THE MAliOVE FARMER WttfrNBSDAY, MAT 14, 1913. Local Department 1 turn Dr for ! I>ollar, thevsprsglt known Hol- 1u ind } irmers ln<*tituU ewdenth likes to ride fajst i to He was arrested for ex ng thf 'speed limit in th* 1 \il 7 t ant n ih otht i di\ in 1 fjnod ? r aud oo«t^ the wholf nn mntn -, t $16 A s]> - .il ><" \ ^ pi ni on dut\ and in t j ! st ill \ i 31 i t r** O .t.dlth WONDEMX'L SKIN SALVE. i lflu or t.t itio ind in Bueklen's Arnica Salve is known ever>where as the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin, and al- so for burns, bruises and boils. Re- duces inflammation and is soothing and healing. J. T. Sossaman, pub- lisher of News, of Cornelius. X. C, w 11to<* that oue box helped his ser- ious skin ailment after other rem- idi s failed. Only 2oc. Recommend- ed bv all druggists.—Adv. l) -<x Th li tin*. is. i \* xv ] MuRlGAGE SALE —. Mortgagors, t J I ^ r (J ni Joseph Laprad and Emily Laprad. j it i \ \t >rtgagee. Philander Premo. Assig- nees and present holders of mort- 1 \ is n Jf tht su fea^re Harry Priest and Albin E, - i t >,-* i 1 u IT- i Aubrej. Mortgage dated March 23rd, 1910. Recorded in Franklin County Clerk's Olfice on the 4th day of April, 1910, at 9 00 o'clock A. M. in Libar »9 of Mortgages, at page 44. The amount claimed to be due on said mortgage at the date of the fiist publication of this notice is the sum of $111.45, which is th© whole amount unpaid thereon. De- fault having been made in the pay r i- in > liur in v lm w ti * ii <- *.f. and du. Alilim-a n wa«a Span id ii appointed bv War- i-^isi tl-n l»rk ->f the d< n Kai 1 - r romo"\ *<3 him mi,l it of dut> without otdti i> w ith nit preiu charges «ii t i healing for dereliction of duty which maj properly be brought against Miilmg 1 - 1 ton. He must be reinstated and paid the state for all the time he waa ,out of the service. Arbitrary 1 i are thus seen to be expensive pub- li« were th^n in the l/^i tl'> a t~l« iim'i] t h e fchiji hai n both Hvplo- yrraphic stallon the disi.o\ery 1 ull< i hu.s a.l\* d.\s Mi Ii. i. h i- ' .1 J e *t<. in >-t in ih ltd in ' I* 1 lion is to tth» r respmsi- -,'h -i\ d^Kirt- Ku-,^ St '.peii it work ha* ) is; barn size J? 50 by jrr« j s n huuht h s.toric -tru is n.'ith t-K.n i IM; t'\ a u FRECKLES. Now is the Time to Get Rid of These Tu- > feu , v-'n exceli* cajed roof. Ugly Spots. There's tio longer the slightest need of feeling ashamed of your freckles, as the prescription othine— double strength— is guaranteed to remove these homely spots. Simply get an ounce of othine— double strength — from The Hyde Drug Company and apply a little of it night and morning and you should soon see that even the worst freck- 1 »s have beg-un to disappear, while , the Lighter one* have \-anished en- tirelv. It is seldom that mare than - an ounce is needed to completely ' clea- the skin and gain a beautiful 1 a- complexion. He sure to ask for the double "*tr ngth othine as this is sold un- d r guarantee of money back, if it fa Is to remove freckles. ASK ANY HORSE Eureka Harness ment of the moneys secured by said mortgage, notice is hereby given that according to the statute in such case made and provided, and by vir- tue of the power of sale oontain- ed in and recorded with said mort- gage, said mortgage will be fore- closed by the sale of the preu isea therein described and the same will be sold at public auction at the front door of the Court House in the Village of Malone, Franklin County, N. T., on the 24th day of May, 1913, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. No suit or proceeding at law or otherwise lias been commenced to recover the amount secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. Said premises are described in said mort- gage as follows: All that tract or parcel of land sit uate in the Town of Constable, Coun- ty of Franklin and ^JJiate of New York, known and distinguished as part of subdivision second of lot thirteen, Township three of\ Great Tract No. One of Macomb'a Pur- chase (so-called) and bounded as follows (viz:) Beginning at the southwest corner of 31 25-100 acres of land sold to Asel Peach /by Lau- ra Beebee, by deed boar ing date the 9th day of August, 1882,^and running thence north in the west bounds of said 31 25-100 acres of land, eight chains, thence east parallel with the south bounds of said lot twelve Softf by tt^mlmrm mvmrywhmrm Standard 01! Co, el Ntw York . t k.U v ' - M; fTSt v< > , every u z C- tion .<.d L: the an- ».onve%iag tJu u d -i n '^-aph*-. message o. s-a-n i>.i -,) the sad nevit soil oi lion D > mesixige umc i tli-e hotel o'lths 31r Lav, - Ed. Wallace DEALER IS MONUMENTS chains and fifty links., to the east bounds of said subdivision second, then south along "said east bounds eight chains to the southeast cor- ner thereof, then west along the south bounds thereof twelve chains' and fifty links to the place of be- ginning, containing ten acres of land more or less. Also that other parcel or piece of land situated in said town of Con- stable.county of Franklin and state of New York, and described as follows: Known and distinguished as part of subdivision second of lot No. Thir- teen and bounded as follows (via): Beginning in tne east bounds of said subdivision second, eight chains north one degree west from the southeast corner thereof and running thence north one degree west sixteen chains, thence west six chains and twenty- ] five links, thence south one degree! east sixteen chains, thence " " ; chain; place acres Dated February 25th, 1913. HARRY PRIEST ALBIN E. AUBREY. Assignees. GEORGE J. MOORE, Attorney for Assignees, M one, N. Y. llwlS NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuant to an order of Frederick O. Pad- dock, surrogate of the county of Fnanklin, and according to the stat- ute in auch ease made and provided, notice is hereb> given to all persons having olaima against Orvllte M. Ev- erett. late of M. ty, deceased, th* to exhibit the s, ers thereof, to : ministratrix. at I village of Malui.' or before the s next, Dated April 1-* ti . in said couo- L ' V are required A ith the vouoh- nderslgned, ad- •.•sidence in the sml county on Ia\ of Cktooer IDA S. EVERETT, Administratrix. Etc. wu. p. BAI>GI;U, Attorney for A Imimstratrix, Malohe, N. V Cl»w2~> Couaaty. Court, Franklin W. Crooks, plaintiff, E Ldd t l d against Prescott E. Ladd, et al, de- dendants. Action No, Two. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, made and- en- tered to the above entitled action, bearing date the 22nd day of April. 1913, I, the undersigned, the referee m said judgment named, will sell at public auction at the front door of the court house, in Malone village, county of Franklin, N. Y., on the 5th day of June, 1913, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the prem- ises mentioned in said judgment, and described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land ait* h uate in f p st town of Duane, county d tt f N Yk te in the town of Duane, county of Franklin and state of New York, known and distinguished as part of '" 11 Hfid*12, township 12, Great traujt i , mb's purchase, as sur- Otrk B*rre Gf«iei Stock itrWe a--: i <.\ «.f th u f uiij of the very Bao. e\ ent \\.!> 1 . lU-d t Ut the mari\ friends of th<_ cte cu^-cl in this \icnuj vbo had known h P. so well and b< km£ \ui< ml innu that he had J et'ii found deaa in his room. Members of the family here aut once •wired C. B. Whittelsey, a former Malone resident who went to the Coast when a young man and has long been prominent in San Diego business circles, to arrange for trans- portation of the body to Maioae for tmrial. Friday a message *ime from him announcing that ttve coroner's in. quest had been held and the body would start for Malone that atfteir- noan. Mr. Lawtrence. was born in Mo ira in June 185 7 and was nearly 66 yeiura of age. He came to Malone with his parents in early youth and had spent his entire life in this vil- lage, except when away at school and; the past year which he had passe-d in Southern California. For years he had enjoyed a wide acquaintance in Northern N«w York and was*popular with all classes of people.. He was president of Franklin County Agricul tural Society for a long period, and in former years was several a candidate for county office Democratic tivk-et. He had a penscwui] following and usually led his ticket at the polls. In the business PNEUMATIC TOOLS her •* Mm* et Wsat »f Rutland Pass«nc«r D«p««, hat Mala MM MAJLOHB, «. X. NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuant to an order of Frederick G. Pad- dock, surrogate of the county of Franklin, and according to the sta- tute hi such case made and provid- ed, notice Is hereby given to all per- sons having- claims against James H. Bean, late of Malone. in said coun- ty, deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vou- chers thereof, to the undersigned, Mary D. Bean, administratrix, at her residence in Malone, In said coun- ty, on or before the 2nd day of August next. Dated Jan. 25th, 