1 Health and safety London – 13th November 2009 Luc Proesmans Health & Safety advisor

1 Health and safety London – 13th November 2009 Luc Proesmans Health & Safety advisor

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Page 1: 1 Health and safety London – 13th November 2009 Luc Proesmans Health & Safety advisor


Health and safetyLondon – 13th November 2009

Luc ProesmansHealth & Safety advisor

Page 2: 1 Health and safety London – 13th November 2009 Luc Proesmans Health & Safety advisor


The Belgian construction sectorThe Belgian construction sector

5% of GNP 13% of overall employment (workers) 26.000 companies

160.000 workers 25.000 employees 50.000 self employed

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The Belgian construction sectorThe Belgian construction sector

Number of companies (%)(total: 26.000)


9%6% 2%



5 – 9

10 – 19

20 – 49


98% SME’s

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Employment (%) - Company size



24% 17%


5 – 9

10 – 19

20 – 49



Number of workers by company size(total: 160.000)

Page 5: 1 Health and safety London – 13th November 2009 Luc Proesmans Health & Safety advisor


Bouwunie and Health & Safety

Federal: High Commission

Sectoral: NAVB-CNAC


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High Commission for Prevention and safety

Bouwunie is member of the “High Commission for Prevention and safety at work” (= governmental committee in Ministry of Labour)composed of:

civil servantssocial partners (trade unions and employers organisations)

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Health and Safety Fund NAVB-CNACHealth and Safety Fund NAVB-CNAC

Bouwunie is recognised social partner in the Sectoral Health & Safety Fund NAVB-CNAC

NAVB-CNAC is established by social partners (equal representation of employers’ and workers’ organizations of the construction sector)

established in 1965

mission: promotion of occupational health and safety (now: well-being) in the construction industry

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How does the NAVB-CNAC work? (1)How does the NAVB-CNAC work? (1)

Board: social partners – alterning presidency between employers’ and workers’ organizations)45 employees – 4 departmentsdepartment «companies»: 20 advisors visiting and giving advice on construction sitesdepartment «R&D»: knowledge, development of publications, tools,…department «training»department «administration»

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How does the NAVB-CNAC work? (2)How does the NAVB-CNAC work? (2)

Information and publications:

library: documentation on well-being at work in the construction industrywebsite www.navb.be with information, legislation, work declaration, construction site advice and publicationsNAVB-info: 3-monthly info-magazine about well-being at work, daily life at the construction site, evolution of technology and regulationsNAVB-dossier: 3-monthly publication focusing on one particular subject (e.g. « Work at height »)cd-roms and dvd’s for specific construction occupations

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Bouwunie actions

Tools for entrepreneurscd-rom Safety Instruction Cardswebsiteinspection in woodworking sector – Febr. 2010

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Safety Instruction Cards

What ?Why ?How ?CD-ROM Bouwunie

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Safety instruction cards contain the most important risks when using a machine or tooland corresponding prevention measuresthey can be used as a learning tool for the workersSIC are reflection of the risk-analysis when putting into use the equipment

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Law forces to make up written instructions for each installation, machinery, tool or equipment

Instructions should contain information about:

putting into operationdirections for useinspectionmaintenanceinformation about safety /precautionary measures

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The employer:has to provide sufficient information for his workers and manuals of the used machinery, equipment and tools;inform his workers about the risks they are exposed to while carrying out their job. Workers should follow a suitable training

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to be drafted by the user:in cooperation with the supplier or external prevention-service on H&Sto be approved by the external prevention-service on H&S

form:briefly and clearlyin understandable language for the end-usermust contain a lot of information at a glanceuniform designhas to motivate and invite the end-user to follow the instructions

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Example of a Safety Instruction Card

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cd-rom Bouwunie

New edition 200990 SIC for siteand workroomeasy to adaptIncl. checklistsand PPEPrice:

35 euro members105 euro non-members

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information for woodworking industryaction of Labour inspection in Febr.–March 2010information about technical items will be put on our website:

wood dustsafety of equipment and noiseexplosive atmosphereschemical agents

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Luc ProesmansBOUWUNIESpastraat 8B-1000 BrusselTel. +32 2 238 06 05Fax +32 2 238 06 11http://www.bouwunie.be E-mail: [email protected]