k f pre o & "? jy-- s cksb & tfafP "WM "ff" "WW "m wBWT?. " "1 wap"wa a vm . n f m jm mt. m, aa m. wi v m a m " m Rff&a Esaoa tmi bhumumw' HHaHMBimn mmmrsim sea " iiiiioniurr KfcKraaai Mh w MM V BE Vol. V. HONOLULU, H. I., FKIDAY, JULY 30, 1897. No. tt!8. MIEU PW RR b Hi 168 IfOn SUGAR FACTORS, IMPOKTBES OF General Merchandise 0033ISSI03ST lHSR.0 H.2STTS Vgents for Lloyds, Canadian-Australia- n Steamship British & Foreign Marine InJucanco Co., Northern Assurance Co, (Fire and Life), Canadian Pacific Railway Co., Pioneer Line of Packet from Liverpool. Telephone 92. P. O. Box H. E. MclNTYRE & BRO:, East corner Fort && king Sts. IMPOKTEES AND DEALERS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed New nnd Freah Goods recoived by cvory pnnfeet from California, Eastern States and European Markets. Standard Grade oi Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish'. Ita- - Goods delivered to any part of the City -- K& IRf.AT-- n tiuiw omi rnwifii AOT) Oceanic Steamship Company. TIME TABLE: The Fine Pasponger Steamers of This Line Will Arrive and Leave This Port as Hereunder. SAN FRANCISCO: FOR SAN FRANCISCO: MOANA .1ULY 29th AUSTRALIA AUG. 17th ALAMEDA AUG. 2Gth connection with the sailing of tho above steamers, the AgHnts aro prepared to issue, to intending pa'senger, coupon through by any railroad from San Francisco, to all points in tho United State, and from Now York by any steamship line to all Europnau ports. For further particulars apply to S. S is YOU GET OUT INTO THE wo can be with you. Tho memory ol well a'ockod lardor In your camp will holp the enjoyment of thofc or majsilo, ns itnppeiilsto tli eye. 'iho cllmatr cental, brm-lnir- . rplnvenntlni' will bo nldod by good urocerics Whatever rou uo riisuciuiin.'. numing, nsning, rm- - or in vulcly ropoidng our poods aro the best and nocesdary The season for thin jri of thought and action li upon us All iho world tiikoi an outing onco yoar-- II It doesn't. It ourhi to. WhilO making up jour mind whero you will go, put these placo bofore your mind's ove: ON lohalno, Wal-kap- a, Makawao, Jluiin, KutU, Ktthulul, Haiku, Makona. ON KAUAI Lihno, Koloa', Walnica, Nuwlllwlli uad Kawai-ho- u. ON HAWAII Kilauea and Halenmu-mau- t. tho raluy nliy, Kaiiapal, Keahike-ku- a Bay anil Dr. Liudley's Bitmtarluin Wulplo, Kohala, PUna, Koua, Lanpulioo-ho- o and Hamaknn ON OAHI1 'tyoik.kl, Tantlns, l'no-waln- a, Olympus or Leu hi Makupuu and Mokapn. Waianao, l'oarl Haibor, Itemoud Grove, Moanolua and Manoa. Tho Islands of Lanal, Molokal, Kahoo-law- o and Nlihau, & HAS THEM ALIi Telephone 310. tco dohvory twice daily Subscribe for Tub 50 coats por mouth. i 471 B IJ L II - Line, ' 145. o(Tioiii"rin nti TPirn s FROM - a s a o a JULY 2Rth MARIPOSA AUG. 191 h AUSTRALIA Aug 25lh In ticlteis Wm, G. Irwin & Go. LIMITED. General Agents Oceanic Company. Camping Season Coming WHEN MOUNTAIN acoompuiiliUHiits. MAUI-Haleok- ala, HannloI.Hanaropo, LEWIS CO, Independent,' & AUSTRXLTA HAWAIIAN" Hagey Institute HONOLULU, H. I. IfOK THE TKEATMENT OF Alcoholic, Opium, Morphine, Gacoains AND OTHER Kindred Diseases. 131) Berelaula Street, between Emma & Fori "Private carriage entrance on lane, Enimn streot, opposite Chinese Epis- copal Church. Ouo hundred nud cisty-thre- e per- sons have been BUi'cno.fiilly treated from Novombor, 189G, to May 80, Satisfactory arrangements made for patients from tho Ihlands or from abroad or for private treatment. Sepaialo Ojttage for Medical Ad- vice and Treatmeut. Patients under treatment have free ubo of the Social Club Parlors. DIRECTORS : Alox. Young, President; W. R. Csctlo, Vice-Presiden- t; J. A. Magoon, Treasurer: A V. Gear, Seorotary; R. S. Surimgeour, Auditor. &0 For further information, ap- - PBOBT. SWAN SCEIMGEOUR, Maunger. Office Tol, 706. BOP-fi- m ood MOVED ON. Ao Predicted tho Oommlttoo BeportB Favorably on Annexation. WAsniNoxoN, July M, The Sonato Couimitteo on Foreign Relations has tnkorr tho second atop looking to the annexation of Hawaii to tho United States by an agroemout to report a resolution favoring tho adoption of the treaty, as sent from the White Houbo without amend-mn- t. Of the 11 members of tho commit- tee sevon were present at tho mot-in- g this morning, Theno nere Messrs. Davis, Cullom, Foraker, Clark, Morgan, Turpie, and Daniel, and of these nil but Messrs. Turpie and Daniel cast their-vote- s for the resolution of ratification. Senutor Fryo's voto was aluo cast in that interest by Senator Davip, Senator Frye havrng left instruc- tions to this effect. Senators Daniel and Turpie did not take a poMtivo staud in opposi- tion to tho treaty, but both express- ed the opinion that it was not ex- pedient nor consistent with the vast importance of tho subject that tho treaty should bo pressed to immedi- ate consideration, and that if tho Senate was not to take the subject up at the present sescion, the bet- ter course would be to leave it in committee until Iho Senate should be prepared to proceed with its con- sideration. Senator Turpie expressed himself as inclined to favor tho treaty, but said that ho thought that it should bo amended. Ho, however, with-- . held his amendments on the sugges- tion that the majority would con- sider it preferable to have the amendments offered in the Senate. There was a general understanding that the oommitten. should make uo effort to secure the "Consideration of the treaty during tho present ses- sion, but events may occur at any tnomtnt, it is felt at both tho Capi- tol aud tho White House, which will make it necessary to tako up the treaty at any moment. It is in order that this Government may-no- t bo caught napping that Senator DaviB urged action at this timo on the treaty. The whole secret of tho expedition of the annexation treaty lies in the fact that American public sentiment has grown impatient because of tho interference by Japan in a matter with which that nation has no con- cern. Naval officers generally bo-lirv- o that, if necessary, the Uuited States should loach Japan a lesson, but, like the Secretary of State, they do not anticipate that the Tokio Government would care to go to war with the United States, at least for the present. The Bonningtou, now on the Cali- fornia coast, ie being fitted out to take tho plaoo of tho oruiser Marion at Honolulu. Tho Mariou was or- dered home some timo ago, but an accident to her machinery delayed her for several months, and tho or- der has now boon repeated. It is said that Admiral Hoardsleo has not beon sent any orders rocent-ly- . When ho went out to Honolulu ,some months ago he wa oharged to maintain the "statu quo" there, hav- ing iu mind tho fact that tho Presi- dent intended at his convenience1 to submit an annexation treaty to tho Seuate. That was before there was any idea that Japan would lodgo a protest against tho treaty, and though tho Admiral's orders hold good at this time, the explanation, it is believed, will diveBt tho fact of any hostile meauing toward Japan. The Sonato Foreign Relations Committoo has ordered a favorable roport to bo mado to tho Senate on tho Hawaiian annexation treaty, Tho committee has mado no amend- ment to the couvoutlon, and tho voto by whioh it was adopted was practically unanimous. Douiol and Turpio refrained front voting. Tho tmaty was favored by Davi, Foraker, Cullom and Morgan, and tho proxy of Fryo was also cast iu tho affirmative. Lodge, Mills and Gray wore absent. It is not oxpooted that any con- sideration will bo given to tho treaty this session. In tho recess a sub- committee, consisting of Chairman Davis, Forakor and Turpio will have! prepared for the uso of tho Senate) all literature bearing on the subject! that is available. Chairman Davis, at tho executive session of the Son-at- e, reported back tho treaty to that body, and without debate it wont tol tho executivo calendar. ItUIJENSTEIN, -- PIANIST. Kubenstein, the great pianist, was scftlnm at a loss fonn nnswcr.-- lady onccjjcggetl him for a seat nt his con- cert, wherq, of course, there was not n single placo to be had. "I have only one scat," he said, "but I will willing- ly give it tip to you." "Oh, thank you, how good you arc. Iteally, I don't know what I hnvc done to deserve such kindness. And where is the sent?" "At my home, where I enjoy dringing 1UINER DEER. Phono ,o. BUSINESS LOCALS. Bhin Serge Suits well mado for $7 at Kerr's. Metif Hats at 25 and 35 cents each at Kerr's. Mens ready mado pants at $1 per pair at Kerr's. Mens Suilsready to wear at $1.25 the suit at Kerr's. tio All Silk Neckties, made up and to 2 for 2oc. at Korr's. Big reductions iu Childrens trim- med hats for one week only at N. S. Sach's. Childrens trimmed sailor hats in 'all colors only 50 cents at N. S. Snub'. Ladies Whito Vests, Cno quality for 15 conts, for this week only at N. S. Sachs. Don't forgot to mako a call at Camariuos ns soon as tho Moana comes in. Tho refrigerator will bo full then of select icehouso goods. . A lady, who is an accomplished teacher of music, desires to give lessons to a few pupils at their home, at 50 cents a lesson. Address, the editor of Tub Independent. "Historical Truths" may bo had at 827 King street, if applied for early. Although the edition was considered large enough for all tho books aro already be- coming rather scarce: Paddy Rvan is now assisted by popular William Carlislo at the An- chor Saloon, whero Seattle Beer is always on draught and other stimu- lants furnished. Pointers on all sporting evonti can be had, freo of charge from tho athlotio manager of tho Anohor. There is only one placo where tho proper drink can bo obtained when loyal Americans celebrate, "Annex- ation" and the Fourth of July. Pomery Sec. and Gold Lao, are tho special brauds of Champagne served by tho Royal Annex. Como on, you annexationists, and lot tho corks ily, and the wino flow. Ono ounce of prevention is better than ten ounces of cure, The Em- pire boasts of infallible remedies against tho varioloid. Wieland beer on draft boats vaccination, and Doctor Charlie Andrew presidosover tho finest stock of 'remedies" that can bo found iu town. All for medi- cinal purposes and cash. Ned Doyle at the Cosmopolitan is recomuiBudincr the celubratnd Put. nam's Blackberry Brandy,, a tonic wuion is unrivalled, assisted by Jim Thompson formerly of the S. S. Australia an excellent "half and halt" is served to the thirsty customers of tho Cosmopolitan Fromtinsks rotund, tho mollowbrow Of PabRt springs perfect to tho light. For uaturo sure and science true, Conspire to brow it right. The Royal aud Pacifio too, Supply this porfeot gem. Tho Cosmopolitan is uot behind With ohooks which- - ohaugo with thorn. Wildor's Steamship Go. TIME TABLE. O. L. WIGHT, Pres. B. B. ROBE, Bee Oapt. J. A. KINO, Port Bnpt. Stmr. KINATJ, CLARKE, Commandtr, Will Joave"'HonoluIa at 10 a. M.,tonclinrat Uhalna, Maaluea Hay and Makena ?ht same day; Mahnkena. Kawaibaeand the following day; rrlvinn at HIlo the same afternoon. LEWES HOKOtPLP. AltRlVES UOUOLVL. frl'lny July 30 Tnocday July 27 re(luy....AuRlO Friday.. Auk 8 Friday auglO Tuetday Aug 31 Friday Sept 10 Tuesday Septal Friday Oct 1 laesday Oct 12 Friday Oct 22 Tiies.tay Nov 2 Fridi.y Jsov U Tue-du- y .... Nov 2.1 Friday Dec 3 Tuesday ....Deo 14 Thursday Deo 23 fuo-'ao- An 17 filial Abu 27 Ouesday. Eept 7 rWay fctpt 17 Tuesday. Bpt iriday ot ( 'luecdar Octl Friday Oct2 'lueeday Nov 6 ridHy Nov 19 Tuesday NotM Friday DM 1G Tuesday Dm si Friday DeflJI Returning will leave Hilo at 8 'clock a. m, touching at Laupahoehoe, Maim-Bon- a and Kawaihae same day; Makena, Maalaea Lay and Lahalna the followlnh Honolulu tho afternoon" of Tuesdays and Fridays. tsar Will call at Ponoiki, Puna, on triUa marked. tier No Freight will b received attir ' a. m. on day of Bailing. The popular route 10 the Voloano it rl Hilo A good carriage road the entire e. Round trip tickets, oorerinr all expenses, $50.00. Stmr. CLATJDINE, CAMERON, Commander, Will leave Honolulu Tuesdays at 5 r. x. touching at Kahnlul, Hana, Hamoa and Klpahuln, Maul. Returning arriyei at Honolulu Sunday mornings. Will crtll at Nuu, Kaupo, once Mca month. jcw No Freight will be received alter a p. m. on day of sailing. This Company will reserves tha right to make changes in tho time of departure a4 arrival of its BteamerB without notlceaad it will not be responsible for any cpnss-quence- B arising therefiom. Consignees must be at tho Landing? to recolve their freight; this Company, will not hold Itself responsible for freight after It una been landed. LIvo Btock received only at owner's risk. This Company will not be responsible for Money or Valuables of passengora unless placed In the care of Parsers. bt oiucDnju mj pur- chase Tickets before embarking, .Thoia uii.uk " uu du wm uo nuojeci vo an oae.1-tion- al ckargo of twenty-fiv- e per cent. CLAPS SPBE0KEL8. WM. O. IBWIN. Chios Spieckels Si Go., BANKERS. HONOLULU . -- ""."" San Francitco Agents. TUB NJSVADA BANK OF SAN FRAN0I800. DRAW EXOnAKQI OK SAN FRANOISCO-T- he Nevada Bank of San Francisco. LONDON-T- he Union Bank of Londo Lfd. NEW YORK-Araeri- can Exchanjo Na- tional Rank. CHICAGO "Merohants National Bank. PARI- 8- Comptolr National d'Escomptt d Paris RKRLIN-Dresd- ner Rank. HONO KONQ AND YOKOHAMA Hong Kong & shanghai BankinitOorporation. NEW ZKALAND AND AUBrRALI- A- Rank of New Zoaland. VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER Bask of British North America. 7) ansae t a Qtneral flanking and J(tchan,g Business. Deposits Received. Loans made on Ap- proved security. Commercial and Travel- ers Credit Issued. Billi ol Kxenjnc bought and sold. OollootiouB Promptly Acooota EVf

