000339 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2013-10-13.pdf

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  • 7/27/2019 000339 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2013-10-13.pdf


    Inspired by Luke 4:18 & John 1:29

    ]{C A T H O L I C C H U R C H0S 233 Church Street. Winfield, IL 60190Office 630-668-0918 Fax 630-668-1074

    Web www.stjohnwinfield.org E-mail [email protected]




    ~ Our Mission Statement ~The Spirit of the Lord is upon us, because the Lord has anointed us

    to proclaim: Ecce Agnus Dei - Behold the Lamb of God;Behold the Good News of Jesus Christ.

    Welcome - BienvenidoParish DirectoryPastor/Prroco: ....Fr. Tom Cargo/Padre TomsAssociate Pastor: Fr. Tomy Chellakandathil CMI

    Deacon William Nijm -from Our Lady of Lebanon - Lombard

    Secretaries:... Jennifer Kurtyka, Rosa Benavides

    .......................Ex 0 or 600Secretaria Hispana: ................................ .Ex601

    Director of Finance & Administration:

    Deborah Birutis .............. Ex616Business & Facilities Manager:

    ............................. Aaron Simpson ...Ex603

    Music Ministry: Adrienne Rose .......653-1489Msica Espaol: Mara Marquez...520-0665

    Religious Education: ................Office: Ex613

    Director: Maureen Brennan.............Ex612RCIA (Convert Preparation) ...........Ex600

    Adult Education: Chris Strong ..630-673-3982& Youth Ministry: Chris Strong

    Grade School: ...........................Office: Ex618

    Principal: Mickey Tovey................Ex618Phone: 630-668-2625, Fax: 630-668-71760S259 Church Street, Winfield, IL 60190

    St Vincent de Paul Society .................Ex692

    Mass ScheduleWeekend .......Saturday (Vigil Mass) 5:00 pm;

    Sunday 7:30, 9:30 & 11:30 amMisa en Espaol ................ Domingo 1:30 pmWeekday.... Mon.-Fri. 7:30 am & Sat. 8:30 am

    Confessions: ........Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.

    Deadline for submitting bulletin articles is

    Noon on Thursday 10 days prior to publication(Holidays earlier) Please submit articles

    by email to [email protected]

    Website: www.stjohnwinfield.org

    Season of the Holy Spirit Twenty Eighth Sunday of Ordinal Time, October 13, 2013


    Si lent & ReverentPrayer vs. Welcomingbef ore Mass St ar t s!

    Years ago the cus-tom upon entering thechurch building beforeMass began was to recog-nize the presence of Godin the Blessed Sacramentin the Tabernacle and tospend time in silent prayerto prepare us for the sacredmysteries we were to cele-brate in the Eucharist.

    Another spiritual value

    that grew out of the SecondVatican Council was to havea Welcoming Spirit tothose who arrived to worshiptogether and to share thewarmth of the presence ofGods Family together in theHouse of God.

    These two customs cansometimes create a tension

    Si lencio y oracinreverent e vs bienvenida

    ant es de la Misa!

    Hace aos la costum-bre al entrar en el edifi-cio de la iglesia antesde que comenzara la

    misa fue reconocida la pre-sencia de Dios en el SantsimoSacramento en el Sagrario ypasar tiempo en oracin silen-ciosa para prepararnos paralos sagrados misterios que

    bamos a celebrar laEucarista.

    Otro valor espiritual quesurgi del Concilio Vaticano IIiba a tener un "Espritu deBienvenida" a los que llega-ron para adorar juntos y com-partir la calidez de la presen-cia de la Familia de Dios jun-tos en la Casa de Dios.

    Estas dos costumbres aveces pueden causar una


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    for those who seek to worship togetherbut ap-proach worship from two sides.

    Perhaps there is a solution in the middleground that can best help us who worship withtwo different expressions of Gods Love. Hereat St. John the Baptist we are blessed with twoworship spaces. Perhaps for those who arrive

    early our Chapel (Old Church) could be a spacewhere we try to have an atmosphere of rever-ence and prayer. There is usually soft medita-tive music that is played there during theweekend services. For those of us who enter inthat space we might try to be quietly aware of those who have stopped to pray.

