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0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re

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Page 1: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re











Page 2: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re



Introduction: p3

Forward: p7

Herbs & Spices: p9

Foods In This Book – Nutritional Facts: p13

Glycemic Indexes: p18

Starters: Soups & Snacks: p19

Meat Dishes: p44

Fish Dishes: p70

Vegetarian Dishes: p79

Salads & Dips: p110

Drinks: p126

The Naughty Corner: p136

Extras: p146

Index: p156

Please find a list of weights and measures conversion data at the back of this

book along with a list of suppliers for more specialized ingredients.

Page 3: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Why this book was written:

I bet you are wondering why I wrote this book? I’m not a qualified chef or

nutritionist but I do have a lot in common with these professions. Just like you I

love food, food is fuel and trying to find the right diet whatever your reasons are,

e.g losing weight, diabetes, food intolerances is a task within itself! So I put

together some of my favourite recipes so that you can now know the secrets of

maintaining a delicious balanced diet.

All the Ingredients in this book you can buy wheat free, gluten free and sugar


The most inspiring thing for me while writing this book, was that I found it an

adventure in itself. After trial and tribulation I have prepared a healthy diet for

you to enjoy so you don’t have to feel it’s a burden to diet or to keep eating


There is a lot I have leant from writing this book. If you eat my diet I want you

to be careful not to stop eating carbohydrates altogether but to start eating foods

that are low carbohydrate and also low on the glycemic index i.e. slow sugar


This is so your body can start to break down fats which will release the toxins in

your body that will be expelled through the usual channels. At first you might

not lose weight because you are toxic. You may even feel horrible and feel that

little monster inside you saying “give me sugar”. You have to be strong and say


The toxins in your body will get released and get pushed out of your system.

The toxins will try their very best to win, they have been hiding away in your

cells for sometime. So time to set them free. Get freedom from your foods!

I had to change my diet because of my health problems. I was very depressed, I

gained 30 lb in little over a few months and there was no chance of my weight

gain slowing down unless I changed my diet and the way a felt inside. I decided

to beat my health problems with the help of top nutritionist Hazel Du Preez, and

my good friend Ian Solley. I cured my fatigue, I got on top. Through my diet

and exercise I lost 5 lb in a week. I reduced my aches and pains and headaches

and I got rid of my bloated stomach.

So here is a diet that makes your mouth water with the thought of eating it. I’ve

tried and tested all my recipes on top detox nutritionist Hazel Du Preez and of

course my whole family and they love it. So give it a go!

Page 4: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Why is it so hard to diet and why is there so much conflicting advice on how

to diet and eat healthily? (Ok the next bit is technical but hang in there).

Some diets have completely the wrong message i.e. stop eating fats! Warning:

cutting down on fat intake is harmful. Your hormonal systems rely on good fats!

Eat them! (Not refined oils like margarine but healthy oils from butter (yes butter

is healthy) or those found in clean sourced fish or vegetables/nuts/seeds).

The misunderstanding and conflicting advice about dieting is a result of the diet

industries ability to market ideas that have NO basis in science.

For example one day I overheard two young women in a supermarket discussing

how to loose weight – They would buy rice cakes! They were reading the label

and figured if it's got hardly any fats - it must be slimming? WRONG!

There is a fundamental reason why this “This Diet Works” reduces fast sugar

releasing carbohydrates in the diet. (You still eat carbohydrates just not the bad

ones). To understand this we need to know a little about what happens when we

eat carbohydrates like sugars, bread, starchy vegetables, potatoes, fruit, etc.

The body responds differently depending on whether food is carbohydrate,

protein or fat.

It’s worth looking at how we evolved, as it highlights how absolutely ridiculous

our modern sugar-rich diets are. Five hundred million years ago, we weren’t

about on this planet. However, eicosanoids (the super hormones that control all

our body systems) were. These were the first hormonal control system for living

organisms to interact with their environment; and they existed in sponges.

Four hundred and fifty million years later, the paired endocrine hormones (those

that are secreted from a gland, the pancreas, into the blood) insulin and glucagon,


Evolution designated eicosanoids to be that control system over those hormones

and how an organism responds to food, and nothing has changed in this regard for

hundreds of millions of years. By the time man appeared 100,000 years ago, this

control system was deeply embedded in the genes, and genetic changes evolve

very slowly. Therefore, as a species, our bodies don’t react very well to changes

in our embedded dietary patterns.

As hunter gatherers, our insulin responses evolved in the face of the uncertainty

over our food supply. Faced with long periods without food, the body developed a

system for storing nutrients. Insulin is effectively a storage hormone. Its role is to

take excess glucose from carbohydrates and amino acids from protein and convert

them into fat.

Page 5: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


The body always needs a constant supply of carbohydrates in the blood to feed

our glucose-hungry brains. So the body continually takes carbohydrates and

converts them into glucose, and insulin is released to drive down sugar levels in

the blood to keep them constant. Any excess carbohydrate not immediately used

by the body is converted into glycogen (a form of glucose) and stored either in the

liver or the muscles.

Only the glycogen in the liver (not the muscles) is accessible to the brain –

because it’s easily broken down and used. This store lasts about 12 hours,

meaning the liver's glycogen levels must be maintained on a continual basis.

That’s why we eat carbohydrates. The problem comes when we eat too many

carbohydrates. I think we can all relate to that. Once the glycogen levels are filled

in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored

in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re trying to break

down and convert so that they release their toxic load. Eating carbohydrates

makes this biologically impossible.

The biological opposite of insulin is glycagon. Instead of acting as a storage

hormone as insulin does, glycagon mobilises stored carbohydrates from the liver

by converting glycogen back into glucose to be released into the bloodstream.

Whereas insulin is stimulated by carbohydrate intake (proteins also produce an

insulin response but far time carbohydrates), glucagon is stimulated by protein


The aim of the diet is to consume foods that have very low carbohydrate content

and any content they have to be low on the glycaemic (US glycemic) index.

This index measures how fast carbs are broken down/digested and converted into

glucose in the bloodstream. High glycaemic foods raise the blood sugar levels too

fast, promoting an elevated insulin response.

The glycaemic index of a food depends on the structure of the simple sugars it

contains, its soluble fibre content and its fat content. Surprisingly, puffed rice

cakes have a higher glycaemic index than normal table sugar. What this means is

that they produce a higher insulin response and create higher insulin levels

pumped into the bloodstream, which basically instructs the body to store fat and

keep it stored.

The fat content in foods such as fibre content actually slows the rate of entry of

carbohydrates into the bloodstream. Fats also cause the release of cholecystokinin

(CCK) from the stomach, which tells the brain you’re full.

Page 6: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


If you experience blood sugar swings, you may be suffering from either

hyperglycaemia (an excess of glucose, from high carbohydrate intake) that exists

in the bloodstream or hypoglycaemia (a deficiency of glucose in the blood). This

can be diet-related but can also be caused by parasites, harmful bacteria in the

intestines or faulty liver functioning.

Obviously, these typically high carbohydrate diets that we eat nowadays upset

this critical hormonal balance, and we can see how successful the ‘high

carbohydrate diets’ have been in reducing weight; we’re in the middle of an

obesity epidemic! So much for fats making you fat and overweight. In fact, you

have to eat fats to lose fat; just make sure they’re from high quality sources.

There is another problem with high insulin levels: they increase the chance of

diabetes, where you get insulin resistance, and insulin no longer effectively brings

down blood sugar levels. After the detox, the correct balance of protein to

carbohydrate to fat that you should eat in your meals is 40% carbohydrate to 30%

protein to 30% fat. On the plate, that’ll mean that your carbohydrate portion will

look about twice as large as your protein portion. Eat in this ratio, and you’ll

maintain a healthy balance between good and bad eicosanoid (super hormones)

production and its dramatic impacts upon not only blood sugar and therefore

energy levels, but also upon immune system functioning, cardiovascular health,

CNS functioning, the reproductive system…

Now we understand the effect that cutting out carbs has on fat metabolism and it

results in lower insulin levels, we can look at two of the main effects of this:

1. REDUCED insulin response causes DECREASED Phospholipase 2 (PLA 2)

enzyme action. And the reason this is so important is because the activity of the

PLA 2 enzyme rises dramatically in states of toxicity (biotoxins or heavy metals)

and causes increased inflammation and metabolic distortion plus the loss of

essential fatty acids from phospholipids in the cell membrane. The solution is

dietary control of carbohydrates, which directly lowers PLA 2 and inflammation.

Another effect of cutting carbohydrates from the diet is:

2. REDUCED insulin response and INCREASED glutathione enzyme action.

Biotoxins and heavy metal toxicity decrease the levels of glutathione produced by

the body. However, a low carb diet supports the body in forming its own

glutathione, one of the most essential and powerful substances our immune

systems produce. Glutathione is a naturally occurring protein with antioxidant

properties produced by the cell which protects every cell, tissue and organ in our

bodies. Glutathione helps the liver filter the blood and helps protect cell enzymes

from damage.

Page 7: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


It participates directly in the neutralisation of free radicals, reactive oxygen

compounds and maintains antioxidants such as vitamins C and E in their reduced

(active) forms. It is able to directly fuse together with foreign substances along

with also having potent anti-viral properties.

Note that a lack of glutathione has been linked to Fatigue. Also well known and

studied are the individual genetic differences in glutathione availability. Studies

show glutathione to be significant in enabling mercury bound together with

glutathione to be cleared from the blood more readily, preventing mercury from

entering red blood cells.

For a thorough look at the glycemic Index of Foods visit:


For a scientific explanation on the principles of the Detox that is beyond the

scope of this eBook visit:


I have created this book so that anyone can understand the easy cooking


To get the full health benefits from your food and aid detoxification:

1) Chew your food thoroughly!

2) Avoid eating when upset or stressed.

3) Eat little and often if digestion is weak.

4) Avoid drinking fluids after eating for at least 30-60 minutes.

5) Avoid skipping meals.

6) Take digestive enzymes after food (see list of suppliers at end of book).

7) Take chlorella 20 minutes before food (see list of suppliers at end of book).

8) AND MOST IMPORTANTLY: Introduce the diet slowly and if you stop

reintroduce higher carbs SLOWLY over a week.

Warning: Allergy clients. Some of these recipes are explicitly titled as

containing nuts. Dairy products have been substituted with soya milk and goats

cheese unless otherwise stated.

Forward By Nutritionist Hazel Du Preez

I have suggested to many of my clients, to write a recipe book of recipes that

they have found that helps them with the low-carb diet that I have been

advocating for over 5 years and that has helped so many. Kat has responded by

compiling a sumptuous selection of recipes that made her conversion to this way

of eating, and her subsequent resolution of her health problems, a breeze.

