Anvi.Kj.8Lm » HAI AfVI BTWII»*^«WAV4^ <?rte.iri> .«»auo*lA*xt d*n . "? .,V T^a .1 ¦ ytOjcta't. wc*-a w. 'b* '""-^'J V-A tfi ta» m«" wkltnf err- a«Var.u<o.<l f vrfded »: 1 o te-d tm*m, C* asia*. fV»*t .aar t ua fur pa. »I «** wt'"" pen pa Gl* tot e.*tntBatv.-B_-~. W'titM KJI ^| "VJ.?*w*»i to le-r-n by ... f the IV t - . -v-J ^'T'U. 4 , ,rr«*pw.*i. » « «*« OB c-w. tt ti Kl F. « .. or w .kl r ( - hl h m«. b- 'rit (»r *t**t.V*'* "K. lt4 ,.*» ü«f .t freu *. ifi. to 11, raSt va or boa-b* .* JOHN wudml Ij. Mi». Ä PÖfM will leavr- hr-r a'ddrr-M, du Tt i tt f. »t i"-»«.»*'*. 1 »e£,i*e iu,w»*r"" (mu «f._. PK. eOEYO» PROMPT aud reliable . aT)vfhtmini> A'iewcr. No I ApptoU- '. *e..dtii<, **. 3M Broadway- THE ai/bu* i^WABMI gas workh J2 .tr .'r. 'fed . to hi b«-** kr ou, »ho'oer fo< print* oiet 0f*»U9w. ttttr fteo on. fr..rr. tkaaal, ^5^2,5?** .oatJainV the) do not rwrotrr ovroio«*! ^J ^r , I^Snco tivy «rCl »ort n-.ht vet 1*7 '^"""'l" wM. StttpTtrAA . » u.k.n« ate* auj -a-wrf-nra-djr.trkei l" WT rZ: *4>t «P «*e w..»k*. h«m. ottder . .eil 0* wo« to I. raetwea-. If'Bey d* <k«.y .*»**] ** r^Smt gyA^*.^»^ mwiy .»tfcar ,**««.. »n . ..j.. too* »i I a* ia um i«r **»»r* viil«««« '«'<» u. nt.o- KoTror-her .nferroat'..,. . n*t tr> n. AUB n «Jo » Crtt York: or 5 Q H4»1.KV k Co AlU.y Orrict. Rrcr.irKKOi T»sk* > Kr 32 ('b*Xubrr» »l (»e*r '.o :r !.'¦:». > NkW-To«s. ar* ) TO AVOID the riake that tuuat ioeritahly occkV boa* rkv» rnvl of Tai Payer* *rho pot of to U>» la^ijt dar Ute oart»e»f tfvi. loa**. T bar* aeterantood to adopt tbe to, liftat r-i* <*kaco «III W ticMllt wtkwrad to un .t rof -«rn nt afläaa. I *a*U r au mooer eftei 2 o'aMpel <o Etat) äfi« ia tki* Dep*r<an*i.t U »t».ctlv raoHisirkO fruoo aäfakäl tavtiori* CJ..Uii.ixr moi «» .<cbwkt'or im ptyutaol r*>*i* By *ra>r HRNWT H NQWARU R'-ceira. PIX) MHÜEKE AS80CIATIONS aad LT- M ceümb . 'aetu e Conimlt'ee* d»«rioi bj» *<'rico. for M)*#atH).i.i Auttcu i»d "later Tour»^ Ol Ltfure* lafore L(5aatr*wy Bkaaa a»*k» a>a katio" at ao aailr ia» A4 U8MUSU Ti, pa<r, jp'lnau ld Maaa. VF i'almfk^ A-D^ERTISINO AOriVCY. a Nu lauiaaair* nr mtmer* are eroptoved Adwrtiaer* o"r>rt al tk» ktMior.er .*»>> raqueatod. «rill ht> a -...>¦ d cru KK.ut*9 eoeuing and MEASURING KAt !f> K K~r Unr'.u.g a-d meaaving evary deieiip- txcn of 'ti ': it ttf-vt on »th-ba «l fot a »bort 'tne.M che rooui* el the Aroarto**. Umttto, No. 351 Oioaiway A I per*oua ia- t>-oat*d ere raepro fu'ly loM-.d «o«a.i a-d exaoii'ie tt. Tkia f !*.**«» it aurrou'r-rl la fold *ud m»* ux-8<l y»rd* ft minn'e. He rtah fb. 'he Unite-* U.ato* ml 'lr«* "r.^lu ia ofe'e- ftr aaaoal aiaavMatire arice- The Aateot wHl give hi* para mal a.tat «. -vi. day froaa 9 U 10 o'clock a m . to *bo» It* opera- tiao. %ummtt üerttuiö BOAßr» ia tfij COEMtiY..a few Eamiliea may o>i'a n BOARD at a pleaaaut Karm-tTou** near th» ... ti*|..- on I - *o- Ik air1" rf Lc>ng la'and, .1. t>' ¥ mi'na from fea TorV Per particular* tttpty at So 23* >rean*rich ft. BOASk> in B FARM-HOE8E.Wantrd. Bf'AI l' in a Fa-m boot* (fear-Jeraey pref-irr*-:). tor tiir:e dufdr^n &jad Oo»e'nt*«: oie ;a ae ro ui a .d o^e euiall. A idiea« J T. B . Boa 3 121 P. " . *t*ti .g tormt A:. G- il EE la"mo V n l~Ä IN s-man'shkld rtfust BTopFNyn..stillman < hurchiliL, f't.av.- ,. OAHIKI. B LATflffrP, l,.*»-e M b sew «rarl lui .( »>d »»'.: kept S"na *d ::i 'be r-iral a.'«i rotnau'tr VUlvam of ^t«aea, V»..nft«- l,ru-> only fro*. Boaton, t.-.'u- -,. the 'f lit the rut ani M«'air..' M<MH''aiua on ate «"»It ftia tw-.i höhtet r--in<a, "tiow aad eM " *re about 5,1»".' it'ft high, good roao to «he *ame Bca'ery, be*' in tat I trtod Sttt-i Tc mft»* frot) «a'a.erbnry Ocpot «»ln.kroad *v r«.»- 6| milca tt to »he nntt it of the mnatitain. | e1 ratlet VeOt Of M- 'to-inr mllet eaat a*J lt.nl» (too ; »ood bo *et aujj c .. m «*... .<>-.. halfway b-.uae.aia two | lea .reioi l o.f t»a»» wi'brifr-akaieLiao' iieaumtnii Totbolorei tvf na. e tbt teeker of pleasure, or he loval .. are *a», enmt Boa k>- Ib.. Oroen Mi un-ai.i. and auaff'be t.reeint cf >d Man* ft ad *.. teke a rtoe r M . (tlen Kalla.« ehady, iniet » a*.m In a *jit:» btmiuar'a 4-»>. or up to the r-gutc.h, a»b-<.e Cba r.-ck* a e *o 'ivab - übet «bie that one can aol] »- ai- . .t.'. and a* cooi a> the bruok «n*t «.owiid "k\m Ball arill bo ooea tor aaatiaa evoninga. with «iod muttt r *'*>». Jan'*, il'dcai'i J. ( in«. erato K 0. T. DOWNING, Vef HKA-OIRT MOUSE. NawpoaT *>aoiai>3i3(i taa be aeeomoic at- d wirb Njarc at the abors a»¦ Tbe ptr ere ana '-c i «rr> t.i.. uu in a aaat .¦. ¦ of a*'. will bo *er»od ia an o-ei, ay by card. Tu* bouae a now, >. nri:rf an J tlecaaetiy aituat-od rtctuw of Laduw »...< (I.. tleuton can bare dinner aadj auppei IMitiea lu private pari r* i v.-.i ft.r Ui* parpoa». kTretieli a..c other maun diab. . ice Cream aud Ckiiifiictaouer; .fail kin.'* latutaW oui t' tt., bouM. Ii -1 -t St.iU OLJLANI) HOl'SL, f.-rner öf Maio and Eloi- e- In-! «t "i IBiaa*} f*<* SeAa o no* aataa for tt . i. p- : 0»j*aai li Oaf t. i-..*<..- m>, -. wy fur o.fthe-' tt-rputtxut. f-i'd m r.ty» ». d n al. i(a arrang-u jta aud aoMOatkatBI «» . PI1*ll'-Cl.A»h H'iT*L Toe room* art aiifl l»r»o uiii alr» roe-mat riii.g ü e n-rwt of -he nr-r a^< e a So piiui wvli be kpaxad b> the P'opnetora to rtnd-.r tt . p tut i laaiaeaatiaoma let tae toaaelaa Uoc.t*. in < oe of 'i> Bart: i^tanu e:t .* of tbr atstt, tad Jataaj at h/alibr* .oeition u. anj in to* aor d, w-'h *a H-tu itv.. a oou .try .ar koaaati^it, cit. tlaa po.ir*t ptiuiiai cJaio* a* a *l *MK& Kl?>0'-'i' Tr...» PattaMa'waiatoatta rlanaaomtk* arnva. a' train* at.I Ma* . t... .-v*J io a d from too Ca.a Pre* Ol Cuot*o. PIMtCE a I' Mill 1 M .1 o.-t L V III x, I IK *|!ti.HaM tack t.r.' IllUra* Ma. E.Ö (liturr ft-tf:1 «ttournai BHOOF LYN HIGI1T8..rieaaant Room and pa. ill hoard fft>r too t.r Ihttea -jag'r aaotl* a#a kua firat- tiaav b»u... N. 4'' C .Itiii.i. a at'eei narii g t l.«au'i'ol riter ni>w. *a«tketi ir*. » eoavfakaul f<»- paartia**ntlolag bu.iuea* tkjtn« loa t E^'RMSMED RofiMr to LET.With full or l ar i:. Boar; -n e |rtvi,.e utttly at No 1'» Ca- al at. Preoel .ru! Oatr a. -^«j Ii 'ta bvo ». MvU El ATE TERJfS~EOR FEKVlsflCD IQOIIB, tlaj Boa ', .¦«* a .d iati.a. na -aca fl .or, at B.0 l( t»,i Tbitt« ~e<OL-i atreeti b>twei>n rttib ajd Mau.ton ii im in in u.. v*; w COrTTOf. MACniNERY FOB SALE,.1101 l< n MS w ia to* »*iataltvk M aklaei*, uuch of u DOtts oaai i ^ju ie*' Nu 16J ««r. eua-ich-a . MA n l \ \\ A N BTRAM ENGINES, If 4- CUl'MBTB' TOOLS, and tit oaa *t >.« aud »"1 kiud* ai tf ACHINk Hk and Ca»>riM<fS. at N > 6i atfaaad «t ta^PAM-RolLlTR fiir~"c\XLk..Wne ElEE- Kj Üf'll.'ft k '.I f.e. Ii..., !.«-1 i.Htm, to. ,t» no t «-., |i .,ra Piaja Alao oaa 12-burae L'iroMOTlYK B »II.VR in iwrftct pafot ooo tjaait aa awö Cau b-*e.u « s- klM aii<a«at ()I»wV»KTII'» PATENT PLANING MA- ( HIN. h tn arevy »a. irt> Par**r*al HACPKaik ..^ Miwkvk. :>t BBBt'L O. tfC ¦* KNCK. tiOUWCH tr> t el. HOUCkG to lir.V'I..Ai. OIBfilllaBl ttrrH-atorj BOUSl ia Brdar. lbm i ktv ih"*a rw**** Oaaa o^a Batf* {.. Pls'rat* u-gb'. .-vc^vt. Bantcued-na** Iniinre 0 C A DANA No kwOfkkttai .Sea or-t 'he T iau * OIBc* OOllhK t< LEI nod PI'KNUTTRE for SALE. U -rOaVOTUa. »-,! CAIti'-TtS arttl koasM it a are. t - f..-t I'OPSk wi;; be ft*-" till r ^aotaie iu.n.*- tBvtly Apt ) <ki ti-9 paaatAvaa, **» *l» Ara.n* .1, «r .»«l»n Ha{KYLJOHT HOI>M8~to LP. I .Suitable fi-r CT Art.. t- p.. -it- i.up eOiiai it Hrttada*» and l. u.tou .'. l'laahtafW 1 CRACK t BY- pre .iU . i or T B BOWMAN. Jaaoeaj aoart, N., 59 OaJlat CRBA1I POWER tt LEI-A Brick two-atopj & kB'bOIM lirtfa*! kj I a Ifrtpal taaa at.N J kaatt Oj a. BAI/. 401 Bnwaws* o: to j «. k|>a*01 ' IS, r. warxth.vrt 8 TEaII P'.>Wr. K..^^e>»vjrBi wei tretet EC.ktB t laaCf arhb O^taa Pwwaa *>nm m ..-J . .load-ot W'>y k Co A BEALTIEUL COlTivTRT Rti-IDE«01 Km J\ r. l> la p..i k G n . ij mi.«f .. i. ii»- a«^.t is aa>oi irCaIOD ItM *^d iVi »» »'*r. w,iot »»ry .»*eta *t«fw«4at**a '. tbe h a*4 kavt abou. tr>« pr .miaoa. lo.j.. at Su ltd toaaa« wwbet filial lor 8ALE - The aiibHprihr>r uirm- for *». tt BARM B »ct.aof !.*"d uatal ll a »»' pic i*»a. at ' - " y fte-.tto--o'ceo'.-r». Ora ml ilo* walkfroaa <keV. Ii r Ol M . la-i^qu* VY.«tJ>.tet '"otialy two I, an rVaaj '-. ¦ kl a b> ofuaaaW Hvlio.' Toi, ia a rare. th teeff» a»b'l«mat. an Alka a dalVrAatal c>u.rv r*«i . *aa, i-jtr lit :.."iri prr.-w y thvt i* »».-» ae iom .»«.r«! f .r «,1a. Xttf wOov*Obk pr»uu.*a bHRavi CjUISBT _ laaayMjao, m Y dTARH 1<»P BÄ1 ,N ITslI«. I, L, If. Y.- M. iH acca of «-'y "rodwil.e LAND, fl R rar »law* and OH ' ' J tV.fpr. i) Bdl^ f ..i tbtuapjl. ft r ¦ Ho. 1** «BkVk>WafBvaa ITlt.)). MJ.t Bl 1\ MANGE for CITY I'ROP- 3. fPll- «- t .' tl.''¦-.'» a taated »l»C»H i- , tl DJ *'.. t ' gaa« i.i«.w i, <i -i ,.s ut i,%(, t Erui* ail ki . I - i.. ii 'i, laeoaadtiaa >,.. raa t aj] ih at I M * COO '* «u h . t rs, Pi taanaa an I nt j a ran ia- c..w ..oj-r. a d "a-nnug u euat * A<*« a lartt B*M*aa uf ib* BtKI f .re M* kB too Ut'tv» TattaUiBoriolaruaaatoa rnmitrat i: > I APOA". «a 7- y at VY TT1A.Ka»1 i LBkc lti oKo-ikvoia, I « , f .r BALE. JT .A PAl .'¦ a - aitk * *»l .- I- 'a-:- i .. I ... Skta^katl OB si- at <. " . * ***H < «i ..t/ilaj Oml LatBavariJ .'.(ft**»*r« >u''-at iu*«. k.r wi b r -liar *>.bt* »-.a n'tcary aud ron, r*vl 6üBiUv*ffa*uN*B \ » * Pr.. - *4,^t>. [amir ,!'.i KiM.- Trb«a« 0*c., t- I um ft-r alur tt/fl ckP IB, F)K KALK i XCnANOL f-r IkTafH^kfktl City fl-|W T BJ »»." t . .M ! o %t . i. WBA g.M^ kvaav ke lt.: mit« fx' P.afbn.t t^m «pH, 4r.*** fOÄ » kk> NV-ai A2vl», N »- «¦¦¦¦-« ÖABU LAM'H for SALE..Tmt ILLINOIS 1 ( EM1.AL RaJI.ROAD CuMI'aNV Ww%W I " <*¦ + TvvO MILL'ON Of Ar:t: < F A 9 M I N O 1^ A N D B I t*tnot rctT> Artt? »no L'r" *ir. On LONÜ CREDITS And it LOW rates of IKYSBBBT. tr.»t+ L*U"'» were g.en e<* by ih» OovcitdoaBt to*-* j8' Col Cr t'O. Of till* 'lldiotd. «Dil lUCl'ld* »4k-.9 Ol .>.» 13 .". enC u-»'fem a P.aiiieeij «he State. Ii/.er«[>-:r»e 1 3e-e *"l u>e»c »Hb n-»jt2.inf»nl jrovee ot oak and otbei fao*c cx'e: o* nom f'b ct-.o o:i rbc i.or". 11 C».*o at I ¦. *»etti.*nd lr.ro the-.re'« Ce'ei.a ltd Das eIth, n i>n n r»-n- tr-f . x'ren-t ot Ibe i*»»le «nd u idi ube ie_i« . . t um af let a a.bee on etch tide of lldoBeoJ, r' dy t»T;b«'»0 mt« nl»n. icedby it fir'. .m*. itu.gtoo or -j* < o. tootOuOO to ii * of tho** p.-lnU. end free* toooeot* I Bad --:'be-n L.nk.ti Mwi^ivrr. tbei»l"d f!p'*::i o: MW'*biaj ¦¦fjtd v ilaaet along tbe 1-i.e ond rbe -mat Incrtooo id . J- <nt t immlgTtt'on, Ire afiuta" a OOOOOAtia! and »t .u hag to r. s >n:it:l for la. m produce r r , Tre aoii M a dark, rich tnold. froin one t i f. » ice* ¦ OOfto, i, g bi j icd il»g, and pe< nlierlv tiitod fi* fra/n- C*.'.*»-ii "jsaea oi cultivation at '^br.t. Dd'iu tJntü. . Fe n. n J IB en.ti-rai-.iii! ted irent r"r "1 * ?n«*t t_-« :Le weü It rr»n ro*jaev«*rw»ic* of Illm.n* la- da. T.taa BT* .-«o». r«- qul an 'o be rut oown rump* irtBhVd. oi rosa) v>:ni off. a* nenlm ti e eaaa in i uiovau a . ear laud to ItN dtorMalr*. Tb» t*t* crop of 'ndi m Con, plant-d ' a tit l ewiy brcAoo arxi, i.tu.l j le avl to* coat d pi )«ib< tad »Vicir.g. \\ |,Tit town on tLa newly-t*j»ne* MB'at I .re to yioM vert large arofita. A man wl b a plow and t eo y to of 8X00 » .-.a. one and a bail to two acrei j-er d«v _itd* for breaking retdy fir Cora or .vb»i\ \: f .) t : noaf " . Bt iod-c iorje macaaroeer the land miy be p.oatc ant ie-iced tue tint, and under a ij^b ita'ao: BBlMt i ¦ aec otid >*»r Corn, Cram. Cattle. Ar -a ll ba forward'.', t'.'sa-a.bks raiee to Cbicaio 'or the Küfern marke* and «o i^alr'» lit 'Ae Sco'tein Tbe tu«er tield ou t/i>cieao .a^.- ».' ^i.uigvei tie btgb priced laj'»i :9 to* Beatan and MiodBB bttooB kao«n: to be aucb n«e U.m> loaUabl to pay Loa auoraSCO it BBBB* o.-tnti n to tie ....».. iiiaik. t, biiuojinciii Coal it ucned at aererai cainti |loO| '^e Ro«vi, and ii a :i. -.. and deal able fuel. It can be c-v.ra.et at aarwal twi.'i along ibe Road atBl - ti ;»..- <:c»>.io I «i at tbe lame rate* (<: coid Tboa» »bo Uiiukof aettlinr in Iowa M M u^fic :. ah.tn'i ' tu in miud tbat lav oa ih-te of any value, alotbl to* watOt- citaae and for n.anv mnoi b lewd, have r<eeu ditpoee I of; fbat tn tbjta lo a'-a in it e interior there are BO couveni«a-»« %rt *--«^»,-crr- ing lb* ptodnce to mat kit. railroad* Dot baalBa, BOOB UB90M lad ti.. i»; ibit to tend tbe pioduce of tne*e Ian:* r-i >: :.v. fa a- cr-d n by wag jd to market wo'Ul eoet ntucb m' *o tbvj 'X*> axpen*u of cu'tivatiog 'hem, and bee e f^orontBORt tatdB *.h^j *nualed, at Bl 25 per acre, ire not *o ;cod iicefj- ttt i*> lai d of tbi* CoD'pany at be pri n* fixe I The *an>a lemaika bold good in tototlOB to tb? lard* -r; Kir.- ¦a* and Nrbraeka.for »Iiiongh va ant lacii my ifotuul aarog tbe watei ci ui*o*. tbe di*<a ce to uanot IBfbr BBaaBBT, ar.d eveiy bunori-3 r ¦. it a ibe prid'i-e oi tbsae laod* .* Bafilad * ibaa inaiaoLi or ii-tennpif if w*ter coincau icitioe* "Lire-*?, toa tiptnie* i f traniporiauoa. whiJi moat i* borce by tbt ton BtO, in the reduced pricti of tieir produau; ao»l to "Ji*: e , |, ciwlv are toe :ucou.e* from tbeir tarma acd of : ~r»e ju I invettu annually at-d averT faat red' cd lb* great feitdity of iba laxcU BowoAsm-Ifar aaia oy tbla CempM y. at d tbeu cnaequent ykld over thill, af tb* * ¦.¦ in and Miiidle BtaloB| ia mucu more tboa fui£' ei t c »»y Um Bf- feiei ct la ti.e coat of irauaporta ion, **o*c.i-W iu eiaw f«cil tie* fojuiabed by tbll Roio, end o'b-r. w1-!: whl h ¦'¦ at¬ me*, Uie operation* of wbicb are net i:itoi."Jrt*d bj toe lew waier of Sumoicr or the tnti oi «A'.r ttr PRICE AND TEIiMS UK rATMT.NT. 7be price will vary i:»u. *}> to ?J,. acsotfO*m| quality kc Co»'r»ci» lot Oeed* m iy t j mtd» d (690 8*0 » 18!i6 (tipmatlnf tbe purtbaaa mo.er to be raid k BraaatAOaJ i. ttailment*- tbt firtt to oecoin» d :e In two y ar* ftOWJbA rdOJ rf coi.trnt. and tba etliert arui ltily toeieatcar T1 s.a*-. pt>mei t will btr me sue it toe end of '.lie tilth year Croat ibb ri*i» of tbe BOOttOBfc iiTt.kn.iT wmn BI enabcno at j.snv i*bbi .:» obbitm. a »ecority to the perforniance of be u fr ;t, Iba SraS yeiir*'in'ereai-muA' be paid ii wivti'ce, aod It u. a" bt .1^^.- ?ti-od ibat at leaat oie-tenrb ot 'bo land porcbitod *.. ytargy bo broaght onoVrcaltlTBtlao. E-i.g^r ei UBa. at n 7'r;e: )'»r aanum, mav be noactitud by taefill ap t. BO ran*y r eLt trom lac crent pi co will be Je.:;-', r -a. j.. Counai y'» conttruciioL bo.dt \\ ill bs received at saob. Ready f au u Farm B .iiüina* widcbcia '.e-e J>. » db3>, ctn be obt.intc from rc*perib'.9 pera.ru. Tb.v »ill b" ii foot bjl-ftect. .: djj mm -*J lad tbita oat ttoava, aoaiwbl ooat oumaloto. apt a «<o at > « here alona rhe toc.d, *>liO in cub, exc kttoii Lataar t>tilldb>ga o>ay ba eotitractad fox at pt itttecai km TbnCtU.piny will forward all rhe B ..t :.r *.;h builon i«ovtr their road tBOtOBfJy. t>p<ri*l a rai ir. invn . with dtalaiB eti i BBB* r thin- pi.rcbtain* tb* Comnany'* land* WIUl ftWZl i material ttrlci liural tool*, andoulfi; of pxovi'.on* .a uij tb» |c»»»t »bole-»le price*. It '* believed that ibe nine long '-redlt. aadlow pvtoof bltar- tit clt'gi d tor the tola oa.wiil enrble a Bito with a ftw h*ir> dred dot tr* u raeb 8 d «"Iii i.ry rid'ittry to a-»ke V-n**.:' :'tr |*ndint !>. fine ell ibe purchaio mo'iey baooatct Jj» 'i Biean rime, ibe r»|ild titllrnif.'.t oft.« co jiVj -*i .y. .'.v naie in-rvtrrd tb'ir valee four or Be* fold Wi.-n ft an iperi' i c-J pexou will arcomp&ay ap;u:tc* tc give ,tu\: u.J'k B and aid in ^eleciir g in. d*. ( ircoltr*, routeib'ng nnmaioa* Ir.itance* of mc ttif 1 'arm- it h t'az'id by rctpcr'ibie and well Xnow.. i (iatb nciebbo'bood of ine Rai r >ivd land* tt.rc ha State "tlao, .re coat of ttnciit prire of cA'.tle. ex;>e:t>- ef harvecii^, ttmahicg e c. by contract-or ary Dtkol toS - ¦. w ba (Oh i rfniiy given, i.. ipj lie tioa atchar aorasaui r y le't;r, in I aUa\ En oi Ii. or üi-riri-.n. sddrcatal ro JOB!« 'Vi LKJ3I, Laad Conimlf*ioH;r r f the Il'l.io.t Cent al P .i jalf*nf No .'"Ml il^annr., ObtCOgO, Ultt t If()\{ SALE CHK/Vl'-AaiilendiJNK tV FI >D8B and >2 LOT S nf OIIOLND chi Bergei: Blaht. T_-u.'.a Bt JoNEb'o Htrdw ire Htore, No MCroTi? t: , J*r*8) City. .FARMS in NEW-.TCRSF.Y lor «8.0(10. »a niiiel rroni rvewar*. modem hoj»e. 1* ri- jin*. Mm gr* iy, 4e. n;aily new, will be M.ld for +1."t.'. -.e- hitd etab. r-;.. ..t .1. ,. re* ut r. ....'! half mile fr;m ^vj"*, rj-i:oa» i»» llu g, cho ce l(>rttiou. x/\ll be ban inJ.It ittfcMd*. -*ii i Bit.onn. im of o9 trie*, t- .! i'r. in no. tb* tin k piice «?«I0(i. I'urm ol 27 acrei, pru;« iU.'OO. .'"..rta ef 10f tcet, »7^0. Parm of acre*, $ttm. Kanuaftt Bt'et. tao and a balf mile* trooi Newark, viO.CO'l Par [ tt) terra, »itb all tr e t»ock, .ko.OIK'. Deny .'.. .! in m of 73 acre*, B7,fitif>. Kan of Hi ».-.-.«. .'.*\ carii af 77 acrta. $\<<<r. Vinn afQt aorta, r':'. > yol o'1. ¦' a p'ic.-i .'¦¦II JOHN PBICK. net! Ee'» « lofl No. 17» Mtrke--*-., NaWaTk, '. 1 Jnsmtuion. ASTON RIDOE SEMINARY lor YOUNG LA¬ DIES. * The Hev. B. S. IICNTINUTOV, A. IL, Ii Addrekt Village Oreen I". 0 Dolaiv, -e >. '.' . BÖÖKKKEIMNO *Tn7 WRlTINf sk\.Mr. DOnBr.AK No VB Bixi.dway. iaBWOulua Tiy ia ! >'vj. I i rlaiaaa at only f>5 ano a»lf\ Btadootojal tug Itats *>ili bo tut ititd 'or Booikrepi? : bT Sept. 1. Thfe* v i. tc: v a * .V. H.- DOLBi. AR'S Hau l training i - y *ti a i ::-u biit from tvey batid. MR. BIN« I i A M'^^ilt^oL loTik) Y e* .C L V- - OlCaL OTMNABIVll.oMMa Haaow, Atwr-pla tv-ine, ootta* to..Vkw next timi will be, RON \ y* tn- li *t il»- of e< lif-mlnr. N-imLn r limi'eil'c :w 'J*; v.'l. >. PraVaarj Ptpaitwaat. *|RS. OK ELL * l'OARIU.SO nud DAY IvJ st'dooh wdl he ri rptaiJ on TOCBDA/, ler*. '. Ji'c«-!i<rt ran obtained it j.-r ri»ide:;:e, Set. BN 03- «in-lilitce, kih *t. |>HIL L118 EAEI'LR At ADEMV, LXLi EK, 1 Ni a Hun.i -l.i' .Thi» Well et Jo wo I 8beet IB) BiQat by railn .vd from Bnetoa. Iii» DOOB B 80.0 8tfjl o| oration I .> tvrrn' . ». «. a c-i "y w n r ! to* charsoof tb» lot* Dr. BENJAMIN ABBOT; ..>. oawiy fwentv jft't it b»* b.en aoa4oe*Oti by ibe '»etin: "r'r>; je , (.IDFUN I, SnUI.E.A. M.. who it now r..t:* : 1 ? Jü< P .1 C HOY T. a IL, PrBftatet of Ma ber-ietl.* a Nitarol PtB- lioi'pby, too OM'RoF. tl. SAW YKH, a. B Pn.-rur cl toe BaanagB) l.ai »u».e« I it a t'la«»' al Bebd '., batog c'-:gn ! c-n'v f< r tbcae vi bo wl»h *ii/:er i" prrpai* :«>r : -gi or .ii bfoilOftoaeofeBoolokikodtaa,i«aoant dt«a ti ui cation for tbe ordinary bnoobaa af bttvoroogt : r. -h BdV .jc'utiori Tbe regular el**OBB BI* the Prorarü jr ¦. too JtU or, tl e Middle, tb* Senior at d the Advanced Claanc jj- t'-ing ol iboee pupilt wboixptct to unter CÖlOfi At BOgBO- aooaaa,ot BM y*ar Bkadvanea. B itatoalaBta ol gi lahili a.cuith ordiaarv pre.M>u* i.tuinmeata BBJ m pi ... ti'ler ci 1U ne in tbre« yui Cat dulatea for admtation o*o*t b* ot loa*t 12 yevt f tge; mn*t btfiba leatimomaleof good moral CtlWa."er. ti.i I -i it therm.!.eg oa tie fir/ day o( thj BnM . wmldh U i DM -1 > \ v, A' r«! .7 - i -' . aaaat be qu'iiiiaJ ro -alar »«>n.o cl**i *Jt*ood) ' raj '. l*ha niemertt cf tfcc Acacemy are r»ijg(red to b«. :f»t' -.ud pti' etui *t poalta aonbip aa ibe Baahath. ti tosb tbt ;b a* r ".* I irMLt* or tuirdimt picfer. Der-i»ai, Fxtm'i-a'ioa at he o'eta >f rv' T t f lad by tte Tru.tret and by ott (,» gentlecien tiv.n.a IfaVUtd bj '-be IS0*88*1 'o ba ire»11 t a* r'.itiiiiviA AgntiMy to a vote ot the rrii.ie^*, tbe daaarttDBSt, Bp] t tic- toMncfy and pioficio. c> of tbt *rc lei 'i tr3 WBdoitOtra totbtivreef eclvt pare-ttor giitrdi-ntat th ootwofaa : i .. A.«*r 'J1 *ru<",nt« telected a.iBniily fjro ar% t it: cctif her» of tbe Actdcrov tra admitted to Iba Cba>r:-y fa : >:.:.:.}. ll!t'e»e m*uit>«ri of the Ad.alK ed I l^t .-e*«iv*. tuition, *)! 7S a we. k; Ba:ilor*. »! U>; anr t- r im ?r. BIX towtlllaarlaoa tit ba itranttia a oBitat* *ta area, :.bar- tcter, badtaatvBa. tl*Brr*l and «cbol»r*.\-p; c.^^ BO OM SAO .. coo-e a b.-nrb itry until be hit boeu a mea-Vot af -.e a tderuj at e*-t ^e rm la At-tOt Ha)i. a building envd-l by tia Taw*»et "aar« art et» d SiKrle*»r-l M».ltrHm* tor aboat a) i-ev i. r i bt'Lg fnrmthtd will t b-dcteed, niAtt-ea* a: r>... »*. 