East Moriches Mrs. Gordon G. Dickson , ATlantic 4-1144 The kindergarten graduation of the East Moriches School was held in the auditorium at 2 p. m. June 16. The program was entitled , "A Journey to Mother Goose Land. " Those graduating were Gregory Lemmon , Peter Cuthbert , Eugene Miller , Bruce Brown , Debbie Ann Olish , Frank Petrignanni , Mari- anne Stampfl , Mary D. Thomas , Claire Monzeglio , Karen Hinden - lang, Sidney Hayes , Ruth Iver- son , Kevin Smith , William Meyer , Karen Christensen , Melanie Skar- ka , Jennife r Flynn , Mary L. Thom- as , Nancy Peterson , Mark Caran - ci , Peter Owen , Ph y llis Baldwin , Wendy Hawkins , George Bierman , Dale McCoy, Roy Trent , Valentine Barrett , James Dixon and Roy Steinmetz. At the end of the pro gram Mr. Huson presented their diplomas to the children. The Guildettes of the East Mor- iches Presbyterian Church met in the church basement June 14 with Mrs. George Vakay, president , pre- siding, ft was decided to hold a food sale in the village at 10 a. m. July 8. Refreshments were served bv Mesdames Louise Tuttle and Marge Hawkins. Selected intermediate pup ils of Philip Sonnichsen of Montauk Highway, East Moriches , gave a piano recital in the school auditor- ium at 2:30 p. m. Sunday. The program commenced with Karen Hindenlang p lay ing "Ghost Dance " by MacLachlan and "Toccatina in A Minor " by Cowl. Audrey Marrin followed with p ieces bv Clementi and Burgmuller. David Hinden- lang p layed four p ieces by Heller , Grieg, Beaumont , and Kabalevsky. Wanda Gendrall p layed "Aragon- aise " by Massenet and Gus Hin- denlang played selections from Grieg, Schumann and Howell. Charles Cetas rendered four p ieces by C. P. E. Bach , Liadow , Schu- mann and MacDow T ell and Gail Weixelbaum played "Quel Diable " by R. Ch. Martin. The program ended with Gus and David Hinden- lang play ing a duet , "Spanish Dance. " by Moszkowski. A card part y was held last week at the home of Mrs. Hiram Reeve of Moriches Avenue. Those attend- ing were Mesdames LeRoy Ray- nor , Frank Kirk , Paul Warner , Sadie Butler , and Miss Emma Ray- nor. Fred Hall of Claus Road , River- head , was a luncheon guest Sat- urday of Mr . and Mrs. Hiram Reeve of Moriches Avenue. Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Freuder of Brooklyn took Mrs. Irene Freuder to visit her daughter , Mrs. Joseph Kesler and her husband , of Hamp- ton Bays for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George Mueller and son , George, Jr., spent the past weekend with Mr. and Mrs. William C. T. Amory and daugh- ter , Dawn Marie , of Annapolis , The Eighth Grade Prom of the East Moriches School was held June 9 in the school auditorium. The decorations were put up by the mothers who also assisted Mrs . George Mueller and Mrs. Brown with the refreshments. Staff mem- bers present were Mr. Collins , Mr . and Mrs. LaLone , Mr . Huson and Miss Afterman. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Stanley and family of Brookl yn and East Mor- iches spent last week preparing their home on Atlantic Avenue for the Summer. The Games Club met June 14 at the home of Mrs. Edna McPhail of Pine Street. Those present were Mesdames Frances Dayton . Helen Kanas , Frances Akeson and Ginny Muller of East Moriches and Mrs. Florence Williams and Mrs. Mar- garet Smith of East port. Mrs. Walter Kanas visited her father , William Baiek of Belle- rose, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kanas were among those who attended a class reunion dinner at Sunrise Res- turant. It was the Center Mor- iches High School 1936 class re- union. EASTPORT N EWS ITEMS Mi<w Bonnie Bell. Tel. EAstport 5-0046 The Eastport Eighth Grade will hold their graduation exercises to- monov> evening in the auditorium at 8 p. m. Mr. and Mis. Mario Vescuo of Pompano Beach , Fla.. are visiting at the home of Mrs. Joseph Mot- tola and Miss Angehno Pipola of Main Street. Mrs Richard Rickett of Wan- taii h is visitine . Mis. Ida Tuttle. Mis . Hahey Case and Mrs. Ed- Maid Boughton spent several days la. vt w eek visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boughton , Jr. . of River- side. Conn. Michael Goidon , son of Mr. and Mi> . Elbei t Gordon of North Ray Avenue, celebrated his sixth birth- day June 12. His guests included Ait Babm- >ki . Bany Salamone. Rome Skarka . Jimmie Teiminel- la , Ke\ in Hopping. Chi is Furgen- son , Jill Brambley, Kaien Adel- werth , Lonn Warner , and Mi- chael' s bi other and sister , Kevin and Michele. June 11 Mi s. Marie P>idrich and Mr . and Mrs. Wil- liam Fndiuh , Ji.. of Sayville and Mr. and Mi- . C D. Rose of East- port w ere present at a birthday party for Michael. Miss Eleanor Belskis of Brook- ha\ en spent the -w eekend \ siting Mis-- Kaien Coffey of Collins Avenue Mi. and Mi- , . Josep h Vish and son , R I c h a I d , of Southampton spent Sunday at the home of Mis. Yish' s p a rent s , Mr. and Mrs. Hoi ace Mott Fuday night guest of Vanessa Tuttle and Janice Rice of Manor- ville Mrs . Dclbert Wesche , Jr.. and daughter . Tiacy, of Biookhaven M ere recent quests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Coffey. Live Better With PELCO Low Cost Electricity. —Adv. The Ladies ' Auxihaiy of the Fire Department will meet Tues- day evening at the firehouse. Mis. Da\id Ottnvewl of Free- port is visiting at the home of Mi. and Mis . Geoige Delgado. Miss Janet Thompson of Bay Shou spent the weekend at the home of her parents , Mr. and Mrs. Chailes Thompson of Collins Ave- nue. Mr. and Mi\ Walter Lane have returned to their home on Main Stieet , aftei spending several w eeks in Sacramento , Calif., where they visited their sons and daugh- tei-in-law . Mi . and Mrs. Walter J. Lane, and Francis Lane. Billy M.Neil , son of Mr. and Mis Cleon McNeil , from the Un- ivei -ity of Miami at Coral Ga- bles , Fla., is spending the Sum- mer with his paients. Mr. and Mis. Cleon McNeil and children , Jor n and Kathy, attend- ed the gi ad nation exercises of their son , Richaid , from the Uni- versity of Geneseo , New York. Mr. McNeil will begin his teaching ca- reei m the Westhamp ton Beach school system. Southside Grange met last Fri - day at the Legion Hall with Mas- ter Joseph Bigora presiding. The film "Amei ican Harvest March" was show n by Burtrum Young of tre Southold Grange. Guests of the Southside Giange were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Halsey of the Southampton Grange. The next meeting will be July 7 at 8:30 p. m. in the Legion Hall. Refiesh- ments weie seived by Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Beeckei of West- hamp ton . The Giange is planning a picnic for Jul y 22. Eastpoit Girl Scout Troops 84 , 36 and 66 held their final meeting of the school yeai last Tuesday at the high school , with tr eir lead- ers , Mesdames George A. Frey, John Kostuk , Victoi Kostuk. Jo- seph Kris , James Chituck , F'lank Coker , John Kuech .and Clifton Raynor. In ti oop 84 the Biownie Pi omise and Salute weie led by Jean Matson. They made Father ' s day cards and piacticed for their part in the Flag Day celebration. Troop 36 mae ' e plans for their an- nual outing June 27 and practiced for their part in the celebration. Troop 66 made final arrangements for their overnight trip to Camp Edey June 16 and practiced for the Flag Day. FIRE DEPT. The monthly meeting of the Eastport Fire Department was held last Monday at 8 p. m. in the firehouse , with Chief Herbert Brown presiding. A drill team from the fire com- pany will participate in the Brook- haven thirty-fourth anual parade and drill to be held July 22 in Brookhaven. An application for membership to the fire company was received from Waldemer Burdin. It was voted to buy new uniforms for the officers of the company who don 't have one. Also , Alex Lashuk has been selected as a delegate to attend the meeting of the Sun- nse Firemen 's Association June 20 in Hampton Bays. The Advance is on sale at Moore ' s Stationery and Eastport Stationery in Eastport. —Adv. Thanks M ere extended to Gor- don Fallow , George Rewt , Chester Massey, Jr., Jack Vakay, Eman- uel Terminella and Lefty Wormgh ton for their organization of the annua l dinner that was held last month. It was decided that next year 's dinner M'ill be held m the earlv Spring. HOME EXTENSION At a final business meeting of the East port Home Extension ser- vice held June 10 at the firehouse , with ei ghteen members present , plans were made for next year ' s program which will include educa- tional films , braided rugs , lamp- shades , basic sewing and rush can- ing. During the months of July and August several of the members will take a training course at the Home Bureau service in River- head. in projects they expect to teach the local units this coming year. The Eastport