TUESDAY EVENING, CUMBERLAND VALLEY _ SMALL DECREASE IN WHEAT YIELD jGold Star in Flag at Scotland Orphans' School Cfcambersburg, July 30. The Scotland Soldiers' Orphans' Indus- j trial School has placed the first gold ' star in 'its service flag. Harry M. Bender, a graduate of the school and I a member of the 75th Company. Sixth Regiment of Marines, is dead in France as the result of wounds re- | ceived in action. Young Bender, ' after he was wounded and removed I to a hospital, wrote optimistically to i his grandmother, Mrs. Harry Shef- I fier. of Newville. He said. "1 under- took to stop one of the Hun's bullets and it stuck in my ribs." Before his grandmother got the brave youth's I letter he was laid away somewhere 1 in Picardy. PARTY AT KISTER HOMJ3 Dillsburg, Pa.. July 30. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Kinter entertained at their home here on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John \V. Bushey. of Dillsburg: Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Baker and chil- dren. Miss Martha Arndt. of Dills- burg: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kinter. and daughter. Lena Kinter, of Mount Top; Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Bushey. of Mechanicsburg; Mr. and Mrs. ] Seight Nell, and sons. Koy and Ben- I jamin Nail, of Bermindiam; Miss 1 Katie Kinter, of Dillsburg. and Mas- ter Haddeny Boose, of Dillsburg. Cumberland County Farmers Increase Acreage but Find Crop Will Be Reduced Carlisle, Pa.. July 30. With threshing of wheat begun. Cumber- land county farmers who rallied pa- triotically to the call for increased wheat acreage are finding in many instances that while the amount of land cultivated was enlarged there has been a decrease in yield, due partly to weather conditions and extreme cold last winter and also from damase through the Hessian fly in some sections. It has not yet been definitely determined, but it is thought that the total will show something less than 191". In some sections farms which gave over twenty-five bushels per acre last year, this season show less than twenty. 26 COLORED MEN CALLED Carlisle. Pa.. July SO. \u25a0 ? Arrange- ments are being made to send twenty- six colored men from Cumberland county to Camp Custer. Battle Creek. Michigan, on Monday. August 5, in the largest movement of negroes yet scheduled. Of these eighteen are from District No. and eight from District So. 1. This will practically all of the colored men of the 191f registration. ? Plans are being made for a demonstration in honor of the men on Sunday. DRILLING SELECTED MEN Carlisle. Pa., July 30. Home De- base Police in Cumberland county will aid in the training of selected men liable for early call, according to plans being made by the Cumber- land County Council and Committee of Public Safety. The first drills will be held this evening in Carlisle | and it is planned to ha.e similar in- struction extended to a/ sections. j Lemon Juice I For Freckles I Girls! Make beauty lotion at home for a few cent#. Try It! Squeeze the Juice of two lemons Into a bottle containing three ounces of orcbrwd white, snake well, and you have a quarter pint of the best freckle and tan lotion, and com-' plexion beautifier, at very. ?ery small cast. You* grocer has the lemons and any drug svore or toilet counter will supply three ounces of orchard white for a few cents. Massage this sweetly ! fragrant lotion into the face. neck, arms and hands each day and see how freckles and blemishes disap- pear and how clear, soft and white \u2666he skin becomes. Tes! It is harm- 1 less. BACKACHE, LUMBAGO AND RHEUMATIC PAINS VANISH OVERNIGHT I'fttk Century Liniment Always Heady. Just Rub It On. Guaranteed "You can have your money back." I says your druegist. "if 20th Century Liniment doesn.'t drive that soreness. | stifTness, lameness and pain from your tired, aching back and limbs." 20th Century Liniment never dls- | appoints and will neither burn nor blister. It brings quick relief from Neuralgia. Rheumatic Pains and Twinges. Sprains and all soreness of | nerves and muscles. Don't think that because 20th Cen- : tury Liniment doesn't smart, burn and ! blister it isn't doing good. It brings J comforting, soothing relief with the first rub. Try it to-night and see if | you don't fel fit as a fiddle in the > morning. If it doesn't do all and more than we claim for it. take the bottle back to your druggist and he I will return you your money without question. Keep a bottle in the house all the ! time. Tou may need it on short no- j tice. and remember that it is only : sold on the money back if dissatisfied J plan. Your druggist can supply you.? Advertisement. ADDRESS BY STATE SECRETARY Newville. Pa., July 30. George B. Landis of Harrisburg. state secre- ! tarv of the Y. M. C. A., addressed a meeting at the Big Spring Presby- terian Church on Sunday evening. Mr. Landis was recently engaged in V. M. C. A. work at Camp Hancock. Augus- ta. Ga., and spoke of the work the 1 government is doing for the religious needs of young men in the canton- ; ments. An offering of $34.00 was turned over to Mr. Landis for the benefit of the cause. He is a son of Mrs. Mary L. Landis, Big Spring avenue. CARPENTERS RETI'RN TO WORK \\ ay ne*bor. Pa., July 30. The outside carpenters here, who threw down their tools Tuesday morning of last week and refused to work until their enployers granted them an in- crease in wages based upon the re- -1 cent ruling of the War Board, have returned to work, having made a satisfactory agreement with their employers. WORKMAN'S LEG BROKEN Waynesboro, Pa., July 30. Fred King, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman King, living nei| Price's Church, had his right leg broken while engaged at work in the tractor department of i Frick Company, here. A large gear wheel fell upon him. JOHN S. SMALL DIES Waynesboro. Pa.. July 30. John S. Small, a retired farmer, residing at Mont Alto, died of cancer. He was 64 years of age, and is survived by his wife and three children. STOLEN AUTO RECOVERED Waynesboro. Pa., July 30. An au- tomobile stolen at Hagerstown. while the owner was at church, was recov- ered here on Sunday evening when Patrolmen Byers and Bretzler arrested a soldier from Camp Colt at Frick's garage for not having license tags displayed, and also under suspicion of having stolen the car. SOI.DIERS' MEMORIAL SERVICES Sblppenahurg. Pa., July 30. Mem- orial services will be held in Mes- siah United Brethren Church on Sun- day evening, August 4. for John L. Smith, who was killed in action in France. A sermon will be preached by the Rev. J. L Grimm. Friends and relatives, as well as veterans and sons and daughters of veterans will be present. THEY MtST WORK Shtppensburg, Pa., July 30. Sev- eral Shippensburg men who have been loafing have been notified that thev must work, fight or go to jail. A number of these have already re- turned to work. They are others who have pronjised to do so. MRS. LOUISA BARTEL DIES Marietta. Pa.. July 30.?Mrs. Louisa Bartel, widow of Isaac R. Bartel. of Marietta, Pa., died last night suddenly from an attack of indigestion in her S4th year. She was a member of the Methodist Church and since girlhood lived in Marietta. Three children, eight grandchildren and a great-grand- child survive. RED CROSS TO MEET RLain. Pa., July 30.?0n Wednes- day afternoon at 2 o'clock members of the Blain Red Cross Auxiliary \u25a0will meet at the headquarters rooms in North Main street to do special work. At this meeting officers will be elected for the ensuing year. VICTOR RECORDS You Should Hear . Instant S H" At Troup's Ground 11 u are har <J to please ask to hear the following gems Floor selected by our record experts s j We'll Gladly Play Them For You 74558 I Puritani Amellla Galli-Curci 8-4778 Little Mother of Mine John McCormack 64729 Darling Nellie Gray Alma Gluck and Quartet 70120 From North, South, East and West...Harry Lauder 18427 Sweet Little Bnttercnp Shannon Inr Homeward Bound Quartet 18399 Will You Remember... Alice Green and Ray Dixon Just a Voice to Call Me Dear Alice Green 18450 Sweet Emallne. My Gal.. Senrt.Market's Orchestra While the Incense Is Burning, Earl Fuller's Orchestra 18430 Liberty Loan March Sousn's Band U, S. Field Artillery March Sousa's Band 35666 Gems from "Jack-o'-Lantern" ..