Lxn-io Hope College Anchor Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland, Michigan March 16,1950 Prominent String Quartet Will Give Tuesday Concert The Marianne Kneisel String Quartet, the foremost women's string quartet in America, will present a concert next Tuesday, March 21, at 11:10 a.m. in the chapel. This group has travelled throughout the United States, play- ing before hundreds of college au- diences and has had eight appear- ances in Town Hall. A combina- tion of perfect musicianship and personal charm has made the quar- tet perhaps one of the most ap- preciated of all chamber music ensembles. The history of the Quartet has been brilliant from the beginning. Miss Kneisel, the leader of the en- semble, is the daughter of Franz Kneisel, pioneer leader of chamber music in America, who founded the Kneisel String Quartet which b3- came the most famous string quar- tet in the world. Growing up in this atmosphere, it is only natural that she should have a most suc- cessful quartet of her own. Born in Boston, Miss Kneisel received her entire musical education from her father, later being awarded r.n Artist's Diploma from the Juilliaid School of Music in New York. Her associates are real artists in their own names. Miss Kneisel will play on h?r famous "Sancy Stradivarius" owncd about one hundred years ago by the French family "Sancy" from which it derived its name. The vio- lin itself was made in 1713, the period so often referred to as the "Golden Period of Stradivarius". It was owned at one time by Jan Kubelik who made his world-wide success on the instrument. In 1921 it was brought to this country by a collector, and in 1938 it came into the possession of its present owner, Marianne Kneisel. Director of the famous Kneisel Hall at Bluehill, Maine, Miss Knei- sel presents a series of concerts there every summer, and residents attend them yearly. The quartet has been widely acclaimed by music critics wherever it plays. Fraternity Houses To Re-Open In Fall President Irwin J. Lubbers an- nounced recently that plans are now being made for the re-opening of fraternity houses on the Hope campus. Next September, after a period of about eight years when no men on the Hope campus have lived in fraternity homes, Hope fraternities will again provide rooming facilities. The Emersonian and Fraternal societies will return to houses which they formerly occupied. The Emmies will move into Beach Cot- tage and the Fraters will reclaim Fairbanks Cottage. This evening the Cosmopolitan fraternity will be entertained at the home of Dr. Lubbers, where matters regarding their future house will be discussed. This so- ciety, since it formerly owned a house, will be given the choice of living in Columbia Hall or of wait- ing until another structure is se- lected by the Hope administration for fraternity use. Plans are also being made so that the Knickerbocker and Ar- cadian fraternities can be properly housed. Final arrangements will probably not be concluded until this summer. Forensic Hopeites Will Journey East Plans are being formed for the representation of Hope College at the provincial convention of the Province of the Lakes to be held April 3-5 at Grove City College, Grove City, Pennsylvania. Floyd Goulooze and Harvey Moes will represent the affirmative in debate on the college question of the year regarding nationalization of all non-agricultural industries. Nelson Stegeman and Elmer Vruggink will represent the negative. Floyd Goulooze will also represent the school with his oration, "Pioneers of Progress," in the oratorical contest at the convention. Other delegates may take part in other events such as public discussion and after-dinner speaking. Coach of the teams is Lambert Ponstein, with Donald Buteyn assisting. Vyverberg, Kars+en Edit Anchor Issues Nancy Vyverberg and David Karsten, the associate editors of the ANCHOR, are editing this and the next issue of the college paper. The current issue was edited by Vyverberg; the March 30 publica- tion will be under the direction of Karsten. The practice of having the as- sociate editors supervise the task of putting the paper together has been established as a procedure ful- filling two purposes. First, the as- sociate editors, by assuming the responsibilities of the editor-in- chief, gain journalistic experience; and second, the work provides one of the bases of judgment used by the Publications Committee in the selection of next year's editor-in- chief. Cosmopolitans Stand Highest Scholastically Inter-Fraternity Council has an- nounced the first round of results in the inter-frat scholastic compe- tition. Cosmopolitans led with an average of 2.78 followed closely by the Emersonians with 2.73. Fra- ternal and Arcadians tied for third with 2.68 honor points, while the Knickerbockers trailed with 2.56. This competition was established to stimulate scholarship among the men on campus. The council hopes to have a cup soon to keep a permanent record of the fraternity with the highest average each se- mester. More Contest Response Is Expected, Hinga Says Attention, Seniors! Every senior who plans on earning his diploma by attending summer school this summer may partici- pate in the June commencement exercises, provided he submits a plan in writing to the Registrar, indicating what courses he will take and at which school. If the plan is approved by the Ad- ministrative Committee, the sen- ior submitting it will be invited to participate in the June exer- cises. Seventeen Elected To Pi Kappa Delta At a recent meeting of the Pi Kappa Delta Council, the follow- ing persons were elected to Pi Kappa Delta National Honorary Forensic Fraternity: Jacqueline Blaauw, Elton Bruins, David Cole- man, Philip Gifford, Mary Hout- man, William Kloote, Richard Kruizenga, Frances Lell, Charles Link, Louise Loula, Mary Olert, Burrell Pennings, Nancy Siebert, Patricia Stagg, Guy Vander Jagt, Elmer Vruggink, and Charles Wis- sink. Sophs Elect Yande Water As Editor of *51 Milestone Central Plant Starts Heating Hope Bldgs. The new heating system has finally been put into operation and is heating the science building, Durfee Hall, and the Gymnasium. Gradually the remaining buildings on campus will be connected to the system, but a definite date has not been set. It may be of interest to know that the end of the coal strike and the operation of the boiler occurred none too soon. The college was on the verge of closing school for two weeks because three carloads of coal intended to heat the campus buildings were confis- cated by the railroads. The strike is over, and the boiler is operat- ing, so students can plan on hav- ing spring vacation at the expected time. Committee Studies Plans For Rooms In Durfee Hall Bill Hinga, chairman of the "Athletic Nickname" contest, an- nounces that the response in sub- mitting nicknames has been slow. "Although we have been, and are, expecting more response and fuller cooperation from the student body," Chairman Hinga said, "many good names have already been submitted to compete for the $5.00 prize." Hinga emphasizes that students should remember that their selec- tions should be significant, for the "nickname" is intended to stay with Hope College athletes for a long time. Assisting ^ Hinga in conducting the campaign are president Nick Yonker, Connie Shilling, and Walt Scholten of the Student Council. Aiding these four students on the judging board will be Bud Vande- Wege, H-Club representative; Mr. Clyde Geerlings, of the Publicity Department; Professor Al Vander- bush, of the college coaching staff; Miss L. Van Dommelen, represent- ing the Athletic Department; and a member of the WAA, who has yet to be chosen. Chairman Hinga concluded that cooperation of the student body would probably allow the judges to decide on the winner for release in the next issue of the ANCHOR and requested that students hurry and get their selections in. The Committee on Furnishings for Durfee Hall met last week in Gilmore Cottage in order to discuss various suggestions concerning the furniture for the lounge and rooms in the new dorm. The members dis- cussed with Mr. Ralph Calder, the architect of Durfee Hall, the vari- ous offers made by the local furni- ture dealers in regard to built-in dressers, single beds, and bookcases to be placed in the rooms. Each of the various pieces of furniture will be especially designed so as to be most suitable for the rooms. The committee also discussed ideas con- cerning the color scheme, furniture, carpeting, and draperies for the lounge in order to purchase beau- tiful as well as durable furniture. Yesterday six members of the committee drove to Michigan State College in East Lansing where they again met Mr. Calder who escorted them through the Union Building and newest women's residential hall and men's residential hall for which Mr. Calder was the architect. In this way, the committee members obtained a more concrete idea of the type of furniture which would be most practical for our own Durfee Hall. The members of the committee are Mrs. George Pelgrim, chair- man, and the following officers from the Hope College Women's League: Mrs. J. C. Westerhoff, Mrs. Harry Young, Mrs. Ernest Brooks, and Mrs. George Albers; Dr. Irwin J. Lubbers, Miss Emma Reeverts and Mr. Rein Visscher represent the college administra- tion on the committee. The four officers from the Hope College Women's League represent an organization composed of rep- resentatives of every church from the classis of Holland. For many years this group has been actively interested in the furnishings of Hope's women's dormitories. It has contributed several thousand dol- lars for furnishings in Voorhees Hall and Gilmore Cottage, and this year its major project is the fur- nishing of rooms of Durfee Hall. Hope Purchases Concert Tickets Hope College has undertaken a new project by buying a block of 100 season tickets for the Com- munity Concert Series in Grand Rapids for the season of 1950-1951. This is an attempt to enable stu- dents and faculty members to at- tend a series of concerts of pro- fessional quality. This decision was made as an alternative to the plan to bring a mediocre concert series to the Hope campus, because it was decided that students would benefit more from hearing one of the best concerts series in the na- tion. Each season ticket costs $6 but the college has purchased a block of 100 season tickets for $300. Arrangements will be made so that those students and faculty members desiring a season ticket may buy one, but the remaining tickets will be owned by the college and released to students to be used for one concert at a time. Definite prices will be arranged for each concert, and transportation facili- ties will be provided if needed. Ar- rangements for tickets and trans- portation will be made through the Musical Arts Club and the admin- istration. Handall Vande Water Reeverts Proclaims New Housing Plans The Dean of Women, Emma Reeverts, has announced the plans for housing the women on the campus next year. The new dormi- tory, Durfee Hall, will be used by the women of the Junior and Senior classes, while the underclass women will be housed in Voorhees Hall and Van Vleck. The Freshmen will all live in Voorhees and the Sophomores will live in Van Vleck and Voorhees. There will be up- perclass student counselors in the dormitories to assist the house di- rectors. Reading Contest To Be Held Soon The local competition for the Poetry Reading Contest will be held in the Little Theater on March 22 at 4 p. m. In the men's section, Ray Martin, Dale Hamelink, Dave Douma, Dave Ter Beest, and Philip Gifford will compete. Joyce Brun- sell, Amy Silcox, and Sandra Lan- ning will participate in the women's division. The winners will read in the state contest in Kalamazoo on May 5. Richard Leonard, Tom Malewitz, Ray Martin, Dale Hamelink, Dave Douma, Dave Ter..Beest, and Philip Gifford will compete on March 29 in the prose reading section. Joyce Brunsell, Amy Silcox, and Sandra Lanning will also read in the prose contests. Yesterday was the deadline for entries. Three different faculty members will judge each contest. Overcrowded Conditions Make Tie-Clasp Unhappy Editor Makes Selection Of New Staff Members Randall Vande Water, Hope Col- lege sophomore and resident of Holland, has been announced as Editor of the Milestone for the 1950-1951 school year, following an election on February 28 among members of the Class of '52. Mr. Vande Water was chosen for the position on the strength of past experience in journalistic work and a sincere interest in that sort of activity. In high school he was a sports edi- tor of both the Holland High School yearbook and the Holland High Herald, and at the present time he works for the Holland Evening Sentinel. Here at Hope he is a member of the Fraternal society, has won a letter in cross-country participation, and is now treasurer of the Sophomore Class. His major field of concentration is English. The remainder of the new Mile- stone staff has also been selected and will shortly begin a period of apprenticeship with this year's staff. Richard Kruizenga, from Spring Lake, Michigan, will be business manager for the 1951 pro- duction. On campus Dick is secre- tary of the Emersonian fraternity and a sports reporter for the Anchor. He is to be assisted by Gail VanZyl. Sports editor will be Ken DeYoung of Sparta, Michigan, also an Emersonian. In charge of the faculty layout is Doris Adams of Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, member of the Delta Phi sorority, and another Delphian, Anna Herder, from Three Bridges, New Jersey, will arrange the layout of classes. Organization is in charge of Marjorie Mulder, who was edi- tor of the Holland High yearbook during her senior year there; she is also a Delphian. Gordon DePree, member of the Knickerbocker fra- ternity and resident of Zeeland, is desk editor. Marilyn Veldman, who comes from Orange City, Iowa, and who took an active part in prepar- ing the high school yearbook, has accepted the task of arranging ac- tivities. At Hope she has been in the Women's Glee Club, the Delphi sorority, and is on the ANCHOR advertising staff. The art editor, photographers, and typists are to be named at a later date. Election of the Milestone staff of 1950-'51 took place at an earlier date this year than has been the case in former years. The choice was made at this time to enable the new staff to gain some experi- ence by working with those putting Continued on Page 3. Date Student's Name (Print) I submit the following nick- name to refer to Hope College athletes. (Please Print) Remarks: Half Of $25,000 Goal Has Been Donated It has been announced by Dr. Irwin Lubbers that the $25,000 goal requested of the alumni has reached the half-way mark. Re- cently letters were sent to 2500 alumni asking them to each send $10 in order to delete the deficit in the present year's budget. A total of 440 contributions representing 545 alumni have.been received so far, and a day never passes with- out at least one or more responses from the alumni. There have been several large gifts, including 28 of $100 or more, so that the average gift is approximately two and one- half times that originally re- quested. It is hoped that the re- sponse will continue to be as gen- erous in the future, so that the $25,000 goal may be attained. I am a gold tie-clasp named H.B. You may think it strange that a tie-clasp is able to speak, but then there are lots of things all of us don't know. I usually don't say much, being rather dull, but today I have a great weight on my heart. You see, we can't breathe. I live on the first floor of what humans call a filing cabinet, but I don't live here alone. There are hundreds of tenants here, and that is where the trouble lies. There are so many boarders in this institution called the Lost and Found Department of Hope College, that we don't have room to breathe. That is why I am appealing to you. If you have any acquaintance in our abode, won't you please take him away from here? He will be only too happy to repay you for all the good times you have missed, and we tenants will have a little more room in here. There are several tragic cases here, but one is outstanding. It concerns "Wash", or formally, Washington University, a silver bracelet that has been here so long that, poor soul, he can't remember to whom he belongs. Maybe he was supposed to be reminding some coed of her lover. Maybe he be- longs to a young lady who has graduated and left him here for- ever ! Isn't that heart-rending? A similar story is true of the bracelet called Wayland J.C., but to our knowledge there are no longer any Wayland representatives at Hope. Cruel fate! Past the corner occupied by in- numerable strings of pearls is the "foreign section". Here there is quite a collection of Spanish occu- pants called books. Why is it that Spaniards become lost more readily than any other foreigners? We really haven't the room for them. Another corner of our habit- ation, past the pile of scarves and the bottle of Wild Root Cream Oil, is occupied by men's gloves. They take more room than anything else in the lost and found institution. That chap there — the 9% fur- lined pair is pining for his owner who probably lost him just after Christmas. We have become so crowded on the first floor of the filing cabinet that we have a new suburb! It is located in what is called a desk drawer in the business office. But this expansion doesn't help much. We are still so overcrowded that we just don't have room to breathe. I don't have much polish in matters of this sort, but we are desperate I So, if you have any lost articles here, won't you claim them (gasp), please? Jekel Will Offer Recital March 23 Earl Jekel will present his senior piano recital on March 23 at 8:15 p. m. in the chapel auditorium. Earl, a resident of Holland, has studied piano with Mrs. Harold - Karsten for eight years and for \ two years with Mr. Milton Johns- ton at whose home he has-given many recitals. His program is as follows: I Sonata, Opus 26 Beethoven II Tocatta in C Major Bach-Busoni Prelude Intermezzo III Nocturne, Opus 55, No. 1 Chopin La Cathedrale Englontie .... Debussy By the Sea. Schubert-Stoye March Wind MacDowell First $500 Is Pledged For Dorm Furnishings It was recently announced that the First Reformed Church Ladies Aid Society of Holland is the first organization to pledge $500 for furnishing a new rpom in Durfee Hall. A request has been made to organizations interested in Hope College and the new dormitory to pledge $500, which will cover the entire furnishings for one room. As the dormitory nears completion, it is hoped that many more so- cieties will respond to this request.


