Thanksgiving Season—A Time to Give Thanks OFFICERS CORNER THANKSGIVING SEASON 1 CALENDAR OF EVENTS 2 THIS AND THAT SAVE THE DATE 3 SMARTER HOLIDAY SHOPPING 4 COMMITTEE INFO 5 MEMBER OF EXCELLENCE 6 Inside this issue: November 2010 GALVESTON COUNTY CHAPTER OFFICER’S CORNER Continued on page 4 Newsletter Committee: Karla Villeneuve CPS [email protected], Mary Contreras CPS [email protected] and Rhonda Driver CPS/CAP [email protected]. The Galves- ton County Chapter Newsletter ―Dolphin Tales‖ is a monthly publication. The deadline for submis- sion of materials is the following Monday after the monthly chapter meeting each month. Written by Annette Barham CPS/CAP President I was recently asked to write an article for our newslet- ter. I was asked to write on ―Thanksgiving‖ season, be- ing thankful for being a member of Galveston County Chapter of IAAP‖. I truly didn’t have to think long about this subject before my mind was racing on how thankful I am for being a part of our Galveston County Chapter. When I think about all the things that I am thankful for due to our chapter, I automatically think of the new friendships that I have made within the chapter and the existing friendships that has truly blossomed. I have made many new acquaintances and been able to build on existing acquaintances. I also feel great support within our chapter. If one of us is in need of something, we seem to pull together and help each other out. The support we give each other seems to grow with each time we communicate. I have yet to find a time when one of our members has told me ―no we just can’t do that‖. I have always been told ―let’s try and see if it works‖, and some how it always works its way out. If a member can not finish a project, there is always another member that steps up and offers to help finish the project or take it on if needed. That is something to be very thankful for. Our chapter offers a great deal of educational opportunities that I have been able to take advantage of. There are so many opportunities to further your education through IAAP. Remember that you can learn not only from our chapter but being involved with other chapters, divisions and international. We have built a great team of professionals that are always willing to pass on to others what they have learned. When there is something that I am unsure of how to handle in our chapter, there is always someone there to remind me that there is one or more of our members that has experience in that area and are willing to step up and give me their guidance and support.


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Our chapter offers a great deal of educational opportunities that I have been able to take advantage of. There are so many opportunities to further your education through IAAP. Remember that you can learn not only from our chapter but being involved with other chapters, divisions and international. Continued on page 4 Inside this issue: COMMITTEE INFO 5 C ALENDAR OF E VENTS 2 M EMBER OF E XCELLENCE 6 O FFICER ’ S C ORNER T HANKSGIVING S EASON S MARTER HOLIDAY T HIS AND THAT SHOPPING 1 3 4

Citation preview

Thanksgiving Season—A Time to Give Thanks










Inside this issue:

November 2010



Continued on page 4

N e w s l e t t e r C o m m i t t e e : K a r l a V i l l e n e u v e C P S k v i l l e n e u v e @ s t a n d a r d p a r k i n g . c o m , M a r y C o n t r e r a s

C P S M c o n t r e r a s @ l e a g u e c i t y . c o m a n d R h o n d a D r i v e r C P S / C A P r h o n d a . d r i v e r @ n a s a . g o v . T h e G a l v e s -t o n C o u n t y C h a p t e r N e w s l e t t e r ― D o l p h i n T a l e s ‖ i s a m o n t h l y p u b l i c a t i o n . T h e d e a d l i n e f o r s u b m i s -

s i o n o f m a t e r i a l s i s t h e f o l l o w i n g M o n d a y a f t e r t h e m o n t h l y c h a p t e r m e e t i n g e a c h m o n t h .

