1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Homelessness roundtable Aye, fine. K Sent with BlackBerry Work (www.blackberry.com) From: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Date: Tuesday, 05 May 2020, 10:45 am To: Stewart K (Kevin) Cc: Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning <[email protected]> Subject: Homelessness roundtable Morning Kevin Cabinet has finished so Aileen will be leaving shortly to get to Parly – are you ok to kick off the homelessness stakeholder call and she will join when she can? She may make it for the start but probably a bit tight! I will set the call up in her office so she can just join when she arrives. Thanks, [Redacted] Private Secretary to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Scottish Ministers, Special advisers and the Permanent Secretary are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016. See www.lobbying.scot.

1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

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Page 1: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Homelessness roundtable Aye, fine. K Sent with BlackBerry Work (www.blackberry.com) From: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Date: Tuesday, 05 May 2020, 10:45 am To: Stewart K (Kevin) Cc: Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning <[email protected]> Subject: Homelessness roundtable Morning Kevin Cabinet has finished so Aileen will be leaving shortly to get to Parly – are you ok to kick off the homelessness stakeholder call and she will join when she can? She may make it for the start but probably a bit tight! I will set the call up in her office so she can just join when she arrives. Thanks, [Redacted] Private Secretary to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Scottish Ministers, Special advisers and the Permanent Secretary are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016. See www.lobbying.scot.

Page 2: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

2. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 12:10 To: Communications Covid-19 <[email protected]>; First Minister Covid Briefing Unit; Chief Medical Officer <[email protected]>; Smith G (Gregor); [Redacted]@gov.scot Cc: DL Cabinet Secretaries; DL Ministers; DL SPADS; Permanent Secretary Subject: FM statement for today Hi Please find attached copy of FM statement for today. Thanks [Redacted] Senior Private Secretary to the First Minister The Scottish Government 5th Floor | St Andrew’s House | Regent Road | Edinburgh | EH1 3DG All e-mails and attachments sent by a Ministerial Private Office to any other official on behalf of a Minister relating to a decision, request or comment made by a Minister, or a note of a Ministerial meeting, must be filed appropriately by the recipient. Private Offices do not keep official records of such e-mails or attachments. Scottish Ministers, Special advisers and the Permanent Secretary are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016. See www.lobbying.scot

Page 3: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government


Thanks for joining us today.

I want to start with the usual statistical update in relation to Covid-19.

As at 9 o’clock this morning, there have been 12,437 positive cases

confirmed - an increase of 171 from yesterday.

A total of 1,656 patients are in hospital with Covid-19 - that is a decrease

of 64 since yesterday.

A total of 104 people last night were in intensive care with confirmed or

suspected Covid 19. That is an increase of 5 since yesterday.

I can also confirm that since 5 March, 2,847 patients who had tested

positive for the virus have been able to leave hospital.

Sadly, though, in the last 24 hours, 44 deaths have been registered of

patients who had been confirmed through a test as having Covid-19 –

which takes the total number of deaths, under that measurement, to 1620.

We must never think of these numbers as just statistics. They represent

individuals whose loss is a source of sorrow to many. I want to send my

deepest condolences to everyone who has lost a loved one to this virus.

I also want to thank once again our health and care workers for the

extraordinary work that they are doing.

Page 4: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

I have one issue that I want to discuss today.

It follows my update yesterday on our plans for “test, trace, isolate”.

Today, I want to set out our latest data on the level of infection and the

important R number, and also describe the work we are doing now to

prepare for careful and gradual changes to the lockdown restrictions - but

only when we judge it is safe to make them, which I am afraid is not right


You will find more detail in a new document we have just published on the

gov.scot website - it updates the one we published a couple of weeks ago

and, again, I’m asking you to please have a look at it.

I also want to encourage you to use the online tool that we are launching

today, which gives you the chance to offer ideas on how we should move


The decisions on how we come out of lockdown will affect all of us - and

so I am determined to make them as openly and collaboratively as


By Thursday, we have to formally assess whether any lockdown

restrictions should be lifted. The other UK governments will also be

making an assessment on or around that date.

Page 5: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

As we move forward, we will continue to discuss and where appropriate

reach decisions on a four nations basis - it remains my intention to have

UK wide alignment where the evidence supports it, though obviously my

overarching responsibility is to reach evidence based decisions that are

right for Scotland.

As I indicated yesterday, I think it is highly unlikely that we will be able to

make any significant changes to the current restrictions on Thursday. It’s

important that I’m frank with you about that now.

Today’s paper sets out the data that underpins that conclusion.

In short, we are seeing progress - particularly in the number of people

admitted to intensive care - but it is still fragile.

That means any increase in the physical interactions we have with other

people could quickly see transmission of the virus increase again.

We estimate that there are currently around 26,000 people with Covid-19

in Scotland. This is still too high to consider the virus under control.

I have also spoken before about the vital importance of keeping the R

number below 1.

We know it is higher in care homes, but our best estimate is that the R

number in the community is currently between 0.7 and 1. And we cannot

be sure that it’s not closer to 1 than 0.7.

Page 6: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

There is also some evidence that the R number in Scotland may be slightly

higher at this point than in the rest of the UK - though the modelling that

is based on is subject to a degree of uncertainty.

But in any event, the R number is not yet far enough below 1 to be

confident that any changes to current restrictions wouldn’t quickly send it

above 1 again - if that happened, the virus would start to increase

exponentially again.

That could overwhelm our health service; force us to reimpose

restrictions; and lead to many more deaths.

As an illustration of this, we include a chart in the paper based on recent

Danish data - it suggests that if we were to fully re-open nurseries and

primary schools now, the most likely scenario would be a resurgence in

the virus that would overwhelm our hospital capacity in a matter of


The fact is any easing of restrictions, whenever we introduce them, will

have an impact on the R number. But if we get our baseline lower than it

is now, we will have more headroom to cope with that - and be able to

avoid outcomes like that one.

So we must see further reductions in new cases, hospital and ICU

admissions and deaths to be sure that the overall level of infection and

the R number are lower than they are now.

That means, for the moment, we do need to stick with the lockdown.

Page 7: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

However I am acutely aware that the severity of restrictions we are living

under cannot continue indefinitely - we know that lockdown is doing its

own damage.

