.. i - f; r , " f .. " " .. , , " , 1 , '. , ,I , , , , I , .. ...... ' , . I , ,. ' . ' , PIUCJa: tt'IVJll omNTS ,- .• ,t..', 1_" t 1, '-' t'I,,' e ""M"" .. ,.I, ' .... , , \i i .... , " "fI, 4 1;\ 'P'clli ...... 1 •. 4,i.\,' "'" ' ' ... ,. Wingfield, Boyce ,To Head Race . Of New "Citizens Ticket" .FOrOffice In. Coming City Vote,. t "" , , '.,- ' . , '. . ,." ' . ,', ( r"" '" ,! ( , . ' ; '-" . " , , ,'",' , " , '. .' , . ," , 'J" '. ' ! ,f1' , " , .. :'", , ". ".,.1' ;,' .' " " " ' - '<,', " '.;!M- ',' .. ' '. , .- _ '" " , -',}j,t.- ,i,% } 41,",:",,",. ' '. ·t·,,' ',.I j, ;,;',-i'zvi,'.1 1 }", '".'!il', ' · .•.• 4' ,! " ",--' I j 1 j I I I .1 I , .. , ) 1 \ j I , i , J ] , , , j j 1 ,i , ,. i t t ! I legi,oll Posillamas Officers For 1950; IIIslallatioD Set I .. j I ! , , .. I .. -.."."';''''':''' M. \

1, '-' e ,. Wingfield, Boyce Head Race Of New Citizens ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...mONE II-U CAPI1'AN BOSS 'J'LA'i:I%t.IS BUILDERS' SUPPLY J. G. HAR1US, Chmet

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Page 1: 1, '-' e ,. Wingfield, Boyce Head Race Of New Citizens ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...mONE II-U CAPI1'AN BOSS 'J'LA'i:I%t.IS BUILDERS' SUPPLY J. G. HAR1US, Chmet

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,. Wingfield, Boyce ,To Head Race.Of New "Citizens Ticket".FOrOffice In.Coming City Vote,.

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legi,oll PosillamasOfficers For 1950;IIIslallatioD Set






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Page 2: 1, '-' e ,. Wingfield, Boyce Head Race Of New Citizens ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...mONE II-U CAPI1'AN BOSS 'J'LA'i:I%t.IS BUILDERS' SUPPLY J. G. HAR1US, Chmet

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Tr.nllp()rtatl()D .InlJUl'.nce ,Ii:. »onelll •••••••••• ,.Tl'l\PIllortatl()D .Lell.6 Rental ........... • l • ••••TraJ)IPOl'tatlon ••••••••••••"."MalJ:ttellance of D'JltrlbutfOJJ ..TrllueportaUon. , .Offlf:eExlleUi!le ••••••••••••• , ••lfll/('cU.neoull , .Equlpmj:lnt .utl Tool' ..

\ Inluran<:e and Donll. ••••••••••)fa'nten.nee Man SaJa'", ......Bookkeeper 81\111'1 •••" ••••••••If.lntcnance Man S.tary ..Relmbur~ment to Clerk .---

n_ •

..of t _ •

Ld ....



\Complete Stock Grocerl••

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See Us First For estImatesOn Materials You Will Need

Hardware Items Too


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.IS BUILDERS' SUPPLYJ. G. HAR1US, Chmet.. Green Tdt, N. It

f S • •" .'

MAY 28th IS THE DAYFor The Central Bar & Grili


. .•

- "m - '. "PAT'S TAXI - Pll0NE .5-02 •

-Is lliI';n'


Mr. and Mrs. Irranlc Titsworthnnd Freddlo bave Kono to SanF r 4 net til c o. Camornla, wherol!rcddlo wtU bo put undor aspeefaHst. We all' hop& that hewUl bavo a speedy rMOYory.MarJorlo is etaylnt: at the CharlesFuller na.nch at PIcacho, durIn!tbelr abllence.

\ ~'7 .•

CongratulatloD!! to Glon Brad..ler and hill btlde, "0 hotlo thoYwnJ bo Terr happy. Wo wtll takethIs tlmo to welcome her to our"Al1~"t .


LotI and AusUn Bryant Ilndramn,. of Portales were weekendpeflts of Mrs. John MostelloT.





•• ' j .,.. ,-.... -. d....... :.-,_ .',Ia" ........ ,.-: •••




.Music andAmusement MachinesCigareHe Machines



0 B....t_t.. ......~, 'bLone 45-1lRuidoso N.J.\I.' ••~~Q~'D ' . . f

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•. ,1'........-.... t •• J.t:~... '.1 "'.~ z.t's,- mt - - ._I.i. lin' _lkt' t .... '-.(r- - t+-... '",'Ii! :a':.'· "'-', f~ =t if ~¥" .• :' -I -1;:: .. ':!;;~ ",-;:!:i',··.ri._ ;%:;: 4:', ,H -- • :$' i-'; '-lj .... Ji4 ;/:~"" .., t' -- t'-" 'U;,;,:'. -( f l fIt

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·;.~'hoil!' tttuXH.)SONl1W'I" '..' .. If' II i11'1""~!4.~" l\lA·.';I "p'''',Jlik.!,! \L'.:jAL'U 13!, II""!.'.I,! PL' .liL 11'.... ql."./I. t,," . '.' ,,' ,,, .... '" i'" ) '''''i' .L U '.4': ...L,,! . :£!; ", . I,'. .,,"4'7,~;~=!: 1.'J,OC· . . . .. ... .... - · .,TINN1E T .(Jil\. )!;om'Jwn»)$J!l®I~$~o. Q:P~r. J!~ '.' .." " .,........Street l.o'shthl.. t ••••••H.'"...., ,~.asUP'k~110f .1lll\-m~'l1t H ••"H;f.40

" .•..... Caplt4J;f FfJt~ Ho~~' ·u thf'IJl wl:elc«:luc1 gu~#l~14r•• Op~l 2' 1.'1M S'hIUr". )laUreN F.cton lU!K!eJ..ueo.ll•••H .•·••n~~~!.H.~.·U.m." .'. ' h' . of A.m~rl~ ~p~.·~c,r~. lllJttl ot 14QJmbiiJ)••.·'t~· Sb~wM i '=~;~~:io~r-~~~$~U()n" .gnJm~.~!t~~~.~~~~!~,,:~:.:::;: .~= ;,.,• Fea.tnre'c1 sJlc~keJ:" a~ t.be. tort .. .'1'Jle iI~P~ "Ill ·.~·"t"; RQC;oJnPAPlec1 b1 ~ra. JUditb CQburn 2 1300 nuUIQJO' T¢leplJol\~~. ToUa. .. .....b ••.••• ·B."••. ·,"'· 15.:13coming Now Mexico (lA-ttl" Qrow.. ,p.m, Jl,l.vet)'ontl .lfJ' ,IJlri~· . 'and tWl;) daugbte~8. Nt>11le and DQr..2 ',l3i0 ,ltm!. AUt'(), Rnyte~' • UJlk~I) of ~q~lPD,lel!t "' ••n' GUT"

!tfill cboOnVConotntgonr..a~mt"'nAlb~oAlhUn6rq~ , C· . E h' W°the!k....8'J4:l:S•,?3utts wlll be ncre tor tl 53 ~iI! PR~U·.~ladit.oOe!t'~G·.•.~.. nT~'lP,.. J Co..... gffl~: 1.;8::: ..::::::::~:::;:: .i:~."" ....... '" '" ","" v VI Uff ....... ....... '" yStr~~ Dept. ~~~!1t« to "'~H'" 1%.80Miles and Antonio M. Fernllndez, anyon. c OU'" .. .., . , 7 1:314 n~1)1:I ••)lell'ell:Otttce Jllxpetlle ,.. •••• .10.00n WE". d lena nrc,.. ". . .' . ,.' 14'''. a"'d Uta. D. m. Wade of Bo&-. 11 ta7IS Wft:rrenlJ.m~tt Inlll1:rMee •4: Bo~da ,....... CI'7.110~. . vane, _ag a. • ~ U' W B tt ..,....... . .'. '.. . 18 WG WJll'l'~~, ntl'rftt In'll\1l'.nCe 4'no~(1.. .12JiO.Sdent, baa anJ1ounced. ~.rfJ, 'arren 3rt13 rQJ;JCh". w(tU were Sunday visltoJ'1S in the 18 13'i1 Skyland Aute. Ber;i~ UJl~J)ot ~qulf,)P1eDt, .'.H~"'· 21,,31

