Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation Summarising Question Key words: ”in your own words”, “summarise”, “what” Answer in your own words Have at least as many points as these are marks Bullet points Sentence Structure key words: “ss”, “language”, “analyse how” (identify ss type & quote in short first two words… last 2 words) Use and complete the phrase for that ss type Types List conveys the range of… Repetition drives the writer’s point home about… Parenthesis adds in an (tone words) aside about… Use of the questions conveys the writer’s doulot about… Exclamation mark shows the writer’s shock/incredulity at… (don introduces a further explanation of… Semi-colons create a list to convey the range of…, whilst treating them as spate entities Balanced sentence makes clear the writer’s point about… Tone Questions Key words : “tone”, “language”, “analyse how” Identify the tone from the following list:- tone=humorous, sarcastic, critical, ironic, scathing, light hearted, formal Quote a word or phrase and explain how it is using that tone-“ this reveals the ______ tone because…” Attitude Questions Key words: “attitude”

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Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation

Summarising Question Key words: ”in your own words”, “summarise”, “what” Answer in your own words Have at least as many points as these are marks Bullet points

Sentence Structure

key words: “ss”, “language”, “analyse how” (identify ss type & quote in short first two words… last 2

words) Use and complete the phrase for that ss type

Types List conveys the range of… Repetition drives the writer’s point home about… Parenthesis adds in an (tone words) aside about… Use of the questions conveys the writer’s doulot about… Exclamation mark shows the writer’s shock/incredulity at… (don introduces a further explanation of… Semi-colons create a list to convey the range of…, whilst

treating them as spate entities Balanced sentence makes clear the writer’s point about…

Tone Questions Key words : “tone”, “language”, “analyse how” Identify the tone from the following list:-tone=humorous,

sarcastic, critical, ironic, scathing, light hearted, formal Quote a word or phrase and explain how it is using that tone-“

this reveals the ______ tone because…”

Attitude Questions Key words: “attitude” Identify whether the attitude is positive or negative Find a quotation which reveals the attitude- “ this reveals the

____ attitude because…”

Evaluation Questions Key words : “evaluate how”, “comment on the effectiveness

of..” (basically a fancy analysis question) Analyse the technique in the question, using the usual

strategy but chuck in evaluative words too

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Complete the final sentence “This is effective because…” in relation to the question e.g. explaining how it reveals the writer’s argument

Effective Conclusion “the conclusion is effective in conveying the key ideas of…” Choose a point made elsewhere- quote how it is used in the

conclusion AND elsewhere in the passage and explain (1 mark)

Final Question Identify key points from the questions and the key points from

passage two Pair up points from the passage using numbers to identify

areas of agreement/disagreement Complete the table (1 point per mark):

General areas of agreement/disagreement

Summary of key idea + quotation + analysis, relating to the key idea

Same for passage 2

Word Choice Key words: “word choice”, “language”, “analyse how” Quote one word (or two if the second word adds meaning e.g.

“most popular”) Analyse using the phrase “has connotations of” (extra

meanings x3) Relate back to the question

Imagery Key words: “imagery”, “language”, “analyse how” Quote the image Complete the phrase: Just as (literal definition of word- not

connected to the passage), so too the writer suggests that (metaphorical link- connected to passage)

Relate back to the question

Contrast Skills- 1

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Extract One

Thanks to the Gulf Stream, on fine summer days people can swim in the sea from the pale golden beaches of the Lofoten Islands in Norway- 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle. In coastal gardens beside its warm waters, sub-tropical plants and exotic flowers flourish.If there were no Gulf Stream, Britain would be as cold as Manitoba. We would probably be able to walk to Germany across the frozen North Sea. Our farmers would be defeated by permafrost but caribou would thrive on the lichens beneath the snow. Dairy herds would not wind o’er the lea, nor would honeysuckle twine about our cottage porches.

1. Show how the writer uses contrast to illustrate the impact of the Gulf Stream. You should refer to specific words and phrases in your answer. (4)

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Imagery Skills- 1

Extract One

Well, that's just it. Turbo-consumerism- the age of instant gratification and voracious appetite for "stuff"- cannot make us happy and it never will. Every time we are seduced into buying one product,another appears that is "new", "improved", better than the one you have. Turbo-consumerism is the heroin of human happiness, reliant on the fact that our needs are never satisfied. A consumer society can't allow us to stop shopping and be content because then the whole system would die. Instead it has to sell us just enough to keep us going but never enough that our wants are satisfied. The brief high we feel is compensation for not having a richer, fuller life.