1913. MART D. BEAN, Administratrix. BRYANT & LAWRENCE, Attorneys for Administratrix, Malone, N. Y. Tw*7 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF >few York to Leonora Kennedy, sia* times [ ter, Waterbury, in the state of Ver- n the [-mont; Burt Barnett, brother, Mid- large jdlesejc, in the state of Vermont; '^harles Keyea, nephew, Orange^ in life of Malone he was ^early etigag-<jd tn the hardware trade as a member of " the firms of Stevens, Bowesn & Lawrence, Bowen & Lawrence anl fipaxin & I^aw.rence. Later he be- came bookkeeper for the Lawrence- IWebetear Co., wtnich position he held at the McMillan xniUs for a numbar of yeare. After his retirenvent he went into the cigar manuXacturinig business on Quite, an extenaive scale and spent much of hie time on the road disposing of hie product. .About a year ago he became connected with a- mining and development company In California,"-with headqaartsta aX Ban Diego, and bad an office with Hoit and Holdridge. of that city. Dur- ing the past winter -he had also looked after this business affairs and management of_^Hot«l Keystone, where he had resided. Mr. Lawrence was a 32nd d^^re* Mason, a past- potentate of Karoak Teanple, Mont- real, and was long prominent in Masonic circle* in this section of New York state. His sudden death ia a terrible blow to his* aged par- ents and family who have unbound'ed sympathy itv their affliction, and is a source of deepest grief to many rel- atives and personal friends in this vicinity. He ia survived by his fa- ther and mother; his wife, who has continued to reside in Malone; two ©one, Harold W., of Washington, D. Ci and Clark J. who is soon to grad- uate from Cornell University; a bro- ther, O. S. Lawremee, of Malone, and <rtw eteter, Mrs. Sarah Spann, of Ipdiaatt&oUs, Ind. Mrs. W. H. King, who pa«ed -*wjay a few years ago was also a sister of deceased. Tfre funeral will probably be under Ma* sonic auapices. - ^. If your horse is kicked; -or out by barfced wire, apply Hartford's Balsam. mont; Nellie Keyes Flanders, niece, Orange, in the state of Vermont, con- stituting' ail th-e husband, wife, heirs at law and next of kin of Wm. W. rnett, late of the town of Ma- lone, in the county of Franklin and state of New York, deceased, send greeting:— Whereas, Delia L. Barnett, the ex- ecutor named in the last will and testament of the said Wm. W. Bar- nett, deceased, has lately allied to our surrogate of our county of ^Ft-amkUn to have the said will prov- en a* a wfll of real and pereonaJ property, in pursuance of the statute in such case mad« and provided: You, and each of you, are there* fore cited and required, personally, to be and appear before our said surrogate, at his office In Malone- vlllage, in the county of Franklin, on the 23rd day of June, 1918 next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to attend the probate of said last will and testament And if any of the aforesaid ner- sons are under the age of twenty- one years, they will please take no- tice that they are required to ap- pear, by their general guard lau-^__lf thev have one, and If they have none, that they appear and apply for the appointment of a special guardian, or in the event of their failure or neglect to do so, a special guardian will be appointed by the surrogate to repfeoent and act for them in the proceedings for the pro- bate of said will. In testimony, whereof, we have hereunto affixed the seal of our said surro- gate. Witness, FVederi 1^ G. Paddock, surrogate (L. S.) of said county, at the surrogate's office. In Malone village, In said county, the 5th day of May, 1918. KATHARINE A. T Clerk of the Surrogate's Court S. A. BEMAN. Attorney for Petitioner, M&iane, N. Y. 2tw7 s and twenty-five links to the I ^ of said^iot No of beginning, containing ten L thett ^f w .^ st , t 2 t c of land more or less. l\ n ® of J^i°.V\°l veyed by Jaanes Frost, beginning at the aorihwtest corner of said lot No. 12, and running thence south 2 de- crees West along the west line of aakl lot No. 12 32.39 chains to the place, of beginning; thence east to the east line of the west {me half of lot No. 12; thence south along said lice 28,25 chains; th&nce west to the southeast corner of the Thomas H. Mills land; thence north along the east line of said Mills land to the said Mills' north-east corner; thence west along the north line of said Milla' land to the center of the Branch Pond road; thence northerly along said road to the place of be- ginning, contain ing sixty acres of land more or less, except that cer- tain part thereof lying east of the Mills lot and between the Mills lot and the center line of lot No. 12, about 5 % acres" heretofore sold to William Kerry by Edwin M. Ladd andjwife in 18 9 7. 2. All that tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Duane, coun- ty of Franklin and state of New York, known and distinguished as part of lot No. 12, Township 12, Great tract one, Macomiys purchase^ as surveyed by Janies Frost: Begin- Jiing at the northwest corner of lot No. 12, and running thence south along the west line of said lot No. .12 32.S3 chains to the place of be- ! ginning; thence east 20 chains; ce north parallel with the west of said lot No. 12, 2.50 chains; chains to the west NOTICE OF SALE. . T. Supreme Court, Franklin County. Cteoi«e w. Crooks, pUinUft against Prescott E. Ladd, «t at, de- fendant*. Action No. One. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale, made and en- tered in the above entitled action, be*ri»£ date tin? 22nd day of April, 1913. I, the undersigned, the referee in said judgment named, will sell at public auction at the front door of the court house, in Malone village. county of Franklin, N. Y., on the 5th day of June, 1913. at ten o clock in the forenoon, the prem- ises mentioned in said judgment, and described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land sit- uate in the town of Duane, county of Franklin and state of New York, bounded as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of lot No. 20, Of Frost's Survey, and runs thence w*st in th* south line thereof 28 chains to a stake; thence north 3.9 chains to a stake in the center of the Port Kent road; thence easter- ly along the center oi said Port Kent road to the east line of said lot No. 20; and thence south along the east* line thereof to the plaos of beginning, containing eighty-two and 87-100 acres of land more - or Excepting thereof the burying ground; also excepting and reserving all mines and minerals, and all falls and streams of water fit for mills, together with„ the free use of the sam **"" Dated April 22nd, 19*8. WILLIAM p. BADGER, Referee. WALTER J. a«EARS, Plaintiff's Attorney, Office & P. O, address. Malone. N. Y. I9w7 j along said west line 2.50 chains to 1 the place or' beginning 1 containing five acres of land, more or less. •3. All that tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Duane, coun- ty of Franklin and state of N«w York, being in township No. 12, Great Tract One, Maeomb's purchase, more particularly known as part of Great lot No. 11, as surveyed by James Frost and bounded as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of said lot No. 11, and running thence west along the south line of said lot No. 11, to the east line of Mat- thew Tucker's land, formerly owned by Etelana Stickney; thence north SHERIFF'S SALE State of New York, Supreme Court, County of Franklin. Sybel Helms,- Plaintiff, vs. Walter C. Proper, Blanche Proper and Merton J. Wood, Defendants. By virtue of an execution against the property of Walter C. Proper and Blanche Proper, issued out of the supreme court in the above entitled action, to me directed and delivered, I, Alfred A. Edwards, sheriff of Franklin county;. shall sell at public auction on the 7th day of June, 1913 at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of theJEourt house in the village of Malone, Franklin Co. N. Y,- all the right, title and interest which the said Blanche Proper had on the 25th day of fcSarch, 1913, or which she may have subsequently acquired in. and to All that certain lot or par- cel of land situated in the town of Malone, county of Franklin and state of New Yorky and being that part of Great Lot 75, Townshin 6, Great Tract One, Maeomb's Furc&ase.. com- mencing at ar stake 20 chains east from the northwest corner of staid Lot 75'and running thence south on the late Lyman H. Lewis' east line One hundred rods; thence east to lands of James McNee.ley, deceased; thence north on said McNeeley's west line to the line of said Lot 75; thence west on said lot line to the place of beginning-, containing all the land within said bounds. Dated April 18th, 1913. ALFRED A. EDWARDS. 