How Life Began On Earth By Ryan Gregory Thomas

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How Life Began On Earth

By Ryan Gregory Thomas

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How Life Began On Earth

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How Life Began On Earth

For “easy to understand” pictures, please visit: http://howlifebeganonearth.blogspot.com/

Abstract: For thousands of years, humankind has pondered the questions: how did life begin on earth and where exactly did it come from? What happens after a person dies? Is there a “soul” that continues on? What truly gives humans the capacity for rational thought and free will? The answers may not be as difficult to ascertain as people believe. The question as to how life began on earth may require thinking in terms of high and low density. There is low-density material inside of us, which many of us refer to as sentient material, and through research I’ve discovered that sentient material is very likely near to a quintillionth the density of water on earth (i.e., 1 x 10-18 - 1 x 10-17 g/cm^3). The sentient material inside of us has the capability of using electrons to operate our brain and nervous system. And this is how life has been trundling along on earth for billions of years. In the following book, I’ll explain how life began on earth, where it originally came from, and how to build a bridge of communication between us, God, and the billions of people in Heaven. Sounds audacious, I know, but in truth making some very giant discoveries is not only possible, but not too difficult to get started on!

Key words

FEO: First existing organism

The FEO is the first existing organism, what people commonly refer to as “God”. For scientific reasons, it’s better to consider “God” as the PLF—primitive life form—which is why the name will appear as well.

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Matrix Particle: The energy particle wherein “God” evolved from basic energy into “life” understood as sentient material.

LDEL: Low-density environmental layer

The LDEL is the upper (of two parts) region of the universe, commonly referred to as “Heaven”.

HDEL: High-density environmental layer

The HDEL is the lower (of two parts) region of the universe, where organisms can temporarily live in a high-density form.

Internal body:

The internal body is made of low-density atoms. It has a density of near to .000001 to .000000001 g per cubic cm. Or, 1 X 10^-6 to -9 g per cubic cm (it’s most likely one-millionth the density of the external body. It’s also what sentient material uses to operate the far more dense external body). Allow me to clarify here that there isn’t really “two” bodies inside of us, rather that all matter has different layers of density. The internal body is actually the “layer” of matter that’s just the right density for the sentient material to “latch onto/repel/interact with” in order to operate our far denser physical bodies. It’s also very possible that sentient material only interacts with material around the same density, meaning the internal body — continuing with the same concept — would truly be around 100 quadrillionths of a gram per cubic centimeter (1 x 10^-17 g/cm^3). However, it’s also possible that sentient material can influence with its energetic charge material of a higher density. Still, interacting directly with high-density material would be a bridge too far. So, I’ve estimated the internal body to be around 1 x 10^-6 to ^-9 g/cm^3. It’s another way of stating the sentient material is interacting with low-density material, which then permits the interaction of higher density material. This is how the really low density sentient material is capable of operating a far denser/heavier bodily structure.

External body:

The external body is made of high-density atoms. It has an average

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density of around 1.048 g per cubic cm.

Autonomous Living Energy (ALE):Autonomous Living Energy is my scientific term for what is commonly known as “sentient material.” ALE has one of the lowest densities in existence. It very likely has a density of near to a quintillionth of a gram per cubic cm. Or, 1 X 10-18 to -17 g/cm^3 (it’s most likely around one hundred quadrillionth the density of water on earth at 1g/cm^3). The PLF is entirely composed of ALE, as all living beings, except the PLF is too large to inhabit an anatomic bodily structure.


A special note on building the "ALE ID" or "Autonomous Living Energy Interfacing Device."

Please Read:

We can build an electronic device and connect to "god" in our atmosphere, the low-density organism (10-18 to 10-17 g/cm^3) being comprised of "sentient material" or what I refer to in books as "autonomous living energy" that is also within us, operating our nervous systems and brains. This ALE is who we really are and it can interact with electrons, moving them fractions of a meter (perhaps as little distance as a picometer). This is why building a ten millivolt device with a microscopic light would work to interact with "god" in our atmosphere. It's a viable solution. Help spread the word!

Spatial Matter (SPM):

Spatial matter is the colorless and virtually invisible substance that brings about the phenomenon of gravity, the orbits/rotations, and the suspension of all planets and other cosmological objects in the vacuum of space. It condensed to form all the energy in the universe, which was then condensed to make the matter in the universe. Its “highest” density is likely around .00001 to .000001 g per cubic cm. However, because there is so much spatial matter, it is actually very

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densely-packed together and pretty dang heavy/forceful as a bulk substance. It has different layers of density, which is why it condensed to make subatomic energy particles of different density. One of those energy particles, of a density likely around 100 quadrillionths of a gram/cm^3, evolved into the first organism: God. To read more about spatial matter, see: http://rytops1.wordpress.com/2013/10/20/how-life-began-on-earth-part-2/

For a video explanation of spatial matter, please visit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WAFTQpeJPa4

Spatial Matter Precursor (SPMP):

Before spatial matter, there was only empty space in the vacuum of space. This empty space wasn’t charged material. It’s a precursor, and, by the empty space condensing, it will become a mixture of empty space and charged spatial matter comprised of energy bits. The chief distinction between spatial matter (SPM) and spatial matter precursor (SPMP) is the size of the particles. Once a spatial matter energy bit reaches the size of a zeptometer, it then becomes a “full-sized” energy bit of spatial matter, including holding a measurable charge. Spatial matter precursor is not charged material in part, as it includes bits of spatial matter that are smaller than a full size (1 zeptometer). These would include minibits, microbits, nanobits, etc. Spatial matter precursor includes empty space, which condensed, and, in doing so, became charged material, which I refer to as spatial matter. Spatial matter is responsible for gravity, orbits, rotations, and support (suspension) of all cosmological objects.

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Q & A’sWhat is God?Essentially, God may be the first existing organism (FEO) and is thus considered the first primitive life form (PLF). God is comprised entirely of sentient material, which is very likely one quintillionth the density of water on earth and exists in our bodies as well. Density is defined as the weight per unit size and is calculated by dividing mass by volume. E.g. the atmosphere at sea level has a density of .0012 g per cubic cm. As another example, water has a density of around 1 g per cubic cm. That means, concerning density, the atmosphere above sea level is 833 times less dense than the ocean beneath it. The sentient material we’ve been calling “spirit” may be one quintillionth as low in density as ocean water is on earth, and sentient material (likely around 10-17 g/cm3) can be found in our bodies, the atmosphere, and throughout the entirety of the universe (but not the vacuum of space). Since the “PLF” very likely manages the planet, and, the universe, which actually has two regions to it (i.e., “environmental layers”), from two big bangs, sentient material can be found everywhere in earth’s atmosphere, the HDEL (high-density environmental layer), the LDEL (low-density environmental layer or “Heaven”), as well as inside the bodies of all living organisms. Sentient material (SM) is what’s inside our bodies, operating our brains and nervous systems. It can move electrons at least a picometer, allowing the sentient material to actuate our movements. It’s why we are considered “living” in the first place. If such is the case, we can construct an electronic device as sensitive as the human nervous system, perhaps to uncover a way to communicate with a lower-density organism entirely made of sentient material!