Gov. Tbomas J. Mabrr·a1.o ",m sbo i. back in t4Q uJ'Quthl'e" at bQrn~ ot Ur. and Mrs. 13; 13. Brit· 18' 1318 nalllCU) $. liQn. Oftlce .E:lPllP~ ~··Hf. .J!!.ooI l'g I b<>.me fololtht$ bel' ref:ent ~tsbt.. ion. ,28 ~ L. F. Dt1I1!:Q .. Olel'ltBa)BI'Y .H"·.. "'11\1.00

~~e.kh ~7t ;~o ~tln n JlC•8 on day trIp. to P~lQ A1W, C..ut..·'· ,., ".. 28 l3SO FranJ( IJtlraj.. . . MatllluIIS.l.,.-y 0 l~·gg.,,",are fo, mol'. .:",. ana en . where .b~ vIsited ber)1).otber alld 'U' d.... G ·S....tth. h d 28 1381 '0. v. WetP1.:roJl~ lul1ff~'.a.h~r". ~ ", .. Other sneakers wtlJ. include I _r. tll1 rs. eorge..... a 28 1."182 X.'raa;lef. Quantlttl.. Cu..~Jc AttOrney !;JaTar.r t M.OO

/Y . N'I 1 otber mem.ber. ot bertattl J1" U8tbelr dinner gueflbJ Sunday. Mr· 28t'lS3Rllller ~Ite.· FIre Pent'. Caretaker ".... 1/SO.00Loren Bamert. American at ona ., . .." .d". Sld S It~ 28 1384 Coleman JQyee Speclal-.l"oll<:e,S.Jarv 2lUlOLlvo 8totlk Al380ciatfon presidont Mr dnd MJ'# E :E Scbuhmann an ......rs.. ney, m ~. 28 1363 Luvlll S.ncbeJ street Dept. aaJar,r ".•~.. 72.10of lone, CaUt.: Gen,' narTY 11. • . .• ..•• . ",~ .' ., 28 t.'l!lG L F. D.rrIJen .. . \ RehnbufJement to ~Ierlc •••••• '&'.48Johnson, co-director of the Afwsa :~ r~e p~~~:e:: ':r~nd~l~~~ Rev

J• ~nd ~r,. DOi ~. Oldnd~'I1:: 28 ~ WIler l)fpt;' )UtUm~' y .: };OQ

ErAdication' pro!rnm In MexicO, Wart'cn Barrett. The;' were ac; ~~~tttoo;~tte~~~dt~en;:~bsUeet- TOTAL " J1,uuoand nlllph Trigg, Conunodlty co'mpflnled hete by Jlt and Mr. d I Water J)ep-.riJaeat-Cr.c41L Corporation pre.ldent. 01' 1 . Lo kh t D ·Id 8' h h' lng in Capitan s~tur ay even ng. J!eb. Ck. '.1'..... '

Waldo E. Stephens, Vice prell- lar ca . c ar, . av c U .. They reported a tlQ,& meetlng with 2 3'20 NavllJo 8e"lce 6~tJODI.dont or Stephens on Compan"', mann and, Jobnny Murphy_ all 01 7Q members J}re.ent.· . ; f~ :~ljfi: Jt~~:;~ a~tlon

I E1 P1180.. I ' L 2 a"· H N ...Oklahoma efty, w411 discU81 the , • • Alvie ld'o8~e1Jer ha.. been on the ..... org.nlJoover CommlB.lon reports on The .Pete V'nox famUv formor d H' 2 82. MldW·7 Gar'reMarch 28. closing' day of tbe (on~ vanoy rC$ldc;;'te W()to tn nuidOBO sick Jtflt for .everal . aYII. ere': ~g ~bl~' ~gc~~~

'i"cnuon. He Is bolng sponsored bY vlgltln~ Itll3t week. They are livlog hopIng you wl~l ~o ~ell very loyn' 74 827 NortoD Broa. ID~Ii T • "I tto t N w ~ 328 Georse Weat.U. 0 aXllaYOfa Aaao... a n 0 0 In Hebronvll1e. TeuI, W., wt~h to e~resB our lMPpa.- ., 329 Clowe & Cow.n

MeXico. , . - thy to the family ot James BQoky 11 3.10 Lillie Ward- ,.. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joe Palmer were of Hondo who paJlsed away tn the ~ 331 Cl.ude· Peterson

)frll. C, D. WeeJQs wal in Jill In Alamogordo on buslnetl Thurs- flo8pltal In Albuquerque, Feb.~, 28m fg~~ ~::t::Pt\80 from FrlelB)' until Sunday ot day o.t last week. • 28 . fJ34 L. 11'. Dl'1dentbo pallL weok. • h. • Revival meeting began at Ute.. , , " "., , " Colonel Maurlco Fulton and hili Baptist Cburcn, Trnnle. Supdny,

wife, VfiYO. Mr.. Sam. )fellen and March r5. Rev. Raoman A. Prntt Attest:Mrs. Ma.della Burgraf ot nOlwcu or Monument. N. 14.. doing the L. F. DRYDEN. Clerkw~roln Ruidoso laet week. Mr.. prcnchlnlIJ and Rev. Cbcstcr Bunch ~:~::a:;:lltwoo ArrClt. VfolaUOR Am..., b ...'Varo Fulton was makIng pl.11I of Capitan leading tho alnmng. Tho ~ltne4 C.1kldettto bo bnc't in Ruldolo thle lum- beginning lJervleo Sundny ~nlgh'.. 3 1'1.\11 Drunk 20.00 10.00mer and tenel! ceramiC". ' wlla well attended. Tbo singln~ WllS :. Dt1ink Dtlvins !!'.OIJ" 0.00

" " cr.ood. Mln!J J4nrjorle ';l'1t8Worthat. f1Q.()O m.wMrs. ArUn Frio. who underwent tnc plnno and Mr. Vernon Allen -----,...,------.----,.----,-,--.-,-------

n 6crl9us opcraUontn tbo now ot Uondo High Scnaol playing tho ,.-----------------......---.......' ----...,b02pttal In Carrizozo recently and vJoJ!n. <:ome! We are going to hltvoIs reported d_~lng ~lcelY. 80me rent 81n~lng nnd the old.Ume

LouIse Masloy and MUt Maby Gospe) preachIng. Servlco enen dayWAM.ACE II. Ff:ROtt80N of El nancho Dol Padre down 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. 'l'he. meeting

Lfra-t~'n OJ"nll AlCC'ftt Picacho waf were ,.Ialtlng In wllJ conttntlc throughout Sundel)',PJl.on.e CAple... 11...04 IIH-;R_,uhloao ano day Il.1lt weak and Mnreb 19.