'a', e, .bant, wa-dwtvd. locking and rte-t. loe : s ..* occupied wibiat chir»». axoafl fur Jarr.it*a. Aiv. oi toa .e. :*rii tr-rrdenr'* ultry it alao paid by the iVit'aaa 1 UITIOJ*. BN a yeei al*av* rem;.' <J : i: kgoctt ideatO. Coat ot Board tr Ahbor ld'.ll, ander :ne d;:»- Trag» tett, Irom »>1 jo to *>i 70 a wr-tk ia taäaUltg, a - IS lad b . tod Btt reriea nay be-»ade to eitaar of 'he (i.aw ig atttlaaiaO, who. wiib the FuucipaJ coapcaa the Doa.-J ti C:n eei i ±e AciMtraiv: Tha Re». I eerlee Barroagtt, D. D.. Parttat ; i rt n the Hon. 8au.uel 'I .. 'be B»v. And-ew P. Ov rtiam, M D.. and ike t ajif FiwtK'i* Bewem, |To| iqibI QaBaaj*, Caaabdifa, Mobi. PO IG B K E E PSIE JAMALE ÄÄ^ÄDSlYil. 'lie next - - l of tb«t laatitDiioB wi.'l jnaet-e I 1 DAY Beet 2. Tbe Principal. Mr*. C. W. L XJlli'' , . i-ted by tix Prvi.exix* axd l eachtut. Tis I -en b ]apa]rtra*ct wb'l le nDCer ibe charge I * Paritiin lady, who w.ll'rs* :ai*0 'lie lit'ituiioa. It it inlö.aed, a* tar at pcvt.ble, to BBako Frercb tbe l«niunra cf tbe f*'nily A ;oxm-I (Jra- i .iium atli be In reidi ett Wt *OOdttOt8BOOaWaaMat eaiaat i-f tfaa twit Una. Ore tutu nay bo *ott.Oau c: .cs r.._^' >j or<« H D. Vur ck. Sacre'a/y. ' TaKRYTOWN INSTITl TK.-C'ir- lUra, with r> fr-ei.r-i view of ht Ictii*Ti:a, tc Ba] Ba :t alaod C MveterO A (>o.'t Bookttora No. IM I'Ii'.m.; gg f. g. *. Bcox. No JMBriadwAy, er by rddre«»: t _a. nev'mc; **pal .pianu-ZoTirs an5 dtnoir. BENNETT, BEMXOB ** Co. PBaTJQCB p:an j-portm. ¦ .nefactoiy ml w a r BIJ o aa g ( No. AM B-noervet^. Oilrd dour eett of Br v.*w*v. J^V.°f.SL'NL,> RkU'AUED. a»d SEt.0:-lD »ABD IN- .TKI iiLNi a Ljk <a u iuat-i. r^aca U : »OB Wala A, M Sooti -.',.-»,i 4, Me Ptahodv. Ü. D., Port*mia:_: Dtr-d W. le Bvu Arno* tmet, b tb .:' rliv.e: nr^ ASEVEN-OCTAVE fine PUN.» for $225. aa.l* b] UkM 4 c, at a ./. yi « i.ae'. A tiaUet, [iiiiltto "!',... ha) «.ist; lit." ¦ «or Blo»;lat + ;..,.¦ PiaiiOaa'. Mii'vl'i. . .<> Irl Iota,« ' tent app* *d a corcfcaaa T. 9 BEtTBY, Na 4li J mad era?. Ä-'OLIANS, GRAVD rodM»! ARB HANOS, *<-aU wvti f'¦.tarnt »""t| -oa-m Bridre,' Irjiarotr: fret*! fcctkart " Cof-pottr-cn B'«.rfc>f*,M an/1 stoat - tr tar»rw»*tn»»iir» V-m Hail't, liatu fc Co'1 c*ltbrB»»-l M-.3nfarto.-7. in etar» var*e-| &( tt; if, wi'h ro7Joct,T->« (; ,-1 « JO to »l.OOo.e ar-- f.a-.t!t orj t'.:.d arj^f.r«-«« at Ktc.7 rrv-aa, whclotiaB .'«¦ M .... iy 9. T. OOrU'ttS, ... BtaaM ta berr fc Oordoa. No. M Bl 1 ;-r»7. Mit) At ¦.*-¦.» " It 1 :.ow BtaataH) acbnawie.lgaO «ha* t«i» r.f- . m- -'"* rortd 'jy U\i;et. Divto A Co. are-miiT-J- 1 to Am«.-ica. if not it) >oe wcr.d. t*r brdii»oey and purity °* too*." IBotton Uaity Tlrc«a CMlAMIiKRy PIANO-FORTES. W Kroad- ''trtjy.v. 7_a C-« a#*nrrro*nt of larwriir Piano«, «rar- .a.av-1 iL »"My reipect Aiao. a few taeand !iau*i Pirni*. of 1 t- Vrtr- -:,«.ke# '.'a ckir .'t, Oiihe-ft, Stodt:«*« *r.. r-raaltat (MO, *.*'>. *:"i*ui -1'-'. Pi'ica tohiri anj QAiaaaaai I. i'. CHAMBER1*, No. Mi Br 'dway. roat Wluta GOLD ME.DAE Pl^\0-rOi7rE3-^Manufar'- t :att tj STEINW.i Y A aON», Not. 84 tad W Walkor- it, rear Broadwai Now ] err. There Pumct i.ave received TBREiä HiHSr PBKatll'.MS witava »ho lart yetr laeouatw tftloti wit) rA.jemade by tin moat cr-lcbrattd maker* of Boa- *a. M-vr V:a». Philadtl; .a\ \n<i B*i!laiote. Price* law. GREAT IMPROVEMENTS in PIAN'O- jrr.ttrc-- -Koaam UOBTE, NEWTON fc BlAD- SUBYS, .iVv. O Broomeet, re»->tttidly inrita artenti-.n to -heir PLANO-FORTE*. com rac cd wua the aauut ABCH «VRf.ST PLANK, »»h:.-o j j.- a^ite liy tha moat wbasaatial n»pfCT-!B::at ever it-r ..¦laced into 'hi* -»polar lottr.aietit. MELnDEON..A «>-o..'taT-* Piruio-etyie ME- LoMEON, <-.'*ha:t fc Nesdhara, maker*, fitting ane ve«r »«3 01.) ub. w .1 be fcil at a ve-T treat deJnc'ioo, t*« j-fatr BaTtai 01 farther -jm tor it. Caller *t<rta* A. WEBBE, No l~l Wmt Br>.vl**y- RAV>;N. B \'N S (?o.. §Tr.v>*soro to BAC05 * RA'.'riN. PtAXO-POETE llAMfPACTCilKIVS. Waaoraeaa N>. iB3arrta* it.. utu Broadway, »bare * t ili e«- .ortr.eut jf I>r)rHr.M.NXii may be toanJ, eioiuti.ely ot oar ow» manufacture. v\ itrsL ed in e Superior ( ALTARS.Mauofm-ttirea b/ thr> anleraign* 1. :> m "- p»:^.»h ntfl lelt, and »r*rr»i.:9»l ti !?« .1 .an.» ilirnata, aaat by iiiiiiaaa. ttiafiillj paikaA, at toe tkfloar- (*l aiiüa» Ba. 1,maaa <.'=.%..¦>.. ai». ia etcdlen; *r««> aaot, witaet ta Hltoaa, *lj; N>. 2, milfl of r**«rjoJ. arithca*- I ani »t baa, BJIi No. 1, made a ru«ewo>l, w.th caaa *ii tar: »*. 0«; Ni. L mada of roaewooJ. wkh ca»e and ttrim: , ftSj S-. I ntada t r<*)wo,iJ, ,ery hin.laorae, B)-M; No. ti. »*.!? 0* ro*»wo>J. very elcrai f, +.V*. Jr,»r. onblU'ie 1. ali ot the Bone* rom " ll T/roratora." an-1 ali of th -l*te*t Btlltd«, vtn,-j r jeti-ntar >a-tt by ait 1. \ .«..«» 1. 1 rtOaffl 0/ 1:0m If:, to iV far e u:b oiece. PI3T1J, PUN)» la Co S-> -WT Cr^a^¦»^.y, V. T. CntlfTTj, 45arOniare, flnit Jrcn. A DIBOHDAC COLD DLV.ST CHARCOAL *"\ ti'j .'RON. iy 'J- Con;!-.:..».* Arent. JOBH ¦**. QÜIllör, Ne. 98 WiiNoaftt. PROPER¦¦ TRUSS UOOPS..:M Beta aaiorted V ai-^a. COOPER'S T.VCIt. TOOLS. Ai";»r:»cr., Coirar, ilortial iaaBaka? I r»: .>..»¦!«. vO^Ta-g r-.n v.t«! a \*tMc m«o*rci*..t. rOiOT-lR'S r^BatnaTas,DBaVEEB. 1ECÜ ntONS kc. Fi r tale by i-TiAS. L PIT IK > ;o.. Net. Bi IM fa'.tc;- rt 0K8I-8H0 E NAILS . Wt 'nrite the attention cf tfca trale ta tha lmrroreA ITH BT IWf'jTf na.'L-«, BUOOfai taioi ly ite Aic-ricaa Saraa N*L Compaq* afPnrideeKa, R. I .frjuthabtatqaaiitj ücrwty Irer.. and ttS.A by :*. their c;Jy .\«reou. 10» r*pna'..rj o; :i«ea« ' *Ut ,':a«i n^vr become very raver- al ky tfaHitntrl. ax- :ba deirau.d f.r Uie. j kj toaatantly it- aj .. .-. TLoy aft pa'bed bt kt ft cf 13,38 and 100 Si etch, fä««. .,<1,1, f. 9. 10. LL MINO, CEOCKZE L DOMS, Na j2 OliJ it, New v ort. A1LMIRED rUUSBUSY IRON.Prom c^M W**'. jhtreoal Pi|, and wholly workad in charcoal. Ifef BlaT*ard nary ttrent'h Bod (jtalify. On hard 'a i la:h '* aqu.'*. ,'U.t 1 ¦. $ jiade to order. JOfJN VV. (4L IN^T, No. M w..;!i3 .|i, Agent of aht Kapanoca iron Ca._ HUD84 »N I TO IRON ia cicrllent for EounJery and ."«et* p rrioaeav The No I f.xtr* it warranted to mix more *;rip -no u> \e t laarier tor a ! pa-po*.'t to any Sc Mck) Pia. JOHN w. Ql*ntCT, 3S \Vi:il*mat,J.*ntt'orth«U-idi ? lacj CoBBaaaxj._ AMES & j?mN'« SHOVELS anil SPADES. -»«1 e 17 John \v. qi'iNtv, su. wnium f. R e M O V A L . . THO:tA.S [MDOIaAES, AOrv-r FOR BEEJ BBACE, COBBBtiaBtai Merchant BatllllBUtatt* and V.'. '-tt!e P.>al»r in »v-rv '.at-rir-'t^r. cf AMERICAN 8 A ED W A Bat, No. M He-tin*r.--t, New-York. k^rilLlPP. AMLMONY, RANCA TEN, CUT O KAiLS. h* tola b| JQWN W. QL I«.cr.No.98 WWhmmt THtMIAfl PIG IRON.Soft, fret-, strong ami a Wjrrikted iBBatlrtlta forS-otrb Pit. Jt>ilN Hr. QfJINCT,N&MWIlfcm-at -tnvmtnrr. IENAMELED FURNI TUBE..B. P. FAR- J HiW. T"V mtrowrtvdy {irrii maxtaaaHoaoaaatataOBl tf r-ch CNAMKLKD CHIMBSB M RNITt'.lK, ail aaAtataa tod :^ljr*, a- I aUberataly dtcoratad ka lind'^to!*. tlriro* and f Ttv«.t. ^; -b» Xlanafattc;* War rooi .t, No*, -ti a-id is '.Vooa- t.i it i-ii»**a Brjtr,e v.d (irind-tt*. 1"7aTM!1EN'WA1.E anil CM ina . ÜS5 cratei J lie te'< " <, Jeui^ri tbape'' W hit* Oianite. K'5 .ratet Ci-'urn Oio.la t* :a'e« " Btoa Willow," p!aia th»t*. 30 bad*. CaW Lt|*t«r Jeaa. bad* " Brilawcotl'*'' Cfcl a. Ftr t*1* t< tie'ratle in -..ri*i -' >vtir«i..i;t by Bl'EOEBB, DALÜ fc vOUtiAilU, No NPaatt-ofa Aleuts for the Man*iftrnrtra, uchool ei rnhtr::. - O IBCOLAEi bl PflIRO ON AITLI''ATI0:-1 Bv R. PA'i'ON, No. ii »Eove-Br. »splendid suites of enameled eurni- fcll TI RJl, U ho!c.ale and !t WARREN W VRO, N M r .-.<-tt. K EXTRA QITAUTT REFINED LARD OII^- V«.-y p are, bot: t brightly in 1 et long t* sperm, and u«r*r aatatt* ia ariafci boit,^ kc, rum . it ia »«:v taperiw Bag o.'tb.£«rv. A.«o. COBvEN'B rtJEE TALLOW OIL. «ur-trior f^r br.-drn, will *.*¦%!ooldaa waatoar,atdwRlc «> ruiaboattporaaoa. Bfci-.. !t r lja)t)k*'!..i* Ouitr Igant _JOI.'N \y 141 [HCT, X.. I: WXEako tt E R O 8 EN E OILS N »T LX.'LOSIV R. BF.CUEEO BV PATBHtB. KavBOSKKB ILL I MINM'iSu )IL. TMü ICOMOMY OP riilB OIL IS LTHBIVALEO. #t ;a ,t BBEOBRHE aivta at nricB *a 0)9of Bapa- BtoJOUt mi Whi.* O.i, #Ju i7 ot' ojcrui O.i, and f ."j of B .trn-.a Flaj L It buiL* ni til the Arganj | ....oL-toa Ltmnt, in:!-idL.g c-.i pkena and tiirio oil i*ita* wit'..it the utaal Uoiojci to emjke. KBB09ENB LUBBICATIHn ANn EtNlVCT.i: OIL. Tao rrf.-.t of tola Oil rn tntciiinoj U faand to be p*rfo tly BBBaJaol 1 kMakaoaja the gu i .tol the j*o <.( ire >ire o.U, Btoora * 1.1 ..: cV"11 0:1, *nd doe* n^'cagevl »t a low ft myeiatuie. Pat Uiu.vacI- Imm*. .S «-. al tod 3uw*ur: Lat> -,». :a.« 0 it it;- 'fj. I: wi.i bn;a far tw, ut^at* with- o 0 gninming cr crotting the wick, t gr at dttiJeratun S>r tuip. rxbtteit, ani giiei t .' *4MJ ta be*: .tj-a:.^ U... baHO b im» la *B the Solar at I liitid Ltr.-.pt. rie Btaatatiaa af Eji. ice t. BUo rbsnd'trt, and Sh> Cip- taut par»leil*rij -.sttei to Iba 1 r.i tei tobaaaaaat the jfbco ui J17BTEHB, Afttri o. Keroae-a OB Compa: y, No. >i Boaaaa-at. THE RRECKJ'.NRIDOE COAL md (»IL fOUTANT araaarw ptwpna-i ba**rfatj CO\J. OfL-t it their M ..ofn^!"ry. at ("over-< .". Ke.Tcckr, e i'-.al*tin» 01 I.l'- niCATIHOO(t.Bt iLNtNü OIL. hy.k ui. :, a: 1C;U'')U COAL OIL. Par xul*t* BrrnifiieU g- iv^- ,u,odia«, roixa.* ai Wti.'-tA and Brea iway, N< «r I ,r a annllaatl at to_J. fc W. CAIRNS C...r.tn*art. By. TTT HOUSEKEEPERS «aJ LAUNDRIES.. L»a BY t jN V .'AHIB BLL'KlNtJ i'LUI n, uot cely 'ia aiaataaoooaiiCal Baticlafat ktoaiaa dattct, b-:: tbys on'y ano ibatia ;>,t Bora s:i). aatttetj aanbla, and laa rad]aatrl wj -.e -4ritaa;t tb* p*y!*fa ai g.-«"i.»a ibtt »o aatMaio anof »». 4 i tat L! 'c i Indigo. Tiy it. l or «'9 by all Orraor* _ _W*L B. PANrON fc Co., No. 3 lL.y.f». a] Ina NEW-JERSEY KSC COMPANY, by mv'"'-[Od ptvr-'i'ef titi -f-rtar*. are r ow prepire-1 ta offer .-heir XVil-TE O.WD 31' /INC. rtpari.tr 12 whi'» ata ta Bos ether md-c.i.ttrei re :bj cc try Bold,either .17 or gr.auJ ta*J. i) H. AITEEB > t.'- .u, No. IBS W'a*::ir.g-«4. It. OailDinj itiaimulf. ENCAUSTIC 11I.ES.For Veotibul..». Hallt, Hearth.a, D r-ing «oc" t. tVaaeTTtttfriet. fcc. OAEblKIEaf CrlLVNE"-ro»-J !)B UN-P1PM. to. ParaaiebT _»ÜLLLR L COAi'ZS.Na -Ti Paar! a:..N. Y. EAKY BOOKS.LEAKY ROOTS. OfBOEN I R')')! :N i Ci-.MBNT 1* :zi oBaapiat, I at, ui by t'S the moat Jarabia no )PINO tiled. 1:1* im?*.- .io :t to wa'er-wwather ird *«* inj |a-.-* ll 1 t rti 1 tha at) BtaBaa baaA LEAEY ns &QQVn CE- tlENTED od ata t e oal ta o*w. A. L. OdS'lRN, Ma*,n txd B .iidcr. Ho. 117 CtjaafrOt, OOFS, HO« »IX RtjOl-U.Tho cheapest ao*i beatartw)e*fer cotarinarcott iiT.'Jl ROO^'NO PAP EE, *V b we keep seBOt r.tly on hard, t^d wall *bU la large a*4 t.^*.i zzxo -'.It* to re t -.an 'jucrt. _JAp. P. DriRiy* EBOH t Co., No BJ Beekxta-*t. RO O F I N (r , R O O F I N S. WARREN'S IVPROVPD KIBE »U WATEB PKOOP PELT and COMPO*tTIvH EOOPTHO. JAJIES n. JOHNSON fc Co., MttrracTt-Ttnt*. No. H Pi=e ->.., New . .rk\ Cit! 0 d ieaky Matailic Root* t. read with a p^r. a**t ajal t'j*!'? C, i-TJg Copannnsliip Kotirrs- 1W. SI RSCRIKFRS hnvins purfbft8.-d the "ertit ,4 Mr. K. C. E»ao«. la th* Bra of h ARRId, I \ ANS CO.. tba traaiaaaa w|| » . t; itd before and«r tbonrra ot IIABBIB A Kl'A. JOHN habris. New Ycrk, J-Jy .C.' C»1ABLF> Kl'IIN. C'ftUe If 'Jlnciiaa f. f Ol To\, 1 ..rfcO.*" ADMIMMU \T( »1; *>ALE 01 i'IAV <>, CAK- lUb. Mll:«U:- ..- MATTH" ;;K ? 'ABt-UB hi IT*< C<»Ti A-OF fffch-rt Ri t"-rnlM'.MJ lie- . COITU* a ; .,1 in MObBO* I w ad«. I. J* y .'I. at Mf/tloct it be BOOK* o- i. Nc .'? Be kaxtntt end Ne. .H A»:. >f -i.-eiti.- -u e ef An tt'a-.li*0<n-i.t on '»wo. bv orr«f ;f th- A mi- .. WOT, kelWBetg hr* Pi» o f rtat- thire rr«wec*J tr.d iBn|.| BBl ¦ f «b« roeeww-d w-r» tntde b* McooH rtMl y " * BJ L*B ;.. .*»"»'. 1 || ,i, i - ' ¦» ve-v tin- If-'w I* j-tbrrwti, IB ft ¦ Mff H HnncMliT'i .* .***« r a-.)...; '«o at Irr» P*r>r »ni «. IB BTBCB BOO i:d ».»'».? I .ereral Ptt. fl. i.iU Mirron; VI «r roh «; He**-*.***; rrenrh t.drmm B«1il»i,'i. Oil llVr. -t * Mtht.-yrv reu* on T»b<»*; Mi kit r«f (. ef>t*t 11 I i »r* M ; «»IV 'op P.rxiHf «i .'. t lit, BcrriLi; Mthot«: T Pf!f r 'balrt: t.'.ttire do : Arne« H*.r Matrr**»*« Ar Alt). »i BBj Dak.Cul atirVtndBit k .*' ...itOieiri til vimr-f van*.-* Bed- it»mi Ac. N. fl .i . «ri he BlltBglBtT.Bnd |B*JBI BBBJJ be tike- i*«» 'tie line >} .i 00 fi. '¦«> "-' EC |_ fSH.NEES*» SAI.F-->TÖCK~ of HARD-* A ABE T(til« PLATED IVtBB. T TLB R \ t- J.NO I VAN ANTUIRP wffl laB or. THl7BiOAT, J«iv 2 at ip i'clrrk. tt No. 573 B<w*rv,bT rd-i ot A*»ine-., IBB eDtJre MlJfK of BABD« ABE. TOOL«, PL 4TED WARF. HOC*F rt'RNISAINO ABTKf.r*, It, enn'amed Utk* al-ove itore Aiic M P«teM t-bvrel Bevo'ven. 11 r«#»t of II CcUmt't'' Axe*, f or f*l pert .e alar tie* Cetelvfaai cow :e*dy. T. in 19f d»i». _ A. 14 Ml.bb'ib. Auc iOUBBf- BY BANGS BROTHER & CO .Trade-Sals Boon.. No 13 Part row. TdR RFi tTLAR FALL TRADE BALE wit be oom aieiced on TTJP.bd AY, tivptemke- P, et t o'ri ck a. m. Coa- BilBltll at Book« St<-'«ot7pe Pikte«, St« ic-aary. Book- Bilder»* Malen*.'« 4 c ,«..i..:el The Citaiognt wfll bt fmt u Brow etn* tu Jbit. Ti'Mt MonteLi . Ancti jtuer. CIGARS..THIS MORNING, at H».J o'rlork. at No 71 v-jud'i .:. -Th» rsrioQi ».: ¦:, roand in .. -«i f .-re tail b lois to ruit deeiiri. or f r pfit»re bs» in i*ck«(*i, roii«, «i J boxe«. OcIt 30 an: ..» will be occapiod; tobioi bind GREAT SALE at KILB0URN CITY, in rolum- bi» Coerrti. Srste of IBbbbbb*|b; Tftoro wi 1 be or/ered tt pnblir Bale, br tbe proprwori, on M YNDaY. A'icott '.8, ttid lOdJ .ioritf the eu/tTe»eek. 0"B THOCSANO to TWO TUOLSAND ( ITY LOTS. litiiAted in difformt pert! of UM pltt, Nitkiiie for bmineM bm roiideise*. TERMS 0# PAtMENT Will I¦. mide eikv. by b .¦util iinotuit in hind ntd there- Eiiii.d'T co le:if rin.». w tb . low rue ot intireit tod . liber*) duconnr to til r#r«ori wb< «hill n-tk« BBlnoMo BoprerBBiBOBl . itbin.i retr trom '.be tine of purch&je. or tc toc»e u bo tntf l rtler to par m band RILBOCRN CITY tituatad bb th» Wlieotui i RiT-r. iram-idlerti'» berow tlatt ro- ntai-tiet|<4 knoana« TbE OFLLS, a- i i. tbe niidfl oft rich f gr cultural conntrv. and of tbe l-olde«r tn« linear «cenery in W iKoniin. Tb« ute of ti<ecl J i'e'lf B baatitifa! tad heilthi la the ex'r> me. beinf tn eler.tied plain, fluni» imootb t tud eienly firn a li'uil JtlBlllill m 8" te-r above the river, which ftowt arnuucl ita wore. boundary, to an elrvatiou of about 45* feet, where it ¦utt tbe taMe lead tt itaemrern bound*, j, twr mile* data:.ftoni the rirer At rhi» potBI the LA CROSSE and IffLWAl KF.K R AIL ROAD crra»e« tb* WoteiiBn River, afford 01 »t«y c<-m naoiea ticn oetwe'-n Iba etatern and wettern porrioni ot tbe BOkM and tb* country be}*nd. Alko. sr 'kij p.>int on* if the lartent wi'er-pr'wf »t In the State u in BtOtMl Ot benu ere-fed, by the BVBKuaBUl Ri>«.-t Hydraulic Curpu y, under a charter trtnted by tne S .'» Tn* vYT»boo*Io i* the la-keit river io »ha State | and hit »iter power a ill be rhe l*WBBI oo«a on tbe river of t.jy thitcvo OB itDprcred, tberebv mein* ro it pee ilitr td-. mirtiei waicb will abtadiiy invite ifae erection of MILLtJ and MAN' FAC- TOBIES ot'avcn datcrlrtloi. JOHN B \i.lKr. Po t!.«- Wiicontin Uner Hydraulic Co. Klibnrr. City, Juiy I. 1MB,_ IORT A NT AUCTION SALE of FIRNT- Tl'RE. Minor». Ptiiitin»». Firwe«. Sprit and Hair vtit trt»#*«. Ir .THIS i%,i «.Itv) MOBNTNi-. al Kj 'club, at Nr 7f N»« to .'.. between Fulton «xd Johr .'»., b) TUNI4 ¦OBBELL, Aoctlo»ie*r, n *w*ed Pinor BBIbb, aoottad b Satin Brecatelle; BOOMtad Chamber Su le. niirbie tap', wi h ev d-y other kind ot Furniture Bnt e: tire daelnngt. uicluilivt) cbifct Oil Ptiitinft, Mattreoes, Mirror*, Oruanienti, bo. H i Mtttict tt tuiall .r< frt* trottte. W. 8. Mi:i Auctioneer. \\T S. M. bf'g« to aiiuotuice to bit uumerous v v » f'l-i d* trd IBS poblie tei ertll*, that hi* oDeninn «tle of elefto' F".rolt'if, rc«ewcoil Pi«rof..rta*. Frsn-h Pltte Mirror*. t..- ,w te .a THtrBBDoT. Jat, 2«. at il"tc';l.<k, de*7"lptlve ctttlofuet of which will be ready o:. the ¦BMBOBJ of *v)e. II«Vint MbbBBd 'he b--iti'ifiil end «p*cion» Saleaioom*. BOB IB AND 16 FaRK RO>V, oppoHte the Aatot |fou*o, lie wll be hai py to eiecu'e the ba*i nut ftei-rt of bit forrr.«t f ittont tnd tbe public general y, tr.ta prompmett. Ortfefaily tpfecittuaf the '. beral putrontje extendad to ktOI fur the pa»t fix yeart, it will 1m hi* earoett endeavor to intri: it* cibtinuinca. An out the ttrck will be found 20 solid rot««rond Parlor Sui-eii. covered in ivttlv brcco !ci. dt" t*k. tnd F.t iliib htir- Both I revertl iopaibly cined n iiwood CoBtOf Table*; cnttly E'tteret with (lire tlat* doo.'t; r. I. Mn<ic CaMot t; S-cra- tary Bookcate*; 10 ticbly decort'r.l enameled (Jhauitxr Suite*, aloin tii I rouble tope: intelher wiib a variety of PLAIN AND SCBS TaNTI AL FI HMTCRE. Alto will be noli), to ptv a ivuncrt. IM rboi .. Oil Pair.rioti; 3<i French plart Pier and Manne Mirror«, with plain tud oriat- n cnted fYaJnea Alto, at '3 o'elcrk. will lie «o>il TilKi E BOBEWOOD PIANOFORTES, of good 'one t- d finieb. liocdl ran be picked oo the piemi*e», fur thipplnt. *'t ret- toi thle charta. W. S. MEi-LOR, AaetftJeBOr, Stlertouju No*. 13 tnd Park row oppcaite tbe Attor-lloute. Dtp C>ooö3- BLANK! TS..20O onset ribbon-bound Family BL ANKETS, from eredla die to HA. and of Tatlaai tie B tie* j tofei II r wi'.h Nctro, Indian and Horte Blattete, from tb* RocbJolt and 1. .. kj Mult Will b.- told low. N'.SMITH ft Co A.<enti, So 71 Brot-lway. CLOS1NÖ SALE !.Still further reduction in price*..*Y>,IX» dolltrt worth of Dili OOODS to be odd off In cor leqaeoce of Ramova1. C O. Hf 'tiK No. dl " Bonery rcniov!-1 'a bit n-w Incv ti^n, No. 7ivi Brooiwsv, A*the tia>a Io Imtitad tor dlaj *-i-^ of tli.t »Urk, it will be tald wirhi al regard co eO*t> I C. O. H. pvticultrly invite* arrouiiou to the following trti- el *: A »J .-Bie i-ortm-iut f D -naxk l.n Su. ct kajaatd Srxuvl g, !o To«-iinjt, Huckn'mrk aVi CojttoaBbaat- lett aid SbUlii g of evety wiutb and o-itlity, tin lit, 1 oan'ar- pant 1, 4c, to til of wbich be doiret th* particular attenrian of Iionrekeepe-a. Ao imri.ente variety of Draet Ooodt couticOut of Cbtllie*. Barege*. Buregede Ltinet. Lawi.t. Indlt md other Btlkt rihtvvlt 'Ho'iaiy, Bo* Alto,a lint* aatorrn «.t of l.i Baa' nrattbt tnd CaOakBaraa, Alto * very large *toci of I t.ivh MgiUiC* tnd PanBBBttaa. which ri.au be BBta a< atiy tOBfdaco C (i HOOK. No 3110 Bowery. ST'ilIE TO KENT OR LEASE. BtttTt w ll op. n at ft and elo*o tt H "'clock J? A LL O F 18 6 6.. 17 HATS. CAPS. 8TH4VV OOODS. BONNETd, Ac, No. im fattataa al New-Tort. O E 0. W. k J E H I A L RF Al), .Miiiiifa it Fac' .ry No* M I, Bw) .1 d BE BtOadway, Albany, N. Y.. All bow HtpOltd 10 BBbibtt to pnrch ktatl from *li pari* of the I k *i tri »ttr-ie'ive, eleiin*. md cmnple'e ***ortm»nt ot FALL tnd WINTER OOODS, tiltp cd to the wmn 01 tT ry aec'ir.n of the cno. cry. tmorg w' i.-h mir be f"Uud mtny ea tit'ly new and ongu *i *t >!.'« oi ,i. 11 own dc-»igr Pvr'.ci.ir oHevOou i* re.,nc«.cd *o ih-rr MOLESKIN H4TB FINE BBOWH GOODS.-:>00 balea Ro:king ban., Hi ,0 xnd other .-* fo- tile by BEBBtTTH A Co., So. 71 nr ¦: -., 1NE'BLANKETS..Freah invoicet of the beflt «.muirica, fxr tale by NESMITH 0 Ca, No. 71 Hrosdwey MA N T E A I X DE VOYAGE, ob T R A V BLINO I'i 0 A K Gx.0. A 'll.ArtN. No. 1 .'. Broad 99f, rj£ BAVELIKO C L 0 A I S . . JAMF.S ÄTlIFARN, 5/.J BROADWAY, _ Abovt Ninth tt. rHnXROCI M.VN I'FACT L'RINO Co.'a BLEACHED GOODS, tot tele by BESMirif b Co., «ot, A»-ira Professionul Notires. fNHALATION in DISEASES of the LUNOS- X BOTtCE..Dr. HI NTER woUd give notice th*t du.-ino he b.' r- :.-.-« uf -' ..in..er no petaeu'i wu. be raieived af er H o. ¦ it: j. Peraint le^'imn^ i-xtmication of the luuat th >uid, U i-^aible. aaloat th* n ormna. No. Wi Broalwat, New York. Jc'y IB._ _' 1 PILE.