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Where did God (FEO) come from?Surprisingly, the individual’s evolution beginning in the Matrix Particle, God may be only 95 billion years old. God evolved from starting out as an energy particle. The energy particle (Matrix Particle) came about from spatial matter (see blog below) that condensed and became “material” energy particles. Before spatial matter was around, there was just empty space that condensed to make layers of spatial matter with varying densities. Spatial matter suffused the entirety of space and—over the years—condensed to make energy particles, one of them at a low density (perhaps 10-18 to -17 g/cm3) evolving into sentient material and the first organism/life form in existence. This particle is what I am terming the matrix particle. Not only did spatial matter condense to make energy particles, but it also has many other uses in the vacuum of space. Spatial matter is what accounts for gravity, the orbits/rotations, and suspension of all cosmological objects. Spatial matter, very likely over a trillion years ago, condensed to make energy particles smaller than a single atom, which is where God originally derives. A more detailed explanation can be found below.


Since spatial matter has several layers of density, particles of relatively high density came into being, and, within those particles, low density material was also formed from spatial matter of a lower density. The low density material was of nearly the same characteristics and dimensional proportions, but very likely one millionth to one billionth as dense as the high-density material encapsulating it. However, there was spatial matter that was of an even lower density ready to play its part, and, within the high density energy, this extremely low density layer of spatial matter condensed to make an extremely low density “particle.” This extremely low density particle will over time evolve into sentient material and become the first organism ever to be in existence. This is the reason

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an organism like God can interact with high-density material, such as electrons in our bodies, and also why the sentient material inside of us can operate these far heavier/denser bodily structures. That being said, the sentient material that’s one quintillion times less dense than water on earth, incapable of influencing the far denser atoms of the body, can only affect material that’s at just the right density. It interacts with electrons (i.e. the low-density material inside of the body’s electrons), moving them as little distance as a femtometer or a picometer. It can use the nervous system, enabling us to operate our bodily structures. Later in the book, I’ll explain how the extremely low-density particle that formed from condensed spatial matter likely evolved into sentient material. At any rate, that’s how God was formed. This developing organism was about one billionth to one hundred quintillionth the density of water on earth. Furthermore, it was the first organism in existence. This organism is what we refer to as God. For scientific purposes, God could also be understood as the FEO (first existing organism), yet the term PLF is more scientifically correct as organisms didn’t emerge until the Kwanzaa Cell.

How did the FEO or “God” become an enormous organism?After surpassing with “doubling” growth the energy particle known as the Matrix Particle, God performed a similar feat as mitosis. This growth can be considered the Spatial Matter Conversion Process or (SPMCP). God grew in size by extending in dimension (sort of like cell division) and reforming into a larger organism. I’ll give a postulation here, as I believe it’s possible God was converting low density spatial matter into sentient material (See: ALE Evolution). Even though the spatial matter wasn’t condensed, as it was with the sentient material, God may have been using this SPM (at the same layer of density as God/sentient material) in order to extend in dimension and grow as an organism. This process is analogous to humans locating and consuming food for nutrition. The human body

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takes in food and breaks it down with metabolic processes in order to utilize the molecules & atoms. At any rate, this may have been how God grew from being smaller than the size of an atom to being large enough to manage both planets in the LDEL (Heaven) and the HDEL (where earth and all cosmological objects we see/detect are) simultaneously. God must’ve been at it for a long time, as the organism stretches (from top to bottom) far enough to manage Heaven and earth. God is now ten trillion light years in height, and the entire sphere comprises 95 octillion cubic meters. In fact, after starting out as an attometer in size, growing inside of the Matrix Particle, which was smaller than a single atom, God grew at an average rate of 100 light years every single calendar year. If God—or the “PLF”—were a perfect sphere in shape, the volume of sentient material, which I refer to as autonomous living energy, would be roughly around 20 million nonillion (20.935 x 10^36) light years cubed. That’s an enormous change in size. God is large enough to carry the sentient material (after its removal from our cadavers) from earth all the way to Heaven without changing position. One day, once direct communication is established, we’ll get to see just how big God really is. As a side note, I explain what the LDEL and HDEL are in later questions.

Why did God create the universe?It’s really about reproduction. God attempted asexual reproduction, but sentient material detached from God would be an exact replica and therefore wouldn’t provide offspring. Over perhaps millions to billions of years, God studied the vast environment within the vacuum of space, trying to figure out a way to become a progenitor. Somewhere along the way, the PLF figured out that if sentient material were given a different focus, as if for survival, new organisms could be formed. God realized material environments (such as planets) and organic structures (i.e. bodies) to operate within these material environments would effectively accomplish this necessary differentiation in sentient material/ALE. In other words, organisms focusing on survival in unique ways from

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operating in different material bodies would allow new life forms to emerge and diversify the existence of sentient material. God therefore could successfully reproduce. So, putting it more simply, God constructed the universe as a place where various offspring could emerge — otherwise there would only be one form of life. In a nutshell, that’s why the universe was created by God. As humans, we have to outpace the growth of the PLF at 100 light years every year if we wish to enjoy the benefits of self-population control. First, we’ll need to make space ships that can move faster than the speed of light. It won’t be easy!

Why can’t God lift objects to prove existence?God is comprised entirely of sentient material/ALE, which is of such a low density that God can’t lift any heavy material objects on earth. Sentient material is very likely one hundred quadrillionth the density of water on earth (around 1 quintillion times less dense than earth’s water), meaning God cannot affect inanimate objects that we see around us by simply picking them up. God has the ability to influence electrons, which can influence a person’s or organism’s nervous system, and, in that way, God can affect the movement of all living things. As I’ve stated, there is low-density material that exists inside all matter around us (stuff we can see/touch). The way that matter formed by spatial matter condensing causes all matter to have several layers of density. Since there are essentially “low-density electrons” inside all regular electrons (not really, but it’s easier to understand the concept by putting it this way), God can have an influence on material things in a very small way. This is how God is able to affect the weather: by influencing electrons in gases in the atmosphere. Affecting electrons is how sentient material in our bodies is able to make rapid decisions and affect our movement and facial expressions. Unfortunately, sentient material is such a low density that it can’t move electrons very far, which is why the nervous system is set up the way that it is. What all this means is God can’t move heavy physical objects, only the electrons inside of them, and, even then, only a very small distance (maybe as

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short as a femtometer or a picometer) in order to have an influence on an object/atmospheric gas/nervous system. That’s precisely why God can’t just lift heavy objects and prove to be in existence. Again, we’ll have to build a special low-voltage electrical circuit to communicate directly with God. God can’t lift boulders, but God can certainly shift around electrons.

Does God exist in a physical body?God doesn’t exist in a physical body, but does have a physical form. Sentient material (autonomous living energy) takes on a form with a water-and-gas like viscosity. God is not bound by an anatomical cellular body, which would greatly limit mobility. Instead, God can move faster than the speed of light (being of such a low density) and permeate just about any structure in existence, since SM is possibly of the lowest density anywhere in the universe (aside from spatial matter and empty space itself). This is why God doesn’t exist in a physical body, so as to allow the greatest ability to examine and have an influence on all things in the universe. Beyond that, God is too large of an organism to fit inside of an anatomical bodily structure, which would also (quite obviously) interfere with managing the HDEL and LDEL. So, there are several reasons why that isn’t possible.