unit' s part of the county wide program is the spon- soring of a Korean boy, Kim- Wan-Sup, for the month of Octo- ber. Rally Day will be held Septem- ber 7 at which time new officers will take office namely : Mrs. Jack Vakay ; chairman; Mlrs. James Chi- tuck , vice chairman; Mrs. Walde- mar Burding, secretary, and Mrs. George A. Frey, treasurer. Frieda Sp iess Is President of AL Auxiliary in MB MASTIC BEACH The La- dies ' Auxiliary of the Arthur H. Clune , Amei ican Legion Post 1533 met at the Legion Hall Thursday evening for tne nomination and election of new officers for 1961- 62. The nominating committee com- posed of Mesdame^ Eileen Heshn , Cathrine Coyle and Tillie Kirch- er presented the slate. Elected to office were Mesdames Frieda Spies , president; Eva Lan- dau , first vice president; Celia Preston , second vice president; An- na Gdewski , secretary, and Ann Harrington , treasurer. The president appointed Mrs. Catherine Coyle to serve as chap- lain of the auxiliary ; Mrs. Tillie Kiicher , sergeant-at-arms; Mrs. Anna Gilewski , -auxiliary histor ian and Mrs. Rose Cole and Mrs. Cora DeCarlo , color bearers. Serving on the executive com- mittee for the forthcoming year will be immlediate past president , Mrs. Carrie Blomquist , Mrs. Rose Cole , Mrs. Eileen Heslin and Mis. Wilhelmina Kolter. Mesdames Frieda Spiess , Cath- erine Coyle , Carrie Blomquist and Anna Gilewski Will again serve as county commriteewomen. Formal instalation of these of- ficers will take place at the Sep- tember 14 meeting. Mrs. Eva Landau , chairman of the Americanism Committee an- nounced that Mrs. Cora DeCa^o , Mrs. Celia Preston and Thomas Neppell , Sr. , would be the jud ges of the Essay Contest for pupils of the eight grade at William Floyd School. This award is pre- sented yearly by the Ladies ' Aux- iliary of the Amjerican Legion lo- cal post to the student who write s the best essay on the subject of Americanism. The name of the winner will be announced after the graduation exercises at Wil- liam Floyd School this week , Mrs. Landau added. nBl ^l ^^*^mm-^ mW ^^ TLW ^^^^_ W_______{W ^^ ^^^^ bm—lhW* ^ ^^ ^^_____ \^kW ^^ TLW ^^ 9 ^ ___ B _____ W»W ^ ^hn ^^ ^^^SgS^^^ _____Wl__W______ W__________ W____W______t____m_____________________f_______ ^ .. &.~_ ¦ '' ¦£. ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ ¦ £ ¦:¦ ¦: ' ¦ ' ¦ ' <tt. 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Gifts 89B^^^V9B9^^^9R^rN?39Rp8^Pv696SRRGmn fay such world famows makers as Westfr^house, Gwitrol EJeclrk , ftonson, Sufovo BW*Tl ' JI j Jt«T H I l l 111* B iT 1] j IK* J 0 I Ill fKlHm l t ars yours ' A whore treasure trove of them 4 KBBB M | I 1 |HB -_ -_ -_ f_ \___j f H9_ ^^9 ¦PBjBBPBByyffTtirnF^Sr^ PC^Rwj Jt2hJftA£«Ot|sj Here' i dl you <}0. Enter th t* i*tg drawing as man y times as yau wt$h. Extra entry HHBTlT3 ft fil tf*Vi l { 'JdllTt ft | il LiS 11 [ I S SE O ... .... . . . 1 . . . . fll^HHi L Jn J F » * J ™^ * jiiniiiiii . M I I I r* JK3. .1 f t B?IB5S"<t blanks ore available at Our store However , store entry blanks do not entitle you ^B9U^RBHBflSSBBBBS ^8BEKn ^RKmK^^K^^^^ i to 50 free King KOfn Stomps. Only the S pecial Combination Entry Blank and Free SSHW^^BaB"""^^ ^^ Stamp Coupon m this da is exchangeable for free stamps. Registration for this PBBti ff^lBBg m w _. if i l ^^w ' a T l l i 'y i^^ dYav/ing will close an Jury 15, 196 L Winners will be announced shorHy thereafter. MflflS \ M/L A A. __¥ & _. jJL J &L . J w^ I ?^ v F»ff OJJ ! the SpedoJ Combrnatfon Entry Blank and Free Stamp Coupon in this ad iMMgLB ^J ^ TI^^M&^ r ^^ J^C T ^^^J^^l^- ] f 5\ \ It entities yOu to 50 Kmg Korn Stamps free ^ and it automaticall y legisteis yau for «BSSjBM|| J '2 J H I K ' VSI » ' I k i f_JSffi»lP lil sj\ tofc Bi g Free Drawing with on opportunity to win the Grand Pnzc of 1, 000, 000 f S M^ m f i r r W B P^ n^t S^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ r ^ ^ ^ 1 ^^^^^^^ ^ /^^v King Korn . Stamps, No employee or members of their families are eligible to HHSSnnTC l I'M JF J \ i / 4 ¦ ^1^^^^^^ ^\ ^ participate tn fhf$ drawing %||BH lftS ™ jha«J^^ H t ^^^^^^^ THWre^BfiTriiSflriBS ^*^^^^^^^ ¦ | -g ^. SPECIAL COMBINATION ENTRY BLA^X « -v j I ®H AND FREE STAMP COUPON J^ jy | ^^^^^E ffl^ b W[_\ ^^3 ffl^^ ¥ _ W L i so FREE BCIKSG BCOESS ^ I STTAI ^ PS I Where beffer ^#> ^ , | N ^ E " | , , , . X '-| ...ana you get King Korn Stamps i ADDRESS . —-— i weak begin! u to #{ .. . . i I I I —&^ C)/ free w,th ev ef y P^chase! I L orv_ ^^^ X7^l ^_J rrfW fT-5" yr i + "• . ^ •• *. * + r A^j-^y.