1 Compiler Construction Compiler Construction Syntax Analysis Syntax Analysis Top-down parsing Top-down parsing

1 Compiler Construction Syntax Analysis Top-down parsing

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Compiler ConstructionCompiler Construction

Syntax AnalysisSyntax Analysis

Top-down parsingTop-down parsing

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Syntax Analysis, continued

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Syntax analysis

Last week we covered The goal of syntax analysis Context-free grammars Top-down parsing (a simple but weak parsing method)

Today, we will Wrap up top-down parsing, including LL(1) Start on bottom-up parsing

Shift-reduce parsers LR parsers: SLR(1), LR(1), LALR(1)

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Top-Down Parsing

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Recursive descent (Last Week)

Recursive descent parsers simply try to build a parse tree, top-down, and BACKTRACK on failure.

Recursion and backtracking are inefficient.It would be better if we always knew the correct

action to take.It would be better if we could avoid recursive

procedure calls during parsing.PREDICTIVE PARSERS can solve both problems.

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Predictive parsers

A predictive parser always knows which production to use, so backtracking is not necessary.

Example: for the productionsstmt -> if ( expr ) stmt else stmt | while ( expr ) stmt | for ( stmt expr stmt ) stmt

a recursive descent parser would always know which production to use, depending on the input token.

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Transition diagrams

Transition diagrams can describe recursive parsers, just like they can describe lexical analyzers, but the diagrams are slightly different.

Construction:1. Eliminate left recursion from G2. Left factor G3. For each non-terminal A, do

1. Create an initial and final (return) state2. For each production A -> X1 X2 … Xn, create a path from the initi

al to the final state with edges X1 X2 … Xn.

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Using transition diagrams

Begin in the start state for the start symbolWhen we are in state s with edge labeled by terminal a to st

ate t, if the next input symbol is a, move to state t and advance the input pointer.

For an edge to state t labeled with non-terminal A, jump to the transition diagram for A, and when finished, return to state t

For an edge labeled ε, move immediately to t.

Example (4.15 in text): parse the string “id + id * id”

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Example transition diagrams

An expression grammar with left recursion and ambiguity removed:

E -> T E’E’ -> + T E’ | εT -> F T’T’ -> * F T’ | εF -> ( E ) | id

Corresponding transition diagrams:

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Predictive parsing without recursion

To get rid of the recursive procedure calls, we maintain our own stack.

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The parsing table and parsing program

The table is a 2D array M[A,a] where A is a nonterminal symbol and a is a terminal or $.

At each step, the parser considers the top-of-stack symbol X and input symbol a: If both are $, accept If they are the same (nonterminals), pop X, advance input If X is a nonterminal, consult M[X,a]. If M[X,a] is “ERROR” call an

error recovery routine. Otherwise, if M[X,a] is a production of he grammar X -> UVW, replace X on the stack with WVU (U on top)

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Use the table-driven predictive parser to parseid + id * id

Assuming parsing table

Initial stack is $EInitial input is id + id * id $

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Building a predictive parse table

We still don’t know how to create M, the parse table.The construction requires two functions: FIRST and FOLLOW.For a string of grammar symbols α, FIRST(α) is the set of te

rminals that begin all possible strings derived from α. If α =*> ε, then ε is also in FIRST(α).

FOLLOW(A) for nonterminal A is the set of terminals that can appear immediately to the right of A in some sentential form. If A can be the last symbol in a sentential form, then $ is also in FOLLOW(A).

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How to compute FIRST(α)

1. If X is a terminal, FIRST(X) = X.2. Otherwise (X is a nonterminal),

1. 1. If X -> ε is a production, add ε to FIRST(X)2. 2. If X -> Y1 … Yk is a production, then place a in FIRST(X) if for s

ome i, a is in FIRST(Yi) and Y1…Yi-1 =*> ε.

Given FIRST(X) for all single symbols X,Let FIRST(X1…Xn) = FIRST(X1)

If ε ∈ FIRST(X1), then add FIRST(X2), and so on…

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How to compute FOLLOW(A)

Place $ in FOLLOW(S) (for S the start symbol)If A -> α B β, then FIRST(β)-ε is placed in FOLLOW(B)If there is a production A -> α B or a production A -> α B β

where β =*> ε, then everything in FOLLOW(A) is in FOLLOW(B).

Repeatedly apply these rules until no FOLLOW set changes.