ACCIDENT.HKALTO.LIn ad dInner at Nob 1IU1. . -ij.!!."!'.1ii,,.,i!!..,!!!l.!:!t-!,•.tI'E.i6i':t!i.... ,"'= .. lttlrtl. Irene Stayen! spent the ij;;:=;;:=========;::==============ii'-.. .' •. "" ". :. ".' Tbo U. S. Department of Agtl- woekend In EI Paso. ",Indow ,i iF H P t 7 : ." ,r &I 1M; •

t""!'.................- .....-----~.., culturo announced that It "m sbollplnK. goIng to Juaroz. and •~:~:cClr:r.:rJg=~.:;~ purcllMo certain pork product, In bayIng a wOll~errul lime.I'ORTS? on effort to maintain hor: prfce~ Mr. and Mrs. nOY Plor hliye

For An,wef, 8M at 90 vcr cent or parJt, .tn ae- moved to Ruldollo. we wero lorry

Wa.r·ren Sa'rr.tt cord.nco with tho anoouncement to lo!c tho 1'IOT8. b\tt we hopeof lo"cbrUllry 2[;, 1949, that prlcN thoy wUl bo bappy In their new

TUE tN8UR~CEM~ would be iJupported at that. IIT'I location.'"-......~~............----...................--' througb alarch, 1850, •

Tho ExtensIon Club met withMrs. Nelson Wcdncsc1tl1. A largocrowd and plc!Ot)' of food andgood tim!) 'Wa. the report.





an'. LTlUl&TOMMY




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Page 3: 1, '-' e ,. Wingfield, Boyce Head Race Of New Citizens ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...mONE II-U CAPI1'AN BOSS 'J'LA'i:I%t.IS BUILDERS' SUPPLY J. G. HAR1US, Chmet















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(Pllid lJoUtidllA.d.). -'.

, .


STATEMENT TO THE PEOPJ.EFriends and voters' of the Village of Ruidoso and the surrounding com"

munities, it has never been my desire or ambition to run lor any OIUce or tobe connected with politics, but as so many tttends and voters have expressed''theIr Wishes tor me to enter this election lor 1VUlyor and they state that Itbecomes a duy fot businessmen and cltlzens to run tor tbe City oUlcea so thepeople and voters may have the chance ot voting and giVIng mew expressionon tlle candtdates 'they wish to handle their \..ity uovernment. 1 have nogrudge or ill will toward any person or persons in RUidoso. Lincoln Countyor the ~tate of New Mexico. have always had friends everywhere and hopeto keep my 1tiends always. 1 have notlUng agaJtlst any maD on our presentCity vovetnment. We will nUll be friends. wm or lose. in the election. 1 be­lieve in tau and just treatment and consideration to everyone with no _pedalfavors or privllege5 to any indivtdual or groups. He a booster lor your town.VIork and coojJetate with the people and dtJzens 01 our town to make it alarger and better place lor all. Vv ork together to encourage more people toinvest in property and locate here. We snou.ld strive to be ltiendly with ourneighbortng towns and conunW1ities. also with our farmer friends down theVau~y. It JS much easier or more pleasant to create goodwill and friendship•Leave out grqdges and strife. My triends, 1 started worJdng for the publie onmy own at the age of 15 years. Have worked with and lor the public sincethtn and am now 42. Had experience in city water works, do~ng installationatld ,mainttrlance work On some very good water systems. Also wotked withsewer system-and sueet work. Have handled graders and maintainetsoncounty road, worb. Worked in the oil. field for major,company that inatalltdtheir own water ilJ1d ,sewer systems. Built theft roadS, streets, bridge., etC.Waf a gang pusher most of my time in the oil fields. t'Iayedand managedpr()Ee.lSion~lbasebCil1 a !lumber of yeata,c:onUpgjn contact with. -great num­ber of people in aU walb at 11ft. Have handltd finances f()1' eompanielafiddiEEertt1t concttns in JUy txperieucu. HaVing lota.ted in RuJdo.o In bU-me.tI,and planning tomakt thi. OUt future home; will s~te that 1 do ftel obligatedto Jny friendsMd votu' to acccpt the oppottunity of t\U1l'1ing fot Mayot.The ..City Government I. ,made up (if clti%tnS of"'yoUt, town. Thc}' att nrvat1~~<?fthe people 8fid £01'. the1>tOple. Go work and (()Operate on all the ptoblcxP'.tllattttiKin yOUt city. ~y ftlefids, Jf you place m.e, in. this office, wiU work l00.ptt

~::,~::~~~=fr%:::e:H~tcl'~~~Ila~~;::aaXZt~~~~~;~~o~S:;y~~:Thank ·y••·ou, friends-. w. D,(P1ck}'AATLIJ1Et

QlJ1didat~ lOt Mayot

.a"do$O ViUageo,*,.Town $JQction.,..... -Tuesday, April 4th, 1950 .' .'

. .FOR MAYOR E .oW. D.(Djck)RA .'

PtoJDinellt B..~~ancl, Retf;li1 llood D~~

FOR VILLAGE TRUS1US:Four..Y~ Tenn-CY .•.. .D, sa.

Expert. Actountant and Tax COns111tant.......(Upper Rll:ldoao ArQ)

Four..Year Term,·', ,RAYMOND BUCKNER.Buckner Elc;dric Owner and Wodd Wat n Veteru-(Midt~WJ1 Atee.)

Two-Year Term ·RAY DILL '.E1 Corr~ Courts O.Yro~<Skylaud Area)

The pet)ple of Ruidoso supporting thlsticket Tepresent every walk oflife, busbless and profes$8nal. "J.'he one great purP~~.J8 to help save Ruid~beforeit is' too late-and it may be later than yOIl udnK-THE WATER PROBLEM- people, and voter. ha.ve th~ Rlght toOUR GREATll:S1' NEED place tho men ot ~our cbolee to manu.o

Ruidoso must hlWO an ample ar\d p\lre i the. City. hUllinellll tor ~ou. .wator supply tor a growlni popUlatloQ Tho .membera of thla tloket wUl co-of ,"we.lve to fittoen tnoustWd pllople. - opera.te al1d work tor tho projeots tbllt

" Rulet030 must ha.ve an otflclent, .kll- arc In thc)n1aklna a~ pn,lent-fully operat~d water wotltt BY_tem. ellpa.- A Conununtty Oontorlo.- our' Bpy .nelble ot suppJylna CQDlumera durina the • GIrl SeoutIJ and teen aBO ohlldren Uto.tcold montna as well lUI durlna the .um- visit hero. . .mer aeaaon. . Allo n. place tor o14er people to' intl.'t

. RUla.ooO must provide a water ,y.tem and enjoy fellowship wbU. in RuJdolQ.for the ~tuture that wUl be .utfleJ,nt, To wor~ anet holp nny wQY POSlllblO wItheven wlth 0. sl1orta&e Of raln.aU or ot the !ioard ot J)lrector. of the Whit,.nowlall. • ' Mountutn . t>por.a .I\.l1l:iOClatJOn. .

the voters wlll vote 'on an oblll'aUo,. To work wuh tbe CouneU and AdvUorybond ot ~125,00Q.OO on April 4th to make Board on the airport. project. 'tho preaent" revenue bond .ateable. • To wor.k CWd co-operate 10r the paving

',Lho CItizens ot Ruldolo wJU .bave an project north of our elty.opportunity on AprU 4th to voto tor f\1ie . wa Wlll worK rot better health and .anl..pCfBonD, or parties, that they thInk be.t tary condlUona for the peoplo and do-qunllticd to handle their city lov.rnmelat sign and It.dve tor better Utalnaie 81•and tax douars. WlUi and more SU'cot work.PT'rO'TII(lE OF THE NON~~AB'1'JSAN We ho.vo ba~rd8 to me on .ever~ curve:J, '~1.U' '1:'1 •.. . and dip. WIU1U1 tho cu.y thlU. need to be:a: V-....:&:- oJ1mlnated

'1'ho, ~embe'" of th.. Uektt plecll' to '.Lhcre "';e many thlnas that we CaJ,\ 110tho Ultll.Cn,a unll Voter. that they w11l by au Co-oporll.llP4: vmh eacb other LoworK WiUl the peop.e, for tho peoplo- l11o.l\U out' \.uwn u. CU!tW4;r, 151.fgtt. taturon Our wuter 8Y8tc~ to .ee that it fully nllu Det.ur pUleo to bve, atld raJ80 uUtmeets our nceWt-'.fo .eo that your tax cblldren. We wlll mako COttltant effort

.(, dolULfO aro spent on. the 'Yater .yat.em to eo-oporato With overybody In the vJJ-ana. oJl other projects to the be.t adviu- lugc tLt1lol surl'OUUU1Di communlt1oa In aD¥tngc posslbl.. wurthwblto tlnterprln. I::ipcela1 uwor. andTlUS IS YOUR ~OWN- prwllcgtll to non\). but taJrntn and hon-


'Xour city government; and you. ..be cst consaderatlon to aU.



