The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas. Name _______________________________________ __ Overview: In this reading guide, scholars will identify and analyze author’s craft, analyze evidence, use inference skills and make connections to the text. Also, there are writing prompts. Historical context and extension resources are included. 1

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Page 1: blakelysworld.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewName _____ Overview: In this reading guide, scholars will identify and analyze author’s craft, analyze evidence, use inference skills

The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Name _________________________________________

Overview: In this reading guide, scholars will identify and analyze author’s craft, analyze evidence, use

inference skills and make connections to the text. Also, there are writing prompts. Historical context and

extension resources are included.


Page 2: blakelysworld.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewName _____ Overview: In this reading guide, scholars will identify and analyze author’s craft, analyze evidence, use inference skills

The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Author’s Craft: Figurative language is a common technique that author’s use. Use the graphic organizer below to record figurative language. How does figurative language help a reader?

Figurative Language

Simile: makes a comparison using the words “like” or “as”

Metaphor: makes a comparison WITHOUT using “like” or “as” but instead uses “is”

Personification: Gives an object a human-like quality (The room ached with loneliness.)

Directions: record the figurative language you read in the text. Write small.





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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.





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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter one - Journey to Wonderful


Grandiose - more complicated or elaborate than necessary;

Ilk - family, class, or kind:

Endearing – beloved; manifesting or evoking affection:

Illusion - the state or condition of being deceived;

Disillusioned: the state or condition of being deceived;

Disposition - natural mentaland emotional outlook or mood; characteristic attitude:

Verbose - characterized by the use of many or too many words; wordy:

1. What does this sentence tell us about Deza’s character? “James Malone, if I ever give one-half a hoot what a lot of people are saying, you have my permission to slap me silly.”



2. Make an inference: “Her dreams are to see Father get a job where he doesn’t always get laid off, for Jimmie to start growing again and be happy to watch me graduate from college and be a teacher.”



3. What is alliteration? Give an example from the text.




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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

4. How do we know that times are tough for the Malone family?




Information from (more on the website that is not featured here): http://www.pbs.org/wnet/newyork//laic/episode6/topic1/e6_topic1.html

No economic crisis in American history had been as severe as the Great Depression. It began in October 1929 in New York City at the time of the stock market crash. With the population of the United States at about 125 million, in 1929 fewer than two million people were unemployed countrywide; in 1930, eight million had no jobs; in 1931, thirteen million were without work. The jobless rate would peak in 1932-33 at sixteen million men, or about one third of the national labor force, as the economic crisis rippled from banking to manufacturing. 

Construction all but stopped. Even established industries, like railroads and publishing, failed. Many unskilled laborers were turned out of work; many white-collar workers fell into the ranks of the unemployed masses; and the professional class was also hit by this tragedy. One out of three Brooklyn doctors went out of business. Six out of seven architects had to find other means of employment to support themselves and their families. 

The newly rich returned the shiny new motorcars they'd bought on credit and the working poor were evicted. Everyone knew someone who had lost his livelihood. Some men, embarrassed that they no longer had work, pretended they still did. They left their houses in the morning dressed up in suits, briefcases empty.

Blacks and the Great Depression by Lee Suster(http://socialistworker.org/2012/06/28/blacks-and-the-great-depression)

THE GREAT Depression of the 1930s was catastrophic for all workers. But as usual, Blacks suffered worse, pushed out of unskilled jobs previously scorned by whites before the depression. Blacks faced unemployment of 50 percent or more, compared with about 30 percent for whites. Black wages were at least 30 percent below those of white workers, who themselves were barely at subsistence level.

There was no relief from the liberal Roosevelt administration, whose National Recovery Act (NRA) of 1933 was soon referred to by Blacks as the Negro Removal Act. Although its stated goal was nondiscriminatory hiring


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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

and an equal minimum wage for whites and Blacks, NRA public works projects rarely employed Blacks and maintained racist wage differentials when they did.

Additional resource: http://www.history.com/topics/hoovervilles

5. How does reading this informational text, help your understanding of The Mighty Miss Malone?




6. What does Deza mean when she writes, “I come from a family of great storytellers which is not the same as liars.”




7. Mrs. Needham gave Deza an essay to write. Look back and identify the four components of the essay. Write these components in the chart below




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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Begin brainstorming about your own family.

Family member






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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter Two - The Pie Thief

8. What role does Deza play in her family?




9. What were Jimmy’s parents concerned about when they told him he should return the

pie? Why?