1. Analyse how the writer's use of imagery in lines 11-18 emphasises her criticism of consumerism. (3)

Extract Two

The most powerful example of this trend is found in the world of video games. And the first and last thing that should be said about this experience of playing today's video games, the thing you almost never hear, is that games are fiendishly, sometimes maddeningly, hard. The dirty little secret of gaming is how much time you spend not having fun. You may be frustrated; you may be confused ordisorientated; you may be stuck. But when you put the game down and move back into the real world, you may find yourself mentally working through the problem you have been wrestling with, as though you were worrying a loose tooth.

2. Analyse how the writer conveys the difficulty of playing video games by his use of imagery. (2)

Extract Three

Whether the specific storms that scythed down trees in Paris last Christmas, drowned the Po Valley last month and battered Britain last week can be attributed to the warming trend is a subject of serious- and contentious- scientific debate.

3. Show how the writer uses imagery to emphasise the impact of the storms which affected Europe. You should refer to two examples in your answer. (4)

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Page 6: acrawfordhillpark.files.wordpress.com · Web viewQuote a word or phrase and explain how it is using that tone-“ this reveals the _____ tone because…” Attitude Questions Key

Linking Skills- 1

Extract One

This week the Home Secretary was assuring his French counterpart that Britain would clamp down even more severely on those working here illegally. At the same time plans are advanced for “accommodation centres”, which will have the immediate effect of preventing natural integration, while children of immigrants are to be denied the harmonising effect of inter-racial schooling. Meanwhile, ever more sophisticated technology is to be employed to stem the numbers of young men who risk their lives clinging to the underside of trains and lorries, or are paying obscene sums ofmoney to the 21st century’s own version of slave traders- those traffickers in human misery who make their fortunes on the back of others’ desperation.

Yet at the heart of this ever more draconian approach to immigration policy lie a number of misconceptions. The UK is not a group of nations swamped by a tidal wave of immigration. Relatively speaking, Europe contends with a trickle of refugees compared with countries who borderareas of famine, desperate poverty, or violent political upheaval. The countries of origin of the highest numbers coming here change from year to year, depending on the hotspots of global conflict. A significant proportion of refugees want nothing more than to be able to return to that

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Sentence Structure Skills- 1

Extract One

When the world was a simpler place, the rich were fat, the poor were thin, and right-thinking peopleworried about how to feed the hungry. Now, in much of the world, the rich are thin, the poor are fat, and the right-thinking people are worrying about obesity.

Identify two ways by which the sentence structure in these lines emphasises the change which has happened to “right-thinking people”. (4 marks)

Extract Two

So sections of the market aim to profit from the notion that we are all too fat. We need to contest that. It isn’t the case. Evidence from the professional journals shows that fitness, not fat, determines our mortality. You can be fat, fit and healthy.

Show how the sentence structure in lines 45-51 highlights the writer’s views about the obesity debate. (2 marks)

Extract Three

Yet if you sweep away the apologetic froth and the self-interested posturing and look at the reality, the “threat to the countryside” recedes dramatically. Yes, we do occupy a crowded little island. But what makes it seem crowded is that 98 per cent of us live on 7 per cent of the land. Britain is still overwhelmingly green. Just 11 per cent of our nation us classified as urban.

Show how the writer’s sentence structure emphasises his view that the threat to the countryside is much less serious than the English middle classes suggest. (2 marks)

Extract Four

The most powerful example of this trend is found in the world of video games. And the first and last thing that should be said about this experience of playing today's video games, the thing you almost never hear, is that games are fiendishly, sometimes maddeningly, hard. The dirty little secret of gaming is how much time you spend not having fun. You may be frustrated; you may be confused ordisorientated; you may be stuck. But when you put the game down and move back into the real world, you may find yourself mentally working through the problem you have been wrestling with,

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Summarising Skills- 1

The following extracts are from an article on immigration in Scotland which featured in The Herald2002.

Extract 1

The city census of 1831 found 47 Jewish citizens, a community which grew and prospered as it became an integral part of Glasgow’s merchant growth. The first Asian immigrants were no more than a few young men, largely from poor and rural backgrounds, whose early employment as door-to-door salesmen gave no hint of the entrepreneurial flair their heirs and successors would bring to so many trade sectors in the city.

The early Italians found the route to Glaswegian hearts through their stomachs as they set up chains of chip shops and ice-cream parlours: the Chinese, too, helped the local palate become rather more discerning when they began to arrive in numbers half a century ago.