How can God pass through tangible substance like the human body?To answer this question, I’ve set up a scale of solidness ranging from 0 to 10. First, it should be cleared up that more solid things (on the scale from 7 - 9) may seem like they pass through less solid things (0 - 6). Metal or stone, which respectively on the scale have a solidness of 9 & 8, cannot pass through less solid things like water (6). Rather,

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metal or stone will displace less solid substances, such as water (6), air (5), and spatial matter (0 - 100 millionths), in other words meaning they will be moved them from their position. This first concept, more solid things displacing less solid things, is why we as people (solidness of 7 - 8 on the scale) can exist amid a great deal of spatial matter that happens to be everywhere around us. However, since we displace spatial matter, it fights back against us. This is why if you jump upward, you will fall back down toward the ground. Spatial matter will promptly return you to the planet’s surface. Why? All that spatial matter will take on that battle of displacement that you've started by jumping upward, and so it pushes back and drives you as far toward the center of mass of earth as it can. Of course, the ground prevents us from being pushed any further toward earth's core. A great deal of spatial matter (0 - 100 millionths) has been displaced by earth (6 - 9), and is seeking to return to its previously-held position, which is why it forcefully pushes towards earth’s center of mass, also taking all the densest material toward the core. Earth (just like a person who jumps upward) isn’t passing through spatial matter, rather it’s displacing spatial matter. Spatial matter, however, fights back to return to its original position in the vacuum of space. That’s why gravity exists.

So then, what truly allows objects to pass through other objects? The answer isn’t complex. What truly allows objects to go through other objects is being of a lower solidness. Things of lower solidness won’t displace things of higher solidness, but rather will be forced to pass through them. This is why argon gas (solidness of 5) can pass through a glass case (solidness of 7). Because the argon gas isn’t very solid, the molecules simply squeeze through spaces between the atoms of the glass case. As another example, water (solidness of 6) can pass through many material objects (solidness of 7-9), which is why if you have a plastic cup of water you’ll eventually feel condensation. Condensation is water (6) literally passing through the plastic cup (7). Again, it is because the water isn’t very solid and so the molecules will slip through the atoms of the plastic cup. The reason I bring this up is to explain how God is able to communicate with sentient material, which can also be found inside of our physical bodies. God made entirely of sentient material can influence, guide, and share feelings, emotions, ideas, or concepts

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with people who are living in Heaven (bodily structures at 7 - 8 millionths in solidness) and on earth (bodily structures of 7 - 8 solidness). Sentient material has a solidness of around 100 quadrillionths, on the same scale. Being “100 quadrillionths” on the scale of solidness allows an organism like God to easily pass through the anatomic structure of the human body, whether we're in the LDEL or HDEL. As a good analogy, God can pass through our bodies like air does a mesh screen. God, being of a really low solidness, simply passes through the atomic & subatomic interstices and can reach the sentient material inside of our bodies. In this manner, God can manage life on earth and the planets of Heaven (yes, planets!) simultaneously, and can aid in the development and growth of living organisms.

Scale of solidnessSolidness (vocabulary.com): the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape.

The following quantifying numbers have been mindfully chosen with respect to my two rules regarding solidness, one being that "more solid things can displace less solid things," as you've seen quite often with gravity and spatial matter (i.e. the planets displace SPM of a lower solidness and effectuate gravitational fields), and the other salient rule being that "less solid things can pass through more solid things." The second rule is most commonly seen through water condensation through cups.

HDEL (earth & lower region of universe) - LDEL (Heaven/upper reg)

SPMP/Spatial Matter – (0 - 100 millionths/1 x 10-4) - (0 - 100 millionths/1 x 10-4)

Metal – 9 - 9 millionths (9 x 10-6)

Stone – 8 - 8 millionths (8 x 10-6)

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Glass – 7 - 7 millionths (7 x 10-6)

Water – 6 - 6 millionths (6 x 10-6)

Gas – 5 – 5 millionths (5 x 10-6)

Energy – (3 – 4) – (3 – 4 millionths) (3 - 4 x 10-6)

Sound (waves) - 2 - 2 millionths (2 x 10-6) - 20 quintillionth (2 x 10-19 voice of FEO/ALE)

Sentient Material/ALE – 1 quintillionth (10-18) – 100 quadrillionth (10-17)

Additional information:

On the scale of solidness, I placed sentient material/PLF at around 1 quintillionth of solidness. This number is to make the point that sentient material/PLF is more solid than some spatial matter, whatever is less dense than 1 quintillionth of a gram per cubic centimeter, but ALE—even the PLF—is certainly not as solid as the densest layer of spatial matter (.000001 – .00001 g/cm^3), which has a "peak solidness" of about 100 millionths.

The range of spatial matter, speaking in terms of solidness, is approximately 0 - 100 millionths. This is why God couldn’t ever affect gravity on earth (even in Heaven), since the spatial matter is denser and actually more solid than the PLF (1 quintillionth of solidness) that causes gravity, orbits, rotations, and suspension of cosmological objects. What’s more, on the scale of solidness, I would place cosmological objects in Heaven (LDEL) at around 6-9 millionths. This means the cosmological objects in Heaven are less solid than the peak solidness of SPM (100 millionths). The density of a planet comparable in composition to earth we'll find should be around .0000055 g/cm^3 and in mass around 5.97 x 1018 kgs (less than the mass of the moon). Logically, we'd assume since the moon is too "light" to sustain an atmosphere, a planet in Heaven with one millionth the density of earth shouldn't be able to maintain one either. Planets in Heaven (LDEL) are vastly lower in density than

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what we’re accustomed to experiencing on earth, yet they still must maintain an atmosphere through a strong enough gravitational field. So, how exactly is this possible? The only logical inference to make is that planets (and all cosmological objects) in Heaven are displacing spatial matter that's less dense, thereby effectuating a strong enough gravitational field to sustain an atmosphere. The planets of Heaven are less solid than the peak solidness of SPM, but there are many layers of SPM at different densities, given the way the vacuum of space slowly condensed into charged material layer-by-layer. Since planets in Heaven (LDEL) are more solid than one of the low-density layers of spatial matter, they also displace spatial matter . . . just like the planets in the HDEL. The only difference is the cosmological objects in Heaven are displacing less dense spatial matter. This is very important because it explains how gravity can still exist in Heaven. If there isn’t any displacement of spatial matter, there won’t be any gravity, but because spatial matter has different levels of density it can furnish low-density planets with gravity as well.

Some people may ask the question: Why can't we hear the voice of "God"? There's actually a scientific explanation that can be given in response to that question. The reason we can't hear God is due to a difference in solidness. In laymen's terms, the sound waves that God can produce are of such a low solidness, they can't affect our ear drums. There won't be any vibration of the tympanic membrane, since it will fail to be displaced by God's sound waves when the organism is emitting noise. On the scale, God's voice is actually as low as 20 quintillionth, whereas sound that we are accustomed to hearing (e.g., human voice) is placed at 2 on my scale. Lastly, sound in Heaven (LDEL) has a solidness of around 2 millionths, which is due to the lower density of the human body.

How do you classify the force of objects with varying levels of solidness?

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According to Isaac Newton, force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. However, this isn’t always the case. Since the human body and water are both around 1 g/cm^3, according to the formula F = M * A, if these two things (a human body and an amount of water with equal mass) were traveling at the same speed there would be an equal amount of force. In fact, this is not true. The human body, being more solid, would punch right through the water that was traveling at the same speed. Therefore, while mass multiplied by acceleration will yield a general rule for measuring force, in order to classify the strength of objects with varying levels of solidness we’ll need to add one more term: power. Power is derived from solidness, because a more solid object will displace a less solid object. The human body being more solid than water, even if they are the same mass, will displace water every single time, which means the human body is more “powerful” than water. The body of sentient material or ALE that comprises God in height is around ten trillion light years (1013), enough to fill a sphere that’s 20 million nonillion cubic light years (20.935 x 1036). However, because God is of such a low solidness (1 quintillionth on the scale), the power of that sentient material is very low compared to most things. That’s why God can’t just pick up objects around us, and explains why we have to communicate using electrical circuitry similar to the human nervous system. In order to quantify the power of a substance, one could use the previously listed numbers from the scale of solidness. Sentient material, which God is entirely comprised of, would be a power of 1 quintillionth. On earth, the water in a plastic cup would have a power of 6, while the cup would have a power of 7. In Heaven, the water in a plastic cup would have a power of 6 millionths, while the cup a power of 7 millionths. A piece of stone has a power of 8 on earth, and metal a power of 9. In Heaven, these objects are respectively 8 and 9 millionths in solidness. As a fun fact, a drop of water on earth (6) would tear right through a metal object in Heaven (9 millionths). A photon of light (3) would also displace (push through) a stone in Heaven (8 millionths). In regards to power/solidness, this should serve to adequately characterize the different substances (of both matter and energy) that are incorporated in general existence.

