1 t I I C3 t I t J 451 = v t- 1UOUNTf 1- r 1 I i t J V i iA7fL rIfEhr > X n Mr t n r 1 i It I yk NJIE V Y t 1 I 4 j3 1 r 1 ni fll Y H I JVOIiU Big 3U It LUW COLUMBIA ADAIR ODfl NTY KgNJtldJO WEJN SDAI JANUARY 8 19021 > NUMBER t OSTOFFICE DIRECTORY XJ M Russell Postmaster ol1CClhOU1e da1ll7OOm 3JymI i COURT DIRECTORY 4riVT r nIO 13C sessions a yearThird U MQyD4y3 f fiiriilondayln Septeinbcr Circuit Judge WWJones Obrnrnoiwealth Attorney 875 WA ron SheriffFW MUltr C1erkJno Jc L Tjl J V OOUHTY CocKFlrst Mond yln each month Judge T A Murrel J vi L County Attorney JasQirnetlJ Jr OlerkT It Stultsp Jatie JKPCon6TOr j rs j AssejllsorEW Barton SllrvoyorR T McCaflrec School SuptW DJonCS < V r 6o toner = C 51 Rusbltt Fciri oiJJT Regular c urt seccil i >1 ouday D- t ach month IdgeJ W Atklnn ornorrGordonMonlcomery CHURCH DIRECTORY PRESBYTERIAN BOBMVitM STMMReY T F Walton pastor Services second and fourth Sundays n each month Sund yschool t9ftjn OTeiy Sabbath Prayer meeting every Wednesday night METHODIST B0MSVIILH SraBBTReT W P Gordon poator Senrlcea flrstSuudyin eachmonth Sundsy5chOOl every Sabbath at 9 am Prayer A mectfne Thursday night BAPTIST J GkariMBOBO STR BTBer WB CAVE vvstor Services third Sunday In each month- S indayschol every Sabbath at 9 110 m Prayer SfSSpttng Tuesday night flfOJL j CHRISTIAN CAS PBBLL8VnrB PlltBEdZ T W1I1Iai Pastor Serylcea First Sunday W each month Snnda chool every Sabbath a UM rayerJeeUriWtoilieldaynlght jgt LODGES itif MASONIC OLUlofBIA LoDGE No 96 P and A Lltcgu nr meeting In their hall over bank on Frl lay night on or before the full moon In each month1 JaB Oarnett Jr WM A KEMP Secy COLUMBIA CHAFTEJI B A M No7 meets i1dayDbt 1ftc lJ1100D7 JAS GAnNETT Ja II P WWBaADSI1AW Secretary Jjii Carriage and Wagon Shop 0 a I have leased the E C Eubank shop and will give f af fiae Wagon Voik special attention Work done b by me will be firstclass Pro lJ duetakn In return for work P SFEUBA- NKBRUNERCO fP1tODUCEJbERSI t f t r We charge no commission on Butter Poul- try ¬ and Egg Also guarantee highest market prices 471 Brook Street ILOtTISVILbE KEN T KY Farmers Farmers I am prepared totake your orders fo- rHydi u1IcRami tothrov water from your springs to your housesor barns Can also furnish pumps ofjany kind cheaper thanxsver Write to me at Columbia for estimates or call and se me at the Marcum Ho tel Yours truly N WOOD THE TIIRDE 0 r 0J CITIES SHOE JoO STORE J DEALERS IK Exclusive High Grade Boots and Shops h OEIOISTORS OP F N wDcslg s 1 1t Perfect Fitting Modern Shoes 31G Fourth Avenue LOUISVILLE KY f Op H WISEHAH SON iS- nccessorsto 4 fldamVoflt Go = JEWtL11S and OPTICIANS Established 18SI Dealers In Diamonds and Precious Stories 0 4 Finclinebf Holiday goods sncciaf attention given to workrarlcraWclrdcrtl- oJ goodsJurlIne 132 West MorketL between 1st ad2Qnd J < Opt MaslcIIsU j f LOtJISyEJSENTUQIcY Democratic Dutyn- i Congress H While it is evident that the fift- yseveihdongresswith heavy Bepup IfcdtfrnajdrityVis prepared and abletO do thejbiddIptthP1selfish interest c natIoial orgaijizatfpn and dictate thepsrty pol Ides the duty of Dcuiocraticmeipben Isplaln and imperative The twoparties stand face to face In congress nor other political oiganiza tion being represented in the member hlp bfthe Senate or House of Repre sentatives On every measure offered for consideration and action the align ment of Republicanism and Demo racy must of necessity be cleancut and definite The voting will voice- declslonof the Republican and Demo cratic parties alone on the questions to esettled during the present session Democratic Senators and Represen ¬ tatlves cannot hope to encompass a winning vote in either house of Con ¬ gress This fact docs not however lessen their responsibility to the peo pIe Rather is their duty more imper ¬ ative to vigorously combat all evil meaSures and to compel an enlighten ¬ ing debate on every important ques tion comlnp up for action By this means alone may the people be kept fnlly cognizant of the significance of Republican policies and b i brought to a competent appreciation of the mc ¬ nace contained in Republicanisms sur- render ¬ to influences hostile ti the gen eral good iy Skillful andaggrcsiive leaikrshipof the Democratic minnrity in Con ¬ gress wilt be of tremendous value to the party and to the country The present Cocgress may be made an educatlonaLsession to an exception tional degree A firm and faithful de ¬ fense of thepeoples cause in every in ¬ stance of the evil legislation now con ¬ templated by the Republicans will mean ultimate bcnett hJq the Om- grjEssipnaL campaign oftheyear now about to open as in the Presidential campaign of 1904 the teaching of the acts of the present Congressional ses sion should mean deserved profit to the Democratic party and a regained se ¬ curity for the American peopleSt Louis Republic Resolutions of Condolence By Washington Council F A A I Dell PlaLne Kansts in memory of Sister Georgia Price deceased Whereas Sickness and death has in ¬ vaded our council chamber and the family circle and claimed for its own our sister wife and motber Mrs Geor ¬ PriceWhereas We fully realize that her place can never be filled her presence nor kindness never again bexenjpycd salthp we rejoScein the knowledge of her memory and proud of her acqualn ¬ tanceand wemu5t all submit to the destroyer of life which is death Whereas We