1 Created 1-9-07 Revised 6/8/2010 Office of Information, Technology and Accountability 1 Microsoft Picture Manager with Photo Imaging

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Microsoft Picture Managerwith Photo Imaging

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While Waiting (Do Now)

Launch MS Office Picture Manager Familiarize yourself with the location of

your pictures on the computer

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Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship Student Learning and Academic Performance

1. Digital Access: full electronic participation in society2. Digital Literacy: the process of teaching and learning about technology and the use of technology3. Digital Communication: electronic exchange of information

School Environment and Student Behavior

4. Digital Security & Safety: electronic precautions to guarantee safety/physical well-being in a digital technology world5. Digital Etiquette: electronic standards of conduct or procedure6. Digital Rights and Responsibilities: those freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world

Student Life Outside the School Environment

7. Digital Commerce: electronic buying and selling of goods8. Digital Health and Wellness: physical and psychological well-being9. Digital Law: rights and restrictions

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Digital Citizenship Links

www.digitalcitizenship.net www.digitalcitizenshiped.com/

Curriculum.aspx www.netsmartz.org http://cybersmart.org/ www.bpscybersafety.org/index.html www.staysafeonline.info/

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Standards Addressed

Standard 1: Demonstrate proficiency in the use of computers and applications as well as an understanding of concepts underlying hardware, software, and connectivity.

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Introduction to MS Picture ManagerBy the end of this session you will know and

be able to:Navigate Picture ManagerLocate Pictures on the computerLocate and add pictures to a directoryEdit Pictures utilizing the following tools:

• Auto Correct• Brightness and Contrast• Color• Crop• Rotate and Flip• Red Eye Removal• Resize• Compress Pictures

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You Will Demonstrate This By:

Navigating Picture Manager Locating Pictures on the computer Locating and adding pictures to a directory Editing pictures utilizing the following tools:

• Auto Correct• Brightness and Contrast• Color• Crop• Rotate and Flip• Red Eye Removal• Resize• Compress Pictures

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Microsoft Picture Manager

With Microsoft Picture Manager you can manage, edit, share, and view your pictures from where you store them on your computer. The Locate Pictures feature helps you find your pictures with powerful search, and when you find them, Picture Manager can correct your pictures, if needed.

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Microsoft Picture Manager

When you have finished editing, you can save the changes. Click Save to save your changes, or use Save As to create a new image, while keeping the original.

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Launching Microsoft Office Picture Manager

1. Click Start.2. Select Microsoft Office.3. Select Microsoft Office Tools.4. Select Microsoft Office PictureManger.Note: Your screen may differslightly in appearance.

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Navigating Picture Manager

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Locating Pictures on the Computer1. Click File2. Select Locate Pictures…3. Locate Pictures will display inthe Task Pane on the rightside of the screen.4. Click the down arrow next tothe Look in field and choosethe hard drive Picture Mangershould search.5. Click the OK button.

Note: Picture Manger will scan theentire hard drive for images.

Picture Manager will displaythe images located during thescan.

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Locating Pictures in a Directory

1. Click the Add PictureShortcut… link in the PictureShortcuts… Task Pane on theleft side of the Picture Mangerwindow.2. Locate and select the pictureor folder Picture Mangershould scan.3. Click the Add button.4. The selected folder is nowindexed by Picture Manger.

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Editing Pictures

While Picture Manger is primarily a file management tool, and not an editing tool, it does have some image correction and editing features.

These include:• Auto Correct• Brightness and Contrast• Color• Crop• Rotate and Flip• Red Eye Removal• Resize• Compress Pictures

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Office of Information, Technology and Accountability

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Auto Correct

1. Double click the image to be corrected.2. Click the Auto Correct button.

While the adjustment is subtle, it may be just what the picture needs to go from a good picture, to a great picture.

Before After

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Brightness and Contrast

1. Select a picture to adjust2. Click the Brightness andContrast link.

Picture Manager allows severaloptions when adjustingBrightness and Contrast.

Auto Brightness button.Brightness & Contrast slidersMidtones slider under theAdvanced Settings.

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Picture Manager allows several options when adjusting Color.

1. Enhance Color buttona. For use in white


2. Hue and Saturation sliders

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Office of Information, Technology and Accountability

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In this example, the Enhance Color button has been utilized.

Note: When using any software tool, be certain to read all the text on the screen. This particular tool requires the user to click on an area in th3e picture that should be white

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CropUse the crop tool when

it is necessary to remove distracting content from the picture subject.

Cropping tools include: Aspect Ratio Crop Handles

(These can be drug and dropped or moved pixel by pixel.)

