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Norman Public SchoolsTITLE I SCHOOLWIDE PLANRonald Reagan Elementary


Name of Contact Person Kelly Otis Position Principal

Email [email protected] Phone 405-366-5994 Fax 405-701-4083


The Schoolwide Plan meets all criteria as referenced in the ESEA Guidance.

Parents and the community were informed of services provided by the Title I Schoolwide Program.Meeting date: ___1/17/17_____________ □ Include a Copy of Meeting Agenda and/or Attendance Records.

Faculty and staff were informed and are committed to the Title I Schoolwide Program.Meeting date: __1/18/17_______________ □ Include a Copy of Meeting Agenda and/or Attendance Records.

Signature of Principal Date


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Component I - Needs Assessment

Step 1: Establish a Schoolwide Planning Team. The planning team should represent all stakeholder groups who serve Title I students. The team must include at least one school administrator, school staff member and parent but may include other community members.

Name Title Stakeholder GroupKelly Otis Principal AdministratorSusan Powell Assistant Principal AdministratorRebecca Zajac PTA President Community MemberStephanie Lowery Reading Specialist TeacherBrian Wolfe Math Specialist TeacherLaura Evans Counselor TeacherVirginia Ellis Parent Parent

Step 2: Vision for Reform.

Prior to collecting and analyzing data, the planning team in conjunction with the school staff should meet and discuss the vision for reform. This collective vision defines what the school will look like in terms of student success. The goals and programs identified in the schoolwide plan should align with this vision.

Provide a description of the school’s vision.

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The Reagan Elementary faculty developed vision and mission statements for our school. Our vision is stated as “Reagan Elementary grows tomorrow's responsible citizens. Through a collaborative relationship with students, teachers, and families we will have a safe, positive, and nurturing environment that fosters creativity and high expectations for all.” Our mission is “Impacting the world today, tomorrow and in the future.”

Step 3: School ProfileThe school profile is a data-driven description of the school’s current status. At a minimum, schools should assess the current status in the focus areas, which significantly affect student achievement: student needs, curriculum and instruction, professional development, family and community involvement, and school environment and organization.

Briefly describe all of these factors.As of October 1, 2016, Reagan Elementary has 513 students, but ended the year with 537. We are projected for over 550 students next year. Our Free reduced lunch count is 52.8% (out of 537 students, 283 are on Free lunches). We have 103 students that are identified as Special Education. We have 55.8% Caucasian students, 18.2% Multiracial students, 12.7% Hispanic students, 7.1% Black students, 1.1% Asian students, and 5.1% Native American students. 100% of our certified and support staff are Highly Qualified.

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Step 4: Data Profile The planning team is responsible for gathering and organizing data related to the focus areas in the school profile. Quantitative and qualitative academic data (benchmarks, common formative assessments, progress monitoring), and non-academic data (stakeholder surveys, attendance, suspensions, graduation rates, etc.) should be used.

List the data sources used to inform the school’s decision-making and intervention strategies.DRA AssessmentsMath BenchmarksProgress MonitoringUnit Assessments - Math & ReadingAttendance DataBehavior Data

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Step 5: Analyze the Data. As the planning team analyzes the data, gaps between the current status of the school and the established vision should become apparent. The strengths, weaknesses, and needs should become the foundational structures of the school’s plan. Results of the data analysis should be summarized and presented to all stakeholders.

Describe the process for collecting, analyzing, and summarizing data.Our early childhood students were weak in phonemic awareness (i.e. deleting final sounds,segmenting words into phonemes, identifying high frequency words, and segmenting sentences intowords). Our intermediate students were weak in spelling, blending and using initial consonantsounds, and segmenting words into syllables. Areas that our early childhood students had strengths were isolating the initial sound of a word, segmenting sentences into words, vocabulary, and recognizing capital and lowercase letters. Our intermediate students had strengths in decoding words and using suffixes to determine word meaning.

