanchez et al., 2001). Hence, manure managementimpactsmultiplecomponentsofafarmingsystem.Assuch,evaluationofpossibilitiestoimprove manure quality through specific management activities should include anintegrated approach and be analysed on a systems level in order to understand theeffects it has on different scales. Improving manure management contributes tosustainable intensificationof farms(Descheemaekeretal.,2016),asan increasedcropproduction canbe achievedon the sameplot of land.Togetherwith an improved soilquality,betteradaptationtoclimatechangecanbeachieved.1.3 Overall Objective and Research Questions

Theuseofmanureas fertiliser is seenasapromisingandeconomicallyviableway toincrease soil fertility and cropproductionand through this,developa farming systemthat ismore resilient against the effects of climate change. In order to effectively usemanureasfertiliser,differentmanagementoptionsexisttodecreasetheriskofnutrientlossesandconsequentlyincreasethequalityoftheendproduct.Theoverallobjectiveofthisstudyis(1)tooutlinecurrentmanuremanagementperformanceoffarmersintheNyando district and (2) assess which key activities can improve overall manuremanagement. Inorder to reach theoverall objective, the following researchquestionsneedtobeanswered:

1. WhatarethegeneralhouseholdandfarmcharacteristicsoffarmersinNyando?2. Whatarecurrentmanuremanagementactivitiesof farmersandwhataretheir

perceptionsontheimportanceofmanurefortheirfarm?3. What is thequality of fresh and storedmanure and themagnitudeof nutrient

cyclingandlossesthroughthefarmingsystem?4. Whatmanuremanagementactivitiescan increasemanurequalityandnutrient


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Chapter 2: Materials and Methods

Thischapterwillgiveanoutlineofthestudyarea,thescientificmethodsusedtocarryout this research and how both on-farm and laboratory results were acquired.Furthermore, itwillgive informationon thecomputersimulationmodeldevelopedbyWageningen University that was used for this study to evaluate current farmperformance.2.1 Study Area


Figure 1 Map of western part of Kenya highlighting the Nyando Basin. Stars on map indicate all farmers that took part in ILRI’s project (own picture)The majority of villages are located in Kisumu county, namely Kamango, Kobiero,Obinju, and Kamuana, whereas Chemildagey, Kapsorok and Tabet B are located inKericho county. These two counties are located between the coordinates 35.068E0.269S,35.068E0.361S,34.978E0.361Sand34.978E0.269S.Agricultureistheprimarysourceofincomeandfarmersmainlyownmixedcrop-livestocksystems(Macolooetal.,2013). The area is one of the highest populated rural localities of East Africa with apopulationdensityofover400personspersquarekilometre(Ojangoetal.,2016).2.2 Farm Selection

For each of the seven villages included in this research, three farmswere selected ineach village through a transect walk (Bunning et al., 2016). This was done throughselectionofanareaand itsboundariesbasedon the farmers thatparticipated ineachvillage.Asaresult,rectangularareasforeachvillagewerecreatedandthetransectwalkwas performed on the diagonal of the area. This area was characterised by differentgradientsofaltitudesinordertorepresentthevariabilityofbiophysicalcharacteristicsof each village, and the selected farms represent these variables. Besides biophysicalattributes,farmsneededtorepresentthebaselinecharacteristicsofthearea,takinginto

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accountdifferentlevelsofresourceendowment,focussingspecificallyonfarmsizeandnumberof livestockowned.As this informationwas acquired at the start of activitiesintegratingimprovedsheepandgoatmanagementin2014,thebaselinedatawereusedtoensuretheselectedfarmsrepresentedtheareabasedontheabovecharacteristics.For this study, a farm typology was used to categorise farmers into different wealthcategoriesandclassificationwasdoneby lookingatdifferent factorssuchas landsize,types of livestock owned, number of TLUs (tropical livestock units) owned, marketorientation and off-farm income (for a complete overview of factors included seeappendix1).TLUswerecalculatedforcattleandsmallruminantsand1TLUwassetfora localzebucowof300kg.Crossbredandpuredairycowswerevaluedas1.3and1.6TLUs, respectively, whereas small ruminants were considered 0.1 TLU (ILCA, 1990).Threecategoriesoffarmtypologiesweredesignedanddatabetweenthesegroupswereanalysedinordertodetectdifferencesinfarmperformance.2.3 Data Collection

Data collection took place during a three month period of both field and laboratorywork. Farmers were interviewed through a questionnaire on household and farmcharacteristics, market orientation, livestock composition and manure managementperceptionsandpractices.ThequestionnairewasdevelopedwiththeOpenDataKittool(ODK)whichisdesignedtouploadasurveyonadevice(e.g.mobilephone)whichstoresthedatadirectlyandtransfers it toanexceldatabase.Triangulationwasusedthroughcombiningalreadyexistingdataonfarmerswithdatafromthenewquestionnaire.Afteraskingquestionsonfarmcharacteristicsandmanagementactivities,awalkthroughthefarmswasdoneinordertoverifywhetherthegiveninformationcorrespondedwiththefarm observations. Besides the survey, manure samples from cattle and, if possible,smallruminantsweretakenoneachfarm.Forbothstoredandfreshmanure,300gramswerestoredinplasticziplockbagsandtransportedincoolingboxestoILRIlaboratoriesforfurtheranalysis.2.4 Laboratory Analysis

Laboratoryanalysisonthemanuresampleswasdoneformacronutrientconcentrations(i.e.potassium,phosphorus,carbonandnitrogen)aswellasorganicmattercontent,pH,drymattercontentandcrudeash.2.4.1 Determination of carbon and nitrogen Total carbon and nitrogen contentwas analysedwith a C-N combustion analyser. Allmanure sampleswere prepared in duplicates and the procedurewas done as follows(Wanyama, 2016): 20 g of solid representative samples were transferred into 50 mlglassbeakersandmixedwith10mlof25%hydrochloricacid.Thesampleswerethenovendriedat38°Cfor72hoursandgroundwithasoilmilluntilaparticlesizeof5µm.From these dry samples, 10 mg were weighted into tin capsules and moulded into

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spherical balls, which was performed in duplicate for all samples. The tin balls werestoredin96-wellmicroplatesandtransferredintoadesiccatorpriortoanalysis.2.4.2 Determination of potassium and phosphorus Theamountsofpotassiumandphosphoruspresentinboththefreshandstoredmanuresamples were analysed using atomic absorption spectroscopy and UV-visiblespectrophotometer, respectively. All samples were prepared in triplicates and theprocedurewas done as follows: 1 g of solid representative sampleswere transferredinto50mlglassbeakersandmixedwith5mlconcentratednitricacid(HNO3)and1ml30% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). After leaving samples to stand overnight, they weredigestedbyheatingupto100°Cuntil formationofaclearresidue.Sampleswerethencooledand transferred to50mlvolumetric flasksanddiluted to the50mlmarkwithdistilledwater.The laststepconsistedof filteringthesolutionthroughWhatmanfilterpaper(no.41)andtransferredto50mlplasticcentrifugetubes,readyforanalysis.2.4.3 Dry matter and organic matter determination Inordertodeterminethedrymatterandorganicmattercontentofthemanuresamples,25 g of manure was heated in a moisture analyser. The analyser measures thepercentageofmoisturecontent(MC)ofthesample,afterwhichthedrymattercontent(DMC)couldbecalculatedbysubtractingthepercentageofmoisturecontentfrom100percent:%DMC=100–%MCOrganicmattercontentwascalculatedthroughdeterminationoftheashcontentofthemanure.Sampleswereplacedincrucibles,weightedinduplicatesandgraduallyheatedfor8hours to580 °C.The finalashcontentof thesampleswascalculatedas:%ash=(weightash·100)/weightoriginalsampleFrom the ash content, the organic matter content could be calculated through thefollowingformula:organicmatter(g/kgDM)=1000–ash(g/kgDM)2.4.4 Determination of pH The pH of the manure samples was determined using a bench top pHmeter. Beforemeasuring the pH, all samples were diluted with distilled water and mixed for 30minutesusing a tube roller. The sampleswere thenput to rest for10minutesbeforestartingtheanalysis.2.5 Nutrient Loss Calculations

