Dual-port EtherNet/IP™ Adapter For a Variety of PowerFlex® Drives and Smart Motor Controllers Overview The Allen-Bradley® 20-COMM-ER Dual-port EtherNet/IP™ adapter provides an internal network connection for PowerFlex® 70, 700, 700H, 700S and 7000 AC drives and PowerFlex DC drives as well as SMC™ Flex and SMC-50 Smart Motor Controllers. The adapter mounts inside the drive or SMC to save panel space and provides a convenient way to control, configure and collect data over an EtherNet/IP network. The field-installable adapter supports linear, star and ring topologies as well as Device Level Ring functionality. Additional Features I/O Messaging – I/O messaging is used to transfer time-critical data, such as data that controls the drive or SMC. The following data can be sent and received by the adapter: • Logic Command/Reference • Logic Status/Feedback Datalinks – read and write up to 8 parameters Explicit Messaging – Explicit messaging involves information that is not time-critical and is typically triggered by the application (ladder program in a controller, etc.). The adapter supports the reading/writing of parameters, etc. in the drive/SMC and to any connected DPI peripheral. Peer-to-Peer Capability – Allows a PowerFlex drive to operate as a “master” and communicate with other PowerFlex 70, 700, 700H and 700S AC drives operating as “followers.” The “master” can send control and speed reference data along with up to two parameter values. Advantages Device Level Ring (DLR) DLR functionality helps reduce configuration time and provides fault tolerant connectivity for high machine availability. Multiple Configuration Tool Options – A variety of tools can be used to configure the adapter and the connected device. These tools include the PowerFlex DPI HIM, or configuration software such as DriveTools SP Software, Connected Components Workbench or Studio 5000™ Logix Designer software Add on Profiles (AOPs). This adapter requires v4.05 AOPs. Password-Protected Web Interface Use a web browser such as Microsoft® Internet Explorer™ to access the drive/SMC over the Intranet or Internet. TCP/IP Configuration – View TCP/ IP configuration data and Ethernet diagnostic information. Email Notification – Configure email notification if a specific fault or alarm occurs, if any fault or alarm occurs, or if the drive/SMC is reset. DPI Backplane Browse – View every DPI device, including the drive and connected peripherals. Provides general device information, diagnostics, events and alarm information. Parameter Configuration – On-line parameter configuration for the SMC-50 and SMC Flex makes set up fast and convenient. Flash Upgradeable – The adapter can be flash updated in the field to take advantage of new firmware features as they become available.


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Dual-port EtherNet/IP™ Adapter

For a Variety of PowerFlex® Drives and Smart Motor Controllers


The Allen-Bradley® 20-COMM-ER Dual-port EtherNet/IP™ adapter

provides an internal network connection for PowerFlex® 70, 700, 700H,

700S and 7000 AC drives and PowerFlex DC drives as well as SMC™ Flex

and SMC-50 Smart Motor Controllers. The adapter mounts inside the

drive or SMC to save panel space and provides a convenient way to

control, confi gure and collect data over an EtherNet/IP network.

The fi eld-installable adapter supports linear, star and ring topologies

as well as Device Level Ring functionality.

Additional Features

I/O Messaging – I/O messaging is used to transfer time-critical data,

such as data that controls the drive or SMC. The following data can be

sent and received by the adapter:

• Logic Command/Reference

• Logic Status/Feedback

• Datalinks – read and write up to 8 parameters

Explicit Messaging – Explicit messaging involves information that is

not time-critical and is typically triggered by the application (ladder

program in a controller, etc.). The adapter supports the reading/writing of

parameters, etc. in the drive/SMC and to any connected DPI peripheral.

Peer-to-Peer Capability – Allows a PowerFlex drive to operate as a

“master” and communicate with other PowerFlex 70, 700, 700H and 700S

AC drives operating as “followers.” The “master” can send control and

speed reference data along with up to two parameter values.


Device Level Ring (DLR) –

DLR functionality helps reduce

confi guration time and provides

fault tolerant connectivity for high

machine availability.

Multiple Confi guration Tool

Options – A variety of tools can be

used to confi gure the adapter and the

connected device. These tools include

the PowerFlex DPI HIM, or confi guration

software such as DriveTools SP Software,

Connected Components Workbench or

Studio 5000™ Logix Designer software

Add on Profi les (AOPs). This adapter

requires v4.05 AOPs.

Password-Protected Web Interface –

Use a web browser such as Microsoft®

Internet Explorer™ to access the

drive/SMC over the Intranet or Internet.

• TCP/IP Confi guration – View TCP/

IP confi guration data and Ethernet

diagnostic information.

• Email Notifi cation – Confi gure email

notifi cation if a specifi c fault or alarm

occurs, if any fault or alarm occurs, or

if the drive/SMC is reset.

• DPI Backplane Browse – View every

DPI device, including the drive and

connected peripherals. Provides

general device information, diagnostics,

events and alarm information.

• Parameter Confi guration – On-line

parameter confi guration for the

SMC-50 and SMC Flex makes set up

fast and convenient.

