The ‘golden kelp’ Laminaria ochroleuca under climate change: integrating crossed eco- 1 physiological responses with species distribution models 2 3 João N. Franco 1,2* , Fernando Tuya 3 , Iacopo Bertocci 1,4 , Laura Rodríguez 5 , Brezo Martinez 5 , 4 Isabel Sousa-Pinto 1,2 , Francisco Arenas 1 5 6 1 CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Terminal de 7 Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões, Av. General Norton de Matos s/n, 4450-208, Matosinhos, 8 Portugal 9 2 Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo 10 Alegre s/n, 4150-181 Porto, Portugal 11 3 IU-ECOAQUA, Grupo en Biodivesidad y Conservación, Marine Sciences Faculty, 12 Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35017, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain 13 4 Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Villa Comunale, 80121, Naples, Italy 14 5 Rey Juan Carlos University, Calle Tulipán sn., 28933 Móstoles, Madrid, Spain 15 16 Abstract 17 1. The loss of marine foundation species, such as kelps, from temperate ecosystems has been 18 documented and linked to climatic drivers and co-occurring human perturbations. Ocean 19 temperature and nutrients typically co-vary over local and regional scales and play a crucial 20 role on kelp dynamics. Examining their independent and interactive effects on kelp 21 physiological performance is essential to understand and predict patterns of kelp distribution, 22 particularly under scenarios of global environmental change. 23 2. Crossed combinations of ocean temperatures and availability of nutrients were 24 experimentally tested on juveniles of the ‘golden kelp’, Laminaria ochroleuca, from the 25

1 The ‘golden kelp’ Laminaria ochroleuca under climate change ... ochroeuc… · 10 2 Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo 11

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Page 1: 1 The ‘golden kelp’ Laminaria ochroleuca under climate change ... ochroeuc… · 10 2 Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo 11

The ‘golden kelp’ Laminaria ochroleuca under climate change: integrating crossed eco-1

physiological responses with species distribution models 2


João N. Franco1,2*, Fernando Tuya3, Iacopo Bertocci1,4, Laura Rodríguez5, Brezo Martinez5, 4

Isabel Sousa-Pinto1,2, Francisco Arenas1 5


1 CIIMAR - Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Terminal de 7

Cruzeiros do Porto de Leixões, Av. General Norton de Matos s/n, 4450-208, Matosinhos, 8

Portugal 9

2 Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo 10

Alegre s/n, 4150-181 Porto, Portugal 11

3 IU-ECOAQUA, Grupo en Biodivesidad y Conservación, Marine Sciences Faculty, 12

Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 35017, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain 13

4Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Villa Comunale, 80121, Naples, Italy 14

5 Rey Juan Carlos University, Calle Tulipán sn., 28933 Móstoles, Madrid, Spain 15


Abstract 17

1. The loss of marine foundation species, such as kelps, from temperate ecosystems has been 18

documented and linked to climatic drivers and co-occurring human perturbations. Ocean 19

temperature and nutrients typically co-vary over local and regional scales and play a crucial 20

role on kelp dynamics. Examining their independent and interactive effects on kelp 21

physiological performance is essential to understand and predict patterns of kelp distribution, 22

particularly under scenarios of global environmental change. 23

2. Crossed combinations of ocean temperatures and availability of nutrients were 24

experimentally tested on juveniles of the ‘golden kelp’, Laminaria ochroleuca, from the 25

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northwestern Iberian Peninsula. Eco-physiological responses included: survival, growth and 26

total N content. Results were combined into a Species Distribution Model (SDM), which 27

relates presence records and climatic and non-climatic data to forecast distribution patterns of 28

L. ochroleuca under different climate change scenarios. 29

3. Temperatures above 24.6 ºC were lethal irrespective of nutrients (high vs. low). Optimal 30

growth of juvenile sporophytes occurred between 12 °C and 16 ºC and no nutrient limitation. 31

The SDM, where ocean temperature was the main predictor of kelp distribution and in line 32

with temperature thresholds given by eco-physiological responses, suggests a future 33

expansion towards northern latitudes and a retreat from the southern limit/boundary of the 34

current distribution of L. ochroleuca. 35

4. Synthesis. Range-shifting of the golden kelp can have severe ecological impacts at regional 36

and local scale. The expansion or retraction of the species along the European coast seems to 37

be modulated mainly by temperature, but nutrient availability would be key to maintain 38

optimal physiological performance. Our work highlights that the combination of empirical 39

and modelling approaches is accessible to researchers to perform and crucial to build more 40

robust predictions of ecological and biogeographic responses of habitat-forming species to 41

current and forecasted environmental change. 42


Tweetable Abstract (120 characters) 44

Distribution modelling and crossed physiological responses of kelp to varying temperature 45

and nutrients regimes reveals high congruence. 46


Keywords: brown seaweed, climate change, Laminariales, macrophytes, modelling, multiple 48

perturbations, nutrients, Portugal, southern Europe. temperature 49


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Introduction 51

There is wide evidence of responses of flora and fauna inhabiting aquatic and terrestrial 52

environments to climate change (Rosenzweig et al. 2008; Burrows et al. 2011; Poloczanska et 53

al. 2013; Pinsky et al. 2013; O’Connor et al. 2015). In particular, shifts in biogeographic 54

patterns have been reported worldwide for terrestrial, e.g. birds and butterflies (Parmesan 55

2007), as well as marine species, e.g. algae and fishes (Perry et al. 2005; Lima et al. 2007; 56

Wernberg et al. 2010, 2015). Indeed, it is well known that species distribution patterns are 57

directly controlled by climate (Pearson & Dawson 2003 and references therein), which has 58

been considered responsible for either expansions at some species’ cool range edges, or 59

contractions at the warm range edges (Chen et al. 2011; Sunday, Bates & Dulvy 2012; 60