as acouncll shall weep with those that weep and mourn with those that mourn and while we extend the hand of charity to the grief strick ¬ en family and friends let us hope that the Angel of darkness and grief and sorrow wiil forever cause a halo of light to enter their hearts and establish there happiness mid contentment We shall dedicate her life work her noble traits of character tathose left behind And styall only add The saddest words for the young or old Is wljeh death is growing nigh When we grasp the hand that growing cold And 16 raotherSa y Goodbye > v ThatvoiceIs silentetis for the best J boes joined that happy ndJ Grieve not for one whose gone to ret i vj it V But meet her i tti promised laud Ttfererore be it resolved That council No ISO of EeHosPWiJot J Rb r by eitend to the family ndiensoriTracceasedsIstcr cui sincere and blfartfelt sympalhyTand comrnend them to Blm4wbo tempers the wind to the shorn lamb Resolved That as a rnembflaland token of remembrance of oiirslsttr that the president councIl asl Mnbt d instruct the guide to 3Faj ourcTiaYlaf Jn the emblem of sorroj Resolved That sc t the cdf tors of the Belly PJiInQj1ers to put lish t e oresolutloJward cop f tbttie family u is That tbiecy 6 hbtied tnfltJ a co f t same wIth the reds il i U1UrcoUii3itr1e 1FANNI B B Amiv IIfuff S I t2Uezj I Adf m M j rTJ tee The Day of Conveniences Theday is almost at hand when everything is done by simply pressing a button Pretty soon we wlljno have to work any more Weare belpg overwhelmed by conveniences Dq we wnt alight Press a button Do we want breakfast ° Turn on the electric ity Do we want more warmth Turn on the steam heat Do we want a messenger Press a lever Are we coming to business Theres the auto- mobile Do we want to see a man1 Theres the telephone yes theres the visual telephone Wifey can call uj hubby at tile bank and ask if her bats on straight The telephone through which the follow at the other end can be seen is the iuvenUonofu frenchman Dr tSyl vestrc It consists of a small circular mirror with a bole in the center to which is screwed a tiny electric light of a little more than one candlepower The mirror is fixed to the microphonic plate of the telephone and a pair or little brass pencils connects the cur ¬ rent and the apparatus In a word two acids mix drop by drop and oulof aspout comes a phosphoresce ntvapor falling on the mirror It when tele- phoning ¬ a sheet of white paper is placed in front of the mirror the room from which a person telephoning and also the person himself may be plainly seen The world may wellsk what next With the klneloscope or some such in ¬ ventlon and the visual telephone why will we not be able to sit in Atlanta and sec the races at Gravesend the JellriesSharkty miil if it ever takes place orIt he would put It off a while the coronation of King Edward A Bloody Christmas Louisville Dec 26Thc usual num- ber ¬ uf Christmas tragedies are repur t- ed in Kentucky A Pinevilio dispatch reports the killing of six men on Red Bird creek about thirty miles froth there A la ¬ ter dispatch says only three were kill ¬ ed while a still later one places the number at four The locality is re- mote ¬ from telephoneor telegraph lines and details are not obtainable At Williamstown Grant county three men were shot one probably fa ¬ tally Arthur Goughe was shot through the intestines and is not ex- pected ¬ to live Det Goughe his fath er was shot through the back and Carl Gough his brother shot in the face The wounds are not serious Tom Hackett and James Redenor were arrested and are being guarded to prevent threatened trouble The trouble dates back about a year The Goughes came to town drunk and met Hacket and Redecour at Reeds saloon Old man Goughe drew a knife and started to carve his enemies He was restrained by his sons but the row once started could not be stopped and shooting began with the results stated Despatches from Jit Vernon Lln coin Ctnmty give reports of three bloody affairs near Crab Orchard Charles Likens aged thirty was shot tbrSe times by Hiram Grant and Isle critical condition Ibp affair was tne outgrowth of an old grudge Gran- tIsinailat Stanford John Pjyne cut Logan3ompsoo Jr in the shoulder Hezekiah Mounce and Miss Brooks1 wefe shot add slightly wounded it is supposed si jealous lover of the girl fired through the window at them T a A4ispatelkLrom2iBevu1esaysthattuTMe4sn toxins NIck neBdrickson was cut four tlm s6l1 il HbndrIckson and is fatally onWeflr SH I Brain Leaks Vr fa iST4 rljfv Happiness iutbeheartjilways show- soi4bface it A4 t5 TIhJ i r l t inps rdi g to what yougaic Nothingpopagatcthore rapidly tmttiibe fuicY6b mw rrj 1S ii 5 IY f A man nInfa4itaa1when he ca- nf3twlicr haTslniseabTe lW ghhct ltt1 child is the best re man nbilvctor doing good jU T The troub1eLacbu members is that they tire preparing fpr e1J13 i q 04 couyejrtplu- mlerbut Ii it is diilicult to convince some men of the fact j < 4 f 1t Theres something wrong about tbe wan whO puts olIi Hktbigotid ic3 i tlous until New Years dayJ Some men try to ty by denying the existenceof a power to Jr nslble The New Yoars Dividends The gieat outpouring of divIdends aud intcrcston January 1 will surpass anything of the kind ever known In tblscoiinVry The CourierJournal ol Commerce which is Tory goodauthor ItyYputs thf distrlbutlon of profits and earnings from capital at aver 