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    Example of application of response spectrum analysis for seismically isolated

    curved bridges including soil-foundation effects

    Sevket Ates a,n, Michael C. Constantinou b

    a Department of Civil Engineering, Karadeniz Technical University, 61080 Trabzon, Turkeyb Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, 212 Ketter Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260, USA

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:

    Received 3 October 2010Received in revised form

    26 November 2010

    Accepted 1 December 2010Available online 17 December 2010

    a b s t r a c t

    This paper presents seismic behaviour of isolated curved bridges in the earthquake prone regions.

    For the seismic isolation of bridges, double concave friction pendulum bearings are placed betweenthe deck and the piers, and the abutments as isolation devices. A curved bridge is selected to exhibit the

    application for seismic isolation. The mentioned bridge is a three-span featuring cast-in-place concrete

    box girder superstructure supported on reinforced concrete columns found on drilled shafts and on

    integral abutments founded on steel pipe piles. Additionally, the bridge is located on site underlain by a

    deepdeposit of cohesionless material. The drilled shaft-soil system is modelled by equivalent soil springs

    methodandis includedin thefinite element model.The soil modelledas a seriesof springs is connectedto

    the drilled shaft at even intervals.

    The multi mode method of analysis is typically implemented in a computer program capable of

    performing response spectrum analysis. The response spectrum specified for the analysis is the 5%-

    damped spectrum modified for the effects of the higher damping. Each isolator is represented by its

    effective horizontal stiffness with a linear link element.

    Asseenfrom theresultsof theoutlinedanalysis, usageof theisolation devices offerssome advantages

    forthe internal forceson thedeck forthe considered curvedbridge as perthe non-isolated curvedbridge.

    The response spectrum analysis is substantially required to make a decision of the displacement

    capacity of the double concave friction pendulum bearings used in the study.&2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    For bridge applications,contemporaryseismic isolationsystems

    provide horizontal isolation from the effects of earthquake shaking

    to reduce forces. The main function of the seismic isolation system

    is to increase the period of vibration by increasing the lateral

    flexibility in the bridges or other structures.

    Thedoubleconcave friction pendulum (DCFP)bearing is an innova-

    tiveand viable isolationsystemthat is becoming a widespread applica-

    tion for the earthquake protection of structures. The DCFP bearings

    consistof twospherical stainlesssteel surfaces andan articulated slidercovered by a Teflon-based high bearing capacity composite material.

    The concave surfaces may have the same radii of curvature. Also, the

    coefficient of friction on the two concave surfaces may be the same or

    not. Hyakuda et al. [1] presented the response of a seismically isolated

    building in Japan where DCFP bearings are utilized. Experimental and

    analytical results on thebehaviourof a systemhavingconcave surfaces

    of both equal and unequal radii and both equal and unequal coefficient

    of friction at the upper and lower sliding surfaces were presented by

    Tsai et al. [2]. Constantinou [3] and Fenz and Constantinou [46]

    described the principles of operation of the DCFP bearing and

    presented the development of the forcedisplacement relationship

    based on equilibrium. The theoretical forcedisplacement relationship

    was verified through characterization testing of bearings with sliding

    surfaces having the same and then different radii of curvature and

    coefficients of friction. Finally, practical considerations for analysis and

    design of DCFP bearings were presented.

    Few researchers have dealt with the dynamic response of

    straight and curved box girder bridges. Sennah and Kennedy [7]

    highlighted the most important references related to develop-ment of current guide specifications for the design of straight and

    curvedbox-girder bridges. DeSantiago et al. [8] analyzed a series of

    horizontally curved bridges using simple finiteelementmodels and

    reported that thebending moment in girders of a curvedbridge can

    be about 23.5% higher than moments in girders of a straight bridge

    of similar span and design configuration. Mwafy and Elnashai [9]

    carried out a detailed seismic performance assessment of a multi-

    span curved bridge including soilstructure interaction effects.

    Constantinouet al.[10] manifested analysis anddesign proceduresfor

    seismically isolated bridges and examples of analysis and design of

    seismic isolation systems. Ates and Constantinou [11]carried out a

    parametrical study associated with the effects of the earthquake

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    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

    0267-7261/$ - see front matter & 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    n Corresponding author.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Ates).

    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 31 (2011) 648661

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    ground motions on the seismic response of isolated curved bridges

    including soilstructure interaction.

    Soilstructure interaction (SSI) effect on the seismically isolated

    bridges has been also studied by many researchers. Tongaonkar and

    Jangid[12]observed that the soil surrounding the pier has significant

    effects on the response of the isolated bridges and under certain

    circumstances the bearing displacements at abutment locations may

    be underestimated if the SSI effects are not considered in the response

    analysis of the system. Cases in which SSI needs to be incorporated inseismically isolated bridge design are identified and ways to take

    advantage of SSI in order to enhance safety level and reduce design

    costs are recommended by Spyrakos and Vlassis [13]. Ucak and

    Tsopelas[14]found that the results from comprehensive numerical

    analyses show that soilstructure interaction causes higher isolation

    system drifts as well as, in many cases, higher pier shears when

    compared to the bridges without SSI. In the light of the studies, SSI can

    have both beneficial and detrimental effects on the response of the

    isolated bridges dependingon the characteristicsof thegroundmotion.

    The main goal of this study is to set forth the dynamic response

    of isolated curved bridges subjected to response spectrum. The

    soilstructure interaction is also taken into account by springs

    representing the soil beneath footing and drilled shaft. Displace-

    ment capacities of the DCFP bearings are also evaluated.

    2. Double concave friction pendulum bearings (DCFP)

    Thedouble concave friction pendulum bearings aremadeof two

    concave surfaces, which are called upper and lower, and is shown

    inFig. 1.