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Page 1: 03-16-1950


Hope College Anchor Official Publication of the Students of Hope College at Holland, Michigan March 16 ,1950

Prominent String Quartet Will Give Tuesday Concert

T h e M a r i a n n e Kneisel S t r ing Quartet , the f o r e m o s t w o m e n ' s s t r ing quar te t in America, will present a concert next Tuesday, March 21, at 11:10 a.m. in the chapel. This group has travelled throughout the United States, play-ing before hundreds of college au-diences and has had eight appear-ances in Town Hall. A combina-tion of perfect musicianship and personal charm has made the quar-tet perhaps one of the most ap-preciated of all c h a m b e r m u s i c ensembles.

The history of the Quarte t has been brilliant from the beginning. Miss Kneisel, the leader of the en-semble, is the daughter of Franz Kneisel, pioneer leader of chamber music in America, who founded the Kneisel Str ing Quartet which b3-came the most famous str ing quar-tet in the world. Growing up in this atmosphere, it is only natural tha t she should have a most suc-cessful quar te t of her own. Born in Boston, Miss Kneisel received her entire musical education from her fa ther , la ter being awarded r.n Art is t ' s Diploma from the Jui l l ia id School of Music in New York. Her associates a re real ar t is ts in their own names.

Miss Kneisel will play on h?r famous "Sancy St radivar ius" owncd about one hundred years ago by the French family "Sancy" from which it derived its name. The vio-lin itself was made in 1713, the period so of ten referred to as the "Golden Period of Stradivar ius" . It was owned at one time by J a n Kubelik who made his world-wide success on the instrument. In 1921 it was brought to this country by a collector, and in 1938 it came into the possession of its present owner, Marianne Kneisel.

Director of the famous Kneisel Hall a t Bluehill, Maine, Miss Knei-sel presents a series of concerts there every summer, and residents attend them yearly. The quar te t has been widely acclaimed by music critics wherever it plays.

Fraternity Houses To Re-Open In Fall

President Irwin J . Lubbers an-nounced recently that plans are now being made fo r the re-opening of f ra te rn i ty houses on the Hope campus. Next September, a f t e r a period of about eight years when no men on the Hope campus have lived in f ra te rn i ty homes, Hope f ra terni t ies will again p r o v i d e rooming facilities.

The Emersonian and Fraternal societies will re turn to houses which they formerly occupied. The Emmies will move into Beach Cot-tage and the F ra te r s will reclaim Fairbanks Cottage.

This evening the Cosmopolitan f ra te rn i ty will be entertained at the home of Dr. Lubbers, where mat ters regarding their fu ture house will be discussed. This so-ciety, since it formerly owned a house, will be given the choice of living in Columbia Hall or of wait-ing until another s tructure is se-lected by the Hope administration for f ra te rn i ty use.

Plans are also being made so that the Knickerbocker and Ar-cadian f ra terni t ies can be properly housed. Final a r rangements will probably not be concluded until this summer.

Forensic Hopeites Will Journey East

Plans are being formed for the representation of Hope College at the provincial convention of the Province of the Lakes to be held April 3-5 a t Grove City College, Grove City, Pennsylvania. Floyd Goulooze and Harvey Moes will represent the affirmative in debate on the college question of the year regarding nationalization of all non-agricultural industries. Nelson Stegeman and Elmer Vruggink will represent the negative. Floyd Goulooze will also represent the school with his oration, "Pioneers of Progress ," in the oratorical contest at the convention. Other delegates may take part in other events such as public discussion and after-dinner speaking. Coach of the teams is Lambert Ponstein, with Donald Buteyn assisting.

Vyverberg, Kars+en Edit Anchor Issues

Nancy Vyverberg and David Karsten, the associate editors of the ANCHOR, are editing this and the next issue of the college paper. The current issue was edited by Vyverberg; the March 30 publica-tion will be under the direction of Karsten.

The practice of having the as-sociate editors supervise the task of put t ing the paper together has been established as a procedure ful-filling two purposes. First , the as-sociate editors, by assuming the responsibilities of the editor-in-chief, gain journalistic experience; and second, the work provides one of the bases of judgment used by the Publications Committee in the selection of next year 's editor-in-chief.

Cosmopolitans Stand Highest Scholastically

In te r -Fra te rn i ty Council has an-nounced the first round of results in the in ter- f ra t scholastic compe-tition. Cosmopolitans led with an average of 2.78 followed closely by the Emersonians with 2.73. Fra-ternal and Arcadians tied for third with 2.68 honor points, while the Knickerbockers trailed with 2.56.

This competition was established to stimulate scholarship among the men on campus. The council hopes to have a cup soon to keep a permanent record of the f ra te rn i ty with the highest average each se-mester.

More Contest Response

Is Expected, Hinga Says

Attention, S e n i o r s ! Every senior who plans on earning his diploma by at tending summer school this summer may partici-pate in the June commencement exercises, provided he submits a plan in writ ing to the Registrar , indicating what courses he will take and a t which school. If the plan is approved by the Ad-ministrative Committee, the sen-ior submitt ing it will be invited to participate in the June exer-cises.

Seventeen Elected To Pi Kappa Delta

At a recent meeting of the Pi Kappa Delta Council, the follow-ing persons were elected to Pi Kappa Delta National Honorary F o r e n s i c Fra te rn i ty : Jacqueline Blaauw, Elton Bruins, David Cole-man, Philip Gifford, Mary Hout-man, William Kloote, R i c h a r d Kruizenga, Frances Lell, Charles Link, Louise Loula, Mary Olert, Burrell Pennings, Nancy Siebert, Patricia Stagg, Guy Vander Jag t , Elmer Vruggink, and Charles Wis-sink.

Sophs Elect Yande Water As Editor of *51 Milestone Central Plant Starts Heating Hope Bldgs.

The new heating system has

finally been put into operation and

is heating the science building,

Durfee Hall, and the Gymnasium.

Gradually the remaining buildings

on campus will be connected to the

system, but a definite date has not

been set. It may be of interest to

know tha t the end of the coal str ike and the operation of the boiler occurred none too soon. The college was on the verge of closing school for two weeks because three carloads of coal intended to heat the campus buildings were confis-cated by the railroads. The strike is over, and the boiler is operat-ing, so students can plan on hav-ing spring vacation at the expected time.

Committee Studies Plans For Rooms In Durfee Hall

Bill Hinga, chairman of the "Athletic Nickname" contest, an-nounces t h a t the response in sub-mit t ing nicknames has been slow. "Although we have been, and are, expecting more response and ful ler c o o p e r a t i o n f rom the student body," C h a i r m a n H i n g a said, "many good names have already been submitted to compete f o r the $5.00 prize."

Hinga emphasizes tha t s tudents should remember tha t their selec-tions should be significant, f o r the "nickname" is intended to stay with Hope College athletes for a long time.

Assist ing ^ Hinga in conducting the campaign are president Nick Yonker, Connie Shilling, and Wal t Scholten of the Student Council. Aiding these four students on the judging board will be Bud Vande-Wege, H-Club representat ive; Mr. Clyde Geerlings, of the Publicity Depar tment ; Professor Al Vander-bush, of the college coaching s taf f ; Miss L. Van Dommelen, represent-

ing the Athletic Department; and a member of the WAA, who has yet to be chosen.

Chairman Hinga concluded tha t cooperation of the student body would probably allow the judges to decide on the winner fo r release in the next issue of the ANCHOR and requested tha t s tudents hurry and ge t their selections in.

The Committee on Furnishings for Durfee Hall met last week in Gilmore Cottage in order to discuss various suggestions concerning the furn i ture for the lounge and rooms in the new dorm. The members dis-cussed with Mr. Ralph Calder, the architect of Durfee Hall, the vari-ous offers made by the local fu rn i -ture dealers in regard to built-in dressers, single beds, and bookcases to be placed in the rooms. Each of the various pieces of fu rn i tu re will be especially designed so as to be most suitable for the rooms. The committee also discussed ideas con-cerning the color scheme, furn i tu re , carpeting, and draperies for the lounge in order to purchase beau-t i ful as well as durable furn i ture .

Yesterday six members of the committee drove to Michigan State College in Eas t Lansing where they again met Mr. Calder who escorted them through the Union Building and newest women's residential hall and men's residential hall for which Mr. Calder was the architect. In this way, the committee members obtained a more concrete idea of the type of fu rn i tu re which would be most practical for our own Durfee Hall.

The members of the committee are Mrs. George Pelgrim, chair-man, and the following officers f rom the Hope College Women's League: Mrs. J . C. Westerhoff, Mrs. Har ry Young, Mrs. Ernest Brooks, and Mrs. George Albers; Dr. Irwin J . Lubbers, Miss Emma Reeverts and Mr. Rein Visscher represent the college administra-tion on the committee.

The four officers from the Hope College Women's League represent an organization composed of rep-resentatives of every church f rom the classis of Holland. For many years this group has been actively interested in the furnish ings of Hope's women's dormitories. I t has contributed several thousand dol-la rs fo r furn ish ings in Voorhees Hall and Gilmore Cottage, and this year its ma jo r project is t he f u r -nishing of rooms of Durfee Hall.

Hope Purchases Concert Tickets

Hope College has undertaken a

new project by buying a block of

100 season tickets for the Com-

munity Concert Series in Grand Rapids for the season of 1950-1951. This is an a t tempt to enable stu-dents and facul ty members to at-tend a series of concerts of pro-fessional quality. This decision was made as an alternative to the plan to bring a mediocre concert series to the Hope campus, because it was decided tha t students would benefit more f rom hearing one of the best concerts series in the na-tion. Each season ticket costs $6 but the college has purchased a block of 100 season tickets for $300. Arrangements will be made so that those students and faculty members desiring a season ticket may buy one, but the remaining tickets will be owned by the college and released to students to be used for one concert a t a time. Definite prices will be arranged fo r each concert, and t ransportat ion facili-ties will be provided if needed. Ar-rangements for tickets and trans-portation will be made through the Musical Ar ts Club and the admin-istration.