Afteranalysisofnutrientcontentandorganicmatterandashcontentofboththefreshand storedmanure samples, losses of nutrients anddrymatter couldbe calculated inordertodeterminethecurrentfarmperformanceonmanuremanagementandwhatthemagnitudeof losseswere.Withina farming systems,nutrients cycle throughdifferentsub-systemsandineverystep,lossesoccur(seefigure2foranoutlineofdifferentstepsof nutrient cycling). As the analysis ofmanure described in paragraph 2.4 resulted inpercentagesofnutrients,drymatterlosseswerecalculatedbasedontheashcontentof

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thesamples(i.e.lossesbetweenstep3and5offigure2).Percentagesofashcontentinfresh and stored manure were analysed and for dry matter loss calculations twoassumptionsweremade:(1)quantityofashstayedthesameafterstoringmanure,and(2) initial quantity of fresh dry matter was 1000 grams. Through this, differences inquantity of fresh and stored dry matter could be calculated, thus quantifying theabsolutedrymatterandnutrientlosses.Thesecalculationsweredoneasfollows:

Formula1: (quantityash/quantityDM)*100=ashcontentofDM(forbothfreshandstoredmanure)

Formula2: quantitystoreddrymatter(kg)=(quantitystoredash*100)/ashcontentofdrymatterinstoredmanure

Based on the decrease of drymatter from fresh to storedmanure, the percentage oflossesduringstoragecouldbecalculatedinordertoquantifythenutrientlosses.Step 3 in figure 2 shows collection of manure, and the amount of dry matter andnitrogen collectedwas calculatedusing the lossesdescribed above.As thequantity ofstored drymatter and nitrogenwere calculated (formula 2), quantity ofmanure (drymatterandnitrogen)collectedcouldbecalculatedasfollows:

Formula3: quantity collected (kg) = quantity stored / (1 – % losses) (for both drymatterandnitrogen)

Figure 2 Nutrient cycling through a farming system (Bureau voor Beeldzaken, 2017)

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2.6 Farm Analysis Through FARMSIMInordertosimulateherdproductivityandquantityofmanureproduce(step2offigure2) the simulation model NUANCES-FARMSIM was used. This model is based on theNUANCES (Nutrient Use in Animal and Cropping systems – Efficiencies and Scales)framework, that combines systems analysis and experimentation with detailed fieldobservationsandsurveys, andexpertknowledge (both localknowledgeandresultsofresearch).TheNUANCES-FARMSIMmodelsimulatestheeffectsoffarmmanagementdecisionsonlivestock, crop production and manure quality by dividing a farming system intodifferent interacting components, all of which have their own sub-models within theFARMSIM model. Analysis of a farming systems through this simulation model givesinformationonthecurrentperformanceofafarm,aswellasoptionswheretoimprovemanagementdecisionsinordertoincreaseproductionefficiencyofthefarmasawhole.Thesub-modelsofNUANCES-FARMSIMare: (1)FIELD, thatcalculatescropdrymatterproductionperseasonandconsistsoftwosub-models,SOILSIMandCROPSIM-QUEFTS,(2) LIVSIM, that simulates individual animals in a herd and calculates monthlyproduction(i.e.meat,milk,progenyandmanure),and(3)HEAPSIM,thesub-modelthatsimulates the dynamics of manure produced by the livestock sub-systems and keepstrack of collection and storage (see figure 3 for a schematic representation of theNUANCES-FARMSIMmodelandhowitssub-modelsinteract).

Figure 3 Schematic representation of the NUANCES-FARMSIM model (Rufino et al., 2007)

Inordertorunthemodelandanalysethefarm-scaleinteractions,thedataacquiredon-farmwereusedas input for theCROPSIMandLIVSIM sub-models(see figure3). InputdatafortheSOILSIMsub-modeloncarbondynamicsandthenitrogenandphosphoruspoolinthesoilwerederivedfrompreviousresearchinwesternKenya,wheresoiltypesaresimilartothoseofNyandodistrict(Tittonelletal.,2010b).Forthisstudy,resultson

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herddynamics andproduction (especiallymanureproduction)wereused.With thesedata, overall nutrient cycling through the farming system could be calculated throughquality and quantity of (1) manure produced by the herd, (2) manure collected forstorageand(3)manurethatfinallyendsopontheland. Tittonell et al. (2010b) used the FARMSIM simulation model for scenario studies onimprovementofmanuremanagementandanalysisofkeypointsofmanurecollection,handlingandstoragewherelargeamountsofnutrientsgetlost.Resultsfromthisstudywere used to evaluate how farmperformance could be improved and towhat extendspecific manure management activities decrease nutrient losses through manuremanagement.2.7 Statistical Analysis

StatisticaldataanalysiswascarriedoutusingtheSPSSpackageversion24.0.0.0.Descriptivestatisticswereusedtosummarisealldatacollectedthroughinterviewsandresults from the laboratory analyses. Normality of the data was determined throughevaluationofQQ-plots.As theseplotsshowedrelativelyconsistentpatterns,normalityofalldatacouldbeassumed.T-testswereruntodetectsignificantdifferencesbetweenfreshandstoredmanurequality.Analysisfordifferencesbetweenresourceendowmentgroupswasdone through analysis of variance (ANOVA). Subsequently, aTukey’sHSDpost hoc test was done for all significant between-group differences. Furthermore,regressionanalysiswasdoneinordertodeterminethecorrelationbetweenamountofnutrients and manure used on farm and farm size. Lastly, the correlation betweennumberofTLUsandamountofnutrientsandmanureusedonfarmwasanalysed.

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Chapter 3: Results

In this chapter results from the farm interviews and laboratory analyses will bepresented. Based on interviews with farmers and on-farm observations, generalcharacteristicsonfarmandhouseholdstructuresandlivestockandcropsubsystemsaredescribedinparagraph3.1.Followingthegeneralfarmdescription,detailedresultsonlivestock and manure management are given in paragraph 3.2 and 3.3, respectively.Detailed results on calculations and analyses of manure quality are described inparagraph 3.4. Lastly, paragraph 3.5 presents the results derived from FARMSIM onmanureexcretedandcollected.3.1 General Farm Characterisation

Thehomesteadoffarmerswasgenerallysurroundedbythelivestockfacilitiesandhomegardens.Grazingfieldsandforestlandweretheareasmostlyfoundfurtherawayfromthe homestead. Cropping fields were situated in areas where the land was flat andpreferably close to the home garden. Table 1 shows an outline of the main farmcharacteristicsperresourceendowmentgroup(seeappendix2foradetailedoutlineoffarmcharacteristicsperfarm).Lowresourceendowmentfarmersownedonaverage8.4TLUsand0.6haofland,ofwhichover85%consistedofarableland.Noneofthefarmersownedforestland.Eventhoughmostcropproducedwereusedforhomeconsumption,cropswereconsideredthemainsourceofon-farmincome,togetherwithpoultry.Foodself sufficiency was relatively high, with an average of 10.2 months per year. Themediumresourceendowment farmersownedonaverage7.2TLUsand2.3haof land.Land use was mostly allocated to arable and grazing land, however several farmersowned forestedgrasslandaswell. Ina fewcases,unutilised landwaspresentbuthadbeen unused for not more than two cropping seasons. The main source of on-farmincomewerecashcrops.Forboth lowandmediumresourceendowment farmers, themaincropsproducedweremaizeandsorghum.Thehighresourceendowmentfarmersownedonaverage9.4TLUsand4.0haof land.The farmsizewas significantlyhigherthan poorer farmers (p<0.05).Most farming landwas allocated to arable and grazingland and the main crops produced were maize, sorghum and millet. Cattle wereconsidered themost important livestock as dairy and beef productionwere themainsources of on-farm income. Food self-sufficiency was high, with an average of 10.8months.Eventhoughdifferencesbetweenresourceendowmentcategorieswerepresent(e.g.farmsize,numberandtypesofanimals),allfarmershadarelativelyhighfoodself-sufficiency.Onlyinafewcasesfarmersindicatedtheuseofartificialfertilisersandinallthesecases,fertilisers were used only on crop fields. Non of the poorer farmers used artificialfertilisers.ThemostcommonfertiliserusedareDAP(diammoniumphosphate)andNPK(nitrogenphosphoruspotassium).Farmers indicated to apply fertilisers togetherwithmanurepriortoplantingtimeduringboththelongandshortrains.

