dx.doi.org/10.22093/wwj.2017.62042.2252 1 Journal of Water and Wastewater Vol.29, No. 2, 2018 Investigation of BTEX Removal from Aqueous Solution by Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Coated with ZnO M. Zahedniya 1 , Z. Ghazi Tabatabaei 2 MSc Stdudent, Department of Chemical Engineering, Ahar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahar, Iran 2 Assist Prof, Department of Applied Chemistry, Ahar Branch , Islamic Azad University Ahar, Iran (Corresponding Author) zghazitabatabi@yahoocom (Received Oct. 3, 2016 Accepted Apr. 3, 2017) To cite this article : Zahedniya, M., Ghazi Tabatabaei, Z., 2018, “Investigation of BTEX removal from aqueous solution by single wall carbon nanotubes decorated with ZnO.” Journal of Water and Wastewater, 29(2), 1-11. Doi: 10.22093/wwj.2017.62042.2252. (In Persian) Abstract Monoaromatics of Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene and Xylene which are abbreviated as BTEX, are among the most important environmental pollutants. Due to high solubility of BTEX in water, it is emitted to the aquatic environment with a very high speed. Absorption by carbon nanotubes is be regarded as one new treatment method. The aim of this study was to investigate the removal of BTEX from aqueous solutions through adsorption by single wall carbon nanotubes coated with Zinc oxide nanoparticles. The prepared nanoparticles were characterized by FT IR, XRD, FESEM and EDAX. First, the pHZPC was determined. Then, the effect of different operating parameters such as the amount of sorbent, contact time, pH, temperature and ionic strength were studied through batch method in order to obtain optimal conditions for the absorption process. The optimum conditions for BTEX removal from aqueous solution by ZnO/SWCNTs was obtained as following: pH=6, contact time=20 min, adsorbent concentration=300 mg/L, amount of sorbent=10mg, T=20°C and salt concentration= 2g/L. The results showed that single wall carbon nanotubes coated with zinc oxide effectively absorbs BTEX from water and it has a good potential for treating wastewater contaminated with petroleum Keywords: BTEX, Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes, Nanoparticles, Adsorption, Water pollution.

1 dx.doi.org/10.22093/wwj.2017.62042.2252 Investigation of ... · Zahedniya, M., Ghazi Tabatabaei, Z., 2018, “Investigation of BTEX removal from aqueous solution by single wall

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Page 1: 1 dx.doi.org/10.22093/wwj.2017.62042.2252 Investigation of ... · Zahedniya, M., Ghazi Tabatabaei, Z., 2018, “Investigation of BTEX removal from aqueous solution by single wall

dx.doi.org/10.22093/wwj.2017.62042.2252 1

����� � �� �� Journal of Water and Wastewater ����� ���� ����� ����� Vol.29, No. 2, 2018

Investigation of BTEX Removal from AqueousSolution by Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes Coated

with ZnOM. Zahedniya1, Z. Ghazi Tabatabaei2


2. Assist.Prof.,DepartmentofAppliedChemistry,AharBranch,IslamicAzadUniversityAhar,Iran

(CorrespondingAuthor) [email protected]

(Received Oct. 3, 2016 Accepted Apr. 3, 2017)

To cite this article : Zahedniya, M., Ghazi Tabatabaei, Z., 2018, “Investigation of BTEX removal from aqueous solution by single wall carbon nanotubes decorated with ZnO.” Journal of Water and Wastewater, 29(2), 1-11. Doi:

10.22093/wwj.2017.62042.2252. (In Persian)

