Foodborne Pathogens and Antibiotic Resistance, First Edition. Edited by Om V. Singh. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 5 1.1 Introduction The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that financial losses from food- borne illnesses, including medical costs and losses in productivity, range from $500 million to $2.3 billion annually. More than 250 food- borne diseases are recognized and the major causative agents associated with foodborne illness are bacteria, virus, and parasites. Salmonella, Campylobacter, pathogenic E. coli, Listeria, Shigella, and Vibrio are the most com- mon foodborne pathogens associated with meat and animal products (Mead, 2004; Hutchison et al., 2005). A decade ago, animal origin prod- ucts used to cause known cases of foodborne disease, but now the whole scenario has been changed due to current health food habits in the United States. Green vegetables and fruits are highly recommended for a healthy life, and in the United States, consumption of produce has increased significantly in the last decade (Smith et al., 2013; Sivapalasingam et al., 2004; Scallan et al., 2011). Further, organic produce has been shown to be of superior nutritional value, compared to conventional produce (Lester and Saftner, 2011; Hallmann, 2012; Hallmann and Rembiałkowska, 2012; Vinha et al., 2014). Many consumers opt for organic products due to their nutritional value, and because the produce is free of synthetic pesticides and antibiotic residues. Simultaneously, the CDC reported that the pro- portion of foodborne bacterial disease outbreaks associated with fruits and vegetables have increased significantly (Johnston et al., 2005; Berger et al., 2010; CDC, 2011; Gould et al., 2013). More specifically, the microbiological quality of organic versus conventional produce has only been compared for some produce types (Pagadala et al., 2015; Marine et al., 2015). According to CDC outbreak data, plant products, including fruits, vegetables, spices, and grains, are responsi- ble for >51% (4,924,877 recorded cases) of food- borne illness in the United States (CDC, 2013). Among plant products, produce‐only origin attributed to more than 45% (4,423,310) of recorded cases (CDC, 2013). A wide spectrum of pathogens has been documented in produce‐ associated outbreaks and a significant number of the infectious agents (>20%) that were responsi- ble for the produce‐borne infections are unknown (Scharfe, 2011; CDC, 2013). Further, these num- bers do not represent the actual number of cases of foodborne infection in the United States, because sporadic cases remain largely unreported and/or undiagnosed. 1 Diversity of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens and Parasites in Produce and Animal Products and Limitations of Current Detection Practices Debabrata Biswas 1,3 and Shirley A. Micallef 2,3 1 Department of Animal and Avian Sciences 2 Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture 3 Center for Food Safety and Security Systems, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL

1 Diversity of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens and Parasites

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Foodborne Pathogens and Antibiotic Resistance, First Edition. Edited by Om V. Singh. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2017 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


1.1 Introduction

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that financial losses from food­borne illnesses, including medical costs and losses in productivity, range from $500 million to $2.3 billion annually. More than 250 food­borne diseases are recognized and the major causative agents associated with foodborne illness are bacteria, virus, and parasites. Salmonella, Campylobacter, pathogenic E. coli, Listeria, Shigella, and Vibrio are the most com­mon foodborne pathogens associated with meat and animal products (Mead, 2004; Hutchison et al., 2005). A decade ago, animal origin prod­ucts used to cause known cases of foodborne disease, but now the whole scenario has been changed due to current health food habits in the United States. Green vegetables and fruits are highly recommended for a healthy life, and in the United States, consumption of produce has increased significantly in the last decade (Smith et al., 2013; Sivapalasingam et al., 2004; Scallan et  al., 2011). Further, organic produce has been shown to be of superior nutritional value, compared to conventional produce (Lester and Saftner, 2011; Hallmann, 2012; Hallmann and Rembiałkowska, 2012; Vinha et al., 2014). Many

