© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Werner Brandmaier Dipl.Ing. How to Dowse Your Feng Shui Solutions www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com

Your Feng Shui Solutions

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© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 1


Werner Brandmaier


How to Dowse Your Feng Shui Solutions


© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 2

Learn how to use the ancient art of Dowsing to Assess the situation in your home for Feng Shui solutions

Discover where earth energies obstruct your results

Evaluate the detrimental energy fields (EMFs) coming from your electronic devices like cellphones and microwaves

Discover how to improve your sleep, health and wellness through ancient arts and modern technology You are in the right place if You wake up at 3 a.m. or your sleep patterns are disturbed

You are confused about contradicting Feng Shui schools

You are using a microwave to warm up your food or you use

a cellphone without protecting yourself from the EMF stress

You don’t have to question anymore! You can learn to dowse and get your own answers!

I have helped hundreds of people just like you to improve the energy of their home, the quality of their sleep and to create a healthy and harmonious environment. Werner Brandmaier

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 3

What others say

"I want to thank you for the incredible work you did on my home and on my

health. The effect of your Feng Shui work was noticeable the same night. I

slept deeper than usual and it has continued until now.”

Nancy T., Boston, MA

"I must say that the place feels so much better. Today was the first time in

years that I could sit outside and actually feel a rhythm with the land

around me. Can't really explain it, but I bet you know what I mean..."

Rocky S., CA

“I moved the bed in the master bedroom against the other wall away from

the underground water you had detected. The first thing I noticed was the

dog. As I told you, she had constantly moved around on the other bed all

night long. The first night with the new set up, she moved up and slept by

my legs for the whole night, snoring very heavily, and did not move once.

She has slept very soundly the whole week. I've slept better as well.”

Ruthann VdP, Lexington, MA

"The family has been remarkably better in life outlooks and positivity. Very

little fighting and an incredible sense of peace. Thank you again. You have

made a difference in our family!"

Beau E., Portsmouth, NH

"We sponsored a Feng Shui seminar at the clinic. Everyone who attended is

involved in health care in one capacity or another. It was an incredible day,

with everyone excited about their new-found knowledge and the

implications it has on their lives. Werner's work has changed my life."

Erica Noble, D.C., Noble Chiropractic Clinic, Arundel, ME

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 4


My name is Werner Brandmaier, I am glad you are here to learn about dowsing! This topic is very important because it enables to tap into the world of energies. Through dowsing we can find answers to many topics, including Geopathic stress and environmental energies that affect not just our body, but our health and well-being.

Dowsing comes naturally to me. I use it for every aspect of my life, not only for Feng Shui. My father was a water dowser and from early childhood on I got insights into the energetic realms of nature.

However, following my grand father’s footsteps I was trained in electrical engineering. In my early 30’s I worked for more than a decade in medical engineering dealing with high tech equipment in hospitals, MRIs and CTs, so I have a very logical mind set. Even at this very rational environment we applied rules of proper chi-flow to differentiate us from the competition, with great results as I might add. I just mention this to point out that it is possible to bridge the worlds of science and business with that of subtle energies. My scientific background and Austrian/German heritage also mean that I am solution oriented. I’d like to find out what’s going on and then determine what we need to fix a situation and how to do it. There are many ways dowsing can be practiced. Typically devices such as pendulums or metal rods are used to help determine a response of the body. The easiest method of dowsing is called BodyDowsing using the body itself as the dowsing instrument. In this E-book I will show you how to use dowsing to tap into your intuitive self to answer questions about the environment you live in, about the use of electronics which affect our health more than we’d like to admit and on healthy life style decisions, as well as food and dietary choices we make on a daily basis.