How fast can God/sentient

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material move?God is able to move faster than the speed of light. Due to the extremely low density of sentient material/ALE, God can transfer people to Heaven with relative ease and quickness. This is also why we process information in our brains faster than the speed of light (even though the electrical signal can only move up to 268 mph). Since the sentient material in our bodies is made of such a low density, (one hundred quadrillionth the density of water on earth,) it can make decisions and successfully operate the brain faster than light travels. That’s very fast! Otherwise, life would be nearly impossible. In truth, sentient material can move exponentially faster than light travels. God has to move faster than 300,000,000 meters per second (speed of light) just to transfer people every day from earth to Heaven. To do such a task in a timely manner, God must be able to move at least a quintillion times faster than the speed of light (PS7). Since the LDEL is 1 trillion light years above the HDEL, the PLF has to travel at PS8 in order to get bodies into Heaven within a single second. The PLF has to build bodies and transfer people a trillion light years all within a single second, so as to properly coincide with its daily operations (see: selfprobe.wordpress.com). Below, I’ve listed some potential speeds of sentient material/ALE ranging from PS1 (the speed of light) to PS10 (an octillion times faster than light travels).

Before getting to that, I’d like to briefly explain why Heaven has to be many, many light years away from earth. If you recall, more solid things like metal or stone will displace less solid things, such as water, air, and spatial matter. The planets and cosmological objects of Heaven are made of low-density atoms, which would be easily displaced by any objects made of high-density matter. In other words, a space shuttle would use its millions of pounds of fuel and easily barge right through any low-density matter that happened to be in its way. The high-density matter of the shuttle would — being far more solid — displace the low-density matter of even a planet’s surface with great ease. When God planned the two parts of the universe that would support life, among many calculations were the ones to determine how far the two environmental layers would need

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to be set apart so that high-density matter couldn’t possibly interrupt the low-density matter. Therefore, the low-density environmental layer (the LDEL) was created many, many light years northward in the vacuum of space, high enough so that given weight considerations there would be no chance of any high-density matter capable of reaching the low-density environment, at least until we figure out how to fly in space shuttles faster than the speed of light. Heaven is 1 trillion light years northward in the vacuum of space. Traveling at PS8, it would be possible for God to get us there within a second.

PS1 (Potential speed one)300,000,000 m/s (300 million m/s) (3 x 10^8 m/s)

(1ly = 8,765 hrs)

(10ly = 87,650 hrs)

(100ly = 876,500 hrs)

(1,000ly = 8,765,000 hrs)

(1ly = 1 year)

PS2 (Potential speed two)300,000,000,000 m/s (300 billion m/s) (3 x 10^11 m/s)

(1ly = 8.765 hrs)

(10ly = 87.65 hrs)

(100ly = 876.5 hrs)

(1,000ly = 8,765 hrs)

(1ly = approximately 8 1/2 hours)

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PS3 (Potential speed three)300,000,000,000,000 m/s (300 trillion m/s) (3 x 10^14 m/s)

(1ly = .008765 hrs)

(10ly = .08765 hrs)

(100ly = .8765 hrs)

(1,000ly = 8.765 hrs)

(1ly = approximately 30 seconds)

PS4 (Potential speed four)300,000,000,000,000,000 m/s (300 quadrillion m/s) (3 x 10^17 m/s)

(1ly = .000008765 hrs)

(10ly = .00008765 hrs)

(100ly = .0008765 hrs)

(1,000ly = .008765 hrs)

(1,000,000ly = 8.765 hrs)

(1,000,000,000ly = 8,765 hrs)

(1ly = .031 seconds)

PS5 (Potential speed five)(300 quintillion m/s) (3 x 10^20 m/s)

(1ly = .000031 seconds)

(1 million light years in 31 seconds)

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PS6 (Potential speed six)(300 sextillion m/s) (3 x 10^23 m/s)

(1ly = .000000031 seconds)

(1 billion light years in 31 seconds)

PS7 (Potential speed seven)(300 septillion m/s) (3 x 10^26 m/s)

(1ly = .000000000031 seconds)

(1 trillion light years in 31 seconds)

Though I’ve only listed up to PS7 here, God could be capable of speeds anywhere from PS1-PS10 (an octillion times faster than light can travel). Given that sentient material/ALE is one quintillion times lighter than water on earth, there’s more than a slight chance it’s capable of speeds much faster than light can travel. That being said, I’m not precisely sure how fast God can move. However, the universe is estimated to be about 28 billion light years across, and could be the same distance top to bottom. Since Heaven is of such a low density, it cannot be in the same space as the HDEL (where earth and all cosmological objects we can see/detect are), otherwise it would be destroyed by the heavy planets and other cosmological objects of the HDEL. Therefore, God must be able to move at least up to a quintillion times faster than light can travel (PS7). We won’t know for certain until establishing a direct form of communication using a low voltage electrical circuit, a device constructed similar to how the nervous system operates. More specifically, the device would need to be capable of recognizing a single electron being moved by God as little distance as an nanometer (10^-9m), possible down to a picometer (10^-12m).

How did life begin on earth?

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Life on earth began with matter. The chief constituents of all matter are atoms. Atoms (e.g. nitrogen, carbon, magnesium) are comprised of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons and neutrons are found in the atom’s nucleus, while electrons orbit the nucleus of the atom. What’s interesting about electrons is that they can be used to join atoms together, forming molecules. Macromolecules can form carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, which are all essential to the human body. So electrons, which can bind atoms together to make different molecules, are very important. They will be used in the process of building the first ever cell body to house sentient material. Nearly four billion years ago, using electrons, God was able to combine different atoms and design the first cell on earth.

Where did the first cells come from?Sentient material/ALE originated in the early universe from the matrices of energy particles. In fact, before sentient material evolved, it was just an energy particle of a very low density, one of the lowest in existence. These particles (including the one that evolved into sentient material) fostered an energetic charge. There is a great likelihood, due to forming inside these charged particles and being one of them, sentient material innately interacts with any particle carrying a charge. Because of this relationship, God was able to use electrons to piece atoms together and form the first ever cell body on earth. After considering the nomenclature, I have arrived at the term, Cell Moja or the Kwanzaa Cell (i.e., translated from Swahili, it would be respectively, Cell One or the First Cell—given the origin of life around Africa, I’ll give an African name to it). Lastly, detached sentient material was settled inside the cell. The detached sentient material was able to influence electrons, and, given that ability, was capable of functioning inside of the cell body. God helped to guide the unicellular organism by communicating directly with sentient material inside of the cell. God also helped the organism move around in the ocean by reaching inside and influencing electrons used in the cell body. This was how life began

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on earth in a primitive unicellular form.