0033ISSI03ST lHSR · Big reductions iu Childrens trim-med hats for one week only at N. S. Sach's. Childrens trimmed sailor hats in 'all colors only 50 cents at N. S. Snub'. Ladies

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Page 1: 0033ISSI03ST lHSR · Big reductions iu Childrens trim-med hats for one week only at N. S. Sach's. Childrens trimmed sailor hats in 'all colors only 50 cents at N. S. Snub'. Ladies

k f

pre o & "? jy-- s cksb & tfafP "WM "ff" "WW "m wBWT?. " "1 wap"wa

a vm . n f m jm mt. m, aa m. wi v m a m " mRff&a Esaoa tmi bhumumw' HHaHMBimn mmmrsim sea " iiiiioniurr KfcKraaai Mh w MM V

BEVol. V. HONOLULU, H. I., FKIDAY, JULY 30, 1897. No. tt!8.



b Hi 168 IfOn


General Merchandise

0033ISSI03ST lHSR.0 H.2STTSVgents for Lloyds,

Canadian-Australia- n SteamshipBritish & Foreign Marine InJucanco Co.,

Northern Assurance Co, (Fire and Life),Canadian Pacific Railway Co.,

Pioneer Line of Packet from Liverpool.

Telephone 92. P. O. Box

H. E. MclNTYRE & BRO:,East corner Fort && king Sts.


Groceries, Provisions and FeedNew nnd Freah Goods recoived by cvory pnnfeet from California, Eastern

States and European Markets.

Standard Grade oi Canned Vegetables, Fruits and Fish'.

Ita-- Goods delivered to any part of the City -- K&

IRf.AT-- n tiuiw omi rnwifii


Oceanic Steamship Company.

TIME TABLE:The Fine Pasponger Steamers of This Line Will Arrive and Leave

This Port as Hereunder.



connection with the sailing of tho above steamers, the AgHnts aroprepared to issue, to intending pa'senger, coupon through by anyrailroad from San Francisco, to all points in tho United State, and fromNow York by any steamship line to all Europnau ports.