-..Victor Opera Co. Gems from "Leave It to Jane" .... Victor Opera Co. Music Roll Song Hits Price 60c Each Words are printed on every roll for you to sing as you play. These are the big hits; be sure and hfcar them played. Mail orders should include parcel post charges. * # I Cheer Up, Mother i Hello, Central, Gfrre Me No Indianola j Man's Land Allies' National Airs ! Ju *j Dcf ol * ' the Battle, . _ Mother Long Boy Three Wonderful Letters My Sweetie From Home Baby's Prayer at Twilight Dark town Strutters' Ball Are Yon From Heaven? | Break the News to Mother J. H. Music House Troup Building IS S. Market Square ? ' "\u25a0 Suburban Notes MILLERSTOWN The Rev. S. F. Rounsley. of Wrightsvllle. visited relative! her* on Thursday. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rlppman, of Mlllerstown, at the Polyclinic Hospital, Harris- burg, on July 24, 1918. The Rev. C. A. Waltman and family, are camping at their cottage at Tus- carora. Mrs. J. B. Parsons, of Port Royal, spent the week-end with her sisters, Mrs. W. C. Moore and Miss Sarah Kipp. Mrs. Robert Hopple was at Harrls- burg recently. HALIFAX Mrs. William Buell and son, Wil- liam, of Washington, D. C., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Potter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller and baby, of Millersburg, spent the Sab- bath at the home of Mrs. Jane Miller. Alfred Clemson, of Camp Meade. Md.. visited his home here on Sunday. Miss Bethel Wilbert, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Lydia Wilbert. Mrs. William Lebo and children, of Harrisburg. are visiting her mother, Mrs. C. C. Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Louden, of Mil- lersburg, spent over Sunday with Mrs. Emma Hess. * John Beitzel was home from Car- lisle on Sunday visiting his parents. Professor and Mrs. S. C. Beitzel. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Pike, of Hum- melstown, visited town friends Sun- day. John Arnold, who was Injured Sat- urday in a motorcycle accident near . Coxestown and who was taken to the Harrisburg Hospital for treatment, returned to his home here on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ketm, of Harris- burg, spent Sunday with Mrs. Clara Westfall. C. A. Cratzer was home from At- lantic City on Sunday. Mr. Mrs. Isaiah Pottiger vis- ited relatives at Jacksonville on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Steffen and children, visited Mrs. Steffen's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Baker at Mil- lersburg over Sunday. Miss Anna Biever, of Palmyra, was the week-end guest of her mother. Mrs. James Biever. Miss Sarah Adams, of Newport, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cooper on Sunday. Mrs. Adam Hoffman, of Harrisburg. spent several days the past week at the home of her brother, Samuel L. Brubaker. Mrs. Mary Troutman visited rela- tives at Millersburg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chubb, of Har- risburg, visited Mr. and" Mrs. Tobias Wolfgang on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Nace, of Har- risburg. spent Sunday at the home of Cornelius Koppenlu-ffer. , Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Louder* milch and Mrs. C. B. Wilbert visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Loudermilch at Enders on Sunday. LEWIS BERRY Edward Erney, of Chicago, 111., formerly of the borough, is spend- ing a few days' vacation with his brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Erney. Mrs. Purvis, wife of the Rev. Dr. Samuel W. Purvis, a Methodist min- ister. of Philadelphia, who is spend- ing several months with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hammond, left on Saturday and is visiting at Harris- burg, the guest of the Misses Mary, Sara and Alda Bratten. of 308 North street. DI'XCAXXOX John Fritz has secured a position with the Pennsylvania Railroad Com- pany at Marysvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Emory Campbell and three children, of Harrisburg. were recent guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob McKelvey have removed from Marysvilte to Mrs. Anna Luken's property on North Mar- ket street, which she purchased re- cently of the Mrs. Elizabeth J. Johns- ton, deceased heirs. Miss Hazel Bolden. of Harrisburg, Is spending some time here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John A Mutzabaugh. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Harper and children, of Chambersburg, were week-end guests at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. W. H. Richter. BLAIK E. M. Kell. of Plainfleld, visited his father, Justice of the Peace R. H. Kell over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Mumma and baby, of Harrisburg and Mrs. 'L. R. Welbley and daughter, Opal, of Ber- wick, are visiting J. Harvey Wallace, the ladies' father. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Klster and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Miller and two children, of near Carlisle, spent Sun- day with J. I. Rickard. Miss Catherine Bernhelsel, of New Bloomfield, spent Sunday with Miss Edith Bistline. John L. Wilt, of lowa, and C. R. Wilt, of Harrisburg, visited friends here. Warren Sheaffer has returned from Harrisburg. Miss Gwendolyn Elder, of Harris- burg, visited her sister, Mrs. W. C. Koons. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Strausser and John Minich. of Philadelphia, are the guests of John Elchelberger, mak- ing the trip here by auto. AKHTILLE Word has been received here of the arrival of Chaplain P. M. Holde- man in France. Miss Reba Lehman is spending sev- eral months at Philadelphia. Mr*. George Stein and daughter, Kathrine, returned after spending a short time in West Virginia and Maryland. Miss Alma Light is spending sev- eral weeks at Altoona, the guest of her sister. Misses Ella Brightbill and Emma Bomberger spent several days at Mount Gretna. The Annville Sunday School picnic will be held at Hershey Park to- morrow. Mrs. George Kinports and Miss Bessie Kinports have returned to their home here, after spending sev- eral weeks at Reading. Mrs. Mary Stehman entertained a number of guests on Friday afternoon in honor of Mrs. Chatles Pennypack- er, of Ardmore. ' Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bachman and Miss Virgle Bachman spent Sunday at Harrisburg. A community meeting was held on the college oampus on Thursday evening. Masters Robert Kreider and Shep- hard Whitman spent Saturday at Mount GreCna. Phllo Statton. of the United States Navy, spent a short furlough here. NEW COUNCIL CHAMBER Halifax. Pa., July 30.?At a meet- ; ing of Helifax borough council last \ evening*lt was decided to remove the council chamber from the Cum- bler office in Market street, to the \u25a0 borough building In Second street. 1 J. H. Cumbler, who has been secre- tary of council, and the Board of , Health for a number of years, ten- . dered his resignation In both offices. His successor has not been elected. Camp Meade Man Sends Word of Safe Arrival i " 4m\* J|fl PHHRH9w^o|Hm JACOB P. CHUBB MUlersburg, Pa., July 30.?Mr. and Mrs. Monroe M. Chubb have received word of the arrival of their son, Ja- cob P. Chubb overseas. He is a mem- ber of Company M, 314 th Infantry and he left for Camp Meade, Md., on May 28. Before going to camp he was employed by the Johnson-Baillie Shoe Company. Veteran of Three Wars Celebrates 92nd Birthday j Marietta, Pa.. July 30. ?John B. Bastian, of Marietta, the oldest Civil Wad veteran in Mariette, and sur- vivor of three wars, is 91 years of age to-day. Before coming to Amer- ica he served in the French Army at two different times, and in 1861 joined the colored in Marietta, and after serving eight months, re-en- listed for three years. He would have enlisted the third time, but the war was nearly over. At Fort Fisher, Virginia, he was so badly "wounded that physicians said he would not live a day. He has been a resident of Marietta for sixty years and is the father of eleven children. LITTLE GIRL INJURED Columbia, Pa., July 30.?Dorothy Schickling, a 4-year-old