Martínez et al. 2012; Cahill et al. 2014). The latter responses may even lead to local 61

extinctions, especially in the case of sessile organisms (Parmesan 2006; Wiens 2016). 62

In the marine realm, temperature drives basic biological processes (Bozinovic & 63

Pörtner 2015), which critically modulate the survival, growth, reproduction and recruitment of 64

macroalgae and, hence, their distribution patterns (Lüning 1990; Izquierdo, Pérez-Ruzafa & 65

Gallardo 2002; Lima et al. 2007; Gómez et al. 2009; Harley et al. 2012). Examples of effects 66

of temperature changes on distribution of seaweeds, from either sporadic heat waves 67

(Wernberg et al. 2013, 2016), or persistent increments in temperature (Lima et al. 2007; 68

Rosenzweig et al. 2008), have been documented across many regions. Concurrently with 69

temperature, the availability of nutrients is a necessary condition in the metabolism of 70

macroalgae (Müller et al. 2009; Gordillo 2012). Ocean warming will probably enhance the 71

stratification of the upper mixed layer, leading to changes in the nutrient availability for 72

primary producers (Behrenfeld et al. 2006). Also, changes in oceanographic processes can 73

directly and indirectly affect nutrient dynamics; for example, in some coastal areas, the 74

productivity of macroalgae depends on the seasonality and/or intensity and frequency of 75

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upwelling events (Graham et al. 2007; Philippart et al. 2007; Black et al. 2011; Lobban & 76

Harrison 2012). Climate change is apparently intensifying upwelling-favourable winds in 77

most eastern boundary systems, but not along the west coast of the Iberian Peninsula, where 78

the intensity of the upwelling regime is weakening (Sydeman et al. 2014) in association with 79

an increase of SST (Lemos & Pires 2004). The relaxation of the spring to late summer 80

upwelling regime along the Iberian Peninsula seems, therefore, to simultaneously affect both 81

nutrient supply and ocean temperatures, with potential consequences for macroalgal eco-82

physiology. For example nutrients directly affect recruitment and survival of juvenile 83

sporophytes of the ‘giant kelp’ Macrocystis pyrifera, particularly during El Niño events 84

characterized by warm and nutrient poor water (Hernández-Carmona et al. 2011). 85

While increasing attention has been recently devoted to the effects of environmental 86

or/and anthropogenic factors on aquatic ecosystems (Halpern et al. 2008; Crain, Kroeker & 87

Halpern 2008; Harley et al. 2012), these were often examined separately and considerable 88

knowledge gaps remain concerning the effects of multiple stressors on species’ functional 89

responses (Wernberg, Smale & Thomsen 2012) Indeed, most marine climate change studies 90

included only a single predictor – often temperature – of species’ distributions, and thus did 91

not explicitly take into account other potential drivers of change ( but see Wahl et al. 2011; 92

Bertocci et al. 2014; Gaitan-Espitia et al. 2014). Understanding the effects of multiple drivers 93

is particularly challenging when their combined effect cannot be predicted from single-driver 94

studies, i.e. there are non-additive interactions (Breitburg et al. 1999, Folt et al. 1999). This 95

mechanistic knowledge, in conjunction with Species Distribution Models (SDMs), can predict 96

shifts in species’ distribution patterns under varying climate change scenarios (Martínez et al. 97

2015 and references therein). By correlating the occurrence of once certain species with 98

climatic and other physical factors, SDMs are a useful tool to predict habitat preferences or 99

distributional changes (Araújo & Guisan 2006). The integration of physiological knowledge 100

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with SDMs into a convergent framework results in more robust predictions (Buckley et al. 101

2011; Wittmann et al. 2016), for example through taking advantage of knowledge on 102

physiological lethal and sub-optimal values to predict areas of absence. However such an 103

approach has been seldom done (but see Martínez et al. 2015). 104

In the last decades, a growing body of literature has addressed changes in the structure 105

and dynamics of several kelp species, including reductions in the stability of populations and 106

regional distributional shifts (Wernberg et al. 2010; Smale et al. 2015; Filbee-Dexter, Feehan 107

& Scheibling 2016). Despite kelps can adjust their physiological performance to 108

environmental variation (Biskup et al. 2014), identifying thresholds of physiological 109

acclimation is essential to understand the impacts of climate change on the distribution of 110

these organisms. 111

Here, we tested in a kelp species whether its ecological responses to physical drivers 112

were consistent with its current distribution range, and anticipated for this species the future 113

range extensions and retractions as predicted by SDMs. Specifically, we assessed 114

physiological thermal thresholds under varying nutrient availability to accurately determine 115

the species’ functional responses (e.g. growth and survival). This information was then 116

combined with SDMs to build up more accurate predictions on the future distribution of the 117

species. We used, as a model organisms, the ‘golden kelp’, Laminaria ochroleuca, a seaweed 118

with relevant ecological functions in the northern hemisphere (Arroyo et al. 2004; Rodil et al. 119

2015). This is a southern-Lusitanic, warm-water, species, being distributed from Morocco to 120

southern UK, and also forming deep-water populations in the Azores, the Gorringe seamount 121

(southwest of Portugal) and some Mediterranean locations (Braud, 1974; van den Hoek, 1982; 122

Birkett et al., 1998; Tittley & Neto, 2000 Bartsch et al., 2008, Assis et al 2014, Ramos et al. 123

2016). This kelp has declined in southern Europe (Fernandez 2011; Tuya et al. 2012; Assis et 124

al. 2013; Voerman, Llera & Rico 2013), while increasing in southern UK (Smale et al. 2015). 125

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These shifts have been typically linked with temperature changes (Fernandez 2011; Smale et 126

al. 2013; Pinho et al. 2015), despite herbivory may also play a critical role on the persistence 127

of kelps from the Iberian Peninsula (Franco et al. 2015). Due to the warm water affinity of 128

this species, we hypothesized a positive relationship between eco-physiological performance 129