    We have a wonderful space in the Narthex of the Big Church building where Ministers ofHospitality are there to greet those who enter. This is a very fitting and welcoming gesturethat sometimes has special meaning to those who are visiting St. Johns or are new to our par-ish community or who have been away from the Church for some reason and find that warmthto be the touch that they need to feel that God loves them, that we as a Christian Community

    do care for them and that they feel drawn back to us and the beauty of the Mass. Even if weare not a Minister of Hospitality we are all called to share the warmth of the Risen Christ withothers who worship with us. It is a wonderful gesture of Gods love to make an attempt eachweekend to greet someone we have not previously met in church, especially someone we havenot seen before to make us The House Where All Ar e Welcome.We are all called to helpmake our parish a vibrant Parish Community to foster a sense of Hospitality in all that we do.There is always an opportunity to do more. The mission for all of us is to be Ministers of Hospi-tality, to extend a genuine and warm welcome to all who visit the community, t o reach outin dedicated serv i ce wi t h a welcoming spir i t of inc lusion t o al l of our br ot her s and sister sin Chri st .It has become our parish custom to welcome all newcomers, and visitors are askedto stand and be recognized at the beginning of each mass.

    And what of the body of the Big Church where we do gather for Mass? Well, if conversa-tion does continue into this Worship Space we might try to be aware of those who are presentin prayer, preparing themselves for Mass, and if we feel we need to, to speak with a low, a softvoice as to not to distract others present.

    Here, too, it is good to remember that arriving early and bringing us to that Calm Spacewithin our Hearts is also important. Some parents find this a good time to teach small childrento begin to learn to Center Themselves in Prayer before Mass begins, to help them and us toseek the Gift of the Piety, or Reverence, that is one of the gifts given to us in Confirmation.

    St. Teresa of Avila (by the way, the stained glass window above the south front door in theChapel is of St. Teresa) had such a deep prayer life that she could go into a church buildingwhere there was great commotion and tune them out in prayer. Yet few of us have attainedthis depth of prayer, especially our children.

    One nun used to give children a spiritual tool to calm them down upon entering church ofkneeling down and saying in silence the APOSTLES CREED. It both helped to calm them and toteach them this FIRST of the Churchs CREEDs, and the CREED that is prayed at the beginning ofthe Rosary. (If you wish to embrace this practice you can find the APOSTLES CREED on the second pageof our parish hymnals.) Another nun would have her children kneel down in silence and examinetheir consciences and then in silence say an ACT of CONTRITION, helping to prepare them forthe PENETENTIAL RITE of the Mass. Could these be tools of preparation for Mass for Adults?

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    tensin para los que buscan adorar juntos, pero acercarse a la adoracin de estas dos tradiciones.

    Tal vez hay una solucin en el punto medio que mejor nos que adoran a dos expresiones di-ferentes del Amor de Dios puede ayudar. Aqu en San Juan Bautista hemos sido bendecidos condos espacios de culto. Quizs para los que llegan temprano a nuestra Capilla (Iglesia Vieja) podr-a ser un espacio en el que tratamos de tener un ambiente de reverencia y oracin. Por lo ge-neral, la msica meditativa suave que se toc all durante los servicios de fin de semana. Paraaquellos de nosotros que entrar en ese espacio que podramos tratar de ser en silencio tanto de

    aquellos que han dejado de orar.Tenemos un espacio maravilloso en el Atrio del edificio de la Iglesia Grande, donde los Mi-

    nistros de Hospitalidad estn ah para saludar a los que entran. Este es un gesto muy apropia-do y acogedor que a veces tiene un significado especial para aquellos que visitan San Juan Bau-tista o son nuevos en nuestra comunidad parroquial o que han estado alejados de la Iglesia poralguna razn y encontrar esta ternura a ser el toque que necesitan sentir que Dios los ama, quenosotros, como comunidad cristiana preocupamos por ellos y que se sienten atrados de nuevoa nosotros y la belleza de la Misa Incluso si no estamos un Ministro de la Hospitalidad que todosestamos llamados a compartir el la ternura de Cristo Resucitado con otros que adoran con no-sotros. Es un maravilloso gesto de amor de Dios para hacer un intento cada fin de semana parasaludar a alguien que no hemos conocido antes en la iglesia, en particular con alguien que no

    hemos visto antes para hacernos "La Casa donde T odos son Bienv enidos."Todos estamos lla-mados a ayudar a hacer de nuestra parroquia una comunidad parroquial vibrante a fomentar unsentido de la hospitalidad en todo lo que hacemos. Siempre hay una oportunidad de hacer ms.La misin de todos nosotros es ser Ministros de Hospitalidad, para extender una genuina y cli-da bienvenida a todos los que visitan la comunidad, par a al czar en el serv ici o dedicado conun espr it u acogedor de i nclusin a t odos nuest r os hermanos y hermanas en Cr ist o."se haconvertido en nuestra costumbre parroquial para dar la bienvenida a todos los recin llegados yse les pide a los visitantes a ponerse de pie y ser reconocidos en el comienzo de cada misa.