consumers opt for organic products due to their nutritional value, and because the produce is free of synthetic pesticides and antibiotic residues. Simultaneously, the CDC reported that the pro­portion of foodborne bacterial disease outbreaks associated with fruits and vegetables have increased significantly (Johnston et  al., 2005; Berger et al., 2010; CDC, 2011; Gould et al., 2013). More specifically, the microbiological quality of organic versus conventional produce has only been compared for some produce types (Pagadala et  al., 2015; Marine et  al., 2015). According to CDC outbreak data, plant products, including fruits, vegetables, spices, and grains, are responsi­ble for >51% (4,924,877 recorded cases) of food­borne illness in the United States (CDC, 2013). Among plant products, produce‐only origin attributed to more than 45% (4,423,310) of recorded cases (CDC, 2013). A wide spectrum of pathogens has been documented in produce‐associated outbreaks and a significant number of the infectious agents (>20%) that were responsi­ble for the produce‐borne infections are unknown (Scharfe, 2011; CDC, 2013). Further, these num­bers do not represent the actual number of cases of foodborne infection in the United States, because sporadic cases remain largely unreported and/or undiagnosed.


Diversity of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens and Parasites in Produce and Animal Products and Limitations of Current Detection PracticesDebabrata Biswas1,3 and Shirley A. Micallef 2,3

1 Department of Animal and Avian Sciences2 Department of Plant Science and Landscape Architecture3 Center for Food Safety and Security Systems, University of Maryland, Maryland, USA

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1 Diversity of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens and Parasites in Produce and Animal Products6

On the other hand, animal food products including meat, egg, and milk are commonly known as a major contributor to zoonotic infec­tions (Mead, 2004; Hutchison et  al., 2005), as many of the zoonoses are commonly found in farm animal gut as normal flora. In addition, with commonly known bacterial foodborne pathogens, farm animals also harbor varieties of under‐researched microbial pathogens, specifi­cally, parasite and viruses. Food processing and packaging facilities struggle with limitations in resources, and often lack in the latest scientific information and techniques to detect the possible contaminants that exist in these type of food products. According to the diverse sources and causative agents of foodborne infection, the  quality control practices in food process­ing, storage, and transportation facilities in the United States need to make further progress to meet the current demand in reducing/control­ling foodborne infections.

1.2 Common Bacterial Pathogens and Parasites Found in Produce and Animal Products

Most studies have investigated only major and mostly known foodborne pathogen prevalence, such as Salmonella, Campylobacter, pathogenic E. coli, Shigella, Vibrio, and Listeria (Berger et al., 2010; Kozak et  al., 2013; Bolton et  al., 2012; Cartwright et  al., 2013; Johnston et  al., 2005; Mukherjee et al., 2006; Yokoyama et al., 1998; Peralta et  al., 1994; CDC, 2008; Scallan et al., 2011; Zhao et al., 2014). Salmonella enter­ica subspecies enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) and serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) are the most common serovars, and can cause disease syndromes, such as gastroen­teritis and systemic infections, in a wide range of animal species and humans (Yokoyama et al., 1998; Peralta et  al., 1994). Major produce‐ associated serotypes include S. Javiana and S. Newport, with fruits and nuts most commonly associated with the former, whereas vine and stalk vegetables are associated with S. Newport

(Painter et al., 2013). It has been reported that approximately 10–20% of the poultry meat at the retail level is positive for many different serotypes. The most frequently reported sero­types in layer flocks in 2002 were S. Enteritidis (57.7%), S. Typhimurium (9.6%), and S. Infantis (6.9%) (Mead, 2004).

Another major foodborne pathogen, Campylobacter jejuni, is a microaerophilic, spiral‐shaped, Gram‐negative bacterium and causes bacterial gastroenteritis worldwide. The CDC estimated that C. jejuni causes 2.4 million cases in the United States each year (CDC, 2008) and is the causative agent for 5–14% of all  diarrheal diseases worldwide (CDC, 2008). Campylobacteriosis, gastroenteritis with C. jejuni, is characterized by the rapid onset of fever, abdominal cramps, and bloody diarrhea (Skirrow and Blaser, 1992). Sporadic cases are most common and are often associated with handling and consumption of undercooked poultry, as C. jejuni is part of the normal intesti­nal flora in chicken (Shane, 1992; Skirrow and Blaser, 1992; Deming et al., 1987; Tauxe, 1992; Biswas et al., 2007). The presence of C. jejuni in processed chicken carcasses offered for retail sale was reported to range from 7% to 32% dur­ing the winter months and from 87% to 97% during the summer months (Willis et al., 2000). Campylobacteriosis is less commonly attributed to fresh produce, although a major C. jejuni outbreak in Alaska associated with raw peas contaminated with bird feces demonstrated the risk of fresh crop contamination posed by wildlife (Gardner et al., 2011).