girl, sus- tained a compound fracture of the leg and was seriously burned about the body as she attempted to crawl to the seat of a motorcycle which had been parked in front of her home. A tj-year-old brother had been on the seat and was just alighting when it tilted and caught the little girl. The whole weight of the motor- cycle fell on her and the hot motor burned her body. She was taken to the Columbia Hospital in a serious condition, but the physicians have hopes for her recovery. HALIFAX GRANGE PICNIC Halifax. Pa., July 30.?The ninth annual picnic of Halifax Grange Xo. 1343, will be held, on Saturday, August 10, in Sweigard's Grove, near Matamoras. One of the features will be a demonstration of the Cleveland farm tractor pulling a plow in a field near the grove. Addresses will by made by Fred Brenckman, of Harrisburg, chairman of the Grange Legislative Committee, and by Mrs. Susan Bear, of Williamsport, who will speak on "The Farmer and the War." Refreshments of all kinds will be sold on the grounds and there will be plenty of music. LEADER COMPOSES MARCH Columbia, Pa., July 30.?Aaron W. Eshleman, chief musician of the Old Fourth Regiment band, now sta- tioned at Camp Johnston, near Jack- sonville, Fla., has become a musical composer and has just composed a march which was rendered for the first time at a Sunday concert in that city and elicited much favorable comment. The musician is a native of Ironville, Lancaster county, and from tjoyhood has been known s.s a cornet player. Military' Training For Upper End Draft Men ! Elisabeth villi*, Pa., July 30.?Lo- | cal board No. 3, of Dauphin county, ;is making arrangements to carry : out the wishes of General Crowder I in giving primitive instructions and ; drills to 141 men of Class 1 who are | not yet in camp. The board has ap- i pointed the following citizens of the i district as a committee to work un- der the instructions of the district : board: Recorder James E. chairman; the Rev. L. E. Bair, of Millersburg, and J. A. Rowe, of Mil- ltrsburg. Associate members of the various towns in the district will assisj this general committee. I A call to all the men of 1 [ has been made for Saturday at 1 I p. m. at which time a ten-minute I lecture on patriotism will be given, a I ten-minute talk on soldier's insur- ance. and after which Captain Harry i Stlne and others of Harrisburg will drill them on the Broad street grounds. It is expected that the Citizens Band will head a parade prior to the drilling. The local Boy Scouts, under the leadership of Dr. Stevenson, will assist the committee. After this preliminary drill there will be similar work done at different parts of the district at different times, and in this way the drafted men will have had a month's work when they are called to a govern- ment camp. AID SOCIETY BANQUET Dauphin, Pa.. July 30.?The Ladies' Aid Society of the United Evangelical Church held its annual banquet on Friday evening at the parsonage. Those in attendance were relatives and friends of the mem- bers. A social time was enjoyed by all and refreshments were served to: The Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Shoop, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koons, of Altoona: Mr. and Mrs. Walter Speece, of SpeeceVille: Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Feaser, Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welker, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Maurey. Mrs. Jane Garman,, Mrs. Catharine Kinter, Mrs. Charles Bricker. Mrs. Joseph H. Fite. Mrs. Wesley Bricker, Mrs. John Howard. Mrs. Sherman Megonnell. ?Mrs. George Shoop, Miss Jane Bickel. Miss Lydia Maurey, Miss Catharine Shoop, Miss June Harm, Miss Lida Fite, Miss Alice Feaser, Miss Mar- garet Speece. Miss Helen Megonnell, Miss Cora Cofrode, Randal Bickel. Paul Welker. William Feaser, Ralph Feaser, Clyde Feaser and George Megonnell. BENJ. B. WENTZ BI'RIED Blain, Pa., July 30.?Funeral serv- ices of Benjamin B. Wentz, of Jack- son township, who died suddenly of heart disease while working in the oats field, was held on Saturday from his late home. Burial took place in the new cemetery, one mile west of Blain. Services were conducted by the Rev. J. C. Reighard. Lutheran minister, assisted by the Rev. E. V. Strasbaugh. Reformed minister, and the Rev. L. D. Wible, Methodist minister. Mr. Wentz died on the farm property that has been in the Wentz name for more than one hundred years. DOUBLE FLAGRAISING Milton. Pa.. July 30.?An unusual feature developed at a double flag- raising held by St. Joseph's Catholic Church here last night. A service and an American flag were raised to the top of the pole. When a string was pulled unloosing the balls of hunting to the breezes, a white dove was released from each. It was de- clared by all who saw it to be a verv pretty idea, and one that Is likely to be followed at flagraisings in the future. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Duncaruion, Pa., July 30.?The stork has been kept busy delivering baby boys here. Monday, July 22, there was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Guiler. a son, Charles Miller Guiler. Prior to mar- riage Mrs. Guiler was Miss Ida Mil- ler. of Duncannon. Monday, July 22. born to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew B. Belton, a son. Prior to marriage Mrs. Belton was Miss Lillian Ream, of Duncannnon. Wednesday, July 24. bom to Mr. and Mrs. Orval Mutzabaugh, a son. Prior to marriage Mrs. Mutzabaugh was Miss Minnie Welsh, of Landis- burg. Upper End Musician on Foreign Soil With Regiment Bh. CHARLES H. SNYDER Pillow, Pa., July 30.?Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder have received a card from their son Musician Charles H. Snyder, Haying that he arrived over- seas. He formerly was a member of the New Cumberland band and of the Municipal band and the famous Kolonlal KM band, both of Harris- <burg. He Is now a. member of the 31fith Infantry band. He had been in training at Camp Meade, Md., since September. food that appeal* m y: to most appetites y. "od supphos sturdy CLYDE C. KERN BURIED Blain. Pa., July 30.?The funeral of Clyde C. Kern, of 2149 Penn street, Harrisburg, who died at Har- risburg, was held on Monday with buried at the Blain Union Ceme- tery, the funeral cortege coming from Harrisburg by automobile. The Rev. George W. Hartman, pastor of St. John's Reformed Church, Harris- burg. officiated at the services in Zion's Reformed Church, assisted by the Rev. E. V. Strasbaugh, Reformed minister, and the Rev. J. C. Reig- hard, Lutheran minister. SERMONS BY I)R. CLAYPOOL Lewisberry, Pa., July 30.?The Rev. Dr. Ernest V. Claypool, superin- tendent of the Harrisburg district of the Anti-Saloon League, delivered sermons in the Methodist Episcopal Church, Sunday, both morning and evening. His morning talk was given in the interest of the Anti-Saloon League. His evening subject was. "Responsibilities of Nations to God." Dr. Claypool is an interesting speak- er. He was entertained by Miss Clar- issa Bratten. CHILD DIES OX VISIT Halifax, July 30.?News reached here on Sunday of the death of little Alice Eleanore Ryan, the 3-year-old daughtej- of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Ryan, after a brief illness from dip- theria at the home of her grandpar- ents at Kansas City, Mo., where she and her mother had been visiting. The body was buried at Kansas City on Monday. WOMAN DIES SUDDENLY Columbia, Pa.. July *3O. ?Miss Sarah V. Lash, a former resident of Reading, was found dead in bed on Sunday morning at the home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Detz, with whom she had lived since last February. She is survived by three brothers and three sisters and will be buried at Reading on Wednesday. "LIVES 200 YEARS! For more than 200 years, Haarlem Oil, the famous national remedy of Holland, has been recognized as an in- fallible relief from all forms of Jcid- ney and bladder disorders. Its very age is proof that it must have un- usual merit. If you are troubled with pains or aches in the back, feel tired in the morning, headache, ' Indigestion, In- somnia, painful or too frequent pass- age of urine. Irritation or stone in the bladder, you