    Theconcave surfaces mayhavethe same radii of curvature. Also,

    the coefficient of friction on the two concave surfaces may be the

    same or not. The maximum displacement capacity of the bearing is

    2d, where d is the maximum displacement capacity of a single

    concave surface. Note that dueto rigid body andrelativerotation of

    the slider, the displacement capacity is actually slightly different

    from 2d. The forcedisplacement relationship for the DCFP bearing

    is given by the following equation:

    F W

    R1h1 R2h2


    Ff1R1h1 Ff2R2h2

    R1h1 R2h2


    whereWis the vertical load,R1andR2are radii of the two concave

    surfaces, h1 and h2 are the part heights of the articulated slider and

    Ub is thetotaldisplacement (bearing displacement), andthe sum of

    the displacements on the upper and lower surfaces are given by

    Ub 2d Ub1 Ub2 2

    herein Ub1 and Ub2 are the displacements of the slider on the upper

    and lower concave surface, respectively, and the individual dis-

    placements on each sliding surfaces are

    Ub1 FFf1


    R1h1 3

    Ub2 FFf2


    R2h2 4

    In Eqs. (3) and (4), Ff1 and Ff2 are the friction forces on the

    concave surfaces 1 and 2, respectively. The forces are given by

    Ff1 m1Wsgn_Ub1 5

    Ff2 m2Wsgn_Ub2 6

    where m1 andm2 are the coefficient of friction on the concave surfaces1 and 2, respectively; _Ub1 and

    _Ub2 are sliding velocities at the upper

    and lower surfaces, respectively; and sgn(U) denotes the signum

    function. Most applications of the DCFP bearings will likely utilize

    concave surfaces of equal radii, namely, R1R2. In this study, each

    radius is calculated as 88 in. Parts heights of the articulated slider h1and h2 are nearlyequal in most cases. Thus, theeffective coefficient of

    friction is equal to the average ofm1andm2, and is given by

    me m1R1h1 m2R2h2

    R1 R2h1h27

    In Eq. (1), the first term is the stiffness of the pendulum

    component (spring forces) and the second term is the stiffness of

    the friction component. The natural period of vibration is given by

    the following equation:

    T 2p

    ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiR1 R2h1h2


    s 2p


    s 8

    wheregis the acceleration of gravity; and Reis the effective radius

    of curvatures. Eq. (8) shows that the natural period of vibration is

    independent of mass, but it is controlled by the selection of the

    radius of the spherical concave surfaces. The important parameter

    is employed as ReR1+R2h1h24.27 m. It is also shown in

    Eq. (8) that the stiffness of the pendulum depends on the weight

    carried by bearing. Thecoefficient of thefriction of thetwo concave

    surfaces depends on the bearing pressure and is given by

    m1,2 fmaxfmaxfminea9 _vb9 9

    where fmax and fmin are the maximum and minimum mobilized

    coefficients of friction, respectively; and a is a parameter that

    controls the variation of the coefficient with the velocity of sliding.

    Analysis of seismically isolated bridges will be performed for

    each seismic loading case considered (design basis or maximum

    considered earthquake) for twodistinct sets of mechanical proper-

    ties of the isolation system.

    Lower bound properties are defined to be the lower bound values

    of characteristic strength and post-elastic stiffness that can occur

    during the lifetime of the isolators. Typically, the lower bound values

    describe the behaviour of fresh bearings, at normal temperature and

    following the initial cycle of high speed motion. The lower bound

    values of propertiesusually result in thelargest displacement demand

    on the isolators. Upper bound properties are defined to be the upper

    bound values of characteristic strength and post-elastic stiffness thatcan occur during the lifetime of the isolators and considering the

    effects of aging, contamination, temperature and history of loading

    and movement. Typically, the upper bound values describe the

    behaviour of aged and contaminated bearings, following the move-

    ment that is characteristic of substantial traffic loading, when

    temperature is low and during the first high speed cycle of seismic

    motion. The upper bound values of properties usually result in the

    largest force demand on the substructure elements.

    The lower and upper bound values of mechanical properties are

    determined from nominal values of properties and the use of

    system property modification factors. The nominal properties are

    obtained either from testing of prototype bearings identical to the

    actual bearings or from test data of similar bearings from previous

    projects and the use of appropriate assumptions to account for





    d d


    2 The lower concave surface

    The upper concave surface


    Fig. 1. Double concave friction pendulum (DCFP) bearings.

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    uncertainty. Typically, the analysis and design of the isolated

    bridge is based on the available data from past tests of similar

    bearings. The assumptions made for the range of mechanical

    properties of the isolators are then confirmed in the prototype

    testing that follows. If the selection of the range of mechanical

    properties is properly made, the prototype bearing testing will

    confirm the validity of the assumptions and thereforethe validity of

    the analysis and design. Accordingly, modifications of the design

    would not be necessary. Such modifications often lead to delaysand additional costs.

    3. Response spectrum method of analysis

    The method is based on representing the behaviour of isolators

    by linear elastic elements with stiffness equal to the effective or

    secant stiffness of the element at the actual displacement. The

    effect of energy dissipation of the isolation system is accounted for

    by representing the isolators with equivalent linear viscous ele-

    ments on the basis of the energy dissipated per cycle at the actual

    displacement. The response is then calculated by use of response

    spectra that aremodifiedfor theeffect of damping largerthan 5% of

    the critical ones. Given that the actual displacement is unknown

    until the analysis is performed, the methodrequires some iterationuntil the assumed and calculated values of isolator displacement

    are equal.

