02 _ Aggression

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This file shows a PP on agression in Psych 310 class for Andres Pengagos Garcia

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  • 9/8/2015


    Aggression & Sex

    Biological Motives

    Reproduction & Aggression

    As basic to survival as hunger & thirst!

    And also affected by internal & external factors

    But, NOT homeostatic

    So, more variable, and more sensitive to environmental circumstances

    Also, they involve more than one organism

    Learning adds big complexities

    Instinct Re-Examined

    James & McDougall versus Kuo

    Classical ethology: Lorenz, Tinbergen

    Action patterns

    Releasing stimulus

    Instinct Re-Examined

    Different to motivational states, responses are not goal-directed but _______________

    Sexual activity and aggressive behavior are viewed as largely innate and intimately related

    But in humans the case is much less clear

    Although there might be something to it

    Instinct Re-Examined

    Innate behaviors, _________-specific

    Triggered by specific stimulus inputs

    Means untaught, not inflexible


    Behavior against another individual with the intention of committing harm

    Socially unacceptable behavior

    Aggression varies in forms

    It also differs in functions

    E.g., reactive vs proactive

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    Most likely between ages 1 and 3

    Violent crimes most likely btw 15 and 30

    As consistent as IQ as individuals grow up


    But, how do you study it?

    Early lab research: Retaliation Paradigm

    Would participants deliver a painful shock to another person?

    The Functions of Aggression

    Six evolutionary hypotheses:

    ___________ resources of others

    Defend against ___________

    Inflict costs on ___________ rivals

    Negotiate _______and _______hierarchies

    Deter rivals from future aggression

    Deter long-term mates from infidelity

    Aggression: Internal Influences

    Maybe they are both responsive to same internal influences

    Heritability results are mixed

    Maybe, impulsivity is what is inherited?

    Serotonin: abnormally low levels associated with impulsive aggression: inhibition?

    Aggression: Internal Influences

    Mostly in males androgens? (Testosterone)

    Many species: little or no aggression before puberty and little aggression outside breeding season

    Aggression most common among _________; castrated male rats are ______ aggressive

    Reversed if you inject testosterone

    Aggression: Internal Influences

    In adult humans, role of hormones is less clear

    Human males commit more violent crimes But is it hormones? Culture? Something else?

    Correlation with testosterone is _______

  • 9/8/2015


    Aggression: Internal Influences

    Testosterone injections increase subjective feelings of hostility

    Testosterone increases after winning at fights or competitions and decreases after defeat

    Aggression: Internal Influences

    Maybe testosterone does not cause aggression, but important for its expression

    Testosterone involved in social status?

    Link is not to aggression but to social dominance

    Also, what about female aggression?

    Inconclusive results

    Aggression: Internal Influences

    Difference might be in the preponderance of physical harm

    But, again, is it hormones or culture?

    Aggression: Internal Influences

    Neural regions underlying aggression are sensitized by testosterone

    In non-humans, particular neural circuits elicit a tendency to aggression

    Sensory detection amygdala medial hypothalamus PAG; motor responses in brain stem

    In humans: sometimes anger when amygdala stimulated directly, but no aggression

    Aggression: Internal Influences

    Lorenzs Hydraulic Theory: if action pattern not released for some time, it may be triggered at the slightest provocation

    Similar to Freuds notions

    Catharsis hypothesis

    Evidence is quite contrary

    Aggression: External Influences

    So, aggression is highly context-specific

    Different systems of aggressive behavior

    1. Predatory

    2. Intermale

    3. Fear-induced

    4. Territorial

    5. Maternal

    6. Irritable

    7. Sex-related

    8. Instrumental

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    Aggression: External Influences

    If physically harmed, participants would retaliate in kind

    If they believed no further retaliation in the future more shocks than received

    Massive retaliation tends to decrease or terminate aggressive exchanges

    Aggression: External Influences



    Weapons (Berkowitz & Le Page, 1967)


    Victims provoking attack??

    Obedient aggression (Milgram)

    Social rejection


    Violent media?

    Ego depletion

    Aggression, Learning & Culture

    Most potent determinant of aggression seems to be ____________

    Despite frequent cases, all in all we are less violent today than we were centuries ago

    Theories of Aggression

    The Frustration and Aggression theory

    Blocking of goal directed behavior leads to aggressive behavior

    But does every frustration lead to aggression?

    Theories of Aggression

    Maybe frustration leads to a number of behaviors, one of which is aggression

    So, why aggression? Maybe because of learning!

    Classical and operant conditioning

    Discrimination and generalization

    Social learning (Bandura), remember the Bobo Doll?

    Theories of Aggression

    Excitation-transfer theory (Zillmann)

    Physiological arousal dissipates slowly

    If two arousing events in a short period of time, arousal from the first may ____ to that to the second one.

  • 9/8/2015


    Theories of Aggression

    Information processing theories

    Script theory: Aggression-related mental representations and action plans are learned by observing others

    Hostile attributions

    Cognitive neoassociation: Aversive events negative affect fight and flight associations

    Theories of Aggression

    The general aggression model (GAM)

    Proximate versus ultimate goals

    Four dimensions: (a) degree of hostility, (b) automaticity, (c) harm vs self-benefit, (d) consideration of consequences

    Theories of Aggression: The I3 theory

    Instigation: discrete events that frequently increase an aggressive urge

    Impellance: factors that increase the likelihood of experiencing an aggressive impulse

    Inhibition: Individual difference or situational features that diminish the likelihood of an aggressive urge

    Theories of Aggression: The I3 theory

    How do these combine additively and interactively to increase or decrease aggression?

    Aggression most likely when instigators and impellors are high and inhibitors are low

    E.g., provocation (instigator) is likelier to lead to aggression if you have trait anger (impellor) and are disinhibited

    Aggression: External Influences

    So, again, at least in humans, we have a motivational state

    It widens the range of effective stimuli!

    Negative feedback loop? Sometimes

    But, not homeostatic

    No energy is built up, no other physiological imbalance