82P000 Jnthe three cities of New York Boston and Philadelphia which is far ahead of last January record These are the great financial ntels but the whole country has been grow- Ing wealthy and every city in the west and south will get a part of the golden shower and a larger part than received last year What makes this evidence of pros perity BO notable Is that it ccmes ata time when England Germany Aus tria Russia the Netherlands and even rich France are suffering from Indus trial and financial depression France is affected least of all but her foreign investments are so great that her neighbors cannot suffer without her participation to some degree The United State on the other hand offer a dazzling picture or a ptospcrity un affected by the hardships of the Old WorldThe future is in doubt but it is noteworthy that the members of Ame ¬ rican haute finance see nc reason for alarm The Pennsylvania railroad would not be preparing to spend 100 000000 in terminal and other Improve- ment ¬ within the next two tor three years and it would nut be adding to its hildlngs of other railroad securities if it looKed for an early recurrence of hard times Last week it declared a dividend on the shares of the Pennsyl- vania Company which manages its railroad interests westof Pittsburg the first dividend since 1891 It also added one one half of 1 percent to the semiannual dividend on the com- mon ¬ stock of the Panhandle which it owns and has lifted out of Insolven- cy ¬ The Vapderbilts hive raised the dividend on Canada Southern and the other great lines have assumed extra responsibilities in the face of thecroa kers who insist that we are now on the eve of a great industrial and financial decline What Is better than all though is the fact that this prosperi trhasstarted from the bottom Capital cannot thrive unless labor does too find the unsurpassed distribution of dividends on the New Year means that the great common people are also thriving That is the most essential feature Courier Journal Broker Quits The philosophy of of John Dupee head of the firm of Swartz Dupee Co the heaviest dealers in grain and stocks west or New York astonished Chicago afew days agp Mr Dupee says he abandons a profit of 200000 a- tcyear to get at res Chicago cannot understand a vacation on these terms I should have stopped ten years agoEald Mr Dupee 11 would rather have a year in the1 woods than 200000 that is all I have to say The time to stop is when philosophy tells a man he bas enough It depends upon how a map lives 11iad enough years ago bulimy frIend kept me In Irecog nize Jhere is something in tire besides mouey waking I love nature and tp nature I go fur stimulation and rest Judge Dupee has been famous here andtn Wall street for iuany ycirs as a commission man an adept in forming ipQgentialcpnnections in getting at the facts as to great financial deals and in making his people money His owngreat wealha d the magnificence of his entertaining have been old Tbefirtnba rncrutierhipintieN- evYVrk Stockand CttqnExcban- ges as well as the Chicago Board of Trade and Chicago Stock Exchange It hasdone atTexceedlnW largebusi nessfinsJocks and grains probably leading all Western competitors Its trtfbsaclions on busy days haveaggre gatedasbl ias 16000000 busheteof grain and ISOOOOsharea of stock on the NtiwYvrkiock Etcb3nge The commissions attull ratlawotild anuBtVo lVii knrj rsflrni and 18750 on stocks guch daysof ours were lS6jptttl lfut wellposted traders Og neoprAtot theJlrR11n re t n dootntjuayD- upee t Mf has required a fortune Of several million dollars and a taste for splEIibihWsunVnfers at his beautiful hjyne at Qcoqoni tC Wit rather than in business His relations with t1ifM orMa dw1th high railroad of Hctals have given his house high pres S iy vi j Ii prestige e 1 r f < Playing a Stong Hand President Roosevelts choice of Gov- ernor Shaw or Iowa for the Cabinet office of Secretary of the Treasury made vacant by the retlremeut or Ly man J Gage strafd help to convinc the Presidents antagonists In his own party that lids capable otplaying very good politics in the line strengthen lug his p rsJnalpositlon- Govcrnor Shaw himself in view of the swiftly increasing importance or the Middle West and the general recognition of his own abilities prom ised to be a strong candidate for the Republican nomination to the Presi- dency in the next National Convention of that party HOcan now the belief Is prevalent be counted on toby aside that ambition and throw his strength to Mr Roosevelt waiting until 1008 to launch his own boom for the Presi dencyIn to this valuable support Mr Roosevelt Las also made warm friends and supprters ot Senator Allison and Djllivcr of Iowa who most vigorously urged the name of Governor Shaw for the Secretaryhhij of the Treasury He may indeed have removed from his path another rival fur the 1901 nomination S natoi Dolliver aspiring very strenuously to reach the highest office in the gift or the people As matters now stand both Senators from Iowa are expected to loyally support Mr Roosevelt in the next Republican Rational Convention All nf which goes to show that the President is an txirctncy capable poll helen along practical lines Shrewd plotters such as Senators Hanna and Platt eneraiesof Roosevelt within the Republican organization will find that they are arrayed against a man who can give