^ . 't_ #T w»« ^ «>* ++__, , , . . + ,; * ww^ I BLUE LANTERN % j RESTAU RANT I 1 MONTA UK HIGHWA Y MASTIC 1 I it m I PIZZA S AMERICAN-ITALIAN MEALS I | COMPLETE CATERING SERVICE I | At Our Restaurant or the Place of your choosing. if 1 Call ADAM for information | I ATLANTIC 1-7170 | HCIfrtii -rrrV _/ * *. vs s* 4»w,v *f**tM+tw ^w^«.«w *».-nit...... ~_-+_ . __*__ ^_- r.t_\.f__t_\ ^._,__}_. ¦ ..._-._._ -..__.•ff W&i_twM\nM_-_\;i _iyi ¦ I >J --- -- J--^ - f ^*Hffl l B r SECOND ANNUAL DANCE of Brookhaven Women ' s Democratic League was held at Sun- rise Restaurant , Center Moriches June 10, Seated left to right: Mrs. Valentine Klein , Centereach ; Mrs. Albert Boerste , Miller Place and Mrs. Stan- ley Svandrlik , Port Jefferson Station. Standing left to right: Mrs. William Jones , Center Mor- iches ; Mrs. Frank Bealey, Centereach , leaeue president ; Mrs. George Valerius , Mastic and Mrs. Arthur Harkin , Center Moriches . —Ach ance Photo by Gomez AMONG THOSE PRESENT Saturday night at Sunrise Restaurant for Twenty-fifth Reunion of Center Moriches High School's Class of 1936 were , seated , left to right: Miss Josephine Ma- lukta . Center Moriches ; Mrs. Yvonne Golden , East Moriches ; Miss Sophie Schneider , Rockville Centre , former teacher at Center Moriches High and guest of honor; Mrs. John Zinnanti , East Patchogue and Miss Mollie P. Krupski. Standing left to right, center row : Raymond D. Smith, Center Moriches; Valentine Stype and Gilbert Carter, Manorville ; George F. Hawkins, Center Moriches ; Clifford E. Seale, East Patchogue ; Fosdick J. Smith , Amherst , New Hampshire and Walter A. Kanas , East Moriches. Last row : Henry T. Beeker, Lindenhurst; Wesley Howell , Center Moriches ; Paul Kijowski , East Quogue; Charles Howell , Center Moriches ; Arthur Wilcox, Center Moriches ; Francis L. Magnani . Manor- ville and Robert Hopper, Center Moriches. CENTER MORICHES A summer cottage on Brookfield Avenue , Center Moriches , owned b y Mrs. Xennia Blahun , a vrinter resident of New London , Conn., was gutted by fire last Thursday morning when a kerosene cooking stove exploded. Mrs. Blahun , outside her home during the explosion , escaped in- jury, but Center Moriches Fire Chief Elton E. Tank report s that between $500 to $1 ,000 of her per- sonal effects and an undetermined amount of cash were lost in the blaze. Center Moriches vamps fought the fire about 40 minutes before bringing it under control and searched in vain for the cash. A crew from the Patchogue Electric Light Company was cal- led to the scene when power lines connected to the cottage bega n to burn . Consult our classified columns for bargains , opportunities , no- tices. —Adv. Summer Home In C. Moriches Gutted by Fire Dennis Switick , son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Switick of Lexing ton Road , Shirley, has been named to the Dean ' s list at Pratt Insti - tute in Brooklyn with a strai ght A average. Dennis , who has been on the Dean ' s list for the past three vears , was appointed to the Tau Beta Pi Societ y, a national en- gineering honor society. He is majoring in science eng ineering. Dennis Switick Named To Pratt Dean ' s List CENTER MORICHES One of the biggest events of the year of the Moriches Yacht Club will be held Sunday at its club at the loot of Union Avenue here. About 12 races will be held by the Metropolitan Inboard Racing Association featuring the Gold-Cuppers in events using a six-foot hydrop lane. The Gold-Cuppei s consist of three young members of the association who are up to the age of 14. The chairman is Ray Smith of Lake Avenue. Everyone is welcome to attend. Refresh- ments will be available. Moriches YC Sets 12 Races Sunday SPEONK Two dollars in dimes were stolen Saturday from the cash register at Bill's Service Station , according to the State Police at Riverhead. State Trooper Dan Finucane said the cash register was pried to get the money. Entry to the station was gained , police said , by removing a screen and forcing the rear window. William Kostenik operates the station. Assisting Trooper Finucane in the investi- gation was Trooper Richard An- derson. Two Dollars Stolen From S peonk Station For the Most Comp lete News of Suffolk Co. Read The Advance