    Y qu hay dentro de la Gran Iglesia donde nos reunimos para la Misa? Pues si la conver-sacin no continuar en este espacio de adoracin que podramos tratar de ser consciente de los

    que estn presentes en la oracin, preparndose para la Misa, y si sentimos que necesitamos,para hablar con una voz suave y baja que no distraer a los dems presentes.

    Es bueno recordar que llegar temprano y nos trae a ese "Espacio Tranquilo dentro de nues-tros corazones" tambin es importante. Algunos padres encuentran un buen momento para en-sear a los nios pequeos comienzan a aprender a "Centrar de s mismos en la oracin" antesde la Misa, para ayudarles ellos y nosotros a buscar el don de la piedad, o reverencia, que esuno de los dones dados a nosotros en la Confirmacin.

    Santa Teresa de vila (por cierto la vidriera sobre la puerta de entrada al sur de la capilla es deSanta Teresa) tena una vida de oracin tan profunda que poda entrar en un edificio de la igle-sia, donde haba un gran alboroto y tranquilamente ignorar todo distraccin, mientras que enla oracin. Sin embargo, pocos de nosotros hemos alcanzado esta profundidad de la oracin,sobre todo a nuestros hijos.

    Una monja le gustaba dar a los nios un instrumento espiritual para calmarlos al entrar enla iglesia de rodillas y decir en silencio el "'CREDO de los APSTOLES". Es ambos ayud a cal-mar a ellos y ensearles esto PRIMERO de los CREDOS de la Iglesia. (Si desea abrazar esta

    prctica se puede encontrar CREDO de los APSTOLES en la segunda pgina de nuestros himna-rios parroquiales.) Otra monja tendra sus hijos se arrodillan en silencio y examinar sus con-ciencias y luego en silencio y decir "acto de contricin" , lo que ayuda a prepararlos para el AC-TO de CONTRICIN de la Misa. Podran ser estas instrumentos de preparacin de la masa paralos adultos?

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    Readings for the WeekMonday: Rom 1:1-7 Ps 98:1-4 Lk 11:29-32Tuesday: Rom 1:16-25 Ps 19:2-5 Lk 11:37-41Wednesday: Rom 2:1-11 Ps 62:2-3, 6-7, 9 Lk 11:42-46Thursday: Rom 3:21-30 Ps 130:1-6 Lk 11:47-54Friday : 2 Tm 4:10-17b Ps 145:10-13ab, 17-18

    Lk 10:1-9

    Saturday: Rom 4:13, 16-18 Ps 105:6-9, 42-43Lk 12:8-12

    Sunday: Ex 17:8-13 Ps 121:1-8 2 Tm 3:14-4:2Lk 18:1-8

    OurSanctuary LampsThis Week Burn in Memory/Honor of :

    OldChapelChuck Lindquist & Mary JohanssonNew Church Joe Szczepaniak

    Mass Intentions for the WeekSaturday, October 12

    8:30 a.m. Joseph & Timothy Lambert (Rose Marie Lambert)10:00 a.m. Anointing Mass For the Intentions of Margarita Jimenez

    (Living) (The Parish Council)

    Vigil for the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

    5:00 p.m. Fred Wilkinson (Claire Wilkinson)

    Selene Miller(SJB Book Club) Robert Twohill (The Herbert Family) Emery Karwoski (John & Mary Karwoski) Mrs. Bernice Polacek (Joseph & Rose Szczepaniak) Arnold Pins (The Berry Family)

    Sunday, October 13, The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

    7:30 a.m. Joseph Lambert (Betty Marecek)9:30 a.m. Toni Lawrentz (Ron Lawrentz)11:30 a.m. Clarence D. Fleming (St. John the Baptist)1:30 p.m. Por Todos los Parroquianos de San Juan Bautista

    Monday, October 14

    7:30 a.m. Lottie Wojcik (St. John the Baptist)

    Tuesday, October 157:30 a.m. Kathryn Skrobutt (The Skrobutt Family)

    Wednesday, October 16

    7:30 a.m. Michael McPheters (Jane & Jerry Scopelliti)1:40 p.m. Father Gene Parnisari (St. John the Baptist)

    Thursday, October 17

    7:30 a.m. Ann D. Graf(Stanley Flis)

    Friday, October 18

    7:30 a.m. William Webster(Concetta Clark)

    Saturday, October 19

    8:30 a.m. Michael Shee(Sharon Small)

    Vigil for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time5:00 p.m. Jack & Judy Altoff/Living (Anniversary) (Jim & Mary Rieck)

    Sister Ansa Paul (George & Lita Sarlitto) The Deceased Members of the Zengri,

    Greco, & Pecora Family (Larry Zengri) Bernard Verwiel, Sr. (St. John the Baptist) Jon A. Passini (St. John the Baptist) Julia R. Ouper(St. John the Baptist))

    Sunday, October 20, The 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

    7:30 a.m. John J. & Kathleen Dooley (Mary LHotta)9:30 a.m. Toni Lawrentz (Ron Lawrentz)11:30 a.m. John Glenn (Peggy Glenn)1:30 p.m. Por Todos los Parroquianos de San Juan Bautista

    Please pray for

    Sophie Kohutwho passed away

    on October 1, 2013.Our sympathies are extended to her

    daughter and son-in-law,Dolores and Joseph Bryja,

    and to all of her family and friends.