    The 5%-damped elastic response spectrum represents the usual

    seismic loading specification. Spectra for higher damping need to

    be constructed for the application of multi mode method. Elastic

    spectra constructed for higher viscous damping are useful in the

    analysis of linear elastic structures with linear viscous damping

    systems. Moreover, they are used in the simplified analysis of

    yielding structures or structures exhibiting hysteretic behaviour

    since simplified methods of analysis are based on the premise that

    these structures may be analyzed using equivalent linear and

    viscous representations. The typical approach of constructing an

    elastic spectrum for damping greater than 5% is to divide the 5%-

    damped spectral acceleration by a damping coefficient or dampingreduction factorB:

    SaT,b SaT,5%

    B 10

    whereSa(T,b) is the spectral acceleration at period Tfor damping

    ratio b. Note that the spectral acceleration is the acceleration at

    maximum displacement and is not necessarily the maximum.

    Therefore, it is related directly to the spectral displacement Sdthrough

    Sd T


    2Sa 11

    The damping reduction factor B is a function of the damping

    ratio and may be a function of the period. Eq. (10) is typically usedto obtain values of coefficient B for a range of values of period Tand

    for selected earthquake motions. The results for the selected

    earthquake motions are statistically processed to obtain average

    or median values, which upon division of the value for 5% damping

    to the value for dampingb results in the corresponding value ofB.

    The results are affected by the selection of the earthquake motions

    andthe procedures used to scale themotionsin orderto representa

    particular smooth response spectrum. Furthermore, the values of

    factor B used in codes and specifications are typically on the

    conservative side, rounded and based on simplified expressions.

    The values of factor B recommended by FEMA 440 [15] and

    Eurocode 8[16]are given as follows, respectively:

    B 4







    r 13

    The values of factor B in various codes and specifications are

    nearly identical for values of damping ratio less than or equal to

    30%. This is thelimitof damping ratio forwhichsimplified methods

    of analysis can be used.

    Consider a seismically isolated structure represented as a singledegreeof freedom systemwithmass m, weight Wand lateral force

    displacement relation having bilinear hysteretic characteristics as

    shown in Fig. 2. The system is characterized by characteristic

    strengthQdand post-elastic stiffnessKd. For the friction pendulum

    system, the characteristic properties are defined as below, corre-


    Qd mW 14

    Kd W


    where m is the coefficient of friction at large velocity of sliding. Thedisplacement of the system for an earthquake, which is described

    by a particular smooth response spectrum, can be identified as D.

    The effective period of the system is given by[17,18]

    Teff 2p



    s 16

    Keff Kd QdD



    D 17

    SubstitutingEqs. (14) and(15)) into Eq.(16),the effectiveperiod

    of the system is rewritten as follows:

    Teff 2p


    g=Re mg=D

    s 18

    In addition,the effectivedampingof thesamesystem is given by


    beff 1




    whereEd is the energy dissipated per cycle at displacement D and

    period Teff. For the behaviour depicted in Fig. 2, the energy dissipated

    per cycle is given by

    Ed 4QdDY 20

    where Yis the yield displacement of the system. Assuming Yis equal

    to zero, Eqs. (14), (16) and (17) are substituted into Eq. (19) and the

    effective damping of the system is easily obtained and then given in



    Lateral force


    Fig. 2. Idealized forcedisplacement relation of typical seismic isolation system.

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    more useful form as

    beff 2



    m D=Re


    Itshould benoted that Eq. (21) isvalidwhenYis zero as mentioned

    above. The peak dynamic response of this system may be obtained

    from the responsespectrumassuming that thesystem is linearelastic

    with effective period Teff. Based on the value of effective dampingbeff,

    the damping reduction factor B is calculated. The response of thesystem depending on spectraldisplacement and spectralacceleration

    is calculated as the response obtained for 5% damping divided by

    factor B. However, since the calculation is based on an assumed value

    of displacement D, the process is repeated until the assumed and

    calculated values of displacement are equal. This procedure repre-

    sents a simplified method of analysis that is typically used for seismi-

    cally isolated structures.

    4. Description of example curved bridge

    A curvedbridge is selected to exhibit the application for seismic

    isolation. The bridge was used as an example of bridge design

    without an isolationsystem in the Federal Highway Administration

    (FHWA)Seismic Design Course, Design Example No. 6, prepared by

    Berger/Abam Engineers Inc.[19]. The bridge is to be modelled and

    analyzed in a seismic zone with an acceleration coefficient of 0.7g

    defined by Caltrans[20].

    Theconfiguration of thebridge is a three-span featuringcast-in-

    place concrete box girder superstructure supported on reinforced

    concrete columns found on drilled shafts and on integral abut-

    ments founded on steel pipe piles. The bridge is located on site

    underlain by a deep deposit of cohesionless material.

    The alignment of roadway over the bridge is sharply curved,

    horizontally (1041), but there is no vertical curve. The two inter-

    mediate bents consist of rectangular columns with a cross beam on

    top. The geometry of the bridge, section properties and foundation

    properties are assumed to be the same as in the original bridge in

    theFHWAexample. It is presumed that theoriginalbridge design issufficient to sustain the loads and displacement demands when

    seismically isolated as described herein. The bridge is only used for

    comparing purpose. The following assumptions are also made for

    earthquake analyses of the bridges under consideration:

    Bridge superstructure and piers are assumed to remain in theelastic state during the earthquake excitation. This is a reasonable

    assumption as the base isolation attempts to reduce the earth-

    quake response in such a way that the structure remains within

    the elastic range.

    The deck of the bridge is curved and is supported at discretelocations along its longitudinal axis by cross diaphragms.