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Table 1 Mean scores of general farm characteristics: number of tropical livestock units (TLUs), farm size,

land use, main crops produced on farm and food self-sufficiency over the year. Standard deviation is given

between bracketsResource endowment


n = 5


n = 7


n = 8

TLU 8.4(2.7) 7.2(3.9) 9.4(4.1)Farmsize(ha) 0.6a(0.28) 2.3(1.4) 4.0b(3.4)Landuse(%)ArableForestedgrasslandGrazingUnutilised




Maincropsproduced maize,sorghum,cowpeas




crops,poultry crops dairy,beef


10.2(2.1) 9.57(1.1) 10.8(0.7)

a-b Values within a row with different superscripts differ significantly at p<0.05

3.2 Livestock Management

All farmers but one owned small ruminants (sheep, goats or both) and these wereconsidered the most important components of the livestock subsystem. The value ofsmallruminantshasincreasedafterintroductionoftheimprovedbreedingprogrammeby ILRI and more labour has been allocated to small ruminants since then. Table 2shows the number and types of livestock kept per resource endowment group (for adetailed outline of livestock composition per farmer see appendix 3). Poor farmersowned on average 7.6 cattle, 2.2 goats and 3.4 sheep. Chickens were kept by mostfarmers,with an average of 6.6 chickens per farmer, and none of the poorer farmersowned a donkey. Medium resource endowment farmers owned less cattle than poorfarmers(averageof5.3cattle),howevertheyownedsignificantlymoregoats(p<0.05).Theaveragenumberofsheepandchickenswas2.4and12.7, respectivelyandseveralfarmersownedadonkey(averageof1.4donkeysperfarm).Highresourceendowmentfarmersownedonaverage8.3cattle,7.1goats,4.1sheepand24.6chickens.Onlyafewfarmersownedadonkey,withanaverageof0.88perfarm.Forallwealthcategories,thefunctionofsmallruminantswassimilar.Farmersindicatedthat themain production purpose wasmeat and animals were primarily sold as liveanimals through animalmarkets ormiddlemen. Sheep and goatsmainly served as asecurityassetandweresoldwhencashwasneeded.Cattlewerekeptasasecurityassetas well, however the production of milk was seen as the primary asset. Althoughwealthier farmersperceiveddairyproductionas theirmainsourceofon-farmincome,all farmers only sold a relatively small part of themilk produced to themarket. Themajoritywaskeptforhomeconsumption.

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Table 2 Mean scores of livestock composition: types and number of livestock, main income from agricultural activities and whether livestock generates income. Standard deviation is given between brackets

Resource endowment Low

n = 5


n = 7


n = 8

Cattle 7.6(2.70) 5.3(3.09) 8.3(2.14)Goats 2.2(1.64) 9.4(7.30) 7.1(7.02)Sheep 3.4(2.19) 2.4(2.07) 4.1(5.11)Chicken 6.6(5.55) 12.7(15.59) 24.6(21.54)Donkey - 1.4(0.98) 0.88(0.99)Incomegeneratedfromlivestock yes yes yes

Withtheexceptionofonefarmer,all farmsownedcattle.Besidesmilkproductionandfinancialsecurityasset,cattlewerekeptfordraughtpower.Farmersalsoindicatedthatowningcattlewasasignofgoodwealthbutonly fewfarmersstatedthis tobeamainpurpose to keep cattle. Table 3 outlines the number and breeds of cattle kept perresourceendowmentcategoryandwhattypeofhousingandfeedingsystemsareusedduringthedryandrainyseason(seeappendix4fordetailsonthecattlesubsystemperfarmer).Table 3 Mean scores of cattle subsystem: number of animals per breed, housing system throughout the year and feeding system. Standard deviation is given between brackets

Resource endowment Low

n = 5


n = 7


n = 8













a-c Values within a row with different superscripts differ significantly at p<0.05

The low resource endowment farmers owned a relatively large number of cattle, ofwhich on average 6.2 were zebus and 1.4 were crossbreds. These farmers ownedsignificantlymorezebusthanthemediumandhighwealthcategories(p<0.05).Noneofthe poorer farmers owned pure dairy breeds. In general, cattle were kept in aconfinement overnight and grazed freely during the day. During rainy season, stallfeeding increased and animalswere fed primarilywith cut and carry fodder.Medium

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resourceendowmentfarmersownedonaverage2.0zebus,2.9crossbredsand0.4puredairy breeds. Cattle were kept in a free range system, but farmers indicated to feedcattlesomecropresiduesandcutandcarryfodder.Highresourceendowmentfarmersowned on average 2.6 zebus, 4.1 crossbreds and 0.5 pure dairy breeds. Cattle weremostlykeptinafreerangesystemaswell,howevercropresiduesplayedanimportantrole during the dry season and several farmers fed cattlewith some concentrates. Inmost farms, of all wealth categories, animals would graze freely on fallow land androadsides.Severalfarmerskepttheirlivestocktethered,whichwasmostlydoneduringthe rainy season. Among farmers of the threewealth categories, housing and feedingsystemsweresimilareven though functionandproductionpurposesof cattledifferedbetween these groups. However, cattle breeds differed significantly between thesegroups.3.3 Manure Management

Manurewasconsideredanimportantinputtothefarmby19outofthe20interviewedfarmersandwascollectedonaregularbasis(i.e.daily,weeklyorseasonally).Assmallruminantsoftenwereanimportantpartofthelivestocksubsystem,andthusproducedaconsiderable amount of manure, both cattle, sheep and goat manure was collected.Farmers indicated that all manure from the livestock confinement areas would becollected and stored, as well as manure found in the direct area of the farm whenanimalsweretethered.Duringtheday,whenlivestockwouldgrazefurtherawayfromthe farm,manurewas usually not collected.A common reasonwas the lack of labourthatcouldbeallocatedtolivestockandmanureactivities,butfarmersalsoindicatedthatmanurecollectedon-farmwasperceivedsufficientinquantityforuseasfertiliser.Table4 outlines the currentmanuremanagement practices per resource endowment group(fordetailsonmanuremanagementperfarmerseeappendix5).Table 4 Mean scores of manure management: storage, manure cover and type of added materials, time of collection, storage and application, and quantity of manure added as fertiliser. Standard deviation given between brackets

Resource endowment Low n = 5

Medium n = 7

High n = 8

Typeofstorage heap heap/pit heapCover openspace shed/treeshade treeshadeOrganicmaterialsadded treeleaves treeleaves,


Manurecollected daily weekly dailyStorageperiod(months) 10.4(3.6) 7.7(4.1) 5.4(3.2)Addedtosoil(timesyear-1) 5.8(3.6) 7.4(4.3) 5.4(3.2)Quantityaddedtosoil(kghacultivatedland-1)

3015(2936.7) 2489(3163.7) 1163(1482.8)

Betweentheresourceendowmentgroups,farmershadsomeoverlappingmanagementactivities. Farmerseither stored theirmanureonaheapor in apit.Themainorganiccomponents added to manure were tree leaves. The medium and high resource