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 5

Table of Contents

What others say ............................................................................ 3

Introduction .................................................................................. 4

Using Dowsing in Feng Shui .......................................................... 6

Dowsing throughout History ...................................................... 6

Early links to illness from Geopathic stress ................................ 7

Dowsing and Feng Shui today .................................................... 9

Dowsing Instruments .................................................................. 11

Y-RODS .................................................................................... 11

PENDULUMS ............................................................................ 12

L-RODS ..................................................................................... 12

TENSORS .................................................................................. 13

A few thoughts on preparation. .................................................. 14

BODYDOWSING. ......................................................................... 15

Tap into your Subconscious ..................................................... 16

Asking specific Feng Shui questions: ........................................... 17

For the advanced dowser: quantification .................................... 17

Some additional thoughts ........................................................... 20

About the Author ........................................................................ 21

To learn more ............................................................................. 22

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 6

Using Dowsing in Feng Shui Dowsing is an old tradition and best known as a method to locate

underground waterveins for wells. We use dowsing in our Feng Shui

practice to detect energetic structures carrying Geopathic stress and to

test how well Feng Shui improvements work.

Dowsing can not only be used for those earth patterns but also for

tapping into our intuitive capabilities. The right part of our brain

representing the intuitive aspect works as a parallel processor and is

incredibly fast. The left brain, the rational mind, acts more as a serial

processor, dealing with one issue at a time, slowing down the overall

performance of our "bio-computer" dramatically.

Feng Shui consultants in Europe become more and more aware of their

own roots and today combine the tradition of dowsing with the energy

work of Feng Shui. Dowsing enables them to not only intuitively “guess“

the quality of the Chi in a house, but quantify it and then improve a

situation step by step and rectify the results.

Dowsing throughout History

Dealing with invisible forms of land

energies and measuring its influences

is nothing new. For centuries people

included the knowledge of the forces

of nature in their daily life, in farming

or even in mining for minerals.

Dowser, 16th century Europe

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 7

Dowsing is probably as old as mankind. Using a Y-shaped branch of a tree,

a pendulum or an L-rod allows people to communicate with their own

inner knowledge and find a way to listen to their inner voice.

There are many stories of dowsing experiences throughout anscient


In the Bible Moses‘ stick with which he knocked on a rock and water

sprang out as of a fresh fountain was nothing else but a dowsing rod.

The Egyptians had sophisticated pendulums and instruments to heal,

preserve and use. French dowsers did a lot of research on this behalf.

With the beginning of the 20th century dowsing became very popular in

middle Europe. German doctors who followed generations of families

living in the same house, realized repeating patterns of illness: the

husband of a woman who had lost her first husband and remarried,

became ill with the same disease as his precessor. Researchers found

clusters of specific earth energy patterns and used dowsing techniques to

investigate them.

Early links to illness from Geopathic stress

In the late 1920‘s Gustav Freiherr von Pohl, a German aristrocrate,

became famous with an unusual experiment: He dowsed the major earth

energy patterns of an entire small town called Vilsbiburg in the Black

The Chinese Emperor Kuang Yu is

portrayed with a dowsing fork. The

inscription reads: “Yu of the Hsia Dynasty

was a master in the science of the earth

and in those matters concerning water

veins and springs.“

Chinese Emperor Kuang Yu about 2200 B.C.

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 8

Forest district in Germany. It took him nearly a week to finish his task

and map his results. The mayor then called the town’s physician and ask

him to provide a list of all cancer cases of the last 15 years. When they

superimposed both maps they got a 100 % correlation between houses of

terminal illness and Geopathic Stress areas.

German town of Vilsbiburg

Freiherr von Pohl’s experiment aroused interest in the medical

community and was followed by a number of similar studies and

investigations. Larger towns up to 15,000 inhabitants like Stettin, with

proportionally more cases or less cases to satisfy all the critics. Results

were repeatedly the same and finally presented at European medical

conventions. Doctors who became involved were so excited that some

declared: We’ve found a cure for cancer. It only will take a few more years

and cancer will be extinct...

Unfortunately World War II took the focus off this research for more than

two decades. In the mid 1950‘s the work was picked up again and is still

continued with involvement of German and Austrian Universities and a

growing community in the alternative health field.

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 9

Dowsing and Feng Shui today

Dowsing is widely used today in Europe. Even medical doctors in all fields

of alternative medicine use „biotensors“ to determine the best treatment

variations, flower remedies, homeopathics, supplements etc. and their

optimal dosage. In Amerika it might take a little longer until the practice

of dowsing is accepted in such a broad way.