For further particulars apply to

S. S




wo can be with you. Tho memory olwell a'ockod lardor In your camp will holpthe enjoyment of thofcor majsilo, ns itnppeiilsto tli eye. 'ihocllmatr cental, brm-lnir- . rplnvenntlni'will bo nldod by good urocerics Whateverrou uo riisuciuiin.'. numing, nsning, rm- -

or in vulcly ropoidng our poods aro thebest and nocesdary

The season for thin jri of thought andaction li upon us All iho world tiikoi anouting onco yoar-- II It doesn't. It ourhito. WhilO making up jour mind wheroyou will go, put these placo bofore yourmind's ove:

ON lohalno, Wal-kap- a,

Makawao, Jluiin, KutU, Ktthulul,Haiku, Makona.

ON KAUAI Lihno,Koloa', Walnica, Nuwlllwlli uad Kawai-ho- u.

ON HAWAII Kilauea and Halenmu-mau- t.

tho raluy nliy, Kaiiapal, Keahike-ku- a

Bay anil Dr. Liudley's BitmtarluinWulplo, Kohala, PUna, Koua, Lanpulioo-ho- o

and HamaknnON OAHI1 'tyoik.kl, Tantlns, l'no-waln- a,

Olympus or Leu hi Makupuu andMokapn. Waianao, l'oarl Haibor, ItemoudGrove, Moanolua and Manoa.

Tho Islands of Lanal, Molokal, Kahoo-law- o

and Nlihau,


Telephone 310. tco dohvory twice daily

Subscribe for Tub 50coats por mouth.

i 471 B IJL II





o(Tioiii"rin nti TPirn







o a



Wm, G. Irwin & Go.LIMITED.

General Agents Oceanic Company.

Camping Season





MAUI-Haleok- ala,







Hagey InstituteHONOLULU, H. I.


Alcoholic, Opium,

Morphine, GacoainsAND OTHER

Kindred Diseases.

131) Berelaula Street, between Emma & Fori

"Private carriage entrance on lane,Enimn streot, opposite Chinese Epis-copal Church.

Ouo hundred nud cisty-thre- e per-sons have been BUi'cno.fiilly treatedfrom Novombor, 189G, to May 80,

Satisfactory arrangements madefor patients from tho Ihlands orfrom abroad or for private treatment.

Sepaialo Ojttage for Medical Ad-vice and Treatmeut.

Patients under treatment havefree ubo of the Social Club Parlors.

DIRECTORS : Alox. Young,President; W. R. Csctlo, Vice-Presiden- t;

J. A. Magoon, Treasurer: A V.Gear, Seorotary; R. S. Surimgeour,Auditor.

&0 For further information, ap- -


Office Tol, 706. BOP-fi- m ood


Ao Predicted tho Oommlttoo BeportBFavorably on Annexation.

WAsniNoxoN, July M, The SonatoCouimitteo on Foreign Relationshas tnkorr tho second atop lookingto the annexation of Hawaii to thoUnited States by an agroemout toreport a resolution favoring thoadoption of the treaty, as sent fromthe White Houbo without amend-mn- t.

Of the 11 members of tho commit-tee sevon were present at tho mot-in- g

this morning, Theno nereMessrs. Davis, Cullom, Foraker,Clark, Morgan, Turpie, and Daniel,and of these nil but Messrs. Turpieand Daniel cast their-vote- s for theresolution of ratification.

Senutor Fryo's voto was aluo castin that interest by Senator Davip,Senator Frye havrng left instruc-tions to this effect.

Senators Daniel and Turpie didnot take a poMtivo staud in opposi-tion to tho treaty, but both express-ed the opinion that it was not ex-

pedient nor consistent with the vastimportance of tho subject that thotreaty should bo pressed to immedi-ate consideration, and that if thoSenate was not to take the subjectup at the present sescion, the bet-ter course would be to leave it incommittee until Iho Senate shouldbe prepared to proceed with its con-

sideration.Senator Turpie expressed himself

as inclined to favor tho treaty, butsaid that ho thought that it shouldbo amended. Ho, however, with-- .held his amendments on the sugges-tion that the majority would con-

sider it preferable to have theamendments offered in the Senate.There was a general understandingthat the oommitten. should make uoeffort to secure the "Consideration ofthe treaty during tho present ses-

sion, but events may occur at anytnomtnt, it is felt at both tho Capi-tol aud tho White House, whichwill make it necessary to tako upthe treaty at any moment. It is inorder that this Government may-no- t

bo caught napping that SenatorDaviB urged action at this timo onthe treaty.

The whole secret of tho expeditionof the annexation treaty lies in thefact that American public sentimenthas grown impatient because of thointerference by Japan in a matterwith which that nation has no con-

cern. Naval officers generally bo-lirv- o

that, if necessary, the UuitedStates should loach Japan a lesson,but, like the Secretary of State, theydo not anticipate that the TokioGovernment would care to go towar with the United States, at leastfor the present.

The Bonningtou, now on the Cali-fornia coast, ie being fitted out totake tho plaoo of tho oruiser Marionat Honolulu. Tho Mariou was or-

dered home some timo ago, but anaccident to her machinery delayedher for several months, and tho or-

der has now boon repeated.It is said that Admiral Hoardsleo

has not beon sent any orders rocent-ly- .When ho went out to Honolulu

,some months ago he wa oharged tomaintain the "statu quo" there, hav-

ing iu mind tho fact that tho Presi-dent intended at his convenience1 tosubmit an annexation treaty to thoSeuate. That was before there wasany idea that Japan would lodgo aprotest against tho treaty, andthough tho Admiral's orders holdgood at this time, the explanation,it is believed, will diveBt tho fact ofany hostile meauing toward Japan.

The Sonato Foreign RelationsCommittoo has ordered a favorableroport to bo mado to tho Senate ontho Hawaiian annexation treaty,Tho committee has mado no amend-ment to the couvoutlon, and thovoto by whioh it was adopted waspractically unanimous.

Douiol and Turpio refrained front

voting. Tho tmaty was favored byDavi, Foraker, Cullom and Morgan,and tho proxy of Fryo was also castiu tho affirmative. Lodge, Mills andGray wore absent.

It is not oxpooted that any con-

sideration will bo given to tho treatythis session. In tho recess a sub-

committee, consisting of ChairmanDavis, Forakor and Turpio will have!prepared for the uso of tho Senate)all literature bearing on the subject!that is available. Chairman Davis,at tho executive session of the Son-at- e,

reported back tho treaty to thatbody, and without debate it wont toltho executivo calendar.

ItUIJENSTEIN, --PIANIST.Kubenstein, the great pianist, was

scftlnm at a loss fonn nnswcr.-- ladyonccjjcggetl him for a seat nt his con-

cert, wherq, of course, there was notn single placo to be had. "I have onlyone scat," he said, "but I will willing-ly give it tip to you." "Oh, thank you,how good you arc. Iteally, I don'tknow what I hnvc done to deservesuch kindness. And where is thesent?" "At my home, where I enjoydringing 1UINER DEER. Phono ,o.


Bhin Serge Suits well mado for $7at Kerr's.

Metif Hats at 25 and 35 cents eachat Kerr's.

Mens ready mado pants at $1 perpair at Kerr's.

Mens Suilsready to wear at $1.25the suit at Kerr's.

tioAll Silk Neckties, made up and to2 for 2oc. at Korr's.

Big reductions iu Childrens trim-med hats for one week only at N. S.Sach's.

Childrens trimmed sailor hats in'all colors only 50 cents at N. S.Snub'.

Ladies Whito Vests, Cno qualityfor 15 conts, for this week only atN. S. Sachs.

Don't forgot to mako a call atCamariuos ns soon as tho Moanacomes in. Tho refrigerator will bofull then of select icehouso goods. .

A lady, who is an accomplishedteacher of music, desires to givelessons to a few pupils at theirhome, at 50 cents a lesson. Address,the editor of Tub Independent.

"Historical Truths" may bo hadat 827 King street, if applied forearly. Although the edition wasconsidered large enough for all

tho books aro already be-

coming rather scarce:

Paddy Rvan is now assisted bypopular William Carlislo at the An-chor Saloon, whero Seattle Beer isalways on draught and other stimu-lants furnished. Pointers on allsporting evonti can be had, freo ofcharge from tho athlotio manager oftho Anohor.

There is only one placo where thoproper drink can bo obtained whenloyal Americans celebrate, "Annex-ation" and the Fourth of July.Pomery Sec. and Gold Lao, are thospecial brauds of Champagne servedby tho Royal Annex. Como on, youannexationists, and lot tho corks ily,and the wino flow.