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Example FIRST and FOLLOW

For our favorite grammar:E -> TE’E’ -> +TE | εT -> FT’T’ -> *FT’ | εF -> (E) | id

What is FIRST() and FOLLOW() for all nonterminals?

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Parse table construction withFIRST/FOLLOW

Basic idea: if A -> α and a is in FIRST(α), then we expand A to α any time the current input is a and the top of stack is A.

Algorithm: For each production A -> α in G, do: For each terminal a in FIRST(α) add A -> α to M[A,a] If ε ∈ FIRST(α), for each terminal b in FOLLOW(A), do: add A -> α to M[A,b] If ε ∈ FIRST(α) and $ is in FOLLOW(A), add A -> α to M[A,$] Make each undefined entry in M[ ] an ERROR

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Example predictive parse table construction

For our favorite grammar:E -> TE’E’ -> +TE | εT -> FT’T’ -> *FT’ | εF -> (E) | id

What the predictive parsing table?

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LL(1) grammars

The predictive parser algorithm can be applied to ANY grammar.

But sometimes, M[ ] might have multiply defined entries.Example: for if-else statements and left factoring:

stmt -> if ( expr ) stmt optelseoptelse -> else stmt | ε

When we have “optelse” on the stack and “else” in the input, we have a choice of how to expand optelse (“else” is in FOLLOW(optelse) so either rule is possible)

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LL(1) grammars

If the predictive parsing construction for G leads to a parse table M[ ] WITHOUT multiply defined entries,we say “G is LL(1)”

1 symbol of lookahead

Leftmost derivation

Left-to-right scan of the input

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LL(1) grammars

Necessary and sufficient conditions for G to be LL(1):

If A -> α | β1. There does not exist a terminal a such that

a ∈ FIRST(α) and a ∈ FIRST(β)2. At most one of α and β derive ε3. If β =*> ε, then FIRST(α) does not intersect with F

OLLOW(β).This is the same as saying thepredictive parser alwaysknows what to do!

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Top-down parsing summary

RECURSIVE DESCENT parsers are easy to build, but inefficient, and might require backtracking.

TRANSITION DIAGRAMS help us build recursive descent parsers.

For LL(1) grammars, it is possible to build PREDICTIVE PARSERS with no recursion automatically. Compute FIRST() and FOLLOW() for all nonterminals Fill in the predictive parsing table Use the table-driven predictive parsing algorithm

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Bottom-Up Parsing

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Bottom-up parsing

Now, instead of starting with the start symbol and working our way down, we will start at the bottom of the parse tree and work our way up.

The style of parsing is called SHIFT-REDUCESHIFT refers to pushing input symbols onto a stack.REDUCE refers to “reduction steps” during a parse:

We take a substring matching the RHS of a rule Then replace it with the symbol on the LHS of the rule

If you can reduce until you have just the start symbol, you have succeeded in parsing the input string.

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Reduction example

S -> aABeGrammar: A -> Abc | b Input: abbcbcde B -> d

Reduction steps: abbcbcde aAbcbcde aAbcde aAde aABe S <-- SUCCESS!

In reverse, thereduction tracesout a rightmostderivation.

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The HANDLE is the part of a sentential form that gets reduced in a backwards rightmost derivation.

Sometimes part of a sentential form will match a RHS in G, but if that string is NOT reduced in the backwards rightmost derivation, it is NOT a handle.

Shift-reduce parsing, then, is really all about finding the handle at each step then reducing the handle.

If we can always find the handle, we never have to backtrack.

Finding the handle is called HANDLE PRUNING.

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Shift-reduce parsing with a stack

A stack helps us find the handle for each reduction step.The stack holds grammar symbols.An input buffer holds the input string.$ marks the bottom of the stack and the end of input.Algorithm:1. Shift 0 or more input symbols onto the stack, until a han

dle β is on top of the stack.2. Reduce β to the LHS of the appropriate production.3. Repeat until we see $S on stack and $ in input.

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Shift-reduce example

E -> E + EGrammar: E -> E * E w = id + id * id E -> ( E ) E -> id

STACK INPUT ACTION1. $ id+id*id$ shift

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Shift-reduce parsing actions

SHIFT: The next input symbol is pushed onto the stack.

REDUCE: When the parser knows the right end of a handle is on the stack, the handle is replaced with the corresponding LHS.

ACCEPT: Announce success (input is $, stack is $S)ERROR: The input contained a syntax error; call an

error recovery routine.

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Conflicts during shift/reduce parsing

Like predictive parsers, sometimes a shift-reduce parser won’t know what to do.