So we need to prepare to make changes as soon as it is safe to do so.

The next three week period of lockdown, after 7 May, is due to end on 28


That doesn’t necessarily mean we can’t make any changes before then if

the evidence suggests it is safe to do so. If we can, we will.

For example, I’m particularly keen as soon as possible, for the sake of

mental health and wellbeing, to allow people to be outdoors more. And

obviously we are all keen to get the economy moving again as soon as

we can.

So today’s paper sets out some options that we are working on - both in

terms of assessing their impact and on the practicalities of implementation

- so that we will be ready to make changes when the evidence tell us it is


To be clear, this is not a list of things we will definitely do by certain dates.

Indeed, we may not be able to take all of these steps even at the end of


This is going to be a long process with different phases along the way.

Page 8: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

And we will only implement these changes when we are as certain as

possible that it is safe to do so - and when we can also assure you of that.

In the meantime, it is vital that we stick rigorously to the current rules.

But it is important that we are preparing now.

So let me briefly set out the options we are working on. Though, again, I

must stress that none of these are changes we are implementing as of


But we are considering, firstly, if and how we could safely change our

advice on spending time outdoors - to allow exercise outside to happen

more than once a day, so long as we continue to stay apart from people

outside our own households.

Second, we are also considering if a slight relaxation in the rules to allow

meeting up with a small, defined group of people from other households -

in a sort of bubble - might be possible, even if initially that was only

possible out of doors.

This is one possible way in which we could start to interact a bit more with

family or friends - which I know is important.

However, we have to consider carefully the impact on the spread of the

virus. And we have to think through how such an approach could be

implemented in practice - and also how the limitations of it could be

enforced if necessary.

Page 9: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

It’s also not something that will be possible for those who are currently

shielding - so we have to think about the fairness of it too.

The third area we are looking at is when and in what order we can resume

some NHS and community care services. As you know, we stopped some

services – for example, screening programmes and non urgent elective

procedures – to ensure that the NHS could cope with Covid-19. But these

postponements also have implications for health, so we must considering

how services can be restarted as soon as possible.

The fourth area relates to how we carefully, gradually and safely allow

businesses to re- open. This is a major area of work, for obvious reasons.

We need to work with business and trade unions to consider the practical

arrangements for different work environments to start up safely - changes

to working practices, physical layouts of workplaces, the use of PPE and

the operation of public transport. On this, we are looking carefully at the

work the UK government is doing and consulting our own stakeholders on


Initially, we are giving particular consideration to businesses in the

construction, retail and manufacturing sectors – and also to some outdoor

and rural businesses.

However, where home working is possible, we are likely to insist on that

for the foreseeable future.

And I want to be clear that as of now current guidance to business remains

in place.

Page 10: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

Finally, I have said before that one of the hardest decisions I have ever

taken was the closure of schools. I know the impact this is having on

young people and families.

The Deputy First Minister chairs the Education Recovery Group, which is

considering options for how pupils might gradually return to school.

Now, again, I need to be clear - a return to school may not be possible at

all this side of the summer holidays.

But we are considering whether some groups of students – such as

vulnerable children, children who are making the transition from primary

to secondary school, or who are studying for national qualifications – could

return to school ahead of others.

Any initial return to school - when it does happen - is likely to require a

mixture of time in school and learning at home.

For example it’s possible that different groups could attend school part-

time in blocks of a few days - or a week at a time - to enable physical

distancing and deep cleaning of schools between sessions. In all of this,

we must try to find the right balance between children’s educational and

wider needs, and public health imperatives.

But I want to be crystal clear that while we will take the greatest care in all

of this, that is particularly the case with schools. We will not compromise

the safety of your children.

Page 11: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

As you will understand from the detail I have just given, none of these

decisions are easy. There are no absolute certainties and complex

judgments will have to be made.

As I’ve said before, ‘lifting the lockdown’ will not be like flicking a switch.

It will be a gradual process which will happen in phases.

What we are seeking to do is find a path to a new normal – one which is

less restrictive than the current lockdown, but which doesn’t risk the virus

running rampant again.

We have not yet put definite dates on any of what I’ve just set out. But I

will update you on an ongoing basis as our evidence, assessments and

planning develops.

And as soon as we can start to attach even tentative dates, we will.

In parallel, we will continue to build the ‘test, trace, isolate’ capacity that I

spoke about yesterday.

But the most important task for all of us in the here and now is to get the

virus under more control than it is now. We are at a critical stage in that.

That means sticking rigorously to the current rules. It means thinking hard

about our own compliance - and tightening that now, not easing up on it.

If you have been going out a bit more than you should, please rectify that.

Page 12: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

Please stay at home except for essential purposes - and remember, at

this stage, essential purposes means only food supplies, medicines and

daily exercise.

Stay 2 metres from others when you have to be out.

Don’t meet up with people from other households.

Isolate completely if you or anyone else in your household has symptoms.

Wash your hands regularly. And wear a face covering of you are in an

enclosed space with other people - like a shop or public transport.

This is tough - I know that.

But if all we keep doing the right things, we will get there. Our light at the

end of the tunnel will get brighter. And we will find the way through.

Thank you for everything you are doing to help.

Page 13: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

3. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 13:24 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]>; Coronavirus Public Enquiries <[email protected]> Cc: Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning <[email protected]>; [Redacted]@gov.scot Subject: RE: Letter from The salvation Army Hi [Redacted], Just to make you aware we have had several identical letters come in from Salvation Army. I am currently drafting a response to be sent from Mr Stewart. I will ensure that the response to [Redacted] covers this correspondence to Ms Campbell. If you need anything else please let me know. Many Thanks, [Redacted] Homelessness Briefing and Correspondence Officer | Housing and Social Justice Division | Better Homes | Homelessness Support and Homelessness Unit | Scottish Government From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Sent: 05 May 2020 08:45 To: Coronavirus Public Enquiries <[email protected]> Cc: Homelessness Team; Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning <[email protected]> Subject: FW: Letter from The salvation Army For response please. Thanks, [Redacted] Private Secretary to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Scottish Ministers, Special advisers and the Permanent Secretary are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016. See www.lobbying.scot.