Handall Vande Water

Reeverts Proclaims New Housing Plans

The Dean of Women, Emma Reeverts, has announced the plans for housing the women on the campus next year. The new dormi-tory, Durfee Hall, will be used by the women of the Junior and Senior classes, while the u n d e r c l a s s women will be housed in Voorhees Hall and Van Vleck. The Freshmen will all live in Voorhees and the Sophomores will live in Van Vleck and Voorhees. There will be up-perclass student counselors in the dormitories to assist the house di-rectors.

Reading Contest To Be Held Soon

The local competition fo r the Poetry Reading Contest will be held in the Little Theater on March 22 a t 4 p. m. In the men's section, Ray Martin, Dale Hamelink, Dave Douma, Dave Ter Beest, and Philip Gifford will compete. Joyce Brun-sell, Amy Silcox, and Sandra Lan-ning will participate in the women's division. The winners will read in the s ta te contest in Kalamazoo on May 5.

Richard Leonard, Tom Malewitz, Ray Martin, Dale Hamelink, Dave Douma, Dave Ter..Beest, and Philip Gifford will compete on March 29 in the prose reading section. Joyce Brunsell, Amy Silcox, and Sandra Lanning will also read in the prose contests.

Yesterday was the deadline for entries. Three different f a c u l t y members will judge each contest.

Overcrowded Conditions Make Tie-Clasp Unhappy

Editor Makes Selection Of New Staff Members

Randall Vande Water , Hope Col-lege s o p h o m o r e and resident of Holland, has been announced as Editor of the Milestone f o r the 1950-1951 school year, following an election on Februa ry 28 among members of the Class of '52. Mr. Vande Water was chosen for the position on the s t rength of past experience in journalist ic work and a sincere interest in tha t sort of activity.

In high school he was a sports edi-tor of both the Holland High School yearbook and the Holland High Herald, and at the present time he works for the Holland Evening Sentinel. Here a t Hope he is a member of the Fra te rna l society, has won a letter in cross-country participation, and is now t reasure r of the Sophomore Class. His major field of concentration is English.

The remainder of the new Mile-stone staff has also been selected and will shortly begin a period of a p p r e n t i c e s h i p with this year 's staff. Richard K r u i z e n g a , from Spring Lake, M i c h i g a n , will be business manager for the 1951 pro-duction. On campus Dick is secre-t a r y of the Emersonian f r a t e rn i t y and a s p o r t s r e p o r t e r fo r the Anchor. He is to be assisted by Gail VanZyl. Sports editor will be Ken DeYoung of Spar ta , Michigan, also an Emersonian. In charge of the faculty layout is Doris Adams of Sheboygan Falls, W i s c o n s i n , member of the Delta Phi sorority, a n d a n o t h e r D e l p h i a n , A n n a Herder, f rom Three Bridges, New Jersey, will a r range the layout of classes. Organization is in charge of Mar jor ie Mulder, who was edi-tor of the Holland High yearbook dur ing her senior year there ; she is also a Delphian. Gordon DePree, member of the Knickerbocker f r a -terni ty and resident of Zeeland, is desk editor. Marilyn Veldman, who comes f rom Orange City, Iowa, and who took an active pa r t in prepar-ing the high school yearbook, has accepted the task of a r r ang ing ac-tivities. At Hope she has been in the Women's Glee Club, the Delphi sorority, and is on the ANCHOR advertising staff. The a r t editor, photographers, and typists are to be named a t a la ter date.

Election of the Milestone staff of 1950-'51 took place a t an earlier date this year than has been the case in former years. The choice was made a t this time to enable the new staff to gain some experi-ence by working with those put t ing

Continued on Page 3.


Student 's Name (Pr in t )

I submit the following nick-

name to r e fe r to Hope College


(Please Pr in t )


Half Of $25,000 Goal Has Been Donated

I t has been announced by Dr. Irwin Lubbers t h a t the $25,000 goal requested of the alumni has reached the half-way mark. Re-cently let ters were sent to 2500 alumni asking them to each send $10 in order to delete the deficit in the present year 's budget. A total of 440 contributions representing 545 alumni have.been received so f a r , and a day never passes with-out a t least one or more responses f rom the alumni. There have been several large g i f t s , including 28 of $100 or more, so tha t the average g i f t is approximately two and one-half times tha t o r i g i n a l l y re-quested. I t is hoped that the re-sponse will continue to be as gen-erous in the fu tu re , so t h a t the $25,000 goal may be at tained.

I am a gold tie-clasp named H.B.

You may think it s t range tha t a

tie-clasp is able to speak, but then

there a re lots of things all of us don't know. I usually don't say much, being r a the r dull, bu t today I have a great weight on my heart . You see, we can ' t breathe. I live on the first floor of what humans call a filing cabinet, but I don't live here alone. There are hundreds of tenants here, and tha t is where the trouble lies. There are so many boarders in this institution called the Lost and Found Depar tment of Hope College, t h a t we don't have room to breathe. Tha t is why I am appealing to you. If you have any acquaintance in our abode, won't you please take him away f rom here? He will be only too happy to repay you fo r all the good times you have missed, and we tenants will have a little more room in here.

There are several t r ag ic cases here, bu t one is outstanding. I t concerns "Wash" , o r f o r m a l l y , Washington U n i v e r s i t y , a silver bracelet t h a t has been here so long tha t , poor soul, he can ' t remember to whom he belongs. Maybe he was supposed to be reminding some coed of her lover. Maybe he be-longs to a young lady who has graduated and l e f t him here for -ever ! Isn ' t t h a t heart-rending? A similar story is t r ue of the bracelet

called Wayland J.C., but to our

knowledge there are no longer any

Wayland representatives a t Hope.

Cruel f a t e !

Pas t the corner occupied by in-

numerable s tr ings of pearls is the

"foreign section". Here there is

quite a collection of Spanish occu-

pants called books. Why is it t ha t

Spaniards become lost more readily

than any other foreigners? We

really haven' t the room fo r them.

A n o t h e r c o r n e r of our habit-

ation, past the pile of scarves and the bottle of Wild Root Cream Oil, is occupied by men's gloves. They take more room than anyth ing else in the lost and found institution. That chap there — the 9% f u r -lined pai r — is pining f o r his owner who probably lost him jus t a f t e r Christmas.

We have become so crowded on the first floor of the filing cabinet t h a t we have a new suburb! I t is located in wha t is called a desk drawer in the business office. But this expansion doesn't help much. We a re still so overcrowded t h a t we jus t don't have room to breathe. I don't have much polish in mat te r s of this sort, but we are desperate I So, if you have any lost articles here, won't you claim them (gasp) , please?

Jekel Will Offer Recital March 23

Earl Jekel will present his senior piano recital on March 23 a t 8:15 p. m. in the chapel auditorium. Ear l , a resident of Holland, has studied piano with Mrs. Harold -Karsten f o r eight years and for \ two years with Mr. Milton Johns-ton a t whose home he has -g iven many recitals.

His program is as follows: I

Sonata, Opus 26 Beethoven II

Tocatta in C Major Bach-Busoni Prelude Intermezzo

I I I Nocturne, Opus 55, No. 1 Chopin La Cathedrale Englontie....Debussy By the Sea. Schubert-Stoye March Wind MacDowell

First $500 Is Pledged For Dorm Furnishings

I t was recently announced t h a t the F i r s t Reformed Church Ladies Aid Society of Holland is the first organization to pledge $500 f o r furn ish ing a new rpom in Durfee Hall. A request has been made to organizations interested in Hope College and the new dormitory to pledge $500, which will cover the ent i re furn ish ings fo r one room. As the dormitory nears completion, i t is hoped tha t many more so-cieties will respond to th i s request .

Page 2: 03-16-1950

Page Two H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R

Hope College flnehor EDITORIAL S T A F F

Walter B. Studdiford Editor-in-Chief

Dave Karsten ( Associate Editors Nancy H. Vyverberg j Gerald H. Boerman Business Manager James A. Hoffman Asst . Business Manager Robert S. Van Dyke Advertising Manager Elton J . Bruins News Editor Joan Wilson Feature Editor Gordon G. Beld Sports Editor Elizabeth A. Koch Rewrite Editor Mary R. Houtman Society Editor Edward Kerle Circulation Manager Michael Romano Photographer

Typists Margare t Schoonveld, Shirley Pyle, Esther Kinney Marie Haldenwang

Advertising Staff Betty Cross, John Du Mez, Robert Henninges, Rob-ert Peverly, Shirley Pyle, Marilyn Veldman, Cathy Wines, John Witte, Mary Zweizig, Myrna Vandei Molen, Connie Shilling.

Circulation Richard Stewart

Reporters Paul Lupkes, Ruth Koeppe, Cathy Wines, Barbara

Bruins, Connie Shilling, Jeannine De Boer, Jackie Medendorp, Jackie Gore, Gloria Gore, Kathy Hag-strom, Betty Watson, Harold Dean, Sue Roest, Joyce Brunsell, Helen Naden, Cathy Sharpe, Ginny Hesse, Anna Herder, Alice Gravenhorst, Marjorie Dykema, Joanne Geerds, June Dunster, Mary Zweizig, Julie Bernius, Phyl Heidanus, Annette Hezinger, Connie Boersma, Chuck Wissink, Hugh Campbell, Richard Kruizenga, Nancy Smith, Dorothy Fennema, Marion Reichert, Marilyn Van Weelden, Larry Masse, Joan Ridder, Dave Hagar , Bill Vander Werff, Leroy Lovelace, Guy Vander Jacht , Edith Teune, Pat t Stagg, Doris Adams, James Pritchard.

Entered as second class mat ter at the post office of Holland, Michigan, a t special ra te of postage provided for in section 1103 of Act of Congress, October 3, 1917, and authorized October 19, 1918.

Subscription Rate : $2.00 per year.

Published by the students of Hope College every two weeks throughout the school year, except dur-ing holidays or examination periods.


E d i t o r i a l s

of these assumptions should be subject to constant re-evaluation.

It is sometimes tacitly assumed tha t cur-rent teaching and tes t ing methods a re the best. But this is not always the case. Wha t is the funct ion of a tes t? What should be the content of tes ts? How can examinations help to t ra in the whole of man for the whole of l i fe?

Educat ion has many assumptions. Their effects determine the course of college prac-tices of instruction. It is highly impor tant tha t these assumptions be recognized and understood. In this way wrong ideas will be eliminated and valid axioms will become recognized. This evaluation of basic assump-tions is not an easy task, but unless it is un-dertaken, there is th rea t of s tagnat ion in education. A study of the assumptions un-derlying the tes t ing program at Hope will make possible vitality in the educational p rogram here.

— W. B. S.


Basic Assumptions On February 16, Dean Long, Professor of

Economics at Evansville College, Evansville, Indiana, met with the Special Study Com-mittee and also with the Educational Poli-cies Committee of the Hope facul ty to dis-cuss depar tmenta l comprehensive exams for seniors. It is encouraging to note this indi-cation tha t the tes t ing program at Hope is being evaluated.

Implicit in all social enterprises are cer-tain basic assumptions. This is especially t rue of college education. These assumptions are of ten extremely important , for they de-termine the na tu re of the educative process and give a continuity to teaching practices. They a re closely associated with the aims and objectives of college t ra ining. Because of the key roles which they play, the validity

Where's That Book? Have you ever had the experience of

searching for references in the catalogue in Graves Library, finding the catalogue num-ber of jus t the book which you thought con-tained the information you needed, and then discover tha t the book no longer could be found? Have you ever looked for Volume XI or XII of the Encyclopaedia Bri t tanica and found tha t it was missing? Have you ever looked for a magazine article only to dis-cover tha t the par t icular copy you needed had disappeared? Almost everyone of us have had similar i r r i t a t ing experiences as those mentioned above.

Why does this occur? Because some stu-dents on our campus have lost their sense of social consciousness. I t 's t rue that those encyclopaedia volumes have perhaps been re-turned by now, but they were missing only a few days ago. I t 's happened before, and it will happen again unless s tudents stop to realize tha t their a t t i tude is one of pure sel-fishness. When tha t assignment is due to-morrow and it 's 9 :30 p. m. now, we suddenly realize tha t we only have 15 more minutes in which to finish reading tha t magazine article. Why not jus t take the magazine home and have all night to really do the assignment r igh t? Certainly there is noth-ing wrong in tha t — jus t one instance of rationalization. The magazine will be re-turned tomorrow, and no one will know the difference. But is the magazine re turned? Three months later, at the end of the semes-ter, we are shocked to see the magazine in the same place we had lef t it tha t night so long ago. It certainly is s t range tha t the magazine hadn' t re turned by itself.

There may be other s tudents who even have less noble purpose in br inging books and magazines home f rom the l ibrary. Let their own conscience judge them!

It is t ragic tha t such a handful of s tudents can make mat te rs like this so i r r i t a t ing fo r so many students. If we 're guilty of the of-fense, let's think of how the consequences of our act affect so many. Let 's make f a i r play our s tandard.