Pathogenic foodborne E. coli, specifically enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), enteropath­ogenic E. coli (EPEC), and enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) are also involved in thousand of foodborne infections in the United States (CDC, 2014). Foodborne pathogenic E. coli O157:H7 is commonly discussed in the media in association with foodborne illness outbreaks, because of the severity of the disease. The major reservoir of this bacterial pathogen is cattle, and eating raw or undercooked ground beef or drinking unpas­teurized beverages or dairy products are mostly

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1.3 Unusual Bacterial Pathogens and Parasites in Produce and Animal Products 7

associated with the bacterial infections (CDC, 2014). Major produce‐associated outbreaks have demonstrated the adaptability of these pathogens to the plant niche, especially leafy greens (Grant et al., 2008; CDC, 2006; Marder et al., 2014) and sprouts (Scheutz et al., 2011).

Listeria spp., including L. monocytogenes, are commonly found in soil, water, and decaying plant material (Weis and Seeliger, 1975; Linke et al., 2012). As such, there are many potential routes for contamination of foods with this organism. One characteristic that makes L. monocytogenes particularly difficult to control is its ability to grow in foods at refrigeration tem­peratures. Although L. monocytogenes has been known as a human pathogen since the early nineteenth century, it has only recently been recognized as a foodborne pathogen (Pradhan et al., 2009). Several large outbreaks of listerio­sis were reported due to consumption of contaminated foods, specifically refrigerated, ready‐to‐eat foods, such as hot dogs and deli meats, unpasteurized milk and dairy products, and raw and undercooked meat, poultry and seafood, salad, and fruits (CDC, 2011). The largest outbreak associated with fruit was caused by contaminated cantaloupe in 2011, sickening 146 people and causing 30 fatalities and one miscarriage (CDC, 2011).

Seafood consumption in the United States has been associated with a number of food­borne bacterial infectious agents. Specifically, Vibrio parahaemolyticus has been associated with sporadic infections and outbreaks of gas­troenteritis, whereas V. vulnificus infections occur almost exclusively as sporadic cases. Clinical symptoms most often associated with V. parahaemolyticus infection include watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, and vom­iting; wound infections and septicemia occur less commonly (Iwamoto et  al., 2010, Daniels et al., 2000). V. vulnificus is particularly virulent, especially among patients with liver disease and iron storage disorders, which are at increased risk of invasive infection such as sepsis and bacteremia (Iwamoto et  al., 2010; Levine and Griffin, 1993).

In addition to bacterial pathogens and viruses, the risk of contamination of animal and plant food products with parasites exists. Parasites remain understudied because of the complexity of methods of isolation and identification. Therefore, minimizing the risks and enhancing intervention strategies to prevent cross‐ contamination of organic and conventional ani­mal products and produce with parasites is a priority. Prevalence of parasites in various food products is crucial for the development of effec­tive control strategies against identified risk fac­tors and management of foodborne infections with under‐researched pathogens. The possibil­ity of contamination of produce grown in organic or integrated crop‐livestock farms with parasites such as Cryptosporidium parvum/hominis, Cyclospora cayetanensis, and Giardia duodenalis are potentially high (Putignan and Menichella, 2010; Pullin, 1987). Recent C. caye­tanensis outbreaks have proved difficult to trace back and control, including ones associated with cilantro and other unidentified products (CDC, 2013; Nichols et al., 2015). Another para­site commonly found in various farm animals including pig and chicken is Toxoplasma gondii (Dubey and Hill, 2002). Toxoplasmosis caused by T. gondii is an emerging public health problem in individuals who are at high risk for foodborne illness—pregnant women, infants, older adults, and people with weakened immune systems. Animals raised in unconfined condi­tions are at higher risk of being contaminated at all levels from farm to retail (Guo et al., 2015).