Page 14: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

4. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of General Public Sector MIG Sent: 05 May 2020 14:32 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]>; Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning <[email protected]> Cc: General Public Sector MIG; Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport <[email protected]>; Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing <[email protected]>; Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills <[email protected]> Subject: RE: GPSMIG 7.04 Commission on funeral sector - Ministerial Attendance at Meeting Thu 07 May 13:00-14:00 Thanks [Redacted] PS Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government PS Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning As below, we would suggest that if possible Ms Campbell dials in on Thursday, as the majority of this agenda leaning towards health/community and local government. If Ms Campbell isn’t available, perhaps Mr Stewart or Ms Freeman can step in? Could Mr Fitzpatrick dial in for the death management agenda item? Thanks [Redacted] | Policy Officer Organisational Readiness (COVID-19 Response) Readiness and Transition Directorate | Scottish Government Please note I am working from home and Friday is my Non-Working day. Please contact [email protected] on Fridays if you need a response. If you need to speak to me Monday to Thursday, please contact me on my email, Skype or mobile number above. From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Behalf Of Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People Sent: 05 May 2020 13:19 To: General Public Sector MIG; Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People <[email protected]>; Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning <[email protected]> Subject: RE: GPSMIG 7.04 Commission on funeral sector - Ministerial Attendance at Meeting Thu 07 May 13:00-14:00 [Redacted] Industry support for the funerals sector is actually Mr Fitzpatrick. Nor do we do funeral poverty (which is Ms Campbell). The only thing we do is the actual payment of the Funeral Support Payment (not to industry)

Page 15: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

Sorry [Redacted] Private Secretary to Cabinet Secretary for Social Security & Older People The Scottish Government | St Andrew’s House, Regent Road, EDINBURGH EH1 3DG All e-mails and attachments sent by a Ministerial Private Office to any other official on behalf of a Minister relating to a decision, request or comment made by a Minister, or a note of a Ministerial meeting, must be filed appropriately by the recipient. Private Offices do not keep official records of such e-mails or attachments. Scottish Ministers, Special advisers and the Permanent Secretary are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016. See www.lobbying.scot From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of General Public Sector MIG Sent: 05 May 2020 12:41 To: Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People <[email protected]>; Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning <[email protected]> Cc: General Public Sector MIG Subject: FW: GPSMIG 7.04 Commission on funeral sector - Ministerial Attendance at Meeting Thu 07 May 13:00-14:00 PS Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People PS Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning Good Afternoon As below, we are looking for representation at Thursday’s GPSMIG meeting, which at the moment has the confirmed agenda item death management - industry support for the funerals sector. We are also expecting public sector PPE and rough sleeping to be part of the agenda, but have yet to receive commissions from the Cabinet Office for these yet. Can you please let me know if Ms Somerville is available between 13:00-14:00 on Thursday to represent the death management item, with Mr Stewart lined up to represent PPE and rough sleeping should these be confirmed later today by Cabinet Office? Thanks [Redacted] | Policy Officer Organisational Readiness (COVID-19 Response) Readiness and Transition Directorate | Scottish Government Please note I am working from home and Friday is my Non-Working day. Please contact [email protected] on Fridays if you need a response.

Page 16: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

If you need to speak to me Monday to Thursday, please contact me on my email, Skype or mobile number above. From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of Minister for Community Safety Sent: 05 May 2020 12:28 To: Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing <[email protected]>; General Public Sector MIG <[email protected]>; Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]>; Minister for Community Safety <[email protected]> Subject: RE: GPSMIG 7.04 Commission on funeral sector - Ministerial Attendance at Meeting Thu 07 May 13:00-14:00 [Redacted], Funeral poverty sits with Ms Sommerville but I am not sure if the death management item will relate to individuals or the wider funeral sector. Mr Stewart covers rough sleeping but the wider public sector PPE crosses a number of portfolios. For Ms Denham, there is no link to her portfolio from what you’ve mentioned but do come back to me if you think otherwise. Regards, [Redacted] | Private Secretary Office of Humza Yousaf MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Justice From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing Sent: 05 May 2020 10:44 To: General Public Sector MIG <[email protected]>; Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing <[email protected]>; Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]>; Minister for Community Safety <[email protected]> Subject: RE: GPSMIG 7.04 Commission on funeral sector - Ministerial Attendance at Meeting Thu 07 May 13:00-14:00 Thanks [Redacted]. Public Sector PPE and rough sleeping would not be for Mr F to speak to so maybe worth teeing up another minister too. Thanks [Redacted] From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of General Public Sector MIG Sent: 05 May 2020 10:41 To: Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing <[email protected]>; Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]>; General Public Sector MIG <[email protected]>; Minister for Community Safety <[email protected]>

Page 17: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

Subject: RE: GPSMIG 7.04 Commission on funeral sector - Ministerial Attendance at Meeting Thu 07 May 13:00-14:00 Hi [Redacted], At the moment, we are expecting public sector PPE and rough sleeping to also feature on the agenda. This is, as always with GPSMIG, subject to change but this is the most current information we have at present. Thanks [Redacted] | Policy Officer Organisational Readiness (COVID-19 Response) Readiness and Transition Directorate | Scottish Government Please note I am working from home and Friday is my Non-Working day. Please contact [email protected] on Fridays if you need a response. If you need to speak to me Monday to Thursday, please contact me on my email, Skype or mobile number above. From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing Sent: 05 May 2020 10:37 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]>; General Public Sector MIG <[email protected]>; Minister for Community Safety <[email protected]> Cc: Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing <[email protected]> Subject: RE: GPSMIG 7.04 Commission on funeral sector - Ministerial Attendance at Meeting Thu 07 May 13:00-14:00 Thanks [Redacted]. [Redacted] – can we make a decision after we have seen the full agenda? Thanks, [Redacted] Private Secretary Private Office of Mr. Joe FitzPatrick MSP, Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing Room 1E.10 l St Andrew’s House I Regent Road I Edinburgh I EH1 3DG From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Sent: 05 May 2020 09:59 To: General Public Sector MIG <[email protected]>; Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]>; Minister for Community Safety <[email protected]>

