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    S U M M E R 2 0 0 7 V O L . 48 N O . 4

    Ellen F.Goldman





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    R E P R I N T N U MB E R 4 8 4 1 8

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    L e a d e r s h i p

    Strategic Thinking

    At the TopStrategic thinking is generally considered important to a companys per-formance.1 Indeed, some have

    advocated for companies to develop the strategic thinking of their executives as a core competency. But how exactly

    should organizations accomplish this? Past studies on the subject have been limited, typically focusing on singular

    teaching methods, experiences or plan-ning processes.2 As such, the research has yielded little insight into the

    broader picture of how individuals tend to acquire expertise in strategic thinking. What types of work experiences,

    for example, are more important than others,

    and do they need to follow any specific chronology?

    To answer these and other questions, I conducted a study that identified executives who were considered

    the top strategic thinkers in their industry.3 (See About the Research, p.76.) The study then investigated the

    totality of experiences (educational, job related or other) that contributed to the high ability of those

    individuals. In addition, the research investigated the different ways in which the executives acquired their

    expertise in strategic thinking a process that typically took more than a decade.

    The data showed that strategic thinking arises from 10 specific types of experiences for instance,

    spearheading a major growth initiative or dealing with a threat to organizational survival. Moreover,

    executives appear to gain their expertise in strategic thinking through one of three developmental pat-

    terns. These findings help demystify the process by which strategic thinking is learned, offering

    important implications for management development and the practice of strategy.

    Defining Strategic ThinkingFirst, though, what exactly is strategic thinking? Although numerous books and articles purport to cover the

    subject, they typically deal more with strategic planning and strategic management. According to Henry Mintzberg,

    the man-agement guru, Many practitioners and theorists have wrongly assumed that strategic planning, strategic

    thinking and strategy making are all synonymous, at least in best practice.4 To avoid any confusion, my study used

    the following definition: Strategic thinking is a distinctive management activity whose pur-pose is to discover

    novel, imaginative strategies which can rewrite the rules of

    Ellen F. Goldmanis a visiting assistant professor of human and organizational learningin the Graduate School of

    Education and Human Development at George Washington University. She is also the principal of Growth Partners, a

    Reston, Virginia-based consul-tancy that specializes in strategic thinking. Comment on this article or contact the

    author through [email protected].

    Expertise in

    strategic thinking is

    not the product of

    innate ability and

    pure serendipity. It

    arises from specific




    organizational and

    external) which

    occur over 10 or

    more years.

    Ellen F. Goldman

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    sloanreview.mit.eduSUMMER 2007 MIT SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIE


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    L e a d e r s h i p

    the competitive game; and to envision potential futures signifi-cantly

    different from the present.5 Furthermore, strategic thinking was

    specified as being conceptual, systems-oriented, directional (linking

    the future with the past) and opportunistic.6

    A related question is whether strategic thinking is an innate skill

    or one that can be acquired. This question is at the heart of every

    discussion of individual abilities. But even those leadership theorists

    who believe in inherent mental processing capabilities7 note that such

    abilities must be enhanced as part of management development. My

    study was concerned with identifying the ex-periences that

    contributed to the development of expertise in strategic thinking, not

    with measuring any levels of cognitive functioning. As such, the

    nature-versus-nurture argument was moot to this research.

    Interestingly, the study participants volun-teered views that spanned

    the nature/nurture spectrum, with

    most falling somewhere in the middle. It should be noted, how-

    ever, that even the individual with the strongest pronature view

    felt that experiences were still necessary to develop a persons

    strategic thinking ability. And most participants felt that without

    some hard-wiring, learning to think strategically would be more

    difficult but not impossible.

    Ten Contributing Experiences

    The study identified 10 experiences that contributed to the devel-opment

    of a persons ability to think strategically, and those experiences

    represented four levels of interaction: personal, in-terpersonal,

    organizational and external. (See Ten Experiences That Contribute to

    the Ability to Think Strategically.) Every ex-ecutive did not benefit

    from all 10 experiences, and no two executives had the same set of

    experiences. But each individual

    About the Research

    The goal of this study was to identify how expertise in

    strategic thinking develops. Given the complexity of

    the process, the research was limited to one industry

    healthcare and to only the provider segment

    within that industry. A technique known as social

    labelingi was used to select the referral sources,

    who were ex-perienced healthcare strategy

    consultants and leaders of professional

    organizations. The sources were then asked to

    identify two or three individuals with whom they had

    worked and who met the studys specific definition of

    an expert strategic thinker.