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endowment farmers indicated to add kitchen waste and some crop residues,respectively. Poorer farmers stored their manure in an open space, whereas farmersfromthemediumandhighwealthcategoryindicatedtoeitherstoretheirmanureunderashedortree.Lowandhighresourceendowmentsfarmerscollectedtheirmanureonadaily basis and added manure to the soil on average 5.8 and 5.4 times per year,respectively (table 4). Most medium resource endowment farmers collected theirmanureonaweeklybasis,butdidaddmanuretothesoilmorefrequently(onaverage7.4timesperyear).Withincreasingresourceendowment,thestorageperiodofmanuredecreased.Largevariabilitywasseenbetweenfarmersonthequantityofmanurethatwasaddedyearlytothesoil(hencethelargestandarddeviationsshownintable4).Thegeneral pattern showed that poorer farmers added most manure to their farms perhectares,whereasthehighresourceendowmentgroupaddedtheleastmanure.Ingeneral,farmersdidnotperceiveadifferenceinqualitybetweenmanurestoredinaheaporpit.However,farmersdidconfirmtheuseofafenceandroofsystemwouldbebeneficial for the quality of manure. This was largely due to protection from rain,sunlightandforagingchicken(thelatterwasexplainedbyanimalseatingtheaddedcropresidues and household wastes). Farmers indicated that the use of manure wasimportant for crop production and that they would invest in manure managementactivitiestoimprovequalityofmanure.Allfarmersviewedincreasedcropproductionasmainresultofapplicationofmanure to their fields.Several farmersalso indicated theimportance of manure for the soil itself, describing it as more fertile soils with anincreasedresistanttodroughts.Whenprovidinginformationaboutmanurequalityandwhether quality could be improved via management, farmers confirmed thatinterventions would help increase manure quality. However, knowledge on how toimprovequalitywasthemainconstraint.Therewasageneralconsensusthatthetypeofstorageplaceinfluencednutrientloss,butfurtherknowledgeoncollectingandhandlingofthemanure,andhowthiswouldinfluencequality,wasnotpresent.Wheninformingabout the main constraints to improvemanuremanagement, most farmers indicatedthat storage capacity, treatment capacity and lack of information were the mainrestrictions. Storage capacitywas an important constraint asmost farmers thought aconstructionneededtobebuildinordertohaveaneffectonmanurequality.Mostly,toprevent the effects of heat and sunlight, but also tomore effectively separatemanurefromdifferentanimalsandkeepawayanimalsthat forageonaddedorganicmaterials.Treatmentcapacityreferstodifferentprocessesformanurepriortoapplicationtofieldsthatpreservesnutrientsorincreasesoverallquality.Abasicmanuretreatmentisaddingof organic materials but more complex, high-tech treatments exist that requiremachineryand therefore,a relativelyhighenergy input.For this reason, farmersviewtreatmentcapacityasamajorconstraint,asonlyhouseholdwastesandtreeleavesarearelatively steady supply of materials that can be added to the manure heap. Cropresiduesareoccasionallyadded,however, this isalsoan important livestock feedthusfarmersmustconsidertrade-offswhenusingcropresiduesforcomposting.Asfarmersconsidermorecomplexmanuretreatmentsdifficultto implementontheirsmallholder

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systems, it is viewed as an important point that inhibits them tomove towardsmoreefficientmanuremanagementpractices.Lackofinformationonhowtoimprovemanuremanagement was an important point for the majority of the farmers. First, generalknowledgewasindicatedtobelimitedasintheareanoadvancedmanuremanagementactivitieswere known to be present. Farmers could thus not pass on knowledge andinformation.Second,lackofaccesstoinformationwasviewedasalimitationaswell,asvillages inNyandodistrict are linkedwith CommunityBasedOrganisations that oftenprovide information on improving farming practices. As these organisations have notprovided information onmanuremanagement, farmers perceived this as a reason fornothavingtherightinformationtoimprovetheirmanuremanagementpractices.Accessto information from external sources was thus viewed as an important aspect whenfarmingpracticesaretobeimproved.Specificquestionsonhowfarmersperceivedtheeffectofcoveringmanurewereasked,as this has shown to be an effective and economicway of improvingmanure quality(Rufinoetal.,2006).Noneofthefarmerscoveredtheirmanurewithaplasticsheet,butthe majority of farmers confirmed that this would improve its quality, as nutrientswouldnotgetlostthroughevaporationandtheplasticlayerwouldpreventthemanureheapfromdrying.3.4 Manure Quality

Fromeachfarm,freshandstoredmanurewascollectedandanalysedonoverallqualityandmacro-nutrient content. In table 5, a summary of the chemical analysis is shown(see appendix 6 for results per farmer). A significant differencewas shown in qualitybetween fresh and stored manure for carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassiumcontent, aswell as pH (p<0.05). The carbon content of freshmanurewas on averagehigher than in stored manure, whereas phosphorus and potassium content showedhigherpercentagesinstoredmanure.Table 5 Summary of chemical analysis of fresh and stored manure. Standard deviation given between brackets

Content (%) Fresh

n = 20


n = 20

Organicmatter 89.5(11.7) 67.6(12.1)Ash 10.5(11.4) 32.4(12.1)Carbon 33.2(6.2) 24.7(6.0)Nitrogen 1.02(0.4) 1.05(0.5)Phosphorus 0.36(0.1) 0.58(0.1)Potassium 0.33(0.3) 0.96(0.5)pH 8.5(0.5) 9.1(0.4)

Betweenresourceendowmentcategories,significantdifferenceswerefoundfororganicmatter,carbon,nitrogen,phosphorusandpotassiumcontentinfreshmanure(p<0.05).Except for potassium, all components were lower in the low resource endowment

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group.Asignificantdifferenceinashcontentwasfoundaswell,asfarmersfromthelowwealth category had a higher ash content in fresh manure. For stored manure, nosignificant differences were found, as nutrient content was similar between wealthcategories.Based on the nutrient content of the fresh and stored manure samples, losses werecalculated for dry matter, and carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Table 6showstheseresultsforthethreewealthcategories(resultsperfarmersareoutlinedinappendix 7). No significant differences in losses between categories were found,howeverlargelossesofnutrientsoccurredinallfarms.Inparticularlossesofdrymatter(onaverage75percent)andcarbonandnitrogen(80and74percent,respectively)werelargewhenstoringmanurefor,onaverage,6months.Table 6 Mean percentages of dry matter and macro-nutrient losses from fresh to stored manure per resource endowment category. Standard deviation given between brackets

Losses (%) Low

n = 5


n = 7


n = 8

Drymatter 62.9(31.4) 79.6(11.8) 76.8(11.2)Carbon 87.2(12.1) 85.3(8.0) 83.7(10.1)Nitrogen 84.5(17.3) 84.1(9.9) 72.6(18.4)Phosphorus 17.2(53.0) 63.3(26.0) 54.5(18.9)Potassium 28.8(29.7) -24.3(110.5) -26.1(99.6)

Phosphorus and potassium showed a decrease as well, however over a quarter offarmershadahigherpotassiumcontentafterstoringmanure,thusrenderingtheoveralldecreasing trend less consistent. No significant differences were found between thethreeresourceendowmentgroupsondrymatterandmacro-nutrientlosses.Basedontheresultspresentedintable6,calculationsweremadeontheamountofdrymatterandthefourmacro-nutrientsthatwereaddedtothesoilperhectarecultivatedland per year. Figures 3, 4 and 5 show the relation between these quantities and thefarm size per resource endowment category. All figures show a similar trend inquantities of nutrients added to the soil per farm. Most farmers of the low resourceendowment category add small quantities of nutrients on relatively small land sizes.However,severalmediumandhighresourceendowmentfarmersaddsimilarquantitiesof manure to their farm while having a larger farm size. As the number of livestockbetween wealth categories do not differ significantly, a similar amount of manure isproducedwhichresultsinlessmanureaddedtothefarmperhectareofcultivatedland.Only few farmers added larger quantities of nutrients to their land, while havingrelativelysmallfarmsizesof1.5hectaresorless.