Abstract Monoaromatics of Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl Benzene and Xylene which are abbreviated as BTEX, are among the most important environmental pollutants. Due to high solubility of BTEX in water, it is emitted to the aquatic environment with a very high speed. Absorption by carbon nanotubes is be regarded as one new treatment method. The aim of this study was to investigate the removal of BTEX from aqueous solutions through adsorption by single wall carbon nanotubes coated with Zinc oxide nanoparticles. The prepared nanoparticles were characterized by FT IR, XRD, FESEM and EDAX. First, the pHZPC was determined. Then, the effect of different operating parameters such as the amount of sorbent, contact time, pH, temperature and ionic strength were studied through batch method in order to obtain optimal conditions for the absorption process. The optimum conditions for BTEX removal from aqueous solution by ZnO/SWCNTs was obtained as following: pH=6, contact time=20 min, adsorbent concentration=300 mg/L, amount of sorbent=10mg, T=20°C and salt concentration= 2g/L. The results showed that single wall carbon nanotubes coated with zinc oxide effectively absorbs BTEX from water and it has a good potential for treating wastewater contaminated with petroleum

Keywords: BTEX, Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes, Nanoparticles, Adsorption, Water pollution.

Page 2: 1 dx.doi.org/10.22093/wwj.2017.62042.2252 Investigation of ... · Zahedniya, M., Ghazi Tabatabaei, Z., 2018, “Investigation of BTEX removal from aqueous solution by single wall

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����� � �� �� Journal of Water and Wastewater ����� ���� ����� ����� Vol.29, No. 2, 2018

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Page 3: 1 dx.doi.org/10.22093/wwj.2017.62042.2252 Investigation of ... · Zahedniya, M., Ghazi Tabatabaei, Z., 2018, “Investigation of BTEX removal from aqueous solution by single wall

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Page 5: 1 dx.doi.org/10.22093/wwj.2017.62042.2252 Investigation of ... · Zahedniya, M., Ghazi Tabatabaei, Z., 2018, “Investigation of BTEX removal from aqueous solution by single wall

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2010; Smith 1999) 0Q'rL9"1 �$a������� #% �����������$ �� �%$�+-�%��D������+ ���3� �� � !��"#���� �$ .���#$����-�� ��� ����'��-

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�� �� ���-8�!.� .�� �$ *+�,#%^@!J+ ;9� +�9�-�.

Fig. 1. FTIR spectrum curves, a) CNTs, b) Modified carbon nanotubes, c) Functionalized carbon nanotubes

_e�Z)FT IR aj ����-$ ;� � ��� �������bj� ��� �������

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Page 6: 1 dx.doi.org/10.22093/wwj.2017.62042.2252 Investigation of ... · Zahedniya, M., Ghazi Tabatabaei, Z., 2018, “Investigation of BTEX removal from aqueous solution by single wall

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6���1 � 4�.6 ;%��� �$ $��/�+ �-%θ��� ������˚��/�� ˚��/�� ˚��/�� ˚��/�� ˚��/�� ˚��/�� ˚��/���˚��/��������#�!��� ��� R����+ f%)��� ()���) (��� (

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$����!����XRD �$�$ ��� ��#%���-) 0JCPDS No. 36-1451(�

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������� ED�� #% ������ ���� �-E!�" �#%�"����� �%L��� )Chen et al. 2003.( ����$ �������� �� �$=!����� ����%�����' )d � kλ/βcosθ(�#��@� ������ %ZnO $���Gnm�� ����*+


Fig. 2. X-ray diffraction pattern of ZnO/SWCNTs

_e��)^��XRD L-��{+����ZnO/SWCNTS

�)�)"gH �H��H� - ��&;ZnO/SWCNTS%� ��M' �� � ;

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�� ��%������� #% ����������������' L.���

^)b)` H0�0 "&hC. Q:��0� -��&; L9%Hi��ZnO/SWCNTS

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1 Joint Committee of Powder Diffraction Standards

'�6 ���9����G F� �� �����7 T ����G �� C Zn �OL��� �b+ �>�� �7 T ���G K�T-� <��@� ��-6 .L��� ��c ���� 4��;

�$ ��' ��#3+ekv �/�F� �D T �� R���+L���9# . ���� ���+ ��#3+�� $�'��!3-4��� �D T �� R���+ �7�$ 4L�� � ��-4

�$ $�� �+��@�������� M�� �� #% ������6 ��� T-���� �%�"������%���-�� �� ��' 8%��L��.

