07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07

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  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07


    Investment Analysis and

    Portfolio Management

     by Frank K. Reilly & Keith C. Brown







    An Introduction to

    Portfolio Management !ome Ba"kgro#nd Ass#m$tions

     Markowit% Portfolio heory

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    Some Background Assumptions

    '  As an investor yo# want to ma(imi%e theret#rns for a given level of risk.

    ' )o#r $ortfolio in"l#des all of yo#r assets and


    ' he relationshi$ between the ret#rns for

    assets in the $ortfolio is im$ortant.

    '  A good $ortfolio is not sim$ly a "olle"tion of

    individ#ally good investments.

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    Some Background Assumptions

    ' Risk Aversion  *iven a "hoi"e between two assets with e+#al

    rates of ret#rn, risk-averse investors will sele"t the

    asset with the lower level of risk

      viden"e' Many investors $#r"hase ins#ran"e for/ 0ife,

     A#tomobile, 1ealth, and 2isability In"ome.

    ' )ield on bonds in"reases with risk "lassifi"ations

    from AAA to AA to A, et".

      3ot all Investors are risk averse

    ' It may de$ends on the amo#nt of money involved/

    Risking small amo#nts, b#t ins#ring large losses

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    Some Background Assumptions

    ' 2efinition of Risk  4n"ertainty/ Risk means the #n"ertainty of f#t#re

    o#t"omes. For instan"e, the f#t#re val#e of an

    investment in *oogle5s sto"k is #n"ertain6 so the

    investment is risky. 7n the other hand, the$#r"hase of a si(-month C2 has a "ertain f#t#re

    val#e6 the investment is not risky.

      Probability/ Risk is meas#red by the $robability of

    an adverse o#t"ome. For instan"e, there is 89:

    "han"e yo# will re"eive a ret#rn less than ;:.

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    Markowitz Portfolio Theory

    ' Main Res#lts 

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    Markowitz Portfolio Theory

    '  Ass#m$tions for Investors  Consider investments as $robability distrib#tions of

    e($e"ted ret#rns over some holding $eriod

      Ma(imi%e one-$eriod e($e"ted #tility, whi"h

    demonstrate diminishing marginal #tility of wealth  stimate the risk of the $ortfolio on the basis of the

    variability of e($e"ted ret#rns

      Base de"isions solely on e($e"ted ret#rn and risk

      Prefer higher ret#rns for a given risk level.!imilarly, for a given level of e($e"ted ret#rns,

    investors $refer less risk to more risk

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    7/40 7-7

    Markowitz Portfolio Theory

    ' 4sing these five ass#m$tions, a single assetor $ortfolio of assets is "onsidered to be

    effi"ient if no other asset or $ortfolio of assets

    offers higher e($e"ted ret#rn with the same =or

    lower> risk, or lower risk with the same =orhigher> e($e"ted ret#rn.

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    8/40 7-8

    Alternatie Measures of !isk

    ' ?arian"e or standard deviation of e($e"tedret#rn

    ' Range of ret#rns

    'Ret#rns below e($e"tations  !emivarian"e a meas#re that only "onsiders

    deviations below the mean

      hese meas#res of risk im$li"itly ass#me that

    investors want to minimi%e the damage fromret#rns less than some target rate

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07

    9/40 7-9

    Alternatie Measures of !isk

    ' he Advantages of 4sing !tandard 2eviationof Ret#rns

      his meas#re is somewhat int#itive

      It is a "orre"t and widely re"ogni%ed risk meas#re

      It has been #sed in most of the theoreti"al asset

    $ri"ing models

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07


  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07

    11/40 7-

    "#hi$it 7%&

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07

    12/40 7-

    "#pected !ates of !eturn

    If yo# want to "onstr#"t a $ortfolio of n risky assets,what will be the e($e"ted rate of ret#rn on the

    $ortfolio is yo# know the e($e"ted rates of ret#rn on

    ea"h individ#al assets

      he form#la

       !ee (hibit @.

    iassetforreturnof rateexpectedthe)i

    E(R iassetin portfoiotheof  percentthei!"#here

    1R !)