Ono ounce of prevention is betterthan ten ounces of cure, The Em-pire boasts of infallible remediesagainst tho varioloid. Wieland beeron draft boats vaccination, andDoctor Charlie Andrew presidosovertho finest stock of 'remedies" thatcan bo found iu town. All for medi-cinal purposes and cash.

Ned Doyle at the Cosmopolitan isrecomuiBudincr the celubratnd Put.nam's Blackberry Brandy,, a tonicwuion is unrivalled, assisted by JimThompson formerly of the S. S.Australia an excellent "half andhalt" is served to the thirstycustomers of tho Cosmopolitan

Fromtinsks rotund, tho mollowbrowOf PabRt springs perfect to tho

light.For uaturo sure and science true,

Conspire to brow it right.The Royal aud Pacifio too,

Supply this porfeot gem.Tho Cosmopolitan is uot behind

With ohooks which- - ohaugo withthorn.

Wildor's Steamship Go.


O. L. WIGHT, Pres. B. B. ROBE, BeeOapt. J. A. KINO, Port Bnpt.


CLARKE, Commandtr,

Will Joave"'HonoluIa at 10 a. M.,tonclinratUhalna, Maaluea Hay and Makena ?htsame day; Mahnkena. Kawaibaeand

the following day; rrlvinn atHIlo the same afternoon.


frl'lny July 30 Tnocday July 27re(luy....AuRlO Friday.. Auk 8Friday auglOTuetday Aug 31

Friday Sept 10Tuesday SeptalFriday Oct 1

laesday Oct 12Friday Oct 22Tiies.tay Nov 2Fridi.y Jsov U

Tue-du- y .... Nov 2.1Friday Dec 3Tuesday ....Deo 14

Thursday Deo 23

fuo-'ao- An 17

filial Abu 27Ouesday. Eept 7

rWay fctpt 17Tuesday. Bptiriday ot ('luecdar OctlFriday Oct2'lueeday Nov 6

ridHy Nov 19Tuesday NotMFriday DM 1GTuesday Dm siFriday DeflJI

Returning will leave Hilo at 8 'clocka. m , touching at Laupahoehoe, Maim-Bon- aand Kawaihae same day; Makena,

Maalaea Lay and Lahalna the followlnhHonolulu tho afternoon"

of Tuesdays and Fridays.tsar Will call at Ponoiki, Puna, on triUamarked.tier No Freight will b received attir '

a. m. on day of Bailing.The popular route 10 the Voloano it rlHilo A good carriage road the entire e.

Round trip tickets, oorerinr allexpenses, $50.00.


Will leave Honolulu Tuesdays at 5 r. x.touching at Kahnlul, Hana, Hamoa andKlpahuln, Maul. Returning arriyei atHonolulu Sunday mornings.Will crtll at Nuu, Kaupo, once Mcamonth.jcw No Freight will be received alter ap. m. on day of sailing.

This Company will reserves tha right tomake changes in tho time of departure a4arrival of its BteamerB without notlceaadit will not be responsible for any cpnss-quence- B

arising therefiom.Consignees must be at tho Landing? to

recolve their freight; this Company, willnot hold Itself responsible for freight afterIt una been landed.

LIvo Btock received only at owner's risk.This Company will not be responsible for

Money or Valuables of passengora unlessplaced In the care of Parsers.

bt oiucDnju mj pur-chase Tickets before embarking, .Thoiauii.uk " uu du wm uo nuojeci vo an oae.1-tion- al

ckargo of twenty-fiv- e per cent.


Chios Spieckels Si Go.,



San Francitco Agents. TUB NJSVADABANK OF SAN FRAN0I800.


San Francisco.LONDON-T- he Union Bank of Londo

Lfd.NEW YORK-Araeri- can Exchanjo Na-

tional Rank.CHICAGO "Merohants National Bank.PARI- 8- Comptolr National d'Escomptt d


Kong & shanghai BankinitOorporation.NEW ZKALAND AND AUBrRALI- A-


of British North America.

7) ansae t a Qtneral flanking and J(tchan,gBusiness.

Deposits Received. Loans made on Ap-proved security. Commercial and Travel-ers Credit Issued. Billi ol Kxenjncbought and sold.

OollootiouB Promptly Acooota EVf

Page 2: 0033ISSI03ST lHSR · Big reductions iu Childrens trim-med hats for one week only at N. S. Sach's. Childrens trimmed sailor hats in 'all colors only 50 cents at N. S. Snub'. Ladies





Kxcopt Sunday l

At "Brito Hall." Koniiv Stroot

tf0 Telephone 841 JgQ


Per Month, nnywhcro In the Ha--wnllnn Islands ? ISO

Per Year 6 00Per Year, postpaid to Foreign Cou-

ntries.... '. 8 00

Payablo Invariably in Advance

F. J. TESTA, Proprietor and Pub-lisher.


W. HORACE WRIGH1', AssistantEditor.

Ilcatdlnj: in Honolulu.

FRIDAY, JULY 80. 1897.


About annexation Jamos B. Castleis reported as saying: "Wo neverbolievod in Washington that thetreaty would pass at this session,bnt wo beliove wo have a Bplendidchance at the next session." The"wo" which Mr. Castlo uses with theoonfidonce of authority probably in-

cludes the whole outfit of the Ha-

waiian Legation at Washington, andif Mr. Castlo tells the truth then we

'can only conclude that each andevery member of that legation hasbeen guilty of the most reprehensi-ble deception towards PresidentDole and his Cabinet.

No one conneotnd with tho Gov-

ernment or its numorous clubs andleagues will have the hardihood todeny that somi-oQloi- communica-tions were made to the faithful thatthe treaty would arrive on tho Mari-

posa, on tho 1st of July, and theorgans of the Government and ofthe Annexation Club announcedthat the coming 4th of July pro-

mised to bo tho most notable oneever celebrated hore. A proclama-tion of annexation was prepared tobe read by the man from San Diegoand hundreds of torches and Ameri-

can flags were prepared for ueo intke goneral jollificatiou that the an-

nexationists wore to havo after thoMariposa arrived.

Then on the 4th of July theUnited States Minister made his ex-

traordinary speeoh in which ho toldthose who listened to him that an-

nexation would soon bo a fact. Uponthis foundation semi-offici- state-ments isiuod from the ExecutiveBuilding that tho treaty wouldsurely come to hand by tho Gaolic,on the 14th of July, and the mem-

bers of tho "Grand Armoe" with thistip wero laying odds on annexation.Tho treaty not coming on tho Gae-

lic it was sure to corao by tho Aus-

tralia, on tho 20th July; not materi-alizing by the Australia, it was an-

nounced from headquarters that thoMoana, due on tho 29th July, wouldsurely bring tho troaty, instoad ofwhich tho Moana brought James B.

Castle who savs: "We believe wohavo a splondid ohauco at tho uoxteossion."

Tni Independent has consistentlyinot the lying reports about annex-

ation with the truth aB it was knownin Washington by overybody thereexcept tho junketing membors oftho Hawaiian Legation; and wo arbound to say to the dupes in theAnnexation Club that the "splendidchance at tho next session," prophe-sied by James B. Castle, savors agood deal of tho methods by whichKahuku Plantation Company stock-

holders wore disappointed.


Tho "Onncort" of Europe, to thogroat aonoyauco of the unspeakableTurk, hangs toguthor in a most surprising mauner.

Tho "concort" of tho Sugar Plan-tor- s

of Hawaii has folt its ptnvor andrecently our Athortous and Jones,havo talked very much about what"wo" wero going to do to Sprockelsand tho Sugar Trust, ami how "wo"would ship tho whole Hawaiiansugar crop to Now York, and howstrong and united "we," tho plantersof Hawaii are.

By the Moana we loaru that con-

tracts havo boon signed with the"bad" Sprockels suouriug to his firmall the sugar controlled by W. G.Irwin & Co., T. H. DavioH & Co,, andothers. Aftor n while tho sugar mag-

nates on King Street, aud near Bre-

wers wharf will learn again thattheyaro not "wo" aro not the plan-tor- s

of Hawaii.England has dropped out from

tho European concort; and T. H.Davita & Co,, havo loft the sugarconcort of Hawaii noi.

