A PERFECT TEN FOR A PERFECT LIFE #5 HONOR THY FATHER AND MOTHER DATE: 2/25/2018 am TEXT: Exodus 20:12 INTRODUCTION We are continuing to study the 10 Commandments A Perfect Ten for a Perfect Life And as we do, we now come to a Division The first 4 Commandments dealt with our Relationship with God 1. “Thou shalt have no other God’s before Me” 2. “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images” 3. “Thou shalt not take the Name of the LORD thy God in vain” 4. “Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy” All deal with our Relationship with God You don’t keep the 10 Commandments to be saved Page | 1

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DATE: 2/25/2018 am TEXT: Exodus 20:12


We are continuing to study the 10 Commandments

A Perfect Ten for a Perfect Life

And as we do, we now come to a Division

The first 4 Commandments dealt with our Relationship with God

1. “Thou shalt have no other God’s before Me”

2. “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images”

3. “Thou shalt not take the Name of the LORD thy God in vain”

4. “Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it Holy”

All deal with our Relationship with God

You don’t keep the 10 Commandments to be saved

We keep the Commandments to stay in Fellowship with God / to grow in Grace

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Page 2:   · Web viewBeginning in the 5th Commandment we start dealing with our Relationships with each other

Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

Beginning in the 5th Commandment we start dealing with our Relationships with each other

It speaks of the First Relationship we have with others

This Relationship is with our Parents

It is actually a bridge Between these Two Relationships

It is the Parental Relationship that Prepares a child for a Proper Relationship with both God and man

Someone has said - “Mom and Dad see God in the Bible. Children first see God in Mom and Dad”

The First Impressions of God that a child receives are from their Parents

A child’s attitude about God is first Formed and Fashioned by the attitudes their Parents have about God

It has been said -

If a child lives with criticism—they learn to condemnIf a child lives with hostility—they learn to fight If a child lives with fear—they learn to be apprehensive If a child lives with jealousy—they learn to feel guilt If a child lives with tolerance—they learn to be patient If a child lives with encouragement—they learn to be confident If a child lives with praise—they learn to be appreciativeIf a child lives with acceptance—they learn to love If a child lives with approval—they learn to like themselves If a child lives with recognition—they learn to set goals If a child lives with honesty—they learn what truth is If a child lives with fairness—they learn justice If a child lives with security—they learn to trust in others If a child lives with friendliness—they learn kindness


Page 3:   · Web viewBeginning in the 5th Commandment we start dealing with our Relationships with each other

Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

The first examples of how to Relate to those around us are learned in the Home and from the Parents

It is in this sense that the 5th commandment serves as a bridge between God and Man

Let’s pray and then look at the 5th Commandment and how to “Honor our Fathers and Mothers”


First, let’s look at …


The 5th Commandment is dealing with our Relationship with our Parents

And the first thing we will look at is the Role of the Parents in this Relationship

A Role is someone’s Responsibility in any given Relationship

Being a Parent is not easy

There is very little training going on out there

The World tries, but always fails, because it’s already flawed

The only right training comes from the Bible

And very few are using it


Page 4:   · Web viewBeginning in the 5th Commandment we start dealing with our Relationships with each other

Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

Humor: A bumper sticker read - “Insanity is hereditary. I got mine from my children”

Being a Parent is anything but easy

Yet, it is a God given Responsibility

It is the most Important and Influential Role in Developing a child’s Relationship with both God and man

Because of this Responsibility we ought to Desire to be …

A. A ‘Good’ Parent

Quote: Jonas Salk was the American medical researcher who discovered and developed one of the first successful polio vaccines. He once said – “Good parents give their children Roots and Wings. Roots to know where home is, wings to fly away and exercise what’s been taught them.”

As Good Parents our goal is to prepare and equip our children for the world around them and the life they will live in that world

A Good Parent teaches their children how to correctly relate to others

Life is made up of many relationships and children first learn from their parents how to exercise those relationships

- What kind of husband or wife will our children be? WWW.CORNERSTONEBIBLEBAPTISTCHURCH.COM

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Page 5:   · Web viewBeginning in the 5th Commandment we start dealing with our Relationships with each other

Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

- What kind of father or mother will our children be?

- What kind of employee or employer will our children be?

- How will our children treat others and feel about others?

- How will they accept or respond to others?

As a parent, we are setting the example!

We are the First Role Models of Human Relationships they have and observe

Do they learn that marriage is a wonderful, loving, affectionate and caring relationship?