10. What are the 1-1-1-1 on Mama’s face? What do they mean?



11. Why did Jimmy take the pie? Why did he not consider it stealing?





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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter three – The Pie Lady’s Revenge


Epiphany - having an idea or making a connections

Distinctive – unmistakable

Gesture – using movements to communicate

Lam - to beat; strike; thrash

12. Correct jimmy’s sentence on page 25. Do not call the polees I promes to brink the tin

back hears 8 cens.



13. Although it’s wrong to steal, what were some benefits of meeting Dr. Bracy?




14. Explain what Deza means when she says, ‘Going to school for a hundred years must be

really worth it.” (Bonus: What figurative language is the author using here?)





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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter 4 – Stabbed in the Back


Inconsolable - not consolable; that cannot be comforted

15. What disappointment did Deza face? Why was she so upset?




16. Describe her reaction to the disappointment.





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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter five – Maid of the Mist


Horrid - extremely unpleasant or disagreeableIdly - not working or activeDarn - to mend, as torn clothing, with rows of stitchesAft – astray; off the correct or known road

17. What does the idiom, “every cloud has a silver lining” mean?




18. After reading page 36, what lessons do you think Mrs. Needham is going to teach Deza?




19. Why did Mrs. Needham give Deza an A-?





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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

20. What does Mrs. Needham mean when she says, “much is required of her to whom

much is given”?




21. After reading page 40, go back to page 37 and explain what Mrs. Needham was telling

Deza when she said, “the best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft a gley.”




22. After reading this chapter, describe Mrs. Needham’s character using at least three

pieces of evidence and two characteristics. Use the sentence stem:

I can infer that Mrs. Needham is _________________________ when she says/does









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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.




To A Mouse By Robert Burns

The Standard English Versionhttp://www.essentiallifeskills.net/toamouse.html


Small, sleek, cowering, timorous beast,Oh, what panic is in your breast!You need not start away so hastyWith a hurrying scamper!I would be loath to run and chase you,With a murderous spade!

I'm truly sorry that Man's dominionHas broken Nature's social union,And justifies that ill opinionWhich makes you startledAt me, your poor, earth-born companionAnd fellow mortal!

I doubt not that you may steal;So what? Poor beast, you must live!An odd ear from twenty four sheaves of cornis a small request:I'll get a blessing with the rest,And never miss it!

Your tiny housie, too, is in ruin!Its feeble walls the winds are strewing!And nothing now, from which to build a new oneOf foliage green!And bleak December's winds ensuingBoth bitter and keen!

You saw the fields laid bare and wastedAnd weary Winter coming fast,And cosy here, beneath the blast,You thought to dwell,Until crash! the cruel plow passedRight through your cell.

That tiny heap of leaves and stubble (grain stalks)

Has cost you many a weary nibble!Now you are turned out for your troubleWithout house or home (belongings),To endure the Winter's sleety dribble,and frosty cold.

But Mousie, you are not aloneIn proving that foresight may be vain:The best laid schemes (plans) of mice and menGo oft astray (oft go awry)And leave us nothing but grief and painInstead of promised joy!

Still, you are blessed, compared with me!Only this moment touches you:But oh! I backward cast my eyeOn prospects turned to sadness!And though forward I cannot see,I guess and fear!

Niagara Falls


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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter six – Hersey’s Kisses and Lock Jaw


Moot - subject to debate, dispute, or uncertainty

Tetanus - is infection of the nervous system with the potentially deadly bacteria Clostridium tetani.

23. Do you think Deza would have reacted the same way to Clarice’s apology had Mrs.

Needham not talked with Deza? Why? Why not?




24. On page 52 and 53 Jimmy gives Deza advice. Is it good advice? Why or why not? What

would you do?




25. What does Deza mean when she says she has two brains?





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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

26. Whose point of View do you agree with and why? Deza: “The truth is always the best

way.” Or Jimmie: “Not in real life…you lucked up.”




Chapter Seven – The Mysterious Smile of the Man on the Quaker Oats Box

Vocabulary Reputation – what someone or something is known for

Discussion: Read the first paragraph on page 58. What do you think?

The campaign to end the slave trade can be traced back to a handful of Quakers (members of the

Religious Society of Friends, also known as Friends) in the late 1600s, at a time when very few

questioned the rightness of slavery. Quakers saw the trade as a violation of a fundamental belief that

everyone is equal in the sight of God. No person has the right to own another


Moral Accountability and Slavery http://trilogy.brynmawr.edu/speccoll/quakersandslavery/commentary/organizations/


For Quakers, human slavery was not merely wrong; it was incompatible with moral and natural law. According to Jonathan Dymond, an English Quaker:


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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

[A]ny human being who has not forfeited his liberty by his crimes, has a right to be free--and that whosoever forcibly withhold liberty from an innocent man, robs him of his rights and violates the Moral Law...