    Please pray for

    Mildred Helen Gajcakwho passed away onSeptember 21, 2013.

    Our sympathies are extended toher son and daughter-in-law,

    Walt & Ellen Gajcak,and to all of her family and friends.

    Food Fest in Honor of

    the Mother ofGodCome Join us for traditional

    Mexican Brunch


    on SundayOctober 27th

    After the 9:30 am, 11:30 am& 1:30 pm Masses

    This is to raise money to honor ourBlessed Mother at the

    Advent celebration ofOur Lady of Guadalupeand activities of our ParishGuadalupano Organization

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    Stella BaroneHarold Bingo BeschJames BestlerMargaret BirtBrian BurkeJosephine CalalbreseLisa CiceroKathy ConnorJewel Ann CurtisJoann EggebrechtPatrocinia FernandezGregory FigielJohn Flanigan, Jr.Tom FlynnDolores GabrielGary GillmeisterJoe GrabowskiDawn GrantDestin GreenJennifer HammerschmidtRich HarwoodJohn Heitzler

    Joy HenczelTom JanczyBill JohnsonBrandon KarimiCarter KettnerFrank KrauseKorrin KuprisKara LaddRose Marie LambertJohn LechowiczDolores LewandowskiNancy LidenLaurie LinkeSandra LinkeBeth Majerczyk

    Ursula MakowijczukJohn MalteseLinda MarczewskiJan MastersMarcy MorkenPeggy MurphyBecky NealJohnny Neal

    Alex NovakLesley (Tobin) NygaardJoan PacerJudy PakulaJosie PasciakBane PetrovCathy Enders PossElly RansumMary Rauch

    Al ic ia Ricci ardiCooper RojasKatherine RoseCasmir RutaLilli an Salek

    George Sarlit toNathan SchramSven SegerlundBea SerwachCarolyn SesvoldJohn ShannonCathy SlipkevychRosemary SumangMary TarchalaVirg TobinEmily VancoPaul VasichWilliam WhiteLexie YoungbergLarry Zengri

    Please pray for our sick




    Everyone is invited to the 96th Anniversary Mass

    Our Lady of Fatima

    Sunday, October 13, 2013 at 2:15 p.m. atHoly Name Cathedral, 800 North State St., Chicago,

    Illinois, The Most Reverend Joseph M. Seigel, Auxil-

    iary Bishop of Joliet Diocese, will celebrate the Mass

    Tours of Chicago Catholic ChurchSunday, October 27th

    Cost- $35 Adult, $30 Senior, $20 Youth(maximum 47 people)

    ItineraryWinfield train station- train departs at 10:49($5.75 train fare not included)11:50 Bus picks us up at Ogilvie Train Station12:15 arrive at St. Michaels in Olde Towne(Established before the Chicago Fire)1:15 arrive at St. Alphonsus: German Gothic

    2:15 arrive St. Mary of the Angels: The Navy Pier of ChicagoChurches3:40 dropped off at Ogilvie station ($5.75 train fare not included)4:40 Train departs and arrives in Winfield around 5:40

    Sign up and pay at the church offices or with Chris Strong byOctober 20th [email protected] checks out to: St. John the Baptist

    Your Name________________

    Number of People_____________

    Total money paid__________________

    Blood . . . i t s in you t o give!Lend a help ing hand,

    And you l l be glad you did!When: October 14th, 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.Where: Sebahar Hall St. John the Baptist

    ChurchWho: St. Johns Knights of Columbus

    Blood DriveFor more information or to make an

    appointment, please contactJim Rieck, 630-668-1307

    Please mark your calendars for . . .

    Undy SundaySaturday & Sunday, October 19 & 20

    Collecting Items at All Masses

    SJB is helping Catholic Charities and the 65,000people they serve each year by collecting new

    underwear, undershirts and socksfor children and adults.

    Donations can be brought to the Narthex on 10/19-20 or call Maureen Brennanat 630-682-4400, ext 613.