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.. ',. -",-".,.-- ,' .. ··'tJ100SQ 1i"'W8' .p••a 1·Tlil......"tirPJ.-IL).}.AI.', jr,.LU:W•. ,n,Jt<. __ .,J",:,.. itjY ..,.,_.¥.",ii~_.1A'l .... _',._ i j , "i,Uii .,jl.,,?!.i.1.:_.L.,\..J .. C~-._ ,.,'4-'_'_~··_"" .,~"-., -,,-....~_ .• ~\IlI.•'• ' ..-!J .

L., 31





2\larch '1

, ,


!:! •

:MIss Jean Sanobez, f!.ec"ompa~led

by a clo.ssmate, 'Eva st. Jo~n', ~nd

All' Force Sgt. 13m OIlUJJU1, drovefrom El Pat$o Sunaay to vlslt withtho Henry Sanche; family.

Mr". E, M. 'I'ownBend w1lJ be'guest ?tA0norJ~t::,~ luncheon t~ be~vcn ~rS';'t)a'91d Oooper 'J.'hurs­day. Marclj 9. at Nob Hill.



'••'.'••Wi...."".1.'...... y .'•• iW•• 'W••

Membm-Federal 1:>eposit!nsurQl1<:e CorPoratiou

; , \ ' ..

••••••••*.,••••••••••••4 •••••



Chicl<~ ... Stub ... sandwiches• •

• ATTRACTIVB SURROUNDINGS •••" Fireplace'" Knotty Pine Room ..

• DINING ROOM SERVICE •••With Peteonal Attention

With The Most Beautiful View of ("Old Baldy" In Ruidoso

Lincoln County Agency•


, '

. \

DlsUlled Water75·c kal. Jar


. '",'


Open Yeat tRound CloeedMondays t 1 a.m. to 9 p.m.Palmer Gateway Addition

Wllll-.m J. ("Just call tne BUl")




. W L1(:ltchen Qmmns _ ':...._ •• 11 aFrIgid Alrlans 10' 4Canyon Echoes 7 7Flames ..' _ _... '1 'IThree ·'G's'· _ _............... 6 DHot Sbots _.u.._ .,. __ _ 2 12

I High Lady, one game, MlU'Y' Me­Olt>ndon, 183; Htgh lady, twogame•. Betty Tulley, 308: HIgh,Tea.m,\;n6 game, Frigid Alrlo.ns,

}'~~f~ld ff:i:ng:~2~a. two ~mcs•

=-----....--...--.. PAT'S TAXI - PHONE 65-02

Oller,.tloJ), "Peaches"; "T-:Oay"­M:arch 11th: f'?:arg~t"-Recreatlonn,dl, Camp~hnnagne: «lijrman)f'Zeto JiQ\lr' -2000' houra (8 p,m.);"ObJeQtlvo"--Pay 'l'ltspecta to Dr.and' )(.... 11.1. M. Tow11Send.

Bowling ResultsnUIDoso ~UBHOl1SE

MulvJhlJJ r~enUy flew trom Ros- LADlES LEAGUEwell to Preacott, Ariz.. to visit his '. Wsliter. },{fl. L J. :H~CJa'n, witI' at :;the I)eputy U. S. l4:arthat there. Kitchen Queen 9Met at tho aJrp()rt by :Mr. and Mrs. Frigid Aldans. 8 ,

.' McClain. Bill .and hi. party were Canyon .Eohoes 7wbl.ke4 throuBh the city and pro- Flnmcsf;..·;-·;·;········_···· ···• • 5 ,___________.;........ Three G 8 G,..' .~_.- G' .." Hot Shots _ 11•••••_. ,2 P::,' fS: Pi ; ,

, ., -.,.' . . . \"l,-. "'~. ".;' •• ,~. ~"1' "....,...,.'.. ',}' \ . pO •

:rrrd."l;Utlt.c1.:~.I,A,"t··'t.IIt,Q,. -,,/~I·"!-;"-'-'-'-';"-'"::!\'':''-r''tiji'-'it'''--''' --'_.! '$ . '3 ...•.... " ...~J! ~M~ ... i" -,.¥, :-+.,.'f,.- .::._.. !!',dJ ...."Q.IAH ...!\ ... "'._,',,L,:IJ .._,<I~¥i:, .. __ .. ': ... ¥~UIJ,_.~_.,

..• .~O····"Tc: '.'8··~'''~O.·~·N··· ...,·····N:'m'W,'·Q· ·IT.·····,EM·•·'S···~,.~" '-,~_~"., ' -:,';I;~~~:;_., ,',,','. ,"~·,:O"'_' '", ,-


Page 4: 1, '-' e ,. Wingfield, Boyce Head Race Of New Citizens ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...mONE II-U CAPI1'AN BOSS 'J'LA'i:I%t.IS BUILDERS' SUPPLY J. G. HAR1US, Chmet

,,., -.'

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, !j: :1I •

'Ii ,:I ",JI.

I, I






II· 'I'!, I

I 'I,, ., "

, 'j· ,,



• TheFirst National Bank

Of Roswell!tOSWELL; :m:w KZXICO










Member :Federal Jnposlt InauraDceCorporaUon




Citizens Ticket


2 'p'


'j",11 ~.'

''''. w" .

• •

, - . - -


,oa 141.'&MKLC• .iACft"'N····NCl,....KM~UN'N.. JIM,.·OM.,.._



-, •

"t.' :'""') to' ~.

¢l? Turn p'",. '_lrTXlillliil_lllillillillllliilliili_.__••••llrfT'cm"¥'S,rrll.UfT'lftlr Wzn In zt :fEre' t'tttntttnMh:thtWJf11lfitamwttft "trtwt?SFI1'®W .** W"hikTht:: kbn"....• ',,' .._ . .."~w·,,. •. -,. -.........__~....."""'--_.,;'" •._....,.,"""~ ..-~.-.u',_. .~

Page 5: 1, '-' e ,. Wingfield, Boyce Head Race Of New Citizens ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...mONE II-U CAPI1'AN BOSS 'J'LA'i:I%t.IS BUILDERS' SUPPLY J. G. HAR1US, Chmet

-.-,, ,.,

•• •

, .'"•. "




, ;





7 5





J •



.onuo UHOU -AUtHOanY 01'1111 coe,t..CotA COMPAH't aY

MAGNOLIA COCA-OOLA BOTTLING co.Coca-Cola BuUdlnr, YandeU Blvel. at J31rclt; Xl I'NO. Tex••

. 0 nu.n.c.•.c:. c••,_,


; .



.- I




NoaalMercantile Co.

lDcluele5 bWIdlnr••to&. In·

VtJltor)" ana 11xtUI'eL Fiv&­

roo-m Uvin&" quarter. In rear.Good loeaUon on State mgll.

way No, 37.


t .

V,ote TheCitizens Ticket


1'layor-lke N. Wlnct1e1aTruAtee Bobby noy~

Tnutec-Louls Sn1lthTrnatee O. A. LuaU1n

CIerk-toe J)ryaen


Eighth Grade PlansRummage Sale JiereMembers of the 'eIghth grade

class wUl Sponnor a rummage saleIat tho American Legion Hall Sat.urday. Proceeds wJl1 go to theclass treasury.

Tho snlo wJ1l Inst 011 day. PIe.cake, cottee tind Cokes also wlUbo 8old.

Cy Leland, eIghth grado homoroom teacher, wUl attend tollupervloe Ute !laIc.

'Ii 4


~ The ONLY i5top'You Need To Make On

, -. .

