1 DRIVING TIPS - d2kwpw8qky4v16.cloudfront.net · COMMON DRIVING TIPS FOR BEGINNERS Beginning drivers typically do not have the experience to know how to handle all driving situations,

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Page 2: 1 DRIVING TIPS - d2kwpw8qky4v16.cloudfront.net · COMMON DRIVING TIPS FOR BEGINNERS Beginning drivers typically do not have the experience to know how to handle all driving situations,


Driving in the United States can be one

of the most fun pastimes a person can


With so many winding roads and highways in various states, the chance to enjoy scenic routes are abundant.

However, to fully enjoy your experience driving on the open road, you must learn the various ins and outs of driving

in a responsible and safe manner. Whether you are ridding yourself of bad driving habits or trying to develop

some habits as a beginning driver, there are many tips and tricks that can help even the most inexperienced

driver along the path to expertise. To find out about the various driving and defensive driving tips available, read

the sections outlined in this guide.

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Common Driving Tips for Beginners

Defensive Driving Methods

How to Drive Like a Professional

Most Common Reasons for Bad Driving





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Driving Safety Tips


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Beginning drivers typically do not have the experience to know how to handle all driving situations, which can be

detrimental to the driver’s safety when critical driving decisions must be made in an instant. Use these common

driving tips for beginning drivers to make sure you stay safe on the road.

While driving through the many streets and highways populating the United States can be an immensely enjoyable experience, there are many dangerous aspects to driving as well.

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Be Confident

Know Your Vehicle

Know Your Passengers

Do Not Ever Drink and Drive

Though it is a good idea to drive with caution as

a beginner, there is a difference between driving

cautiously and driving anxiously. Nervous drivers are

typically the most unsafe drivers on the road simply

because they do not trust their instincts. Nervous

drivers have a tendency to hesitate or freeze when

faced with critical decision-making situations which

can lead to car accidents and other dangerous traffic


Before you get on the road as a beginning driver,

make sure that you are comfortable with the various

gadgets in your vehicle. Additionally, make sure

you have practiced driving the vehicle in a safe

environment so that you already have a feel for the

car before taking it out on more populated streets

and highways.

One of the most dangerous aspects of driving is the

unpredictability of a vehicle’s passengers. While you

are driving, you are operating a motor vehicle that is

only safe so long as you are in control of it. If you have

a friend in the vehicle with you who is consistently

distracting you from the road, you will not be able

to pay full attention to operating your vehicle.

Distracted driving is a major cause of traffic incidents

throughout the country. Make sure your passengers

respect the fact that you are driving whenever they

are in your car.

Though drinking and driving may be an obvious bad

choice for any driver, let alone beginning drivers,

there are others who believe that it is no big deal. It

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is these irresponsible drivers who cause issues for all drivers on the road. Even experienced drivers are still highly

susceptible to causing an accident if they are operating a motor vehicle while inebriated or under the influence

of drugs. Beginning drivers with no experience who are drinking and getting behind the wheel of a car are at an

extremely high risk of getting in an accident before they reach their destination.

Always Look Ahead

The human body can only react to stimuli at a certain rate. Many times the speed at which we are driving is much

quicker than our reaction rate. For this reason, drivers—especially beginning drivers—should focus as far down

the street in front of them as possible while driving. This way you can see what is happening in front of you way

in advance and give yourself enough time to react accordingly. A quick reaction time is key to avoiding various

obstacles and sudden developments in traffic that can cause accidents if you are not able to react in a sufficient

amount of time.

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Driving on the streets and highways that run throughout the country can be a dangerous endeavor if you are not fully prepared for all eventualities.

Employing defensive driving methods can save you and other

drivers and pedestrians from dangerous traffic incidents.

Though all drivers should be paying attention to the road at

all times, you should assume that there are drivers on the

road who are not paying attention. The sections below outline

defensive driving methods that you can use on the road.

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Always Look Down the RoadThe human body is meant to operate at much slower speeds than the

speeds at which motor vehicles travel. Therefore, when you see an incident

occurring on the road, the time it takes for you to react can be the difference

between traveling safely and finding yourself involved in an accident.

Drivers who only pay attention to what is going on a few feet in front of their

vehicles do not allow time for their bodies and minds to react naturally. To

give yourself the most time to react to unseen circumstances on the road,

focus your attention far ahead of you when driving. This will allow you to

see developments on the road long before you physically reach that spot,

giving you enough time to react and maneuver your car into a safe position.

