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National banking reform. Federal Reserve Act created twelve banks to manage the money supply, which was ran by a board of governors.

In 1920 the 19th Amendment is passed giving women the right to vote.

Convoy system: The system used by the U.S. navy to protect commercial shipping ships to make sure they safely reached Britain once America joined the war. U.S. Naval ships surrounded commercial ships to make sure German ships could not sink them.

Capitalism: The economic system that allowed businesses to control the means of production, the basic economic system in America where resources are controlled by private companies.

Communism: The economic belief the means of production or resources are controlled by the government, there is very few social classes as everyone becomes more equal, it is normally associated with Russia/ The Soviet Union.

Russian Revolution: The revolution lead by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks to overthrow Tsar Nicholas the second and create a communist government in Russia.

Vladimir Lenin: Leader of the communist party in Russia and the Russian revolution.

Bolsheviks Communist party of Russia under Vladimir Lenin

Woodrow Wilson: President of America during WWI developer of the 14 point plan and League of Nations

Treaty of Versailles: Created by the European countries after WWI Germany had to admit guilt to the war and pay reparations and shrink the size of their army. It also created the league of nations.

Big Four: The winning countries in WWI the ones that created the treaty of Versailles: Britain France America Italy.

14 point Plan: The plan created by Wilson to have lsating peace in Europe, it dealt with giving more countries being free, giving free trade, and freedom of the seas, as well as creating the League of Nations.

League of Nations: the final point of Wilson’s fourteen point plan created make an area where nations could meet and discuss their problems instead of going to war.

Selective Service Act: Bill that drafted soldiers between ages 18-35, based on a lottery system.

The Great Migration: Movement of African Americans from the South to the North from 198-1950. African Americans were looking for work, less racism, and better opportunities.

War Industries Board: Board to make sure business properly made the items they under contract to make for the war, and make sure the materials made it to the front lines.

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National Labor Board: Government program that made sure factories treated their worked properly during the war as they produced weapons.

Committee on public information: Government program that paid people to produce magazine, newspapers, and films about WWI

Red Scare: Period during the 1920’s in America post world war I where the public feared communist spies being in the country. It occurred a second time in the 1950’s after World War II.

Mitchell Palmer: Attorney general that was almost killed in a mysterious bombing blamed on communist. Started heavy investigations of communists.

J.Edgar Hoover: Head of the FBI hinted down communist and bootleggers during prohibition.

Palmer Raids Named after the Attorney general was the period when the FBI lead raids on possible communist groups, deporting many citizens.

Warren G. Harding: As Warren G. Harding was elected President on the idea that he would be less like the Progressive Presidents before him.

Harding’s poor choice in Cabinet members: Harding placed a mix of talented candidates for his cabinet along with those he had selected, because of past friendships

Teapot Dome scandal and result: The most famous scandal of the Harding administration.Albert B. Fall secretly allowed private interests to lease lands containing U.S Navy Oil reserves.Fall received 300,000 dollars in bribes for this. After an investigation and a Supreme Court ruling Fall was the first Cabinet member to be sent to prison.

Albert B. Fall

Another member of the Harding Cabinet, Forbes Sold Medical supplies from Veteran , and kept the profits from the sales.Harding was displeased by this scandal feeling betrayed.Harding left to tour the west dying of a heart attack on June 1923, and was replaced by Calvin Coolidge

Supply side Economics: Mellon argued to lower tax rates allowing consumer to have more money to spend on products.This known as supply side economics or trickle down economicsCongress would drastically lower taxes.

Andrew Mellon

Cooperative Individualism: The idea involved encouraging businesses to form trade associations that would share information with the Federal Government. This idea was proposed by Herbert HooverHe believed this system would reduce costs and promote economic efficiency. Built the Bureau of aviation and Federal Radio commission, which lead to the growth the air and radio industry.

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Herbert Hoover

Isolationism: At this time Isolationism began to grow Isolationism: The belief that America should deal with issues within their own borders, and not overseas. At the same time the Coolidge administration did believe in helping the European economy.

Dawes Plan for rebuilding World War I nations: In attempt to help the European economy the U.S. passed the Dawes Plan.The plan used American banks to loan money to Germany to help them pay repartitions, as long as Britain and France accepted less money.

Henry Ford and the Model T Assembly Line

The original idea for mass production came about with Henry Ford and the assembly line.

The assembly line gave every worker a specialized task as they moved a product down the line.

Lead to the quick production of Ford’s Model T the first successful car.

Eventually lead to mass production.

Consumer Credit

As the amount of money or deposable income increased in the country so did products.

Electric Razors, Refrigerators were just a few of the many products being bought.

Consumers would normally purchase larger items on credit and slowly pay the debt off over time.

Not everyone was fortunate enough to enjoy all that benefits of the 1920’s.African Americans were pushed out of their jobs they had obtained during WWI, some moved back south, while others struggled to maintain employment in the north. We also saw that those with lower income could not afford such a lifestyle.

Farmers began to see a drop in the prices of their products. Instead of slowing down their production Farmers continued to grow more of the same crop to try cover their production cost. The continued production of such crops drove the prices down even lower on the market.