Quakers had a problem. They had determined that slavery was absolutely wrong, but lived in the United States lived within a society and under a government that held that people could be property. The Bible said, "render, therefore, unto Caesar, the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are of God." (Matthew 22:21 KJV). What if God and Caesar demanded different things? The Bible laid out the "Golden Rule" -- "whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, do you so even unto them" (Matthew 7: 12). For Quakers, when religious duty came into conflict with the law of the land, it was the duty of the Christian to suffer rather than obey. Pennsylvania Quaker William Jackson made this point in an 1846 pamphlet:

No one is under any moral obligation to lend himself as a tool to others for the commission of a crime, even when commanded by his government to do the wrong...

If you believe in the Golden Rule, what should you do when the fugitive comes to your door?

Emancipation Proclamationhttp://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/wwww/us/emancipationproclamatidef.htm

 Lincoln issued the proclamation Jan. 1, 1863. It was a technical document, granting freedom to all slaves in all areas of the Confederacy still in rebellion. The proclamation did not pertain to slaves in the Border States, but it did allow for the popular use of African-Americans in the Union Army and Navy. The proclamation also made the war a crusade against slavery, meaning that England and France, both morally opposed to slavery, could not in good conscience ally themselves with the Confederacy.

Additional Resource: http://www.ducksters.com/history/emancipation_proclamation.php

27. “Me and Jimmie look at the world in different ways. While Jimmie was bragging about eating buggy cereal, I was promising myself that I was through with oatmeal for the rest of my life.” How do you see it?





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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter Eight – Jimmy Gets a Free Train Ride


Wring - to twist and compress in order to force out water or other liquid

28. On page 67, who said, “Well, kiddo, here’s our chance.”? How do you know?




29. Why was Jimmie mad?




30. What was the scary side of Deza that she’s concerned about?





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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Dolly Peaches meant to use a limerick but he didn’t do it correctly. Using the rules below, write

a limerick of your own.



Limericks, like all poetic forms, have a set of rules that you need to follow. The rules for a limerick are fairly simple: They are five lines long. Lines 1, 2, and 5 rhyme with one another. Lines 3 and 4 rhyme with each other. They have a distinctive rhythm They are usually funny.

Example: There was a young fellow named HallWho fell in the spring in the fall.‘Twould have been a sad thingHad he died in the spring,But he didn’t—he died in the fall.— Anonymous

Additional resource: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-rN3DGMCsE

Title: ____________________________________







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Chapter 9 – The Gary Iron-Head Dogs Meet the Chicky-Bar Giants


Tolerate – to allow to go along with something

Interfere – to get in the middle of

Intentions – something

Fact: In some States, Jim Crow Laws prevented Blacks from entering a library and/or renting

books from a library.

To learn about one boys experience with this law, read: Richard Wright and the Library Card. Synopsis: https://www.leeandlow.com/books/2441/teachers_guide

31. On page 75, what did the librarian mean when she said, “Joe Louis is such a credit to your




32. What does Jimmie say it means?



33. What does father say it means?




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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Joe Louis Biography Boxer (1914–1981)http://www.biography.com/people/joe-louis-9386989

The world heavyweight boxing champion from June 22, 1937, until March 1, 1949, Joe Louis held

the title longer than anyone else in history.

Born on May 13, 1914 in Lafayette, Alabama, Joe Lewis went on to become the heavyweight

champion of the world. Known as the Brown Bomber, Louis held the belt for nearly 12 years, a

boxing record, and posted 25 successful title defenses.

34. What does the idiom, “She has a good head on her shoulders” mean?



35. Why did mother think Clarice changing the subject with the librarian was smart?




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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter 10 - A Taste for Perch

36. After reading Chapter 10, make an inference about why this was Deza’s last good night

sleep in a long, long time.”



Chapter 11 – Pulling Myself Together


Endure – to persevere through something

Author’s Craft: Foreshadowing. Foreshadowing is when the author give the reader a clue

about what may happen in the text. For example, when Mr. Curtis writes, “Last good night sleep

in a long, long time.” The author is letting us know that something bad is going to happen and

we need to be ready for it. In the next few chapters, Mr. Curtis will use this technique a few more

times. Write down the clues that you find.

Foreshadowing: ________________________________________________________________








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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Retell the major events of chapter 11.






