Water dowsing, however, is even here an old tradition among farmers to

search for wells of good drinkable water. The American Society of

Dowsers conducts yearly conferences and provides information on local

dowsing chapters and literature on the topic.

Dowsers from South Dacota

Earlu looking for underground water

(around 1900 ?)

A Feng Shui consultation without the evaluation and quantification of the

energies in the house will not be very effective. Draining Geopathic stress

zones need to be addressed and eliminated. Dowsing is a valuable method

to identify sources of problems, to change them and to finally help to

secure a positive environment for long term health improvements.

An energy evaluation in Feng Shui always has to start from the outside.

The Chi inside the house is drastically reduced through architectural

limitations. Walls and a roof on top cut off on average 70 – 80 % of the

natural Chi of a place, in dense living environments the loss of Chi might

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 10

be even more. If we take into consideration that sometimes the property

itself seems quite void of energy to begin with, then imagine 90 %

additional reduction through design and circumstances, how can we see

results through simple Feng Shui cures?

Our main priority is to provide an earth stress free environment. If

energetic drains from Geopathic stress are not addressed properly early

in the process further Feng Shui measures such as compass calculations,

the reading of the Bagua or choosing one’s best sleeping direction are

counteracted. They anyway only give us part of the solution, how much

can be determined through dowsing.

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 11

Dowsing Instruments

Dowsing works through projecting an intent of what is desired and in

return receiving confirmation feedback through the own body. A micro

movement in the hand of the dowser is amplified by the long thread of a

pendulum or the steal wire of a tensor and results in the movements of a

dowsing instrument. The weight at the end moves in circles or lines and

determines the reading.

Dowsing instruments by themselves are not magic wands, they assist the

dowser while tuning into subtle energy fields and their frequency


Of the many different types of dowsing tools, the most common are:

1. Y-shaped rods from tree branches, but also made from wire.

2. Pendulums of all kinds and materials (glass, metal, wood, etc.)

3. L-rods in various designs, easily made from coat hangers.

4. One handed dowsing rods, called tensors or “bobbers“.

5. Your own body, the easiest instrument always available.


Y-rods are held with two hands with the two ends pointing up and the tip

turning circular up or down.


© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 12


A pendulum is basically a weighted object on a string that moves side to

side, back and forth or in circular motions. Materials range from metals,

precious materials, crystals and glass to special forms for healing

purposes to containing small chambers for a

“wittness“, a substance which supposedly

helps identifying specific targets. Simple

pendulums consist of any object on a string.

Choose a different string lenght for the

adaptation of sensitivity.



L-rods are kept parallel in both hands and move either towards each

other until they cross or away from each other. An L-rod can easily be

made yourself with coathangers. Cut the wire and bend it to an L-shaped

form, and stick the shorter ends in some old pen shafts to allow free

movement. Here we go!


The first task then is to determine which response from either instrument

is correlated with a clear “yes“answer, which one with a “no“ answer.

These are not necessarily the same for each person.

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 13

With a pendulum a “yes“ can be either a straight line towards you or a

clockwise movement of the pendulum, a “no“ would be a cross line or a

counter clockwise response. L-rods usually cross over for a “yes“ and

divert into opposite direction for a “no“. Whatever it is, this needs to be

established first to be able to read future results and to interpret answers



Tensors or bobbers are my personal favorite. They work fast, are

sensitive and can be used easily for measuring quantities and

determining exact fields.With a tensor, a typical „“yes“ looks like a head

nodding up and down, while a “no“ moves sideways again like a

disagreeing head motion.

“yes“ response of a tensor “no“ response of a tensor

vertical up and down movement horizontal movement left/right

The simpliest way to practice dowsing is to use your own body as an

instrument. There is no need to carry a separate instrument with you, or

feel a bit uncomfortable when using it in the public to select groceries or

check out books at the library.

The solution is called BODYDOWSING, a subtle and quick way to get

results. We’ll describe how it works in a minute.

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 14

A few thoughts on preparation.