Alfred E. Smith vs Herbert Hoover Election of 1928

Herbert Hoover who was part of the Coolidge administration ran against Alfred E. Smith of the Democratic party. Hoover said that the wealth and prosperity of the 1920’s was due to the actions of the republican party. This would be how he won the election

Problems in over production in manufacturing:

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The twenties saw a boom in consumer spending.As people began to but more durable good such as cars, and refrigerators production began to peter off.Due to the fact that people did not need multiples of these items. Causing a brief recession in 1920s

Problems in over production in farming: No industry suffered as much as agriculture During World War I European demand for American crops soared After the war demand plummeted Farmers increased production sending prices further downward

America opens up the banks to give loans: Not heeding these signs the government continued to make it easier for banks to take out loans.The hope was to stimulate the economyIndividuals with excess cash began investing in stock. During the time the market moved in spurts of success.

By the late 1920s, problems with the economy emerged

Speculation: Too many Americans were engaged in speculation – buying stocks & bonds hoping for a quick profit

Margin: Americans were buying “on margin” – paying a small percentage of a stock’s price as a down payment and borrowing the rest

Bull market: A Bull market is usually defined as a market on the rise. This rising market only lead more people to invest their money

Black Tuesday October 29, 1929: In September the Stock Market had some unusual up & down movementsOn October 24, the market took a plunge –”Black Thursday” the worst was yet to comeOn October 29, now known as Black Tuesday, the bottom fell out16.4 million shares were sold that day – prices plummetedPeople who had bought on margin (credit) were stuck with huge debts

Unemployment in 1932: By 1932 the unemployment in the country grew to 25 percent.The unemployed stood in lines for hours looking for relief check.Some left the city for the country, but still found little hope.

Bank Run: As the stock market crashed people went to the banks to pull their money out of the banks. Do to a fear of a loss of their money.Banks could not handle so many people pulling money out and did not have enough money to give to peopleThe result was the collapse of banks.

Dust Bowl: Large dust clouds that moved through the west caused by over farming, made farming almost impossible.

Rugged IndividualismHoover who had a lot of promise as a President was unprepared for the depression.He told the public good things are right around the corner as he supported rugged individualism.Rugged Individualism: the belief that Americans could improve their own standing if they worked hard.He pushed fro charities to give relief, but refused to provide federal funding when supplies ran out

RFCAs Hoover saw his attempts fall apart he began to take action to change the economy. Loaned money to cooperatives and bought access crops.Created the RFC to help banks.Pushed for the cutting of taxes and built the Hoover dam

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Chapter 19

The New Deal: 1932 the Republicans nominate Herbert HooverThe Democrats Nominate FDR who proposes the new Deal in his acceptance speechThe New Deal: A name for the policies that Roosevelt would use to end the depression.

Ending the gold standard and gold confiscation act: One of the first things Roosevelt did was end the Gold standardThe gold standard equated an once of gold to a certain amount of dollars. As the dollar value dropped the people began to cash their money in for goldRoosevelt ended the Gold standard and began to collect people’s gold.This was to increase the value of the dollar.It was illegal to have more than a certain amount of Gold.

Bank holidayBanks continued to collapse especially due to the end of gold standard.Governors created the idea of bank holiday. It closed the banks giving them time to seek reliefRoosevelt agreed and would help restructure banks.

The first hundred daysThe new president sent bill after bill to congressBy the end of the first hundred days the president passed 15 bills to help the economy.

Fire side ChatsAs the President worked to restore the banks he used to technology to reassure citizens.Roosevelt took to the radio explaining to the people what his plans were for banks. As well as reassure the American people.

SEC: Securities and Exchange Commission: Existed to manage the stock market and prevent fraud.

FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation provide government insurance for bank deposits. Built confidence in the bank system.

HOLC: Home Owners Loan Corporation: Helped homeowners pay their mortgage.

FCAThe Farm Credit Administration: Help farmers refinance their mortgages.

AAA: Agricultural Adjustment Administration, worked to adjust farm prices.

NRANational Recovery Administration: Lead by Hugh Johnson Business owners signed a pledge to sell government products that pushed fair labor environments

PWAPublic Works Administration:Most of the those unemployed worked in construction. Gave jobs on buildings, sewers, dams, schools, highways.

CCCThe Civilian Conservation Corps: Gave young men age 18-25 the chance to work with the forestry service to plant trees and fight forest fires.

Critics of the New DealFloyd Olsen led a group of mid west farming progressives looking for real change in the systemFather Charles Coughlin originally supported the new deal eventually he turned looking to nationalizing the banking systemHuey long: developed the idea of share the wealth clubs.

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WPAThe Works Progress Administration: Headed by Harry Hopkins was the largest publics work program of the New DealEmployed workers to build roads and highways.

Wagner ActAs the New Deal expanded it continued to help certain groups such as labor groups

The Wagner act outlawed company unions and unfair labor practices to ensure collective bargaining.

This would lead to the national labor relations board and a fair labor and standards act passed in 1938

Court packing: FDR was looking for support for his new deal programs, he tried to increase the number of judges on te supreme court, this would mean Roosevelt could appoint them and gain support for his laws.