    A pool of 36 potential executives was generated,

    from which 10 were ultimately selected to participate.

    The individuals were all CEOs and were

    representative of the general demographics of U.S.

    health-care CEOs with respect to geographic region,

    setting of the organization (urban versus suburban),

    type of organization (teaching versus community) and

    gender (male versus female). The professional work

    experience of the participants ranged from 23 to 40


    The Seidman phenomenological in-terviewing

    techniqueii was utilized to gather data. The process

    consisted of three 90-minute interviews with each

    participant. The first interview estab-lished the

    context for the participants experiences; the second

    focused on the reconstruction of their experiences

    and their developmental process; and the third

    encouraged reflection on the meaning of that

    process. The inter-views, which were all audiotaped,

    utilized a semistructured protocol, and Seidmans

    criteria of sufficient numbers to reflect the range of

    participants and saturation of information was

    reached at 10 participants.

    Based on the comments provided by the

    participants, graphic maps of their experiences were

    prepared. The figures were used in subsequent

    interviews in a manner similar to the way in which

    cogni-tive maps are used in research on strategic

    decision making: to focus peo-ples attention, trigger

    their memory, reveal gaps in information, highlight

    key factors related to their experiences and

    enhance the understanding and

    impor-tance attached to those

    experiences.iii The mapping

    process also provided the

    participants with the opportunity

    to work collaboratively with the

    researcher during the discovery

    process, and it pro-duced a

    tangible product that resulted

    from the time the participants

    invested in the study.

    The interviews weretranscribed, and the resulting

    15,000 pages of data were

    analyzed, first by reducing the

    volume of information to what

    was most important and

    interesting, then by capturing the

    es-sence of the entire experience

    of becoming an expert strategic

    thinker for the different

    participants (through the

    preparation of individual profiles),

    and fi-nally by identifying

    thematic connections across all

    the data.iv Numerous steps

    helped ensure the

    trustworthiness of the study,

    including researcher epoche, a

    prolonged engagement with the

    partici-pants, triangulation of

    data, member checks, peer

    debriefing, peer code check-ing

    and the establishment of an

    audit-like trail.v

    1. J. Shanteau, Psychological Characteristics and Strategies of Expert Decision Makers, Acta Psychologica 68 (September 1988): 203-215; and R.J. Sternberg, Cognitive Conceptions of

    Expertise, International Journal of Expert Systems 7, no. 1 (1994): 1-12.

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    2. I. Seidman, Interviewing As Qualitative Research: A Guide for Researchers in Education and the Social Sciences, 2nd ed. (New York: Teachers College Press, 1998).

    3. C.M. Fiol and A.S. Huff, Maps For Managers: Where Are We? Where Do We Go From Here? Journal of Management Studies 29, no. 3 (May 1992): 267-285.

    4. C. Moustakas, Phenomenological Research Methods (Thousand Oak, California: Sage Publications, 1994).

    5. Y.S. Lincoln and E.G. Guba, Naturalistic Inquiry (Newbury Park, California: Sage Publications, 1985).

    76 MIT SLOAN MANAGEMENT REVIEW SUMMER 2007 sloanreview.mit.edu

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    described at least one experience at

    Ten Experiences That Contribute to the Ability to Think Strategicallyeach of the four levels of interaction.

    Family Upbringing/EducationFamilyup- Expertise in strategic thinking arises from the contributions of 10 experiences that

    bringing and education are grouped can be grouped into four levels of interaction: personal, interpersonal, organiza-

    together because the study participants tional and external. Every executive in the research study did not benefit from alldiscussed them interchangeably; the 10 experiences, but each individual reported at least one experience at each of the

    four levels of interaction.

    two types of experiences typically oc-

    curred simultaneously, reinforcing one

    another. One aspect noted was the Level of Interaction Experiencevalue of exploring different perspec-