will almost certainly find quick relief in GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This is the good old remedy that has stood the test for hundreds of years, prepared in the proper quantity and conven- ient form to take. It is imported di. rect from Holland laboratories, and you can get It at any drug store. Your money promptly refunded if It does not relieve you. But be sure to get the genuine OOIJJ MEDAL brand. In boxes, three sizes. Hummelstown Engineer Has Arrived Over There WALTER K. EBERSOLE Hummelstown, Pa., July 30.?Mr. and Mrs. John B. Ebersolc have been informed of the safe arrival of their son, Walter K. Ebersole, Company D, 304 th Engineers, overseas. Lewistown Young People in Automobile Accident Lewis town, Pa., July 30.?1n a collision between two automobiles near Mill Creek, on Sunday evening two men were seriously injured and a party of Lewistown folks ware badly shaken up and their car wrecked. John Podu and John Colto of Mount Union, were taken to the Huntingdon Hospital. Podu Is not expected to recover. The Lewistown car is owned by John Galvin and was driven by a son, William, lged 18. Another young man and two young women were also in the car. WOUNDED IN FRANCE Lewistown, Pa., July 30.?Private W. H. Kearns, of Lewistown. has been seriously wounded on the west- ern front. H. Estep. of Huntingdon, wound- ed in France, has relatives In this place and is well known here. OPEN AIR VICTROLA CONCERT Liverpool, Pa., July 30. ?Plans tire 1 on foot for an open air Vlctrola -on- I cert in the Square on Thursday, Au- j gut 8, for the benefit of the local I Red Cross auxiliary. Charles HoTf- i man. *>f Norrlstown, a former Liver- j pool boy, will have charge of the concert. Prominent speakers will I be secured for the night's entertain- ment. CAMP FIRE GIRLS AT STOVERDALE Susquehannoek Tribe of Haf- risburg Enjoys Ten Days' Outing at Idylwyld Cottage Stovcrdnle, Pa., July 30?The Sus- quehannoek Camp Kire Girls of Oli- vet Presbyterian Church of Harris- burg: are camping for ten days at the Idylwyld. The following com-! pose the tribe:. Mrs. Koscoe Bow-i man, guardian; Edith Holbert. Vir-: ginia Storey, Mildred Smiley, Myrtle Simmons, Beulah McAllister, Gladys, Voorhees, Sara Colsher, Martha Shartzer, Julia Shartzer, Esther Hol- ! insworth, Georgianna Parthemore.' Frances Todd, Helen Gable, Dorothy I Wldeman, Bertha Adams and EfHc ; Plough. Mrs. Minnie Baker and Mrs. F. Bergstresser, of Middletown, chape- roned the following at a house party! held at the Utopia ovef the weekend.' Clara Stoner and Helen Sides, of Highspire; Marion Baker. Martha Jane Bergstresser. Elizabeth Baker, Alice Enerman, Kenneth Steale, Clarence Wallace, "Dutch" Bowman and Robert Bell, of Middletown. Mrs. E. D. Ruth returned to her home at Highspire after spending ten days at Sweet Rest cottage. Master Stanton Musser Black- sftiith, of Harrisburp, is visiting his aunt. Miss Lucy Grier at the Marietta Mansion. I Thd Susquehannock Camp Fire Girls gave a marshmallow toast in the woods on Friday night. Many pounds of marshmallows were toast- ed around a roaring fire after which grimes and music were Indulged in. Mrs. Walter Matchett and Miss Margaret Hoffman, of Harrisburg, I are guests at "Wood Haven cottage. Master Douglass Bowman, Emily I Bowman and Rosalie Virginia Bow- j man are guests of the Camp Fire : Girls at the Idylwyld. ! Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cole, of the J Georgonion: Mrs. George Pritchard | and son Curtin and Mrs. Charles ! Malilean, of the Bide-A-Wee. motor- ! Ed to Round Top Dam for frogs on I Friday and returned with a number I of fine specimens. Miss Annie Swartz, of Mechanics- . burg, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Emory Fisher, Sr., at the Emory Villa. Miss Nina Ruth, of Highsplra, spent several days at Sweet Rest cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rhope and j daughter*, Leola and Ruth, of H ir- i risburg, have opened their cottage, | Aw'Gwan-Inn, and will occupy it , for the season. i Edward Johnson and daughter Hazel, of Harrisburg, spent Friday at their cottage, Kamp Komfort. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Witmer, son \u25a0 Frank C., Jr., and daughter Kath- l erine Louise, of are I occupying Clyfrest cottage" for sev- j eral weeks. Mrs. R. F. Raffensberger and Mrs. A. U. Heck, of Penbrook, were week- ! end guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. M, j Biever at Hickory Lodge. 1 Mrs. Crist Groff and Mr. and Mrs. S. Yountz are occupying their cot-j tage, the Outlook. 'Miss Azalia Wlgfleld has returned ! to her home at Steelton after apend- \ ing two weeks at Sweet Rest cot- tage. , Mrs. Mary Haverstlck, of 1624 Green street; Mrs. Michael Cassel, I of Third street; Mrs. Margaret El- lenberger and Dr. Ellenberger, of Harrisburg, motored to the grovo and spent the day at Oak Glen cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Voorhees, of Harrisburg, motored to the grovo and called on the Camp Fire Girls at the Idylwyld. Mrr. Harry Luckenblll, of Tho Lodge, spent Saturday in Middle- town. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown re- turned to their cottage. The Oaks, after spending several days at their Harrisburg home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Kntsely, of Harrisburg, spent several days at their cottage, Sweet Rest. Mrs. Mary Ellenberger, of North Fourth street. Harrisburg, spent sev- eral days with Mrs. Margaret Ellen- berger, at Oak Glen cottage. A GREAT CHANGE" ENTERS INTO LIFE OF STOREKEEPER A certain unassuming gentleman in this city who happens to be a prominent dealer in furniture and who up to a few weeks ago had be- come a recluse because of his phys- ical condition tells this remarkable and most interesting tale: "For a number of years," he said, "I have been so closely confined to my business working zealously to make my store representative in ev- ery respect that wear and tear fi- nally got me, my face became drawn and haggard and my disposition I seemed to urge people to evade me. ! It was then that I began to despise I'my own company. My bookkeeper J who has been with me a long time I one day I suggested that I needed a | test and that my nerves required at- i tention. She told me that her fa- ther had been In the state of health which I was experiencing and that he had taken Phosphated Iron. 'Look at him now,' she said. 'He works ten hours a day and appears to be the happiest man in the world which he believes he is, he says.' j "All this happened less than a i month ago. I followed the advice | and look at .me now. Back in the I harness with a smile all the while. II am feeling more fit than ever. J When I see a tired looking face the ! name of Phosphated Iron immedi- -1 ately comes In my mind. I am con- | vlnced that it is converting many a ; worn out body into a life rich in I thought, ambition and enthusiasm." I Special Notice?To Insure physi- cians and patients receiving the gen- \u25a0 uine Phosphate Iron we have put ! up in capsules only so do not allow i dealers to substitute pills or tablets, jinsist on the genuine in capsules ' only. For sale in Harrisburg by [George A. Gorgas, 16 North Third I street, and P. R. R. Station. 1 Profits and Prices ij Profits may be considered from . I two angles: I Ist ?Their effect on prices; | I 2nd ?As a return to investors. 1 When profits are small as com- pared with sales, they have little Swift & Company's profits are only a fraction of a cent per pound on all products sold, and if eliminated entirely would have 1 practically no effect on prices. . |1 Swift & Company paid 10 per cent dividends to over 20,000 stock- . holders out of its 1917 profits. It also j| had to build extensions and im- provements out of profits; to finance large stocks of goods made necessary by unprecedented re- quirements of the United States and Allied Governments; and to provide protection against the day of declining markets. Is it fair to call this profiteering'' H Swift & Company, U. S. A. I Local Branch, Seventh & North Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. ffl HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH! JULY 30, 1918. 2