1.3 Unusual Bacterial Pathogens and Parasites in Produce and Animal Products

The CDC has estimated that less than a fifth of estimated foodborne illnesses per year are attrib­uted to a known agent, with over 38 million remaining unknown (CDC, 2011; Painter et al., 2013). Further, the prevalence of lesser‐known or under‐researched zoonotic pathogens and

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1 Diversity of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens and Parasites in Produce and Animal Products8

their roles in cross‐contamination of produce and etiology of human gastrointestinal infec­tions have not been investigated in depth. This paucity of data is attributable to difficulties in identifying cases and the lack of reliable meth­ods for detecting certain bacterial pathogens and parasites in animal and plant food products (Jolly and Lewis, 2005). Likely, under‐researched zoonotic pathogens enter the food chain through direct contamination with fecal matter from farm animal to animal and plant food products, or indirectly via contaminated soil or water contaminated with fecal matter. Table 1.1 summarizes several unusual/under researched bacterial pathogens and parasites, and their sources caused outbreak or sporadic cases of foodborne infection.

In a study in the United States’ Upper Midwest region, Mukherjee et al. (2006) investigated the contamination level of organic produce with common zoonotic bacterial pathogens at pre‐ and post‐harvest levels and concluded that some of the conventionally produced fruit and vegeta­bles had significantly lower coliform counts than did semi‐organic (uncertified) or organic pro­duce. In another study in Canada, Kozak et al. (2013) found that in addition to bacterial patho­gens, several parasites were also often associated with produce‐borne infections. This may vary depending on commodity, but to our knowledge, no data appears to exist on on‐farm cross‐ contamination for under‐researched microbial pathogens at any production scale. However, due to the proximity of animal and crop cultiva­tion areas on smaller farms, it is possible that risks of pathogen dissemination onto produce are higher in small‐ and medium‐scale mixed or integrated crop‐livestock farm environments. Vehicular and human traffic, prevailing winds, rain run‐off, and wildlife could all contribute to dispersal of human pathogens from animal rear­ing and manure composting areas to pre‐harvest produce production areas (Salaheen et al., 2015).

The common livestock grown in integrated crop‐livestock farms are pig, goat, sheep, cattle,  and poultry (Hoffman, 2010; Strawn et al.,  2013). These livestock are known major reservoirs for zoonotic pathogens, including

under‐researched foodborne pathogens, the prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus and Yersinia enterocolitica in produce are quite high, and these pathogens are not studied yet at all in the United States. Integrated crop‐livestock farm products such as fresh fruits and vegeta­bles (spinach, carrots, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, apples, and strawberries) are high‐risk foods with respect to contamination with these bacterial pathogens. In addition, the pos­sibility of contamination of the produce grown in integrated crop‐livestock farm with parasites such as Cryptosporidium parvum/hominis and Giardia duodenalis are potentially high and these parasites are mostly unknown because of the complex methods of isolation and identifi­cation. Therefore, minimizing the risks and intervention strategies of cross‐contamination of organic or conventional produce with these under‐researched bacterial pathogens and parasites are required. Such data are crucial for the development of effective control strategies against identified risk factors and management of foodborne infections with under‐ researched pathogens.

1.4 Farming Systems and Mixed (Integrated) Crop‐Livestock Farming

In a European study, it was found that the level of contamination with foodborne pathogens was higher in produce samples cultivated under organic practices on integrated farms compared to those grown in produce‐only farms in the absence of livestock (Bolton et  al., 2012). Parasites such as Giardia, Cryptosporidium, and many bacterial pathogens including Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, Staphylococcus, and Yersinia, could be introduced to integrated or mixed crop‐livestock farms (MCLF) and its products at the pre‐harvest level through contaminated water, dirt, insects, animal waste fertilizer, shared/commonly used instruments, and/or farm animals, birds, and wild animals (Natvig et  al., 2002). It appears, however, that