(growth, survival, and total Nitrogen content) and experimental warming, until temperature 130

exceeding the optimal levels. The positive effect of moderate increases of temperature was 131

expected to be further enhanced by increased availability of nutrients. Conversely, decreased 132

availability of nutrients was hypothesized to exacerbate, at least in part, the negative effects of 133

temperature approaching the tolerance limit of L. ochroleuca. 134


Material and Methods 136

Algal collection 137

Juvenile sporophytes of L. ochroleuca (10-18 cm in total length, 6.1 ± 3.5 g, mean ± SD) 138

were collected in January 2013 from the shallow subtidal habitat (~5 m depth) at three 139

locations (São Bartolomeu, Amorosa and Viana do Castelo; 41º 34.39” N, 41º 38.47” N and 140

41º 41.93” N, respectively) from northern Portugal. The holdfasts of all individuals were 141

cleaned from sediment and epiphytes in the field, immediately stored in a cool box and 142

transported to the laboratory, where they were kept acclimatized for 7 days in a cooled (14 ºC) 143

and aerated seawater tank (500 L) until the start of the experiment. 144


Experimental setup 146

Eight experimental levels of increasing temperatures were established: 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 147

26, and 28 ºC. The first four levels encompassed the annual average SST recorded from the 148

south of the Portuguese coast to the French Brittany in the last decades (Gómez-Gesteira et al. 149

2008). The remaining levels were chosen to represent high temperature events (22 and 24 ºC), 150

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which L. ochroleuca sporophytes may experience at its southern distribution limit, and its 151

probable upper thermal survival limit (26 and 28 ºC) (Flores-Moya 2012). During the course 152

of the experiment, L. ochroleuca sporophytes were kept in outdoor tanks (four independent 153

tanks per temperature, 60 L each) within temperature-controlled seawater baths to prevent the 154

effects of ambient temperature oscillations. Water temperature was controlled in each tank by 155

using chillers and heaters simultaneously, which are regulated by digital controllers and 156

individual temperature probes (Aqua Medic ® AT Control System controllers, GmbH, 157

Bissendorf, Germany). Temperature and salinity values were monitored daily and evaporation 158

was compensated by adding non-mineralized fresh water when needed. The average 159

temperatures throughout the entire experiment were, respectively for each treatment: 12.3 ± 160

0.17, 15.0 ± 0.17, 18.0 ± 0.14, 20.0 ± 0.20, 22.0 ± 0.23, 24.0 ± 0.25, 25.9 ± 0.17, 28.3 ± 0.25 161

ºC (mean ± SD, n= 1536 measurements). Each temperature was crossed with two levels of 162

availability of nutrients (high vs. low), providing a total of 32 experimental tanks, i.e. two 163

tanks per combination of treatments). The enriched treatment (+Nut) was established by 164

adding, every three days, inorganic N (NaNO3) and P (NaH3PO4) to a final concentration ≥ 35 165

µM N and 5 µM P, respectively. Such values were about three times higher than the highest 166

values recorded in the region (Doval, López & Madriñán 2016), and represented non-nutrient 167

limitation similar to those recorded during upwelling events in coastal regions, i.e. >30 µM 168

(Denny & Gaines 2007). The low level of nutrients (–Nut) corresponded to the lowest values 169

recorded in the region (Doval et al. 2016), and represented a nutrient-limited scenario similar 170

to those found in summer in coastal systems with no land-source inputs. This treatment was 171

established by using seawater specifically prepared before the experiment. This was achieved 172

by maintaining 5,000 L of natural seawater in an aerated tank with macroalgae (L. ochroleuca 173

individuals different than those used in the experiment), naturally consuming nutrients. The 174

concentration of macro-nutrients (nitrate and phosphate) was monitored every 4 days during 175

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one month through the collection of water samples that were immediately analyzed using a 176

colorimetric auto-analyzer (Skalar® SAN Plus Segmented Flow Analyser), using Skalar 177

methods M461-318 (EPA 353.2) and M503-555R (Standard Method IP-450), respectively, 178

and validating the analytical procedures with reference to samples containing known 179

concentrations of each nutrient. When nitrate and phosphate concentrations dropped below 180

3.5 µM, algae were removed and the seawater was filtered and used to fill the experimental 181

tanks allocated to the ‘-Nut’ treatment. A total of 320 juvenile L. ochroleuca individuals were 182

used, i.e. 10 individuals per tank. Each tank was continually supplied with air through the 183

bottom to ensure water movement. Every 9 days, seawater and nutrients were renewed in 184

each tank according to the corresponding treatment. Each tank was cleaned and L. ochroleuca 185

fronds were gently scrubbed to remove overgrowing bacteria and epiphytes. This operation 186

was carried out to minimize potential confounding effects due to shading and/or competition 187

for nutrients by epiphytes. To check nutrient levels, water samples were taken during the third 188

week of the experiment, when it was assumed that the algae had enough time to adapt to 189

experimental conditions. Three replicated samples were taken from each treatment 190

immediately after the weekly water change (initial) and 3 and 6 days later (final) for the +Nut 191

and the -Nut treatment, respectively (see supplementary information, Table S1). The 192

experiment ran for 36 days (from the 1st February until the 8th March 2013), under a natural 193

photoperiod 10:14 light – dark cycle. The irradiance (PAR) was continuously monitored using 194

a HOBO Micro Station with PAR light Smart Sensor (Onset Computer Corporation). To 195

avoid exposure to direct sunlight, all tanks were covered with a neutral fiber glass mesh 196

reducing by 30% incident PAR (see supplementary information, Fig. S1). 197


Growth and mortality 199

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Before the start of the experiment, all L. ochroleuca sporophytes were individually tagged 200

with a cable tie and a numbered plastic ring gently attached to the kelp stipe. During the 201

experimental period, the fresh weight (FW) of each individual was measured at five times, i.e. 202