-, BUPTFRE, and FISTL'LA.Cured wi'.'ictir tbe kltfttl or llaataXXO, by EDW H. IMXO.V. M D.. (Editor ot Ihe * ', " uti 1) 1 id raaataltlai Boiajao1. (Hi. 42 jch-tv. OEca hcrart irotn t to 1 a. m, 1 W d p. m.,an*i 7 to I tvemng. Dr. D. wl 1 !^ ibaent from tb* city frmo Anjajt 1 to utd tr^rn Sep-cca*!^ to 7, .cclanve. TO LADIES SUFFERING from DEBILITY, CibbBIbIIib al tVEAlNüÄo' .wrvoot or Org*oic DE- EAE01JUEET Dr.A.J. INOLRSJLL foemarlyofRicbeaT. '«» tl.e rnl fortka » f-w pa'iaai* nuder hi* ch*.godanug -be Sumaier BOd Fail, tAvi baa u/.w rowia tor 'hr 0 ouly. Hit ttBOt- aatrtt of t'l (faaaolo eoupltlnr* I* 1 piai.i. coiumoo-arnt-) are told bat been i_vtri«fkl' i-at»«M when ful'y ottrlt 1 on' II« wU he tltd "o ,er»oitl!v eariiin hi* rvten 10 thoae who un^ BrtOt bbra orltb rhtur tddio**. iar »hi b n-> ciitrge trill ba mate. Re't'eicej wHl ba |i»ea trui r*.;oircd where the . ipiietnt* trt onknown. H;' reroit are * II oar w»ek for B u! tad T--»t men*. A icliete A J. IN'ji.RSOLL, Sing Sing, N Y". ITNTTED STATES PASSPORTS.By J. B. J MONKS. Nctary and Cotoraiattotiar far ever State. No 1; W arrate»! Naturtliied ciUmu* moat p*-u*iuna cectdicttea. UonniTj Cana CUnrxanls BOI NTY' laAND-WAIbRANT OFFICE, No. 63 W tli-tt , Naa-i'ctk..Tbt higaett market pric* paid for LAND W aRRANTS, and all tin am* told by u* are ^utrta- teed tnd loiwrndad, by r-ail or otbvrauve on re»eip- of romlt- U.'c BB L-.nd Wtrranta procured fair Pv' hen tad otheri an'.tied to b :: j Lid*, i j % .¦!.. » t. _7. C. COLEMAN A Ca Ba as w tii-tt LAND WARRANTS WANTED.. EAYLOP. BROTH PR" Btokart. Ho."w\roU-Bt. Ntw-Tort. »i'i!ll topp.» or«ien :: u.rt.. .Vnrrtnta t wtyton band. LAND WARRANTS boo^t Bt tbe hichett cath price.* *ad erti'm* for Broaiv tax d, PaaaicD«,\e. ptcmet lyt-taodiJl ,.»«/ OEO WOODMAN N. ^Wjüaant? J inaniioi_ IlllCtd uk "I.It "*Vr"J°, ^".-^l N«w-Yoaa fall I», 0 » APFVlDIAD of Eul« PEttC^NTfnjolt*- t.w'arni".. r'.aMtaa baa n.*-a ia*l»r».» iu< r,-»t«r-: inC .ti-i-a t.pM'';-"* ^/¦..'."f-a*',, thelValUf totle.ticeL-dtitrt' rr.iti-rr^ on e ' »k» of tu he. Ut A >_* I'Wil* H ILMW.CaeWt laTHaNAi iLli «.n Ciati\**Ti R.n.ao*t> Joatr.w., lvD!«»<roi.i< i <1_T l*»* » Dividend M»ilCK.THB. BOARU Of filrU rt)BO (f THr IxniAMA'OLI-» iNOON CIN'NaH b AILBOaP COMPAN V -im-i-vi Uf -.-W*rel* HF.H AN»UAl. I'lMllfN < tt ft" K Pt-.R I t..M f u the t f rm «a t f the nor for tha» an mo- the eudm« lall 1 pa- *Wf in cat oo a. J tf-r th<- .'th !i at. t'.-oc asoci re**- {.red Ü <hr rr,i .ft - »"-Ohl <-f the Ooarp.iy at that 'ie« of 'j' Oh ¦ I Mb I: ram re IOi fro*' Company. ' i "«"» >o«t o-t ta* V-h of Jut*. d.taABXd U pavaSit at tud office I pou tit >"ii: ajaat aftVafcd <a p**»bl* at th* t thee of the CfW "<1 ",*» at Bt ur.i, rj*_A_ ^vaRM, secretary. Di^nDKMD SOTICE.-MICniG Ä"Ä 8ÖÜTH- ION AND **ORTUCRN NOUtf« RAir.ftt'AI COMP.ir* V -TM Board of t».rtvr.* i.««« THI »>*> d#> elarej a St mi Aman C'tbieuiaf Fl» E Pa» CBlTl fuU STck of 'hi* Cooioany. a.vtwa» S*<kb«*Ur* afte-th-tlttdaycfAoraatreat Tba Traitfer Bonkt w.i <.» eloa. J from fho l9»h JoJt 0. re. to tba laf of ottmaat..>e» Yafb.Jiuta5T.lkM. ( fMCW^, T-a**urrt. DIVIDEND.-RlTC.TlW FIRE NC £ COMPA* V.Odea No. I'M ChatO*-" aqua'* coro« f Hott.t N*a Vork. Jaly a, le«0 TV.» Board tf JKiaeWri bat* thi* t*1 dt-ciared a aetai-annual OtttMLd uf ¦! v I llf NT pata>,« to tbe.f.<kb-»:deieo" the let of auatt B*Bt The tta. *fer Uxke trial be clceed trow, the 24th i *t. ua.f Aua. I ByeHer, E B.f KU.O* I. SjcraUry. Galen« »m> Cuic.tJO laias R »ilbpad CoMrtiv. l r»r.i» * Otke, t biciao. fu"w if la* » DIVIDEND MITICE..Notice b»»icbv civoa to tn. of.ekboldtr. o- tba 0AtEIIB ABO fHI'ViO I NION Ri.IL.ROAI> JOMPANV taat a OiriOead .-f K PER CrNTtipo the Caidtal aOBIk of aaif Cotapaer ha* TIU> PAl leeu dw-Mrer* by ¦". B «rd of I»irertort. ptttkiaootbo IS h day tf Autuat nt*t in Ei.h*n*e or. N-w kork tr Par 'o baMata <t ia4* attnk, »t the c'oa* of bu»ine*t oa «-j 3i*t c»v of Julv. IBM No di»id»t tt .* remtttrd witbeut uirect.ont. Bt order of the Ji.ecuta W. M. I.ARR1BEL. Secretary. LEATHER MANFEACTURERS' BANRTNow- \ir*. Jut? 22, IAS6 Di ideic of Pl\ t PI *t GMj iatbePaaf'al Btaaaarb ba t«id 11 th« Sta kaaAaora eu aatj after KBIOaY. Au» 1 The Tr*n*ter Book* trill h c oaod not.I tba rJ.a. By frder of the Board T R. ACI.k C*thl*r (mi. r oi Mottit C*\ >l *m» Bavkim; CoxraBY, i l.rtey Clt|, Jul» 2\. 13Ö6 I DIVTDtM).The Bo»n) «-f PkuBlilW hrt^e rH it* MAY doeiafaA a OIVIOEBJO tVoaa tba .arutaaaal the Cant r I - r P-B tlENT f.r tie oa.t Sl\ M »N PHI u..a the PkBrElBCD irOCK afOM Co uptity, p*> .bU to the g ockbo!det« -ir the r repre*ei.tafivat it. aid af the rir*t Turn (th. >0)rf OafBOl I'll OtOtat* i Oic» at Jera-t (:v f a it re»tdn tt of Phi'adelobia ai ii 'tv «t the ifice of K '* fl.»RK A Ct Ihr TRANS» ER BOOKS cf fhl* STOCK wl'l be CLO-itO f:om the JSfb ic*t until the day of par nei.t L. N C t>OIT, S«cre'ary Tat Niw-^ott. OBBTBali RtiLtntD toarar.i T.i tM r Oi t ic tLlisY Joly 2.' tOSt f THE DIRECTORS of tht* CntBBBBJ hare d»»- iareu anindeid of fOCB rtR CENT** the C*m<al b'ock tt ereof rut of Ba i at eartil-ig», f r the tlx mt.n .hi arhit'i Brill ettpt.e on the th-rtt; h:*t in.t payable Oi tlie wWa day of Aotti.t fit. >'tckboti4er* »bot? »trrk It rettttered atItotr-'orl trill ra ce re treir oiridea.'t at iheotTi. r of Du rta 8b«r na A ('' ihota who-e ttivl I* :e*iateied »t Bottoa. at the (,fB:» mt J P lhaier A Biothe. ; and thote white dock i* regiaterod *t Aikaay, at tt.e AIbaut Ctt» Bank The Tri: i: B.« k* a.ill be c!o*» l at the clot* of bmlnea* o TbyPBDAYaIkeBla* of Juy ln*t aud will reujt atden the rn> ri ri| cf SiTl'RPA> th« 2>d r»f Aurntt eit JOHN \ I. PR' l 1, l're«*ur*r D lt»itG laaTITVTlOB, S'.i 9d a ttr-.i tt. IV1DF.ND . TB»B Io»ti'uti»n hs* rlfclarfd a S. n: AOOBOI I' tidet.dat the rat« ff BIX PEBCttP a ..ini* ttifttlr,. tbe-eto for the l*-t tr ree *nd «m me Ii», p.ir* h e aa *Ld *fter the tkat luat All iut«r-et not called fjr artel d v. ntartft a* prii.cra*! Open dalli fr im 10 to 2 p. u.., »ud 4 ro i p. n.. o:. Mtn »tt Thurad«?* »nd «trardt- . u.ti.TfR « t OfOKIilN, Pr««id»ul. V.%ni ttiLT L BtXTON, * M. H. BBUta. J vice Pratt,, beeret*, r. M I». I Pclt. 1_ Oi Met or tnb ftortt't Pita loatroaBOB Co..{ N(K TotK iiii-20 I6'0 ( THE BOARD of DIRECT«)KS of thit CoolBtHM ... 'Y, dat declare* a DIYIUt.NI> of «"IVP. (dl C Eh Ck'NT. paya'ie ön and after the 1st of luiy nett. BBaB »Ii A Bane lbs ; ...- Book* trlU be ci.t*«d By order. *'. P. CNDERHILii, t»ecretar« I Oi net ct Titr Mmt tii-rur Putt (.«»i tasct Co , J No. anlViH-at Nea Virt, Juue 28. tt*0 | THE DIRECTORS of thu t'ompac? havt thi* d»t dtcitrnc a OIviDOD <; KitJt (») aatBoot,oaaabli on the lat dat of Joly nett JOHN BaKER aoe'y. On tci or thi Hixth BVBOVB R«iLto»n OottTABT, ) tiltTH AVI.mm AM D CoRTV tOt'trH ITBBBT. Ju y 14. ISSO ) THE Dirpptora of thia Company havt« detflaroii aDitidf Jot PlVE PWrt CENT mtt of the eartdotlt-f in* Ri«. tor the aatVOBl *ia o.... t..t. paitble tt the ttJaOJ a the Irentu^r Oadtal W. t,eak-. otq (Ctahi fJLa to P*ipl.'< Bai k, en tbe lar .Uv of AeaaM BeSt, tb* aaAof i t: nut year The (rOaatBt Bi«k« »":. fa elrted fta n he .t)tb kaat b that da? T. RAiLFY M\ EBB SaataOary Orrtcaoi THr Bkkkm«* loaOaABOB Co n*w Yoax J<dy 7. .«»1 f THE DIRECTORS of tLos UOBNMtl haro d.-- clarei a teo.i armu.l ditiiMtd of BIQH ( PtRCflT oa; able oi the itrof Au*uat aatl The Pra-iitfer Boc tt w 11 b. cioted from tho .t'tu Uot ti An*. 8TEPI'PN If C0V0ER S^cretarjar Orrict 01 COBfftBBBTAIi iBaVBABCI Co THE Dirt'Ctora of tiin ('ompau; have tliir day ceclated a SEMI ANNUaL DlVluEtlD «d f!>'» rut (TNT and *. EXTRA HlViDEHD of KH Rrtfl PER CENT payable to Iba "to- kb. Idura or tb< it iua-al i.. .. Bttitalltea ea aid after toe 1Mb it ai t.i «,: .i tiun t .r tiai iffO boob* art- i law I GEO T HOPE,-<c>c..'iary. On 101 or the Illimii- Ckstral Rtii.totn Co , > Hi wTobj, Juit u. ibm ( THIS COMPANY ha# inHtud and in no* pr. paed to aeil NINE HL 1 (iKKf) 180(74aNO tlr LABB af OR UriC CTES orhCRI" laaaaacef At.l00au<1 »jtt.' etch which l.e*r inttre.t at SEVt.N PI R C-'.N'T p-i an:.t m tt-m the IS-o i: at pa\ t1 attat-annatliy «ml ara aa* 01 the I.Ttbof January, |8'J. at the Otiicc of t'ie Comp* ly In N> a rorb. lht»e CerHi catt-a ara Itanec* I- auticicatvn of tfea am»*r. t«; be r.ce-vtd tor 1 UlRTV THOL>ANI> aBaJtCalad -I H I which are now r*pt»**^t*d BJ aatMaal n«t.*« which wl«l expire n i the Itt day o> Janntr,, KVI asl the int'allmcuta «hieb are pi-.dgtd tor the redempti< c. of th^ a<me. _I N PEBMSj. T-e*,-rer. Ohio a\i> Pi aaavtvaaana R*il«o»pi Oo i PlTTtaOBtMl, faj* 7tn. S'6 i NOTICE to the S,l(ICKMOElthkM of the OHIO and rtNNat L\ «.via BalltAO At) COM PAN i .lb i urtuance of a to't of the Plccttt \"m * of the OBic tadPtatajlraaktBtalraadCoaipexy as ELViCTI'»» wii.be bei«) at the Rtoto i t the H NVd af »-a le bj thi C:t-» of P'ttt burnh o:. the 30th of fh'j m t tb bet«-cei: the hour, of S o'c ick a. n, a: d I o'clock p m. t. r rif-e-u ¦¦-rao .a tn ,a-r^ M KIKECTORS it th- PITT.-töUK Irl PORT H«.|--' . CHICaOO R.viIROAI) CompaNT, tc laraa for cuey-ar and U' til tfceir tnt-r-.at.rt are choaei act-ord-i.» to !*a? J I'. Ill NUERSOM S-c'y o< th; 0 a:id P. R R. Co. vew-haven and neTw-london rail- Ll i.HAIi ( ti.The iutorett At«rra; tf due aa tba aVtBfll Mortttge Bi m t pajuble 2 th Jam.-rj !ttt ad tu* .fin fal *!** tb* lataraal OS »iraft ot theFf« M «tfaBa B u. a. d>.<- ICihof Ma rb !a«t. tr-ktt'her with jee In-.t oi. Thirtl '¦( rt *a«t Bote« oua ,h't I'fb Jc... a i be paid o" BBtaa tan I at tte baalii* houte 11 OEJJ i, RilBBINa a. sO.S inibiacitt aicattl. ELM C1T\ BANK, New Haraa, _O P W AR I), Tr»**nrer TOLEDO Bdkt] ILLINOIS and LAKE ERIK UaBaSH aatl8T. LOC'l^ t.ali.ROAU COBPABlEf i iw eaaaa k aie.l m r^r the tit e if T'IK r iL» Hi # t-' Hash AND WESTERN RaI'.ROaI» C >M *A N V .T m Cotipon nattit'.ir aa t^e lal if Aucuit n. at a* taa Eirat Mort teat Bo: dt i f thtre C- mo ^iet (aui^t.aunito^tther t. B| 40t V<) w:'., l/r paid *t tin '.(Be- ot h U H.TPUOfSr-. 8f-N A UORHON. _No it »Vi'iiao. at e <rn K trf P| ia veu-.ork central RAiLKOaD NEV'T'n IN PPB CENT BtrNDS.i. . ¦ua*r>i»aal off* a or t%u thi bEVKN PER CEaf COT/PON Bi/Buf ot 'h- c, , par,> Can iiwar). bavltit ta-ent-. r-«r. bt tn« L te e-- p*Tt^-a ten i at i u»';y.aa the fir»t o»* t cf Eebrua/y and Annul; af*!»*. Coo pa- v'< A^t.i y. ji ubii Citr. __ Ut- ^CAN, SHERMAN A Co GALENA AND CHICAGO EN ION gaff- BOA 0-TV TB aNS »r R HdOKl or the OALCtfa cU^bV ^ t N'"" Kt;.LOA.-.t & ZmJ^h'L cb«: m Btal wBI he aliajtd a- 2p in th- H'h .f J.iv ,ud rt ocenroatlotti..ualit Ar7.,t,e.t -tj. dr.f _ w" M LAJlRaBr.E. seerttarr. Ptortfa Pint uirtaact Cc. ) AT an ELECTION £lTj^uTlB^L rx <7W.rtr.eit.tBj.ri were t,«-o, »)-r#atw.*of ttiaC lOtBBB fott.lieetja.it -u. *.». UIPtlTORtt Blektrrj Vartet, Oat lord i HcteeC, A 'Utaa, n. Hi,. 0. Jtct.onSttwara. Jame* S B-oower, Abraa»^ I »,«," Preen, vi^«V.. j M--ker. 1.»-... Ce« V' lau ... krrc-.!.. bo om t B*.:f*, Jobi Vt te, i Edward L. Ltneh, Oeor.e Wajaajf, Tb-m.«* W Ua-ni Petar B. OWbtta, VfLl|*m Mtdr. Edw.-» f Ciuk gaaaall Leww E<iwa,dD K. M jrnma, Berwo, Cemeliu. ftt-pbeu, M*tth;.aCla»k, Ph il» 1 B< u ¦*-».. BBmb ebioaler ChrtKcpber O.et Aifrad Haw nor.. 7? p .r,*-b,'t. John *fni,wrtPnna Charta» H kt-lcryr* «aBo P. TottOVttBB, OeoTle r>. Craata. L«ctd P. Baa,-- . Oideot Da AtuelU. Mat Mat Bi ,xlaoc4 At t aaba^quent meof.!'« of tin Board P.'CrURlJ \ ARtrk **q.. waa unanBtvoua,r t- aloctod Prvt4 <ai I _ W E PWDKOHtLL. Woe-etv-y TM TRUSTIES of the SEAMEN'* BVNK M. ft r^AVINOSha^e ordered tn*r lotetet bepai: 10 ¦-" fcllr. U tLC':,- Ja-aat On ttuni of Pit* Hn-.d.-ad Dclian and _d>r at tt* raf cf tit ptr<<itp*r*nr*BBi; and ' Oi maaaoatBUi Ptra Hundred 0o.'*<a. tt the r.'a of Baa bMati P<,: tBmm~**ym** en and »P^: MONDAY. lit: BB aBkaaaatJBtBl b* ered'tod to d*rx*ltor* at prtnclaai William NtL»o%. 8r.r.ta.-t. p at uiX g**-- N'oticf. V^mBTmm tSmmK II the Marat* kt auch caoe road, aud prortdea civaTlj L «"rcwatinttnofe* tau, j r* Luther.Stow.tl atThS.S SLJz} OOMMEltCIAL BANK af ABLKOAbT COUNTY^-,: ia neaented at tba Office of tb* Ba^ruitoudent of J. »T .' BBlaipiHl II I of tb. Stare of New^orTlC oatme, . Jh." mm year. fro» the date hereof, or tb. cuculavat, Botaa Utnod LtSaffU ft Hi LwWry at. SCHOONMAMR.^ - | f ' An. HS MSI KON l'KAPK,), «.nie- >o 4», I',.*.., ,.r-,f|t *V k 1*1'' 'i I...,.- . ,,, At. . i. /,>.' K u b - a* <¦'*.. Of tbaa-n* i i'w, gj" r rt, ,. ' Tl»»«»> It <.v. ; . .Jii,th(»»M''''*)""M"'lV.V!( "'f ?'.*«*** ,( .. ir. i*>Uri i ' *-d wmmm Rtwroii«>jg .o.i.Mt* Hep. <¦.<¦.¦ - '^'ICJS^ /e.h»i-.r>*nk rf tit«UBt-Nt«Jf.. .¦».»»)» jr.bk' .(<.: B ri,« »«Hn.>. ».«"*BCB._ 'PiiE IbFW-YoRK CENTRAL RaILRiS I r< IMP any TRKaW UKA'S Of KICK, AlUay.J«^ , . 'A. i-.^ii-.-l.-li-./-."-'-.«;..«'.. h«. , >l cZmtrtBOB W»f/T>TT7.l^r?^ LuVj V., proeMe f,.r hm bw ip"***?] »f IBM M «it aa> IVmV Aa km* of-U Boo* of too te-mpani BJ lb* cut pa* U.OOoioOllt ab'db »hall OT-btt-OUy BOt aoaao-l ibo ... I,bbj rfO^TuTl MOB! MlBBi«BB^^'^"glgag loo to* art*** iBiM *..<. .»r«"t»11*° "** *nt JEaoooi to be u*«d.Mfuw telat** to th<- axe*.iooh tha ! .¦' u 4e «T.?n.-.t- of «he i-i.tcbtedoeei of rh . for.Mr fa*. umkl ¦ «tu unpaid tiiky rea-Jor da. table, »kcept .o Bb«M caeae Ptl ' V . . .. ..n..- of l.tatrtira m.T »0 made, at baOkAMBOI 'tl .ciwU 1- z ofto.d.r»uktk,nofo«3 l-th ; tomot for bo I- teiW ttuetied. a d be uavie pkre- aMU *\pf**tUa. of twauty vetrt from tb..r dot-. wit* intae- eil kOBbToi öS t «I I** r»»" M k-voo p»r coi.t o,r kiiuooi « SS^iV A,-..'Y In tO* < ity of H.l.rk. On 0,. Or. A-» of t . btu*r» . d A-t«uit to r«to »«*» It kT^m^C- t-H mmM bj d -W b bCTooal^BB). SiLliW r.ub:,»be.l b; *r l^M?th^fc»V^ LTit I u!a«... to !«. n.. d *vi n II» I r **)- p«rpo*.. *«j to A- E'f p . » ** for I tot» I «rtlOB IV loo. ^tn. .n.'.nrr 1 & Kund »'11 be !n»**'o* «»>« oo..*<*.¦ dlot tMBBb t-o « f tfciV t ..m|«flj *ir«|* pre'eretuy »o 'bo^ o. «o- kkkOO, SrttL JS . rocured e' rtBWOBb* oroble I'* -»'»»er it.ne* fM f. ^e comt'eoie.. be«rin< to* lit* r»t, <rf mt-r-ot M <Ae ^-"r. BB. bBBM fyjlBB pWl bmbw MMBBbI ».tb?tg^ oV/f ARINiW SAVINGS HANK, M atr., cor. of gfltftgag T^ggfj^g Hre.de,,. ffSlTED STATEb TRUST COMPANY n r. e -3 O k k No tn t*.'*».i.-»T. . _ CA»«ti*L CM' MILlifDcN OOi. All? »BW COMPANY M a LBOAL HKC.vmU.bY Of BOV>;V PAIH INTO COl'ttT. mt* >. *.''' *'.*1 to ttl t* <>N iWMIM ¦ v o»Dr.t or ikv coiwt ik T»i»» trkTi, «m«-(i?'1itig iturrokktr'*,» » P*f Bf BB t rim. Hiin>-l'i"l? o' rort>or»i|iin» f '^fftidi f ri«*Jb», it :o bo piid o: thirty d»y»' notice, f per enil If or k ur»» rerio i. or on «borte r co'tce. I p?r ce.it. TOl'trTKMr JOsrfH I.AtVhfcNCE. PRTttt COtnjr.R. v U in D MOUO an. ffto M A - XIC fffkS, ttu^mre coRNiNO Jons j pKiRWC Kgu Ui fUaM, w li.son 0. HflWf, WyillKRO RNAl'p, dU ARNUM» VA 11.1.1 A II TV* Kl bV CUAIM.ksI ¦ bill. KUi ai. PHELP8, . \v Ai-TS SIILIIMaN IOHN i/ClScO, b. P. W HKi LWRIOHT. a.A\ id HAimKN, EUMl.'nd COKkIN,,, IAOOB babbsv. THOMAS SI.OCoMB. IAME8 s. skyAIOIHI. CLINTON OILBLRT. liRV.r.NK C. IIHONSON COKNKLH. S sm II ii, OAMKL I Mii i.I. JOHN JACOB AjTOB jo.. W C H alstkd rokb'N H. WAI.vt OKTU. JOSEPH LAWRENCE. Prteidook. Joo.s A. Brrvt*0T. Oexretsry._ N LUDLi.W PATTON & Co., STOCK Bnd EX- CBABOE BBOKEhS, Ni BJ U i'iitm tt --ttoct* and Botdi hi unht *xd*old Mtbe B-okert* B">trd on Commt*«uri. L0Hit»ltd bukiueM paper negor'kted Icf^rert al o*« o" d*- ,. lit D'r i.Lilktiid fi.teirtt W arrant* collectcdtrid remitted, kekbrriice- n Bank DW. VAfTrHAjTÄ Co., Providence, B* Lt . HANKERS and BRf'KEHS, are preiave* to oe«*-t*jto oomier-iai 1'ap*', to make Colleetiooa in all oart* of eheceotv | y 'c im atui *eU STOCKS ON OOMltTiBf' 'S, via lo «of *. tfleKTS for partie* throkd bj BM tr*l«*cclor > osf lakjBaaat Btrcacacra.Mr. T. Brwen, Fremdem Riactnone Co* .ti Bank Prorldc re, R I ; Mr. D. C. Baker Pmeida it Hoa> ard BobBbbj Company. It Ue*«:t O. d. !'¦ <o* B Boa, .Jew-Vork Mann Jahn tu-.h. A Co.. f h '«d. 'v'. » i'irexel, bather & ctruRcu. bImdB i " a.\o PRANCIHCO Cat . <iraw HUU of Evlkan«-. 00 0K.KXEL 1 Co PHILADELPHIA, payaM* at tbt or ocipei «ttieaof Uta l oitad >.»'»« - i'.ri mad* at Sao rVeacxco, and hi (be lut*rla* of tba Ha*b, end pro emit prompt.y rauS.ted. C'eiileetkODe uity ht mi *r,d to Ü. 8 At*, or tOroath DKA.AEI. it Co., Phtla- Auiphia Ol L. S LAW HENCE A Co No let n'aaaau ..., N. T. ElCBBMB oo Bar. f eancltco for *ti* to <ama to *urt. by OHFX VL A Co..Pbüa<*v>lviikt. and L. .-. ,.»u n, a C*. «t«w Voek ail SI A Li EY tV liAfiTLi T'I, No M Wall at., W Nun Coat BOB BtBBb Couuu'** o' Brokoi* . Paper parabia *| any l\lot in theL Jicd St.r.» a dc».i..da enHect*/ MM aetokated. OEO C SMALI.KT, alfred W B\RTLETf. Beferet.ee** Mo**< Taylor eaq.; W m t. Atter, aaq BantK DBeABTMBaT, Albany. JuIt SO. I IM. OT1CE it lirrcbj trWe-o, jrnfeuotit ti» tlie etatutB m ancb cka« oiade and provided, tbai all tbi Circul*tot| Vetet laaiailB D KENT.tnliidlndutl bai.kef (PututmCoiintf dank.I um I..- pretested at the ofJW of 'be Superintendent of io Btnk.iit Departn.c.'.t of the Sttl« of N>-w York for pavmetB tricoin twa year* fraca tbt dare hereof, or 'hi f.* 1 uopotlted '.a 'be ratJaaBBBBOO of the CUculaU.-ig Notet '**ued to th« .aid -taiiker will ii glrao up. |U'laa2yU' M SCHOONMA KER S r -n ' .n.ltut- H(m; ImrAtTvi kT Ai Busr. BoM-rnber Ii laVA. VOl'H'E in hereby gwt<t\, imrauaiit to rh" etaoitB kl e'K-b rate madn and proilded, that all the CIRl I'LAT- M. hi'' KB Uaaod to the LOCKPORT BANK ANDTBL'ttl 'OMI'ANY'. ia bar.kmt tttocittion. Lockport,| ui itt ha pro- .entrd at 'bve OaoV e of 'he Saperinte: denr of the Bai^lrn l>b- «BObjtatit of tic State of New-York, tor naymeut, wirhia TtAv V EARS from tba dt'e hereof or the fumlt depotlted for tho m> ttoiitior. of the Lir.uiatia/Note* ittdnd to tba taid ».» wli >e «i.i up. ilS|*w2yW M SC HOPNMA KER Sup. rtnf»adtat_ OFFICE H. h. GOODMAN A Co.. No. 7 Wal at.Ue bar* for *ale lb-f'. lov.mil e«i-iiriiiM) *> t<' H-i- rerCet't Hordt »ifilio Coua'y, Ky. * " f** rBl Po» f'ent Bunrt fiavidtua ."ouotv, Tena. * IV'lüO Irght PrrCe-t Bot .-* I >w« Coaoty, ivit t-M /'Ti E'tht Per Ctn» «orit i. Mioerti Point. ¦* it. *l*e irnt variety of Citt. County an-d RailwaT Se''r*ta ir tmal'er lor* IrVX CRNf 111 N< KHeYm AN A Co. I 1 _g Inenrance Compuniea rHE HOFE PISC IKBURAIfCE COMPAIIT* On ice No --3 Wall-sv «t» Yoao. M> hanice- B.rk BflB ti- «. * *< n.pt->, wi*bae*«b capl'al of *>IVi One. laONBtO «v**M 'oat nif-rn a: d.«o, htutabcld fum'tare. vtt*-l* «i port and 'bo*r ct'toei on- peran a! p cierty g. at tUy BfBL it IBM o. il*ma|t by re cii tun mil! favor-itle t. .rn» DlREtrrOBSi '.i 'ie.! F Sam'i H. I'coter, John L Rsrkloy, Jtrob Baeaa, W'm N. M tu fra. .1-0 et h I'tby, 0*0 W. BbjaL June* s ganford, BrltU'i,. I bben.B Ward, J. hi, R Su.dim, V n. Leal. Mori.* Be j. BtKOck, ThM:^ W Ritay, BrbaU. l ua-i e DoUlh, Jrv. t*/. Mt'tara*, . a- D Brobb, M 0 Anux Ros»ln*, Hat ry B'*d I i ttataoot*, ii *#th Poulke, tooajttC Mnith. , < s',Vr . u* Orerrmjr , S'etOen Hyvlt. T.oaoa Kt'ch'.-. Htfjry 8 Lrveceh, Phi ip M Lrbt- _ lACoB rce8p, Pr**i4*nt. T«f ii> narrvnrvr Berreftey. Ä I iU MUH a.tLF VtLAND CIT \ 93 I H M f\ »11 7k f. I.O.N Mtl EN PKB Vl he t r<V ietaea of anid I.r«-j. ca .-.« i.* epain CDaTPonnBtB 4>Ar.u VNAREHOUSrl..J. T. DEhMCI- ' ION A Co..Ko. B H.5kxMot..afftriUttkitdO fho Ebb» v* ttj'»: A.ir,« Pajtjto et!»n'«t.l^--oaaiAaB*r'.*ea. 5 .', I a*!»*rei. wktrhj aed BOoEBk« ^; k fl.-w. BU Itaet. weigbU a.«: n .*' ,1« yaaat n «r, faiiey aobgra and wi.it« of tb* haat t-ttABf- IB t oor, a tare aud color*!, ditTaraat vidto*- St-tt- it totr gj ( yf rAt Seat ooalttr -lotfi Pti-tr -WtBiM^ toitt KiHt'itb tier'ware Pa»*t, t la.-ga bBBRgBMBl. Jaat J^etrhlct Pti*r of the 1»-v«t» qea'ttv B OtBBtoag I ai-er BtrOVJ Ra< and V t J i fa* i' .[.¦. al <. KpBBBM lit** V.'Vvtn.V.rwi . Call» to-rrv»i 'i eO-a ffllrtiL'lluriirCtVt,; |0! V F. N * P R E P A R A T I 0 * . CLFAS» EIL B 1*0VfB, Oftnv.'.i'.' ri.*«al»tly iTHOl'T TTT M.iOHTP'T Skfr.LL. C»s BB WfiBN IviattOIATCLT ArTtttraBlV_ f> I 'Ir r.pv* H> reir PEo » (aata. BtU by aB DrOB' .lata .WmiiW, PEART & Co No WBtvBBway. attcuXm *tk*»w .14. + 0+,mmm* ' /».» ,