Tlte Road To Or FromEL PASO

e ;' •

-,t,- -,




HOiiDt-mde 'S6ndWid1~~tl~d X>rinbSEBIt--tlQUORS--WlNSS

.• ·Sefvfce Statl6J1f TQ()


"There'a a diHerence iIi'producbt-and ,lel'Vicefl


CompleteAtlt<llrlOU:t6 Ek!rvloe •


SKYLAND AUTOo. A. :r..aw.-A. w. J.ulJba



Saturday ntc",t Mrl. Fleta Bal­donado' and X1'. Hardin took theIrIndian dancer. to Tnlarota to per-

Mr. Sarlin report. that Mr.Bradley lllgmouth 'Wtll get settledat his old post at the RuidosoRanger Station about tho 16th ofthis month j ready tor buslno$I,

· all kind.. .'

~ ~

Fd4.~~JIJ"t~,lfi~~.~:O .~;;.); ;;-,7'':;1.11,+ •• "MI.'. : i ... ,,::,';, .·tlll ;:;;; Ii:;" .. .1 •.• p!J .•.•. :.\ ••.1 :ii;,{'I'!"LiL.i! t •• \*it.I.e.:;) 10'." II..r !in'.1t t;.,,~.l'il""!t:;,:~!40:"(li.~M .'*" ,,; II :;; ..;l!j;;'''fJjlil;§.!;i!i*,~.-all~_ '. ftP:. ......

l\fJl:$~AliJ!;ltcQ,IN1H,AN .GAtL Prelate Ho"o~d"~' ../ . .. ',' ':. '..,....'f.····'f.,.,··.·~ ..·~"l!'"·· ..·..,,,.;+•••,..,·t..,, ..·*...•••...·····AG' '. 'H-'"-,'" ''''' - -,,: ..~- ~"", ,- (., ".' ,.,...: '" tire'.' ',-,.' "~~-L ".', .nY~:N4:~W~. . '.1 form tQ.r,~ ba~tRQb.()W·glf~(bY .·•...t ',omez ,·qrne., Be ··esL~:"'nt··OR, ' ,:~ riU.. ·Rll)' Re~d 11$ 'Ao.J~u~rllu.uchhi~ .'tb.e~,nqndM.othorl,4. 1;' a1l,l.$.l1\d tllu •. , ," J . .' '......•.." ..'..I.U'~ . ..../ ....•........•.. " •..... " ' .

c9wsfltnd br~Akbu:br~~Qn the: 4title bQ1Qwer4 :per$uatlellto . H h,.E Xq eJ I e~.C1;A.rc1fbfl!hOP .. . ....'In.. Qda'.' . ~.,,' . 'l're",'. ·d' • .' lJ....... ..,J .Relile"a~on. X~n(lerJJt~,dhe W1l111:l1n~rtbe11' own; l1aUTe #ong~t()r .1b~ ~4'\'tln V,. BfT.~I',:Q( $au'ti\ .l'e. 'W'aIJ . ", . .' . . •'. .•.. ',. S .. .n'.. .I" . Iml .....

.b,te/l,klJ);'on¢$Af;)3onll~ll n~llch. da.nce whteb makea the..kit y~t'1 ltonQr~4.{fUaat..At'lI.. (linn~l'l4"Qn& •.1 . .....• ..•. ..••.. . '. ". <.'.' ..... .' •.. ",1". ... ,;. . .••..~nd play.tor .d~nc~!lfa:t' alid.wlde.~(eCUve. M.rs. -Stanley ~QNAtteYenh~$i a.t tne 'Elt$~oGoJU,(tz;hQm~ • . ..... . .. . .... .

. .' ,. ... ,.. '. .. .. . also. 'took her twQ~()nsjTerq.~ at San FatdclQ. '.. ' . '.' . . • •Mr~.J!.lld~Jl~aQ,QUfse hi\lf beeuthe tOIn tom, Jlrn:mle as' tM 14r.•nd 1'4~. Gom.E)~ .and )(",/.5. '. .

vlsltlngher ,fAmilY-In Seattle {l,nd dancer. w.ith. their Instruct.or. Mr. Hilarlo Gom.~· were 'hOlSt'.",her hus"b"u,ldQ Omlly int>endleton. John Shendo WhO sang -tor ,their .Other gUQsts o.thOI\Qr tn~lUded, .Oretffor tl1e1JAS~ltWQwee"s.She Pueblo number, In a.dditlon to the. ne~. Cm-lllammer. Ruidoso, ]leT:returned home Tqesd-.y. original aix in. Mrs. BlI.ldonadQ'SMnon MurPhY (OIi'M) , Tularosa•.

.. ' . " '. .... group were little Elmer EnjadY Rev. ~/;lrqi~n Beuler (OFM)., )feB-Mrs. Yarbrough.lteglonal Dl- and Bruce Ba.latchu calero, Rev. J. H. Motenie, .Fr.

rector of N,u'Jef3. has been visiting '. • Vito D. Bacll, Oarrl~ozo~ . Rev.here this week,; The John Hall's had dinne at Sigmund Cl1arelvey, sf,lcr()tal'Y t~

0.' .... . N b HUl S d' . r the ,Archbishop and aaaocla.te.· After aupPer Ol1!il evening last 0 un ay, . then drove editor of the Santa. 'J.i"o, Register;!

week at B~rtSblelds' bridge wa~ :~~u~~ ~~~~~:rtt:~~~~H[ili~:~ Janies J. Dela~ey. u.ndQ(lor~eplayed witli, t.M tollowlng guests., but Bert always weekend t:R t Wane, EI Paso, F"Upe Gotnet,The JQhn -crQw.a, Reina SarUns doso. . s au- grandfAther of EUseo Qome~u Mr.and Jesse Campbells. Mr. Orow I . ~nd Mrs. George Mendoza, RQs-(as usual) . WOn . high prize for. The Bill Bruenlngers, Albert well, and Mr. an.d :Mra, Fermingents, :M:ra.,Sadin. tor ladles, .and LaRoscs and Mr. Eldon LaOQurse Pacheco, ·San Patdcio,the caDlJ.lllell~ t~~ .consolaUon. and chUdren picniced at White EvoryoQ.o p'rea!!l1t tt;lcelved.a

Mesoa.lero'" lndePendent basket- Sands Sunday. blessing from Ar~lbililhop B1rne.ball tetlnf """defeated last week Mr. and Mrs. C~f1ahan of Elk- 0 H ,,-.at Ruldo30 blIi'lne' Rest Ii'urni- Silver had company Sunday from pen.ouse Plannedture team of ROlJweU. Ruidoso, the Parsons. Atter: d~nr.' Fa', Ca itan School

Mr. Retno SarUn accompanied ner they square danced.. Pby the Mr.. drove to El Paso . ' Oapltan ,Womens'Club will

• Thursdayla.st 'Woelc on business. Some readers might be Inferest- serve tea at,an open house at the_ ......'>. cd to hear that the young veteran new Capitan Grado School l.tarch

Your~rePQrter _1.0 'Went down who was hurt abOut two months 17. •that day anntemalned unUJ Sun- ago tn the bad wreck at Teepee Tho school. completed twoday nIght; but more ?n monkey is doing moderately well at Wil· weeks ago, wlllbe open ftombusiness, as San Pat 8· reporter 1Iam Beaumont Hospital'. I hap,- Inte afternoon until about 7 pmwould say. Visited Fran and pened to sit next to his mother 0& L. W. Clark, superintendent' or.Harry and brought Karen home tho bus, and she inquired of me schoolerep"orted

c lor a week the name of the "Indian dootor;" , •. '.. aho added her son would st111 be Degun last summer, the school

In hospital at Xmao. contains six rooms and wUl per..mit transfer of students trom the

Chtef SaUlng Cloud requested old building. It has a cafeterIathe other day that I tell the wldch wUl provide hot lunchesNewsL "when White' man drOp for some 200 high SC1100l andtho H-bomb-well, that wlll make grado studonts.Mr. Clark' laleta long story short: and a perfect- This is the Urst tUne such aly equitable adjultment. the facUltftY llaa been available toworld wlll get rid of U8 and we Capitan studontl, he laid.wUl get rJd of tbe 'World..' The school 'W1l~ bo Qpon tor'

classes March 20. •

, .