Written by Annette Barham CPS/CAP President

I was recently asked to write an article for our newslet-ter. I was asked to write on ―Thanksgiving‖ season, be-ing thankful for being a member of Galveston County Chapter of IAAP‖. I truly didn’t have to think long about this subject before my mind was racing on how thankful I am for being a part of our Galveston County Chapter. When I think about all the things that I am thankful for due to our chapter, I automatically think of the new friendships that I have made within the chapter and the existing friendships that has truly blossomed. I have

made many new acquaintances and been able to build on existing acquaintances. I also feel great support within our chapter. If one of us is in need of something, we seem to pull together and help each other out. The support we give each other seems to grow with each time we communicate. I have yet to find a time when one of our members has told me ―no we just can’t do that‖. I have always been told ―let’s try and see if it works‖, and some how it always works its way out. If a member can not finish a project, there is always another member that steps up and offers to help finish the project or take it on if needed. That is something to be very thankful for. Our chapter offers a great deal of educational opportunities that I have been able to take advantage of. There are so many opportunities to further your education through IAAP. Remember that you can learn not only from our chapter but being involved with other chapters, divisions and international. We have built a great team of professionals that are always willing to pass on to others what they have learned. When there is something that I am unsure of how to handle in our chapter, there is always someone there to remind me that there is one or more of our members that has experience in that area and are willing to step up and give me their guidance and support.

Calendar of Events

Page 2

Dolphin Tales November 2010

November 11, 2010 Avery Dale Osberg, Avery Account Manager December 2, 2010 Holiday Party @ Dickinson Bar-B-Que Please bring an unwrapped toy to be donated to a Toy drive

in Galveston County and a white elephant gift (wrapped pret-ty to be tempting). RSVP—Lynn and Johnie Maida at 713-304-0878 or e-mail [email protected].

January 6, 2011 Office Team February 3, 2011 Building Trust to get Results Jennifer Huey, Franklin Covey Houston February 7, 2011 Galveston County Annual Seminar Galveston Hilton February 15, 2011 CPS/CAP Deadline March 3, 2011 TBA April 7, 2011 Officer Nominations May 6 & 7, 2011 CPS/CAP Exams May 11, 2011 Election of Officers June 2, 2011 Installation of Officers

N e w s l e t t e r C o m m i t t e e : K a r l a V i l l e n e u v e C P S k v i l l e n e u v e @ s t a n d a r d p a r k i n g . c o m , M a r y C o n t r e r a s C P S

M c o n t r e r a s @ l e a g u e c i t y . c o m a n d R h o n d a D r i v e r C P S / C A P r h o n d a . d r i v e r @ n a s a . g o v . T h e G a l v e s t o n C o u n t y C h a p t e r N e w s l e t t e r ― D o l p h i n T a l e s ‖ i s a m o n t h l y p u b l i c a t i o n . T h e d e a d l i n e f o r s u b m i s s i o n o f

m a t e r i a l s i s t h e f o l l o w i n g M o n d a y a f t e r t h e m o n t h l y c h a p t e r m e e t i n g e a c h m o n t h .

Visit our Chapter Website at:


Please send any articles, recipes or items of administrative or organizational interest to the Newsletter Committee.

Become a Fan on our Facebook Page:


Page 3

Dolphin Tales November 2010

N e w s l e t t e r C o m m i t t e e : K a r l a V i l l e n e u v e C P S k v i l l e n e u v e @ s t a n d a r d p a r k i n g . c o m , M a r y C o n t r e r a s C P S

M c o n t r e r a s @ l e a g u e c i t y . c o m a n d R h o n d a D r i v e r C P S / C A P r h o n d a . d r i v e r @ n a s a . g o v . T h e G a l v e s t o n C o u n t y C h a p t e r N e w s l e t t e r ― D o l p h i n T a l e s ‖ i s a m o n t h l y p u b l i c a t i o n . T h e d e a d l i n e f o r s u b m i s s i o n o f

m a t e r i a l s i s t h e f o l l o w i n g M o n d a y a f t e r t h e m o n t h l y c h a p t e r m e e t i n g e a c h m o n t h .

Monday, February 7, 2011

Galveston County Chapter Annual Seminar “Unmask Your Potential”

(7 Recertification Points Pending)

At the beautiful the Hilton Galveston Island Resort 5400 Seawall Blvd.

Galveston, TX 77551

For more information contact:

Deborah Grounds-Sanders CPS/CAP, Seminar Chair

[email protected]

Save the Date!