Social Security Act Pension created in New Deal to help citizens over 65 to help them del with getting older.

World War II

Fascism: An aggressive nationalistic movement that considered the nation more important the than the individual.

Mussolini uses the fear of communism to rise to power, he promised employment and protection of the middle class.using black shirts.

Vladimir Lenin: Establishes the communist party , and makes Russia the Union of Soviet Republicans.(USSR)

The Communist party was a one party system that was known to suppress individual liberties and punish opponents.

Once Lenin died there was a power struggle over who should control the party.

Stalin rose to power

Collectives: Government run factories and farms to help industrialize the country.

Mein KampfIn 1923 the Nazi’s tried to seize power the plan failed and Hitler was arrested.While in Prison Hitler wrote the book Mien Kampf meaning my struggleIn the book he stated that Germans with blond hair and blue eyes belonged to a master race.He believed Germany needed space and believed expanding into PolandAfter Prison Hitler would rise to power.

Emperor Hirohito Japan was not making enough money off its exports to cover its imports.As other countries began to suffer they increased fur thing Japan’s economic downfall.Japan’s military blamed corrupt politicians for their downfall. The military believed the best way to improve Japan’s economy was to invade Manchuria

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Axis powersAfter the Spanish Civil War Germany and Italy decided to cooperate on international issuesThe pact required that the countries exchange information about communist groupsJapan would eventually join them.

Neutrality ActUnder the Neutrality act made it illegal to sell arms to any country at war.It was the hope that this action would keep the United States out of any foreign war.

InternationalismWhile this is occurring FDR is beginning to take office. He considers ending the depression to be his first priorityHe does believe action is needed on some foreign problems Internationalism: The idea that trade between nations helps prevent war.FDR believed that the U.S. should try and keep the peace.

Lend Lease ActAs Britain fell farther into danger they asked America for help. The U.S. passed the Lend Lease ActThe act stated the U.S. could lend weapons to any country vital to U.S. defense.This allowed America to sell Britain weapons as long as they paid the money back.

America First committeeA group that formed as Roosevelt pushed the country towards aiding Britain in the war with Germany and the axis powers.The group pushed for the continuation of isolationism and were up set by FDR’s foreign policy ideas. Charles Lindberg was an impotant member of the group.

Hemispheric Defense zone America pushed that the Western Hemisphere was neutral zone including America. The U.S. Navy would then patrol the Atlantic Ocean for German submarines.

Atlantic charterFDR also started an organization to assure peace after WWII. The Atlantic charter was meant to push free trade, freedom of the seas, and non-aggression between countries. 15 countries that were against the axis powers signed into the organization.

Embargo: As Britain began to suffer losses at the hand of the Nazis and the Japanese, America tried to assist so they could holdout in the war. America placed an embargo on the Japanese, meaning America would not buy or sell good with the Japanese. This slowed down the Japanese economy because America was the major provided of fuel and scrap metal

Ships for bases: As Britain began to suffer losses at the hand of the Nazis and the Japanese, America tried to assist so they could holdout in the war. America entered into a deal that allowed America to sell Britain old American warships in exchange for British naval bases.

Pearl Harbor: December 7, 1941. The Japanese surprise attack on the Hawaiian Naval base. The event lead America deciding to join World War II forty eight hours later.

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National Defense Advisory Committee: Roosevelt believed that the government and business had to work together. He creates the National Defense Advisory Committee. The committee will help mobilizes the economy. Several business leaders serve on the committee.

Cost Plus: It was believed that the government should provide some incentives for participating business. Cost plus: The government agreed to pay a company whatever it cost to make a product. Plus guarantee a percentage of the costs as profit

War production Board: As the U.S. started to produce weapons government agencies began to argue about production. To deal with this the U.S. develops the War Production Board.Allowed the board to have authority over production and control distribution.

Invasion of the Philippines: Only after a few hours after the bombing of Pearl Harbor the Japanese attacked American airfields in the Philippines The Leader of the American forces Douglass MacArthur retreated to Bataan Island Eventually they would evacuate to Australia

Douglass MacArthur

Bataan Death March: The remaining soldiers on the Bataan Peninsula were forced to surrender, a total of 78,000 soldiers These troops are forced to march to a prison camp 65 miles away.10,000 men died of sickness and exhaustion.

Battle of the Coral sea: The Japanese believed they could make two successful attacks due to their secrecy. Unknown to them Pearl Harbor code breakers found out about the attack. The U.S. would send the Lexington and the York town, this battle kept U.S. territories safe keeping Australia in the war.

Battle of Midway: The Pearl Harbor code breakers learned of another attack on Midway Island. The U.S. was able to set-up an ambush for the unsuspecting Japanese Navy. Considered to be the turning point in the war of the Pacific, with the destruction of four Japanese battleships.

Invasion of Africa: Churchill did not agree with Stalin and did not believe that U.S. and Britain were strong enough to invade Europe. Instead he pushed to fight on the periphery of the German Empire.This idea is what lead to the conflict in North Africa. In response to Churchill’s Plan Roosevelt orders the invasion of Morocco and Algeria. This would place the U.S. forces against the famous German general Rommel. Eventually after a 12 day Battle Eisenhower plans a trap between his forces and Patton. Rommel retreats and leaves control of Algeria and Casablanca to the allies.