0, 9, 18, 27 and 36 days since the start of the experiment. Individuals were blotted dried with 203

paper to remove excess of water, weighted, and then returned to their respective tanks. 204

Growth (g FW day−1) was calculated as: Growth = (Wt-Wo)/t, where Wo was the initial fresh 205

weight, Wt the fresh weight at each time, and t the number of days. Kelp individuals showing 206

indentation, decay, or discoloration over more than half of the lamina were considered dead, 207

and so survival was estimated as the proportion over the total number of individuals per tank 208

(Gao et al. 2012).. 209


Total Nitrogen content 211

The Nitrogen (N) content of kelp sporophytes was measured at the end of the experiment. Six 212

individuals were selected at random from each treatment and dried in a convection oven at 60 213

°C for 48 h. After the measurement of dry weight, samples were crushed to a fine powder and 214

the total N content determined through an Organic Elemental Analyzer – Flash 2000 and 215

expressed as %. 216


Analysis of data 218

Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test for effects of temperature and 219

nutrients on the growth (integrated over the entire experiment), and the total N content of L. 220

ochroleuca at the end of the experiment. Each ANOVA included the fixed factors 221

‘Temperature’ (six levels) and ‘Nutrients’ (two levels), with two replicates provided by the 222

average of ten L. ochroleuca individuals per tank. Before each ANOVA, the assumption of 223

homogeneity of variances was checked through the Cochran’s test and data were transformed 224

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if necessary (Underwood 1997). Student-Newman-Keuls (SNK) a posteriori tests were used 225

to compare significant means. We used logistic regression to explore the relationship between 226

survival and covariables encompassing all the individuals along of the experimental eight 227

levels of temperature and two levels of nutrients. Data followed a binomial distribution 228

(dead/alive) and since all the observations have the same or similar event status (monotone 229

likelihood) we have performed a logistic regression using a penalized likelihood method 230

(Hilbe 2015) 231


Species Distribution Models 233

Laminaria ochroleuca presence data were gathered from the Global Biodiversity Information 234

Facility (GBIF) (http://data.gbif.org) and the Ocean Biogeographic Information System 235

(OBIS) (http://iobis.org/es). Additional records were obtained through literature reviews 236

(Gorostiaga, 1981; Izquierdo et al. 1993; Pérez-Ruzafa, 2003), personal observations and 237

communications. A total of 511 presence records of L. ochroleuca were finally compiled and 238

geo-referenced onto a map using ArcGIS 10.1 (Fig. 1). The distribution area included the 239

coasts of Europe and North of Africa restricted by a buffer of 20 Km from the coastline and a 240

bathymetric mask of 40 m depth, encompassing the common depth range of this macroalgae. 241

Environmental data were downloaded as raster layers from the global marine data set Bio-242

Oracle (Tyberghein et al. 2012), rescaled to 0.05 decimal degrees and restricted to the area of 243

study. We initially evaluated the correlation between the available variables, which included 244

the maximal, minimal, mean or range values of the sea surface temperature, calcite, 245

chlorophyll a, diffuse attenuation (turbidity of the water column), dissolved oxygen, pH, 246

salinity, phosphate, nitrate, silicate, cloud cover and PAR (see supplementary information, 247

Table S2), by means of a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (Leps & Smilauer 2003) and a 248

Pearson’s correlation matrix through the software CANOCOTM 4.5 (Ter Braak & Smilauer, 249

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2002). Among the groups of autocorrelated variables (r2>0.80), we selected as predictors 250

those with the highest potential importance for the biogeography of the target species (Lüning 251

et al., 1990). For example, maximum and minimum values were preferred relative to mean 252

values due to their physiological influence (Martinez et al. 2014). The variables selected as 253

potential predictors were: minimum of the monthly averages of sea surface temperature, 254

maximum of the monthly averages of sea surface temperature, chlorophyll a concentration, 255

nitrate, cloud cover and salinity, (see supplementary information, Table S2). We then applied 256

Maximum Entropy Modelling (MaxEnt) to construct the SDM, a method that selects the 257

statistical model which maximize the Entropy of the species probability distribution (Phillips, 258

Anderson & Schapire 2006). Additionally, we built a generalized linear model (GLM) using 259

the R package BIOMOD, a regression-like method that relates presence records and random 260

pseudo absences with environmental layers (Thuiller et al. 2009). The contribution of each 261

predictor variable in the model was analyzed by the MaxEnt permutation importance and 262

percent contribution coefficients, as well as with the variable importance function of 263

BIOMOD. By combining MaxEnt and the GLM, a final reduced model including the most 264

important variables was finally computed. The performance of the models was evaluated 265

using the predicted area under the curve (AUC) tool, provided by the Receiver Operating 266

Characteristic (ROC) curve from MaxEnt (DeLeo & Campbell, 1990). The ROC curve relates 267

the sensitivity or true positives (fraction of presence records that are correctly classified as 268

presences) against the proportion of false positives (1-specifity) (Allouche, Tsoar & Kadmon 269

2006). The performance in BIOMOD was measured by the AUC and the TSS test (i.e., 270

sensitivity + specificity – 1). Models with AUC values higher than 0.85 indicated a good 271

discrimination power (Phillips et al. 2006). Internal data-splitting validation was applied to 272

confirm the variable importance of the final predictors in the training data (70% of presence 273

points) and the consistency of the above evaluation metrics (AUC and TSS). MaxEnt was 274

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used to determine the habitat suitability index for all the study area with the environmental 275

conditions registered from 2002 to 2009, as well as to obtain future distribution projections by 276

using rasters of forecasted physical conditions. The layers extracted from Bio-Oracle 277

contained the information from the UKMO-HadCM3 model, which represents the conditions 278

defined by the A2 scenario described by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 279

(IPCC). The A2 scenario was the more severe compared to the other two provided by Bio-280