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1 Diversity of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens and Parasites in Produce and Animal Products10

elevated risk might be associated with the close proximity to animal operations and not the implementation of organic farming practices. A large body of evidence suggests that the safety of produce cultivated under organic farming practices is equivalent to that produced conven­tionally and not to harbor higher levels of food­borne pathogens. Bohaychuk et  al. (2009) did not isolate any foodborne bacterial pathogens or parasites in produce grown organically or conventionally in Alberta, Canada, and levels of generic E. coli were not statistically different between the two farming systems. Salmonella enterica was also not isolated from conventional or organic tomato farms in the mid‐Atlantic region of the United States (Micallef et al., 2012; 2013; Pagadala et  al., 2015). Investigations of leafy greens farms in the same region did meas­ure a 2.2% Salmonella positive rate for leafy greens, however, contaminated produce origi­nated equally from organic and conventional farms (Marine et al., 2015). The latter study also reported no statistical difference in generic E. coli population levels or number of positive samples collected from conventional and organic farms. Other studies, however, have reported higher levels of indicator E. coli on farms managed under organic practices (Mukherjee et al., 2006), and the use of manure or young composts was associated with a higher prevalence of generic E. coli (Mukherjee et al., 2006). Manure application to a field within a year has also been identified as a risk factor for Samonella presence in fields (Strawn et  al., 2013), whereas irrigation and soil moisture appear to increase the likelihood of L. monocy­togenes prevalence in agricultural soils (Chapin et al., 2014; Weller et al., 2015).

1.5 Major Sources of Unusual/Under‐Researched Bacterial Pathogens and Parasites in Food

In spite of a dearth of data on sources of under‐researched pathogens, reports on such patho­gens point to fresh fruits and vegetables as

common vehicles. Plant food source attribu­tions to foodborne illness outbreaks occurring between 1998 and 2008 in the United States identify fruits and nuts, leafy greens, vine and stalked vegetables, and root vegetables as important vehicles for C. cayatensis, with nine, five, four, and three outbreaks, respectively (Painter et al., 2013). A study investigating the prevalence of parasites in ready‐to‐eat pack­aged leafy greens grown in the United States, Canada, and Mexico revealed a high prevalence of Cryptosporidium (5.9%), Cyclospora (1.7%), and Giardia (1.8%) uses polymerase chain reac­tion (PCR)‐based detection methods. Crypto­sporidium oocysts, Cyclospora‐like oocysts, and Giardia cysts were confirmed in leafy greens samples using microscopy (Dixon et al., 2013). In another study in Canada, Kozak et al. (2013) found that many uncommon microbial pathogens were linked to produce‐related out­breaks. In Norway, MacDonald et  al. (2011) found that an outbreak of Y. enterocolitica was linked to ready‐to‐eat salad mixes, an unusual vehicle for this pathogen, since pigs are the major reservoir (Laukkanen et  al., 2008). Raw carrots were also the implicated vehicle for a Y. pseudotuberculosis O:1 outbreak in Finland in 2004, traced back to the farm where spoiled carrots, fluid from spoiled carrots, and intesti­nal samples of the common shrew all yielded the outbreak strain (Kangas et  al., 2008). Yersinia spp. are under‐researched in the United States, apparently causing few illnesses (Painter et  al., 2013), but Y.  enterocolitica is a major gastrointestinal pathogen worldwide (Rahman et al., 2011). In Europe, Y. enterocol­itica is listed in the annual reports of the European Food Safety Authority as the third most common enteropathogen (Zadernowska et al., 2013), but often this serious pathogen is not recorded in the United States. The most recent yersiniosis outbreak in the United States was linked to inadequately pasteurized dairy products, causing 22 infections in 2011 (Longenberger et al., 2014).