    Both superstructure and substructure are modelled as lumpedmass systems divided into the number of small discrete

    segments. Each adjacent segment is connected by a node and

    at each node three degrees of freedom are considered. The massof each segment is assumed to be distributed between the two

    adjacent nodes in the form of point masses.

    Stiffness contributions of non-structural elements such assidewalk and parapet are neglected.

    The force-deformation behaviour of the bearing is considered tobe linear.

    Thebearings provided at thepiersand abutmentshave thesamedynamic characteristics.

    The drilled shaft is represented for all motions using a springmodel with frequency-independent coefficients. The modelling

    of the drilled shaft on deformable soil is performed in the same

    wayas that of thestructure andis coupled to perform a dynamic

    SSI analysis.

    Figs. 37 show, respectively, the plan and its dimensions,

    developed elevation, framing plan, horizontal sections of the

    substructure, section of the superstructure and section at the

    center line of the pier as an intermediate bent. The bridge is

    isolated with two isolators at each abutment and pier location for a

    total of 8 isolators. The isolators are directly located above the cap

    of the rectangular columns and the abutments. Two isolators are

    intentionally used instead of more isolators due to the fact that the

    distribution of load on each isolator is accurately calculated.

    Additionally, the use of more than two isolators per a location

    would have caused difficulties in the calculation of the axial and

    increased the cost.

    Diaphragms in thebox girderat theabutmentand pier locations

    above the isolators are also taken into account, in view of rigidityand self weight in the finite element model of the curved bridge.

    All arch lengths are as per along the center line of the bridge.








    The center line

    of the bridgeThe center line

    of Abutment BThe center line

    of Abutment A

    Pier 1 Pier 2

    Fig. 3. The curved bridge plan and its dimensions.

    Fig. 4. Developed elevation of the curved bridge.

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    5. Modelling of the drilled shaft for piers

    The drilled shaft can be modelled by equivalent soil springs

    method that is illustrated inFig. 8. With the use of this technique,

    the drilled shaft is included in the finite element model, and the

    foundation soil is modelled as a series of springs connected to the

    drilled shaft at even intervals. It should be noted that spring

    stiffness must be accurately selected to represent the best beha-

    viour. The soil springs at each depth are calculated using acoefficient of horizontal subgrade reaction that increases linearly

    with depth and is inversely proportional to the cross sectional

    dimension of the drilled shaft[21].

    A sufficient number of springs should be used along the length

    of the drilled shaft. The springs near the surface are usually the

    most important to characterize the response of the drilled shaft

    surrounded by the soil; thus a closer spacing may be used in that

    region. However, in general springs evenly spaced at about half the

    diameter of the drilled shaft are recommended [19].

    In this study, the diameter of the drilled shaft is 2.40 m and the

    drilled shaft is 18 min length. Consequently, 15 springs areused on

    the center along the length of the drilled shaft. The springs are

    arranged at 1.20 m intervals butat theends thesegmentsare taken

    as 0.60 m in such a way that all the spring constants are calculated

    based on 1.20 m tributary length of the drilled shaft. The men-

    tioned arrangement is implemented such as in Fig. 8. The soil

    properties beneath thefoundation of thebridge aregiven in Table 1

    [19]. Inthistable, g is thetotal unit weight;f is theinternalangleoffriction; cis cohesion and nhis the constant of horizontal subgrade

    reaction. New fill will be required at the abutments. The fill has

    similar properties to the native soil.

    In order to calculate the horizontal stiffness of the equivalent soil

    springs, the coefficient of horizontal subgrade is given below [19]:

    kh nhz

    D 22

    in which z is the depth in reference to the ground surface;D is the

    diameter of the drilled shaft. The horizontal stiffnessof the equivalent

    soil springs based on the coefficient of horizontal subgrade is

    ki khDHtrib 23

    where Htrib represents the height of tributary soil spring. Substituting

    Eq. (22) into Eq. (23), the horizontal stiffness of the equivalent soil

    springs can be rewritten as follows:

    ki nhzHtrib 24

    The horizontal stiffness of the equivalent soil springs is tabu-

    lated inTable 2whereHtribis 1.20 m as per Eq. (24).






    27.25m 27.25m






    Fig. 5. Framing plan of the curved bridge.

    Drilled shaft section:Column section:

    The center line of thepier1 or 2





    The center line of thebridge




    Deck section:


    290cm 280cm 290cm100cm 100cm30cm30cm 30cm 30cm






    Fig. 6. Horizontal sections of the substructure and the deck of the curved bridge.

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    As shown in Fig. 8, vertical movement of drilled shaft isrestrained by an infinitely stiff spring at the base of the shaft.

    Actual vertical resistance occurs via skin friction and end bearing.

    However, for this analysis, the simplification of restrainingonly the

    base of the drilled shaft is felt to be reasonable. Similarly, torsional

    movement of the drilled shaft would be resisted by skin friction.

    However, no torsional restraint was used in the mathematical

    model. Theresponse is notsensitive tothe lack of torsionalrestraint

    in the drilled shaft, and this can be demonstrated by simple

    bounding analyses[19].

    6. Modelling of the foundation stiffness for abutments

    The abutments are modelled with three dimensional frameelements.The abutment is depictedin Fig.9a. The springs represent

    the piles as shown inFig. 9b. The stiffness of the springs is given in

    Table 3 for the vertical, longitudinal, transverse and rotational

    directions as per each connection point between the abutment and

    thepiles, respectively, taking advantage of the design example [19]

    for calculating the stiffness.

    7. Selection and usage of the spectrum

    The response spectrum specified for the analysis is the 5%-

    damped spectrum modified for the effects of the higher damping.