Sophomores Have Party A t Lit Club

Statements like "When are we going to have another swell time like t h i s ? " were many a f t e r the sophomore par ty held at the Lit-erary Club last Saturday evening. The theme " R a g g Mopp — 52" was ably carried out under the direc-tion of the chairman, Donald De^ Young. A cheery atmosphere was provided with both floors of the club being decorated by properties suggestive of the theme. Tables were set casually about the rooms, and candle light provided that added touch to the atmosphere. The gues ts were at t ired informally, the evening being spent in a "Sock-Hop" manner.

A specially imported floor show was provided. The Rockettes pre-sented several fascinat ing reviews, truly in "Ragg Mopp" style. The sophomore band under the direction of Gordy Cox confirmed the fact tha t the sophomore class is truly talented. Destined fo r Broadway are Bill Finlaw and Ken Erickson, who gave their rendition of "Won-derbar ." Don Brandt and Don De-Young, with the aid of Lavina Hoogeveen, set the audience laugh-ing on their way to "Stromboli."

The usually reserved sophomores lost some of their customary dig-nity when a ba r rage of balloons was dropped f rom the ceiling a t the end of the floor show. Every-one seemed to find new fr iends and acquaintances within the class, and the fellowship of the class of '52 was increased.

Alumni H Club Sponsors Basketball Team Visits

During the course of the Hope

basketball campaign, several mem-

bers of the Alumni H Club spon-

sored numerous basketeers in visits

to our campus. Eckdel Buis spon-

sored the visit of the Central and

Ottawa Hills hopefuls of Grand Rapids. The hardwood s ta rs of Kalamazoo were brought to Hope under the sponsorship of alumnus Robert Van Dis. The powerful Al-legan High School quintet visited Hope sponsored by Richard Higgs. Don Shrymer sponsored the visit of the crew f rom Grand Rapids South. Alumnus John Visser was the spon-sor for the s ta rs of Belding and Benton Harbor. Hope mentor Russ DeVette sponsored the visit of the athletes f rom Fennville and Zee-land.

When the high school youths ar-rived, they were guests of the col-lege and the Alumni H members on the campus. They were con-ducted about the campus by mem-bers of the Active H Club and were guests of the basketball team at Temple for supper. They were then given special seats a t a Hope basketball game.

" I t is this work and coopera-t ion," said Athletic Director Dean Milton Hinga, " tha t will increase Hope athletically." The primary purpose of the visits was to en-courage the students to fu r ther their education, as well as to give them a favorable impression of Hope College.

Kappa Delta, Alpha Chi To Have Joint Meeting

Kappa Delta and Alpha Chi will hold a joint meeting on Monday evening, March 20, a t 7:30 in the Little Theater . The members of Kappa Delta will give a presenta-tion of Elliott Field's play, "If I Be His Disciple," a missionary play which stresses the importance of being a t rue follower of Christ.

In the cast are Pauline Hendrieth as Martha, the maid; Anita Ryn-brandt as Mrs. Henry de Peyster Morris, a society woman; Pa t S tagg as Dorothy, a young college graduate ; Jul ia Smith as Blanche, a young missionary to the South-ern mountains; Nellie Ten Brink as Mrs. Jones, a d r e s s m a k e r ; Marge Pickens as Peggy, a little Southern gir l ; and Lucille Fikse as Mrs. Calkins, a church woman. The members of the cast have worked very hard on the play, and it prom-ises to be enjoyable and inspiring. All members are invited to come.

Dave Coleman is in charge of de-votions; Alpha Chi will provide special music and the refreshments .

Dr. Dykstra Lectures On TKeOtogy Of Earth

"The Theology of Karl Bar th" was the subject of two lectures

given March 8 and 15 by Dr. D.

Ivan Dykstra to the Western Theo-

logical Seminary student body and


CoundJ The s u b c o m m i t t e e set up to

formulate the new student-faculty committees made its first report to the Council at the past meeting. The committee has proposed that five new student-faculty commit-tees be set up and definitions be given to each. The proposed com-mittees are : Recreation and Health, Building and Grounds, Public Re-lations, Dining Hall, and a Media-tion committee. The Dining Hall committee has already been set up and has been working very com-mendably for the past two weeks. The subcommittee hopes to be able to have all of the student-faculty committees functioning this spring so that by next fall they may know exactly what their duties are and may begin work immediately.

Bill Hinga, chairman in charge of procuring a new nickname for the school, reports that several in-teresting suggestions have been turned in. We would suggest that if you have any good ideas, tha t you turn your suggestion in im-mediately. The entries must be dated!

Last semester the Council at-tempted to set up a Commons Room in the Van Raalte Lounge. The project was a failure because of the misuse of the Commons Room. This semester the Council is setting up the room on a d i f fer -ent basis. There will be two ping-pong tables, one in the lounge and one in the men's room. Equipment will have to be checked at the

Kletz with a small deposit re-quired. C h e c k e r b o a r d s will be available as before.

Campus Mailbox To whom it does concern: The Stu-dent body of Hope College —

At the last meeting of your Council, a mat ter was brought to our attention that was shocking as well as being unusual, for a cam-pus of the nature that Hope prides itself on being. This mat ter we believe to be of the greates t im-portance to all the students con-cerned and that means all of us. It is a mat ter that demands im-mediate positive action on the part of all of us. This mat ter is the disgraceful amount of thievery being carried on in our school li brary. In the past few months the amount of books being removed from the library has grown to the extent where it can no longer be whitewashed with the thought that the books were carried off by un-thinking people who absent-mind-edly took them with them. The mat ter has reached a point where it looks like there is a selfish ele-ment on campus which is building up its private stock of books and other material at the expense of us all. When a thief steals the tools of trade of a laboring man there is much hue and cry. Should not this be multiplied when the tools of t rade of students are ap-propriated without the consent of all? What can be more discourag-ing to students and teachers alike than to have vitally necessary ref -erence books stolen, and it is steal-ing, from their use ?

The question is not to be lef t up to the library staff for a solu-tion. The answer must come f rom us, you and me. We are the only ones who can point the accusing finger of guilt a t those selfish, ir-responsible, dishonest individuals who are depriving us of our proper tools of study. It is the responsi-bility of all of us to remedy these existing conditions. Any person who would deprive another of his chance to better himself is one of the lowest forms of humanity and should not be subject to our sympa-thy or our indulgence.

We, the members of the Council, feel that this is a mat ter we as a student body can handle, it is up to us. We can s ta r t practicing practical Christianity by condemn-ing this situation and by each of us doing his utmost to alleviate it. We can show tha t action of this type is not in the keeping with the ideals of a Hope student. We can rect ify this type of action on the par t of the misguided minority by showing tha t we definitely, de-cidedly, and positively will not tol-erate any fu r the r infr ingement of our r ights by these unthinking few.

Sincerely yours, Bob Hill, Secretary of the Council

Faculty Members Will Go To Ann Arbor Meeting

The fifty-second annual meeting of The Michigan A c a d e m y of Science, Arts , and Letters will be held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, on March 23, 24, and 25. Hope College will be well represented in many of the eighteen sections of the Academy. Attending will be Professors El-lert, Ross, Unger, Van Saun, Ver-geer, and Wolters.

Professor James Unger will pre-sent a paper on plant anatomy. It is based on the differentiat ing of vascular tissue in plants of the Compositae (sun-flower) family. Professor Unger 's work is in the field of comparison of the earlier embryo with the mature embryo. This is a new field in botany in which Prof. Unger has done exten-sive research.

Pfnfnggnr frl P11 a J- IkiSS, of

Hope's History Department, will present a paper entitled "The Role of Climate in Russian History." Professor Ross's paper discusses the effect of climate upon indi-vidual energy and characteristics, dwelling upon the size of the U.S.S.R. The paper shows that weather affected the R u s s i a n s ' characteristics, accounting for their changing reactions; the climate also was responsible for the Ta r t a r invasion which, in turn, developed in the Russians the submissiveness which made autocracy characteris-tic of government and^explaiu^the backwardness of i n d u s t r j ^ * '

Professor Teunis Vergeer will

Graduates Receive Teaching Positions

Many of Hope's February gradu-

ates who received teaching cer-

tificates have already been placed

by our Education department .

In the Muskegon Schools, Clair

De Mull is teaching science and

mathematics in the Junior High

School, and Donald De Witt is in the Mapel Grove School.

Geraldine Hirschy is teaching English in the Hudsonville High School. Abe Moerland has been added to the faculty of a school in Kelloggsville, Michigan, where he is teaching in the seventh grade.

Both Edward Tangenberg and Art Tuls are teaching in Christian schools. Mr. Tangenberg is teach-ing English in Grand Haven, and Mr. Tuls is teaching History and coaching basketball here at Hol-land Christian.

Bill Ver Hey and Tom Joseph are still at Hope for their post-graduate work, while Leona Door-enbos, Dell Koop, and Richard Glerum have gone to other schools for extended study.

present two papers. The first will tell of the influence of excessive neutron irradiation on tulip bulbs, showing that although life is pro-longed nearly 10 months at the present dosage used, anabolism is completely inhibited, the plants fail to store food and ultimately die. The second paper is on the influence of certain irradiated ma-terials on tulip bulbs, s ta t ing that normal tulip bulbs tha t were ex-posed to r a d i o - a c t i v e sodium, iodine, and cobalt suffered many consequences, including p a r t i a l sterilization and delayed develop-ment of seed capsules largely with-out seeds, showing that female re-productive par ts were almost com-pletely sterilized. Both of these re-ports are preliminary, and heredi-tary results cannot be determined for a number of years . The sig-nificance of the work does not lie in the possible improvement of tu-lip varieties, but ra ther on under-standing whether the influence of nuclear energy on plant materials is destructive or desirable.

Professor Albert Lampsn, head of the Hope College Mathematics Department, announces that he, Professor J ay Folkert , and Pro-fessor Charles Steketee will repre-sent Hope in the Michigan Section of the Mathematics Association of America, which will join with sev-eral regional chapters of Kappa Mu Epilson for a joint meeting in Ann Arbor, a t the same time the Michigan Academy is meeting.

Delegations f rom several Michi-gan and Ohio schools will a t tend both the 10 o'clock morning ses-sion and the af ternoon meeting. The day's agenda will include a tour through statist ics laboratories on the Universi ty of Michigan cam-pus and a visit to the rare books collection. •

Hope's Math-Physics Club, al-though it hasn' t a listed affiliation with Kappa Mu Epilson, is the parallel organization on campus.

Meanwhile, Dr. Clarence De-Graaf , head of the Hope College English Department, and Profes-sor Edward Brand will be repre-senting this institution a t the Con-ference on College Courses in Composition and Communication to be held at the Stevens Hotel, Chi-cago, Illinois, March 24 and 25. This conference is sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English.

The program being planned in-cludes nationally known speakers: Rudolf Flesch, author of "The Art of Readable Wri t ing," and Kenneth Burke, author of "A Grammar of Motives." The events will also in-clude fourteen workshops and three discussion meetings, climaxed by a luncheon a t the Hotel Stevens, where the leading collegiate fig-ures in composition will be present.

Hope College Clubs Meet TRI-BETA

On Monday evening, March 6, a meeting of Tri-Beta was held in the Science Building. A movie was shown on a Caesarian birth of quadruplets.

Following the film, a business meeting was held. It was decided that Tri-Beta would undertake a project to re-establish the museum now on the four th floor of Van Raalte Hall. B u r t P h i l l i p s and Norman Rieck are in charge.

Dr. Vergeer read a letter he had received f rom Dr. Wayne Whitaker of the University of Michigan. Dr. Whitaker will be on Hope's campus Tuesday, March 21. He will inter-view medical school sudents and anyone interested in g radua te work in medical school.

The next meeting of Tri-Beta will be held on March 20. At this time Dr. J . Harvey Kleinheksel will speak on "Radio-Isotopes and Medicine". The Chemistry Club has been invited to attend this meeting.


Mr. George Lumsden of Holland High School discussed radio broad-casting and preparat ion of script with the International R e l a t i o n s Workshop, March 7.


Walter Meyer, Hope College Stu-dent from Germany, presented a ten-minute talk concerning life in his h o m e c o u n t r y t o t h e mem-bers of the German Club a t their r e g u l a r m e e t i n g h e l d Monday, March 13, George Reineke, pianist , played two numbers by Beethoven and gave interesting background information on the composer and his work. Ez ra Gearhar t was gen-eral chairman for the meeting.


The Hope College Camera Club met last Wednesday, March 1, fo r a work m e e t i n g . They discussed plans for their coming field day. The date for the event has not been definitely set because of t ranspor-tation difficulties.



Hope's Philosophy Club met in Van Raalte, March 6, to discuss "A Comparison of the Immorta l i ty of Plato and the New Testament" . The discussion was led by Burrell Pennings, Hope College Senior.


On Monday evening, March 20, the French Club will have a month-ly meeting which is entitled "Stu-dents and-et e tudiants" . A general discussion under the leadership of Nancylee Corp will take place. The main differences in s tudy and cur-riculum at French universit ies and a t American universities and col-leges will be pointed out. This will be followed by excerpts f rom French letters which pertain to school life. The meeting will be concluded with refreshments .