Crop HandlesCreated 1-9-07 Revised 6/8/2010

Office of Information, Technology and Accountability

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Crop Settings – Aspect Ratio

1. Click the down arrow to the right of Aspect ratio drop box.2. Select the desired size.Note the new placement ofthe crop handles.3. Click the Ok button.4. Picture Manager will displaythe cropped image.5. Click the Save button to keepthe changes.6. To keep the original pictureand the newly croppedimage, choose Save As fromthe File menu.7. Click the Undo button orUndo under the Edit menu toremove the changes.

The aspect ratio allows the image to be cropped to a predetermined picture size.

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Crop Handles

The crop handles will allow the picture to be cropped to a custom size determined by the user.

These handles can be dragged and dropped or the up / down arrows can be used on the Left, Right, Top and Bottom sides.

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Crop Handles

In this example, the crophandles will be dragged and droppedto the desired location.

Place the crop “T” over a flathandle to adjust Top,Bottom, Left and Right sides.Place the crop “L” over thedesired corner.Note: Cropping from thecorners will ensure thepicture remains proportional. Click the Ok button.

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Crop Handles

Picture Manager will displaythe cropped image. Click the Save button to keepthe changes. To keep the original pictureand the newly croppedimage, choose Save As fromthe File menu. Click the Undo button orUndo under the Edit menu toremove the changes.

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Rotate and FlipUse Rotate and Flip if the picture

has been imported without rotating to the correct layout. i.e. Portrait or Landscape.

Click the Rotate Left or Rotate Right as needed.

or Use the up / down arrows to the

right of “By degree” to rotated the image by an absolute degree.

Click the Save icon to keep changes.

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Red Eye Removal

1. Select the picture that

contains “Red Eyes”.

2. Place the target over the “Red Eyes” and click.

3. Repeat this process for all red eyes.

4. Click the Ok button.

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Red Eye Removal

The adjusted picture will now be displayed in Picture Manager.

Click the Save button to keep the changes.

Click the Undo button or

Undo under the Edit menu to remove the changes.

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Resizing the images notonly reduces the number ofpixels utilized in the image, italso reduces the file size.Picture Manager gives the userseveral options when resizing animage.

Predefined width x height Custom width x height Percentage of original

width x height

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Resize - Predefined width x height

Click the radio button to the left of Predefined width x height.

Click the Ok button.

Note the Original size and the New size.

Click the Save icon to keep changes.

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Resize - Custom width x height

Click the radio button to the left of Custom width x height.

Click the Ok button.

Note the Original size and the New size.

Click the Save icon to keep changes.

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Resize- Percentage of original width x height

Click the radio button to the left of Predefined width x height.

Click the Ok button.

Note the Original size and the New size.

Click the Save icon to keep changes.

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Compress Pictures

The compression options reduce both file size and picture dimensions based on how you intend to use the picture, such as in Web pages or e-mail messages.

Do one of the following: To compress your pictures for insertion into a document, under

Compress for, click Documents. To compress your pictures for publication on a Web page, under

Compress for, click Web pages. To compress your pictures for sending in an e-mail message, under

Compress for, click E-mail messages. Click OK. Note   To undo compression, click Undo on the Edit menu.

Compression changes will not be saved until you save them.

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Your TurnUsing the picture(s) you collected: Navigate Picture Manager Locate your pictures on the computer Locate and add pictures to a directory Edit your pictures utilizing the following editing tools:

• Auto Correct• Brightness and Contrast• Color• Crop• Rotate and Flip• Red Eye Removal• Resize• Compress Pictures

Assess your progress with the rubric on the next slide

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MS Office Picture Manager RubricBelow Expectations Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

Navigate Picture Manager

Can do with direct assistance Can do with teacher direction Can do independently

Locate Pictures on the computer

Can do with direct assistance Can do with teacher direction Can do independently

Locate and add pictures to a directory

Can do with direct assistance Can do with teacher direction Can do independently


Auto Correct Can do with direct assistance Can do with teacher direction Can do independently

Brightness and Contrast

Can do with direct assistance Can do with teacher direction Can do independently

Color Can do with direct assistance Can do with teacher direction Can do independently

Crop Can do with direct assistance Can do with teacher direction Can do independently

Rotate and Flip Can do with direct assistance Can do with teacher direction Can do independently

Red Eye Removal Can do with direct assistance Can do with teacher direction Can do independently

Resize Can do with direct assistance Can do with teacher direction Can do independently

Compress Pictures Can do with direct assistance Can do with teacher direction Can do independentlyCreated 1-9-07 Revised 6/8/2010

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Resources ISTE Publications, Digital Citizenship in Schools

by Mike Ribble and Gerald Bailey, copyright 2007, ISBN No: 978-1-56484-232-9. 