    The ordinates of the 5%-damped response spectrum for values of

    period larger than 0.8Teffare divided by the damping reduction






    Ground Surface




    10% Slope

    Rigid beam


    Fig. 7. Section at the center line of the pier of the curved bridge.



    kr = 0

    kv = Bedrock

    Medium dense, silty





    Ground surface





    Fig. 8. Equivalent soil spring model of the drilled shaft and its geometry and

    element layout.

    Table 1

    Soil properties for the subsurface materials.

    Stratum Depth (m) Soil description g(kN/m3) f (deg.) nh(kN/m3)

    Alluvium 0 to 4100 Medium dense,

    silty sand

    19 34 4000

    New Fill Above grade Medium dense

    sand and gravel

    19 34 6250

    Table 2

    The horizontal stiffness of the equivalent soil springs of the drilled shaft.

    Depthz(m) Spring stiffness

    ki (kN/m)

    0.60 3021

    1.80 9077

    3.00 15,133

    4.20 21,189

    5.40 27,231

    6.60 33,287

    7.80 39,343

    9.00 45,385

    10.20 51,441

    11.40 57,497

    12.60 63,553

    13.80 69,595

    15.00 75,651

    16.20 81,707

    17.40 87,749

    18.00 Rigid

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    factor B forthe effectivedampingof theisolatedbridge.Whereas all

    modes are assumed to be damped at 5%, in this approach, only the

    isolated modes of the structure are allowed the reduction of

    response due to increased damping. Note that the modification

    of the spectrum for higher damping requires that the effective

    period and effective damping in each principal direction should be

    calculated. This is done using the single degrees of freedom system

    of analysis.Fig. 10presents the response spectrum used in multi

    mode analysis of a seismically isolated bridgesupported on thesoil

    profile type C [20]. Forthe soil type, the data accelerationspectrum

    is dedicated in Table 4. The effective period is Teff2.636 s, the

    effective damping is beff0.30 and the damping reduction factor

    B1.82. The ordinates of the 5%-damped spectrum for period

    larger than 2.11 s are divided by factor 1.82.

    Analysis by the multi mode method should be independently

    performed in two orthogonal directions and the results be combined

    using the 10030% combination rule. The two orthogonal directions

    may be any two arbitrary perpendicular directions that facilitate the

    Table 3

    Stiffness of the equivalent soil springs standing for the pipe piles.

    Stiffness Spring location name

    1 and 7 2 and 6 3 and 5 4

    klong (kN/m) 5356 5356 5356 5356Longitudinal translationktrans(kN/m) 4320 4 320 4320 4320Transverse translationkver(kN/m) 608,083 608,083 608,083 608,083Vertical translationkrv(kNm/rad) 152,360 67,720 16,933 0Rotation about vertical axiskrl(kNm/rad) 17,298,935 7,688,420 1,922,320 0Rotation about longitudinal axis

    krt(kNm/rad) 0 0 0 0Rotation about transverse axis

    Note:krv kverd2i krl klongd2i krt ktrand

    2i where di is the distance between the

    center lines of the abutment and the ith pipe pile. In this study, the distance is 180,

    2 180and3 180 cm rangingfrom theinnermost of thepipe pileto theoutermost

    one, respectively.

    Sa(T,5%) Sa(T,5%)



    Period (sec)










    0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.0

    Fig. 10. Acceleration response spectrum curve for soil profile type C.



    540cm 540cm



    End diaphragm


    Pipe piles filled










    1 2 34



    180cm180cm180cm180cm 180cm 180cm

    Fig. 9. (a) The real abutment and (b) the analytical model of the abutment having the equivalent springs representing the soil.

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    analysis. The most convenient is the use of the longitudinal and

    transverse bridge directions. For curved bridges, the longitudinal axis

    may be takenas thechord connecting thetwo abutments. The vertical

    ground acceleration effect can be included, using rational methods of

    analysis and combined using the 1003030% rule. The interested

    reader is referred to Wilson et al.[22]. The procedure is employed in

    this study.

    8. Finite element model of the curved bridge

    The finite elemet model of the curved bridge consists of solid

    elemets having 3 degrees of freedom at each nodal point. They are

    in horizontal and vertical translational directions. In this model, the

    drilled shaft is also included by equivalent soil springs mentioned

    above in such a waythatthe foundation soil is considered as a series

    of springs connectedto thedrilled shaft at even intervals. Thethree

    dimensional finite element models are represented with the

    diagram in Fig. 11. The model generated in SAP2000 [23] has

    9031 nodal points and 5060 solid area elements. In addition frame

    elements are used representing columns, cap beam and drilled

    shafts, and the springs representing soil stiffness. Additionally, the

    DCFP bearings on the abutments and the cap beams of the piers are

    defined using equivalent beam element as well. The super-eleva-

    tion having a slope of 10% is also taken into account in the finite

    element modelin order that torsionalstressesof thegirders arenot

    overlooked. Thecrosssectionalpropertiesof thebridge aregiven in

    Figs. 6 and 7. Additionally, the modulus of elasticity of concrete is

    taken as 3.2 107



    9. Modelling of double concave friction pendulumfor response

    spectrum analysis

    Each isolator may be modelled as a vertical three dimensional

    beam element rigidly connected at its two ends of lengthh, areaA,

    moment of inertia about both bending axes Iand torsional constant

    J. Theelement lengthis theheight of thebearing, h0.30 m andthe

    area is the contact area, which is a circle of 0.25 m diameters. Note

    that the element is intentionally used with rigid connections at its

    two ends so that PD effects can be properly accounted for in the

    case of the double concave bearing.