Oracle, with temperature increases of 2.6º C and emissions of >800ppm until 2100 (Meehl et 281

al. 2007).The projections were run 10 times and the final projection was built up through 282

averaging of all of them. A binarization of the map was generated by using the equal training 283

sensitivity and specificity logistic threshold, as provided by MaxEnt (Liu et al. 2005), to 284

discriminate the potential areas considered as suitable for the presence of the species and the 285

areas where the species would be absent. 286




Survival, growth and total Nitrogen content 290

At the end of the experiment, L. ochroleuca survival given by the logistic regression equation 291

P (survival)= 1 / 1 + e – (79.964535 + 3.244712 * χ), was significantly affected by temperature but 292

not by nutrients (P<<0.001, Fig. 2, Table 1). No mortality of L. ochroleuca was found 293

between 12 and 22 ºC. The threshold for the 50% survival i.e., the LC50, was 24.6 ºC (Fig. 3) 294

irrespectively of the nutrient treatment. The growth of juvenile sporophytes (Fig. 3; Fig. S2 295

Table 1) was larger under high nutrient concentration, particularly when temperatures were 296

optimal ('+ Nut': mean growth = 4.54-5.57 g FW day-1 at 12, 15 and 18 ºC) and sub-optimal 297

('+ Nut': mean growth = 1.84-2.72 g FW day-1 at 20, 22 and 24 ºC), compared to low nutrient 298

concentration at optimal temperatures ('- Nut': mean growth = 1.63-1.96 at 12, 15 and 18 ºC) 299

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and sub-optimal temperatures ('- Nut': mean growth = 1.31-1.42 g FW day-1 at 20, 22 and 24 300

ºC). The total N content was significantly lower in the '-Nut' than in the '+Nut' treatment 301

irrespective of temperature (Table 1, Fig. 4). 302



Species Distribution Models 305

The final SDM was constructed including the predictors that were ranked as the three 306

variables of highest importance in at least two of the three algorithms, namely: minimum of 307

the monthly average of sea surface temperature (sstmin), the maximum of the monthly 308

average of sea surface temperature (sstmax) and salinity, with a contribution of 57.5, 24.9 and 309

16.8%, respectively (Table 2). All the metrics applied to evaluate this final, reduced, model 310

(AUC-MaxEnt, AUC and TSS from BIOMOD), were > 0.92, indicating a good 311

discrimination power of the models (Table 2). The MaxEnt current predictions showed the 312

highest habitat suitability of L. ochroleuca in the northwestern coast of Spain, followed by the 313

central and northern coasts of Portugal, along with the rest of the north of Spain and the 314

westernmost coast of France and southern UK (Figs. 5A, 5C), representing conveniently the 315

distribution of the species (Sheppard et al. 1978, tom Dieck (Bartsch) & de Oliveira 1993, 316

Pérez-Ruzafa et al. 2003, this study, Fig. 1). The MaxEnt future projections using the A2 317

scenario suggested a partial reduction of the suitable habitat at the southern coasts of Portugal 318

and the north of the Iberian Peninsula along with an increase of the suitable habitat 319

northwards (Figs. 5B, 5D). 320

The minimum sea surface temperature (sstmin), where presence records were 321

registered, ranged from 7.3 °C to 16.3 °C. Maximum sea surface temperature (sstmax)s 322

fluctuated between 15.1 °C and 24.6 °C. Regarding salinity, presence records varied between 323

34.4 psu and 38.2 psu suggesting that the total absence of records of L. ochroleuca in Baltic 324

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region is due to low salinity (< 15 psu) environment (Meier, Kjellström & Graham 2006). 325

These results suggest that the algorithm used by MaxEnt worked close to the real values 326

revealing a strong agreement between both used approaches and support temperature as the 327

main predictor for this species distribution. 328



Discussion 331

In this study, we have combined mechanistic experiments and correlative modeling 332

approaches i.e. stress conditions simulation and Species Distribution Models, liking 333

distributional presences to environmental conditions to reach the overall objective of 334

understanding the way to predict accurate distribution shifts of a kelp species. Although 335

thermal tolerance might diverge in some taxa among different life stages (Lüning 1984), the 336

consequences of lethal thermal limit on one stage e.g. juvenile life stage can be considered 337

representative of the overall negative impact compromising the following ontogenic 338

transitions. Our ecophysiological experiment simulating stress conditions, revealed that kelp 339

mortality was 100% i.e., lethal conditions (LC50), when temperature was above 24.6º C 340

irrespective of nutrients availability. These results match the mean maximal SST the species 341

experience at its southern distributional limit in Morroco (24.6 ºC from presence data, this 342

study) suggesting a southern lethal distributional boundary, in agreement with previous 343

studies (reviewed by Lüning 1990, Izquierdo et al. 2002). The temperatures at which kelp 344

juvenile sporophytes had maxim growth in our physiological experiment (12 and 15º C) 345

matches the values between the lower range of mean maximum SST (~14º C from satellite 346

data) and the upper range of minimum SST (~16º C from satellite data) and are coincident 347

with mean annual water temperature where the species is frequent (high presence) e.g. 348

Galician coast 42ºN 8ºW - 44ºN 8ºW ( J N Franco personal observation, Torres 2003; Piñeiro-349

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Corbeira, Barreiro & Cremades 2016). Physiological responses to temperate were captured by 350

the SDM, which included the latitudinal gradient in mean maximal SST as the main 351

distributional driver, followed by the regional variance in low salinity conditions. Such 352

findings reinforce the present correlative modeling approach as a valuable tool to explaining 353

and predicting macroecological patterns. Moreover, the SDM suggests the importance of 354

winter temperature (i.e., mean minimal SST) in limiting the northern species distribution. 355