Fig. 3. FESEM image of ZnO/SWCNTs

_e��)�-�D�FESEM L-��{+� ���ZnO/SWCNTS

Fig. 4. EDX curve of ZnO/SWCNTs

_e�b)��$�9�EDX L-��{+� ��� ZnO/SWCNTS

^)j)&W� -��&; pH pH #��!�� ��%9.+��� �� �� L��-� l�V�:� �!�� �� �-� ��

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Page 7: 1 dx.doi.org/10.22093/wwj.2017.62042.2252 Investigation of ... · Zahedniya, M., Ghazi Tabatabaei, Z., 2018, “Investigation of BTEX removal from aqueous solution by single wall

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:$-M#�� 0pHZPC �������� �$ �#%0�+T �"��$ ��V� ���' ��$��!�����) ��#%@+��T���"������@����� .L���� ������ ����a +����V�pH

E�@*+ #�-�� pH �$���*+ �$y�� rt�� ����� #���@����-� ;#�"������� �-�&!��$ ;�9� ��� � CpH�$�+� ��!+ �'� �$ .��-4

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+�@�K�)�$��� �!rs+�@���+� ��+ �$ 5c�/ ���� �� K��)ts1$�0Q' �� �/�� � .�' KO�� ��v�J3+L�� �$��� L��V �� ��

La@_BTEX e� ���+ ����?pH ��y�rt+��(�/ h�� ��?��� M#�pH �?��-M-� .L�� �!�-!� 4-$ � [-�&M#�]6 �-�# ���

5c/ �� #�-��� EN� 4��� 0�+%*�� 5(/��� $��+��$=!����$�9� ��� �����J9# ?�)$��$Machado et al. 2011(+�& # .����

pH �?��-+ M�-�� $��+ �� �������) �� �#%�"������@��@ � ����= + �!3���' ���� �-�$ 4pH �#%� ��:����#��%�� ��N��$�4

BTEX �?�� 5c/ ��� �-M-�!�� ��-f/�+ $�� ���� �� $���+ 4*�� 5(/ ����+ M#����� $��+��� ���%�������� �#%� ����

�+�$��' )Li et al. 2002(� ��� ��/�� �� . �- � f���+ 4pH ��� �� �����+ U�!�� E�@*+pH �����v���%�-4M#�]6 .�' �*�

Fig. 5. pHZPC curves for CNTs ([SWCNTs ]0 =0.01g/50mL, T=20±1 ˚C)

_e�k)��$�9� pH )�=7 ����pHZPC� ��� %# ���� ��� %��� (

������� ����� La@_)��/��$ K�)��+$ �!�� �@�+���/�$(W��"@�

^)l)5��J ?��% -��&;

���� M ����� W��9� ��+� ���� T-��Q�$-e!+ �� ���&���#�%��+b�$ �V � +�$ � 5(/ M ���q��|s1$�MO �� $���+ ��� .L���) ����1

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a@_ ��Lyss ��@�+ �!��� �$ K�)@J+ ���:� R�- ���.� #���� �' �$�n ��o� �� ~6rs+�@�0+T 5c/ ��� �� K�) �� ��� ���' ��$

�+� �+ �#%q rs rq ts tq ys yq�|s1$��� ��� ���%�?9#� e+�"��$��� \�7 �� ~�6 .�' �$�$ ���1 +��5(�/ ��?