The source of contamination of fresh produce with enteric pathogens can frequently be traced

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1.6 Diversity of Farming and Processing Practices and Possible Risks 11

back to environmental reservoirs associated with farm and wild animals (Brinton et al., 2009; Park et  al., 2012). The small (goat and sheep) and large ruminants (cattle and buffalo) are potential reservoirs for several unusual bacterial pathogens including Bacillus, Clostridium (Salaheen et  al., 2015) and parasites including Giardia and Cryptosporidium (Iwamoto et  al., 2010; Salaheen et  al., 2015). Bacillus does not appear to cross over to produce crops, but C. perfringens and C. botulinum are important pathogens of food plants. Between 1998 and 2008, C. perfringens caused 16 outbreaks in grains/beans, 8 outbreaks in vined and stalked vegetables, and 1 outbreak in leafy greens, with a total of over 1,600 reported illnesses (Gould et al., 2013). Poultry can also serve as a potential source for some unusual bacterial pathogens in food such as avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC), which one common pathogen causes urinary tract infections in humans (Rodriguez‐Siek et al., 2005). In MCLFs, produce and livestock, such as poultry, cattle, swine, goat, and sheep, co‐exist in a single facility, and feral animals, birds, and rodents commonly co‐exist. This increases the possibility of introducing pathogenic microbes to crop production envi­ronments. The survival/multiplication ability during recycling of animal waste as a sole source of fertilizer is also high if manure is not fully composted. Mixed crop‐livestock/back yard farmers may not follow all proper guidelines, and in some cases, the facilities are open to visitors (pick‐your‐own), or subject to wildlife intrusion (Jolly and Lewis, 2005).

1.6 Diversity of Farming and Processing Practices and Possible Risks

A recent report from Economic Research Service (ERS) estimates that the organic and naturally grown food market is the fastest growing sector in the U.S. food industry. This rapid growth is due to an increase in consumer

concerns combined with the evaluation of new organic production and marketing systems (USDA‐ERS, 2014). The Organic Trade Association reported that the organic food industry has grown from $1.0 billion dollars in 1990 to $28 billion in 2012 (USDA‐ERS, 2013). Organic products are currently sold in >73% of all conventional grocery stores (Jolly and Lewis, 2005). Another important location for locally grown, small farm‐ produced and organic food marketing is farmers markets. The USDA promotes farmers markets across the country, and currently more than 8,000 farmers markets are now listed in the National Farmers Market Directory (USDA, 2014; Johnson et al., 2013). A significant share of the produce sold at farmers markets and/or farm/road side markets is grown on small‐ and medium‐scale farms and MCLFs. In the United States, specifically in the Mid‐Atlantic and Corn Belt regions, a large number of farming practices are organic MCLF or in organic transition and contributing a significant amount of food products specifically produce to the United States organic food supply chain (Abler and Shortle, 2000; Sulc and Tracy, 2007; Luna et al., 1994).

Typically, the products of small‐ to medium‐sized MCLFs are sold on a local or regional scale, thus the chances of any contamination of produce causing large or widespread outbreaks are low. However, locally sold produce that has been contaminated with foodborne pathogens may play an important role in sporadic cases or localized outbreaks. Due to the nature of MCLF systems, cross‐contamination between animal and fresh crop produce may occur, since animals may serve as reservoirs for path­ogens (van den Berg et  al., 2007; Hoffman, 2010; Strawn et al., 2013) that could also colo­nize farm crops. Identifying the prevalence, identity, and antibiotic resistance patterns of microbial pathogens in MCLS products— specifically fresh produce mostly available at farmers markets, roadside stands, local gro­cery stores and their production facilities—are crucial to fully assess the risks of sporadic

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1 Diversity of Foodborne Bacterial Pathogens and Parasites in Produce and Animal Products12

cases or localized outbreaks. Such information could significantly contribute to enhancing the safety and biosecurity of these products.

Products from mixed farming, including meat, egg, and fresh produce, are at greater risk of cross‐contamination as they are grown in the same facility and are currently consid­ered to be high‐risk foods (Adl et al., 2011). On the mixed farm, growers typically compost animal bedding and waste and use it to grow specialty crops such as lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, green pepper, and cantaloupe (Nascimbene et al., 2012). These crops can be vehicles for a variety of enteric bacterial patho­gens including Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7. The source of contamination of fresh produce with enteric pathogens can frequently be traced back to environmental reservoirs asso­ciated with farm animals such as poultry, cat­tle, swine, goat, and sheep (Brinton et al., 2009; Park et al., 2012). It appears that environmen­tal factors and farming practices can affect Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7 transmission from animal reservoirs to leafy greens via soil, water, and vectors.