0-rOi7rE3-^Manufar'- W»f/T>TT7.l^r?^ DIVIDEND.-RlTCchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1856-07-23/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Anvi.Kj.8Lm » HAI AfVIBTWII»*^«WAV4^

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Anvi.Kj.8Lm» HAI AfVI BTWII»*^«WAV4^<?rte.iri> .«»auo*lA*xt d*n . "? .,VT^a .1

¦ ytOjcta't. wc*-a w. 'b* '""-^'J V-A tfi ta» m«" wkltnf err-

a«Var.u<o.<l .» f vrfded »: 1 o te-d tm*m, C* asia*.

fV»*t .aar t ua fur pa. »I «** wt'""

pen pa Gl* tot e.*tntBatv.-B_-~.W'titM KJI^| "VJ.?*w*»i to le-r-n by ... f theIV t - . -v-J^'T'U. 4 , ,rr«*pw.*i. » « «*« OB

c-w. tt ti Kl M« F. « 7» .. or w .kl r ( - hl h m«.

b- 'rit (»r *t**t.V*'* "K. lt4 ,.*» ü«f .t freu I« *. ifi. to

11, raSt va or boa-b* .* JOHN wudml

Ij. Mi». Ä PÖfM will leavr- hr-r a'ddrr-M,du Tt i tt f. »t i"-»«.»*'*. 1 »e£,i*e iu,w»*r""

(mu «f._.PK. eOEYO» PROMPT aud reliable

. aT)vfhtmini> A'iewcr.No I ApptoU- '. *e..dtii<, **. 3M Broadway-

THE ai/bu* i^WABMI gas workh J2.tr .'r. 'fed . to hi b«-** kr ou, »ho'oer fo< print*

oiet 0f*»U9w. ttttr fteo on. fr..rr. tkaaal, ^5^2,5?**.oatJainV the) do not rwrotrr ovroio«*! ^J ^r,I^Snco tivy «rCl »ort n-.ht vet 1*7 '^"""'l"wM. StttpTtrAA . » u.k.n« ate* auj -a-wrf-nra-djr.trkeil"WT rZ: *4>t «P «*e w..»k*. h«m. ottder.