1. From this extract, identify two similarities between Jewish and Asian immigrants to Glasgow andone similarity between Italian and Chinese immigrants to Glasgow. You should use your own words as far as possible.

Extract 2

All of these immigrant populations have two things in common: they were economic migrants and their effect on their adopted homeland has been, almost without exception, a beneficial one. That isa lesson from history some of our more hysteria-prone politicians would go well to ponder as they devise ever more unfriendly welcomes for those who would come here today to live and work.

This week the Home Secretary was assuring his French counterpart that Britain would clamp down even more severely on those working here illegally. At the same time plans are advanced for “accommodation centres”, which will have the immediate effect of preventing natural integration, while children of immigrants are to be denied the harmonising effect of inter-racial schooling. Meanwhile, ever more sophisticated technology is to be employed to stem the numbers of young men who risk their lives clinging to the underside of trains and lorries, or are paying obscene sums ofmoney to the 21st century’s own version of slave traders- those traffickers in human misery who make their fortunes on the back of others’ desperation.

2. From this extract, summarise the things which “all of these immigrant populations…have in common”, according to the writer and identify two ways in which the government “clamp

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Tone Skills- 1

Extract One

Yet Ireland has managed to attract its young entrepreneurs back to help drive a burgeoning economy. We must try to do likewise. We need immigrants. We cannot grow the necessary skills fast enough to fill the gap sites. We need people with energy and commitment and motivation, three characteristics commonly found among those whose circumstances prompt them to make huge sacrifices to find a new life.

1. Identify how the writer’s tone demonstrates her strength of feeling. (2)

Extract Two

I showed Arberore, now a student at Middlesex University, some press cuttings on asylum seekers. She was particularly shocked by one headline A DOOR WE CAN’T CLOSE. She said, “it makes me feel like vermin.” And of another GET THEM OUT, she demanded, “Who wrote that? It makes me feel like I am no one. I can give something to this country. But I want to say to these reporters: we’re all human beings and who knows when British people might need someone’s help? We left everything there: we had a job, a huge house and a garden; we had a nice life. But the most important thing

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Word Choice Skills- 1

Extract One

After school and in the playground, away from the teachers’ eyes, sweets and chocolates were traded. They became the marks of rebellion and the statements of independence. Eating foods theysuspected the grown-ups would rather they didn’t, made those foods ever more enticing. They weren’t just food but food with attitude.

Show how the writer’s word choice makes clear the children’s attitude to the school’s ban on unhealthy foods. (2 marks)

Extract Two

Yet if you sweep away the apologetic froth and the self-interested posturing and look at the reality, the “threat to the countryside” recedes dramatically. Yes, we do occupy a crowded little island. But what makes it seem crowded is that 98 per cent of us live on 7 per cent of the land. Britain is still overwhelmingly green. Just 11 per cent of our nation us classified as urban.

Show how the writer’s word choice emphasises his view that the threat to the countryside is much less serious than the English middle classes suggest. (2 marks)

Extract Three

Reading books enriches the mind; playing video games deadens it- you can't get much more conventional than the conventional wisdom that kids today would be better off spending more time reading books, and less time zoning out in front of their video games.

3. Analyse how the writer's word choice emphasises the "conventional wisdom" that reading books is better than playing video games. (2)

Extract Four

That was 1966 and Muhammed Ali seemed not simply the best boxer of the day but the best boxer who could possibly be imagined- so good that it was an inspiration to see even a picture of him. My body shivered when I saw him as if an electric shock had pulverised my ability to feel. No fighter could touch him. His self-knowledge was glorious, so transcendently fixed was he on the only two

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Imagery Skills- 1- Marking Scheme

1. Candidates should analyse how the writer's use of imagery emphasises her criticism of consumerism. Marks will depend on the quality of comment on imagery. When dealing with imagery, answers must show recognition of the literal root of the image and then explore how the writer is extending it figuratively. A detailed/insightful comment will be worth 2 marks; a more basiccomment will be worth 1 mark. Mere identification of an image will be 0 marks.