Although not tested in our manipulative experiment, this is likely related to the absence of the 356

species at locations with mean minimal SST lower than 7 ºC in the north. Previous research 357

indicated 5º C as the lower temperature limit for this species due to senescence of 358

gametophytes and/or inhibition of reproduction (Lüning 1990; Izquierdo et al. 2002). While 359

temperature can be seen as a climatic variable with latitudinal variation, other non-climatic 360

physical variables e.g. salinity and nutrients can related to local or regional conditions and 361

might exhibit great variation and coupled with the scale resolution might demonstrate high or 362

reduced contribution into species distribution modelling (Guisan & Thuiller 2005; Kearney & 363

Porter 2009). In our study, for example, the importance of salinity in the SDM is related with 364

accentuated salinity differences between areas inside and outside of the Baltic sea which is 365

characterized by mean low salinities < 15 psu (Meier et al. 2006), and L. ochroleuca likely 366

would not survive under these circumstances (Bartsch et al. 2008). 367

By combining SDMs with physiological knowledge on physical inhibiting conditions, 368

we are providing appropriate predictions of a distribution range shift of L. ochroleuca towards 369

northern Europe. Nevertheless, L. ochroleuca can grow in water up to a mean maximum 370

temperature of 22-23° C at the southern distribution limit (this study, Izquierdo et al. 2002; 371

Flores-Moya 2012) and the northern distributional boundary is associated to the 10 ºC winter 372

isotherm (Lüning 1990).The results of the SDMs and physiological performance experiments 373

have shown the same thermal tolerance values: a lethal thermal threshold at 24.6 ºC according 374

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to both, the physiological and the model based on presence records approaches. This 375

congruence in thermal thresholds reinforce the robustness of the SDM-predicted retraction of 376

L. ochroleuca at the southern coast of Portugal and the northern coast of the Iberian 377

Peninsula, along with its potential expansion northwards from its current presence in southern 378

England. Indeed, the already observed contraction e.g. southern Portugal ( J N Franco 379

personal observation, Tuya et al. 2012) are supportive of the results provided by both 380

approaches. Taking into account the reduction in the intensity of upwelling that has occurred 381

along the Iberian Peninsula in the last decades (Lemos & Pires 2004; Llope et al. 2007; 382

Sydeman et al. 2014), predictions of retraction of this kelp in its southern distributional range 383

are likely to proceed. Indeed, several kelp species are widely distributed along the Atlantic 384

coast of Europe, showing a continuous distribution from the Arctic to Brittany, but 385

southwards they are only present within areas of intense upwelling (Lüning 1990). However, 386

factors of difficult inclusion into/captured by SDMs, especially biological interactions, may 387

also play a role in the predicted retraction. For instance, Franco et al. (2015) reported that 388

kelps from warmer, southern, locations along the Portuguese coast are exposed to more 389

intense grazing pressure than kelps from colder, northern, locations. As a result, predictions of 390

expansion of L. ochroleuca northwards of its actual distribution should be made with caution. 391

One common assumption of ecological niche theory is that species distributions are static in 392

space and time, that is, the species occurrence is in equilibrium with its environment (Guisan 393

& Thuiller 2005). During range expansion, however, a pioneer species might not be in 394

equilibrium due to different factors including biological interactions and dispersal limitations 395

(Pearson et al. 2006; Araújo & Luoto 2007). Therefore, it is unknown how much of a species’ 396

suitable habitat, exclusively determined by the species’ requirements and/or tolerances is 397

represented by its current or future habitat (Guisan & Thuiller 2005; Pacifici et al. 2015). 398

Nevertheless expected contracted distributional edges where environmental conditions are 399

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similar to species physiological tolerance, support the trends forecasted by SDMs (Martínez et 400

al. 2015), such as the predictions of our study. 401

Kelp growth was ‘optimal’ at a thermal range between 12 and 18 ºC. A thermal range 402

between 20 and 24 ºC, associated with growth significantly reduced by 48% and 76% (high 403

and low nutrient conditions, respectively) compared to the maximum growth at 15 °C (under 404

the high nutrient condition) was considered as sub-optimal. Temperature and nutrients 405

revealed a non-additive effect of these factors on kelp growth, in contrast with the lack of any 406

nutrient effect on survival. The response of species to abiotic variables is complex and may 407

vary geographically depending on environmental conditions. By combining empirical 408

physiological responses with correlative SDM models we ‘double-check’ and enhance the 409

accurateness of predictions of species’ distribution under climate change (Buckley et al. 2011; 410

Martínez et al. 2015). This is especially evident where, such as in the present study, there is 411

congruence between the species’ environmental responses modelled and its physiological 412

tolerance to a range of compounded perturbations i.e. temperature and nutrients. Aside this 413

congruence, our physiological approach revealed relative importance of nutrients in the kelp 414

performance at optimal and suboptimal conditions that were not captured in SDMs: at optimal 415

temperatures (12-18 ºC), the benefit of nutrient availability was fully taken by the kelp. 416

Outside the optimal thermal range, L. ochroleuca can accumulate reserves of nutrients, but 417

cannot use it to support growth. Similar perennial kelps have also varying nutrient uptake, 418

assimilation and storage capabilities, e.g. exhibiting seasonally periods of growth, to 419

overcome subsequent periods of low resource availability or sub-optimal environmental 420

conditions, e.g. light, water motion (Sheppard et al. 1978; Bartsch et al. 2009; Gordillo 421

2012). The reduction of kelp physiological performance (growth) at low nutrient availability 422

was not negative per se, since kelp growth rate under such circumstance was still positive (> 1 423

g FW day -1). However, if extended periods with low nutrient availability occur, particularly 424

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under high temperatures resulting into reduced growth (such as in this study), the fitness of 425

the individuals will be compromised. This will likely contribute to the erosion of the 426

resilience of kelp populations (Wernberg et al. 2010). The non- inclusion of N as predictor 427

variable in the SDM is congruent with its lack of influence on present physiological 428

thresholds suggesting its low importance in setting the distributional limits of the species. On 429

the other hand, our experiment demonstrated that nutrients are important in supporting growth 430

of kelps especially within optimal thermal conditions. Ecophysiological experiments are 431

expected to capture responses of individuals to different variables that operate at local-432

regional scale and SDMs are aimed to capture latitudinal scale changes and/or distributional 433

limits. Scale size is a major issue for any kind of species distribution modelling (Guisan & 434