How much sentient material exists inside the human body?Years later, the human body consists of trillions of cells. There are approximately 10^14 or 100 trillion cells in our bodies. Sentient material can be found in each cell. Sentient material works at a cellular level, but it’s also capable of functioning as a singular unit. The sentient material in our cells is performing every intracellular function, such as protein synthesis, enzyme production, storage of energy, and can facilitate any other operations that go on inside the cells. As a complete unit, sentient material is operating the brain and making conscious decisions. It can occupy different areas of the brain to a greater extent and does this to enhance the usage of a particular part of the mind. Brain activity could be, in a practical way, more accurately understood as sentient material using the capabilities and storage spaces of many, many different cells. It is absolutely correct to say that life wouldn’t be possible without sentient material. The stuff that is alive inside of our bodies is truly sentient material, which came from God and was passed down from those first cells on earth.

Why do organisms evolve in order to adapt to their environment?As you’ve probably guessed, evolution is actually God tinkering with the anatomic structures of the adapting organisms, doing so in order to help living things survive in harsh environments. It can be done by facilitating the mating selections and by influencing the development of living organisms. In a sense, it’s analogous to how car enthusiasts tinker with their vehicles to get them to go faster and other upgrades. In another sense, it’s not because cars can’t mix

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genetically to diversify their existence or preempt extinction.

What are some capabilities of sentient material?1) Sentient material has the ability to store memories. It can recall experiences somehow by using brain cells as storage (See: ALE Evolution). The memories are actually kept within sentient material, not in the anatomic structure of the brain. It’s a good thing that sentient material, not the body, is responsible for storing memories or we wouldn’t have them after the physical body “fails” resulting in death. After God takes us from our cadavers, we’ll still remember who we are and retain all of our memories, due to sentient material’s innate ability to recall past experiences.

2) Sentient material has the ability to operate the human body.

Part A:

There are 100 trillion cells in the human body, each of them operated by sentient material. In fact, the reason our brain waves are in four discrete levels of frequency is due to how hard the sentient material is working to operate our brains. Delta waves are about 1.3 hertz, which is a low frequency because the sentient material isn’t working as hard when we’re asleep. As our level of alertness increases, so does the work productivity of sentient material and proportionally the frequency of brain waves, which can elevate up to 30hz beta waves. Where the metabolism is concerned, sentient material is what connects molecules together, using its negatively-charged material to influence electrons allowing it to facilitate the connection of deoxyribose, a sugar, for example, with phosphate groups, providing a backbone for DNA. It’s also what connects the nitrogenous bases of the nucleotides to complete the DNA sequences. Sentient material, somehow, works not only at a cellular level, but also operates as a singular unit, enabling us with the capability to focus on our lives and not on inner body processes like DNA replication. I’m not certain how it’s able to work at a cellular level and as a singular organism. That’s something biologists will have to

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Part B:

I wanted to add on a thought that came to mind about our vision. It’s very likely that eyes are part of the human anatomy for a very specific reason. The sentient material, being inside the cells of the body, and not being able to receive enough photons to see what’s going on outside of our bodily structures, would require a part of the body to be capable of receiving light in order to visually perceive the environment. What is likely happening is sentient material in the cells of the eyes is visually perceiving the environment, but it takes the electrical impulses traveling through the optic nerve to the occipital lobe of the brain to process the visual information. So, the sentient material is able to see the environment from the cells of the eyes (vitreous fluid, retina, pupil, lens, iris, sclera) and is processing what is being seen from the cells of the occipital lobe of the brain. This may lend some insight into how sentient material is able to work both at a cellular and singular level.

3) Sentient material has the ability to experience emotions and feelings. The happiness, sadness, tiredness, hostility, anger, restiveness, bitterness, envy, bodily pain, pleasure, etc., we feel during certain times in our lives is due to sentient material that’s inside the 100 trillion cells of the human body. It’s the sentient material which reads signals from the body and feels these sensations and emotions. Sentient material is the organism, and the body is simply a very complex anatomical structure.

Are there three layers to all organic structures?With regards to density, there are three bodily layers to every living organism: a high-density anatomical structure (external body), a low-density anatomical structure (internal body), and sentient material (which is of an extremely low density). The physical body is actually two different bodies, one of high density (external body) and one of low density (internal body) which is found inside of it.

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Allow me to clarify here that there isn’t really “two” bodies inside of us, rather that all matter has different layers of density. The internal body is actually the “layer” of matter that’s just the right density for the sentient material to “latch onto/repel” in order to operate our far denser physical bodies. There are estimates of each cell having 10^12 – 10^14 or 10-100 trillion atoms. Each of those atoms has several layers of density, because all matter is originated from the early universe, and the particles that formed in the earliest universe formed in distinct layers of density/solidness.

See: http://howlifebeganpart2.blogspot.com/2013/09/9-how-spatial-matter-converted-to-energy.html.

Sentient material uses a physical body until the time of a person’s “death”. After the physical body can no longer be used, sentient material is extricated and taken to a suitable environment (Heaven). In Heaven (LDEL), everybody goes through the process of having a new body built for them. The PLF rebuilds a new body atom by atom. At any rate, our new bodies could be up to one million times less dense than our bodies were on earth. They are made of low-density atoms — the same density as the “atoms” that make up the internal body — and could make us more than one million times lighter. I don’t know the exact density of the new bodies that are made for us, but they will likely be around .000001 grams per cubic centimeter. So, if you were 70 kilograms on earth, your body in Heaven (which is based on DNA and therefore an exact reproduction) would be 70 millionths (.00007) of a kilogram in weight. You will weigh .07 grams. This all sounds like bad science fiction, but there’s really no way for me to prove it, not without us finding sentient material/ALE. The reason I bring up the three bodily layers is to make a point that sentient material can’t directly affect the atoms of our body. Sentient material has to use the low-density atoms — and only in that fashion can sentient material operate our physical body. I know that sounds bizarre and confusing, but essentially sentient material uses the internal body so that it can operate our much heavier external bodies. When we die, the sentient material/ALE is taken from our bodies (nothing else) and transported to the planets of Heaven, where a new body is built for us. Again, the explanation sounds far-fetched, but I promise you that this is

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exactly what is going on every single day. I hope that makes sense, but if not there is a graphic representation of the three bodily layers here:


How can you tell that sentient material only "directly interacts" with low-density material?If sentient material were around, say, 100 quadrillionth of a gram per cubic centimeter (1 x 10^-17 grams/cm^3), it would still have mass. In fact, 10 km^3 of sentient material would weigh approximately 10 grams. Therefore, God could summon 10 km^3 of sentient material and should be able to lift any object that is less than 10 grams. However, God cannot do this, otherwise we’d have formed a way to communicate a long time ago. Instead, sentient material can only affect electrons, and even God who is 20 million nonillion light years cubed in volume can only affect objects in the HDEL by interacting with charged subatomic particles, such as electrons, in order to interact with high-density matter, and does so to facilitate the growth and development of living organisms. It must be that at such a low density, sentient material can only affect low-density material, which then permits the movement of high-density material. Such a process only allows slight interaction between sentient material and the high-density atoms that make up the crystalline structures of all objects in the HDEL.