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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter 12 – Mother and the Hobo


Puny - very small








37. Why did Deza want to be dreaming when she saw her father again?



38. Why does Deza think her mom is crazy?




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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter 13 – The King of Spain is a Delightful Conversationalist






39. Why do you think father said, “You’re right, sometimes myths are better than what really




Chapter 14 – The Sad Truth about Jokes

40. What does Deza notice about her father?



41. Infer how Father’s accident has and could affect the family.






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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter 15 – The Brown Bomber Hits Home


Suspicious – to suspect someone or something; questionable






42. How does Deza know father is getting better or starting to come back?



43: Discuss: “People use tricks to get you to think the way they do.”



43: According to father, why is Joe’s fight so important?



44. What was the mood of the barbershop? How do you know?




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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter 16 – Back in Lake Myth Again






45. What are Mother and Father fighting about?



46. How is the depression of the 1930’s affecting the Malones?




47. What are some emotions father is feeling due to being out of work?



48. Do you think Father should’ve left? Why or why not?




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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

49. What did Deza overhear her father say that really hurt her feelings?



50. Make a prediction: Will Father find a job? Will he send for his family?



Chapter 17 – The Road to Crime


Tussled - to struggle or fight roughly








Every book in the library is given an unique call number to serve as an address for locating the book on the shelf. The Academic Information Service uses the Dewey Decimal Classification System. This system groups material according to subject by using a combination of letters and numbers.


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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

The following table illustrates the broad categories of the Dewey Decimal Classification System:


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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

51. What disappointment is Deza facing?



52. How was Deza reacting to disappointment?



53. What do you think the letter says? Why?



Do you think Deza’s plan to help Mama will work? Why or why not?




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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter 18 – Deza Steers on the Last Day in Gary

53. Use page 150, to complete the sentence, “life got in the way is an unpoetic way of saying


54. Finish Deza’s Note to Clarice:


















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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.



Chapter 19- The Malones Meet Marvelous Marvin


Escort - to go with someone somewhere; protection,  guidance on a journey

Trudge – to walk with a lot of effort (like in snow)






54. What do you think is taking mother and Jimmie so long?



55. Describe Jimmie’s character based on the evidence from the text thus far.






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Chapter 20 – The Girl in the Mirror


Mortified - humiliate or shame, as by injury to one's pride or self-respect.

Swoon – to pass out; faint

Exquisite - of special beauty or charm, or rare and appealing excellence

56. On page 171, what is Deza describing?



57. What do you think mother will say about jumping rails? Why or why not?



58. Why were Jimmie and Deza stunned at Ma’s response?




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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

59. On oage 148, Deza states that “bad news comes in threes.” What are three pieces of bad

news (disappointments) has she encountered.



Chapter 21 – Riding the Rails


Percolating – to brew (like coffee)

60. What is Julia’s advice about the camp?



61. Do you think they will find father or grandmother? Why or why not?



Read more about the History of hobos:



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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter 22 – Learning How to Settle in Flint

62. What was Jimmie thinking when he looked at Deza and “made his eye brows do that crazy

up-and-down dance.



63. The Malones don’t plan on staying in the camp long. Do you think their plan will work or do

you think “gang aft a-gley”?



64. Do you think Mama would agree with Jimmie leaving Deza alone? Why or why not?



65. On page 196, why did Deza bite her tongue?



66. How is the school in Flint different than in Gary?




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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter 23 – Jimmie Blasts Off on His Rocket Ship

66. What role do you think Jimmies role will play in the Malone’s future?



67. How does the song Jimmie sings relate to his life? How might he feel while singing the song?

"SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE A MOTHERLESS CHILD"http://www.negrospirituals.com/news-song/sometimes_i_fell.htm

from « American Negro Spirituals»by J. W. Johnson, J. R. Johnson, 1926

Sometimes I feel like a motherless childSometimes I feel like a motherless childSometimes I feel like a motherless child

A long ways from homeA long ways from home

True believerA long ways from homeAlong ways from home

 Sometimes I feel like I’m almos’ goneSometimes I feel like I’m almos’ goneSometimes I feel like I’m almos’ gone

Way up in de heab’nly land Way up in de heab’nly land

True believerWay up in de heab’nly land Way up in de heab’nly land

 Sometimes I feel like a motherless childSometimes I feel like a motherless childSometimes I feel like a motherless child

A long ways from homeThere’s praying everywhere


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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter 24 - Losing Jimmie

67. Edit Jimmie’s note:







68: Where is Jimmie?