Page 8: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


This book should make the low carb diet even more enjoyable as it certainly can

be. There are too many myths relating to low carb eating. This diet in the main

(there are a few higher carb treats), allows lots of vegetables and not just fat and

protein (preferably organic) as in the initial Atkins style diet. The difference is

that the vegetables and fruit are mainly all low carb.

After over 12 years of using Electro Dermal screening machines which can

identify the energetic signatures of toxins in the body, I have discovered that the

largest amount and the worst toxins are the heavy metals, especially mercury.

The reason for this diet working so effectively is that there is an overload of

heavy metals/neurotoxins in our cells that have been stored for many years. It

has been discovered that the liver is unable to effectively detoxify these toxins

when there is excess insulin in the body and the body then has to find a place to

store these toxins.

Many things can stimulate excess insulin – i.e. stress / adrenalin, alcohol,

carbohydrates, sugars (especially refined) etc. It has been discovered that there

is an enzyme in the liver that helps detoxify heavy metals, which is switched off

with raised insulin levels. Hence right from our first ‘Farleys’s rusk’, we have

been unable to adequately detoxify our heavy metals. Today these metals are at

an unprecedented level – they mainly come from amalgam fillings, vaccinations,

industrial pollution and fish. They are unavoidable and our bodies (especially in

children) have a huge amount of these neurotoxins to try and get rid of.

The low carb diet is the only way I have seen some really stubborn cases of

various illnesses resolved. There are obviously other things involved like taking

supplements/herbs to support this process but the strongest effect is from the

diet. Not everyone here will need to do it rigidly but for more serious health

complaints, it is certainly preferable. Occasionally there are some tough detox

symptoms that arise from the diet but with some guidance from a Nutritionist

used to this programme, it should not be a problem.

Kat’s recipes make it an easy transition to this way of eating and should be an

enjoyable experience, unlike a traditional diet.

Hazel du Preez

Nutritionist/Naturopath% %



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What it looks like:















































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What it looks like:
















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Page 13: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Foods In This Book – Nutritional Facts


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Page 21: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Carrot and Coriander Soup


1 tsp coriander leaf (frozen dried)

20g fresh coriander flat leaf

20g fresh parsley flat leaf

1 tsp garlic granules

1-2 garlic cloves (minced)

1 tsp salt

! tsp mixed herbs

2 pinches of chilli powder

! tsp tarragon

1 tbsp Lea and Perrins

4-6 carrots

1 onion

1 veggie/chicken stock cube

1 olive oil (drizzle)

150 ml boiling water

! Lt soya milk room temperature


Finely chop coriander and parsley and onion and garlic cloves, peel carrots and

chop into small pieces now this is done we can start cooking

Heat pan of olive oil until hot, when hot sauté coriander and parsley leaves and

onion and all herbs & spices, garlic in the pan until soft, add Lea & Perrins

cook for 2-3 minutes, while cooking dilute stock cube in 25ml of boiling water

stir until dissolved.

Add the stock and carrots to the pan of ingredients and stir, bring to boil then

simmer for about 15-20 minutes, until carrots are soft.

Blend the ingredients in a blender adding Soya milk.

When blended place back in pan and simmer until ready to serve.

Time 30 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs High

Page 22: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Mushroom Soup


1 large onion

250g mushrooms, button/wild mushroom have more flavor

20g fresh flat leaf parsley

! tsp chilli powder

! tsp tarragon

! tsp oregano

! tsp mixed herbs

! tsp salt

! tsp ground ginger

! tsp garlic granules

1-2 garlic cloves

1 veggie stock cube

" pint Soya milk - room temperature

Lea & Perrins, a good splash


Sauté onions with your garlic, until soft.

Add all your and spices, cook for 2 minutes.

Add Lea & Perrins, add mushrooms and cook for 5 minutes. Add stock cube

with 100 ml water from kettle, stir in parsley.

Pulse the soup in a blender adding Soya milk, when all the milk is blended with

the soup tip it back in pan for 10-20 minutes then serve hot.

Time 30 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 23: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Spinach Soup


1 large onion

250g spinach washed

1-2 garlic cloves

! tsp chilli powder

! tsp tarragon

! tsp oregano

! tsp mixed herbs

! tsp salt

! tsp ground ginger

! tsp garlic granules

# pint Soya milk room temperature

Lea & Perrins, a good splash


Sauté onion and garlic until soft, add all the spices and cook for 2 minutes.

Then add spinach, Cook until spinach reduced its size, pulse the entire

mixer in a blender, adding milk.

You can put all the milk in at once if your blender is big enough, this will

make it creamy.

Put back in pan on heat until ready to serve.

Time 20 minutes

Serve 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

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Page 25: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Tomato Soup


1 large onion

12 tomatoes

1-2 garlic cloves

1 veggie stock cube

20g fresh leaf basil

! tsp tarragon

! tsp oregano

! tsp mixed herbs

! tsp salt

! tsp ground ginger

! tsp garlic granules

! tsp parsley (frozen dried)

! pint soya milk (room temperature)

! tsp coconut butter

100 ml boiling water

Lea & Perrins, a good splash


First place your coconut butter in a pan to melt.

Sauté onion and garlic until soft then add all your spices and cook for 2


Add Lea & Perrins and stir in your tomatoes, cook for about 5-10 minutes.

Then add water and stock cube, stir well adding basil leaves.

Once all the ingredients are partly cooked, blend all the ingredients in a

blender until all the tomatoes are smooth.

Pulse milk into the soup to make it creamy, place back in pan on heat until

hot then serve.

Time 20 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 26: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Fish Soup


3 fish Cod/Whiting fillets

1 large onion

! tsp Chinese 5 spices

1 veggie stock cube

200 ml water

2 garlic cloves

1 ginger root (small piece)


Grab your pan and ingredients.

Chop onion and garlic, ginger and sauté in pan with olive oil for about 5

minutes, adding Chinese 5 spices.

After about 10 minutes add 200 ml water, bring to boil adding fish and

veggie stock cube.

Simmer for about 20-25 minutes

Great served with noodles.

Time 30-40 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

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Minestrone Soup


! lb stewing beef

1 large onion (finely chopped)

3 sticks celery finely chopped)

100 ml water

1 tin mixed beans

1 spaghetti pasta (small handful wheat free)

! garlic granules

! ground ginger

1 beef stock cube

1 tinned tomatoes

1 tsp coconut butter


First place your coconut butter in a pan to melt.

Sauté onion with garlic and ginger in a large pan, pour your meat into the

pan and cook for 5-10 minutes on a medium heat.

Once the meat is brown add your water and stir adding the mixed beans,

celery and pasta.

Break the spaghetti pasta, into little pieces stir well. Add the beef stock.

Leave to simmer for 30-40 minutes.

Serve hot with cheese sprinkled on top

Time 30-40 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Medium

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Ham and Pea Soup


4-5 slices of cooked ham (cut into small pieces)

250g Frozen Pea’s (you can use tinned if you want)

1 onion

! tsp salt

2-3 cloves garlic

! tsp ground ginger

20g fresh parsley (handful)

1 vegetable stock

! tsp coconut butter

1 cup of water


First place your coconut butter in a pan to melt.

Sauté onion with garlic and ginger add parsley salt and cook for 5-10


Pour in the water and add peas, Cook for 5-6 minutes more then add ham.

Take off the heat and pour the soup in a blender and blend until it is smooth.

Once smooth pour back into pan and heat for 5-6 minutes until piping hot

and then serve.

Best served with hot wheat free small piece of bread

Time 30-40 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Medium

Page 30: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Stuffed Baked Potatoes Skins


2 large baking potatoes

! cauliflower (cut into small pieces)

! broccoli (cut into small pieces)

! cheese (grated)


Place the potatoes in oven gas mark 7 for about an hour. Place broccoli and

cauliflower in a pan and boil until soft.

When potatoes are cooked take out of oven and cool before taking all the

insides out of the potatoes, place the inside of the skin in a bowl and put the

skins to one side.

Mash the broccoli and cauliflower with the potato, when mashed add the

cheese, leaving a bit to decorate.

Grab a spoon of the mixture and stuff the skins, do this until your skins are


With the filled skins place in pre heated oven for 20-minutes gas mark 6 to

heat and crisp.

Serve with salad, or have it by itself

Time 1 hour & 20 minutes gas mark 6

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 31: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Flax Seed Parsnips


250g flax seed

4 parsnips (peel & cut into quarters)

1 tsp garlic granules

4 pinches salt

! tsp coconut butter


Boil parsnips for 10 minutes, drain. Place an oven tray in the oven with

coconut butter until piping hot. Mix the garlic, flax seed, salt, in a bowl, place

parsnips in to the bowl.

Smother them with the flax seed mixture.

Put on hot baking tray, drizzle the coconut butter on top of the parsnips with a

spoon and place in pre-heated oven gas mark 7 for 20-30 minutes until golden

and crispy.

Time 30 minutes gas mark 6

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs High

Page 32: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Mozzarella Balls


500g packets mozzarella cheese

500g breadcrumbs (see p141)

15 cherry tomatoes washed

1 egg

1 side salad (see p108)

1 tbsp ketchup to serve


Cut mozzarella cheese into slices, and then cut slices in half. Wrap the cheese

around a tomato, repeat this to all your tomatoes.

If you are having problems with wrapping cheese around tomatoes use cocktail

sticks to hold together. Once you have finished put the mozzarella ball to one


Next break an egg and beat and place on a plate, do the same with the

breadcrumbs on a different plate. Dip the mozzarella ball in the egg then in the

breadcrumbs. The egg helps to bind the breadcrumb to the cheese.

When the cheese is fully covered with breadcrumb place on baking try, repeat

this with all the balls.

Once you have finished the parcels place the baking tray in pre-heated gas

mark7 oven for 10-20 minutes until piping hot.

Serve with side salad and ketchup.

Time 30 minutes gas mark 7

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 33: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Eggs Florentine


2 eggs

200g spinach

2 pinches salt


Boil spinach with a pinch of salt in one pan.

Boil a pan of water and crack eggs into boiled water boil for 3-4 minutes.

Place spinach on a plate, with the eggs placed on top, add pinch of salt.

You can place a small piece of salmon on top to garnish

Time 10 minutes

Serves 1

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 34: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Scrambled Egg with Peppers

3 eggs

1 red Pepper

150ml soya milk

2 pinches of salt

1 drizzle of Tabasco sauce

6g coconut butter


Whisk eggs in a bowl adding milk, salt and Tabasco sauce.