19w7 Sheriff of Franklin County. TO CRBDITOR&—Pursuant to an order of Frederick 9. Pad- dock, surrogate of the county of Fa-anklln, aad according to Ute stat- ute ia such case made and provided, notice ia hereby given to all oer- teOTfog claims against Joseph De- eon, Sr., late of Malone, in said coun- ty* deceased, that they ar« requir- ed to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the uiwierajgn- ed, at the office of a A. Be man, No. 65 West Malm St., at Malone, in said county, on or before the 17th day of November next- Dated A)pr11 30th, 1913. GEORGE SABIN, AMELIA DEGOX, Administrators. A. BEMAN, Attorney for Pet'r, Malone, N. ~ THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF New York to Dynes Giipin, North- field, Vermont; George Adams, North field, Vt.; Hiram B.. Adams, Alvin, Texas; Lewis D. Gale, Brandon, N. Y., constituting all the husband, wife, heirs at law and next of kin of Wallace W. Hutchins, late of the town of Brandon, in the county of Franklin ad state of New York, de- ceased, send greeting: Whereas, Uzzie Hutchins, the sole legatee named in the last will and testament of the said Wallace W. Hutchina, deceased, has lately applied to our surrogate of our county of Franklin to have the said wiU prov- en as a will of real and personal property, in pursuance of the stat- ute in such case made and provided: You, and each of you, are therefore cited and required, personally, to be and ajapear before our said surro- gate, at his office in Malone village in the county of Franklin, on the 16th day of June next, at 10:00 o'clock la the forenoon, then and there to attend the probate of said last wiU and testament And if any of the aforesaid per- sons are under the age of twenty- one years, they will please take no- tice that they are required to appear by their general guardian, if they have one, and" if they have none, that they appear and apply for the appointment of a special guardian, in the event of their failure or neglect to do so, a special guardian will be appointed by the surrogate to represent and act for them in the proceedings for the probate of said will, In testimony whereof, we have hereunto affixed the sea) of our said surrogate. Wit- ness, Frederick G. Pad- dock, surrogate of said county, at the surrogate's (L. S.) office, in Malone village. In said county, the 28th day of April, 1913. KATHARINE A. PADDOCK, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. KELLAS, GENAWAY & KELLAS, Petitioner's Attorneys, Malone, N. Y. 20w7 AMENDED AND SUPPLEMEN- TAL CITATION. The Peo- ple of the State of New York to Sherry Cayea, residing Jefferson, Ohio, and the heirs at _„ r . „ _ _ „„.„. law and legal representatives of along the east line of Mathew Tuck- Thomas Cayea, late of Seattle, Wash- e r's line to the northwest corner of ngton.and all other persons interest- ed in the estate of Oliver Cayea,late of Malone, N. Y., deceased, husband. wife, creditors., legatees, ared next of kin of Oliver Cayea, Late of the tow-n of Malone, in the county of Frank- lin and state of New York, deceas- ed, and the sureties on administra- tor's official bond, or their legal representatives, send greeting: Whereas. Henry Baker, the exec- utor of the last will and testament of the said Oliver Cayea, deceased, has lately applied to our ..surrogate of our county of Franklin to have executor, as afore- settled in pursuance in such case made his accounts said, judiclally of the statute and provided. You, and each of you, are there- fore cited and required, personally, to be and appear before our said surrogate at his office in the court house, in Malon-e village, in the county of Franklin, on the 16th day of June, 1913, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to at- tend the judicial settlement of the account of Henry Baker, as execu- tor of the said Oliver Cayea, deceased And if any of the aforesaid per- sons are under the age of twen£y- one years, they will please take no- tice that they are required to ap- pear by their general guardian, they have one, and if they have none, then that they appear and ap- ply for the appointment of a special guardian, or in the event of their failure or neglect to do so, a special guardian will be appointed by the surrogate to represent and act for them in the proceedings. In testimony whereof. we have caused the seal of our said surrogate's court to be hereunto affixed, Wlt- Frederick G dock, surrogate of i county, at the town Malone, the 2Sth day April, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and thirteen. KATHARINE A. PAODOCK. Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. KELLAfi, GENAWAY & KELLAS, Petitioner's Attorneys, Mfclone, N. Y. 20w7 W !#p CB ^ *>*n order <* »*•***<* O. 4oekAStirr0*mte of tlie Calmly Fkft and according Jo the de- the vottofcers enlgned a*. tute ia notic* to hereby «*ve* to _ iavfe* claims aflato* Jehn Ute of Bombay, ia sakl eouatr. ceased, that they are required to hlblt the aune, with the v<W " thereof, to the undersigned _ minlstratoT, at his reatAenea in Bom^- bay, in said county, oa or before the 30th d&y of August next Dated February 17, i l l ) . M. J. CROWLBT, Administrator aSORQE J. MOORH. Attorney for Administrator, Malone, N. T^ lOwft. NOTICE TO CREDITORS— Purwa ant to, an order of Frederick O Paddock, surrogate of the county el Franklin, and according te the «tal ute In such case made aad provided notice hereby «Jven te all hi li ait Al person nso R l M against Alonso » ot Malone, N. X., la mm ceased, that they are r* , to exhibtt the same, .with th« rouchera ttiereof, to tHe undersign ed, at bis office at Melons rUlags. to •aid county, on or before the It* day of July, l t l t . Dated Dee. t«, lilt. MARTIN B. MoCLART, •zeetttor MeCLARY & ALLEN. Attorneys for Executor, Malone, N. Y. twit E. M. Ladd's land; thence south along the west line of E, M. Ladd's land to the north shoe Pond: thence bank of Horse- east along the south line of—E. M. Ladd's to the east-line of lat~No, 11, thence south along the east line of lot No, 11 to the place of beginning, be the same more or less. 4. All that tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Duane, coun- ty of Franklin and state of New York, being situate in Great Lot No. 11, in township 12, and bounded as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said lot No. 11, and thence south along the east line thereof 32.39 ^chains to the place of begin- ning: thence west to the outlet of Long Pond; thence southerly along said outlet to tke Horseshoe Pond; thence east along said Pond to the li bt L t 11 d 12 th ast along sa line between Lots 11 and thl id li th« t northerly along said line to the Branch Pond* road; thence norther- ly along said road to the place of beginning, containing fifteen acres more or less, being a part of thte premises conveyed to. Edwin M. Ladd by Mordicai Ladd and wife by deed dated November 1st, 1873. and re- corded in book it at deeds at page The above four parcels are subject to the right of dower of Sebia A. Ladd as widow of Edwin M. Ladd, 5. All that tract or parcel of land situate in the town of Duane, coun- ty of Franklin a«d state of New York, being a part of the east one- half of Great Lo* No. 12, Township 12, Great tract one ot Maeomb's pur- chase, and bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at the northwest cor- ner of said east owe half of Great Lot No. 12, to Towmshlp 12, and running thence south, and parallel with the west line Ot said lot 45 chains; thence east aad parallel with the north line of said lot 22.22 chains; the no© north aad parallel with said w-est line of eaid lot 45 chains to the north line of said lot; thenoe west on said north Ito* 12-21 chains to the pfee* <c* boyiontng, con- taining ldo acfMtt of land, exoep and reserving all mines, minerals ores, and mill *te*. 6. All that traei or mroet of land situate in the tOflWi ©* DINUM, coun- t f ff* t f « iork and dosoytt+d ft* foUoW: Be- ing & part of *ot « o . 