Several s tudents f rom the Musi-cal Guild of Calvin College f u r -nished the en ter ta inment a t the Musical Ar t s Club meeting held Wednesday evening, March 1, at Walsh Music Hall.

The program included a piano solo, som& vocal numbers, violin and cornet numbers, and a two-piano number. Following the pro-gram the guests f rom Calvin were entertained a t a r e c e p t i o n a t Voorhees.

Page 3: 03-16-1950


H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R Page Three

i »

Milestone Editor (Continued f rom Page 1)

out the Milestone of the cur ren t year and also to make it possible lor this new staff to have a longer period to p repare the yearbook.

Cand dates f o r the election of the Milestone editor were chosen by a nominating committee composed of the following S o p h o m o r e s : Rae Eustace, Maisie Korteling, Anna Herder, Ken De Young, Fred Yonk-man, and Dick Kruizenga. Those selected by the c o m m i t t e e were Gordon De Pree, Ken De Young, and Randall Vande Water . Ques-t ionnaire replies which had been submitted by members of all Soph-omore Li te ra ture classes served as the basis of the choice. The final election of the new editor was also based u p o n t h e s e questionnaires. Roy L u m s d e n , President of the Sophomore Class, read the ques-t ionnaire replies of the three can-didates a t t he class meeting a t which the editor was decided upon.

Commit+ee Hears Report On Survey

A meeting of members of the Hope Committee on Athletics and of a number of prominent Hope alumni was held in Temple lounge on Tuesday, March 7. Those pres-ent heard a report on the results of the Jenks survey of the Hol-land community, which indicated tha t townspeople are ready to back a drive to raise funds for a new Hope College gymnasium. They also learned of the recommenda-tions of the Holland Chamber of Commerce t h a t a citizens commit-tee be appointed for the raising of building funds .

Plans were made at the meeting for other meetings of persons in-terested in the gymnasium-building project. All college alumni in Hol-land and vicinity will be called to-gether for one such gather ing. Another meet ing of this nature has been called by Mr. J . J . Rie-mersma, President of the Holland chapter of the Hope Alumni As-sociation. I t will be a meet ing of college representat ives to which of-ficials of the Holland High School and Holland Christian High School have been invited; the gathering, planned for March 28 a t the Warm Friend Tavern, will have as its purpose the determination of pro-cedures for the scheduling of bas-ketball games in the new gym-nasium.

Definite plans for the size, loca-tion, etc. of the proposed s t ructure have not yet been adopted. The Jenks survey indicated, however, that the chief use of the gym will be for basketball games and that it should accommodate 3,000 per-sons.

Lubbers Enters ^Nickname" Contest //

April IB, 19, and 20 Are Festival Dates

The final dates fo r the Ar ts Festival have been decided upon. The Speech, Music, and Ar t De-par tments of the college will pre-sent this program in the Little Theater on April 18, 19, and 22. These will all be evening perform-ances.

The festival is under the direc-tion of Morette Rider, Edward Avison, and Dirk Gringhuis, rep-resenting the three departments .

An American ar t is t ' s work will be f ea tu res a t the a r t display. The college Chamber Orchestra will play, "The Quiet City" by Aaron Copland, "Village Music" by Doug-las Moore, and "Sonata fo r Cham-ber Orchestra , op. 18" by Richard Arnell. Mr. Rider will direct the group.

One or two one-act plays are being cast by Mr. Avison fo r the program. Those under considera-tion are "L ima Beans" by Alfred Kreymborg, " C h e e z o " by Lord Dunsany, and "Summer House For Ren t" t ranslated f rom the French by Raymond Martin. Crews have been working this week to prepare scenery and properties fo r these.

The art work shows the direct influence of foreign countries. The musical compositions, all by Amer-icans, have been well received in foreign countries. The plays, also, have been chosen for their uni-versal appeal.





President Irwin J. Lubbers submits his suggestion in the current contest for the selection of a better nickname to refer to Hope athletes; contest chairman Hill Hinga looks on as President Lubbers makes his entry.

Sorosis, Arcadians Place First In Sing

The Sorosis and Arcadian so-cieties won top honors in the All-College Sing which was held Fri-day evening, March 10, in the chapel. This is the second consecu-tive year that the Arcadians have won first place in the men's con-test, and last year the Sorosites placed second among the sororities.

Prudence Haskins, a Senior, di-rected the Sorosis society in their prize-winning number, "Without a Song" by Youmans. This is Pru 's four th year as director. Kenneth Leestma, also a four-year director, led the Arcadians in "Sing Me a Chanty with a Yo-Heave-Ho" by O'Keefe-Wellesly.

Second place honors went to Delta Phi which sang "Sing Me To Sleep" by Green-MacArthur, under the direction of Margery- Angus. The Cosmopolitans, under Philip Fredrickson, sang " S y l v i a " by Speaks. Each society sang their own song in addition.

Thesaurian placed third, with Sibylline, ASA, and Dorian trail-ing in tha t order. Third place among the f ra terni t ies was taken by the Emersonians, with Knicker-bockers, and Fraternal bringing up the rear.

ASA, under Lois Opt'Holt, sang "The Year 's at the Spr ing" by Cain. "If I Could Tell You," by Firestone, was the Dorian number. P. J . Sherman led the group. The E m e r s o n i a n s sang Gershwin's "Strike Up the Band" under the direction of Herb Ritsema. John Beuker led the Fra te rs in the "Riff Song" by Romberg, and the Knickerbockers led by Ken Smouse sang "This Is My Country," Jacobs-Waring. "In a Monastery Garden," Kettelby, was the Sibylline selec-tion, with Cathy Sharp directing. The T h e s a u r i a n s , directed by Gladys Keiser, sang "O'er the Wa-ters Gliding" by Offenbach.

While the judges were making their decision, the Hopives, under the direction of Mrs. Charles Van Wieren, entertained with "Dish Pan Blues" and "Medley" by Herb Ritsema.

Following the announcements of the winners by Jeanne VerBeek and Robert Westerhof, co-chairmen of the Sing, Ken Leestma led the student body in the singing of the "Alma Mater Hymn."

Judges for the contest were Mr. John Kinnison, Mr. Robert Moore, and Mr. Marvin Baas.


"Don't Be Cold




Westing Coal Co.

PARK VIEW LUNCH To rate with your date, fo get that gleam in her eye

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WAS To Present " I Am With You"

World Adventure Series has pre-pared a special program for March 25, presenting "I Am With You," a story of a Swedish missionary in Africa. This will be a 75 minute single feature.

A number of let ters which have been received from Europeans re-ceiving CARE packages will be on display with pamphlets and cards describing the packages. The versa-tility of the European people is evident from these letters, and the people receiving the p a c k a g e s would be glad to receive letters from American students in order to establish closer relations with them.

The following is taken f rom a letter received from the recipient of a CARE package in Bergheim:

"Dear Friends: "Unfortunately, we lost the ad-

dress attached to your package, and by chance, we found it again only some days ago. We are so glad to be enabled now to thank you for your CARE package which arrived at Berghein soon a f t e r Christmas. We thank you not only for tho unusual help, but fo r the feeling of fr iendship which repre-sents an essential love between young people over the w h o l e

world." o

YMCA Plans To Elect Officers On March 21

All the members of the YMCA are urged to attend the Y meeting Tuesday, March 21, in the chapel basement for the annual election of officers. There will be a short de-votional meeting preceding the election.

Last Tuesday evening the YM acted as host to the YW, which presented a musical program. Be-sides singing many favori te hymns, there was special piano music by Arlene Ritsema, a solo by Elin Veenschoten, and a vocal musical number sung by a group of girls. This program was presented in re-turn for the musical program which the men gave for the women earlier in the year.


Across from West Hall 8 ® 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 @ 8 8 S 8 8 8 8 3

Over 350 Attend International Night

More than 350 students and fac-

ulty members attended Alcor's In-

ternational Night, March 3, in the

Temple Dining Hall, making a full

house. The program, planned as a

sen*ice project for s tudents on

campus, climaxed more than a

month of work by Alcor members

and advisors, foreign students, and

missionaries' children. "Friendship

Through Understanding" was the

theme for the evening.

The menu included G e r m a n

noodle soup, Chinese cabbage with

French dressing,, Chinese vegeta-

bles, Indian chicken, rice, and

curry, French bread, Dutch apple

pie, Arabian dates, and Brazilian


Dave Muyskens acted as master

of ceremonies for the program

which was in the form of a trav-elogue. Saul Cruz and Ricardo Esparza sang and played "The Mexican Way." S t u d e n t s from China portrayed traffic past a Buddist shrine. Chung Sun Yun presented "Korean Str ings." The Indian delegation toured a street in Bombay. Faried Banna read an Arabian verse, and Keith De Jong sang several Oriental songs in English. A "Hello" from Nigeria came via Lawrence Fabunmi.

A parade of costumes from the lands represented followed. The program closed with the "Alma Mater Hymn" and "Blest Be the Tie."

Decorations centered about the signs of "Welcome" in different languages and a large world map locating the homes of all foreign students and missionaries' children. Trinkets, animals, baskets, and other small articles decorated the tables. The display included many objects f rom the old museum on the four th floor of Van Raalte.

Committee chairmen for the oc-casion were: program, Dorothy Kranendonk and Beatrice Vander-ploeg; food, Margaret Moerdyk; publicity, Joan Wilson and Esther Schmidt; decorations, Ruth De Graaf, Lorraine Van Farowe, and Dona Sluyter; and tickets, Betty Anne Koch. Faculty advisors of Alcor are Miss Emma Reeverts, Miss Metta Ross, and Miss Sinnia Billups.


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Open F'̂ days until 9:00 P.M. j r w WW § • — i i i w n n —

Hope Orchestra To Offer

Concert Tonight In Chapel The Hope College Orchestra, un-

der the direction of Morette Rider, .vill present another in its series )f conceits on Thursday, March 10, at 8:15 in the chapel.

The complete program will in-clude the "Paul Bunyan Suite" which will be illustrated by the \ r t Depaitment, Brahm's "Rose n Flower", and " F i v e R u s s i a n Danccs".

As the second half of the pro-; am, Mendelssohn's "Reformation jymphony" will be presented. This symphony was wri t ten for the cel-brat ion of the three hundredth

anniversary of the Augsburg Con-cssion in June 25, 1930, and it

includes many themes f rom our Protestant hymns, the most recog-lizable' is "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" which opens the Four th Movement.

The illustrations of the "Pau l Bunyan Suite" drawn by the Ar t Department will be on display dur-ing intermission and a f t e r the con-cei t in the basement of the chapel.

Boeskool, Swart To Offer Recital

Jkck Boeskool, tenor, and Calvin Swart , cornetist, will present their joint recital on Tuesday, March [8,

in the Hope College chapel. Both Jack and Cal have had a

wide musical background. Jack is a graduate of Central High School in Grand Rapids, where he was a member of the Boys' Glee Club, choir, and Male Octet. While serv-ing with the army, he was a mem-ber of the Fort Knox Men's Chorus. He started studying voice five years ago under Mr. Robert Wing in Grand Rapids. At present he is studying with Mrs. Norma Baughman here at Hope. He is a member of the Men's Glee Club, chapel choir, and Musical Ar ts Club. He has also been in various campus productions, the latest ones b e i n g " T h e E m p e r o r s ' N e w Clothes" and "Washington Con-ference."

Mr. Swart 's home is in De Motte, Indiana. While in high school he was active in both choir and band. He is a well-known member of Hope's Music Department, being a member of band, orchestra, Men's Glee Club, and chapel choir. He has a view toward music education but is planning to go to the Uni-versity of Michigan for, graduate work before he teaches.

Their program is as follows: Concerto No. 5 W. Blazewitsch

Mr. Swart In Native Worth (Creation). .Haydn Be Thou Fai thful Unto Death

(St. Paul) Mendelssohn Apres un Reve Faure Je ne veux pas Autre Chose

Widor Mr. Boeskool

Peti te Piece Concertante G. Balay

In Pensive Mood Concone Mr. Swar t

La donna e mobile Verdi Serenade Toselli

Mr. Boeskool Polonaise No. 4 Guentzel

Brass Sextet Clorinda Morgan Shoes Manning The Homing Hear t Malotte To the Sun Curran

Mr. Boeskool

Organist, Euphonist To Present Recital

The Music Department of Hops College will sponsor the joint re-cital of Catherine Sharp, organist , and Philip Fredrickson, euphonist, Tuesday, March 21, in the chapel a t 8:30 p. m.

Cathy, whose home s ta te is New Jersey, is a junior organ student of Mrs. W. Curtis Snow. She was the recipient of the Freshman Or-gan Scholarship. Cathy is major ing in music education and is a mem-ber of chapel choir and Musical Ar ts Club.

Phil, a Senior f rom Cassadaga, New York, t ransferred to Hope from Michigan State College where he was a member of the concert and marching band. While at Hope he has sung in the Men's Glee Club and chapel choir. He, too, is major ing in music education.