Flash Upgradeable – The adapter can

be fl ash updated in the fi eld to take

advantage of new fi rmware features as

they become available.

Diagnostics – Built-in diagnostics allow drive or SMC-side

troubleshooting of the network connection using a

PowerFlex DPI HIM, Connected Components Workbench™

or DriveTools™ SP Software. View actual Logic Command/

Reference, Logic Status/Feedback and Datalink data being

transmitted to and from the controller.

User Confi gurable Fault Responses – selects the action

that the adapter and drive/SMC will take for:

• Idle Fault Action – the scanner is idle (controller in

program mode)

• Comm Fault Action – network communications have

become disrupted

Available actions include:

• Fault – the drive/SMC is faulted and stopped

• Stop – the drive/SMC is stopped using the current

deceleration or stopping mode rate and is not faulted

• Zero Data – the adapter zeros the I/O data transmitted

to the drive

• Hold Last – the adapter continues sending the I/O

data prior to the fault and the drive continues in its

present state

• Send Fault Confi guration – the user specifi es the

Logic Command, Reference, and Datalink data that

is sent to the drive, allowing complete fl exibility in

confi guring a fault action

No Name Description

01 DPI Port Displays the port to which the adapter is connected. This will usually be port 5.

02 DPI Data RateDisplays the data rate used by the drive. This data rate is set in the drive and the adapter detects it.

03 BOOTP/DHCPConfi gures the adapter to use BOOTP so that you can set its IP address, subnet mask, and gateway address with a BOOTP server


IP Addr Cfg 1IP Addr Cfg 2IP Addr Cfg 3IP Addr Cfg 4

Sets the IP address bytes for the adapter’s network address when Parameter 03 – [BOOTP] is set to "0" (Disabled).


Subnet Cfg 1Subnet Cfg 2Subnet Cfg 3Subnet Cfg 4

Sets the subnet mask bytes for the adapter’s network address when Parameter 03 – [BOOTP] is set to "0" (Disabled).


Gateway Cfg 1Gateway Cfg 2Gateway Cfg 3Gateway Cfg 4

Sets the gateway address bytes for the adapter’s network address when Parameter 03 – [BOOTP] is set to "0" (Disabled).

16 EN P1 Rate CfgSets the speed and duplex network data rate at which the adapter communicates. (Updates Parameter 17 – [EN P1 Rate Act] after a reset.)

17 EN P1 Rate Act Displays the actual speed and duplex network data rate used by the adapter.

18 EN P2 Rate CfgSets the speed and duplex network data rate at which the adapter communicates. (Updates Parameter 19 – [EN PI Rate Act] after a reset.)

19 EN P2 Rate Act Displays the actual speed and duplex network data rate used by the adapter.

20 Ref/Fdbk SizeDisplays the size of the Reference/Feedback. The drive determines the size of the Reference/Feedback.

21 Datalink Size Displays the size of each Datalink word. The drive determines the size of Datalinks.

22 Reset Module

No action if set to “0” (Ready). Resets the adapter if set to “1” (Reset Module). Restores the adapter to its factory default settings if set to “2” (Set Defaults). This parameter is a command. It will be reset to “0” (Ready) after the command has been performed.

23 Comm Flt Action

Sets the action that the adapter and drive will take if the adapter detects that I/O communication has been disrupted. This setting is eff ective only if I/O that controls the drive is transmitted through the adapter. When communication is re-established, the drive will automatically receive commands over the network again.

24 Idle Flt Action

Sets the action that the adapter and drive will take if the adapter detects that the controller is in program mode or faulted. This setting is eff ective only if I/O that controls the drive is transmitted through the adapter. When the controller is put back in Run mode, the drive will automatically receive commands over the network again.

25 DPI I/O Cfg Sets the I/O that is transferred through the adapter.

26 DPI I/O ActDisplays the I/O that the adapter is actively transmitting. The value of this parameter will usually be equal to the value of Parameter 25 – [DPI I/O Cfg].

27 Flt Cfg Logic

Sets the Logic Command data that is sent to the drive if any of the following is true:• Parameter 23 – [Comm Flt Action] is set to "4" (Send Flt Cfg) and I/O

communication is disrupted.

• Parameter 24 – [Idle Flt Action] is set to "4" (Send Flt Cfg) and the controller is idle.

• Parameter 43 – [Peer Flt Action] is set to "4" (Send Flt Cfg) and peer I/O communication is disrupted

No Name Description

28 Flt Cfg Ref

Sets the Reference data that is sent to the drive if any of the following is true:• Parameter 23 – [Comm Flt Action] is set to "4" (Send Flt Cfg) and I/O

communication is disrupted.

• Parameter 24 – [Idle Flt Action] is set to "4" (Send Flt Cfg) and the controller is idle.

• Parameter 43 – [Peer Flt Action] is set to "4" (Send Flt Cfg) and peer I/O communication is disrupted.