1 Profits and Prices - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 17. · Homeward Bound Quartet 18399 Will You Remember... Alice Green and Ray Dixon Just a Voice to Call Me Dear Alice Green

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Page 1: 1 Profits and Prices - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 17. · Homeward Bound Quartet 18399 Will You Remember... Alice Green and Ray Dixon Just a Voice to Call Me Dear Alice Green




jGold Star in Flag atScotland Orphans' School

Cfcambersburg, July 30. TheScotland Soldiers' Orphans' Indus-

j trial School has placed the first gold' star in 'its service flag. Harry M.

Bender, a graduate of the school andI a member of the 75th Company. Sixth

Regiment of Marines, is dead inFrance as the result of wounds re-

| ceived in action. Young Bender,

' after he was wounded and removed

I to a hospital, wrote optimistically toi his grandmother, Mrs. Harry Shef-I fier. of Newville. He said. "1 under-

took to stop one of the Hun's bulletsand it stuck in my ribs." Before hisgrandmother got the brave youth's

I letter he was laid away somewhere1 in Picardy.

PARTY AT KISTER HOMJ3Dillsburg, Pa.. July 30. Mr. and

Mrs. John A. Kinter entertained at

their home here on Sunday Mr. andMrs. John \V. Bushey. of Dillsburg:Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Baker and chil-dren. Miss Martha Arndt. of Dills-burg: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kinter.and daughter. Lena Kinter, of MountTop; Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Bushey.of Mechanicsburg; Mr. and Mrs.

] Seight Nell, and sons. Koy and Ben-I jamin Nail, of Bermindiam; Miss

1 Katie Kinter, of Dillsburg. and Mas-ter Haddeny Boose, of Dillsburg.

Cumberland County FarmersIncrease Acreage but Find

Crop Will Be ReducedCarlisle, Pa.. July 30. With

threshing of wheat begun. Cumber-land county farmers who rallied pa-triotically to the call for increasedwheat acreage are finding in manyinstances that while the amount ofland cultivated was enlargedthere has been a decrease in yield,due partly to weather conditions andextreme cold last winter and alsofrom damase through the Hessianfly in some sections. It has not yetbeen definitely determined, but it isthought that the total will showsomething less than 191". In somesections farms which gave overtwenty-five bushels per acre lastyear, this season show less thantwenty.

26 COLORED MEN CALLEDCarlisle. Pa.. July SO. \u25a0? Arrange-

ments are being made to send twenty-six colored men from Cumberlandcounty to Camp Custer. Battle Creek.Michigan, on Monday. August 5, inthe largest movement of negroes yetscheduled. Of these eighteen arefrom District No. and eight fromDistrict So. 1. This will practically

all of the colored men of the191f registration. ? Plans are beingmade for a demonstration in honor ofthe men on Sunday.

DRILLING SELECTED MENCarlisle. Pa., July 30. Home De-

base Police in Cumberland countywill aid in the training of selectedmen liable for early call, accordingto plans being made by the Cumber-land County Council and Committeeof Public Safety. The first drillswill be held this evening in Carlisle |and it is planned to ha.e similar in-struction extended to a/ sections.

j Lemon Juice IFor FrecklesI Girls! Make beauty lotion at

home for a few cent#. Try It!

Squeeze the Juice of two lemonsInto a bottle containing three ouncesof orcbrwd white, snake well, andyou have a quarter pint of the best

freckle and tan lotion, and com-'plexion beautifier, at very. ?erysmall cast.

You* grocer has the lemons andany drug svore or toilet counter willsupply three ounces of orchard whitefor a few cents. Massage this sweetly !fragrant lotion into the face. neck,arms and hands each day and seehow freckles and blemishes disap-pear and how clear, soft and white\u2666he skin becomes. Tes! It is harm- 1less.


VANISH OVERNIGHTI'fttk Century Liniment Always Heady.

Just Rub It On. Guaranteed

"You can have your money back." Isays your druegist. "if 20th CenturyLiniment doesn.'t drive that soreness. |stifTness, lameness and pain fromyour tired, aching back and limbs."

20th Century Liniment never dls- |appoints and will neither burn norblister. It brings quick relief fromNeuralgia. Rheumatic Pains andTwinges. Sprains and all soreness of |nerves and muscles.

Don't think that because 20th Cen- :tury Liniment doesn't smart, burn and !blister it isn't doing good. It brings Jcomforting, soothing relief with thefirst rub. Try it to-night and see if |you don't fel fit as a fiddle in the >morning. If it doesn't do all andmore than we claim for it. take thebottle back to your druggist and he Iwill return you your money withoutquestion.

Keep a bottle in the house all the !time. Tou may need it on short no- jtice. and remember that it is only :sold on the money back if dissatisfied Jplan.

Your druggist can supply you.?Advertisement.

ADDRESS BY STATE SECRETARYNewville. Pa., July 30. George B.

Landis of Harrisburg. state secre-! tarv of the Y. M. C. A., addresseda meeting at the Big Spring Presby-terian Church on Sunday evening. Mr.Landis was recently engaged in V. M.C. A. work at Camp Hancock. Augus-ta. Ga., and spoke of the work the

1 government is doing for the religiousneeds of young men in the canton-

; ments. An offering of $34.00 wasturned over to Mr. Landis for thebenefit of the cause. He is a son ofMrs. Mary L. Landis, Big Springavenue.

CARPENTERS RETI'RN TO WORK\\ ay ne*bor. Pa., July 30. The

outside carpenters here, who threwdown their tools Tuesday morning oflast week and refused to work untiltheir enployers granted them an in-crease in wages based upon the re-

-1 cent ruling of the War Board, havereturned to work, having made asatisfactory agreement with theiremployers.

WORKMAN'S LEG BROKENWaynesboro, Pa., July 30. Fred

King, son of Mr. and Mrs. ShermanKing, living nei| Price's Church, hadhis right leg broken while engagedat work in the tractor department of iFrick Company, here. A large gearwheel fell upon him.

JOHN S. SMALL DIESWaynesboro. Pa.. July 30. John

S. Small, a retired farmer, residingat Mont Alto, died of cancer. He was64 years of age, and is survived byhis wife and three children.

STOLEN AUTO RECOVEREDWaynesboro. Pa., July 30. An au-

tomobile stolen at Hagerstown. whilethe owner was at church, was recov-ered here on Sunday evening whenPatrolmen Byers and Bretzler arresteda soldier from Camp Colt at Frick'sgarage for not having license tagsdisplayed, and also under suspicion ofhaving stolen the car.

SOI.DIERS' MEMORIAL SERVICESSblppenahurg. Pa., July 30. Mem-

orial services will be held in Mes-siah United Brethren Church on Sun-day evening, August 4. for John L.Smith, who was killed in action inFrance. A sermon will be preachedby the Rev. J. L Grimm. Friends andrelatives, as well as veterans andsons and daughters of veterans willbe present.

THEY MtST WORKShtppensburg, Pa., July 30. Sev-

eral Shippensburg men who have beenloafing have been notified that thevmust work, fight or go to jail. Anumber of these have already re-turned to work. They are otherswho have pronjised to do so.

MRS. LOUISA BARTEL DIESMarietta. Pa.. July 30.?Mrs.

Louisa Bartel, widow of Isaac R.Bartel. of Marietta, Pa., died lastnight suddenly from an attack ofindigestion in her S4th year. Shewas a member of the MethodistChurch and since girlhood lived inMarietta. Three children, eightgrandchildren and a great-grand-

child survive.

RED CROSS TO MEETRLain. Pa., July 30.?0n Wednes-

day afternoon at 2 o'clock membersof the Blain Red Cross Auxiliary\u25a0will meet at the headquarters roomsin North Main street to do specialwork. At this meeting officers willbe elected for the ensuing year.


You Should Hear. InstantSH" At Troup'sGround 11 y°u are har <J to please ask

to hear the following gemsFloor selected by our record experts

s j We'll Gladly Play Them For You

74558 I Puritani Amellla Galli-Curci8-4778 Little Mother of Mine John McCormack64729 Darling Nellie Gray Alma Gluck and Quartet70120 From North, South, East and West...Harry Lauder18427 Sweet Little Bnttercnp Shannon Inr

Homeward Bound Quartet18399 Will You Remember... Alice Green and Ray Dixon

Just a Voice to Call Me Dear Alice Green18450 Sweet Emallne. My Gal.. Senrt.Market's Orchestra

While the Incense Is Burning, Earl Fuller's Orchestra18430 Liberty Loan March Sousn's Band

U, S. Field Artillery March Sousa's Band35666 Gems from "Jack-o'-Lantern" ..-..Victor Opera Co.

Gems from "Leave It to Jane" .... Victor Opera Co.