    To properly represent the axial stiffness of the bearing, themodulus of elasticity is specified to be related but less than the

    modulus of steel, so it can be taken as 1.05 107 kN/m2. The

    bearing is not exactly a solid piece of metal so that the modulus is

    reduced to half to approximate the actual situation. Torsional

    constant is set J0 or a number near zero since the bearing has

    insignificant torsional resistance. Moreover, shear deformations in

    theelementare de-activatedby specifying very large areas in shear.

    The moment of inertia of each element is calculated by the

    following equation:



    12E 25

    where Keff is the effective stiffness of the bearing. The required

    values outlined above for the linear link element for the DCFPbearings are demonstrated inTable 5.

    Response spectrum analysis is performed using the response

    spectrum ofFig. 10for 0.7gafter division by parameterB for periods

    larger or equal to 0.8TM, whereTMis the effective period andB is the

    parameterthat relates the5%-damped spectrum to thespectrumat the

    effective damping. Values of 0.8TMare 2.72 s for lower bound analysis

    and 2.11 s for upper bound analysis. Values of spectral acceleration

    used in theanalysis arepresented in Table 4. The modified values ofthe

    acceleration per the above rule are in grey colour in Table 4.

    Eigen modal and multi mode response spectrum analyses were

    performed in SAP2000 [23]. Figs. 12 and 13 offerthe modeshapes of

    thefirst three modesof vibration of the isolated bridgein the lower

    Fig. 11. Three-dimensional finite element model of the curved bridge.

    Table 5

    The required values of friction pendulum for the response spectrum analysis.



    Parameter Lower bound


    Upper bound


    Abutment Keff(kN/m) 388.76 840.57

    h(m) 0.30 0.30

    E(kN/m2) 1.05 108 1.05 108

    A(m) 0.051 0.051

    I(m4) 9.177 10-9 4.374 10-9

    Pier Keff(kN/m) 781.03 1190.80

    h(m) 0.30 0.30

    E(kN/m2) 1.05 108 1.05 108

    A(m2) 0.051 0.051

    I(m4) 18.436 10-9 28.109 10-9

    Table 4

    Spectral acceleration used in response spectrum analysis.

    Period (s) Spectral acceleration (g)

    Original Vertical Modified for lower

    bound properties

    Modified for upper

    bound properties

    0.05 0.70 0.49 0.70 0.70

    0.05 0.70 0.49 0.70 0.70

    0.10 1.29 0.90 1.29 1.29

    0.24 1.77 1.24 1.77 1.77

    0.30 1.80 1.26 1.80 1.80

    0.50 1.72 1.20 1.72 1.72

    0.75 1.44 1.01 1.44 1.44

    1.00 1.19 0.83 1.19 1.19

    1.25 0.95 0.67 0.95 0.95

    1.50 0.78 0.55 0.78 0.78

    1.75 0.64 0.45 0.64 0.64

    2.00 0.55 0.39 0.55 0.552.10 0.51 0.36 0.51 0.51

    2.11 0.51 0.36 0.51 0.28

    2.25 0.48 0.34 0.48 0.27

    2.50 0.41 0.29 0.41 0.23

    2.60 0.40 0.28 0.40 0.22

    2.68 0.39 0.27 0.39 0.22

    2.72 0.38 0.27 0.24 0.22

    2.75 0.37 0.26 0.23 0.21

    3.00 0.32 0.22 0.19 0.18

    3.25 0.29 0.20 0.18 0.16

    3.50 0.25 0.18 0.15 0.14

    3.75 0.23 0.16 0.14 0.13

    4.00 0.20 0.14 0.12 0.11

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    and upper boundanalyses,respectively. Analyses are performedby

    separately applying the earthquake excitation in the chord, radial

    and vertical bridge directions as defined in Fig. 5. The vertical

    response spectrum is taken as a 70% portion of the horizontal 5%-

    damped spectrum without any modification for increaseddamping

    and then is given inTable 4.

    10. Numerical results for the DCFP bearing

    The results of these analyses are presented in Tables 6 and 7in

    terms of the bearing displacements, isolation shear force and bearing

    axial forces dueto earthquake. Observations to be made in theresults

    of multi mode responsespectrum analysesarethat thedisplacements

    Table 6

    Significant response quantities for the abutments obtained by multi mode response spectrum analysis of the isolated bridge with the DCFP.

    Response name Earthquake direction Properties type of

    the DCFPs

    Chord(100%) Radial(100%) Vertical(100%)

    DM(cm) 37.30 65.50 0.46 Lower bound

    41.12 47.85 0.43 Upper bound

    DTM(cm) ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

    65:502 0:30 37:302 0:30 0:432q

    ffi66 Lower boundffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

    47:852 0:30 41:122 0:30 0:432q

    ffi 50 Upper bound

    Bearing shear force (kN) 159.86 186.02 1.78 Lower bound

    313.85 545.73 3.87 Upper bound

    Bearing axial force (kN) 153.41 865.18 1229.78 Lower bound

    180,59 1081.31 1229.16 Upper bound

    Bearing total axial force (kN) ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

    1,229:782 0:30 865:182 0:30 153:412q

    ffi1260 Lower bound

    ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffi1,229:162 0:30 1,081:312 0:30 180:592q ffi1270 Upper bound

    Mode 1: T1= 2.636 sec Mode 2: T2= 2.530 sec

    Mode 3: T3= 2.087 sec

    Fig. 13. The first three modes of vibration of the isolated curved bridge with upper bound properties of the DCFP.

    Mode 1: T1= 3.400 sec Mode 2: T2= 3.305 sec

    Mode 3: T3 = 2.951 sec

    Fig. 12. The first three modes of vibration of the isolated curved bridge with lower bound properties of the DCFP.

