WILDLIFE CONSERVATION UNDER ECW IN THE NATIONAL PARKS AND MONIJWENTS by E. Lowell Sumner, Adolph Murie, A* E. Borell, and Willis King Wildlife Division, National Park Service. The following account represents a continuing report of progress on conservation work under ECW which was described last year on the occasion of the seventeenth annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. The very large number of CCC projects and activities in the national parks has required constant inspection and study by wildlife technicians in order to safeguard wildlife habitats and maintain primitive conditions. Projects such as trail construction, fire hazard reduction, and stream restoration, have therefore required a particularly careful review. In addition to this work, special investigations of range conditions, stream biology, and the status of seriously depleted species such as the bighorn have been continued, while examinations of certain new areas im- portant for wildlife protection have also been made in cooperation with other Federal conservation agencies. A special project of the Wildlife Division has been the preparation of a vertebrate check-list for all the national parks within the continental United States and Alaska. All wild- life technicians have contributed extensively to this project, which is not yet completed. In the eastern national parks and monuments, wildlife problems are complicated by long human use of the areas and by their proximity to large

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Page 1: bynpshistory.com/publications/ccc/ecw-wildlife-conserv-c...WILDLIFE CONSERVATION UNDER ECW IN THE NATIONAL PARKS AND MONIJWENTS by E. Lowell Sumner, Adolph Murie, A* E. Borell, and



E. Lowell Sumner, Adolph Murie, A* E. Borell, and Willis King Wildlife Division, National Park Service.

The following account represents a continuing report of progress on

conservation work under ECW which was described last year on the occasion

of the seventeenth annual meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists.

The very large number of CCC projects and activities in the national

parks has required constant inspection and study by wildlife technicians

in order to safeguard wildlife habitats and maintain primitive conditions.

Projects such as trail construction, fire hazard reduction, and stream

restoration, have therefore required a particularly careful review.

In addition to this work, special investigations of range conditions,

stream biology, and the status of seriously depleted species such as the

bighorn have been continued, while examinations of certain new areas im­

portant for wildlife protection have also been made in cooperation with

other Federal conservation agencies. A special project of the Wildlife

Division has been the preparation of a vertebrate check-list for all the

national parks within the continental United States and Alaska. All wild­

life technicians have contributed extensively to this project, which is

not yet completed.

In the eastern national parks and monuments, wildlife problems are

complicated by long human use of the areas and by their proximity to large

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population centers. Stream restoration has been undertaken involving the

removal of such artificialities as old railroad trestles and log jams

resulting from lumbering operations of earlier days. The species of fish

planted in park waters have been subject to recommendations of the Wildlife

Division in order to prevent the further spread of exotic species into streams

and lakes still occupied only by native forms.

Wildlife technicians also have advised in the selection of plant species

used for erosion control along highways and for treatment of gullies result­

ing from past misuse of the land. Only native species are used, and, when

possible, those known to benefit wildlife directly are recommended.

The problem of mosquito control has been important in several of the

eastern national monuments where human concentration is great, particularly

at Colonial National Monument. In these areas wildlife technicians have

assisted in the development of special methods of control which will interfere

as little as possible with the natural balance of ponds and marshes. A very

light fuel oil which disappears without a trace a few hours after application

has shown great promise.

One of the most important and yet most difficult tasks assigned to wild­

life technicians has consisted in passing on proposed locations of new roads

in order that adjacent outstanding natural features may not be irreparably

destroyed. In the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, some fifteen miles

of road survey lines have been checked and various changes in grade and

alignment were made for this purpose.

In the Great Smokies, also, three biotic succession research areas have

been permanently reserved for scientific study. One of these affords excep­

tional opportunity to observe plant and animal succession in a stand of mature


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dead chestnut; no fire hazardjMiuction activities will be carried on in

this area. Two of the park's grassy balds, the origin of which has long

been a subject of scientific controversy, have been set aside for special

botanical study.

Another important botanical project carried on during the past year in

the Great Smoky Mountains National Park has involved the collection of some

3000 plant specimens representing approximately 2000 species. In spite of

its central location in the eastern United States, the Great Smokies area has

received comparatively little taxonomic and ecological study from botanists,

so that many of the findings resulting from this study are new. About 130

species of trees alone have been recorded from this heavily wooded area.

In this same park, following what seems to have been a cyclic increase

of considerable magnitude in the water snake population, considerable pres­

sure was exerted by those in charge of fish culture to launch a control cam­

paign against the reptiles, which they believed to be serious enemies of the

trout. Prior to any decision regarding a control policy, arrangements were

made for an analysis by the Wildlife Division of 500 water snake stomachs.