Weaknesses for our early childhood students in math included money, time, measurement and fractions. Strengths were comparing and ordering numbers, identifying shapes, and adding/subtracting numbers. For our intermediate students weaknesses in math were comparing fractions, parallel, intersecting, perpendicular lines, measurement and money. Strengths were fluency, modeling irregular/regular polygons, and interpreting data.

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Component II – Reform Strategies and Student InterventionsReform strategies are instructional strategies and initiatives that are based on research and aligned to the Oklahoma Academic Standards. These strategies strengthen the core academic program, increase the quality and quantity of learning time, and address the needs of all students, especially historically underserved populations.

1. Describe the Reform Strategies being pursued by the school.Math Intervention MeetingsReading Intervention MeetingsBehavior Intervention MeetingsFunctional Behavioral Assessments/Behavior Intervention PlansGrade Level Planning/Collaboration Meetings weeklyOU Sooner Reads ProgramBig Brothers/Big Sisters

Compliance note: You must be able to provide evidence that reform strategies are being implemented and are effective. Evidence may include such items as curriculum mapping documents, extended day/year data, and assessment data.

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Effective and timely, research-based interventions should be provided to students who experience difficulty in mastering the proficient or advanced levels of academic achievement on State assessments.

2. Describe the school’s academic and behavioral interventions.Each teacher is given district guidelines and scope and sequence for Reading and Math. Reading, math, and behavior intervention meetings are held monthly to discuss specific students and overall data for the building. School benchmark data is also discussed at a minimum three times per year after each benchmark session. Interventions to close gaps are discussed at each intervention meeting throughout the year. All teachers use instructional strategies and activities provided in their curriculum that differentiates to meet specific student learning needs. Teachers group students for small group instruction based on student needs.

Compliance note: You must be able to provide evidence of student interventions such as written assessment and intervention plans, evidence of monitoring and evaluation of students who receive additional assistance, and evidence that the additional assistance supports Oklahoma Academic Standards.Component III – Professional QualificationsAll teachers and paraprofessionals providing services in a Title I Schoolwide Program must be qualified. A qualified teacher must hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and have obtained a full Oklahoma teaching certification or license in each of the academic subjects in which the teacher delivers content knowledge. A qualified paraprofessional must have completed at least two years of study at an institution of higher education; obtained at least an associate’s degree; or passed the Oklahoma General Education Test or another academic assessment approved by the Oklahoma State Board of Education.

1. Qualified Teachers and ParaprofessionalsNumber of Teachers % Qualified # Experienced (3+ years) # Turnover Year-on-Year

38 100% 32 8Number of Paras. % Qualified # Experienced (3+ years) # Turnover Year-on-Year

8 100% 5 2

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2. Highly Effective – Briefly describe the steps used by school leadership to ensure that effective instruction is provided in classrooms throughout the school (i.e. evaluation results).

The principal is serving as an instructional leader using the Marzano TLE model. This includes Walkthroughs, PreConferences, Teacher Observations, Post Conferences and weekly lesson plans. Teachers use district approved instructional resources that are aligned to the Oklahoma standards.

The Assistant Principal also assists teachers with instructional strategies to improve their classroom management and instructional practices.

The Reading and Math Interventionist provide intervention strategies for students who are not meeting benchmark goals during the monthly intervention meetings.

3. Teacher Recruit/Retention – Describe the school’s plans to recruit and retain experienced, effective teachers (i.e. teacher mentoring, monitoring, development, recruiting methods).

The principal networks at nearby universities to recruit teachers new to the profession. She also participates in the NPS Job Fair in the spring each year. The principal is an activist for the teaching profession and is able to recruit, hire, and retain high quality teachers. The principal also networks with other administrators in the area when identifying potential teachers for her site.

The school also has a New Teacher Liaison that works with teachers throughout the year and meets with them monthly.

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Component IV – Professional DevelopmentHigh quality professional development focuses on improving student achievement by elevating teacher and principal quality, typically through scientific, research-based strategies that are sustained and job-embedded.