Thuiller 2005). In this sense higher resolution models of regional geographic extension should 435

be performed in order to properly capture the ecophysiological response of non-climatic 436

variables such nutrient availably. 437

Our study suggests a future expansion of the golden kelp, L. ochroleuca, towards 438

northern latitudes and a retreat from the southern part of its current distribution. Such range 439

shifts may have severe ecological and economic consequences (see Smale et al. 2013 for a 440

review), including possible effects on fisheries association with kelp forests (reviewed by 441

Bertocci et al. 2015). In particular, any reduction of the spatial distribution of L. ochroleuca 442

will have important ecological consequences since the seaweed is a habitat former enabling 443

the establishment of a large number of animals and provide spawning, nursery and feeding 444

zone for many species of both invertebrates and fishes. Such distributional range shift, with 445

important ecological impacts, might be predicted with greater confidence by combining 446

mechanistic and correlative approaches although this rarely have been done (but see Martínez 447

et al. 2015). Here we have performed ecophysiological experiments executed in a realistic-448

ecological conditions able to be transferable and combined with SDMs using mean monthly 449

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SST as reference to thermal conditions. SST provided by satellite have the ability to detect 450

general patterns of ecological importance and can be used as a good proxy of real 451

environmental conditions (Smale & Wernberg 2009), particularly to marine conservative 452

temperature that usually is not subjected to large oscillations when compared to other 453

variables e.g. aerial temperature in which mean values would be of less precision and thus 454

less representative (Kearney & Porter 2009; Martínez et al. 2015). Although mechanistic 455

SDMs might be considered difficult to construct e.g. due to the requirement of collection of 456

very specific data on an organism traits (within in its environmental context) and extensive 457

field and laboratory validation, in certain cases, research literature from previously 458

experimental work offer useful information that can be used in the construction of better 459

predictions turning this combination of knowledge on thresholds to environmental conditions 460

and correlative SDMs more accessible to researchers e.g. northern distributional temperature 461

limit ( reviewed in Lüning 1990 and used in the pressent study), representing a good chance 462

of improve predictions in marine systems. This is particularly applicable in climate change 463

scenarios where range shift contractions due to physical stress are expected to be mostly 464

physiological and linked to species lethal limits. The experimental approached coupled with 465

modelling demonstrated in this study represents a valid and relatively easy to perform tool to 466

assess species range shifts induced by climate change, especially when both results are 467

congruent, giving support and robustness to future distributional predictions. 468


Acknowledgements. Financial support was provided by the European Regional Development 470

Fund (ERDF) through the ‘Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade’ (POFC-471

COMPETE) within the ‘Quadro de Referência Estratégico Nacional (QREN)’ and the 472

Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the projects ‛Efeitos do 473

clima oceânico na macroecologia e resiliência a perturbações dos povoamentos de kelps’ - 474

OCEANKELP (PTDC/MAR/109954/2009) and a PhD grant (SFRH/BD/84933/2012) to João 475

N. Franco. We are very grateful to L. Ramos, A. Trilla, I. Jacob, R. Silva and V. Modesto for 476

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help with experimental setup and two anonymous reviewers for constructive comments that 477

improved the manuscript. 478


All the authors have no conflict of interest to declare. 480

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Table 1. Summary of ANOVAs results testing the effects of temperature and nutrients on the growth and total N content and results of interactive logistic regression of survival of juvenile sporophytes of L. ochroleuca. SNK tests resolved significant differences for fixed factors when significant. +Nut and –Nut are high and low nutrients concentration, respectively. Ns: non-significant. Significant results are highlighted in bold.

ANOVA resuls

Growth Nitrogen

Source of variation df MS F p df MS F p Transformation




C = 0.436 (Ns)

C = 0.436 (Ns)

Temperature 5 0.1985 6.56 0.003 5 0.0154 2.24 0.117

Nutrients 1 1.6985 56.08 < 0.001 1 0.97 141.48 < 0.001

Temperature X Nutrients 5 0.0568 1.88 0.172 5 0.0016 0.23 0.941

Residual 12 0.0303

12 0.0069

SNK tests Temp & Nut


All Temp: +Nut > -Nut

All Temp: +Nut > -Nut





Regression results

Coefficient Standard Error Chi-square p

(Intercept) 79.964 18.266 <0.001

temperature -3.244 0.754


nutrient 1.71009E-11 27.185 7.74492E-13 0.999

temperature × nutrient -7.09508E-13 1.115 1.07292E-12 0.999

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Table 2. (A) Percent contribution and permutation importance (MaxEnt) and variable importance (GLM BIOMOD) of selected models. Variables in bold were selected for the final model. (B) Results of metrics used to evaluate the models. Values are the same independently of the percentage of points used for training the model (30-70-100%).

(A) MaxEnt MaxEnt GLM BIOMOD

Variable Acronym Percent contribution Permutation importance

Variable importance

Minimum sea surface

temperature sstmin 57.5 72.7 0.405

Maximum sea surface

temperature sstmax 24.9 26.5 0.376

Salinity salinity 16.8 0.0 0.358

Chlorophyll A Maximum concentration

chlomax 3.9 0.8 0.078

Nitrate nitrate 0.7 0.0 0.059

Maximum Cloud cover cloudmax 0.3 0.1 0.0

(B) Valuation test MaxEnt GLM BIOMOD

average test AUC for the 10 replicate runs


AUC 0.99

TSS 0.92

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Figure captions

Fig. 1. Records of the kelp, L ochroleuca, across its distributional range (n=511).