    =  n

    i  ii

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07

    13/40 7-

    "#hi$it 7%'

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07

    14/40 7-

    Indiidual Inestment !isk Measure

    ' ?arian"e  It is a meas#re of the variation of $ossible rates of

    ret#rn Ri, from the e($e"ted rate of ret#rn D=Ri>E


    i   1





    $)%E(R -R &)('ariance   σ  

    where Pi is the $robability of the $ossible rate of

    ret#rn, Ri

    ' !tandard 2eviation =>

       It is sim$ly the s+#are root of the varian"e

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07

    15/40 7-

    Indiidual Inestment !isk Measure

    "#hi$it 7%(

    ?arian"e = > G 9.9998H

    !tandard 2eviation = > G 9.9@



  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07

    16/40 7-

    Coariance of !eturns

    '  A meas#re of the degree to whi"h twovariables Jmove together relative to theirindivid#al mean val#es over time

    ' For two assets, i and L, the "ovarian"e of rates

    of ret#rn is defined as/

    Coi) * "+,!i - ".!i/0 ,! ) - ".! )/01

    ' (am$le

      he ilshire H999 !to"k Inde( and 0ehmanBrothers reas#ry Bond Inde( d#ring 99@

      !ee (hibits @.8 and @.@

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    17/40 7-

    "#hi$it 7%2

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07

    18/40 7-

    "#hi$it 7%7

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07

    19/40 7-

    Coariance and Correlation

    ' he "orrelation "oeffi"ient is obtained bystandardi%ing =dividing> the "ovarian"e by the

    $rod#"t of the individ#al standard deviations

    ' Com$#ting "orrelation from "ovarian"e

     (tR of de)iationstandardthe

    itR of de)iationstandardthe


    returnsof tcoefficienncorreatiothei(r 











    σ  σ  

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    Correlation Coefficient

    ' he "oeffi"ient "an vary in the range N to -.'  A val#e of N wo#ld indi"ate $erfe"t $ositive

    "orrelation. his means that ret#rns for the

    two assets move together in a $ositively and

    "om$letely linear manner.

    '  A val#e of wo#ld indi"ate $erfe"t negative

    "orrelation. his means that the ret#rns for two

    assets move together in a "om$letely linearmanner, b#t in o$$osite dire"tions.

    ' !ee (hibit @.;

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    "#hi$it 7%3

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    Standard 4eiation of a Portfolio

    ' he Form#la 

      jiσ  σ  



    σ  σ  






    r *o#here

     +andiassetsforreturnof ratese ,et#een thcoariancethe*o

    iassetforreturnof ratesof ariancethe

     portfoioin theaueof  proportion , thedeter.inedare#ei/hts

     #here portfoio+in theassetsindiiduatheof #ei/htsthe!

     portfoiotheof deiationstandardthe





    1i i*o



    1i i#2


    # port









  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    Standard 4eiation of a Portfolio

    ' Com$#tations with A wo-!to"k Portfolio  Any asset of a $ortfolio may be des"ribed by two


    ' he e($e"ted rate of ret#rn

    ' he e($e"ted standard deviations of ret#rns

      he "orrelation, meas#red by "ovarian"e, affe"ts

    the $ortfolio standard deviation

      0ow "orrelation red#"es $ortfolio risk while notaffe"ting the e($e"ted ret#rn

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    Standard 4eiation of a Portfolio

    ' wo !to"ks with 2ifferent Ret#rns and Risk

    .9 .H9 .998O .9@

    .9 .H9 .999 .9

     >=R  Asset ii

    ii   ss

      Case Correlation Coeffi"ient Covarian"e

      a N.99 .99@9

      b N9.H9 .99H

      " 9.99 .9999

      d -9.H9 -.99H

      e -.99 -.99@9

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    Standard 4eiation of a Portfolio

      Assets may differ in e($e"ted rates of ret#rn andindivid#al standard deviations

      3egative "orrelation red#"es $ortfolio risk

      Combining two assets with N.9 "orrelation will not

    red#"es the $ortfolio standard deviation

      Combining two assets with -.9 "orrelation may

    red#"es the $ortfolio standard deviation to %ero

      !ee (hibits @.9 and @.