1. Outline the school’s professional development plan that has been developed through the comprehensive needs assessment process.

Professional development needs for the site are based on reading, math, and behavior data. After analyzing the data, needs are prioritized and individualized plans are developed. The principal, instructional coach, and reading/math interventionists monitor implementation of new and/or continuing programs throughout the year.

2. List the professional development opportunities the school provides to Title I personnel.

Professional Development Activity

Date(s)Number of Participants

Description of Activity

Growth Mindset 8/31/16 52 Book Study

DRA Scoring & Overview 9/7/16 38 Review of DRA process, procedures, and scoring

Student Engagement 9/14/16 38 Activity to point out importance meaningful student engagement in the classroom

Diversity 11/16/16 52 Diversity training/presentation

SPED 11/30/16 38 Grading, testing, accommodations, collaboration for SPED students

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Math Benchmark Data 4/26/17 38 Review and reading of spring math benchmark data

Compliance note: You must be able to provide supportive documentation that shows professional development activities, the site professional development plan, and surveys or other documents that show why these activities were chosen.

Component V – Parental/Family/Community InvolvementParent/Family/Community involvement is essential in creating schoolwide plans. Stakeholders should be viewed as academic partners who are actively engaged in the education of children. It is essential that plans contain strategies to include these stakeholders in decision making.

1. Parent Involvement Events – Provide a list of parent involvement activities and events that the school pursues throughout the year.

Event/Activity Dates of Event/ Activity Number of Parents Who Attended

Annual Title I Presentation 1/17/17 14

Review of Parent Involvement Policy 9/20/16 18

Review of School-Parent Compact 9/20/16 18

Review of Schoolwide Plan 9/20/16 18KinderKamp 8/13/16 42

Curriculum Night 9/15 & 9/22/16 116

Family Reading Night 3/2/17 205

Math Night 10/13/16 54

International Fall Festival 11/18/16 463

Compliance note: The events provided above are mandatory events and must take place on an annual basis.

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2. Communication - Describe how the school will increase parent/family/community involvement.The principal works closely with the PTA to facilitate family and community engagement. There are several events throughout the school year for families to engage in curricular activities, such as, Curriculum Night, Math Night, International Fall Festival, Family Reading Night, and Gifted and Talented Parent Meetings. Our Partners in Education(e.g.,Sooner Rotary Mentors, University of Oklahoma College of Education students, CrossPointe Life Long Learner Mentors, and other local businesses) are opportunities for our parents and community to become involved in our school. Future parent/community involvement opportunities are determined with input from stakeholders in the monthly PTA meetings by teachers and parents.

Compliance note: You must be able to support that your school actively pursues stakeholder participation. Examples of documentation include: sign-in sheets/agenda from meetings, newsletters, screen captures of blog or website messages, letters to parents, etc.

Component VI – Transition Strategies

The instructional teams implement and communicate a process within and between schools to identify key curriculum transition points and eliminate unnecessary overlaps and close curricular gaps. School leadership and staff actively develop relationships to support students and families as they transition from grade to grade, building to building, and beyond high school. School leadership and staff actively develop community relationships to support students and families (e.g. mentor, language resources).

1. Identify Transition Points (i.e., pre-K, Elementary to Middle, Middle to High)Transition Grade(s)/Program(s)

AffectedTransition Strategies/Activities Timeline

Enrollment Confirmation All Grades District Student/Parent Handbooks are distributed with expectations of conduct and procedures; fliers with important date information

8/1 & 8/2/16

Kindergarten Kamp Kindergarten Discuss parent support to students and school; behavior expectations


Back-to-School Night All Grades Fliers with important contact information and dates are given


Curriculum Night All Grades Curriculum standards will be shared with the parents; Parent Compact; Parent

9/15 & 9/22/16

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Involvement PolicyFifth Grade Visit Fifth Grade Students visit their middle school;

principal and school counselor visit our school to explain enrollment and expectations


2. Describe how services provided by the schoolwide program coordinate with the regular education program specifically addressing how students are supported during transitions.