Page 6: 1, '-' e ,. Wingfield, Boyce Head Race Of New Citizens ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...mONE II-U CAPI1'AN BOSS 'J'LA'i:I%t.IS BUILDERS' SUPPLY J. G. HAR1US, Chmet





. . .,..,.

';,' ..,. .

SACRA BROS.,of Lincoln Co.

,:PAT'S TAXI - :PBONBl .5·03

•at· ., • •



Bere's what BUTTEI• -. • r I!: 2: : i

would cos.t, ,ou toda,


Otbtr prket bne~ 1D dae. 10~ but JOI1t e1ec:tricftJ •~mUll you buy that JoCtUdly COltS UII pet uoit 001t~ pte-wu.

Yow elccttic ~tcS ba\'la:aot be@ iotteUed.lJJd u UIe hu~ WJ.. the •..,.p priCe pft klIo......tt..bout .. c::omo demit. It ii~ 3096

_ tbu iU 1939.-II --......... bu'ftii4.Hdfoflo-trJd the· ..... ................:I ..t.................uI...,l.-~ ...

_ ___." . .. . .' . '.. ~~.~~ 'WIM 'COlt)'OU 2it fa 1939 woukl toll t9c. coda,. m.-d of the·6St ot r.1IC)H)'lIM'

..Do"ft ",i~.


"... ~ '. ,......... .................q~ .

... iI it laud CI. don fro. iii 1939•

• 1M oil cost at m


'ill" _

. *,,- .. t' ''$ - •

: i 1 mf ; Ei E 7 7

F. ,

., ( , ,,II •

~. WS~S Plans StudyfJ'ho wacs of tbe COMmunlt;y

Mcthoc1fst Church w111 conduct aatudy on HWomen ot ScriptureU'next Tuesday foUowll2K a lunch.~OD. Place for the meetlD, ,,111bo announced at church Sunda)"... '$ F' ! $

• ! - f '77 ; t t

1/7'- 'I' .t&4

•• n ,SI


, _..F - ! I .1/; _r

t •

»WOOD FOR SALE!The Me.caluo Tribal Woodyard Hu


4 Ft. Cord LenathaJuniper" Oak Pine & Fir

$11JJO $10.00

4 4 ......


W. D. Horton- ,·,D. B. Snyder

a.HallAL ""ACTaea-X·flAY .

PHONfJ G~A "',..m

W•....,W 'M.wr


'. DMlW..,. Ie K""..~ ANI C*II .. a••" r.......... .. l*UM UItJ'Mt r....a~ tU4 c.r&

.. Gao JUT ate HOHb ~ TJia .ODO'!'mati at1Q)()tlO JlANO_ "'AnoN (YIa ......,~)


Citizens TicketTUBSDAY, APRIL 4, 1950

...1= /7

•.•~ lAo

:,', ' .' . ,. . ',' '<;I, .. \H(4PSUC, '1ittmOlH):lfftI ....' .. " .' , "... ',,; .' . ..' '~"" , ~.' ',' ,..•. ,, "'.. ',' .', ,'" .' lrHd:' J.{ h~i~"llio '_., .. ,.,'.' '.. ,...." .', ..,.·P~'fJ'lI.i.i'.ri'IJJ,!.!.i* .I,'t;".: . .i:JD',A.E:,lii.t,.""" .. ,'·.... I .. UJ, •. ,J':I:i!I .. il:I... U ... :i..· .. j,fi,!.,:·ti).; .. ·I:.ql.'~).~~I.lli' .• ·I·..••·.('" ".', ,Jtt•.., .•rc .. , .'" ....

... CAPlTAN "tocAL NEWS JTEMS .. '$6idefStanfqrcf, GWNCciE, NEWS ..•....... w,;

~i " •••"."iP.,.."'.+ ,"'•••" "~!..".,, "D~nRlchnerP'4n· . .tt•.•••,.*"·~,,•••••w,,""i;• .,.w' . ' '.. :;~.' "

:)/'- :a~':....j,:~";IID.""t ~:::':t ::l.~e ,::rJ:..~ March.1.8 Wedding JI't~~~~:=;;' ~t6 • .., : aARQAI.~1 .·,,"~4 Kr. 'uu! Mr.. D. OA lllJrp~1 :1 , II. 1I' If' ita H 0 11' Bt r"'Yd t J>'l'(I~t~ .9t 8. new d&UJh~~. bQn1 . .' .' .' ';-,.' .. .. ; •. ., ,mad. a trIp oW' ~J P.IO 'rhfa)' 11'lotch" nan toott part :fA th~ . er.,,J.. n ... ' .. an !of O~t St;. ~r"l$ Bo.pltala( RoI"f;fll, , ' . ' '. .tAJtuf111Q,hOJU. S.turday evenl~r; ~tP~~f.I~Mtpm.ofoi~~eSunf11.1~':~f a::e.::p~~'i::rn~eJ.~~~::;M~rc~·~~",Ther. .(!;U~hJlYe a ~~~, 'l.'wo U49.~"J' ~pI.,~lII* &0." ()' f • 1 " '. out ')1ow he e:~e out" AO P~ot. tbefr daught~r. Shirley, tQ DOn Wall1li~ . .. ' to P.J.M~" NQm for .Jltrw. ,Ul$O,", ur f BU nAl1cell1all te.m (.114' I" " t :nfchn~tt .on .~~ 14r. And .:Mr.. 1_ ,_. ~ "

Ilot get very f~r In the Tourtla- . . Mr•• 4441 Se.lI!)I" ..nd 1fr;. no1 Clayton 'Rlebner 'Ot ..RUidOSO. ':Mr. aad 141'(. Wilbur. CQ~ baYQ modeta. ,m.ent heJd In. no.wen :lI'rl~"YQd 1(orp,q. IPent Sundar in Alamo-. The weddlnt: .. lei for 2 p.m•. 1"e~urned from a. one U!(inth vl.sU ..«.tur4.Y, H()w~v~r both IIDle. gordo YI.IUn; relatlyes and M'arch 18 at the C,oJDDlunlty ta!«e:Qcb City and other pomt.,. \~h~Y 'Played In "erA lood ~lolO trlmid... 141'+ Holcomb,. Mt•• _01'- J.{fJUlod,st ehu.-c:h here with Rev.. TMy went as tar as A~pulc~ Anc1Rge:$160.75-!,une" 'r1tb thO. bOT. In ~hllr ~"Jl" tather 11•• b,eQU..Jt~·m but SY\J}ford ottlclaUng. . lIe. wUl be report a very plea~a~.t ·trip, . . .

T,~tet~blneer.~ ,<'''.Otf'lttll\!P 0dfl·· tbe 'WdlJ. G,.wendolYA, ..epQrtt.bl~ JUcbth" .b••latheA' bhf Rev. Benl7 Gr4J,ves, MTB J V ·~\lli~· has return~A Sale Price; ~..$lt9.50'. ,.. #/ " ."".. . 0 ,..an c.ppe . ",Y . IUsu'oy.d. .. tee urc paltor. . .. .• ./0 • of ...' • ..,t;;.,. "tbe ab.ence of botb )fr.· BrJ,ht .. ~.. .,. .' . . .... I • • • 0 .. from JiJl Paso. where".he vj,Ue<J-and Mr. M'utJeld who W(lre eaUedLtttle Donn. J. HcClamroclc I. '.. " • het. dli1u~ht~ .., ~rM....LeonSbelty, .to aklaboma ,dQe to th~ JIlne," Qutot Ichoor thl. 'YIeekduo to Fra%l~r PetitIons aJ~o Fred Tul!~ a~~ family. . Reg. $199,50-of ,1''', Prl&,ht •. (atb.ll Ulne.,.. \ Circul$ted Here :Mr. and :MNl.Bl~y 'Perry sr.•