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Figure 4 Relation between total nitrogen/phosphorus added to soil (kg ha-1 yr-1) and farm size (ha) for different resource endowment groups: blue = low; green = medium; red = high

Farm size (ha)


on a


to s

oil (












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Farm size (ha)



ter a


to s

oil (









Resource Endowment


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Farm size (ha)



m a


to s

oil (









Resource Endowment


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Farm size (ha)




d to


l (kg












Resource Endowment


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Farm size (ha)



us a


to s

oil (











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Figure 3 Relation between total dry matter/carbon added to soil (kg ha-1 yr-1) and farm size (ha) for different resource endowment groups: blue = low; green = medium; red = high

Figure 5 Relation between total potassium added

to soil (kg ha-1 yr-1) and farm size (ha) for different resource endowment groups: blue = low; green = medium; red = high

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3.5 FARMSIM model simulations

ThroughtheFARMSIMsimulationmodel,datawasacquiredontheamountofmanure(expressed in kg dry matter year-1 and kg nitrogen year-1) excreted by the herd.Calculationsweredoneinordertodeterminetheamountofmanurecollectedoneveryfarm.Table8and9showtheseamounts,aswellastheamountofmanureandnitrogenthatwaseventuallyadded(seeappendix8fordetailsonmanureexcretedandcollectedperfarmer).Table 8 Quantity of manure (kg dry matter ha-1 year-1) excreted, collected and added to the farm per

resource endowment group. Standard deviation given between brackets


n = 5 Medium

n = 7 High

n = 8

Excreted 5698.1(5075.8) 2848.2(3257.6) 1755.9(1391.8)Collected 6510.3(8975.6) 9652.2(11147.5) 2983.1(4205.6)Added 2073.8(1738.0) 1831.9(2289.3) 770.0(1119.9)

For the low resource endowment farmers, large losses occur between collection andaddingthemanuretothesoil,henceduringthemonthsofstorage.Asimilarpatterncanbeseeninthehighresourceendowmentgroup,howeveradiscrepancyoccurredastheamountofmanurecollectedishigherthantheamountexcreted(whichwascalculatedthrough FARMSIM). This is also the case for medium resource endowment farmers.However,theresultsgenerallyshowthatlossesoccurfromexcretiontoapplicationandthatmostlossesoccurduringstorageperiod(seefigure6).Forallwealthcategories,thestandarddeviationshowslargevalueswhichcanbeappointedtothelargewithin-groupvariabilityofmanureproductionandcollection.

Figure 6 Relation between quantity of manure excreted and collected (kg DM ha-1 year-1) and farm size

(ha) for different resource endowment groups: blue = low; green = medium; red = high

Farm size (ha)



of m


e co


ed (k

g DM



) 40000.0






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Farm size (ha)



of m


e ex


ed (k

g DM



) 15000.0





Resource Endowment


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The FARMSIM simulation model could not calculate excretion of all macro-nutrients,thus table9and figure7 show the results fornitrogen specifically.Again,most lossesoccurbetweencollectionandapplicationofmanureforall threewealthcategories.Nosignificant differences were found between resource endowment groups. For themediumresourceendowmentgroup,theamountofnitrogencollectedishigherthantheamount excreted indicating a discrepancy between calculations of FARMSIM andfarmers’estimationsofmanure.Table 9 Quantity of nitrogen (kg ha-1 year-1) excreted, collected and added to the farm per resource

endowment group. Standard deviation given between brackets


n = 5 Medium

n = 7 High

n = 8

Excreted 148.6(137.5) 70.7(78.2) 51.1(41.0)Collected 41.9(47.5) 116.8(175.9) 23.6(26.7)Added 17.2(19.1) 14.2(15.2) 8.7(13.7)

Figure 7 Relation between quantity of nitrogen excreted and collected (kg ha-1 year-1) and farm size (ha) for

different resource endowment groups: blue = low; green = medium; red = high

Farm size (ha)



of n


en e












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Farm size (ha)



of n


en c













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Chapter 4: Discussion

4.1 Current Manure Management and Farm Performance

Farmers were grouped intro three different wealth categories in order to determinewhether differences were present in livestock and manure management, marketorientation and farm investments. Furthermore, perspectives on the importance ofcattleandsmallruminants,aswellastheuseofmanureasfertiliserwereassessed.Allfarmersbutone invested time inmanuremanagementandstoredmanure fromcattleandsmallruminantsforlateruseasfertiliser.Manurewasthusseenasanimportantby-product and itwas believed thatmanurewas beneficial for crop production.Mediumandhigh resource endowment farmers generally stored theirmanureunder a tree orshedastheybelievedthiswouldpreventnutrientsfromgettinglost.Thisreasoningwasless present in poor farmers, hence the difference in storage method. This could beexplained by rich farmers often having more knowledge on agricultural practices(Kebebe et al., 2015) and implementing farm practices that are aimed at long-termeffects. Furthermore, high resource endowment farmers stored theirmanure togetherwithtreeleaves,kitchenwasteandcropresidues,whereaspoorerfarmersindicatedtonot add any kitchenwaste or crop residues. Another clear difference betweenwealthcategories was the length of the storage period, which was shorter for wealthierfarmers. Several farmers in the higher resource endowment categories indicated thattheeffectivenessofmanureasfertiliserwoulddeclineifstoredforover6months,hencetheir storage period would not exceed 7 months. This points out wealthier farmersallocatemorelabourtomanuremanagement.Theseresultsindicatethatricherfarmersinvestinactivitiesthatincreasethequalityofmanure.However,thequantityofmanurethat is added to the soilperhectare is greater forpoor farmers compared tomediumand high resource endowment farmers. Despite the fact that wealthier farmers withmorelandgenerallyownmorelivestock,theydonotcollectagreateramountofmanureper hectare.However, the number of livestock per hectare is lower for high resourceendowment farmers,which results in lessmanureproducedperhectare.Additionally,farmerswithbiggerherdsgrazetheircattleonownedorcommunalpasturesformostofthe time. As a result, a large amount ofmanure produced during grazingwill not becollected.Poorfarmersoftenhavetheircattletetheredneartheirhomesteadduringtheday,whichenablesthemtocollectmoremanure.Thelaboratoryresultsshowedadifferenceinnutrientcontentbetweenfreshandstoredmanure.Thecarboncontentwashigherinfreshmanure,whichcanbeexplainedbythestorage period of manure after collection, which is on average between 6 and 12months.Duringstorage,carbonlossesoccurthroughconversionbymicrobesandfungitogaseouscompounds(i.e.CO2andCH4),andalargepercentageoflossestakesplaceinthe first 3monthsof storage (Tittonell et al., 2010b).As storageperiodof all farmersexceededthisperiod,carbonlossescanbeascribedtothis.Phosphorusandpotassiumcontentsofstoredmanurewerehigher than freshmanure,whichwasnot in linewith

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the expectations as nutrients inmanure decline after several months of storage. ThehigherPandKcontentinstoredmanurecanbeexplainedbythemethodofstorageandsample collection. In most cases, stored manure was mixed with soil, which wouldaccumulateovertimewhenmanurewasaddedtotheheap.Especially in farmswithalargernumberofsmallruminants,contaminationwithsoilincreasedasgoatandsheepmanure is difficult to collect without soil (due to size and composition of excreta).Studieshaveshownthatthiscanresultinmanurecontainingupto90%soil(Mugwiraand Murwira, 1997). As a result, nutrients present in the soil are included in thelaboratoryanalysisofthemanuresamples,whichcouldexplaintheresults.Takingthisintoaccount,itcouldbeassumedthatphosphorusandpotassiumcontentsarehigherinfreshmanureoratleaststayrelativelyconstantafterstorage.Thenutrient content of both fresh and storedmanure samples havebeen statisticallyanalysed between the three resource endowment groups. Nutrient content of freshmanure differed significantly between resource endowment categories for carbon,nitrogen and potassium. The low C and N content of manure for low resourceendowment farmers couldbedue to differences in feed availability between resourceendowmentcategories.Poorfarmershadahigherdependenceoncutandcarryfodder(fromoutsidethe farm)andthequalityandquantityof feedavailabledeclinesaroundthe dry seasons. The feed available to wealthier farmers (i.e. own pasture and cropresidues) can differ in quality from poor farmerswhich has an effect on the nutrientcontent(Rufinoetal.,2007).Storedmanuredidnotshowadifferenceinnutrientcontentbetweenfarmers.Thus,N,C, P and K content between wealth categories were similar, indicating the quality ofmanureafterseveralmonthsof storage is thesame, regardlessof initial freshmanurequality(i.e.nutrientcontent).Thiscouldbeexplainedbythestoragemethodsoffarmersthatshowedfewdifferencesbetweenresourceendowmentcategories.Althoughhigherresourceendowmentfarmersdidplacetheirmanureheapunderashedortree,insteadof in the open air, this has proved to not have significant effects on quality of storedmanure(Rufinoetal.,2007;Tittonelletal.,2010b).Itcanthusbeconcludedthatforthe‘endproduct’(i.e.demanurethatwillbeusedas fertiliser),all farmersshowasimilarperformanceand large lossesofnutrients resulted ina lownutrient contentof storedmanure.Thedecreaseinnutrientcontentbetweenfreshandstoredmanurewasusedtocalculatelossesduringexcretionandapplicationofmanure,whichwillbediscussedinthenextsection.4.2 Excretion, Application and Collection of Manure

Nutrient losses from manure can occur during different phases of the manuremanagementcycle(figure2)andestimatesoftheamountofmanurecollected,aswellasthemagnitudeoflossesduringstorageweremade.Additionally,theamountofmanureexcreted by the herdwas calculated using the computer simulationmodel FARMSIM.Thesewillbediscussedbelow.