School leadership and staff actively pursue relationships to support students and families as they transition to Reagan Elementary.. We have two enrollment days where parents completeforms and receive important documents about Reagan. In addition, parents/students receive a district handbook with expectations of conduct and procedures. At the end of the school year, the middle school principal and counselors come to Reagan Elementary to transition our 5th grade students. Near the end of the school year, we will have students visit the next grade level teachers. A KindergartenOrientation will be conducted in early August before school starts to acclimate students and parents to Reagan.

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Component VII – Inclusion of Teachers in Data DecisionsIn a schoolwide school, teachers should not only be involved in the assessment selection and creation process, but should be provided with professional development that increases their understanding of the assessment tools and how to use the results to improve instruction.

Describe the school’s process for including teachers in choosing assessments and collecting and analyzing data.An intervention system for reading, math, and behavior were developed in collaboration with the site administration and teachers. Shared spreadsheets are maintained throughout the year so that movement of students can be tracked. The staff also requested a system to communicate more effectively with parents about behavior concerns and a behavior communication form has been implemented.

Reading and math interventions are discussed at monthly intervention meetings and research based strategies are discussed. These are collaborative decisions that are made between site administration and teaching staff.

Compliance note: You must be able to provide documentation to support this section such as data meeting agenda or a written assessment policy that includes teachers’ roles.

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Component VIII – Coordination of Programs

Schoolwide schools are expected to use the flexibility available to them in order to integrate services and programs with the aim of upgrading the entire educational program and helping all students to reach proficient and advanced levels of achievement.

List all of the federal, state, and local programs, which benefit the school (in addition to Title I). Describe how school leadership and the instructional staff coordinate the programs.Use of District Multi-Tier Approach to run interventionsReading InterventionistMath InterventionistSpecial Education Math & Reading TeachersSummer SchoolELL Teacher

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Components forSchoolwide Plans

Full Implementation Limited Development orPartial Implementation

Little or no Developmentand Implementation


9 Essential Elements:EEIIIC- 9.01EEIIIC- 9.02

Marzano Domains:1.1 1.5 2.4

1.2 2.1 2.51.3 2.2

1.4 2.3

9.01- School leadership establishes a collaborative process to develop and review the vision, beliefs, mission, and goals of the school that involves the entire staff, parents and other community stakeholders.9.02- Teams regularly review and revise the process for collecting, managing, and analyzing data. Teams compare the data with similar demographics of high performing schools. Identification of trends, projections and correlations is used to inform decision-making. Multiple data sources are used.

9.01- School leadership establishes a collaborative process to develop and review the vision, beliefs, mission, and goals of the school, but it does not involve the entire staff and/or parents and other community stakeholders.9.02- There is a process for collecting, managing, and analyzing data, but the process is not implemented as planned and/or is not understood by all staff members. Results are not always used to inform decision-making. Single-source data is used to identify and prioritize areas of need.

9.01- School leadership establishes no collaborative process to develop and review the vision, beliefs, mission, and goals of the school.9.02- School planning teams have no established process for collecting, managing, and analyzing data. Data is collected but no analyzed. Data is not used to identify and prioritize areas of need.


9 Essential Elements:EIIB-2.05EEIC- 3.06EEIIC- 9.09EEIIA- 7.06EEIIB- 5.02

Marzano Domains:1.3 3.21.4

2.05- Teachers collaboratively analyze test scores to identify gaps in instruction and curriculum, use the results to modify units of study, and re-teach as appropriate.3.06- School leadership has provided and supplemented a wide range of resources both inside and outside the classroom setting, evaluates resources and monitors the availability of resources.9.09- School leadership and staff analyze data and monitor student performance levels to create a culture of high-performance expectations in classroom practice.7.06- School leadership fully implements written policy and procedures to minimize disruptions of instructional time and provides the necessary structure and support for staff members to use time as a resource to provide quality instruction and maximize student learning.5.02- Students have reasonable access to academic and behavioral support systems. Title I activities and resources support the school goals and processes are in place to analyze data and evaluate the Title I programs annually. School counselors implement a schoolwide guidance program. All students have equal access to a common academic core.

