1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav Fanta / Anita Künitzer ETC/ICM - CENIA

1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav

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Page 1: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav

1Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, BrusselsAuthor: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA1

State of the Environment Reporting

Miroslav Fanta / Anita Künitzer


Page 2: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav


2010 WISE SoE reporting

Reporting categories:

• Rivers water quality• Lakes water quality• Groundwater quality• Transitional, coastal and marine waters quality• Emissions to water (2nd year of regular reporting)

• Water quantity (2nd year of regular reporting)

• Biology in rivers and lakes (2nd year of test reporting)

• Biology in transitional and coastal waters (2nd year of test reporting)

Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, BrusselsAuthor: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA

Page 3: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav


Rivers water quality – reporting by countries

Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, BrusselsAuthor: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA

Positive: Most countries successfully adopted the updated templates and codelists (names and CAS numbers of preferred SoE hazardous substances). Almost all countries reported on time.

Negative: Albania: much manual work with the delivery. No data delivery from 3 countries (CZ, GR, HU).

Page 4: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav


Lakes water quality – reporting by countries

Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, BrusselsAuthor: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA

Positives: Deadlines were met, good quality of data in most of deliveries. Request for preferred substances (nutrients and hazardous) followed by more than 50% of the countries. A lot of countries have sent explanatory documents, concerning their delivery

Negatives: 4 countries have not sent any data (GR, HU, MT, PL). Lack of pressures data. Albania has not responded to our emails, the old template was used.

Page 5: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav


Groundwater quality – reporting by countries

Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, BrusselsAuthor: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA

Positives: Large or very large datasets provided by many countries. Very large redeliveries from England and Wales covering the reporing period 2000 – 2009. All countries except one (DE) corrected the errors and clarified suspicious values as detected by the data manager.

Negatives: Aggregated data are still provided by 6 countries (disagg. data are preferred). Some countries did not correct the errors detected by Reportnet automatic QA system. 4 countries have not sent any data (GR, HU, MT, IT).

Page 6: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav


Emissions to water – reporting by countries

Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, BrusselsAuthor: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA

Positives: Most of the countries provided data in a good quality. Relatively large datasets reported by several countries.

Negatives: Low number of countries who report (but increasing trend). 4 countries (CY, LU, NL, PT) which participated in the test phase of emissions reporting (2008) did not provide any data for the regular reporting (2009, 2010). Many formal errors in data reported by Bulgaria, time consuming data processing.

Page 7: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav


Water quantity – reporting by countries

Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, BrusselsAuthor: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA

Positive: 23 countries have reported. Good communication with countries. Good acceptance of WQ reporting Tool

Negative: Data reported mostly on annual and country level (preferred levels: monthly and RBD). Reporting of availability and abstraction/use data on different spatial scales

Improvements: Review of smiley criteria (less strict & fair), Better communication with countries regarding the preferred temporal and spatial levels, Development of the online Water Quantity Data Reporting and Management System (WQ-DREAMS)

Page 8: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav


Transitional, coastal and marine waters quality – reporting by countries

Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, BrusselsAuthor: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA

Positives: In general good communication and feedback from countries. The countries that delivered data did so within the deadline. Several countries have resubmitted their data based on question from data manager.

Negatives: The conversion of non-valid determinand names was very time consuming. A few contries did not respond to questions at all.

Page 9: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav


Biology in rivers and lakesBiology in transitional and coastal waters

- reporting by countries

• Test phase of the reporting• Communication with countries continues, data

processing not fully finished yet

Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, BrusselsAuthor: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA

Page 10: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav


WISE interactive maps - list

• WFD surface water viewer (maps: Ecological status of water bodies, Chemical status of water bodies, WFD surface water monitoring stations)

• WFD groundwater viewer (maps:Chemical status of gw bodies, Quantitative status of gw bodies, WFD groundwater monitoring stations,)

• WFD river basin districts viewer• State of bathing waters viewer• UWWTD viewer (maps: Agglomerations, UWWTPs, Big cities / big discharges)• Still in individual maps:

– Mean annual total ammonium in rivers

– Mean annual BOD in rivers

– Density of WISE SoE river monitoring stations by national RBD

– Mean annual total phosphorus in lakes

– Mean annual nitrates in rivers

– Mean annual orthophosphate in rivers

– Overview of WISE SoE monitoring stations (rivers, lakes, groundwater)

– Nitrates in groundwater by country

– Nitrites in groundwater by country

– Ammonium by groundwater by country

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WISE interactive maps – list(marine waters)

• Still in individual maps:– Marine waters influenced by river frun-off and terestrial inputs

– Orthophosphates in seawater

– Oxidised nitrogen in seawater

– Chlorophyll in seawater

– Hazardous substances in biota

All maps listed on last two slides will be displayed in the May publication by using the new DISCOMAP technology

Event/ date:Author:

Page 12: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav


Current display of the maps example: Nitrate in rivers

Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, BrusselsAuthor: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA

Page 13: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav


Examples of new display of the maps: Nitrate in rivers

Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, BrusselsAuthor: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA

Page 14: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav


Total phosphorus in lakes (detail - Denmark)

Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, BrusselsAuthor: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA

Page 15: 1 Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, Brussels Author: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA 1 State of the Environment Reporting Miroslav


Nitrites in groundwater by country (central Europe)

Event/ date: Working Group D meeting, 7 April 2011, BrusselsAuthor: Dr Anita Künitzer/ Miroslav Fanta, CENIA