.eil 0* wo« to I. raetwea-. If'Bey d* <k«.y .*»**] **

r^Smt gyA^*.^»^ mwiy .»tfcar ,**««.. »n .

..j.. too* »i I a* ia um i«r **»»r* viil«««« '«'<» u. nt.o-

KoTror-her .nferroat'..,. . n*t tr> n. AUB n «Jo »

Crtt York: or 5 Q H4»1.KV k Co AlU.y

Orrict. Rrcr.irKKOi T»sk* >Kr 32 ('b*Xubrr» »l (»e*r '.o :r !.'¦:». >

NkW-To«s. 2« ar* )

TO AVOID the riake that tuuat ioeritahly occkVboa* rkv» rnvl of Tai Payer* *rho pot of to U>» la^ijt dar

Ute oart»e»f tfvi. loa**. T bar* aeterantood to adopt tbe to,

liftat r-i* <*kaco «III W ticMllt wtkwrad to un .t rof -«rn nt

afläaa. I *a*U r au mooer eftei 2 o'aMpel <o Etat)äfi« ia tki* Dep*r<an*i.t U »t».ctlv raoHisirkO fruoo i»

aäfakäl tavtiori* CJ..Uii.ixr moi «» .<cbwkt'or im ptyutaolr*>*i* By *ra>r HRNWT H NQWARU R'-ceira.

PIX) MHÜEKE AS80CIATIONS aad LT-M ceümb . 'aetu e Conimlt'ee* d»«rioi bj» *<'rico. forM)*#atH).i.i Auttcu i»d "later Tour»^ Ol Ltfure* laforeL(5aatr*wy Bkaaa a»*k» a>a katio" at ao aailr ia» A4

U8MUSU Ti, pa<r, jp'lnau ld Maaa.

VF i'almfk^ A-D^ERTISINO AOriVCY.a Nu lauiaaair* nr mtmer* are eroptoved Adwrtiaer*

o"r>rt al tk» ktMior.er .*»>> raqueatod. «rill ht> a -...>¦ d cru

KK.ut*9 eoeuing and MEASURINGKAt !f> K K~r Unr'.u.g a-d meaaving evary deieiip-

txcn of 'ti ': it ttf-vt on »th-ba «l fot a »bort 'tne.M che rooui*

el the Aroarto**. Umttto, No. 351 Oioaiway A I per*oua ia-t>-oat*d ere raepro fu'ly loM-.d «o«a.i a-d exaoii'ie tt. Tkiaf !*.**«» it aurrou'r-rl la fold *ud m»* ux-8<l y»rd* ft minn'e.He rtah fb. 'he Unite-* U.ato* ml 'lr«* "r.^lu ia ofe'e- ftraaaoal aiaavMatire arice- The Aateot wHl give hi* para mala.tat «. -vi. day froaa 9 U 10 o'clock a m . to *bo» It* opera-tiao.

%ummtt üerttuiö

BOAßr» ia tfij COEMtiY..a few Eamilieamay o>i'a n BOARD at a pleaaaut Karm-tTou** near th»

... ti*|..- on I- *o- Ik air1" rf Lc>ng la'and, .1. t>' ¥ mi'na fromfea TorV Per particular* tttpty at So 23* >rean*rich ft.

BOASk> in B FARM-HOE8E.Wantrd.Bf'AI l' in a Fa-m boot* (fear-Jeraey pref-irr*-:). tor

tiir:e dufdr^n &jad Oo»e'nt*«: oie ;a ae ro ui a .d o^e euiall.A idiea« J T. B . Boa 3 121 P. "

. *t*ti .g tormt A:.

G- il EE la"mo V n l~Ä IN s-man'shkldrtfust BTopFNyn..stillman < hurchiliL,

f't.av.- ,. OAHIKI. B LATflffrP, l,.*»-e M b sew«rarl lui .( »>d »»'.: kept S"na *d ::i 'be r-iral a.'«i rotnau'trVUlvam of ^t«aea, V»..nft«- l,ru-> only fro*. Boaton, t.-.'u- -,. the

'f lit k« the rut ani M«'air..' M<MH''aiua on ate «"»Itftia tw-.i höhtet r--in<a, "tiow aad eM " *re about 5,1»".'it'ft high, good roao to «he *ame Bca'ery, be*' in tatI trtod Sttt-i Tc mft»* frot) «a'a.erbnry Ocpot «»ln.kroad*v r«.»- 6| milca tt to »he nntt it of the mnatitain. | e1 ratletVeOt Of M- 'to-inr mllet eaat a*J lt.nl» (too ; »ood bo *et

aujj c .. m «*... .<>-.. halfway b-.uae.aia two | lea.reioi l o.f t»a»» wi'brifr-akaieLiao' iieaumtnii Totboloreitvf na. e tbt teeker of pleasure, or he loval .. are *a», enmtBoa k>- Ib.. Oroen Mi un-ai.i. and auaff'be t.reeint cf >d Man*ft ad *.. teke a rtoe r M . (tlen Kalla.« ehady, iniet» a*.m In a *jit:» btmiuar'a 4-»>. or up to the r-gutc.h, a»b-<.eCba r.-ck* a e *o 'ivab - übet «bie that one can aol] »- ai-. .t.'. and a* cooi a> the bruok «n*t «.owiid"k\m Ball arill bo ooea tor aaatiaa evoninga. with «iod muttt

r *'*>». Jan'*, il'dcai'i J. ( in«. erato


NawpoaT*>aoiai>3i3(i taa be aeeomoic at- d wirb Njarc at the aborsa»¦ Tbe ptr ere ana !» '-c i «rr> t.i.. uu in a aaat .¦. ¦

of a*'. will bo *er»od ia an o-ei, ay by card. Tu* bouae a now,>. nri:rf an J tlecaaetiy aituat-odrtctuw of Laduw »...< (I.. tleuton can bare dinner aadj auppei

IMitiea lu private pari r* i v.-.i ft.r Ui* parpoa».kTretieli a..c other maun diab. . ice Cream aud Ckiiifiictaouer;

.fail kin.'* latutaW oui t' tt., bouM. Ii -1 -t St.iU

OLJLANI) HOl'SL, f.-rner öf Maio and Eloi-e- In-! «t "i IBiaa*} f*<* SeAa o no* aataa for

tt . i. p- : 0»j*aai li Oaf t. i-..*<..- m>, -. k« wy furo.fthe-' tt-rputtxut. f-i'd m r.ty» ». d n al. i(a arrang-u jta audaoMOatkatBI «» . PI1*ll'-Cl.A»h H'iT*L Toe room* art

aiifl l»r»o uiii alr» roe-mat riii.g ü e n-rwt of -he nr-r a^<e a So piiui wvli be kpaxad b> the P'opnetora to rtnd-.r tt .

p tut i laaiaeaatiaoma let tae toaaelaa Uoc.t*. in < oe of'i> Bart: i^tanu e:t .* of tbr atstt, tad Jataaj at h/alibr*

.oeition u. anj in to* aor d, w-'h *a H-tu itv.. a oou .try .ar

koaaati^it, cit. tlaa po.ir*t ptiuiiai cJaio* a* a *l *MK&Kl?>0'-'i' Tr...» PattaMa'waiatoatta rlanaaomtk* arnva.

a' train* at.I Ma* . t... .-v*J io a d from too Ca.a Pre* Ol

Cuot*o. PIMtCE a I' Mill 1 M .1 o.-t

L V III x, I IK *|!ti.HaMtack t.r.' IllUra* Ma. E.Ö

(liturr ft-tf:1 «ttournai

BHOOFLYN HIGI1T8..rieaaant Room andpa. ill hoard fft>r too t.r Ihttea -jag'r aaotl* a#a kua firat-

tiaav b»u... N. 4'' C .Itiii.i. a at'eei narii g t l.«au'i'ol riter

ni>w. *a«tketi ir*. » eoavfakaul f<»- paartia**ntlolag bu.iuea*tkjtn« loa t

E^'RMSMED RofiMr to LET.With full orl ar i:. Boar; -n e |rtvi,.e utttly at No 1'» Ca- al at. Preoel

.ru! Oatr a. -^«j Ii 'ta bvo ».

MvU El ATE TERJfS~EOR FEKVlsflCDIQOIIB, tlaj Boa ', .¦«* a .d iati.a. na -aca fl .or, at

B.0 l( t»,i Tbitt« ~e<OL-i atreeti b>twei>n rttib ajd Mau.ton

iiim in in u.. v*;


COrTTOf. MACniNERY FOB SALE,.1101l< n MS w ia to* »*iataltvk M aklaei*, uuch of u

DOtts oaai i ^ju ie*' Nu 16J ««r. eua-ich-a .

MA n l \ \\ A N BTRAM ENGINES, If4-CUl'MBTB' TOOLS, and tit oaa *t >.« aud »"1 kiud*

ai tf ACHINk Hk and Ca»>riM<fS. at N > 6i atfaaad «t

ta^PAM-RolLlTR fiir~"c\XLk..Wne ElEE-Kj Üf'll.'ft k '.I f.e. Ii..., !.«-1 i.Htm, to. ,t» no t «-., |i .,raPiaja Alao oaa 12-burae L'iroMOTlYK B »II.VR in iwrftctpafot ooo tjaait aa awö Cau b-*e.u « s- klM aii<a«at

()I»wV»KTII'» PATENT PLANING MA-( HIN. h tn arevy »a. irt> Par**r*al HACPKaik ..^

Miwkvk.:>t BBBt'L O. tfC ¦* KNCK.

tiOUWCH tr> t el.

HOUCkG to lir.V'I..Ai. OIBfilllaBl ttrrH-atorjBOUSl ia Brdar. lbm i ktv ih"*a rw**** Oaaa o^a

Batf* {.. Pls'rat* u-gb'. .-vc^vt. Bantcued-na** Iniinre0 C A DANA No kwOfkkttai .Sea or-t 'he T iau * OIBc*

OOllhK t< LEI nod PI'KNUTTRE for SALE.U -rOaVOTUa. »-,! CAIti'-TtS arttl koasM it a are. t- f..-t I'OPSk wi;; be ft*-" till r ^aotaie iu.n.*-tBvtly Apt ) <ki ti-9 paaatAvaa, **» *l» Ara.n* .1, «r .»«l»n

Ha{KYLJOHT HOI>M8~to LP. I .Suitable fi-rCT Art.. t- p.. -it- i.up eOiiai it Hrttada*» and l. u.tou .'.l'laahtafW 1 CRACK t BY- pre .iU . i or

T B BOWMAN. Jaaoeaj aoart, N., 59 OaJlat

CRBA1I POWER tt LEI-A Brick two-atopj& kB'bOIM lirtfa*! kj I a Ifrtpal taaa at.N J kaatt Oja. BAI/. 401 Bnwaws* o: to j «. k|>a*01 ' IS, r. warxth.vrt

8TEaII P'.>Wr. K..^^e>»vjrBi wei tretetEC.ktB t laaCf arhb O^taa Pwwaa *>nm m ..-J . .load-ot

W'>y k Co

A BEALTIEUL COlTivTRT Rti-IDE«01 KmJ\ r. l> la p..i k G n . ij mi.«f .. i. ii»- a«^.t is aa>oiirCaIOD ItM *^d iVi »» »'*r. w,iot »»ry .»*eta *t«fw«4at**a'. tbe h a*4 kavt abou. tr>« pr .miaoa. lo.j.. r« at Su ltd toaaa«wwbet

filial lor 8ALE - The aiibHprihr>r uirm- for*». tt BARM B »ct.aof !.*"d uatal ll a »»' pic

i*»a. at ' - " y fte-.tto--o'ceo'.-r». Ora ml ilo* walkfroaa<keV. Ii r Ol M . la-i^qu* VY.«tJ>.tet '"otialy twoI, an rVaaj '-. ¦ kl a b> ofuaaaW Hvlio.' Toi, ia a rare.

th teeff» a»b'l«mat. an Alka a dalVrAatal c>u.rv r*«i . *aa,i-jtr lit :.."iri prr.-w y thvt i* »».-» ae iom .»«.r«! f .r «,1a.Xttf wOov*Obk pr»uu.*a bHRavi CjUISBT

_laaayMjao, m Y

dTARH 1<»P BÄ1 ,N ITslI«. I, L, If. Y.-M. iH acca of «-'y "rodwil.e LAND, fl ,« R rar »law* andOH ' 'J tV.fpr. i) Bdl^ f ..i tbtuapjl.ft r ¦ Ho. 1** «BkVk>WafBvaaITlt.)). MJ.t Bl 1\ MANGE for CITY I'ROP-3. fPll- «- t .' tl.''¦-.'» a taated »l»C»Hi- ,

tl DJ *'.. t' gaa« i.i«.w i, <i -i ,.s ut i,%(,

t Erui* ail ki . I - i.. ii 'i, laeoaadtiaa >,..

raa t aj] ih at I M * COO '* «u h . t rs,Pi taanaa an I ntj a ran ia- c..w ..oj-r. a d "a-nnugu euat * A<*« a lartt B*M*aa uf ib* BtKI f .re M* kB too

Ut'tv» TattaUiBoriolaruaaatoa rnmitrati: > I APOA". «a 7- I» y at VY

TT1A.Ka»1 i LBkc lti oKo-ikvoia, I «, f .r BALE.

JT .A PAl .'¦ a - aitk * *»l .- I- 'a-:- i .. I ...

Skta^katl OB si- at <. " . * ***H < «i ..t/ilaj OmlLatBavariJ .'.(ft**»*r« >u''-at iu*«. k.r wi b r -liar *>.bt* »-.a

n'tcary aud ron, r*vl 6üBiUv*ffa*uN*B \ » * Pr.. - *4,^t>.[amir ,!'.i KiM.- Trb«a« 0*c., t- I um ft-r alurtt/fl ckP IB,

F)K KALK i XCnANOL f-r IkTafH^kfktl Cityfl-|W T BJ »»." t . .M ! o %t . i. WBA g.M^

kvaav ke lt.: mit« fx' P.afbn.t t^m «pH,4r.*** fOÄ » kk> NV-ai A2vl», N »- «¦¦¦¦-«


TvvO MILL'ON Of Ar:t: <

F A9 M I N O 1^ A N D BI t*tnot rctT> Artt? »no L'r" *ir.


And itLOW rates of IKYSBBBT.

tr.»t+ L*U"'» were g.en e<* by ih» OovcitdoaBt to*-* j8'Col Cr t'O. Of till* 'lldiotd. «Dil lUCl'ld* »4k-.9 Ol .>.» 13 .".

enC u-»'fem a P.aiiieeij «he State. Ii/.er«[>-:r»e 1 3e-e *"l

u>e»c »Hb n-»jt2.inf»nl jrovee ot oak and otbeifao*c cx'e: o* nom f'b ct-.o o:i rbc i.or". 11 C».*o at I ¦.

*»etti.*nd lr.ro the-.re'« Ce'ei.a ltd Das eIth, n i>n n r»-n-

tr-f . x'ren-t ot Ibe i*»»le «nd u idi ube ie_i« . . t um af

let a a.bee on etch tide of lldoBeoJ, r' dy t»T;b«'»0 mt«nl»n. icedby it fir'. .m*. itu.gtoo or -j* < o. tootOuOO toii * of tho** p.-lnU. end free* toooeot* E« I Bad --:'be-n

L.nk.ti Mwi^ivrr. tbei»l"d f!p'*::i o: MW'*biaj ¦¦fjtdv ilaaet along tbe 1-i.e ond rbe -mat Incrtooo id r» . J- <nt t

immlgTtt'on, Ire afiuta" a OOOOOAtia! and »t .u hag to r. s >n:it:lfor la.m produce r r ,

Tre aoii M a dark, rich tnold. froin one t i f. » ice* ¦ OOfto, i,g bi j icd il»g, and pe< nlierlv tiitod fi* fra/n- C*.'.*»-ii "jsaeaoi h» cultivation at '^br.t. Dd'iu tJntü. .

Fe n. n J IB en.ti-rai-.iii! ted irent r"r "1 * ?n«*t t_-« :Leweü It rr»n ro*jaev«*rw»ic* of Illm.n* la- da. T.taa BT* .-«o». r«-

qul an 'o be rut oown rump* irtBhVd. oi rosa) v>:ni off. a*

i» nenlm ti e eaaa in i uiovau a . ear laud to ItN dtorMalr*.Tb» t*t* crop of 'ndi m Con, plant-d ' a tit lewiy brcAoo arxi,i.tu.l j le avl to* coat d pi )«ib< tad »Vicir.g.

\\ |,Tit town on tLa newly-t*j»ne* MB'at I .re to yioM vert

large arofita. A man wl b a plow and t eo y to of 8X00 »

.-.a. one and a bail to two acrei j-er d«v_itd* for breaking retdy fir Cora or .vb»i\ \: f .)

t : noaf " . Bt iod-c iorje macaaroeer the land miy be

p.oatc ant ie-iced tue tint, and under a ij^b ita'ao: BBlMt i ¦aec otid >*»r

Corn, Cram. Cattle. Ar -a ll ba forward'.', t'.'sa-a.bksraiee to Cbicaio 'or the Küfern marke* and «o i^alr'» lit 'AeSco'tein Tbe tu«er tield ou t/i>cieao .a^.- ».' ^i.uigveitie btgb priced laj'»i :9 to* Beatan and MiodBB bttooB i» kao«n:to be aucb n«e U.m> loaUabl to pay Loa auoraSCO it BBBB*o.-tnti n to tie K»....».. iiiaik. t,biiuojinciii Coal it ucned at aererai cainti |loO| '^e Ro«vi,

and ii a :i. -.. and deal able fuel. It can be c-v.ra.et at aarwaltwi.'i along ibe Road atBl - ti ;»..- <:c»>.ioI «i at tbe lame rate* (<: coidTboa» »bo Uiiukof aettlinr in Iowa M M u^fic :. ah.tn'i ' tu

in miud tbat lav oa ih-te of any value, alotbl to* watOt- citaaeand for n.anv mnoi b lewd, have r<eeu ditpoee I of; fbat tn tbjtalo a'-a in it e interior there are BO couveni«a-»« %rt *--«^»,-crr-ing lb* ptodnce to mat kit. railroad* Dot baalBa, BOOB UB90M ladti.. i»; ibit to tend tbe pioduce of tne*e Ian:* r-i >: :.v. fa a-

cr-d n .» by wag jd to market wo'Ul eoet ntucb m' *o tbvj 'X*>axpen*u of cu'tivatiog 'hem, and bee e f^orontBORt tatdB *.h^j*nualed, at Bl 25 per acre, ire not *o ;cod iicefj- ttt i*>lai d of tbi* CoD'pany at be pri n* fixe IThe *an>a lemaika bold good in tototlOB to tb? lard* -r; Kir.-

¦a* and Nrbraeka.for »Iiiongh va ant lacii my ifotuul aarogtbe watei ci ui*o*. tbe di*<a ce to uanot IBfbr BBaaBBT, ar.deveiy bunori-3 r ¦. it a ibe prid'i-e oi tbsae laod* .* Bafilad * ibaainaiaoLi or ii-tennpif if w*ter coincau icitioe* "Lire-*?, toatiptnie* i f traniporiauoa. whiJi moat i* borce by tbt ton BtO,in the reduced pricti of tieir produau; ao»l to "Ji*: e , |,ciwlv are toe :ucou.e* from tbeir tarma acd of : ~r»e ju Iinvettu annually at-d averT faat red' cdlb* great feitdity of iba laxcU BowoAsm-Ifar aaia oy tbla

CempM y. at d tbeu cnaequent ykld over thill, af tb* *

¦.¦ in

and Miiidle BtaloB| ia mucu more tboa fui£' ei t c »»y Um Bf-feiei ct la ti.e coat of irauaporta ion, **o*c.i-W iu eiawf«cil tie* fojuiabed by tbll Roio, end o'b-r. w1-!: whl h ¦'¦ at¬

me*, Uie operation* of wbicb are net i:itoi."Jrt*d bj toe lewwaier of Sumoicr or the tnti oi «A'.r ttr

PRICE AND TEIiMS UK rATMT.NT.7be price will vary i:»u. *}> to ?J,. acsotfO*m|

quality kc Co»'r»ci» lot Oeed* m iy t j mtd» d (690 8*0 »

18!i6 (tipmatlnf tbe purtbaaa mo.er to be raid k BraaatAOaJi. ttailment*- tbt firtt to oecoin» d :e In two y ar* ftOWJbA

rdOJ rf coi.trnt. and tba etliert arui ltily toeieatcar T1 s.a*-.

pt>mei t will btr me sue it toe end of '.lie tilth year Croat ibbri*i» of tbe BOOttOBfciiTt.kn.iT wmn BI enabcno at j.snv i*bbi .:»

obbitm.A« a »ecority to the perforniance of be u fr ;t, Iba SraS

yeiir*'in'ereai-muA' be paid ii wivti'ce, aod It u. a" bt .1^^.-?ti-od ibat at leaat oie-tenrb ot 'bo land porcbitod *.. ytargybo broaght onoVrcaltlTBtlao. E-i.g^r ei UBa. at n 7'r;e:)'»r aanum, mav be noactitud by taefill ap t. BO ran*yo» r eLt trom lac crent pi co will be Je.:;-', r -a. j..