Finely chop pepper and mix into the egg mixture, once you’ve whisked well,

heat a pan, adding a knob of coconut butter.

Once butter is melted pour egg mixture into pan and cook for 7-8 minutes.

Sever with sausage instead of mash.

Time 30-40 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 35: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Nut Crackers (contains nuts)


100g Flax seed

25g sunflower seeds

25g pine nuts

25g walnuts

25g pumpkin seed

25g sesame seeds

25g raisins

25g Almonds (salted)

1 pinch salt

150ml water


Mix all nuts in a bowl.

Add flax seeds with pinch of salt mix with water.

Place in oven for 15-20 minutes. Gas mark 2

Served as a snack, great with pâté

Careful of heating seeds, gently is ok polyunsaturated. Do not fry the nuts.

Time 25 minutes gas mark 2

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 36: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Roast Chicken Wrap


1 tortilla wraps

1 roast chicken (as much as you want)

20g watercress

20g rocket leaves

1 tomato sliced


Get your tortilla wrap and butter, like you would make a sandwich.

Place watercress and rocket leaves on the tortilla, adding tomato slices and as

much chicken as you like.

When you have filled your wrap you now have the role it, grab a knife to hold

the ingredients inside the wrap and grab one side and role away from you,

slowly pulling the knife out, be careful not to cut yourself.

Once you have rolled it is ready to eat.

Serve by it self, add a little mayo if you wish not too much though.

Time 5-10 minutes

Serves 1

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 37: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Turkey Wrap


1 tortilla wrap

1-2 slices roast turkey

1 tbsp stuffing (see p142)

1 tsp fresh crushed cranberries


Get your tortilla wrap and butter, like you would make a sandwich.

Smother your tortilla wrap with stuffing adding cranberries and as much turkey

as you like.

When you have filled your wrap now you have the role it, grab a knife to hold

the ingredients inside the wrap and grab one side and role away from you,

slowly pulling the knife out, be careful not to cut yourself.

Once you have rolled it is ready to eat.

Serve with salad

Time 10-15 minutes

Serves 1

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 38: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Stuffed Tomatoes


1 large tomatoes

1 tin of tuna

! red peppers (chop in to small pieces)

! yellow pepper (chop in to small pieces)

200g feta cheese (cut into small squares)

2 pinches of salt


Mix the tuna with the chopped peppers place in a bowl adding feta cheese.

Toss well.

With the tomatoes cut the top off and scrape the inside out with a sharp knife,

please be careful.

Once you have a hollow tomato fill the tomatoes with the tuna mixture and

place in pre heated oven for 10-15 minutes gas on mark 7.

Serve with salad, great by it self.

Time 20 minutes gas mark 7

Serves 1

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 39: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re




2 celery sticks (chopped)

1 cucumber (chopped)

3 parma ham slices

18 olives

1 lb goats cheese (chopped into squares)

6 wooden skewers


Grab your ingredients this is fun and great for barbeques.

With one wooden skewer place a piece of celery on it and then cucumber,

Parma ham then a olive and finally a piece of cheese if you have room on the

wooden skewer.

Repeat until the skewer is full. Repeat until you have filled all the wooden

skewers. Drizzle dressing for more flavour.

Serve with salad, great for barbeques.

Or with a dip, look in dip section of book.

Time 15 minutes

Serves 2-3

Rating for Carbs Low

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Page 41: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Chicken Terrine (contains nuts)

Ingredients 1 roast chicken (2 handfuls pulled off a roasted chicken) 100g portico nuts ! tsp salt

9 sheets of fine leaf gelatin

400 ml water (warm not boiling hot)


Pick all your cooked meat off your roasted chicken, make sure chicken is cold;

we don’t want you to burn yourself. Chop the spring onion into small slices.

Place your duck and spring onions in a bowl adding salt and pepper and your

cashew nuts, mix.

Adding half of your gelatin mixture, when mixed well, place in terrine dish to

set, pour the rest of your gelatin over your terrine and leave to set over night.

Great served with toast.

Time 30 minutes then leave over night before serving.

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 42: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Duck Terrine (contains nuts)


1 half roasted duck

3 spring onion sticks

100g cashews nuts (roasted and salted if you prefer)

! tsp salt

! tsp ground pepper

9 sheets of fine leaf gelatin

400 ml water (warm not boiling hot)


Pick all your cooked meat off your roasted duck, make sure it is cold, we don’t

want you to burn yourself. Chop the spring onion into small slices.

Place your duck and spring onions in a bowl adding salt and pepper and your

cashew nuts, mix.

Adding half of your gelatin mixture, when mixed well, place in terrine dish to

set, pour the rest of your gelatin over your terrine and leave to set over night.

Serve with crackers or side salad

Time 30 minutes then leave over night before serving.

Serves 4-6

Rating for Carbs Medium

Page 43: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Homemade Scotch Eggs


6oz sausage meat

6 eggs

3 pinches of salt

500g flax seed breadcrumbs (see p141)

4 tbsp coconut butter


Weigh 1oz of the meat and repeat until 6oz are into 6 balls.

Boil 6 eggs for 8 minutes, and then let them go cold in water.

Now you can begin make sure you have taken all the shells off the eggs, grab

an egg and grab 10g of meat and wrap the meat around the egg, until the egg is

completely covered.

Repeat this with all your meat and eggs.

Once you have finished dip them in egg and then breadcrumbs and put them in

oven on a baking try for 15- 20 minutes gas mark 8.

Great as a snack with salad.

Time 30-40 minutes gas mark 8

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

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Page 46: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Good Old English Cooked Breakfast


8 rashers of bacon

8 sausages

4 black puddings

1 fried/scrambled egg (see p90)

50g mushrooms

4 tomatoes


Place black pudding in pre heated oven gas mark 6 for 15-20 minutes. Place

sausages under your grill with tomatoes cook for 15 minutes.

While these are cooking make your scramble egg in a pan leave it to simmer as

these are quick to make.

With your mushrooms placed in a pan of hot butter, cook for 10 minutes and

leave on a simmering heat until ready to serve.

When the sausages are nearly ready place the bacon under the gill for the

remaining 10 minutes.

Once everything is cooked serve on a hot plate

Time 30 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 47: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Steak with Sauce


8oz sirloin steak

5 wild mushrooms

250g cheese (soft cheese is best)

100ml soya milk

Juice ! lemon

2 garlic cloves

1 beef stock cube

6g butter


Making the sauce, fry mushrooms in butter with garlic until brown then stir the

lemon juice, add Soya milk, cheese and beef stock stir until all the and the

stock cube has evaporated is in the mixture. Turn it on to a low heat until your

steak is ready.

Heat frying pan, while you are heating the frying pan get your steaks and hit it

with a rolling pin take your anger out on it.” I do” make sure you do both sides!

When you have finished pounding the steak sprinkle your salt, pepper and

garlic onto a plate and put your steak onto it covering both sides with the herbs

and spices.

Now you are ready to fry your steak. Your frying pan should be very hot now,

place your steak in the pan with a knob of butter, don’t burn yourself.

Cook both sides for 4 minutes if you don’t like med-raw leave to cook 2

minutes longer on each side.

If you have put to much butter in pan drain into pan with sauce keeping pan


Pour your sauce over your steak and enjoy, great served with broccoli.

Time 30-40 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 48: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Rump Steak


8-10 oz rump steaks

1 side Salad (see p108)

1 dressing (see p111)

6g butter

! tsp pepper

! tsp garlic granules


Heat frying pan, while you are heating the frying pan get your steak, and hit it

with a rolling pin, take your angry out on it. Make sure you do both sides.

When you have finished pounding the steaks sprinkle your salt, pepper and

garlic on to a plate, and put your steak onto it to covering both sides with the

herbs and spices.

Now you are ready to fry your steak, your frying pan should be growing hot

now. Place your steak in pan with a knob of butter. Don’t burn yourself.

Cook both sides for 4 minutes if you don’t like med-raw leave 2 minutes


If you have put to much butter in pan drain keeping pan hot.

Serve with salad and dressing.

Time 30 minutes

Serves 1

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 49: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


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Page 50: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Lamb Roll in Pastry


1 lb lamb mince

1 large onion

1-2 garlic cloves

20g mint leaves

20g flat leaf coriander

20g flat leaf parsley

3 pinches of chilli powder

! tsp tarragon

! tsp oregano

! tsp mixed herbs

! tsp salt

! tsp ground ginger

! tsp garlic granules

1 egg

2 tsp olive oil

1 roll non-wheat puff pastry (see p146)

Lea & Perrins, a good splash


Blend all ingredients together in blender, roll out puff pastry and spread all the

meat mixture evenly over the pastry then roll the pastry very carefully into a

Swiss roll.

Tip if it’s getting very messy put in freezer for 10 minutes.

When you have a meat Swiss roll in front of you get a sharp knife and cut into

about 10-11 sections, place in oven gas mark 7 for 30-40 minutes until golden

brown and pastry is cooked.

Preheat oven 10-20 minutes gas mark 7.

Time 30 minutes gas mark 7

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 51: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Minced Lamb Curry (or meat of your choice)


1 lb lamb mince

1 tsp frozen dried parsley

1 tsp chilli powder

1 tsp oregano

2 tsp coriander leaf

! tsp garlic granules

1! tsp tarragon

1 tsp ground ginger

2 tsp turmeric

2 tsp garam masala

2 tsp ground coriander

1 tsp mixed herbs

1 tsp garlic granules

2-3 cloves of garlic finely chopped

Fresh ginger, about the size of a garlic clove grated.

1 large onion, finely chopped

1 Tin chopped tomatoes

3-4 sticks of celery

! tub of natural yogurt cows/goats

1 packet of spinach washed


Sauté onion and garlic until soft add all your spices; cook for 2 minutes. Then

add minced meat, until all brown.

Keep stirring to brake up the mince, add celery when meat is brown.

Cook for 1 minute, add spinach, cook until spinach has reduced in size, then

stir in tomatoes.

With the tomato tin rinse the excess of tomato juice with about a third of water

and stir in to the pan of ingredients cook for 2 minutes bring to boil then

simmer for 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes stir and taste, add natural yogurt and sprinkle sunflower seeds

and pine nut if desired. Leave to simmer for another 30 minutes. Serve with

brown rice or whole meal wheat free Nan bread.

Page 52: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Time 30 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 53: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Mint Burgers


1 lb Mince lamb/beef

1 large onion chopped

1 packet fresh mint washed

1-2 garlic cloves

Small handful fresh flat leaf parsley washed

1 pinch of chilli powder

! tsp tarragon

! tsp oregano

! tsp mixed herbs

! tsp salt

! tsp ground ginger

! tsp garlic granules

1 tbsp olive oil

1 egg

Lea & Perrins, a good splash


Place all the ingredients in a blender, and blend until ingredients are mixed into

a thick paste.