them all the fighting they want and probably a great deal more than they will relish The impending developemcnts expected from further changes in the Roosevelt Cabinet will be possessed of a peculiar interest The Presidents opening plays have been strong and characteristicSt- Louis Republic The Nell Cropsey Mystery The disappearance of Miss Nell Crop ¬ sey from her home at Elizabeth City N Con the night of November 20 gave rise to a multiplicity of rumors and to the futile activity of a great number of amateur dececiivc While the dominant opinion where the young lady was known seems to have been that It was a case either or murder or suicide there was a disposition else- where ¬ to insist that she had run away With some mm From all over the country came reports of mysterious women each accompanied by a man and it was Insisted thaYthe woman in each case corresponded exactly fn ap¬ pearance iwitb the description givenof tbc missing young lady The outcome of all this was the bodyof the missing girl was found in the rive ashort diE tance from her fathers iloor But the mystery of her disappearance Is still unsolved As James Wilcox whoba bee n the girls lover was the last person whois known to have seenh alive suspicion has naturally fallen upop him The feeling against hjm js SQJ strong that the services of naval reserves have been thoughtnecessary for his prbteclioh Yefroa the Slgofalr that isfcobwn the s case against him s insbf no means strnnaPosabiythero ara facts that have not been made public but sofar asIstneaiJyuir1erstod the circumstances simply afford cnmndi for sup Tbn Clearly it Is up cqe fpf tne intervention of a mob even ontbe theory that mob violence Is sometimes Uc athritfi rfI At IW1O3it ret surfngthaTTtfie finding of the body has completely set at rest the ojurious4rrnnors affedtln g the young ladys Character Therofis toprpnch disposition to assumejuthat thedlsappearancepf a young jwogjan necessarily means at 6he h snelDped with a man All such theories have been O7mltelyTglsthetThtbflnd Ing df the body ihdugh in Vlewbf ifiei acts developed the reason ddb1r i- staneesot thordeatfr are ag much a mysteryseforeourlerpu i1i Hr t 1 r SCi1re etter Kind SirIetthlrmh to thank e Q cl- Cor the benefit derived from yourceld jiated Saymans Salve andrSoapHli me Oftettero wy 1 tids and irms rwhicb 1 have been afflicted with i t for years Respt T MJsjOljve yYoung Richmpnd Va Get t of Bartlett adquar ters tor- TloISirmantRemedl fCItMViH ltIrX1 1 fiC D c i1 i1It Q tiLe a lively lime iiiur toali Christmas i Ambrose Suiuli anil J F Tar ¬ tar of this placo will leave for Lexinqton iii a few days to Attend school i R D Luttrell who has been quite sick for ome time j iareport ed better Misses Lnla and Sarah B Wil kerson of near this placej and Mr Everet Stroud and sistor of Phil spent Christmas with the young people of Decatur spentChristmus tives at Watson Ben Russell of Dunuville was hero Monday joking his friends John R Luttrell is building a a large barn on his farm which will improve its looks wonderful Our nmrchauls are doing a good business s Dr R M Simcock and Consta- ble ¬ J W Murray had an argu- ment ¬ in a cafe in Burnet Texas when their hands went to their hip pockets und the proprietor or ¬ dered them to leave the place Without hesitating they turned into the street and standing ve paces apart shot tIienielvea dead Bob Hatfield who claimed tu- be the last survivor of the Ken ¬ tucky family of that name was killedat Troy mining camp Ari- zona ¬ while resisting arrest on u warrant issued on complaint of his wife William Boles Sr was fatally shot in a drunken ror at Irvine by his son The younger Boles badly wounded his brother Chars Boles For Sale or RentA good conven ¬ lent dwelling on Burkesville street ad ¬ joining the Hancock lJot SALLEE Buos- ColumbIa Ky Bring us that load of wujd you prom isedisoms time ago Remember onr toves take 18 inch wood lilfflore Hotel S W M WIL3IORE Prop Gradyville Kentucky JlIERE Isno better place to stop at the aboved named hotel Good sample rooms and a flrstGu table Rates very reasonable Tee stable attached 1 YETINERY SDME8I Klstulo Pollevil Spints SKivi n eey I cli 8 work done ntfairpriee OtJARXOTR SATISFACTION I am fixed to tube bct of stock S B CBEXSHAAV ml1cJ U I n RH seiiirsit Daylight flGetijlene Gas Gox 126 Second Street Louisville Kentucky Manufacturers Acetylene 6ns Machines for lighting TOWOT Churches Stores Retidencvs Etc Gas Engines and WaUr Wurke to r I C ounty Homes tyre RothchiW henry SWsirbaum TRotbcbUfc TWleinbaum MANUFACTURERS BOOTS AND SHOES f 4 6lPtlflcctiiSaiut IFLouisville itii j > V iHardesty WHOLESALE X > V PRODUCE 8 GOMMISS10H GOMPflRY vi 333 Second Street jj Louisville Kentucky j 0 Trade of Adair and aJjoiaiy counties J + + 4+ + O4 1 3Fme tta l t i I i 9 t- j 1 s s I ji When you RO to J i your suit at 1EPGERS j i I r Ztbe Bailor solicitedINo J 1 f220W Market Street Bet 2 i i i 1 Loiiisviile K I I PATTERSON 1 lp4 JAMeT0W o place can than at th vbove namcd hoteL Its now elegantly furnished and theta l o at all timessup red with the beH he market affords pFeed I sectibu L J B PATTERSON I t Ssit nd Rariges r wwwwww < Bk> rgiidofsheet non stoves toy- eijeoTbs i tt iddarnpei call xm niee i OOKSTOVES fij i ott e 1 Shldwit1 fitat veSseis extr1 iv fiS + jzS Coin and nrXQe ef we biym- gjjTifiibia i C jJ J > J 4j tIJ iiiJ K JJ u