However, by the next season the cyclic peak had passed, and the snakes had

become so reduced by natural causes that only 98 stomachs were obtained. Of

these, one third were empty, and of the remainder only two contained trout,

which seems to indicate that the water snake ranks as a competitor of the

trout rather than as a predator.

In the northwestern and Rocky Mountain parks, the lack of winter range

for the migratory big game animals has always presented an acute problem and

has continued to receive study. The need of boundary adjustments which would

provide more suitable biotic units is well illustrated by the disappearance of


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the white-tailed deer from Yellowstone as a result of the destruction

of its winter habitat in the river bottom areas, which lie outside the


In cooperation with the United States Biological Survey, wildlife

technicians of the northwestern region investigated and reported favorably

upon the proposed Red Desert Antelope Refuge in southern Wyoming and the

Lodore Wildlife Refuge along the Green River in Colorado. Both of these

areas are on the public domain*

An important problem in many of the national parks has been raised

by the need of moderating various control measures proposed against bark

beetles, liver flukes, mosquitoes and other small forms of life whose

activities become obvious at times in more or less cyclic recurrence*

In general it is the belief of the Wildlife Division that control cam­

paigns constantly tend to become too widespread and too complete unless

carefully held within bounds*

Bark beetles have increased in recent years, probably as a result

of drought, until their effect on trees in certain areas is quite notice­

able* However, since these cycles are a natural phenomenon and in most

places are not of serious extent, it is felt by wildlife technicians that

there should be little if any interference outside of developed areas where

the destruction of individual trees would constitute an irreparable loss*

Control of the liver fluke in Glacier National Park by treating the

lakes and streams with copper sulphate to destroy the snails harboring

these parasites has been urged by those representing livestock interests*

In this case the Division contended that snails are an important part of

the park fauna and that control operations directed against them for the


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benefit of the wool growing industry should be confined to regions

outside the park where sheep are raised* An experiment by the Bureau

of Fisheries has also demonstrated that copper sulphate in concentra­

tions sufficient to kill snails is extremely deleterious to trout.

In Rocky Mountain National Park, eradication of the exotic foxtail

grass, the awns of which have caused suffering and death among big game

animals, has been completed by the CCC.

In Mount Olympus National Monument, life history studies of elk,

deer, cougar, and other forms have continued whenever time could be

spared from other activities* Here, as elsewhere, it is desired to pre­

serve the primitive picture with as little interference as possible, and

it is our hope that the final boundary adjustments will permit the natural

interrelations of the animal and plant communities in this magnificent

region to remain undisturbed* Special attention has been given to the

various natural factors, such as the cougar, and various diseases which

operate to control the deer and elk on the area* Cougars still are

present but the local sentiment against them is intense and they have been

much hunted during the past year as a result of a $25 bounty* The elk and

deer, on the other hand, are present in good numbers and are doing well*

Various problems of local and more or less incidental character arise

from time to time to test the ingenuity of the wildlife technician* In

Yellowstone National Park, the intake pipe at the source of the water

supply for a large development center was continually plugged by beavers*

Here it was recommended that the intake be located in the middle of the

pool, away from the dam, thereby circumventing the instincts of the animals*


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In another instance, one of the ponds in which trumpeter swans have

nested was continually visited by fishermen who were making their own

road in order to drive to the fishing area. In this case a long string

of large boulders bordering the main highway was necessary to prevent

the cars from entering the swan area.

In the southwestern parks and monuments, approximately 300 specimens

of birds, mammals, and reptiles were added to the various museum collections

during the past year. Most of these were new to the park collections while

several represented state or regional records. Such specimens provide

secure basis for the check-lists which are being prepared for these areas.

Special study has been made of the numbers, distribution and food

habits of the bighorn, antelope, deer and certain predatory animals in

the southwestern region. Through the cooperation of the Bureau of Biological

Survey and the National Park Service, it is hoped that several new monuments

and game refuges can be created in the southwest in the near future, in

which case the bighorn will receive a greater benefit than any other species.

Wildlife technicians investigating these proposed refuges found that bighorn

were present in the Organ Pipe and Kofa areas in Arizona, in the Canyons Of

The Colorado area in Utah, in the Desert Range in Nevada, and in the Tampa-

Lodore area in Colorado. These areas are large enough to provide real

protection to bighorn and other species.

A large portion of the Petrified Forest National Monument was recently

fenced in such a manner that antelope have access to the region but domestic

stock do not. Already the vegetation shows a decided improvement over the

range outside, and on April 10 of this year the regional wildlife technician


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counted eighteen antelope inside the monument. It is expected that these

animals will continue to increase as the range improves and as they become

acquainted with the water supplies developed under ECW to compensate for

the loss of other sources as a result of human utilization.