    Personal Family Upbringing/Education

    tives, for example, through travel andGeneral Work Experiences

    exposure to different cultures as well asBecoming a CEO

    through debate training and practice of

    Interpersonal Being Mentored

    the Socratic method.Being Challenged By a Key Colleague

    General Work Experiences The partici- Organizational Monitoring Results/Benchmarkingpants cited experience in a variety of Doing Strategic Planning

    organizational types and locations, Spearheading a Major Growth Initiative

    which provided exposure to numerous External Dealing With a Threat to Organizational Survival

    strategic issues and familiarity with a Vicarious Experiencesbreadth of strategies. The most impor-

    tant factor here was the responsibilityfor significant projects (for example, implementing the merger

    of tions vice president of planning. In general, the interactions

    two organizations, evaluating a business for sale or turning around were private and spontaneous, with a wide range in tone from

    an organization that was facing bankruptcy) and the freedom to relaxed, informal conversations to highly aggressive, confronta-

    make most, if not all, of the decisions related to those initiatives. tional exchanges.

    Becoming a CEO This experience is somewhat paradoxical.Many

    Monitoring Results/BenchmarkingThe participants cited theim-

    boards want individuals who already have expertise in strategic

    portance of their involvement in monitoring the operationaland

    thinking as their CEOs. But many of the study participants cited market performance of their organizations. Such efforts were

    becoming a CEO as important to the development of their stra-

    usually extensive and fairly sophisticated. Market data, for


    tegic thinking because, with that promotion, they gained access

    ample, were often segmented by geography anddemographics,

    to important information (for instance, the views of important with information on purchaser preferences and use, and views ofexternal parties) which enabled a big picture view of their

    busi- competitors detailed by the various market segments. Other keyness. [Note: All the individuals that the study identified asexperts data tracked each market segments stated preferences in relation

    in strategic thinking were CEOs, even though this attribute was to the actual behavior of those customers.

    not a criterion in the selection process.]

    Doing Strategic PlanningThe development of strategic thinkingBeing Mentored Many executives have mentors, but not allmen- ability is enhanced by participation in strategic planning proc-

    tors help others to develop their strategic thinking. Those who do esses with three characteristics. The first is having planning

    are individuals who are in frequent contact with the executive (at sessions with management teams on a regular basis, often month

    least once daily), providing immediate feedback. Moreover, their or quarterly. The second is preparation for these sessions, such ainfluence starts early in an executives career, within a few years the required reading of materials that help focus peoples

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    of think-that individuals first job, perhaps as a first

    boss. ing and provide a sense of the meetings purpose. The third is thformal output of the planning process: often an overall planfol-

    Being Challenged By a Key ColleagueColleagues played an impor-lowed by business-unit goals and tactical plans. But even less

    tant role by challenging the thinking of the executives. structured output establishing a general direction and im-

    Individuals performing this role worked very closely with the mediate next steps, for example can help develop an executivexecutive, for example, as his boss, board chairman or organiza- strategic thinking.

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    years with a wide range of frequency: The interaction could occur

    monthly for a few hours, quarterly for one day or three days twice

    annually. In many cases, the regular contact is enhanced by small group

    interactions and social time, for example, a monthly pro-fessional

    meeting of CEOs that includes sessions in which people break into

    smaller groups (perhaps geared toward specific topics) followed by

    dinner with ample time for networking opportuni-ties. The study

    participants also noted the benefit of vicarious experiences gained

    through indirect means, such as by reading business publications.

    Generally speaking, each of the 10 experiences took place over a

    significant period of time, often in excess of one year, and re-quired

    considerable responsibility on the part of the executive

    usually the individual had to perform tasks that were materi-

    ally new to him. Some of the experiences catalyzed others, but

    they did not occur in any specific order (except for the obvious

    categories of family upbringing/education, being mentored,

    and becoming a CEO).

    In addition to the 10 experiences, the study identified two other

    important factors. The first was personal characteristics, specifically,

    being methodical, balanced, goal-oriented, curious, receptive to

    criticism, detail-oriented, a perfectionist and a mav-erick. The second

    was a supportive work environment, including

    the presence of a strong management team that frees up

    the CEOs time to focus on strategic issues and

    contributes to his thinking. Also of impor-tance was the

    attitude of the board, particularly regarding failure. As

    one executive explained, When you do make a

    mistake, theyre worried about fixing the problem, not

    fixing the blame. Neither of these factors is sufficient to

    develop strategic thinking ability without the requisite ex- periences described earlier, but they may amplify the

    value of those experiences.