Counai y'» conttruciioL bo.dt \\ ill bs received at saob.Ready f au u Farm B .iiüina* widcbcia '.e-e J>. »

db3>, ctn be obt.intc from rc*perib'.9 pera.ru.Tb.v »ill b" ii foot bjl-ftect. .: djj mm -*J lad

tbita oat ttoava,aoaiwbl ooat oumaloto. apt a «<o

at > « here alona rhe toc.d, *>liO in cub, exc

kttoii Lataar t>tilldb>ga o>ay ba eotitractad fox at pt itttecaikm TbnCtU.piny will forward all rhe B ..t :.r *.;hbuilon i«ovtr their road tBOtOBfJy.

t>p<ri*l a rai ir. invn . with dtalaiB eti i BBB* r

thin- pi.rcbtain* tb* Comnany'* land* WIUl ftWZl i materialttrlci liural tool*, andoulfi; of pxovi'.on* .a uijtb» |c»»»t »bole-»le price*.

It '* believed that ibe nine long '-redlt. aadlow pvtoof bltar-tit clt'gi d tor the tola oa.wiil enrble a Bito with a ftw h*ir>dred dot tr* u raeb 8 d «"Iii i.ry rid'ittry to a-»ke V-n**.:' :'tr

|*ndint !>. fine ell ibe purchaio mo'iey baooatct Jj» 'iBiean rime, ibe r»|ild titllrnif.'.t oft.« co jiVj -*i .y. .'.vnaie in-rvtrrd tb'ir valee four or Be* fold Wi.-n ftan iperi' i c-J pexou will arcomp&ay ap;u:tc* tc give ,tu\:u.J'k B and aid in ^eleciir g in. d*.

( ircoltr*, routeib'ng nnmaioa* Ir.itance* of mc ttif 1 'arm-it h t'az'id by rctpcr'ibie and well Xnow.. i (iatbnciebbo'bood of ine Rai r >ivd land* tt.rc ha State "tlao,.re coat of ttnciit prire of cA'.tle. ex;>e:t>- ef harvecii^,ttmahicg e c. by contract-or ary Dtkol toS - ¦. w ba(Oh i rfniiy given, i.. ipj lie tioa atchar aorasaui r y le't;r,in I aUa\ En oi Ii. or üi-riri-.n. sddrcatal ro JOB!« 'Vi LKJ3I,

Laad Conimlf*ioH;r r f the Il'l.io.t Cent al P .i jalf*nfNo .'"Ml il^annr., ObtCOgO, Ultt t

If()\{ SALE CHK/Vl'-AaiilendiJNK tV FI >D8Band >2 LOT S nf OIIOLND chi Bergei: Blaht. T_-u.'.a Bt

JoNEb'o Htrdw ire Htore, No MCroTi? t: , J*r*8) City..FARMS in NEW-.TCRSF.Y lor«8.0(10.

»a niiiel rroni rvewar*. modem hoj»e. 1* ri- jin*. Mm gr*iy, 4e. n;aily new, will be M.ld for +1."t.'. -.e- hitd etab.

r-;.. ..t .1. ,. re* ut r. ....'! half mile fr;m ^vj"*, rj-i:oa»i»» llu g, cho ce l(>rttiou. x/\ll be ban inJ.It ittfcMd*. -*ii i

Bit.onn. im of o9 trie*, t- .! i'r. in no.

tb* tin k piice «?«I0(i. I'urm ol 27 acrei, pru;« iU.'OO. .'"..rtaef 10f tcet, »7^0. Parm of l» acre*, $ttm. KanuafttBt'et. tao and a balf mile* trooi Newark, viO.CO'l Par [

tt) terra, »itb all tr e t»ock, .ko.OIK'. Deny .'.. .!

in m of 73 acre*, B7,fitif>. Kan of Hi ».-.-.«. .'.*\ cariiaf 77 acrta. $\<<<r. Vinn afQt aorta, r':'. > yolo'1. ¦' a p'ic.-i .'¦¦II

JOHN PBICK. net! Ee'» « loflNo. 17» Mtrke--*-., NaWaTk, '. 1



The Hev. B. S. IICNTINUTOV, A. IL, IiAddrekt Village Oreen I". 0 Dolaiv, -e >. '.' .

BÖÖKKKEIMNO *Tn7 WRlTINf sk\.Mr.DOnBr.AK No VB Bixi.dway. iaBWOulua Tiy ia ! >'vj.

I i rlaiaaa at only f>5 ano a»lf\ Btadootojal tug Itats *>ili botut ititd 'or Booikrepi? : bT Sept. 1. Thfe* v i. tc: v a * .V.H.- DOLBi. AR'S Hau l training i - y *ti a i ::-ubiit from tvey batid.

MR. BIN« I iAM'^^ilt^oL loTik)Y e*.C L V- -

OlCaL OTMNABIVll.oMMa Haaow, Atwr-platv-ine, ootta* to..Vkw next timi will be, RON \ y*tn- li *t il»- of e< lif-mlnr. N-imLn r limi'eil'c :w 'J*; v.'l. >.

PraVaarj Ptpaitwaat.

*|RS. OK ELL * l'OARIU.SO nud DAYIvJ st'dooh wdl he ri rptaiJ on TOCBDA/, ler*. '.Ji'c«-!i<rt ran b« obtained it j.-r ri»ide:;:e, Set. BN 03-«in-lilitce, kih *t.

|>HIL L118 EAEI'LR At ADEMV, LXLi EK,1 Ni a Hun.i -l.i' .Thi» Well etJowo I8beet IB) BiQat by railn .vd from Bnetoa. Iii» DOOB B 80.0 8tfjlo| oration I .> tvrrn' . ». «. a c-i "y w n r !to* charsoof tb» lot* Dr. BENJAMIN ABBOT; ..>. oawiyfwentv jft't it b»* b.en aoa4oe*Oti by ibe '»etin: "r'r>; je ,

(.IDFUN I, SnUI.E.A. M.. who it now r..t:* : 1 ? Jü< P .1C HOY T. a IL, PrBftatet of Ma ber-ietl.* a Nitarol PtB-lioi'pby, too OM'RoF. tl. SAW YKH, a. B Pn.-rur cl toeBaanagB) l.ai »u».e« I it a t'la«»' al Bebd '., batog c'-:gn !c-n'v f< r tbcae vi bo wl»h *ii/:er i" prrpai* :«>r : -gi or

.ii bfoilOftoaeofeBoolokikodtaa,i«aoant dt«ati ui cation for tbe ordinary bnoobaa af bttvoroogt : r. -h BdV.jc'utiori Tbe regular el**OBB BI* the Prorarü jr ¦. too JtU or,tl e Middle, tb* Senior at d the Advanced Claanc jj-

t'-ing ol iboee pupilt wboixptct to unter CÖlOfi At BOgBO-aooaaa,ot BM y*ar Bkadvanea. B itatoalaBta ol gi lahilia.cuith ordiaarv pre.M>u* i.tuinmeata BBJ m pi ...

ti'ler ci 1U ne in tbre« yuiCat dulatea for admtation o*o*t b* ot loa*t 12 yevt f tge;

mn*t btfiba leatimomaleof good moral CtlWa."er. ti.i I -i ittherm.!.eg oa tie fir/ day o( thj BnM . wmldh .«

U i DM -1 > \ v, A' r«! .7 - i -' .

aaaat be qu'iiiiaJ ro -alar »«>n.o cl**i *Jt*ood) '

raj '.l*ha niemertt cf tfcc Acacemy are r»ijg(red to b«. :f»t' -.ud

pti' etui *t poalta aonbip aa ibe Baahath. ti tosb tbt ;b a*r ".* I irMLt* or tuirdimt picfer.Der-i»ai, Fxtm'i-a'ioa at he o'eta >f rv' T t f lad

by tte Tru.tret and by ott (,» gentlecien tiv.n.a IfaVUtd bj '-beIS0*88*1 'o ba ire»11 t a* r'.itiiiiviAAgntiMy to a vote ot the rrii.ie^*, tbe daaarttDBSt, Bp] t

tic- toMncfy and pioficio. c> of tbt *rc lei 'i tr3 WBdoitOtratotbtivreef eclvt pare-ttor giitrdi-ntat th ootwofaa : i ..

A.«*r 'J1 *ru<",nt« telected a.iBniily fjro ar% t it: cctifher» of tbe Actdcrov tra admitted to Iba Cba>r:-y fa : >:.:.:.}.ll!t'e»e m*uit>«ri of the Ad.alK ed I l^t .-e*«iv*.tuition, *)! 7S a we. k; Ba:ilor*. »! U>; anr t- r im ?r.BIX towtlllaarlaoa tit ba itranttia a oBitat* *ta area, :.bar-tcter, badtaatvBa. tl*Brr*l and «cbol»r*.\-p; c.^^ BO OM SAO ..

coo-e a b.-nrb itry until be hit boeu a mea-Vot af -.e a tderujat e*-t ^e 1« rm

la At-tOt Ha)i. a building envd-l by tia Taw*»et "aar« artet» d SiKrle*»r-l M».ltrHm* tor aboat a) i-ev i. r i

bt'Lg fnrmthtd will t b-dcteed, niAtt-ea* a: r>... »*. 'a', e,.bant, wa-dwtvd. locking and rte-t. loe : s ..*

occupied wibiat chir»». axoafl fur Jarr.it*a. Aiv. oi toa.e. :*rii tr-rrdenr'* ultry it alao paid by the iVit'aaa1 UITIOJ*. BN a yeei al*av* rem;.' <J : i: kgoctt ideatO.Coat ot Board tr Ahbor ld'.ll, ander :ne d;:»- Trag»

tett, Irom »>1 jo to *>i 70 a wr-tk ia taäaUltg, a - IS lad b. todBtt reriea nay be-»ade to eitaar of 'he (i.aw ig atttlaaiaO,

who. wiib the FuucipaJ coapcaa the Doa.-J ti C:n eei i ±eAciMtraiv: Tha Re». I eerlee Barroagtt, D. D.. Parttat ; irt n the Hon. 8au.uel 'I ..

'be B»v. And-ew P.Ov rtiam, M D.. and iket ajif FiwtK'i* Bewem, |To| iqibI QaBaaj*, Caaabdifa, Mobi.

POIGBK EEPSIE JAMALE ÄÄ^ÄDSlYil.'lie next - - l of tb«t laatitDiioB wi.'l jnaet-e I 1

DAY Beet 2. Tbe Principal. Mr*. C. W. L XJlli'' ,

. i-ted by tix Prvi.exix* axd l eachtut. Tis I -en b ]apa]rtra*ctwb'l le nDCer ibe charge I * Paritiin lady, who w.ll'rs* :ai*0'lie lit'ituiioa. It it inlö.aed, a* tar at pcvt.ble, to BBakoFrercb tbe l«niunra cf tbe f*'nily A ;oxm-I .» (Jra-i .iium atli be In reidi ett Wt *OOdttOt8BOOaWaaMat eaiaati-f tfaa twit Una. Ore tutu nay bo *ott.Oau c: .cs r.._^' >jor<« H D. Vur ck. Sacre'a/y.


TaKRYTOWN INSTITl TK.-C'ir- lUra, withr> fr-ei.r-i view of ht Ictii*Ti:a, tc Ba] Ba :t alaod

C MveterO A (>o.'t Bookttora No. IM I'Ii'.m.; gg f. g.*. Bcox. No JMBriadwAy, er by rddre«»: t

_a. nev'mc; **pal

.pianu-ZoTirs an5 dtnoir.

BENNETT, BEMXOB ** Co.PBaTJQCB p:an j-portm.

¦ .nefactoiy ml w a rBIJ o aa g (No. AM B-noervet^. Oilrd dour eett of Br v.*w*v.

J^V.°f.SL'NL,> RkU'AUED. a»d SEt.0:-lD »ABD IN-.TKI iiLNi a Ljk <a u iuat-i. r^aca U : -»

»OB Wala A, M Sooti -.',.-»,i 4, MePtahodv. Ü. D., Port*mia:_: Dtr-d W.le Bvu Arno* tmet, b tb .:' rliv.e: nr^

ASEVEN-OCTAVE fine PUN.» for $225.aa.l* b] UkM 4 c, at a ./. yi « i.ae'. A tiaUet,

[iiiiltto "!',... ha) «.ist; lit." ¦ «or Blo»;lat+ ;..,.¦ PiaiiOaa'. Mii'vl'i. . .<> Irl Iota,« ' tent app* *da corcfcaaa T. 9 BEtTBY, Na 4li J mad era?.

Ä-'OLIANS, GRAVD rodM»! ARB HANOS,*<-aU wvti f'¦.tarnt »""t| -oa-m Bridre,' Irjiarotr: fret*!fcctkart " Cof-pottr-cn B'«.rfc>f*,M an/1 stoat - tr tar»rw»*tn»»iir»V-m Hail't, liatu fc Co'1 c*ltbrB»»-l M-.3nfarto.-7. in etar»var*e-| &( tt; if, wi'h ro7Joct,T->« (; ,-1 « JO to »l.OOo.e ar--

f.a-.t!t orj t'.:.d arj^f.r«-«« at Ktc.7 rrv-aa, whclotiaB .'«¦

M .... iy 9. T. OOrU'ttS, ... BtaaM ta berr fc Oordoa. No.M Bl 1 ;-r»7. Mit) At ¦.*-¦.»" It 1 :.ow BtaataH) acbnawie.lgaO «ha* t«i» r.f- . m- -'"*

rortd 'jy U\i;et. Divto A Co. are-miiT-J- 1 to Am«.-ica. if not it)>oe wcr.d. t*r brdii»oey and purity °* too*."

IBotton Uaity Tlrc«a

CMlAMIiKRy PIANO-FORTES. W Kroad-''trtjy.v. 7_a C-« a#*nrrro*nt of larwriir Piano«, «rar-

.a.av-1 iL »"My reipect Aiao. a few taeand !iau*i Pirni*. of 1 t-

Vrtr- -:,«.ke# '.'a ckir .'t, Oiihe-ft, Stodt:«*« *r.. r-raaltat(MO, *.*'>. *:"i*ui -1'-'. Pi'ica tohiri anj QAiaaaaai

I. i'. CHAMBER1*, No. Mi Br 'dway. roat Wluta

GOLD ME.DAE Pl^\0-rOi7rE3-^Manufar'-t :att tj STEINW.i Y A aON», Not. 84 tad W Walkor-

it, rear Broadwai Now ] err. There Pumct i.ave receivedTBREiä HiHSr PBKatll'.MS witava »ho lart yetr laeouatwtftloti wit) rA.jemade by tin moat cr-lcbrattd maker* of Boa-*a. M-vr V:a». Philadtl; .a\ \n<i B*i!laiote. Price* law.


SUBYS, .iVv. O Broomeet, re»->tttidly inrita artenti-.n to

-heir PLANO-FORTE*. com rac cd wua the aauut ABCH«VRf.ST PLANK, »»h:.-o j j.- a^ite liy tha moat wbasaatialn»pfCT-!B::at ever it-r ..¦laced into 'hi* -»polar lottr.aietit.

MELnDEON..A «>-o..'taT-* Piruio-etyie ME-LoMEON, <-.'*ha:t fc Nesdhara, maker*, fitting ane ve«r

»«3 01.) ub. w .1 be fcil at a ve-T treat deJnc'ioo, t*«

j-fatr BaTtai 01 farther -jm tor it. Caller *t<rta*A. WEBBE, No l~l Wmt Br>.vl**y-

RAV>;N. B \'N S (?o.. §Tr.v>*soro to BAC05* RA'.'riN. PtAXO-POETE llAMfPACTCilKIVS.

Waaoraeaa N>. iB3arrta* it.. utu Broadway, »bare * t ili e«-

.ortr.eut jf I>r)rHr.M.NXii may be toanJ, eioiuti.ely ot oar

ow» manufacture. v\ itrsL ed in e

Superior ( ALTARS.Mauofm-ttirea b/ thr>anleraign* 1. :> m "- p»:^.»h ntfl lelt, and »r*rr»i.:9»l ti !?« .1

.an.» ilirnata, aaat by iiiiiiaaa. ttiafiillj paikaA, at toe tkfloar-

(*l aiiüa» Ba. 1,maaa <.'=.%..¦>..ai». ia etcdlen; *r««> aaot,witaet ta Hltoaa, *lj; N>. 2, milfl of r**«rjoJ. arithca*-

I ani »t baa, BJIi No. 1, made a ru«ewo>l, w.th caaa *iitar: »*. 0«; Ni. L mada of roaewooJ. wkh ca»e and ttrim: ,

ftSj S-. I ntada t r<*)wo,iJ, ,ery hin.laorae, B)-M; No. ti.»*.!? 0* ro*»wo>J. very elcrai f, +.V*. Jr,»r. onblU'ie 1. ali ot

the Bone* rom " ll T/roratora." an-1 ali of th -l*te*t Btlltd«,vtn,-j r jeti-ntar >a-tt by ait 1. \ .«..«» 1. .» 1 rtOaffl0/ 1:0m If:, to iV far e u:b oiece.

PI3T1J, PUN)» la Co S-> -WT Cr^a^¦»^.y, V. T.

CntlfTTj, 45arOniare, flnit Jrcn.A DIBOHDAC COLD DLV.ST CHARCOAL*"\ ti'j .'RON. iy 'J- Con;!-.:..».* Arent.

JOBH ¦**. QÜIllör, Ne. 98 WiiNoaftt.

PROPER¦¦ TRUSS UOOPS..:M Beta aaiortedV ai-^a.COOPER'S T.VCIt. TOOLS. Ai";»r:»cr., Coirar, ilortialiaaBaka? I r»: .>..»¦!«.

vO^Ta-g r-.n v.t«! a \*tMc m«o*rci*..t.rOiOT-lR'S r^BatnaTas,DBaVEEB.1ECÜ ntONS kc. Fi r tale by

i-TiAS. LPITIK > ;o.. Net. Bi IM fa'.tc;- rt

0K8I-8H0 E NAILS .

Wt 'nrite the attention cf tfca trale ta tha lmrroreAITHBT IWf'jTf na.'L-«, BUOOfai taioi ly ite Aic-ricaaSaraa N*L Compaq* afPnrideeKa, R. I .frjuthabtatqaaiitjücrwty Irer.. and ttS.A by :*. their c;Jy .\«reou.10» r*pna'..rj o; :i«ea« ' *Ut ,':a«i n^vr become very raver-

al ky tfaHitntrl. ax- :ba deirau.d f.r Uie.j kj toaatantly it-aj .. .-.

TLoy aft pa'bed bt kt ft cf 13,38 and 100 Si etch,fä««. .,<1,1, f. 9. 10.

LL MINO, CEOCKZE L DOMS,Na j2 OliJ it, New v ort.

A1LMIRED rUUSBUSY IRON.Prom c^MW**'. jhtreoal Pi|, and wholly workad in charcoal. Ifef

BlaT*ard nary ttrent'h Bod (jtalify. On hard 'a i la:h '*

aqu.'*. ,'U.t 1 ¦. $ jiade to order. JOfJN VV. (4L IN^T, No.M w..;!i3 .|i, Agent of aht Kapanoca iron Ca._HUD84 »N ITO IRON ia cicrllent for EounJery

and ."«et* p rrioaeav The No I f.xtr* it warranted to mixmore *;rip -no u> \e t laarier tor a ! pa-po*.'t to any Sc Mck) Pia.JOHN w. Ql*ntCT, M« 3S \Vi:il*mat,J.*ntt'orth«U-idi ?

lacj CoBBaaaxj._AMES & j?mN'« SHOVELS anil SPADES.-»«1 e 17 John \v. qi'iNtv, su. wnium f.

R e M O V A L ..


COBBBtiaBtai MerchantBatllllBUtatt*

and V.'. '-tt!e P.>al»r in »v-rv '.at-rir-'t^r. cfAMERICAN 8 A EDWA Bat,

No. M He-tin*r.--t, New-York.

k^rilLlPP. AMLMONY, RANCA TEN, CUTO KAiLS. h* tola b| JQWN W. QL I«.cr.No.98 WWhmmt

THtMIAfl PIG IRON.Soft, fret-, strong ami aWjrrikted iBBatlrtlta forS-otrb Pit.

Jt>ilN Hr. QfJINCT,N&MWIlfcm-at


IENAMELED FURNITUBE..B. P. FAR-J HiW. T"V mtrowrtvdy {irrii maxtaaaHoaoaaatataOBl

tf r-ch CNAMKLKD CHIMBSB M RNITt'.lK, ail aaAtataatod :^ljr*, a- I aUberataly dtcoratad ka lind'^to!*. tlriro* andf Ttv«.t. ^; -b» Xlanafattc;* War rooi .t, No*, -ti a-id is '.Vooa-t.i it i-ii»**a Brjtr,e v.d (irind-tt*.

1"7aTM!1EN'WA1.E anil CMina. ÜS5 crateiJ lie te'< " <, Jeui^ri tbape'' W hit* Oianite.K'5 .ratet Ci-'urn Oio.lat* :a'e« " Btoa Willow," p!aia th»t*.30 bad*. CaW Lt|*t«r Jeaa. bad* " Brilawcotl'*'' Cfcl a.

Ftr t*1* t< tie'ratle in -..ri*i -' >vtir«i..i;t byBl'EOEBB, DALÜ fc vOUtiAilU, No NPaatt-ofa

Aleuts for the Man*iftrnrtra,

uchool ei rnhtr::. -

O IBCOLAEi bl PflIRO ON AITLI''ATI0:-1Bv R. PA'i'ON, No. ii »Eove-Br.

»splendid suites ofenameled eurni-fcll TI RJl, U ho!c.ale and !t

WARREN W VRO, N M r .-.<-tt.


EXTRA QITAUTT REFINED LARD OII^-V«.-y p are, bot: t brightly in 1 et long t* sperm, and u«r*r

aatatt* ia ariafci boit,^ kc, rum . it ia »«:v taperiw Bago.'tb.£«rv. A.«o.COBvEN'B rtJEE TALLOW OIL. «ur-trior f^r br.-drn,

will *.*¦%!ooldaa waatoar,atdwRlc «> ruiaboattporaaoa.Bfci-.. !t r lja)t)k*'!..i* Ouitr Igant

_JOI.'N \y 141 [HCT, X.. I: WXEako tt



TMü ICOMOMY OP riilB OIL IS LTHBIVALEO.#t ;a ,t BBEOBRHE aivta at nricB *a 0)9of Bapa-

BtoJOUt mi Whi.* O.i, #Ju i7 ot' ojcrui O.i, and f ."j ofB .trn-.a Flaj L

It buiL* ni til the Arganj | ....oL-toa Ltmnt, in:!-idL.gc-.i pkena and tiirio oil i*ita* wit'..it the utaal Uoiojci toemjke.KBB09ENB LUBBICATIHn ANn EtNlVCT.i: OIL.Tao rrf.-.t of tola Oil rn tntciiinoj U faand to be p*rfo tly

BBBaJaol 1 kMakaoaja the gu i .tol 1» the j*o <.( ire >ire o.U,Btoora * 1.1 ..: cV"11 0:1, *nd doe* n^'cagevl »t a lowft myeiatuie. Pat Uiu.vacI- Imm*. .S «-. al tod 3uw*ur: Lat>*« -,». :a.« 0 it it;- 'fj. I: wi.i bn;a far tw, ut^at* with-o 0 gninming cr crotting the wick, t gr at dttiJeratun S>r tuip.rxbtteit, ani giiei t .' *4MJ ta be*: .tj-a:.^ U... baHOb im» la *B the Solar at I liitid Ltr.-.pt.

rie Btaatatiaa af Eji. ice t. BUo rbsnd'trt, and Sh> Cip-taut i» par»leil*rij r« -.sttei to Iba 1 r.i tei tobaaaaaatthe jfbco ui J17BTEHB, Afttri o. Keroae-a OB Compa: y, No.>i Boaaaa-at.

