21/03/22 | slide 1 Programme Value Chain Vision, Outcomes & Blueprin t Design From http://www.synesthe sia.co.uk/msp/2007/ 09/25/programme-val ue-chain/ Posted in Programme Managemen t September 25th, 2007 by Julian Elve

01/05/2015 | slide 1 Programme Value Chain Vision, Outcomes & Blueprint Design From o.uk/msp/2007/09/25/pro gramme-value-chain

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18/04/23 | slide 1

Programme Value Chain

Vision, Outcomes& Blueprint


From http://www.synesthesia.co.uk/msp/2007/09/25/programme-value-chain/Posted in Programme Management September 25th, 2007 by Julian Elve

18/04/23 | slide 2


“The Blueprint defines the structure and composition of the changed organisation that, after delivery, should demonstrate the capabilities expressed in the Vision Statement.” The Office of Government Commerce (OGC)

18/04/23 | slide 3


A Blueprint is likely to contain:

– Organisational structure

– Business Model of Functions

– How decision-making is informed and carried out

– Staffing levels, roles and skills

– Information systems, tools, equipment and other facilities

– Costs

– Performance criteria/quality measures


18/04/23 | slide 4

Programme Design

“The approach is outcome driven and uses established development activities as the building blocks of sequenced activity in order to achieve the particular outcomes.”

“it can …. reverse engineer existing programme and initiatives in order to better understand them and aid with formative evaluation, steering / re-planning and summative evaluation.”

From Programme Design Guidelines 2007

18/04/23 | slide 5

Development Activities/Project Types

Outcome Activity/Project Types

i. Enhanced capacity, knowledge and skills

Explore, Prototype, Pilot, Demonstrate, Transform

ii. Guidance to the sector Explore, Pilot, Demonstrate, Study, Synthesise and Disseminate, Transition

iii. Strategic leadership to the sector

Demonstrate, Transform, Engage and Influence, Study, Synthesise and Disseminate

iv. Knowledge and experience to inform

Explore, Prototype, Pilot, Engage and Influence, Study, Support, Synthesise and Disseminate, Evaluate and Analyse

v. New or enhanced services, infrastructure, standards or applications

Create, Transition

18/04/23 | slide 6

Programme Design

v. New or enhanced services, infrastructure, standards or applications that may be used at departmental, institutional, regional or national levels


Develop a model suitable for the evaluation of design, performance and potential use.


Test and evaluate the design, performance and potential use.


Cause to exist; bring into being new or enhanced services, infrastructure, standards or applications.


Sustaining outputs beyond development.

Evaluate and Analyse

Examine and judge carefully; appraise.


Expert analysis and recommendations that inform and influence.

Evaluate and Analyse

Examine and judge carefully; appraise.

A sequence of activities ….

18/04/23 | slide 7

Programme Design

v. New or enhanced services, infrastructure, standards or applications that may be used at departmental, institutional, regional or national levels


Develop a model suitable for the evaluation of design, performance and potential use.


Test and evaluate the design, performance and potential use.


Cause to exist; bring into being new or enhanced services, infrastructure, standards or applications.


Sustaining outputs beyond development.

Evaluate and Analyse

Examine and judge carefully; appraise.


Expert analysis and recommendations that inform and influence.

Evaluate and Analyse

Examine and judge carefully; appraise.

A sequence of activities ….

Intermediary outcomes between activities.

Parallel or non-linear sequences of activities.

Outcome 4

Outcome 1 and/or 4

Outcome 5

Outcome 2

18/04/23 | slide 8

Programme Design

v. New or enhanced services, infrastructure, standards or applications that may be used at departmental, institutional, regional or national levels


Develop a model suitable for the evaluation of design, performance and potential use.


Test and evaluate the design, performance and potential use.


Cause to exist; bring into being new or enhanced services, infrastructure, standards or applications.


Sustaining outputs beyond development.

Evaluate and Analyse

Examine and judge carefully; appraise.


Expert analysis and recommendations that inform and influence.

Evaluate and Analyse

Examine and judge carefully; appraise.






A sequence of activities ….

You need intermediary outcomes between activities.

Parallel or non-linear sequences of activities.

Implementation: WP, time, cost

18/04/23 | slide 9

Programme Value Chain

Vision, Outcomes& Blueprint


From http://www.synesthesia.co.uk/msp/2007/09/25/programme-value-chain/Posted in Programme Management September 25th, 2007 by Julian Elve

18/04/23 | slide 10

Programme Design: Theory vs Practice

It is possible to have a perfectly written programme that may not deliver in practice!


– Can you deliver in the timescale? Turn around between activities? Tendering timescales etc.

– What happens if one activity does not deliver? How can your design allow for the is possibility?

– Institutional projects and consultants mission drift!

– Funding profiles – need to spend £XX Million by end of March.

Stefan’s Diagram

18/04/23 | slide 11

SURF: Innovation programmes are flanked by initiatives to share and disseminate know-how

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SURF: Four types of project, categorised by the objective and phase of innovation.

18/04/23 | slide 13

SURF evaluation: “Light” assessment and monitoring, guidance by SURF

SURF evaluation: Assessment of proposal by STC, monitoring of project by PMC, guidance by SURF


OBJ ECTIVE: investigate whether and how new techniques work in educational practice

I nnovationprojects



FORM: small-scale projects carried out by single instructor (for example)

OBJ ECTIVE :experiment with promising techniques in educational practice

OBJ ECTIVE : large-scale deployment of successful techniques in educational practice

OBJ ECTIVE :implement successful techniques in existing organisation

FORM: small-scale projects carried out by at least two institutions

FORM: Large-scale projects carried out by at least three institutions, focussing on solving problems

FORM: Projects carried out by at least two institutions

Evaluation project:lessons learned

Evaluation project:Demonstrate relevance for education in advance, lessons learned

Evaluation project:Analyse problem, substantiation for solution and proven success, lessons learned, measure demonstrable effects

Evaluation project:Analyse problem, substantiation for solution and proven success, lessons learned, measure demonstrable effects

SURF evaluation: Assessment of proposal by STC, monitoring of project by PMC, guidance by SURF

SURF evaluation: Assessment of proposal by STC, monitoring of project by PMC, guidance by SURF

SURF: Evaluation

18/04/23 | slide 14

SURF: Evaluation

18/04/23 | slide 15

SURF: Evaluation

18/04/23 | slide 16