9t, Township . . in said ning at thfr lot No. li. east line of thanoe west south the place of 1 th l e pace the lands Intended to eel so anuc by Harriett 7. AJ1 th situate In ty of Fani York, known S>art of lot "~ IVact one, d d d _ worth oa the ot tot 4$; tte to MT aU north on chains to et 18 thenoe chains to _ Trim's land; lot line XI.20 beginning, the same Dated April WALTER J. Plaintlfra Attoraey. Oeftoe A P. O. Addrees. Malone, K. t. SUPREME COURT, Franklin Coun- ty, N. Y. John Lafave. PlainUff, vs. Virginia Lafave, and others, De fendants. By virtue of a judgment of parti- tion and sale, made in the above- entitled action, on the 21st day of Aa3ril, 1913, the subscriber, a referee, for that purpose duly appointed, wil) sell at public auction to the highest bidder, at the front door of the court house, in Malone Village, Franklin county, New York, on the 9th day of June, 1913, at 10 o'clock A, M. th© real estate directed by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows:' All that certain piece of land sit- uate in the town and tillage of Ma- lone, co-unty of Franklin and state of New York, described as follows: Being part of Great lot No. 39, in Township No. 6, Maeomb's Purchase^ being laid down on a map-of village lots made in 1866 by F. Pelletier for Titus & Parmelee, as lots 59 and 60, and fronting on the east side of Branch Street; a copy of said map was filed in Franklin comi- ty clerk's office B-eceanber 27, 1886 The parties of the first part are not to build or maintain any fence. Being the same premises conveyed to said John B. Lafave by Clara E. Par- mele^ and others, by deed dated July 17, 1&01, and recorded in said Frank- lin county clerk's office in Liber 113 of Deeds at page Also all that certain piece of land situate in the town and village of Maione, county of Franklin and state of New York, described aa follows Being part of lot 39, in township 6, Maeomb's purchase, and as laid down on a map of village lots made in 1866 by F. Pelletier for Titus & Par melee as lots Nos. 62 and 63, and fronting on the east side of Branch street; a copy of said map was fil- ed in Franklin county clerk's office, December 27, 1866. Being the same premises conveyed to said John B. Lafave by Clara E, P&rmelee and others by deed dated May 17 190 and tecorded in said Franklin coun- ty clerk's offica_in -Liber 115 Deeds, at page 555. Also all that tract or parcel of land situate in the town and village of Malone, county of Franklin and state of New York, described follows, viz: Being part of Great Lot No. 39, Township No. 6, Ma- eomb's purchase, being laid dowa> on a map of vUlage lots made In 1*66 by F. Pelletier tor <Ktus & Parmelee as lot No. 61. and front* ,tagr on the east side of Branch llree*; a copy of said <map was fU- •edT ia Franklin county clerk's office December 27, 186ft. The party of the second part is to build and main tain all line feaoee. Bekx* the S&OM •emteee conveyed to said John B. ' by Delia Lafa.ve,'by deed dat- ed January 8, l»07, and r*6erded to said Franklin county clerk's ofttee lo Uber 129 of Peeda, at pace Sft. Also the right of way reserved to said John B. Lafave aad his aaa&nn in deed frote aeJd John B. I*faV« fy> Anetta Boyer. <S*te* A*rU 11. 1*1«, a»d recorded in said Fraaklfai oonn, ty oterk's o«k» tjx Liber l i t od deed*, at pa«e 4M, Also ail that traot or wuwel of land sttuate in the towa and vivace 0 Malone, county of Fraufcttft, aaA stole of New York, beta* A vfitegn lot a* iatd down on alnw4> oi iSiotoe v«- iage lots lying In- th* eottifc Ipe* of mi& viHace aod made t n r ltl( by F Pelletler for Tito* * Peu-ttetoe, * «9- pltcete of which la mm is '|b» derk»» office of eaid oonaty of IPYaidUto *j» Village lot No. 2$, th* corner <***»• of boJB«r fonmerty marked ty 4 «e- dar ertako and nuaabered, sttaa^a the corner of 800U1 Pear) aad now. BBxnr fownei-ly ParmeUe street and on. the north # d e Of :" street. oonteini»« aU the HM4 in -aid bads. h&m t*M _•_ i E«ds«r Iw <3«& S Howard by 44*4 reoorted to the Pmnklin ooun^r deVvi omea. to Liber U», at « «W d bto SSdinal, Ute ootonty. deceased, quired to exhibit the voucher* thereof; to to eft administrator with the aexed oj Laurs, Cardinal, M residence In Weet Bangor, ttt county, on or before the 9th " Juftr next Dated January 4th, l»lt MILO 1C MeCLARY & ALLSW. Attorneys for d Maione, N. r NOTICE TO GBBJDm>_ to an order of Frederick dock, surrogate df the ,«» Franklin, and according to ute in such dase made *au ed, notice is hereby given to sons having claims against W. Dewex, late of Fraftklte, oounty, deceased* that "- J quired to exhibit the vouchers thereof, to « SUPREME COURT—Trial desired in Franklin county. Walter Sailor, Plaintiff, vs. John H. Savage and J. Wesley Perry, Defendants. To the above named defendants:— You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action and serve a copy of your answer on plain tiff's attorneys "within twenty da^ r s after service of this summons, ex- clusive of the day of service, and in case of your failure to appear or an- swer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief dem&nd- •d in the complaint. Dated Malone, N. Y., March 31st, 1913. KELLAS. GENAWAY & KELLAS, Plaintiff's Attorneys, Office & P. O. Address, Malon<v N. Y. To John H. Savage: The fore"-otag summons is served upon you by pub- lication, pursuant to an order of Hon. Henry V. Borst, Justice of the Supreme Court, dated the 24th day of April, 1913, and filed with the complaint in the office of the clerk of Franklin county at Malone, New- York, on the 25th day of A^ril, 1913. KELLAS, GENAWAY & KELLAS, Plaintiff's Attorney? Office & P. O. Address; Malone, N. Y. 20w7 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF New Yerk to William A. Pond, Chlldwold, N. Y.; J. Warren Pond, Mt. View, N. Y.; Lillian Pond, 315 Washington AveM Albany, N. Y.; Clinton W. Pond, Nucas, Oklahoma; Horace Thomas, Winooski, Vt; Frank Thomas, Canton, N. Y.; Lovi- sa Lavery, Canton, N. Y.; Elma E?- gleston, Canton, N. Y.; Delbert W. Thomas, Hypum, Utah; Mildred Thomas, Los Angeles, Calif.; Char- lotte Reynolds, 210 English St., New Haven, Conn.; Fred Gamble, 1118 31st St., So. Seattle, Wash.;- Ella Bar rett, 1305 31st St., So. Seattle, Wash.; Winnie Gamble, Snohomish, Wash.; Roy Gamble, 19th Ave., Seat- tle, Wash.; Daisie Crozier, Riley, Ore* gon; Cora Reed, Lisbon, N. D.; Car- rie Steveson, Port Huron,-Mich.; Ly- dla Albert, Houlton, Maine; Arthur Johnson, 276 Main St., St. Johns, N. B.; Margaret Johnson, 58 For- est St., St. Johns, Neb.; Harold Johnson, 26 Lawrence St, Bostoa, Mass.; Mrs. Perley C. Brown, Preeque Isle, Maine; Florence .Ashley 223 McBean St., Peoria, 111.; Augu*- t»-vMerrieim, 93? Gotham St, W&ter- townTN. Y.; LeRoy SteAer, 110 rce. St., Peoria, IH,; Iresna Held, *»*» N. Madison St. Peoria, IU-; Geneva dimming*, 416 Beed Ave., Peoria, HI.; A«nesa Slater, 2910 N. Madison St., Peoria. I1L; Robert Slater, ... . , N. Madison St., Peoria, III.; Steph- en M. Howard, Malone, N. Y.; Hen* ry A. Miiler, Malone, N- Y^ hus- band, wif*. creditors, legatees, aad next of kin of Charlotte E. Gaylord, late of the town of Malone, m. the coxnty of Franklin and stake, of New York, deceased, and the sureties oa administrators' official bond, or taetr legal representatives, send greeting: Whereas J. Warren Pond and Martin E. McClary, the administra- tor* of. the good*,'-chattel* and cre- dits of: the said Charlotte E. ~ lord, decease of our hav* their aooount* as kfor« cited antf to b* and *f anr of tlrt aforesaid «re tie^r the twr* of twssttty- UIptea*etake reaulred to aj»ear «&. feat* faftun or d*y Jj§S&* SS sraar of our 1&0J, and recorded owmty oierk* «ffloe ta liber IK of day < >. ***$ ^i : 4 NOTICE TO CRKDTPOKS ant to an order of JVederiok Padlock, iurrogate ot the <ma# Prankiia, and acoordmg to the ute ta such case mad© and pf**t~ ed, notice Is hereby given to all per- sona having claims against UMM Qonyea, late of Malone. in said cow*, ty, deceased, that they are reo,*tre4 f exhibit the same, with Hie v h thereof, to the undersigned. a Taylor, Executor, at hi* etden Malone village, ta said county. «af or before the 19th day of Aural act. Dated February 17th, 1113. ROBERT C. TAYLOR, Execute*. WALTER J. MEABS, Attorney for Executor, Malone, N. Y. NOTICE TO CREDITORS— Pur*** ant to an order of Frederick €L Paddook, surrogate 'of the county «f Franklin, and according to the stat- ute in such case made and provfeteffe notice is hereby given to ail petwMft having claims against Louis chette, late of Malone, in said ty, deceased, that they are refute** to exhibit the same, with the vuuete- ers thereof, to the undersigned WVk Uam A. Frechette and Lydia A. Wtm~ chette, executors, at the office of Mi H. Burno, In Malone village, in aattf county, on or before the 1st day ej| Sept. next Dated Feb. 20, 1013. WILLIAM A. FREGHETT LYDIA A. FRECHETTE, Executors. M. H. BURNO, Attorney for Executor, Malone, N. T. NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuaal to an order of Frederick G. Pad- dock, surrogate of the county of Franklin, and according to tb4 statute in such case made and pro- vided, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against George W. Merritt, late of Brandon, ia said! county, deceased, that they are re* quired to exhibit the same, with tb« vouchers thereof, to the undersigned^ Fred Merritt, at the office of & A* Beman, in Malone, N. Y., in seJ4 county, on or before-the Sad day of August, 1918, next Dated January 17th, 1918. FRED MERRITT, Administrator, etc* S. A. BEMAN, Attorney for Administrator, Malone, N. Y. «wt7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS— Pursu- ant to ».n order of Frederick a. Paddock, surrogate of the county ot Franklin, and according to the stat- ute in suoh ease made and prtrrtde*» notice is hereby given to all persons having claims eg*in*V data i» Par- melee, late of Kalons, la aaM ooan- ty, deceased, that they are rMcatred to exhibit the same, with the Toock- ers thereof, to the undersigned, a* the office of A. 8. Parmetee * 8oa, in Malone rlUage. Malone. N. T., Is said county, oa or before tfee (t^ day of July next Dated December Sttfe, l t l t . 88ORG8 W. iyU8$7U&, MoCLART A ALLEN. Attorneys for Bxecvtor. Ifaloae. N. T. TO CRHDITOR8— P«r*U- to an order of ^redertafc; Ck tht 9OTMM& Of

