1. Emt Medications

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1. Emt Medications

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  • Prescribed Inhaler (Bronchodilator) Oxygen Oral Glucose Agents Activated Charcoal Nitrogylcerin Epinephriine


    Generic Name: Albutrol (Proventil,Ventolin), Isotharine (Bronkosol) Metaproternol (Alupent) Type of Drug: Adrenergic Beta2Agonist

    Generic Name: Oxygen Trade Name: Oxygen Type of Drug: Atomospheric Gas

    Generic name: Oral Glucose Trade Name: Glutose, Insta-Glucose, Isulin reaction Type of Drug: Nutrient

    Generic Name: Activated Charcoal Trade Name: Charcola, Arm-a-Char, Charcoaide, Insta-Char Type of Drug: Absorbent

    Generic Name: Nitroglycerin Trade Name: Nitrostat, Nitro-bid, Nitro Dur, Nitrol, Tridil Type of Drug: Anti Anginal

    Generic Name: Ephinephrine Trade name: Adenalin Type of Drug: Sympathomimetic


    Pt exhibits S/S of Respiratory Distress Pt has Physician Prescribed hand-held inhaler, and EMT-B has specific authorization by medical Direction

    Hpoxemia, Ischemic Chest Pain, Respiratory Distress, Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

    Pts with altered mental status with a known history of diabetes controlled by medication Poisoning by Mouth

    Pt exhibts S/S of chest pain, Pt has physican prescribed nitroglycerinetablets or spray, and EMT-B has specific authorization by medical direction

    Pt exhibiting the assessment findings of an allergic reaction with Respiratory Distress/Hypoperfusion, Pt has prescribed epinephrine autoinjector, EMT-B has authorization by medical direction


    Inability of Pt to use the device, Inhaler not prescribed for the Pt, No permission from medical Direction, Pt already met the maxium prescribed does PROFOUND TACHYCARDIA None

    Unconciousness, Inability to swallow GAG REFLEX

    Altered mental Status, Ingestion of acids or alkalis, Inability to swallow

    Hypotension (B/P < 100mmHg systolic), head injury or altered mental status, Infants and Children, Pt met max prescribed dose, Pt does not have their own prescribed Nitroglycerin ANY SEXUAL ENHANCING DRUGS!

    Hypertension, narrow angle glaucoma, Pulmonaryedema,(No contraindications when used in a life threatening situation)

    FormHand-held Mettered Dose Inhaler Gas Gel

    Pre-mixed in water, frequently available in plastic bottles containing 12.5 grams activated charcoal Sublingual Tablet or spray

    Liquid adminstered via a pre-filled needle and syringe system


    Based on medical direction Albutorol (1 spray = 90 micrograms 2 sprays = 180 micrograms

    Low Concntration: NC 1-6 L/min High Concentration: NRBM 10-15 L/min

    One tube (10-20 G), repeat every 10 minutes if necessary

    1gram activated charcoal/kg of body weight, Adult dose - 25-50grams, Child dose - 12.5-25grams

    1 dose (1 tablet or 1 Spray) every 3 to 5 minutes for a total of 3 sprays Each dose (.4) with a max of 1.2

    Adult - 1 autoinjector (0.3mg) Pediatric - 1 infant/child autoinjector (0.15mg)


    Dilates bronchioles, reducing airway resistance

    Supports cellur life and function as it binds to hemoglobin and is trasported through the body Increases blood sugar

    Binds to certain poisons and prevents their absorption in the gastointestinal tract

    relaxes blood vessels, decreasing workload of the heart

    Dilates the bronchioles and constricts blood vessels

    Side Effects

    Increased pulse rate, tremors, nervousness, headache, Tachycardia

    High flow O2 may cause respiratory depression in Pts with CO2 poisoning. O2 supports combusion

    None (When given Properly), May be aspirated by a pt without a gag reflex

    Constipation,diarrhea, black stools. Large doses may cause Vomiting (if this occures, contact medical direction for orders to repeat dose)

    Hypotension, headaches, dizziness, flushing,syncope

    Increased heart rate, pallor, dizziness,chest pain, headache, N/V, excitability, anxiousness