    Significant AvidAlone Time



    Planning NaturalCuriosity


    Meetings withOther Executives General Work


    to Life

    The OverallDevelopmentalProcess

    The development of an

    executives ability to think

    strategically develops gradually

    over a considerable amount of

    time. Most participants in the

    study said they took more than

    10 years to acquire their

    expertise, and during that time

    their confidence grew as they

    became more comfortable

    dealing with increasing levels

    of business complexity and

    ambiguity. Interestingly, the

    executives described their

    development in a manner

    consistent with one of three

    distinct patterns. The patterns,

    In this developmental pattern, expertise in strategic thinking arises from

    the culmination of various experiences (small ovals) which provide new

    and different perspectives. The experiences occur over years, and eachis fueled by the individuals natural curiosity (large oval). This figure is a

    reproduction of the actual map created during interactions with one

    executive in the study who best exemplified this particular pattern of


    L e a d e r s h i p

    Spearheading a Major Growth Initiative These projects

    must in-volve significant complexity, be both capital and labor

    intensive and require at least a year to complete. Examples include

    estab-lishing a new program (developing the business case,

    obtaining regulatory approval, overseeing facility construction and

    re-cruiting staff), acquiring an organization (identifying,

    negotiating with and acclimating the new group) and building a

    new facility (that is, overseeing its construction). As with the

    category of general work experiences, the freedom to make

    important deci-sions makes these projects valuable to the

    development of strategic thinking ability.

    Dealing With a Threat to Organizational Survival The

    types of threats that most contribute to the development of

    strategic thinking are those that involve attempts at control by

    another entity, which occur repeatedly and that could have a severe

    impact on the ex-ecutives organization. Such experiences

    typically force a major rethinking of issues that strike at the core of

    the individuals in-volved, substantially sharpening their focus.

    Vicarious Experiences This category includes interactions

    withothers in similar roles, with the frequency of contact being animportant factor. Usually, the contact is maintained for several

    Pattern 1: The Development of Understanding

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    which can best be understood through

    graphic maps that were created with the

    participants, provide valu-able insights

    into how expertise in strategic

    thinking is acquired.



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    Pattern 2: The Practice of Rational Planning

    In this developmental pattern, expertise in strategic thinking is the result of the executive continually asking the same three

    questions (large ovals): Where are we going? How are we getting there? Are we executing efficiently? The arrows denote the flow

    of knowledge from the various experiences (small ovals) to the three questions. Note that an experience can provide value to more

    than one of the questions. This figure is a reproduction of the actual map created during interactions with one executive in the

    study who best exemplified this particular pattern of development.

    BossData Benchmarks Mentors

    QuestionMonitoring Best

    of LegacyPractices Logical

    Evaluation ofDesired

    AlternativesMetrics Time

    Where UseDialogue

    Problems/ Going? with Team How GettingComplaints (Vision) Past


    (Models) (Strategies)

    Community MethodicalViews Sense of

    Thinker MistakesGeneral Ownership

    Business BetaKnowledge After-the-Fact(Standards) Groups


    Is ExecutionEfficient?


    Pattern 1 The first pattern reflects a repetitive process of usingpast experiences to

    consider alternative perspectives. (See Pat-tern 1: The Development of

    Understanding.) One executive described the process this way: Theres a solution to

    every prob-lem, and if you cant come up with it, you need to look at the problem

    from a different angle. The key ingredient here is a natu-ral curiosity that fuels the

    executives search for greater understanding, thus expanding his ability to think

    strategically. The result: The executive learns to see all sides of an issue and is able to

    alter the angle from which he views a problem to search for a better solution. In this

    manner through the exploration of different perspectives repeatedly over time

    the executive develops expertise in strategic thinking.

    Pattern 2 This pattern includes the three major steps of a logical planning process

    understanding where you are, determining where you want to be and detailing how

    to get there with each step informed by information, experience (both actual and

    vi-carious) and discussion. (See Pattern 2: The Practice of Rational Planning.) Key

    features include the use of data to fuel thinking

    and the repeated application of the three

    steps, no matter how big or small the

    issue, with expertise in strategic thinking

    acquired after years of honing the


    Pattern 3 The final developmental pattern is

    portrayed as thetackling of bigger and bigger

    business challenges, with the execu-tives

    ability to think strategically growing

    continuously over time. (See Pattern 3: The

    Completion of a Hierarchy of Chal-lenges, p.

    80.) Key features include modest initial

    activity followed by a step-like progression.