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The FARMSIMmodel gave an estimation on the amount ofmanure excreted by cattle(bothdrymatterquantityandnitrogenquantity)whichwascomparedwiththeamountcollected by farmers. Results on amounts of excreted manure and data on collectedmanure were not consistent. More manure was collected than was estimated byFARMSIM to have been excreted. There are several reasons that could be ascribed tothisandcouldallexplainthediscrepancyoftheseresults.First,thequantityofmanureaddedyearlytothefarmwasestimatedbythefarmersandexpressedineithernumberof wheelbarrows, bags or buckets. This amount of manure could have beenoverestimated by the farmers or the configuration factor to express the amount ofmanureinkilogramsdidnotrepresentthequantitiesestimated.Second,theassumptionthat ash quantity stayed constant during storage of manure could have resulted inoverestimation of the nutrient losses. Theoretically, this assumption is viable as ashcontent is the fraction thatwill not undergo losses through, for example, evaporation(Matthiessen et al., 2005). However, during the period of storage ash quantity coulddeclinethroughleaching(e.g.afterrainfall)orincreasethroughmixingwithsoil.Inthelatter,totalashcontentinthestoredfractionwillincreaseastheashfractionfromsoilisaddedaswell.Asinthisstudy,soilcouldhavemixedwithmanureduringcollectionandstorage, the total ash quantity could be higher. If this would be taken into account,results of nutrient losses would be lower than the current outcomes. Five farmersindicated that sometimes ash is added to the manure heap which would make theassumption stated above unreliable. These farmers were thus excluded from thecalculations.Third,FARMSIMonlycalculates theamountofmanureexcretedbycattleanddoesnot takeother livestock intoaccount.As all farmersowned small ruminantsandinseveralcases,manureoftheseanimalsmadeupasignificantproportionoftotalmanure collected, the results from FARMSIM are an underestimate of the amount ofmanure available on farm. Lastly, the results from FARMSIM in general could be anoverestimation.Excretedmanureisbasedonfeedintake,feedqualityandbodyweightof the animal. Feed quality was based on data available from the Vihiga district ofwesternKenyaandcouldpossiblynotrepresentthequalityoffeedavailableinNyando.Furthermore,feedintakeandbodyweightoftheanimalswerebasedonestimatesgivenbythefarmersandondataofpreviousresearchinwesternKenya(Rufinoetal.,2007;Tittonell et al., 2010b; Diogo et al., 2013). When taking these factors into account,amountofmanurecollectedcouldbehigherthanthevaluespresentedintheresultsandwouldbeproportionatewiththeamountofmanureexcretedbytheherd.The nutrient content of fresh and stored manure was used to calculate losses fromcollection to endof storage. For carbon this resulted in losses from60 to 89% for allresourceendowmentscategories,whereasnitrogenshowedlossesfrom50to85%.Alsodrymatterlosseswerehigh(60to80%),withnosignificantdifferencesbetweenwealthcategories. Previous studies have shown large losses of nutrients in similar farmingsystemsaswell.Shahetal.(2012)foundcarbonandnitrogenlossesupto67and46%,respectively which was comparable with a previous study by Tittonell et al. (2010b)whofoundcarbonandnitrogenlossesof70and38%,respectively.Althoughresultsof

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this study were on average higher, it does show that in the process from manureexcretion to several months of storage, large losses occur on farm. This is alsounderlined by the quantities of nitrogen thatwere excreted, collected and applied onfarm.Mostfarmersappliedonaverage17kgNha-1,whereastheaverageamountofNexcretedbycattlewas82kgha-1.Theappliedamountisfarbelowtheaverageamountof67kgNha-1neededformaizeproduction(FAO,2006),whichwasthedominantcropproducedbyallfarmers.Most farmers collected their manure on a daily or weekly basis and betweenwealthcategories,differenceswerepresenton the lengthof the storageperiod.Basedon thelosses from fresh to storedmanure, calculationsweredoneon the amountofmanureandnitrogencollectedper farm.Eventhough,asdescribedearlier,discrepancieswerepresenttheresultsshowthatonaveragefarmerscollected42kgNha-1.Theseresultsshowthatfromexcretiontoapplication,largelossesoccurandthatmostfarmershave far lessmanure (and thusnutrients) available thanonaverage requiredper hectare.However, if collection and application ofmanurewould increase farmerscould potentially reach the required level of, at least, nitrogen. Current manuremanagementpracticesdonotprevent largenutrients losses frommanure.Thiscanbeappointedtoseveralaspectsandcoulddifferbetweenresourceendowmentgroupandindividual farm performance. First, wealthier farmers, with a larger farm size andgenerally more livestock, add similar or lower amounts of manure to their farm perhectare compared to poorer farmers. Thus,more land or livestock did not result in abetter performance in terms of amount of manure collected. As such, for wealthyfarmerslargelossesofmanureoccurduringcollectionanditcanbeconcludedthatmostmanure is not collected (table 8). Previous studies have shown that in general, mostmanurewillnotbecollectedbyfarmersinasmallholdersystemwithoutazerograzingunit (Rufinoetal.,2006;Tittonell,2010a).As in thisstudynozerograzingunitswerepresentandlivestockspendalargepartofthedayoutsidethefarm,itislikelythatlargeproportions of manure are not collected at all. Second, all low resource endowmentfarmershadsimilarhandlingandstoragepracticeswithmanurestoredintheopenaironaheap,with limitedadditionoforganicmaterials,andstorageperiodsclosetooneyear. This indicates that losses of nutrients occur due to storage methods as thesepractices contribute toadecrease inmanurequality (Rufinoetal.,2007;Shah,2013).However,methods of handling and storage in higherwealth categories did not differconsiderablyfromthelowresourceendowmentfarmerswhenlookingattheextenttowhich nutrient loss is prevented. Limited shade was provided and manure was stillstored in the open and exposed to external factors. This indicates that for wealthierfarmersaswell,lossesoccurduringstorage.Togetherwithlimitedcollectionofmanure,wealthy farmers can improve their activities along the different steps of the manuremanagementcycle(figure2).