Music Roll Song HitsPrice 60c Each

Words are printed on every roll for you to sing asyou play. These are the big hits; be sure and hfcarthem played. Mail orders should include parcel postcharges. *

# ICheer Up, Mother i Hello, Central, Gfrre Me NoIndianola j Man's LandAllies' National Airs ! Ju *j Dcfol* ' the Battle,. _

MotherLong Boy Three Wonderful LettersMy Sweetie From HomeBaby's Prayer at Twilight Dark town Strutters' BallAre Yon From Heaven? | Break the News to Mother

J.H.Music House

Troup Building IS S. Market Square? ' "\u25a0


The Rev. S. F. Rounsley. ofWrightsvllle. visited relative! her* onThursday.

A daughter was born to Mr. andMrs. C. E. Rlppman, of Mlllerstown,

at the Polyclinic Hospital, Harris-burg, on July 24, 1918.

The Rev. C. A. Waltman and family,are camping at their cottage at Tus-carora.

Mrs. J. B. Parsons, of Port Royal,spent the week-end with her sisters,Mrs. W. C. Moore and Miss SarahKipp.

Mrs. Robert Hopple was at Harrls-burg recently.


Mrs. William Buell and son, Wil-liam, of Washington, D. C., wereweek-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H.S. Potter.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller andbaby, of Millersburg, spent the Sab-bath at the home of Mrs. Jane Miller.

Alfred Clemson, of Camp Meade.Md.. visited his home here on Sunday.

Miss Bethel Wilbert, of Harrisburg,spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs.Lydia Wilbert.

Mrs. William Lebo and children, ofHarrisburg. are visiting her mother,Mrs. C. C. Zimmerman.

Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Louden, of Mil-lersburg, spent over Sunday withMrs. Emma Hess. *

John Beitzel was home from Car-lisle on Sunday visiting his parents.Professor and Mrs. S. C. Beitzel.

Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Pike, of Hum-melstown, visited town friends Sun-day.

John Arnold, who was Injured Sat-urday in a motorcycle accident near

. Coxestown and who was taken to theHarrisburg Hospital for treatment,

returned to his home here on Mon-day.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ketm, of Harris-burg, spent Sunday with Mrs. ClaraWestfall.

C. A. Cratzer was home from At-lantic City on Sunday.

Mr. Mrs. Isaiah Pottiger vis-ited relatives at Jacksonville on Sun-day.

Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Steffen andchildren, visited Mrs. Steffen's par-ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Baker at Mil-lersburg over Sunday.

Miss Anna Biever, of Palmyra, wasthe week-end guest of her mother.Mrs. James Biever.

Miss Sarah Adams, of Newport, vis-ited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cooper onSunday.

Mrs. Adam Hoffman, of Harrisburg.spent several days the past week at

the home of her brother, Samuel L.Brubaker.

Mrs. Mary Troutman visited rela-tives at Millersburg on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Chubb, of Har-risburg, visited Mr. and" Mrs. TobiasWolfgang on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Nace, of Har-risburg. spent Sunday at the home ofCornelius Koppenlu-ffer. ,

Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Louder*milch and Mrs. C. B. Wilbert visitedMr. and Mrs. Henry Loudermilch atEnders on Sunday.


Edward Erney, of Chicago, 111.,formerly of the borough, is spend-ing a few days' vacation with hisbrother and sister-in-law, Mr. andMrs. Harvey Erney.

Mrs. Purvis, wife of the Rev. Dr.Samuel W. Purvis, a Methodist min-ister. of Philadelphia, who is spend-ing several months with her parents.Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hammond, left onSaturday and is visiting at Harris-burg, the guest of the Misses Mary,Sara and Alda Bratten. of 308 Northstreet.

DI'XCAXXOXJohn Fritz has secured a position

with the Pennsylvania Railroad Com-pany at Marysvllle.

Mr. and Mrs. Emory Campbell andthree children, of Harrisburg. wererecent guests of relatives here.

Mr. and Mrs. Jacob McKelvey have

removed from Marysvilte to Mrs.Anna Luken's property on North Mar-ket street, which she purchased re-cently of the Mrs. Elizabeth J. Johns-ton, deceased heirs.

Miss Hazel Bolden. of Harrisburg,Is spending some time here with hergrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John AMutzabaugh.

Mr. and Mrs. Blake Harper andchildren, of Chambersburg, wereweek-end guests at the home of theformer's sister, Mrs. W. H. Richter.

BLAIKE. M. Kell. of Plainfleld, visited his

father, Justice of the Peace R. H.Kell over the week end.

Mr. and Mrs. John Mumma andbaby, of Harrisburg and Mrs. 'L. R.Welbley and daughter, Opal, of Ber-wick, are visiting J. Harvey Wallace,the ladies' father.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Klster andMr. and Mrs. Roy Miller and two

children, of near Carlisle, spent Sun-day with J. I. Rickard.

Miss Catherine Bernhelsel, of NewBloomfield, spent Sunday with MissEdith Bistline.

John L. Wilt, of lowa, and C. R.Wilt, of Harrisburg, visited friendshere.

Warren Sheaffer has returned fromHarrisburg.

Miss Gwendolyn Elder, of Harris-burg, visited her sister, Mrs. W. C.Koons.

Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Strausser andJohn Minich. of Philadelphia, are the

guests of John Elchelberger, mak-

ing the trip here by auto.

AKHTILLEWord has been received here of

the arrival of Chaplain P. M. Holde-man in France.

Miss Reba Lehman is spending sev-eral months at Philadelphia.

Mr*. George Stein and daughter,Kathrine, returned after spending ashort time in West Virginia andMaryland.

Miss Alma Light is spending sev-eral weeks at Altoona, the guest ofher sister.

Misses Ella Brightbill and EmmaBomberger spent several days atMount Gretna.

The Annville Sunday School picnicwill be held at Hershey Park to-morrow.

Mrs. George Kinports and MissBessie Kinports have returned totheir home here, after spending sev-eral weeks at Reading.

Mrs. Mary Stehman entertained anumber of guests on Friday afternoonin honor of Mrs. Chatles Pennypack-er, of Ardmore. '

Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bachman andMiss Virgle Bachman spent Sundayat Harrisburg.

A community meeting was held onthe college oampus on Thursdayevening.

Masters Robert Kreider and Shep-hard Whitman spent Saturday atMount GreCna.

Phllo Statton. of the United StatesNavy, spent a short furlough here.

NEW COUNCIL CHAMBERHalifax. Pa., July 30.?At a meet-

; ing of Helifax borough council last\ evening*lt was decided to remove

the council chamber from the Cum-bler office in Market street, to the

\u25a0 borough building In Second street.1 J. H. Cumbler, who has been secre-

tary of council, and the Board of, Health for a number of years, ten-

. dered his resignation In both offices.His successor has not been elected.

Camp Meade Man SendsWord of Safe Arrival


4m\* J|fl


MUlersburg, Pa., July 30.?Mr. andMrs. Monroe M. Chubb have receivedword of the arrival of their son, Ja-cob P. Chubb overseas. He is a mem-ber of Company M, 314 th Infantryand he left for Camp Meade, Md., onMay 28. Before going to camp he wasemployed by the Johnson-BaillieShoe Company.

Veteran of Three WarsCelebrates 92nd Birthday j

Marietta, Pa.. July 30. ?John B.Bastian, of Marietta, the oldest CivilWad veteran in Mariette, and sur-vivor of three wars, is 91 years ofage to-day. Before coming to Amer-ica he served in the French Armyat two different times, and in 1861joined the colored in Marietta, andafter serving eight months, re-en-listed for three years. He wouldhave enlisted the third time, but thewar was nearly over.

At Fort Fisher, Virginia, he wasso badly "wounded that physicianssaid he would not live a day. Hehas been a resident of Marietta forsixty years and is the father ofeleven children.

LITTLE GIRL INJUREDColumbia, Pa., July 30.?Dorothy

Schickling, a 4-year-old girl, sus-tained a compound fracture of theleg and was seriously burned aboutthe body as she attempted to crawlto the seat of a motorcycle whichhad been parked in front of herhome. A tj-year-old brother had beenon the seat and was just alightingwhen it tilted and caught the littlegirl. The whole weight of the motor-cycle fell on her and the hot motorburned her body. She was taken tothe Columbia Hospital in a seriouscondition, but the physicians havehopes for her recovery.