THE RRECKJ'.NRIDOE COAL md (»ILfOUTANT araaarw ptwpna-i ba**rfatj CO\J. OfL-t it

their M ..ofn^!"ry. at ("over-< .". Ke.Tcckr, e i'-.al*tin» 01 I.l'-niCATIHOO(t.Bt iLNtNü OIL. hy.k ui. :, a: 1C;U'')UCOAL OIL. Par xul*t* BrrnifiieU g- iv^- ,u,odia«,roixa.* ai Wti.'-tA and Brea iway, N< «r I -» ,r a annllaatl at

to_J. fc W. CAIRNS C...r.tn*art. By.


aiaataaoooaiiCal Baticlafat ktoaiaa dattct, b-:: tbys on'y ano

ibatia ;>,t Bora s:i). aatttetj aanbla, and laa rad]aatrlwj -.e -4ritaa;t tb* p*y!*fa ai g.-«"i.»a ibtt »o aatMaio anof »».

4 i tat L! 'c i Indigo. Tiy it. l or «'9 by all Orraor*__W*L B. PANrON fc Co., No. 3 lL.y.f». a]

Ina NEW-JERSEY KSC COMPANY, bymv'"'-[Od ptvr-'i'ef titi -f-rtar*. are r ow prepire-1 ta offer

.-heir XVil-TE O.WD 31' /INC. rtpari.tr 12 whi'» ata ta Bosether md-c.i.ttrei re :bj cc try Bold,either .17 or gr.auJta*J. i) H. AITEEB > t.'- .u,

No. IBS W'a*::ir.g-«4. It.

OailDinj itiaimulf.

ENCAUSTIC 11I.ES.For Veotibul..». Hallt,Hearth.a, D r-ing «oc" t. tVaaeTTtttfriet. fcc. OAEblKIEaf

CrlLVNE"-ro»-J !)B UN-P1PM. to. ParaaiebT_»ÜLLLR L COAi'ZS.Na -Ti Paar! a:..N. Y.


1* :zi oBaapiat, I at, ui by t'S the moat Jarabia no )PINOtiled. 1:1* im?*.- .io :t to wa'er-wwather ird *«* inj |a-.-* ll 1

t rti 1 tha at) BtaBaa baaA LEAEY ns &QQVn CE-tlENTED od ata t e oal ta o*w. A. L. OdS'lRN,

Ma*,n txd B .iidcr. Ho. 117 CtjaafrOt,

OOFS, HO« »IX RtjOl-U.Tho cheapest ao*ibeatartw)e*fer cotarinarcott iiT.'Jl ROO^'NO PAP EE,

*V b we keep seBOt r.tly on hard, t^d wall *bU la large a*4t.^*.i zzxo -'.It* to re t -.an 'jucrt.

_JAp. P. DriRiy* EBOH t Co., No BJ Beekxta-*t.



JAJIES n. JOHNSON fc Co.,MttrracTt-Ttnt*.

No. H Pi=e ->.., New . .rk\Cit! 0 d ieaky Matailic Root* t. read with a p^r. a**t ajal

t'j*!'? C, i-TJg

Copannnsliip Kotirrs-

1W. SI RSCRIKFRS hnvins purfbft8.-d the"ertit ,4 Mr. K. C. E»ao«. la th* Bra of h ARRId,

I \ ANS CO.. tba traaiaaaa w|| » . t; itd before and«rtbonrra ot IIABBIB A Kl'A. JOHN habris.New Ycrk, J-Jy .C.' C»1ABLF> Kl'IIN.

C'ftUe If 'Jlnciiaaf. f Ol To\, 1 ..rfcO.*"

ADMIMMU \T( »1; *>ALE 01 i'IAV <>, CAK-lUb. Mll:«U:- ..- MATTH" ;;K ? 'ABt-UB

hi IT*< C<»Ti A-OF fffch-rt Ri t"-rnlM'.MJ lie-. COITU* a ; .,1 in MObBO* I w ad«. I. J* y .'I. at

Mf/tloct it be BOOK* o- i. Nc .'? Be kaxtntt end Ne..H A»:. >f -i.-eiti.- -u e ef An tt'a-.li*0<n-i.t on '»wo.bv orr«f ;f th- A mi- .. WOT, kelWBetg hr* Pi» o f rtat-

thire rr«wec*J tr.d iBn|.| BBl ¦ f «b« roeeww-d w-r»

tntde b* McooH rtMl y " * BJ L*B ;.. .*»"»'. .«

1 || ,i, i - ' ¦» ve-v tin- If-'w I*

j-tbrrwti, IB ft ¦ Mff H HnncMliT'i .* .***«r a-.)...; '«o at Irr» P*r>r »ni «. IB BTBCB BOO i:d ».»'».? I.ereral Ptt. fl. i.iU Mirron; VI «r roh «; He**-*.***; rrenrht.drmm B«1il»i,'i. Oil llVr. -t * Mtht.-yrvreu* on T»b<»*; Mi kit r«f (. ef>t*t 11 I i »r* M ; «»IV 'opP.rxiHf «i .'. t lit, BcrriLi; Mthot«: T Pf!f r 'balrt: t.'.ttire

do : Arne« H*.r Matrr**»*« Ar Alt). »i BBj Dak.CulatirVtndBit k .*' ...itOieiri til vimr-f van*.-* Bed-it»mi Ac. N. fl .i . «ri he BlltBglBtT.Bnd |B*JBI BBBJJbe tike- i*«» 'tie line >} .i 00 fi. '¦«> "-' EC |_


J.NO I VAN ANTUIRP wffl laB or. THl7BiOAT, J«iv2 at ip i'clrrk. tt No. 573 B<w*rv,bT rd-i ot A*»ine-., IBBeDtJre MlJfK of BABD« ABE. TOOL«, PL 4TED WARF.HOC*F rt'RNISAINO ABTKf.r*, It, enn'amed Utk*al-ove itore Aiic M P«teM t-bvrel Bevo'ven. 11 r«#»t of II

CcUmt't'' Axe*, f or f*l pert .e alar tie* Cetelvfaai cow :e*dy.T. in 19f d»i».


A. 14 Ml.bb'ib. Auc iOUBBf-

BY BANGS BROTHER & CO .Trade-SalsBoon.. No 13 Part row.


aieiced on TTJP.bd AY, tivptemke- P, et t o'ri ck a. m. Coa-BilBltll at Book« St<-'«ot7pe Pikte«, St« ic-aary. Book-Bilder»* Malen*.'« 4 c ,«..i..:el The Citaiognt wfll bt fmt uBrow etn* tu Jbit.

Ti'Mt MonteLi . Ancti jtuer.

CIGARS..THIS MORNING, at H».J o'rlork. atNo 71 v-jud'i .:. -Th» rsrioQi ».: ¦:, roand in .. -«i f .-re

tail b lois to ruit deeiiri. or f r pfit»re bs» in i*ck«(*i, roii«,«i J boxe«. OcIt 30 an: ..» will be occapiod; tobioi bind

GREAT SALE at KILB0URN CITY, in rolum-bi» Coerrti. Srste of IBbbbbb*|b; Tftoro wi 1 be or/ered tt

pnblir Bale, br tbe proprwori, on M YNDaY. A'icott '.8, ttidlOdJ .ioritf the eu/tTe»eek. 0"B THOCSANO to TWOTUOLSAND ( ITY LOTS. litiiAted in difformt pert! of UMpltt, Nitkiiie for bmineM bm roiideise*.

TERMS 0# PAtMENTWill I¦. mide eikv. by b .¦util iinotuit in hind ntd there-Eiiii.d'T co le:if rin.». w tb . low rue ot intireit tod . liber*)duconnr to til r#r«ori wb< «hill n-tk« BBlnoMo BoprerBBiBOBl. itbin.i retr trom '.be tine of purch&je. or tc toc»e u bo tntfl rtler to par m band

RILBOCRN CITYI« tituatad bb th» Wlieotui i RiT-r. iram-idlerti'» berow tlatt ro-

ntai-tiet|<4 knoana« TbE OFLLS, a- i i. tbe niidfl oftrich f gr cultural conntrv. and of tbe l-olde«r tn« linear «ceneryin W iKoniin. Tb« ute of ti<ecl J i'e'lf B baatitifa! tad heilthila the ex'r> me. beinf tn eler.tied plain, fluni» imootb t tudeienly firn a li'uil JtlBlllill m 8" te-r above the river, whichftowt arnuucl ita wore. boundary, to an elrvatiou of about 45*feet, where it ¦utt tbe taMe lead tt itaemrern bound*, j, twr

mile* data:.ftoni the rirerAt rhi» potBI the LA CROSSE and IffLWAl KF.K R AIL

ROAD crra»e« tb* WoteiiBn River, afford 01 »t«y c<-m naoiea

ticn oetwe'-n Iba etatern and wettern porrioni ot tbe BOkM andtb* country be}*nd.

Alko. sr 'kij p.>int on* if the lartent wi'er-pr'wf »t In theState u in BtOtMl Ot benu ere-fed, by the BVBKuaBUl Ri>«.-tHydraulic Curpu y, under a charter trtnted by tne S .'»

Tn* vYT»boo*Io i* the la-keit river io »ha State | and hit »iter

power a ill be rhe l*WBBI oo«a on tbe river of t.jy thitcvoOB itDprcred, tberebv mein* ro it pee ilitr td-. mirtiei waicbwill abtadiiy invite ifae erection of MILLtJ and MAN' FAC-TOBIES ot'avcn datcrlrtloi. JOHN B \i.lKr.

Po o» t!.«- Wiicontin Uner Hydraulic Co.Klibnrr. City, Juiy I. 1MB,_IORTANT AUCTION SALE of FIRNT-

Tl'RE. Minor». Ptiiitin»». Firwe«. Sprit and Hair vtittrt»#*«. Ir .THIS i%,i «.Itv) MOBNTNi-. al Kj 'club,at Nr 7f N»« to .'.. between Fulton «xd Johr .'»., b) TUNI4¦OBBELL, Aoctlo»ie*r, n *w*ed Pinor BBIbb, aoottad bSatin Brecatelle; BOOMtad Chamber Su le. niirbie tap', wi hev d-y other kind ot Furniture Bnt e: tire daelnngt. uicluilivt)cbifct Oil Ptiitinft, Mattreoes, Mirror*, Oruanienti, bo.H i Mtttict tt tuiall .r< frt* trottte.

W. 8. Mi:i Auctioneer.

\\T S. M. bf'g« to aiiuotuice to bit uumerousv v » f'l-i d* trd IBS poblie tei ertll*, that hi* oDeninn «tle of

elefto' F".rolt'if, rc«ewcoil Pi«rof..rta*. Frsn-h Pltte Mirror*.t..- ,w te .a THtrBBDoT. Jat, 2«. at il"tc';l.<k,de*7"lptlve ctttlofuet of which will be ready o:. the ¦BMBOBJof *v)e.

II«Vint MbbBBd 'he b--iti'ifiil end «p*cion» Saleaioom*.BOB IB AND 16 FaRK RO>V,

oppoHte the Aatot |fou*o, lie wll be hai py to eiecu'e the ba*inut ftei-rt of bit forrr.«t f ittont tnd tbe public general y, tr.ta

prompmett.Ortfefaily tpfecittuaf the '. beral putrontje extendad to ktOI

fur the pa»t fix yeart, it will 1m hi* earoett endeavor to intri:it* cibtinuinca.

An out the ttrck will be found 20 solid rot««rond ParlorSui-eii. covered in ivttlv brcco !ci. dt" t*k. tnd F.t iliib htir-Both I revertl iopaibly cined n iiwood CoBtOf Table*; cnttlyE'tteret with (lire tlat* doo.'t; r. I. Mn<ic CaMot t; S-cra-tary Bookcate*; 10 ticbly decort'r.l enameled (Jhauitxr Suite*,aloin tii I rouble tope: intelher wiib a variety of

PLAIN AND SCBS TaNTI AL FI HMTCRE.Alto will be noli), to ptv a ivuncrt. IM rboi .. Oil Pair.rioti;

3<i French plart Pier and Manne Mirror«, with plain tud oriat-

n cnted fYaJneaAlto, at '3 o'elcrk. will lie «o>il

TilKi E BOBEWOOD PIANOFORTES,of good 'one t- d finieb.

liocdl ran be picked oo the piemi*e», fur thipplnt. *'t ret-

toi thle charta. W. S. MEi-LOR, AaetftJeBOr,Stlertouju No*. 13 tnd lö Park row oppcaite tbe Attor-lloute.

Dtp C>ooö3-

BLANK! TS..20O onset ribbon-bound FamilyBLANKETS, from eredla die to HA. and of Tatlaai tie B

tie* j tofei II r wi'.h Nctro, Indian and Horte Blattete, from tb*RocbJolt and 1. .. kj Mult Will b.- told low.

N'.SMITH ft Co A.<enti, So 71 Brot-lway.

CLOS1NÖ SALE !.Still further reduction inprice*..*Y>,IX» dolltrt worth of Dili OOODS to be odd

off In cor leqaeoce of Ramova1.C O. Hf 'tiK No. dl " Bonery rcniov!-1 'a bit n-w Incv

ti^n, No. 7ivi Brooiwsv, A*the tia>a Io Imtitad tor dlaj *-i-^of tli.t »Urk, it will be tald wirhi al regard co eO*t>

I C. O. H. pvticultrly invite* arrouiiou to the following trti-el *: A »J .-Bie i-ortm-iut f D -naxk T» l.n Su. ct

kajaatd Srxuvl g, !o To«-iinjt, Huckn'mrk aVi CojttoaBbaat-lett aid SbUlii g of evety wiutb and o-itlity, tin lit, 1 oan'ar-

pant 1, 4c, to til of wbich be doiret th* particular attenrian ofIionrekeepe-a. Ao imri.ente variety of Draet Ooodt couticOutof Cbtllie*. Barege*. Buregede Ltinet. Lawi.t. Indlt md otherBtlkt rihtvvlt 'Ho'iaiy, Bo* Alto,a lint* aatorrn «.t of l.i Baa'nrattbt tnd CaOakBaraa, Alto * very large *toci of I t.ivhMgiUiC* tnd PanBBBttaa. which ri.au be BBta a< atiy tOBfdaco

C (i HOOK. No 3110 Bowery.ST'ilIE TO KENT OR LEASE.

BtttTt w ll op. n at ft and elo*o tt H "'clock

J? A L L O F 18 6 6..17 HATS. CAPS. 8TH4VV OOODS. BONNETd, Ac,

No. im fattataa alNew-Tort.

O E 0. W. k J E H I A L RF Al),.Miiiiifa it

Fac' .ry No* M I, Bw) .1 d BE BtOadway, Albany, N. Y..All bow HtpOltd 10 BBbibtt to pnrch ktatl from *li pari* of theI k *i tri »ttr-ie'ive, eleiin*. md cmnple'e ***ortm»nt otFALL tnd WINTER OOODS, tiltp cd to the wmn 01 tT ryaec'ir.n of the cno. cry. tmorg w' i.-h mir be f"Uud mtny ea

tit'ly new and ongu *i *t >!.'« oi ,i. 11 own dc-»igrPvr'.ci.ir oHevOou i* re.,nc«.cd *o ih-rr MOLESKIN


FINE BBOWH GOODS.-:>00 balea Ro:kingban., Hi ,0 xnd other .-* fo- tile by

BEBBtTTH A Co., So. 71 nr ¦: -.,

1NE'BLANKETS..Freah invoicet of the beflt«.muirica, fxr tale by NESMITH 0 Ca,

No. 71 Hrosdwey


T R A V BLINO I'i 0 A KGx.0. A 'll.ArtN.

No. 1 .'. Broad 99f,

rj£ BAVELIKO C L 0 A I S ..


_Abovt Ninth tt.


BESMirif b Co., «ot, A»-ira

Professionul Notires.fNHALATION in DISEASES of the LUNOS-X BOTtCE..Dr. HI NTER woUd give notice th*t du.-ino heb.' r- :.-.-« uf -' ..in..er no petaeu'i wu. be raieived af er H o.

¦ it: j. Peraint le^'imn^ i-xtmication of the luuat th >uid,U i-^aible. aaloat th* n ormna. No. Wi Broalwat, New York.Jc'y IB._ _' 1

PILE.-, BUPTFRE, and FISTL'LA.Curedwi'.'ictir tbe kltfttl or llaataXXO, by EDW H. IMXO.V. M D..

(Editor ot Ihe * ', " uti 1) 1 id raaataltlai Boiajao1.(Hi. 42 jch-tv. OEca hcrart irotn t to 1 a. m, 1 W d p. m.,an*i 7to I tvemng.

Dr. D. wl 1 !^ ibaent from tb* city frmo Anjajt 1 to utdtr^rn Sep-cca*!^ to 7, .cclanve.

TO LADIES SUFFERING from DEBILITY,CibbBIbIIib al tVEAlNüÄo' .wrvoot or Org*oic DE-

EAE01JUEET Dr.A.J. INOLRSJLL foemarlyofRicbeaT.'«» tl.e rnl fortka » f-w pa'iaai* nuder hi* ch*.godanug -beSumaier BOd Fail, tAvi baa u/.w rowia tor 'hr 0 ouly. Hit ttBOt-aatrtt of t'l (faaaolo eoupltlnr* I* 1 piai.i. coiumoo-arnt-) aretold bat been i_vtri«fkl' i-at»«M when ful'y ottrlt 1 on' II«wU he tltd "o ,er»oitl!v eariiin hi* rvten 10 thoae who un^BrtOt bbra orltb rhtur tddio**. iar »hi b n-> ciitrge trill ba mate.Re't'eicej wHl ba |i»ea trui r*.;oircd where the . ipiietnt* trtonknown. H;' reroit are * II oar w»ek for B u! tad T--»tmen*. A icliete A J. IN'ji.RSOLL, Sing Sing, N Y".

ITNTTED STATES PASSPORTS.By J. B.J MONKS. Nctary and Cotoraiattotiar far ever State. No

1; W arrate»! Naturtliied ciUmu* moat p*-u*iuna cectdicttea.

UonniTj Cana CUnrxanls

BOI NTY' laAND-WAIbRANT OFFICE, No. 63W tli-tt , Naa-i'ctk..Tbt higaett market pric* paid for

LAND W aRRANTS, and all tinam* told by u* are ^utrta-teed tnd loiwrndad, by r-ail or otbvrauve on re»eip- of romlt-U.'c BB

L-.nd Wtrranta procured fair Pv' hen tad otheri an'.tied tob :: j Lid*, i j % .¦!.. » t.

_7. C. COLEMAN A Ca Ba as w tii-tt


Ho."w\roU-Bt. Ntw-Tort.»i'i!ll topp.» or«ien :: u.rt.. .Vnrrtnta t wtyton band.

LAND WARRANTS boo^t Bt tbe hichett cathprice.* *ad erti'm* for Broaiv tax d, PaaaicD«,\e. ptcmet

lyt-taodiJl ,.»«/ OEO WOODMAN N. ^Wjüaant?

Jinaniioi_IlllCtd uk "I.It "*Vr"J°, ^".-^lN«w-Yoaa fall I», '« 0 »

APFVlDIAD of Eul« PEttC^NTfnjolt*-t.w'arni"..r'.aMtaa baa n.*-a ia*l»r».»

iu< r,-»t«r-: inC .ti-i-a t.pM'';-"* ^/¦..'."f-a*',,thelValUf totle.ticeL-dtitrt' rr.iti-rr^ on e ' »k» of tu

he. Ut A >_* I'Wil* H ILMW.CaeWt

laTHaNAi iLli «.n Ciati\**Ti R.n.ao*t> Joatr.w.,

lvD!«»<roi.i< i <1_T l*»* »

Dividend M»ilCK.THB. BOARU OffilrU rt)BO (f THr IxniAMA'OLI-» iNOON

CIN'NaH bAILBOaP COMPAN V -im-i-vi Uf -.-W*rel*

HF.H AN»UAl. I'lMllfN < tt ft" K Pt-.R I t..M f u

the t f rm «a t f the nor for tha» an mo- the eudm« lall 1

pa- *Wf in cat oo a. J tf-r th<- .'th !i at. t'.-oc asoci re**-

{.red Ü <hr rr,i .ft - »"-Ohl <-f the Ooarp.iy at that 'ie« of 'j'Oh ¦ I Mb I: ram re IOi fro*' Company. ' i "«"» >o«t o-t ta*

V-h of Jut*. d.taABXd U pavaSit at tud office I pou tit >"ii:

ajaat aftVafcd <a p**»bl* at th* t thee of the CfW "<1

",*» at Bt ur.i,rj*_A_ ^vaRM, secretary.


COMP.ir* V -TM Board of t».rtvr.* i.««« THI "» »>*> d#>

elarej a St mi Aman C'tbieuiaf Fl» E Pa» CBlTlfuU STck of 'hi* Cooioany. a.vtwa» S*<kb«*Ur*afte-th-tlttdaycfAoraatreat Tba Traitfer Bonkt w.i <.»

eloa. J from fho l9»h JoJt 0. re. to tba laf of ottmaat..>e»Yafb.Jiuta5T.lkM. ( fMCW^, T-a**urrt.

DIVIDEND.-RlTC.TlW FIRE NC£COMPA* V.Odea No. I'M ChatO*-" aqua'* coro« f

Hott.t N*a Vork. Jaly a, le«0 TV.» Board tf JKiaeWribat* thi* t*1 dt-ciared a aetai-annual OtttMLd uf ¦! v I

llf NT pata>,« to tbe.f.<kb-»:deieo" the let of auatt B*BtThe tta. *fer Uxke trial be clceed trow, the 24th i *t. ua.f Aua.I ByeHer, E B.fKU.O* I. SjcraUry.

Galen« »m> Cuic.tJO laias R »ilbpad CoMrtiv. l

r»r.i» * Otke, t biciao. fu"w if la* »

DIVIDEND MITICE..Notice i« b»»icbv civoa

to tn. of.ekboldtr. o- tba 0AtEIIB ABO fHI'ViOI NION Ri.IL.ROAI> JOMPANV taat a OiriOead .-f K

PER CrNTtipo the Caidtal aOBIk of aaif Cotapaer ha* TIU>

PAl leeu dw-Mrer* by ¦". B «rd of I»irertort. ptttkiaootboIS h day tf Autuat nt*t in Ei.h*n*e or. N-w kork tr Par 'o

baMata <t ia4* attnk, »t the c'oa* of bu»ine*t oa «-j 3i*t

c»v of Julv. IBMNo di»id»t tt .* h« remtttrd witbeut uirect.ont.Bt order of the Ji.ecuta W. M. I.ARR1BEL.