    Everything and a Book Club

    Too!Please join us on October 15 at7:00 p.m. to discuss Dracula by Bram

    Stoker. We will be meeting at the homeof Paula Winterhalder. Contact Kara Ladd at

    [email protected] or 630-876-4534for directions or questions.

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    Sacrificial GivingWe are ever grateful for your loving gener-osity and sharing in the Ministries of Servingthe Lord here at St. John the Baptist.

    Parish Collections

    September 8$20,649.65

    September 15. $17,884.62September 22..$21,686.49September 29..$20,220.12

    If you seek perfection, go, sell your

    possessions and give to the poor, and youwill then have treasure in heaven.

    (Matthew 19:21)

    The goal is to be as generous as possible tohelp support our weekly needs of $26,312.

    Thank you for your generosity.

    Mass Music Schedule for

    Confession Schedule

    Horario de Confesiones

    Sat urday, October 12, 20133:30 p.m., Fr Tom Cargo

    Sat urday , October 19, 20133:30 p.m., Fr Tomy

    Come Join Saint JohnsCome Join Saint Johns

    Handbell Choir!Handbell Choir!

    The Handbell Choir has be-gun rehearsals and if you can readmusic, wed love to show you how toplay handbells. Rehearsals are at 7:00p.m. on Thursdays in the Church. Wering two Masses, alternating between the 5:00p.m. and the 11:30 a.m. For more information,please call Joyce Schram at:



    7:30 a.m. (Sun.) Clas-sic Ensemble

    9:30 a.m. (Sun.) Con-temporary Ensemble

    11:30 a.m. (Sun.) AdultChoir

    Join in and Sing withSt. Johns Childrens Christmas ChoirAll children between the ages of 7-14 are invited

    to sing at the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve MassPractice started Saturday, October 5, 2013, but it is

    not too late to join. Meet at 3:30 p.m. in theChoir Loft of the Chapel.

    Come Join the Adult Choir!The Adult Choir has begun rehearsals and wewould like to encourage you to come and join us.If you are in high school, we would like to inviteyou to investigate singing with the choir. Rehears-als are held on Wednesday evenings at 8 p.m. Ifyou would like more information, please contact

    Adrienne Rose at 630-653-1489. We are a super group ofparishioners!


    Our Octoberfest Young at Hearts luncheon will be held on Wednes-day, October 16th at 11:30 in Sebahar Hall. Our delicious menu forthe day will be homemade Stuffed Cabbage, Brats and Sauerkraut,German Potato Salad, American Potato Salad and homemade apple

    sauce. If you are able to make an appetizer, side dish or dessertto complement this meal, it would be appreciated.

    Young at Hearts is for anyone 55 years and older. Come and meetnew friends or return to your old friends for

    a day of wonderful food and fun.

    If you have any questions, please call Joann Busch at 630-668-0210.We look forward to seeing you there.


    FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18. In partnership with our diocesan schools,the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF) is sponsoring a walk-a-thon to raise awareness of the need to fill 4,000 empty classroom

    seats throughout the Diocese of Joliet. Whether you are an alumnusof a local grade school or have children or grandchildren enrolled,

    please lend your support by visiting our school campus on FRIDAY,OCTOBER 18 AT 2:40 P.M. and taking one walking lap around ourschool. This year the CEF provided $14,900 in need-based student

    aid to SJB school. Contact [email protected] at theCEF to pledge your scholarship support or to learn about planning

    your estate while helping the ministry of Catholic education.

    2013 Catholic Ministries Annual Appeal Pledge Report

    Monthly pledge payments for the CMAA pledges should be made in

    the next few days. It is very important that these pledges be paidso that our parish will reach our goal. Once we have reached ourgoal in paid pledges, 50% of the additional funds received will bereturned to the parish for our use.

    Parish Goal: $93,147Amount Pledged: $90,423Amount Paid: $74,441Remaining Unpaid Balance: $15,982

    We are at 97% of our goal. If you havent yet contributed, will youplease consider donating? Thank you for your generosity.

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    All Saints - All Souls DaysThis year All Saints Day falls

    on Friday, November 1. There isNO Vigil Mass for All Saints be-cause of Halloween. On FridayMasses for All Saints Day - AHoly Day of Obligation - are at

    7:00 am, 1:30 pm - the GradeSchool Mass (all are welcome tojoin us), and at 7:00 pm.

    All Souls Day Masses, to prayfor the Holy Souls in Purgatory,are on Saturday, November 2, inEnglish at 8:30 am and in Span-ish at 10:45 am.

    For All Souls Day we invite you to bringa photo of loved ones who have died; and

    before Mass place them up on one of theshelves of one of the three Altars in theChapel (please place the name of the persondropping off the photo and your phone contact# on the back of the photo). If you wish, thephoto of your loved one may stay on theAltar until the Sunday before Thanksgiving(Nov. 24th).