George Patton Rommel

Women’s role in the work place: It was believed married women should not work Most working women were young and single. They normally worked in clerical positions, like secretaries. The women hired 4 million to work during the war. Most worked as secretaries but factory workers caught the attention of the nation. Women became a major industrial workers and the secret to fast production during the war. The work gave women a sense of liberation. Many women went back to becoming housewives, but still others states and worked, this would help lead to the women’s liberation movement of the late 1960’s

Second Great migration: During World War I we saw that there was a migration of African Americans from the south to the North. As jobs become more available again in the North during WWII, we see the migration increase again. As we see more African Americans enter the North we see an increase in racial

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violence. The worst occurring in 1943 in Detroit. As people crowded around the river to cool off a confrontation arose which lead to deaths of 25 African Americans and 9 whites.

How did A. Philip Randolph improve rights for African Americans: Though the U.S. was hiring more female workers what the state of African Americans during WWII? Most companies resisted hiring African Americans. Phillip Randolph spoke to the President about this issue stating that he would lead a march on Washington, Roosevelt began to remove discrimination from the work place

Tuskegee Airmen: The first all-African American air squadron, served mostly in the Pacific.

Double V. Campaign: African Americans serving in the war pushed the ideas that they were fighting for two different victories: Victory of 0ver Hitler, Victory over segregation.

Japanese internment camps: During the war almost every Japanese citizen was under suspicion of being a by. These citizens were not given a trial but sent to prison, or internment camps in New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, the cramps were overcrowded underfunded, and lacked resources.

Latin American migration Zuite Suitors: Fear grew about juvenile delinquency ad Mexican Americans. This culminated with the wearing of Zoot suites, which required a lot of Fabric to make. This was considered unpatriotic as U.S. citizens were trying to save fabric. Many teenage Mexican Americans had adopted the zoot suit. Rumors were that these zoot suited teens were attacking sailors2,500 sailors stormed a local Mexican American neighborhood and attacked the zoot suitors The police did not intervene.

Operation Overlord: The allies decided to invade France They decided to fool the Germans by setting up dummy equipment. The actual attack would occur further south the where the Germans expected.

D-day: The term D-day refers to the actual day that the invasion of Normandy would begin. The U.S. forces luckily had a strategy that worked and attacked where the German forces were weakest. Nearly 250,000 Americans were killed on one beach alone.

Island Hopping: The whole reason to take control of the small Islands was due to two reasons. They were Japanese controlled, enemy influence had to be removed before moving on to the main islands. The islands could be used as a resources for the invasion further on.(EG on some the islands airs strips would be built)

As Admiral Nimitz controls leads one front of the attack Douglas MacArthur leads the other. Macarthur’s invasion starts with Guadalcanal Eventually he would capture enough of the area to push the Japanese presence out of the Island. The U.S. would send a substantial invasion force to retake the Philippines. MacArthur and his forces march onto the Island with no resistance at all.The Japanese sent a force to defend the Philippines. The Americans were unaware as their battleships were ambushed.This attack would be known as the battle of Leyte Gulf.

Battle of Leyte Gulf: This is the battle is where we would see the introduction to the Kamikaze attack.

Kamikaze means “Divine Wind”This was the act of crashing planes into U.S. battleships. The poit was that a Japanese suicide plane with a bam riveted to the bottom could destroy a ship if it was crashed into ti properly.

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The Battle of the Bulge: refers to period when the allied forces began to move. In response the German forces rushed west bulging their forces.The Soviets made it to Germany first, and the American forces were close behind.When Hilter saw the end was near he trapped himself in a bunker committing suicide.May 8 1945 was known as VE day or victory in Europe day.

As the war in Europe came to an end Roosevelt died of a heart attack.This left Harry Truman as the President to take over the war effort.

Iwo Jima and Okinawa: Back in the Pacific it was felt the bombing of Tokyo was not going wellThe decision was to invade the small island of Iwo Jima and turn it into an air strip.The invasion was long drawn out and bloody endeavor.The U.S. invaded Okinawa Island to make it into a supply depot. The Japanese had dug into the mountains and the fighting took months.

Back in Arizona the United states is working on creating the first Atomic bomb. This was code named the Manhattan Project. Headed by scientist Robert Oppenheimer. After successful testing of the bombs the U.S. would drop the first Atomic bomb. The first was dropped on Hiroshima the second on Nagasaki.



Vj Day: Victory over Japan day, or the day Japan surrendered.

Cold War: An era of competition and confrontation between The U.S. and the Soviet Union. 1946-1990 Essentially for U.S. It was about containing communism.

Yalta conference: After 1945 the Soviet Union and the U.S. try to rebuild Europe peacefully. The disagreement was over how to run the elections of the post war Poland and the Balkans The U.S. wanted free elections, The soviet Union wanted to institute a soviet sphere of influence.

Potsdam Conference: 1946 Germany collapsed and Truman replaced FDRAmerica wanted to industrialize Germany Russia wanted to make it agricultural based.Truman hinted at working Atomic bombe to force Russia to agree with industrialization of Germany after the war.