Page 18: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

Cc: Minister for Public Health, Sport and Wellbeing <[email protected]> Subject: RE: GPSMIG 7.04 Commission on funeral sector - Ministerial Attendance at Meeting Thu 07 May 13:00-14:00 Hi [Redacted], I think this would be one for Mr Fitzpatrick? Thanks, [Redacted] Private Secretary to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Scottish Ministers, Special advisers and the Permanent Secretary are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016. See www.lobbying.scot. From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of General Public Sector MIG Sent: 05 May 2020 09:41 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]>; Minister for Community Safety <[email protected]> Cc: General Public Sector MIG <[email protected]> Subject: FW: GPSMIG 7.04 Commission on funeral sector - Ministerial Attendance at Meeting Thu 07 May 13:00-14:00 PS Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government PS Minister for Community Safety Good Morning As below, we have been informed that death management - industry support for the funerals sector will be an agenda item for an update at the Thursday 7th May GPSMIG meeting, running from 13:00-14:00. Can you please confirm whether Ms Campbell or Ms Denham would be available to represent this item? Thanks [Redacted] | Policy Officer Organisational Readiness (COVID-19 Response) Readiness and Transition Directorate | Scottish Government Please note I am working from home and Friday is my Non-Working day. Please contact [email protected] on Fridays if you need a response. If you need to speak to me Monday to Thursday, please contact me on my email, Skype or mobile number above. From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 09:18 To: TEO ECCMC Secretariat; [Redacted]@executiveoffice-ni.gov.uk; [5 Redacted]@gov.wales; Organisational Readiness; General Public Sector MIG; [9 Redacted]@gov.scot

Page 19: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

Cc: COVID19 DAs Liaisons Subject: GPSMIG 7.04 Commission on funeral sector Hi all, Here is the commission sent to MoJ for the update on support for the death management sector. The General Public Sector Ministerial Implementation Group (GPSMIG) is chaired by CDL and meets daily at 1pm. At the GPSMIG on Wednesday 8th April the COMMITTEE agreed that the MINISTRY OF JUSTICE, DEPARTMENT FOR BUSINESS, ENERGY AND INDUSTRIAL STRATEGY, and HM TREASURY should work together to design and be ready to implement a support package for the funerals sector. CDL would like an update on industry support for the funerals sector on Thursday 7 May. This discussion should seek to surface gaps in current support for the sector and propose a range of options that could be explored further. Working with Cabinet Office (CCS), MHCLG, BEIS, HMT, and other departments as appropriate, please could you prepare a clear and concise paper or slides (no more than 5 pages or 5 slides) covering the below points by 3pm Wednesday 6 May for the Lord Chancellor, with support from other relevant ministers, to speak to in the meeting. • A brief update on national (CCS) and local (MHCLG) planning and capacity. • As a result of COVID-19, what are the major issues for the funerals sector? This should cover impacts on the private and public segments of the sector in the short and long term. In particular, has there been an impact on throughput in the sector? • What support is currently available to the sector, and whether additional additional support is required? • If there are gaps in provision, what are the options being considered? • How will any proposed interventions align with support for bereaved families? The commission was addressed to: Rutherford, Fiona" <[email protected]>, Peter Tallantire <[email protected] DA colleagues - I would be grateful for any comments, including any particular issues your Ministers might wish to raise regarding the above points, before 3 tomorrow. Best, [Redacted]@gov.scot COVID-19 Secretariat - Devolved Administrations Liaison General Public Services MIG

Page 20: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

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Page 21: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

5. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science Sent: 05 May 2020 15:01 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Cc: Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science <[email protected]> Subject: CTR - MiCase 202000032027 Grateful if you can confirm if Ms Campbell is CTR this response? Many thanks, [Redacted]

Page 22: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

EMAIL 5 PDF document contents Aileen Campbell MSP [Redacted] Our Reference: 202000032027 Your Reference: AC049 05 May 2020 Dear Aileen, Thank you for your correspondence dated 23rd April 2020, on behalf of your constituent regarding places at St Andrew’s University for Scottish applicants. Education in Scotland remains one of the fundamental priorities of this government which is why we have invested over £1 billion per year since 2012/13 in higher education. Scotland has a world-class higher education system which contributes significantly to our inclusive growth ambitions and the diversity of our society. We continue to see a growing increase in the number of Scottish domiciled full-time first degree entrants from 25,790 in 2006-07 to 31,065 in 2018-19, or 20%. In 2019/20 the total number of funded places in Scottish universities was over 128,200. With that said, Scottish universities are autonomous bodies and decisions relating to entry and admissions criteria are for the individual institutions to make and not an issue that Scottish Ministers can intervene with. I am sure you will appreciate Scottish universities have an excellent reputation both within Scotland and around the world and as such, the selection process is highly competitive, with universities, receiving significantly more applications than they have places. In relation to the feedback your constituent received from St Andrew’s University I can confirm that there is no formal cap or quota in place on the number of funded places we support but there is a finite amount of money that is allocated to such places. Therefore it might be helpful if I explain how the current funding model works. Our funding is deployed via the Scottish Funding Council. From this, each institution is allocated a number of full time equivalent funded placements and it is for the universities themselves, as autonomous institutions, to

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decide how to distribute the places between faculties, the courses they offer and how many of the total funded places will be available on each course. Additionally to enable flexibility in student recruitment, the Scottish Funding Council allows universities to recruit up to 10% above the number of funded places awarded for eligible Scottish/EU domiciled students on full-time undergraduate courses. It is important to note that International students and those from other parts of the UK (rUK) are not eligible to access the funded places which have been protected for Scottish students. Universities then decide how many non-funded places they will make available to fee-paying students over and above the funded places for Scottish and EU students. I hope this information will be useful when responding to your constituent and I would like to take this opportunity and wish him well in his academic future. Yours sincerely Richard Lochhead M: Minister for Further Education, Higher Education and Science

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6. Email From: [Redacted]@oxfam.org.uk Sent: 05 May 2020 15:42 To: Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People <[email protected]>; Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Subject: Open Letter: Care and Poverty For the attention of:

Aileen Campbell MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government; and