Never Tailgate Other VehiclesOne of the best ways to drive both safely and defensively is to always make

sure you give yourself enough time to react to other drivers’ actions. Drivers

who speed and drive extremely close behind other vehicles on the road—a

practice known as tailgating—do not give themselves enough room on the

road to react to other drivers’ driving maneuvers. If the vehicle in front of the

tailgating driver has to slam on its brakes for any reason, the vehicle in the

back will not have enough time to slow down and will likely be involved in

an accident. Always allow enough space and distance around your vehicle

to be able to maneuver away from dangerous situations.

Don’t Drive While DistractedThough listening to music in the car is a fun pastime that rarely distracts

drivers in a dangerous way, there are many other practices that do put

other vehicles on the road at risk. When driving on streets and highways, all

your attention should remain on the road in front of you in order to operate

the vehicle at maximum safety levels. The chances of you arriving at your

destination safely drastically decrease the moment that you allow yourself

to be distracted by things that do not have to do with driving. Safe drivers

pay full attention to the road while driving, and avoid unsafe practices such

as texting while driving. Other practices that frequently distract drivers

from the road include reading, applying makeup, eating and arguing

with passengers in the vehicle. To give yourself the best chance of reacting

positively to unseen circumstances on the road, make sure to always pay

attention to what is going on in front of you.

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Driving on the road can be difficult for beginners. Learning how to trust your instincts is an ability that drivers tend to develop over time, with that time period differing depending on the driver.

Pay Attention to the Road Ahead

Drive Slowly

Stay Calm

Figure Out How to Concentrate

However, there are some tactics that novice drivers

can employ to help them look more like professional

drivers on the road. To find out more about how

to drive like a professional, read the information

outlined in the sections below.

One of the biggest mistakes novice drivers make

when they first get behind the wheel is to focus

their attention on only the few feet of road directly

in front of them. In doing this, drivers are forced to

react to developments right in front of them within a

split second. The human mind is not meant to react

with in such a small time frame, thus making it near

impossible to react successfully in time. To drive more

professionally, make sure to focus your attention as

far down the road as possible while driving to allow

for adequate response time.

Though driving too slowly can be almost as dangerous

in traffic as driving too fast, speeding is the number

one cause of traffic-related deaths in the United

States. Additionally, driving ten or twenty miles

above the posted speed limit only trims minutes off

a driver’s travel time, so it really is not worth the risk.

To stay safe and maintain a professional appearance

on the road, drive at the speed limit posted in that

particular area.

Many drivers who have not had time to learn how

to react in certain situations tend to panic and

freeze. Panicking while driving can lead to extremely

dangerous situations, as the time that you spend not

Though a short trip to the convenience store down

the street isn’t likely to lull you to sleep, longer trips

at night or on highways with minimal scenery can

cause you to feel drowsy. Many drivers try to alleviate

this problem by distracting themselves with activities

such as listening to music, talking on their cell

phones or eating snacks. While these activities can be

enjoyed responsibly, make sure to always keep your

attention on the road. Keep your concentration on

the road by checking your rearview and side mirrors

regularly to make sure conditions are safe around

you. Additionally, you can observe the traffic down

the road to make sure there is nothing imminent to

which you must react.

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Professional drivers do not allow their vehicles to be surrounded on all sides. Situations such as these do not allow

drivers any room to react to unforeseen developments on the road before them. Therefore, make sure you are

never caught in a situation where you are in the middle lane of a highway surrounded by cars on all sides.

Make sure you know the pressure of your brakes well. This will take some time for you to get used to the feel of the

vehicle. Understanding how much pressure is necessary to bring your car to a halt should something happen on

the road is key to remaining in control of your vehicle.

Never Stay Surrounded

Tap the Brakes

reacting could lead to an accident. Make sure to remain calm while out on the road, and give yourself enough

space to react to drivers around you

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With nearly 35,000 traffic related deaths occurring each year, drivers must make sure to be extra careful when

operating their vehicle. This includes not employing any bad driving practices that can increase the risk of you

being involved in a dangerous traffic incident. For more information on the most common reasons for bad driving,

read the information outlined below.

Negligent driving is a major cause of traffic incidents throughout the United States.