Mould the ingredients into burger shapes or what shape’s you fancy and grill or

barbecue for 10-20 minutes until golden brown. Best serve with salad

Time 20 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 54: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


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Page 55: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Meat Ball and Tomato Sauce

1 lb mince beef

1 onion (finely chopped)

3 fresh tomatoes (chopped)

1! tsp garlic granules

! tsp dried frozen parsley

1 tsp oregano

1 tinned tomatoes

1 tomato puree

2 eggs


Place mince in a blender with onion, ! tsp of garlic granules and blend adding

the eggs one at a time. When you have mixed the meat mixture role the meat

into little balls, not too small though, about two mouths falls.

Before cooking the meatballs, we should start the tomato sauce. Empty the

tinned tomatoes into a pan adding the rest of the garlic, oregano, parsley,

tomato puree and the chopped fresh tomatoes. Bring to boil and simmer for

about 20- 30 minutes.

While your sauce is simmering, you can get back to your meatballs.

Heat up in a nonstick frying pan on a hot heat. When piping hot place your

meatballs into the pan until brown, when brown put them in your sauce to

simmer. After about 30 minutes serve.

Great served with quinoa, or wheat free pasta not too much pasta though.

Time 20 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 56: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Chilli Con Carne


1 lb mince beef

1 onion

4 fresh tomatoes

1 tin of tomatoes

2 tins of chilli kidney beans

! chilli powder

150 ml water


Sauté onion with chilli powder, add the mince until brown. Add the tinned

tomatoes and both tins of kidney beans.

With the kidney beans tin use the 100 ml of water to swill them out and empty

it into the chilli, not too much you don’t want to drown the chilli.

Add the fresh tomatoes and stir, bring to boil and then simmer for 50-60

minutes, add more water if you need to.

Great served with cheese

Time 60-70 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 57: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Lemon and Ginger Chicken


2-3 lemons

9 chicken thighs

1 ginger root (thumb size)

2 garlic cloves

1 onion

! tsp coconut butter


Put all ingredients in a sealable bag and marinate over night. Squeeze the juice

out of the lemons put the peel in the bag too.

Heat a frying pan to full heat with coconut butter. Add the chicken to brown.

Place chicken in oven dish and fry the rest of the ingredients in the bag.

Then add it to the chicken and place in pre-heated oven for 10-20 minutes gas

mark 6 then serve.

This is good hot or cold.

Time 30 minutes gas mark 6

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 58: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


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Page 59: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Chicken In Hot and Sour Sauce


1 lb chicken (diced)

1 large onion half and slice

Olive oil (just a splash)


2 tsp balsamic vinegar

200 ml of water

3-4 tbsp tomato ketchup

Garlic granules

Chilli powder



I would make the sauce first.

Put the balsamic vinegar in a jug of water, heat a sauce pan and place the water

mixture in the pan to simmer. Adding garlic granules, chilli powder, oregano

and ketchup.

Bring to the boil and then simmer. If you find the sauce is too thin add a little

cornflour, 1-2 tsp in " full cup of cold water, stir into the sauce.

I prefer not to.

While the sauce is simmering sauté onions in pan with olive oil till soft. Add

chicken until brown on a hot heat 5-6 minutes, don’t cook for too long as its

going in the oven.

Smother your chicken with the sauce and place in oven 30-40 minutes until

chicken is cooked and tender.

To give more flavour to your meat make the sauce and marinate the uncooked

chicken over night.

Serve with salad or quinoa (see p97)

Page 60: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Time 30-45 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Medium

Page 61: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Chicken Casserole


1 lb chicken

! tap Salt

! tsp pepper

2 onions

1 chicken stock cube

200g spinach

1 large broccoli


1 litre water

1 tsp garlic granules

1 tsp ground ginger


Sauté onions adding garlic granules, ginger and salt and pepper and cook for 5-

6 minutes on a hot heat adding the chicken to brown.

Once chicken is brown add water bring to boil then add broccoli and

cauliflower, spinach, chicken stock and stir well.

Empty the pan of casserole mix into a casserole dish and place in pre heated

oven gas mark 5 for 40-50 minutes.

Serve when meat is tender

Time 60 minutes gas mark 5

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 62: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Turkey Supreme Pie


1 lt soya milk (room temperature)

1 lb turkey (diced)

2 garlic cloves (minced0

1 beef stock cube

3 pinches of salt

1 onion

1 roll non wheat puff pastry


Finely chop 1 large onion and sauté in olive oil in a hot frying pan with garlic.

Add the turkey until brown, once the turkey is brown add soya milk, simmer

for 5 minutes adding salt and stock cube.

(Putting the beef stock cube in a little hot water before adding it to the mixture

makes it easier and you have no lumps).

Place your ingredients in a oven proof dish and lay the puff pastry over the top

and place in oven for 20-30 minutes gas mark 7.

Time 30-40 minutes gas mark 7

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

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Page 64: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Roast Ham


1 gammon joint

300ml water

Tin foil

1 roasting dish


Wash your gammon joint. Place it in a oven roasting tray with water in the

bottom of the tray, cover with tin foil and place in pre heated oven gas mark 7

for about 1! hours.

Depending on the weight of your meat make sure you check the weight before

estimating the Time.

Time 1! hours gas mark 7

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 65: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Roast Beef


1 beef joint

1 pinch of salt

1 pinch of pepper

200ml water

Tin foil

1 roasting dish


Wash your beef joint.

Place it in a oven roasting tray with water in the bottom of the tray, season well

with the salt and pepper then cover with tin foil and place in pre heat oven gas

mark 7 for about 1! hours.

Depending on the weight of your meat make sure you check the weight before

estimating the Time. Great served with salad or steamed vegetables with hot

steaming gravy (see p143 for gravy)

Time 1! hours gas mark 7

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 66: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Roast Lamb and Rosemary


1 lamb joint

1 pinch of salt

! tsp pepper

20g rosemary

Olive oil (a drizzle)

Tin foil

1 roasting dish


Wash your lamb joint. Place it on tin foil enough so that you can wrap it up

fully, season well with the salt and pepper, adding the fresh rosemary.

Drizzle olive oil all over the meat, but don’t drown it, wrap the tin foil and

place in pre heat oven gas mark 7 for about 1! hours for the last 20 minutes

unwrap the tin foil and let the meat breath in the oven to crisp if required.

Drain the juice of the meat and use to make gravy (see page149)

Depending on the weight of your meat make sure you check the weight before

estimating the Time.

Great served with steamed vegetables and gravy.

Time 1! hours gas mark 7

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 67: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Roast Chicken


1 chicken

! tsp garlic granules

! tsp tarragon

1 pinch of salt

Olive oil (a drizzle)


Wash your chicken before use.

Place your chicken on a baking tray, evenly sprinkle your garlic, salt and

tarragon over your chicken and drizzle olive oil on top.

Cover with tin foil and place in pre-heated oven gas mark 6 for the time guided

on your packaging depending on weight.

I usually place in the oven for 1! hours 0.955 kg

Time 1! hour gas mark 6

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 68: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Roast Duck


1 half duck

! tsp salt

1 tsp pepper

1 tsp coriander (frozen dried)

1 tsp garlic granules


Season your duck with salt and pepper garlic and coriander, season well make

sure you rub it all of the duck. Place duck on a oven and cover with tin foil.

Cook on gas mark 7 then turn down to gas mark 5

Great served with salad of for making a terrine.

Time 1! hours gas mark 7

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 69: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Roast Turkey & Stuffing


1 turkey

3 sticks celery finely chopped

1 large onion finely chopped

! lb sausage meat


Sauté celery and sausage meat together with the onion, add a pinch of salt and


When you have finished sautéing you can take the mixture off the heat, once

cool you can stuff the turkey from the neck end.

Place in oven for time guided on your turkey packaging.

Usually 4 hours. Gas mark 5

Time 4-5 minutes gas mark 5

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

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Page 71: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Fish Cakes


1 lb fish cod/whiting

500g flax seed breadcrumbs (see p141 to get recipe)

2 garlic cloves (minced)

20g parsley

3 pinches of salt

2 eggs


Place fish in oven until cooked 5-10 minutes, when cooked place in blender

and blend in 2 garlic cloves, a handful of parsley, 3 pinches of salt and 1


Place breadcrumbs on a flat plate, whisk 1 egg up and place in bowl to help

bind the breadcrumbs.

When you are all prepared, this is the best bit and it can get messy, you can

start by grabbing a handful of fish mixture, dip into whisked egg then into

breadcrumbs placing on a flat baking tray.

Follow this instruction until all your mixture is finished. Place in over per

heated oven for 10-20 minutes gas mark 6

Great served with salad.

Time 30-40 minutes gas mark 6

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 72: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Salmon & Cheese Basket


1 lb salmon (wild Atlantic)

! lb grated goats cheese (or soft cheese look for no sugar)

! lemon

1 side salad (see page 108)


Divide salmon into four squares, with a sharp knife, please be careful.

On one quarter place cheese in the middle of the salmon, grab 2 wooden

kebab skewers and join one corner to the opposite corner making sure the

wooden skewers cross, this will hold it together while in the oven.

If your skewers are too long break them in half and use one stick for each

salmon and cheese basket.

Place in pre-heated oven gas mark 6 for 10-15 minutes until cheese has

melted. While in oven prepare plate with side salad and lemon.

Take out of oven and serve with slice of lemon on top for garnish.

Time 15-20 minutes gas mark 6

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 73: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re



Page 74: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Homemade Fish Finger


3 whiting/cod

500g flaxseed breadcrumbs (see p147)

2 pinches of salt

Juice of 1 lemon

1 egg


Cut your fish into finger shape strips and squeeze the lemon juice over the


Whisk the egg in a bowl, place breadcrumbs in a separate bowl with salt.

Once you are prepared you can start the fun and sloppy part, dip the fish

into the egg then into the breadcrumbs until the fish is completely covered.

Place on a greased oven tray, continue until all fish is used.

Cook in preheated oven gas mark 6 for 20-30 minutes.

Serve with salad or plan quinoa.

Time 30-40 minutes gas mark 6

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 75: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Salmon Fillet


1 salmon fillet

1 Philadelphia soft cheese

500g flax seed breadcrumbs


Wash your piece of salmon, place on baking tray with tin foil enough to

wrap the salmon up in.