Between the friendships, educational opportunities and team work, IAAP has helped me further my career and can give others the same opportunities. I have grown so much with this great chapter, even more than I could ever express. All of the learning and support that I have received from our chapter members has helped me grow professionally as well. I have received a promotion since I became a member with our chapter (this is thanks to the training and support from my friends and members of our chapter), I have been able to stand in front of others and speak, and I have been able to go to meetings in other places and not just sit in the back of the room and not talk to anyone. I am very thankful for all these things that have changed my life, helped me grow and made me a better person. I hope that all members are as fortunate as I have been with my member-ship within this chapter. You can grow as much or as little as you want with IAAP. Please take advantage of all the opportunities this organization has to offer. You never know what the future brings.









Continued from page 1

Dolphin Tales November 2010

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N e w s l e t t e r C o m m i t t e e : K a r l a V i l l e n e u v e C P S k v i l l e n e u v e @ s t a n d a r d p a r k i n g . c o m , M a r y C o n t r e r a s C P S

M c o n t r e r a s @ l e a g u e c i t y . c o m a n d R h o n d a D r i v e r C P S / C A P r h o n d a . d r i v e r @ n a s a . g o v . T h e G a l v e s t o n C o u n t y C h a p t e r N e w s l e t t e r ― D o l p h i n T a l e s ‖ i s a m o n t h l y p u b l i c a t i o n . T h e d e a d l i n e f o r s u b m i s s i o n o f

m a t e r i a l s i s t h e f o l l o w i n g M o n d a y a f t e r t h e m o n t h l y c h a p t e r m e e t i n g e a c h m o n t h .

In the December 2010 Good Housekeeping magazine I read an article on “Smarter Holiday Shopping” by Kelli B Grant, the senior consumer reporter for smartmoney.com. I want to share a few of her tips: Check out the following websites that offer discounts from 50% - 90%: jasmere.com, groupon.com, woot.com and tippr.com. Each of these sites sell items and services that give your credit card a little relief!!! Make sure you check the small print before purchasing items. Avoid Shipping Fees. Hunt for free shipping codes at: freeshipping.org and retailmenot.com. You might also check different retailers that offer site-to-store shipping, they ship it to one of their stores and you pick it up at no charge to you! Shop at night. Black Friday is the day retailers wait for all year! Last year most websites offered the same deals being offered in-store so check onto your favorite stores website at midnight ET, if they are not offering the same discounts being offered in-store check again at 4:00 am and 5:00 am ET. You’ll beat the crowds and save a bun-dle! If you can wait until the middle of December to buy and decorate your tree you can usually save 40-50% off the price of the tree and the decorations. This one is not for me!!! A lot of retailers this year are offering big discounts to shoppers willing to join them on Facebook, Twitter and foursquare.com – see if your favorite store offers discounts for joining them!!! Use your phone to save money! Before making a big purchase take a picture of an item’s bar code and upload to different shopping sites for a fast online price comparison! Try biggu.com!! If you can stand it (this is my husband’s usual mode of operandi!!) waiting until the last minute to shop offers up some pretty sweet deals!!! Stores are trying to move the merchandise and will offer deep discounts! Good luck!!! I-Phone Apps you need!!! Redlaser ($1.99) – When shopping aim camera at a bar code and it will tell you what other retailers are charg-ing for the same item Repairpal (free) – Will tell you what the ballpark cost is to repair something wrong with your car Cardbank ($.99) – Stores your preferred shopper cards electronically so you don’t have to carry them! The store clerk can just scan your code from your phone. Gasbuddy ($2.99) – Lets you know what current gas prices are at nearby gas stations – plus gives you directions to get there! Yowza (Free) – Searches out coupons for stores within 15 miles of your current location. The clerk can just scan the coupon from your phone!!!

Smarter Holiday Shopping Submitted by Lynne Purdue CPS/CAP

Committee Info

Dolphin Tales November 2010

Seminar Deborah Grounds-Sanders reported that commitments have been received from all

the speakers.

Sponsorships have been made for approximately $1,000.

PayPal is working and can register through it. We need registrants.