"turbo-(consumerism)": just as "turbo" is a supercharger which gives an engine or mechanical system much more power (1) so the writer suggests that consumerism has become overpowering, having the potential to overwhelm other more meaningful aspects oflife (1)

"voracious appetite": just as a voracious appetite describes an insatiable desire to consume food greedily/ravenously (1), so consumerism encourages an over-indulgent approach to shopping (1)

"seduced": to seduce is to tempt an individual, possibly into a sexual liaison or an unwise deed (1), so the writer suggests that the temptations of consumerism are hard to resist and may corrupt us (1)

"heroin": just as heroin is a highly addictive narcotic (1), so the writer suggests that we can become dependent on consumerism (1)

"(brief) high": just as a "high" is a temporary feeling of extreme happiness (1), so the writer suggests that consumerism offers only temporary happiness (1)


"wrestling": just as wrestling involves close, physical combat with a single opponent (1), so it suggests a demanding, exhausting battle with an unforgiving enemy (1)

"worrying a loose tooth": just as this involves the constant working away at a persistent physical annoyance (1), so it suggests that the difficulties presented by video games are nagging frustrations that constantly prey on one's mind (1)

"stuck": just as to be stuck is to be fixed immovably (1), so it suggests being trapped in a situation which offers no escape (1)

"dirty little secret": usually used in the realms of ethics or morality, a deliberate attempt to hide the truth, a cover-up of some sort, a hidden scandal (1); used in relation to the difficultyof video games, it heightens the potentially damaging nature of this feature, suggests it is a very negative feature is deliberately glossed over (1)


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Language Skills- 1- Marking Scheme

1. Candidates should analyse how the language emphasises the importance of trees. Marks will depend on the quality of comment on appropriate language feature(s). 2 marks may be awarded for reference plus detailed/insightful comment; 1 mark for reference plus more basic comment; 0 marks for reference alone

Word choice: “ever more (precious)” suggests trees’ increasing value “precious” suggests trees are valuable, to be cherished “A rebuke to built-in obsolescence”: trees effectively criticise/stand in

opposition to a world where products are designed to have only a limited life

“remnants” suggests precious remains from the past “mammoth (limb)” suggests something on a massively impressive scale “reassuring” suggests they offer comfort “they will endure” suggests permanence, continuity, resilience “the ancients” suggests trees have been considered valuable throughout the

ages “gods” suggests their almost religious significance “ring by ring” suggests trees’ natural, organic, unhurried growth “worship” suggests our attitude should be respectful, reverent, devotional “worse…worship”: candidates might argue that the use of alliteration ads to

the impact of the concluding statement Use in general of “religious” language (“God’s arm”, “cathedrals”, “gods”,

“worship”) heightens trees’ spiritual significance “our living past”: trees connect us to our heritage

Imagery: “a steady point in a churning world”: trees offer steadfast permanence in a

fast-changing, impermanent, turbulent world (personification of) “reaches out”, “mammoth limb” suggests a majestic

living creature “like God’s arm…Rome”: simile suggests majesty, beauty, spiritual

significance, awesome impact “calming like cathedrals”: simile suggests their scale, majesty, spiritual

quality, that they should be treated with reverence, that they are good for our inner wellbeing

Punctuation/sentence structure: Structure of opening sentence “I’m…world”: the two phrases at the end of

the sentence (heightened by the parallel structure) serve as a powerful

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Linking Skills- 1- Marking Scheme

1. Candidates should be aware that these questions are comprised of two parts. For one mark,candidates must quote the link and summarise what it refers to. No half marks will be issued. A mark can also be issued for identifying the use of the conjunction as revealing the contrast.“this (ever more draconian) approach” refers to the (harsh) proposals in the previous paragraph (1). “(a number of) misconceptions” leads in to the muddled ideas to be looked

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Sentence Structure Skills- 1-Marking Scheme

1. Marks will depend on the quality of identification and comment; 2 marks will be issued for an insightful identification and comment; 1 mark for comment only. 0 marks will be awarded for mere quotation of sentence:

Parallelism/balanced construction (1) emphasises the balance between the issues of the hungry and the obese (1)

series of contrasts (“when/now”…”fat/thin”…”Feed the hungry/obesity”) (1) emphasises the change in human society in relation to eating (1)

repetition of “rich…poor…right-thinking” (1) drives the point home of how things have changed (1)

two compound sentences with co-ordinate clauses in which the attributes are reversed (1) demonstrate how different things are now (1)

2. “So…” introduces a sentence (1) which sums up the argument so far (1) the use of short sentences (1) gives each idea an importance of its own for us to

digest and recognise; sense of stating indisputable fact (1) “fitness, not fat…” the balance/contrast (1) is highlighted by the separation by

commas or by the alliteration (1) “You…” direct address (1), inclusive lead-in to final point (1) the list in the last sentence (1) is short, punchy climactic- helps us to reach an easily

understood conclusion (1)