How do we detect sentient material’s influence over

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electrons?1) Study the human nervous system. The nervous system is comprised of 100 billion cells in human beings, around 1/1000 of all the cells in the human body. Sentient material has a negative charge (but also has a positive charge) and repels electrons, and, in that manner, is able to conduct our bodies using the nervous system. Aided by electromotive force, this extremely low-density material is able to operate a body that is billions to quintillions of times heavier. This is precisely why we can think about performing some kind of movement and perform the exact action we were considering prior to the planned movement of our body. Electrons of a high density are too dense for sentient material to influence, but the low-density particles (low-density electrons) inside the body’s electrons allow sentient material to operate it. Sentient material can influence low-density particles, which then permits the movement of high-density particles, and allows us to operate our far heavier bodies. The nervous system is specially designed to accommodate sentient material. The fact sentient material is able to operate a heavy body (by using electrons) proves the fact there can be direct communication between the PLF and people on earth.

2) Study microbiological organisms. Since we can examine small organisms like bacteria under microscopes, using electron microscopy we should be able to see how the living organism is able to make a decision and use electrons to carry out an action/response. The electrons that move throughout the unicellular organism are being triggered or influenced by sentient material, as it responds to the environment.

3) Study the weather patterns. It might sound bizarre, but God manipulates weather as a means of taking care of the planet. Studying the way electrons move in our atmosphere might give us insight into how God (PLF) manages the weather on earth. We can also discover what limitations an even larger sentient organism has on creating or manipulating ions. If there are any noticeable shifts in the atmosphere, there’s a very good chance God had something to do with it. It’s important to remember that God can only influence

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electrons by moving them as little distance as a nanometer (maybe even just a picometer), and has to work with electromotive force in order to move particles far denser. Sentient material’s innate ability to work with charged particles enables God to manage the weather that occurs in the world. And it’s a great place to begin searching for clues about how sentient material is capable of having such a profound effect on far denser matter.

How can we communicate directly with God?1) God can move electrons from one atom to another atom. This could be a very likely solution as to how we can directly communicate with God for the first time in earth’s history. Using a quantum microscope, it would be possible to place two atoms directly next to one another, ensuring there’s enough electromotive force, and God could potentially move one electron from a certain atom to another atom. Given sentient material is possibly around 100 quadrillionth of a gram/cm^3, God would only be able to move an electron a very short distance. In fact, that distance may be in the range of nanometer to picometers! Electromotive force and the distance between two different atoms both play a large role in whether God can facilitate an electron transfer. That being said, the sentient material/ALE inside our bodies is able to conduct intracellular functions involved in our metabolism and successfully operate the nervous system by interacting with charged particles, triggering the body through moving electrons as little distance as a nanometer. It’s likely that sentient material/ALE is of a negative charge (but also a positive charge), and is able to repel electrons, which allows it to operate the low-voltage (10-100 millivolts) nervous system, as well as piece together monomers to make macromolecules essential to our survival. To do all of that, sentient material has to be able to influence electrons. By figuring out exactly how much influence sentient material has on electrons, we can uncover what limitations God has on influencing them. And it’s also one option for how we can form a way to directly communicate with God.

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2) Construct a device (i.e. electrical circuit) that works similar to the human nervous system. The composition of the nervous system allows sentient material to operate our far heavier body. By studying the nervous system, it is possible to create a circuit that’s similar in composition. Using a microscopic light bulb and a 10-100 millivolt electrical circuit, this device could be used as a way to communicate with God, allowing for the first direct communication to happen between God and people on earth. Eventually, maybe even within a few years, we could be interfacing in a direct manner with a very old organism, the same organism that created the big bangs and life on planet earth, also the first organism ever in existence. Soon afterward, we could be empowered with the capability of communicating directly with people that are living in Heaven (LDEL). Here’s a quote that I thought was interesting and extremely relevant, “With so much electricity jumping around, it may seem like the body is a really great power source. But could human beings really power the Matrix? Probably not. A human body can only generate between 10 and 100 millivolts. A cathode ray tube requires about 25,000 volts to create a picture on a TV. If the machines could gather millions of electric eels, on the other hand, they’d be well juiced up. A single eel can produce in the area of 600 volts.” Retrieved 11/28/13 from: (http://science.howstuffworks.com/life/human-biology/human-body-make-electricity1.htm)

Were there two big bangs?After leaving the physical body, all living organisms will need a place to resume their existence. The answer to where life goes in a low-density form after “death” first requires us to understand that there were two big bangs and therefore two “environmental layers” created capable of sustaining life.

Big bang number one:

One big bang formed planets and cosmological objects of a much lower density than what we’ve experienced on earth. This big bang brought about the LDEL (low-density environmental layer), a place where living organisms could be transported after an organism’s

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physical body (high-density bodily structure) becomes inoperable, resulting in “death”. Only the sentient material (who we really are) is transported to the LDEL. There, a new body (low-density bodily structure) is manufactured by the PLF, who would have to piece together bodily structures atom by atom. Given the low density of sentient material/ALE, including the lower-density atoms characteristic of the LDEL, this could be done by the PLF with great speed and be finished in a matter of a second.

Big bang number two:

A second big bang formed planets and cosmological objects of an extremely high-density composition, especially when compared with moons, planets, stars, and other cosmological objects in the LDEL. This second big bang brought about the HDEL (high-density environmental layer), an environment where living organisms could function in a high-density form. After our physical body is no longer operable by us (i.e. the sentient material), we’re taken to the LDEL (Heaven) and given a new body. A bodily structure has to be pieced together atom by atom, which is the very reason a lower density environment was necessary to form, and this indicates the PLF is still doing as it must’ve been for billions of years by constructing bodily structures itself—until humans take over the task with technology.

What particles were used for the big bangs?The plan was very simple: create two environmental layers where organisms could exist and diversify into many different life forms. Essentially, God wanted to become a progenitor and the universe was created to allow for that to happen. To accomplish this, either a single particle per big bang explosion was used, and given the speed of the PLF, it would certainly be possible and reasonable. However, it would take two particles in such a case, one of high density and one of lower density, as a means of creating two environmental layers (LDEL and HDEL) capable of sustaining life forms. In the

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other scenario, which is only slightly different in scope, several particles could have been used to accomplish the task. All that is really known is that the low-density particle(s) were 1 trillion light years above the high-density particle(s) in the vacuum of space. The two big bangs exploded to create both the LDEL and HDEL, and the beginning of the “material” universe as we know it.

Setting aside any differences there may be in the aesthetic of the HDEL and the LDEL, I believe that you could see the entire universe by creating two transparencies with all cosmological objects and placing one a few inches above the other. The universe actually appears like two similar-looking “environmental layers,” where sentient life/ALE can exist. The LDEL is enough light-years above the HDEL that we cannot interfere with its operation, but it is likely times will change given we need to move faster than the speed of light eventually to outpace the PLF’s growth. Very likely, we’ll take many years to make a spacecraft capable of traveling 1 trillion light years, given the tremendous weight of high-density material. Still, I’m positive that people will attempt such a flight through space many times before they are successful!

What is death?When sentient material/ALE can no longer use the physical body, that’s when “death” occurs. Almost immediately God extracts the sentient material or autonomous living energy, and then we are transported rapidly within a “single” second to Heaven (LDEL) traveling one trillion light years and going much, much faster than the speed of light—of course—when all is said and told (see: how fast can God/sentient material move?).

What is Heaven?After we pass, life resumes in almost the exact same way as on earth. Heaven was formed with a big bang — exactly as the part of the universe we can see and detect. It’s no surprise that the same organism created both environments. To create Heaven, God used at least two particles of energy. After two big bangs, two

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environmental layers were created capable of sustaining life, and that’s how Heaven was formed almost exactly as the part of the universe we see/detect here on planet earth. It wouldn’t have made sense to start life on earth and have no place for it to go after “death.” Since Heaven was formed from low-density material, I call it the LDEL (low-density environmental layer). Heaven (LDEL) contains just as many planets, stars, asteroids, comets, hydrogen and helium gases, quasars, black holes, pulsars, neutron stars, etc., and they are all comprised of material one millionth to one billionth as dense as the planets and cosmological objects we currently inhabit and detect with telescopes. In other words, Heaven looks very much like what we’re used to seeing in the universe. The only real difference is the change in density.