Shirley Anne Sommerville MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People. Dear Aileen and Shirley Anne, I hope this finds you both well. Please see attached correspondence in which I provide details of some public-facing advocacy Oxfam will issue tomorrow (Wed, 6 May). This involves an open letter on care and poverty signed by more than 100 organisations across the UK. The open letter – which is also attached – is addressed to politicians across Britain – MPs, MSPs in Scotland and MSs in Wales – and, at the time of writing, has been signed by at least 35 Scottish organisations. Together, signatories make an urgent plea for more action to protect carers from poverty. They say carers have been undervalued for too long, with inadequate social security provision, and poverty wages, leaving many paid and unpaid carers – particularly women who deliver most care – in poverty. COVID-19 is highlighting and exacerbating this injustice and the letter warns that a failure to tackle it would be ‘truly unforgivable’.   While recognising measures the Scottish Government has taken to enhance support for carers, alongside wider anti-poverty measures, the open letter makes clear that all governments must do more to protect carers from poverty. As outlined more fully in my attached letter to you both, Oxfam will also release new polling tomorrow which will show strong public concern about the under valuing of care by the UK and Scottish Governments, and high levels of support to address this. I understand the Scottish Government is convening a separate poverty-focused telecon with a number of stakeholders tomorrow. While I am not involved in that particular discussion, I wished to provide you both with early sight of this open letter and I would be more than happy to discuss it further with you, or your officials, should that be helpful. Best regards, [Redacted] Head of Oxfam Scotland

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Oxfam Scotland [Redacted] 10 Bothwell Street, Glasgow, G2 6LU. www.oxfam.org.uk/scotland ______________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email Security.cloud service. For more information please visit http://www.symanteccloud.com ______________________________________________________________________

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EMAIL 7 DOCUMENT A CONTENTS  Aileen Campbell MSP,  Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government.  Shirley Anne Sommerville MSP,  Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People.  5 May 2020   Dear Aileen and Shirley Anne,   I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe and please accept my personal thanks for all that you, and your colleagues across the Scottish Government, are doing in response to COVID‐19. I am sure, like me, you are hugely appreciative of all those at the forefront of the response. I am writing with a specific focus on those caring – whether for a child, an older person, or someone with an illness or additional needs – and to confidentially update you on some public output we are issuing on the links between care and poverty.   Tomorrow, Wednesday 6 May, Oxfam will release the enclosed open letter to politicians across Britain – MPs, MSPs in Scotland, and MSs in Wales – signed by more than 100 stakeholders include caring, anti‐poverty and women’s rights organisations along with think tanks, unions and others. Amongst the diverse list are at least 35 Scottish organisations including Carers Scotland, the Scottish Women’s Budget Group, One Parent Families Scotland, the STUC, The Poverty Alliance, SCVO and Business in the Community Scotland.   Signatories make an urgent plea for more action to protect carers from poverty. They say carers have been undervalued for too long, with inadequate social security provision, and poverty wages, leaving many paid and unpaid carers – particularly women who deliver most care – in poverty. COVID‐19 is highlighting and exacerbating this injustice and the letter warns that a failure to tackle it would be ‘truly unforgivable’.   The letter acknowledges that governments across Britain have introduced welcome measures to help mitigate some of the impacts on people’s incomes caused by COVID‐19 – as well as the consequences of the measures put in place to tackle it – but say more needs to be done to protect carers. Together, the organisations call for increases to key benefits, including Carer’s Allowance – which in Scotland could be done by increasing the Supplement – and Child Benefit. The letter calls for immediate changes to Universal Credit, including removing the five week wait, the two‐child limit, and the benefit cap while ending the ‘no recourse to public funds’ policy which limits support to carers who are not UK citizens. The organisations also urge a significant cash injection into social care to enable all UK providers to pay their workers at least the Real Living Wage.  Here in Scotland, the Scottish Government has rightly acknowledged that while caring can be a rewarding experience, it is also associated with a higher risk of poverty. There have been some welcome measures to help address this including the £460 per year Carer’s Allowance Supplement and the fast‐tracking of the pay rise for social care workers delivering direct adult support; though funding the latter sufficiently will be critical. Oxfam has also welcomed the increase in the Scottish Welfare Fund, while stressing this will only prove effective if those facing an income crisis are aware of the Fund, can access it quickly, and receive enough money. This is essential if the Government is to realise its positive commitment to a ‘cash‐first’ model.   However, all governments across Britain must do more to protect every carer from poverty now, and to better value their contribution for good. Tomorrow, Oxfam will also release the results of polling at UK and Scotland levels showing strong public concern that care work is not valued highly enough 

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by governments. There is also significant public support for measures to boost the incomes of paid carers, those on low incomes who look after sick or disabled people, and parents who work on very low incomes.   Tomorrow’s open call letter comes after a survey by Carers Scotland showed that 78% of unpaid carers in Scotland reported they are providing increased levels of care, with 79% saying they are having to spend more money during the outbreak, including on food and other household bills. One woman who provides unpaid care for her husband told us she has been suffering panic attacks in recent weeks, and that this crisis “has really brought home the fact that my partner and I are on our own; there’s no safety net”. I’m sure you will agree that the last thing carers should be worrying about, in the short‐ or long‐term, is poverty.   The open letter calls for action in all parts of the UK, and I hope the Scottish Government will reconsider the financial support available to all those with caring responsibilities in Scotland. As well as considering a swift increase to the Carers Allowance Supplement ahead of next month’s scheduled instalment, I would highlight the call from Carers Scotland for a new Carer Wellbeing Fund. Additionally, while the ongoing prioritisation of the Scottish Child Payment is very welcome, I would urge further consideration of how urgent financial support can reach low income families in advance of the new Payment being in place. Measures to boost awareness of the support available from the Scottish Welfare Fund, and enhancing access to it, are also critical.   Finally, I would like to share two UK‐wide Oxfam reports published last week: Make Care Count examines the pre‐pandemic link between care, poverty and gender injustice, and our briefing, Care, Poverty and Coronavirus Across Britain explores the impact of COVID‐19. Both reports frontline the views of carers and we would strongly urge the Scottish Government to ensure that carers – whether unpaid or unpaid – are empowered to contribute to the design of measures to ensure we fully recognise their significant contribution.   If you wish to discuss this letter, please feel free to contact me directly at [Redacted].   Best regards,  Jamie Livingstone  Head of Oxfam Scotland