Iron Curtain: Stalin sensing what he felt to be a betrayal began to set-up a set of Soviet satellite states from the Adriatic to the Baltic sea.Germany which had been split into territories became the lynch pinFrance Britain and America began to unify their territories and spread free electionsThe Soviet pushed communism in the eastern block

George Kennan and containment: George Kennan was an ambassador to Moscow as tension began to sour.The long telegram refers to 5,540 word telegram that explained his view on the Soviet Union Kennan developed the idea of Containment which meant the U.S. needed to keep communism contained to the Soviet Union

Domino Theory: The idea of containment was based around the Domino theory.Domino Theory: the idea that if communism could spread to the surrounding countries of USSR then it would eventually spread around the world.Essentially countries would fall to communism like dominos.

Truman Doctrine: The first test of containment came with a request from Britain who had been supporting the Greek government in a civil war.He asked Congress for 400 million to try and free the

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area from the Soviet Union.This action would lead the Truman Doctrine, were the U.S. would provide aid to any country facing oppression or opposing communism.

Marshall Plan: The U.S. would continue to implement policies in an attempt to protect against communism. Marshall plan: Developed by secretary of state George C. Marshall the plan donated money to rebuild war torn Europe and Japan.

NATO: As the Soviet Union blockaded off Berlin from the countries were looking for some security from the U.S.NATO: stands for the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Twelve countries who agreed to militarily support any country attacked.1st it committed the U.S. to the defense of Europe2nd The U.S. would honor this agreement, Dwight D. Eisenhower was put in charge.

Berlin Airlift: To deal with the Soviet Union the U.S. merged their territories with their allies.The Soviet Union decided to cut ties with Western Germany, almost preparing for an invasion.The U.S. sent planes full of supplies to Western Germany to support them.

National Security Act The government was looking to unite its military during cold war build up.National Security Act: Established the department of defense. Headed by a civilian cabinet rank, presiding over the army, navy and air force. Also created the Central Intelligence Agency(CIA)As well as the nation security council found great support in the fall of 1949 when the soviets explode their first atomic bomb.CIA

Chinese Revolution: China formed a prominent communist party before world war II. Which was less active in order to stop the Japanese.When WWII ended the party restarted and began to gain strength.America provided the Chinese 2 billion dollars in aid to put downtheCommunists.Unfortunately the funds were misspent and China fell to Mao and communism.

Korean War: North Korea crosses over what is known as the 38th parallel.Brings the U.S. forces lead by Douglas MacArthur into action. U.S. and U.N. forces pushes the North Koreans to the border of China.China feeling threatened attacks and pushes U.S. forces back to South Korea.

38th parallel, demilitarized zone: The zone that no weapons could corss over after America pushed for a peace , splits up North and South Korea.

The Red Scare: As the U.S. continues to try and stop the spread of Communism a spy defects on the Canadian border.Lead to the second Red Scare.The Search for spies increased greatly as the country began to fear a Communist subversion to weaken the U.S.

Loyalty Review Board: The program existed to screen government employees, in a n attempt to weed out spies.Instead of calming Americans fears it only confirmed people fears of spies.

McCarthyism: Joseph McCarthy was a senator that looking to fast track his career by taking advantage of the red scare.McCarthy became the head of the sub committee and built hearings based on flimsy evidence. This would damage the careers of possible opponents.The tactic was known as McCathyism

House un-American activities committee: The director of the FBI J Edgar Hoover was not pleased with the simple screening of employees. Hoover expanded the HUAC calling public hearings related to possible communists. The committee focused on the film industry many member of Hollywood testified against their friends and neighbors.

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Alger Hiss: Hiss served as a diplomat in the Roosevelt administration. Hiss was accused by a another member of the Truman Administration Whittaker Chambers of being communistUpon testifying Hiss lied under oath committing the crime of perjury when he stated that he did not know Chambers. This was to dodge te communist accusationChambers had stored papers proving Hiss guilt in pumpkin patch.

The Mccaren Act: Known as the internal security actMade it illegal to conspire against the U.S. government.Required all communist parties to publish the names of their members. Any communist sympathizers could be arrested.It was named after Senator Pat McCarren

The Rosenbergs: Believed to be Communist spies the Rosenberg's sold government secrets to the Soviets.After hearing testimony by scientist that had sold secrets the Rosenberg's were arrested.Both of the Rosenbergs were condemned to death.

Joseph McCarthy continued to accuse citizens of being communist to rise in power.McCarthy became less trusted though as he accused a close friend of President Eisenhower of being a communist.The president and congress ordered an investigation of McCarthy ending his reign of terror.

Massive retaliation: Eisenhower thought communism could not be contained with small battles.Instead he believed in threatening to use Nuclear Weapons. This was known as Massive retaliation.There critics to this idea calling it brinksmanship due to putting the world on the brink of war. By 1953 Eisenhower had decided to end the war in Korea, and signed a peace accord.As China fell to the Communist the new soviet country began talks to invade Taiwan.Eisenhower threatened to use nuclear weapons ending the crisis.