    If you wish, this year you may bringFlowers to honor your deceased lovedones to be placed on our Altars.

    At the 8:30 am liturgy we will have aCandle lit to honor each person buriedfrom our Parish since November 1 of 2012.

    Santos Das de los MuertosEste ao Da de Todos Santos cae el

    viernes 1 de noviembre. Misas del Dade Todos Santos en Ingls estarn a las7:00 am, 1:30 pm - para los nios de laEscuela Catlica (todos estn invitados aunirse a nosotros) y a las 7:00 pm.

    Misas por el Da de los Muertos,Da de las Santas Almas del Purgato-rio, estn el sbado, 2 de noviembre,en Ingls a las 8:30 am y en Espaola las 10:45 am. El Da Sagrado deObligacin para los que hablan espa-ol se ha cumplido por ir a misa en elDa de los Muertos.

    Para el Da de los Muertos le invitamos atraer una foto de sus seres queridos que han

    muerto, y antes de la misa poner para arribaen una de las estanteras de uno de los tres al-tares de la capilla (por favor ponga el nombre dela persona que deje la foto y su # de telfono delcontacto en la parte posterior de la foto). Si lodesea, la foto de su ser querido puede perma-necer en el altar hasta el domingo antes de Ac-cin de Gracias (24 de noviembre).

    Si ti deseas, este ao puede traer Florespara honrar su muerte a sus seres queridosque se colocarn en nuestros Altares.

    En la Misa a las 10:45 am tendremos unaProcesin de Velas Encendidas en honor anuestros queridos difuntos.

    Shuffle-up and Deal!!!Saturday, October 26th is the nextSJB Texas Holdem FundraisingTournament! You all have madethe previous tournaments a great

    success and we need your help to keep this up!Please tell all friends and family about this fun

    and exciting fundraiser for our school.When: Saturday, October 26th. 7:00pm, hardstart; please arrive between 6 & 6:30 to registerWhere: Sebahar HallSpecifics: $75 Buy-in, available $20 Rebuys,

    Complimentary food with a cashbar.

    We always need donations for this event. We

    would appreciate any donations of beer, pop

    and water along with baked goods.

    Thanks, and please contact Jim Pellicane(630)740-0930

    BABY SHOWER FOR "PROJECT GABRIEL" MOM AND BABY Bringyour unwrapped gifts to the Narthex on October 26-27. PROJECTGABRIEL, a parish program, provides an "Angel" to help an expectantMom on a one-on-one basis from the time of pregnancy through the firstyear after birth of the newborn. SJB parishioner, Jean Daniell, is currentlyworking with St. Michael's Project Gabriel team, serving as our parish"Angel." Our Catholics for Life group will be hosting a baby shower to helpProject Gabriel in their service to moms & infants. Please bring a new,

    unwrapped baby gift (clothing - newborn/preemie through size 12-months;diapers, size 3 up to size 6); bedding, bathing items, etc.) to church theweekend of October 26-27. A gift basket will be prepared for a new Momwho recently delivered her baby boy this fall, a preemie born on 9/8. Alladditional gifts will be added to Project Gabriel's inventory to help futuremoms. A playpen will be set up in the Narthex to receive your donation. Ifyou would like to help by providing gift cards to Target and Wal-Mart to beused for items needed by this Mom and child and other new "ProjectGabriel" moms, please drop off an envelope with your donation to therectory or in the Sunday Collection, marked PROJECT GABRIEL BABYSHOWER. Contact Jean Daniell/630-653-5681 [email protected] for more information. Thank you.

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    Fait h Educat ion For Inspir ed Adult sThese are open classes offered to any adult of any faith orchurch. The purpose is to inspire your faith and inform itin ways that are exciting.All classes are in Sebahar Hall at 7 p.m. on Thursdaysunless otherwise noted.

    Paul Texts the Corinthians- October 17th- Paul writes one of the most inspiring definitions of what achurch should be in this great letter to a fledgling church.

    The 16th Century and Its History- Nov. 7th- In this Century you have Martin Luther, John Calvin, JohnKnox, Henry the VIII, The Borgias and Ulrich Zwingli. This century shaped religion for the entire world forthe next 5 centuries

    Catholicism and Mexico -Nov. 14th- What is unique in the traditions of Catholicism and Mexico?Our Lady of Guadalupe and the Christero wars are examples of the topics.