Spread half Philadelphia or soft cheese over top of salmon, sprinkle

breadcrumbs over the cheese.

Now wrap the salmon up leaving no gaps, place in per heated oven gas

mark 6 for 15-20 and serve.

Fantastic meal for one person

Time 20-30 minutes gas mark 6

Serves 1

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 76: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Trout with Lemon


1 trout (ask your fish monger to bone it.)

! lemon

1 tsp garlic granules

20g parsley

2 tsp tarragon

Tin foil


Wash trout and place on tinfoil; evenly sprinkle garlic and tarragon over and

inside your fish.

Sprinkle parsley over fish inside and out.

Squeeze lemon over fish and place a slice in the middle of the fish. Wrap up

fish in tin foil and place in pre-heated oven for 10-30 minutes gas mark 6

Best served with green peas.

Time 30-40 minutes gas mark 6

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 77: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Mackerel & Avocado


1 mackerel

1 avocado

1 slice of bread cut into 4 triangles

20g watercress

1 salad dressing


This is an easy quick meal, heat your mackerel up in the oven on gas mark 5

for about 10- 15 minutes, while heating mackerel chop your avocado and

toast your bread.

Mix the fish and avocado together with a pinch of salt.

Place the toast on a plate with watercress on top adding the fish and avocado

then drizzle salad dressing over your food and serve.

Great as it is.

Time 20 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 78: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Mackerel and Flax Seeds


1 mackerel

40g flax seed

1 side salad


This is a easy quick meal, heat your mackerel up in the oven on gas mark 5

for about 10- 15 minutes, once heated place on a salad and sprinkle flax

seed over your fish and serve.

Time 20 minutes gas mark 5

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 79: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re






Page 80: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Chicken Delight


1 large onion

300g quorn chicken

1-2 garlic cloves

20g leaf coriander

20g leaf parsley

3-4 sticks of celery chopped

8 mushrooms (chopped)

1 tin of mixed beans

1 tin of sweetcorn

! tsp tarragon

! tsp oregano

! tsp mixed herbs

! tsp salt

! tsp ground ginger

! tsp garlic granules

Juice 1! lemons

1 chicken stock cube

100ml goats double cream


Sauté onion and garlic until soft add all your spices and cook for 2 minutes.

Then add celery and mushrooms, sauté for 5-6 minutes and then add quorn


Fry until brown then add parsley, coriander leaves, mix well. Add cream and

lemon juice stock with 25ml of water.

Cook for 5-10 minutes when piping hot serve with mixed beans and sweetcorn.

In another pan add mixed beans and sweetcorn, boil until soft.

Time 30 minutes

Serves 4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 81: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Bean Chilli


1 tin of chilli kidney beans

1 tin of sweetcorn

1 tin of baked bean

1 tin of mixed beans

1 tin of tomatoes

! bag red lentils washed until water runs clear get the starch off


Place lentils in a pan and bring to boil then simmer for 20 minutes, empty the

tinned ingredients in the pan of lentils and bring to boil and simmer for 5-10


Serve with chapatti bread.

Time 30 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Medium

Page 82: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re



Page 83: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Spinach and Chick Pea Curry


200g spinach

1 tin of chickpeas (drained)

1 tin of tomatoes

1 large onion

2 garlic cloves

2 tsp garlic granules

2 tsp ground ginger

2 tsp ground coriander

2 tsp turmeric

2 tsp gram masala

! tsp chilli powder

1 tsp cloves (crushed)

200ml water


Sauté onion and garlic until soft, add all your spices cook for 2 minutes.

Add spinach. Keep turning the spinach until it has reduced it size.

Pour in the tomatoes and chickpeas, add the water and bring to boil and then

simmer for 30 minutes.

Great with mint dip.

Time 35 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 84: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Vegetarian Sausage in Tomato Sauce


6 vegetarian sausages (defrosted and chopped)

1 onion (finely chopped)

3 fresh tomatoes (chopped)

1! tsp garlic granules

! tsp dried frozen parsley

1 tsp oregano

1 tin of tomatoes

1 tin of tomato puree


Cook the sausages in the grill, sauté onions with the garlic granules, oregano,


After about 4-5 minutes empty the tinned tomatoes into a pan adding the tomato

puree and the chopped fresh tomatoes.

Bring to boil and simmer for about 20-30 minutes. While simmering, cook the

sausages in the grill once cooked add your chopped sausages to the sauce.

Serve with quinoa.

Time 30 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 85: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Cabbage Dal


! cabbage

! packet lentils

400ml Water

2x garlic clove

1! tsp turmeric

1 tsp coriander

! tsp chilli powder

1 tsp garlic granules

200ml soya milk

2g salt

1 tsp coconut butter


Sauté all your spices in coconut butter for 2-3 minutes. Add your water and stir

well. Add chopped up cabbage, and lentils, bring it to its boiling point and turn

to simmer.

Leave to simmer for 20-30 minutes just before you are about to serve this dish

add soya milk, add salt to your taste. Bring to boil then serve.

Great served with other curry dishes

Time 35 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 86: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Chicken Fillet


4 quorn chicken fillets

2 garlic cloves

Olive oil (a drizzle)

! tsp oregano

1 tsp Tarragon

1 squeezed lemon


Empty your quron fillets in to an ovenproof dish with a lid. Squeeze the lemon

juice over the chicken. Add garlic, oregano and tarragon. Cook in per heated

oven for 45 minutes gas mark 6.

Great serve with broccoli

Time 45 minutes gas mark 6.

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 87: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Cauliflower and Broccoli and Butter


1 cauliflower

1 broccoli

1 onion

50mg soya crème

5g butter

" tsp salt

" tsp pepper

6g coconut butter

1 vegetable stock cube


Steam your cauliflower until soft then blend into small pieces. Melt coconut

butter in a big saucepan.

Sauté onions. Add garlic and salt and pepper. Add cauliflower and cream and

butter, stir in a vegetable stock cube for more flavor. Add broccoli and simmer

for 10 minutes.

Great serve by itself.

Time 10-15 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 88: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Veggie Spaghetti Bolognaise


350g veggie mince

1 tinned tomatoes

! tin tomato puree

1 onion

250g packet mushrooms

200g spinach

500ml water

2 garlic cloves

1 tsp basil

1 beef stock cube


Place veggie mince in water with the stock cube in a bowl for 10 minutes.

Sauté onions with garlic and ! of the basil, cook for 5 minutes on medium heat.

Add mushrooms cook for 2 minutes then add tinned tomatoes and tomato puree

cook for 5 minutes then add spinach cook for 10 minutes. Add your veggie

mince and cook for 5 minutes. Sprinkle remaining basil over the served dish.

Great serve with low carb pasta.

Time 30 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 89: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Chicken with Sauce


4 quorn chicken fillets

150g mushrooms

! packet cream cheese

200ml single soya cream

5g fresh coriander leaf

2g butter

2 garlic cloves

! tsp coconut butter


Oven the chicken with coriander, garlic and coconut butter cook in pre heated

oven for 40-45 minutes gas mark 6

Grab a saucepan, not a frying pan, fry mushrooms with butter add garlic, fry for

about 2 minutes.

Add cream cheese and coriander. Stir in single cream bring to boiling point and

then serve.

Time 50 minutes. Gas mark 6

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 90: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Chicken and Goats Cheese


4 quorn chicken fillets

120g goats cheese (sliced)

1 tsp tarragon

2 garlic cloves (crushed)

1 squeezed lemon

! tsp coconut butter


Defrost your chicken. When defrosted cut the chicken in half, length ways, but

don’t cut all the way because we are folding the chicken over the cheese.

Grab your cheese one piece at a time and place it in the chicken, repeat this with

all your chicken and cheese.

Heat up frying pan with coconut butter, tarragon, garlic and lemon juice, cook

for 3 minutes on a high heat, add your chicken pieces, brown your chicken on a

high heat then turn to low heat to cook for 10-20 minutes. Add a knob of butter

if the pan gets to dry, this will also add flavor.

Great serve with roasted vegetables

Time 30 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 91: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Cheese Terrine

150g Stilton cheese

180g soft goats cheese

200g hard goats cheese

150g cream cheese

9 gelatin slices

300ml soya milk


Melt all the cheese in a sauce pan with soya milk on a low heat until all your

cheese have melted, don’t let it boil and keep stirring. Add gelatin and stir until

the entire gelatin has melted, remember don’t boil.

Place your mixture in a terrine dish and let is set over night in the fridge.

Great serve with crackers.

Time 10 minutes but you have to leave over night

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 92: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Cream Cheese Roll


200g cream cheese

250g puff pastry

20g coriander

5x mushrooms (sliced)

! red pepper (sliced)

2 tomatoes (sliced)


Roll out you puff pastry, cut out the size you want. Mix the cream cheese with

the coriander leaf. Evenly spread the cheese mixture over the pastry.

Add one raw of mushrooms and tomatoes, make sure the tomatoes are on top of

the mushrooms and roll the pastry once. Repeat

But use red pepper instead of the tomatoes. Place in your pre-heated oven for 20

minutes. Gas mark 7

Serve with side salad or asparagus.

Time 30 minutes gas mark 7

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 93: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Vegetarian Roast (nut free)


500g halloumi cheese (thinly sliced)

1 cauliflower (grated)

50g spinach

50g flax seed

1 onion (finely chopped)

2 eggs

150ml water

2 garlic cloves

5g ginger root

250g puff pastry


Put 3 slices of cheese to one side for the end of the recipe.

Empty the rest of the cheese in to a bowl. Add grated cauliflower and flax seed

in the bowl and mix well. Add the onions, 2 eggs, and water stir all the mixture

until all the mixture is full of egg.

Grab a greaseproof dish and start to layer the dish with your ingredients.

First empty the egg mixture in the bowl. Place the pastry on the top of the

mixture. Add spinach then the cheese.

Place in a greaseproof oven dish and cook for about 20 -30 minutes gas mark 7.

Great served with roast vegetables, sweet potato cake and proper gravy.

Time 30 minutes gas mark 7

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 94: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Mix Bean Burgers


1 tin of mixed beans

1 large sweet potato

500g flax seed breadcrumbs

1-2 pinches of salt

2 garlic cloves

30g butter

100ml soya milk

1 egg


Peel the sweet potato and boil until soft, then mash with butter and soya milk.

Empty the tinned beans in a bowl and mix the garlic and salt in with the beans.

Stir in the mash with the beans mixture, mix 1x egg to help bind the mixture,

weigh 1oz of the mixture and mould it in to your shape of desire, repeat.