Hngoy Olub Social

In spite of sovoral oxcollont coun-ter attractions the Social at thoHagey Social Club last evoning wasa vory pleasing succpss. The roomswore very uharmiugly cubollisliedunder the auperiutondency of Com-

mitteeman J. A. Mohrtons with raroferns and potted plant?, and theparlors wore ploasiogly cozy andcomfortable. A palatable "Hageyfruit Punch" was brewed. Amongthoso who materially aided in theevening's enjoyment by instrumentalmusic, so"ng, recitation, reading orremarks woro Messrs. Hollander andLeon (violin and piano,) TrofessorYandley (violin,) J. J. Vaudrveer,U. S. S. Philadelphia, "Sea Breezes,"Vincent Hughes, Daniel Logan, Ed-

mund Norrie, Goo. C. Keuyon, W.Thompson, H. Herbert, Mr. Jordan,Mr. Farmer, T. Black, J. T. Stewart,O. H. White, R. S. Scrimgoour andHoraco Wright. t President A. B.Sonmgeour presidod and Messrs.Stowart and Mehrtons acted aschairmen of tho entertainment.

Board of Health

President Smith prosided overyesterday's meeting of tho Board ofHealth.

Tho Executive officer was instruc-ted that in regard to taro-plantin- g

at Waikolu the proceeds should bo-lon- g

to tho Board; that thoy wouldpresent threo-fourth- s to the cultiva-tors retaining ouo-fourt- Fenceswore ordered for tho mouth of Wai-hana- u

Valley to prevent cattle fromtrespassing, and around the culti-vated laud in Wailoia Valley. Itwas decidod to stop tho further cul-

tivation of land there.Tho Executive officer was instruc-

ted to attend to tho regulation oftho water servico at Kalaupapa.

Tho dog slaying mattor was, aftordisscussion referred to tho Executiroofficer to consult with the officers oftho Settlement.

It was reported that tho Hilo hos-

pital would ready for ocoup"auoy byAugust 2nd.

A Torriblo Loap

It was at ono of tho most inacces-sible landings on Hawaii. Thesteamer was rolling outside waitingfor tho boats, which had carriedfreight and froight clerks ashore.

High abovo tho sea a man wasseon toariug along at a torriblo rate,followed by a ferocious lookingindividual armod with a hatchet.

Dooliuiug to wait for tho manwith tho hatchet tho pursued manmade a desperate leap, preferringsharks and a wotting to the iratohusband with a hatchet.

The "jumpor" was picked up bythe boats and safely deposited onboard tho steamer, The other fellow wont home and ''growled."

Now, says our Hawaii correspond-ent, who was tho steamer mau andwho tho indignant husband?

Tn Independent hasn't tho slight-est idea, being published on KoniaStreet; Honolulu, and not at Papai-ko- u,


Tho R, M. S. Moana sailed for thoColonies at 8:30 last evening.

- t iJir

A Oront Horse.

"Creole, 2:15, slio of Javolin,2:09.1, wai rallied off at Honolululast mouth and tho happy winner isgoing to sell this horso iu Australia.Creole was a gatnn littlo pacor whencampaigned by Thomas Snider onthe California Circuit."

Tho above paragraph from thoBrooder and Sportsman is not quitocorreot. Croolo is now owned byMessrs. Decker and Norton and willremain iu Hawaii. This fiuo stallionwill be snut to Maui aftor presentengagements ou Oahu havo beenfilled.

All Croole colts have turnod outworthy of their sire, but nono ofthem cau compete with Javolin,which is now considered ono of thogreatost racing marcs in the UnitedStates.

ThiB daughter of Creole was inpacing in Pooria, 111,, ou tho 7th ofthis month in the 2:09 class pacingagainst ton high-bre- d horses, in tonheats. Javelin won five heats andappeared tho following day readyfor work and won the race and thopurse.

Hawaiian horsemen feol justlyproud over the success of the off-

spring of Creole. ,

Tho Favorito.

Mr. W. M. Cunning-ham will open his new saloon on thocorner of Hotel aud Bethol Streets:This first class establishment will beknown as tho Favorite and has beoufurnished and equipped iu a man-ner, that naturally could be expect-ed from a man of tho experienceand taste of Mr. Cunningham.

The Favorito will be carried on asa resort where only gentlemen willbo wolcomp. Mr. Neoley will be theassistant of Mr. Cunningham towhom all good wishes for futureprosperity are extended.

YOU LOOK WELL.Tho cause Is npparent. That case o

delicious"ItANIEIt BEER"

seems to agree with you. Phone 783.

Lmen and JN





i Teams.

Given Undor tho Auspices of


DPLIXjIj SKEH1IDHotel Street.

Saturday Evening, - July 31


Admission - - 75c and 50c


A COTTAGE ON KINOex. Street, KulaoknlmnPluins, containing six HMrooms, with outhouses between tho residences of the Hon. A. Itosnnnd T. It. Walker, Esq nnd lately occupiedby B. Thoel. To tnko possession August 1.For further particular, apply to

ABIIAHAM FKKNANDEZ,Honolulu, July lfi 1897 Tele. iSO.

...vt-- ir


OltHouso; Par-

lor, Dining Hoom, TwoBedrooms. Kitchen, Bathotc , nil in first clns condition, Stableroom nnu borvnnts' quarters; Grounds Inelegant condition. 1 oeatlon upper HJIhaStreotj possession fiivon Anp;. 1. Apply atIndependent Ofllco.


THS. P. HOltN AND H. HOItN, WILLItL not bo responsible for any debts incur-red in their nmnos without their writtenorder.

ITminlnln. .Tnlv f 17 WMf

tvll.lThe Proprietor Leaving the

frfrmmwfrwwmoxrtw $m

Corsets at 25 Cents per" pairDimities, 1G yards for One DollarBrown Cotton, 30 inches wide, 20 yards

for Ono DollarGinghams, 20 yards for 1.00Table apkms oiieeting

Honolulu, July SO, 1897.


happily good men and goodmaterial are required. Youcan always ttdl a good work-man by his tool. Now wcwant all GOOD CARPEN-TERS to come and examineour stoclc. "We can show themsome of the very best NO-VELTIES just introducedon the American market.

Balselcy's patent SCREWHOLDER and DRIVER isunique in its simple and timesaving perfection. It holdsyour .crew and drives it, auto-matically. In three sizes andcheap. You can have aSMALL TOOL CHEST inthe handle of a small pocketawl containing all you requirefor an ordinary job, exceptHAMMERS which we havein all shapes and sizes.

Our OIL bTONES are inneat little boxes and madefrom the finest stone procur-able. Bayliss' patent IRONPLANERS in all kinds andsizes; SAW hKTS for everydescription of saws: Chisels,gouges, rules and steelsquares ; spoke shavers, bits,augers and borers of all kindsand descriptions, JEN-NINGS' and other makes.Expansive bits. We haveeverything you want, Carpen-ters and Builders, so pleasecall and inspect our wtock andwc guarantee you satisfaction.


Tiie Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'

307 FoitT Stjkeet,

O rIL L-l

Con atrym

and .riilow vjasnig


DCSTo Old. Stools:,, ES-srerytliir-Lg JCSTe--w !

The Slaughter will commence on3VC03STO."Y" 3VCOK,3Sri3STGS

BEGINNING WITHLadies Hose in bundles of 0 pairs for 25 CentsFigured Joconets, 10 yards for Ono DollarWhite Cotton, 3(3 inches wide, 10 yards for $1.00Bedspreads, f)0 Cents cashGauntlet Gloves Slightly Damaged 50c. per pair

Embroideries, Embroideries, Embioideries.

The Slaughter will commence on- MONDAY Morning.

3L- - B. IKZIEIRJR,., Queen St., Honolulu



Page 3: 0033ISSI03ST lHSR · Big reductions iu Childrens trim-med hats for one week only at N. S. Sach's. Childrens trimmed sailor hats in 'all colors only 50 cents at N. S. Snub'. Ladies



.2.r -






is Restoration Day of,


Minister Hatch is ou hia homo-war- d


Buy seats for Katio 1'utnatn. TheCompany will open to morrownight.

The Auioricau barb Froauo arriv-ed last evening aftur a 15 days runfrom Port Gamble.

Tho Fhiladulphia-Mario- n Miu-Btro- la

are hard at work rohoariiiugfor thoir forthcoming entertainment.

Mrs. and President Dole garo amusical soiree last ovening whichwas largely attonded by tho haul ton.

Botting ou tho tug-of-w- is quitolively. Tho Portuguese team lathefavorite and the Hawaiian boys willwin.

Tho Honolulu Cricket Club willhold its aomi-annu- meeting ouTuosday ovening next at tho Arling-ton Hotel.

Tho 0. 0. Funk and Mary L.Gushing have both Bailed tho for-m-

for tho Round and llio latter forNew York.

evening the groat'tug-of-wa- r

takes places botwnnn ItnPortuguese and the Foundry bojsat the Drill Sued.

Little Maverick will be played to-

morrow night by Katie Putnam, in-

stead of Lona, the Madcap. All thelatest songs will be introduced,.