LEATHER MANFEACTURERS' BANRTNow-\ir*. Jut? 22, IAS6 -« Di ideic of Pl\ t PI *t GMj

iatbePaaf'al Btaaaarb ba t«id 11 th« Sta kaaAaora eu aatjafter KBIOaY. Au» 1 The Tr*n*ter Book* trill h c oaod not.Itba rJ.a. By frder of the Board T R. ACI.k C*thl*r

(mi. r oi Mottit C*\ >l *m» Bavkim; CoxraBY, il.rtey Clt|, Jul» 2\. 13Ö6 I

DIVTDtM).The Bo»n) «-f PkuBlilW hrt^erH it* MAY doeiafaA a OIVIOEBJO tVoaa tba .arutaaaal

the Cant r I - r P-B tlENT f.r tie oa.t Sl\ M »N PHIu..a the PkBrElBCD irOCK afOM Co uptity, p*> .bUto the g ockbo!det« -ir the r repre*ei.tafivat it. aid af therir*t Turn (th. >0)rf OafBOl I'll OtOtat* i Oic» at Jera-t(:v f a it re»tdn tt of Phi'adelobia ai ii 'tv «t the ificeof K '* fl.»RK A CtIhr TRANS» ER BOOKS cf fhl* STOCK wl'l be CLO-itO

f:om the JSfb ic*t until the day of par nei.tL. N C t>OIT, S«cre'ary

Tat Niw-^ott. OBBTBali RtiLtntD toarar.iT.i tM r Oi t ic tLlisY Joly 2.' tOSt f

THE DIRECTORS of tht* CntBBBBJ hare d»»-iareu anindeid of fOCB rtR CENT** the C*m<al

b'ock tt ereof rut of Ba i at eartil-ig», f r the tlx mt.n .hi arhit'iBrill ettpt.e on the th-rtt; h:*t in.t payable Oi tlie wWa day of

Aotti.t fit.>'tckboti4er* »bot? »trrk It rettttered atItotr-'orl trill ra

ce re treir oiridea.'t at iheotTi. r of Du rta 8b«r na A (''

ihota who-e ttivl I* :e*iateied »t Bottoa. at the (,fB:» mt J P

lhaier A Biothe. ; and thote white dock i* regiaterod *t

Aikaay, at tt.e AIbaut Ctt» BankThe Tri: i: B.« k* a.ill be c!o*» l at the clot* of bmlnea* o

TbyPBDAYaIkeBla* of Juy ln*t aud will b« reujt atdenthe rn> ri ri| cf SiTl'RPA> th« 2>d r»f Aurntt eit

JOHN \ I. PR' l 1, l're«*ur*r

Dlt»itG laaTITVTlOB, S'.i 9d a ttr-.i tt.

IV1DF.ND .TB»B Io»ti'uti»n hs* rlfclarfd a

S. n: AOOBOI I' tidet.dat the rat« ff BIX PEBCttP a

..ini* ttifttlr,. tbe-eto for the l*-t tr ree *nd «m me Ii», p.ir*h e aa *Ld *fter the tkat luat All iut«r-et not called fjr arteld v. ntartft a* prii.cra*! Open dalli fr im 10 to 2 p. u.., »ud 4

ro i p. n.. o:. Mtn »tt Thurad«?* »nd «trardt- .

u.ti.TfR « t OfOKIilN, Pr««id»ul.V.%ni ttiLT L BtXTON, * M. H. BBUta. J vice Pratt,,

beeret*, r. M I». I *» Pclt. 1_Oi Met or tnb ftortt't Pita loatroaBOB Co..{

N(K TotK iiii-20 I6'0 (

THE BOARD of DIRECT«)KS of thit CoolBtHM>¦ ... 'Y, dat declare* a DIYIUt.NI> of «"IVP. (dl C Eh

Ck'NT. paya'ie ön and after the 1st of luiy nett. BBaB »Ii ABane lbs ; ...- Book* trlU be ci.t*«d

By order. *'. P. CNDERHILii, t»ecretar«

I Oi net ct Titr Mmt tii-rur Putt (.«»i tasct Co , JNo. anlViH-at Nea Virt, Juue 28. tt*0 |

THE DIRECTORS of thu t'ompac? havt thi*d»t dtcitrnc a OIviDOD <; KitJt (») aatBoot,oaaabli

on the lat dat of Joly nett JOHN BaKER aoe'y.

On tci or thi Hixth BVBOVB R«iLto»n OottTABT, )tiltTH AVI.mm AM D CoRTV tOt'trH ITBBBT.

Ju y 14. ISSO )

THE Dirpptora of thia Company havt« detflaroiiaDitidf Jot PlVE PWrt CENT mtt of the eartdotlt-f in*

Ri«. tor the aatVOBl *ia o.... t..t. paitble tt the ttJaOJ a theIrentu^r Oadtal W. t,eak-. otq (Ctahi fJLa to P*ipl.'<Bai k, en tbe lar .Uv of AeaaM BeSt, tb* aaAof i t: nutyear The (rOaatBt Bi«k« »":. fa elrted fta n he .t)tb kaat bthatda? T. RAiLFY M\ EBB SaataOary

Orrtcaoi THr Bkkkm«* loaOaABOB Con*w Yoax J<dy 7. .«»1 f

THE DIRECTORS of tLos UOBNMtl haro d.--clarei a teo.i armu.l ditiiMtd of BIQH ( PtRCflT oa;

able oi the itrof Au*uat aatl The Pra-iitfer Boc tt w 11 b.cioted from tho .t'tu Uot ti An*. '»

8TEPI'PN If C0V0ER S^cretarjarOrrict 01 COBfftBBBTAIi iBaVBABCI Co

THE Dirt'Ctora of tiin ('ompau; have tliirday ceclated a SEMI ANNUaL DlVluEtlD «d f!>'»

rut (TNT and *. EXTRA HlViDEHD of KH RrtflPER CENT payable to Iba "to- kb. Idura or tb< it iua-al i.. ..

Bttitalltea ea aid after toe 1Mb it ai t.i «,: .i tiun t .r

tiai iffO boob* art- i law I GEO T HOPE,-<c>c..'iary.On 101 or the Illimii- Ckstral Rtii.totn Co , >

Hi wTobj, Juit u. ibm (

THIS COMPANY ha# inHtud and in no* pr.paed to aeil NINE HL 1 (iKKf) 180(74aNO '» tlr

LABB af ORUriC CTES orhCRI" laaaaacef At.l00au<1»jtt.' etch which l.e*r inttre.t at SEVt.N PI R C-'.N'T p-ian:.t m tt-m the IS-o i: at pa\ t1 attat-annatliy «ml ara aa*01 the I.Ttbof January, |8'J. at the Otiicc of t'ie Comp* ly InN> a rorb.lht»e CerHi catt-a ara Itanec* I- auticicatvn of tfea am»*r. t«;

be r.ce-vtd tor 1 UlRTV THOL>ANI> aBaJtCalad -I H Iwhich are now r*pt»**^t*d BJ aatMaal n«t.*« which wl«lexpire n i the Itt day o> Janntr,, KVI asl the int'allmcuta«hieb are pi-.dgtd tor the redempti< c. of th^ a<me.

_I N PEBMSj. T-e*,-rer.Ohio a\i> Pi aaavtvaaana R*il«o»pi Oo i

PlTTtaOBtMl, faj* 7tn. S'6 i

NOTICE to the S,l(ICKMOElthkM of theOHIO and rtNNat L\ «.via BalltAO At) COM

PAN i .lb i urtuance of a to't of the Plccttt \"m * of the OBictadPtatajlraaktBtalraadCoaipexy as ELViCTI'»» wii.bebei«) at the Rtoto i t the H NVd af »-a le bj thi C:t-» of P'tttburnh o:. the 30th of fh'j m t tb bet«-cei: the hour, of S o'c icka. n, a: d I o'clock p m. t. r rif-e-u ¦¦-rao .a tn ,a-r^ MKIKECTORS it th- PITT.-töUK Irl PORT H«.|--' .

CHICaOO R.viIROAI) CompaNT, tc laraa for cuey-arand U' til tfceir tnt-r-.at.rt are choaei act-ord-i.» to !*a?

J I'. Ill NUERSOM S-c'y o< th; 0 a:id P. R R. Co.

vew-haven and neTw-london rail-Ll i.HAIi ( ti.The iutorett At«rra; tf due aa tba aVtBfllMortttge Bi m t pajuble 2 th Jam.-rj !ttt a d tu* .fin fal*!** tb* lataraal OS »iraft ot theFf« M «tfaBa B u. a. d>.<-ICihof Ma rb !a«t. tr-ktt'her with jee In-.t oi. Thirtl '¦( rt*a«t Bote« oua ,h't I'fb Jc... a i be paid o" BBtaa tan I attte baalii* houte 11 OEJJ i, RilBBINa a. sO.S inibiacittaicattl. ELM C1T\ BANK, New Haraa,

_O P W AR I), Tr»**nrer


i iw eaaaa k aie.l m r^r the tit e if T'IK r iL» Hi # t-'Hash AND WESTERN RaI'.ROaI» C >M *A N V .T mCotipon nattit'.ir aa t^e lal if Aucuit n. at a* taa Eirat Mortteat Bo: dt i f thtre C- mo ^iet (aui^t.aunito^tther t. B| 40tV<) w:'., l/r paid *t tin '.(Be- ot

h U H.TPUOfSr-. 8f-N A UORHON._No it »Vi'iiao. at e <rn K trf P| ia

veu-.ork central RAiLKOaD NEV'T'nIN PPB CENT BtrNDS.i. . ¦ua*r>i»aal off* a or t%uthi bEVKN PER CEaf COT/PON Bi/Buf ot 'h- c, ,

par,> Can iiwar). bavltit ta-ent-. r-«r. bt tn« L te e-- p*Tt^-aten i at i u»';y.aa the fir»t o»* t cf Eebrua/y and Annul; af*!»*.Coo pa- v'< A^t.i y. ji ubii Citr.



GALENA AND CHICAGO ENION gaff-BOA0-TV TB aNS »r R HdOKl or the OALCtfacU^bV ^ t N'"" Kt;.LOA.-.t & ZmJ^h'Lcb«: m Btal wBI he aliajtd a- 2p in th- H'h .f J.iv ,ud rt

ocenroatlotti..ualit Ar7.,t,e.t -tj. dr.f_w" M LAJlRaBr.E. seerttarr.

Ptortfa Pint uirtaact Cc. )

AT an ELECTION £lTj^uTlB^Lrx <7W.rtr.eit.tBj.ri were t,«-o, »)-r#atw.*of ttiaC lOtBBBfott.lieetja.it -u.*.».

UIPtlTORttBlektrrj Vartet, Oat lord i HcteeC, A 'Utaa, n. Hi,.0. Jtct.onSttwara. Jame* S B-oower, Abraa»^ I »,«,"Preen,vi^«V.. j M--ker. 1.»-... Ce«V'lau ... krrc-.!.. bo om t B*.:f*, Jobi Vt te, iEdward L. Ltneh, Oeor.e Wajaajf, Tb-m.«* W Ua-niPetar B. OWbtta, VfLl|*m Mtdr. Edw.-» f Ciukgaaaall Leww E<iwa,dD K. M jrnma, Berwo,Cemeliu. ftt-pbeu, M*tth;.aCla»k, Ph il» 1 B< u ¦*-»..BBmb ebioaler ChrtKcpber O.et Aifrad Haw nor..7? p .r,*-b,'t. John *fni,wrtPnna Charta» H kt-lcryr*«aBo P. TottOVttBB, OeoTle r>. Craata. L«ctd P. Baa,-- .Oideot Da AtuelU. Mat Mat Bi ,xlaoc4At t aaba^quent meof.!'« of tin Board P.'CrURlJ \ ARtrk

**q.. waa unanBtvoua,r t- aloctod Prvt4 <ai I

_W E PWDKOHtLL. Woe-etv-y

TM TRUSTIES of the SEAMEN'* BVNKM. ft r^AVINOSha^e ordered tn*r lotetet bepai: 10 ¦-"

fcllr.U tLC':,-Ja-aatOn ttuni of Pit* Hn-.d.-ad Dclian and _d>r at tt* raf cf

tit ptr<<itp*r*nr*BBi; and'

Oi maaaoatBUi Ptra Hundred 0o.'*<a. tt the r.'a of BaabMati P<,: tBmm~**ym** en and »P^: MONDAY. lit:BB aBkaaaatJBtBl b* ered'tod to d*rx*ltor* at prtnclaaiWilliam NtL»o%. 8r.r.ta.-t. p at uiX g**--

N'oticf. V^mBTmm tSmmKII the Marat* kt auch caoe road, aud prortdea civaTlj L«"rcwatinttnofe* tau, j r* Luther.Stow.tl atThS.S SLJz}OOMMEltCIAL BANK af ABLKOAbT COUNTY^-,:ia neaented at tba Office of tb* Ba^ruitoudent of J. »T .'BBlaipiHl II I of tb. Stare of New^orTlC oatme, . Jh."mm year. fro» the date hereof, or tb.

cuculavat, Botaa Utnod U« LtSaffU ftHi LwWry at. SCHOONMAMR.^ - | f '


HS MSI KON l'KAPK,), «.nie- >o 4», I',.*..,,.r-,f|t *V k 1*1'' 'i I...,.- .

,,, At. . i. /,>.' K u b - a* <¦'*.. Of tbaa-n* i i'w, gj"r rt, ,. ' Tl»»«»> It <.v. ;

..Jii,th(»»M''''*)""M"'lV.V!( "'f ?'.*«***,( .. ir. i*>Uri i ' *-d wmmm Rtwroii«>jg

.o.i.Mt* Hep. <¦.<¦.¦ - '^'ICJS^/e.h»i-.r>*nk rf tit«UBt-Nt«Jf.. .¦».»»)»jr.bk' .(<.: B ri,« »«Hn.>. ».«"*BCB._


. 'A. i-.^ii-.-l.-li-./-."-'-.«;..«'.. h«.

, >l cZmtrtBOB W»f/T>TT7.l^r?^LuVj V., proeMe f,.r hm bw t« ip"***?] »f IBMM «it aa>IVmV Aa km* of-U Boo* of too te-mpani BJ lb* cutpa*U.OOoioOllt ab'db »hall OT-btt-OUy BOt aoaao-l ibo ... I,bbjrfO^TuTl MOB! MlBBi«BB^^'^"glgagloo to* art*** iBiM *..<. .»r«"t»11*° "** *ntJEaoooi to be u*«d.Mfuw telat** to th<- axe*.iooh tha

! .¦' u 4e «T.?n.-.t- of «he i-i.tcbtedoeei of rh . for.Mr fa*.umkl ¦ «tu unpaid tiiky rea-Jor da. table, »kcept .o Bb«M caeaePtl ' V . . .. ..n..- of l.tatrtira m.T »0 made, at baOkAMBOI'tl .ciwU 1- z ofto.d.r»uktk,nofo«3l-th ; tomot for bo I- teiW ttuetied. a d be uavie pkre-b£ aMU *\pf**tUa. of twauty vetrt from tb..r dot-. wit* intae-

eil kOBbToi öS t «I I** r»»" M k-voo p»r coi.t o,r kiiuooi «

SS^iV A,-..'Y In tO* < ity of H.l.rk. On 0,. Or.A-» of t . btu*r» . d A-t«uit to r«to »«*»

It kT^m^C- t-H mmM bj d -W b bCTooal^BB).SiLliW r.ub:,»be.l b; *r l^M?th^fc»V^LTit I u!a«... to !«. n.. d *vi n II» I r **)- p«rpo*.. *«j to A-

E'f p . » ** for I tot» I «rtlOB 0» IV loo. ^tn. .n.'.nrr

1& Kund »'11 be !n»**'o* 1« «»>« oo..*<*.¦ dlot tMBBbt-o « f tfciV t ..m|«flj *ir«|* pre'eretuy »o 'bo^ o. «o- kkkOO,SrttL JS . rocured e' rtBWOBb* oroble I'* -»'»»er it.ne*

fM f. ^e comt'eoie.. be«rin< to* lit* r»t, <rf mt-r-otM <Ae

^-"r. BB. bBBM fyjlBB pWl bmbw MMBBbI


oV/fARINiW SAVINGS HANK, M atr., cor. of

gfltftgag T^ggfj^g Hre.de,,.


No tn t*.'*».i.-»T. ._


BOV>;V PAIH INTO COl'ttT. mt* >. *.''' *'.*1 to ttl t*

<>N iWMIM¦ v o»Dr.t or ikv coiwt ik T»i»» trkTi,

«m«-(i?'1itig iturrokktr'*,» » P*f BfBBt rim. Hiin>-l'i"l? o' rort>or»i|iin» f '^fftidi f ri«*Jb»,

it :o bo piid o: thirty d»y»' notice, f per enilIfor k ur»» rerio i. or on «borte r co'tce. I p?r ce.it.

TOl'trTKMrJOsrfH I.AtVhfcNCE. PRTttt COtnjr.R.v U in D MOUO an. ffto M A - XIC fffkS,ttu^mre coRNiNO Jons j pKiRWCKgu Ui fUaM, w li.son 0. HflWf,WyillKRO RNAl'p, d U ARNUM»VA 11.1.1 A II TV* Kl bV CUAIM.ksI ¦ bill.KUi ai. PHELP8, .


W C H alstkd rokb'N H. WAI.vt OKTU.JOSEPH LAWRENCE. Prteidook.

Joo.s A. Brrvt*0T. Oexretsry._


LUDLi.W PATTON & Co., STOCK Bnd EX-CBABOE BBOKEhS, Ni BJ U i'iitm tt --ttoct* and

Botdi hi unht *xd*old Mtbe B-okert* B">trd on Commt*«uri.L0Hit»ltd bukiueM paper negor'kted Icf^rert al o*« o" d*-,. lit D'r i.Lilktiid fi.teirtt W arrant* collectcdtrid remitted,kekbrriice- n Bank

DW. VAfTrHAjTÄ Co., Providence, B* Lt. HANKERS and BRf'KEHS, are preiave* to oe«*-t*jto

oomier-iai 1'ap*', to make Colleetiooa in all oart* of eheceotv| y 'c im atui *eU STOCKS ON OOMltTiBf' 'S, via lo«of *. tfleKTS for partie* throkd bj BM tr*l«*cclor > osflakjBaaatBtrcacacra.Mr. T. t» Brwen, Fremdem Riactnone Co*

.ti Bank Prorldc re, R I ; Mr. D. C. Baker Pmeida it Hoa>ard BobBbbj Company. It Ue*«:t O. d. !'¦ <o* B Boa,.Jew-Vork Mann Jahn tu-.h. A Co.. f h '«d. 'v'. »

i'irexel, bather & ctruRcu. bImdBi "a.\o PRANCIHCO Cat . <iraw HUU of Evlkan«-. 00

0K.KXEL 1 Co PHILADELPHIA, payaM* at tbt or ocipei«ttieaof Uta l oitad >.»'»«

- i'.ri mad* at Sao rVeacxco, and hi (be lut*rla* of tbaHa*b, end pro emit prompt.y rauS.ted. C'eiileetkODe uity htmi *r,d to Ü. 8 At*, or tOroath DKA.AEI. it Co., Phtla-Auiphia Ol L. S LAWHENCE A Co No let n'aaaau ..., N. T.ElCBBMB oo Bar. f eancltco for *ti* to <ama to *urt. by

OHFX VL A Co..Pbüa<*v>lviikt. and L. .-. ,.»u n, a C*.«t«w Voek

ail SIA Li EY tV liAfiTLi T'I, No M Wall at.,W Nun Coat BOB BtBBb Couuu'** o' Brokoi* . Paper parabia*| any l\lot in theL Jicd St.r.» a dc».i..da enHect*/ MMaetokated. OEO C SMALI.KT,alfred W B\RTLETf.

Beferet.ee** Mo**< Taylor eaq.; W m t. Atter, aaqBantK DBeABTMBaT, Albany. JuIt SO. IIM.

OT1CE it lirrcbj trWe-o, jrnfeuotit ti» tlie etatutBm ancb cka« oiade and provided, tbai all tbi Circul*tot|

Vetet laaiailB D KENT.tnliidlndutl bai.kef (PututmCoiintfdank.I um I..- pretested at the ofJW of 'be Superintendent ofio Btnk.iit Departn.c.'.t of the Sttl« of N>-w York for pavmetBtricoin twa year* fraca tbt dare hereof, or 'hi f.* 1 uopotlted'.a 'be ratJaaBBBBOO of the CUculaU.-ig Notet '**ued to th« .aid-taiiker will ii glrao up.|U'laa2yU' M SCHOONMA KER S r -n ' .n.ltut-

H(m; ImrAtTvi kT Ai Busr. BoM-rnber Ii laVA.VOl'H'E in hereby gwt<t\, imrauaiit to rh" etaoitBkl e'K-b rate madn and proilded, that all the CIRl I'LAT-M. hi'' KB Uaaod to the LOCKPORT BANK ANDTBL'ttl'OMI'ANY'. ia bar.kmt tttocittion. Lockport,| ui itt ha pro-.entrd at 'bve OaoV e of 'he Saperinte: denr of the Bai^lrn l>b-«BObjtatit of tic State of New-York, tor naymeut, wirhia TtAvV EARS from tba dt'e hereof or the fumlt depotlted for tho m>ttoiitior. of the Lir.uiatia/Note* ittdnd to tba taid ».» .» wli>e «i.i up.ilS|*w2yW M SC HOPNMAKER Sup. rtnf»adtat_OFFICE H. h. GOODMAN A Co.. No. 7 Wal

at.Ue bar* for *ale lb-f'. lov.mil e«i-iiriiiM)*> t<' H-i- rerCet't Hordt »ifilio Coua'y, Ky.* " f** rBl Po» f'ent Bunrt fiavidtua ."ouotv, Tena.* IV'lüO Irght PrrCe-t Bot .-* I >w« Coaoty, ivitt-M /'Ti E'tht Per Ctn» «orit i. Mioerti Point. ¦* it.

*l*e irnt variety of Citt. County an-d RailwaT Se''r*tair tmal'er lor*


111 N< KHeYm AN A Co.I 1_g


On ice No --3 Wall-sv «t» Yoao.M> hanice- B.rk BflB ti- «.

* *< n.pt->, wi*bae*«b capl'al of *>IVi One. laONBtO «v**M'oat nif-rn a: d.«o, htutabcld fum'tare. vtt*-l* «i port and 'bo*rct'toei on- peran a! p cierty g. at tUy BfBL it IBM o. il*ma|tby re cii tun mil! favor-itle t. .rn»

DlREtrrOBSi'.i 'ie.! F Sam'i H. I'coter, John L Rsrkloy,

Jtrob Baeaa, W'm N. M tu fra..1-0 et h I'tby, 0*0 W. BbjaL June* s ganford,BrltU'i,. I bben.B Ward, J. hi, R Su.dim,V n. Leal. Mori.* Be j. BtKOck, ThM:^ W Ritay,BrbaU. l ua-i e DoUlh, Jrv. t*/. Mt'tara*,. a- D Brobb, M 0 Anux Ros»ln*, Hat ry B'*d I

i ttataoot*, ii *#th Poulke, tooajttC Mnith.,

< s',Vr .u* Orerrmjr , S'etOen Hyvlt.T.oaoa Kt'ch'.-. Htfjry 8 Lrveceh, Phi ip M Lrbt-_ lACoB rce8p, Pr**i4*nt.T«f ii> narrvnrvr Berreftey.

Ä I iUMUH a.tLFVtLAND CIT \93 I HM f\ »11 7k f. I.O.N Mtl EN PKBVl he g« t r<V ietaea of anid I.r«-j. ca .-.« i.*

epain CDaTPonnBtB4>Ar.u VNAREHOUSrl..J. T. DEhMCI-' ION A Co..Ko. B H.5kxMot..afftriUttkitdO fho Ebb»v* ttj'»:A.ir,« Pajtjto et!»n'«t.l^--oaaiAaB*r'.*ea.5 .', I a*!»*rei. wktrhj aed BOoEBk«^; k fl.-w. BU Itaet. weigbU a.«: n .*' ,1«yaaat n «r, faiiey aobgra and wi.it« of tb* haat t-ttABf-

IB t oor, a tare aud color*!, ditTaraat vidto*-St-tt- it totr gj ( yf rAt Seat ooalttr-lotfi Pti-tr -WtBiM^ toittKiHt'itb tier'ware Pa»*t, t la.-ga bBBRgBMBl. JaatJ^etrhlct Pti*r of the 1»-v«t» qea'ttvB OtBBtoag I ai-er BtrOVJ Ra< and V t J ifa* i' .[.¦. al <. KpBBBM lit**V.'Vvtn.V.rwi . Call» to-rrv»i 'i eO-a


|0! V F. N * P R E P A R A T I 0 *. CLFAS» EIL B1*0VfB,Oftnv.'.i'.' ri.*«al»tlyiTHOl'T TTT M.iOHTP'T Skfr.LL.

C»s BB WfiBN IviattOIATCLT ArTtttraBlV_f> I 'Ir r.pv* H> reir PEo » (aata. BtU by aB DrOB'.lata .WmiiW, PEART & Co No WBtvBBway.

attcuXm *tk*»w .14. + 0+,mmm* ' /».» ,