    The catalysts to movement can be ei-ther

    positive or negative: opportunities to build

    new services as well as pressures fromfinancial losses, takeover attempts and other

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    challenges to survival. Expertise in thinking strategically is acquired by meeting and

    effectively dealing with the challenges, with each experience improving the executives


    The three patterns reflect how executives described the ways in which they learned to

    think strategically. They illustrate both what occurred (specifically, the 10 experiences)

    and how the ex-ecutives approached those

    experiences (namely, by considering different

    perspectives, by using a planning model or by

    just div-

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    L e a d e r s h i p

    Pattern 3: The Completion of a Hierarchy of Challenges

    In this developmental pattern, expertise

    in strategic thinking results from the

    executive tackling increasingly difficult

    chal-lenges over the course of years.

    During this time period, the upward

    direction of the red line (from left to

    right) indicates the individuals

    increasing ability to think strategically,

    and the arrows show how the different

    experiences (ovals) influence each

    other. This figure is a reproduction of

    the actual map created dur-ing

    interactions with one executive in the

    study who best exemplified this

    particular pattern of development.








    Payment Education


    Dialogue with

    Doing a External PartiesMaster Plan Trade

    OrganizationsEvaluating an Board

    General Acquisition Interactions

    Being Experience ConsultantsTeam and Questions

    Mentored ObservationCommunity


    ing in and doing what was needed). The

    salient point here is that all the

    executives in the study described their

    development in a manner that was

    consistent with one of the three patterns.

    Improving StrategicThinking

    The study results have a number of

    implications for companies in their

    efforts to improve the strategic

    thinking of their execu-tives. The

    important thing to remember, though,

    is that any development program

    must be highly individual

    because no two people will

    absorb the same experience in

    exactly the same way.

    Nevertheless, some general

    guidelines do apply. Experi-ences that contribute most to

    the development of strategic

    thinking tend to take place

    over a year or more and

    require significant

    responsibility on the part of

    the individual usu-ally the

    performance of a task that is

    materially new to that person.

    Moreover, its crucial to

    remember that the develop-

    ment of expertise in strategic

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    thinking takes at least a decade,

    during which time many of those

    experiences must be continu-ally

    repeated. With all this in mind, the

    following approaches should benefit

    companies in their efforts to develop

    the stra-tegic thinking of their


    Include Strategic Thinking As a

    Formal Component of

    Management Development

    Programs One of the most remarkable

    findings of the

    study was the tacit expectationthat an executive would, all of a

    sudden, think strategically upon

    becoming a CEO. But, clearly, if

    companies want expertise in

    strategic thinking they must take

    the necessary steps to nurture this

    ability. Management development

    programs should identify specific

    experiences (spearheading a

    growth initiative, for instance)

    and target their inclusion in the

    careers of high-potential

    executives. Although individual

    in na-ture, such experiences

    should, taken together, cross all

    four levels of interaction:

    personal, interpersonal,

    organizational and envi-

    ronmental. Moreover, each

    experience should contain the

    necessary attributes (being

    mentored, for example, must

    include frequent contact andimmediate feedback). Finally, the

    experi-ences should be preceded

    by a briefing on strategy theory

    and vocabulary (if needed) to

    ensure that the executive

    understands key concepts that

    will help him obtain the

    maximum benefits from those


    Require Executives to

    Develop the Strategic

    Thinking of Their Sub-

    ordinates Because strategic

    thinking develops gradually over a



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    long period of time, and because general work experiences and

    being mentored are two important experiences during this growth,

    superiors are in a key position to influence their sub-ordinates

    development. As such, companies should include this

    responsibility as a part of an executives performance re-view:

    What projects and roles have you given your subordinates to

    develop their strategic thinking? Are these assignments of

    sufficient size, and have your subordinates been given the requi-

    site freedom to act? And have your efforts resulted in noticeable

    improvements in their strategic thinking, however subjectively


    Encourage Early Participation in Strategic Planning and Benchmarking

    Activities These two experiences contribute significantly to im-

    portant procedural knowledge related to strategic thinking. Without this

    knowledge, executives can waste considerable time by attempting

    strategy development or implementation in inef-ficient or inappropriate

    ways. Of course, companies will find it impractical for all their managers

    to be involved in every strategic planning activity. Nevertheless,

    executives can also be encouraged to participate in strategic planning

    with other organizations, for example, with subsidiaries, professional

    associations, community groups or small, local businesses.