(0& Km r^^^&r - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn95071025/1961-06-22/ed-1/seq-19.pdf · and Burgmuller. David Hinden-lang played four pieces by Heller, Grieg,

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East MorichesMrs. Gordon G. Dickson, ATlantic 4-1144

The kindergarten graduation ofthe East Moriches School was heldin the auditorium at 2 p. m. June16. The program was entitled, "AJourney to Mother Goose Land."Those graduating were GregoryLemmon, Peter Cuthbert , EugeneMiller , Bruce Brown, Debbie AnnOlish , Frank Petrignanni , Mari-anne Stampfl , Mary D. Thomas,Claire Monzeglio , Karen Hinden -lang, Sidney Hayes, Ruth Iver-son , Kevin Smith, William Meyer,Karen Christensen , Melanie Skar-ka , Jennifer Flynn , Mary L. Thom-as, Nancy Peterson , Mark Caran -ci , Peter Owen, Phyllis Baldwin ,Wendy Hawkins, George Bierman ,Dale McCoy, Roy Trent , ValentineBarrett , James Dixon and RoySteinmetz. At the end of the program Mr. Huson presented theirdiplomas to the children.

The Guildettes of the East Mor-iches Presbyterian Church met inthe church basement June 14 withMrs. George Vakay, president , pre-siding, ft was decided to hold afood sale in the village at 10 a. m.July 8. Refreshments were servedbv Mesdames Louise Tuttle andMarge Hawkins.

Selected intermediate pup ils ofPhilip Sonnichsen of MontaukHighway, East Moriches , gave apiano recital in the school auditor-ium at 2:30 p. m. Sunday. Theprogram commenced with KarenHindenlang playing "Ghost Dance"by MacLachlan and "Toccatina inA Minor" by Cowl. Audrey Marrinfollowed with pieces bv Clementiand Burgmuller. David Hinden-lang played four pieces by Heller,Grieg, Beaumont, and Kabalevsky.Wanda Gendrall played "Aragon-aise" by Massenet and Gus Hin-denlang played selections fromGrieg, Schumann and Howell.Charles Cetas rendered four piecesby C. P. E. Bach , Liadow, Schu-mann and MacDowTell and GailWeixelbaum played "Quel Diable"by R. Ch. Martin. The programended with Gus and David Hinden-lang playing a duet , "SpanishDance." by Moszkowski.

A card party was held last weekat the home of Mrs. Hiram Reeveof Moriches Avenue. Those attend-ing were Mesdames LeRoy Ray-nor , Frank Kirk, Paul Warner,Sadie Butler, and Miss Emma Ray-nor.