Or is their first impressions that of strife, fighting, screaming, and discontent

Humor: I think of the mother who heard her children screaming at the top of their lungs. She ran to their room asking, “What in the world is going on?” One of the children replied, “Nothing is wrong. We were just playing mommy and daddy.” If a child sees a parent who cheats, lies, bends the rules, and mistreats others, there is a good chance they will do the same

Humor: I think about a little boy who cursed in front of his mother. She yelled, “Honey, you need to come in here. Johnny


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Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

just said a bad word.” The dad came storming into the room shouting, “I’ll teach you to curse,” and about that time he stubbed his toe. He let out a string of curse words that would make a sailor blush. His wife looked at him and said, “I believe that is enough lessons for today.”

What are our children learning from us?

Are they learning to properly relate to others?

As I said earlier, parents are a child’s first model and example

Parents form a child’s first impressions of what it means to be a good husband, wife, father, mother, neighbor, and citizen

If a child is to grow up and have a Proper Relationship with others, Good Parenting is needed But more Important than being a Good Parent

We need to be …

B. A ‘Godly’ Parent

A child not only learns how to have a proper relationship with others from their parents,

But also how to have a proper relationship with God

-- A Good Parent is needed to have a proper relationship with others


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Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

-- A Godly Parent is needed to have a proper relationship with God

Godly Parenting often leads to the salvation of children at an early age

Children learn the importance of reading the Bible, the power of prayer, faithful attendance to Church, serving God, and the blessing of putting God first in their life by the example of their parents

If we want Godly Children, we must be Godly Parents

(Some of us are reaping what we sowed as ungodly parents)

If we want children that will love God, then as parents we must love God

If we want children that will serve God, then as parents we must serve God

The Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 - “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it”

The word “train” means to initiate

The idea is that a parent is to teach their children by example

A parent is to model a Godly Life


Page 8:   · Web viewBeginning in the 5th Commandment we start dealing with our Relationships with each other

Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

Ill. Leonard Ravenhill, in one of his books told the story of 2 families. First, there was Max Jukes, the atheist, a man who lived a godless life. He married an ungodly girl, and from the union there were 310 who died as paupers, 150 were criminals, 7 were murderers, 100 were drunkards, and more than half of the women were prostitutes. His 540 descendants cost the State one and a quarter million dollars. On the other hand, there was the man of God, Jonathan Edwards. He lived at the same time as Max Jukes, but he married a godly girl. An investigation was made of 1,394 known descendants of Jonathan Edwards of which 13 became college presidents, 65 college professors, 3 United States senators, 30 judges, 100 lawyers, 60 physicians, 75 army and navy officers, 100 preachers and missionaries, 60 authors of prominence, one a vice-president of the United States, …

… 80 became public officials in other capacities, 295 college graduates, among whom were governors of states and ministers to foreign countries. His descendants did not cost the state a single penny.

Role modeling is the most basic responsibility of parents

There is a Role that is Described in the 5th Commandment

It is the Role of the Parent

It is a Role that calls for Good and Godly Parents



The 5th Commandment not only speaks to Parents,


Page 9:   · Web viewBeginning in the 5th Commandment we start dealing with our Relationships with each other

Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

But also to Children

It says to the child - “Honour thy father and mother”

The Parents have the Role of Rearing a Child

The Child has the Responsibility of Respecting the Parent As we look at this Honor that is to be shown

We first see the …

A. Honor that is ‘Expected’

An Expectation – is a standard of conduct that is expected by, or of … somebody

The Bible teaches 2 Responsibilities in the Relationship of a Child with their Parents

We find these 2 Responsibilities in Ephesians 6:1, 2 where we read - “Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise)”

These Responsibilities are Response and Respect

Let me show you

1. The Response Expected

This is the Responsibility of being obedient


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Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord”

The child responds positively to the commands and desires of the parents

The word “obey” means to hear under

It carries the idea of authority

At this stage the child is under the authority of the parents

Young people, do you want to know the will of God for your life

As long as you are living at home with your Parents

You are to obey your Parents

God promises to Bless those who do

“(which is the first commandment with promise)”

2. The Respect Expected

The 2nd Responsibility the Bible teaches is one of respect

The word “honour” means to give weight to, to hold in high esteem

Parents are to be honored and held in the highest esteem by their children


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Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

 There comes a time in a child’s life when they will no longer be under the authority of their parents