Most pasture animals and poultry are raised with access to the outdoors for at least one‐third of their entire life cycle. The lack of proper biosecurity measures potentially increases the contact livestock and flocks may have with sources of pests and pathogens including wild birds, rodents, insects, and other wild animals (Berg, 2001). Proper biose­curity measures can reduce pathogen‐ shedding rates of housed farm animals (Heyndrickx et  al., 2001), but the increasing popularity of organic and pasture‐raised meat and other ani­mal food products raises the question of whether the welfare benefits for pasture‐raised and organic agricultural animals can occur in conjunction with animal health. More species of helminthes and heavier worm burdens have been found in hens reared organically (Thamsborg et al., 1999). In a study in Belgium, Permin et  al. (1999) reported that Capillaria anatis and Capillaria caudinflata were present only in organic/free‐ranging flocks.

1.7 Current Hygienic Practices and Their Effects on These Under‐Researched Pathogens

Sanitizers, primarily hypochlorite and chlorine, are commonly used in fruit and vegetable processing water. Often, the produce industry uses the sanitizers to treat the fruit or vegetable to prevent cross‐contamination, but all sanitiz­ers do not act against all microbial pathogens at the same concentrations. Many spore‐forming bacteria are resistant to hypochlorite or chlo­rine and cysts or oocysts of parasites are also resistant to these sanitizers. Brackett (1994) compared the disinfecting effects of sodium hypochlorite on the survival of several bacterial pathogens in Brussels sprouts. He found that 200 mg/mL of hypochlorite reduced popula­tions by several logs in water but not in all types of produce. Moreover, he also noted that wash­ing Brussels sprouts in water alone reduced populations by 1 log. Typically, sanitizer acts to prevent cross‐contamination, and not to sani­tize produce per se. Zhuang et al. (1995) found that chlorine was of minimal value in reducing populations of microbial pathogens on produce, and Beuchat et al. (2001) reported that chlorine had little effect on reducing microbial loads on tomatoes.

Treatment of lettuce with 20 ppm chlorine at either 20 or 50 °C did not result in significant reductions in populations of E. coli O157:H7 compared with treatments in water without chlorine (Li et al., 2001). Cryptosporidium and some round worm eggs can also survive in the presence of 5.25% sodium hypochlorite (Fayer, 1995). Further, once pathogens internalize into plant cells, they cannot be removed by sanitiz­ers and normal washing, and can only be inacti­vated through cooking. However, because most produce is consumed raw, any internalized pathogens are likely threats to consumers. Hence, although hypochlorite and chlorine may help reduce cross‐contamination, they cannot guarantee complete elimination of pathogens from already contaminated food, particularly

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1.8 Current Detection Methods and Their Limitations 13

internalized pathogens. Additional and novel decontamination methods are earnestly needed.

Organic producers must use sanitizers as stipulated in the National Organic Standards (NOS). This includes a number of products, such as peroxyacetic acid, that are generally more expensive than chlorine, but very effec­tive. Unfortunately, barriers to sanitizer use in leafy greens wash water among small farms using organic practices have been identified (Xu et  al., 2015). In this same study, washed leafy greens (mostly in water to which no sanitizer was added) were found to carry higher levels of some microbial indicators, possibly attributed to the lack of sanitizer use in wash water (Xu et al., 2015). This increases the risk of cross‐contamination not only for well‐known patho­gens, but also lesser‐studied ones.