The boundaries of Wupatki National Monument have been extended to

give added protection to the antelope there, thus fulfilling our hopes as

expressed at last year's meeting of the Society. Similarly, a 200 acre

marsh of great importance to wildfowl has been added to the White Sands

National Monument and is now being feneed against stock.

During the past year, as fast as the expiration of old grazing per­

mits has made it possible, all domestic stock has been removed from Mesa

Verde and from additional portions of Grand Canyon, Zion and Bryce National

Parks, as well as from large portions of Petrified Forest, Bandelier and

Colorado National Monuments. Thus the National Park Service continues to move

toward its ultimate objective which is to free all park areas from the

disastrous effects of overgrazing to which the southwest in particular has

been subjected for many years.

In the Pacific Coast region perhaps the most important single ECW

accomplishment of the Division, from the standpoint of policy establishment,

has been the study of the Yosemite National Park pack and saddle horse

problem together with recommendations for future management. For many years

it has been the custom of the public utility operator to graze some 200 head

of horses and mules during the spring and summer months on certain of the

choicest meadows in Yosemite. The practice of grazing pack and saddle stock

in this region goes back even to the days before the park was established,

and has been so firmly intrenched there that provision for its continuance,


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subject to the control of the Secretary of the Interior, was included in

the operator's contract.

Recently it has been shown that some of the meadows have suffered

severely from overgrazing, particularly during the spring months when the

sod is wet and easily injured. During the investigation conducted by the

Wildlife Division, forage requirements of the stock were calculated for

every week of the grazing season, based on number of horse days, and the

required acreages were checked against the acreages actually available

for the same periods*

Forage requirement figures and range studies both demonstrated that

spring grazing should be discontinued in order to save the meadows and to

avoid undue competition with wildlife. It was also shown that a reduction

would be necessary in the total number of stock which could be allowed on

the range at any given time. It is hoped that the management plan evolved

as a result of this study can be applied for the protection of wildlife to

other national park areas where grazing cannot be discontinued immediately.

Among various research areas which have been reserved in the Pacific

Coast parks for scientific study, the most notable is the fisher reserve

in Sequoia National Park, which constitutes the last important stronghold

of this rare ™«y«n*i in California* Another research area in this same park

has been set aside for the study of the native golden trout, of which the

stock has been diluted elsewhere in its restricted range by introductions

of other species of trout. A "peregrine reserve" has been set aside in

the Pinnacles National Monument for the observation of a pair of duck hawks,

a pair of prairie falcons, and various other persecuted raptorial species

which are nesting there.


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In Death Valley National Monument a survey has been made of the

springs and water holes, which of course are vital to all life in that

desolate region, and measures have been recommended for the protection of

those water sources which so far have escaped preemption by miners. It

is hoped that the bighorn, which have been decreasing alarmingly there,

will benefit most from this work.

Investigations were made of several areas in the Pacific Coast region

which have been proposed as wildlife refuges. A reconnaisance trip was

made through the celebrated King Canyon region of the Sierra Nevada which

has been proposed in Congress for national park status. This last remaining

California wilderness must be set aside very soon if it is to be protected

from the rapidly advancing tide of development and commercial exploitation.

In Oregon, the Malheur Lake and Hart Mountain Wildlife refuges, both

administered by the Biological Survey, were studied as a cooperative enter­

prise by Wildlife Division technicians, and recommendations were made that to

these areas be enlarged to afford additional protection/sage hen and


In the Lava Beds National Monument, in northeastern California, a food

habits study of the local coyote population recently has been launched at

the suggestion of the Bureau of Biological Survey, which operates a Federal

wildfowl refuge immediately adjacent to the monument.

From the life history standpoint probably the most important current

activity of the Wildlife Division is its nationwide survey of the status

of the hardpressed bighorn. Limitations of time hardly allow more than

brief mention of this project here, but it is expected that the findings

eventually will be of sufficient bulk and importance to warrant publication,


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when it is to be hoped that the information presented will stimulate

concerted action on the part of all conservation organizations.

In the southwest the bighorn are suffering from poaching, over­

grazing of their ancestral range by domestic livestock, and preemption

of vital water supplies by man. In the Sierra Nevada, where less than

a dozen of these animals are now known to survive, they appear to be

victims of poaching and perhaps of disease originally brought into the

country by domestic sheep. In the Rocky Mountain region they are known

to be afflicted with various parasitic ailments, many of which may have

been introduced by domestic sheep, and it is also possible that they

suffer to a certain extent from poaching. Only in Mount McKinley National

Park, Alaska, does the status of the bighorn appear to be uninfluenced by


In conclusion, may we state that we hope, at a later meeting, to

report on other field activities and the treatment of current wildlife

problems described in this paper.