. 4"'" .. " ,r.~. went to Crow :Fle.tS' Sunda.1, to SaliPrice : $169.50If.r. Rob"rt Cox the AG" teach.. Odell alcltm.IJ,n and Jbnmle :PetJUoQ.. nomlnaUng Lake .Fra- v11J1t their daughter and tamlly~

or I. r.aUyrolnc ,round beamln, Thompaon entertJ\lned a hOlt at zlcr Ro.well mayor . for govei-nor Mr. and Mrs. Ule ROSIS.·, "tb, p...t two week" And why trlend. Saturday night at the· , b' . D . '.. , I . .,. • . \not?H" ltthe '.tber of a braQd bOJD& ot Mr. and )fn. Llo)'d on t e emoQtatfc t c)cet wer~ Mr. and Mrs.. Reynolds' Jonesnt" bOUDcln~ boy Abther In honorot Bmy Oarner'. belus ctrculated in tbe Ruidoso and Sandra .,Isited ~he Ralph

" : blrthda,..··· Capitan o.rC$ thl.ll weck. Bonnell's aunday. .AI,'n"'t' haTt) C_pUau HO,lPltal . '''. Mr. FrazIer, acUve In AmerlQan •. •

Item. to reoort. Mr•• Ou••'e J. The ld.Y.ll'. beld their Semi.an- LegIon affairs tor sp.me 32 years, Ralph Bonnell went to. AlamO'-TftJl;0rth, JJUlh Uran.crcct UI UUo.l election ot ottfcer. SU1;lday ~ttencled the Pll!ltrJct Ii Legion gordo, Monday to attend a no·and Mr.. JOI1H .... tile Caplt,an nlcht. Robert EflrlwaJ' eJ~ted meeting at. Cap1ta~ Bundo.y.glcmnl meeting of the Forestpeople In thebOtpttal tb" week. presIdent, Vlce-:Pre.tclent aartb Earller thls year he announced ervlce tor Lincoln Co.We tJnder.tand aU are dolnJ nlee. Hyde, Secretary 1Iarr FlJh and be was considering entering the _.--_..----'y at tb.. time.' 'treuurer, Jobnny Wernet. . race tor governor In. the Demo- NAVAJO nUGS CURIOS

.. ,". • eratlc prlmlilfY election In June. CLAYTON n~NNE'M"S

Bborty McCrory bal J.U8t feturn. Mr•• Theophlle '~r.mlo returJ1-o• ., II ,n "" 0 cd l"st weelt from • two montbs

F lUI P : i a ilL t J , . JlSi!vi.lt wJth rehlUve. aud tden" In"D ' ·Sc·· J

H.... ··:....tu Davenport, Ohio.on t wap oriel _....... ........,....__

In. The Middle Thunderbird RemodelsThe Strtam" -;h;·T~derbJ:rLOd,e .oon

wUl be equipped thrOllcbout wJth,modern mecbanlcal refrJceratort,Walt Cro.by, owner, report••no ..ld flye .parlmentl ,,111be converted to the new reCrJeera­tor. wIthIn & month.. PrIYat. batbs allo wlU be aYaIl­..ble for each apartment lOOn, ht

___________..! said, Bome unU. btlyo .baredbo.tb. heretofore•







• I,I


I..,f ­IJ

,j ,"



J! ,I






Page 7: 1, '-' e ,. Wingfield, Boyce Head Race Of New Citizens ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...mONE II-U CAPI1'AN BOSS 'J'LA'i:I%t.IS BUILDERS' SUPPLY J. G. HAR1US, Chmet


j ..



!, ,



I ,



", ,





" ,

'-, .," ..r '.


. j'~-,,;




. ".. ..•

"Gr••n T....'s Friendly Store"

......., ""•

Choice· Alfalfa Hay.Very Reasonble Price



Pastel Colors, Open Stock DinnerwareFrom California


_ADAm CSASJI;. Looal A.ctM

• RuidosoRealty Company

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Page 8: 1, '-' e ,. Wingfield, Boyce Head Race Of New Citizens ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...mONE II-U CAPI1'AN BOSS 'J'LA'i:I%t.IS BUILDERS' SUPPLY J. G. HAR1US, Chmet







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TRUSTEE, 2-V.... TermO. At LUALLIN .~

, AIt' Gt• .4 rutd~t b4bUtf~ min Of XtutdOl() tOi' tht.. 11.... tht.month, .eOMlnrh.... ,ftclg:a. t'aho1ca. T'exu,lhe hOOt. of hi. tatnn.1 fo'rtJalrty..t1Vt7tti1. LU&llbt Uftlht the 8k;lu4 M4mou ,of RtUc10i0Qd~.tat.. 'Jllq~ AUto Itnl<!i there; tt* 11 a 1ainber ot .,.... JlU()n~.~ ~ ..... ,. ~.


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This Saying lis SQ. True With TbeComing Village Election, Tuesday, April 4th, 1950Citizens Ticket For Mayor·.Three Truatees....Village Clerk


MAYOR • • • • •. IKE N. WINGFIELD, • ~ "t

Trustee, 4.Year Term. Bobby Boyce' Trusfee,2·¥....-Term O. At. LuaDinTrustee 4-Year Tenn...: Louis Smith Village Clerk. " ~ Q ••~••~ .JoeDryden


Business, PI' lona. Men .•nd, Wom.n ,h.ve had theproperexperlen,ce, and~know.ndWomln . ,nd Citizens, both old-time... o,ur ne.ds. The ble project'atthl.time Is anand n,.wcomers ,are I,up,porllq the CItI-ad*quate wat.r.ystem. This We must "'V8zens TIcket for Ruidoso, .. we well know tosecure thefuturearowtl1 of Ruidoso. Lettilt lJ,u.I.....Of ourcommunity must be run, ".,." I,UPPO)t th,. Citizens 'TIcket composedfor til', next 'ewy.ara at 1...1, by men who of men that will ••1Ibe )obdo,ne.

QllallRcation. of Candidates of CitiztlnsTiclt.tMAYOR ... IKE N. WINQFIELD

.Ap U. J30rn eei reared. In ItuJdOtO, 1'OI~ut.t of RuJ~U)eara."rTed oa tttM<MtO' &hool Board 10 yean_ Past Ptetld.nt of IttlldOttO,~btr of Conun.re•• Put PruJc1.nt (ltthe nutdoeo Lt011l Club, ""ttl~tIt ,.tan AI Truat.. of the VllJaK_ of nuJdOtO, ..ned 1 year at Itayo:Of Rul40f0 and ~.. bien .,.ty -.eU,.. fJ:l aU ~ubllc attain .tbe* th. be­rI~u:l1nrof It'uldOIOu • rft(l~'uta a:s )'f..ra qct. Now nU~ tor the puJ.11 )'Mn. Xl .ltctt4 ean dnot. enUt. tIm.,.lt llte_MaIY, at )'0\11" )(a,.o1"•



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, "County,Sales' :e"gineer C~~fe"$ Pifer Hui~'~rinls ·.·..MightH~Y'ks... :""I.',~ .<,'"'S'b" D.r' ,. On (09 Radwoy . ToJleExliiblfed 10 Entettalll "" DI'F'&RIN'r'

, 8W, .ee IDe. ".', \tt~':i.. Koj)p~ of"AJbuQuer4ue,& .. Fet~r Rurd, sin FMflcto ~rtltli;' Nt:1~i:tt:::,~~~u:~,;;~-:~;'~=I, "'d . :.,' , '.,' ",

'F"'ur' December g~':t1:~:~6.:&,.t:"j.r;'lt:dO~;~= wnl, exblbit two lftb,oJJ'.phf~b3A4,: 'WtU. »l~y, lQr tb~ roguDrl ....•'YOUR NBIT.:',~' " ." .,. , ',. ""', PhlUJP. lil4W;,A.~ "Ulrt. Q(tl1., prflf.t. '~t tho Art., .J,1.dat.ft~ S..tut4ay nfgb,t 1'!L;l'q' at, :p,a.,}!, : ;. • " ~ " ..".