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EMAIL 7 DOCUMENT B CONTENTS Open letter to all MPs, MSPs and MSs, Please, act now to end poverty for Britain’s carers. Carers were already facing a poverty crisis, and our organisations are seeing this exacerbated by Covid-19. Whether paid or unpaid, carers have faced a social security system that has not always protected them from poverty while paid carers have had to survive on poverty wages and insecure contracts. All of us depend on someone to care for us at some point in our life – as a child, in older age, or due to ill health or additional needs. More than ever, this pandemic has made us all appreciate the incredible value and dedication of carers – both those who are paid and those who provide unpaid care for family or friends. Many are facing unprecedented levels of danger to protect us all. Failing to ensure carers are protected from poverty would be truly unforgiveable. The vast majority of carers are women, many of whom also face age, disability and race inequality. There has been insufficient action to share care more evenly, and carers have been under-valued for too long. While governments have tried to cushion the immediate impact of this crisis, more needs to be done to alleviate the intolerable pressure carers face. The measures needed include: increasing Carer’s Allowance and Child Benefit; fixing Universal Credit by removing the five-week wait, the two-child limit and the benefit cap; ending the ‘no recourse to public funds’ policy which limits the support available to carers who are not UK citizens; and injecting cash into social care so employers can pay their workers at least the Real Living Wage. Right now, the focus is rightly on saving lives but we urge you to use your influence to ensure governments across the UK use every tool they have to protect people from poverty. They should also build back better by ensuring the decisions they take now and in the future tackle existing inequalities. By ensuring no carer faces poverty, we will honour those doing so much to care for so many. Yours sincerely, Danny Sriskandarajah, Chief Executive, Oxfam GB Alison Garnham, Chief Executive, Child Poverty Action Group Helen Walker, Chief Executive, Carers UK Matthew Bolton, Executive Director, Citizens UK Dr Mary-Ann Stephenson, Director, UK Women’s Budget Group Victoria Benson, Chief Executive Officer, Gingerbread Dave Prentis, General Secretary, UNISON Barbara Plant, National President, GMB

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Paddy Lillis, General Secretary, Usdaw Dr. Mary Bousted and Kevin Courtney, Joint General Secretaries of the National Education Union Jesika Parmar, Regional Officer for South East and Siobhan Endean, National Officer for Community Youth and Not for Profit Sector, Unite Graham Whitham, Director, Greater Manchester Poverty Action Jane van Zyl, Chief Executive, Working Families Katy Styles, We Care Campaign Sam Smethers, Chief Executive, The Fawcett Society Dr. Nick Owen MBE, CEO, The Mighty Creatives Laura Payne, Project Manager, 4in10 London Child Poverty Network Vic Rayner, Executive Director, National Care Forum Jane Williams, Chief Executive, The Magpie Project Thomas Croft and Diana Skelton, National Coordination Team, ATD Fourth World Thomas Lawson, Chief Executive Officer, Turn2us Anna Feuchtwang, Chief Executive, National Children’s Bureau / Chair, End Child Poverty Coalition Sabine Goodwin, Coordinator, Independent Food Aid Network Carys Roberts, Executive Director, Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Peter Grigg, Chief Executive, Home-Start UK Dr Hilda Hayo, Chief Admiral Nurse and CEO, Dementia UK Miatta Fahnbulleh, Chief Executive, New Economics Foundation Amanda Mackenzie, Chief Executive Officer, Business in the Community June O'Sullivan MBE, Chief Executive, London Early Years Foundation Edel Harris, Chief Executive Officer, Royal Mencap Society Sally Light, Chief Executive, Motor Neurone Disease Association Sarah-Jayne Clifton, Director, Jubilee Debt Campaign Caroline Abrahams, Emily Holzhausen and Jackie O’Sullivan, Chairs of the Care and Support Alliance Nick Moberly, Chief Executive, MS Society Joe Levenson, Director of Communications and Campaigns, Young Women’s Trust Sally Bonnie and Diane Baxter, Inspire Women Steve Ford, Chief Executive, Parkinson's UK Caroline Stevens, Chief Executive, National Autistic Society Deborah Alsina MBE, Chief Executive, Independent Age Joeli Brearley, Founder, Pregnant Then Screwed Niall Cooper, Director, Church Action on Poverty John, The Lord Bird MBE; Founder, The Big Issue Kathy Evans, Chief Executive, Children England Marc Francis, Policy and Campaigns Director, Z2K Trust Cerys Furlong, Chief Executive, Chwarae Teg Jemima Olchawski, Chief Executive, Agenda: Alliance for Women and Girls at Risk Mark Winstanley, Chief Executive Officer, Rethink Mental Illness Iqbal Nasim MBE, Chief Executive, National Zakat Foundation (NZF) Sabina Kelly RN, CEO, The National Association of Care & Support Workers (NACAS) Eleanor Lisney, Co-founder, Sisters of Frida Dr Omar Khan, Director, Runnymede Trust Sarb Bajwa, Chief Executive, The British Psychological Society Laurence Guinness, Chief Executive, The Childhood Trust

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Mark Lee, Chief Executive of the Together Trust Mark Davis, Chief Executive, Middlesbrough Voluntary Development Agency (MVDA) David Ramsden, CEO, Cystic Fibrosis Trust Anne Meikle, Convenor, The Scottish Women’s Budget Group John Dickie, Director of Child Poverty Action Group in Scotland Rozanne Foyer, General Secretary, Scottish Trades Union Congress Mike Kirby, Scottish Secretary, UNISON Scotland Claire Cairns, Coalition of Carers in Scotland Irene Audain MBE, Chief Executive, Scottish Out of School Care Network Ghizala Avan & Dilraj Sokhi Watson, Co-Chief Executive Officers, Amina Muslim Women Resource Centre Sally Ann Kelly, Chief Executive, Aberlour Child Care Trust Ewan Aitken, Chief Executive, Cyrenians Mary Glasgow, Chief Executive, Children 1st Billy Watson, Chief Executive, Scottish Association for Mental Health Ian Bruce, Chief Executive Officer, Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector Satwat Rehman, Director, One Parent Families Scotland David Liddell, OBE, Chief Executive, Scottish Drugs Forum Susan Paxton, Head of Programmes, Community Health Exchange (CHEX) Claire Stevens, Chief Executive, Voluntary Health Scotland Alan Thornburrow, Director, Business in the Community Scotland Marie Ward, Chief Executive, Cranhill Development Trust Simon Hodgson, Director, Carers Scotland Peter Kelly, Director, The Poverty Alliance Derek Mitchell, Chief Executive Officer, Citizens Advice Scotland Professor Ian Welsh OBE, Chief Executive, Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland (the ALLIANCE) Dr Donald Macaskill, Chief Executive, Scottish Care Anna Fowlie, Chief Executive, The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations Shaben Begum, Director, Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance Betty Stevenson, Convenor, Edinburgh Tenants Federation Shruti Jain, Chair, Saheliya Russell Gunson, Director, Institute for Public Policy Research Scotland (IPPR Scotland) Talat Yaqoob, Chair of Women 50:50 Sinéad Butters, Chief Executive, Aspire Housing Group, Chair PlaceShapers Craig Samuel, Scotland representative, The National Association of Welfare Rights Advisers (NAWRA) Dr Angela O'Hagan, WISE Centre for Economic Justice at Glasgow Caledonian University Fiona Garven, Director, Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) Joanna Murphy, Chair, The National Parent Forum of Scotland Don Williamson, Chief Executive, Shared Care Scotland Gemma Bone Dodds, Trustee, on behalf of the Wellbeing Economy Alliance Scotland Ellie Harwood, Wales Development Manager, Child Poverty Action Group Dr Victoria Winckler, Director, Bevan Foundation Alicja Zalesinka, Director, Tai Pawb