    Gather the Children Ministryis looking for . . . (men, women,

    and teens, at least 11 years old)


    Coordinator(Schedules ministers, etc.,

    for each week)

    There are openings in the positionslisted above! If willing to give your

    time... once a month, please call:

    RE 630-682-4400 X 613, or

    Kara Ladd, 630-876-4534 (call or text)

    Let It Be Concert Experience

    A breathtaking concert and an inspi-

    rational event featuring great classics

    such as Ave Maria and Gregorian

    Chant and Tajcis originals, such as

    Need a Break and Let It Be. You

    cant describe it-you have to experience

    it. -Joan Frith, (Vineland, NJ)

    Sat., October 19 - 7:00 p.m.

    St. Mary Immaculate15629 S. Rt. 59, Plainfield, IL


    MENS DISCERNMENT GROUP Allmen age 17 and older are welcome to ourMens Discernment Group. We will beusing the book To Save A ThousandSouls by Fr. Brett Brannen to discussrelevant topics to discern a priestly voca-tion. Books will be provided for thosewho do not already have one. Meetingswill be: John Paul II House, 430 N. CenterSt., Joliet, IL 60435, Sun. 10/13, from 2p-4

    p What is Seminary Like? (Chap. 16) PlsRSVP to Fr. Burke @ [email protected] or(815 834-4004).

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Special Needs

    Do you have a special needschi ld? Would you be int er-est ed in fa i t h f ormat ion for


    A team of dedicated volunteershas been working together to

    offer a program toany interested family.

    For details, call St. JohnsReligious Education Office

    at 630-682-4400 x 613.

    Generations of Faith Presents - A Night with Francis



    Date: October 24, 2013

    Time: 5:30-6:15 dinner

    6:15-8:00 presentationLocation: St. Johns School Hall (enter door 10)

    RSVP: RE Office 630.682.4400 x613 [email protected]

    No Cost, just donate pet food or supplies forthe DuPage Animal Shelter

    If you have never attended a Generation of Faith evening,

    this is the perfect time to check it out.Open to all ages, young, old & in between! Dinner is even provided!

    Enjoy an informative evening getting acquainted with our newPope Francis and also St. Francis of Assisi!

    Childrens Stewardship Corner

    Here are just a few of the offerings to

    God from the youths of St. Johns: Julia,Emily, Katie, Christopher, Max, Kailey,Norby, Courtney, Kailey, Alyssa andZachary all donated money to thechurch this week, Kailey got 100% onher spelling test, Christopher walked thedog, Katie read to her little brother.Some of the talent of St. Johns youthsare: helping out at home with choresand playing the piano.Gifts from the youth's envelopes forSeptember 22, 2013 was $18.71.

    Childrens Stewardship CornerHere are just a few of the offerings

    to God from the youths of St. Johns:Victoria, Katherine, Melissa, Bridget, Eric,Julia, Emily, Katie, Max, Norby, Courtney,Kailey, Alyssa and Zachary all donatedmoney to the church this week, Melissahelped her mom, Kailey worked at mathhomework every day, Victoria cleaned herroom, Katherine helped feed the cat.Some of the talent of St. Johns youthsare: sports, dancing, singing, makingbreakfast. Gifts from the youth's envelopesfor September 29, 2013 was $17.26.

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    Catholic InquiryAnyone interested in becoming Catho-lic, please call the parish office for in-formation: 630-668-0918, ext. 600.

    Help Our SchoolClip Box Tops!

    Please drop off your clipped Box Tops inthe entryway to the parish office. Thereis always a collection box there. Allprofits are benefitting programs for St.John the Baptist school. Questions,contact Robin Hafertepe at:

    [email protected] Thank you!

    Visit Our Parish Website,www.stjohnwinfield.org for:

    Copy of the bulletin

    Ministries Schedule

    Having Surgery?Give one of our priests a call PRIOR toyour surgery, so that anointing can begiven at a time when you are lessstressed. Call the parish office at 630-668-0918, ext. 600, and set a time to come inBEFORE your surgery for anointing.

    Hospital VisitsOur priests are available to make hospi-tal visits. Because of HIPAA Laws theHospital does not notify churcheswhen parishioners are there. Pleasenotify the Saint Johns Parish Officewhen a loved one is there giving us thename and room number. We want to doour best to minister to all theHospitalized!

    HomeboundParishioners who are homebound andwish to receive communion, please callthe parish office at 630-668-0918, Ext.

    600, and we will pass your name to thecoordinator for Homebound Ministry.

    Lost and FoundPlease check the Lost and Found bas-ket in the entry way to the parish office.

    Parish CalendarPlease see the on line calendar at:www.stjohnwinfield.org or on the kioskof the narthex of the Church.