1 FRECKLES.€¦ · FRECKLES. Now is the Time to Get Rid of These Tu- > feu , v-'n • exceli* cajed roof. Ugly Spots. There's tio longer the slightest nee d of feeling ashame your

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Page 1: 1 FRECKLES.€¦ · FRECKLES. Now is the Time to Get Rid of These Tu- > feu , v-'n • exceli* cajed roof. Ugly Spots. There's tio longer the slightest nee d of feeling ashame your


Local Department 1 turn

Drfor !

I>ollar, thevsprsglt known Hol-1u ind } irmers ln<*tituU

ewdenth likes to ride fajsti to He was arrested for ex

ng thf 'speed limit in th*1 \ i l7 t ant n ih otht i di\ in 1

fjnod ? r aud oo«t^ the wholfnn mntn -, t $16 A s]> - .il ><"

\ ^ pi ni on dut\ and int j ! st ill \ i 31 i t r** O

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i l f l u o r t . t i t i o i n d in

Bueklen's Arnica Salve is knownever>where as the best remedy madefor all diseases of the skin, and al-so for burns, bruises and boils. Re-duces inflammation and is soothingand healing. J. T. Sossaman, pub-lisher of News, of Cornelius. X. C,w 11to<* that oue box helped his ser-ious skin ailment after other rem-idi s failed. Only 2oc. Recommend-ed bv all druggists.—Adv.

l) -<xT h

li tin*. is. i \* xv ] MuRlGAGE SALE —. Mortgagors,t J I ^ r (J ni Joseph Laprad and Emily Laprad.

j it i \ \ t >rtgagee. Philander Premo. Assig-nees and present holders of mort-

1 \ is n Jf tht su fea^re Harry Priest and Albin E,- i t >,-* i 1 u IT- i Aubrej .

Mortgage dated March 23rd, 1910.Recorded in Franklin County Clerk'sOlfice on the 4th day of April, 1910,at 9 00 o'clock A. M. in Libar »9of Mortgages, at page 44.

The amount claimed to be due onsaid mortgage at the date of thefiist publication of this notice isthe sum of $111.45, which is th©whole amount unpaid thereon. De-fault having been made in the pay

r i- in > l i u r in v lmw ti * ii <- *.f. and du.

Alilim-a n w a « a Spanid ii appointed bv War-i-^isi tl-n l»rk ->f the

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otdti i> w ith nit preiucharges«i i t i healing

for dereliction of duty which majproperly be brought against Miilmg1-

1 ton. He must be reinstated and paidt h e state for all the time he waa

,out of the service. Arbitrary 1

i are thus seen to be expensive pub-

li« were t h ^ n in t h e

l/^i tl'>a t~l«i i m ' i ]

the fchiji h a in both Hvplo-yrraphic s t a l lonthe disi.o\ery

1 ull< i hu.s a.l\* d.\sM i

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Ku-,̂ St'.peii it workha* ) is; barn

size J? 50 byjrr«js n huuh th s.toric -truis n.'ith t-K.ni I M ; t'\ a u

FRECKLES.Now is the Time to Get Rid of These

Tu- >feu ,v-'n •exceli*cajedroof.

Ugly Spots.

There's tio longer the slightestneed of feeling ashamed of yourfreckles, as the prescription othine—double strength— is guaranteed toremove these homely spots.

Simply get an ounce of othine—double strength — from The HydeDrug Company and apply a little ofit night and morning and you shouldsoon see that even the worst freck-1 »s have beg-un to disappear, while

, the Lighter one* have \-anished en-tirelv. It is seldom that mare than

- an ounce is needed to completely' clea- the skin and gain a beautiful

1 a- complexion.He sure to ask for the double

"*tr ngth othine as this is sold un-d r guarantee of money back, if itfa Is to remove freckles.



ment of the moneys secured by saidmortgage, notice is hereby giventhat according to the statute in suchcase made and provided, and by vir-tue of the power of sale oontain-ed in and recorded with said mort-gage, said mortgage will be fore-closed by the sale of the preu iseatherein described and the same willbe sold at public auction at thefront door of the Court House inthe Village of Malone, FranklinCounty, N. T., on the 24th day ofMay, 1913, at 10:00 o'clock A. M.No suit or proceeding at law orotherwise lias been commenced torecover the amount secured by saidmortgage or any part thereof. Saidpremises are described in said mort-gage as follows:

All that tract or parcel of land situate in the Town of Constable, Coun-ty of Franklin and ^JJiate of NewYork, known and distinguished aspart of subdivision second of lotthirteen, Township three of\ GreatTract No. One of Macomb'a Pur-chase (so-called) and bounded asfollows (viz:) Beginning at thesouthwest corner of 31 25-100 acresof land sold to Asel Peach /by Lau-ra Beebee, by deed boar ing date the9th day of August, 1882,^and runningthence north in the west bounds ofsaid 31 25-100 acres of land, eightchains, thence east parallel with thesouth bounds of said lot twelve

Softf by tt^mlmrm mvmrywhmrm

Standard 01! Co, e l Ntw York

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the sad nevit

soil oi lion D> mesixige u m ci tli-e hotelo'lths 31r Lav, -

Ed. WallaceDEALER IS


chains and fifty links., to the eastbounds of said subdivision second,then south along "said east boundseight chains to the southeast cor-ner thereof, then west along thesouth bounds thereof twelve chains'and fifty links to the place of be-ginning, containing ten acres ofland more or less.

Also that other parcel or piece ofland situated in said town of Con-stable.county of Franklin and state ofNew York, and described as follows:Known and distinguished as part ofsubdivision second of lot No. Thir-teen and bounded as follows (via):Beginning in tne east bounds of saidsubdivision second, eight chains northone degree west from the southeastcorner thereof and running thencenorth one degree west sixteen chains,thence west six chains and twenty- ]five links, thence south one degree!east sixteen chains, thence " " ;


Dated February 25th, 1913.HARRY PRIEST

ALBIN E. AUBREY.Assignees.

GEORGE J. MOORE,Attorney for Assignees,

M one, N. Y. l lwlS

NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuantto an order of Frederick O. Pad-

dock, surrogate of the county ofFnanklin, and according to the stat-ute in auch ease made and provided,notice is hereb> given to all personshaving olaima against Orvllte M. Ev-erett. late of M.ty, deceased, th*to exhibit the s,ers thereof, to :ministratrix. at Ivillage of Malui.'or before the snext,

Dated April 1-*

ti. in said couo-L'V are requiredA ith the vouoh-nderslgned, ad-•.•sidence in thesml county onIa\ of Cktooer

IDA S. EVERETT,Administratrix. Etc.

wu. p. BAI>GI;U,Attorney for A Imimstratrix,

Malohe, N. V Cl»w2~>

Couaaty.Court, Franklin

W. Crooks, plaintiff,E L d d t l dagainst Prescott E. Ladd, et al, de-

dendants.Action No, Two.In pursuance of a judgment of

foreclosure and sale, made and- en-tered to the above entitled action,bearing date the 22nd day of April.1913, I, the undersigned, the refereem said judgment named, will sell atpublic auction at the front door ofthe court house, in Malone village,county of Franklin, N. Y., on the5th day of June, 1913, at teno'clock in the forenoon, the prem-ises mentioned in said judgment, anddescribed as follows:

All that tract or parcel of land ait*huate inf

p sttown of Duane, county

d t t f N Y kte in the town of Duane, county

of Franklin and state of New York,known and distinguished as part of'" 11 Hfid*12, township 12, Greattraujt i , mb's purchase, as sur-

Otrk B*rre Gf«iei • StockitrWe

a--: i <.\ «.f th uf ui i j of the veryBao. e\ ent \\.!> 1 . lU-d t Ut themari\ friends of th<_ cte cu^-cl in this\ i cnu j vbo had known h P. so welland b< km£ \ui< ml innu that hehad J et'ii found deaa in his room.Members of the family here aut once•wired C. B. Whittelsey, a formerMalone resident who went to theCoast when a young man and haslong been prominent in San Diegobusiness circles, to arrange for trans-portation of the body to Maioae fortmrial. Friday a message *ime fromhim announcing that ttve coroner's in.quest had been held and the bodywould start for Malone that atfteir-noan. Mr. Lawtrence. was born in Moira in June 185 7 and was nearly 66yeiura of age. He came to Malonewith his parents in early youth andhad spent his entire life in this vil-lage, except when away at school and;the past year which he had passe-din Southern California. For years hehad enjoyed a wide acquaintance inNorthern N«w York and was*popularwith all classes of people.. He waspresident of Franklin County Agricultural Society for a long period, andin former years was severala candidate for county officeDemocratic tivk-et. He had apenscwui] following and usually led histicket at the polls. In the business


her •* Mm* etWsat »f Rutland Pass«nc«r D«p««,

hat Mala MM MAJLOHB, «. X.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuantto an order of Frederick G. Pad-

dock, surrogate of the county ofFranklin, and according to the sta-tute hi such case made and provid-ed, notice Is hereby given to all per-sons having- claims against James H.Bean, late of Malone. in said coun-ty, deceased, that they are requiredto exhibit the same, with the vou-chers thereof, to the undersigned,Mary D. Bean, administratrix, at herresidence in Malone, In said coun-ty, on or before the 2nd day ofAugust next.