Brinksmanship worked in only some scenarios. Eisenhower decided to use the CIA or central Intelligence Agency to stop communism from growing in developing countries. Many of these countries wanted to become communist because of imperialism and capitalism.

Mutually assured destruction: Eisenhower could no longer use Massive retaliation as the soviets developed a Nuclear Bomb.This lead to the U.S. being tied. Both of them new that use of nuclear of force against each other allies could lead to nuclear war.Nuclear war could end the war as well as the destruction of both countries.

Sputnik: As Eisenhower had work on project overseas the Russians Launched the first satellite into space.The satellite was named Sputnik it terrified the American public. Part of it was a fear that the soviets were watching us. They believed that for the first time America had fallen behind in the cold war.

Military industrial complex: As Eisenhower left the presidency he warned the American public that if citizens were not careful the country would always in be a state of war.This was due to the idea the weapons producers could always make a profit by keeping country moving from conflict to conflict. This was known as the military industrial complex.

Post world war 2 even though the U.S. was fighting communism it is a great time of prosperity in the U.S.During this time the U.S. built the federal high waysTVs provided entertainment most familiesRock and Roll began to surface.

Richard Nixon:Ran against Kennedy in the 1960 election, lost would be elected in 1968.

Jfk: wone the election of 1960.First Catholic President elected.

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Election of 1960: The presidency changes drastically as the sixties began due to the innovation of television.It was estimated that 75 million watched the first ever televised debate.Both parties had spent 6 million dollars in radio and television adds.

The New frontier: Upon entering the White House Kennedy proposed what would be known as the New FrontierHe hoped to increase aid to educationProvide health insuranceDevelop a department of Urban Affairs Win the space race. Kennedy was able to strengthen the economy through deficit spending.Kennedy also focused on the rights of women with a Presidential commission. Eventually it would lead to the equal pay act.

The Warren Court: Besides Kennedy’s attempt to change society the supreme court changed the U.S. society in their rulings.The most important dealt with what would be known as Due ProcessDue process: means the law cannot treat individuals unfairly.

Flexible Response: Kennedy worked to make the military more flexible. He made it easier for Latin America to receive aid and developed the peace corps.Kennedy felt the Eisenhower relied too much on Nuclear weapons. Kennedy instead increased funding to the special forces.The President pushed for a build up in troops and conventional weapons.

Peace Corps: Along with financial aid the President also developed programs to assist less fortunate countries.The most memorable being the Peace Corps.An organization that sent Americans to provide humanitarian services in less developed nations. In fighting Communism Kennedy focused on aid as much as military.20 billion dollars was spent in an alliance with Latin America.The money went to developing schools , housing and health care.

Space Race: 1961 the Russian Cosmanaught Yuri Gagarin is the first person to orbit the earth.Kennedy mad it a goal of the country to land a man on the Moon by the end of the decade.July 16 1969 the Saturn V rocket launches and will land on the moon.

Bay of Pigs: 1959 Fidel Castro overthrew Fulgencio BatistaHe quickly established ties wit the Soviet Union and Nikita Khrushchev the Prime Minister, this was viewed as too close to home for many AmericansAs well creating drastic land reform and seizing U.S. businesses. Eisenhower authorized the CIA to train La Brigada to invade the Island.As Kennedy came into to power he authorized this movement.The group landed off a same island off the coast of Cuba called the bay of pigs.Kennedy cut air support to operation leading to it’s failure and Castro uncovering the plot

Cuban missile crisis : The U.S. continued to take aerial surveillance of Cuba after the Bay of pigs failure.Eventually Kennedy announced to the world that the Soviet Union was placing nuclear weapons in Cuba. Kennedy pushed for a naval blockade to stop any other nuclear materials from entering CUba

Berlin wall: Nikita Kruschev wanted to stop the Flood of Germans leaving East Germany.He demanded that the allied group of France Britain and the U.S. remove themselves. Kennedy decided to remain firm and try to help the East Germans Kruschev built a wall separating the two territories that would stand for the next 30 years. If the soviet Union would have broken the Naval blockade created by the U.S. it

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could have possibly started a Nuclear war.Eventually both sides agreed to remove missiles from Cuba and Turkey in a secret meeting.

Nuclear Test Ban Treaty: After the close destruction during the Cuban missile crisis both sides decide to start consider the Nuclear crisis.The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. sign the nuclear test ban treaty: Which stopped the testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere.

The Kennedy Era Ends: Shortly after the passage of the test ban treaty Kennedy and his wife were visiting Dallas Texas.As the motorcade was moved down the street President Kennedy was shot once in the throat and headThe believed gunman was Lee Harvey Oswald Oswald would later be killed in police custody

Jim Crow laws : Existed after Plessey ruling a series of laws know of Jim Crow Laws were put in place to continue segregation.Laws like literacy test for African American’s to vote. Theses were also known as de facto segregation.Went from late 1867 to 1964.

Plessy v. Ferguson: This is the court case that created segregation in the first place. Daniel Plessy a light skinned African American sat in a white only section of a train. He was asked to move to the black only. He refused and kicked off the train.The question was could that train company separate black and white passengers.The supreme court stated that areas could be segregated if they were “Separate but Equal”

Lynching: The hanging of an individual without a trail normally African Americans were victims of it in the south.