    Support Activities That Incorporate Experiential Learning

    Interest-ingly, with respect to the development of strategic thinking, the

    study participants attributed little value to graduate professional

    programs. Thus, when managers do undertake such programs, the

    curriculum should incorporate experience in addition to the teaching of

    theory, for example, through the inclusion of oppor-tunities to do

    strategic planning and benchmarking, discussion of vicarious experiences(perhaps by having experts mentor nov-ices) and assignments that

    broaden an individuals perspective through observation, dialogue and


    Maximize the Benefits of Strategic Planning Sessions

    Companiesshould hold strategic planning sessions on a regular basis

    (monthly or quarterly, for example), and those meetings should have

    a high degree of process regularity, with an emphasis on preparation:

    reviewing materials and thinking about specific questions that are

    provided in advance. In addition, the meet-ings should include

    content that expands peoples perspectives (for example, comparative

    market information from another industry or the viewpoint of a

    constituency that is seldom heard). During these sessions, the

    company should ensure that the participants (not the planning staff or

    outside consultants) perform the information synthesis and

    interpretation. After all, the firm wants to develop the strategic

    thinking of the partici-pants and not necessarily that of the staff or

    consultants. Staff members could, however, provide valuable input

    into manage-

    ment development plans, because they might be able to identify

    specific aspects of strategic thinking that are lacking in indi-

    vidual executives.

    business schools and others interested in management

    education and development have vigorously debated how best to

    teach strategy to future leaders. Some experts have ques-tioned

    whether the topic should be taught at all or at least whether it

    should be taught to managers. Often missing from the debate

    however, has been any in-depth discussion of how individualslearn to think strategically in the first place. What specific

    experiences are important and how do they contribute? Moreover

    what are the different ways in which people absorb those

    experiences to develop the ability to think strategically? Without

    adequate answers to these questions, its no wonder that schools

    have had trouble teaching strategy to students and that many

    companies have difficulty developing the strategic thinking of

    their executives.


    1. J. Mason, Developing Strategic Thinking, Long RangePlanning 19, no. 3 (June 1986): 72-80; N.B. Zabriskie and A.B.

    Huellmantel, Develop-ing Strategic Thinking in Senior

    Management, Long Range Planning 24, no. 6 (December

    1991): 25-32; I. Bonn, Developing Strategic Thinking As a Core

    Competency, Management Decision 39, no. 1 (2001): 63-71;

    and E. Essery, Reflecting On Leadership, Works Management

    55, no. 7 (2002): 54-57.

    2. M. Easterby-Smith and J. Davies, Developing Strategic

    Thinking, Long Range Planning 16, no. 4 (August 1983): 39-48

    D.L. Bates and J.E. Dillard, Generating Strategic Thinking

    Through Multi-Level Teams, Long Range Planning 26, no. 5

    (October 1993): 103-110; and P.M. Senge, Mental Models,

    Planning Review 20, no. 2 (March/April 1992): 4-10, 44.

    3. E.F. Goldman, Becoming an Expert Strategic Thinker: The

    Learning Journey of Healthcare CEOs (Ph.D. diss., George

    Washington Univer-sity Graduate School of Education and Human

    Development, 2005), Dissertation Abstracts International UMI No.


    4. H. Mintzberg, The Fall and Rise of Strategic Planning, Harvard

    Busi-ness Review 72, no. 1 (January 1994): 107-114.

    5. L. Heracleous, Strategic Thinking or Strategic Planning?

    Long Range Planning 31, no. 3 (June 1998): 481-486.

    6. H. Mintzberg, Patterns in Strategy Formation, Managemen

    Science 24, no. 9 (May 1978): 934-948; P. Hanford, Developing

    Director and Ex-ecutive Competencies in Strategic Thinking, in B

    Garratt (ed.)Developing Strategic Thought: Rediscovering the Art of Direction-

    Giving (London: McGraw-Hill, 1995): 157-186; and J.M. Liedtka,

    Strategic Thinking: Can It Be Taught? Long Range Planning 31, no. 1

    (February 1998): 120-129.

    7. E. Jacques and S.D. Clement, Executive Leadership: A

    Practical Guide to Managing Complexity (Arlington, Virginia:

    Cason Hall & Co., 1991).

    Reprint 48418.

    CopyrightMassachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007. All rights reserved.

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