Dated Jan. 25th, 1913.MART D. BEAN,

Administratrix.BRYANT & LAWRENCE,

Attorneys for Administratrix,Malone, N. Y. Tw*7

THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF>few York to Leonora Kennedy, sia*

times [ ter, Waterbury, in the state of Ver-n the [-mont; Burt Barnett, brother, Mid-large jdlesejc, in the state of Vermont;

'^harles Keyea, nephew, Orange^ in

life of Malone he was ^early etigag-<jdtn the hardware trade as a memberof " the firms of Stevens, Bowesn &Lawrence, Bowen & Lawrence an lfipaxin & I^aw.rence. Later he be-came bookkeeper for the Lawrence-IWebetear Co., wtnich position he heldat the McMillan xniUs for a numbarof yeare. After his retirenvent hewent into the cigar manuXacturinigbusiness on Quite, an extenaive scaleand spent much of hie time on theroad disposing of hie product. .Abouta year ago he became connected witha- mining and development companyIn California,"-with headqaartsta aXBan Diego, and bad an office withHoit and Holdridge. of that city. Dur-ing the past winter -he had alsolooked after this business affairs andmanagement of_^Hot«l Keystone,where he had resided. Mr. Lawrencewas a 32nd d^^re* Mason, a past-potentate of Karoak Teanple, Mont-real, and was long prominent inMasonic circle* in this section ofNew York state. His sudden deathia a terrible blow to his* aged par-ents and family who have unbound'edsympathy itv their affliction, and is asource of deepest grief to many rel-atives and personal friends in thisvicinity. He ia survived by his fa-ther and mother; his wife, who hascontinued to reside in Malone; two©one, Harold W., of Washington, D.Ci and Clark J. who is soon to grad-uate from Cornell University; a bro-ther, O. S. Lawremee, of Malone,and <rtw eteter, Mrs. Sarah Spann, ofIpdiaatt&oUs, Ind. Mrs. W. H. King,who pa«ed -*wjay a few years agowas also a sister of deceased. Tfrefuneral will probably be under Ma*sonic auapices. - ̂ .

If your horse is kicked; -or out bybarfced wire, apply Hartford's Balsam.

mont; Nellie Keyes Flanders, niece,Orange, in the state of Vermont, con-stituting' ail th-e husband, wife, heirsat law and next of kin of Wm. W.

rnett, late of the town of Ma-lone, in the county of Franklin andstate of New York, deceased, sendgreeting:—

Whereas, Delia L. Barnett, the ex-ecutor named in the last will andtestament of the said Wm. W. Bar-nett, deceased, has lately a l l i e d toour surrogate of our county ofF̂t-amkUn to have the said will prov-

en a* a wfll of real and pereonaJproperty, in pursuance of the statutein such case mad« and provided:You, and each of you, are there*fore cited and required, personally,to be and appear before our saidsurrogate, at his office In Malone-vlllage, in the county of Franklin, onthe 23rd day of June, 1918 next, at10 o'clock in the forenoon, then andthere to attend the probate of saidlast will and testament

And if any of the aforesaid ner-sons are under the age of twenty-one years, they will please take no-tice that they are required to ap-pear, by their general guard lau-̂ __lfthev have one, and If they havenone, that they appear and applyfor the appointment of a specialguardian, or in the event of theirfailure or neglect to do so, a specialguardian will be appointed by thesurrogate to repfeoent and act forthem in the proceedings for the pro-bate of said will.

In testimony, whereof, we havehereunto affixed theseal of our said surro-gate. Witness, FVederi 1̂G. Paddock, surrogate

(L. S.) of said county, at thesurrogate's office. InMalone village, In saidcounty, the 5th day ofMay, 1918.

KATHARINE A. T „Clerk of the Surrogate's Court

S. A. BEMAN.Attorney for Petitioner,

M&iane, N. Y. 2tw7

s and twenty-five links to the I ̂ o f said^iot Noof beginning, containing ten L thett^ f

w.^st, t2 t c

of land more or less. l\n® o f J ^ i ° . V \ ° l

veyed by Jaanes Frost, beginning atthe aorihwtest corner of said lot No.12, and running thence south 2 de-crees West along the west line ofaakl lot No. 12 32.39 chains to theplace, of beginning; thence east tothe east line of the west {me halfof lot No. 12; thence south alongsaid lice 28,25 chains; th&nce westto the southeast corner of theThomas H. Mills land; thence northalong the east line of said Mills landto the said Mills' north-east corner;thence west along the north line ofsaid Milla' land to the center of theBranch Pond road; thence northerlyalong said road to the place of be-ginning, contain ing sixty acres ofland more or less, except that cer-tain part thereof lying east of theMills lot and between the Mills lotand the center line of lot No. 12,about 5 % acres" heretofore sold toWilliam Kerry by Edwin M. Laddandjwife in 18 9 7.

2. All that tract or parcel of landsituate in the town of Duane, coun-ty of Franklin and state of NewYork, known and distinguished aspart of lot No. 12, Township 12,Great tract one, Macomiys purchase^as surveyed by Janies Frost: Begin-Jiing at the northwest corner of lotNo. 12, and running thence southalong the west line of said lot No.

.12 32.S3 chains to the place of be-! ginning; thence east 20 chains;

ce north parallel with the westof said lot No. 12, 2.50 chains;

chains to the west


. T. Supreme Court, FranklinCounty. Cteoi«e w. Crooks, pUinUftagainst Prescott E. Ladd, «t at, de-fendant*.

Action No. One.In pursuance of a judgment of

foreclosure and sale, made and en-tered in the above entitled action,be*riȣ date tin? 22nd day of April,1913. I, the undersigned, the refereein said judgment named, will sell atpublic auction at the front door ofthe court house, in Malone village.county of Franklin, N. Y., on the5th day of June, 1913. at teno clock in the forenoon, the prem-ises mentioned in said judgment, anddescribed as follows:

All that tract or parcel of land sit-uate in the town of Duane, countyof Franklin and state of New York,bounded as follows: Beginning atthe southeast corner of lot No. 20,Of Frost's Survey, and runs thencew*st in th* south line thereof 28chains to a stake; thence north 3.9chains to a stake in the center ofthe Port Kent road; thence easter-ly along the center oi said PortKent road to the east line of saidlot No. 20; and thence south alongthe east* line thereof to the plaosof beginning, containing eighty-twoand 87-100 acres of land more - or

Excepting thereof the buryingground; also excepting and reservingall mines and minerals, and all fallsand streams of water fit for mills,together with„ the free use of thesam **""

Dated April 22nd, 19*8.WILLIAM p. BADGER,

Referee.WALTER J. a«EARS,

Plaintiff's Attorney,Office & P. O, address.

Malone. N. Y. I9w7

j along said west line 2.50 chains to1 the place or' beginning1 containingfive acres of land, more or less.

•3. All that tract or parcel of landsituate in the town of Duane, coun-ty of Franklin and state of N«wYork, being in township No. 12,Great Tract One, Maeomb's purchase,more particularly known as part ofGreat lot No. 11, as surveyed byJames Frost and bounded as follows:Beginning at the southeast corner ofsaid lot No. 11, and running thencewest along the south line of saidlot No. 11, to the east line of Mat-thew Tucker's land, formerly ownedby Etelana Stickney; thence north

SHERIFF'S SALE — State of NewYork, Supreme Court, County of

Franklin. Sybel Helms,- Plaintiff, vs.Walter C. Proper, Blanche Properand Merton J. Wood, Defendants.

By virtue of an execution againstthe property of Walter C. Proper andBlanche Proper, issued out of thesupreme court in the above entitledaction, to me directed and delivered,I, Alfred A. Edwards, sheriff ofFranklin county;. shall sell at publicauction on the 7th day of June, 1913at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at thefront door of theJEourt house in thevillage of Malone, Franklin Co. N. Y,-all the right, title and interest whichthe said Blanche Proper had on the25th day of fcSarch, 1913, or whichshe may have subsequently acquiredin. and to All that certain lot or par-cel of land situated in the town ofMalone, county of Franklin and stateof New Yorky and being that partof Great Lot 75, Townshin 6, GreatTract One, Maeomb's Furc&ase.. com-mencing at ar stake 20 chains eastfrom the northwest corner of staidLot 75'and running thence south onthe late Lyman H. Lewis' east lineOne hundred rods; thence east tolands of James McNee.ley, deceased;thence north on said McNeeley's westline to the line of said Lot 75;thence west on said lot line to theplace of beginning-, containing allthe land within said bounds.

Dated April 18th, 1913.

ALFRED A. EDWARDS.19w7 Sheriff of Franklin County.

TO CRBDITOR&—Pursuantto an order of Frederick 9. Pad-

dock, surrogate of the county ofFa-anklln, aad according to Ute stat-ute ia such case made and provided,notice ia hereby given to all oer-

teOTfog claims against Joseph De-eon, Sr., late of Malone, in said coun-ty* deceased, that they ar« requir-ed to exhibit the same, with thevouchers thereof, to the uiwierajgn-ed, at the office of a A. Be man,No. 65 West Malm St., at Malone,in said county, on or before the 17thday of November next-

Dated A)pr11 30th, 1913.GEORGE SABIN,AMELIA DEGOX,

Administrators.A. BEMAN,

Attorney for Pet'r,Malone, N. ~

THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OFNew York to Dynes Giipin, North-

field, Vermont; George Adams, Northfield, Vt.; Hiram B.. Adams, Alvin,Texas; Lewis D. Gale, Brandon, N.Y., constituting all the husband, wife,heirs at law and next of kin ofWallace W. Hutchins, late of thetown of Brandon, in the county ofFranklin ad state of New York, de-ceased, send greeting:

Whereas, Uzzie Hutchins, the solelegatee named in the last will andtestament of the said Wallace W.Hutchina, deceased, has lately appliedto our surrogate of our county ofFranklin to have the said wiU prov-en as a will of real and personalproperty, in pursuance of the stat-ute in such case made and provided:You, and each of you, are thereforecited and required, personally, to beand ajapear before our said surro-gate, at his office in Malone villagein the county of Franklin, on the16th day of June next, at 10:00o'clock la the forenoon, then andthere to attend the probate of saidlast wiU and testament

And if any of the aforesaid per-sons are under the age of twenty-one years, they will please take no-tice that they are required to appearby their general guardian, if theyhave one, and" if they have none,that they appear and apply for theappointment of a special guardian,

in the event of their failure orneglect to do so, a special guardianwill be appointed by the surrogateto represent and act for them inthe proceedings for the probate ofsaid will,

In testimony whereof, we havehereunto affixed the sea)of our said surrogate. Wit-ness, Frederick G. Pad-dock, surrogate of saidcounty, at the surrogate's

(L. S.) office, in Malone village.In said county, the 28thday of April, 1913.