Fred Hall of Claus Road , River-head , was a luncheon guest Sat-urday of Mr. and Mrs. HiramReeve of Moriches Avenue.

Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Freuder ofBrooklyn took Mrs. Irene Freuderto visit her daughter, Mrs. JosephKesler and her husband , of Hamp-ton Bays for the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. George Muellerand son, George, Jr., spent thepast weekend with Mr. and Mrs.William C. T. Amory and daugh-ter , Dawn Marie, of Annapolis ,

The Eighth Grade Prom of theEast Moriches School was heldJune 9 in the school auditorium.The decorations were put up bythe mothers who also assisted Mrs.George Mueller and Mrs. Brownwith the refreshments. Staff mem-bers present were Mr. Collins , Mr.and Mrs. LaLone, Mr . Huson andMiss Afterman.

Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Stanley andfamily of Brookl yn and East Mor-iches spent last week preparingtheir home on Atlantic Avenuefor the Summer.

The Games Club met June 14 atthe home of Mrs. Edna McPhailof Pine Street. Those present wereMesdames Frances Dayton . HelenKanas , Frances Akeson and GinnyMuller of East Moriches and Mrs.Florence Williams and Mrs. Mar-garet Smith of Eastport.

Mrs. Walter Kanas visited herfather, William Baiek of Belle-rose, on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kanas wereamong those who attended a classreunion dinner at Sunrise Res-turant. It was the Center Mor-iches High School 1936 class re-union.

EASTPORT NEWS ITEMSMi<w Bonnie Bell. Tel. EAstport 5-0046

The Eastport Eighth Grade willhold thei r graduation exercises to-monov> evening in the auditoriumat 8 p. m.

Mr. and Mis. Mario Vescuo ofPompano Beach , Fla.. are visitingat the home of Mrs. Joseph Mot-tola and Miss Angehno Pipola ofMain Street.

Mrs Richard Rickett of Wan-taii h is visi t ine. Mis . Ida Tuttle.

Mi s . Hahey Case and Mrs. Ed-M a i d Boughton spent several daysla.vt w eek visiting Mr. and Mrs.Edward Boughton , Jr. . of River-side. Conn.

Michael Goidon , son of Mr. andM i > . Elbei t Gordon of North RayAvenue, celebrated his sixth birth-day June 12. His guests includedA i t Babm->ki . Bany Salamone.Rome Skarka . Jimmie Teiminel-la , Ke\ in Hopping. Chi is Furgen-son , Jill Brambley, Kaien Adel-werth , Lonn Warner , and Mi-chael' s bi other and sister , Kevinand Michele. June 11 Mi s. MarieP>idrich and Mr . and Mrs. Wil-liam F n d i u h , Ji.. of Sayville andMr. and Mi - . C D. Rose of East-port w ere present at a birthdayparty for Michael.

Miss Eleanor Belskis of Brook-ha\ en spent the -w eekend \ sitingMis-- Kaien Coffey of CollinsAvenue

Mi. and M i - ,. Joseph Vish andson , R I c h a I d , of Southamptonspent Sunday at the home of Mis.Yish' s p a r e n t s, Mr. and Mrs.Hoi ace Mott

Fuday night guest of VanessaTuttle and Janice Rice of Manor-ville

Mrs . Dclbert Wesche , Jr.. anddaughter . Tiacy, of BiookhavenM ere recent quests of Mr . andMrs. Daniel Coffey.

Live Better With PELCO LowCost Electricity .—Adv.

The Ladies ' Auxiha iy of theFire Department will meet Tues-day evening at the firehouse.

Mis. Da\id Ottnvewl of Free-port is visit ing at the home ofMi. and Mis . Geoige Delgado.

Miss Janet Thompson of BayShou spent the weekend at thehome of her parents , Mr. and Mrs.Chailes Thompson of Collins Ave-nue.

Mr. and Mi \ Walter Lane havereturned to their home on MainStieet , a f t e i spending severalw eeks in Sacramento , Calif., wherethey vi sited their sons and daugh-tei-in-law. Mi . and Mrs. WalterJ. Lane, and Francis Lane.

Billy M.Neil , son of Mr. andMis Cleon McNeil , from the Un-ivei -ity of Miami at Coral Ga-bles , Fla., is spending the Sum-mer with his paients.

Mr. and Mis. Cleon McNeil andchildren , Jor n and Kathy, attend-ed the gi ad nation exercises oftheir son , Richa id , from the Uni-versity of Geneseo , New York. Mr.McNeil will begin his teaching ca-reei m the Westhampton Beachschool system.