Fig. 2. Survival curve of L. ochroleuca sporophytes at the end of the experimental period

according to experimental temperatures and nutrient levels. Curve fitting is the same for both

nutrient conditions. The horizontal dotted line represents the level of survival probability of


Fig. 3. Growth of L. ochroleuca at the end of the experimental period according to

experimental temperatures and nutrients availability. Error bars are SE of means (n=20).

Fig. 4. Total contents of N of L. ochroleuca sporophytes at the end of the experimental period

according to experimental temperatures and nutrients availability. Error bars are SE of means


Fig. 5. MaxEnt projections, including (A) habitat suitability at present (from year 2002 to

2009), (B) habitat suitability in 2100 (A2 IPCC scenario), (C) presence/absence distribution in

the present, and (D) presence/absence distribution in a future scenario (year 2100).

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Figure 1

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Figure 2

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Figure 3

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Figure 4

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Figure 5

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Supplementary information

Table S1. Mean (± SE, n = 3) nutrient concentrations before (initial) and after (final) weekly water change at 3 and 6 days for high (+Nut) and low (-Nut) treatments, respectively.

NO3 ( μ mol L-1 ) PO4 ( μ mol L-1 )

Temperature (˚C )

Nutrient concentration

initial final initial final

12 High 39.96 ± 0.98 12.69 ± 0.30 5.18 ± 0.40 2.33 ± 0.18

Low 3.49 ± 0.11 0.35 ± 0.01 0.44 ± 0.02 0.09 ± 0.00

15 High 39.74 ± 0.68 11.92 ± 0.20 5.17 ± 0.27 2.07 ± 0.11

Low 3.56 ± 0.13 0.25 ± 0.01 0.45 ± 0.02 0.05 ± 0.00

18 High 39.88 ± 0.14 12.76 ± 0.04 4.92 ± 0.14 2.16 ± 0.06

Low 3.41 ± 0.12 0.27 ± 0.11 0.45 ± 0.02 0.08 ± 0.01

20 High 39.60 ± 0.61 17.82 ± 0.27 5.28 ± 0.08 2.64 ± 0.04

Low 3.54 ± 0.12 0.53 ± 0.02 0.44 ± 0.03 0.10 ± 0.01

22 High 39.70 ± 0.88 21.83 ± 0.48 4.76 ± 0.11 2.62 ± 0.06

Low 3.62 ± 0.11 0.62 ± 0.02 0.47 ± 0.01 0.12 ± 0.00

24 High 41.06 ± 0.82 24.64 ± 0.49 5.33 ± 0.37 3.46 ± 0.24

Low 3.66 ± 0.24 0.73 ± 0.05 0.45 ± 0.02 0.13 ± 0.01

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Table S2. Environmental variables extracted from Bio-Oracle (Table adapted from Tybergheim et al. 2012). Variables in bold were selected by the full model.

Acronym Variable Units Origin Source Original


chlomax Chlorophyll a Max.

concentration mg/m2

Temporal maximum from monthly

climatologies (2002-2009) Aqua-MODIS

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

chlomean Chlorophyll a Mean

concentration mg/m2

Temporal mean from monthly

climatologies (2002-2009) Aqua-MODIS

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

chlomin Chlorophyll a Min.

concentration mg/m2

Temporal minimum from monthly

climatologies (2002-2009) Aqua-MODIS

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

chlorange Chlorophyll A Range mg/m2 Temporal range from monthly

climatologies (2002-2009) Aqua-MODIS

5arcmin (9.2Km)

cloudmax Cloud cover Max % Temporal maximum from monthly

images (2005-2010) Terra-MODIS

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

cloudmean Cloud cover Mean % Temporal mean from monthly

images (2005-2010) Terra-MODIS

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

cloudmin Cloud cover Min % Temporal minimum from monthly

images (2005-2010) Terra-MODIS

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

damax Diffuse Attenuation Max

(turbidity of the water column) 1/m

Temporal maximum from monthly

climatologies (2002-2009) Aqua-MODIS

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

damean Diffuse Attenuation Mean 1/m Temporal mean from monthly

climatologies (2002-2009) Aqua-MODIS

5arcmin (9.2Km)

damin Diffuse Attenuation Min 1/m Temporal minimum from monthly

climatologies (2002-2009) Aqua-MODIS

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

nitrate Nitrate μmol/l DIVA interpolation of in-situ

measurements WOD 2009

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

parmax photosynthetically available

radiation Max Einstein/m2/day

Temporal maximum from monthly

climatologies (1997-2009) SeaWiFS

5arcmin (9.2Km)

parmean photosynthetically available

radiation Mean Einstein/m2/day

Temporal mean from monthly

climatologies (1997-2009) SeaWiFS

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

phosphate Phosphate μmol/l DIVA interpolation of in-situ

measurements WOD 2009

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

salinity Salinity PSS DIVA interpolation of in-situ

measurements WOD 2009

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

sstmax sea surface temperature Max °C Temporal minimum from monthly

climatologies (2002-2009) MODIS

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

sstmean sea surface temperature Mean °C Temporal mean from monthly

climatologies (2002-2009) Aqua-MODIS

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

sstmin sea surface temperature Min °C Temporal minimum from monthly

climatologies (2002-2009) Aqua-MODIS

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

sstrange sea surface temperature Range °C Temporal range from monthly

climatologies (2002-2009) Aqua-MODIS

5arcmin (9.2 Km)

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Figure S1. PAR (hourly means from daily measurements n=36) during the experimental period.




















































Time (h)

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Figure S2. Box and whisker plots showing the growth of kelp sporophytes, according to experimental temperatures and nutrients availability, at 9, 18, 27 and 36 days since the start of the experiment. Whiskers are minimum and maximum and black dotted line is the mean of the growth at each treatment combination (n=20). (+) and (-) are high and low nutrient treatments, respectively.

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Figure S3. Maps representing the areas where the values of the variables: (A) sstmin, (B) sstmax and (C) salinity fall inside the presence threshold determined by MaxEnt.