1 I C3 I ni X It I yk NJIE Mr I JVOIiU t r 3UIt COLUMBIA ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt708k74vb03/data/0234.pdf · 1 t I I C3 t I t J 451 = v t-1UOUNTf 1-r I 1 i t J ViiA7fLrIfEhr > Xn Mr

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i iA7fLrIfEhr>





1i It I

ykNJIE VY t 1


4 j3 1 r 1 ni fll Y H


tOSTOFFICE DIRECTORYXJ M Russell Postmasterol1CClhOU1e da1ll7OOm 3JymI i


4riVT r nIO 13Csessions a yearThird

U MQyD4y3 ffiiriilondayln Septeinbcr

Circuit Judge WWJonesObrnrnoiwealth Attorney 875 WA ron

SheriffFW MUltrC1erkJno Jc L Tjl J


OOUHTY CocKFlrst Mond yln each monthJudge T A Murrel J vi LCounty Attorney JasQirnetlJ JrOlerkT ItStultspJatie JKPCon6TOr j rs jAssejllsorEW BartonSllrvoyorR T McCaflrecSchool SuptW DJonCS < V r6o toner= C 51 Rusbltt

Fciri oiJJT Regular c urt seccil i >1 ouday D-

t ach monthIdgeJ W Atklnn





pastor Services second and fourth Sundays

n each month Sund yschool t9ftjn OTeiy

Sabbath Prayer meeting every Wednesday




poator Senrlcea flrstSuudyin eachmonthSundsy5chOOl every Sabbath at 9 am Prayer

A mectfne Thursday night


vvstor Services third Sunday In each month-

S indayschol every Sabbath at 9 110 m PrayerSfSSpttng Tuesday night



Pastor Serylcea First Sunday W each

month Snnda chool every Sabbath aUMrayerJeeUriWtoilieldaynlght jgt



OLUlofBIA LoDGE No 96 P and A Lltcgunr meeting In their hall over bank on Frl

lay night on or before the full moon In each

month1 JaB Oarnett Jr WMA KEMP Secy


i1dayDbt 1ftc lJ1100D7JAS GAnNETT Ja II P

WWBaADSI1AW Secretary

Jjii Carriage

and Wagon Shop


I have leased the E C Eubank

shop and will givef

affiae Wagon Voikspecial attention Work done

bby me will be firstclass Pro

lJ duetakn In return for workP SFEUBA-


t f tr We charge no commission on Butter Poul-


and Egg Also guarantee highest marketprices

471 Brook StreetILOtTISVILbE KENT KY

Farmers Farmers

I am prepared totake your orders fo-

rHydi u1IcRamitothrov water from your springs to

your housesor barns Can also furnish

pumps ofjany kind cheaper thanxsver

Write to me at Columbia for estimates

or call and se me at the Marcum Ho

tel Yours truly






Exclusive High Grade

Boots and Shopsh


F N wDcslg s 1 1t

Perfect Fitting Modern Shoes

31G Fourth AvenueLOUISVILLE KY



fldamVoflt Go=

JEWtL11S and OPTICIANSEstablished 18SI

Dealers In Diamonds and Precious Stories0


Finclinebf Holiday goods sncciafattention given to workrarlcraWclrdcrtl-

oJ goodsJurlIne 132 WestMorketL

between 1st ad2Qnd J <


Democratic Dutyn-i


While it is evident that the fift-yseveihdongresswith heavy BepupIfcdtfrnajdrityVis prepared and abletOdo thejbiddIptthP1selfish interest

c natIoialorgaijizatfpn and dictate thepsrty pol

Ides the duty of DcuiocraticmeipbenIsplaln and imperative

The twoparties stand face to face In

congress nor other political oiganiza

tion being represented in the memberhlp bfthe Senate or House of Repre

sentatives On every measure offered

for consideration and action the align

ment of Republicanism and Demoracy must of necessity be cleancutand definite The voting will voice-

declslonof the Republican and Demo

cratic parties alone on the questions to

esettled during the present session

Democratic Senators and Represen ¬

tatlves cannot hope to encompass a

winning vote in either house of Con ¬

gress This fact docs not howeverlessen their responsibility to the peo

pIe Rather is their duty more imper¬

ative to vigorously combat all evil

meaSures and to compel an enlighten ¬

ing debate on every important ques

tion comlnp up for action By thismeans alone may the people be keptfnlly cognizant of the significance of

Republican policies and bi brought toa competent appreciation of the mc¬

nace contained in Republicanisms sur-



to influences hostile ti the gen

eral good iySkillful andaggrcsiive leaikrshipof

the Democratic minnrity in Con ¬

gress wilt be of tremendous value tothe party and to the country Thepresent Cocgress may be madean educatlonaLsession to an exceptiontional degree A firm and faithful de ¬

fense of thepeoples cause in every in ¬

stance of the evil legislation now con ¬

templated by the Republicans will

mean ultimate bcnett hJq the Om-

grjEssipnaL campaign oftheyear now

about to open as in the Presidentialcampaign of 1904 the teaching of theacts of the present Congressional ses