HALIFAX GRANGE PICNICHalifax. Pa., July 30.?The ninth

annual picnic of Halifax Grange Xo.1343, will be held, on Saturday,August 10, in Sweigard's Grove, nearMatamoras. One of the features willbe a demonstration of the Clevelandfarm tractor pulling a plow in afield near the grove. Addresses willby made by Fred Brenckman, ofHarrisburg, chairman of the GrangeLegislative Committee, and by Mrs.Susan Bear, of Williamsport, whowill speak on "The Farmer and theWar." Refreshments of all kinds willbe sold on the grounds and therewill be plenty of music.

LEADER COMPOSES MARCHColumbia, Pa., July 30.?Aaron W.

Eshleman, chief musician of theOld Fourth Regiment band, now sta-tioned at Camp Johnston, near Jack-sonville, Fla., has become a musicalcomposer and has just composed amarch which was rendered for thefirst time at a Sunday concert in thatcity and elicited much favorablecomment. The musician is a nativeof Ironville, Lancaster county, andfrom tjoyhood has been known s.s acornet player.

Military'Training ForUpper End Draft Men

! Elisabeth villi*, Pa., July 30.?Lo-| cal board No. 3, of Dauphin county,;is making arrangements to carry: out the wishes of General Crowder

I in giving primitive instructions and; drills to 141 men of Class 1 who are

| not yet in camp. The board has ap-i pointed the following citizens of thei district as a committee to work un-der the instructions of the district

: board: Recorder James E.chairman; the Rev. L. E. Bair, ofMillersburg, and J. A. Rowe, of Mil-ltrsburg. Associate members of thevarious towns in the district willassisj this general committee.

I A call to all the men of 1[ has been made for Saturday at 1I p. m. at which time a ten-minuteI lecture on patriotism will be given, aI ten-minute talk on soldier's insur-ance. and after which Captain Harry

i Stlne and others of Harrisburg willdrill them on the Broad streetgrounds. It is expected that theCitizens Band will head a paradeprior to the drilling. The local BoyScouts, under the leadership of Dr.Stevenson, will assist the committee.After this preliminary drill there willbe similar work done at differentparts of the district at differenttimes, and in this way the draftedmen will have had a month's workwhen they are called to a govern-ment camp.

AID SOCIETY BANQUETDauphin, Pa.. July 30.?The

Ladies' Aid Society of the UnitedEvangelical Church held its annualbanquet on Friday evening at theparsonage. Those in attendance wererelatives and friends of the mem-bers. A social time was enjoyed byall and refreshments were served to:The Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Shoop, Mr.and Mrs. Albert Koons, of Altoona:Mr. and Mrs. Walter Speece, ofSpeeceVille: Mr. and Mrs. ElmerFeaser, Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Welker, Mr.and Mrs. Samuel Maurey. Mrs. JaneGarman,, Mrs. Catharine Kinter,Mrs. Charles Bricker. Mrs. Joseph H.Fite. Mrs. Wesley Bricker, Mrs. JohnHoward. Mrs. Sherman Megonnell.?Mrs. George Shoop, Miss Jane Bickel.Miss Lydia Maurey, Miss CatharineShoop, Miss June Harm, Miss LidaFite, Miss Alice Feaser, Miss Mar-garet Speece. Miss Helen Megonnell,Miss Cora Cofrode, Randal Bickel.Paul Welker. William Feaser, RalphFeaser, Clyde Feaser and GeorgeMegonnell.

BENJ. B. WENTZ BI'RIEDBlain, Pa., July 30.?Funeral serv-

ices of Benjamin B. Wentz, of Jack-son township, who died suddenly ofheart disease while working in theoats field, was held on Saturday fromhis late home. Burial took place inthe new cemetery, one mile westof Blain. Services were conductedby the Rev. J. C. Reighard. Lutheranminister, assisted by the Rev. E. V.Strasbaugh. Reformed minister, andthe Rev. L. D. Wible, Methodistminister. Mr. Wentz died on the farmproperty that has been in the Wentzname for more than one hundredyears.

DOUBLE FLAGRAISINGMilton. Pa.. July 30.?An unusual

feature developed at a double flag-raising held by St. Joseph's CatholicChurch here last night. A serviceand an American flag were raised tothe top of the pole. When a stringwas pulled unloosing the balls ofhunting to the breezes, a white dovewas released from each. It was de-clared by all who saw it to be a vervpretty idea, and one that Is likelyto be followed at flagraisings in thefuture.

BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTSDuncaruion, Pa., July 30.?The

stork has been kept busy deliveringbaby boys here.

Monday, July 22, there was born

to Mr. and Mrs. John Guiler. a son,Charles Miller Guiler. Prior to mar-riage Mrs. Guiler was Miss Ida Mil-ler. of Duncannon.

Monday, July 22. born to Mr. andMrs. Andrew B. Belton, a son. Priorto marriage Mrs. Belton was Miss

Lillian Ream, of Duncannnon.Wednesday, July 24. bom to Mr.

and Mrs. Orval Mutzabaugh, a son.

Prior to marriage Mrs. Mutzabaughwas Miss Minnie Welsh, of Landis-burg.

Upper End Musician onForeign Soil With Regiment



Pillow, Pa., July 30.?Mr. and Mrs.Frank Snyder have received a cardfrom their son Musician Charles H.Snyder, Haying that he arrived over-seas. He formerly was a member ofthe New Cumberland band and ofthe Municipal band and the famousKolonlal KM band, both of Harris-<burg. He Is now a. member of the31fith Infantry band. He had been intraining at Camp Meade, Md., sinceSeptember.

food that appeal*m y: to most appetites

y. "od supphos sturdy

CLYDE C. KERN BURIEDBlain. Pa., July 30.?The funeral

of Clyde C. Kern, of 2149 Pennstreet, Harrisburg, who died at Har-risburg, was held on Monday withburied at the Blain Union Ceme-tery, the funeral cortege comingfrom Harrisburg by automobile. TheRev. George W. Hartman, pastor ofSt. John's Reformed Church, Harris-burg. officiated at the services inZion's Reformed Church, assisted bythe Rev. E. V. Strasbaugh, Reformedminister, and the Rev. J. C. Reig-hard, Lutheran minister.

SERMONS BY I)R. CLAYPOOLLewisberry, Pa., July 30.?The

Rev. Dr. Ernest V. Claypool, superin-tendent of the Harrisburg districtof the Anti-Saloon League, deliveredsermons in the Methodist EpiscopalChurch, Sunday, both morning andevening. His morning talk was givenin the interest of the Anti-SaloonLeague. His evening subject was."Responsibilities of Nations to God."Dr. Claypool is an interesting speak-er. He was entertained by Miss Clar-issa Bratten.

CHILD DIES OX VISITHalifax, July 30.?News reached

here on Sunday of the death of littleAlice Eleanore Ryan, the 3-year-olddaughtej- of Mr. and Mrs. John J.Ryan, after a brief illness from dip-theria at the home of her grandpar-ents at Kansas City, Mo., where sheand her mother had been visiting.The body was buried at Kansas Cityon Monday.

WOMAN DIES SUDDENLYColumbia, Pa.. July *3O.?Miss

Sarah V. Lash, a former resident ofReading, was found dead in bed onSunday morning at the home of hersister, Mrs. Joseph Detz, with whomshe had lived since last February.She is survived by three brothersand three sisters and will be buriedat Reading on Wednesday.

"LIVES 200 YEARS!For more than 200 years, Haarlem

Oil, the famous national remedy ofHolland, has been recognized as an in-fallible relief from all forms of Jcid-ney and bladder disorders. Its veryage is proof that it must have un-usual merit.

If you are troubled with pains oraches in the back, feel tired in themorning, headache,


Indigestion, In-somnia, painful or too frequent pass-age of urine. Irritation or stone inthe bladder, you will almost certainlyfind quick relief in GOLD MEDALHaarlem Oil Capsules. This is thegood old remedy that has stood thetest for hundreds of years, preparedin the proper quantity and conven-ient form to take. It is imported di.rect from Holland laboratories, andyou can get It at any drug store.Your money promptly refunded if Itdoes not relieve you. But be sure toget the genuine OOIJJ MEDAL brand.In boxes, three sizes.