Southside Grange met last Fri -day at the Legion Hall with Mas-ter Joseph Bigora presiding. Thefilm "Amei ican Harvest March"was show n by Burtrum Young oft re Southold Grange. Guests ofthe Southside Giange were Mr.and Mrs. Albert Halsey of theSouthampton Grange. The nextmeeting will be July 7 at 8:30p. m. in the Legion Hall. Refiesh-ments weie seived by Mr. andMrs. Stanley Beeckei of West-hamp ton . The Giange is planninga picnic for Jul y 22.

Eastpoit Girl Scout Troops 84,36 and 66 held their final meetingof the school yeai last Tuesday atthe high school , with tr eir lead-ers , Mesdames George A. Frey,John Kostuk , Victoi Kostuk. Jo-seph Kris , James Chituck , F'lankCoker, John Kuech .and CliftonRaynor. In ti oop 84 the BiowniePi omise and Salute weie led byJean Matson. They made Father 'sday cards and piacticed for theirpart in the Flag Day celebration.Troop 36 mae'e plans for their an-

nual outing June 27 and practicedfor their part in the celebration.Troop 66 made final arrangementsfor their overnight trip to CampEdey June 16 and practiced forthe Flag Day.

FIRE DEPT.The monthly meeting of the

Eastport Fire Department washeld last Monday at 8 p. m. inthe firehouse, with Chief HerbertBrown presiding.

A drill team from the fire com-pany will participate in the Brook-haven thirty-fourth anual paradeand drill to be held July 22 inBrookhaven.

An application for membershipto the fire company was receivedfrom Waldemer Burdin. It wasvoted to buy new uniforms forthe officers of the company whodon 't have one. Also , Alex Lashukhas been selected as a delegateto attend the meeting of the Sun-nse Firemen 's Association June 20in Hampton Bays.

The Advance is on sale atMoore's Stationery and EastportStationery in Eastport.—Adv.

Thanks M ere extended to Gor-don Fallow, George Rewt, ChesterMassey, Jr., Jack Vakay, Eman-uel Terminella and Lefty Wormghton for their organization of theannua l dinner that was held lastmonth. It was decided that nextyear 's dinner M'ill be held m theearlv Spring.


At a final business meeting ofthe Eastport Home Extension ser-vice held June 10 at the firehouse ,with eighteen members present,plans were made for next year'sprogram which will include educa-tional films, braided rugs, lamp-shades, basic sewing and rush can-ing.

During the months of July andAugust several of the memberswill take a training course at theHome Bureau service in River-head. in projects they expect toteach the local units this comingyear.

The Eastport unit's part of thecounty wide program is the spon-soring of a Korean boy, Kim-Wan-Sup, for the month of Octo-ber.

Rally Day will be held Septem-ber 7 at which time new officerswill take office namely : Mrs. JackVakay ; chairman; Mlrs. James Chi-tuck , vice chairman; Mrs. Walde-mar Burding, secretary, and Mrs.George A. Frey, treasurer.

Frieda Spiess IsPresident of ALAuxiliary in MB

MASTIC BEACH — The La-dies ' Auxiliary of the Arthur H.Clune , Amei ican Legion Post 1533met at the Legion Hall Thursdayevening for tne nomination andelection of new officers for 1961-62.

The nominating committee com-posed of Mesdame^ Eileen Heshn ,Cathrine Coyle and Tillie Kirch-er presented the slate.

Elected to office were MesdamesFrieda Spies, president; Eva Lan-dau , first vice president; CeliaPreston , second vice president; An-na Gdewski, secretary, and AnnHarrington , treasurer.

The president appointed Mrs.Catherine Coyle to serve as chap-lain of the auxiliary ; Mrs. TillieKiicher , sergeant-at-arms; Mrs.Anna Gilewski , -auxiliary historian and Mrs. Rose Cole and Mrs.Cora DeCarlo, color bearers.

Serving on the executive com-mittee for the forthcoming yearwill be immlediate past president,Mrs. Carrie Blomquist , Mrs. RoseCole, Mrs. Eileen Heslin and Mis.Wilhelmina Kolter.

Mesdames Frieda Spiess , Cath-erine Coyle, Carrie Blomquist andAnna Gilewski Will again serve ascounty commriteewomen.

Formal instalation of these of-ficers will take place at the Sep-tember 14 meeting.