sion should mean deserved profit to theDemocratic party and a regained se ¬

curity for the American peopleStLouis Republic

Resolutions of CondolenceBy Washington Council F A A

IDell PlaLne Kansts in memory of

Sister Georgia Price deceased

Whereas Sickness and death has in¬

vaded our council chamber and thefamily circle and claimed for its own

our sister wife and motber Mrs Geor ¬

PriceWhereasWe fully realize that her

place can never be filled her presencenor kindness never again bexenjpycd

salthp we rejoScein the knowledge of

her memory and proud of her acqualn ¬

tanceand wemu5t all submit to thedestroyer of life which is death

Whereas We as acouncll shall weep

with those that weep and mourn withthose that mourn and while we extendthe hand of charity to the grief strick ¬

en family and friends let us hope thatthe Angel of darkness and grief andsorrow wiil forever cause a halo of lightto enter their hearts and establishthere happiness mid contentment We

shall dedicate her life work her noble

traits of character tathose left behindAnd styall only add

The saddest words for the young or old

Is wljeh death is growing nighWhen we grasp the hand that growing


And 16 raotherSa y Goodbye> v

ThatvoiceIs silentetis for the best

J boes joined that happy ndJGrieve not for one whose gone to ret

i vj itV

But meet her itti promised laudTtfererore be it resolved

That council No ISO of EeHosPWiJot

J Rb r by eitend to the family

ndiensoriTracceasedsIstcr cuisincere and blfartfelt sympalhyTandcomrnend them to Blm4wbo tempersthe wind to the shorn lamb

Resolved That as a rnembflalandtoken of remembrance of oiirslsttrthat the president councIl aslMnbt d

instruct the guide to 3Faj ourcTiaYlaf

Jn the emblem of sorrojResolved That sc t the cdf

tors of the Belly PJiInQj1ers to putlish t e oresolutloJward copf tbttie family u

is That tbiecy 6 hbtiedtnfltJ a co f t same wIth the reds

il iU1UrcoUii3itr1e1FANNI B B Amiv IIfuff S

It2UezjI Adf mMj rTJ tee

The Day of Conveniences

Theday is almost at hand wheneverything is done by simply pressinga button Pretty soon we wlljnohave to work any more Weare belpgoverwhelmed by conveniences Dq we

wnt alight Press a button Do wewant breakfast ° Turn on the electricity Do we want more warmth Turnon the steam heat Do we want amessenger Press a lever Are we

coming to business Theres the auto-

mobile Do we want to see a man1Theres the telephone yes theres the

visual telephone Wifey can call ujhubby at tile bank and ask if her batson straight

The telephone through which thefollow at the other end can be seen is

the iuvenUonofu frenchman Dr tSyl

vestrc It consists of a small circularmirror with a bole in the center towhich is screwed a tiny electric lightof a little more than one candlepowerThe mirror is fixed to the microphonicplate of the telephone and a pair orlittle brass pencils connects the cur¬

rent and the apparatus In a word

two acids mix drop by drop and oulofaspout comes a phosphorescentvaporfalling on the mirror It when tele-



a sheet of white paper isplaced in front of the mirror the room

from which a person telephoningand also the person himself may beplainly seen

The world may wellsk what nextWith the klneloscope or some such in¬

ventlon and the visual telephone why

will we not be able to sit in Atlantaand sec the races at Gravesend theJellriesSharkty miil if it ever takesplace orIt he would put It off a while

the coronation of King Edward

A Bloody ChristmasLouisville Dec 26Thc usual num-


uf Christmas tragedies are repur t-

ed in Kentucky

A Pinevilio dispatch reports thekilling of six men on Red Bird creekabout thirty miles froth there A la¬

ter dispatch says only three were kill ¬

ed while a still later one places thenumber at four The locality is re-


from telephoneor telegraph linesand details are not obtainable

At Williamstown Grant countythree men were shot one probably fa ¬

tally Arthur Goughe was shotthrough the intestines and is not ex-


to live Det Goughe his father was shot through the back andCarl Gough his brother shot in theface The wounds are not seriousTom Hackett and James Redenorwere arrested and are being guardedto prevent threatened trouble Thetrouble dates back about a year TheGoughes came to town drunk and metHacket and Redecour at Reeds saloonOld man Goughe drew a knife andstarted to carve his enemies He wasrestrained by his sons but the row

once started could not be stopped andshooting began with the results stated

Despatches from Jit Vernon Llncoin Ctnmty give reports of threebloody affairs near Crab OrchardCharles Likens aged thirty was shottbrSe times by Hiram Grant and Islecritical condition Ibp affair was

tne outgrowth of an old grudge Gran-tIsinailat Stanford John Pjyne cutLogan3ompsoo Jr in the shoulderHezekiah Mounce and Miss Brooks1

wefe shot add slightly wounded it is

supposed si jealous lover of the girlfired through the window at them



toxins NIck neBdrickson was cutfour tlm s6l1 il HbndrIckson and isfatally onWeflr SH

IBrain Leaks

Vr fa iST4 rljfvHappiness iutbeheartjilways show-

soi4bface it A4 t5TIhJ i r lt inps rdi g to

what yougaic

Nothingpopagatcthore rapidlytmttiibe fuicY6b mw rrj

1S ii 5 IY fA man nInfa4itaa1when he ca-

nf3twlicr haTslniseabTe

lW ghhct ltt1 childis the best re man nbilvctordoing good jU T

The troub1eLacbumembers is that they tire preparingfpr e1J13 i q

04 couyejrtplu-mlerbut

Iiit is diilicult to convince

some men of the factj < 4 f 1tTheres something wrong about tbe

wan whO puts olIi Hktbigotid ic3 itlous until New Years dayJ

Some men try to tyby denying the existenceof a power to

Jr nslble

The New Yoars DividendsThe gieat outpouring of divIdends

aud intcrcston January 1 will surpassanything of the kind ever known In

tblscoiinVry The CourierJournal ol

Commerce which is Tory goodauthorItyYputs thf distrlbutlon of profitsand earnings from capital at aver