KATHARINE A. PADDOCK,Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.

KELLAS, GENAWAY & KELLAS,Petitioner's Attorneys,

Malone, N. Y. 20w7


ple of the State of NewYork to Sherry Cayea, residing

Jefferson, Ohio, and the heirs at _„ r . „ _ _ „„.„.law and legal representatives of along the east line of Mathew Tuck-Thomas Cayea, late of Seattle, Wash- er's line to the northwest corner ofngton.and all other persons interest-

ed in the estate of Oliver Cayea,lateof Malone, N. Y., deceased, husband.wife, creditors., legatees, ared next ofkin of Oliver Cayea, Late of the tow-nof Malone, in the county of Frank-lin and state of New York, deceas-ed, and the sureties on administra-tor's official bond, or their legalrepresentatives, send greeting:

Whereas. Henry Baker, the exec-utor of the last will and testamentof the said Oliver Cayea, deceased,has lately applied to our ..surrogateof our county of Franklin to have

executor, as afore-settled in pursuancein such case made

his accountssaid, judiclallyof the statuteand provided.

You, and each of you, are there-fore cited and required, personally,to be and appear before our saidsurrogate at his office in the courthouse, in Malon-e village, in thecounty of Franklin, on the 16thday of June, 1913, at 10 o'clock inthe forenoon, then and there to at-tend the judicial settlement of theaccount of Henry Baker, as execu-tor of the said Oliver Cayea, deceased

And if any of the aforesaid per-sons are under the age of twen£y-one years, they will please take no-tice that they are required to ap-pear by their general guardian,they have one, and if they havenone, then that they appear and ap-ply for the appointment of a specialguardian, or in the event of theirfailure or neglect to do so, a specialguardian will be appointed by thesurrogate to represent and act forthem in the proceedings.

In testimony whereof. we havecaused the seal of oursaid surrogate's court tobe hereunto affixed, Wlt-

Frederick Gdock, surrogate of i

county, at the townMalone, the 2Sth dayApril, in the year of ourLord one thousand ninehundred and thirteen.

KATHARINE A. PAODOCK.Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.

KELLAfi, GENAWAY & KELLAS,Petitioner's Attorneys,

Mfclone, N. Y. 20w7

W !#p CB^ *>*n order <* »*•***<* O.4oekAStirr0*mte of tlie CalmlyF k f t and according Jo the


the vottofcersenlgned a*.

tute ianotic* to hereby «*ve* to _iavfe* claims aflato* JehnUte of Bombay, ia sakl eouatr.ceased, that they are required tohlblt the aune, with the v<W "thereof, to the undersigned _minlstratoT, at his reatAenea in Bom -̂bay, in said county, oa or beforethe 30th d&y of August next

Dated February 17, i l l ) .M. J. CROWLBT,

AdministratoraSORQE J. MOORH.

Attorney for Administrator,Malone, N. T^ lOwft.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS— Purwaant to, an order of Frederick O

Paddock, surrogate of the county elFranklin, and according te the «talute In such case made aad providednotice i» hereby «Jven te allhi li a i t Al

personnso Rl M

against Alonso» ot Malone, N. X., la mmceased, that they are r*

, to exhibtt the same, .with th«rouchera ttiereof, to tHe undersigned, at bis office at Melons rUlags. to•aid county, on or before the It*day of July, l t l t .

Dated Dee. t«, l i l t .MARTIN B. MoCLART,

•zeetttorMeCLARY & ALLEN.Attorneys for Executor,

Malone, N. Y. twit

E. M. Ladd's land; thence southalong the west line of E, M. Ladd'sland to the northshoe Pond: thence

bank of Horse-east along the

south line of—E. M. Ladd's to theeast-line of lat~No, 11, thence southalong the east line of lot No, 11 tothe place of beginning, be the samemore or less.

4. All that tract or parcel of landsituate in the town of Duane, coun-ty of Franklin and state of NewYork, being situate in Great Lot No.11, in township 12, and bounded asfollows: Beginning at the northeastcorner of said lot No. 11, and thencesouth along the east line thereof32.39 ^chains to the place of begin-ning: thence west to the outlet ofLong Pond; thence southerly alongsaid outlet to tke Horseshoe Pond;thence east along said Pond to theli b t L t 11 d 12 th

ast along saline between Lots 11 and

t h l id lith«

tnortherly along said line to theBranch Pond* road; thence norther-ly along said road to the place ofbeginning, containing fifteen acresmore or less, being a part of thtepremises conveyed to. Edwin M. Laddby Mordicai Ladd and wife by deeddated November 1st, 1873. and re-corded in book it at deeds at page

The above four parcels are subjectto the right of dower of Sebia A.Ladd as widow of Edwin M. Ladd,

5. All that tract or parcel of landsituate in the town of Duane, coun-ty of Franklin a«d state of NewYork, being a part of the east one-half of Great Lo* No. 12, Township12, Great tract one ot Maeomb's pur-chase, and bounded as follows, towit: Beginning at the northwest cor-ner of said east owe half of GreatLot No. 12, to Towmshlp 12, andrunning thence south, and parallelwith the west line Ot said lot 45chains; thence east aad parallel withthe north line of said lot 22.22chains; the no© north aad parallelwith said w-est line of eaid lot 45chains to the north line of said lot;thenoe west on said north Ito* 12-21chains to the pfee* <c* boyiontng, con-taining ldo acfMtt of land, exoepand reserving all mines, mineralsores, and mill *te*.

6. All that traei or mroet of landsituate in the tOflWi ©* DINUM, coun-t f ff* t f «iork and dosoytt+d ft* foUoW: Be-ing & part of *ot « o . 9t, Township. . in said

ning at thfrlot No. li.east line ofthanoe westsouth

the place of 1th l

e pacethe landsIntended toeel so anucby Harriett

7. AJ1 thsituate Inty of F a n iYork, knownS>art of lot "~IVact one,

d d d

_ worth oa the

ot tot 4$;tte toMT aU

north onchains to

et 18thenoechains to _Trim's land;lot line XI.20beginning,the same

Dated April

WALTER J.Plaintlfra Attoraey.

Oeftoe A P. O. Addrees.Malone, K. t .

SUPREME COURT, Franklin Coun-ty, N. Y. John Lafave. PlainUff,

vs. Virginia Lafave, and others, Defendants.

By virtue of a judgment of parti-tion and sale, made in the above-entitled action, on the 21st day ofAa3ril, 1913, the subscriber, a referee,for that purpose duly appointed, wil)sell at public auction to the highestbidder, at the front door of the courthouse, in Malone Village, Franklincounty, New York, on the 9th day ofJune, 1913, at 10 o'clock A, M. th©real estate directed by said judgmentto be sold, and therein describedas follows:'

All that certain piece of land sit-uate in the town and tillage of Ma-lone, co-unty of Franklin and stateof New York, described as follows:Being part of Great lot No. 39, inTownship No. 6, Maeomb's Purchase^being laid down on a map-of villagelots made in 1866 by F. Pelletierfor Titus & Parmelee, as lots 59and 60, and fronting on the eastside of Branch Street; a copy ofsaid map was filed in Franklin comi-ty clerk's office B-eceanber 27, 1886The parties of the first part arenot to build or maintain any fence.Being the same premises conveyed tosaid John B. Lafave by Clara E. Par-mele^ and others, by deed dated July17, 1&01, and recorded in said Frank-lin county clerk's office in Liber 113of Deeds at page

Also all that certain piece of landsituate in the town and village ofMaione, county of Franklin and stateof New York, described aa followsBeing part of lot 39, in township 6,Maeomb's purchase, and as laid downon a map of village lots made in1866 by F. Pelletier for Titus & Parmelee as lots Nos. 62 and 63, andfronting on the east side of Branchstreet; a copy of said map was fil-ed in Franklin county clerk's office,December 27, 1866. Being the samepremises conveyed to said John B.Lafave by Clara E, P&rmelee andothers by deed dated May 17 190and tecorded in said Franklin coun-ty clerk's offica_in -Liber 115Deeds, at page 555.