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    of the abutment and pier bearings are different due to the pier

    flexibility effect and the inertia effects in the substructure. Accord-

    ingly, the abutment bearings experience lesser displacement. Max-

    imum axial bearing forces develop when the earthquake excitation is

    in the vertical direction only. Maximum bearing displacement occurs

    whenthe bridge is under the radial directional earthquake. Thisresult

    for earthquake is nearlythe same as theexpected value as 70 cm.This

    is in good agreement in view of selectionof thedisplacement capacity

    of theDCFPbearings recommendedby Constantinouet al. [24].Onthe

    other hand, maximum shear forces at the isolated level are formed in

    case of the bridge isolated by the DCFP bearings is having the upper

    bound properties.

    Tables 6 and 7 show a comparison of significant response

    quantities obtained by the multi mode response spectrum methods

    of analysis. In each type of the analyses,quantity DTMis calculated as

    the vector sum of bearing displacements due to chord, radial and

    Lower Bound Properties

    Upper Bound Properties








    Lower Bound Properties

    Upper Bound Properties8000






    Lower Bound Properties

    Upper Bound Properties

    9060300 9060300

    Bridge Length (m)







    Bridge Length (m)

    9060300 9060300

    Bridge Length (m) Bridge Length (m)

    9060300 9060300

    Bridge Length (m) Bridge Length (m)







    Non-isolated Bridge








    Isolated Bridge







    Fig.14. (a) Bendingmomentaboutthe center lineaxis of theisolated andnon-isolated curved bridgessubjected to verticaldirectional earthquake.(b) Bendingmomentabout

    thecenterline axisof theisolatedand non-isolatedcurvedbridges subjected to chord directional earthquake.(c) Bendingmomentaboutthe centerline axisof theisolatedand

    non-isolated curved bridges subjected to radial directional earthquake.

    Table 7

    Significant response quantities for the piers obtained by multi mode response spectrum analysis of the isolated bridge with the DCFP.

    Response name Earthquake direction Properties type of

    the DCFPs

    Chord (100%) Radial(100%) Vertical(100%)

    DM(cm) 47.00 64.50 2.03 Lower bound

    42.37 47.55 0.20 Upper bound

    DTM(cm) ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

    64:502 0:30 47:002 0:30 2:032q

    ffi 66 Lower boundffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

    47:552 0:30 42:372 0:30 0:202q

    ffi 49 Upper bound

    Bearing shear force (kN) 327.60 345.03 3.02 Lower bound

    408.82 699.71 6.85 Upper bound

    Bearing axial force (kN) 278.98 612.53 2227.11 Lower bound

    297.22 849.92 2226.62 Upper boundBearing total axial force (kN)

    ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi2227:112 0:30 612:532 0:30 278:982

    q ffi2236

    Lower boundffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ffiffi2226:622 0:30 849:922 0:30 297:222

    q ffi2243

    Upper bound

    S. Ates, M.C. Constantinou / Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 31 (2011) 648661 657

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    Lower Bound PropertiesUpper Bound Properties

    Bridge Length (m)








    Lower Bound PropertiesUpper Bound Properties

    Bridge Length (m)








    Lower Bound PropertiesUpper Bound Properties

    90300 60 90300 60

    90300 60 90300 60

    90300 60 90300 60

    Bridge Length (m)









    Non-isolated BridgeIsolated Bridge

    BridgeLength (m)









    Bridge Length (m)








    Bridge Length (m)








    Fig. 15. (a) Torsional moment about the center line axis of the isolated and non-isolated curved bridges subjected to vertical directional earthquake. (b) Torsional moment

    about the center line axis of the isolated and non-isolated curved bridges subjected to chord directional earthquake. (c) Torsional moment about the center line axis of the

    isolated and non-isolated curved bridges subjected to radial directional earthquake.

    Lower Bound Properties

    Upper Bound Properties












    Lower Bound Properties

    Upper Bound Properties100






    Lower Bound Properties

    Upper Bound Properties


    Bridge Length (m)











    Non-isolated BridgeIsolated Bridge









    906030 0

    Bridge Length (m)



    Bridge Length (m)

    906030 0

    Bridge Length (m)



    Bridge Length (m)

    906030 0

    Bridge Length (m)


    Fig. 16. (a) Shear forces of the isolated and non-isolated curved bridges subjected to vertical directional earthquake. (b) Shear forces of the isolated and non-isolated curved

    bridges subjected to chord directional earthquake. (c) Shear forces of the isolated and non-isolated curved bridges subjected to radial directional earthquake.

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    vertical earthquake components combined using the 1003030%

    rule. The axial bearing forces are calculated as the sum of bearing

    axial forces due to chord, radial and vertical earthquake components

    combined using the 1003030% rule. Note that for the case of the

    bearing axial forces the combination used is the one that corre-

    sponds to 100% of vertical earthquake. This case is the worst for the

    DCFP bearings since the axial load becomes the maximum and

    lateral displacement is less than the maximum value. The results

    demonstrate very good agreement with the pre-calculated bearing

    displacement demands.

    Bridge Length (m)







    Lower Bound Properties

    Upper Bound Properties1200












    Bridge Length (m)













    Non-isolated BridgeIsolated Bridge






    906030 0 906030

    Bridge Length (m)


    Bridge Length (m)

    906030 0 906030

    Bridge Length (m)


    Bridge Length (m)

    906030 0 906030

    Fig. 17. (a) Axial forces of the isolated and non-isolated curved bridges subjected to vertical directional earthquake. (b) Axial forces of the isolated and non-isolated curved

    bridges subjected to chord directional earthquake. (c) Axial forces of the isolated and non-isolated curved bridges subjected to radial directional earthquake.

    Table 8

    Structural accelerations of the marked point of the curved bridge (PGA

    0.7g686.70 cm/s2).