When all mixture is to it’s desired shape place in oven gas mark 6

Time 30 minutes gas mark 6

Serves 2-3

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 95: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Stuffed Mushrooms


4 large mushrooms

200g goats cheese

1 red onion (finely chopped)

20g chive (chopped)

2 garlic cloves (minced)

2 pinches of saffron


Mix the onions with the garlic and saffron and chives add half the cheese and

mix well. Wash your mushrooms and place on a oven proof tray.

Cut he middle bit out of the mushroom. Place a tablespoon full on each

mushroom. Flatten the mixture on the mushrooms and place 1 piece of cheese

over the mixture.

Do this to all your mushrooms. Sprinkle saffron over the cheese and place in

oven for 15-20 minutes on gas mark 6

Time 30 minutes gas mark 6

Serves 4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 96: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Veggie Chicken Burger


2 quorn chicken fillets

500g goats cheese

1 tsp tarragon

2 garlic clove s(minced)

1 squeezed lemon

500g flax seed breadcrumbs

1 egg


Defrosted your chicken fillets. Mix the garlic and tarragon with the lemon juice.

Drizzle the lemon mixture on top of the chicken and layer your fillets with


Mix your egg place on a plate. Place your breadcrumbs on a plate.

Dip your chicken and cheese into the egg then in to the breadcrumbs.

Once you have done this to your entire chicken place in oven gas mark 6 for 20-

30 minutes.

Great serve with salad

Time 40 minutes gas mark 6

Serves 2

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 97: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re




2 eggs

6 asparagus spears

500g goats cheese

4 pinches salt

14g coconut butter


Whisk eggs in a bowl and add salt, chop asparagus in to small pieces and add to

egg mixture. Adding cheese, whisk well.

Heat up a non stick frying pan and coconut butter and let it melt, once melted

and the pan is hot, pour the egg mixture in the pan cook for about 7-8 minutes

If you are really talented you can toss the omelet in the air and catch it in the

frying pan. I like making pancakes. Have fun.

Time 30 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 98: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Scrambled Eggs


3 eggs

285ml of soya milk

2 pinches of salt

1 pinch of pepper


Whisk the eggs in a bowl and add milk, keep whisking adding salt and pepper.

Once mixed, place in hot pan with a knob of melted butter and cook for 5

minutes to your liking for texture.

Great served by itself for breakfast, or with a good old English fry up.

Time 30 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 99: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Spinach Flan


1 large onion

4 eggs

240g goats cheese grated

200g spinach

285ml soya milk

1-2 garlic cloves (minced)

1 pinch of chilli powder

! tsp tarragon

! tsp oregano

! tsp mixed herbs

! tsp salt

! tsp ground ginger

! tsp garlic granules

250g wheat free pastry (see p 146 for pastry recipe)

Lea & Perrins, a good splash


Sauté onion and garlic until soft, add all your spices cook for 2 minutes. Add

spinach. Cook for 2 more minutes, and then take off heat.

Beat 4 eggs in a mixing bowl and add # of the cheese, with Lea & Perrins and

beat, add milk, beat again.

Roll the pastry so it will fit into a heat proof dish, grease the dish with butter.

Then place the pastry in the dish put in oven and cook blind for 15 minutes.

Place all ingredients on to the pastry adding egg mixture over the top of

tomatoes mix.

Lay the 4 slices of tomato on top to the mixture in a pattern sprinkle grated

cheese over the top of the tomatoes place in oven gas mark 4 for 40-45 minute

Time 30 minutes gas mark 4

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 100: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Cheese & Tomato Flan


1 large onion

4 eggs

1 packet goats cheese grated

6 tomatoes sliced

! pint Soya milk

1-2 garlic cloves

1 pinch of chilli powder

! tsp tarragon

! tsp oregano

! tsp mixed herbs

! tsp salt

! tsp ground ginger

! tsp garlic granules

Lea & Perrins, a good splash

Wheat free pastry (see p146)


Sauté onion and garlic until soft, add all your spices cook for 2 minutes. Then

add tomatoes leaving 4 slices for decoration, once the tomatoes are soft take off


Beat 4 eggs in a mixing bowl and add # of the cheese with Lea & Perrins and

beat add milk beat again.

Roll the pastry so it will fit into a heat proof dish, grease the dish with butter

then place the pastry in the dish put in oven and cook blind for 15 minutes.

Place all ingredient on to the pastry adding egg mixture over the top of tomatoes

mix lay the 4 slices of tomato on top to the mixture in a pattern sprinkle grated

cheese over the top of the tomatoes place in oven gas mark 4 for 40-45 minutes

Time 30 minutes gas mark 4

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 101: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Left Over Curry Mix (contains nuts)


1 large onion

1-2 garlic cloves

20g leaf coriander

20g flat leaf parsley

3 pinches of chilli powder

! tsp tarragon

! tsp oregano

! tsp mixed herbs

! tsp salt

! tsp ground ginger

! tsp garlic granules

1 veggie stock cube

150ml boiling water

1 tin of chilli kidney beans

1 tin of mixed beans

6 fresh tomatoes (chopped into quarters)

2-3 celery sticks

1-2 spring onion

1 tbsp linseeds

60g sunflower seeds

60g pine nuts

200g spinach washed

Lea & Perrins, a good splash


Sauté onion and garlic until soft, add all your spices cook for 2 minutes. Then

add Lea & Perrins, spring onions, celery and spinach.

Cook until spinach has reduced its size.

Then add stock and water stir, stir in tomatoes, kidney and mixed beans. Cook

for 5 minutes then stir in nuts and seeds.

Blend all the ingredients together, place back in pan on the hob for 20 minutes

for everything to be nice and hot. Serve with brown rice or Nan bread.

Page 102: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Time 32 minutes,

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carb Low

4:(:(*/#A A'%



Page 103: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re




2 red peppers

1 Australian aubergine

1 courgette

250g goats cheese (grated)

! tsp oregano


Before you start cooking you must prepare all your ingredients. I start off with

slicing the red peppers and placing them on a plate, I do the same with the

aubergines and courgettes.

Heat your frying pan with a little olive oil until piping hot then sauté the

aubergines and courgettes.

Once you have sautéed the vegetables grab your ovenproof dish and start

layering your dish, not forgetting to sprinkle cheese in between each layer of the


I would start with the aubergine because it is larger and more likely to hold your

ingredients together. This can be a sloppy dish but my partner and I enjoy this


So anther tip is to use a deep oven dish to make more layers, you want about 5-6


Gas mark 6 for roughly 40 minutes.

Time 50 minutes gas mark 6

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 104: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Quinoa in Stuffed Roasted Red Peppers


25g quinoa

1 onion (finely chopped)

2 red peppers (cut in half)

2 garlic cloves (finely chopped)

6g fresh ginger root (grated)

! tsp salt

Juice 1 lemon


Place quinoa in a pan of water just covering the quinoa and bring to boil on hot

heat then simmer for the reminding time 20 minutes.

In a bowl add the onions garlic, ginger, salt and lemon juice stir. When your

quinoa is ready take off heat and add it to your lemon mixture. Mix well.

Once done grab half a pepper and stuff it with the mixture, do this until all

ingredients are used.

With your 4 halves of stuffed pepper, place on a baking tray in a pre heated oven

on gas mark 7 for 20 minutes.

Serve with steak, chicken, this is a great side dish.

Time 40-50 minutes gas mark 7

Serves 4-6

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 105: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Plain Quinoa


25g quinoa

200ml water

2 pinches of salt


Place quinoa in a pan of water and bring to boil.

Make sure the water is just covering the quinoa.

Bring to boil adding salt, on hot heat then simmer for the reminding time 20


Served with curry instead of rice.

Great as a side dish

Time 20 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 106: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Sweet Potato Cakes


4-5 sweet potatoes

! garlic

! tsp oregano

10g butter

150ml milk

150g goats cheese

500g flax seed breadcrumbs (see p147)

1 egg


Boil potatoes for about 20 minutes then mash with butter and milk.

When mashed add cheese, garlic, oregano and mix. Heat oven at gas mark 6.

When you have mixed the entire mixture together divide it into round shapes,

whatever shape you want until all your mixture is used.

Then dip them in to the egg which is beaten and put on plate, then into the bread

when covered in bread crumb place on baking try and put in over for 10-20


Time 30-40 minutes gas mark 6

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Medium

Page 107: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re



Page 108: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Chicken Karma Korma


300g quorn chicken

1 tsp parsley

1 tsp chilli powder

1 tsp oregano

2 tsp coriander leaf

! tsp crushed cloves

1! tsp tarragon

1 tsp ground ginger

2 tsp turmeric

2 tsp garam masala

2 tsp ground coriander

2-3 cloves of garlic (finely chopped)

6g fresh ginger root

1 large onion (finely chopped)

1 lt soya milk

3 tbsp natural yogurt, cows or goats

1 tsp coconut butter


Sauté onion and garlic until soft add all your spices cook for 2 minutes.

Then add your quorn chicken, Cook for 3 minutes.

Add room temperature soya milk, (room temperature will stop curdling).

Add the yogurt and bring to boil then let it simmer for 30 minutes.

Serve with brown rice or runner beans.

You can use fresh chicken if you prefer see meat section

Time 40 minutes

Serve’s 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 109: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Egg & Cress Mayo

2 eggs

20g cress

1 tbsp mayonnaise

Water to cover your eggs in the pan


Place your eggs in a pan of water and bring to boil for about 8 minutes. Once

you have boiled your eggs take them off the heat and empty the hot water out

and replace with cold water to make the eggs get cold so you can peel them.

When your eggs are cool peel them. Place in bowl and mash with a fork. Add

mayonnaise and mix well, adding a little salt and cress and mix.

Great served with salad or in a wrap.

Time 10 minutes

Serve’s 1-2

Rating for Carbs Low


Page 110: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re







Page 111: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Nut Salad (contains nut)


75g walnuts

75g almond nuts

75g sunflower seeds

40g rocket leaves

1 romaine lettuce

4 tomatoes

8 rashers of bacon

1 salad dressing (see recipe p119)


Mix all nuts and seeds in a bowl, put to one side.

Wash rocket leaves and romaine lettuce, wrap the romaine lettuce up into small

pieces, place in salad bowl, and chop the tomatoes to suit you.

Grill your bacon; I like it nice and crispy so about 15-20 minutes under the


When you have finished cooking the bacon cut in to small pieces, mix all your

nuts, salad leaves and bacon together in your salad bowl and place the tomatoes

on top to decorate your salad and use dressing of your choice.

Time 30-40 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 112: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Flax Seed Salad


50g flax seed

50g salad leaves

1 red onion (sliced)

1 tomato & ! cucumber (see page 109)


Wash your salad leaves and place them on a plate.