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Drinking and Driving

Driving While Tired

Driving Distractedly

Speeding Excessively

Failure to Wear Seat Belt

One of the leading causes of traffic-related accidents is drunk driving. Drinking alcohol before getting behind the

wheel of a car is never a good idea, as alcohol impairs your judgment, slows your reaction time and lowers your

inhibitions. With the combination of these three, drunk drivers quickly become a danger to both themselves and

other drivers on the road. Drivers should always keep this in mind while out for a night on the town and plan for

alternate transportation accordingly.

Though drunk driving is the leading cause of traffic-related fatalities, driving when you have not had enough sleep

can be just as dangerous. In fact, studies show that driving while you are tired is almost just as dangerous as driving

under the influence, for nearly the same reasons. Tired drivers have impaired judgment and reaction times. They

are also more likely to get frustrated on the road. To avoid getting in an accident due to falling asleep at the wheel,

make sure you get enough sleep before driving.

There are so many gadgets in most vehicles nowadays and in most drivers’ everyday lives that it can be difficult to

pull yourself away from them all. However, while driving, drivers should make every effort to pay attention to the

road at all times. This means putting down the cell phone or any other devices and keeping your hands on the

steering wheel and eyes on the road. Driving while doing other activities—such as text messaging or talking on the

phone—drastically increases the chances of you not seeing something happening on the road to which you must

react, which can lead to accidents.

Speed limit signs are posted on streets and highways throughout the United States for a reason. Posted speed

limits are the tested speeds at which vehicles can travel in that area with minimal chance of being involved in an

incident. Driving above the speed limit increases the chances of drivers making costly mistakes, which is why all

drivers should make sure to drive within the speed limit while out on the road.

It is a proven fact that seat belts save lives. If you are involved in an accident, it is much safer to remain confined

to the space in your seat than it is to get tossed around (or tossed out of) the vehicle. Therefore, one of the safest

things you can do as a driver is put on your seat belt before you start to operate the vehicle. Additionally, most

states have laws requiring drivers to wear seatbelts. So to avoid unnecessary tickets, let alone unnecessary injury,

buckle up.

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However, to continue enjoying driving, you must make sure to use caution when out on the road. Once you pull

your car onto the street you join millions of other drivers populating the roads. Therefore, you must do your part to

make sure the streets remain as safe as possible. Read on to learn about some valuable driving safety tips.

Driving in the United States is a convenience and pastime that many residents enjoy daily.

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No Drunk Driving

Drive the Speed Limit

Don’t Allow Distractions

In the United States, there are over ten thousand

auto accident deaths a year attributed to drunk

driving. Alcohol consumption slows reaction time

and blocks your coordination so that your ability to

make split-second decisions is impaired. This can

lead to car accidents and other dangerous traffic

incidents. Not to mention, driving while drunk is

illegal in the United States. Any driver caught with a

blood alcohol level at 0.08 percent or higher will be

arrested on the spot. Avoid drunk driving to make

your commutes safer.

One of the largest factors in the high number of

auto accidents that happen each year throughout

the United States is speeding. Motorists who drive

above the speed limit are much more likely to be

involved in traffic accidents. Meanwhile, the rewards

of driving at a high speed are minimal. Driving ten

miles per hour over the speed limit will only get you

to your destination a few minutes earlier, however,

it will increase the risk of you being involved in a

dangerous accident exponentially.

People spend a lot of time on their cell phones

outside of their cars. Though there is nothing wrong

with this, once you get behind the wheel of your car,

the cell phone should be put away. Driving while

texting currently causes over 2,500 auto fatalities a

year. Like drunk driving, texting while driving slows

down a driver’s reaction time and coordination,

creating a dangerous driving situation. Likewise,

make sure all passengers in your vehicle respect the

fact that you are driving when they are in your car.

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Wearing your seat belt will more than likely save your life should you get into a serious accident. One of the worst

things that can happen to you in an accident is being thrown around the inside of the car or—even worse—thrown

out of the car. Wearing your seat belt helps to keep you in place, minimizing the damage and potential injuries.

Additionally, in many states drivers are legally obligated to wear their seatbelts or they will receive a traffic citation.

Buckle Up

Get Some Sleep

Recent studies have shown that drivers who are operating a motor vehicle while running on barely any sleep are

about as dangerous as drunk drivers. This is because driving while tired puts you at risk of falling asleep behind the

wheel, turning your car into an unmanned, unpredictable and dangerous projectile. Make sure you get enough

sleep before you get behind the wheel.

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Driving Tips