2.05- Some teachers analyze test scores to identify gaps in instruction and curriculum; results are sometimes used to modify units and re-teach skills.3.06- School leadership has provided a limited amount and/or a variety of instructional resources for standards-aligned learning activities. Some instructional resources are available.9.09- School leadership and staff analyze data in the targeted areas of the comprehensive school improvement plan but do not always monitor levels of student performance to evaluate the degree of expected impact on classroom practice.7.06- School leadership establishes written policy and procedures to minimize disruptions of instructional time, but they are not fully implemented. Limited structure and support for staff members to use time as a resource to provide quality instruction and maximize student learning.5.02- Students have limited access to academic and behavioral support systems. Title I activities and resources support school goals to improve student achievement. School counselors focus more on administrative issues than on a guidance program. Students have equal access to the curriculum.

2.05- Teachers do not analyze test scores to identify gaps in instruction and curriculum, use the results to modify units of study or re-teach skills.3.06- School leadership has not provided sufficient and/or a variety of instructional resources for standards-aligned learning activities, provide instructional resources that appropriately reflect diversity, nor monitor the media center for current and appropriate instructional resources to support the school's implemented curriculum.9.09- School leadership and staff do not analyze data in targeted areas of the comprehensive school improvement plan to evaluate the degree of expected impact on classroom practice.7.06- School leadership has no written policies or procedures to protect instructional time. School leadership does not provide structure or support for staff members to use time as a resource.5.02- Students do not have access to academic and behavioral support systems. Title I activities and resources do not support school goals to improve student achievement. School counselors do not focus on student learning. The school does not have guidelines that ensure all students have equal access to a common academic core.


3.03- Teachers regularly use differentiated instruction to meet specific student learning needs in collaboration with other staff (e.g. gifted

3.03- Teachers sometimes use differentiated instruction to meet specific student learning needs and sometimes use instructional strategies

3.03- Teachers do not use differentiated instruction to meet specific student learning needs and do not use instructional strategies and activities that are

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EEIC- 3.03EEIC- 3.04EEIIIB- 8.05

Marzano Domains:1.1 2.31.2 2.41.3

education, special education, arts education, speech pathologist) and effectively implement instructional strategies and activities in response to students’ learning styles. Teachers collect and analyze data to inform future modifications.3.04- All teachers are qualified and few teachers are inexperienced. Teachers and administrators collaborate in a schoolwide professional development program, including coaching and mentoring, that updates their content knowledge.8.05- School leadership uses effective strategies to attract qualified and highly effective teachers.Teachers and school leadership are knowledgeable of and are fully implementing the Marzano, TLE framework.

and activities that are responsive to the learning styles of students.3.04- Staff includes some teachers who are not qualified and/or inexperienced (less than 10%). Teachers participate in the required hours of professional development, but the professional development does not always update their content knowledge and current professional practices.8.05- School leadership uses some strategies to attract qualified and highly effective teachers.Teachers and school leadership are aware of and are somewhat implementing the Marzano, TLE framework.

responsive to the learning styles of students.3.04- Staff includes more than 10% of teachers who are not qualified and/or are inexperienced (0-3 years). Teachers do not participate in professional development that updates their content knowledge and professional practices.8.05- School leadership has no strategies to attract qualified and highly effective teachers.Teachers and school leadership are aware of the Marzano, TLE framework but are not implementing it.


9 Essential Elements:EEIIC- 6.05

Marzano Domains:2.5

6.05- Staff participates in high quality, job-embedded, and ongoing professional development.Staff regularly receives adequate time to reflect, discuss, and process new learning during professional development.Staff receives job-embedded professional development with an emphasis on sustained and continuous growth.Staff takes advantage of nontraditional avenues to provide and/or embed professional development.