They are adults and make their own decisions

(They may Not be under the authority of their parents, but are to be under God’s Authority)

Yet we are still commanded to Honor our Parents

-- Biologically there is a reason why we should honor our parents

We wouldn’t be here if were not for our parents

It is from them we received life

We owe our very existence to our parents -- Biblically there is a reason why we should honor

our parents

God Commands us to Honor our Parents  

We are not to take our parents lightly

We are, as the word Honor means, give weight to our parents

It is an Honor that is ‘Expected’

It is also a …

B. Honor that is ‘Earned’


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Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

I have found that you can make people Obey you,

But you can’t make people Respect you

Respect is something that you must Earn

While at home we want our children to Obey us

But if we don’t do it right, they will never Honor us

I know folks struggle with the feelings they have for their parents because they abused, mistreated, degraded, or abandoned them

In all honesty, I can’t say that such a parent has earned the right to be honored

As parents, if we want our children to hold us in the highest esteem, we must Love, Lead, and Lift them  At the same time, children must realize that parents are not perfect

Quote: Jerry Vines describes how children go through 4 stages in their relationship with their parents. 1) They idolize their parents. They feel like dad or mom could do nothing wrong. 2) Then there is the stage when they demonize their parents. Mom and dad are the source of all their miseries. 3) Then there comes the stage when they utilize their parents. “Dad, can I borrow the keys to the car?” “Mom, can I borrow $10.00?” 4) Finally, there comes the stage when they humanize their parents. They realize that their parents are only human. It’s amazing how our feelings about certain things change through the years


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Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

Humor: I read about a daughter that was chatting with her mother about how she had changed as a mother from the first child to the last. The mother said, “When your oldest sister coughed or sneezed, I called the ambulance. When your youngest brother swallowed a dime, I just told him it was coming out of his allowance.” Our view of things change through time, especially how we feel about our parents

We began to realize that Mom and Dad were not the terrible monsters we thought they were while we were teenagers

In fact, we find ourselves doing the same things with our children

Parents are not perfect

In spite of their imperfections, they still deserve our respect



Lastly let’s look at …


The 5th Commandment gives us a Promise when Honoring our Parents –

“that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee”


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Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

Paul said in Ephesians 6: 2, 3 - “Honour thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth”  There are 2 wonderful promises attached to this part of the 5th Commandment

First, there is …

A. The ‘Enrichment’ of Life

Paul tells us to Honor our Parents “that it may be well with thee”

The word “well” means good and prosperous and speaks of the Quality of Life

It's not hard to notice that it is not well with a lot of young people today

Our present generation of pleasure seeking young people are the most down-hearted, depressed and despondent in history

Pleasure does not produce happiness

The statistics are horrifying

Ill. The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry says, “Statistics show that suicide is the third leading cause of death among those 15 to 25 years of age, and it is the sixth leading cause of death among those 5 to 14 years of age. It is estimated that 500,000 teenagers try to kill themselves every year, and about 5,000 succeed.”


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Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

It is said that there are several million teenagers who drink and of which 3 million are alcoholics

There are also millions of others who are slaves to drugs, illicit sex and other wickedness

It is not well with the world's young people and in most cases it started with disobedience to parents

Secondly, it gives us the Promise of …

B. The ‘Extension’ of Life

The Commandment encourages us to honor our Parents that “thou mayest live long on the earth”

The 1st promise has to do with Quality of Life while the second has to do with Quantity of Life

God’s Promises a Long Life

Now, understand this does mean that if we obey and honor our parents we will live to be a 100 yrs. old

What it does mean is; that you will live out all your days in a Blessed way

Young people need to take this to heart

Samson and Absalom are two Scriptural examples of boys who did not follow this commandment, and their lives were cut short


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Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12

Samson fell far short of God's desire for his life and died when he was a young man

Absalom rebelled against his father David, and he was killed when he was a young man

Children who have no respect for their Christian parents, who are breaking their hearts by the things they do, the places they go, the company they run with, will not live to a ripe old age

Honoring your parents promises life and blessings on the earth

However, if you are deliberately disobeying godly parents, rest assured that you will reap what you sow

If you want to live well and live long,

God says - “Honor thy father and mother”

Why? Because your attitude toward your parents is illustrative of your attitude toward God

While this reward is not universal, and while it does not override every other decision you make, it is still generally true

If you want to live a long life, honor those who gave you life in the first place



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Honor thy Father and Mother – Exodus 20:12