68. Do you think Jimmie will succeed?



69. Do you think that he will send money home?



70. What is happening to the shanty town?




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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

71. Make a prediction of what will happen next?



Correct Jimmie’s grammar and spelling on page 220 on the space below:




















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The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.

Chapter 25 – Back on the Road


Naïve - having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information

70. Why do you think Police won’t let them into Flint?



71. Where will Ma and Deza go?



72. What do you think about the population demographics of the camp?



73. Does this surprise you? Why or why not?



74. Why was Deza starting to worry about her mother?



75. Why was being by a post office so important for Deza?



Page 40: blakelysworld.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewName _____ Overview: In this reading guide, scholars will identify and analyze author’s craft, analyze evidence, use inference skills

The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.


76. What are some ways Mama has changed?



77. How has Deza changed?



78. Why do you think teachers aren’t calling on Deza?



79. What is your favorite book? Why?









Chapter 27 – The Letter


Page 41: blakelysworld.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewName _____ Overview: In this reading guide, scholars will identify and analyze author’s craft, analyze evidence, use inference skills

The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.


Speak easy – illegal night club

80. What emotion does the scene in the office portray? How?



81. What do you think Mama will say or think about Jimmie singing in a speakeasy?



82. Who do you think wrote the letter? How do you know?



Chapter 28 – The New Turned Leaf

83. What does the idiom, “you’ve turned over a new leaf” mean?



84. How is this symbolic of Jimmie’s new life?



85. Do you think Deza will find Jimmie?



Page 42: blakelysworld.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewName _____ Overview: In this reading guide, scholars will identify and analyze author’s craft, analyze evidence, use inference skills

The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.


Chapter 29 - The Man in the Beautiful Two-Tone Shoes

86. Where is Deza?



87. Describe the atmosphere of the speakeasy.



88. Why is she in the speakeasy?



89. Has Jimmie found success in singing? How do you know?



90. Why did Deza punch a man in the speakeasy?



Chapter 30 – Father’s Feet of Clay

Why was Deza upset with Jimmie?


Page 43: blakelysworld.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewName _____ Overview: In this reading guide, scholars will identify and analyze author’s craft, analyze evidence, use inference skills

The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.



If Jimmie never sent Deza or Ma a letter, how did Deza know where to find him? Use evidence

to support your reasoning.



What did Jimmie tell Deza about what really happened on the lake?



How did Deza react to the truth about her father?



Chapter 31 – Jimmie’s World

How has Deza’s and Jimmie’s relationship changed?



In the beginning of the chapter, what was Deza surprised to learn about Jimmie’s job?


Page 44: blakelysworld.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewName _____ Overview: In this reading guide, scholars will identify and analyze author’s craft, analyze evidence, use inference skills

The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.



Where is Jimmie bringing Deza and why?



. How has Jimmie changed? Use evidence to support your reasoning.



Chapter 32 – Going Back to Gary

Why doesn’t Deza show her mother her report card?



What are your thoughts/wonderings about the letters coming from Father?



How did Mrs. James trick/surprise Deza?



Who do you think sent the letter and why?


Page 45: blakelysworld.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewName _____ Overview: In this reading guide, scholars will identify and analyze author’s craft, analyze evidence, use inference skills

The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.



What was the news that Mom and Deza receive?



Chapter 33 - The Quest for Jonah Blackbeard

Describe the moment that Mama and Deza saw their new house and walked in. Use evidence in

the text to support your idea.



What did Deza decided to do on her first full day in her new house?



What disappointments did she encounter?



How did Deza know without even knocking on the door that Clarice had moved?


Page 46: blakelysworld.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewName _____ Overview: In this reading guide, scholars will identify and analyze author’s craft, analyze evidence, use inference skills

The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.



Where are Mama and Deza going in the taxi and why?



Why does Deza say that Mother is so smart?



Who had been writing letters to Mama and Deza the entire time? How do you know?



Why is Mama looking for a Jonah Blackbeard?



Who is Jonah Blackbeard and how does Mama know?



What is “Jonah’s” reaction when he sees Mama?


Page 47: blakelysworld.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewName _____ Overview: In this reading guide, scholars will identify and analyze author’s craft, analyze evidence, use inference skills

The Mighty Miss Malone By Christopher Paul Curtis Use evidence to support your ideas.



How do you think father is feeling and why?



How does Deza respond when she sees her father for the first time?



Describe what father looks like when Mama and Deza find him.



What happened to the letters that father sent?



Did the Malones ever arrive at a place called wonderful? How do you know?