1.8 Current Detection Methods and Their Limitations

The currently most common used conventional methods for detecting the foodborne bacterial pathogens and parasites present in various types of food are based on culturing the microorgan­isms on agar plates followed by standard bio­chemical identifications (Mandal et  al., 2011). The major advantages of these conventional detection methods are usually inexpensive and simple for common pathogens but these methods can be time consuming and have low sensitivity (Lee et al., 2014) as they depend on the ability of the microorganisms to grow in different culture media such as enrichment and/or selective enrichment media. Even when culturing is possible, these methods generally require more than two days for isolation and presumptive identification and more than a week for confirmation of the pathogen species (Zhao et  al., 2014). Additionally, conventional detection methods can be expensive if more dif­ferential and selective chromogenic media are used, and are limited in detecting parasites and viruses as these agents do not grow in in vitro

culture conditions without mammalian cells or in vivo animal models. Conventional detection methods are also laborious, as they require the preparation of culture media, inoculation of plates, and colony counting (Mandal et  al., 2011), as well as specialists, such as bacteriolo­gist or parasitologist. Another important but potentially underappreciated disadvantages of standard culturing methods is the possibility of false‐negative results due to bacteria existing in environmental or food samples in injured, or in viable but non‐culturable states (Dreux et  al., 2007; Dinu and Bach, 2011), thus impeding the ability to successfully culture these microorgan­isms in the laboratory. The failure to detect foodborne pathogens impacts food safety and could contribute to foodborne infections as well as recall of products.

A variety of advanced and rapid detection techniques for bacterial pathogens and parasites may be used as alternatives or in conjunction with culture methods. Nucleic acid sequence‐based amplification (NASBA), using PCR, mul­tiplex PCR, and real‐time PCR may be used to detect and quantify target genes specific to the pathogen of interest. Samples positive by PCR may be successfully used to narrow down the number of samples from which isolation by culture is attempted (Marine et  al., 2015). Other  nucleic acid‐based methods include loop  mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) and oligonucleotide DNA microarray. Amplification‐based methods offer an advan­tage over culture‐based methods by being cheaper, faster, and more sensitive. However, amplification‐based methods do not yield live organisms needed for downstream serotyping, genotyping, and whole genome sequencing, crucial tools for epidemiological studies and trace back investigations. Other detection methods include optical, electrochemical, and mass‐based biosensors, which are classified as biosensor‐based methods, and enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). Detection of parasites in animal and plant food samples requires in vivo mice or any other susceptible and reliable model.

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1.9 Recommendation to Improve the Detection Level

Recently, several advanced and reliable methods have been developed for the rapid detection of foodborne pathogens but most of them still require improvement in sensitivity, selectivity, or accuracy to be of any practical use. Nucleic‐acid‐based methods have high sensitivity and require a shorter time than conventional culture‐based techniques for detection of foodborne bacterial pathogens and parasites, but need expensive instruments and special training to operate the instruments. The development of immunologi­cal methods helped improve the time required to yield results but the specificity and the sensitivity of immunological techniques are still questiona­ble as well as this methods need to adapt with the sample types, including type of food products such as produce, egg, milk, meat or meat prod­ucts, and other interfering factors such as other non‐target cells, DNA, and proteins.

Biosensors‐based methods are easy to per­form and it does not require longer training and produce results in a short period of time but sensitivity and sample (food matrixes) type need to adapt selectivity comparable to the culture‐based methods. For immunological detection techniques, further studies are essential to improve the detections of bacterial pathogens or parasites in the food products by concen­tration prior to detection and more specific monoclonal antibody development, by which enhancing the sensitivity and reducing cost. Therefore, an appropriate detection method need to develop that is reliable, accurate, rapid, simple, sensitive, selective, and cost‐effective and such methods would offer both bacterial pathogens and parasites detection in commer­cial food industrial practices.

1.10 Conclusion

As the possibility of contaminants, including bacterial pathogens and parasites in the produce grown in various environments, vary widely,

and the complex methods of isolation and iden­tification of parasites are also another consider­ation for regular practices in the small‐ and mid‐size food processing plants, prevalence data for minimizing the risks and intervention strategies of cross‐contamination of bacterial pathogens and parasites are required. Such data are crucial for the development of effective control strategies against identified risk factors and management of foodborne infections with under‐researched pathogens. To improve the detection methodology for uncommon bacterial pathogens and parasites in various food prod­ucts are also critical to control foodborne infec­tions and identify the real causative agents. In addition, recent growing interests of using natu­ral antimicrobials for food processing, specifi­cally post‐harvest level to eliminate microbial pathogens from produce to improve safety in a consumer friendly manner, is also important.


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