Mrs. Eva Landau , chairman ofthe Americanism Committee an-nounced that Mrs. Cora DeCa^o,Mrs. Celia Preston and ThomasNeppell, Sr., would be the judgesof the Essay Contest for pupilsof the eight grade at William

Floyd School. This award is pre-sented yearly by the Ladies' Aux-iliary of the Amjerican Legion lo-cal post to the student who writes

the best essay on the subject ofAmericanism. The name of thewinner will be announced afterthe graduation exercises at Wil-liam Floyd School this week, Mrs.Landau added.

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SECOND ANNUAL DANCE of BrookhavenWomen's Democratic League was held at Sun-rise Restaurant, Center Moriches June 10, Seatedleft to right: Mrs. Valentine Klein, Centereach ;Mrs. Albert Boerste, Miller Place and Mrs. Stan-ley Svandrlik, Port Jefferson Station. Standing

left to right: Mrs. William Jones, Center Mor-iches ; Mrs. Frank Bealey, Centereach , leaeuepresident ; Mrs. George Valerius, Mastic andMrs. Arthur Harkin , Center Moriches.

—Ach ance Photo by Gomez

AMONG THOSE PRESENT Saturday night atSunrise Restaurant for Twenty-fifth Reunion ofCenter Moriches High School's Class of 1936were, seated , left to right: Miss Josephine Ma-lukta . Center Moriches ; Mrs. Yvonne Golden,East Moriches ; Miss Sophie Schneider , RockvilleCentre, former teacher at Center Moriches Highand guest of honor; Mrs. John Zinnanti, EastPatchogue and Miss Mollie P. Krupski. Standingleft to right, center row : Raymond D. Smith,

Center Moriches; Valentine Stype and GilbertCarter, Manorville ; George F. Hawkins, CenterMoriches ; Clifford E. Seale, East Patchogue ;Fosdick J. Smith , Amherst, New Hampshire andWalter A. Kanas, East Moriches. Last row :Henry T. Beeker, Lindenhurst; Wesley Howell,Center Moriches ; Paul Kijowski , East Quogue;Charles Howell, Center Moriches ; Arthur Wilcox,Center Moriches ; Francis L. Magnani. Manor-ville and Robert Hopper, Center Moriches.

CENTER MORICHES — Asummer cottage on BrookfieldAvenue, Center Moriches, ownedby Mrs. Xennia Blahun , a vrinterresident of New London, Conn.,was gutted by fire last Thursdaymorning when a kerosene cookingstove exploded.

Mrs. Blahun , outside her homeduring the explosion , escaped in-jury, but Center Moriches FireChief Elton E. Tank reports thatbetween $500 to $1,000 of her per-sonal effects and an undeterminedamount of cash were lost in theblaze.

Center Moriches vamps foughtthe fire about 40 minutes beforebringing it under control andsearched in vain for the cash.

A crew from the PatchogueElectric Light Company was cal-led to th e scene when power linesconnected to the cottage began toburn .

Consult our classified columnsfor bargains, opportunities, no-tices.—Adv.

Summer HomeIn C. MorichesGutted by Fire

Dennis Switick, son of Mr. andMrs. Frank Switick of LexingtonRoad , Shirley, has been namedto the Dean's list at Pratt Insti -tute in Brooklyn with a straightA average.

Dennis , who has been on theDean 's list for the past threevears, was appointed to the TauBeta Pi Society, a national en-gineering honor society. He ismajoring in science engineering.

Dennis Switick NamedTo Pratt Dean's List

CENTER MORICHES —One of the biggest events ofthe year of the Moriches YachtClub will be held Sunday atits club at the loot of UnionAvenue here.

About 12 races will be heldby the Metropolitan InboardRacing Association featuringthe Gold-Cuppers in eventsusing a six-foot hydroplane.The Gold-Cuppei s consist ofthree young members of theassociation who are up to theage of 14.

The chairman is Ray Smithof Lake Avenue. Everyone iswelcome to attend. Refresh-ments will be available.

Moriches YC Sets12 Races Sunday

SPEONK — Two dollars indimes were stolen Saturday fromthe cash register at Bill's ServiceStation , according to the StatePolice at Riverhead.

State Trooper Dan Finucanesaid the cash register was priedto get the money. Entry to thestation was gained, police said, byremoving a screen and forcing therear window. William Kostenikoperates the station. AssistingTrooper Finucane in the investi-gation was Trooper Richard An-derson.

Two Dollars StolenFrom Speonk Station

For the Most Complete News of Suffolk Co.Read The Advance