Also all that tract or parcel ofland situate in the town and villageof Malone, county of Franklin andstate of New York, describedfollows, viz: Being part of GreatLot No. 39, Township No. 6, Ma-eomb's purchase, being laid dowa>on a map of vUlage lots made In1*66 by F. Pelletier tor <Ktus &Parmelee as lot No. 61. and front*,tagr on the east side of Branchllree*; a copy of said <map was fU-•edT ia Franklin county clerk's officeDecember 27, 186ft. The party ofthe second part is to build and maintain all line feaoee. Bekx* the S&OM

•emteee conveyed to said John B.' by Delia Lafa.ve,'by deed dat-

ed January 8, l»07, and r*6erded tosaid Franklin county clerk's ofttee loUber 129 of Peeda, at pace Sft.

Also the right of way reserved tosaid John B. Lafave aad his aaa&nnin deed frote aeJd John B. I*faV« fy>Anetta Boyer. <S*te* A*rU 11. 1*1«,a»d recorded in said Fraaklfai oonn,ty oterk's o«k» tjx Liber l i t oddeed*, at pa«e 4M,

Also ail that traot or wuwel of landsttuate in the towa and vivace 0Malone, county of Fraufcttft, aaA stoleof New York, beta* A vfitegn lot a*iatd down on alnw4> oi iSiotoe v«-iage lots lying In- th* eottifc Ipe* ofmi& viHace aod made tn r l t l ( by FPelletler for Tito* * Peu-ttetoe, * «9-pltcete of which la mm is '|b» derk»»office of eaid oonaty of IPYaidUto *j»Village lot No. 2$, th* corner <***»•of boJB«r fonmerty marked ty 4 «e-dar ertako and nuaabered, sttaa^a

the corner of 800U1 Pear) aadnow. BBxnr fownei-ly ParmeUe streetand on. the north #de Of :"street. oonteini»« aU the HM4in -aid b a d s . h&m t*M a »

_•_ i E«ds«r Iw <3«&S Howard by 44*4 reoorted to thePmnklin ooun r̂ deVvi omea. toLiber U», at « «W d bto

SSdinal, Uteootonty. deceased,quired to exhibit „the voucher* thereof; to toeft administrator with theaexed oj Laurs, Cardinal, Mresidence In Weet Bangor, tttcounty, on or before the 9th "Juftr next

Dated January 4th, l » l tMILO 1C

MeCLARY & ALLSW.Attorneys for d

Maione, N. r

NOTICE TO GBBJDm>_to an order of Frederick

dock, surrogate df the ,«»Franklin, and according toute in such dase made *aued, notice is hereby given tosons having claims againstW. Dewex, late of Fraftklte,oounty, deceased* that "-J—quired to exhibit thevouchers thereof, to «

SUPREME COURT—Trial desired inFranklin county. Walter Sailor,

Plaintiff, vs. John H. Savage and J.Wesley Perry, Defendants.

To the above named defendants:—You are hereby summoned to answerthe complaint in this action andserve a copy of your answer on plaintiff's attorneys "within twenty da^rsafter service of this summons, ex-clusive of the day of service, and incase of your failure to appear or an-swer, judgment will be taken againstyou by default for the relief dem&nd-•d in the complaint.

Dated Malone, N. Y., March 31st,1913.

KELLAS. GENAWAY & KELLAS,Plaintiff's Attorneys, Office &P. O. Address, Malon<v N. Y.

To John H. Savage: The fore"-otagsummons is served upon you by pub-lication, pursuant to an order ofHon. Henry V. Borst, Justice of theSupreme Court, dated the 24th dayof April, 1913, and filed with thecomplaint in the office of the clerkof Franklin county at Malone, New-York, on the 25th day of A^ril, 1913.

KELLAS, GENAWAY & KELLAS,Plaintiff's Attorney? Office &P. O. Address; Malone, N. Y.


THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OFNew Yerk to William A. Pond,

Chlldwold, N. Y.; J. Warren Pond,Mt. View, N. Y.; Lillian Pond, 315Washington AveM Albany, N. Y.;Clinton W. Pond, Nucas, Oklahoma;Horace Thomas, Winooski, Vt;Frank Thomas, Canton, N. Y.; Lovi-sa Lavery, Canton, N. Y.; Elma E?-gleston, Canton, N. Y.; Delbert W.Thomas, Hypum, Utah; MildredThomas, Los Angeles, Calif.; Char-lotte Reynolds, 210 English St., NewHaven, Conn.; Fred Gamble, 111831st St., So. Seattle, Wash.;- Ella Barrett, 1305 31st St., So. Seattle,Wash.; Winnie Gamble, Snohomish,Wash.; Roy Gamble, 19th Ave., Seat-tle, Wash.; Daisie Crozier, Riley, Ore*gon; Cora Reed, Lisbon, N. D.; Car-rie Steveson, Port Huron,-Mich.; Ly-dla Albert, Houlton, Maine; ArthurJohnson, 276 Main St., St. Johns,N. B.; Margaret Johnson, 58 For-est St., St. Johns, Neb.; HaroldJohnson, 26 Lawrence St, Bostoa,Mass.; Mrs. Perley C. Brown,Preeque Isle, Maine; Florence .Ashley223 McBean St., Peoria, 111.; Augu*-t»-vMerrieim, 93? Gotham St, W&ter-townTN. Y.; LeRoy SteAer, 110rce. St., Peoria, IH,; Iresna Held, *»*»N. Madison St. Peoria, IU-; Genevadimming*, 416 Beed Ave., Peoria,HI.; A«nesa Slater, 2910 N. MadisonSt., Peoria. I1L; Robert Slater, ... . ,N. Madison St., Peoria, III.; Steph-en M. Howard, Malone, N. Y.; Hen*ry A. Miiler, Malone, N- Y^ hus-band, wif*. creditors, legatees, aadnext of kin of Charlotte E. Gaylord,late of the town of Malone, m. thecoxnty of Franklin and stake, of NewYork, deceased, and the sureties oaadministrators' official bond, or taetrlegal representatives, send greeting:

Whereas J. Warren Pond andMartin E. McClary, the administra-tor* of. the good*,'-chattel* and cre-dits of: the said Charlotte E. ~lord, decease

of ourhav* their aooount* as

kfor« cited antfto b* and

*f anr of tlrt aforesaid«re tie^r the twr* of twssttty-

UIptea*etakereaulred to aj»ear

«&. feat* faftun or

d*y Jj§S&* SSsraar of our

1&0J, and recordedowmty oierk* «ffloe ta liber IK of

day <

>.* * * $



NOTICE TO CRKDTPOKSant to an order of JVederiok

Padlock, iurrogate ot the <ma#Prankiia, and acoordmg to theute ta such case mad© and pf**t~ed, notice Is hereby given to all per-sona having claims against UMMQonyea, late of Malone. in said cow*,ty, deceased, that they are reo,*tre4 fexhibit the same, with Hie v hthereof, to the undersigned.a Taylor, Executor, at hi* etden

Malone village, ta said county. «afor before the 19th day of A u r a l

act.Dated February 17th, 1113.


WALTER J. MEABS,Attorney for Executor,

Malone, N. Y.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS— Pur***ant to an order of Frederick €L

Paddook, surrogate 'of the county «fFranklin, and according to the stat-ute in such case made and provfeteffenotice is hereby given to ail petwMfthaving claims against Louischette, late of Malone, in saidty, deceased, that they are refute**to exhibit the same, with the vuuete-ers thereof, to the undersigned WVkUam A. Frechette and Lydia A. Wtm~chette, executors, at the office of MiH. Burno, In Malone village, in aattfcounty, on or before the 1st day ej|Sept. next


Executors.M. H. BURNO,

Attorney for Executor,Malone, N. T.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS—Pursuaalto an order of Frederick G. Pad-

dock, surrogate of the county ofFranklin, and according to tb4 •statute in such case made and pro-vided, notice is hereby given to allpersons having claims against GeorgeW. Merritt, late of Brandon, ia said!county, deceased, that they are re*quired to exhibit the same, with tb«vouchers thereof, to the undersigned^Fred Merritt, at the office of & A*Beman, in Malone, N. Y., in seJ4county, on or before-the Sad day ofAugust, 1918, next

Dated January 17th, 1918.FRED MERRITT,

Administrator, etc*S. A. BEMAN,

Attorney for Administrator,Malone, N. Y. «wt7

NOTICE TO CREDITORS— Pursu-ant to ».n order of Frederick a.

Paddock, surrogate of the county otFranklin, and according to the stat-ute in suoh ease made and prtrrtde*»notice is hereby given to all personshaving claims eg*in*V data i» Par-melee, late of Kalons, la aaM ooan-ty, deceased, that they are rMcatredto exhibit the same, with the Toock-ers thereof, to the undersigned, a*the office of A. 8. Parmetee * 8oa,in Malone rlUage. Malone. N. T., Issaid county, oa or before tfee (t^day of July next

Dated December Sttfe, l t l t .88ORG8 W. iyU8$7U&,

MoCLART A ALLEN.Attorneys for Bxecvtor.

Ifaloae. N. T.

TO CRHDITOR8— P«r*U-to an order of ^redertafc; Ck

t h t 9OTMM& Of