How do you get a new body in Heaven?After a great deal of consideration, it seems highly unlikely humans can rebuild a bodily structure using machines. Not yet. So, how do bodily structures get built in Heaven (LDEL)? Well, first, after we pass, sentient material/ALE is of such a low density that it can be pulled from the physical body through the atomic & subatomic interstices. This is exactly how the PLF removes the ALE from our physical bodies after we die. When the autonomous living energy can no longer use the anatomic bodily structure, it no longer latches on to the physical body, which allows the PLF to take us one trillion lights years northward in the vacuum of space toward Heaven. There, the PLF rebuilds bodies by using a DNA sequence and octillions of atoms of lower density than ones we’re used to experiencing. Surprising as that sounds, it should be absolutely true. How's it even possible? Think of a car mechanic, one who knows an engine inside and out, and imagine that mechanic has all the necessary parts to rebuild an engine piece-by-piece, and, furthermore, that mechanic can move faster than the speed of light. This is how the PLF rebuilds bodily structures. A bodily structure may be made up of octillions of atoms, as it is estimated there are 10-100 trillion atoms per cell in the 100 trillion cells of the human

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body. Just like all things comprised of matter, the human body will always break down after too much usage. That’s one greatly important process everyone must go through every certain amount of years in the LDEL or “Heaven.” Still, it is exciting to think about getting a new body every time our aging one is no longer usable.

What does Heaven (LDEL) really look like?Heaven (LDEL) was created with a big bang, and, not surprisingly, has all the same cosmological features we’re accustomed to seeing in the universe. The two environmental layers were created in the same way. Not surprisingly, the inhabited planets in Heaven are very likely no different than on earth. Aside from there being a far greater amount of people and also more than just one inhabited planet, our lives in Heaven won’t be too much of a change from what we’ve grown accustomed to on earth. There are likely houses, neighborhoods, cities, states/countries, continents, planets, stars, asteroids, comets, interstellar gases, nebulae, supernovae, star systems, galaxies, neutron stars, pulsars, quasars, black holes, and so on.

Pretty much everything you can see in the high-density part of the universe (HDEL) is found in Heaven (LDEL). The only difference is that we will be living in a body that is around a million times less dense. In fact, just as the body becomes unusable on earth, so too will our new body in the LDEL age until “death.” And that process of “death” will occur every so many years, every time our body ages beyond usability. This is how life is very likely sustainable in Heaven, as everyone receives a new body when “death” occurs. That’s fairly mind-boggling and difficult to process, but such an amazing reality awaits all of us. I’m sure that hearing this, how we will die over and over again in Heaven, must sound like a truly shocking and horrible thing to experience, but death for obvious reasons wouldn’t be as terrible, realizing you’ll just get another body. What might come as a greater shock, God will still be invisible to us there. Why? Because the PLF or “God” will still be of a much

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lower density than even our million-times-lighter physical bodies. On earth, our bodies are up to a quintillion times denser than the PLF. In Heaven, we’ll likely be closer to a trillion times denser, which means that the PLF will still be invisible to us. However, there is very likely direct communication through electrical devices that run off a small enough current, so that the PLF can interact with people. Through these devices there is direct interfacing, allowing for direct communication to happen between people and God/PLF.

Is communication possible with our families in Heaven?Yes, I believe we can establish direct communication with our deceased family members, possibly within the next hundred years. Engineering specialists can construct a device that takes advantage of sentient material’s ability to influence electrons. Someone will have to build a machine that resembles how the human nervous system operates, taking into consideration electromotive force and the distance between two atoms that could allow for a deliberate transfer of an electron by sentient material/ALE. That’s how we’ll form a way to communicate with God who can literally be found everywhere in our atmosphere. Once mechanical engineers are successful at building the electrical circuit or device, they’ll be able to detect this sentient material moving about all around earth’s atmosphere, and eventually throughout the entire universe (both the LDEL and HDEL regions). Obviously, as of now, sentient material being a quintillionth the density of water on earth does make it slightly out of our range of detection without the ALE ID. But using the information in this Q & A’s document, I’m absolutely positive we’ll be able to overcome the barrier of density between us and God. It may take as little as months to develop the technology. We just need a microscopic light bulb and a circuit running off 10-100 milivolts. I believe a discovery is waiting for us, one that would allow understanding sentient life at a profoundly greater depth. Once and for all, we could clear up the mystery as to how life began on earth and what happens when a person “dies”. Using electricity, we can form a way to directly communicate with God, eventually

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opening up a video interface between environmental layers.

See also, Part Two:


Please visit my blog to see pictures of these hypotheses @ http://howlifebeganonearth.blogspot.com/

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Writing Guide (now write your own book on science!)

Lesson One: MotionHow do you practice motion in writing?

Practice motion with one action.

The ball bounced off the wall.

Practice motion with five actions.

The ball bounced off the wall. It leapt onto and then off a table. It crashed into a mini backboard. It fell into my wastebasket.

How do you do this exercise?

First, begin with writing clear sentences:

It might look overly simplistic at first, but the art of writing isn’t too difficult to grasp through the s, v, o approach.


: person or thing that will perform some action. (e.g. Laura. The dog. Our cat.)


: the term that denotes the action. (Jumped. Flew. Slid. Scuffled.)


: what the subject is somehow interacting with in the sentence. (Bathroom. Fence. Wall. Couch.)

Start with the Subject (italics), Verb (underline), Object (bold)

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format. See how many sentences you can write with this format.

Laura found the bathroom. She walked past the doorway. The bathtub splashed with murky water. A naked child leapt from the tub. Laura caught her daughter.

How do you practice this exercise?

Practice motion with one action.

The ball bounced off the wall.

Practice motion with five actions.

The ball bounced off the wall. It leapt onto and then off a table. It crashed into a mini backboard. It fell into my wastebasket.

Lesson Two: Shorter SentencesHow do you write shorter sentences?

After a long while, novice writers should learn to practice short sentences. Nobody wants to inspire the feeling that too many ideas are crammed into one sentence. Convoluted sentences annoy your readers.

How do you practice this technique?

Imagine an event, such as a soccer ball breaking through a window.


1) A player kicks the soccer ball.

2) The soccer ball rises toward a glass window.

3) The window glass breaks from the force of the soccer ball.

How would the event appear with short sentences?

On the grass field, a stout player kicked a soccer ball. It soared

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through the air toward the administrative building. We heard shattering glass from the adjacent chemistry lab. Many students were laughing pretty hard. The event was a glorious abstraction.

How would the same event appear with long sentences?

On the grass field, a tall, stout player kicked a soccer ball really hard, and it soared extremely fast and amazingly high through the air headed toward one of the administrative buildings before shattering a large window made of the typical kind of glass windows are designed with by the construction workers that make these sorts of buildings. We were watching from the chemistry lab that was by the administrative building just across the soccer field that was sometimes used for baseball and football and other activities requiring a field, and some of us were laughing at the fact that the ball broke a large window instead of just smashing into the bricks that the administrative building was made out of for greater structural integrity.

What was wrong with the longer sentences?