Tho British Vice-Cons- has loftfor Hilo to visit the British ('ommis-sion- er

whose health given seriousapprehension to his inauy friuuds.

Tho Officers Club entertained anumber of friends last ovouing at thebungalow. Some of the choicestspirits in town woro thoro to aid inthe eveniug's enjoyment.

It ia understood that tho Hono-lulu Cricket Club will givo a sinokorat tho American League Hall to-

morrow week, when several nowfeatures will bo introduced.

An unusually magnificent shootingstar was observed on Wednesdaynight Bhortly after 7. It looked likea brilliant metoor and, liko annexa-tion, took several seconds in getting"out of sight."

Chester A. Doylo last eveningcavo a Rmall diunor party to a fowpersonal frionds at; tho HawaiianHotol which proved most enjoyableto thoso ontertoined by tho wittyand genial host.

ovoniug tho potty off-icers of tho U. S. S, Philadelphia en-

tertained the petty officers of fl. B.M.'s S. Penguin at a Smoker concortat tho Queen's Hotol. A number oflocal invitations have been issued tomutual friends.

Dr. F. It. Day presented a veryand valuable report at yes-

terday afternoon's meeting of thoBoard of Health as to his obsorva-vatiou- s

on Quarantiuo regulationsin Japan and China. It will befurther reforrod to at a moro con-

venient opportunity.

During tho stay of the Penguin inport, Cricketers should avail thom-selv- es

of every opportunity of prao-tic- o

especially as tho Penguins aroanxious to have as many opportunitesas can be arranged. The praoticohour in town generally begius about4 o'olook and is continued untildark.

Possible Suicide.

A correspondent writes to thoMakaainana, from which we tako thofollowing oxtract.

Tho dead body of Auau was foundon tho 11th hist, on tho hill of Wai-lol- o

at tho Lopor Settlomont, by cer-

tain persons who had gono up to cutfirowood. The body was found un-d- or

vory poouliar oiroumstancos.Auau was a kokua who had accom-

panied his wife who was a lopor audwho diod a fow months ago, whoro-afte- r

Iho man disappeared. Thobody was found decomposed undera largo cavo-lik- o rock and tho beliefis that tho unfortuuato man commit-

ted suicido by starviug himsolf todeath in his peculiar hiding place.Tho deooased was deeply attaohodto his wifo.

Xiittlo Mavorick.

Katio Putnam and her Companyarrived yesterday and will appear attho thoatro night. LittloMavorick will be played for tho firsttime in Honolulu. It is a strongplay and allows Miss Putnam oppor-tunities to Bhiuo. Tho mombers of

tho Company will havo good partsalso. A good show ia guaranteed,


Now In New York The AnnnxatlouTreaty Nothing to Do Dono Ha-

waii Must Bottle With JapanKlrst Call On President McKin-le- y.

Ed. Tun Independent:

On Saturday, July 10th, HerMajotty left Washington for NowYork, whore with hor party she is

now stopping at tho AlbemarleHotel. It is a busy city, thoro is

much to bo seen and much to bodone, I must bo rather brief in mybudget to you to-da-

Naturally tho first thing you willwish to know is the stato of tho an-

nexation business. Thoro is nothingdiscouraging in tho prospect. Nopersons were moro surprised by themessage of tho President than theadvocates of tho treaty themselvei,but aa I have already written to you,it waB a diplomatic move to defertho settlement of niauy public ques-

tions for"uiany months to come.Tho most important confirmation'

of this viow comoo to ns in aroport that the Dole

government have already been notified by tho State Dopartmont thatthere can bo no progress mado intho ratification of tho proposedtroaty until tho claims of Japan forbreach of troaty obligations arosatisfactorily adjusted. In otherwords the war-soar- o business hasbeon over-don- e by the ruling ringat Honolulu who originotod it. Tomake a partnership with any coun-try whore thoro is a proporly filedclaim of an indofinito amount stillunsottlod would bo dangorous busi-

ness, and this bsiag tho fact betweenHawaii and Japan, tho United StatesSeuato does not wish to movo in thematter until matters aro more satis-

factory betwedu tho Dolo govern-

ment and tho Japanese Empire.Japan is also vory firm in her re-

plies to Secretary Sherman's officialnotes, and Btoadily maintains heroriginal protest that tho HawaiianIslands cannot bo annexed to thoUnited States, unless her rights un-

der existing treaties with Hawaii,all of which she has observed ingood faith aro respected in tho pro-posed change.

Thoro has beon no discussion of.tho treaty in tho Seuato nor willthoro bo until next Docombor. Itis very difficult to got a quorum ofthat body to attoud to tho uocessarytariff businoss. As a mero matterof form tho Committee on ForeignRelations concluded on both sidesto refer tho question to the opouSonata for debate and settlomontaud that is whero it now rests.Thoro was scarcely a quorum of thiscommittoo in attendance, SenatorsTurpie and Daniels both stated thoiropposition, but said they wouldprefer to offer any amend montswhen tho matter came up for dobatoin tho Senate. Thoso theroforo whoaro rojoiciug prematurely over thoproposed troaty may find themselvessadly disappointed next winter.

The day boforo wo left Washing-ton, I sent my card for tho first timoto tho President's Socrotary, and wasimmediately answered by a telegraminviting mo call at tho White House,That oeoasiou was solocted by mothat it might bo evident, Whatever"transpired, that my call was notmade for tho purpoao of arrangingany subsequent plans or visits, Al-

though it was past tho hour forcallB, nud further it was cabinet day,tho Prosidont sent for mo at once,and wo had a moat ngroeablo inter-

view. It would not be courtesy forme to writo-- of the matter of ourconversation, yet I may say that Ithink tho President woa deeplytouchod at my assurance to himfrom my own intercourse with thoHawaiian people of thoir faith audtrust in that groat country of whichhe is the official aud responsiblehoad. That tho United States oaudo no wrong has always boen somuoh n part of tho creed of

from chief to fisherman,that it is not singular to boo thatthoy havo persisted in bucIi a beliefeven to tho threatened loss of theirnationality. And in all thoir per-

plexities they havo uevor turned toauy other uotion. This viow of thooaso eeoaiod to deoply impress Mr.

MoKinloy, and although I had noplan or petition to offer, tho inter-

view was most oucouraging.Hor Majesty has no decided or

definite plan for the future. Sho is

in oxcollont health and good spirits.Many frionds havo called on her inthis city. Sho will probably remainhoro some fow days and then willvisit eome of the summer resorts orwatoring places in tho vicinity oralong the Atlantic sea-coas- t.

Julius A. Palmeh.New York, July 17, 1897.

Ed. Tun Independent:

Tho Star, in order to keep alivotho blaze of lying and deception,would now compare tho dastardlyrobbery of Hawaii, with tho right-eous cause of tho Auioricau rovolu- -

tion, Beforo tho piracy of Hawaii,the peoplo wero prosperous, con-

tended and happy, except the smallimpuro piety family compact, whoofforod what little honor thoy hadleft for two cents bounty on sugar,and whoso tndtto for tho last fortyyears has beon rulo or ruin. TheAmorioan revolution was, as everyschool boy knows, caused by ten longyears of wrong and oppression.There is as much difference and dis-

grace, botweeu tho robbery of Ha-

waii by a pack of wolves, who wouldnever havo dared to oven breathotreason without the aid of John L.Stevous, iu eoinparsion with thoAmerican revolution, as thoro is

a notorious thiof and anhonest man. Julius A. Palmer, hasproved himself to bo a most thor-

ough gontlemau, aud by tho GroatJehovah a most oarnest gentlemanwhich causes much gnashing ofteeth in tho oligarchic camp.

Valley Forok.

Tho Church Dodication.

The now church of tho Eulighlon-o- d

Church at Koula, ou the makaipart of tho promises of the lato Gov-

ernor Kauoa, will bo dedicated to-

morrow, it being tho doy, yearago, when the building was begun.It escaped being burnt lately andthe miscreaut has not yet beenfound. All the mombers of theChurch are Hawaiians and tho Rev.Kekipi is tho pastor,


Moortc At Lahainaluua, , Maui,July 25, 1897, of pulmonary consump-tion, Lula L. Moore, formerly prin-oipal-

Punahou Preparatory School,ogod 38 years.

To-morro- w Night.



Comedy Company.

Presenting the Attractive Play


Best Seats, One Dollar.