    Bulletin ArticlesSubmissions are due by noon onThurs., 10 days prior to the Sunday onwhich you wish the article to appear.(Holidays may change due dates for arti-cles because of publishing demands).Include the name and phone number ofthe person submitting the article. Pleaseemail as an attachment using MicrosoftWord or Publisher, please do not includearticle in the body of the email.

    Email to: [email protected] [email protected].

    Pulpit AnnouncementsMust be submitted with a contact name

    and phone number, by 9 a.m. on Tues-day prior to the Sunday you wish theannouncement made. The parish officehas final approval on all bulletin articlesand pulpit announcements.

    Youth Ministry (High School)For information, contact

    Chris Strong [email protected]

    All meetings are 6:30p-8p in theYouth Ministry Center

    above the garages at the parishoffices. Upcoming meetings:


    Tut ors Needed for 1st -8th Grade

    Volunt eers are needed to helpchildren in First Grade t hroughEight h Grade who are str uggli ng

    in school. Please callTom Mast erson at :


    Please Pray for those whodefend our Nation,

    those who servein Active Duty

    Pvt James Luigi AkinSRA Francis Beifuss

    Lt John BergSgt Melissa Brooker

    Lt Deandra CarboneCMR Nicholas Carbone

    Pvt Timothy ConleySgt Andrew Fairbairn

    Pv2 Nicholas GormanSgt Pamela Gray

    A1C Seth KelleyLCpl David Lawless

    Senior Airman Felicia K. McDonaldGSMC (SW/SS) Timothy A. Newell

    ABHAA Sean PhillipsLt Col George Pohlmann

    A1C Alejandro Luis SanchezAN Michael SchieveCaptain Jim Smolucha

    Captain Mike SmoluchaSPC Thomas Stanhope

    Please keep St. John theBaptist Parish in mind

    when doing yourEstate Planning

    Wedding InformationGetting married? Give us a ring! Pleasecontact one of the parish priests as soonas you become engaged and at least sixmonths before the wedding date. Catho-lics need to be attending church everySunday.

    Prayers of the FaithfulIf you or someone in your family issick and would like to be mentionedin the Prayers of the Faithful, pleasecall the parish secretary at 630-668-0918, ext. 600, to add your name tothe list.

    Mass Intention Book

    for 2014

    is now open.

    ct|{ exz|t|New Parishioner Registrations areheld in Sebahar Hall (lower level ofthe Church) generally following the7:30 & 9:30 a.m. Masses. Upcomingscheduled dates are as follows:

    Sunday, October 20, 2013

    Area Open Houses

    You are invited to the

    St. Francis High School

    Open HouseThursday, October 17, 2013

    6:00 p.m.

    You are invited to theBenet Academy Open House

    Sunday, October 271:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

    Tuesday, October 296:30 p.m.

    You are invited to the

    Rosary High School Open HouseSunday, November 312:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.

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    Requisitos SacramentalesConfesiones los Sbados 3:30-4:30 pmBautizos Las Platicas Pre-bautismales son requeridas antes de

    fijar la fecha del Bautismo. Favor de inscribirse con dos a tresmeses de anticipo. Bautizos normalmente 4 Domingo del MesBodas Preparacin Espiritual empieza por lo menos con

    SEIS MESES de anticipo. No haga preparaciones para suCelebracin antes de reunirse con el prroco.Adoracin del Santsimo los Martes 8 am a Mircoles 7:15 am

    Sacramento de los Enfermos y Visitas de la Comunin:

    Llame a la oficinaQuince Aos y Presentaciones Llame a la oficina de la

    Secretaria Hispana. Quince Aeras necesitan ser miembros de laParroquia y cumplieron Educacin Religiosa de 7 y 8 grados.Secretaria Hispana Para hablar con la secretaria hispana, llame al

    Rosa Benavides, extensin 601 Lunes, Martes y Jueves 8:00 AM a2:00 PM, o Mirella Hernndez, extensin 601 los Sbados 9:00 AMa 11:00 AM y Domingo 1/2 hora despus de la Misa en espaol.

    Parish Office Hours:Parish Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. Grade School MassGrade School Mass Wed. 1:40 pm

    Holy Days of Obligation, All Souls & Ash Wednesday To be announced with each Special Day

    Eucharistic AdorationEucharistic Adoration ~~ Tues. from 8 a.m. - Wed 7:15 a.m. & First Fridays - 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.BaptismsBaptisms

    1st Sunday of the Month First Baptism Rituals starting at the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Parents and god-parents are encouragedto attend Baptism Preparation Classes several months before your baby is born. Godparents are to be practicing Catholics!


    Spiritual Preparation begins at least SIX MONTHS in advance. Please do not make reservations until you meet with a priest.

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