Segregation : States that blacks and whites can be separated as long as the conditions are separate but equal.

Booker T. Washington: Booker T. Washington: Created the Tuskegee institute to teach African Americans about simple life skills. Created the African American Scientist George Washington Carver.

Web Dubious: Author and creator of the Niagara movement pushed for African Americans to protest for their rights.

Ida B. Wells: Wrote articles to enlighten the country about lynching laws in the south to try and end them. Lynching was citizens in the south would impromptu hang African Americans for social wrongs.

NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People): NAACP= National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.Created in part by W.E.B. Dubious the NAACP protest for African American rights, and fought court battles to end segregation.

Civil rights movement The true start is December 1955 in Montgomery Alabama.It was based around Rosa parks News of parks arrest reached E.D. Nixon who was then head of the NAACP

Brown v. Board of Education: The Case takes place in Topeka KansasIt is based around a girl named Linda BrownBrown was denied access to the local Public school due to being African American. The NAACP pooled their money to Hire Thurgood Marshall for their legal defense of the case.The Court Ruled that segregation was illegal because most establishments did not achieve the standard of separate but equal.Essentially segregation would continue to deprive African Americans of status.

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Thurgood Marshall: The key lawyer that defended Linda Brown and the first African American Supreme Court Justice.

Sit-ins: Core and the SNCC both use sit-ins to protest segregation, James Farmer and George Houser founded the Congress of Racial Equality. Or CORE They attempted to desegregate places, such as: department stores, and Restaurants.They practiced Sit-ins to protest, they would sit down in public places until they were given service in the “Whites only Section”

Martin Luther King Jr.: Leader of the Montgomery busy boycott, the freedom rides, and march on Washington.

Montgomery Bus Boycott: As the Brown ruling came to pass a number of African American leaders in Alabama organized a boycott of the bus system.The group would continue to boycott the bus system until it was desegregated.The group elected Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to lead the boycott.The Boycott continued until the supreme court ruled segregation in Alabama to be illegal.

Student nonviolent coordinating Committee: As the 1960’s rolled around students became more active in the fight for civil rights.The student Non violent Coordinating Committee was formed.The group was made up of mostly black and white college students.They sent students to register African Americans to vote.

Freedom riders : While had a laid back approach to achieving civil rights the movement itself would not accept his actions.The congress of racial equality sponsored a freedom ride.They attempted to test a supreme court ruling outlawing segregation in all bus and train stations.When arriving in Alabama the riders were attacked by a mob of angry whites.Kennedy sent a letter asking them to stop since he was busy with the Berlin crisis.Eventually the interstate commerce committee banned segregation.

March on Washington: As Kennedy began to propose a major civil rights bill to congress, MLK knew it would be difficult for the President to pass the bill.MLK marched with 200,000 African americns on the capital.Over the next few days the crowds listened to speeches and sang.It built momentum for the bill but some congressmen still opposed the bill.

Filibuster: As the senate debated the civil rights bill those opposed to filibustered.Filibuster: when a small group of senators take turns speaking and refuse to stop the debate.After Kennedy died Johnson lead a movement to pass the bill.

Civil rights of 1964: The most comprehensive civil rights bill ever enacted. It gave the Federal Government broad power to prevent racial discrimination.Made segregation illegal in most public places.Allowed the government to desegregate by using law suits.

Voting Rights Act of 1965: The voting rights act made it illegal to have any law or test that kept people from voting. Removed literacy tests, and iq tests.

Black Power: When King was killed in 1968 there was a lash back from the African American community, it was the feeling that the nonviolence movement had not been entirely successful. New black power leaders fought for Afircan American rights pushing that African Americans could protest and if they were attacked they could fight back. It lead to series of race riots in the country.

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Malcolm X: Most famous black power leader, later in life became more non violent. He was known for being basically the opposite of King.

Great Society: Rfers to the bills purposed by Johnson when he became President after Kennedy, his goal was to make the country a better place as he tackled, poverty, racism, and tried to improve women’s rights.

War poverty: By late 1964 Johnson passed the Economic opportunity act.This bill went after what was believed to be the cause of poverty.Inadequate public services, illiteracy, and unemployment.Would lead to the establishment of Vista.

VISTA: Volunteer in Service to America: Essentially a domestic peace corps, VISTA found young people with skills and put them to work help poor neighborhoods.

Head Start: Worked to improveto educational opportunities low income children, especially in the south.We are talking children who never read a picture book, or scribbled in a coloring book.

Medicare Government health care for senior citizens. Over age 65

Medicaid: Medicaid: Government aid for to provide money for health care for low income families .Anyone below the poverty line

Ho Chi Minh: Leader of the communist revolution in Vietnam. Ho chi minh moved to England at age 21 and pushed for the freedom of Vietnam during the Versailles conference.When this failed he found an alliance with the soviet union returning to Vietnam to found the first communist party in indo china

Guerrillas : The style of warfare fought by the Vietnamese where U.S. soldiers could not tell friend from foe. Any normal looking Vietnamese farmer could also be a freedom fighter.