, . , ' 'W~Sg,1rfount.~I1Bpptt. _QCI~ bundJ~K of Nl!w M(I)i1to, Western :::n::: i~A:~:J1). :-W:'* ,Da.,lI •~~ 1 ." , . .' ,Il\Bu,fa_In .~.ncQlll CQunty dqr.. tton concernlpl' the proPOJed «;01' College a.t $JlT~r CUr SundaY.' W.tirr ' J)i.nd, ,,,ldel,..JQ1p.Y)l SQUARE

lp~ Detembtr ,~eord~ • ~r~.p of r.n,,~y to the .-ld Area ..t Wldtft, The pr.nt~, ··.M~l.ca.n FaJJ.d,.;ngo",throu~llout..J!.lrr.sternp,mJ. SQuthern. . .. 'O"N'C•."11 per cent tJ'O'JJl'the twpprey]eUJ,J Mo~ntlbt' :l'.rk~ . . .. Q.nd "Tor<tro/~ ,Wlll be ~h()vm NeW', ~f).I~Q, reJlQrtmUf aro 'g~! ' .' " '~ 1

Dtellllbtni a r~por~ by the Unl.. Jd::'~' :=~U~t .::::..tl3e~t:f..e:" Among prInts by each of "a ,of, ent~rt.lneta" and prQJl\II$~ a. fU~" f ';8' ,'. < ,'- t'

yot.ltv 01 "'N'" )l~eo' BlI,I.".. ·tr~".·u'rer tald' t1..e, ~(1yt!e" Ilr .t1'l6 state:. DJ,pst Jlot~d J,trlnt... tllled .eVElnlns. Mr.' U#yJ, ,said. " ,......ARTY· ., , ' ,,' "'~ .. ,. ~ "" ,.. • ~,.kerl., r:. " 'The, party b~gh11S at, 8:30 ..nil I . " ".ft.-reh Bureau. ,how8. Kopp plan. tor the r,UTlay .un Four Taos arU"tfJ, nYe al.'tlflt eo~Unue8 until ,~ ~.m(Sund_l. '. . .

Til.. cotltrutt 'With Mo~ awlJt completion o.e rl.ht.-Qt-."Ar fromB;tnt-. Fe, ~nd one ~ach from :'". ,,,". •. GAY. OOto~JJlG:QBAJ..L" eounll1 wbleb ~howeel an Jpert~ ~a~ L"u\~:Ckf1rJ~Jn,' prepared AJbuqqerque and Carll'bad also, 'Card ,Of Thanks 'O:r..4SSll:S w:r.m sqUAM .

of 1'7 per cent onr 1948. Otber ,Att~r the mapa are compJeted wIll J!how tbelr blaCK :and white .,.. , .. " .t])ANOE JrIO'ITD'I'l'C:l .& .rI.&Y'I' Q

d b Ot d JI I f 'I h'· prInts, tbe College announce(1. W" w'e'" tn. ·"'an'" ou.. frt<>nd- '-, " , y~ ~ "'~lncrea.. w,re e1alme '7 era an app caton or r g t&,O,,-TlA' The'"exhlbltfon secured tlu:Qu.$h '" I ~hb 'Hi""'h r -.~.., .. , '\. .count)', .Ix per cent;' Bema11l10, rli.~:t:U:~e~l~r~o ~~~~V~~' B~~~ cooperatfon ot the' State MUfleum ri~~.r:n~ otl5.f$Jfplt.\;l1~lrC)Wl~; $QV:~ D~~10 per eeat, Rio Arriba anel (fu..... englneerins .ervlcea, the Jocal at Santtl Fe, wUl continue througl\ tAO death of 14r•• LulA Ram."" OOOJ{IJ;'.QL NJU'JUN$.daJup., tbreeand n()()JfYel~, tw.o~ men said.. )J(\rch 19. .' , our mother. ... ,l CO~W:!lB8 ' . ., Howev.r, tb. revort .11«)W', • .,. .. " ) R Hi' I,..", ,,, , . Mr, and Mr•• nay~ond Rltm,Ber L11NOQON 1l:anIN8 .Jen.ral droJ) fn retaU "~;"14'" D' ·d· d I ..' 'owena 'Poe 'WI-ns and cblld,r~:n. '. ,." . ,.Iprea4 oyer the .tate_ A decline' .' IVI en nqulrles 0 t'" C"'" .', .t st"· ' ' '. .of n per cent '""U reeorcted 11% , . ra ory one < ' '.' , .. d' ' " ... " ,I • -,.'md4, Courh", !1 Plr cent in De Vewr.n. Who have not received . Mr. llnd Mrs. Loul. Page and HEY' 'L'0'OK''1Bac., 2G per cent!' tD :a:fd.lso~ I. th e I r G I laeurance dividend . MfSl'3 Rowena Coe. daughter of .Mra. ,Non .1?arJ<Q mnrle a trip to .' . " .,.,. .' '. , .In Grant, U A 'l'orTaD~e and ,..' J' in ?off'. and 1\lr8, WUI '1', Coe ot Alamogordo on lmallieslJ Tue84'A1. 'TaOl, and %1 lw:-mrdlpr.· clltck, Anet w.ll to qulro about Glencoe, won first place In tbe " "'. .',: " , ", . ,. ". !', • ~ B4Vl!l THOSE

OtlJ,er drop. ",.,r. recordeda. them. toda,. were advised to dl- American Legion pratol'lcml con-· •. . , " L. t.,+ '~

tollow.: Socorro, 11 Pit c.,nt, reet their 'nqulrlell to Box, 1262, tC!1t at Co.rnzozo Jast Saturday. HO.... '·L~,lIJ:"00.',DBlerr., 10, saD 1I11t1el, nine, Lea. D~nYer. Colo. ThIs contest covered counties, of ~O',K'.E,.L,'L~' 1.1 l.\ l'Y''CVClD. Qua,...tx. ColfaX,' tJye, norer SCbenck, American X~e- J~lncoJn and Otero. Each eontest- BEAKS! 'Cbave. and OMf..,., four; CItron, slon commander for DI8trlct Five nnt was required to ,peak on ., .tl1ree: Dona Ana lIU1d ValencIa. Iq NeTt 1401Ico,.ald quarle. f10md A hPhRsel ot the ConBttldtuttlholn MO'D'ERN p,. , ,;;- d j f j.,.ODe: McKlnJe1, 11: Luna, 17 18, 8hould be mailed on a double an t e w nner rCpr~ll(lne., ... . . . . ,. F

Sandoval, 11, and San JUIU, U. po.teard. area In the dlBtrh:t contest at CA,"'R, M'O'·.NRetail ••Iet tor .n ot the .tlt, . Menages abouJd be brief, Hr. Cal'Jsbad on Wednesday. CABINS '. "

tor an of 1U' were uP ".'per SCMnck "ald. and tho return par- .. ,. , • , PHILLIPS'cent, compared with a decline ot lion of tho card flhouJd be selt.. Raymond Ramsey of RuidosO D ..,.,' '1.' per e~nt fortb. ~..tlon. addrOlte:4, Includlns the Yet- tlew to Honeovert, West VirginIa '. owntoWD '.'.'.' ... .

1be 1.ln wat rnacSe dctpltt Ii .ran'. po)fc,. numl>Cr. 'rbe query about ten daY8 ago to attend tho Red' ICPbQtOlraplitrtt'40"awar4 trencS In nIM wbleb »ortlon of the card .hould 8to.to tuneral of hIs mother, 1I{r•• LuJa ., \U 050"Ian la.t June, tb. report ..Id. IlntpJy tbat the dlvhJend haB not Ramsoy. She- pllll8cd away at tho • Curio$' ...:. ~m.r~ ..:. r"

... ' "", . ." '" lfflcn received: Pdllcy n\lmber ago of 68. Mr. Ramsey was 'backPAT'S TAXI - PIiONI: U ..fJ =Ult be .Iven. 'home by 1alt weekend. . ••

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