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Claire Morgan, Director, Carers Wales Catherine Fookes, Director, Women’s Equality Network Wales Allison Hulmes, National Director, The British Association of Social Workers, Wales Bethan Webber, Chief Executive, Home-Start Cymru Bill Freeman, Chief Executive, CTA Dr Sally Rees, Chair, Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales Jim Barnaville, Coordinator, Caritas Archdiocese of Cardiff Mark Russell, Chief Executive, The Children’s Society Sean Oneill, Policy Director, Children in Wales Sue Husband, Director, Business in the Community Cymru Shavanah Taj, General Secretary, Wales Trade Union Congress Derek Walker, Chief Executive, Wales Co-operative Centre Rocio Cifuentes, Chief Executive, Ethnic Minorities and Youth Support Team Wales (EYST Wales) Professor Laura McAllister Ruth Marks, Chief Executive, Wales Council for Voluntary Action Kay Polley and Sam Rex-Edwards, Co-directors, TCC (Trefnu Cymunedol Cymru / Together Creating Communities) John Puzey, Director, Shelter Cymru Mutale Merrill, Chief Executive Officer, Bawso

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7. Email -----Original Message----- From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of Cabinet Secretary for Finance Sent: 05 May 2020 15:46 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]>; Cabinet Secretary for Finance <[email protected]> Cc: [8 Redacted]@gov.scot; Director of Budget and Public Spending; McCaig C (Callum); DG Education, Communities & Justice; Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Cabinet Secretary Ms Forbes reply to COSLA , Unison and Unite - Updated final letters [Redacted] Are you happy for us to amend to "a couple" instead of "several" meetings? Thanks [Redacted] Private Secretary to Ben Macpherson MSP Minister for Public Finance and Migration St Andrew’s House | Regent Road | Edinburgh | EH1 3DG All e-mails and attachments sent by a Ministerial Private Office to any other official on behalf of a Minister relating to a decision, request or comment made by a Minister, or a note of a Ministerial meeting, must be filed appropriately by the recipient. Private Offices do not keep official records of such e-mails or attachments. Scottish Ministers, Special advisers and the Permanent Secretary are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016. See www.lobbying.scot -----Original Message----- From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Sent: 05 May 2020 15:38 To: Cabinet Secretary for Finance <[email protected]>; Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Cc: [8 Redacted]@gov.scot; Director of Budget and Public Spending; McCaig C (Callum); DG Education, Communities & Justice; Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning <[email protected]> Subject: RE: Cabinet Secretary Ms Forbes reply to COSLA , Unison and Unite - Updated final letters Thanks [Redacted]. Ms Campbell is fine with the letters but has asked that we tone down the section in the letters to the unions that say she has attended 'several' workforce meetings - it was only two.

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Thanks, [Redacted] Private Secretary to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Scottish Ministers, Special advisers and the Permanent Secretary are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016. See www.lobbying.scot.

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8. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Sent: 05 May 2020 15:46 To: [Redacted]@gov.scot; Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Cc: Director for Housing and Social Justice; [7 Redacted]@gov.scot; Campbell J (Jeanette) (Special Adviser) <[email protected]>; Communications CSSE Subject: RE: SURF PROPOSAL FOR 2020/21 RESPONSE TO COVID-19 [Redacted] Ms Campbell is content with the proposals – apologies for the delay. Thanks, [Redacted] Private Secretary to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Scottish Ministers, Special advisers and the Permanent Secretary are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016. See www.lobbying.scot.

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9. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills Sent: 05 May 2020 15:54 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Cc: Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills <[email protected]> Subject: FW: GPSMIG 6 May now happening [Redacted], The DFM has seen that there is a GPSMIG on non-shielded vulnerable. He said that Ms Campbell can do this. Otherwise he is able to take it on. Let me know what the Cab Sec’s thoughts are. Thanks [Redacted] Interim Private Secretary to John Swinney MSP, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills | The Scottish Government | Web: www.gov.scot | Email: [email protected] All e-mails and attachments sent by a Ministerial Private Office to another official on behalf of a Minister relating to a decision, request or comment made by a Minister, or a note of a Ministerial meeting, must be filed appropriately by the primary recipient. Private Offices do not keep official records of such e-mails or attachments. Scottish Ministers, Special advisers and the Permanent Secretary are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016. See www.lobbying.scot

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10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Cc: [Redacted]@gov.scot Subject: FW: Cab Sec attendance at COSLA Workforce Issues Group - cancelled [Redacted] To see email from COSLA re: wig meeting on Thursday. This can be removed from the diary. [Redacted] From: [Redacted]cosla.gov.uk Sent: 05 May 2020 16:09 To: [Redacted]@gov.scot Subject: Cab Sec attendance at COSLA Workforce Issues Group Good afternoon [Redacted], Further to our conversation today I can confirm that at present the group are focusing on some practical matters and as such would not ask the Cabinet Secretary to join us. We do very much recognise and acknowledge that the Cab Sec does stand ready and is willing to attend as and when request. We thank her for this and will be in touch following our next meeting. Kind regards [Redacted] Acting Chief Officer - Employers Team | Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) Verity House | 19 Haymarket Yards | Edinburgh EH12 5BH SAVE PAPER - Please do not print this e-mail unless absolutely necessary Our Business Address is : COSLA, Verity House, 19 Haymarket Yards, Edinburgh, EH12 5BH. t: +441314749200 w: http://www.cosla.gov.uk ______________________________________________________________________ This email has been scanned by the Symantec Email Security.cloud service. For more information please visit http://www.symanteccloud.com