The program will include: Sonata I Galliard

Cantabile Spiritoso Largo Allegro Vivace

Sol De Concours Grace-Spinelli Mr. Fredrickson

Fourth Sonata in D Minor Guilmant

Allegro Andante Vivace

Miss Sharp Psalm XIX ; Marcello O Welt, Ich Muss Dich Lassen....

Brahms Brass Quartet and Organ

Song of the Basket Weaver..Russell Sketch in F Minor Schumann Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne....

Buxtehude Miss Sharp

Dean Will Attend National Meeting

Miss Emma Reeverts, Dean of Women, will attend the national convention of the Council of Guid-ance and Personnel Associations a t Atlantic City, New Jersey, March 26-30. The theme of the conven-tion this year is The Personnel Profession: Achievements and Ob-jectives. Deans of women of sev-eral Michigan colleges expect to attend the convention. Various or-ganizations will be part icipat ing in the convention including the Al-liance fo r Guidance of Rural Youth, American College Personnel As-sociation, National Association of Guidance Supervisors, and the Na-tional Vocational Guidance As-sociation.



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- \

Page 4: 03-16-1950

• w

Page Four H O P E C O L L E G E A N C H O R

William Parsons "Comes Home"

Hope College welcomed an ad-y dit ional fore ign s tudent to i t s T n -

roTTment a t the inaugura t ion of the second semester .

The new enrollee was William P a r s o n s f rom Karachi , Pakis tan . Parsons ' f a t h e r is a General Mo-to r s employee in Pak is tan , and his brother , " H a n k , " is a Sophomore a t Hope.

Pa r sons caught his first gl impse of America on a t r anspor t on February 7 when he landed in Ho-boken. New Jersey . His arr ival in America was a long-awaited oc-casion al though it was jus t the process of "coming home." Parsons explained tha t Amer ica is "home" to her citizens, even though tem-porary residence might be in a fore ign country. "When you're 'out t h e r e , ' " he explains, "everyone is a lways ta lk ing about ' h o m e . ' "

There was little s ight-seeing f o r Pa r sons because he came directly to Hope and his wa i t ing studies. He says tha t he has found Hope and Holland ext remely enjoyable

even though he has met one dis-appoin tment here. "There is no swimming pool," he comments re-g re t fu l ly , "but it is high t ime t h a t

we get one." Parsons observes t h a t there is

l i t t le difference in the schools of Pak i s tan and America with one notable exception. He points out t h a t few American s tudents have travelled widely while most of the "kids in Pak i s tan have been half -way around the world a couple of

t imes ." In the school which he at tended,

Pa r sons was a member of the school basketball team, which he describes as " t h e best in India ." He then modestly explained t h a t the nat ives have jus t recently taken up the game, so it is not uncommon for an Americanized high school t e a m to be " the best

in India ." When asked to comment on some

of the more s t r ik ing surpr ises which he found in America, Par -sons was quick to express his amazement a t the fac t tha t "every Tom, Dick and H a r r y owns his own

car ." But t ak ing every th ing into con-

siderat ion, Pa r sons t e r m s America, Holland, and Hope " a wonderful

place to live."

Prospective Hopeites Visit College Campus

Yesterday a f t e rnoon the W A L held a tea fo r the senior g i r ls of Zeeland High School, H o l l a n d High School, and Holland Chris t ian High School. The gir ls were di-vided into small g roups and taken on a tour t h rough the campus buildings. Each group was led by

a girl f r om Hope.

A f t e r the tour , the girls met in Voorhees Lounge, where they were served r e f r e shmen t s and enter -tained with a shor t p rog ram. The purpose of th i s tea was to in teres t these gir ls in Hope. The commit-tee consisted of Joan Ten Hoeve, cha i rman; Hilda Baker, Doris De Vette, Jean Rivenburg, and Mary

Vander Ley.

rfiound A group of us were s i t t ing in

the lounge in the basement of Van Raal te a few days ago, and the conversat ion turned to the rapid aggrandizement of Hope College. Tha sal ient point of Hope's g rowth cannot be emphasized too s t rongly. We musn ' t fo rge t t h a t Michigan S ta te College was only a small member of the MI A A a few years ago. We can ' t expect growth here to compare with t h a t of the Eas t Lansing school, and most of the men behind Hope don't par t icu la r ly want a college of such size. But :his inst i tut ion is developing into a beaut i ful small college. The new dormitory is adding a modernistic couch, and a new gymnas ium will :e r ta in ly be an asset to Hope's

athletic activities.

We talked about the felici ty of

maladroi t man fo r some time, with praise f o r a couple of members of the group who rise a t 4:30 and el iminate most of the snow f rom the campus sidewalks before the rest of the campus awakes. We bow to their fo r t i tude and dar ing .

Most of Hope's intellectual ga th-er ings these days find the conver-sation tu rn ing to a Professor a t Princeton named Einstein, or a t least to the cosmic H-Bomb dis-closed a couple of weeks ago. The old mas te r who t a u g h t us t h a t t ime re fuses to travel in a s t r a i g h t line, tha t the universe is limited to a definite amount of nothing, and tha t there is a cylindrical nothing holding the nothing t h a t suppor ts the finite nothing of the universe, has now advanced a mathemat ica l theory of gravi ta t ion t h a t will al-low the average man to afford an automobile of infinite speed, no motor, no wheels, no body, no chas-sis, and no s teer ing a p p a r a t u s — this will revolutionize the Model T. I didn ' t enter the conversation. I have trouble visualizing the flying discs — what can I do with nothing?-I don't even know w h a t color it is.

At th is pa r t i cu la r point in the discussion, o n e m e m b e r of t h e g roup remarked t h a t the conversa-

tion among Hope s tudents was cer-ta in ly on a high intellectual level. A p h i l o s o p h y m a j o r , in reply,

s ta ted t h a t this was not unusual — the f acu l ty has a lways mainta ined t h a t Hope is overflowing with g rea t knowledge, fo r the Freshmen br ing so much in and the Seniors take so

l i t t le out. — A page f rom Pr i t cha rd ' s d iary .

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Van Dam Makes Survey On Youth In Michigan

Evelyn Van Dam, Hope Senior, appointed to the Michigan Youth Commission by Governor Williams, has a t tended a number of meet ings of the group, which is making a survey on problems of youth in Michigan.

The ent i re commission has been divided into five committees, which are working on specific phases of the work. In June all the mater ial will be compiled. Miss Van Dam is on the Committee for Youth Part ic ipat ion in Building a Bet ter Community. This g roup met a t the University of Michigan campus on February 24. The main goal is to get an action program for youth f rom high school age to twenty-one years . The secondary goal is to compile information f rom which to d raw conclusions. The commit-tee is us ing all surveys and source mater ial which is a t present filed in the s t a t e records. Also ques-t ionnaires are being sent to local communit ies for f u r t h e r informa-

tion. On March 17, Evelyn and the

commit tee will meet again in Ann Arbor, hoping to use the mater ia l they have gathered as a basis to discover the needs of Michigan youth.

E&ch committee is following this same plan of a t tack. In June, a Michigan report will be sent to Washington, D. C., to be used along with reports f rom other s ta tes f o r the Mid-Century White House Conference for Children and Youth. However, the Sta te of Mich-igan intends to keep its Youth Commission funct ioning in order t h a t action may result f rom the f ac t s obtained and the wel fa re of the children and youth be im-proved.

Ross Accepts Position As Information Center

The Carnegie Endowment fo r In-ternat ional Peace has asked Prof . Metta Ross to serve as an informa-tion center for Hope s tudents in regard to many excellent summer work, s tudy, and travel projec ts in th is country and abroad. She has received a packet containing infor-mation on most of these opportuni-ties in the hope tha t some of Hope's s tudents may discover pro j -ects in which they are interested and can part icipate.

Any student interested is urged to contact Professor Ross to re-ceive informat ion on the available opportunit ies . Much of the infor-mation is posted on the door of her office on the third floor of Van Raal te Hall.

Houtman Is Winner A t State Contest

Mary Houtman won first place in the Annual Sta te Oratorical Contest of the Michigan Intercol-legiate Speech League, held March 3, 1950, a t Calvin College. The name of Miss Houtman 's oration was "The Dangers of Securi ty." Second place in the women's di-vision went to Peggy Powers f rom Alma College. Gwendolyn Schwarz f rom Kalamazoo College was the winner of th i rd place.

In the Men's Contest George Lennox, Alma College, placed first; Joel H. Nederhood, Calvin College, placed second; and Herbert L. Lewis, J r . , f r om Western Michigan College of Education placed third.

On April 27 and 28 Miss Hout-man will represent the s ta te of Michigan and Hope College a t the Divisional and National contests of the In te r s t a t e Oratorical As-sociation. Last year Miss Houtman won the Peace Contest t h a t was held on Hope's campus.

Presenta t ion of awards a t the contest was made by Dr. William Schrier, League Director of Ora-tory. Dr. Schrier and Professor Edward S. Avison acted a s judges from Hope College.

Hopeives Have Party After All-College Sing

The Hopeives a n n u a l formal par ty took place on Fr iday night a f t e r the All-College Sing.

It was held a t the Veterans Club in Holland, and despite fa l l ing snow, the Eas t e r theme prevailed. The room was gaily decorated with balloons and s treamers, while table favors were in the fo rm of small Eas te r baskets. Each husband re-ceived an ash t r ay as a g i f t .

The joy and good fel lowship were surpassed only by the quan-tity of good food prepared by the wives, and no doubt the occasion will find its place in Hopeives' book of pleasant memories.

Mrs. E z r a Gearhar t was chair-lady f o r the event; she was assisted by Mrs. David Coleman, Mrs. John Dinger, Mrs. Lester Douma, Mrs. Robert Hogan, and Mrs. Bernard


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Excellent Foods for Those Evening Snacks


Fred and "Dixie" Visscher

Graves Building Has Seen Many Changes Since 1893

Hardly a day goes by t h a t most

of Hope's s tuden t s do not enter

the Graves building fo r some rea-

son, be it to s tudy, to a t tend a

class lecture, or to listen to favor i te

records. P e r h a p s few of them

realize tha t th is building, since i ts

completion in 1893, has served

many purposes o ther than its pres-

ent ones.

The building was built originally

as the college chapel, construction being rushed a t the t ime to pre-vent the proposed opening of Eleventh s t ree t th rough the cam-pus. What is now the southern par t of the reading room served as the chapel up until 1929, when the present Hope Memorial Chapel was completed. The north end of the room was used fo r the meetings of the YM and YW, but because there was only the one room there, the organizat ions had to meet on dif-fe ren t n igh ts of the week.

The present c a t a l o g u e room served as the administrat ion of-fice. In the room directly above it

were the r eg i s t r a r ' s office and the

admissions office. These remained

there until 194() when the remod-

eling of Van Raal te Hall was com-

pleted. w-

The language depa r tmen t s held

classes ups ta i r s as ^they do now,

with a course in t h e t ^ u t c h lan-

guage also included on the curricu-

lum. The building was used fo r re-hearsals by the choir, glee clubs,

and o ther musical g roups also.

The s tacks were used as such then too. The l ibrary system wasn ' t as e laborate then a s it is now. Students weren ' t allowed to brouse around and look over the books, but ra ther had to request the book they wished and have the l ibrarian find it. Only seniors with special permission were privileged to look through the books.

All changes to the building have been interior . The. outside has re-mained untouched, and the building still continues to be considered by many a s the most beaut i ful on the campus.

Milestone Staff Meets A t Home Of Geerlings

Milestone workers gathered a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Geerlings last week f o r a business meeting and social hour. Report of the progress of the yearbook was made; Bob Van Dyke announced tha t the adver t is ing goal had been reached and gave his suggest ions f o r making the ads a pictorial sec-tion.

With Roy Zwemer's l e a v i n g Hope, the Milestone has lost i ts spor ts editor. However, Edi tor Van ' t Hof has made a r r angemen t s to have spor ts covered.

All society and club mater ia l was submit ted last weekend and t h a t section will soon be in the hands of the pr in ters .



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Page 5: 03-16-1950


• S f f r a t e m t i p s COSMOPOLITAN

I h e Cosmopolitan f r a t e rn i ty ex-

tends a brothers ' hand of thanks

to Phil Fredrickson, Cosmo choris-

ter , who led the group to second

place honors in the All-College Sing.

On March 28, r a d i o s t a t i o n

WHTC will broadcast a Cosmo lit-e ra ry meeting. Cosmo Bob Bur-rows will have the humor paper and Cosmo Bob Stoppels will pre-sent the serious paper.

The Cosmos wish to congratulate the Arcadians for winning f i r s t place in the Sing.


At the meeting of March 2, spe-cial initiation ceremonies were per-formed fo r John VanAnrooy, who was received into active member-ship in the Emersonian f ra te rn i ty . Fur the r activity of the meeting was confined to a discussion of busi-ness mat te r s and to Dick ("Pres-ent But Unaccounted For") Krui-zenga's inspired reading of the roll call and the minutes of the pre-vious meeting.