There was too much unnecessary information! We don’t need to know about how the typical sort of glass was used in the administrative building’s windows. We also don’t need to know the field was also used for baseball, football, and other activities besides soccer. While it doesn’t seem like such a bad technique to add information to your story, after a while the story will drag and only experts (who have likely been published several times) should attempt to extend their sentences in this manner. Start with shorter sentences, at first, and once you’re comfortable as a writer attempt longer sentences with more adjectives and adverbs.

Lesson Three: The TipsFor burgeoning writers, here are some excellent tips.

Tip 1: Economy of words.

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The most essential part of writing is being able to use words wisely. If you write a great number of words, but those words don’t mean anything special…how can you expect to make a strong impression on your readers? It won’t happen. Readers will give your story a cursory glance and find other stories to enjoy. Why? Careful word choice is what engages readers and keeps them wanting to read further into a story.

Economy of words plainly means using the fewest words possible.

To practice using less words, first try to get published in flash fiction.

Flash fiction stories are under 1000 words. You’re forced to move faster from idea to idea. A writer will also need to create a “strong” impact in less words.

A great website to get published in flash fiction is www.everydayfiction.com.

They are enjoyable stories, so you’ll have a great time exploring the website.

Tip 2: Memorize the dictionary definition of vocabulary.

A writer depends on vocabulary to effectively communicate ideas.

Find the exact term for everything.

How can a reader envision what’s in your story, if you don’t know what things are called?

A writer must know the proper terms to denote the objects, landscapes, settings, psychological mindsets, feelings, emotions, actions, etc. that your character either encounters, undergoes, performs, or somehow gets involved with during a story.

Some great websites are: www.vocabulary.com. www.onelook.com. http://dictionary.reference.com/.

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A clever way to expand your vocabulary is to watch movies and television programs with subtitles. If you read the subtitles, you’re reading the work of professional writers. You can sense their experience and can benefit from the great deal of vocabulary they’ve been exposed to and can properly use within their work.

Tip 3: Qualify the words you use.

You might see a novice writer convoluting their story by using a zillion terms all at once.

Example: The maid was angry, bitter, starving, lethargic, and fatigued. “I’m exhausted,” she said, whispering to herself.

What? Too many adjectives (angry, starving, fatigued) make this sentence impossible to understand. We don’t know what exactly is happening with this person.

A good writer will choose one or two words to describe some person or object and shortly afterward should somehow qualify that word choice.

Some examples using dialogue and adjectives, nouns, and verbs.

The angry loser sat over the stool and watched with baleful eyes, silently conveying, “This isn’t over yet. Not by a long shot.”

Jerry looked at the poster with scorn. He said, “I don’t respect that no good mayor! I’ll never support a public official who doesn’t love dogs!”

When Tina stepped into a small pile of ketchup, she scolded her little brother. “Clean your messy room, slob! You never do! Ohhhh…I can’t stand you!”

John saw his son doing something very wrong at the dinner table. “Use proper ettiquette at the dinner table, son. Elbows down,” he admonished.

The general’s advisor condemned the rebels. “These attacks on the

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city by insurgents prove they’re nothing but abject cowards. They must be punished!”

Make sure to practice this exercise. Select one verb, noun, or adjective and somehow qualify your word choice. Show what the word means in the following dialogue or sentence, so that if a person were to look at the word in the dictionary and back to your writing they could clearly see what’s occurring in your story or piece of writing.

Tip 4: POV (point of view) and concepts.

It’s best to use just one perspective (POV) at a time.

Do Not:

Tim entered Starbucks with $2.33.

June was behind the counter. She didn’t like Tim

very much because he was a rude customer. June

sighed when he approached the counter. He waited

in line and decided that instead of a caffè latte he’d

rather purchase a scone. He was deeply famished.


Tim entered Starbucks with $2.33.

He saw that a tall caffè latte was too expensive,

but maybe, he thought, there would be a discount

for a suave guy who knew how to charm a barista.

He saw Dan was behind the counter today.

So, maybe not.

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While the first paragraph was fun for using two POVs, the second paragraph was easier to follow because it was based on only one perspective.

Similarly, it’s also best to discuss one concept at a time.

Do Not:

I really, really love peanut butter. One time

my dog ate peanut butter and then was smacking his

tongue for a half hour. My dog Perry is a great dog,

one of those German Shepherds that won’t allow

small animals to ruin our yard! Peanut butter was

what I had for lunch today. Then I took Perry for

a walk around our cul-de-sac. The postal worker

put mail inside our box. I walked past her and into

the house on Cranberry street that my grandfather

built back in 1949. He was in the war and fought

for the allied side along with all those WWII buddies

of his at the bar in downtown Riverside that they patronize

every first Sunday of the month.


I really, really love peanut butter. Don’t you?

Peanut butter is great on just about anything.

It’s fantastic on bread, especially wheat toast.

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I know it’s not just me who has this penchant.

Honestly, who doesn’t love peanut butter?


While the first paragraph seems fairly interesting, the second paragraph is generally more focused on peanut butter (i.e. there is only one subject) and far easier to understand.

Lesson Four: ResearchConducting research is what helps you grow into a person of erudition.

Here are some quick tips:


Save pictures of things in the world. Study everything. Pictures make it extremely easy to grasp most things that exist and function around the world, including our universe beyond planet earth.

Here’s a list of folders in my research folder, set up alphabetically:

Acids, Arteries and Veins, Atmosphere, Atoms and Elements, Body Anatomy, Brain and Skull, Cells, Chemicals, Clothes, Colors, DNA, Electricity, Engines, General Organs, Geography, Glands, Gravity, Heart, Kidneys, Lipids, Lungs, Lymph, Nervous System, Neurons, Nose, Plants, Protein, Shrubs, Skeleton, Temperature, Thermodynamics, Trees.


What if after checking a dictionary, the word is still unclear?

If one dictionary explains a word in a confusing way, ensure you understand the word by visiting other online dictionaries. You can also type the term into Yahoo or Google and search images of the

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term. Those two types of research can usually help with learning about any physical object or concept that exists. Sometimes, it takes multiple research attempts and coming back to the word again and again to firmly grasp its usage. Still, it will get easier every time you do, so don’t become discouraged!

Research exercises:

Exercise 1

Find actual street names and use them in a story/essay.


Use googlemaps.com, locate a street, and use the website to explain a route somebody took to get to a certain place.

Exercise 2

Find the name of a tree and use it in a story/essay.


Use yahoo.com, click on images, and type the name of some common trees, for example elm, willow, jacaranda, sweetgum, oak, pine, or maple. Once you’ve learned the name of a tree that you see in your neighborhood, use it in a story/essay.

Exercise 3

Find a process that occurs within the body and use it in a story/essay.


Use wikipedia.com, research a body part (e.g. the heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.), and include the bodily process in a story/essay.

Exercise 4

Learn the names of every country large enough to be seen on a world map.


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Use yahoo.com, type each continent into the images section, and simply go one continent at a time. Use howjsay.com to get the proper pronunciation of each country’s toponym. It should take approximately 6 months to a year. You’ll carry this knowledge with you the rest of your life. It’s a lot of fun.

Exercise 5

Learn the names of every element on the periodic table.


Use yahoo.com, type the periodic table into the images section, and simply go one element at a time. Use howjsay.com to get the proper pronunciation for the names of each element. Again, it should take approximately 6 months to a year. You’ll carry this knowledge with you the rest of your life. It’s a lot of fun!

Exercise 6

Write a book of flash fiction, short stories, or a novel, and publish your writing by signing up at the Createspace website at www.createspace.com. They will help convert your word document into a neat 6 x 9 glossy or matte paperback book (tip: use guided setup)!