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    "#hi$it 7%&5

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    "#hi$it 7%&'

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    Standard 4eiation of a Portfolio

    ' Constant Correlation with Changing eights  Ass#me the "orrelation is 9 in the earlier e(am$le

    and let the weight vary as shown below.

      Portfolio ret#rn and risk are =!ee (hibit @.>/

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    "#hi$it 7%&(

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    Standard 4eiation of a Portfolio

    '  A hree-Asset Portfolio  he res#lts $resented earlier for the two-asset

    $ortfolio "an e(tended to a $ortfolio of n assets

      As more assets are added to the $ortfolio, more

    risk will be red#"ed everything else being the same

      he general "om$#ting $ro"ed#re is still the same,

    b#t the amo#nt of "om$#tation has in"rease ra$idly

      For the three-asset $ortfolio, the "om$#tation hasdo#bled in "om$arison with the two-asset $ortfolio

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    "stimation Issues

    ' Res#lts of $ortfolio allo"ation de$end ona""#rate statisti"al in$#ts

    ' stimates of 

      ($e"ted ret#rns

      !tandard deviation

      Correlation "oeffi"ient

    '  Among entire set of assets

    ' ith 99 assets, 8,OH9 "orrelation estimates

    ' stimation risk refers to $otential errors

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    "stimation Issues

    ' ith the ass#m$tion that sto"k ret#rns "an bedes"ribed by a single market model, the

    n#mber of "orrelations re+#ired red#"es to the

    n#mber of assets

    ' !ingle inde( market model/

    i.iii   R  ,aR    ε ++=

     ,i G the slo$e "oeffi"ient that relates the ret#rns forse"#rity i to the ret#rns for the aggregate market

    R . G the ret#rns for the aggregate sto"k market

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    "stimation Issues

    ' If all the se"#rities are similarly related tothe market and a bi derived for ea"h one, it

    "an be shown that the "orrelation "oeffi"ient

    between two se"#rities i and L is given as/


    thefor ret#rnsof varian"ethewhere


    m LiiL bbr 







    σ  σ  


  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    The "fficient 6rontier 

    ' he effi"ient frontier re$resents that set of$ortfolios with the ma(im#m rate of ret#rn forevery given level of risk, or the minim#m riskfor every level of ret#rn

    ' ffi"ient frontier are $ortfolios of investmentsrather than individ#al se"#rities e("e$t theassets with the highest ret#rn and the assetwith the lowest risk

    ' he effi"ient frontier "#rves  (hibit @.8 shows the $ro"ess of deriving the

    effi"ient frontier "#rve

      (hibit @.H shows the final effi"ient frontier "#rve

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    "#hi$it 7%&2

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    "#hi$it 7%&

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    "fficient 6rontier and Inestor 8tility

    '  An individ#al investor5s #tility "#rve s$e"ifiesthe trade-offs he is willing to make between

    e($e"ted ret#rn and risk

    ' he slo$e of the effi"ient frontier "#rve

    de"reases steadily as yo# move #$ward

    ' he intera"tions of these two "#rves will

    determine the $arti"#lar $ortfolio sele"ted by

    an individ#al investor ' he o$timal $ortfolio has the highest #tility for

    a given investor 

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    "fficient 6rontier and Inestor 8tility

    ' he o$timal lies at the $oint of tangen"ybetween the effi"ient frontier and the #tility

    "#rve with the highest $ossible #tility

    '  As shown in (hibit @., Investor Q with the

    set of #tility "#rves will a"hieve the highest#tility by investing the $ortfolio at Q

    '  As shown in (hibit @., with a different set of

    #tility "#rves, Investor ) will a"hieve thehighest #tility by investing the $ortfolio at )

    ' hi"h investor is more risk averse

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    "#hi$it 7%&9

  • 8/20/2019 07 Iapm9e Ppt_ch07



    The Internet Inestments :nline

    ' htt$/www.$ionlie."om' htt$/www.investmentnews."om

    ' htt$/www.ibbotson."om

    ' htt$/www.styleadvisor."om

    ' htt$/www.wagner."om

    ' htt$/www.effisols."om

    ' htt$/www.effi"ientfrontier."om