82P000 Jnthe three cities of New

York Boston and Philadelphia which

is far ahead of last January recordThese are the great financial ntelsbut the whole country has been grow-

Ing wealthy and every city in the west

and south will get a part of the golden

shower and a larger part than received

last yearWhat makes this evidence of pros

perity BO notable Is that it ccmes atatime when England Germany Austria Russia the Netherlands and even

rich France are suffering from Industrial and financial depression Franceis affected least of all but her foreigninvestments are so great that herneighbors cannot suffer without herparticipation to some degree TheUnited State on the other hand offer

a dazzling picture or a ptospcrity unaffected by the hardships of the Old


future is in doubt but it is

noteworthy that the members of Ame ¬

rican haute finance see nc reason foralarm The Pennsylvania railroadwould not be preparing to spend 100

000000 in terminal and other Improve-



within the next two tor threeyears and it would nut be adding to itshildlngs of other railroad securities if

it looKed for an early recurrence of

hard times Last week it declared adividend on the shares of the Pennsyl-

vania Company which manages itsrailroad interests westof Pittsburgthe first dividend since 1891 It also

added one one half of 1 percent tothe semiannual dividend on the com-



stock of the Panhandle which

it owns and has lifted out of Insolven-



The Vapderbilts hive raised thedividend on Canada Southern and theother great lines have assumed extraresponsibilities in the face of thecroakers who insist that we are now on theeve of a great industrial and financialdecline What Is better than all

though is the fact that this prosperi

trhasstarted from the bottom Capitalcannot thrive unless labor does too

find the unsurpassed distribution of

dividends on the New Year means thatthe great common people are also

thriving That is the most essentialfeature Courier Journal

Broker QuitsThe philosophy of of John Dupee

head of the firm of Swartz DupeeCo the heaviest dealers in grain andstocks west or New York astonishedChicago afew days agp Mr Dupeesays he abandons a profit of 200000 a-

tcyear to get at res Chicago cannotunderstand a vacation on these terms

I should have stopped ten years

agoEald Mr Dupee 11 would ratherhave a year in the1 woods than 200000

that is all I have to say The time tostop is when philosophy tells a man hebas enough It depends upon how amap lives 11iad enough years ago

bulimy frIend kept me In Irecognize Jhere is something in tire besidesmouey waking I love nature and tpnature I go fur stimulation and rest

Judge Dupee has been famous hereandtn Wall street for iuany ycirs as acommission man an adept in formingipQgentialcpnnections in getting atthe facts as to great financial dealsand in making his people money Hisowngreat wealha d the magnificence

of his entertaining have beenold

Tbefirtnba rncrutierhipintieN-evYVrk Stockand CttqnExcban-ges as well as the Chicago Board of

Trade and Chicago Stock Exchange

It hasdone atTexceedlnW largebusinessfinsJocks and grains probablyleading all Western competitors Itstrtfbsaclions on busy days haveaggre

gatedasbl ias 16000000 busheteofgrain and ISOOOOsharea of stock on theNtiwYvrkiock Etcb3nge

The commissions attull ratlawotildanuBtVo lVii knrj rsflrni and 18750

on stocks guch daysof ours werelS6jptttl lfut wellposted tradersOg neoprAtot theJlrR11n re

tn dootntjuayD-

upeet Mf has required a fortune Of

several million dollars and a taste forsplEIibihWsunVnfers at his beautifulhjyne at Qcoqoni tC Wit ratherthan in business His relations witht1ifM orMadw1th high railroad of

Hctals have given his house high presS iy vi j Iiprestige e 1 r f


Playing a Stong HandPresident Roosevelts choice of Gov-

ernor Shaw or Iowa for the Cabinetoffice of Secretary of the Treasurymade vacant by the retlremeut or

Ly man J Gage strafd help to convincthe Presidents antagonists In his own

party that lids capable otplaying very

good politics in the line strengthenlug his p rsJnalpositlon-

Govcrnor Shaw himself in view of

the swiftly increasing importance or

the Middle West and the generalrecognition of his own abilities prom

ised to be a strong candidate for theRepublican nomination to the Presi-dency in the next National Conventionof that party HOcan now the beliefIs prevalent be counted on toby asidethat ambition and throw his strengthto Mr Roosevelt waiting until 1008 tolaunch his own boom for the PresidencyIn

to this valuable supportMr Roosevelt Las also made warmfriends and supprters ot SenatorAllison and Djllivcr of Iowa whomost vigorously urged the name ofGovernor Shaw for the Secretaryhhijof the Treasury He may indeed

have removed from his path anotherrival fur the 1901 nomination S natoiDolliver aspiring very strenuously toreach the highest office in the gift or

the people As matters now standboth Senators from Iowa are expectedto loyally support Mr Roosevelt in thenext Republican Rational ConventionAll nf which goes to show that thePresident is an txirctncy capable poll

helen along practical lines Shrewdplotters such as Senators Hanna andPlatt eneraiesof Roosevelt within theRepublican organization will find thatthey are arrayed against a man whocan give them all the fighting theywant and probably a great deal morethan they will relish The impendingdevelopemcnts expected from furtherchanges in the Roosevelt Cabinet willbe possessed of a peculiar interestThe Presidents opening plays havebeen strong and characteristicSt-Louis Republic