Rikki Killebrew confirmed that we do not need anymore door prizes.

Registration Cost – $119.00 Early Bird extended until December 31st.


Congratulations to all who sat for the CPS & CAP exams this month. Now is the

long wait for the results. Good Luck to all!

Anyone wanting to study for the CPS exam in May 2011, please contact Karla


Newsletter Please submit your articles for our monthly newsletter.

Programs Kelly Henson submitted an updated Calendar of Events. She is working on getting cer-

tification points for these presentations.

Ways and Means

Garage Sale/Bake Sale scheduled for April 2011.

Scentsy Candle Sale – Cathy Wall was present at the November meeting to sell

Scentsy products.

Chocolate Basket – February raffle – bring chocolates to the January meeting;

tickets will go on sale in January.

Fourth of July Basket – tickets will go on sale in June.

Saving aluminum cans – see Chris Romair regarding this project.

Bake Sale – Texas A&M Vendor – December 3, 2010 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. We will have 2 tables and everyone is to bring baked goods to the Christ-mas party. The items that were to be used for the online auction will be raffled at

this event.

Blanket Raffle – Tickets and a photo were emailed by Bobbie Guyton. The win-

ning ticket will be drawn at the Christmas Party.

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N e w s l e t t e r C o m m i t t e e : K a r l a V i l l e n e u v e C P S k v i l l e n e u v e @ s t a n d a r d p a r k i n g . c o m , M a r y C o n t r e r a s C P S

M c o n t r e r a s @ l e a g u e c i t y . c o m a n d R h o n d a D r i v e r C P S / C A P r h o n d a . d r i v e r @ n a s a . g o v . T h e G a l v e s t o n C o u n t y C h a p t e r N e w s l e t t e r ― D o l p h i n T a l e s ‖ i s a m o n t h l y p u b l i c a t i o n . T h e d e a d l i n e f o r s u b m i s s i o n o f

m a t e r i a l s i s t h e f o l l o w i n g M o n d a y a f t e r t h e m o n t h l y c h a p t e r m e e t i n g e a c h m o n t h .

N E W S L E T T E R C O M M I T T E E : K A R L A V I L L E N E U V E C P S K V I L L E N E U V E @ S T A N D A R D P A R K I N G . C O M , M A R Y C O N T R E R A S C P S M C O N T R E -

R A S @ L E A G U E C I T Y . C O M A N D R H O N D A D R I V E R C P S / C A P R H O N D A . D R I V E R @ N A S A . G O V . T H E G A L V E S T O N C O U N T Y C H A P T E R N E W S L E T T E R ― D O L P H I N T A L E S ‖ I S A M O N T H L Y P U B L I C A T I O N . T H E D E A D L I N E F O R S U B M I S S I O N O F M A T E R I A L S I S T H E F O L L O W I N G M O N D A Y A F T E R T H E

M O N T H L Y C H A P T E R M E E T I N G E A C H M O N T H .

We do not have any

November Anniversaries!

IAAP November Anniver sar ie s

Annette Barham November 28th

Robin Rossi November 28th

IAAP Bir thdays

Galveston County Chapter 2010-2011 Board of Directors

President, Annette Barham CPS/CAP Secretary, Cathy French CPS/CAP President-Elect, Rhonda Driver CPS/CAP Treasurer, Georgina Eastmond CPS/CAP Vice President, Karla Villeneuve CPS Past President, Janine Cmaidalka CPS/CAP


Dolphin Tales November 2010

Annette Barham CPS/CAP

Janine Cmaidalka CPS/CAP

Rhonda Driver CPS/CAP

Georgina Eastmond CPS/CAP

Cathy French CPS/CAP

Deborah Ground-Sanders CPS/CAP

Bobbie Guyton CPS/CAP

Janet Kidd CPS/CAP

Lynn Wyatt Maida CPS/CAP

Renee Pearcy CPS/CAP

Lynne Purdue CPS/CAP

Teresa Ramirez

Pam Stout CPS/CAP

Karla Villeneuve CPS

Congratulations to the above members for their


Thank you to our sponsor!