Hummelstown EngineerHas Arrived Over There


Hummelstown, Pa., July 30.?Mr.and Mrs. John B. Ebersolc have beeninformed of the safe arrival of theirson, Walter K. Ebersole, CompanyD, 304 th Engineers, overseas.

Lewistown Young Peoplein Automobile Accident

Lewis town, Pa., July 30.?1n acollision between two automobilesnear Mill Creek, on Sunday eveningtwo men were seriously injured anda party of Lewistown folks warebadly shaken up and their carwrecked. John Podu and John Coltoof Mount Union, were taken to theHuntingdon Hospital. Podu Is notexpected to recover.

The Lewistown car is owned byJohn Galvin and was driven by ason, William, lged 18. Another youngman and two young women were alsoin the car.

WOUNDED IN FRANCELewistown, Pa., July 30.?Private

W. H. Kearns, of Lewistown. hasbeen seriously wounded on the west-ern front.

H. Estep. of Huntingdon, wound-ed in France, has relatives In thisplace and is well known here.

OPEN AIR VICTROLA CONCERTLiverpool, Pa., July 30. ?Plans tire

1 on foot for an open air Vlctrola -on-I cert in the Square on Thursday, Au-

j gut 8, for the benefit of the localI Red Cross auxiliary. Charles HoTf-i man. *>f Norrlstown, a former Liver-

j pool boy, will have charge of theconcert. Prominent speakers will

I be secured for the night's entertain-ment.


Susquehannoek Tribe of Haf-risburg Enjoys Ten Days'Outing at Idylwyld Cottage

Stovcrdnle, Pa., July 30?The Sus-quehannoek Camp Kire Girls of Oli-vet Presbyterian Church of Harris-burg: are camping for ten days atthe Idylwyld. The following com-!pose the tribe:. Mrs. Koscoe Bow-iman, guardian; Edith Holbert. Vir-:ginia Storey, Mildred Smiley, MyrtleSimmons, Beulah McAllister, Gladys,Voorhees, Sara Colsher, MarthaShartzer, Julia Shartzer, Esther Hol- !insworth, Georgianna Parthemore.'Frances Todd, Helen Gable, Dorothy IWldeman, Bertha Adams and EfHc ;Plough.

Mrs. Minnie Baker and Mrs. F.Bergstresser, of Middletown, chape-roned the following at a house party!held at the Utopia ovef the weekend.'Clara Stoner and Helen Sides, ofHighspire; Marion Baker. MarthaJane Bergstresser. Elizabeth Baker,Alice Enerman, Kenneth Steale,Clarence Wallace, "Dutch" Bowmanand Robert Bell, of Middletown.

Mrs. E. D. Ruth returned to herhome at Highspire after spendingten days at Sweet Rest cottage.

Master Stanton Musser Black-sftiith, of Harrisburp, is visiting hisaunt. Miss Lucy Grier at the MariettaMansion.

I Thd Susquehannock Camp FireGirls gave a marshmallow toast inthe woods on Friday night. Manypounds of marshmallows were toast-ed around a roaring fire after whichgrimes and music were Indulged in.

Mrs. Walter Matchett and MissMargaret Hoffman, of Harrisburg,

I are guests at "Wood Haven cottage.

Master Douglass Bowman, EmilyI Bowman and Rosalie Virginia Bow-

j man are guests of the Camp Fire: Girls at the Idylwyld.

! Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Cole, of theJ Georgonion: Mrs. George Pritchard

| and son Curtin and Mrs. Charles! Malilean, of the Bide-A-Wee. motor-! Ed to Round Top Dam for frogs onI Friday and returned with a numberI of fine specimens.

Miss Annie Swartz, of Mechanics-. burg, is the guest of her cousin, Mrs.Emory Fisher, Sr., at the EmoryVilla.

Miss Nina Ruth, of Highsplra,spent several days at Sweet Rest cot-tage.

Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rhope andj daughter*, Leola and Ruth, of H ir-

i risburg, have opened their cottage,| Aw'Gwan-Inn, and will occupy it

, for the season.i Edward Johnson and daughterHazel, of Harrisburg, spent Fridayat their cottage, Kamp Komfort.

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Witmer, son\u25a0 Frank C., Jr., and daughter Kath-l erine Louise, of areI occupying Clyfrest cottage" for sev-

j eral weeks.Mrs. R. F. Raffensberger and Mrs.

A. U. Heck, of Penbrook, were week-! end guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. M,

j Biever at Hickory Lodge.1 Mrs. Crist Groff and Mr. and Mrs.

S. Yountz are occupying their cot-jtage, the Outlook.'Miss Azalia Wlgfleld has returned !

to her home at Steelton after apend- \ing two weeks at Sweet Rest cot-tage. ,

Mrs. Mary Haverstlck, of 1624Green street; Mrs. Michael Cassel, Iof Third street; Mrs. Margaret El-lenberger and Dr. Ellenberger, ofHarrisburg, motored to the grovoand spent the day at Oak Glen cot-tage.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Voorhees, ofHarrisburg, motored to the grovoand called on the Camp Fire Girlsat the Idylwyld.

Mrr. Harry Luckenblll, of ThoLodge, spent Saturday in Middle-town.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown re-turned to their cottage. The Oaks,after spending several days at theirHarrisburg home.

Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Kntsely, ofHarrisburg, spent several days attheir cottage, Sweet Rest.

Mrs. Mary Ellenberger, of NorthFourth street. Harrisburg, spent sev-eral days with Mrs. Margaret Ellen-berger, at Oak Glen cottage.


OF STOREKEEPERA certain unassuming gentleman

in this city who happens to be aprominent dealer in furniture andwho up to a few weeks ago had be-come a recluse because of his phys-ical condition tells this remarkableand most interesting tale:

"For a number of years," he said,"I have been so closely confined tomy business working zealously tomake my store representative in ev-ery respect that wear and tear fi-nally got me, my face became drawnand haggard and my disposition

I seemed to urge people to evade me.! It was then that I began to despiseI'my own company. My bookkeeper

J who has been with me a long time

I one day I suggested that I needed a| test and that my nerves required at-

i tention. She told me that her fa-ther had been In the state of healthwhich I was experiencing and thathe had taken Phosphated Iron. 'Lookat him now,' she said. 'He worksten hours a day and appears to bethe happiest man in the world whichhe believes he is, he says.'

j "All this happened less than ai month ago. I followed the advice| and look at .me now. Back in the

I harness with a smile all the while.

II am feeling more fit than ever.

J When I see a tired looking face the! name of Phosphated Iron immedi--1 ately comes In my mind. I am con-| vlnced that it is converting many a

; worn out body into a life rich inI thought, ambition and enthusiasm."I Special Notice?To Insure physi-cians and patients receiving the gen-

\u25a0 uine Phosphate Iron we have put! up in capsules only so do not allowi dealers to substitute pills or tablets,jinsist on the genuine in capsules

' only. For sale in Harrisburg by[George A. Gorgas, 16 North ThirdI street, and P. R. R. Station.

1 Profits and Prices ijProfits may be considered from . I

two angles:

I Ist?Their effect on prices; |I 2nd ?As a return to investors. 1

When profits are small as com-pared with sales, they have little

Swift & Company's profits areonly a fraction of a cent perpound on all products sold, and ifeliminated entirely would have 1practically no effect on prices. . |1

Swift & Company paid 10 percent dividends to over 20,000 stock-

. holders out of its 1917 profits. It also j|had to build extensions and im-provements out of profits; to financelarge stocks of goods madenecessary by unprecedented re-quirements of the United Statesand Allied Governments; and toprovide protection against the dayof declining markets.

Is it fair to call this profiteering''

H Swift & Company, U. S. A. ILocal Branch, Seventh & North Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. ffl