The Nell Cropsey MysteryThe disappearance of Miss Nell Crop ¬

sey from her home at Elizabeth CityN Con the night of November 20

gave rise to a multiplicity of rumorsand to the futile activity of a greatnumber of amateur dececiivc Whilethe dominant opinion where the younglady was known seems to have beenthat It was a case either or murder orsuicide there was a disposition else-


to insist that she had run away

With some mm From all over thecountry came reports of mysteriouswomen each accompanied by a manand it was Insisted thaYthe woman ineach case corresponded exactly fn ap¬

pearance iwitb the description givenoftbc missing young lady The outcomeof all this was the bodyof the missinggirl was found in the rive ashort diEtance from her fathers iloor But themystery of her disappearance Is stillunsolved

As James Wilcox whoba bee n thegirls lover was the last person whoisknown to have seenh alive suspicionhas naturally fallen upop him Thefeeling against hjm js SQJ strong thatthe services of naval reserves have beenthoughtnecessary for his prbtecliohYefroa the Slgofalr that isfcobwnthe s case against him s insbf no

means strnnaPosabiythero ara factsthat have not been made public butsofar asIstneaiJyuir1erstod thecircumstances simply afford cnmndifor sup Tbn Clearly it Is up cqe fpf

tne intervention of a mob even ontbetheory that mob violence Is sometimesUc athritfi rfIAt IW1O3it ret surfngthaTTtfie

finding of the body has completely setat rest the ojurious4rrnnors affedtln gthe young ladys Character Therofistoprpnch disposition to assumejuthatthedlsappearancepf a young jwogjannecessarily means at 6he h snelDped

with a man All such theories havebeen O7mltelyTglsthetThtbflndIng df the body ihdugh in Vlewbf ifiei

acts developed the reason ddb1r i-

staneesot thordeatfr are ag much amysteryseforeourlerpu i1i

Hr t 1rSCi1re etterKind SirIetthlrmh to thank

e Qcl-

Cor the benefit derived from yourceldjiated Saymans Salve andrSoapHli

me Oftettero wy 1 tids andirms rwhicb 1 have been afflicted with

i tfor yearsRespt T

MJsjOljve yYoungRichmpnd VaGet t of Bartlett adquar ters tor-

TloISirmantRemedl fCItMViHltIrX1 1 fiC

D c i1 i1ItQ tiLe a lively lime iiiur toali

Christmas i

Ambrose Suiuli anil J F Tar ¬

tar of this placo will leave forLexinqton iii a few days to Attendschool i

R D Luttrell who has beenquite sick for ome time j iareported better

Misses Lnla and Sarah B Wilkerson of near this placej and MrEveret Stroud and sistor of Philspent Christmas with the youngpeople of Decatur

spentChristmustives at Watson

Ben Russell of Dunuville washero Monday joking his friends

John R Luttrell is building aa large barn on his farm whichwill improve its looks wonderful

Our nmrchauls are doing a goodbusiness s

Dr R M Simcock and Consta-ble


J W Murray had an argu-ment


in a cafe in Burnet Texaswhen their hands went to theirhip pockets und the proprietor or ¬

dered them to leave the placeWithout hesitating they turnedinto the street and standing vepaces apart shot tIienielvea dead

Bob Hatfield who claimed tu-

be the last survivor of the Ken ¬

tucky family of that name waskilledat Troy mining camp Ari-zona


while resisting arrest on uwarrant issued on complaint ofhis wife

William Boles Sr was fatallyshot in a drunken ror at Irvineby his son The younger Bolesbadly wounded his brother CharsBoles

For Sale or RentA good conven ¬

lent dwelling on Burkesville street ad ¬

joining the Hancock lJotSALLEE Buos-

ColumbIa Ky

Bring us that load of wujd you promisedisoms time ago Remember onrtoves take 18 inch wood

lilfflore HotelS


Gradyville Kentucky

JlIERE Isno better place to stopat the aboved named hotel

Good sample rooms and a flrstGutable Rates very reasonable Teestable attached 1


Klstulo Pollevil Spints SKivi n eeyI

cli 8 work done ntfairpriee OtJARXOTRSATISFACTION I am fixed to tube bct ofstock


ml1cJ U I n R H seiiirsit

Daylight flGetijlene Gas Gox126 Second Street

Louisville KentuckyManufacturers Acetylene 6ns

Machines for lighting TOWOT

Churches Stores Retidencvs EtcGas Engines and WaUr Wurke to r

IC ounty Homes

tyre RothchiW henry SWsirbaum


BOOTS AND SHOES f 46lPtlflcctiiSaiutIFLouisville itiij

> ViHardestyWHOLESALE X >

VPRODUCE 8 GOMMISS10H GOMPflRY vi333 Second Street jj

Louisville Kentucky j


Trade of Adair and aJjoiaiycounties


+ + 4+ + O4

1 3Fme tta l t i




j 1 ss I

ji When you RO to Ji

your suit at



Ir Ztbe Bailor solicitedINo


1f220W Market Street Bet 2 i i

i 1Loiiisviile K






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vbove namcd hoteL

Its now elegantlyfurnished and thetal o at all timessup

red with the beH

he market affordspFeedIsectibuL


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eijeoTbsi ttiddarnpei call xm niee i

OOKSTOVESfij i otte

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