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4.3 Options to Improve Manure Management

ThecriticalstepswherenutrientlossesoccurredareinlinewithpreviousstudiesdoneinwesternKenya(Rufinoetal.,2007;Tittonelletal.,2010b;Shahetal.,2012,Diogoetal., 2013). As such, improved manure management activities that have shown to besuccessfulandeconomicallyviableto implementcouldbepromisingforthesefarmersaswell.Firstofall,differentcomponentsof thestorageplaceplayacriticalrole inthepreventionofnutrient losses.StudiesbyTittonelletal.(2010b)andShahetal.(2012)both showed that covering manure with a plastic sheet could reduce carbon andnitrogenlossesupto50and80%,respectively.Asthiswouldonlyrequirethepurchaseof such a plastic sheet, implementation on smallholder farms is a viable option.Additionally,providingthestorageplacefromaroofandfloorpreventsnutrientsfromgettinglostaswell(Rufinoetal.,2007).However,reductionofnutrientlossescanonlybeestablishedwhenusingmaterialssuchasironsheetsorwood(forroofingmaterial)and concrete (for floormaterial)which couldbeunattractive economically. If farmershavetheresourcestoinvestinanimprovedstorageplace,reductionofnutrientlossescould be up to 40% compared to manure stored in the open (Rufino et al., 2007).Second,thestorageperiodcaninfluencethequalityofmanureconsiderably.AstudybyTittonelletal.(2010b)hasshownthatthemajorityofnutrientlossesoccurinthefirst3monthsofstorage.After6months,therateofnutrientlossdecreasedandbetween10to12 months of storage, no considerable differences occurred. As most farmers in thisstudystoredtheirmanureover6months,nutrientlossescouldbereducedbyreducingthestorageperiod.Thiswouldmeanthatfarmersshouldapplymanuremorefrequentlytotheirplots,whichwouldincreasethelabourallocationtomanuremanagement.Third,adding organicmaterials tomanure increases the totalmass of the compost and hasshown to decrease mass losses over 20% (Rufino et al., 2007). However, significanttrade-offs occur when implementing this activity, as organic materials mostly derivefromcrop residues.Often, smallholder farmers rely on crop residues as feed for theirlivestockandalternativesareoftenlacking.Furthermore,cropresiduesarevaluabletodirectlyenhancesoilqualityaswell.Whenleavingresiduesonthefieldafterharvesting,itbenefitsthesoilthroughwaterretentionandenhancingsoilorganicmatter(Gilleretal., 2002). These two functions of crop residues already form trade-offs within asmallholdersystemandoftenposeachallenge for farmers todecidewhether to leaveresiduesonthefieldorusethemas livestockfeed. Introducingathirdfunction(i.e.ascomponent for manure composting) could make decision making and trade-offassessment too complex and unattractive for farmers. A fourth activity to improvemanuremanagement couldbe to increase the frequencyatwhichmanure is collected(Diogoetal.,2013).Especially forwealthier farmers, thisshouldsignificantly increasetheamountofmanurethatisavailableperhectare.Thiswouldincreaselabourallocatedto manure management as well. In order to determine whether more time can beinvested in manure management, further research should be carried out. Lastly, thestallswherelivestockiskeptduringthenightcouldbealteredinawaythatallowsforabetter collection ofmanure, including urine (Rufino et al., 2007). As urine contains a

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largefractionofthetotalnitrogenexcreted,collectionofurinecouldincreasethetotalcollectedNconsiderably.The above manure management activities all play a role in the efficient retention ofnutrients inmanure. However, interrelation between these activities is present and adecreaseinnutrientlossescouldpossiblyonlybesuccessfulwhencombiningdifferentmanagement strategies. Whether implementation of these novel practices is viablediffersbetween farmersand there isnotonegeneric solutionavailable.Consequently,furtherassessmentwhetherfarmershavethenecessaryresourcestoshifttheirmanuremanagementpracticesshouldbeconductedtosecuresuccessfulresults.

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Chapter 5: Conclusion

Betweenresourceendowmentcategories,differencesinmanagement,decisionmakingandperspectivesonmanuremanagementwerepresent.However,allfarmersincludedabasic form of manure management and confirmed the importance to collect manurefrom their livestock and use it as fertiliser. Higher resource endowment farmers didshowmoreknowledgeonmanuremanagementandinvestedmoretimeandresourcesinordertoincreasethequalityofthemanure.The methods used in this study to calculate nutrient losses and overall manurequantities were limiting in order to accurately outline current farm performance.However,resultsdidshowthatmajornutrientlossestookplaceandthatdifferentstepsin the manure management cycle account for large mass losses of manure as well.Storedmanurelostbetween60to89%ofcarbonand50to85%ofnitrogen.Drymatterlosseswereonaverage60to80%.Consequently,currentmanagementpracticesdonotprovidesufficientnutrients,inparticularnitrogen,thatisneededtoreplenishsoilsafterharvest.Onaverage,82kgNha-1year-1wasproduced,whereas42kgNha-1year-1wascollected and only 17 kg N ha-1 year-1 was applied on farm. Between resourceendowment categories, differences were present where losses occurred but focusshouldbebothonmanure lossesbetweenexcretionandcollection,andcollectionandapplication.Novel manure management activities that have proven to be viable strategies toincrease overall manure quality could be implemented: (1) covering manure with aplasticsheet;(2)improvingfloorandroofofthestorageunit;(3)decreasingthestorageperiod;(4)addingorganicmaterialstothemanureheap;(5)increasethefrequencyofmanurecollection,and(6)improveflooringofstallswherelivestockiskeptovernight.Further research is needed to determine whether farmers have access to theseresources and whether more labour can be allocated to manure management.Additionally, knowledge on how to implement novel activities should be provided inordertocreateasustainablesystem.

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Appendix 1: Indicators included in resource endowment categorisation

Primary indicators Secondary indicators

Cattlebreeds EducationallevelFarmsize(ha)low:0–1.0hamedium:1.1–2.5hahigh:>2.5ha




Off-farmemployment(Y/N) LandstatusTotalnumberoflivestocklow:0–10animalsmedium:11–20animalshigh:>20animals


Cashcrops(Y/N) Rentedland(ha)

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Appendix 2: Detailed outline of general farm characteristics per farmer

Farm Farm



TLU Land use (%) Main






Food self


(months year-1)





BO 0.2 8.6 100 0 0 0 MZ,S,CP poultry 12FAO 0.6 6.7 100 0 0 0 MZ,S crop 10AAO 0.6 11.5 100 0 0 0 MZ,S,CP poultry 12EA 4.0 4.7 60 0 40 0 MS,S, crops 11MO 0.6 10.5 66.7 0 33.3 0 MZ,S,SP crops 10PO 1.0 11.7 60 0 40 0 MZ,S,M crops 10JOO 1.1 7.6 57.7 3.8 38.5 0 MZ,S,M crops,


JPA 2.6 6.6 61.5 0 38.5 0 MZ,S beef 12JO 1.1 6.9 53.6 10.7 35.7 0 MZ,S,SP crops 9EO 0.6 13.7 66.7 0 33.3 0 MZ,SP crops 9HO 1.0 4.9 60 0 40 0 MZ,S,M poultry 7DL 2.1 10.9 76.9 3.8 19.2 0 MZ,S,CP crops 11CK 1.6 13.3 75 0 25 0 MZ,S beef 10JK 9.3 12.2 21.7 0 13 65.2 MZ,S dairy,


WM 1.3 7.0 64.5 3.2 32.3 0 MZ,S,SP dairy 9EM 2.8 12.8 71.4 0 28.6 0 MZ,S beef 10LS 3.2 3.6 62.5 0 37.5 0 MZ,S crops 8KM 9.0 9.4 67.3 1.3 31.4 0 MZ,S,M dairy,


SK 4.9 1.2 58.3 0 41.7 0 MZ,S,CP dairy 11AN 3.8 3.4 21.1 5.3 21.1 52.6 MZ,S crops 10


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Appendix 3: Detailed outline of livestock composition per farmer

Farm Livestock Income generated from livestock (yes/no)

Cattle Goats Sheep Chicken Donkey

BO 8 6 12 YFAO 6 4 3 2 NAAO 11 1 4 YEA 3 17 47 3 YMO 9 3 7 YPO 9 3 12 51 YJOO 6 12 2 37 1 YJPA 5 1 11 5 NJO 5 12 2 5 1 YEO 11 6 5 3 YHO 4 3 4 12 YDL 7 20 5 14 1 YCK 11 7 14 1 YJK 9 20 12 3 NWM 6 10 1 NEM 10 7 1 10 1 YLS 3 3 3 5 2 NKM 8 2 8 YSK 12 60 1 NAN 2 8 2 5 2 Y

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Appendix 4: Detailed outline of cattle subsystem per farmer