Layer the onion on the salad leaves, add a sprinkle flax seed over the salad.

Serve with the tomato & cucumber.

Time 5-6 minutes

Serves 1-2

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 113: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re







Page 114: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Halloumi Cheese Salad


500g halloumi cheese

2-3 tomatoes

1 red onion

150g rocket leaves


Wash rocket leaves and slice red onion, cut your tomatoes into quarters and

toss it all in a bowl and serve on a plate.

Heat your frying pan until piping hot and fry your cheese with a little butter

until golden brown, you can also grill this cheese if you prefer.

When golden brown place on salad and enjoy.

Time 10-20 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 115: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Egg Salad


2 eggs

50g rocket leaves

100g watercress

3 romaine lettuce leaves

3-4 slices of cucumber (peeled)

1 pkt of cherry tomatoes (or as many as you like)

2-3 radishes

1 salad dressing


First boil egg for 5-7 minutes in water. Don’t laugh people do over boil eggs

until all the water has evaporated!

Wash the watercress and romaine lettuce. Wrap the romaine lettuce into small

pieces and toss into a salad bowl. Peel cucumber and slice, also toss into the

salad bowl, wash radishes and finely chop.

Cut your cherry tomatoes in half and toss everything into your salad bowl.

Toss eggs in your bowl and add dressing for decoration.

Time 10 minutes

Serves 1-2

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 116: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Side Salad


" iceberg lettuce

1-2 red onion slices

1 tomato (chopped into quarters)

2 slices of cucumber (peeled)


Wash and dry the lettuce, cut the lettuce into strips then place on side of plate.

Break the onion slices and place them over the lettuce, add your chopped

tomato to your side salad, using the cucumber to decorate.

Time 5-6 minutes

Serves 1

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 117: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Tomatoes & Cucumber


4 tomatoes

! cucumber

2 garlic cloves (minced)

1 tbsp of olive oil

Juice 1 lemon


Chop your tomatoes into 1/8ths

, place in bowl. Peel your cucumber and chop

into small pieces, about the same size as the tomatoes.

Place in bowl with the tomatoes. Finely chop your garlic and sprinkle in your

bowl with a drizzle of olive oil and lemon juice, toss and serve.

Great served with all salad dishes.

Time 5-6 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

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Page 119: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Salad Dressing


1 tsp salad cream

1 garlic clove (minced)

20g fresh parsley

20g mint leaf

Juice ! lemon


Put your salad cream in a bowl with lemon juice, adding finely chopped garlic,

parsley and mint leaves. Mix well with a fork.

Serve with salad.

Time 5-6 minutes

Serve 1-2

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 120: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Walnut Dip


7-8 crushed walnuts

225g natural yogurts

2 garlic cloves

Juice 1 lemon


Empty your yogurt into a blender. Crush your walnuts. Then add them to your


Add garlic cloves and lemon juice and blend for 1-2 minutes and serve.

Great served with salads or as a dip with celery.

Time 10 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 121: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Mint Dip


360g natural yogurt

20g fresh mint (blended)

1-2 tsp mint sauce

1-2 pinches of chilli powder


Mix yogurt and mint and chilli powder in a bowl and serve.

Great served with curry.

Time 2-5 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 122: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Beetroot Dip


1 packet of beetroot

1 goats or soya natural yogurt

20 fresh coriander leaf

1-2 pinches of salt


Cut up the beetroot and mix it with the yogurt, add coriander and stir in the salt

to taste.

Serve with salad

Time 10 minutes

Serves 4-5

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 123: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Chilli Coleslaw


2 large onions

1 white cabbage

4-5 carrots

1 mayonnaise (full jar)

! green chilli (chopped and de-seeded)

" tsp chilli powder


Slice your onions and place them in a large bowl, slice the cabbage add it to the


Peel your carrots and chop the ends off and put in bin, carry on peeling your

carrots with a potato peeler or with a grater.

When you have finished preparing the carrots add it to the cabbage mix adding

your chopped green chilli and mayonnaise.

Mix well adding the chilli powder while mixing.

Serve great with my flans

Time 5 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Medium

Page 124: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re



Page 125: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Hummus (Chick Pea with Onion)


1 tin of chick peas

2 lemons

3 garlic cloves

Olive oil (a drizzle)

1 onion


Roughly chop the onion & garlic, place in blender, open tin of chick peas and

tip into blender, pulse the blender adding olive oil to help it bind the


Squeeze as much juice from the lemons as possible and add to your mixture to

your own taste.

Great served with flax seed crackers.

Time 10-15 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 126: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re







Page 127: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Lemon Water


1 jug of fresh water

2-4 unwaxed lemons


Squeeze 3 lemons into a jug of water and make slices of the remaining


With the remaining lemon slices drop them into the water and leave

overnight to give a full lemon taste. Drink with ice.

(Great for detoxing) because it’s alkaline it helps to support the liver.

Time 10 -15 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 128: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Hot Lemon and Ginger Tea


1-2 lemons

3 thin slices of ginger root

400ml hot water


Slice the lemon and squeeze 2 slices into a cup, add a few slices of ginger

then add hot water from kettle.


Time 30-40 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 129: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Fresh Orange Juice


4-5 oranges


3 ice cubes (crushed)


Place oranges in a juicer until you have a good glass full of juice.

Best served in a glass with crushed ice.

Time 30-40 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Medium

Page 130: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re



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Page 131: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Cucumber & Celery Juice


Half a cucumber

3 sticks of celery

1 pinch of salt

100ml water


Peel cucumber (peeling cucumber helps minimize allergy) then wash and

chop the cucumber and place in blender.

Wash 2-5 sticks of celery and chop and put in blender, add salt and water

and then blend,

Great served with Tabasco sauce.

Time 30-40 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 132: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Spinach Juice


20g spinach leaves

100 ml water

3 pinches of salt



Blend spinach with salt and water.

Drink as fast as you can, its really good for you but people don’t think it

tastes good, I love it.

Time 5-6 minutes

Serves 1-2

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 133: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Wheatgrass Shots


20 ml wheatgrass


Directions To Grow Wheatgrass:

Using organic soil and organic wheatgrass berries, scatter seeds on top of 2-

3 cm of soil in a plastic bedding tray and then place a light top cover. Leave

in a dark room for 3 days until shoots appear then place in (sun)light. 1 kg

of wheatgrass seeds is enough to grow 4 trays (1st and second cutting). An

average tray yields around 8 shots.

Lightly water every day, to keep damp but not saturated. Grow in light and

warmth. When the grass gets to a good height, 15-20 cm and starts to bend

cut down to near soil level, wash in water and use a blender to get the juice.

Drink immediately, do not freeze, or leave standing. A very powerful

detoxifier, it can make you feel a little queezy if you take too much because

20 ml is the equivalent of 1 kg of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Time A week to grow

Serves 1-2

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 134: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Protein Shake


2 scoops Vianesse Protein Powder (vanilla or chocolate)

400ml soya milk

1 tsp zylosweet sugar

1 banana


Blend the banana with the Soya milk and sugar, then add 2 scoops of

Vianesse Protein Powder, blend for 1-2 minutes and serve.

Great detoxing drink and very good for the immune system, tissue repair,

low adrenal energy and maintaining weight.

Time 5-6 minutes

Serves 1-2

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 135: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Chocolate Flavour Yogurt


2 scoops Vianesse protein Powder chocolate flavour

225g natural yogurt

! tsp zylosweet sugar


Put the yogurt into a bowl and add 2 scoops of protein powder and sugar stir

well and serve.

This is great for breakfast if you are not hungry or you are in a rush.

Time 5-6 minutes

Serves 1-2

Rating for Carbs Low


Page 136: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re







Page 137: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Mixed Fruit Juice


80g blueberries

1 mango

4 strawberries


Use a juicer or blender; a juicer is better for this drink. Put all the fruit in a

juicer, you will soon be having a refreshing drink, best serve on ice.

Time 30-40 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Medium

Page 138: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re




1-2 scoop Vianesse protein powder - vanilla flavour

225g natural yogurt

40g blueberries

1 banana


Blend your blueberries with bananas and add natural yogurt. Add 1-2 scoop of

protein powder and blend. You can use frozen yogurt to make it cold.

Time 30-40 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Medium

Page 139: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


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Page 140: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Banana Milkshake


2 scoops Vianesse protein powder vanilla flavour

1-2 bananas

400ml soya milk

5 ice cubes (crushed)


Chop the banana up and put it into a blender and blend for 1 minute, add

crushed ice and blend adding milk and protein powder while blending.

You can have this drink with or without the Vianesse Protein Powder.

Time 2-5 minutes

Serves 1

Rating for Carbs: Medium

Page 141: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Fruit Cracker


75 g sultanas

75 g dried bananas

75 g dried raspberry

75 g dried mango

200g flax seed

200ml water


Mix everything together in a bowl and fold the water into the ingredients, once

everything is mixed, evenly spread onto a baking tray 1 inch thick, and place in

oven for 10-20 minutes.

Serve hot or cold

Great as a snack, try to eat it 30 minutes away from proteins to aid digestion.

Time 20-25 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Medium

Page 142: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Almond Nut Loaf (contains nut)


75g almond nuts

200g flax seed

3 vanilla pods

200ml hot soya milk


Blend your almonds with flax seed. Heat your Soya milk up and place the

vanilla pod in the milk to pick up the flavor of vanilla, when the milk tastes

sweet add the milk to the almond mixture and mix well.

Place in oven for 20-30 minutes. You can eat hot or cold, enjoy.

Served with frozen yogurt and banana is amazing.

Time 20-30 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 143: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Lemon Cake


4 egg whites

80g zylosweet sugar

Juice 2 lemons

1 lemon rind


Place your 4 egg whites in a blender with a pinch of salt. Whisk until frothy

then add a spoon of sugar and whisk.

Keep doing this until all sugar is mixed in to your egg whites. When all the

sugar has gone keep whisking until the egg whites are standing at a peak. Be

careful not too whisk too much or it will sink.

When you have your whites at a peak, fold in the lemon juice and rind. Place

the cake mix in a oven dish for about 60-75 minutes gas mark 2. Keep in an

airtight container. Great served for afternoon tea

Time 1! hours

Serves 2-8

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 144: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Chocolate Cake


4 egg whites

80g zylosweet sugar

3 scoops Vianesse protein powder chocolate flavor


Place your 4 egg whites in a blender with a pinch of salt. Whisk until frothy

then add a spoon of sugar and whisk. Keep doing this until all sugar is mixed in

to your egg whites.