Flt Cfg A1 InFlt Cfg A2 InFlt Cfg B1 InFlt Cfg B2 InFlt Cfg C1 InFlt Cfg C2 InFlt Cfg D1 InFlt Cfg D2 In

Sets the data that is sent to the Datalink in the drive if any of the following is true:• Parameter 23 – [Comm Flt Action] is set to "4" (Send Flt Cfg) and I/O

communication is disrupted.

• Parameter 24 – [Idle Flt Action] is set to "4" (Send Flt Cfg) and the controller is idle.

• Parameter 43 – [Peer Flt Action] is set to "4" (Send Flt Cfg) and peer I/O communication is disrupted.

37 M-S InputSets the Master-Slave input data. This data is produced by the scanner and consumed by the adapter.

38 M-S OutputSets the Master-Slave output data. This data is produced by the adapter and consumed by the Master device (for example, scanner).

39 Ref Adjust Sets the percent scale factor for the Reference received from the network.


Peer A InputPeer B Input

Sets the destination of the peer I/O input. The adapter receives this data from the network and sends it to the drive.

42 Peer Cmd MaskSets the mask for the Logic Command word when it is received through peer input. If the mask bit is "0" (Off ), the command bit is ignored and not used. If the mask bit is "1" (On), the command bit is checked and used.

43 Peer Flt ActionSets the action that the adapter and drive will take if the adapter detects that peer I/O communication has been disrupted. This setting is eff ective only if I/O is transmitted through the adapter.


Peer Inp Addr 1Peer Inp Addr 2Peer Inp Addr 3Peer Inp Addr 4

Sets the IP address bytes that specifi es the device from which the adapter receives (consumes) peer I/O data.

48Peer Inp Timeout

Sets the timeout for a peer I/O connection.

49 Peer Inp Enable Determines if peer I/O input is on or off .

50 Peer Inp Status Displays the status of the consumed peer I/O input connection.


Peer A OutputPeer B Output

Selects the source of the peer I/O output data. The adapter transmits this data to the network.

53 Peer Out Enable Determines if peer I/O output is on or off .

54 Peer Out Time Sets the minimum time that an adapter will wait when transmitting data to a peer.

55 Peer Out Skip Sets the maximum time that an adapter will wait when transmitting data to a peer.

56 Web EnableDisplays the setting of the adapter Web Pages Switch (SW2) when the adapter was last reset.

57 Web Features Sets the access to the Web interface and Web confi gurable email notifi cation feature.

EtherNet/IP – A Single Network for Complete Machine Control

When you select EtherNet/IP for your application, you gain the benefi ts of an open and broadly adopted network with

robust global standards established by ODVA. You can easily integrate PowerFlex drives, SMC Smart Motor Controllers,

I/O and any other EtherNet/IP connected device on a common network. In addition, EtherNet/IP is low cost, high

performance and easy to use compared to a multi-network architecture.

PowerFlex 70 AC Drive

with 20-COMM-ER

Dual-port EtherNet/IP


SMC-50 Smart Motor

Controller with

20-COMM-ER Dual-port

EtherNet/IP Adapter

The 20-COMM-ER Dual-port EtherNet/IP Adapter supports linear and ring topologies as well as Device Level Ring (DLR) functionality – shown above.

Dual-port EtherNet/IP Adapter Off ers Benefi ts of Device Level Ring Technology

• DLR-based networks reduce confi guration time and costs by minimizing the number of managed switches and

reducing cabling needs

– In most cases, use of the Dual-port EtherNet/IP Adapter eliminates the need for an external switch with the

PowerFlex drives

– Reduces wiring – embedded industrial switch reduces long wire runs

• Users can create a single fault-tolerant DLR network that connects all components at the device level locally. If one

device on the EtherNet/IP network fails, the other devices are able to continue operation

• The fault tolerant connectivity helps provide high machine availability

• Recovery time is fast when a single fault occurs on the network

• DLR is a global ODVA standard, helping to ensure multi-vendor interoperability. Refer to the ODVA website for more

information: www.odva.org

Publication 20COMM-PP003A-EN-P – August 2013 Copyright © 2013 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in USA.

Allen-Bradley, Connected Components Workbench, DriveTools SP, LISTEN. THINK. SOLVE., PowerFlex, SMC-50, SMC Flex and Studio 5000 are trademarks of Rockwell Automation, Inc. EtherNet/IP is a trademark of ODVA. Trademarks not belonging to Rockwell Automation are property of their respective companies.

Example I/O Image

Online Resources for 20-COMM-ER Dual-port EtherNet/IP Adapter

Specifi cations


Supported Products PowerFlex 70, 700, 700H, 700S and 7000 AC drives; PowerFlex DC drives and SMC Flex and SMC-50 Smart Motor Controllers

Communications Network Protocol Data Rates

EtherNet/IP10/100 Mbps, Half/Full Duplex

Drive Protocol Data Rates

DPI125 or 500 kbps

Electrical Consumption Drive:Network:

370 mA at 5V DCN/A

Regulatory Compliance



KC Registration

UL508CCAN/CSA C22.2 No. 14EN61800-3EN61800-3EN61800-3

Main Web page

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