Everybody is able to dowse. It just takes some practice and seems to work

well if we are properly grounded. If we don’t get a dowsing response the

flow of Qi in the body is blocked, most likely in the belly area which then

will make it difficult to receive signals from our own unconscious. Below

are some points to help ground and prepare yourself.

Calm down from every day stress, meditate a bit and find your inner

center. Focus on the Hara, the energetic center in the lower stomach,

and imagine a good connection between your feet and the ground.

Be sufficiently hydrated. Drink at least 2 glasses of water before you

start. Water is the body’s main ingredient, if the body is too dry you

will have difficulty picking up energy.

Before you start always ask for permission to work with a space and

its energy. In 95 % of the cases there is no problem at all. Once in a

while it happens that there is resistance. This could be a sign of

negative energy forces that do not want to be exposed.

Also try to be clear and specific in your questions. If dowsing does not

bring the desired responses it often is because a question was not

clear. Without a clear question - no clear answer.

I personally do not engage in questions for future happenings. I believe

there are many parallel possibilities for the future to develop into. In my

work as a Feng Shui consultant, I use dowsing as a method to detect

energetic patterns, the quality and quantity of Qi, and most importantly

the position of Geopathic grids (= draining earth energy patterns) in

order to avoid them.

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 15


Body dowsing uses the response of our body in a simple and quick way to

tell us if our body is attracted to or repelled by something.

Children are naturals and pick it up very easily. Women are often a bit

more sensitive than men, but everybody can do it. I recommend to

practice for a while before you start asking general questions. The range

of applications is wide: e.g. "Would buying that CD help my inner

development?" Or at least: "Would I truly enjoy listening to it?".

Notice: The more precise the question, the clearer the answer! Instead of

asking: "Should I get this book?" it is better to ask, depending on the

topic: "Would getting this book truly entertain me, teach me something

valuable, or be beneficial for my higher good?"

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 16

Try it out! Here is how Bodydowsing works

Stand straight and relaxed and try to feel your body's subtle movements.

(Have the understanding that we are on two feet and unconsciously

balancing ourselves all the time.)

Now ask a question where the body would show a clear "Yes" response,

e.g. "Show me a Yes" or "Is my name ... (fill in your name)?" If this is a

true statement the body will start to move.

Usually a "yes" or "confirmation" lets the upper body slightly fall

forward (towards an object, if you're testing something specific), a

"no" would make you fall backward, away from it.

Of course it is much easier to find results for other people or for

situations where you are not personally involved. Dowsing for yourself to

answer bigger questions can be tricky. If there is any emotional

entanglement and bias for a possible outcome, e.g. when asking "Should I

date this person?" (- right, you thought of that question already, didn't

you?) you can call a friend or third person, ideally someone who is

neutral. Don't even tell him/her your question. Just ask them to test for

some answers while you go through the different questions in your mind,

one at a time

Tap into your Subconscious

If we watch ourselves carefully when we make important decisions we

often sense a gut feeling we have at the very beginning. Looking back

later we recognize that we should have followed this intutition in the first

place instead of listening to the arguments our rational mind chattered

through our head. To simply follow our intuition would often serve us

best. Dowsing allows us to tap into that subconscious aspect, and with

that connects us to the innate knowledge and wisdom.

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 17

If we therefore consider dowsing as a method to help us decide what's

best for us, for our body, sometimes even for our wallet (by not buying

stuff we don't really need), then we should probably bring a dowsing

instrument along with us all day; to the grocery store to see which foods

are healthier for us; to choose which brand of vitamin C is most beneficial

for us, even to a bookstore to find out if a book is worth buying.

Asking specific Feng Shui Questions:

You also can use this dowsing method for asking any Feng Shui related

questions concerning energies in specific parts of the house, in different

Bagua areas or to check for draining geopathic stress. Simply ask: "Is this

bedroom a good room for me to sleep in?" or: "Is there any draining

geopathic earth stress affecting my bed?"

In case you are not sure which Feng Shui cure to apply you could ask:

"Would (for example) a mirror here improve the overall energy in the

room? Would a Home Harmonizer shield the house from Geopathic

stress?" And then to be more precise: "On a scale of 0 - 10: Would this

measure improve the energy at least '1 or more', '2 or more', and so

on...?" until you get a "no" answer. If you got a "no" for "5 or more", the

last "yes" was for "4". So your answer would indicate about a 40%

improvement for the measure you had planned.