En te r ta inment for the evening was provided by the mighty Emmie bass section in its noble a t tempt to negotiate the complex passages of Gershwin's "Strike up the Band". In an exclusive interview on the eve of the All-College Sing, tal-ented D i r e c t o r H e r b ("Sing it Again") Ritsema modestly had this to say concerning the outcome of tha t event : Quote: — End of quote. We asked Emmie President Lar ry ("Morton Downey") Masse to elab-

orate on these remarks, which he kindly consented to do: "No com-ment", he said with profound in-sight. The results of the Sing, now well known, indicate the extent of prophetic genius with which these gentlemen are gifted, I think.


Sing! Sing^ Sing! It seems as if these words have been the pass-word in the f r a t e rn i ty ' s activities the past few weeks.

Ken Smouse, the Knick's director, chose "This Is My Country," an a r rangement by Ray Ringwald for Kappa E t a Nu's en t ry in the All-College Sing. Ken deserves much credit fo r his efforts and leadership.

F rank Zwemer, Paul Kromann, Ernie Ross, and Wayne Fieldhouse will be in charge of rushing activ-ities this semester, which will last f rom March 13 until March 24.

W e w e r e g l a d t o h e a r t h a t Charles Kelly and Ken Smouse have recovered f rom a slight mis-hap a few week-ends ago.' Both were hospitalized fo r several days.

I n a r e c e n t l e t t e r f r o m our "Butch" overseas, he told us of his need for a raincoat and overshoes. In response the f r a t e rn i ty has sent him these items which he so badly needed.

Congratulat ions are in order for Knickerbocker Gordon Jones in his recent marr iage. Lots of luck to you both! !


The F ra t e rna l meeting of March

2 was opened by F r a t e r Hinga.

F ra t e r Beuker then got the boys

really giving the Ho's f rom the

Riff song which the F r a t e r s are

using for the Sing. Roll was then

called by the new secretary F r a t e r

Blocker. "Poisonous Snakes" was

the title of Paul Buckhout's serious

paper. I t was a good paper on a

subject about which we hear so much but know so little. F r a t e r Weed Rauschenbach then presented what, in time, proved to be a humor paper a f t e r he got through the pre-liminaries. F ra t e r Bob Visscher was the m a s t e r c r i t i c f o r t h e evening.



On Thursday evening, March 3, Arcadians gathered in the Temple lounge for their weekly l i terary meeting. A f t e r President Ken Leest-ma called the meeting to order, Roger Knopf led the group in de-votions. Ed Viening read a serious paper on "Music Education in the United States," which was a very interesting narra t ion of the history of music education in this country and its growth in importance in the curricula of all levels of our education system. Af t e r the ap-plause had subsided, Jack "Happy" Hascup got up to deliver himself of his humor paper. A f t e r the laughter had died down, he was permitted to proceed with a few choice anecdotes and remarks which delighted his Arcadian brothers no end. When at last he was allowed to sit down. Alumni Secretary El-ton Bruins r e a d a l e t t e r f r o m summa cum laude a lumnus Glenn Van Haitsma, who is tak ing post-graduate work a t Syracuse Uni-versity. G l e n n ' s r e m a r k s about university life were found quite amusing and the group responded heartily to it. To conclude the lit-e rary meeting, Doug Monroe made his report as master critic for the evening. He remarked on the at-tentiveness of the group and the high quality of the serious and humor papers. When he was fin-ished, the l i t e r a r y meeting was closed and the business meeting followed, a f t e r which the group joined in some spirited practice for the All-College Sing.

All Arcadians extend their full-est appreciation to their president and song director. Ken Leestma whose efforts gained the third vic-tory in four years for the Arcadian Fra te rn i ty .


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"KeyAolc Didn't need to peek th ru ' to see

the March lion . . . he came in roar ing and blowing too yet!! . . . But tomorrow, 'twill be Spr ing! Wanna bet?

Internat ional Night was a huge success and another s t a r for the present Alcor girls. The foreign students overwhelmed us with en-thusiasm and laughter for which we say, "Thanks for the memory."

# o r o r t t t e B

Congratulat ions go to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ten Hoor on their t h r e e - c o r n e r e d addition to the English Department .

Dan Hakken has been gett ing a lot less sleep lately — well, so claims his brother. He must be suffering f rom premature spr ing effects . . . or is it just a Voorhees' influence?

Congratulat ions are due for Abie Moerland and Elin Veenschoten on their e n g a g e m e n t a n d to Jack Boeskoel, who gave his Cosmo pin away recently.

Our nurse fr iends, Felicia and Jean, seem to have some new cases lately . . . cardiac cases, eh girls?

o Cute Two-Somes

Annette Siderius and Jack De Wolfe, Amy Silcox and Dick Leon-ard, Lois England and Bill Jelle-ma, Louise Van Bronkhorst and Jim Bennett, Jeanine De Boer and Ray Milne, Marilyn Veldman and Nick Yonker, Jayne Baker and "O 'Henry" Visser, Marjor ie Plusch and Ray Mart in, and Nella Pyle and Warren Westerhoff.


February 24th was a big night fo r Annette Hezinger, I rma Smith, and Sallie Lawson, since they were formally initiated into the sorority. A short business meeting followed, and plans were made for a spring par ty .

Although busy pract icing for the Sing, Joyce Brunsell, Evelyn J an -nenga, Eloise Hinkamp, and Cathy Shapp presented one of the most impressive chapel services of the year.

Now tha t the All-College Sing is over, the Sibs will have time for their regular l i terary meetings.

You I think that I shall never see A poem quite as clever as thee — A poem tha t forces me to laugh One tha t brings out the other half . That half tha t ' s hidden way down

deep That makes me dream and some-

times sleep. That makes me know that life's a

song When even all the day is wrong.

— Anonymous


Our capable sing director, Marg Angus, was elected president at the l i terary meeting on March 2. J an Vander Borgh will assist her as vice-president and Ilsa Streur will handle the roll and minutes. Af t e r the business meeting, the program was in charge of No-Yolk Veldman and Egg-White Van Duine who c e n t e r e d t h e i r t h e m e a r o u n d "Mother Goose". Humpty Dumptys painted on egg shells (empty ones that is) served as programs. De-votions were in charge of Jean Kranendonk. Litt le Boy Blue Bon-gave a history of Mother Goose. Contrary Mari Droppers charmed us with a Mother Goose lullaby, and then Little Red Riding Hood Herder ran away f rom the wolves long enough to t r e a t us to a deluxe humor paper t h a t topped off the program. Critic Rovilla Ganote jus t couldn't find anyth ing to criticize. The singing of the Delphi Song brought us out of the world of m^ke-believe and back into reality.


Pan-Hellenic Board Has Discussion Of Meetings

A meeting of the Pan-Hellenic Board was held on Thursday a f t e r -noon, March 9, in the Dorian room. President Betty Ann Koch opened the meeting with a discussion of the joint meetings which will be held between each sorority and Alpha Sigma Alpha.

On Friday evening, March 24, Joyce Brunsell, Ellen Lidston, and Ginie Hesse will represent Pan-Hellenic at the A.S.A. meeting. They will acquaint the girls with the pledging procedure.

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The Thetas continued with sing

practices which culminated in the

Sing on Fr iday night. They sang

"O'er the Waters Gliding" and the

" T h e s a u r i a n Song" with Gladys

Keizer directing and Marian Slinn

a c c o m p a n y i n g . Thetas wish to

thank their director for doing such

a good job and in helping us to

make a good showing.

Now that the Sing is over, reg-

ular meetings will be held with plans for the spr ing formal to be m a d e , a n d f o r a l l t h e s p r i n g activities.


Sorosis society held a formal initiation March first. At an im-pressive candle-light service Ethel Fasch and Barba ra Wierenga, our two new members, took the Sorosis pledge. We are glad to welcome back Marilyn Whitford, who was not with us last term. Devotions were led by Ruth Mennenga. Dot Milne gave a paper on the ideals, purposes and tradi t ions of Sorosis. The meeting closed with the Sorosis Song and quite natural ly extended into a song practice for the All-College Sing.

Was it worth get t ing up before breakfas t to practice, Sorosites? We'll say it was! Orchids to Pru Haskins for her able leadership.

Page Five

Cosmos Arrange Radio Broadcast

The Cosmopolitan f r a t e rn i ty has

made ar rangements to broadcast a

l i terary program over local station

WHTC f rom 9 to 9:30 p. m. on

Tuesday, March 28. The plans were

made to acquaint the people of

Holland and vicinity with what f r a -

ternity life is like a t Hope college.

Program a r r a n g e m e n t s were

made by Doug Lemmen. The half-

hour of broadcast time will be opened with prayer by Vern Schip-per. A serious paper entitled "The Relationship of Hope College and the City of Holland" will be pre-sented by Bob Stopples. Music will be provided by Paul Kranendonk, who will sing two solos, and then Bob Burrows will present some humor with his portion of the script entitled "Campus Life." Mas-ter critic of the program will be Lamont Dirkse; the meeting will conclude with group singing.

Faculty Dames To Meet A t Fairbanks Cottage

The Faculty Dames will meet this afternoon a t 2:30 p. m. at Fairbanks Cottage. The occasion is a friendly get-together. Each per-son will bring a t reasure, probably collected from her travels, and will tell the story behind it. Miss Emma Reeverts is chairman of the program committee.



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Page 6: 03-16-1950

Page Six



A' LOOP ENDS IN 4-WAy TIE WAA Invites High School Coeds To Hope Play Day

Girls f rom eight high schools have been invited by the Women's Athletic Association to particpate in a High School Play Day which will be held on the Hope campus, Saturday, March 18.

The purpose of the play day is to arouse interest in Hope College among p r o s p e c t i v e students by showing them what constitutes col-lege life a t Hope. Each high school will send five girls and a counsel-lor. They will sp^nd the day par-ticipating in sports events and be-coming acquainted with the college and its organizations.

The high schools that have been invited are Grand Haven, Allegan, South Haven, Grandville, Godwin, Lee, Wyoming, and Hudsonville.


Hurons Fall, 63-51, Tn Year's Last Tilt

By sett ing back Michigan Nor-mal 63 to 51 in their final game of the season, Hope's Flying Dutch-men notched their eleventh win of the 1949-50 season. Exclusive of tournament play, the Hollanders lost seven tilts during the cam-paign.

Bud VandeWege and Jun Bremer were the big guns for the Hopeites against a rough Huron aggrega-tion, collecting 19 and 17 points, respectively. Fred Jackson and Harry Fosdick paced the Ypsi quint with 11 points each.

Calvin Wins Earl ier in the week the Orange

and Blue cagers faltered for the second time this year against Cal-vin and lost by a respectable- 66-48 count. Elmer Ribbens, shooting un-erringly from the corners, sparked the Knight attack with a total of 24 points. Duane Rosendahl was next in line for the Grand Rapids five with 16. Bud VandeWege led Hope with a 14-point total, while Paul Muyskens tallied 10.

Hope took an early lead in the Knight contest, but midway in the first half wilted before the blazing attack of the Calvinites, the lat ter holding a 28-23 advantage at the intermission.

Bud VandeWege leads Hope scoring at the end of the season with 229 points in 20 games. Paul Muyskens is next with 206 mark-ers. Nick Yonker scored 195, and Bill Holwerda contributed 115 tal-lies.