3. The positioning of “Yet” at the start of the opening sentence (1) sets up the rebuttal of the preceding argument (1)

contrast/balance in opening sentence of “sweep away”/”look at” (1) moves argument forward (1)

structure of opening sentence (1) places emphasis on principal clause at its conclusion (1)

short, (apparently) concessionary 2nd sentence, introduced by ”Yes” (1), is immediately qualified/contradicted by 3rd sentence (1)

positioning of “But” at start of 3rd sentence (1) sets up qualification/contradiction to 2nd sentence (1)

repetition of “seem crowded” following “crowded” (1) also underlines 3qualification/contradiction (1)

short, punchy, declarative final two sentences (1) drive home writer’s point (1) positioning of “Just” at start of final sentence (1) underlines (surprisingly small)

statistic (1)

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Summarising Skills- 1- Marking Scheme

1. To answer this question, you must identify the specified amount of similarities. Extra marks will not be issued for additional answers but they may still be a good idea to write down in case other answers are incorrect.Two marks will be awarded for any two of the following similarities between Jewish and Asian immigrants:

They were initially few in number (1) They have been (very) successful in business or commerce (that they became rich

alone is insufficient as a similarity) (1) They contributed to the community (financially and/or culturally) (1)

One mark will be awarded for any one of the following similarities between Italian and Chinese immigrants:

They introduced new food/eating habits (1) They changed attitudes to food/eating (1)

2. It is important to note that there are two sides to this question, so, for the full four marks, you should summarise two things which “all of these immigrant populations…have in common”, such as:

Gloss on “economic (migrants)” (1) Gloss on “beneficial” (1) They have been vilified by politicians (1) They have been exposed to discriminatory treatment (1) They have been exploited by those who arrange illegal entry (1)

You should then identify two ways in which the government “clamp down” on illegal immigration, for instance:

They would prevent illegal immigration (1) They will be put in centres where they do not mix with others (1) They will not be schooled with people of other races (1) Technology is being developed to stop men escaping their countries by hiding under

lorries (1)/ preventing people from paying a lot of money to slave traders (1)

3. You should identify any three of these potential answers: We should permit/encourage immigration (1) This is in line with our inclusive/humane tradition (1) It would be to our economic advantage (1) The economy of the Highlands and Islands would benefit/it would solve the shortage

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Tone Skills- 1- Marking Scheme

1. Marks will depend on the quality of the comment. 2 marks will be awarded for the identification of a correct tone and comment on a quotation which reveals this. 1 mark for identification of tone only. No marks for quotation and comment only:Tone= admiring, uplifting, urgent, hectoring (1)“energy…commitment…motivation…sacrifice” + explanation of how they reveal that tone (1)

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Word Choice Skills- 1- Marking Scheme

1. Marks are awarded for the quality of comment. Detailed, insightful analysis of one example of word choice, which is focused to the question, may be awarded 2 marks. More basic analysis, not connected to the question, may get 1 mark. Identification alone= 0 marks:

“(away from the) teacher’s eyes” suggests avoidance of authority of the all-seeing classroom eye (1)

“traded” suggests an illicit, appealing bargaining (1) “(marks of) rebellion” exaggerates the significance of the swapping (1), but leaves

the idea of the anti-authoritarian behaviour (1) “(statements of) independence” suggests the dawning awakening of an action not

sanctioned by the authority (1) “suspected”/”rather they didn’t” suggests a confused delight (1) in thwarting the

wishes of adults (1) “ever so much more” suggests the excessive importance placed (1) on a few

relatively unimportant sweets (1) “enticing” suggests the illicit, forbidden fruit idea (1) “not just food but” suggests that the sweets had become an anti-authoritarian

symbol (1) “food plus attitude” suggests the sweets acquired a significance in the adoption of a

stance against authority (1) which soared beyond their importance as sweets (1)

2. “sweep away” suggests previous argument is “rubbish” and can be dealt with/dismissed very quickly (1)

“apoplectic” suggests uncontrolled, irrational anger (1) “froth” suggests something insubstantial, trivial (1) “self-interested” suggests middle classes only concerned with themselves (1), not

the countryside (1)

3. "enriches" suggests that reading adds to one's knowledge, awareness (1); is rewarding, beneficial (1); improves one

"the mind" suggests reading is influencing something greater than just the brain (1); it influences our consciousness: thought, perception, emotions and imagination (1)

"deadens" suggests video games make kids less aware, less sensitive, less vigorous (1); they make kids think less; lifeless (1)

"zoning out" suggests video games make kids detached from people and things around them (1), unresponsive, unstimulated (1)

4. “possibly be imagined” suggests he almost couldn’t picture his greatness (1)