    Acceleration (cm/s2)







    Max. Max. Max.


    ax 0.18 0.30 3.78

    ay 88.90 93.85 314.17

    az 1084.91 1082.27 1425.02Chord

    ax 160.22 239.22 1636.93

    ay 1.98 3.43 5.03

    az 13.36 12.32 9.88


    ax 1.96 3.66 5.64

    ay 185.72 420.55 1736.62

    az 214.48 207.06 789.46

    Table 9

    Structural displacements of the marked point of the curved bridge.

    Earthquake direction Displacement (cm)

    Isolated (Lower) Isolated (Upper) Non-Isolated

    Max. Max. Max.


    ux 0.00 0.00 0.03

    Uy 0.25 0.28 2.44

    uz 2.64 2.62 13.13


    ux 46.43 41.73 15.98uy 0.46 0.46 0.05

    uz 0.03 0.03 0.08


    ux 0.46 0.53 0.03

    uy 47.55 65.86 8.28

    uz 0.36 0.33 4.95

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    11. Numerical results of the isolated curved bridge

    As per the results, internal forces for the isolated and non-

    isolated curved bridges subjected to acceleration response spectra

    are clarified withFigs. 1417. The graphics include the lower and

    upper bound properties of the double concave friction pendulum,

    and maximum and minimum values of the internal forces such as

    bending andtorsional moments,and shear andaxial forces forboth

    bridge configurations. The response spectra are separately appliedto theconsidered bridgein thechord, radial andvertical directions.

    Fig. 14ac compares the results of the bending moments about

    radial directionobtainedusing theresponse spectrum method. It is

    noted that the responses obtained at the deck are compared for

    isolated and non-isolated bridge models when subjected to earth-

    quake ground motions. When the vertical directional earthquake is

    applied to the bridge with isolation bearings, the bending moments

    arenearly thesame for the lower andupper boundpropertiescasesof

    the DCFP bearings. But, the differences arise in case the bridge is

    subject to the two horizontal directions. The deck bending moments

    obtained from the response spectrum analysis of the isolated curved

    bridge decreasearound 6590% if these arecomparedwith the results

    obtained for the non-isolated curved bridge. The results clearly show

    that consideration of double concave friction pendulum bearings for

    the isolation of the curved bridges for the response spectrum analysis

    decreases the deck bending moments. Additionally, effectiveness of

    theseismic isolation on the bending momentsof thecurved bridges is

    about in portion as 1015% and in the trend of a decline when the

    bridge is subjectedto thevertical earthquake ground motion.Hence,it

    is not to ignore that the vertical direction of the earthquake is more

    effective on the bridges.

    The outcomes of torsional moment about chord axis of the

    isolated and non-isolated curved bridges subjected to chord, radial

    and vertical directional earthquakes are depicted inFig. 15ac. In

    the light of the figures, it is seen thatthe seismic isolation systemis

    important for reduction of the undesirable torsional effects.

    The reduction of the deck shear and axial forces obtained for the

    isolated curved bridgeis obvious, if theforces arecomparedwith those

    obtained for the non-isolated curved bridge as seen in Figs. 16 and 17.

    It can also be added that the responses by the lower bound

    properties are smaller than the upper bound ones.

    Tables 8 and 9 give an opportunity to compare the structural

    accelerations and displacements on the bridge, which are marked

    inFig. 5. It can be seen that the structural accelerations consider-

    able decrease in case seismic isolation technique is used. However,

    the structural displacements as expected increase compared with

    these of non-isolated bridge.

    12. Conclusion

    This study outlines an investigation about the responses of the

    isolated and non-isolated curved bridges subjected to responsespectra as per Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria, Version 1.4 (2006)

    for magnitude 7.2570.25, 0.7g acceleration and soil profile C. In

    order to seismically isolate the bridge, the double concave friction

    pendulum bearings as isolation devices are placed between the

    deck and the pier/the abutments as isolation devices. Response

    history acceleration of the selected ground motions is considered as

    the earthquake ground motion. The analyses are carried out for the

    isolated and non-isolated bridges, separately. The soilstructure

    interaction is also considered by springs representing the soil

    beneath footing and the drilled shaft surrounding of soil. The

    maximum and minimum response values of the isolated and non-

    isolated bridges are compared with each other for different cases.

    According to the response spectrum analysis, the displacements

    of the abutment and pier bearings are different due to the pier

    flexibilityeffect and inertia effects in the substructure. Accordingly,

    the abutment bearings experience lesser displacement. Maximum

    axial bearing forces develop when the earthquake excitation is in

    the vertical direction of the response spectrum.

    Maximum bearing displacement occurs when the bridge is under

    the radial directional earthquake. Besides, the total maximum dis-

    placement of each bearing is calculated as the vector sum of bearing

    displacements due to vertical, chord and radial earthquake compo-

    nents combined using the 1003030% rule and obtained as nearly66 cm in case the lower bound properties of the DCFP bearings are

    considered. The displacement capacity is overestimated as compared

    to thereference regarding response historyanalysis [11]. Similarly,the

    shear forces at the DCFP bearings level, the accelerations transmitted

    to structures and displacements obtained from response history

    analysis are some of the larger values than those obtained from the

    response spectrum analysis.

    While the structural accelerations are decreased on the bridge,

    spectral displacements are increased due to the usage of the DCFP

    bearings as seismic protectors.

    Finally, it is pointed out that the base isolation of the considered

    curved bridge subject to the response spectra significantly decreases

    the deck responses.


    The authors acknowledge the Scientific and Technical Research

    Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for supporting the studies of Sevket

    ATES at the University at Buffalo.


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