������ E�@*+ )��%.�'!�-���� �� 07G [���V���� W9� �+� ��+���� \(GBTEX �+� ��� �$��� �=7|s0Q�' �$z��3�

+��+� �$ \(G LT�� �� �#$ ts���1$"� E����� �-� �$��� 8��� ��-� L@T .L�� ��' � � [�-����� 4L��� 4��9+ � $���N� �- $

/-�& #%��!�� �$ 5c/ h�� �$ $�/�+ EN�%���-��� ��'� � �� �� 5(/ LT�� �� E��$ ��%�?�� �+/ h��-+ M�-� +� .��

� �+� L'()-/ 4-�& Ee'� #�+� $�' #$��� M#� �� �O +�+ 5(/��� $�' )Hyung & Kim 2008.( 0Q'z H9#�3� 4��� �

+�#$��� �� �#$�5(�/BTEX ��+� �$ �#%�� ��N�ts����1$e����aGF+ 0�1 �� �%� .L�� �!'���-�'� L�� 4Q9+ L�G 4�

��m ��' 0+� ���5(/ LSWNATs-ZnO � �� .�'� �-4W������%���-5(/ � M#�]6 4-� �$ E$�N� ��+� ts����1$ ��a� �$

.�' �!��)

Fig. 6. Effect of pH on BTEX removal by CNTs ([BTEX]=300mg/l, [ZnO/SWCNTs ]0 =0.01g/250mL,

T=20±1 ˚C) _e�l)�V�pH \(G �$ � ��� %# ���� ��� �*�� 5(/ ��?�+ ��

BTEX )����� La@_BTEX yss �!�� �$ K�) �@�+ ����+ 5c/ �$sr/s�$ K�)tqs +$ �!�� �@�+ts�/�$W��"@��(

^)m)�6�N H0�0 LT< &W� -��&; ���� ��a + ���:� \(G �$ 5c/ ��� La@_ �V�-�� ���@*+ #�

La@_ �yss ���@�+ �!�� �$ K��):� R�@J+ ��-�� .� #�����' �



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Initial pH








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����� � �� �� Journal of Water and Wastewater ����� ���� ����� ����� Vol.29, No. 2, 2018

Fig. 7. Effect of contact time on BTEX removal ([BTEX]=300mg/L, [ZnO/SWCNTs ]0 =0.01g/250mL,

T=20±1 ˚C ,pH=6) _e�m)�� -:� \(G �$ ��+ �+� �����BTEX

)����� La@_BTEX yss �@�+ �!�� �$ K�) ����+ 5c/ �$sr/sK�) �$tqs +$ �!�� �@�+ts� W��"@� �/�$ pH�����v(

Fig. 8. Effect of nano-sorbent concentration on BTEX removal ([BTEX]=300mg/L, pH=6, T=20±1 ˚C , Contact

Time=20 min) _e�n)\(G �$ 5c/ ��� La@_ �V� ����� BTEX

����� La@_)BTEX ��� �@�+ +$ �!�� �$ K�)���/�$ W9� �+� W��"@���� ���1$ pH������(

$�+-�rs rq�ts+�@�0�+T � ��' kF7� 5c/ ��� �� K�) ��$��' ��o� �� ���-$�) �� ~6 �ts1$��� ��� �$� C�# ��%�?�9#

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�-�?�� ��-�Q+ M#%5(/ $���BTEX ����%�� � 5c/ h��

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�?����-$���+ M-L���� 5c��/ L��a@_ �)Cheng et al. 2012.(

H9#�� 4-� ��$�9� 4�� �&�-0�+T �� �� L�� Y�o�+ 4�$��9� ��$������� #% ����"�� ��c ,������ �%�?��� \(�G ��7�$-M

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Fig. 9. Impact of temperature on BTEX removal ([BTEX]=300mg/L, [ZnO/SWCNTs ]0 =0.01g/250mL,

pH=6) _e�o)\(G �$ M ��� %+$ ����� BTEX)����� La@_BTEX

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94.47 94.59 95.01

10 15 20




Nanotubes (mg)








0 10 20 30 40 50







Temperature (˚C)

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tsW��"@� �/�$ �pH�����v(Table 1. Percentage of BTEX removal from aqueous solution

using ZnO/SWCNTs in different salt concentrations ([BTEX]=300mg/L, [ZnO/SWCNTS ] 0 =0.01g/250mL, T=20±1 ˚C , pH=6)

Na₂SO₄Na₂CO₃K2CO3NaCl CaCl₂Salt

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