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11. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Sent: 05 May 2020 16:19 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]>; [Redacted]@gov.scot; Public Engagement Unit <[email protected]> Cc: Campbell J (Jeanette) (Special Adviser); [2 Redacted]@gov.scot Subject: RE: Urgent - Re-Employ Hi [Redacted], Another one to add to this. Can you confirm asap that someone has been in touch with Re-employ? Thanks, [Redacted] Private Secretary to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Scottish Ministers, Special advisers and the Permanent Secretary are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016. See www.lobbying.scot. From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Sent: 05 May 2020 14:47 To: [Redacted]@gov.scot; Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]>; Public Engagement Unit <[email protected]> Cc: Campbell J (Jeanette) (Special Adviser) Subject: RE: Urgent - Re-Employ [Redacted], To see further correspondence on this. Can you take this into account in the response please? Thanks, [Redacted] Private Secretary to the Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government Scottish Ministers, Special advisers and the Permanent Secretary are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016. See www.lobbying.scot. [ATTACHMENTS WITHHELD – OUT OF SCOPE]

Page 38: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

12. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture Sent: 05 May 2020 17:53 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]>; Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture <[email protected]> Cc: Minister for Local Government, Housing and Planning <[email protected]> Subject: RE: URGENT: COVID-19 – SG LIQUIDITY SUPPORT FOR SMALL TO MEDIUM ENTERPRISE (SME) HOUSEBUILDERS Good Afternoon [Redacted], Thanks for this. Cab Sec is supportive. [Redacted] Deputy Private Secretary to Fiona Hyslop MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Economy, Fair Work and Culture The Scottish Government | St Andrew’s House | Regent Road | Edinburgh | EH1 3DG All emails and attachments sent by a Ministerial Private Office to any other official on behalf of a Minister relating to a decision, request or comment made by a Minister, or a note of a Ministerial meeting, must be filed appropriately by the recipient. Private Office do not keep official records of such emails or attachments.

Page 39: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

13. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot On Behalf Of General Public Sector MIG Sent: 05 May 2020 17:54 To: Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills <[email protected]>; Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Cc: Minister for Older People and Equalities <[email protected]>; General Public Sector MIG; [Redacted]@gov.scot Subject: GPSMIG - 6 May - non shielded vulnerable PS DFM PS Ms Campbell (copying Ms McKelvie’s office for awareness) We have received a little more information in respect of tomorrow’s belatedly arranged GPSMIG which I relay below: ‘As a bit of additional context - the small ministerial group has been doing some initial thinking on the England strategy for supporting non-shielded vulnerable people and is developing a volunteering dashboard. The objective of the conversation will therefore be to introduce the NSV/ volunteering dashboard, review performance in key areas and identify and resolve obstacles to delivery. It will not be a full GPSMIG meeting as not all usual attendees will be part of the conversation. The small ministerial group is however content with your Ministers being part of the conversation on this issue from now on, to ensure you get early sight of the overall programme.’ While I understand DFM is likely to attend I am circulating this additional information for awareness – and to assist in informing any further discussion on attendance. We expect a paper in the morning. Grateful for confirmation of Ministerial attendance in due course. Regards [Redacted] Organisational Readiness (Covid-19 response) WFH, please email/IM

Page 40: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

14. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 18:24 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Cc: Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People <[email protected]>; Communications Covid-19; [17 Redacted]@gov.scot News Desk; Director for Housing and Social Justice; Campbell J (Jeanette) (Special Adviser) <[email protected]> Subject: URGENT - Planned publication of a commissioned report on organisations responding to food insecurity in Scotland on 7 May PS/Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government, cc. for awareness and portfolio interest: Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People Just to update you that this report is now scheduled to be published at 09:30 on Thursday 7 May. Comms colleagues have just sent proposed comms handling and lines to take (attached). Thanks, [Redacted] Senior Researcher | Equality, Poverty and Social Justice Research Scottish Government

Page 41: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

EMAIL 14 EMAIL ATTACHED – DOCUMENT B From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 18:11 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Cc: Communications Covid-19; [17 Redacted]@gov.scot; News Desk; Director for Housing and Social Justice; Campbell J (Jeanette) (Special Adviser) Subject: Cab Sec view - comms handling - food insecurity report Communities PO. Grateful for Ms Campbell’s view on our proposed Comms handling and lines to take for this Thursday’s planned publication of the Food Insecurity Report. The Cabinet Secretary will be aware that the collected data has now been overtaken by the coronavirus crisis but we still have an obligation to publish the report. Comms advice is that we publish to the SG website but without any proactive comms to highlight that it’s there. We’ve drafted the following lines to take in case of any media queries, and will be looking to potentially highlight a food insecurity map which we understand colleagues in policy are currently working on. Scottish Government spokesperson said: “This research was undertaken before the COVID-19 crisis which has now brought about significant changes in the way that organisations respond to food insecurity. “The information gathered has provided insights that have enabled us to work with local authorities and third sector organisations to improve the coordination of responses to food insecurity – now aided with additional resource from our £70 million Food Fund.” Background Anyone worried about being able to access food should contact the national helpline on 0800 111 4000. The Scottish Government continues to work with organisations including the Trussell Trust, Independent Food Network, and FareShare to help people to access food [Redacted] Scottish Government Communications St Andrews House, Edinburgh [Redacted]

Page 42: 1. Email From: Stewart K (Kevin) Sent: 05 May 2020 11:04 ...€¦ · 10. Email From: [Redacted]@gov.scot Sent: 05 May 2020 16:12 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

15. Email From: Campbell J (Jeanette) (Special Adviser) Sent: 05 May 2020 20:09 To: Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government <[email protected]> Subject: FW: Scotcash [Redacted] – another reminder this time from Carnegie – I think you had something this week though so assume will go out by end week?