&ST Tickets at Wall-Nioho- ls Co,


UEEN rillS DAY Al'- -HAVING bv Hor Majosty tho QuoonDowager, Knnlolanl, ns Acont (KonohlUIJof tho Klshorips of Hnnnuma and Awawa- -main, obtained bv her nndor Lease fromtho Triwtcos of tho 11. V, Illshop Estato,oxtondlug from Mokupuu l'olnt to KokoHoad, tolho south of this Island, I horc-b- y

warn all persons from fishing In ortrespassing upon tho same without firstobtaining permission. Anyone dlsrogardlne this notico will ba prosrouted to thefullest extent of tho law.

)VM. AUI.D.Honolulu, July 28, 1E07. 017-l- m


Founded, 1792 Cask Capital, $8,060,000Oldest Fir Inouranco Company in tho United Statoe.Losses paid since organization over - . - $90,009,000.


Established, 1859 Capital $5,000,000.Insuranco offoctod on Buildings, Goods, Ships, and Merchandise

&r For lowest rates apply to

EE. LOSES General



Improved Planters HoeSolid Cast Steel Eyo and Blado Forged Entiro.




VACUUM OILS,Tho Standard of Merit



A Large Assortment of General Hardware.


IS IIEUEIJY GIVEN THATtho undersigned has this day been ap-

pointed Administratrix of tho Estate ofJohn Camacho, deceased, of Honolulu,Island of Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, and allcreditors nro hereby notified to presentthoir claims duly authenticated, and withproper vouchors, if any oxist, even if thoclaim Is secured by mortgage, at tho ofllcoof A 0. Corroa, '20A Merchant Street, Ho-nolulu, within six months from dato or boforever barred. And all persons indebtedto tho said Estoo aro requested to makeimmediate payment of said indebtednessto A. Q. Correa, at his olKce.

EMUEMNA OAMAOHO,Administratrix Estate of John ncho,

deceased.July 20, 1807. G39- -I oaw

J. T. Waierhouse.

There are three brands ofJams and Jellies known to beabsolutely pure. Crosse Ss

Blackwells, Morton's andCode, Elfelt & Co. Duringthe pure food crusade in Cali-

fornia the goods of the latterpassed every inspection andnow como out of the factoryspecially stamped ' 'PureFood.'' "We have a completestock of these goods and offerthem to the public at very low

prices.Our grocery department is

full to the brim with reliablegoods and our prices are lowenough as to draw commentfrom other dealers. We buyfor cash in quantities to suitthe demand and consequentlythey are always fresh.

"We handle the celebratedAlbeit boneless sardines andthe Palace brand of slicedbacon, two articles for thetable that are unexcelled.

"We carry a full line of tabledelicacies, English and Amer-ican and promptly fill orders.Prompt delivery in all caseswhether in person or by tele-

phone and careful attentionpaid to the solection of goods.


Agont for tho Hawaiian Islands


We've NoDeadStock !

Nobody has yet saidthat we have, so we make theassertion as a preface to "thestatement that the largest andbest assortment of china andcrockery ever brought to Ho-nolulu is on our shelves. TheBruuhilda brought a share ofit and the invoice is pleasingeveryone. The shapes are thelatest ideas of tho Englishpotters and tho decorationssurpass anything we have everhad.

Toilet Sets,Glassware,

Tumblers,Flower Pots,

Seed Pans.The toilet sets are

.handsome enough to invite aman to give up the idea ofputting a stationary washstand in his new dwelling.The ewers and basins aro largeand elegant, better than, oldmakes.

Our stock of glasswareis complete. Tumblers and

Flower pots aro useful herebecause this is a fern country.Wo have all sizes and shapes.

Von Holt Block.


AKATOGA BEING NO L0NGKH As nubllo resort, tho l'ropriotross will DC

clad to jot. tno wuoio or pari cwun uoniu,if desired,) to private families wishlnR fthealthy summor resort. For terms, ad-

dress V. O. llox 248, or on the promise,015-l-

Ring up 841, if you havo anythingto aav I" Trb TNnKpuvnitNT.

Page 4: 0033ISSI03ST lHSR · Big reductions iu Childrens trim-med hats for one week only at N. S. Sach's. Childrens trimmed sailor hats in 'all colors only 50 cents at N. S. Snub'. Ladies

JUST ARRIVEDA now lot of tlio Mnost

Musical Instruments.Autonarps, Guitars, Violins, Etc.

Also a now Involco of tho Oolebrated

Westermoyesr Pianos..Specially manufactured for tlio troplcai

cltmato, second to nono,


On the Hawaiian Islands during the lastyours.



General Merchandise.

Also the choicoBt European and Ameri-


Beers, Ale, Wines & LiquorsAT MOST BEASOI?AHI.E riUCES.


Corner King k Bethel Streets.

T. B. IBEHikY321 & 323 King Street,

The Leading

Carriage and

Wagon Manufacturer., AX.Ii MAtEMALS OH HAND . .

Will furnish everything outside steamboats and boilers.

Horse Shoeing a Specialty.

h TELEPHONE 1.72. -- fa

TELirnoHB 607. P. 0 Box 32L


Carriage Manufactory,128 & 130 Fort Street.

Carriage BuildsrAND BEPAIBEB.

Blacksmitblng in all Us BrancliBS

Orders from the other Islands In BuildingTrimming, Painting, Etc., Etc.,

promptly attended to.

W. W. WRIGHT, Proprietor.(Bneoessor to G. West).

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.(Limited)

Wm. G. Irwin President & ManagprGlaus Spreckels nt

W. M. GltTard Secretary & TreasurerIheo. 0. Porter Auditor


Ctimmissinn Agents.AGENTS OP THE

Oceanic Steamship Gomp'y, Of San FraTiplR(io Cnl.

Metropolitan Meat Go.


Q. 3, Wallbr, Manaueb.

Wholesale andBotall . . .


Navy Contractors

it r

A. Fawiily HCotol.

T. KBOUSE, ... Prop.

Per Day ? 2.00. Per "Wee 12.00


The Best of Attendance, the Best Situation



Ho'ders of Water IVIvIIprm, or thosotvtylng water ra oi.uro lioieity notllli-dtlm- t

tlio limira (or irrigttt on pnr ot'3 are fromit to 8 o'clock a. M. utid fiom i lo 0 o'clockp. M.

II. Holders of water privileges on thoSlopos of 1'iincbbo'l nbovo Oreon Streot,and In Ntuuimi Valley nboveecholSireot,aro htroby iintlllcd that they will nut brtutr ctcil to tlio lnIh'Ht on Inuim of 0 tn 8v m , nnd I to (I r m , bu will b"nl lowedto irrigate whenever pulllclont walcr is"Vibnlilo, pnvl o tint thoy di not usetin- - water or irrlya I m puroa- - for mo othiiti four hours In very

ANDRMV BUOWN,Supt. Houolultt Water Works.

Approved :

.1. A. Kino,Mliilite-o- f 1'itorlor.

Honolulu 1! I . Juno 17. IM7. (H'Mf

M. 6. PIN 4 CO.



San Fruuolsco, Col.

BALDWIN LOCOMOUVI5 WORKS.,I'hllaUolpblu, 1'cnn., U B A.

NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO..(Alanf. ''Natinnul Chiio 3b reader").

New YorK, U. 8. A.

N. OHLANDT CO.,San Francisco, Ca),


Bfjl'-- lf 8nn Frnnclsoo, Cal.

Occidental Motel.Cornpr King nnd Alnkca Etreots,


Mrs.A, S0HMEDEN, Proprietress,

Rooms IJnsiiito and Sittglo, withBoard, from 5 GO per week, accord-ing to of tho guests,with Hot and Cold Bnt lin.

The only Promenade. Roof Gardenin the city. GEO. CAVENAGH,

Manager.E2T Tali phono : : : 054



General Business Agent


Cohvoyauciua in All Its BrancliOB

Collecting and All BusinessMutton; of Trust.

All bnslncs" ontrnstod to him will receiveprompt and careful attention.

Olllrn, Iliinnkna, HhmihUmh. Hawaii.

BumnoBs Cards.


Rkal Fstate and General BusinessAqents, Also auuvEXorts.

Offlco VA Konla 8t'eot, Honolulu.


Surveyor and Real Estate Aoent.

Offlco: Bethel Btroet, over the Now230 Model Kostamant. iy


Plumbing;, Tin, Copper and SheetIron Work,

King Street, Honolulu.


Attorney-- at-La-

Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu.


Frank Brown, Maongor.

91) ,iri Dfl at.nl Mnnnl.il, I TT. T,


Dealers in Louder and Coal andBuilding Materials ov

All Kinds.

Qnaan BtTn.tf TTnnnlnln.