6.05- Staff only participates in inconsistent or unintentional professional development.Staff occasionally receives time for reflection during professional development.Staff receives ongoing professional development, but there is either limited emphasis on sustained and continuous growth or it is not job-embedded.Staff takes limited advantage of nontraditional avenues to provide professional development.

6.05- Staff does not participate in any ongoing professional development.Staff does not receive time for reflection during professional development.Staff does not receive professional development with an emphasis on continuous growth.Staff does not take advantage of nontraditional (e.g. online professional development, book study groups) avenues to provide professional development.


9 Essential Elements:EEIIB- 5.03EEIIB- 5.05

Marzano Domains:

5.03- School leadership and teachers implement strategies to increase effective parental involvement. School leadership and teachers effectively use communication strategies to increase effective parental involvement.5.05- The school staff provides frequent, timely, and accurate updates of student academic, behavioral, and attendance information. The school staff maintains cumulative student records that provide a profile of each student's academic, behavioral, and attendance information. Technology resources provide sufficient support for sustaining an accurate student record system at the school, classroom and individual student levels

5.03- School leadership and teachers implement learning strategies to increase parental involvement, but strategies not very effective. School leadership and teachers use limited communication strategies to increase effective parental involvement.5.05- The school staff provides but infrequent updates of student academic, behavioral, and attendance information. The school staff maintains adequate but minimal student records. Technology resources provide limited support for sustaining an accurate student record system at the school, classroom and/or individual student levels.

5.03- School leadership and teachers do not implement learning strategies (e.g. family literacy, math night, science night) to increase effective parental involvement. School leadership and teachers do not implement communication strategies (e.g. phone calls, newsletters, phone blasts) to increase effective parental involvement.5.05- The school staff does not provide timely and accurate updates of student academic, behavioral, and attendance information. The school staff maintains student records containing only classroom grades. Technology resources do not provide support for sustaining an accurate student record system.


9 Essential Elements:EEIA- 1.04

1.04- The instructional teams implement and communicate a process within and between schools to identify key curriculum transition points and eliminate unnecessary overlaps and close curricular gaps.5.06- School leadership and staff actively develop relationships to support students and families as

1.04- The instructional teams occasionally facilitate discussion within and between schools to address key curriculum transition points and eliminate unnecessary overlaps and close curricular gaps.5.06- School leadership and staff pursue relationships to support students and families as

1.04- The instructional teams do not facilitate discussion within or between schools to identify key curriculum transition points and eliminate unnecessary overlaps and close curricular gaps.5.06- School leadership and staff do not actively pursue relationships to support students and families as they transition from grade to grade,

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EEIIB- 5.06Marzano Domains:


they transition from grade to grade, building to building, and beyond high school. School leadership and staff actively develop community relationships to support students and families (e.g. mentor, language resources).

they transition from grade to grade, building to building, and beyond high school but these attempts are limited. School leadership and staff actively pursue community relationship, but the attempts are limited.

building to building, and beyond high school. School leadership and staff do not actively pursue community relationships to support students and families.


9 Essential Elements:EEIIA- 4.04

Marzano Domains:4.2

4.04- All teachers and nonteaching staff members may participate in decision-making processes related to teaching and learning. Active collaboration in decision-making processes related to teaching and learning.

4.04- Some teachers and nonteaching staff members participate in decision-making processes related to teaching and learning. Limited collaboration in decision-making processes related to teaching and learning.

4.04- All teachers and nonteaching staff members do not participate in decision-making processes related to teaching and learning. No collaboration in decision-making processes related to teaching and learning.


9 Essential Elements:EEIIIB- 8.10

Marzano Domains:1.5

8.10- School leadership integrates state and federal resources to support identified student needs and school/district goals.

8.10- School leadership integrates state and federal resources, but expenditures do not always support identified student needs and school/district goals.

8.10- School leadership does not integrate state and federal resources (e.g., staffing, instructional materials) to support the identified student needs and school/district goals.

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