Farm Number of cattle Housing systema Feeding systemb

Zebu Cross-




Rainy season Dry season Rainy Season Dry Season

BO 8 FR MG, SS CG, C&C CG, CR FAO 6 MG, SS MG, SS CG, C&C CG, CR AAO 11 FR MG, SS CG, CR CG, CR EA 3 FR FR C&C, CG CR, CG MO 3 6 T FR CG, C&C CG PO 3 6 MG, SS FR CC, CR CR, CG JOO 5 1 T MG, SS CC, GL CG, CR JPA 3 2 MG, SS FR CC, C&C CR, CG JO 3 1 1 T MG, SS C&C, CC CR, CG EO 4 5 2 MG, SS FR C&C, CC CG, CR HO 3 1 FR FR CG, C&C CG, CR DL 7 FR MG, SS C&C, CG CR, CG CK 4 5 2 FR MG, SS GL, C CR, CG JK 3 6 FR FR GL, C&C CG, CR WM 1 5 FR MG, SS GL, C GL, CR EM 10 FR FR GL, C GL, CR LS 3 FR FR GL, C&C CG, CR KM 3 3 2 FR FR GL, C GL, CR SK MG, SS MG CG CG, CR AN 2 FR FR CG, C CG, CR a FR = free range, MG = mostly grazing, SS = some stall feeding, T = tethered b CG = communal grazing, C&C = cut & carry fodder, CR = crop residues, C = concentrates, GL = grazing land

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Appendix 5: Detailed outline of manure management per farmer

Farm Type of


Cover Materials






Added to soil

(times yr-1)

Added to soil

(kg year-1)

BO heap treeshade daily 12 3 1620FAO heap openspace ash;tree

leavesdaily 4 4 900

AAO pit treeshade treeleaves weekly 12 5 1800EA heap shed seasonally 6 4 1350MO heap openspace ash;tree

leavesdaily 12 5 675

PO heap treeshade treeleaves yearly 12 5 900JOO heap openspace monthly 6 5 4500JPA heap treeshade daily 6 3 1800JO pit soil kitchenwaste monthly 12 5 4500EO heap treeshade monthly 12 1 5400HO pit openspace yearly 12 5 1350DL heap treeshade kitchenwaste seasonally 4 4 1500CK heap openspace kitchenwaste seasonally 4 3 4500JK heap treeshade seasonally 4 4 600WM heap shed seasonally 4 4 2700EM pit soil treeleaves daily 6 4 1350LS pit openspace seasonally 12 5 2250KM heap treeshade cropresidues;

leavesdaily 4 4 600

SK heap shed treeleaves weekly 1 3 360AN heap treeshade treeleaves seasonally 4 4 900

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Appendix 6: Chemical analysis of fresh and stored manure samples per farmer (Organic matter (OM), ash and macro nutrients given in percentages)

Farm OM Ash C N P K pH


BO 52.4 57.9 47.6 42.1 18.7 21.8 0.77 1.01 0.63 0.49 0.82 0.44 9.0 8.6FAO 64.7 80.7 35.3 19.3 19.5 25.0 0.46 0.85 0.61 0.43 0.92 0.46 9.3 9.0AAO 93.6 36.0 6.4 64.0 32.2 13.8 0.55 0.18 0.32 0.44 0.27 1.07 8.8 8.9EA 93.6 59.0 6.4 41.0 35.7 31.8 1.57 0.61 0.35 0.60 0.10 1.33 8.4 9.3MO 81.4 74.0 18.6 26.0 22.2 31.1 0.91 1.30 0.25 0.48 0.94 1.47 8.9 8.7PO 93.9 67.8 6.1 32.2 36.6 27.7 1.37 0.80 0.23 0.68 0.25 1.13 8.9 9.1JOO 92.3 70.6 7.7 29.4 36.2 26.8 0.61 1.18 0.46 0.64 0.26 1.45 8.1 9.4JPA 90.7 80.1 9.3 19.9 34.0 27.6 0.98 0.93 0.47 0.82 0.41 0.71 8.6 9.4JO 95.9 61.8 4.1 38.2 38.8 24.2 1.55 1.23 0.30 0.55 0.17 1.51 8.3 8.8EO 88.1 71.9 11.9 28.1 38.8 17.7 1.08 0.45 0.35 0.68 0.27 2.11 8.5 9.3HO 87.5 58.1 12.5 41.9 30.9 22.2 0.96 0.89 0.40 0.62 0.41 0.72 8.8 8.4DL 94.6 72.5 5.4 27.5 36.7 28.4 1.74 2.22 0.43 0.57 0.55 0.80 8.7 9.4CK 96.1 87.4 3.9 12.6 36.3 21.7 0.86 1.41 0.28 0.55 0.11 1.08 8.0 9.7JK 94.1 68.7 5.9 31.3 34.5 29.5 1.03 1.04 0.29 0.54 0.11 1.42 8.4 9.8WM 92.8 49.4 7.2 50.6 33.3 14.3 0.65 0.38 0.35 0.34 0.24 0.52 8.5 8.7EM 96.2 77.1 3.8 22.9 38.5 10.7 0.62 0.19 0.29 0.47 0.17 0.38 8.5 9.1LS 96.7 66.9 3.3 33.1 23.6 1.05 0.25 0.59 0.12 0.65 8.6 9.1KM 94.5 65.4 5.4 34.6 34.1 20.9 1.02 1.00 0.34 0.62 0.27 0.40 7.3 8.9SK 95.6 63.5 4.4 36.5 36.6 30.1 0.84 1.60 0.21 0.68 0.12 0.88 7.9 9.1AN 95.1 83.8 4.9 16.2 37.5 33.7 1.84 1.82 0.35 0.75 0.18 0.73 8.1 9.4

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Appendix 7: Losses of dry matter and nutrients per farmers given in percentages

Farm Dry matter Carbon Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium

BO -13.1 -31.8 -48.3 12.1 39.3FAO -82.9 -134.5 -238.0 -28.9 8.5AAO 90.0 95.7 96.7 86.3 60.4EA 84.4 86.1 93.9 -37.4 -107.6MO 28.5 -0.2 -2.2 -37.4 -11.9PO 81.1 85.7 88.9 44.0 14.4JOO 73.8 80.6 49.3 63.6 -46.1JPA 53.3 62.1 55.7 18.5 19.1JO 89.3 93.3 91.5 80.3 4.7EO 57.7 80.7 82.4 17.7 -230.9HO 70.2 78.6 72.3 53.8 47.6DL 80.4 84.8 74.9 74.0 71.4CK 69.0 81.5 49.3 39.2 -203.9JK 81.2 83.9 81.0 64.9 -143.3WM 85.8 93.9 91.7 86.2 69.2EM 83.4 95.4 94.9 73.1 62.9LS 90.0 76.5 46.0KM 84.4 90.4 84.7 71.5 76.9SK 87.9 90.1 77.0 61.0 11.6AN 69.8 72.8 70.1 35.2 -22.7

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Appendix 8: Results of FARMSIM output per farmer: amount of dry matter and nitrogen excreted, collected and added to the soil (kg ha-1 year-1)

Farm Dry matter Nitrogen Excreted Collected Added Excreted Collected Added

BO 14545.7 4456.1 5038.2 386.8 34.3 50.9FAO 2988.8 521.6 954.0 75.0 2.4 8.1AAO 4801.3 22290.0 2229.0 132.6 122.6 4.0EA 431.2 1671.3 260.9 10.5 26.2 1.6MO 4280.1 1369.7 979.9 107.4 12.5 12.7PO 4305.9 3230.6 612.0 98.5 44.3 4.9JOO 1330.4 12917.6 3383.2 40.9 78.8 39.9JPA 1360.2 1226.6 573.2 41.3 12.0 5.4JO 2721.2 32131.2 3448.6 70.3 498.0 42.4EO 9990.7 14982.7 6345.0 241.0 161.8 28.6HO 1874.4 3914.3 1167.8 41.3 37.6 10.4DL 1826.3 2091.6 410.7 47.3 36.4 9.1CK 3371.7 3689.1 1141.9 125.7 31.7 16.1JK 1364.2 560.0 105.6 43.8 5.8 1.1WM 2651.7 10275.7 1462.2 67.8 66.8 5.6EM 1560.3 1365.6 226.6 40.0 8.5 0.4LS 1126.2 5148.4 513.3 32.1 5.4 5.4KM 618.8 332.8 51.9 14.1 3.4 0.5SK 135.8 542.4 65.4 4.1 4.6 1.0AN 1190.2 1264.6 382.5 25.6 23.3 7.0