When all the sugar has gone keep whisking until the egg whites are standing at

a peak. Be careful not too whisk too much or it will sink.

When you have your whites at a peak, blend in the Vianesse Protein Powder.

Place the cake mix in a oven dish for about 60-75 minutes gas mark 2.

Great as a snack with a cup of lemon and ginger tea.

Time 1! hours

Serves 2-8

Rating for Carbs low

Page 145: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Protein Bar


4 egg whites

80g zylosweet sugar

3 Scoops Vianesse Protein Powder chocolate flavor

100g zylosweet chocolate (Cacao Kapow is a great chocolate to use as it helps

blood flow)


Place your 4 egg whites in a blender with a pinch of salt. Whisk until frothy

then add a spoon of sugar and whisk. Keep doing this until all sugar is mixed in

to your egg whites. When all the sugar has gone keep whisking until the egg

whites are standing at a peak. Be careful not too whisk too much or it will sink.

When you have your whites at a peak, blend in the Vianesse Protein Powder.

Place the cake mix in a oven rectangular shaped dish for about 60-75 minutes

on gas mark 2. When cake is cooked take it out of the oven, leave to cool for

the next stage. When cool cut the cake into shapes of your choice.

Melt the chocolate in a bowl on a low heat place the bowl on top of a pan of

boiling water to melt. Once you have melted the chocolate you can dip the cake

in the bowl of hot chocolate until completely covered and place on a greased

baking tray. When you have repeated this with your entire cake place the tray

in the fridge until the chocolate as gone hard. Keep in airtight container.

Great for taking to work or being on the move all day.

Time 2 hours

Serves 2-8

Rating for Carbs Low

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Page 147: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Flax Seed Breadcrumbs


200g flax seed

250ml water

5 pinches of salt

! tsp garlic granules


Mix the flax seed with salt and garlic granules, add water mix well. Spread

the mixture on a greased oven tray and place in oven for 10-20 minutes on

gas mark 6.

When cooked take out and let it cool and then blend in a blender into


Time 20 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 148: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re




5 sticks of celery (finely chopped)

50g sausage meat

1 onion (finely chopped)

5 pinches of salt

! tsp garlic granules

20g leaf parsley


Blend the celery and onion until finely chopped.

Heat a frying pan on a high heat with a small drizzle on coconut butter.

Sauté the celery and onion, for 2 minutes.

Add the salt garlic and parsley, stir well.

Add the meat and mix until all the ingredients are mixed together then place

in oven for 20-30 minutes on gas mark 5

When cooked serve with turkey as a side dish

Time 20 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 149: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Proper Gravy


Left over vegetables

Left over juice from a roast joint of meat or stock cube

300ml water


With the left over vegetables and skin place on a oven tray drizzle olive oil

over the vegetables and put in the oven for 20 minutes gas mark 6. After 20

minutes take out of oven and pour boiling hot water over the tray of


Scrape out contents into a sieve over a large pan. Squeeze as much of the

juice into the pan from the sieve as possible, throw away surplus vegetables

and remove the sieve. Add the meat juice or stock cube to the vegetable

juice in the pan. Add water before putting on a high heat, bring to boil and

turn down to simmer until ready to serve you can add a little salt for extra

taste if you want.

Great serve with a roast joint of meat.

Time 20 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 150: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re






Page 151: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Lamb Cutlets with Garlic Mash and Caramelized Red Onion


4 lamb cutlets

4 potatoes

2 red onions (small)

4 garlic cloves

20g fresh rosemary

10g butter

Olive oil (a drizzle)

200ml soya milk


Boil potatoes in pan of water and 3x garlic clove for about 20 minutes, until

potatoes are soft so you can mash them.

When 5 minutes has gone heat a frying pan with olive oil, sauté garlic and

onions with the rosemary.

When soft add the cutlets keep it on a high heat the brown the meat, once

brown turn heat down to a low heat cook for 10 minutes. Drain your

potatoes of water.

Add milk and 5g of the butter. Mash your potatoes and garlic. Leave on low

heat to keep it warm.

Turn your frying pan to full heat, keep turning your lamb add the rest of the


Place mash on plate, then the lamb culets add the onions and serve.

As an alternative to mash use Swede.

Time 25 minutes

Serves 2

Rating for Carbs Low

Page 152: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Wheat Free Pastry


8oz gluten & wheat free plain flour

2oz butter

100ml soya milk


Place flour in a bowl with butter and rub until all the butter has

disintegrated with the flour, should look like breadcrumbs.

When your flour and butter is mixed and the milk, little bits at a time.

When all the milk is added, you must knead your mixture into a ball.

Once in a ball sprinkle a little flour on your cooking counter, place the

dough on the sprinkled flour and knead some more, then get a rolling pin

and roll to the desired size.

If you have lots left over place in plastic bag and freeze for a later date.

Time 20 minutes

Serves 2-4

Rating for Carbs Medium

Page 153: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Weights & Measures

Household (Approximate)

1 drop 1/20 ml

1 teaspoon 5 ml

1 tablespoon 15 ml

1 cup 250 ml

Weight and Apothecaries' Equivalents

1 milligram (mg) 1/65 grain (1/60)

1 gram (g) 15.43 grains (15)

1 kilogram (kg) 2.20 pounds (avoirdupois)

1 pound (avoirdupois) 453.6 grams

1 grain (gr) 0.065 gram (60 mg)

1 ounce (1/16 pound) 28.4 grams

Fluid Equivalents

1 fluid ounce (oz.) 29.57 ml (30)

1 pint (pt.) 16 fl. oz.) 473.2 ml (500)

1 pint, In the Imperial system 20 fluid ounces

1 quart (qt.) 946.4 ml (1000)

1 quart, In the Imperial system 40 fluid ounces

1 gallon (gal.) 3785.6 ml (4000)

1 gallon, In the Imperial system 160 fluid ounces

Metric System Weights and Measures

1 kilogram (kg) 1000 grams (103)

1 milligram (mg) 0.001 gram (10-3


1 microgram ($g) 0.000001 gram (10-6


1 liter (L) 1000 ml (103)

1 milliliter (mL) 0.001 L (10-3


1 microliter ($L) 0.000001 L (10-6


1 milliliter (ml) 1 cubic centimeter (cc)

Page 154: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Heat Conversions




Celsius Gas Mark Description


25 110 1 Very slow

250 120/130 1 Very slow

275 140 1 Slow

300 150 2 Slow

325 160/170 3 Moderate

350 180 4 Moderate

375 190 5 Moderately hot

400 200 6 Moderately hot

425 220 7 Hot

450 230 8 Hot

475 240 9 Very hot

Page 155: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


List Of Suppliers


Zylosweet – Low Insulin Response Sugar

Coconut Butter/Fat

Supergest – Digestive Enzymes


Vianesse Body Shape Protein Powder, in chocolate, vanilla and natural flavor.


Vitol Egg Protein Powder

Flax seed - Local supermarkets

Wheatgrass kits are available on the internet.


Chlorella – Powerful Algae tablets to help you detox heavy metals amongst a

myriad of other health benefits - take 10-12 tablets before food with or without

a few digestive enzymes. Please purchase from these suppliers – as

contaminated algae is being sold – generally manufactured in Asia. For further

science read:


A few suggestions: use egg protein powder (see links above) to help maintain

low carb diet and build up the muscle. Use coconut flour this is a low carb

flour and great for pastry.

For a Full Professional Detox Protocol please visit:


Any detoxing help, comments or suggestions please email:

[email protected]

Page 156: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re




Almond Nut Loaf p142 Hallumi Cheese Salad p114

Hot Lemon & Ginger Tea p128

B Humus (chickpea with onion p125

Banana Milkshake p140 I

Bean Chilli p81

Beetroot Dip p122


Cauliflower Cream p87 K

Cabbage Dal p85 Carrot and Coriander Soup p21 Kebabs p37

Cheese Roll p92

Cheese Terrine p91

Chicken Casserole p61 L

Chicken Delight p80

Chicken Fillets p86 Lamb Cutlets p151

Chicken Hot and Sour Sauce p59 Lamb Curry p51

Chicken and Goats Cheese p90 Lamb Roll in Pastry p50

Chicken Karma p108 Left over Curry p111 Chicken Terrine p41 Lemon & Ginger Chicken p57

Chicken Fillets in Sauce p89 Lemon Water p127

Chilli Coleslaw p123 Lemon Cake p143

Chilli Carne p 56

Chocolate Flavor Yogurt p135

Chocolate Cake p144

Cucumber & Celery Juice p131 M


Mixed Bean Burger p94

Duck Terrine p42 Mackerel & Flax Seed p78

Meat Ball and Tomato Sauce p55

E Mince Lamb Curry p51

Mint Dip p121

Egg Florentine p33 Mint Burgers p53

Egg Salad p115 Mixed fruit Juice p137

English Breakfast p46 Mozzarella Ball p32

Page 157: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re



Fish Cakes p71 Nut Crackers p35

Fish Fingers p74 Nut Salad p111

flaxseed Breadcrumbs p147

Flaxseed Salad p112 O

Flax Seed Parsnips p31

Fresh Orange Juice p129 Omelet p97

Fruit Cracker p141



Plan Quinoa p104

Gravy p149 Protein Shake p134

Protein Bar p145

Q Pastry p152

Quinoa in Stuffed Roasted Peppers p105


Ratatouille p103

Roast Beef p65

Roast Chicken p67

Roast Duck p68

Roast Ham p 64

Roast Lamb and Rosemary p66

Roast Turkey & Stuffing p69

Rump Steak p48


Salad Dressing p119

Salmon & Cheese Basket p72

Salmon Fillet p75

Scrambled Egg p92

Scrambled Egg with Peppers p34 Scotch Eggs p109

Side Salad p116

Smoothie p138

Spinach and Chickpea Curry p83

Spinach Fan Cheese & Tomato Flan p99

Spinach Juice p132

Spinach Soup p23

Page 158: 0**1%0+’’1*23€¦ · in both the liver and the muscles, excess carbs gets converted into fat and stored in the adipose (fatty) tissue. And remember, it’s fat cells we’re


Steak with Sauce p47

Stuffed Baked Potatoes Skins p30 Stuffed Mushrooms p95 Stuffed Tomatoes p38

Sweet Potato Cakes p106 T

Tomatoes & Cucumber p117

Trout with Lemon p76

Turkey Supreme Pie p62



Vegetarian Burger p96

Vegetarian Roast p93

Vegetarian Sausage in Tomatoes p84

Vegetarian Spaghetti Bolognaise p 88


Walnut Dip p120

Wrap Chicken p36

Wrap Turkey p37