A SHIFT/REDUCE conflict occurs when the parser can’t decide whether to shift the input symbol or reduce the current top of stack.

A REDUCE/REDUCE conflict occurs when the parser doesn’t know which of two or more rules to use for reduction.

A grammar whose shift-reduce parser contains errors is said to be “Not LR”

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Example shift/reduce conflict

Ambiguous grammars are NEVER LR.stmt -> if ( expr ) stmt | if ( expr ) stmt else stmt | other

If we have a shift-reduce parser in configuration STACK INPUT … if ( expr ) stmt else … $

what to do? We could reduce “if ( expr ) stmt” to “stmt” (assuming the else is part of

a different surrounding if-else statement) We could also shift the “else” (assuming this else goes with the current i


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Example reduce/reduce conflict

Some languages use () for function calls AND array refs.stmt -> id ( parameter_list )stmt -> expr := exprparameter_list -> parameter_list , parameterparameter_list -> parameterparameter -> idexpr -> id ( expr_list )expr -> idexpr_list -> expr_list , exprexpr_list -> expr

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Example reduce/reduce conflict

For input A(I,J) we would get token stream id(id,id)The first three tokens would certainly be shifted: STACK INPUT … id ( id , id ) …

The id on top of the stack needs to be reduced, but we have two choices: parameter -> id OR expr -> id

The stack gives no clues. To know which rule to use, we need to look up the first ID in the symbol table to see if it is a procedure name or an array name.

One solution is to have the lexer return “procid” for procedure names. Then the shift-reduce parser can look into the stack to decide which reduction to use.

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LR (Bottom-Up) Parsers

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Relationship between parser types

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LR parsing

A major type of shift-reduce parsing is called LR(k).“L” means left-to-right scanning of the input“R” means rightmost derivation“k” means lookahead of k characters (if omitted, assume k=1)LR parsers have very nice properties:

They can recognize almost all programming language constructs for which we can write a CFG

They are the most powerful type of shift-reduce parser, but they never backtrack, and are very efficient

They can parse a proper superset of the languages parsable by predictive parsers

They tell you as soon as possible when there’s a syntax error. DISADVANTAGE: hard to build by hand (we need something like yacc)

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LR parsing

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LR parsing

The parser’s structure is similar to predictive parsing.The STACK now stores pairs (Xi, si).

Xi is a grammar symbol. si is a STATE.

The parse table now has two parts: ACTION and GOTO.The action table specifies whether to SHIFT, REDUCE, ACCE

PT, or flag an ERROR given the state on the stack and the current input.

The goto table specifies what state to go to after a reduction is performed.

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Parser configurations

A CONFIGURATION of the LR parser is a pair (STACK, INPUT): ( s0 X1 s1 … Xm sm, ai ai+1 … an $ )

The stack configuration is just a list of the states and grammar symbols currently on the stack.

The input configuration is the list of unprocessed input symbols.

Together, the configuration represents a right-sentential form X1 … Xm ai ai+1 … an (some intermediate step in a right derivation of the input from the start symbol)

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The LR parsing algorithm

At each step, the parser is in some configuration.The next move depends on reading ai from the input and sm

from the top of the stack. If action[sm,ai] = shift s, we execute a SHIFT move, entering the c

onfiguration ( s0 X1 s1 … Xm sm ai s, ai+1 … an $ ). If action[sm,ai] = reduce A -> β, then we enter the configuration (

s0 X1 s1 … Xm-r sm-r A s, ai+1 … an $ ), where r = | β | and s = goto[sm-r,A].

If action[sm,ai] = accept, we’re done. If action[sm,ai] = error, we call an error recovery routine.

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LR parsing example

Grammar:1. E -> E + T2. E -> T3. T -> T * F4. T -> F5. F -> ( E )6. F -> id

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LR parsing example


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LR grammars

If it is possible to construct an LR parse table for G, we say “G is an LR grammar”.

LR parsers DO NOT need to parse the entire stack to decide what to do (other shift-reduce parsers might).

Instead, the STATE symbol summarizes all the information needed to make the decision of what to do next.

The GOTO function corresponds to a DFA that knows how to find the HANDLE by reading the top of the stack downwards.

In the example, we only looked at 1 input symbol at a time. This means the grammar is LR(1).

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How to construct an LR parse table?

We will look at 3 methods: Simple LR (SLR): simple but not very powerful Canonical LR: very powerful but too many states LALR: almost as powerful with many fewer states

yacc uses the LALR algorithm.