Duty on Refined SuRnr Raised nndtlio Hnwiilliiii Clauuo Remains.Wasuin'otox, July 20.-T- hn con-

ference report ou tint hill was adopt-ed by the Houso shortly nfter midnight by a vole of 183 to 118 aud atuooti to-da- y tho report will go tothe Sunatn for action thoro.

This eclipios all previous recordp.Tim result was accomplished aflor12 hours of continuous debate Buttwo speeches wore mado by the Rfpublitiaus one by Dingily, in opon-itit- f

the debate, and by Payno ofNew York, in closing it. ThoDemocrats wero thus forced to putforth speaker after spoker, butthoir bombardment of the Repub-lican position was unanswered.

In all 10 Democratic aud onePopulist speech were made Wheel-er of Alabamn, Swausou of Virgmia,Bull of Texas, Lauhatn of Texa,Kelly of North Dakota, Fleming ofGeorgia, Handy of Delware, Mc-

Dowell of Ohio, Porry of Kentucky,Biley of Texat and McMilliu ofTennessee being the spuakers.

The sugar schedule was the mainpoint of assault, but tho moat inter-

esting feature of tho debate occurredwheu litiley aud MuMilliu, tho tworival Democratic leaders, crossedswords on the qno-itio- of tho ortho-doxy of tho freo raw material doc-

trine, the former opposing aud tholatter championing it.

An analysis of the vote shows that180 Republicans and 5 Democratsvotod for the report aud 10G Demo-

crats and 12 Populists votedagainst it.

Concerning the sugar scheduleDingley road from the official state-

ment, adding brief comuiouts. By

the new arrangement about $ 6,000,-00- 0

iucteaao of revenue would borealized, as tho increase had beenplaced on raw sugars at the pointwhere revenue would be receivedand at the same time tho beet sugariuduxtry would receive substantialbenefit. s- Tho duty on refined Fugar is raisedfrom 1.87 centH, a proposed origin-ally In tho House, to 1.05 cents,thin giving tho samo differential of.12$ between raw aud r fin' d sugarat this point, as wa originally givenby tho House. This arrangem-n- twill increase tho revenue over

Tho paragraph in relation to sugarin full is as follows:

"Sugars not nbovo No. 10 Dutchstandard in color, tank bottoms,syrups of cane juice, melada, con-

centrated molasses, testing by thopol.nrifcopo uot above 75 degre-s- ,

O.V100 per pound, and every addi-

tional degree shown in the polari-Bcopi- o

teetj 0 ceut per poundadditional, aud for fractions of adegree in proportion and ou suarabove 1G Dutch standard in colorand on all sugar which has gonothrough tho process of refining, 1

95 100 cents per pound; molassestesting above 40 degrees and notabove fiG degrees, 3 cents per gallon;testing 56 degrees and above, 6cents per gallon; sugar drainiugsand sugar sweepings rhall he sub- -

jeot to duty as molasses or sugar, astho case may be, accordiug to polari-scopi- o

test."Provided, that nothing horein;

contained shall bo so construed asto abrogato or in any msuuer im-

pair or fa flout tho provisions of thotreaty of commercial reciprocitycoucludiug between tho UnitedStates aud the King of tho Hawai-ian Irlands ou January SO, 1875, ortho provisions of any act of Cougroesheretofore passod for tho executionof the same."

Tho couferenco restored thoHouso rato of 20 per cont on sugaroaue. Saccharino is made $1 50 perpound and 10 per ceut ad valorem.


Nothing Definite as Yt Docldod.

Yokohama, July, 19. Tho officialprow states that it is probable thatthe Japanese Government will agreeto tho proposal of Hawaii and sub-

mit tho dispute between tho twooountrios to arbitration.

London, July 16.- - Tho Daily Mail'sParis corroepondout boys; United

Statos Embassador Porfor assuresmo that the slt niont that au alli-

ance oxisted boluoeu Spain nndJapan is quite unfounded. TheSpanish Euhasy n'so ikclaios thereport to be a canard.

Tlio Daily Chronicle says itt hat tho rumor of the forma ion

of an alliance betweou the Govern-ments of Spain and J. pan againsttho Unitod States ii a boy intendedto frighten America into annexingHawaii before Congress adjourns,becauso it is believed that if the islantls aro annexed now Japan willnot move in tho matter, but if actionis delayed Japan will perhaps takeaction.

Inquiry at the Foreign Office inMadrid develops the fact that noth-ing is known regarding the reporUdalliance betweou Spain and Japan.

Washington, July 1G. At theJapanese Legation no nredonce hgiven to tho report cabled fromLoudon, that tho Spanish and Japa-nese Governments havo eutored intoan allianco against tho UnitedStates. It is pointed out that theSpanish newspaper nro nearly ashitler in thoir denunciation of theJapanese, whom they charge withgiving material aid to Iho Philip-- l

iue insurgents, as thny aro agAim-- t

this Government for permittingnrmi and men (o bo seut to Cuba.

New York. July 16. A dispatchto the Herald from Washingtonsays: The administration has prac-tically ignored tho latest protestsubmitted by Japan in opposition totho aunexition of Hawaii by thoUnited States. It is understoodI hat the State Department has de-

termined to make no roply beyond asimple acknowledgement of its re-

ceipt. 'It is admitted by tho Stato De-

partment, officials thafthu protect isvery stiff in ils character. Japaneseand Hawaiian- - matters were conMd-er-- d

during tho Cabinet meetingto-da- but there was uo discusBU no' tho report of au allianco botwoenJapan and Spain.


'I O DCIRA.IiLET.KNI IIHtlt, n iirautiful ieL

dooolurnl-bedt- h niwluml ilrlallnituutoil ar. tlio 1' niiisiiluGo l brmtlni: Olore to the Railroad Forfurther p.irdoniara up ply t

J. HAUTE' , JB.at the Bank of Bishop & Co

(KL-- if


AVhon Luna ighBOur tn p u Ho nd seaJust tiiko his tipUo i et a dip

At Lum Bhakcii, Waikiki.Brillilng pirMes ran obtain sppchl

h; cloiin sui-- s urn propertrealmout' Truim-- s pus ih" An .r.

O J. SHERWOOD,Froprletur Long Kruuuh Baths.

TWO REASONSWhy people como Ioni; distances to buy at


lEPalama CBrroceryREASON enstnmor tolls

another how much thoy have savo byd nllnn at this live and lot 11 e establLh-mont- .

REASON tlio savlnc fromtheir grorory bill; hmpn them to py thehouso rent. '

if you on'tb-liev- o what our enstomersay juct glvo us a cail and bo convinced.

Kay ancl OrainHARRY CANON,

I'ala i a ()rm ory.TEL. 7A5 Oppnuttn Itallwav Depot.


The Pioneer BakeryBread, Piei, Cakes of all kinds frosh

every day.

Fresh Ico Cream mado of tho Rest Woodlawn Cream In all Flavors.

The "Inert Home-mad- e Confectionery.I7K If



Manufaofare and RepairAll kinds of Jewolry.

FIRST-GLAS- S WOBIC ONLY.WW LovhBnlldlne.Fort flt. tf


First-clas- s Canoos With Exporioncod

Native CanoeistsMay bo obtained on fivo minutes no-

tice at any hour in the diiyfrom tho


Of Waikiki.

t0" Tickets, $1 per hour for eachpemon, to bo obiaiuod from tho

"Hale Oiwi"(W. W. Dimond's store, von Holt

Block) or at any of tho popularoeach resorts or by telephone "56"on week da8 or "921" ou Sundays.OanoeB sent anywhoro on tho Boach

f.8t-- tf

Here IIItuts mmnge

S. I. SHAW, Proprietor.

Corner King and Nuuanu Streets.

Choice Liquors -AND- -

Fine Beers


iipire Saloon,Cornor Nuuanu and Hotel Bts.

CntBLES W. Anubbwb - - Manager.


Wieland Beer on DraughtNOW ON TAP.

Rainier in Bottles.

Handmade Sour MashA BPKCIAI.TY.

Bruce Waring & Co.,

Real Estate Dealers.603 Fort St., near King.

BuiLDma Lots,Houses and lots, and

lands fob saleParties wishing to (lis nose of their

Prortprttpq. nrp tnvttpft it null An im.

Hawaiian GrownOysters.

Tho above dolicaoy oan now beprocured in such quautitios 'as re-

quired upon leaving orders with

H. E. MclDtvre & Bro.w

307-- tf


JOHN PHILLIPSHas re in ov i. J his Plumbing Business from

King street to tho premises on

Hotel StreetFormerly ocoapled by "Wnvnn

IF v"" mm

Horse or DogIS SIOK

Call ou A. B. BOWAT, D. Y. B.NK1 Ortlnn-wOln- h Stables, tf