Dien Bien Phu: In the interior of Northern Indo-China 10,000 French troops had been surround by the Vietnamese.The French turned for support from AmericaAs the U.S. lingered on action the French were pushed out of North VietnamThe U.S. would later take over for the French in south Vietnam

Geneva Accords: When the French could no longer defeat Ho Chi Minh The U.S. and French decided to split the country North and South. North being the communist strong hold of Minh. South being protected by the U.S. government and lead by Ngo Dinh DIeam. There was going to be free election but Diem cancelled them leading Minh to continue his revolt.

Ngo Dinh Diem: Leader of South Vietnam and the man who stopped free elections form occurring in VIetnam

Vietcong: The soliders lead by Minh many of which were undercover freedom fighters in southern Vietnam.

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution: August 2, 1964 the Maddox was sunk by torpedoes. The ship was gathering information off the coast of North Vietnam.Two ships investigated the issue resulting in U.S. airstrikes on two shipyards.Johnson then asked congress to pass a resolution to authorize him to take all necessary measures to repel armed attacks on U.S. forces. Lead to the escalation of the war.

Napalm: The same jellied gasoline used during WWI was used during Vietnam to clear brush and try to find the enemy Vietnamese.

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Agent Orange : A defoliant or substance the kills vegetation. It was sprayed from helicopters and jets in amist like form that was orange. It tasted like kool-aid and covered U.S. in the future giving them cancer. The substance was meant to rapidly kill plants so the enemy Vietnamese could be easily found.

Ho Chi Minh Trail: The main supply line was known as the Ho-Chi- Minh trail. That ran through Laos and Cambodia. The U.S. bombed this area constantly but saw little results.In the south the search and destroy programs of General Westmorland went no better, as the Vietcong were supported by the North Vietnamese.

William Westmoreland

Credibility Gap: As more soldiers were calle dup to serve and were drafeted people started to feel the government might be lieing about the vietnam war, and that the U.S. might be losing the war.

Hawks: People that were pro Vietnam war.

Doves: People that were Anti-Vietnam war, like college students, and hippies.The war became a growing movement for youth protest .Across the country starting college campuses students began to speak out against the war. Starting at Berkeley .Full expression started in 1962 with Students for a democratic society.(Started in Port Huron Michigan)Group wanted to end poverty, violence, racism in the country.

Tet Offensive: By 1968 the Tet Offensive would break the stalemate and drive Johnson from office. During the holiday known as Tet there was normally a lull in fighting.The Vietcong considered this a perfect time for a surprise attack .The attack struck 36 of the 40 important provincial cities including the capital Saigon6 hours were caught on film .Proved to America at home that the government had lied to them about the success of the war.

Pentagon Papers: a United States Department of Defense history of the United States' political-military involvement in Vietnam from 1945 to 1967. The papers were discovered and released by Daniel Ellsberg, and first brought to the attention of the public on the front page of The New York Times in 1971 the Pentagon Papers had demonstrated, among other things, that the Johnson Administration "systematically lied, not only to the public but also to Congress

Johnson decided to remove himself fro reelectionThe vice President Hubert Humphrey stepped in along with Robert or Bobby Kennedy.Bobby looked like he could be the winner until he was shot outside a California hotel.Humphrey got the nomination only to run against Nixon and lose.

Nixon was the first President to bring about

Affirmative action

The establishment of the EPA

The lowering of the voting age

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The introduction of food stamps

Vietnamization was a policy of the Richard Nixon administration during the Vietnam War to end the U.S. involvement in the war and expand, equip, and train South Vietnam's forces and assign to them an ever-increasing combat role, at the same time steadily reducing the number of U.S. combat troops

Détente: The policy in which Nixon tried to relax tensions with communist countries Opened trade with China

Salt conference: Visit to Moscow agreed to arms control and reduction

More specifically, the papers revealed that the U.S. had secretly enlarged the scale of the Vietnam War with the bombings of nearby Cambodia and Laos, coastal raids on North Vietnam, and Marine Corps attacks, none of which were reported in the mainstream media

War powers Act: intended to check the president's power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of Congress. The resolution was adopted in the form of a United States Congress joint resolution; this provides that the President can send U.S. armed forces into action abroad only by declaration of war by Congress

Bombing of Cambodia: Known as operation rolling thunder. Nixon had a three scale tactic to end the war

1st renewed bombing including a secret order to bomb Cambodia

2nd slowly reducing troops

3rd Secret talks in Hanoi about ending the war

The bombing of Cambodia lead to the country next to Vietnam becoming destabilized. The government became communist. It proved that it was time for America to leave the war.

My-lai Masscre: While Public relations with the war continued to go downhill events during the war got worse. Lieutenant William Calley kills a wipes out a village of women and children. The main point is that soldiers had trouble seeing who the enemy was.

Watergate: Nixon feared the failings that occurred during the pull out of Vietnam.Nixon hired a group of men to break in and tap the phone lines of the democrat’s headquarters acorss from the Watergate hotel. The burglars were caught, Nxon paid them to lie so that he would not be caught. Eventaull the government investigated Nixon asking him to release tapes that had recorded information about the break in. Nixon knew he would be impeached so he resigned in disgrace.