In addition you can find out where to exactly place your cure to maximize

the outcome by going through the room and checking the improvement

rates for different locations.

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 18

For the Advanced Dowser:


For those of you who are familiar with dowsing or want to take it one

step further it might be helpful to use a method to not only get Yes and No

answers like black and white but also see differentiation, grey tones

between, to get information on “How much something is positive” on a

scale of 1-10, or even simpler scale of 1-100 in percentages.

This method works especially well with pendulums and tensors, not so

much with the other instruments discussed earlier.

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 19

If you imagine, it takes the same time as for a simple “yes/no” for instead

of a horizontal (= 0) or vertical (=100) answer to get an angle.

From the drawing you see how the angle itself determines if our anwer is

10%, 20 % or more.

Tensors are specifically quick with these results. This is the reason why

health professionals in Europe use tensors in their work when deciding

on remedies and dilutions.

You can find tensors of the finest kind in our shop at www.Geopathic-


If you would like to get exact numbers you would have to go through a

few additional questions.

Is the answer for this question 10% or more ? – ( on a scale from 0

to 100?)

Is the answer for this question 20% or more ?


As you got already a rough results in the first place it should not be

difficult to fine tune the outcome. Once you are used to work this way you

will see how fast this method is and how detailed results are.

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 20

Some additional thoughts

Of course it is often easier to find results for other people or for situations

where you are not personally involved. Dowsing for yourself to answer

big questions can be tricky. If there is any emotional entanglement and

bias for a possible outcome, e.g. when asking "Should I date this person?"

(- right, you thought of that question already, didn't you?) you can call a

friend or third person, ideally someone who is neutral. Don't even tell

him/her your question. Just ask them to test for some answers while you

go through the different questions in your mind, one at a time.

Most people's body responds in the way described. Sometimes other

results might occur: One might fall backward for a "yes" and forward for a

"no". We call this "switched". Switching can occur when the body is

overloaded and extremely stressed or exhausted. Massaging your

Kidney-27 points below both your collar bones can reverse that, best

combined with slight tapping on head and heart as taught in BODYTALK.

Remember to drink a glass of water before starting, being well hydrated

increases conductivity between cells and helps getting your body moving.

If you'd like to purchase any of our products and devices you should find

out if it would be good for you in general and which specific one would be

best for you and your entire family. You can ask: "Is this PRO pendant

beneficial for me?" or "Is the Home Harmonizer the best choice to

counteract geopathic stress in the entire house?" This way you can make

your own decisions. Your body will show you the right answer.

I wish you great success with your projects.

Please stay connected,


© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 21

About the Author

Werner Brandmaier, Dipl.Ing. brings his professional

experience in Engineering, Dowsing, Feng Shui and

Advanced Medical Technology to his consulting

practice. Ten years ago, his focus and determination

propelled him into action as he and his family learned

to overcome a major health challenge. Passionate

about raising awareness of the impact of Geopathic

stress on health, wealth and prosperity, he helps his

clients improve their lives through education, the

neutralization of harmful earth energies and the

application of Feng Shui. Werner is also the developer

of a proprietary line of bioresonance tools, space

harmonizers and electromagnetic stress protectors. A native of Austria and second

generation dowser with a daily meditation practice, Werner serves his clients with

the depth of his knowledge and the intuitive nature of his consultations. Based in

Portland, Maine, Werner speaks and teaches throughout the USA and Europe.

© Werner Brandmaier 2013 www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com Page | 22

To learn more

For latest News on the topic of Harmonizing Your Space and to stay

connected please go to www.HarmonizeYourSpace.com

For Feng Shui specific information and to read on the benefits of a Feng Shui



For additional scientific information and studies on Geopathic stress & EMFs


For simple fast solutions to neutralize Geopathic stress


For information on the BioResonance Laser and its capability to reverse EMF

damage in water and food


Institute of Feng Shui & Geopathology

PO 933 Portland, ME 04104


[email protected]