M I A A A L L - S P O R T S

F C B P t s . Hope t 2nd 3rd 2nd 22 Ka lamazoo 5 th 2nd l a t 20 Albion 6th iHt • 3 r d 14 Hil ludale lu t 6 t h • 3 r d 14

•3 rd 4 th ^ r d 13 A d r i a n • 3 r d 5th 6 th 7

( F . f oo tba l l : C. c ross c o u n t r y : B. bas-ke tba l l ; ' t i e . )


F i n a l

W L K a l a m a z o o 8 2 Hope 7 3 Albion 5 5 A l m a 5 5 ILII-sdale — 6 5 A d r i a n 0 10

P e t . .800 .700 .500 .500 .500 .000

P F 597 578 507


P A 521 521 492

619 • T o t a l s u n a v a i l a b l e

F R A T A " L E A G U E

F i n a l

W L P e t . A r c a d i a n s 7 3 .700 E m e r s o n . a n a 7 3 .700 F r a t e r n a l s 7 3 .700 I n d e p e n d e n t s 7 3 .700 Co/ .mopol i tans 2 8 .200 Knicke rbocker s 0 10 .000


Cosmopo l i t ans 7 F r a t e r n a l s 7 A r c a d i a n s 4 E m e r s o n i a n s 3 Kn icke rbocker s 2 S e m i n a r y 0

B " L E A G U E

W L P e t . 1 1 3 4 6 8







P F 369 363 406 373 262 273

P F 328 408 234 208 201 211

P A 313 282 291 365 373 451

P A 206 230 214 262 344 334

- 0 -

H O P E (63) VandeWeKe, f o r w B r e m e r , f o r w a r d M u y s k e n s , c e n t e r Y o n k e r . Ruard ... H o l w e r d a , j ruard V a n R e R e n m o r t e r ,

M I C H . N O R M A L (51) WarRo , f o r w a r d J a x , f o r w a r d Brodie , f o r w a r d J a c k s o n , c e n t e r —

H a r p e r , Fosd ick ,

H O P E (48) V a n d e W e g e , f o r w a r d ... B r e m e r , f o r w a r d M a r e m a , f o r w a r d M u y s k e n s , c e n t e r Y o n k e r , Kuard H o l w e r d a , Ruard P i e r s m a , Kuard — 0

Totals. C A L V I N (66) W a l c o t t , f o r w a r d — Ribbens , f o r w a r d Cooper , f o r w a r d R o s e n d a h l , c e n t e r DeSt l t r t e r . sruard ..._ S l a t e r , Ruard V a n d e r L a a n , Ruard —

T o U U . 27

FG F T T P H 3 19

3 17 3 3 9 2 o 6 5 0 10 1 0 2

26 11 63 F( i F T T F

5 0 10 1 0 2 3 0 6 4 3 i r 2 1 5 8 0 e 5 1 n

t— — —

28 5 51

FG F T T P . 7 0 14 . 3 3 9 . 0 2 0

, 4 2 10 , 4 1 9 . 0 3 3

0 1 1

IS 12 4H FG F T T P

. 5 1 11 .. 9 6 24 .. 1 0 2 .. 7 2 16 .. 3 1 7 .. 1 1 3

1 1 3

27 12 66



F i n a l

FG F T V a n d e W e g e Muyskens "9 *8 Yonker '•> ^ Ho lwerda 41 3 3

Jacobson 30 18 Bremer 2;» - 5

HinRa j ? J W a g n e r 9

M a r e m a 13 Peeks tok 12 V u n R e g e n m o r t e r 9 9 F er :ma 3 11 Breen 2 2 Dennison 1 1

F R A T " A " L E A G U E

F i n a l FG F T

Monroe, A r c a d i a n s 45 15 Decker , E m e r s o n i a n s 42 19 S l .kkers , F r a t e r n a l s 45 12 H e n d r . c k s o n , F r a t e r n a l s ....38 22 B r e m e r , I n d e p e n d e n t s 36 23 DeGrJo t , I n d e p e n d e n t s 29 21 McCal lum, K n i c k e r b o c k e r s . 2 6 25 Selover , A r c a d i a n s 33 4 H o f f m a n , A r c a d i a n s 22 23 Korver , E m e r s o n i a n s 26 8 Campbe l l , E m e r s o n i a n s 24 11 Visse r . Cosmopo l i t ans 22 7 F e ldhouse . Knickerb 'ker3 . . . .23 4

F R A T " B " L E A G U E FG F T

Bos. F r a t e r n a l s 49 Becks fo r t . C o s m o p o U a n s . . . 43 N i e u s m a . F r a t e r n a l s 33 Boors. C o s m o p o l i t a n s 29 D e W a a r d . E m e r s o n i a n s 21 H i l d e b r a n d s . S e m i n a r y 17 Koop. F r a t e r n a l s 22 D e Y o u n g . A r c a d i a n s 23 Micdema . A r c a d i a n s 23 Mull . A r c a d i a n s 21 P a t t e r s o n . Cosmoi>olitan8....20 H a r d y . K n i c k e r b o c k e r s 16 S i k k e m a . K n i c k e r b o c k e r s ...16 Vandenbe rR , E m e r s o n : a n s . . l 2 V a n H o v e n , C o s m o p o l i t a n s . . ^

T P 229 206 195 115

78 75 41 39 36 33 27 17

6 3

T P 105 103 102


Fraters, Cosmos Share "B" Lead

As scheduled play in the "A" F r a t League drew to a close last Wednesday rifght, four teams found themselves in a deadlock for the number-one position. The Arcad-ians, Emersonians, Fraternals , and Independents all completed their competition with records of 7 wins and 3 losses.

As the Anchor goes to press, ar-rangements for a playoff to decide the champion of the "A" loop have not been made, but it is expected it will take place this week.

In r e c e n t ' games the Emmies dropped the Knicks 60 to 32, the Arcadians defeated the Cosmos 41 to 34, the Fra te rs set back the In-dependents 46 to 31, the Inde-pendents downed the Knicks 46 to 32, the Emmies bumped the Cos-mos 38 to 24, and the Fra te rs knocked off the Arcadians 51 to 34.

Monroe la High Scorer

Doug Monroe of the Arcadians captured the " A " league scoring crown with a final total of 105 points in a race tha t was extremely close. Ken Decker of the Emmies was only two points behind with 103 while George Slikkers of the Fra ters was third with 102. Jun Bremer's 95 points, scored during the first s e m e s t e r only, were enough to give him fifth.

In "B" loop action last week the Cosmos upset the Fra te rs 35 to 27 to gain a tie fo r first. In other games the Knicks defeated the Ar-cadians 38 to 17, the Emersonians shaded the Seminary 33 to 32, the Fra ters dropped the Knicks 46 to 33, and the Cosmos outraced the Seminary to a 52-39 decision.

Ron Bos of the Fra te rs leads "B" league scoring to date with a total of 117 points. Cosmopolitan Bob Becksfort is next in line with 110 tallies.

79 Coeds Visit Calvin^ 2 For Annual Play Day

T P 117 110 80 66 57 57 53 51 50 49 47 44 42 41 40

On Saturday, March 4, 20 Hope girls were guests of Calvin College at the annual Hope-Calvin play day. Competition was held in kick-ball, volleyball, and b a s k e t b a l l a f te r teams composed of both Hope and Calvin members were chosen. These teams then took part in tour-naments in both volleyball and basketball.

The Calvin Women's Athletic Association treated the Hopeites to a dinner at noon and to a tea following the basketball tourna-ment. Miss Louise VanDommelen Director of Women's Athletics a t

Yokels Outpoint Locals In Intra-Yarsity Battle Marema Tallies 25; Aliens Win, 66-46

Having completed another suc-cessful season, the varsity basket-ball team decided last week to at-tempt to find just where their source of power really rested — with the former Holland prep school stars, or with the faction that has been imported f rom vari-ous locales beyond the boundaries of the Tulip City.

Thus it was that on March 6 the test of s t rength was held at Car-negie gym before a roaring crowd of some two thousand spectators (unofficial est imate) . The Locals had on their roster the names of such Hope cage greats as Bud VandeWege, Jun B r e m e r , Bill Hinga, Zeke Piersma, Ken Van-Regenmorter, and Fuzz Bouman.

Sparking the attack for the Yokels, or out-of-towners, were Jack Marema, Dewey Peekstok, Paul Muyskens, Bob Wagner, Bill Holwerda, Je r ry Jacobson, and Frank Breen. (Nick Yonker had already turned in his equipment for repair and was unable to par-ticipate in the all-important tilt.)

Take Early Lead Af te r four quar ters of bitterly

fought basketball, it was proved once and for all tha t the locals had been included on the 1949-50 Hope varsity roster merely as a drawing card for Holland cage fans. The Yokels grabbed an early lead and coasted to a lop-sided 66-46 vic-tory.

The Aliens led 24 to 8 at the end of the first period and by half t ime held a respectful 32-17 lead. At the end of the third quarter they had increased their margin to 51-32.

Forward Jack Marema connected from all angles to lead the Yokel quint 's at tack with a total of 25 points. Bob Wagner was next in line for the winners with 20. Fuzz Bouman, an import from the frosh squad, outshone his town varsity teammates to lead the Locals in scoring with 14 tallies. Bud Vande-Wege added 11 points to the losers' cause.

VanVleck " C " Leading Women's Basketball Play I Hope, and Jennie Spoelstra ac-

companied the coeds. VanVleck "C" is currently lead-

ing the campus teams in the girls ' basketball league with 8 wins and no losses. Voorhees "A" is running a close second in the Thursday night action with 7 wins and no defeats.


W L V a n V l e c k " C " — 8 0 Voorhees " A " 7 0 Beach - 6 1 T o w n Gir ls " C " 6 2 Voorhees " B " r. 5 3 Town Gi r l s " B " 5 3 Voorhees " C " 4 3 V a n V l e c k " A " 4 5 T o w n Gi r l s " A " 4 Co lumbia - 2 5 F a i r b a n k s - 2 6 VanVleck • B " I 6 Hope-Ives - 0 West Hal l 0 8


V e l t m a n . V a n V l e c k " C " 125 V o o r h o r s t , T o w n Gi r l s " B " 93 B e e k m a n , T o w n Gi r l s " C " 83 Schoonveld . Voorhees " A " - 68 A a r d e m a . V o o r h e e s " A " 58 Breld , Voorhees " A " ......... 52 P o t t , T o w n G i r l s " A " — - 50

The girls from Hope that par-ticipated were f r e s h m e n Reva Pickett, Marge Pott , Mary LaHuis and Pat t S tagg; sophomores Mary Houtman, Doris Adams, Marilyn Veldman, Caryl Curtis and Betty Bardwell; juniors Dolores Freyling, Eleanor Short, Barbara VanNeu-ren, Lois England, and Jeannine DeBoer; seniors Margare t Aarde-ma, Mary Breid, Lorry Drake, M a r g a r e t M o e r d y k , and Ann


L O C A L S (46) FG VandeWeRe , f o r w a r d 5 V a n R e R e n m o r t e r , f o r w a r d .. 2 H i n ^ a , f o r w a r d 1 B r e m e r , c e n t e r 4 P i e r s m a . Ruard 1 B o u m a n . g u a r d C

T o t a l s " %....19

F T 1 1 0 1 3

F T Y O K E L S (66) FG M a r e m a . f o r w a r d 9 P e e k s t o k . f o r w a r d 2 J a c o b s o n . f o r w a r d 1 Muyskens . c e n t e r 3 1 W a R n e r . c e n t e r 6 H o l w e r d a . g u a r d 2 2

T o t a l s 23 20

T P 11

5 2 9 5



T P 25

5 3 7 20 6


irfxteA T 9 < . p o i n t s

The issue of whether or not the type of basketball in Hope-Calvin games is sub-par, a subject which has already had more than its share of space on this page, is still as controversial as ever. From across the counter of "Sport ing Goods," a column in the Calvin student pub-lication, Knight sports scribe Jim Lont has tried to sell us on the fol-lowing information: "Thousands of f ans will back me up when I say tha t a Hope-Calvin contest is fas t , rugged, and thrilling, but above all good basketball. If Gord will ask Russ DeVette, Hope's coach, Russ will tell him the same thing."

We'll go along with the "thousands of f ans" as f a r as the first three points, but will have to fall out of line when it comes to good basket-ball. However, we will have to make the concession tha t this season's games were an improvement, and agree with Calvin reserve coach Gord Buter who mentioned something to this effect to us following this year 's first Dutch-Knight clash: That was the best game I've ever seen between these two teams — they usually play a lousy game.

As for seeking DeVette's opinion, we were inclined a t first to laugh that one off, but decided it might be more interesting to get his view-point. We did, and suggest tha t Lont find a reference more favorable to his cause.

To suggest that the type of ball played by Calvin in the February 27 game at the Armory was sloppy would be utterly foolish. The Knights were red hot and they do have an outstanding ball club — we'd be the last to deny that fact . To say that Hope's play was sloppy would prove unhealthy. So in bringing the subject to a close once and for all (as f a r as this column is concerned) we'll say tha t Calvin-Hope games in the past have been poorly played, and that although we can't name thousands who will support us, there is evidence that there are a t least a few on our side of the fence. On the other hand, this year 's games were an improvement, and it 's our hope that fu tu re games will carry on that trend.

If there are any who doubt the necessity of a new nickname for Hope's athletic squads, we'd like to re fer them to the February 25 sports page of the Grand Rapids Press which listed, side by side, the following contradictory heads: "Hope Upsets Kalamazoo," and "Kala-mazoo Downs Dutch." Only a f t e r digging into the fine print does one come up with the solution — the first article deals with Hope's 65-60 victory over Kalamazoo College; the second pertains to Kalamazoo Central 's 53-48 decision over Holland High.

A substitute for the term "Dutch," if given enough publicity to re-move all association between "Dutch" and Hope, would alleviate the confusion resulting f rom heads such as the example mentioned above.

The student council's effort to find a new moniker by means of the current contest is a step forward and should be given the support of every Hope student. Five bucks will buy you a hundred cups of coffee in the Kletz — and if you live through that , sixty years f rom now you can take your grandson on your knee and say, "Jasper , I guess you know your old gramps was the originator of that nickname — that one there at the top of the page." So get tha t entry in today, and be sure to date it a couple days early so that if somebody else steals your idea you'll still get the fin.

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Students . . .

For Your Sewing Needs

Come to the







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Our Store.

Fellows you can buy the 60c size Wildroot Cream Oil at our store for only 53c, plus taxes of course. Students have you seen the new Eversharp Reporter Ball Pen for $1.00. June Joy Dunster. These new ball pens come in a pockeHe size also. We have a few Pepso-dent Tooth Brush Combinations with Paste for 69c. Really you save 31c. William Douglas Cameron. See the Lord Baltimore Writing Portfolio at only 49c. Fine quality paper and envelopes in a handy package.





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